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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Uncanny edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

prev: >>204128953
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Queen of /film/
Godard to me is intellectual counterfeit compared to a good Truffaut film
More like:
>D. W. Grift
>Jean-Ludicrous Godard
>John Fraud
>Michelanguid Antonioni
>Robert Boreton
>Andrei Tirekovsky
Rank Truffaut's filmography right fucking NOW
Honestly I've only seen a couple I just thought it sounded funny. The Green Room is probably my favorite of his, I need to watch more because he seems like a genuinely talented guy unlike Godard
Based or retard?
Raoul Walsh's The Big Trail
Costa-Gavras The Sleeping Car Murder (this one looks cool) and Shock Troops
Federico Failini
Akira/Kiyoshi Kusosawa
I never really got what's so special about him, want to give his sound films a watch though, maybe I'll like them
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I laughed way too hard at this. Just priceless.
Bela Tard
Aleksei Gayman
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>The fact remains that Janine was in hospital last month, she was knocked down by a car while making her last programme, she had to have an operation on her knee, so there she finds herself in hospital without any work and without any money and naturally without any word from Godard who will only step down from his pedestal to amuse Rassam every so often. And I can tell you: the more you love the masses, the more I love Jean-Pierre Leaud, Janine Bazin, Patricia Finaly and Helen Scott whom you meet in an airport and cut dead, why, because she's an American or because she's a friend of mine? The behaviour of a shit. A girl from the BBC rings you up to ask if you'll say a few words on cinema and politics for a programme about me, I warn her in advance that you'll refuse, but that's not good enough for you, you hang up on her before she's even finished her sentence, the behaviour of an elitist, the behaviour of a shit, as when you agree to go to Geneva or London or Milan and you don't go, to startle people, to astonish them, like Sinatra, like Brando, you're nothing but a piece of shit on a pedestal.
>You've always been a poseur, as when you sent a telegram to de Gaulle about his prostate, when you called Braunberger a filthy Jew over the telephone, when you said that Chauvet was corrupt, a poseur when you lump together Renoir and Verneuil as though they were the same thing, a poseur even now when you claim you're going to show the truth about the cinema, those who work in the background, who are badly paid, etc.
>When you had a location, a garage or shop set up by your crew, and then you would arrive and say 'I don't have any ideas today, we won't shoot' and the crew would have to take it all back down again, did it never occur to you that the workers might feel completely useless and rejected, like the sound crew that spent a whole day in the empty studio at Pinewood waiting in vain for Brando?

lil bro cooked godard
I love Jules and Jim besides that I find him incredibly boring. I'd rather watch Weekend, Alphaville or Pierrot Le Fou. I also love Vivre Sa Vie and anyone who thinks I'm a pleb because of it can go fuck themselves
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>You need to play a role and the role needs to be a prestigious one; I've always had the impression that real militants are like cleaning women, doing a thankless, daily but necessary job. But you, you're the Ursula Andress of militancy, you make a brief appearance, just enough time for the cameras to flash, you make two or three duly startling remarks and then you disappear again, trailing clouds of self-serving mystery. Opposed to you are the "small" men, from Bazin to Edmond Maire and taking in Sartre, Bunuel, Queneau, Mendès-France, Rohmer and Audiberti, who ask others how they're getting on, who help them fill out a social security form, who reply to their letters - what they have in common is the capacity to think of others rather than themselves and above all to be more interested in what they do than in what they are and in what they appear to be.
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Believe it or not I've never actually seen Jules and Jim. I haven't seen a whole lot of French classics actually. I just get autistically fixated on certain directors, like I've seen all of Renoir and Bresson but not a single Melville film
>you hang up on her before she's even finished her sentence, the behaviour of an elitist, the behaviour of a shit
Damn Godard was shit as a person, how did they all even stand him?
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Queen of /film/.
Why does this image look so nice?
Because you're a pedophile.
Alphaville and Vivre sa vie are peak sovl
the arrangement of colors and how lit the scene is or some shieet
Because she's beautiful and Rohmer was a master at framing.
American detected.
AKA a man of taste
>listing his own film
I always cringe when directors do this, are there any other instances of this? I've DeMille do this and also Bunuel but he was obviously trolling
I love Sarah Gadon
Vivre sa vie is turbo goated.

