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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.


>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>204177363
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Queen of /film/
Off-topic OP, you know what to do.
So do directors take less chances today? Have accountants killed the middle budget movie?
First one sucked ass, and lady Gaga is an ugly wop and also probably a tranny. I’d play a nu fallout game from Bethesda than ever pay for this crap.
She's so fucking ungodly hot...
I'm actually not, and there's nothing to defend in here.
I am never going to watch this.
Todd Phillips, director of “The Joker”, encourage crew members to watch the Tonia Marketaki legal drama “John the Violent” to inspire the film’s mood, colors and textures.
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It seems that way, but I don't really know that much about the industry to say it with a 100% credibility. I blame Netflix for shitting up on the movie / TV show industry, that's a given.
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John the Violent is the actual /film/ version of Joker, not even joking
have any of you guys seen todd phillips doc on frat hazing? i remember it being pretty good
>So do directors take less chances today?
People still make plenty of experimental films and weird arthouse. Whether audiences are interested is another question.
>Have accountants killed the middle budget movie?
Audiences did by only flocking to the biggest CGI slop blockbusters. Netflix is partly to blame. The market reacts to the consumers.
>Hey, guys, did I mention I'm from Brazil? KKKKKKK, yes, I'm Brazilian. Like, from actual Brazil aka Brasil. Wild, isn't it?
Coppola is off-topic as well.
The off topic guy keeps getting repeatedly humiliated, kek
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>Basically, my recent works have departed more and more from narrative, let alone storytelling. I've exhausted my appetite for film as a mere tool for storytelling. In Stray Dogs, from the screenplay to the shooting to the cutting, the most important task was to reduce narrative, to abandon what may be called "plot." There's no direct connection between one scene and the next, and so there is a feeling like there's no beginning and no end, but it also presents a mood of the rupture of the immediate, which is very vital. Each scene is a completed action of the actor which passes in real time, capturing the flow of the natural light and shadow and the changes of the background sounds. I like it very much. The structure of the whole film has no beginning and no end.
legit kek
>t. resident argenCHINO
As a matter of fact, there are two argenchinos in this general. /film/ is a global south general.
t. the other argenchino
>Have accountants killed the middle budget movie?
Wasn't the death of physical media that did this? A lot of middle to small budget films would get made because they would actually make the money back with DVD sales.
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>The Night of the Hunter is one of my favourite films. The brother and sister escaped from Robert Mitchum's claws, got on a boat and floated along the river; all those images bring us back to remote and mysterious childhood dreams.... It is a film whose pure cinematography cannot be surpassed, and it could not be improved upon. I hope no one will ever re-film it.

>In my recent films, I have tended to use the classic Chinese songs I like or a little light-hearted and jovial song and dance number to transform the tedious, heavy atmosphere. However, there's nothing like that in Stray Dogs, only Lee Kang Sheng's face, starting to swell after he has passed forty, and his figure which is gradually getting out of control. I am like the distorted, scary Robert Mitchum. I set a trap for Kang in 1991; I've been waiting earnestly for 20 years, and finally he has given me a startlingly remarkable performance. Aren't I dark?
Megalopolis looks interesting. I’m going to see it tonight, but Coppola really sucks as a filmmaker. The Godfather trilogy, Tetro, The Conversation and Apocalypse Now are all god awful. His best film is Rumble Fish, and it is decent at best. The only one that I haven’t watched yet is Twixt, and it looks good, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I were disappointed yet again by him.
Not really prog but it’s a great song regardless.
He's literally rubbing it on our faces. Evil fuck.
Massive levels of contrarianism
>The Godfather trilogy, Tetro, The Conversation and Apocalypse Now are all god awful
>Twixt looks good

