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Absurd Body Counts Edition
previous: >>204248210
What was Spaulding's body count?
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first for from beyond
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/hor/ - The Fat Man's General
well I think he rapes someone in Spider Baby if that's what you mean
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what am i in for
1000 corpses, between him and Dr Satan
Idk the synopsis sounds like shit
>Absurd Body Counts Edition
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Lionel...the lion
Emesis Blue had the best body count.
Derivative YouTube fan animations for old shooters mog cinema yet again.
I'm a fan of many movies that you all would describe as "reddit"
Carnival of Souls, that shit was boring I'm sorry
Skinny boy resistance here.
>He's just invisible how much dam-ACK!
Why do people say the Terrifier movies are "mean spirited"?
What horror movies aren't mean spirited?
We all watch this genre to see people suffer in new and creative ways
dont even pretend like this captain spalding jackass loser is anywhere near on the level of a clown-horror icon, he doesnt even smear his shit anywhere hes just some weak pansy beta
you should be.
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>Now, ya'll ain't planning on fuckin' these chickens are ya?
Limited run in theaters?
Watching pic related. Jenny Agutter is normally so beautiful but her hair in this is awful. Makes her look 10 years older. Not a very scary movie. If I don't fall asleep I'm going to watch The Dead Pit next. Zombies and gore will put the Halloween spirit in me better than this.
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>>Now, ya'll ain't planning on fuckin' these chickens are ya?
>But I also dislike Goblin's original soundtrack to Suspiria.
I’m having trouble reading this. It’s like I can’t even comprehend such a blasphemous statement.
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I don't know why no one ever talks about this. Watched it earlier and it's a great vampire flick by Larry Cohen. It was funny, had memorable characters, great effects, and plenty of cool kills. Maybe not a great sequel but as it's own thing, it's absolutely worth checking out.
>The Dead Pit next.
Watched that a day or 2 ago. It doesn't become a legit zombie flick until the last 20 minutes. Everything leading up to it was pretty dumb.
Oh. It's been a while since I saw it and u guess I remember it wrong. Sleep it is.
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The heavy metal is perfectly surreal to me, like all the other elements.

>come on anon,. just write your name and ill give you a blowjob
You have GOT to stop
You are single handedly making this board unusable, you fucking freak
You're becoming pathetic to a level I previously thought wasn't possible
you'd think someone would ask questions when they erect a giant coffin in the middle of the city
It was hard to watch Sid Haig in 3 From Hell. He had so little energy, skinny in the face, and he died 5 days after the movie hit theaters. RIP.
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What a fucking disaster, never listening to you faggots again.
what people wanted TWD to be in the woods of Estonia
w-what did I do. I just like Sid Haig in that role.
that's what you get for selectively reading. we were saying how dogshit it was days ago.
he died from watching 3 from hell but it was just that shitty
not the only one either, i heard several dozen people worldwide keeled over during screenings, thats why it got pulled from theaters so fast
I'm illiterate sorry
what did you expect? like actually
literally all those movies fucking suck you fucking retard.
3 From Hell was good though. Not as good as The Devil's Rejects but it's way better than its reputation
You have to remember that this general is filled with contrarians
The renowned VHS series is way past cool, he expected to have his socks scared right off! And, seeing as how it is a Shudder exclusive, I bet we can all guess just how that went! They wouldn't call it Shudder if the movies weren't so scary and I heard they give free trials so you can explore their extended, prestigious catalogue for free!
Movie was alright
you invalids would be better served consulting a magic 8 ball if you're going to decide what to watch by unqualified "yes good" "no bad" posts
ohh you think it's a double entendre. no I'm just joking about how laughably huge 1000 corpses would be.
I remember watching it on television in like 2008 and wondering how country bumpkins could get away with so many murders.
And redditors
The magic 8 ball doesn't argue with me or post ebin memes
sounds like a business opportunity, apparently a market for it
I've said this before but as always, budget matters. Rob talked about they were throwing stupid amounts of cash to do whatever he wanted for Corpses. and then progressively his budgets got down to actually "this should make money" level which was like $2m max.
Seriously the early 2000s were crazy for budgets.
The Shining is a good horror movie.
there are dozens of people who rapidly developed full blown AIDS / Cancer hybrid diseases from how awful that "movie" is, Sid Haig was already dying the moment Robert Zombie came up with the retarded idea of bringing the three characters who died gloriously in a famously awesome slow motion shootout with the police set to freebird. Just the idea of bringing those characters back was so retarded it began killing a man before it could even be implemented; I guess it's supposed to be meta or something, like 'look at how terrible the world can truly be!' he says as he unleashes the disturbingly inept absolute putrid filth that is 3 From Hell (2019)
We should force that anon to list his five favourite albums and/or bands to check his musical taste.
Do they have any killer deals for the month of October?
>I remember watching it on television in like 2008 and wondering how country bumpkins could get away with so many murders.
we do things diff'rent round these parts, city boy
The Shining is a comedy but yeah great film.
Look Anonymoustein, you steal my idea and I'll turn you into a movie recommending lamp shade
so many deals itl make you Shudder!
lol iykyk kwab!
>>I remember watching it on television in like 2008 and wondering how country bumpkins could get away with so many murders.
that is literally what the song "try that in a small town" is about
people mind their own business and believe in freedom and the 2nd amendment too, fagot
>one good horror movie out of 85,486
terrible genre
Bravo anons you got another one bravo.
Is Wild Eyed and Wicked worth watching? I like the poster
so what you're saying is house of one thousand corpses is a metaphor for rural independent living, including freedom of worship, being invaded by exploitative yuppies and their goons in blue?
yo this movie fuckin sucks
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found on /a/ regarding Uzumaki.
there's a new ep3 preview here that doesn't look as bad though.
These are all the modern horror films I've seen of the past 15 years

