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Spooky Fuckin' Skeletons edition

Previous >>204252740
Evil Dead 2 > Evil Dead
Once again, asking for movies with hot hypnosis or mind control scenes.
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reminder you're not a true horror fan unless you've seen half of these
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The most pleb take
Ok I'm sitting this thread out. Too spooky for me.
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No. Evil Dead is the creepier movie.
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This was not a good movie to watch right after dinner.
Best horror movie podcast? Zac Amico's Midnight Spookshow
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The tree rape scene in Evil Dead was unnecessary
horror is a trans coded genre
there's something about bad gore that's so much more disgusting than good gore. the uncanny valley of gore if you will.
Smoking is not attractive. Smoking leads to yellow teeth, bad breath, and gross coughs. Nothing sexy about that.
What a bland flick.
Non-stop blood and action and yet I was bored. Fuck Letterboxd users and whoever said it was anything like Demoni 2.
Oh. I actually almost watched this earlier. This isn't all of it, right?
Okay feminist from 1981. Move on already.
Buy an ad you fat fuck.
Agree to disagree. It makes ladies sexier, it makes dudes cooler. Obviously not worth it though.
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This dude was fucking loving it
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Whatever you say, Poindexter
I hate Italians so much.
Yo mama is trans
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Gore should be "bad" because corpses are not pretty to look at.
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Pretty much from memory, there's not much great about that film outside of leering shots of Valerie Leon.
At least I'm healthy and fit and don't need to smoke because of juvenile insecurities I had as a teenager.
>ooooh mommy never gave me enough attention so let me do this thing that's very obviously terrible for me
People who aren't affected by horror movies are of low intelligence.
horror doesn't effect me because I'm not a literal child.
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>awww hell no
anyone have the webm from House on Haunted Hill
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Pretentious pseudslop for people who like The Seventh Seal and getting pegged in the ass
Special effects were good at least
*affect. example: you were affected by anon's post. the effects are evident in your response.
Tonight's film: Chopping Mall
I can feel your insecurity from here lmao
so cute I can even forgive her fake tits
I feel you feeling it and it feels great.
You are one of those people with low intelligence.
You lack the cognitive functions to suspend your disbelief and view the characters suffering as real and thus empathize with them.
I barely remember this movie. Is there a scene with a bunch of spiders at some point?
by your logic, all movies wouldn't effect me, dumbass
>to suspend your disbelief
belief, even
They're the best.
I've decided my theme for today is movies shilled by /hor/ (non-faggot edition)
So far I've got The Grapes of Death and Spider Baby. What else should be on the list?
yeah bunch of them in a storage closet (for some reason I forget)
This almost killed my enthusiasm to watch horror films during October. Unfathomably shite. Thankfully I stuck on Whisperer in Darkness and got back into the swing of things. The only thing horrific about it was the quality. A horror film for mindless retards.
*affect. example: many anons seem to be affected by seeing the joker get raped. the effects of rape can be lifelong trauma.
Gonna try for the first two Slumber Party Massacres tonight.
That's likely the case, animal.
One of Jim Wynorski's more watchable films.
Good addition. I haven't seen that one either.
>there's not much great about that film outside of leering shots of Valerie Leon.
Oh. I regret bothering now.
what's a movie you love but everyone else hates?
One of the girls hides in a pet store behind some bags of dog food. The robot knocks over some tanks while looking for her, causing some tarantulas and a snake to crawl over her.
Day of the Dead
ah that's right. tarantula scenes are kino but I get nervous about them once I learned they're ridiculously delicate and you can kill them just by dropping them.
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VHS Beyond is an enjoyable watch
based canadian grandma annihilator
Don't Go In The House
Suzanne Snyder made me so fucking horny when I was 12. But no the movie sucks.
all the VHS movies are bad. Stop pretending.
What a horrible poster.
Scared you, huh?
No, it's just ugly.
