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Classics and arthouse

3D edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Prev: >>204316492
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Queen of /film/
Real Queen of /film/
Queen of /mid/

Off-topic spam, you know what to do.
Only post your whores once per thread, simp cucks. Don't ruin this thread as well.
Reading Deleuze's book on cinema. Feeling intellectual.
Stop it already.
all shit
Thoughts about it?
vintage waifus only pls
Holy heckin Goddess...
He doesn't understand Peirce.
Lol /film/ niggas don’t have any thoughts.
Kinda going over my head desu, feels more like a philosophy book than a cinema book but I guess that's to be expected.
We think about Sarah gadon
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Based recognizer. /tv/ is a small board.

>Which thread?
Alucarda. The thread ended up derailing multiple /hor/ threads two weeks ago when I mentioned in the general it was probably gonna hit bump limit. One sperg started posting gay SpongeBob porn and someone else subsequently made two “Fuck Christianity” editions in a row because of it lmao:
Redpill me on Deleuze
How about you read a book dumb nigga.
I don't do that
>Redpill me on Deleuze
I wish more arthouse directors experimented with 3D. Goodbye to Language is pretty incredible to experience in the format.
Watching Nathaniel Dorsky while Morton Feldman plays in the background... I can feel my brain expanding
Which one is the superior gimmick, 3D or VR?
>One sperg started posting gay SpongeBob porn
I actually hate that i missed that, especially considering i actually was in that thread at the beginning but left before he started with the spongebob porn.
Colour :^)
Would Murnau's Tabu and Sternberg's Anatahan make for a good double bill?
I wouldn’t jerk off to her even if she sucked a massive BBC and made fun of my tiny white pecker in front of me
Yeah how did you know
Lmao got eem
Wow Kinskiposter is an actual cuck faggot what a surprise
And he's STILL better than Gadonfag!
Ah, I see someone was influenced by the Situationists here
no one answered my question from a couple threads ago, so I'll ask it again. has anyone tried using VR to watch 3D films before? how well does it work? I want to experience Goodbye to Language in 3D
Finished watching a bunch of Bresson, Hitchcock, Godard, Hsiao-Hsien, Kurosawa, Tsai, Joe, and Yang films in 2 months and I don't think I was ever gripped by a single one. Last one I saw was A Man Escaped and it was a complete fucking snoozefest. I was falling asleep and went and took a nap, spent another half hour watching it, then took another and just gave up on it. I ended up finishing it the next day. I saw Rashomon yesterday. Dreadful.

My favorite movie since September was probably After Hours. It was fun. I don't think this kino stuff is for me, fellas. It was worth a try.
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I have the same question. Also, would I have to change settings in the video player mid-film to view Long Day's Journey Into Night properly?
It's becoming an outdated artform, even I'm feeling that as a cinephile.

Nothing can compare to the immersion and the sense of accomplishment of a good videogame.
This is the the endpoint that all entropy leads to. This is the final form of cinema.

>Bresson, Hitchcock, Godard, Hsiao-Hsien, Kurosawa, Tsai, Joe, and Yang films in 2 months and I don't think I was ever gripped by a single one
probably because these all kind of suck, especially godard and bresson
It's so weird that you dislike A Man Escaped, I've always viewed it as the most 'normie' Bresson flick and the one literally anyone can enjoy, I fucking love it.
Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good video game
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>he calls himself a cinephile
Don't act like that is not american cinema too with all that John Wick and horror garbage.
'Western grift' or whatever you call it is the funniest shit you guys have come up with in a while. I mean it's not new because even during the 50s-60s some French critics used to shit on Kurosawa for that but still
Murnau’s Tabu and Legong dance of the virgins is my recommendation.
Is that the ick? I give the girls the ick constantly but it is based it means that I don't give a fuck. The best thing is when a girl likes you and you give her ick now you are dead to her. I have grown addicted to this and I will draw women in and give them the ick intentionally and then watch as they disappear from my life with pleasure, often they will end up miserable and be single mothers. The ick is a sign of nature's flaw, I love to revel in the misery of god.
Dangerously based.
Biggest cope post I've seen in a while
What are the best female armpit hair or other body hair scenes in film?
just chillin fr
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Zion Sono
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Someone like Opehile Bau is for me counterfeit beauty when compared to an ordinary Canadian actress.
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Someone like Gadonfag is for me a kind of image board counterfeit money when compared to a good Bauposter, Harperposter or Gishposter
Kill yourselves waifufags for ruining this general
low iq skill issue
a man escaped is midwit slop however
they're literally the smartest posters in this general lol
I tried but I still couldn't see 3D, and VR gives me headaches after 20 minutes. Terrible experience overall.
french cinema notwithstanding
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The soviet grift again
Games suck nowadays. Nothing like the old days. Pokémon sucks now, and Crash 4 ain't got shit on the classic trilogy. Soulslike games are also overrated as all fuck.

