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Spooky Mommies edition

Previous >>204227522
a batman thread died for this
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Haunted castles/asylums?
Genuinely nothing but Joker threads outside of this safe haven
Nope, I’m too caught up in someone’s wheelin’ dealin’ to say otherwise.

Body Double/License to Kill are also great. inb4 le hitchcock homage
hijack it into another joker rape thread
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ahh sunday night in October
I'm ready for some horror kinos
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You guys got recs for Eco horror?
a good one to watch is joker particularly the scene with the guards
Still waiting for the mountain dew voodoo. I'm dumb fuck that likes trying those limited time Halloween slop food.
The Bay
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First for Lawnmower Man.
Good. That bullshit is raping the catalog.
I had some and it's pretty good.
Joker came so it was consensual.
I went to watch this but I didn't realize it was nearly 2 and a half hours long. I had to set it aside for another night. Also any other movies like it?
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I know everyone jokes about Italians being degenerates and shit, but god damn, the mexicans did some shoddy shit in the 60's and 70's that rivaled them.
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I don't know what the fuck I was thinking by giving Nekromantik a watch. All I have to say is damn do those Euros get up to some weird shit, I thought Germans were a cultured and sophisticated bunch.
watch joker getting bummed
Any horror movies where our POV is a TV news broadcast?
Ghostwatch, REC
Is that dessert on the left?
Joker POV getting fuckdd
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Rating system:
Worth a watch!
Good Job! Not Worth Watching! (well-made but pointless and dull)
Hot Garbage!

It Follows (2014) – I was on the edge of my oversized beanbag for this one, though I never intended to sit up and watch the whole thing in one sitting, so it gets an unabashed Excellent -- for deft execution of a VERY unique idea! So there’s an STD going around this town, but it’s not a virus or bacteria: it’s a single entity, a half-physical demonghost that can look like anybody, including those you have known *and* total strangers: your dearly departed great-grandma, or a fat hooker pissing herself, or your naked friends, maybe. And once you’ve acquired THE MARK through uncautious sex, it will follow you, follow you -- always slowly at a medium walk, but always on a straight line toward you wherever you are. The Mark can be passed on to another before the slow-walking killer gets to you, and *they* can pass it on; but once it’s killed somebody, it’ll keep killing back down the line, because that Mark has a memory and it will snap back to those who had it before, when those who hold it are NO MORE.

The idea of a THING of unknowable properties coming slowly, inexorably for you (like death itself!) is such a primal idea that it will never be exhausted of its horror, but it’s been done so much that it takes a special touch to make it frightening again. But in this movie, just seeing a seeming *person* -- not even a monster or a masked zombie -- come for the characters with slow confidence, wearing a guise to confuse or disconcert them, and staring, staring . . . it actually got my heart rate up. (Okay, that seven-foot-tall guy in the white T-shirt was pretty much a monster!)
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Someone recced this after I shilled Alucarda enough lol. How does it compare?

The creature never talks and never shows emotion, and it’s invisible to anybody who’s never known THE MARK, leading characters to constantly ask the unaffected things like: “Hey, hey! You see that girl with the Walkman there?”

It pretty much hits all the marks. The acting is good, the script is smart. And It Follows LOOKS good: there are lots of long shots down suburban streets, down lengthy beaches, in the middle of cavernous structures, to set a long *fuse* for the STD horror to burn, burn, burn its way gradually up to you! It’s got this nice minimalist electronic soundtrack -- not quite as small and twinkling as the newer indie films usually get -- but almost like a toned-down, electronic-progressive mash-up of Friday the 13th’s more ambient tracks and some of the piano stuff from Carpenter’s Halloween. It certainly works! It sounds nice and you don’t consciously notice it until you *want to*. Not a lot of special effects, though the few they have are quite good (the tangled carcass of the girl on the beach, who I assume tried to resist her CONSUMMATION, is pretty harrowing). I guess it really doesn’t need many. Will the sequel, They Follow, live up to this gem? Probably not, but I’ll watch it anyway. Because the first principle of being a Kinonaut is WATCHING! (NOT researching films for hours without picking a single damned thing, and then spending the next few days complaining about it.)
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>Spooky Mommies

for me it's Yuki Onna
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Top 10 films (1920s-2020s) by total number of ratings on IMDb
what about the prison guard in joker? Pretty spooky
Long Weekend