It Follows
The VVitch
The Wailing

and the only halfway decent films were Hereditary and Deadstream. Everything else sucked ass. Modern horror is fucking trash and I will never understand how you guys go out of your way to watch flavor of the month slop on a regular basis when I've watched the "best" today's world has to offer and barely found anything watchable. I will watch Late Night with the Devil sometime this month so there's also that.
so is the later episodes 2D or not. I was sickened by the 3D look of episode 1 and never wanted to go back to it.
obviously, are you being sarcastic or something? you gotta act like im dumb just because i dont have some fancy degree in the city? round here we put people like you in bunny costumes and fill you full of buckshot while we turn your metrosexual boyfriend into a fish-person, because you know ol' cletus like him to whittle and he just got ahold of some killer snake bite (That's crystal-amphetamine to a yupppie like you though i guess)
also, clearly, dr Satan is a metaphor for how the Southern resistance (like it's southern like down in hell because it's south under the north and like how its hotter here too idiot) and the way he shows up at the end is like how big shot city slickers never expect us "simple country-folk" to have mastery over unholy damnable rituals to create hulking zombie drones to retake the freedom that have been so long denied us
but i reckon you yankee types still don't get it and didnt even read the dang post because it dont say nothing about bisexuals eating sushi together or whatever you hollyweird freako types get into when you ougtha be watching House of 1000 Corpse (2001) and learnin you a damn thing or two!
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Late Night sucks too.
Exhuma was the last modern horror movie I enjoyed. I have to rely on Asia for horror kino now.
>I've watched the "best" today's world has to offer
If those are the only ones you've watched then you really haven't.
Deadstream is by far the best movie listed it’s just an entertaining movie, which is hard to do with gay found footage
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I'm going to hazard a guess that it's joever unfortunately. but remains to be seen.
the beyond > from beyond
Who posted this? >>204241491
beyond is the most 3/5 movie i've ever seen
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official beyond rankings
>The Beyond
>From Beyond
>Beyond the Black Rainbow
>Voices from Beyond
>V/H/S Beyond
>Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell
Literally everybody knows that?
>no Beyond Reanimator
Anyways Spin the Bottle is kinda bad. You can watch it just to see it once. The main cast isn’t good and movie is kinda soulless.
I guess you aren't a horror fan, but a normalfaggot. Also, most anons gave it a lukewarm response saying "it's better than the other recent VHS films," which isn't saying much.
>italian slop vs Stuart Gordon clsssic
As much as Wish.aster 3 sucked, I kind of liked Wishmaster 4. Anyone else?
It was different enough to be enjoyable. Sort of of like Return of the Living Dead part 3 after the shite that part 2 was.
Wtf did I just watch
RotLD2 is fun.
Any good ayy movies to watch?
kino. The sequels are insanely fun slashers.
I give it to Wishermaster 4 because it had two scenes that made me laugh.
Unadulterated kino
bong is kill?
there aren't any GREAT ones unforunately, the genre never had a flawless entry.
Communion is good though, and you get Walken in it.
if you like found footage slop, Area 51 is retarded fun for retards, and McPherson Tapes is the less retarded more realistic "2 hours of grandmas VHS" version.
I enjoyed Dark Skies
angela is finkle??
Based. I’m behind this idea 100%.
The Fourth Kind
Underage b&
Literally only 17 year olds care about that kinda shit
there literally wouldnt even be a thread for you to bad mouth that masterpiece in were it not for that masterpiece you badmouth