Real on the case of Tsukamoto's grift with japanese influence denying and western glazing.

I kinda get it. Being yourself uncompromisingly is a sign of autism and can sometimes alienate you from people, but from that comes a certain sense of superiority from being yourself in a world full of fake people.
You ain't different from anyone else buddy
Yeah, suck my dick. Tastes different from your father's.
You ain't really autistic, you're just an insufferable cunt. Everybody is trying to be themselves. People who really are different try to be normal and fail. You're just trying to be special and that actually turns you into everybody else
This logic doesn't make much sense to me. The thing is, the trying to be normal phase eventually goes away (if you're succesful) and you just be yourself. That's what you're not getting at lil bro. And autistic is just a meme / buzzword atm

And you want a man to suck your dick in addition to insinuating incest between father and son. Deranged faggot
Has /film/ been colonising /mu/ recently? I'm seeing Harper posts everywhere. Is that you, Harperfag?
Our influence is immense.
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What am I in for?
To Catch A Thief
a lesser cock, but who doesn't love some cock?
I bet Alfie had a tiny cock
Which director do you think had the biggest penis?
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Another mainstream movie is getting /film/ level reviews. We are entering a new era of the history of cinema where shlock and art films are merging.
Those reviews are far too positive to be /film/ level.
Leni, Chantal, Agnes, Larisa, the list goes on
>We are entering a new era of the history of cinema where shlock and art films are merging.
I just think this is a case of poptimism applied to movies instead of music. Terrible for both artforms, btw. Normies just want to feel highbrow for watching the new Terrifier film, so they artificially inflate the value of the experience and the movie via gaslighting and even self-gaslighting. Same as the /wpop/ and K-pop stans on /mu/ and RYM pretending that Sabrina Carpenter and New Jeans are actually special and different from the rest of popslop to justify their surface level enthusiasm about music. Even reviewers seem to have taken a dip in quality, from Fantano being a pretty knowledgeable dude in music to Brad Taste in Music being just a complete music illiterate that was handed a career just because. Well, the same is happening to kino. I blame stuff such as A24 for pretending to be arthouse to the normies and selling itself in that manner.
i thought mu was literally a dead board
>We are entering a new era of the history of cinema where shlock and art films are merging.
we already entered it in 1976 dumbo head
It's a good film. Hitchcock, Cary Grant and Grace Kelly, can't go wrong. One of the last pictures in Kelly's short-lived but nevertheless still iconic career though. Damn I type like an AI lmao
Better to type like AI than the other gimmicks around here. AI is useful and civil.
Turbo dead, but every board is except maybe /tv/, /v/ and maybe /a/, I guess
Nice triple dubs, checked
how did that thread even hit bump limit?
I love Sarah Gadon

>t. not the gadonfag
Binoche looks like a character from Love Lies Bleeding in this.

You know we actually talk about movies too, right?
for the people who have seen John The Violent, does the character give off Travis Bickle vibes? Or is it a different character archetype entirely?
>You know we actually talk about movies too, right?
lol, lmao
Based, #metoo. Blonde, beautiful, thin, classical beauty. What's not to like?
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>Has /film/ been colonising /mu/ recently? I'm seeing Harper posts everywhere. Is that you, Harperfag?
I’ve posted her on like seven different boards, friend. The only thread I have up anywhere right now though is one on /mu/. Are there more than that?
Completely different archetype. Travis is just a PTSD mind shattered outcast schizo with no victim complex at all, he's just a man with a vigilante complex due to past trauma in 'Nam. Ioannis is a victim complex edgelord with a penchant for the overdramatic and a sense of being deeply different from the rest of society, and due to that decides to become and Ubermensch to try and prove that he is indeed superior to the common man. Basically, Travis is a normal man with a damaged mind, while Ioannis was probably fucked from birth due to his autistic mind and his superiority / victim complex. He also wanted fame and notoriety for his villainy, while Travis wanted to be seen as a hero.
I feel as though out of Bau, Harper, Huppert, Kinski, and the rest that Gadon looks like she would be the nicest out of them all. She has the kindest looking face out of all of them, and I feel like she would really care about making her man happy.
Ioannis also complained about having a crooked dick lol, just thought I'd mention it
Thanks for the write up. I have been waiting for a good time to sit down and watch John The Violent, but haven't had the time to do so yet, but I think tonight might be the night. Although I will say Travis never wanted to be seen as a hero, that is just something that happened to him that he embraced. Travis was intending to kill himself after his carnage, so I think it was just about releasing it for him.
>Ioannis also complained about having a crooked dick lol, just thought I'd mention it