Quintessentially /film/ic post
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Missed opportunity not making this thread a Brazil edition.
>His best film is Rumble Fish,
I agree with this.
>and it is decent at best.
I don't agree with this.
I’m sorry I don’t care for Coppola’s rubbish. #notreally
I’m not gonna tell you. You know what to do.
The solo part is proggy
If we're still talking prog, i'm a Gentle Giant and Magma man.
Very curated bait? I respect it.
>the film is visually inspired by One from the Heart
Someone page Kinskibro, this is important.
In case you didn't read it:
King Crimson > Rush > the argentinians > power gap > avant prog / zeuhl > the italians > the rest of it.
I did read it, just had nothing more to add to it.
Yeah that is part of it. Matt Damon has that clip that goes around occasionally where he breaks down how it's harder to make a profit unless you are a big block buster movie. Basically the death of physical media means no secondary incomes from both people buying the DVD and renting them. Also people cutting cable means movies make less when they go to cable because they used to go HBO > Basic Cable > Broadcast. Now with streaming they get less when it goes to basic cable and broadcast. So you have to make most of your money in theaters. I still don't know how streaming makes money, every time I look I see articles about them being in the red.
>the argentinians
Truly a sad state.
Cool, I just hate posting post the bump limit and fear people won't read it.
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I also have King Crimson above everyone else but don’t discount the Italians:
>I still don't know how streaming makes money
Probably doesn't, they just operate at a loss for some time until they finally kill cable TV / open TV for real and can monopolyze everything even more. Common strategy used by large companies such as KFC, McDonalds, etc. For them, losing money for 5 years or so is negligible compared to, say, controlling the fast food market for eternity. That's why they open the KFC place near the other, independent chicken joints, with the intention of killing them, even if that means lowering the prices to ridiculous levels, so that no one can compete with them.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lntleb5zsFw > KC &c. ...
/film/ + /prog/ fusion right there.
Honourable mentions:
Popol Vuh, Art Zoyd, ???
>The Godfather trilogy, Tetro, The Conversation and Apocalypse Now are all god awful.
Why do you have to be like this?
Going all in on streaming is probably the dumbest decision studios have ever made. Even Netflix would've been unable to grow if all the studios didn't license out their films for them in the early years of the service.
>every time I look I see articles about them being in the red.
Pretty sure Netflix might be the only major service that's actually managing to turn in a profit now. They were bleeding money for many years but were able to turn it around thanks to their early bird advantage and focusing on non-English language content as well.
These niggas:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Lk5FrtASVo (What Can You Do Except Watch Movies?, kek)
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Here’s another great album I listened to recently for the first time since 2015. Greek prog:
I don't even think that the italians were bad, just less good than the other guys. Alphataurus, Banco and the other classic bands have 9/10 albums. Prog is one of the few genres where most of the classic artists deserve to be called "classics". That is, until neo-prog came, and even then, stuff like Porcupine Tree is pretty decent.
Wait, there's people who simply abandon a thread after it hits the bump limit? Fucking zoomers
/film/ related Charly Garcia
Never could get into that album. The mix is beyond terrible.
Would you prefer waifuposting instead?
Actually, yes.
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Queen of /film/.
Don't be a grinch. For once, we're talking about cool off-topic stuff. Use the songs as thread background music or something.
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So would I but I’m not trying to exhaust anyone here.
yall niggas love your mid bitches
/film/ has some major grinchs, niggas exist to complain
Based shit. Used for the OG vaporwave album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Sxqw1ytC0U
Come on, it's not that bad. Sorry for your loss thoughever, you're really missing out on one of prog's finest accomplishments.
I'll listen to the vinyl later today. It would be my third attempt (ironic, isn't it?).
The ultimate redpill is that Joker 1 and 2 are both /film/
films where the protagonist is a friendless loser for 20+ years?
the ultimate blackpill*
Joker 1
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John the Violent, but only for 19 years.
>Megalopolis looks interesting.
It is absolutely terrible and I went in as a contrarian trying to like it. Coppola's "script" was first written in the 80s, a time of western prosperity. Point is, Coppola cannot hope to match the madness of today with a 1980s outlook, society's insanity has far surpassed his ability to react to it. Go and watch Gasper Noe's Climax and then watch Megalopolis, it is embarrassing that Coppola thinks that he is on that level of societal critique, especially when he is a billionaire who makes mainstream Hollywood films . Is there any Nashville in his filmography? Is there any El Topo? Even David Lynch had Dune, a far more interesting flop. According to the world of Megalopolis society is populated only by bratty millennials and 80 + year old boomers. There are no real characters in that movie. There is no humanity. It is not polarizing, or controversial, it is like those VCD cut scenes in Jaguar. Those who are praising Megalopolis are unable to even articulate it, they just go on an incoherent rant about how Coppola put one hundred million dollars into the movie therefore it is a statement. Lighting your money on fire isn't a statement. Herzog's Fitzcarraldo is a statement, doing the impossible by showing us.
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On the topic of /filmprog/ (or is it /progfilm/?), this kinda sucked. But Mimsy Farmer was very hot in it, so I'd still say it's worth seeing.
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/film/ – Progressive Rock General
Based old days. Nostalgic now. I R O N I C
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>Lighting your money on fire isn't a statement.
Got a MEGA? Wanting to see more Barbet. Was a fan of Maitresse, and I'm all about drugs.
>joker 2 is so bad anons prefer discussing prog rock
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Felt like watching this again after a long time. Got the 4K version (left), didn't expect it to be so different.
should I stick with the HD version (right)?
Based seething anon. I noticed the Coppola's (Francis, Sofia, Gia and that ninja from Rushmore) disconnection from reality a long time ago. Besides nepotism, every thing that has come from them since the 90s (as far as I'm aware) has been completely superficial, fairytale dreck with a complete lack of awareness for societal degradation, the state of the economy, etc. These niggas live in Disneyland, and it shows. That's why Sofia Coppola is one of the filmmakers that most annoys me, her stuff leaves you completely empty inside. The real "no thoughts, head empty" filmmaker for art hoes and people that have never struggled, nor suffered, nor contacted the ugly parts of the city.
Well, good luck then. I also had trouble getting into this album for a while. It also doesn't help much that it's a double LP and the more accesible parts are track 2 and 3 which are side B and C.
Have never seen a WKW film but I've always assumed they were supposed to look like the left, apparently everyone hates it though
Anons here always shit on the "piss filter" left version, but to each his own. The left version is WKW's version lol
OPs are rarely paid much attention though, even the meme ones
I always lose my shit with these Fripp-Toyah videos. Toyah still looks quite hot, and Fripp is a cuck.
From Donnie Darko:

>Donnie: [to Pommeroy, about the Graham Greene story] Well, they say it right when they flood the house, and they tear it to shreds that, like, uh, destruction is a form of creation. So the fact that they burn the money is ironic. They just want to see what happens when they tear the world apart.
Left is just Wong trying out digital color grading on his old films, they never looked like that before until a few years ago.
Thoughts on his Psycho remake?
Both are his versions. He just changed his mind.
>KoЯn in the background
Didn't know he was into them, based Fripp knowing better as always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LsZt6z4_0I
Culture has been in a state of stagnation for decades, even now it is still people like Coppola, Ridley Scott, Beatles, and all the boomer icons. They are not even talking about Kanye, Arcade Fire, Nirvana, or Harmony Korine. Hell they are not even talking about Xavier Dolan. No it is back to boomers again all across the board in film and music. We will never get rid of them.

That is funny because her fat pig father hasn't made a good movie since Dracula and even that is a movie you have to force yourself to like. She only has a career because she fucked her way to the top. When she wanted to be a photographer, she fucked a photographer. When she wanted to be a filmmaker, she fucked a filmmaker. She is a whore just like her fat pig father.
I'm really glad that FOTW is still ongoing, you guys have made me proud after my initiation of bringing it back
No more big tiddy Janet Leigh in a bra, so therefore it's fucking horrible.
NTA but you just posted my favorite Korn song, it's the only album of theirs I at least somewhat dig though
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>I have become tired of cinema. The so-called entertainment value of films in recent years, the mechanisms of the market, and the constant pandering to popular taste, all disgust me. I don't feel the need to keep making films or, to put it more bluntly, to make the kinds of films that expect the patronage of cinema audiences anymore. I keep asking myself: what is cinema? Why make films? Who am I doing this for? Who is the mass audience? Are they the people who watch Spielberg movies? Frankly speaking, I am not interested in this at all.
So, Dumontfag2 was always Cheatanon? The fuck?
What are your thoughts? I am going to watch it this month. Did he really recreate it shot for shot? Psycho is one of my favorite movies, and I hated all the sequels.
I've never seen any of his films, not even Will Hunting and Elephant
I don't know who cheatanon but you better not be giving him the credit of my accomplishment
>They are not even talking about Kanye, Arcade Fire, Nirvana, or Harmony Korine
Arcade Fire and Kanye were just fads. Kanye had 0 talent from the start. Nirvana is the shit, Korine is alright, and both are talked about a lot.

