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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Kinskino edition
>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature
Previous >>204291643
lil bro nigga tsai lee queen of /film/ bau harper huppert kinski lilian gish sarah gadon somebody bake on it kimchi duck intellectual counterfeit money feeling intellectual storytellers thanks
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Queen of /film/
Damn that was fucking fast.
Someone start training chatGPT on our threads and see what it comes up with
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I made a non/film/ thread anons. see if you can find it
The 3x3 thread.
Based fellow Bauchad
that was fast, lel
GOD i wish that were me
She's so adorable.
She's so fat
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More like Based as Fuck edition.
Where are these from?
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F.H. Bradley's aphorisms
Brb making a thread on /mu/
let me guess, the next kpop general thread
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>Disgusting coalburner edition
reccommend a movie set in NYC
reccommend a movie set in Weimar Germany
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God no, I hate those fucks. I think I hate them even more than >204305977
No thanks.
The Addiction
She is fat. Women should have a BMI of 20 or lower.
It’s sad how decent movies are otherwise ruined by the Gadonfag, not even Gadon herself.
Robert De Noir
why did he do this
Following the point about family: I hate my family irl, but I love them in a weird way. We don't have anything in common, and they often ignore me, but still, for some reason I love them, and want to be with them. We look past our differences because we enjoy an unspoken sharing of experiences that we have in common. There's something that goes beyond what is superficial or spoken. /film/ is the same: I've had so much time in here that you guys feel like second nature to me. I should hate y'all, but I don't. And as has been said many times, where can I speak about autistic subjects and get (You)'s if not for /film/?
He can tell what's good from wrong.
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The most romanticised NYC movie, the city never looked as great in another film. Legitimately made me wanna move there when i first saw it.
the middle one with the larger afro is a tranny now btw
Pretty much an anti-german expressionism german film, sunny and happy.
Robert De Queero
Italians are honorary niggas
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One's fame in hollywood is directly proportional to how large of a humiliation ritual you will be put through.
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Not even close
Ugh no armpit hair?
Damn. Quincy has a knack for making sexy mulattas. This one's even better than Rashida.
Sarah Gadon KINO
Nigga she has Klaus Kinski and Quincy Jones blood in her, she's 20/10 considering this fact
Trips of truth. The mutt abomination is disgusting.
At least Klaus Kinski died before she was born.
I'm dumping a bunch of 3x3 webms if anyone wants to browse through them and maybe find some new kinos to watch
It's alive

IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!
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What am I in for?
She's got many European features, only her lips and skin colour look SSA. Quite strong Kinski genes. She probably had a nose job though.
A real life ugly duckling type joint. Would gladly BLEACH without a second thought.
Racism is so 2020 bud, /film/ is an inclusive general. Like in a 90s after school special way where everyone just gets along.
Drugsploitation Bresson, pretty much. Lead actor is horrible in his role. Mimsy Farmer is extremely hot in her's. Beyond all of its mistakes, I feel this was a solid picture. Some of the exploitative aspects are super dumb, but the overall solidness of the script and the beauty of the film make everything work out by itself. I seriously think Barbet Schroeder is very underrated as a filmmaker. Nice try for a first film.
Gallo absolutely dominating with that stare.
Kino, as expected.

Ironic racism is still fun, unironic is cringe. Same with every other "-ism".
Why is his son not crazy like him I wonder
It's not ironic.
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Better than any Dumont film.

Decent film, not top tier Ferrara.
He has more a quiet serial killer energy
Here is his real acting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhfocNBTPW0

he only carries a small hint of klaus's intensity
Ugh. Misportraying General Maniakes as a proud arrogant jerk, when in reality was one of the most articulated, diplomatically content, and strategically intelligent generals within the Roman Empire during the 11th century. It shows western vikings as men of valor and chivalry, and Romans as uncouth, haughty and sadistic—when in fact it was the other way around. Terrible show.
Conceptual Dumont
Thread is somewhat decent finally, last handful have been total fucking garbage
Yeah, I agree overall. The film is an audiovisual treat, with gorgeous cinematography from Nestor Almendros and soundtrack from the Pink Floyd. But unfortunately I don't think Schroeder know how to properly direct a film: it felt pointless most of the time, and it delivered its message in the bluntest way possible. A shame because it could have been so much more (pun intended) had it done what it set to do properly. But it's a quite interesting take on the disillusionment with psychedelia on its heyday.
This is the worst one yet because of the coalburner spam
Crazy how quickly Megalopolis was forgotten.
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just the joker 2 catastrophe, they'll come back
we have the emersonian power with us
>But it's a quite interesting take on the disillusionment with psychedelia on its heyday.
not related at all, but this sentence reminded me of this letterboxd list
> Disillusionment in Sun-drenched 1970s American New Wave Cinema
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>Something like making one's own threads is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to some good /film/ waifuposting, gimmickposting or baking.
Occasionally, waifuposting deserves its own thread. You gotta cover all bases and /tv/ as a whole needs exposure to your girl instead of just /filmhor/. Bonus points if you can post your waifu on other boards and manage to stay 100% on topic.