>I've seen all of Renoir and Bresson but not a single Melville film
You're missing out on so much.
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What /films/ have a halloweeny atmosphere? Preferably not actual /hor/ movies
>Damn Godard was shit as a person, how did they all even stand him?
The Truffaut quotes are basically a selection of the worst parts of GODard. Now, let an anon take a quote where someone talks about the best parts of GODard. Truffaut on those quotes reminds me of an old friend that got brutally butthurt with me because I told him I liked Trump and called his fashion style "normalfag". He was so angry with me for calling him a quote unquote "fag", -and me liking Trump-, that he immediately decided that I was a danger to society and a terrible person. And he ended a 14 year old friendship, and turned my old friends against me. There you go: people are emotionally volatile.
>tells others not to waifufag while waifufagging
never change /film/
The real fuck up was adding The 400 Blows to his list. That film blows.
Did he really choose one of his own films? It can’t be THAT good, right?
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Anon non-/hor/ 'halloweeny' atmosphere is just regular autumn atmosphere
It's not THAT good, but it's pretty good. Not even the best Tsai I've seen, but I guess it's his most legendary / acclaimed film
Now I’m intrigued… I post here too often to have never seen a Tsai flick. Seems sacrilegious almost
Tsai is to be watched chronologically.
How long you been in here?
Tsai is more of a friendly inside joke, he is not that great of a director and honestly just your run-of-the-mill contemporary Asian arthouse.
what is this still from?
Tsui Hark > Tsai
Eh, he's pretty damn good I'd say. Not on the level of Edward Yang or Akira Kurosawa though, not by a long shot.
Vai e Vem (2003)
>Not on the level of Edward Yang or Akira Kurosawa though
No shit?
Three springs.
So what has /film/ been watching for October?
Since this happened:
>see Slow (2023) advertised somewhere, looks interesting
>make thread on said film since I didn’t see a /film/ gen up
>get one reply saying “Make the fucking thread bookum”
>fuck it, I’ve never posted on /film/ before but sure
>make thread
Damn, you pretty much an oldfag by now. Crazy that you haven't seen a film by the devil himself.
Tsai > Yang.
So much kino... so little time
lol. I mean, with all the praise, I was starting to think that a Yang / Tsai comparison wouldn't be seen as far fetched. I like them both, but I feel that Yang just mogs too hard at this point.
Strange Darling
Dragged Across Concrete
Grey Gardens
Chimp Crazy
Vincent Gallo as Flying Christ
Just get over it and watch kino.
What is the /film/ equivalent of Silent Hill 2?
Alright, so you're not a newfag and neither an oldfag. Still normal I guess. I've never seen a Griffith picture and I've been here way longer.
Why is this only available in 240p everywhere I look? It's not even that old of a film
It's depressing. It's actually kind of weird to think that I feel anxiety over dying and not watching enough kino. It's never gonna be enough bros...
Highway Lost by Davis Lunch
Even more based. I miss him so much it's unreal.
Huppertfag origins thread?
Jacob's Ladder, obviously
3 films a day
3 books a week
Records of great music.
Because you're a heterosexual.
Hope to get on more /hor/ shit. Gonna be browsing the RYM exploitation charts. At least 25% has to be horror based for this month's kino consumption.
Where do you guys discover new films exactly? Trannyboxd isn't very helpful, nor is this anger issues general
Local kinoplexes
Surfing wikipedia is the best
Lists on letterboxd and rym generally. I find a semi obscure movie I like, check what lists its on and look at lists of similar things. As long as the lists aren't hundreds or thousands of unrelated shit
there's a dvdrip, google it
Letterboxd, wikipedia and the /tv/ archive
i assembled a list of festivals and every year i check out their lineups
also i seek out more and more festivals, obscure stuff
letterboxd lists do help occasionally with that
>Edward Yang
