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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Classics and arthouse

Masterpiece edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Prev: >>204284757
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Queen of /film/
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Somebody bake.
on it
Husbando edition? Gay
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I’m high as dick tripping on shrooms watching Accattone for the thousandth time. I like life.
Looking for kinos with thick, fat butted women.
The Misfits (1961).
Bitch on the left had nice armpit hair in Mamma Roma.
Maybe the real Queen of /film/ was all the friends we made along the way...
She is not a bitch. She is Silvana Corsini and yes she did.
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Did anyone here watch pic related? If yes, what did you think of it?
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>Btw, early Spongebob is /film/.
This is indisputably true.
Is it really that good?
I absolutely adore it. This is the first time I’ve watched it this year. It is one of my favorite films.
Joker 2 - Venice Film Festival
The Substance - Cannes Film Festival
Megalopolis - Cannes Film Festival

Is this the first time ever that /tv/ is now /film/?
Was /film/ a thing when The Revenant came out?
only Megalopolis is /film/
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Accattone was fuckin incredible. And paired very nicely with a palak paneer... x
I would say both are /film/, the Substance is like Darren Aronofsky, David Cronenberg, and Yorgos Lanthimos rolled into one. Joker 2 is actually hard /film/. The polarization calls to mind the works of Jodorowsky and Bunuel in their prime.
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>the Substance is like Darren Aronofsky, David Cronenberg, and Yorgos Lanthimos rolled into one
more like all the quality early Peter Jackson with the script of a netflix Black Mirror episode
I remember a few months ago when that guy from World of Reel mentioned the goss about the new cut possibly getting a Cannes release. I never learn.
Who is the Dave Portnoy of film criticism
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/film/ should make a Soviet chart
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Greatest film of our lifetimes. The pushback against PTA in critical circles is sad. His influence is immense
there's your Soviet chart. just watching one or two films from each of these directors should keep you occupied for quite a while. some of these directors made films outside of the USSR, so obviously just watch the ones they made while in the Soviet Union
They are all awful. Russians can't direct. All their film is just mudpunk style misery porn.
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love how now one took this bait. Joaquin Phoenix is a capeshit actor doing all the same tricks across Joker movies.
>trying to act superior while taking the bait that no one took
>The pushback against PTA in critical circles
Is there actually such a thing? AFAIK he's highly respected.
Slow thread after the great debate earlier.
what are some films that cathartic?? Where you feel like you have been baptized by the time you're finished watching them. Love Exposure was like that for me.
comfy but inaccurate. It is already established Asians are into the delicate beauty type of white women. Don't get me wrong I am asian and I think Bau is hot, but we are talking about specific waifu preferences here.
>no Afonya
list is trash
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Anyone watch A Different Man? I thought it was very good until the final third, specifically the scene where Edward attacks Oswald at the play. His self-destruction was too fast, not to mention the fact he's still accepted by Oswald and Ingrid afterwards is insane. And wtf was that ending? Why would Ingrid and Oswald join the cult, and why does Oswald call him Edward?
And who the hell was this person he was staring at?
Last thread was unironically my favorite thread since the 2020-2021 days, in it that it felt like a group of friends hanging out and shooting the shit.
Based Asian Bauchad.
It must be noticed that happened because people weren't talking about the official topics of the place, but a side subject.
Somebody bake.
>/film/ discussing films and directors
>/film/ discussing women
UN meeting
I'll bake your head after I fuck your ass, you fucking mouthbreather
The Waifu war wasn't even a week ago.
on it
Some UN meetings can lead to wars, after all
It felt like lightning in a bottle. No trolls, schizos, gimmicks, anger management anons, spergs, autists, cuckcolds, or jannies. It was a beautiful sight to see.
I suppose we cannot escape the sad reality that women make us better.
Too true, anon. Why can't we have nice things all the time?
>Why can't we have nice things all the time?
we can! starting from yesterday's thread. We all know what it is that makes this a better place now!
...Must... Rice....
Queen of /mid/
Sarah Gadon is aryan mediocrity
if she was not a well known hollywood actress and you saw her walking down the street she would appear like some kind of aryan princess
If she was not a well known Hollywood actress and you saw her walking down the street she would appear like a a low tier Stacey that played volleyball in high school or something.
Mamma Roma is better.
Cold Fish
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/film/'s thoughts on the Saw franchise? torture porn schlock or underappreciated kino?