>She only has a career because she fucked her way to the top
Proof or it didn't happen. Logic says to me that she bought her career to the top, same with all the other Coppolas
I forgot to add that my current favorite Van Sant film is Paranoid Park.
It's KoЯn, you faget. But anyway, my favorite by them is probably Faget or Predictable, even though Daddy and Blind are probably their best songs. Every album of theirs up to 2002 is pretty decent too.
>Did he really recreate it shot for shot?
Almost. There are some differences here and there, but over 90% of it follows the same shot list. It's basically just Psycho with color and worse performances.
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Faggy quote, but understandable. He just needs to stfu and make some films without thinking of the "why". Just do it if you like it, that's the reward in itself.
I prefer Soderbergh's
>Suddenly mentioning Spielberg
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FOTW Reminder. watch it soon because we roll again tomorrow
Occasionally they drive overall thread discussions. At least in my case
The new FOTW is Pater Sparrow's 1 (2009)
Frauds who think they are hot shit taking jabs at normie directors while having 10 times less talent than them will never not be funny
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>Kanye had 0 talent from the start.

That is objectively untrue
In a decade or two, Joker 2 will be considered an underrated cult classic that was overly hated when it released, /tv/ will claim it's a "pleb filter". It will likely even get released by some boutique label like Arrow.
It's already happened with other sequels that were hated back when they first came out. Halloween 3, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, I've even seen more people starting to say that they like Blair Witch 2 now.
This appeal to history shit is happening with every flop nowadays. It is the ultimate cope. People in the future aren't going to be watching shit ass sequels to movies. They will be busy playing VR videogames and having orgies with AI chicks.
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> Halloween 3, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
I'd also add Citizen Kane and Jeanne Dielman to that list
>Almost. There are some differences here and there, but over 90% of it follows the same shot list.
It sounded like an interesting concept, in the way that I’ve never heard of anyone else attempting this. In my mind, it seems like he would just be using the same blueprint, but stylizing it the way he found most beautiful. I will post what I think of it after I watch it. What else have you watched by Gus? I’m not too keen on him, but some of his films are ok.
>Conceptual Haneke
Easily one of the most beautiful movies of the 2000’s. I left the theater in tears, and I don’t even know why.
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>Bucolic Frammartino
Thank god Lynch redeemed himself with The Return after that piece of garbage
Drugstore Cowboy, My Own Private Idaho, Good Will Hunting, and Elephant. Can't say I was a big fan of any of them. Seems like a completely middle-of-the-road filmmaker. Even Elephant just ended up as "school shootings sure are shocking n shiet, damn"
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Over a year ago, Tsai told Hollywood Reporter Roma that he is working on a new fiction film. Apparently it may be finished next year.

>We haven't seen any of your fiction films since Days, have you decided to focus only on other formats?