I would break your arms, I would crush your skull. Really.
I just watch Calabuch (1956) on repeat.
Private Trackers
Local theaters
Roughly on that order.
So anger management anon and the Yang hater are the same person? kek
Letterboxd has some really neat lists of directors' favorites like these for example
I don't really need to discover new films. I've still got a couple thousand to get through
No I'm not that guy, but few things make me as angry as people praising that Beverly Hills fortune cookie fraud.
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/film/ equivalent of this?
You ain't got the hunger anymore. I don't even watch the 1000 films I've got downloaded on my 5 HDDs, I just download new stuff every day and spam watch. Can't stop.
Un homme qui dort is literally it.
The guy didn't praise him, he just said Yang was better than Tsai which isn't really a high bar
2 anger management dudes in here since months or years ago... I have to admit that your gimmicks / real personalities are some of the funniest shit that I've seen on /film/.
Both are very good, and Yang is the shit.
Yang is a cultural terrorist and anti-cinema. Even modern A24 farthouse hacks shit on his rotting talentless corpse.
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I still discover new films, mainly from here or letterboxd, but I don't add them to my current watchlist. sometimes I will still add things to one of my next watchlists though. here are some recent additions
It's so fucked man... it's never ending. A true nightmare, indeed.
>cultural terrorist
The fuck does this mean lol? For some reason, there are very good vibes in this thread today. Anger = gone. Head = empty.
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trust me, I understand. I've got 5 different watchlists, and also this list of films that I need to get through and decide if I want to add any of these films to any of my watchlists
I've seen that anthology anime film, Tekkonkinkreet, Ninja Scroll and Wicked City, also read Hokuto no Ken manga. I'm an anime man... A N I M E
any anime you would recommend?
Yang's asian man is a cuckold dreaming of America, emulating Americans, his thoughts occupied by American export. Thus Yang turns his cinema into cheap orientalist product aimed at clueless American boomers who have waddled into the cinema straight from Panda Express. Yang despised Taiwan, that's why he moved out the first second he could. Only returning to shoot his movies there. He only used it to sell his fraudulent vision to American festival organizers and Asiaboos.
Don't see any problem with any of that. Also don't see the terrorism. Why is this "bad"?
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Great film, even low-key masterpiece
The man pissed on his own people, spat on his country. I will despise him and celebrate his death as long as I live!
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I dunno, Queen Millennia, both the series and the film
Are you taiwanese?
These anons with a burning hate for anything american just see and write red, no actual logic to be found in their angry brains.
What books?
Yes. Born here, moved to Australia as a child, and currently back in Taiwan.
Guess it makes sense. 7 AM in there? What are you doing at this time of day?
Normie stuff, like Film as a Subversive Art or What is Cinema? stuff like that. I've not read that much, that's why I've put it last on my list.
Is Eli Roth /film/?
Even your mother is /film/
9 AM. I'm at home on my computer.
What do you think of triple H?
what are good Taiwanese films/directors from your perspective?
Other cultural terrorists I should watch out for?
Han Ye subtitles?
Is it true Lee Kang-sheng is Brad Pitt tier famous in Taiwan and can't walk outside without being hounded by paparazzi and fangirls?
Curious about this as well, and is he consider the big one by the taiwanese? And how do you and the taiwanese see Tsai?
>/film/ falling for "Yang betrayed Taiwan" schizo again
You niggers will fall for "my father works in Nintendo" tier shit. He isn't a chink.
Walt Disney, Tex Avery, or Chuck Jones?
My favorite Taiwanese director. He is consistently very good.

