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Classics and arthouse.

Italian edition.

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Prev: >>204206692
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Queen of /film/
>be Little Rita
>be in the West
This dude knows.

A truly, capital B, Based edition.
I love Little Rita!
It is sad what Herzog did to this man's reputation. There is no evidence for any of it and people all take it as fact. Kinski did 100s of movies and no one ever had any problem with him. It is bullshit and this meme spreads even to this day that Kinski was a monster.
That's not really true. This is from The Great Silence

>He also said to actor Frank Wolff “I don’t want to work with a filthy Jew like you; I’m German and hate Jews.”. Wolff had to be restrained from strangling Kinski and refused to speak to him. Kinski later said that he insulted Wolff because he wanted to help him get into character.
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Megalopolis was kino! The first great Coppola film! Down with the naysayers! I commend you Francis Ford Coppola!
Kinski dindu nuffin'
Kinski was literally a Nazi pilot, if he was still alive they would've jailed him by now.
>I’m always saying that I can’t have time to think about the “artistic” side of filmmaking because I have to think about so many “unartistic” things, just concrete stuff: The sandwiches. The gas for the car. The pills that Ventura should take but doesn’t have. The Social Security Card that Vitalina needs tomorrow.

>After some years of practice in the field, I know now that it’s the so-called production work that often decides what the art in a film will be. I have therefore arranged my filmmaker’s life not to think about the mystifying things. Cinema is very deceitful, it is always begging for a little more—more money, more novelty, more this, more that. One of the filmmaker’s jobs is to resist this hysteria. There are films to be made and films not to be made.

>When I was younger, I just wanted to ride the horse and never be bothered about anything else. Now, after time spent on the side of people whose lives contain constant loss, I’m getting used to filming with leftovers. If you simply don't have money, then you have to think about it in a decent way.
Word salad. Tsai's quotes have way more wisdom, ngl
>Kinski later said that he insulted Wolff because he wanted to help him get into character.
Hahaha that's like Vince Gallo during the making of Tetro
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I have seen movies with no guns in them. Were they movies?
Kinski was too based for this world.
Was Kinski even popular before Herzog?
>watching Doctor Zhivago (1965)
>Kinski just appears out of fucking nowhere for 5 minutes, never to be seen again
No. He had a decent career as a character actor, but Herzog made him famous.
Don't know about popular, but he was certainly working a lot, he's in a million italian westerns.
Yeah I miss the Tsai quotes
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>I am very confused about why people insist on discussing long takes. In the very beginning, weren’t all films consisting of long takes? Nowadays, people don’t discuss Eisenstein because montage is a given. At the same time, the long take is still the essence of cinema. It’s like endlessly debating issues of homosexuality—isn’t it something that has always existed? The long take is simply something I need in order to create. I want my films to appear more realistic, from a singular perspective. To preserve the natural passage and movement of time means using minimal cuts, which is one of the most effective strategies to me. Isn’t porn mostly shot in long takes? Aren’t they effective? Everyone wants to have a remote control in their hands at all times. What we should talk about is the audience’s viewing habits, or people’s endlessly impatient hearts.
He raped his own daughter.
Herzog and Ebert both say Kinski's filmography is trash except their 5 films together. This is another Herzog lie that has become a meme. Kinski made 13 films with Jess Franco, all are good, and some, like De Sade's Justine, and Jack the Ripper, are equal to Herzog's work.

Crawlspace is a horror classic. Bullet for the General and Great Silence are great westerns. Zulawski's C'est D'aimer, Madam Claude, Champs de Roland is equal to Aguirre, Creature is a cult classic, even his Beast in Shelley Duvall's Fairy Tale rendition of Beauty and the Beast. Last, his finale film, Paganini is a masterpiece performance.