I only hate a select few posters personally. Most anons in these threads are actually quite chill, especially fellow waifuposters. Dare I say it, even the niggaposters can be okay when kept in check but I like hip hop so I’m biased lol
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>Most anons in these threads are actually quite chill, especially fellow waifuposters.
No more brother wars!!!

>Occasionally, waifuposting deserves its own thread. You gotta cover all bases and /tv/ as a whole needs exposure to your girl instead of just /filmhor/. Bonus points if you can post your waifu on other boards and manage to stay 100% on topic.
Based and true.
None of these are waifus. They are gimmicks.
black fog turns day into night, and the wolves of fenric rise from their sleep to create an animalistic, instinctive, haunting dance. like a thousand different emotions coursing through one another, creating a purely spiritual ecosystem -- a system of veins, pulsating light and matter, joining together to form a ritualistic dance with its own rhythm and ruleset.
Very cool reading from your part, I agree with the disillusionment side of things, which I just realized retrospectively.

>it felt pointless most of the time, and it delivered its message in the bluntest way possible
I actually quite like this element of the film; I'd compare it to Zabriskie Point by Antonioni. The wandering is what makes it so beautiful, and the contrast of the bleak ending so powerful. I do feel that he could have went even further if he cut on the exploitation and put some more emphasis on exploring the psyche of the characters. I'll continue watching his films though, because he seems to have a real unique voice that I've yet to see in other filmmakers of his time.
harper sucks doggy, the others are good.
>Better than any Dumont film
not a high praise.
Btw guys, I'm a fan of 60s counterculture, so if you have some recs I'd greatly appreciate. I'll watch whatever seems interesting, so don't be shy :)
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Can anyone recommend me some punk rock esque films like pic related?
>It's 2 minutes long
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kind of related
>Arty American Exploitation &/or New Wave of the Late 50s through 1966 (taking any recs)
Movies with lonely people starting romance? It’s ok if it ends badly.
You'd like Easy Rider. Very obscure film, I know.
Spongebob season 4 - 7 are absurdism kino
see >>204306263
McDonald's arthouse.
Pickpocket and Taxi Driver
Why watch boring arthouse slop when I can enjoy those directors who perfectly combine entertainment and art?
Already seen it kek. Unbeatable in its genre.

Cool list, not really what I was looking for, but I'll take it.
Spongehenge is fantastic
Where's Tsaiposter? Feels wrong not to see his handiwork in a /film/ thread.
Watched The Strangler episode yesterday. Was amazed by how good and funny it was. Last time I saw a Spongebob episode I was a kid.
Still not hating Brakhage.
Rec sexy French films
Why shit on the best one?
dead hopefully
South Park creators studied under Brakhage, does that mean that South Park is film?
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Repo Man (1984), great Robby Müller (Paris Texas, To Live And Die In LA) cinematography.
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I think that it is funny to this day, so I say yes.
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Absolutely based.
Rodrigo D: No futuro
Made in Britain
Burst City
Tetsuo I & II
Tokyo Fist
Combat Shock
Toxic Avenger series
They Live
Christiane F.