eco horror is kind of a narrow subset, there's more organic weird biology stuff like your pic outside the explicit ideology umbrella
What should I watch tonight? My three options are:
Starry Eyes
Crank 2 High Voltage
Both are made pretty much to cash in in the success of The Exorcist, and to create controversy.
This one really straightforward: an ultra devout nun in a remote town gets seduced by the devil himself.
Why is Crank 2 in the running? What's horror about that?
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Creep 1 & 2 are pretty cool
There's nothing much else about it besides naked pretty girls dressed as nuns, and some famous mexican faces.
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Rating system:
Worth a watch!
Good Job! Not Worth Watching! (well-made but pointless and dull)
Hot Garbage!

Starry Eyes (2014) – On the duller side of Worth a Watch, and disappointing besides. This is in the same sub-genre as The Neon Demon, being about the SUPERNATURALLY EVIL side of Hollywood and fame, and how those who would seize stardom must do WICKED THINGS for their dreams. It’s not nearly as a flashy as that other, more famous film -- though I will say it makes a little more sense than Neon Demon.

The first 48 minutes totally had me. Here I was, unaware of the time that passed -- riding up a smooth, narrative slope, pressure building around me for an explosion of some kind. Performances were actually intense, the dialog believable. Even though nothing explicitly *supernatural* happened for that span, I was sucked into the desperate little world of the main character, who is trying so hard to land a role -- *any* role -- while working at a mom ‘n’ pop eatery. The portrayal of the Big Taters boss is especially good; he’s a fast food guy of course, and the natural thing in this kind of story is to have him be some manner of sleaze-O ass-grabber . . . but he’s not! He’s patient, he’s as understanding as you can expect someone like that to be; he doesn’t demand any sexual favors when she asks for her old job back mid-film. He just tells the young slice of demonbait: “Look, I know you’ve got big dreams, but this place? It’s *my* dream -- even though it may seem cheesy. It’s all me. So keep that in mind from now on, okay? You’ve got to support your life while you chase your dreams.”
oh, and some straight shota with Marcelo, the sheep herder kek
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>spooky mommies
Right after that, Sarah relents and sucks a demonic producer wang (I can only imagine it’s huge and gnarled, but we never see). And after some low-key Eyes Wide Shut biz, the tension actually . . . RESETS! We get this drawn-out body horror sequence that goes on too long, just to show us changes that are not nearly dramatic enough for the focus they get. Okay, so her face gets blotchy; so her hair falls out! So she coughs up a few harmless meal worms. Yeah, that was some real rotten devil jism, I guess! We proceed to ride up the tension slope again -- it’s a slog, *this* slope, not nearly as intriguing as the first 48, comparatively mundane minutes -- and into a totally generic slasher sequence that doesn’t feel like it PEAKS anywhere. Ho, hum! No explosion to be had! Just some sloppy slashin’, like you can get anywhere. Then a bunch of Hollywood Jews tramp out to look at the mess. It’s okay.
Palate cleanser
I missed the last thread. What's the word on Terrorfier 3? Is the plot as dogshit retarded as the second one? Is the completely unexplained little girl back?
About to watch Halloween (2018) while reading a Superman comic book from the early '90s. What am I in for?
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wwz chads stay winning
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Looks like I am watching Alucarda today afterall. I could be a dick and say “well technically it didn’t count since Jones got hurt and had to quit the game” but that would be gay. Almost as gay as two lesbian vampires
I wish I had friends to play board games with.
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Honestly wasn't as bad as i was expecting. Had some cool moments and I'd honestly probably like it if it wasn't Salem's Lot.
The girl who played Susan was cute.
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Rec some /hor/ kino that has pic related vibes.
But the film was dogshit, the book/audiobook is great
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Alright now I’m sold. I’ll watch it tonight and report back.
The Church
The Sect
Both Michele Soavi!