Someone like Sarah Gadon is for me aesthetic counterfeit money when compared to a good Bau, a Harper, or a Gish.
no way, her face doesn't give off Stacey vibes, it gives off innocent Christian youth leader vibes.
The first part is comfy. Not as bad as one would think. I've heard that there are people completely obsessed with the franchise. Saw a guy completely covered in Saw tattoos one time, he actually gave very serious and deep reasons for every tatoo, and spoke of how the Saw franchise was completely underrated by the mainstream audiences as just "torture porn". I like the themes presented on the first film, execution was shaky though.
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No more brother wars.
>it gives off innocent Christian youth leader vibes.
AKA most boring vibes ever. No sex vibes. Wait until marriage vibes. Traditional home vibes. zzz
in all honesty Melody should be in the center of that. She is a staple in the /film/ waifu lore.
>it gives off innocent Christian youth leader vibes.
You're right. It lacks the requisite sensuality for even a low-tier Stacey. Much more insipid as you say.
Threads are too fast and too shit recently.
Both are great, Pasolini was pretty consistent.
Real sex havers know that sluts are fun a few times, but ultimately get boring, feel meaningless, and their bodies get busted.
the Sarah Gadon church girl, who saves her body and heart for one person eternally. I know what I'd pick personally.
>who saves her body and heart for one person eternally
The "great sacrifice" of trade: the giving cheap of what is worth nothing.
a genuinely good woman is worth everything.
A genuinely good woman Gadon is not.
>Eternal love
Idk bro, I'd much rather experience lots of different women in my life time. Monogamy feels unnatural to me, and doesn't make sense based on evolution or the experience of thousands of men. That's why many married men fuck prostitutes or have women on the side, it's just too boring to restrict yourself to only one women. Would you just watch the same movie for the rest of your life, everyday?
just gotta shop all those ugly bastards out of that frame.
>Threads are too fast and too shit recently.
Agreed, I'm not about this waifu shit. Feels retarded desu
>Both are great, Pasolini was pretty consistent.
One of the best in the game. I think both are great and best watched together, but I feel Mamma Roma is more interesting overall. Plus, hairy armpits.
I used to post all my escort stories here, but stopped because anons got tired of them. But I would talk about how meaningless and unfulfilling this 'variety' of different women gets. It is very fun at first, but becomes an addiction like any other drug, and at the end of it I would trade all that experience to go back and build a good future with one girl.
>a genuinely good woman is worth everything.
...it starts feeling like the guy in Irréversible that was obsessed with Belucci having an orgasm and failing. A good woman is worth something I guess, but Idk why men put so much emphasis on getting a woman / making the woman happy. Seems beta to me, desu. I always think of my pleasure first, then the rest of the world. "Me" is worth everything.
something tells me you are under 24 years old.
>the Sarah Gadon church girl, who saves her body and heart for one person eternally
Anon I don't even want to imagine what's being done to most Hollywood actresses
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>the substance
it's really the ugly ones like Jennifer Lawrence and Rose McGowen that give in to that Weinstein shit. And all the black ones that already had no morals.
I guess you found your own path in life with that. I was also a john some time ago, and also posted stories in here. Don't really care for that lifestyle anymore, just lost control for like a month when I was like 19 and going through a terrible life crisis. I feel prostitutes are exactly, -and I mean it-, exactly the same as other women. Same manipulation, same sex (mostly), same chatter. They also can be good girls and even legitimately cute. But in the end, be it an escort or not, human nature is what matters. And people are people. That's my 2 cents. Never went back to whores, don't think I will. What I learned from it though, is that I can't be with just one girl anymore. Will never go back to monogamy. At least not enforced monogamy. I like to take that decision myself, not be pressured into it by society or a woman.
Maybe my escorts ruined it for me idk. They were pretty much all latinas. Latin women without knowing it have very nihilistic attitudes.
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Glad to know you saw the light, sexdawg.
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When you've lived the street lifestyle for long, and watched all kinds of people that come from it, including yourself, you just discover that many people are actually into hedonism because of a deep sense of nihilism and depression. The classic "I'm gonna smoke as much crack and fuck as many whores as I can because nothing even matters anyway". It doesn't depress me, to be honest. The fact that nothing matters liberates me from having to search for reasons to do what I do. I just want to be happy and that's all.
Brooke Shields in Pretty Baby was the OG /film/ waifu
thanks, I think sexdawg may have been all the worst attributes of my personality manifest. Been trying to reform for the long term these days.