Hou Hsiao-hsien
Wang Tung
Ko I-chen
Wu Nien-jen
Tsai Ming-liang
Wan Jen
Chang Yi
Sylvia Chang
Chen Yu-hsun
Kuo-Fu Chen

There are many awful directors but you would probably never even hear of most.

I've been asked before, but I only know Mandarin, not Cantonese.
Angry taiwanese man left us just when he became famous... he only used us, bros...
I've only seen a few Renoir films so I guess we approach film history differently. I have seen Bresson's entire filmography and The Devil Probably is my favourite. I know that's controversial but I think it's seriously underrated and it resonated with me
/film/ really is worldwide, huh?
WE control EVERYTHING. OUR influence is IMMENSE.
For me, it’s Chuck Jones.
This is the post of a filtered fool
Tex is funnier but Chuck Jones is mote consistent.
Unironically these threads, only reason I’m still here.
You don’t like it- leave, good riddance
The Rothschilds bow down to /film/
What about King Hu?
There are multiple posters here who chimp out, including myself. I wish more people would.
all of them feel like intellectual counterfeit money compared to a good swashbuckling film
Can I attend one of your orgies? Could just watch, really

Hou is held very high by people seriously into cinema.
Tsai is extremely niche but he has his big fans.

I'm half asian, half white.

I suppose he's good but I'm not interested in wuxia myself.
Why? It's only funny when done with style.
I only chimp out when anons says abysmally retarded things like "Rohmer is filmed theatre".
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That John is literally me.
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so which of these are made by fortune cookie salesmen, so I know which to avoid?
The Cuckold (2009)
I don't see Edward Yang so you are good to go.
On another topic, how do you feel about Wong Kar-wai?
Hi you
Overall a good director but he has made some movies I don't enjoy at all. Very uneven. Fallen Angels is probably his best.
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It's Joever.
Not a big loss for film. He can take his sweet time.
Asian cinema grifter pushing exotic orientalism to pander to western film festivals, many such cases, his films are not made for actual people but people like David Ehlrich and Tony Zhou
>cinema grifter pushing exotic orientalism to pander to western film festivals, many such cases
Sans Soleil (Marker, 1983)
ChungKing Express is in my top 10 movies of all time so I am kind of a super fan. You've got to respect how he does not give a fuck about the festival grift, his films such as Hero, Blueberry Nights, Ashes of Time, 2046, The Grandmaster, filter the establishment constantly.
Many people love Sarah Gadon
Everything is orientalism, kino is dead, yadda yadda...
I kinda hate his shit, need to see more of it to build a complete opinion about him, nonetheless.
Perfume commercials.
>kino is dead
This is true though.
red desert
So what? I'll fuck her dead corpse until I die too. A good ass on a theatre screen is better than the next big thing.
Only for retards or cringe doomers
That is just one aesthetic style that he used in "In the Mood for Love", it only became a perfume aesthetic because he invented it. Chungking express and Fallen Angels are gritty, not perfume at all.
Watched The Live of Others (2006) I liked it,
any other Cold War themed-kinos?
Dangerously based
Fallen Angels isn't gritty lol
Ashes of Time actually does some interesting things with cinematography and editing.
Rest of his filmography is quite boring.
So the guy who calls some films perfume commercials and hates Yang is the same angry chink who's always sperging here?
Think you're mixing too many different anons.
It is probably the Tsaifag who doesn't want other asians spoken about
No- YOU are every single poster here in these threads, including me aka YOU
I think that schizo mix ends up describing every one here.
I'm the anon who got angry about Yang the fraud and I've never called anything perfume commercial.
I'm not the Tsaifag.
Everyone loves Sarah Gadon
There's something I still don't get about the Yang grift... supposedly he sucks and is a fortune cookie seller, right? So how come he collaborated with a lot of the filmmakers you mentioned as being good? (HHH, Sylvia, etc.). Did they fail to realize the grift or were they just unbothered by it?
I can't really speak for them, but in Sylvia's defence she worked with him very early on when the fortune cookie fraud wasn't yet apparent. As for Hou in Taipei Story... He should have known better. Taipei Story is a film dreaming of going to America.
So the accusing fag is also the horse man? HOLY SHIT HAHAHAH
>accusing fag
But, in your opinion, what's the problem with hating Taiwan and wanting to move to America? Serious question.
I'm the one who called Kar-Wai perfume commercial and i'm not a chink and i love Yang. Why do some anons always think they're only talking to one person on 4chan?
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Queen of /film/
This would have been perfect if not for the mail-a-ring thing.
This guy >>204168344
Based fellow Bauchad