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Very based, I was just about to reply to your post from earlier. I have a hunch this one will filter you.
Art the clown gets raped by cops in the third film. He just laughs and takes it in silence.
There’s a reason I haven’t watched it yet lol. I have a better’s high right now that will make it more tolerable though
Grave Encounters is one of my favorites, it's a really atmospheric movie.
NTA but checked out the trailers for both of these and the vibes are immaculate. Absolutely going to look for these the next time I'm at the video store. Thanks anon!
It's not a Moorhead/Benson movie. It's got Moorhead in it as a cameo and I believe he is a producer, but it is directed/written by Michael Felker, someone who has worked on several of their movies in the past. Yeah, I don't think it deserves a negative review. It's just a simple time travel story that has a few interesting moments but doesn't seem to do much new.
Gonjiam Haunted Asylum
Korean found footage horror where a group of ghost hunting live streamers explore an abandoned asylum. Has some good spooks
Agreed. The acting is terrible, but it's a helluva comfy movie.
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Alucarda is distractingly attractive. I actually think I am going to like this movie
For me it's when he breaks character, looks directly into the camera, and says, "I know it all seems like fun and games, but this is the reality for every Black man in America every day. This is why it's so important that we go out and vote this November to elect Kamala Harris as the President of the United States of America. Let's do better." and then goes back to hobking his horn and stabbing people
Finally saw Frogman yesterday. It sucked balls, very disappointing.
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So, why is Strange Darling "not a horror movie" yet the Halloween franchise are?
This is good prep. Add some water for when you get sick of the sugar, plus a gun to shoot when you nut, and this is great prep.
Is The Thing a Christmas movie?
>Strange Darling
Haven't seen it, but from the description it sounds more like suspense than horror. The big thing about horror is that horror needs to be the main focus, or at least obviously the main theme even if it's something like horror-comedy. So, again not having seen it, this is probably a suspense movie with horror elements if I had to guess.
anything with snow is a christmas horror movie
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The crimes, officer?
this is another 2024 title some drooling FFG tard keeps non-descript shilling yet report after report of random anons say it was awful. don't be duped
Despite all it's flaws, it's probably the best portrayal of non-euclidian geometry in a movie
So I finished The Curse of the Llorona.
I don't see people talking about it very often, and I guess it makes sense because its not the type of movie that gets you obsessed or anything.
But as a traditional horror movie, I think it got everything right: the curse, the priest, etc.
Overall, I liked that movie quite a bit.
All of the types of things that happen in Halloween happen in Strange Darling. Why is Halloween not "just a suspense" movie? It's the story of a serial killer who kills people..
>The crimes, officer?
Around 200 premeditated murders, plus wiping shit on the walls (that's gross btw!), general pandemonium, and you are making women feel unsafe by silently staring and smiling at them like an Indian immigrant.
I couldn't get past the constant screaming and wailing in this movie. But yes, the women are attractive and it is a beautiful film otherwise.
>Terrifier 3 banned in France for anyone under 18, first time this was done since Saw 3 20 years ago
I don't get it, like nigga what's stopping under 18s from watching the movie
Well Strange Darling just has a dude, right? Michael is obviously operating off of something supernatural since he never dies. So supernatural elements. His killings don't have to be targeted, so this is just a killer who doesn't care, which means anyone in the audience can be a potential victim. His scariness usually happens at night. It takes place around Halloween. He moves slowly but catches up, which is frightening. His inability to be afraid himself is inhuman. He wears a mask that's sort of uncanny valley. How's the killer in Strange Darling, as horror-fueled as Michael or is it a serial killer guy?
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Yes, but there might be consequences
you can see R rated at the theater as a minor with an accompanying adult, but not for the rare NC-17 (US)