These all got punk rock vibes imo.
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That’s considered a troll post?! Jesus
I get banned in here all of the time for literally nothing. One time got banned for posting a picture of a woman fully clothed.
this is what happens when you retards are constantly encouraging reporting
>One time got banned for posting a picture of a woman fully clothed.
Was it Sarah Gadon?
>got banned for posting a picture of a woman
They say /mu/ is the most incel board on 4chan aside from /r9k/
>this song goes very hard meme
I got fucking permabanned for responding to a post with the name of a film once I got it overturned after a couple months of appealing
Why didn't you just get a new IP address?
No, it was another actress. I don't even know how the banning system works, or how 4chan works really, but this shit is retarded.
my stupid ISP still has dedicated IPs
I have dynamic IP and I sometimes get the 'you are banned' message and 99.9% of the time it's because of someone else's post from like 2016, sometimes as early as 2010. I need to start making screenshots of these. Sometimes it's for CP, sometimes you can actually see the oldass messages that the poster got banned for
Link that post NOW!
banning/reporting = reddit
no matter what. its snitching.
Mine also has, that's why I make banworthy posts on mobile only.
Shout out to Kinskibro >>204310450
Kill Gadonfag. Behead Gadonfag. Roundhouse kick Gadonfag into the concrete. Slam dunk Gadonfag into the trashcan. Crucify Gadonfag. Defecate in Gadonfag's food. Launch Gadonfag into the sun. Stir fry Gadonfag in a wok. Toss Gadonfag into an active volcano. Urinate into Gadonfag's gas tank. Judo throw Gadonfag into a wood chipper. Twist Gadonfag's head off. Report Gadonfag to the IRS. Karate chop Gadonfag in half. Curbstomp Gadonfag. Trap Gadonfag in quicksand. Crush Gadonfag in the trash compactor. Liquefy Gadonfag in a vat of acid. Dissect Gadonfag. Exterminate Gadonfag in the gas chamber. Stomp Gadonfag's skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Gadonfag in the oven. Lobotomize Gadonfag. Feed Gadonfag to alligators. Slice Gadonfag with a katana.
All that but done to your loved ones.
Damn it, I blew it.

All that but to your loved ones.
Creative post.

Wholesome post.
Fucking savage.
Had a very busy day.
Is he a Balenciaga ambassador or some shit?
the noun you're looking for is 'shill'
>/film/ and /hor/ are both Kinskino edition
OK, this is epic
Yeah, checked their website, he isn't. Huppert is
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Dunno, I've never seen him mentioned it on his social media. Probably just a fan. Don't think it would be very lucrative for Balenciaga to sponsor a little known actor like Lee. Surely there are a hundred bigger stars in Taiwan.
She bogged?
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Comfy flick and marvelous soundtrack
One of Obayashi's best.
What other's would you recommend? I never heard of this director before, only picked this movie from a random screenshot from a random /tv/ thread
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I made that and to be honest, it should be posted here more often when shit gets nasty so newfags are aware there really isn’t much waifu contention in /film/ outside of hated and critically panned Canadian prostitute Sarah Gadon.

You had to be in the Birth of a Nation edition to get it, anon.

>harper sucks doggy, the others are good.
I’m gonna repeat what the other guy said: why shit on the best living actress?
did you watch Rubber's Lover yet lil bro
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
His Motorbike, Her Island
The Island Closest to Heaven
The Discarnates
Casting Blossoms to the Sky / Seven Weeks / Hanagatami (the anti-war trilogy)

And plenty of others. He's got an amazing filmography.
>The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
I feel like a retard normalfag because I only knew of the anime
thanks for recommendations anon, i will definately see more of his movies
I much prefer Obayashi's version over the anime.
>Mamoru Oshii's house
Based autist. He also said that the final scene in Ghost in the Shell gave him a boner because he finds self-destruction erotic
Wannabe Tark. Urusei Yatsura is weebtrash, Angel's Egg is great, the rest is carried hard by Kenji Kawai
Documentary is very normie take, yet they also interviewed Shinya Tsukamoto about Tetsuo 1 and 2
Did he mention Cronenberg?
For me it's Cronenberg's collaborations with the Canadian actress Sarah Gadon
Anime is better than the live action film, but live action is also fun in its own way.
Destruction is more erotic than self-destruction
Yes, he said Blade Runner and Videodrome were his influence during his cyberpunk era when he created Tetsuo. The video has voice over instead of subtitles so can't screencap that. The whole seasons are in archive.org
I don't wanna be that guy, but it seems like western grifting to not give credit where credit is due. Tetsuo literally steals the character name, aesthetic and lots of design from the manga Akira and its anime adaptation. Tsukamoto should have admitted it.
Deranged opinion.
>Is japanese innocent being perverted?
>This man says yes
They included Akira footage later on but was in another block talking about relevance of anime in the west with Astroboy as first and Akira as last more adult oriented. He truly got away with it.
The anime is typical Hosodashit filled with anime tropes and plot elements the storytelling didn't need. White teenage boy core.
He's shilling Love & Pop kek
Which is why it mogs