Bresson going out with one of his best films, Rare, I think.
>what's the problem with hating Taiwan
I love this country. Of course I'm going to have a problem with traitors. A traitor is even worse than a foreigner who hates Taiwan. Odd question.
But why would I be the horsefag? There's no association. I hate that shit if anything.
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The Amazing Mr X- fantastic lighting, good acting, I enjoyed the plot twist and the ending was great. Ended up being part noir, part thriller, part horror. Wish he had a threesome with the sisters, holy shit can you imagine?
Sorry dude, it’s obvious. You’ve been had- just come clean and post the goddamn horse
I have a feeling you're the horse guy. No one was even talking about it.
A man can hate a country and still make good films. It's pretty obvious, kinda like doubting Heidegger's philosophical advancements just because he was a nazi. Same kind of prejudice. I've never understood people who can't make that distinction.
From what I've seen of him, I think it's his second or third best.

2-A Man Escaped / L'argent
I will not tolerate films that spit on what I value.
But we feel his horse-like presence through every post in the thread
I’m keeping my eye on you…
I will never understand the fucking horse pic. Is there any context for it? Is it a reference to something?
It is a reference to something very deep.
>he doesn't know
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You're completely opposite to me. I couldn't care less about ideologies and pride, that kind of stuff. Only personal attacks annoy me. Shitting on my country, or on other countries for that matter, doesn't matter at all to me.
So the anon who claims horse ignorance is actually horse anon and tsaifag?? LMAOOOOO!!!!!
Is the horse anon in the room with you right now?
no u
Black magic. Not even joking.
Black magic involves posting a .jpg of a horse?
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Sometimes not.
Oh Jesus please don’t curse these threads again
Sato's films feel like something you find in an unmarked loose vhs tape.
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can anyone name the film pretty please
Field of Sleeping Chinaman (2004).
- look up BFI voters with tastes similar to mine (I can describe the rather tricky procedure if anyone wants)
- read books, all the "introduction to 1000 great films" type of books are actually very helpful, I myself use the one by David Thomson as well as his encyclopedic dictionary
Yeah, the grainy vhs/shitty dvd rip aesthetic really suits his movies
Makes a great double feature with Nightmare Alley 1947. If you liked the cinematography, check out other John Alton noirs, T-Men, Raw Deal, The Big Combo are excellent.
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/film/ bros, are we reddit?
normalfags like lord of the rings or whatever the fuck and they try claim we like boring movies
cant take em seriously lil bros
these are the type of retards who will call an actor "pretentious" for including cassavetes in their top 4 in those letterboxd interviews
Waifufags run this shit
You're welcome :)
>when I was a kid I wanted to be Da Vinci
>now I can't spend a single minute without wanting to kill myself
/film/ for this feel?
Best animated films from the 80s? I already got black cauldron, secret of mihn, fire and ice, LotR and heavy metal.
I don’t even chimp out 99% of the time because I believe half the shit I’d hypothetically sperg out at is bait. I’ve literally had someone bait me recently and admit 5 minutes later they were doing it just to fuck with me specifically.
Carnival of souls.
Seen all of those aside from T Men, will check that one out, thanks
Night on the Galactic Railroad
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Gonna have to get rough with this one too. Edgiest film I've ever seen, by far. Imagine the concept of "new jap extremity": this film embodies that. On the one hand: editing = ridiculous. Music = wasted. Acting = a joke. And this nigga can't write dialogue to save his life: this is like Tarantino on steroids.
On the other hand though, some of the themes have been quite surprising while reviewing some of Nakashima's work. He's maybe the only filmmaker I've ever seen that makes stuff that feels really evil, but I think it's just shock tactics at this point. I don't know if he hates humanity, or is just a cosmic agent of evil, but some of this and Kanako felt like demoralization propaganda. Still pretty cool to endure through, due to how different it is from the usual Disneyland-love type shit that sells nowadays.
Overall, a pretty interesting film which I recommend watching if you want something different or a laugh. Need to see the reaction of guy that shills this.
I’ve gotten better at spotting the bait, but sometimes it’s still worth it to explode, feels good man and gives people here some chuckles too
Edvard Munch
E word stopped reading right there opinion immediately discarded
If you like 80s anime movies you really need to watch The Dagger of Kamui by Kintaro
Why does this guy always samefag so shamelessly? Is he even convincing himself at this point?
Yeah, I shit on these guys. Fuck them. Fuck Reddit. Fuck Marvel. Fuck Disney. Fuck commercial arthouse. Fuck Joker 2. Fuck Deapool. Fuck Yorgos. Etcetera. You know the drill.
Do you explode irl? Don't you fear to get banned irl if you do?
American Pop
Lel were you the post before or after mine?
Punching the steering wheel, punching pillows, punched a door once, yell and scream inside the car- it’s fine
I'm Bauchad-Joechad.
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>tfw some retarded /film/ FAGGOT calls rohmer "filmed theater"
We got to do some anger polling one of these days... I'm not the one to chimp out on inanimate objects. ASPD dude in here. Reformed via judicial system. It worked. Punishment's pretty bad. Only the most elite of chimps know that.
how is Rohmer not filmed theater
He is.
>character-driven movies are le filmed theater
Take a cyanide pill, both of you.
Rohmer's movies are just plays performed in front of a camera on location
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Of course cinema can be character driven, but Rohmer doesn't make cinema. It's a matter of film form.
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One waifu to rule them all.
He's my husbando though. I'm not going to do some pseudo-tranny shit by calling him a waifu.
This isn't cinema in the idiot's mind. This is a filmed stage play in the retard's tiny brain.