watch your step or the Koloboys will come to your house and Kolorape you to death and break all your Kolobones
Why is the bitch in Last Straw is insufferable?
Last year did a triple feature of No one Will Save You, Phoenix Forgotten (mockumentary/found footage), and Vast of Night (indie). they're all good in different ways. the acting and visuals for Vast of Night impressed me. Light on the ayys though. but it's comfy as fuck
Kolofag’s going off the rails!
It’s obvious some posters here need to get called out or humiliated.
It’s an obscure /hor/ pasta
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I had a nostalgic watch today and i'm pleasantly surprised. This thing was thoroughly fun from beginning to end. K I N O.
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This movie is the epitome of early 00's hollywood slop. The look, cinematography, the shitty writing, everything about this is what I hate about the mainstream.
>that time where the poster is scarier than the movie.
Stop reading my mind.
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6 nights have passed already. 19% of the month. I hope you've made it count.
hah, I remember seeing that garbage advertised on tv when I was a wee little lad. "dot com" everything back then, the internet was so much different and mysterious back then, people were afraid of hackers and darkweb nonsense.
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I missed 1 day because of work but I'm going to a Terrifier double feature on Thursday so I'll still hit 31.
poster scared me more than anything at the blockbuster horror section
I'm going to read a scary book
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has honestly been very fun so far. hope there's some random small films that turn out good. and maybe Frankie Freako streams before the end of the month.
>Salem's Lot remake
>3 stars
You're an extremely generous person
the Elementals is 11/10
Haunting of Hill House too but that one gets the recognition it deserves moreso than Elementals (1981)
I've barely watched anything desu. I'm just not in the mood for some reason.
Hope you didn't watch horror movies all year like I did and burn yourself out
I'm watching one to three movies a day, reading classic horror literature and just started playing Faith The Unholy Trinity.
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I enjoy most things I watch because I have admittedly low standards when it comes to horror.
While not quite as bad as pic related it's close.
No From Beyond the Grave?
Damn okay you convinced me, now give me a working stream link, all I could find in English was a Polish site that cut me off to try to get me to buy premium after like 20 minutes
I just finished The Auctioneer and really enjoyed it. My Mom has been telling me to read it for years and I'm glad I finally did. I'm currently halfway through The Fisherman by John Langan and while it's a little slow when it's good it's great.
I'm 31.
Where is the country with a 120 IQ requirement to move there?
Please, please, I cannot take it anymore.
I spent pretty much all summer watching horror movies unfortunately
Definitely have, and I'm excited for what's to come
haven't seen it
>British anthology horror from 70s
aw hell yeah this is going on my watchlist. anthologies are the perfect October films to me. I've got a lot of Amicus I haven't watched yet.
Any country other than the US people aren't like this >>204254708
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so far, these are the movies i watched. btw the Inside i saw was the OG french version.
Lol, what a stupid fucking generalization
All those Hammer and Atticus anthologies are great.
>atmospheric surrealist fascist kino vs reddit bandslop
destroy all bandslop besides ghoulies 1
>paranormal activity
That shit was always awful. Zoomers first horror film they watched as a kid.
Oh god what is happening.