>I'm working on a fiction film, but it won't be finished any time soon, it will take at least another two years
He sucks. This guy explains why. Same with Kendrick, even though Kendrick sucks much harder than Ye. Both industry plants, btw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiSRVeEeDdE
>The second thing was Chloë Sevigny. I first saw her in like 1992, it was at the Andrea Rosen Gallery in Chelsea and she was in this goth outfit, just really weird and tricked-out and I thought to myself that this was the most beautiful girl that I had ever seen. I was in love with her instantly, went over and we talked and connected, and then she told me that she was sixteen and that put a block on that, amorously, for me. We ran into each other again in Paris in around 1995 or 1996, we were both there for photo shoots–that was the time when the fashion folks wanted to pair really pretty girls with scumbags for dramatic effect, so that's why I was there. And through some kind of weird/wonderful scheduling snafu, we ended up sharing a big hotel room. We were on the bed ten seconds and it was like suction, man, we were really into each other, kissing so sweetly. It was so sweet, truly, the most innocent, beautiful thing. And then fast asleep. I didn't talk to her again for six years. I saw her somewhere and thought that she dissed me–she was dating Harmony Korine at the time, I think, and I just started being very nasty and destructive with her. Anyone who'd listen, I'd tear her down, really mean, really mean things were said. But at my darkest time with Brown Bunny–and listen, other actresses had talked to me about it. Jennifer Jason Leigh had agreed already and Demi Moore had a talk with me in the back of her weird mini-van limo–the girl can smoke and drink coffee like a fucking pro… But it wasn't right. I wanted the perfect girl so I cast it to fate: I said if Chloë will do it, then I'll do the movie. I'll do it.
Yep. Inland sucks major black dick. Kind of a plot point, ironically.
>I called her and she wanted to know why in the fuck I was calling her. This is six years of nastiness between us at this point. And I told her what I wanted, told her what the film was about, and Oh, by the way, remember that night in Paris when I did that thing to you but you didn't do it to me because you weren't so into it? Well, you might have to do that. On film. And we talked some more, I was very explicit with her about the whys and the hows–I told her that I wanted to essay male sexuality and self-loathing, that I wanted to film it in a way that was very frank and unadorned, and how it serves as this examination of that instant of self-hate after a guy orgasms when the guy realizes that he's with the wrong girl. And she, bless her heart, she understood it all and came on board. She said the sweetest thing at the end of that conversation, too, she said, "That thing that I didn't like so much in Paris? I've changed, I sort of like it now, this'll be fun." The weird, sad thing? All this stuff that she's been saying in the press, defending the movie like that, I'll never forget that. She's the only one, the only one. Lance Acord, he's never thanked me for giving him a shot on Buffalo '66. Christina Ricci–nothing but bile. But Chloë? She's an angel, and we haven't said a word to one another since Cannes.
>Good Will Hunting
Made me cry. Same with Dead Poets Society. Back when mainstream kino produced bangers.
We are 138 great movie
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Close enough.
Taissa mogs
His taste in waifus is immaculate. Chloë in American Psycho = diamonds. Same with Ricci in Buffalo '66
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>two years
You know what I've realised? That back in the classic age directors like Hitchcock and Hawks used to treat making pictures as a job and a lot of them were churning out multiple films per year. Then came the new school guys starting from the 60s and they weren't like that, they were treating themselves as artists and weren't working that hard
Idiot, he is one of the greatest living directors, everything you mentioned is either 4/5 or 5/5, Restless and Sea of Trees are also great.
Don't Worry is also 5/5, but zoomers were thrown off by its lack of irony.
I'm very glad as long as I don't need to plant any seeds and fly to Paris this time.
Wouldn't make it any less shit lol
Texas Chainsaw 2 was always banging.
Who are you talking to?
>they were treating themselves as artists and weren't working that hard
My man Picasso was shitposting stuff everyday for years in his 60s. I think it all started going to shit after the 70s, that's when bands stopped with the 1 to 2 albums a year minimum and started taking 5 or 6 years to create something. Same with movies and art in general. Except with GODard.
I’m sorry, but his films do not move me in the slightest. I can see why some people love him. They just aren’t for me.
Not really, anyone can just go and cast the whore of the moment. If it was today it would be Anya Taylor Joy or Joey King. Gallo is a Hollywood fraud like Raul Julia who pretended that he was something more than he was but people only had him on screen to do his shtick.
Is Dead Poets Society seriously worth watching? I like Picnic at Hanging Rock a lot but haven't seen any other film by Peter Weir. I've always assumed he sold out after the 70s and just started making boring mainstream flicks
>back in the classic age directors like Hitchcock and Hawks used to treat making pictures as a job and a lot of them were churning out multiple films per year.
Because they had long contracts with the studios. They were jobs, they didn't have to beg around for money like modern filmmakers. Then the production model changed when the classic studio system died. I'm sure many filmmakers would love to work that way today if it was still possible.
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Anya looks like shit since her buccal fat removal lol, Joey looks like a b-tier pornstar. Chloë and Ricci make me diamonds, there I said it. And Gallo's based anyway.