Disagree. I prefer to feel life in the most intense ways possible. Just feel it's a waste of time to live life half heartedly, timidly.
t. guy in Irréversible that was obsessed with Belucci having an orgasm
Hedonism as in drugs and alcohol is stupid even if you think that nothing matters because it makes you feel like shit. When life already fucking sucks
agreed 'nothing matters' is babbys first philosophy lesson. But then they skipped out on the rest of the class to go do drugs and party when the follow up is 'meaning is indeed empty but must be forged and constructed on your own perception and conception'
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>a bunch of Gadonfag's posts get deleted
>there are still Gadon posts up
don't tell me there are two of you fuckers now. no wonder threads are getting derailed so easily
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what have you been watching for Spooktober, /film/? I watched Bay of Blood the other day and it was good, though I'm not sure what everyone sees in Bava. from what I've seen from Italian horror, Argento, Fulci, and Martino are just better
It is stupid if you do it stupidly. I'm still le hedonist, but I do it in a balanced way now. Go to eat out at least once a week, try to get money to buy expensive shit, fap once a day... You just need the right formula for yourself, but make no mistake, life without pleasure is worthless.

Meaning doesn't matters at all. Existentialism is a scam. Just do what you like, that's as deep as it gets. No god, no mission in life, no point in being alive other than pleasure, pretty much.
>No god, no mission in life, no point in being alive other than pleasure
Evil post from an evil poster
well I guess trolls want to ruin the thread again with snitching. I guess yesterday's thread truly was one time magic.
Argento > Bava > Fulci. Composition, coloring, lighting... he was a master of those things. Bay of Blood I think is one of his least interesting films.

>what have you been watching for Spooktober, /film/?
Mostly non /hor/ stuff.
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>Meaning doesn't matters at all. Existentialism is a scam. Just do what you like, that's as deep as it gets. No god, no mission in life, no point in being alive other than pleasure, pretty much.
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"Pleasure is evil" is the biggest trick christianity (and the devil) have ever played on humanity.

h8 this b8
no (Yous) for you m8
This actually made me jump!
Gadonfag probably got burned elsewhere. He posts A LOT and is a known figure, so the tranny jannies have an easy target.
i see I suppose I may need to fill in the role in his absence. Though I appreciate the other ladies here like Huppert, Bau, and Melody.
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There are 3 confirmed. One anon got deleted. I posted one Gadon pic, but two others are not mine.
Faggots spamming their precious waifus like the inbred simps they're should all kill themselves. You can post your simp fantasies in any other thread, why here? Die.

>I'm not sure what everyone sees in Bava
Then you're blind as he's the most accomplished visual stylist of them all and Bay of Blood is prototype of slasher flicks. It's no surprise that Argento's best film was partially directed by Bava lol.
Bava is the best out of the ones you named, by some distance and could work in a variety of genres. Then Argento although he's much more limited. He could never do a film like Danger Diabolik or Rabid Dogs.