lol literally me.
Huppert = most intellectual / interesting looking
Harper = most approachable / comfy
Kinski = sexiest / most memorable
Gadon = kindest / best person
Bau = normalest
Me too, I kind of dislike it, but there's nothing to do.

>Although I will say Travis never wanted to be seen as a hero
It's been a while since I rewatched Taxi Driver, but I do remember something about him wanting to be a hero, but yeah, you might be right. The fame thing seemed like something that he didn't intend to happen.
I agree on Huppert, Gadon, and Bau. Harper does not look approachable or comfy to me, she looks kind of mean, but i don't know her so idk.
Kinski is not sexy, she was briefly in Paris Texas, but not so much in general, sorry, different tastes.
Everybody's forgotten about Izzy Janny lately...
Kinsky is super hot, might have to do with her reminding me of a model I used to know
>Me too, I kind of dislike it, but there's nothing to do.
Doesn't bother me that much, when it's erect, it sort of straightens itself out. Just when its flaccid it kinda looks ugly.

And yeah, Travis's desire to save Iris was not out of heroism. The heroism stuff is just something that happened which he leaned on to because his friends and Betsy respected him.
Waifufags intent on ruining another thread, I see.
Blacked models usually end up with asian bfs.
Well, we can agree that Travis wanted to do "good things" then.

>Doesn't bother me that much, when it's erect, it sort of straightens itself out. Just when its flaccid it kinda looks ugly.
Aesthetics aside, mine is crooked to the left side and it kinda forces me to fap with my left hand only. When being inside a pussy, sometimes my dick slips because of the curvature, and 2 girls have complained about my cock hitting too hard on their cervixes, so it makes me self conscious. Other than that, I don't really care about it anymore. My balding crisis was worse, I think.
No, for real she was a fashion week model that was infatuated with me, and she was blonde. Much thinner than Kinski, but still very hot. I fucked up because I said some "xenophobic" facts in front of her one day, and her mother was cuban. She was also very tall (5'9).
Most of the regulars here, the people who post non-stop, are waifufags. So it'll never end because that's who the people of /film/ are.
Yeah Travis sought any excuse for violence by putting himself in these situations with the pimps, and other members of skid row he kept saying he hated. He knew what he was because he told Wizard he had 'bad ideas in his head' but tried to use those bad ideas to fit his higher purpose of 'cleaning out the streets, and washing the scum away.' Any act of goodness was sort of paved with evil intention.

and yeah, my dick problem wasn't that bad in comparison to how my face started to age. When my face started aging poorly that took a much bigger toll than any dick problem ever did.
>Still arguing about boomer trash from 70 years ago.

We will never be rid of new hollywood
Good, leave
Not a waifufag, never will be. Respect them, though the simping aspect of it is something I'll never get.
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>12 hours later
>gadonfag is still seething and samefagging
>now has to pretend to be me and post his cuck fantasies to try and score any points after getting BTFO
Medication, por favor
Based pic, saved
Fair enough list. I don't have a problem with Gadon herself so much, I'm sure she's pleasant enough irl. Its just a shame she has a lunatic for a waifufag.
lol anon I’ve got bad news, they mirror the history of cinema.
It’s all about the classics and boundary pushers. Modern games are total fucking garbage, like modern cinema.
I actually root for Travis. The people he shot were complete scumbags. Still think he was too prejudiced, drug addicts can be harmless. Same as trannies and some of the people he hated irrationally.