Just do it 2D in 24fps retardo...
beyond the door
>beyond the door
How could I forget Italian knock-off Exorcist.
What is TOG?
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>my heckin full moon bandslop! it has ken foree giving his bbc to jeffrey combs AND
.... le barby cramps herself!
31 and still use bands as a personality barometer, damn lol
go back
Any movies with hot mind control or hypnosis scenes?
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With regards to the last thread about women seething about what men are attracted to.
Tower of God, some anime
What does this have to do with horror movies
kill yourself
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What's with Hollywood and the creepy murderous small town people trope? You're way more likely to be murdered in a major city but they keep making these films where a small rural community (literally the safest place you can live) has these dark evil secrets and murderous people. When the italians did gialli they almost all took place in Rome or some other major european city, where a serial murderer is more likely to exist. Anyway, that is to say i just watched The Evictors (shout out Harperposter, thanks for the rec) and it was decent. It certainly was very visually striking, especially after seeing something like Dagon, beautifully framed and lit, but after an hour or so of very tense suspense the big reveal felt kinda lame, especially the way it's edited, and when the bigger twist came at the end it was uneventful and expected, it did manage to capture a great sadness in the last shot of Jessica's face that was quite beautiful though. There seemed to also be some subtext of the husband being a conscientious objector that's interesting, but it's never really explored, or maybe i misunderstood it or am reading in too much.

Good film. And i could look at her face all day, man.
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>he thinks his nonsensical Argento slop with boring characters and bad dubbed in performances can compare to a Stuart Gordon masterpiece.
Kek. Your shit is boring
Here. More women seething. Horror movies for this? The Substance PUMP IT UP. Not your age tho, ladies.
How was Ichi the Killer? And how /hor/ is it?
I was thinking of watching it on one of my Japanese Horror nights
As a stand alone movie, i liked it. It was a nice experimental horror that managed to be actually scary, at least for one watch. After seeing it once and knowing what to expect, it seems like it becomes quite boring. I'll not be bothering with the sequels.
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Forgot image
>personality barometer
That's not what this was about at all you retard.
That and things like "let people enjoy things" are things literally only americans say.
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Why do women love cringe shit like pic rel?
>Why do women love cringe shit
First movie I thought of was Scream. They love that trash.
Too lazy to scroll up and gove the proper anons (You) but The Beyond blows the fuck out of From Beyond. It's not even close.
But the question was why not what....
Women can’t love themselves cause after 25 they look repulsive. So they love shitty horror franchises. I wouldn’t say Scream 1 is bad. The rest of the movies are though.
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said literally no one ever which is why you didn't even have the balls to respond properly lmao
It's a Korean Webtoon adaptation like Solo Leveling actually.
first one was a pretty good homage film the rest was just shit
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checking the top review on letterboxd tells me everything i need to know
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Kek more women seething at getting old and losing value.
>the Substance
>Neon Demon
>hentai animators
Shoulda stick with that.
Kek. Roastie btfo.
>ermm you need to leave
Not even you believe what you're saying
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maybe you are just in the closet, anon
this is just women seething over shit virgin incels say, majority of men don't give a fuck and would much rather date someone their own age than a dumb ass young adult with no life experience
>checking the top review on letterboxd tells me everything i need to know
that you should rope yourself?
Seething about America is the definitive low IQ small hat trait.
uh oh, schizo poster got unbanned again
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i would personally consider it a thriller more than horror, but for anyone else that isn't desensitized to gore, it could be a gross-out type of /hor/.
seen anything good so far sane anon?
Hollywood is as they say generous with nose
it's okay to like queer horror anon. i won't call you gay for it. i'm polite
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The Substance directed by a WOMAN, really gave us a look into the female mind. The scene where Demi Moore was too scared to leave her apartment to go on her date after staring at herself in the mirror and applying and reapplying her make up and then just feeling ugly and skipping her date is how all girls look and feel inside post 30.
It's a hyper violent mob movie. I wouldn't call it horror.
Without knowing what they are or reading any other comments I am going to say because they are about rape, oppression roleplaying, and dyke aesthetics.
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post hacks that only have 2 or 3 good films.
Dario Argento (no, Suspiria is not one of them)
3 good films is pretty good for horror.
>the substance
demi moore is a confirmed pedophile who likes little boys.
So far I've got
1.Frankenstein (1931)
2.The Last Broadcast
3. The Invisible Man (1933)
4. The Man They Could Not Hang (1939)
5. Ghostwatch
6. 13 Ghosts (1961)
7. It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