Herzog has done nothing but lie about Kinski. Pola Kinski accused him of raping her but could not provide a shred of evidence.
One of my favorite long takes ever is unironically pic related but I don't like the rest of the film. Also that one towards the end of Antonioni's Professione: Reporter was cool
That is more Herzog-style dog piling and sensationalism. Pola Kinski accused him of raping her but could not provide a shred of evidence. Nastassja denied he ever did anything, considering she is way more beautiful. Considering they are all twisted narcissists it is the perfect way to get back at her dad for not being there, see also: Woody Allen's children.
>considering she is way more beautiful
Lmao that's kind of a fucked up thing to say
>he would've raped the more beautiful daughter
by the thumbnail I thought it was a picture of Tsai morphed with Costa
Are the Tsai quotes real or just ChatGPT? If they're real could you guys provide the full interviews, please?
So what set off the anons last thread? Just got caught up on the pettiness.
Zoomers think anything longer than three sentences is ChatGPT.
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Who gives a fuck? As soon as that one fag started talking about how smart he was I tuned out.
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Real. You can just paste the quote into Google, but I will provide sources from here on.

>If you believe life is short and bitter, nothing gets in the way of doing what you want to do. I always feel like I’m going to die soon and time is running out, so I only do what I want to do. I once lacked for inspiration until one day, I realized I cannot stop filming Lee Kang-sheng’s face. I thought, This is so cool. And I happily accepted this as my destiny.

This and the previous quote are from:
That's not what I said. I just know people could to that here to meme up.
Based and thanks. A very interesting man from all these quotes, I might actually get around to watch his films now.
Several threads ago, I am talking about months ago, there were ChatGPT posts but they were piss easy to spot.
Does this sound believable? Remember she was trying to sell a book for money.

>Even today, Pola has trouble understanding what happened for all those years. “I always felt guilty,” she tells me. “I asked myself, why did I go to him all the time? I knew what I could expect. But now I know I did it because I needed it like I needed the air to breathe.

>“It wasn’t the Rolls-Royces, or the clothes or the 30 pairs of handmade shoes that made me go to him all the time,” she says. “It was because he gave me the feeling that it’s fantastic that I am in this world. He was the only person that made me feel that. My mother always gave me the feeling that I was disturbing her.

>“So, the sexual thing, I thought it was necessary, a part of this, an unspoken contract. It’s not because my father told me, ‘If you say anything about this I will go to prison,’ which he did. No, it’s because I became dependent on this feeling of being loved. And my father knew this, he felt this, and this is what he used.”

>The abuse continued all through Pola’s teens, as she both fought against it and capitulated to it. As appalling as these memories are, Pola says they represent only a fraction of the abuse she suffered. “I couldn’t write everything,” she says. “It was not easy to write, ‘My father’s head was between my legs.’ And the book would have been double the length. It would have been too much.”
who is talking here
Yeah let’s start having Tsai quotes combines with Costa quotes
Someone who's using ChatGPT can you ask it to write
>pretentious film student quote
My peepee is #hurting.
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>The interplay of light and shadow in this film transcends mere cinematography, becoming a metaphysical exploration of the human psyche—an unspoken dialogue between the seen and the unseen, where every frame is a meditation on existence itself.
Pola X
>"Cinema is not about capturing reality, but about sculpting time itself. Each frame is a brushstroke on the canvas of human consciousness, revealing truths that exist beyond the confines of our perceived world. True filmmaking is the art of dreaming with open eyes and inviting others into that dream."
Unironically the truth and fuck the p word
Good quote aside from
>Each frame is a brushstroke on the canvas of human consciousness
Fuck that shit
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Why didn’t she become a movie star? I wish I lived in a timeline where she did.
Ok niggers, who made that thread?
Yeah idk, this is one of the few actually fucked up things that have been said on /film/. Getting evidence of rape that happened when you were a child and under the power and control of your father would be pretty hard. Countless cases of people that were raped by family and have "no evidence" because they were children when it happened. What in the actual fuck did I just read lmao
Two guys wanted to fight. Galloesque.
>"no evidence" because they were children
How do you even prove that you got raped
It's been a long time since I fapped. I don't need it anymore.
>On the frontier of light and void. In twilight of image, fallible as transmission into a futile vaccum. A becoming conduit of colour's conquest on abstract loam in nexus ground. A nebula of chromatic scintillation in the transience of sacred astral texture. An artefact for galactic phenomenon and an odyssey for coarsed brush rapture.