Stay Alive
No, that's a dimwit contrarian take, not least bc if you were sincere you'd have stopped watching them a while ago
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They die if they fall from more than 3 inches high, but before then they're spooky as hell
oscar worthy scene for those actresses, I can only imagine the duress the director put them under pretending it'd be nbd
You're insecure and those movies are bad.
times you acted like tank from puppet master 6: curse of the puppet master?
Literally me.
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Posted a shit ton of /hor/ anime on /x/ if anyone is interested.

Every day of my life
>Kissing a woman
How do I acquire this level of charisma?
No, I'm objectively telling you that you don't know anything about horror and your comment is cringe bc someone authentic wouldn't have watched all of the VHS movies (all SEVEN of them) if he disliked them that much. These dismissive claims are dull and retarded
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I watched Blood Reign last night anon, great halloween pick. though I was confused as fuck because I got some iso with multiple files and did not realize it was two stories. had to almost watch it twice to make sense of it lol.
Fucking lol
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Visually amazing, technically super impressive. I love the creative blending of stop motion with live action and effects and puppetry. Pretty nice musical score too.

I just wish I cared more about literally anything that was happening. I found myself pretty bored by the end which surprised me.
>Gets angry
>Starts thinking about getting fucked in the ass
Why are faggots like this?
I kind of felt that way the first time through because it didn't have a traditional narrative, but the second watch where I felt less overloaded I seriously thought it was a masterpiece.
I'm not a big film re-watcher, but I'd rewatch this any time.
It's unfortunate that the movie is a one trick pony, because man what a good trick that pony can do.
Based and true.
Way to prove my point with your weirdly defensive and abundantly aggressive response that only highlights the annoyance you have from my blatantly true comment in regards to those shit movies. You can cry objectivity all want even though you're using the word incorrectly, retard, but the fact is the VHS films are atrocious. All of them. I've seen them all because I actually wont judge movies unless I watch them first. Why me saying that they are bad bothers you so much is beyond me. Imagine that being the hill you choose to die on. Defending shitty movies of all things lmao. That's why you can't make a legitimate argument unless it's riddle with baseless assumptions involving the other person. Cope.
If you're still getting scared by movies then you're going to be sad when you finally turn 18. It has nothing to do with IQ unless you're actually slow and have childlike intelligence, in which case you'll get scared by movies forever because you can't comprehend that you're watching a piece of entertainment.
Cringe and false.
You're just dumb and that's why you don't see any highlights in them but still keep watching. Most other ppl have, so it's a you problem
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Nice, thanks for sharing.
Seriously hope you tards don't actually think this.
>Y..you're just d..dumb
>w..why do you k..keep watching them if you no like them
>m..maybe you're the p...problem
cry more.
I can't tell if it's intended yet but this might actually be pulling a NOES 2 gay subtext plot...
Nice wall of seethe.
I watched it when it was brand new. It was fucking retarded. I understand you were 7 years old at the time but that doesn't make it a good movie just because it left an impression on you. Let me guess, you also thought Babadook was a good movie as well?
You lost
Nobody's crying here but you, reread your cringe meltdown here >>204257505
based /V/H/S destroyer wrecking the zoomies.
>Terrifier 3 came out on the 19th of September
>Still not available for streaming

What should I watch then? Something that came out since "The White Substance"
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watch Beezel
>literally laughing at a retard and deconstructing his lack of argument as well as their emotional way of responding to something they don't agree with the point he couldn't even give a proper response is considered a meltdown
Maybe you should re-read the conversation again
Why the fuck did /hor/ become so insufferable a few hours ago?
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all it takes is one autist. just ignore it.
Stop embarrassing yourself already. You are very limited and your comments are nothing but Dunning-Kruger examples. You can't even understand that the fact you haven't liked any of the dozens of VHS episodes (some of them anthology classics by now such as Safe Haven) simply means you're a lowest common denominator with an autistic pattern of getting filtered.
Calm down and stay in your lane henceforth
We can see that these were all made exactly a minute apart lmao.
Start with this so you can pretend like you’ve been here all year.