Pretty fun so far.
i read langans other book, house of windows? its fucking awful and i hate him now and cant believe the fisherman could be any good
compared to his contemporaries, It's not that impressive desu
It literally is, why else would you wanna know what someone elses favorite bands and albums are you idiot
Did he have pubes?
Not seething at all. I really don't understand why you guys can't ever admit your shortcomings though.
yeah even less popular directors like Stuart Gordon and Frank Henenlotter have AS good of a catalog of films as Craven does.
nta, but can you not follow the posts? it started with an anon saying they didnt like the goblin soundtrack from suspiria.
>6. 13 Ghosts (1961)
Often overshadowed by the 2001 reboot, but the original is a fun movie
Roasties seething is always so entertaining. lol at all the cucks who pretend their wives are any different. Anyways. These were thoughts I got while watching the Substance. The movie wasn’t bad, a male director might have made a better film but the female director was able to put the female aging experience on screen pretty well.
Kinda said that I didn't have the glasses but they probably wouldn't work on an OLED PC monitor?

Also I'm shocked the family is okay with the burglar getting killed
>Often overshadowed by the 2001 reboot
which is kind of funny because the reboot was never considered a good film
Said i and i strongly believe it, The Beyond had a monumental impact on me, the ending especially. Mind you i also love From Beyond. Both of them are two of not only my favourite horror films but two of my favourite films overall.
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for me it's the cowards corner
I wouldn't call those two hacks either.
And then he wanted to check his musical taste so that he can make his judgement on him
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dont mind me, just posting the greatest horror film of all time
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based. I'm the same, instantly became one of my all time top horrors.
man I might even rewatch it on halloween with CFTBL.
Romero for sure
she looks like she loves shota cock

Also while I like the setting of the haunted house I think it could've done a better job with the cast with the runtime it had. Scooby Doo Meets the Boo Brothers did a much better job with similar run-time.
Wes Craven has no good films.
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kino gore
I disagree. I think he is absolutely an overrated hack but shit like Elm Street, People Under the Stairs, and even Swamp Thing are all solid flicks.
about his taste in music. are you fully autistic? holy fuck. I'm 32, and you miserable old fucks are an embarrassment.
Romero is a hack for sure. He got lucky in that his films are mainstream zombie films and everyone likes zombies.
My man. Maybe i'll do the same.

>When the flute comes in...
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she's not that scary when smiling
kinda cute actually
He started that kind of zombie film.
You hallucinate things you introduced to American culture as being both not applicable to your own and uniquely American to hide the shame of your continuing cultural failure.
You are a retard who thinks television is American culture.
I'm also so tired of hearing limey faggots go on about how Americans oughtn't use some particular turn of phrase they won't believe to be unique to their tiny inbred cultural bubble when generally it is imported in turn from the US to begin with.

You attribute anything you wish to outgroup to "Americans"because you are a xenophobe but also too illiterate to ever know what you're talking about
Carpenter > Romero > Hooper > Gordon > Cronenberg > Argento > Craven > everyone else > Roth > Flannigan > Peele
also I don't count Raimi for the same reasons why I don't count Landis.
Lmao you’re mad
Wanting to know some fags 5 favorite albums just cause he didn’t like some shitty soundtrack is nerd shit
>Only get replies when I say something "controversial"
Very annoying.

The first Elm Street is horrible and so is Swamp Thing. If Craven has even one decent film it's Scream, and that's probably the one I hate the most. Horror movies still haven't recovered from the influence of Scream and it's been 30 years.

Gordon is awful. Yuzna too. Saying Henenlotter is "as good as Craven" is incredibly insulting.