Not chat gpt, an actual letterboxd review of a Brakhage film
Probably you but I don't post outside of /film/ so sorry, no bumps for you
This is the reason why I don't browse outer /tv/... that mfer could be anywhere.
Her songs with Lee Hazlewood were the shit though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb-SVPJM4L4
The only thing worse than 'experimental' cinema is its fans but then again the same could be said about any shitty thing
>Semen in pussay
>Broken ass
>Shit on diq
>Diq skin on teeth
>Saliva in pussay
You know the drill. Plus witnesses and circumstancial evidence like that. Screams being heard and shit.
>13 seconds
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I only like experimental cinema with people in it. Like Kenneth Anger or Maya Deren
Danger is everywhere,, anon *v*
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>why yes I do enjoy the films of Stanley Brakhage
He's very desperate
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>I like you
What do
I tip my fedora and explain that I'm MGTOW.
I explain my sexual preferences
True, some directors even say he was great to work with.
I had a classmate who legitimately looked exactly like that. You know there are two types of nerds
>the friendly one who's knowledgeable on anime, vidya and all that stuff and who is interesting to talk to
>the obnoxious fedora tipping retard, like the majority of 4chan
He was the latter
/tv/ is truly nothing but capeshit consoomers. the board is practically unusable.
>(laughs) Right, well, I'm really influenced by girls. I was into girls. I liked a lot of girls growing up. Part of being interested in cinema, in photography, in life, was that I was interested in different women and girls that I liked a lot. I started watching movies initially with a different focus primarily because I was interested in some female performers in a strong, sexual way. I wanted to watch them over and over. My mom was a hairdresser who had a beauty parlour in our house and we had no books, we had no records, we had no radio, we had a little black-and-white television that my father controlled, and so that was the show for me. It was this parade of ladies getting made-over and their hair done in my living room but it was also the beauty magazines that were lying around. I would say that the fashion photography of that time, the way people were presented, I really developed a strong idea of what I liked–a real consistent theme that I would be drawn back to. People always ask me about film as if it's films that influenced me as a filmmaker. But it's really not true. I like movies a lot, I have more films on tape than any of my friends. But I'm not really a collage artist like Quentin Tarantino or Wes Anderson. I'm not like those other guys, Spike Jonze, too, guys who watch things and take notes. I'm trapped in my own stubborn world over-and-over, looking for a similar insight, a similar aesthetic, a similar point of view. It developed so young.
Do I need to watch all of Costa's films in order of release? How many of them are connected?
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Still haven't seen Aggro Dr1ft, or Porky's for that matter.

>People come up with these lists of the greatest films of all time. I think they put Jeanne Dielman [23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles], the Chantal Akerman movie [on the list], and I just can’t buy that. Not to say that it’s not a great film, but there’s no way that it’s better than Porky’s. There’s no way that Jeanne Dielman is better than Smokey and the Bandit. There’s no way that Jeanne Dielman is better than The Outsiders. There’s no way that Jeanne Dielman is better than Jaws. I’m not even sure what “better” means, but I just know that looking back at some of those films, Revenge of the Nerds, Kentucky Fried Movie, Deliverance…maybe those are the greatest. It’s not Breathless, it’s not Citizen Kane—it’s Porky’s.

I need to dig up the Weerasethakul quote where he talks about interracial porn being among his earliest experiences with film
>I'm not like those other guys
Based Gallo, I also love fashion and women
His first two aren't related to the rest, but everything from Ossos on should be seen chronologically.
>I’m not even sure what “better” means, but
Self admitted grift. Porky's sucks major dick, the rest of the stuff that he mentioned is based and understandable from an american POV
Based fellow Bauchad
An anon tried to make fun of another anon but he failed in doing so because he was wrong and i made fun of him for it and it escalated from there, but it's all cool, it's in the past and he likes tea and old school death metal so we're actually friends now. We're all friends here actually, hatred is for retards.
The more i learn about this Vincent Gallo character the more i care for him.
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there we go
I'm the guy /film/ loves to hate.
Definitely better than The Outsiders and Jaws.
>I'm a nancyboy, please fuck me more, I love it
I'm jealous of him because he is handsome and is allowed to be into women
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I'm fucking crying from laughter
Haha you're funny, friend.
Very cool quote, unironically.
This is EXTREMELY embarrassing. It's Joeover
This can't be real.
It's very real.