Don't understand the hate for RotLD 2 at all. Seems like one of those meme circlejerks like the Halloween 3 hate that finally died out.
This is schizo-kino
Not quite horror though
Absolutely based picks.
Watch Critters if you haven't seen it, that's a good /hor/ rec.
How is it not horror?
Saint Morf is a psychological horror film.
In every sense. It's a drama about obsession and the excesses of flagellation/social self-isolation.
Watched the first 20 minutes of The Prophecy. When will it get good.
I can see that. I wouldn’t mind giving it another try sometime considering its short runtime and I did love the look of it. And I’m sure there’s tons of little details I missed on my first watch because of how visually dense it is.
Maybe it would have been better suited as a short. Like cut it down to 40 min at a maximum. Could have been more impactful (possibly).
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Way too disturbing to be a "drama"
Also many blatant horror elements like the climactic test of faith scene
the most scary thing about it is the idea of being raped by sexy fat morf
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Any excuse to watch Gremlins 2.
I laughed so hard when the kid’s bike fell apart.
Disturbing movies are a dime a dozen. St Maud has no scares, no antagonist, no horror atmosphere (it looks mostly kitchen sink realistic) and simply shows a linear, predictable and biased tale of mental illness
I'm still digesting this one.
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This was too cheesy for me, especially the dialogue. “There is no spoon” made me wanna turn it off.
The werewolves looked cool though.
yeah I feel the same. cool costumes, but for me it'll remain American Werewolf in London.
Last night - Tales From The Darkside: The Movie. Kino
Tonight - Yokai Monsters: 100 Monsters. Good
I think about that all the time. That little girl was hilarious.
Yokai Monsters is a little dry in the middle since idk jack about nippon village politics, but the ending is a true home run.
>Disturbing movies are a dime a dozen
And 99% of the time they're either horror, a dark comedy, or a much-darker-than-normal thriller.
What's your favorite rare horror quotes that no one except ou recognizes?

>Son of a bitch, bitch, bitch! Shereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-iff!
Very low intelligence post.
No really and even by your rationale that'd be like 1/3 of them. And that still does not make Saint Maud a horror movie. It's a drama
game over man game over
Heh I know what movie this is from!
I haven’t seen this movie you guys are talking about but can’t it be both a drama and a horror film? And either would fit?
Like I would consider Don’t Look Now as being both a drama and a horror film.
Horror-dramas are one of the dominant subgenres right now. Probably the most dominant one actually.
John Doyle actually proved it's implicitly right wing
Get to da choppa! Hehe
It has no inner horror core or templates. If you try to force a le mental illness as horror, perhaps but it's an exceedingly unsurprising, drab movie.
Can’t wait for Starve Acre
This is from some Arnold Schwarzenegger movie
>terrifier 3
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But what if it's not scary
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Horror justifies my chud politics by portraying the world as the dark, savage, and violent place that I think it is.
You never know when it'll be over.
>VHS 99
First segment (with the punk rocker kids) was silly but ultimately boring.
The one about the girl in the coffin had potential. The ghost stuff ruined what could have been a genuinely disturbing piece of media. You're tapping into fertile territory, being buried alive is terrifying to most anyone. You don't need a cheap ghost mannequin.
Ozzy's Dungeon had the same problem. The stuff with a family kidnapping a tv show host for revenge and then torturing him on tape is great. At least the fat demon thing looked cool.
Gawkers was good fun. Was not expecting the gorgon at all, although I should have. The statues were a big hint.
The one about the two dudes being accidentally sent to hell was also funny. Not really scary, despite the subject matter.
RIP you dumb qt 3.14
check out Deadstream if you liked the last one, same actress/writers/directors but way better
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>huh wonder what time it is, I might be able to watch another horror kino
>somehow 12am
>need to sleep for work tomorrow
rip. october needs to slow down.
Wow, this was better than Terrifier 3.