Terrifier 3 on the 11th bois, who goin
The Platform 2

yay or nay?
No thanks only watch clown movies where they get raped
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It's only on the 30th for me, sadly.
By then literally everyone on /hor/ will have watched it already...
Pretty sure I was underage when I watched Saw 3 with my mates and never heard of such thing.
That's the one with the ice room, right?
Nekromantik is kino though
Holy shit, this is worth the watch just for that ending sequence alone.
>17 year olds can't watch R-rated movies without an adult, but can watch NC-17 movies
Make it make sense.
I can't really give you a direct answer without giving spoilers. But it does have slight supernatural elements. And I was under the impression that only some movies does Halloween have any..? And, yes, Strange Darling has similar elements to everything else you listed except for the "happens around halloween" and "moves at night" which, honestly, are flimsy requisites for what constitutes a horror film.
Just pirate it, if only for the discussion. If you care more about the discussion of a movie (I do) than the picture quality, just pirate it and then see it in theater. It blows but what else can you do outside of avoiding threads and spoiler webms?
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I did not care for Possession
>Indian immigrant
I don't like horror going too deep into the lore, but if they reveal Art is short for Artjeet I'll piss myself laughing.
Nothing, but it'll increase the hype regardless.
>"happens around halloween" and "moves at night" which, honestly, are flimsy requisites for what constitutes a horror film
They are flimsy, but they're also traditional for a reason. Night is scary because we can't see nearly as well, and predators come out at night. That's a straight up evolutionary fear built right into us from birth. Halloween just gets people in the spirit, it's like a signal that tells the audience it's supernatural spooky time. I'll watch the movie, but friend, I'm telling you there might be a real reason nobody brings this up in horror threads.
According to /hor/, actual good movies like Possession are bad, but literal goyslop like V/H/S Beyond is heckin' kino
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Immensely popular horror movie on a Friday?
fuck no
Possession sucks.
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Horror movies before the 2000s aren't scary
Possession is easily in my top 5 films of all time, but it's multiple genres. It begins as a drama, becomes horror, turns into an action, then ends as a horror-drama. The entire thing is about how divorce can destroy lives, especially the life of the children involved. The horror isn't the main driving force.
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That was a miscarriage.
I just pay from the premium rooms since by virtue of being more expensive it filters most uneducated wagies/black people etc.
Horror movies after the 2000s aren't good.
I'm not negating those as elements of horror, but we were having a discussion of "how does x movie meet the standard" and if you have to mention those elements then you're really reaching. And my initial post was as much an invitation for conversation as it was a rhetorical question. I know the answer. Strange Darling is as much a horror as Halloween is, as so many of the Friday the 13th movies are, really as much as any slasher is.
(rhetorically:)Why the fuck is "Scream" a "horror" movie. It's just one or two guys who kill people. That's a "thriller."
A genre is a living phenomenon. I lean to the side of inclusion because that's how the horror genre got to where it is today. I honestly don't care what people with low creativity and a penchant for intellectual dishonesty on 4chan say. I was hoping to draw into conversation someone who didn't fit that category.
If a guy masturbated to that scene would you consider him weird? This is just a hypothetical question btw.
imo Possession shouldn't be liked by everyone, it is idiosyncratic and polarizing and has already been waayy overexposed and mainstreamed to the point of reddit memification normalfag watchers for le heckin epic acting foreign gem just like Hausu 5 years ago. reminder a Hollywood remake is in production now
>The idea of a THING of unknowable properties coming slowly, inexorably for you (like death itself!)