The combination of thid gif
and this post made me think of that scene in Goodfellas
I'm a nancyboy, and I NEED a hot /film/bf to dick me down.
Redpill me on Porky's
Classic 80's raunchy sex comedy. Discord trannies and wannabe intellectuals hate it
Asianbros... our response?
Saw it as a teen and loved it, don't know what i would think now. Peak Kim Cattrall though.
Calm, Pola
I love this one. I've seen African Queen, Indiana Jones movies and Jungle Cruise, so what should I watch next? More on the straightforward Adventure side of things, and less comedy if possible.
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Apichatpong is emotional counterfeit.
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>A work of art must be something with a world of its own in which everything that exists is interrelated so that it forms a whole, as do Rothko’s paintings. And it must convey a sense of itself – for example, a film must show at all times some sense of it being an on-off projection of stills that flicker in the opening and closing of the shutter. The great films always do this – even narrative films have ways in which they do it. When I first scratched titles on film in Desistfilm (1954) – I became conscious at once that they directed the eyes to what film is. Paint on film does that too with its irregularities and its rhythms.

How about the fact her own mother denies it. Pola claims she told her and the mom says it's not true. She was just further herself by selling a book, much like Herzog.
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Favorite non-Herzog Kinski film?
Apichatpong was the bbc poster the whole time.
This doesn’t prove anything. My mother denied that my cousin raped me in order to save her and her family’s face.
>According to Raphaële Billetdoux, the shooting with Klaus Kinski was a nightmare and at one point she had the temptation to stop there, as it was no longer possible to continue. For example, during the bathing scene that Kinski is preparing for the girl, then 14-year-old Pénélope Palmer was already very anxious about shooting a nude scene, even shot in a very modest way. So Billetdoux had reduced the technical team to and set the stage so that Kinski turned his back (as well as the camera), as Palmer was about to enter the bathtub. And Kinski had a fit: "What ?! I turn my back ?! Never ! And then, I want to see her naked ... "
Really? The last 3 weeks on /tv/ has had more meaningful intellectual discussion than anything on /film/. Joker 2 (venice film festival), megalopolis (cannes) and substance (cannes) are all /film/
can't believe he is still doing this shtick as a 55 year old man. korine is a boomer
Yep, this kind of shit happens all of the time. It can go either way: Pola might be a grifter or Kinski a rapist. The thing is, many people have talked about Kinski being a degen before, so I'm 55% on Pola's side by pure precedent.
Song of Roland is totally unseen and it has some Aguirre flavor to it.
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Part of why the metoo movement imploded is that women are unable to provide evidence. No diary entries. No friends or family recollecting it happened. Most of these cases are women regretting it, the word "rape" has lost its meaning.
>Why yes I do enjoy the films of Apichatpong Weerasethakul, how could you tell?
>when trying to sound all sophisticated about your inspirations instead of just naming a couple films you like goes too far
I will say it again. I am convinced that nobody actually likes Apichatpong’s films. He is an emotional grifter, and deserves to be lynched.
>He is an emotional grifter
How so?
For a Few Dollars More.
>deserves to be lynched.
Footprints on the Moon if it counts
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based Song of Roland appreciator
Every Tarantino fan has that tattoo
Blissfully Yours is great.
I had to check if it was Adjani or not
I'm watching this, thanks anons. I love this song: https://youtu.be/FOwFnBar4bk?si=RtAM_8G8C2qK9CJs
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>anon's fantasies
I will not explain.
Your grift has been revealed.
No it is not.
why not
how would you reevaluate your favorite director's filmography if this quote was attributed to him?
The gay one in two parts, whatever it's called, is fantastic. Reminds me even of Kyun's style in Boddhidharma.
I should not have to explain the way I feel. What you are asking of me is unfair.
Tropical Malady
Very negatively.