But for some reason the witch-thing never made this face with sunglasses in it
I may have taken some artistic liberties
You lose. Nobody here likes you
when the fuck are one of these gaylords gonna make the billy zane edition
Look, I didn't wanna get involved before, but I'm just gonna come out and say it. Anon handled himself poorly, in fact he embarrassed himself entirely. But he was right. Pretty much all the V/H/S films are bad.
The first one is pretty good I guess as a movie. It's not amazing but it vehicles the anthology neatly and the shorts were all mid - good.
After that you forget to really remember them as "films" and you start just remembering the good shorts across the franchise. Of which there are a handful. But even their attempts to group the movies under a theme fail inherently... just look at Beyond and that dog shit.
Anon made a fool of himself, but his point lives on... they're not great movies even though there's some merit to them.
>VHS 85
So there's a lake with a terrible secret, and it's been made off limits to the public. Despite this, a group of dumbasses drives right up to it and goes for a swim and nobody tries to stop them. I thought the killer would have something to do with that, and then they didn't. Very tense and had me wondering how the kids on the boat were going to get out of this. The twist leads into one of the other segments, yet the two could have been easily stand alone and still retained their greatest strengths.
Oh shit, Mexicans. I enjoyed what they did with Aztec religion, no idea how accurate any of that was though.
>black female performance artist puts on a show that isn't about her vagina
I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this one. My suspension of disbelief can only carry me so far. Someone thought they were being really clever by getting her to say "You're all addicted to your iPhones!" in a 1980s setting.
VII was pretty creepy. With what we know nowadays, a wealthy family making a tradition out of murder isn't farfetched. The tie-in with the lake short didn't really add anything and could have been left out.
I liked Dreamkill, very strong opening. RIP Detective Porn Stache. Prophetic dreams aren't all they're cracked up to be, huh?
Total Copy was just alright. A scientist goes too far and pays the price. Perhaps they were all doomed from the day they got involved with Remy. I guess if I was forced to watch exercise tapes and soap operas all day I'd go postal too.
Thanks, I'll check it out. I might already have it downloaded, even.
Oof, I was afraid this post was for me, before I checked who the post is replying to. /tv/ is the only friend I have.
And also RIP to another qt 3.14.
I don't remember who this. The mexican?
4.6 on imdb?
What's the catch?
Personally I’m waiting on the Pee Pee Ding Dong edition.
She's the killer's first victim in Dreamkill, the one with the goth kid.
I think it's because of the Farts Friedkin woman who played the girl in the last "segment". She was kinda a butter face. And normies malding the witch wasn't explained and/or defeated.
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did anyone try and watch vhs beyond?
i turned that turd off after 30 minutes thanks to shuddurr and golddouche from cinepocalypse making the worst F grade movies in the horror industry lol
I don’t even give a shit about VHS but you need to fuck off back to r/horror, Cock Lodge.
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I like how Blood The Last Vampire also works as a Halloween movie
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Lifeforce is a movie that goes hard as fuck. Might be one of the best representations of an apocalyptic mass death extermination outside of War of the Worlds.
I turned it off much earlier than that. Uninteresting, unconvincing, just total shit honestly.
It's the best of the series
I watched it a few nights ago. At least it wasn't offensively bad like Viral was. I liked a lot of the ideas behind its segments, it's just too bad they all had some weird or downright awful execution. The one with the Jeets had me busting up right away because of the constant, "ma'am! ma'am!"
These guys were funny as fuck.
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speak for yourself sodomite, start posting bible verses again lol
>constantly posts about how he hates shudder
>watches their new movies at release
How retarded can you be?
This segment was directly by Justin Long apparently which itself is pretty funny
Starve Acre is total ass and Matt Smith giving his 100% doesn't save it from being a waste of time.
It's one of those films that look promising to rope you in, and then just rethread generic cliches you've seen in other films and tie up in predictable (yet attempting to be shocking) and unsatisfying ways.
Just watch Gwen or something.
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What do you mistake me for, a christcuck?
the first 2 were the only good ones, 3 wasn't so great but at least it was better than the shuddurr shite.