>Romero for sure
Absolutely not.
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Why do we always fall for the crazy bitches?
Wait, why do you think i'm english?
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alright my Puppet Master Marathon continues tonight with PM6 aka "Curse of the Puppet Master"
The first Nightmare on Elm Street is excellent. Wes Craven's New Nightmare is even better.
You're taking my original comment way too seriously man.
no fun allowed, anon
i heard they tried to do a sortv follow up called the "Pussy Parlor" but that went 'tits up', as it were, real quick and they had to pull the promotion and the movie, sorta like how 3 from Hell had to be pulled from theaters after giving dozens of people aids and cancer, it was just lucky more people didn't bother to see it in the first place and the ones who did were, honestly, no big loss...
but anyways
great thread guys, i'm really "digin' it" as ol' igor would say
So you shouldn't let people enjoy things?
Oh truly? Because, personally, I found Scooby Doo Meets the Boo Brothers to be quite underwhelming at times and even passe in places...
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Crazy like mentally ill? Idk.
What was your favorite?
pure kino.
That phrase is used is a way to dismiss any kind of critical thought and you know it. Of course anybody can enjoy anything.
Steve Miner > >>204255640
Any horror monsters that are modeled after aye-ayes?
Man, you guys are going fast right now, i'm having like four different conversations at once.
Oh okay, yeah you're right. I still don't think it's fair to blame Americans for it though.
All i said is that i only see americans saying things like that, but perhaps i should also say it's young people mostly.
Frogman. Well, some may claim he is modelled after a frog, but he does have big eyes.
I agree. But you really think literally only Americans say it? Seems like a general White people sentiment because they are generally good-natured and wish people well. But yeah, it's generally used to excuse one's self of lazily ignoring detrimental aspects of culture. I think it usually is subconsciously used to attempt to removed criticism of their own behavior. Like, pitty the meth addict to make yourself feel better about your casual alcoholism. Horror movies for this phenomenon?
>Day of the Dead remake
>Halloween H20
>Lake Placid
Lmao yeah nah.
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Maybe I should have just said "horror monsters that look like aye ayes"
>Seems like a general White people sentiment
You lost me.
Yeah nah no thanks.
Are you basing your judgment off of Twitter, or real life?
Anon I'll come clean. I'm am a retard and not only read that as "aye eyes" but assumed you were talking about ayy lmaos.
They are a more compassionate and forgiving people than most. They also value group acceptance very highly. This can unfortunately result in over-extension of sympathy and even faux sympathy as to 'get along.'
it is between The Fly and The 6th sense, both of them hit me hard in the feels. so far i haven't seen one that i didn't like.
It's not really about the suffering, is the excess I would say. Like in one of the Jurassic Park movies, there's a woman who gets an unnecessarily cruel death scene, the worst in the entire franchise, and she's not even a villain.
Or the girl from Drag Me to Hell. Now compare it to Jason just killing somebody with one hit of a spear.
It's the moment when it goes from
>haha, it's fun, look at her getting slashed up
>wtf, why?
The Sixth Sense is a really sweet story.
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It's okay.
Gremlins are the only one I can think of.
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Ghoulies might fit
I watched Gremlins when I was 5 years old and it scared me
and that was 3 years ago
The internet in general.
I think we're talking about different things.
What's the WORST horror movie you've ever seen?
Seems like all the cool people went to sleep and the fag people are discussing fag people things. I’m off to bed
Got his ass.
Patient444 on imdb, if you use this website you should definitely kys you dumb fucking faggot
and just like that, the spam disappeared
what'd you get tricked into watching?
Isn't this crap supposed to be about the "rapture," gaaaay
Do you like having nightmares?
Is the stress and fear worth the opportunity to reminisce on your own personal horror kino in the daytime?
Hate it with a passion, they genuinely feel awful for me. When i was a little kid i would even have severe sleep anxiety due to fear of having nightmares.
I just went down the rabbit hole and clicked on someone's profile from a retarded review. The insufferable faggots on that site that have racked up hundreds of reviews about movies that are just paragraphs long about nothing
Come on man, that's on you, reading imdb reviews.
V/H/S Beyond
WNUF Halloween Special
Strange Darling
House (Japanese)

What am I watching today /hor/?
Can't say, we have different tastes
anxiety and sleep deprivation, especially when directly tied to being afraid to sleep is quite a feedback loop. you end up seeing shadow people. sometimes they wear a hat. but once you master your mind, master your dreams, you can face the demons and defeat them. then sleep becomes a blessed place again.
wtf you weren't kidding. did a bot write this?
>I have to say I started this little film with no real expectations, simply wanted to see a new horror. From the very start I liked the cast, so I became curious to see where this is going. And as time passed, the action moved quite quickly I might add, the plot developed. It manifested into what it wanted to show, and I was intrigued, the story feels real, the action, reactions, consequences, it all fell together lovely.
>A small horror that delivered, so I had a good time with it. Definitely recommendable, for horror fans, for those who prefer children based plots, 90 minutes of overall fun. Cheers!
Sounds like a boomer
looks like a fun weekend, I'm saving WNUF for Halloween since it seems right up my alley.
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What I've seen so far.