Yes, it's good and very moving (if you have a heart).
Thanks, man.
>Yes, it's good and very moving (if you have a heart).
Okay, will watch
Based as fuck
We're all storytellers here.
No problem
what are some decent russian films set in the 18th/19th century? doesn't necessarily have to be good, just wanted to watch stuff to expand my visual library for reading
How Green Was My Valley (1941) - a favorite of both critics and audiences at the time, 5 academy awards, both for best picture and best director
Citizen Kane (same year, not storytelling, just god knows what) - best film of all time... just because it is, okay?
Do you not get tired of watching the same sloppa over and over again? Do you not feel that it is in the very least condescending being force fed differently packaged shit over and over again?
Let me tell you a story
I'm listening.
Yes it's very tiresome but it is with great sadness that I have to say that it's still better than shit like Tsai
Factually, objectively incorrect
Has there ever been a film that convinced you to stop watching films obsessively, and live your life instead? I’ve been waiting for that moment for the past 9 years.
They say War and Peace with Audrey Hepburn and also the Russian version by Bondarchuk are good but I haven't seen them
I've noticed that Mimsy Farmer kind of looks like David Bowie and that ruined her for me.

It's your time to shine, /film/.
Sometimes I think that watching films is ultimately pointless because we will all die and in 300 years or so no one will even remember this art form ever existed which makes me feel incredibly depressed. But then I remember that I have literally nothing else to do because I'm a shut in NEET
Bondarchuk version looks great, thanks
Real life advice in here: live your life obsessively. Just do what you want and that's it.
Sounds fun. If I lived near NYC I'd happily apply.
Audrey Hepburn is for normies. I declare her anti-/film/.
>This type of thinking
Who cares about 300 years in the future. Just go out and get druk, fuck a bitch, then show her Sátántangó or something.
>Not doing something now because of 300 years in the future
Unironically, watching films gives you a better grasp of life than actually living it in (current year). Not even remotely joking. How many normalfags born in the last 30 years have a fleshed-out mental map of what the world looked like in the past compared to the average /film/ enthusiast? How many normalfags understand the sensibilities and worries of the people of long ago? Action is important yes, but it is overrated.
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It's not about action, it's about experience. Kino is just another experience, might be a favorite of yours, but it's not the only thing that exists. Has it has been said, just do what makes you happy, but don't use kino as an escape for your fear of life. It would be better to face life and live in it, and use kino as an enhancer of the experience rather than a shield against reality.
You never get the feeling that everything happening right now is pointless because the earth is a couple billions years old?
Are things only worthwhile if they last forever? I don't think so.
No, on accounta i only exist in my lifetime.
No, the opposite. Value only exists because things and experiences are transcient.
>And I told her what I wanted, told her what the film was about, and Oh, by the way, remember that night in Paris when I did that thing to you but you didn't do it to me because you weren't so into it?
So he ate her pussy like a fanook?
Meant for >>204200041
'fraid so. Thought my boy Vince was better than that.
Drop porn /film/s now! I’ll start with the most known one. My favorite scene was the one with the egg.
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>when you're in the isolation ward and hear a clown getting raped