Like i said in the other thread, Rohmer is an (in)direct sucessor of the silent film and the closes to Murnau of any filmmaker of his generation, there's absolutely nothing stage-like about his films, it's pure living breathing cinema. You are faggots and you dosgust me.
>hur dur it has a few cuts so therefore it is cinema
Retards like this are why art film is dying.
Rohmer is an enemy of images.
My god you people are hopeless, you don't understand anything, and your use of the term "art film" is very telling.
97% of Rohmer's films is people blabbering in medium shots and closeups. The progenitor of TV soap operas.
>and the closes to Murnau of any filmmaker of his generation
Rohmer personally told me his aim was to devalue movies. It's true.
You guys forget that the second half of Rohmer's filmography is even worse, almost exclusively 16mm joints shot and lit like TV programs.
That said personally I don't mind Rohmer at all. He never pretended to be anything more than he was. For me a Rohmer flick is a guilty pleasure I can watch on a lazy, relaxing day. Plenty of people far worse and far more inimical to cinema than him.
Rohmer for me is a nonentity.
I've never seen a Rohmer film. Where to begin?
>never seen a Rohmer film
My estimation of Tsaifag as a man just fucking plummeted.
Can't get around to seeing everything, my man. I've seen tons of films from all the other big FNW guys, but he always slipped by.
This Joker release has brought the worst human beings I've ever seen flooding our precious board and general. They are turbo normies of the kind who watch The Critical Drinker and Tony Zhou. This is even worse than when the Substance came out, and twice as bad as when Megalopolis came out. Capeshit fans are just really the bottom of the barrell.
I wouldn't know, but I believe you. I haven't opened a single Joker thread.
>ever reading outside of /film/
>a guilty pleasure I can watch on a lazy, relaxing day
A Rohmer joint's a lot like a a good kung fu film, a Fred Astaire picture, or a porno.
Are you new here by chance? /tv/ is almost always like that, this board doesn't watch anything besides capeshit, the latest highly rated slop that advertisements shove down their throats, and JewTube videos
Go watch La Collectionneuse and work your way through his filmography from there.
I'll do that.
Start at La Collectioneuse, follow chronologically, all his films are very consistent in form, content and quality. Watch at least the big three, La Collectioneuse, Ma nuit chez Maud and La Genou de Claire, he went downhill after, regressed to shooting on very obvious sets or on 16mm TV reporter style.
any recs on foreign crime kino?
There is nowhere else to hav film discussions, reddit is all zoomers, lb is all trannys. I miss the IMDB message boards.
Not from the Usa. Be it eurocrime etc etc...
Start with Ma nuit chez Maud, if you like that one come back and i'll tell you which one to watch next.
>regressed to shooting on very obvious sets or on 16mm TV reporter style.
That doesn't sound bad at all.
This shit always happens when a big movie comes out but personally, /tv/ was damn-near unusable for like two weeks when Alien Romulus came out. Not only were there a metric fuckton of Romulus threads, compound it with all the threads for Alien, Aliens, Aliens 3, Resurrection, Covenant, and Prometheus. I only opened the Siggy waifu threads and even they were all Alien. Plus Spaeny has been posted nonstop here after starring in Civil War/Romulus.
Wrong, Rohmer, like Bergman, never went downhill, his last film is as good as his first film.
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Horseposter is alright in my book.
Don’t ever open that door and If I should die before I wake are two superb crime dramas from Argentina.