If the first one was one of the good ones, I don't even want to imagine what the rest are like.
I'd rather watch ads.
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Oh boy, here we go lol
Two faggots fighting lmao
the second one was the best, hands down.
Looks like a third one just joined in!
captcha: 8GA4Y
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And another soifag posting shuddurr movies in the /hor/ thread lol
Do you have a real response? Which VHS movies do you think are better?
2 is the best, then 1, 3 is watchable.
the rest are dog shit.
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Except this conversation started because YOU posted a Shudder movie you fucking retard.
someone was shilling New Life recently, and now that I've seen it I second that.
also Dagon and Day+Dawn of the Dead are given ones.
>the fact is the VHS films are atrocious
The Borderlands (2013)
it was pretty good compared to 85. i particularly enjoyed the first and the last segment
Handschuh is never going to not make me laugh
Ummm Terrifier bros? How do we respond without sounding mad?
Good movie but yeah it amuses me too that "glove" in German is "hand-shoe" lol.
>Please... no more...
Terrifier fans are too busy shitting and jigging to respond
I don't respond, because I gain nothing from interacting with tranny redditors.
VHS Beyond was a good movie. A couple really good shorts, a couple of ok short and only one or two "not that great" shorts.
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Anyone seen this decade old BBC miniseries?
I picked up the novel once maybe 20yrs ago when I got a library card in my city and went nuts procrastinating with horror novels. Never finished the story, wonder if it's worth watching a televised version instead.
Trannies and fedora-tipping redditors are the audience of Terrifier
It's made for people who unironically watch Deadmeat videos. That faggot has already done kill counts of those movies. Trannies also love them because they love gore, they literally cut their own dicks off lmao
it's 4channel fuckhead, we're allowed to out the soifags here lol
Soifags like you who watch Shudder movies at release? Yeah we should call you out.
Clearly not because this board has literal tranny redditors who constantly cry about Terrifier. You faggots call people "incels" and then try to claim you're not a redditor lmao.
As opposed to waiting 5 years?
Do you know you have the option to not watch them at all?

i know i know, i was bored and thought "lets rev up the soiengines & see if this piece of shit movie is any good" & i was right, it's piece of soishit lol
Why specifically qualify it with "at release" as if that matters for a digital platform then?
You're brain damaged if you thought there was any chance you would enjoy it. But soifags have to soifag I guess.
The people here crying over Terrifier are usually Christians and /pol/fags, which is clear by the fact that they rant about Jews in all of their posts, a "tranny redditor" wouldn't do that.
The tranny redditors are the audience of the slop. You think subhuman creatures who cut off their own dicks and leave open wounds on themselves don't enjoy gore? Trannies literally mutilate themselves and encourage others to do the same, they love gore
"/pol/fags" who call people incels and get upset about women pretending to die and being "sexualized" in movies. Nice try. They're /tv/edditors.
surely nobody could just think it's a bad movie that gets overshilled and overhyped when if it didn't have a successful marketing campaign due to industry ties it would have been forgotten immediately like the other 100 slophouse movies that come out every year
>industry ties
Terrifier is an independent movie. It's not coming from the industry.
Yeah that's why darren leone gets shilled on shudder shows and podcasts constantly
Shudder has no connection to Terrifier.
They literally don't do that though?
Every single Terrifier post is filled with people bitching about Jewish degeneracy, and posting memes (usually ones about that Deadmeat faggot) about how people are fine with gore but seethe over nudity
let me guess, you work in the industry
literally got shilled on joe bob
hi Tim Burton.
Do you think Joe Bob only covers things that Shudder has a stake in?
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trying to turn it round on me, nice try soifag lol
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Terrifier shills come off exactly the same as the people (if you consider children people) that shill "analog horror" as being bone shakingly disturbing and it's just like a deep fried cock mongler with text saying like "HE DIED" over it.
Did that frog go into the house in the end? We told him not to.
You must not have been here after Terrifier 2 released. The trannies couldn't stop raging about it.