Pisses me off when retards lie about their influences, specially when they dismiss their own heritage and culture by doing it
Don't know about western grifting but Japanese people really do lie about their influences all the time, especially video game creators
>It has some parallels to the 1927 film of the same name, though Tezuka stated that he had only seen a single still image of the film in a magazine at the time of creating his manga.
>Bro I swear I've never watched the film
>The character of Michi became the prototype for both the lead characters of Astro Boy and Princess Knight, neither of which may have come into existence without Michi (Michi even made a cameo as Hoshie Tenma, Astro Boy's mother).
Now the final boss arrived, let's see what he had to say in 2001. The host already said he loves his films, boring sign
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Takahata is the true final boss
Maybe Tezuka was trolling. In the case of Tsukamato though, I think he was just ashamed of aping Akira and went in fully with the western cope to seem more original and exotic than he truly is.
>They call you the Japanese Disney, what do you have to say about that?
>I'm not very happy about it. Disney is a producer, but not a director
first lie because he directed shortfilms at first, fucking jap
>How do you express so well childhood in your fimls (was something like that the question)
>I remember myself of my childhood, I also see my friend's daughters a few times a year when we go to the cottage in summer
dude what
>all the movements and feelings of the main character i take it from them
So is this why so many main characters are girls? he fantasizes about his friend's daughters all the time?

>Parents turning into pigs while eating in "Spirited Away" is because Miyazaki hates how the japanese eat so many foreign things nowdays and the amount of tv cooking shows
Takahata is famous for being a reclusive person. RIP also.
They showed Totoro and the interviewer also missed the chance to tell to Miyazaki's face how he stole Panda Go Panda design for it.
Well, he was definitely telling the truth about Cronenberg, he was pretty influential in the 'genre'. Even Dan O Bannon said he was inspired by Cronenberg (who was underground at the time) when they were making Alien
Diddy moment
Don't doubt it at all, but the thing is, he didn't admit influence from other japs at all. Kinda like saying "look at me, I'm the first to do body horror in Japan", which is just dishonest as hell.
Oh I forgot to mention the host, Jonathan Ross, is married with the screenwriter formerly known for her big boobas Jane Goldman, there are here being weeaboos at Sanrio Theme Park
they are renewing their vows in marriage btw, kek
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My favorite Shinya Tsukamoto film wasn't directed by Shinya Tsukamoto
Coalburner spam
Have you seen Battle Royale. Fukasaku was basically the Coppola of the 70s for Japan. His final film ended up being his best, edgiest, and most well known film. It is akin to Coppola making Joker at his age. The hunger left that guy long ago. He was an actual billionaire. Dracula was his last good movie, if he wanted to make a final masterpiece, he could have chosen something big, with the best actors, writers, and cinematographers in the world. Instead, he made something so bad that it was national news for a moment. Coppola is a big fat weirdo, Joker 2 is future canon.
lil Timmy malding
Shia LaBeouf be in that movie like I don't know what the hell I'm doing in this, I wish I was in Joker 2 instead.
>Shia LaBeouf be in that movie like I don't know what the hell I'm doing in this
Great flick, very unique atmosphere
>Noboru Tanaka exposing Nagisa Ôshima because his film "A Woman Called Abe Sada" come first than "Ai no korîda", making Ôshima a copycat bastard
They also mentioned Battle Royale in this documentary sayis, saying that Fukasaku made the film to told the japanese people their aceptance of violence in society. Kek. He died midway directing the sequel tho, completed b his son. Sequel was bad.
rolling for a movie to watch. 0 is viewer's choice
Dracula is laughably bad
>noooooooo!!!!! only I am allowed to make a film based on this real person!!!!!!!!
Dude was just seething over how hard Oshima's film mogged his.
Painted Fire was good
Super Citizen Ko is gigakino.
have to respect the rng
looks like harmful insect is tonight's kino
>professional train gropper
kek. They also talked with pink film directors Takahisa Zeze, Hisayasu Sato and Toshiki Sato
Is this live TV? Are you the dude that did the Antonioni live reaction / review a few months ago?
the excruciating alienation of being the designated train groper
No, I'm just marathoning Japanorama docuseries and putting anything related to japanese films here (I can spam anything but i'm focusing on the thread thematic instead). Now is Audition's novel writer Ryû Murakami
Electric Dragon 80,000V
I always see his books in bookshops and I thought he was some popular fancy novelist for women until I learned that he wrote Audition
He explained he started writing about high class prostitutes because during the bubble japanese people became truly wealthy and didn't know how to spend the money, and the society giving them anxiety make them to tend for masochist fetishes, kek. Somehow he's happy that 00s japan is not degenerate anymore. He directed this movie and because has girls with bobcut haircuts my peepee got hard and will go to search for it
There's another (more popular) author also called Murakami who writes novels for women. You're probably thinking of him.
>Murakami who writes novels for women
holy filtered
Good shit. Poster appealing, will watch
>Murakami who writes novels for women
Murakami is boomercore, not womancore.
>girls with bobcut haircuts
Yeah of course I know him.
>Now a major motion picture
Have you seen it? I've heard about it and been meaning to give it a watch
Haruki Murakami is the literary equivalent of Yang. A grifter appealing to western sensibilities and a traitor to his people. I'm afraid you're the one who's been pseud filtered.
Has someone seriously into /lit/ ever considered Murakami to be amazing? I always thought he was just another dude writing. But you know, Banana Yoshimoto has a career, so...
Kitano interview
>Production company told Kitano to drop his partner from Two Beats comedy duo because he was shit and they wanted more money with him alone
>"The notion about I'm not conscious about the way my films are percieved, it's that the films i make are like my tours, and I won't go back and analize them"
Only 2 questions and him being weird at tv shows, sad
I've never read a Murakami novel but pic related is just amazing
He's just a tier above airport lit. Only people I've met who think he's something special are art hoes and dudes who read like 3 books a year
back 2 r/truefilm lil bro
Figures. One of the best writers I've ever met in my life told me he kind of sucked. The dude won contest after contest at our Uni.
you have never read murakami and it shows
nigga named lee chang dong
The GOAT /film/
Pure /film/
you are a retarded shit spewing troll, but you are not entirely wrong about Murakami and I really like his books.