h8 this b8
no (Yous) for you m8
>cease to desire them
Another scam. You can't fight with your own nature and get out unscathed from said conflict. The reality is that, eventually, you will hopefully accept yourself. Let's say that you're addicted to porn: one part of you wants to keep watching and the other part of you wants to say no. Changes can happen, you can stop your addiction in due time, but you won't make it by trying to force changes. Self-control is a must, but so is patience and the acceptance of your own true self. You don't decide what your true nature is: nature does.
you couldn't have come up with one on your own?
>God is God and there is one God
Can't believe in it until proven, in which case I wouldn't have to believe in it in the first place.
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What is this book? And how do you find these quotes so fast lol
>the acceptance of your own true self
there is no such thing as a self
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Sure, Bruce Lee. Too much eastern philosophy for you. There is no mind too, right?
there is a mind, we can locate the mind, but where is this true self? Identify it?
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It's me.
maybe I just need to watch more Bava. there were some great shots of the bay in Bay of Blood, but everything else wasn't noteworthy imo. the only other Bava's I've seen are Rabid Dogs and Black Sunday, and both of those were a long time ago when I was first getting into films. I should probably rewatch them. I'm planning on watching at least Blood and Black Lace and Black Sabbath this year, so we'll see if my thoughts on Bava change after those two
what's with all the fortune cookie posts?
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>G*don spam got nuked
Based, but that prick is gonna be back spamming the same webms and replying to himself in half an hour. I fucking hate that guy.
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Orientalism grift.
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Those are my two favorite Bava joints. Planet of The Vampires and Black Sunday are great as well if you haven't seen them.
in other words true self is dependent on the entirety of your perceptions and conceptions, and is not a thing that inherently exists, and is always changing like nature

your quote here

>Self-control is a must, but so is patience and the acceptance of your own true self. You don't decide what your true nature is: nature does.

is contradictory in a sense. How can you advocate for self control when you also say it is dependent on nature.
is this Loving Vincent or some TikTok AI that makes things look like a Van Gogh painting?
>half-chink woke up to another day of angry shitposting
You'll never be missed when you die
These quotes are getting into "means nothing" territory as time passes...
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F.H. Bradley's aphorisms.
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Bay of Blood is one of his blander looking films. Watch Blood and Black Lace and Kill Baby Kill.
>is contradictory in a sense. How can you advocate for self control when you also say it is dependent on nature.
Two tendencies happen in you: the desire for self-control and the desire for losing control. The balance of the two tendencies is your true self. You just let go and end up in the place nature had for yourself. I know it sounds like self help grift, but it's the truth. You have changed in life before, you can change know. Let's speak about an episode of my own life: I used to assault people when I was younger. When I got angry, I hit on people. After a while, I realized that lifestyle was going nowhere, so when people came to insult me or hurt me, I just did my most to control myself and not fall into violence yet again. And it worked, I have not hit anybody for years now. And the thing I realized in the end, is that, -since the beginning-, I was way more AND less than I first believed. Nature was always dragging me into my true self, but I was fighting against it. The lesson is to stop fighting your desires and just accept them. Don't force them, don't supress them, just accept them. The desire for peace of mind for example, you might think it's impossible to achieve if you've been a fighter all of your life, but in reality that is another part of who you are, available to you at any moment. Your true nature is big, your false identity is small.
What Argento film are you talking about?
>Two tendencies happen in you: the desire for self-control and the desire for losing control.

this is a theory of your own projection though. Reality cannot be essentialized into such a binary. And thinking this way only makes you believe you have less freedom than you really do.
I watched that new Beetlejuice movie. It wasn't terrible. I'm not a super fan of the original or anything, but I think the sequel did an alright job of continuing the story. My main gripe is that it was too long and had some plot points that really should have been cut. The final scene was real fun though
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You have freedom, but not that much. That's my own understanding of life. Can a black guy become white? Can a woman become a man? Can a saint become a serial killer? They can try, but they will fail miserably, because you don't have a choice but to be what you already are.
The fuck does that even means lol
>I watched that new Beetlejuice movie
They mention Bava in that movie
They did indeed, which I thought was fun
Resignation is often both easier than and more compatible with one's self as it stands than a disciplined, difficult pursuit of what one really wants which may change you profoundly.
Giving up hurts the most.
I think it's from some Van Gogh VR experience somebody made, at least it reminds me of one I saw.
That may ultimately be the case, but sometimes it's the path of least resistance, and no sacrifice at all when compared to subordinating everything to a goal.
>but we are talking about specific waifu preferences here.
No I'm not. This is not some generalization. That IS Baufag, whether he admits it or not.
> Can a black guy become white? Can a woman become a man? Can a saint become a serial killer? They can try, but they will fail miserably, because you don't have a choice but to be what you already are.