Don't explain how you feel, explain why you think it isn't good.
6/10 being VERY generous
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He would never say faggot shit like that.
I've never actually seen Aguirre but I'll fix that soon
Nothing would change. It would be weird though.
Gallo would never utter such words.
Well Visconti was fucking gay so I wouldn't be surprised if he was thinking about dicks from time to time
Interesting analysis of that one.
It's all coming together...
We should hatch a plan to break and enter his house and steal Promises Written in Water and leak it online.
We must create a discord server!
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Dude this is an unspoken grift among women. He was sleazy but no way he would rape his own daughter. that is just a plot point she stole from Aguire the Wrath of God. She hated him for not leaving her a fortune so she wrote this book during the metoo movement. She knew that his reputation was already bad so it didn't matter to her. Same exact Mia Farrow tactic.
OK, now what?
Drop the link, and I’ll tell you.
Are you being serious or just in the mood for trolling? I will assume you're serious and say that this reply has the same vibe as a KKK member saying "people are way too judgemental on me, man". Your prejudice against women is too big to not notice it. As has been showed in the thread, it's very likeli Kinski was a bad person and a rapist. Don't know why it's so hard to be reasonable on that.
NTA but i'm not calling any guy a rapist unless i have 100% proof.
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I don't. I just said it's highly likely that he was one.
The Fair Maiden of /film/
Sent :D
That is why she knew that she could get away with writing the book. The stories of him groping women's butts were already out there, but if you notice he only did this on camera to get authentic reaction shots. This is a far cry from actual IRL rape with your own daughter.
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>The stories of him groping women's butts were already out there, but if you notice he only did this on camera to get authentic reaction shots.
lmao, good bait man. Don't know if this is some elaborate trolling or legit mentally disturbed yapping.
Didn’t Klaus write in his autobiography that he had sex with Nastassja?
Back to upvote land for you
>says that while downvoting
You're really persistent with the forced memes. Go and fuck yourself.
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>be little Rita
>Be in the 3rd Reich
He hasn't uploaded in a while though.
He's dead. Rest in RIP.
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I didn't even know he was sick.
Anons that's a fan channel... I doubt Bogdanovich even used the internet
Too soon. Rip Peter Bogdanovich and Polly Platt. Best film is Targets. Don’t @ me.
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Damn, apparently it really is his channel, crazy
>tfw I missed a chance to get my comment liked by him
All caps, if it's not him it's definitely another boomer.
At Long Last Love is good, don't @ me.
Obviously the porn/penis size stuff is hilarious but the bottom paragraph is relatable for me, cool view on the creative rite
That suoerstitious chinaman ghost babble?
Why do I find Alfred Hitchcock sexually attractive?
It's the voluptousness of hia chins.
So many typos today, holy shit, need to proof read before clicking post.
I almost forgot it's time to roll for the new FOTW. again, we're taking the last three digits of this post modulo 66, as there are 66 horror films on the /film/ canon list. let's see what we get this week
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>I couldn't brush my teeth without imagining the sound of the 8 mm projector and the sight of those long black cocks
Non-obese Hitchcock with hair, post some rare photos I guess
Fuck yeah. Tenebre.
623 module 66 is equal to 29, so Black Christmas is the next FOTW. a great horror classic for anyone who hasn't already seen it
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The fuck, that's Hitchcock? Would never guess, the fat bald guy is such a strong figure you can't imagine him otherwise.
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Has anyone read it? I’m ordering it right now.
FOTW is the Bernie of projects
Yeah I've never seen it. Something about it being a Christmas film really puts me off. We don't even celebrate Christmas here. I mean, it is a thing here (on the 7th of January not 25th of December though) but no one gives a shit