3 out of 5
>The Tainted
2 out of 5
>Don't Go in the House
3 out of 5
>Cat People
3 1/2 out of 5
>Last House on Dead End Street
1 1/2 out of 5
>Dead Pit
1 1/2 out of 5
>Beyond the Darkness
3 out of 5
2 1/2 out of 5
>Teenage Exorcist
1 out of 5
I had sleep paralysis in high school, i never saw anything though, i just couldn't move. All of that is long gone now though, i sleep heavy, could use more hours though.
do you even like movies?
Are you watching goofy movies on purpose?
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>and as time passed, the plot developed
The Whisperer in Darkness, not as good as Dagon, but a really well realised from-page-to-screen adaptation of Lovecraft. The choice of black and white works well enough, but there is some jarring choice of cinematography that too often breaks the black and white illusion, reminding you that this is in fact made in 2011. If it were my film, I would also have downscaled the audio quality to match as well. These are ultimately nitpicks to an otherwise enjoyable film though. Even going so far as to have those frequent Lovecraft moments of "this is just too horrible to describe dear audience" in order to keep the mystery going. I feel like in the modest run time they could have explored the lore of Shub-Niggurath and the old ones a little more, as it stands the name drops and brief mentions are purely dressing. The end sequence on the plane didn't really do it for me, but at least they didn't flinch at offing the girl. Thoroughly enjoyed much better than Suspiria
I've been putting it off for years and didn't really expect to enjoy it but it was actually pretty good.
Why do people do this lel this npc shit is no joke
Yeah I had it late teens/early 20s. no more though. weird times.
He's British. Explain yourselves Anglos.
I have the box set of that somewhere, they did some radio dramas too. did you see their Call of Cthulhu adaption? it's the same style as Whisperer.
Guys been consistently leaving horror reviews on imdb for over a decade like he's an actual critic getting paid. I just can't imagine this person on real life lol. Imdb users are some weird fucks
It's not a bot. It's grammatically incorrect for one, it's just someone that can't write for shit and fundamentally doesn't understand the subject they're writing about either.
The Fly was shit
>did you see their Call of Cthulhu adaption?
Mother Mary, no! I'll look into it right away. I'd meant to look up the "HPLHS Motion Picture" to see if they'd done more. Thanks anon.
I like most of the ones I saw. Maybe we just rate things differently.
I've seen more horror movies than you can imagine. I'm stuck watching things that are weird because those are the ones I haven't seen before.
What spam?
Uncultured swine.
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nice. also I will never pass up an opportunity to rec The Haunted Palace as it's the first lovecraft adaption and imo one of the best (though I'm biased towards Price films)
>it's just someone that can't write for shit
someone *who can't write for shit
>Color Out of Space
>universally considered to only work in book form
>has been adapted into a movie 3 times
>wooooo this shade of purple is so scary!
Why is it acclaimed in the first place?
The only truly good Lovecraftian film is In the Mouth of Madness.
worst thing is he has like 100 stories, they could literally make a multi series anthology show just from them.
Jordan Peele could do the poem about niggas.
Not a fan of Haunted Palace. I think Price is great as always in it but I find the actual movie itself boring.
>Stuff Stephanie in the INcinerator
>The Taint
>Cat People
>The Stepfather
>Killer Party
Cringily inceloid.
>Tourist Trap (1979)
>Look, I'm only posting a review here mostly so that my sacrifice of watching Tourist Trap will have a meaning. It was by a long shot a good movie, entertaining, good kill shots or practically anything average even.

A movie that perhaps tried something else but was denied more because of the budget, or maybe the lack of better directing, all in all, it was somewhat difficult to watch. Predictable is the best word to describe it, even tho the summary does make Tourist Trap sound engaging and perhaps, bald for its time, it is not.

>So if you definitely have nothing else better to do, even if you're a die hard old school horror, bare in mind that it is unlikely for this one to deliver properly.

what are you even saying
I can b-b-bake us a new thread
>bald for its time, it is not.






I'll take what I can get, thanks again.
I enjoyed them well enough, they don't have to be master pieces.
>shade of purple
That's why it's hard to adapt, because it isn't a shade of purple.
Great film, but not the only truly good one.
There's a goldmine that hasn't been plundered.
>for those who prefer children based plots

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