This is doubly true for Smile, and I love the idea that it builds towards the monster showing its face, which is what kills the protagonist. Like coming face to face with a nightmare until you're shocked back to reality. It Follows didn't really do that for me.
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Times you acted like the smiler?
It's hard to draw in that convo when nobody else has seen it in all actuality. Don't worry, I'll see it and give you a convo in another thread if this one dies first.
>nobody else has seen it in all actuality
Your continued references to some objective consensus that you've gleaned from scanning 4chan threads tells me that you're probably not the person I was looking to draw into conversation. No disrespect.
Based Transmission-qt user
Nobody said that
Both kino.
Anything else in this same vein?
No disrespect taken. I don't take other people's assumptions seriously.
Horror movies I've seen so far. I'm really falling between compared to last year. Need to pick up the pace.
>The Puppetman
It gets better as it goes alone, including the police station scene, which was good. It's just very bland, though.
The first hour was family drama -> setup -> kill on repeat. Below average as fuck.
This was just not good at all. I expect a lot of these "AI is evil" type movies going forward. I did find it both funny and cringy that it references 4chan & Tay chatbot without mentioning either by name.
>The Haunting Of Grady Farm
Pretty boring and cliche lost in the woods FF movie.
>Founders Day
Goddamn modern slasher films are all the same and this is no exception. It thinks it's smarter than it actually is. The only reason to watch is because William Russ absolutely owns in every scene he's a part of.
>Aliens: Zone Of Silence
THAT. FUCKING. ENDING. Couldn't have even imagined that. Bravo motherfuckers, you got me. Above average FF movie with the cinematography being the best part other than the ending.
Holy goddamn was this absolute shit. Worst so far.
Eh, I liked it, but could have done without the explanation scene like I'm fucking 5. Cage was great, especially when in the car.
I know, I know. I still liked it, but just barely. I did like how you could definitely tell it's a man, especially when he's crying. Dan Stevens is fantastic as always and is relentlessly handsome, no homo.
The frog elements are good, it's the character drama that's ass
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In Alucarda why are the people in the church being whipped? Is this some old custom I’m not aware of? They don’t even seem to care that much about it
Upset that the Frogman is an absolute Chad who impregnates tons of women?
Well, the assumption was really the unspoken part. The spoken part was when you literally just said that nobody had seen it, which is a factually untrue statement that expresses both dismissiveness and (erroneously) some sort of power and certainty of convention.
Without Name
A Field in England
The Hunter (2011)
The Last Wave
Arctic Journal
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I know this is probably not the place to ask but can someone give me some pointers on where I can find horror JAVs with Ring/Grudge type ghost girls?
You're thinking about it too autistically and framing it so. Nobody else in the thread's talking to you about the movie. You can either discern that either nobody in the thread cared to see it, or it was neither interesting nor memorable.
One of the more extreme branches of catholic religion thought pain especially self inflicted pain was a way to atone for your sins or whatever
Self flagellation was a big thing used by Catholics back in the day. They saw punishing themselves physically exonerated them of any sins.
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Decent film.
What's this?
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finally going through the Chucky movies, just got to pic related, what do you guys think of it?
I kinda loved the wild change of tone and everything, let's reboot this half-serious franchise into a complete camp comedy that feels like a John Waters movie, watching 3 and this one right after it feels like such a whiplash.
Was it a controversial release back then? It fits Chucky so well that I can't picture fans disliking it.