Jokes aside, Papillon was awesome, Mcqueen seems to only have his best roles when he's trying to escape captivity.
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Fuck forgot the photo. I want to go to a porno theater so bad bros.
Imagine openly simping for a girl who is getting fucked by Korine. Okay don't want to blame him for it, I like honest people
I don't consider that a porn. Try Radley Metzger and Joseph Sarno
Cool effects.
Why not? I do like Radley Metzger. I will try Joseph Sarno.
Is that John Wayne?
>Is that you John Wayne?
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Queen of /film/
That would be nice, yes.
Koji Wakamatsu, Hisayasu Sato, Noboru Tanaka, the list goes on...
2 late lil bro
this threads queen was already crowned
I already love all of them. Please continue your list.
I think I’m going to start making porno flicks. If I remember I’m going to share them here for you guys.
I lied. That's the whole list.
Can't wait to know of the next /film/ director
Tatsumi Kumashiro as the other "auteur" of Roman Porno along with Tanaka
One day will have a /film/ director at Sundance.
A job done this poorly would ruin a normal person or company.
Instead everyone accepts this is fine and moves along.
People get what they deserve it seems.
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>tfw found out that Wes Anderson's career is bankrolled by a boomer billionaire who loves his work
Great if true.
>who loves his work
So do I
Wes is fucking garbage but that's sweet
It is true. Look up Steven Rales.
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I disagree but you do you.
Why did they rape him? why would they do this?
Same boomer billionaire that recently bought Criterion.
I've yet to watch a truly great Truffaut film.
Sounds great to be a billionaire
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Which filmmaker would you bankroll if you were a billionaire?
Many directors I like films from only made -at their best- good films. Greatness is a rare thing.
I didn’t get it until I watched Blue Velvet.
I bet some retard here would give money to Gallo
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Nothing when compared to Ingrid Bergman.
Drugstore Cowboy is objectively kino the rest of his movies are meh
The one with Nicole Kidman as a news reporter is very good. Like a mix of Scream and Network
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They look very similar in some photos
TB Johnson
How big are you guys' watchlists? I try to keep mine around 10-15 or so, so I have some variety of choice, but I find if i have too many I get option paralysis
Did you watch d the cinema club film of the week or not yet guys? It's a documentary
the what
to criticise the society of control (we empathise with the brutalised victim)
or it was just a deconstruction of the character
you seem angry
say what now
How to get invitation code for movieparadise?
ask for it nicely
Thousand upon thousands on posters, torrents, charts, screenshots, filmographies, etc.
I've realized I enjoy very much the whole adding things to watch in the future business, even though I'll obviously never watch most of them.
I have many projects I'm always going through, but I also use a dice, so everything (the referred thousands in all the folders) has a chance.
The last film watched through the dice was Breaking Away, a rewatch after a decade, and the last one chosen was Comrades: Almost A Love Story.
You guys suck, I'm going back to Avant Garden.
Sent ;)
Based and dicepilled
Argentino ctm
Farmigafag going back to his own kind
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try this one: F1LM
I'm listing my backlog films and I have more than 5000 saved so I'm like this guy
me hanging out with my /film/ bros
Joker - 9.510
Megalopolis - 9/10
Le Empire - 8.5/10
Aggro Drift - 8/10

plebs status: filtered eternally
i'd push if it was the opposite, bitches live on easy mode
Anyone know the movie he's taking about here that he uses as an example of the shitty filmmaking style of the 30s?
He literally mentions that the film at your timestamp is The Bad and the Beautiful
Eastern bloc > western bloc
I'm an idiot who didn't hear that. But why does you use a 50s movie made after 1941 and not one before?
I'm not watching it since I don't think it needed a sequel and I've heard it bad anyway. Is it true he gets raped?
Because the example still applies. Most 50s studio films are made according to that style.
Why would you not want the $1M? Do you hate money?
60 > 80 > 70 > 20 > 90 > 30 > 00 > 10 > 40 > 50 > 2k10 > 2k20
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It's pure neobaroque maximalist onanism.
The purpose of Hollywood is to dement the mind of society
60s > 70s > 50s > 80s > 30s > 90s > 40s > 2000s > 2010s > 1920s > 2020s > 1910s > 1900s > 1890s
80, 90s and 30s too high. The 30s were seriously fucked by the beginning of the sound era and how it limited camerawork. Going from the 20s to the 30s is the most sudden downgrade in cinema history.
40s and 50s too low.
This hooker I saw who was looking forward to this was pissed after seeing it, kek.
Cinema is my life savior, my passion that ultimately kills me a little bit because I've become so dangerously fascinated by it. Its the artform that combines all arts, the visual, the auditive and the literal. It is not solely entertainment and a throw away experience, its something that sticks with you and even expands your horizon. We need cinema just like cinema needs us to survive this illogical and cruel world.
50s and 20s are the best decades by far. Too many retarded memes began in the 60s that we still haven't recovered from. Only downhill from there.
fucking brainlets demoralized me to skip the cinemaview and just bootleg it. it was awesome. all the little nuances are always there if you look a bit deeper. what kind of a person sees this films and goes "nah, I want more marvel"?