Your argument here supports what I said here
>in other words true self is dependent on the entirety of your perceptions and conceptions, and is not a thing that inherently exists, and is always changing like nature

The argument of yours I quoted at the top supports my argument that selfhood is not an attribute, therefore there is no such thing as true selfhood as its own attribute that can be designated.
this is an amwf general, take this shit to pol if you want yous.
I'm not Asian, but it's otherwise accurate as I said in the last thread.
You seem obsessed in forcing the association. Odd.
There's more than one Baufag, btw. Myself, I'm pretty sure I'm not an ancient chink.
I have been trying to tell you guys (as the asian here) we are Gadon/Huppert/Melody fags
in other words: delicate, fragile looking skinny white women. Bau is hot, but not what I would personally go for.
The goal is "to be". Hardly a sacrifice.

I just don't get what you're saying.
no. Bau has never been in a film where she had a relationship with an asian man, so the ricels are intimidated by her
Thank you. I'm picturing your soul as I do not know what you look like.

>I just don't get what you're saying.

you made this argument
>Self-control is a must, but so is patience and the acceptance of your own true self. You don't decide what your true nature is: nature does.

I said this

you said this

I said this

you here

me here



and here we are
>no. Bau has never been in a film where she had a relationship with an asian man, so the ricels are intimidated by her

not her fault she doesn't have a career anymore to do amwf shit
Yeah, I just don't get it anyway. The key is: jus b yrself.
there is no such thing as a self
Cry about it. Every day I pray you get hit by a bus.
Waifufags might the most pathetic posters yet.
>not her fault she doesn't have a career anymore
it absolutely is her fault. she went after Kechiche, the man who made her, and tanked his magnum opus and deprived us of watching what would have been the best film of the 2010s
There is no thing as a self, but there is such a thing as "jus b urself"
she also did a pretty good job of tanking her own career
that's literally what I just said
be patient I am black, autistic, and ESL
I just got financed for $2.5 million dollar horror movie on Netflix while you losers sit here jerking off to waifus. Meanwhile I am a professional filmmaker who will be touching your favorite waifu's feet IRL. Enjoy that film school 101 trash while I live your dreams, geeks.
One of those things is a lie.
prove it
Yeah, you're on /film/ after all
which 1 ?
Not /film/.
>I am a professional filmmaker
You're a slop maker.
prove it
Good for you. Send da MEGA
You know which.
congrats, T.B. Johnson. I will be pirating and watching it once it releases
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That hand is not black.
Finally I know at least someone here is not a ragebait bot, hi anon
what is it?
AI generated pic.
lol 100% not pretty sadge we cant trust any pic no mo
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She looks just like Klaus, but is still somehow the most beautiful woman ever. How is this possible?
>I do not know what you look like
I do make that confused, spiritually-famished mouth agape expression when looking at Bau.

Baused. Bau's my waifu, and I love her, but fuck her so much for that.
Klaus was hot ngl. Got that rapist sex appeal that women love.
With Jane Fonda it's the opposite, her father was handsome, she looks like him but is meh
The goal is to become.
Become what
a nigga
The guy who outdances Bau's husband and then takes his place.
Can you give me a n word pass
Looks a little brown, but your picture is ridiculously poorly lit, turn the flash on and take another picture.
yall get enward passes
>lightskin niggas aren't niggas
>niggas cannot be any other shade except DARK BLACK.
At most they're lil niggas
still nigga
But lil
But still
are you a furry, brony, or naruto running sperg? autistic blacks seem to always fall into one of those three categories
>naruto runner
lil bros making use of his pass
the last two threads have been peak
bro, how did you know?
Yes actually, lightskinned mulattos/mongrels are not black.
Distant Voices, Still Lives
Add Europa '51 too.
Conan the Barbarian (1982).
You can telle a nigga had a white ancestor without any DNA tests if he be doin shit like that
Most Bresson
OJ was black yes, a guy like Stephen Curry is not.
nigga you didn't even watch it
I'm not watching hippity hoppity music.
>Stephen Curry
still nigga
I think it's ai
faux nigga
yeah, I watched it back a second time and I got that feeling as well. the way the camera moves just seems very unnatural, and is reminiscent of other AI videos I've seen. plus the way the people are moving seems off
Also why are the niggaposters back? We had a nice couple of threads without them.
this is a separate but coincidental thing entirely
his ban must have been lifted
How tragic.
no retard it all goes back to these posts here >>204301513

you dumb fucking illiterate cunts
just ban every discussion of pathetic race bs permanently
How tragic.
What a surprise, it's the black guy's fault.
come on mane I dindu nuffin, I efen gave yall n word passes, man fuck yall, gimme dem back.
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Scottbros we eatin good
>I've got 8 pages