My friend tells me the next one goes deeper into the John Waters thing (he even stars in it) so I think I'm gonna love it, but we'll see.
also I want to FUCK trailer trash jennifer tilly like you wouldn't BELIEVE
Holy fuck Tetsuo The Iron Man was great. Insane but great considering its 60 minute runtime, but those special effects must have been a nightmare to put together.

I mean there's a weird charm to the music and shots, but as dumb and hypocritical as it is considering its an exploitation film, I just don't like the use of animal deaths.
Saw the first one, don't need to watch the same thing two more times
Nah it was good. Most anons around here said it was at least decent, this is one of the few times I've seen someone say they thought it was bad.
Yeah, you're definitely not my Huckleberry if that is your methodology to your conclusions. Enjoy the movie.
Ok I figured it was something like that but I wanted to make sure
I've been creeped out by more 20th century horror movies than 21st century ones. Modern horror movies aren't remotely scary.
The Terminal Man
Ghost In The Machine
(not the same thing but one could extend from there into Shocker and The Horror Show)
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I'm not enjoying it so far. So far it's a thriller with a serial killer, not a horror. It even starts with the "based off of a true killer" spiel. He's currently lost the woman whose car he shot and about to chase her in daylight through the woods, while wearing orange sunglasses. She's also in orange, indicating he's the hunter and she's the prisoner. Wow, where could this be leading? Will she be kidnappped? Yes.
She poured strong alcohol on her wound and began smoking a cigarette. Her chaser can smell it like any normal person would. She's leading him to her. Loud bass noise as it shows him looking around. Brilliant writing thus far.
Someone got upset.
I get a little upset when I see /hor/ has a new reply but then I click it and it's Garlic Salt.
You get extra excited when it’s me though dontcha?
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/hor/ - Fat General
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Which brave soul will be the first to watch this?
He's shooting and strangling so far. Waiting for the horror. "A Thriller in 6 Chapters" is the only apt description thus far.
Alien Covenant
Not me, i'm 59Kg.
I do.
Oh man, the scawy bad guy is gonna rape this bimbo who likes to be strangled. This certainly isn't a scene I could get in any other thriller with a heroine. He even said he'd cut her and watch her bleed to death! Horrifying!
I had no idea this film even existed until now but man that trailer looks so underwhelming. Its not even a Ringu clone, its just a regular black guy in a nerdy suit.
horror movies aren't scary
Gonna watch Onibaba at my local hipster theatre tomorrow :)
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Masterpiece. Enjoy, anon.
The scariest scene so far took place: These two geriatrics haven't died of diabetes despite their awful diet. Lizard people.
This is possibly the worst song to snort coke to.
Bros I'm running out of horror films to watch
I think I might have to move on to another genre soon
It was good. Great modern update to Halloween. Just enough of the lore to make the characters interesting while not losing itself in bloated drivel. To me, the appeal to movies like this and Friday the 13th is that everything is on the surface at pretty much every moment of the film. The brands are so big it's plug and play. You can easily tune out for 15 to 20 minutes and then jump back in and not have to worry about a thing. It's stress free viewing while also being fun and entertaining at any moment.
Make it westerns.
Why does Garlic Crust always defend modern sloppa? I swear every time he posts he's always discussing a modern movie, does he even watch older horror films?
The red indicates not just that she's Roxanne turning on her redlight, but out for blood herself? It gets her off? What a twist nobody saw coming after she killed the geriatrics. Truly elevated. (This still isn't horror)
I think he's a literal paid shill, he was trying to advertise The Walking Dead in here the other day.
i stopped watching this show when a 6 y/o girl sniped a zombie with a magnum, two rapid shots
im watching Death Note and its already kino from the start
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I have no suggestions but giving a (you) anyway
It seems like Mr. Rogers meets Ringu, but negrofied for...reasons.
>watching Basket Case 1
>i'm only halfway and i already ordered the trilogy
this shit is bonkers i love it
This anon doesn't know. He is absolutely unaware.
Don't do that nigga
I loved [REC] when I first watched it so I ordered the Shout Factory boxset. I ended up hating the sequels and found them to be literal unwatchable garbage
two french films

trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NIXWgBkJNU

The Advent Calendar
trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bIDME7VA54
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Can /hor/ agree on this?
no....definitely not
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Start by looking up more stuff Takahashi and Shimizu have worked on, there’s a whole library of such films. One Missed Call is also very good.

I just watched The Sylvian Experiments last night, which is by Takahashi. Albeit, it’s a very different kind of film from The Ring and The Grudge. It’s a cosmic horror film, but it does have creepy pale chicks.
i know they're shit but they scratch an itch i didn't know i had.
Even if it wasn't an all black movie, it still doesn't look that good just judging the trailer. At least with Ringu its a creepy rotting ghost lady crawling out the screen, but this is just a regular looking guy and they aren't even giving him all white or black contacts to make him sort of creepy. It honest to god feels like a mock up trailer for a film that doesn't exist.

REC 2 at least was fine if you like the whole bodycam found-footage aspect, the same just couldnt be said for the later sequels.
>genre: horror
have fun
I found [REC] 2 to be awful too
It was good for the first half hour or so and then went to literal garbage, the drop in quality was unreal
Quick! Need something short for tonight!
what were they fucking thinking with REC 3?
it's Book of Shadows all over again but 20 times worse
just watch any V/H/S and stop after the first segment?
What's the problem with the chart?
He wasn't even talking about the original show, he was genuinely like
>Hey has anyone seen the new episode of the spinoff slop?? It was great!!
Nevermind. I should read more carefully,
Was it real or just a manifestation of her grief and resentment?
just finished this one.
How can i take seriously a movie were a woman is overpowering men? LMAO
It is still some hyper violent and fun KINO.
Was this the slop that started it all? Is this why every single movie is some gay message movie about grief or getting your period now?
how many spinoffs are there anyway? there was one that was good for a few episodes because the production value was interesting i guess but the characters were mid and it went downhill real fast. i just avoid TV shows these days...
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forgot this existed
first time watching it since it came out-ish
it's not terribly bad desu
Best 1970s horror that isn't shit everyone has already seen?
They're getting into like recursive spinoffs so he was talking about "The Walking Dead : Daryl Dixon : The Book of Carol". There are like 3 or 4 or 5? I don't care enough to know. I read the comic, which turned to slop in the last third, and the show has been slop from the outset.
what the fuck lmao
I prefer Them
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This is still the best horror movie of 2024 and probably the entire decade so far. I can't believe people haven't watched this yet.
Likely paid per post by AMC.
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>enhances your kino
Great guy
you can just say me and my friends worked hard on this, you can drop the hyperbolic pretense
that's the crossover tying Kolobos and Mad Max multiverses right?
Manifestation of having an annoying faggot child
Eaten Alive 1976
>eels like a John Waters movie,
he's in the 5th one and its wicked trashy and stupid and garish, i think its the best
horror movies where villain is criminal thriving on the understanding of society? Wait that's real life...
Samara Weaving is the biologically female of Hunter Schafers.
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What's the final verdict on VHS Beyond?
VHS Beyond was good
Godzilla was always an allegory for nuclear war
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>Alucarda is distractingly attractive.
You get it! I’ve been crushing on that cocky Latina for weeks now.
its gods way of telling you to ignore that fagot
VHS Beyond was good
Jason is an allegory for getting hit with a machete, it's metaphorical, the machete represents a blade
Bride and Seed are my favorites of the series, they are just genuinely funny.
shut the fuck up
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Alucarda is an allegory for me being attracted to wavy haired latinas.
glad i'm not the only one who has been obsessed with her hair
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I liked it! Like that other anon said, the screaming was a little grating at times and there were some “IM ACTING” moments but that’s a lot of 70s horror so I’m not gonna be too harsh about it. I didn’t even realize she was Mexican until I finished the movie and read her bio. My favorite scene was for sure the ending where she is torching people left and right while saying devil shit. Very hot to me for some reason
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Based anons attracted to wavy-haired Latinas.
I'll always recommend Marebito. It's a great film by Takahashi.
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I doubt it. He’s defended Cuckoo and I Saw the Tranny Glow more than once and called Blackcoat’s Daughter a “literal 10/10.” His opinion is disposable.
That's clearly a cartoon duck.
No it's a cocky Latina who can destroy your fragile ego with a single look
The VHS interludes are the weakest part of the series. How would you fix them?
I'm pretty sure he said he didn't like the original Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead too, yet he likes Land of the Dead for some reason
Imagine being filtered by Rhodes kino
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No, but really, look at this cocky teenage Latina coming to destroy your fragile ego with a look. I love this image so much.
Do furfags really?
i'm saving that idea for when they inevitably hire me to direct it. i think the first two had the best
instead of """"""spooky"""" interludes, made them sex scenes.
Is the sperg that posted gay SpongeBob porn still in these threads?
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Horror films with this sort of feeling?
Those girls are just begging for it. Just look at how they keep their asses up over their heads.
Only horrifying thing is having to choose which one to nail first.
Just realized you can’t spell Latina without Tina hahaha fuck that’s corny
Terrifier 2
that's not even a joke, it's pretty much how to fix most of the slop that's getting churned out
The Cuckold (2009) starring (You)
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I saw hocus pocus for the first time I liked it wanted to fuck Sarah
Hey fellow /film/ poster. Still can't believe Joe said that.
it wasn't
It was the scene where she was dancing on the pavement, wasn't it?
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>go to movies with my brother watch terrifier 3
>people are walking out and throwing up
how is the salem lot remake
The Platform 2 was pretty bad. It went the Joker 2 route and had a female main actress.
>the Joker 2 route
The main character got raped?
It was okay, not bad but it would have been better without the black people.
Peak Halloween Song
Kys tripfag.
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Kill yourself annoying faggot
Lmao as in a female shows up in the second film and becomes the main character and the movie goes down hill.
absolutely not. also pretty nuts they felt like casting alanah pearce and her fat milkers and yet cover them up.