Only on /film/ could you hear people arguing that Marty sucks.
Nowadays yes. Waifufagging was never this obnoxious in previous years.
Top 5 games?
>Everybody is trying to be themselves
The most false statement in the entire thread
>Only on /film/ could you hear people
Happens with a lot of positions. A mix of contrarianism and deluded elitism.
>Normies just want to feel highbrow
>so they artificially inflate the value of the experience and the movie via gaslighting and even self-gaslighting
This has been occurring in film for decades now
Yep. Insane that people think this is real. Politicians for example, are the ultimate proof that this is fake.
I like her even more now
New hollywood wasn't all that. He is overrated as a film director. There were so many better boomer directors than him like Merchant/Ivory, Roland Joffe, Walter Hill, and Jim Sheridan.
Don’t discourage anons from reading a kino thread (Gadon notwithstanding)
>You know we actually talk about movies too, right?
>A mix of contrarianism and deluded elitism
Should be the general motto
Probably, feel it's gotten out of control recently with A24's works getting canonized.
It was. New Hollywood period is amazing. It keeps being rewatched and discovered by people (with great excitement) because it's so interesting and alive.
I don’t make lists or rankings, I’m not a retarded faggot
Marty's overall career is like a 9/10. His worst films are like 7/10 at most. He is insane for how prolific he's been, the time that he's been in the game, the level of quality that he's mantained and how varied his filmography is. As a movement, I think New Hollywood was very good (talking about the classics, Badlands, Taxi Driver, 3 Women, etc.).
I said top 5 games, not "give your opinion on list making", thank you.
Who are the contrarian who are the ones dismissing Todd Phillips, Jordan Peele, Ari Aster David Eggers, Barry Jenkins, and Damien Chazelle?
On the level of FNW, imo
>complains about off topic discussion
>complains about on topic discussion

>people here are talking shit about Bresson and praising Scorsese
The absolute state of /film/. Grim.
What’s your favorite outsider artists?

For me it’s Matt Farley, Damon Packard and David Blair
>I actually root for Travis. The people he shot were complete scumbags. Still think he was too prejudiced, drug addicts can be harmless. Same as trannies and some of the people he hated irrationally.

I root for Travis too, at the end of the day, the political characters like Betsy, Palantine, and Albert Brooks aren't necessarily better people, there are constant little gestures and shots with Travis' interactions with all the political characters that betray a sense of patronizing or condescension toward Travis.
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>Harper does not look approachable or comfy to me, she looks kind of mean
Judging from interviews she is a very sweet and kind person, literally the comfiest actress like the other anon said. Some characters she has played are evil/duplicitous but that’s just part of the appeal for me.
Black magic.
>I’m not a retarded faggot
Confirmed for retarded faggot
Not all contrarianism is bad contrarianism:

>Todd Phillips: as far as I've seen, complete trash
>Jordan Peele: bad
>Ari Aster: decent
>David Eggers: who is this guy, unironically?
>Barry Jenkins: haven't watched his joints
>Damien Chazelle: have only seen 2 of his joints: Whiplash is a classic, Babylon is pretty much a failed film.
Both should be praised. I'm sure Bresson would like Marty.
So you’re illiterate too, great addition to these threads
The curse continues…
Stfu and go suck a dick, idiot
>The only good movie that came out of the ghastly mumblecore rigmarole
Computer Chess was serviceable
All of the b-movie auteurs like Ed Wood, Claudio Fragasso and Tommy Wiseau (and Jodorowsky, too)
This, Sarah Gadon just seems genuinely kind hearted and friendly, whereas this lady's face literally looks like it is forcing out every expression.>>204334165
Was Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu's last film good? It came and went without a trace.
The Beefheart song is based though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9lpLm7jwQY
>a film by Bronstein
>a film by Bujalski

all this jew worship must end
It was mid
Inaruto is the king of mid
Albeit I am only comparing pictures, I don't know Harper all that well.
Sheer mental illness. She must have shorted a fuse in his brain somewhere.
I mean he has a point
Still pretty schizo to be this devoted to a "gimmick" (not even sure at this point if the racism is for real, though) when no one cares at all. Echo chamber shit, for real.
Ghost Dog. Love this movie.
Whatever you say bro.
The gadon creep is autistic autistic, he is one of those drooling retard ones, with a hanging belly, stripped to his underwear
Is that the one with the black samurai dude? Winona Ryder loves that one, apparently
Just fucking stop baiting the mentally ill Gadon simp cuck already.
I don't like shrimp, so I don't eat them. I don't like parties, so I don't go to them. I don't like gay shit, but I don't keep talking about it all the time.
dude has ig pics of posing at a tranny party
Kino album.
Seems everyone is autistic in here except me. Glad I'm the exception
Yes please.
Well, did he ever say anything about Marty? We know he liked Rick Moranis.
Beefheart in general is based af