no he is far from amazing, but he is very fun and his books are page turners.
he is more style over substance but murakami does not deserve to be snubbed. He is like a Gaspar Noe of lit
Wtf, not too long ago everyone agreed with me though, what's going on you fucks
His best books are Men Without Women and Kafka on the Shore

Wind up Bird Chronicle is good but the first 100 pages are the best (and its like 600 pages total lol)
i came here a bit late but I love Burning, it is one of the best films of the 2010s and got robbed by Parashite.
Gaspar Noés of /lit/ are already De Sade, Bataille and Burroughs, so what makes him be a Noé, in your opinion?
I read both Murakamis in my teens. I enjoyed Ryu but even in my edgelord phase it felt like he was trying too hard to be transgressive sometimes. Haruki is just trash, straight up chick lit
conceptual haneke
Well, things they change, and people grow...
this shit is too weak to catch on
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>straight up chick lit
again you are filtered
I have a friend who has a degree in philosophy and he thinks that Drive My Car is a masterpiece, he told me to watch it but I still haven't
This is unironically one of my favorite Cronenberg films. Also made me start reading DeLillo.
If you could recommend one Gadon film to convince someone who hasn’t seen a single film of hers that she is great, what would it be?
Takashii Mike
>"Since childhood i have a complex about agression, i could never punch a person who have been mean to me. This come out in my fllms"
>(About "Audition")"I kinda wanted to promote the cliche of horror" "People are more scary than any horror film and I wanted to prove that point" "I wanted to make the film as real as possible, that way it became more frightening"
>British people have a very unique way to see "Audition" compared to another countries, they think I'm very nice and a good feminist unlike everywhere else"
your friend is a pseud, the film is good, but nowhere near as good as Men Without Women because of all that uncle vanya shit.
>The mountains remind him of her breasts
Literally babby's first metaphor. Does he really write like this? Complete trash if so.
i have a lot of nostalgia associated with him, and indeed The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles was the novel that got me into adult literature, but even so I think he's great. certainly better than the majority of shitlit that gets churned out in these bleak times
lol yes, sometimes it is because the translators are being lazy, but this is Murakami's style more or less.
Probably not a pseud, but not on /film/'s scholarship program either. Drive My Car is very good, but not a masterpiece. It's like an 8/10.
Wait a minute, Sarah surname is Gadon? I always thought it was Gordon? Also what the fuck is wrong with her face, did she have an accident?
Thank you. Watching tonight.
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Cosmopolis is kino.
if they stuck to the Schezerade story from Drive my Car it would be 10/10, but Hamaguchi's fixation with the uncle vanya bullshit ruined the murakami elements.
Someone like Murakami is for me intellectual counterfeit money compared to Murakami.
It's great, I've been sharing the truth about it in here for ages.
>uncle vanya
Went to the theatre to see this not too long ago
>Men Without Women
That's an early John Ford joint my nigga
>Drive my Car
I meant the original book Men Without Women right here