never happened
Seriously what is the appeal of this shit?
I've seen fucked up cartel videos but I've never desired to watch this type of shit for an extended period of time.
Is there even a plot besides le scary clown does gruesome shit?
That and the cleavage
hey retard, what makes you think it's actually as bad as cartel videos? it's just fucking normies whose only experience with gore is fucking Saw
They are likely made for juggalos, but for some reason /hor/ is very defensive of these films and will sperg out if you dare criticize them (even if you have actual valid criticism)
They aren't even bad because hurr durr da gore, they are just shitty films
That board game looks comfy af
/hor/ is mainly edgy teenagers, and millennumales
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Do not forget this image as it applies to /hor/
>you wanna get stupid?!?!
underrated movie
There's way too high a body horror undertone for there not to be girls here
Yeah broski lots of redditors here for sure
Spooktober 6/31
Watched The Fare (2018)
Turned out to not be that much of a horror movie, a bit supernatural but more unsettling than scary. Thought it was pretty well made and pretty interesting, although with a slow start (which I was expecting). Put together pretty cleverly (at least for my simple mind) with a lot of little things to think back on as hints. Probably not what the people here look for in a movie, but I liked it.
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Come on, guys. You knew it was going to deliver and it did. Everything was dialed in. It knew the assignment and it didn't falter. Folk horror is here to stay, guys. This shit is where it's at.
The amount of gay themed movies that get talked about here also. Gay coded as they call it.
From what I've seen /hor/ is:
>10% shills
>10% attention seekers
>50% edgy teenagers (this also includes the extremely vulgar spammers like NPM and Cock Lodge)
>30% people who actually enjoy horror (most of these ones don't post here outside of September/October)
what the fuck? I only watched terrifier 1 so far & it seemed like a goofy movie, similar to Nightmare on Elm Street
What the hell happens in the sequels KEK
god i need a /hor/ gf
This is why /hor/ needs to only allow anons that have posted their movie collections on physical media before they are allowed to post here.
25 rupees have been deposited into your account
There's a scene in the first Terrifier in which the clown smears literal shit all over a wall, Terrifier 2 includes a scene in which a clown girl squirts liquid shit everywhere
Nightmare on Elm Street was never like this. These are more like The Human Centipede than Nightmare on Elm Street
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Here she is.
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I only come here for spooktober or to discuss a specific movie that really stuck with me
It's nice, the downside is your tastes might differ and you end up watching Slotherhouse because she wants to see it
>There's a scene in the first Terrifier in which the clown smears literal shit all over a wall
I might be misremembering or missed it, but wasn't it only a scene of the pizza place guy finding it & having to clean it, rather than it happening? I thought I never actually saw him doing it, cause I remember wondering what the fuck he did in the bathroom until the guy went in & found it
what is this, a girlfriend for ants?
...speaking of physical media, Severin put out picrel on blu-ray and it's a thing of beauty
Is this you? >>204241501
No that's a different movie
I’m glad you liked it, Cabin anon. For me, my favorite scenes were the entire first 20 minutes and the last 5 or so.
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You're a small guy
The slowdown right before he shoots always cracks me up lmao
Watching Joe Bob Briggs again and it looks like they realized just how retarded they were with season 5 and brought season 6 back to the normal format.
Darcy is no longer a mail girl, she is turning into the crypt keeper in real time. I'm somebody reined her in to not talk so much shit towards the only knowledgeable person in the room.
Is there gore and violence?
>I'm somebody
I'm glad that somebody
Yes, its an italian cannibal movie with all that entails
VHS beyond was good. Platform 2 was bad as soon as the female actress became the main character. Salem’s Lot was good but have to ignore the black boy and black doctor but at least the black doctor had a good scene in the end.
All of this are literal goyslop
Watch more movies, especially older ones
Fuck I’m so horny now, might jerk off to pics of Jessica Harper.
Someone post it, you know what I mean.
Pissman’s back! You know because he always posts the same low res pic of Jessica Harper.
Kek I didn’t save it. Does someone else have it?
I don't get it
I posted it and I am not the Pissman. I saved that pic from here.
I thought I saved it, but I didn't.
Folk horror is the literal pinnacle of horror. There is no higher form.
Post it some one
Come on man, you always stick out like a sore thumb.
the same stuff, redditors are just mad about terrifier because 'muh sore gyney' and come here to whine about and disrupt discussion of it
Post good examples
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General was great until you started your bogeyman spamming again
Is the black phone any good? Ive been wanting to watch this for the longest time
i don't think it's made for juggalos anon. or maybe you think they invented clowns
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I’m not spamming shit, clearly you just started browsing these threads a week ago
it's the same guy
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He’s ranting about the /hor/ bogeyman again
Read the filenames
This is one person
Also you got called out for your "Boogeyman" shit when Jannies deleted all of your posts a few threads ago. For 3 days, we haven't heard your bullshit, and suddenly, you're back now.
Can someone spoil terrifier 3 to me? I want to know what happens
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Take your meds.
I was just thinking about how comfy the threads have been the last few days, then I saw that picture and thought “goddamnit, he’s back” kek.
Who is you?
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how many sock puppets do you have?
The Blackcoat's Daughter
Lord of Misrule
Blair Witch Project
The Village
Add the dark web snuff film of me killing you and you're really cookin
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I can see the resemblance
no they actually showed it happening and the actor "did his own stunts" as it were, that and the chick getting sawed in half are basically 100% of the first movies 'edgy-cred'
i dont really get whats supposed to be so thrilling or scary watching some retard in clown paint shit all over himself but kids these days get hyped over anything

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