The former is about a criminal with an involuntary whistling tic hiding out at his mother’s house in the country. The second film is a remake of Lang’s M essentially with a little girl tracking the serial killer who targets her classmates.
Then you will probably love Le Rayon vert and La Femme de l'aviateur
I did say all his films are very consistent in quality, the way they are shot are minor details unimportant for enjoyment and analysis, but they irk me nonetheless
Senscritique if you’re a frogfag
>Academy ratio = television
Anons, I...

>The progenitor of TV soap operas
If you can't tell the difference between Rohmer's mise en scene and soap operas you really are hopeless.

>lit like TV programs
Nooo you can't make use of economical means, cinema has to be le big spectacle, muh 70mm, muh cinemascope.
No argument. Rohmerfags in shambles.
I don't look at /tv/ outside of /film/ and /hor/ and nobody should.
Le cercle rouge
Great recs, will check out!

On my list for sure.
If you watch cercle rouge you should also watch Once a Thief. It is American but it also stars Delon and is pretty good
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>his last film is as good as his first film.
You are the ones without arguments.
>no, u
Rohmerfag getting desperate.
he's far worse. he's filmed /lit/
Rohmer must be glad he's dead because otherwise he'd have to deal with my fists
Not an original opinion at all, but Lynch's Dune is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever released.
Based fellow /filmhor/anon.
Agreed. One of the few movies to give me a headache with its stupidity.
Here >>204176584 i was simply answering the assertion that academy ratio and economic ways of lighting means television which means bad, which was the non-argument made by you retards.

I'm not desperate, in fact i find it quite amusing how hard Rohmer filters you plebs.
How so? It is the only arthouse mega blockbuster.
Hey. I'm the guy that was watching the Stuart Gordon films.
>assertion that academy ratio and economic ways of lighting means television which means bad
I never said or implied these things THOUGH. Mentally ill Rohmerfag imagining posts.
Dune is barely a Lynch film and very much a de Laurentiis joint. The best thing about it is that it secured Lynch financing for Blue Velvet with full creative control.
It sure didn't bust any blocks.
It's just an abridged version of the book with a few wacky details added by Lynch. Stuff for teenage boys.
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Very nice. I just watched Dagon a few weeks back, maybe I should check out Re-Animator this month.
>mega blockbuster
why would a giant flop be a """mega blockbuster"""
what's so fucking mega about it
I must've misunderstood you then, i'm sorry.
Definitely, it's by far his best alongside From Beyond, they're both immensely better than Dagon.
I forgive you. I don't actually even dislike Rohmer. I was just doing a little bit of trolling.
Wait, are you anon that just gave me a shout out like two hours ago?
I just found it mind numbingly boring and ugly, and, personally, I generally detest films that have overly complicated plots (maybe I'm a brainlet)
>arthouse mega blockbuster
Wouldn't something like 2001 have a better claim to this title
Watch this scene, this is the weirdest shit you will ever see in a major blockbuster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGqdE1NdMTg
the anon*


Nothing weird about a mutant in a sci-fi film.
When did zoomers start calling any big budget film a blockbuster? Don't they understand that blockbusters have to bust the blocks
Are Harperposter? If so then yes.
*Are you

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