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That's half the way.
Gladiator 1
>122 pages

Gladiator 3
>16 page script
>white hands
asian hands typed this
Hands typed this.
And sure enough…
Maybe that's the Yang hater
Nobody bake yet.
not on it
too late
Believe it or not, waifus sometimes bring people together instead of turning each other into enemies. Except Gadon

>Someone like Sarah Gadon is for me aesthetic counterfeit money when compared to a good Bau, a Harper, or a Gish.
This anon gets it. He even posted the waifu alliance pic I made!
/film/ is not /tv/.
don't delude yourself. /film/ only exists because it's on /tv/
has anyone tried using a VR headset to watch 3D films? I never got to experience Goodbye to Language in 3D, so I'm curious if that would suffice
wrong. /film/ flourished on infinitychan before "Saint Tarrant" ruined it for everybody. the board still exists, but after hopping to multiple different sites it might as well be dead
Do you seriously browse /tv/? Why?
nta, but I still do when /film/ is slow or dead. you'll occasionally still stumble on a good thread now and then. plus I'll jump between here and /hor/ during halloween
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>still nigga
Lil bros Sarah Gadon Tsai nigga frfr
This but unironically.
Sure, why not? Different films, different topics, but the funposting/shitposting spirit still is the same.
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Do people in /film/ never make their own threads or something?
I used to make a thread every time I watched a film I wanted to talk about, but after so many threads with zero replies I just gave up. maybe I should get back to that to try and fight the capeshit flood
I don't know whenever I check the catalog and click on random threads it makes me feel like I'm out of my comfort zone, reading all those posts and thinking
>Damn I hate these people
I'm shy.
leave it to /film/ to delete rice queen gadon and keep up coalburning kinski
>Damn I hate these people
And you don't feel this here on /film/?
As it should be.
Something like making one's own threads is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to some good /film/ waifuposting, gimmickposting or baking.
>4 the substance threads in the catalog

lil bros really bit the coomerbait hook line and sinker
found the niggaposter
No, you guys are my only friends.
NTA, but I absolutely hate most posters here.
Honestly no, I don't, even when the sperging out is too strong
But not me.
Sadly, I don't doubt you feel that way. Were you heavily bullied in school?
Why though? Other than the niggaposters and lilbrosters and the tsaifag everybody is pretty cool.
Once again, you people can all get fucked with your race garbage.
/film/ is family. You don't hate family.
right in the feelz
Your forgot the angries, the schizos, the low-key spammers, the beggars, the trolls, etc
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Very based of you, /film/!
all me
so we got genuine nigcels in here or hwat?
Thinking about it, /film/ has a lot of bad posters, specially considering it's not a big community
yeah nigga what
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All family.
>the angries
They're fine.
>the schizos
>the low-key spammers
Other than the ones i mentioned, what spammers?
There's usually just one or two posts asking for links per thread, that's nothing.
>the trolls
Again, it's just niggaposters and lilbrosters.
lil bros tat tvam asi-ing.
>the angries
>They're fine.
I see
Ok you can bake now.
Are you implying i'm one of the angries? I'm not, i'm the chillest guy here.
still 8 pages to go
Who don't you hate here?
You implied you were by saying they're fine. Few posters manage to be as cancerous than people who can't take any different opinion without popping veins.
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The guys you can actually talk to without insta-insults, the ones you ask for questions or recs and they're given in good will with genuine answers, some waifuposters who don't enter in bitchy dramas with other posters and don't spam, the guys who just post webms or frames by the beauty of oddness of them. Those are some.
*or oddness of them
Cool, then you like me.
This. Who's gonna give you what /film/ gives us? /film/ is my bottom bitch, anything else is just counterfeit money compared to a good /film/ thread. Feels like home. You recognize the usual retards day after day. It's comfy.
Not more than here.

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