granted, all the dream sequences to amp up the marketing material is a bit lame.
This man loves melodramas, musical theatre, song and dance routines I bet, some zesty acting, chipper in spirit, swooning, a gee-whiz kinda guy if you know what I’m saying
Top 3?
>musical theatre, song and dance routines I bet
Not really.
>some zesty acting
Nah, I rarely enjoy modern movies.
>chipper in spirit, swooning, a gee-whiz kinda guy
Jimmy Stewart is kino.
yeah this is a big fat cope. Can you really say with a straight face that movies haven't dropped in quality?
The Brown Bunny, Freddy Got Fingered, Annette, the list goes on
no one asked about movies dropping in quality lil bro
but of course they have
learn 2 read
I want to punch you.
thinkin tetro is a masterpiece fr fr
The Top 3 goes on?
learn 2 implications
directors taking less chances = laziness and apathy. Markets simply consume what's supplied
punch punch punch
>Melodramas by Griffith
>Melodramas by Capra
>Melodramas by Mizoguchi
Too much, plus Jap acting
>Melodramas by Sirk
>Melodramas by Almodóvar
Very good
>Melodramas by Haynes
yes i agree
me too
i dont agree that directors take less chances lil bro
look outside hollywood sometime fr
based 'the list goes on' poster
Directors take more chances than ever before. Megalopolis, Joker ass rape... We live in a daring time.
In the Mood for Love
>his Top 3 only has three films

>he doesn't recognize In the Mood For Love
Thank you.
Apparently the guy behind the first film, only wanted to make his own real film, and just named it joker cause he thought "nothing is successful anymore now unless its linked to comic book shit".
Then he got mad that nobody sympathized with the rich guys who beat up Arthur in the subway scene, and nobody sympathized with Thomas Wayne calling suffering poor people "clowns", and nobody sympathized with the entertainer who only invited Arthur on to make fun of him and make money from that.

YES, the creator wanted everyone to apparently hate Arthur for every moment he had on screen in the first movie. But instead, people related to those who suffer from mental illness, who are forgotten, who are left to suffer, which made the media angry because "you aren't allowed to feel bad for a white guy" So they made the second film just to spite people who liked the first one. Lets apply this logic to another movie that was also liked by fans:

>director of taxi driver is pissed that people understood the main character
>makes a sequel
>in taxi driver 2, the family of the girl he saved, sues him for being a bad influence on the little girl he saved
>family goes to a ghetto and gives the girl to a black gang to be a better influence on her
>the main character discovers this and tries to save her, but the black gang beats him up and rapes him
>"that will teach those disgusting fascist fans a lesson!"
you made all of this shit up
eh. joker 2 just made arthur more relatable to losers and mentally ill faggots
damn lil bro love movies
based if true
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It's awful but pic rel is fantastic
This was an ok thread.
lil bro mad he dudnt get clown boss
all in all
bakin now
ill do it
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lil bro is COOKED


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lil bro is baking
damn true
Shia Lebouf
don't forget takashi ishii, he's the only great contemporary roman porno director.
I don't care if things are pointless or have a meaning. I just enjoy things or don't enjoy them. There is probably no point in being alive, but it is still enjoyable a lot of the times.
One film. The one I will see next. Not decided until it's decided.
la wea cósmica weón te pasaste perkin culiao

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