>>Men Without Women
>That's an early John Ford joint my nigga
this is also the title of Murakami's best book.
>this is an impossibly beautiful 10/10 "aryan goddess" to chinks
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Reminds me of Antonioni's Red Desert, okay I'll watch this someday
People like Murakami, Miyazaki, and Koreeda are hated in Japan, they are pandering to western film festivals and rightly seen as traitorous by the Japanese people.
This is Drive My Car, right? Completely different to Il deserto rosso
I would love to see a wind up bird chronicle film adaptation starring Sarah Gadon and Chris Pang
Who is Miyazaki? The Ghibli boomer? Makes sense, like him but dislike Murakami (never read him, but the whole "references to western media" seems pretty cringe imo), and Shoplifters was SO trash. Bento box filmmaking.
Yes it is
>Completely different to Il deserto rosso
That shot makes me think of Red Desert, I don't know
>Miyazaki is hated in Japan
>The Boy and the Heron was the 4th highest grossing film in Japan last year

what did he mean by this
They also have like 5000 Ghibli themed parks in there, and in every vid I've seen of old people talking about anime they always ejaculate when speaking of Totoro and the other Ghibli films. Maruko chan is also popular within old people, and Shin chan too.
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anything like this?
Parasite, great little movie from Korea (south) not sure if you've ever heard of it.
All hate-watches.
other joints by the same dude, dude
yeah, i've seen it
Miyazaki has been one of the most respected anime guys in Japan since day 1, the fuck are you talking about. Even among the otaku crowd everyone was jerking off to Nausicaa in the 80s
i was being sarcastic nigga
Hating Miyazaki is fashionable among white western teenage boys, who can't handle the fact that the old fart's films are infinitely more popular than whatever TV anime crap they're binging. Japan loves Miyazaki, women love Miyazaki, and this makes lil bros seethe.
so was i
Perfect Days. All of those photography driven slice of life films with bright colors fit the bill.
so was i literally the only one here who actually read murakami?
when will they expose him as a pedo? he admited going to his close kindergarten daily for "wake up himself" every morning.
Never even heard of him.
you're the pedo you sick fuck
I only read superior /lit/, sorry. Now, give me your top five books.
So have you watched Norwegian Wood (2010) or not?
We all are.
for me, its 1Q84
We're all storytellers here.
1. To the Lighthouse
2. Catch 22
3. Heart of Darkness
4. Mrs. Dalloway
5. The Traveling Cat Chronicles
No not yet, I heard the movie is bad. Only seen Drive my Car and Burning.

Out of the four I would go

Burning > Barn Burning (Elephant Vanishes kinda sucks)

Men Without Women > Drive my Car
Cinema brings us all together.
were YOU?
Oh I see
> I heard the movie is bad
Well that sucks
still am
>Heart of Darkness
Only one I've read from those. Not top five, but I liked it.
I only speak in sarcasm, like Yukio Mishima
I can honestly say that I've been asked a million times why I post in these threads. And I normally just shrug and say, "it's a hobby". But that's a lie. Because when I'm on /film/, I'm at home.
I'm forced to post, that's why
home sweet home
Sean is that you?
Gonna read To the Lighthouse, if it sucks, I'm killing myself.
I first read it in 2011-2012 and I have reread it maybe on average once a year since then. Every sentence is crafted like poetry, the opening paragraph always strikes me how beautifully written it is. That said, you need to dedicate a day to getting into it, it is divided into three sections and everything kind of runs nonstop, taking frequent breaks in between chapters is not advised.
>Gonna read To the Lighthouse, if it sucks, I'm killing myself.
it is also a book that is so good and so psychically charged and powerful it will no doubt breathe life into you, I promise.
DUDE we still have one post left
No we don't
But eight pages.
someone bake
It’s great, but it might make you want to kill yourself even more.

Not posting in that
Yes you will be
Nope. I'll just wait for next thread.
Maybe you should go watch a film while you do that.

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