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Yeah, that photo is from the early 20s, pic related is from 1926, you can already see him transforming
Read it years ago. Basically a manual on how to create NK propaganda. A long book that goes into pretty much all aspects of filmmaking. It's got some pretty interesting ramblings in it, but a lot of it is just film school 101 tier stuff.
Shouldn't it be 65 now?
although I have likely irrevocably tainted any discussion of his films here with that excerpt, the whole interview is pretty interesting
>although I have likely irrevocably tainted any discussion of his films here
There's a good chance of that. You probably should feel bad. Hopefully people just forget it and no one ever posts it anymore.
It's like with the Coppola post. Now for me the guy's a certified deluded retard.
I left it at 66 because I didn't want to complicate it. if we ever land on a repeat, I'll just reroll
What did Coppola say? He does come off as a simpleton in many of his interviews.
NTA, but it's that insane woke post about horses, matriarchy, etc
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I feel even worse as big fan of The Godfathers, The Conversation and Apocalypse Now
You should feel bad about being a fan of that slop. Megalopolis was kino though, and I see nothing wrong with this post.
KYS, discord tranny
He lost it long ago, so why care?
Not everyone you disagree with is a discord tranny, faggot. Megalopolis was a great experience, and Coppola’s only great film.
classic /film/
>like something out of a #Kurosawa movie
>thousands of years of matriarchy
>things were settles in egalitarian councils led by women, and often with a wise woman giving perspective
>talks like one
>behaves like one
>if this had profiles pictures, probably would look like one
Which one comes off worse?
You wish I was a tranny, nigger!
Coppola. Being a fag is more dignified than being a simp.
Joe may be a porn-brained gooner fag, but at least he isn't a delusional retard.
>Coppola’s only great film.
Come on now
That guy is a classic contrarian, he probably puts Jack as the second best Coppola
Personally I've been waiting for this guy's new uploads
Where can i get torrents for old movies?
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Rita is truly the queen of /wacky/.
I never saw The Last Emperor by Bertolucci, so I gave it a try on the Extended version, I think it´s a movie that accurate represents the chuds
rutracker, cinemaz, PTP, KG
KG :^)
Just watch on 123movies torrentingnis for casuals
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rutracker.org "title of the movie"
I like Leigh a lot, that's unfortunate.
top 100 /tv/ films are fucking boring
theyshootpictures did a better job making a list
did you see the /film/ top?
yeah both fucking sucks
You sound retarded and pretentious
theyshootpictures made a better list than the chuds
That was somehow one of the very first "/film/" movies I had sought out. Want to revisit it now that I've seen so much of Fellini and De Sica's work.
>retarded and pretentious
Classic duo
Their top 100 is really generic.
*De Seta
How is Rules of the Game the fifth greatest film ever in the whole assfucked 130 years of cinema history? You can't answer with a straight face
>Paprika (1991). Now get out of my sight coomer.
Appreciate the recommendation but I'm really not a fan of erotic and softcore. Any other suggestions?
Someone bake.
on it
We still have 70 bumps left.
>this desperate to get told to fuck off or kill yourself
Maybe he's desperate for cinema.
some niggas need yous just as junkies need crack
TheyShootPictures vs
choose your poison
I choose the /film/ canon
I need a black queen now
>but I'm really not a fan of erotic and softcore.
Then why are you posting a big assed bimbo. What is the 'vibe' you are looking for?
It's not bad at all.
>>204209356 vs >>204238665
pick your poison
I would fuck the shit out of that Slavic /film/sissy.
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You guys are too gay. I'm going back to r/movies.
Yeah, I feel /film/ gets gayer and trannier every passing month
That kind of vibe, but an actual /film/. Perhaps a movie about that kind of person or involving those kind of people.
It's just shitposting. /film/ is a strictly heterosexual general.
I found out about the one where she plays a female Don Juan the other day, and the concept made me laugh.