At this point if you complain about gore I know you're some kind of homosexual. /tv/ has made it obvious.
>analog horror
Fuck off with that awful shit. Should be banned from being discussed here, that's not television or film. It's fuckin Tiktok.
Considering AMC execs decide what gets played yes
>Fuck off with that awful shit. Should be banned from being discussed here, that's not television or film. It's fuckin Tiktok.
this but Poopyfarter featuring Fart the Clown and unironly
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The demon symbolizes her being a bitch
>The demon
There is no demon in Possession. Do you mean the Sam Neill doppelganger?
I was though here when Terrifier 2 released, literally every single Terrifier thread is filled with
>Posts claiming it's Jewish
>Posts mocking the fact that showing graphic gore is fine but showing nudity isn't (Especially with Terrifier 2, in that salt and bleach scene where he cuts the girl up but leaves her bra on)
>Posts claiming OP is a shill
>Posts claiming it's demonic
I've only seen a few crying over "incels", and most of those are bait. Keep denying it though, despite it being pretty obvious that Jews and troons are the main audience for gore slop
>he thinks there's actually a demon possession in possession
the word also means having control or ownership over something btw
You think AMC owns all the movies that Joe Bob plays? When he's covering 70s movies you think AMC is shilling those?
I wasn't aware of this conspiracy where they've been pulling all the strings in horror for decades.
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best part about Terrifier is it makes the soifags seethe because it doesn't have shuddurr or A24 logos stamped on it so it's devoid soipolitics.
I mean the tentacle thing
He's likely never watched it and is only bitching about it for (You)s
That's about 90% of the posts in this general
why would anyone want (You)s from a poster here
That's the doppelganger.
>Cock Lodge, a literal homosexual, likes poopyfater
Not surprising honestly
Enjoy your shitty movies (which feature shit, literally. Terrifier fans love shit, just like Indians, which would explain why Indians shill for it)
Bloody Disgusting actually has a collaborative business partnership with AMC. I think the second most deranged thing Shartyfarter fans say after claiming they're good movies is pretending that it's any different than shudderslop and somehow not connected at all.
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For a small bit of a dopamine rush. You're welcome, by the way.
I fucking hate The Grudge (original)
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did you recite your favourite verses at home today sodomite lol
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It's boring and not scary
Fair, but Ju-on: The Curse 1&2 and Ju-on: The Grudge are great
the difference with shuddurr slop is the soipolitics they slip in there, none of that shit in terrifier.
>I was though here when Terrifier 2 released
Then you know about the trannies on here and you're pretending not to. Cool.
Btw gore isn't going away as long as horror movies exist. Sorry if it upsets you and your friends, maybe dilating will help.
Ju-On: The Grudge is the one I watched. Didn't like it
It's literally made by the same people as the VHS series you silly little brown baby.
>Bloody Disgusting actually has a collaborative business partnership with AMC
On V/H/S, not on Terrifier which is part of Bloody Disgusting's Shudder competitor.
But Cocklodge likes the non-Shudder V/H/S movies. He likes Bloody Disgusting and hates Shudder. Shudder being involved in the new movies cancels out his enjoyment.
>trust me bro this slop company's product i like actually has inverted politics from the other slop they make
Yes, I do know about the trannies, and I just told you that, they love gore slop.
Also odd how you have no rebuttal for anything I said, just "waaah you're da tranny not me waaah let people enjoy things" lmao. You cut your dick off, your "vagina" is an open wound, you love gore.
Also it's proving my point when Cock Lodge is literally defending the films. Notice how every fan of these films is some sort of degenerate faggot?

I think you genuinely need to be a Burger Christian to get the "appeal" of the movie. I can't even tell who the villain was supposed to be. Satan was good...because he killed Gabriel? I thought Gabriel was a woman?
>I do know about the trannies, and I just told you that, they love gore slop
Then why do you complain about it on this board?
So y'all saying that VHS Beyond is bussin?
Yes time traveler from 2019
vhs beyond makes vhs 94 look like vhs 85
Here's a better question: How much do you get paid to shill poopyfarter movies? If you're not a shill, how does it feel to shill Jewish slop for free?
Also, did you ever actually shit, piss, cum, or puke while watching one of the films?
>i'll die with the black fly pickin my bones
>in north ontario-io
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no it isn't you dumb amerimutt lol

no it doesn't sodomite, now post another verse lol
>Yes time traveler from 2019
I don't get it, where is the joke??
>no it doesn't
So you do like the Shudder V/H/S movies? You were shittalking them earlier this thread.
>no it isn't you dumb amerimutt lol
So you're saying the fact that it has the same production company doesn't matter and anyone who disagrees is american?
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this anon's got it
Can you explain?
no i don't like the shuddurr slop v/h/s movies, only 1 and 2, the rest are dog shite
You don't need to pay me to make fun of trannies. I hate you guys beyond the fact that you try to destroy horror, that's just the diarrhea frosting on top of the cake of shit that is your existence.
Horror rocks, gore rocks, go fuck yourself troon.
>slopslurper likes VHS 1 and 2 despite them having 1.5 good segments between them
Sirs, how do I look up "V/H/S" on sites like Bucaneer's Cove?
see here monkey boy>>204260801
That's what I said and you disagreed.
Slop fight slop fight slop fight!
Well you probably should have watched the series in chronological order. Start with the V-cinema ones, Ju-on: The Curse 1&2
Can you explain that?
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sodomite likes licking his fathers balls while he prays at home even though he only came from one of them
if this was at the start of the thread, that wasn't me, i came in at about 130 replies.

gonna play dumb now are you?
>if this was at the start of the thread, that wasn't me, i came in at about 130 replies
No, it was right here
>Shudder being involved in the new movies cancels out his enjoyment.
>no it doesn't sodomite
You called me a "sodomite" for saying that you don't like what Shudder did to V/H/S.
i genuinely have no idea what you're even trying to say with that post and it reads like you're just posting your fetish where nobody wants to see it
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>I like 1 but hate 2
>hmm, and I like 2 but hate 1, maybe we should just trade (You)s for 9 hours while getting frustrated about neither budging
>yes, great idea, I would rather do that than discuss horror movies
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oh here we go, the schizo sodomite poster is playing dumb with his imaginary friend, will the real sodomite plese stand up lol
i know right, get a load of this donkey>>204261371
he can't even reply properly
I don't understand why you're mad at me when I agreed with you. Retard, I take it back then. I guess you love Shudder.
where did you agree with me?
I meant everyone involved.
some people like comedy and some people like thriller, does every comedy need thriller elements and all thrillers need romance, or can we agree that movies are cool?
When the other anon said that the V/H/S movies are made by Shudder and I backed you up by pointing out you only like the ones that weren't made by Shudder.
You thanked me by acting like a cunt, so fuck off retard. You can't even fucking read and it was a bad idea to agree with you in any way.
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Morning /hor/ bros. I watched Beetlejews Beetlejews and Studio 666 over the weekend. Both were just fine.
V.H.S. should work
>0 results when I search for V.H.S.
People hype this movie way too much. It's kinda boring to be honest, save for a couple of scenes. Good butts too.
Yeah it's fine but the tone is too over the place to just be cozy. It works fine in a marathon but I think people overrate it because it technically takes place on Halloween.
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This was good. I liked the way the woods were shot, a lot of really good looking night footage.
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I have an idea for a perfect sequel to Fritz Lang’s movie M, where M comes back from the dead to kill the children of the parents who lynched him, get this, in their dreams!
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>Freedom Carrier
NPM is Canadian??? Lmao does this fucker live in Montreal or something?
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Morning, mom!
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>no Kolobos
>no Lake Mungo
>no Swallow (2019)
>no X
I'm proud of you /hor/
You're such a faggot that I might watch a vhs movie tonight
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do none of the bongstream channels work for anyone else?
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Consider every monster in this thread busted

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