Nah, that's not it. Bardot wasn't in any actual films besides And God Created Women. At least that's the impression I got. Downloaded a bunch of her films a few months ago and they all seem pretty bad. La Verite might be good.
>strictly heterosexual
Not while I'm here ;)
then kill yourself
I can't wait for the /film/ meetup (orgy)
My yearly October binge watches in preparation of Halloween:
>Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
>Il demonio
>Demon Pond
>A Page of Madness
>The Innocents
>The Devils
>Phantom Carriage
>Hourglass Sanatorium
>Mother Joan of the Angels
>Vampir Cuadecuc
>Nosferatu (1979)
>The Cremator
>A State of Siege
Any other good recs?
Can't help but wonder how much of /film/ is trans
why not watch new films instead of rewatch ones you've already seen?
Nazareno Cruz y el lobo
Not nearly enough
Anyone have recommendations for similar films to these?
I watch a few a day in every Oct with my friends, and add new ones on to the list if someone has a good rec.
Thanks, I think I've heard about this. Will add.
NTA, but rewatching favorites is a pleasure and films watched long ago are often different with age
Peeping Tom
Man Bites Dog
Eyes Without a Face
The Vanishing
Jacob's Ladder
Fear X
Hour of the Wolf
Der Fan
>>Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
Pedo with shit taste.
>>The Innocents
Should've been The Haunting.
Pedo with very shit taste.
>Any other good recs?
Witchboard, Sleepaway Camp, Let's Scare Jessica to Death, And Soon the Darkness, Messiah of Evil, Ginger Snaps, Frankenhooker, The Spiral Staircase, The Stepfather, and Hellraiser.
I can agree with that.
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Can anyone else recommend me some punk rock feeling films like pic rel
Meant to say it's Matsumoto's Demons and not Argento's. But thanks for the alternative suggestions.
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Thoughts on Todd Phillips? He recently got a shoutout from Coppola.
Meds and go back to >>>/pol/
I've only seen Banditi a Orgosolo so far.
I just watched this last night actually, funny you posted that, although the upload on internet archive that I watched was pretty terrible quality (I found it hard to follow what was happening during a lot of the scenes that took place in the dark), I downloaded a torrent so I'll probably rewatch it in the next few days. I don't know too many movies like it, but if you haven't seen/heard of it, definitely check out Fukui's other film Rubber's Lover, I'm gonna watch that tonight, actually looks cooler than 964 Pinocchio I think, based on the trailer and plot description
Not sure if it meets your criteria, but I find Szurkulet (1990) to be somewhat similar with the serial killer running loose added with the detective story, and slow-burn of Tarr. Although, there is no point of view perspective from the serial killer or the camera facing the serial killer himself.
The Polish film called Quiet Is the Night by Tadeusz Chmielewski is also another good suggestion methinks.
That board actually seems surprisingly intelligent.
>Quiet Is the Night by Tadeusz Chmielewski is also another good suggestion methinks.
NTA but this has been on my watchlist, thanks for reminding me to watch it.
Something like /film/ for me is intellectual counterfeit money compared to a good /pol/ thread.
>Meant to say it's Matsumoto's Demons and not Argento's
Rescinded. I'll have to check that out myself.

/pol/? I'm black.
>Board entirely made up of glowies, third-worlders, and bots is intelligent
hearty kek
>>Board entirely made up of glowies, third-worlders, and bots
That's literally every board.
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Something like an arthouse film or classic film is intellectual counterfeit money compared to a good A24 joint
What is your opinion on Joe fetishizing you?
Imagine what kind of a person would spend time making that.
I know I'm going to regret asking, but who's Joe?
Director Apichatpong "Joe" Weerasethakul
See: >>204237339
a loveable, good natured, handsome being of light
Terence Hill being like 'I can't believe they bought that silly disguise'
One who shares the same interests with Joe.
You got 0 for 4 of these
Favorite black directors?
Spike Lee, baby
The Innocents is far superior in every way. It is more horrifying, written better, acted better, filmed better, edited better, better mise en scene, better sound design, etc. You get the idea. Also, you are dead wrong for shutting on Valerie, Demons, Viy and Possession. I hope you kys.

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