but I keep talking about it all the time.*
Yes. Anatahan is amazing, quite underrated.
Filtered retard.
Just gadonfag and kinskifag. Harperposter and Bauposter are great guys and not retards that won't stop spamming.
Idk, just an assumption based on Bresson's top 10 films list. He was actually pretty much into normal kino, no great Bergmans or anything like that.
I'm not a waifufaggot, you simp cuck. Last thing I would do is post Kinskiwhore to bait you.
You're talking about clinically defined autists, these "people' couldn't stop being obsessed about whatever even if they wanted to stop
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Yes. Bigger cancer than Dumontcuck.
>May beauty be all around me
I love Cimino like you wouldn't believe.
Film name?
Gadonhater sisters, not like this...
her nigga shit was a stageplay, no sex was involved, meanwhile she does multiple amwf projects with sex scenes.
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I can literally feel the zest through my screen.
The Sunchaser (1996).
I'm gonna keep posting her until your head explodes
Decent but lacks the tension or perversion of the best Hitchcock. It's a fun flick.
Why doesn’t he care about the other racemixing/rice steaming? This dude’s literally asian isn’t he
Kill yourself after you've murdered Gadoncuck.

No, kill all of them. Shitting up the threads non stop. Without one you wouldn't have the other ones.
Gadon simp cuck has said he's Asian, yes.
Most of the angry spergs and waifu spammers are asians. Makes you think
is it unfair to use scenery like this in your film? like obviously your film is going to look good when you're filming in such a naturally beautiful area. it almost feels like cheating
I’m going to make a /film/ waifu chart at this point. Gadonfag started a new waifu war bros…
Feels like kindergarten since the waifufags took over... This can't be serious lol
Better have Lee there.
She looks cute here, don't care about his gf's dick color though
This is the zoomer opinion, Catch a Thief is a five star film. Watch it and just savor just how masterful it is, Hitchcok at the peak of his power between Rear Window, Dial M, and Vertigo, created a film film that is a love story, not between Grace Kelly and Cary Grant, but between Hitchcock and cinema itself.
Any other suggestions?
It's like a plague, really. Fucking ghouls.
She looks so kitsch in here.
Great description.
Word salad.
Brooke and JCon, of course. They're not that big here, but both are at least 9/10.
>Most of the angry spergs and waifu spammers are asians.
I’m this close to posting my hand.
Reminded me of Jenny. Speaking of autism...

>Word salad
I understood him.
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Melody is one of the OGs
/film/ is a general full of ghouls. Guys who've been here half a decade and forever cancerous
just include Brooke Shields in Pretty Baby and you're cool with me
What is this image supposed to mean?
Do it we already had 2 hand posters and the asians already fessed up to who their wafus were, the retards are just creating headcanon.
just include Brooke Shields in Pretty Baby and you're cool with me
It’s my stack of Jess memorabilia.
>love story between Hitchcock and cinema
Yeah... I'm starting to like her.

That was funny, I have to give you that
>The only good movie
No good movies came out of the entire movement.

>Computer Chess was serviceable
Who posted their hand other than Kinskibro?
A black guy
Not with that dress, she's not.
Oh yeah, fuck I already forgot because he isn’t a waifufag LOL
a black guy who was also autistic and esl like 3-4 threads ago
You know what to do…
the kinski poster
Yes, do my thing and ignore the stupidity unless directly adressed at me. Thanks.
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I woudn't exactly call them all /film/ but some of my other favorites are
>Geneviève Bujold
>Isabella Rosellini
>Ingrid Bergman
>Carey Lowell
>Juliette Binoche
>Janine Turner
>Elke Sommer
>Jessica Lange
>Claudia Cardinale
>Sean Young
Somehow, this thread feels like the most insane one of the year.
Truffaut agreed that it is one of his signature films furthering his status as an auteur
black, esl anon. are you the guy from Mali or whatever?
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btw sick Phantom poster Haperbro
It isn't, people forget fast
Yes. I'm also both the Kinski poster and a lil broster
not at all, most insane one was the dedicated niggathread we had some weeks ago. So crazy niggaposting stopped for a while after.
Damn, just lost all the sympathy I had for you.
I blame it on autism, unironically. I was under the impression that people on 4chan were more or less like me, different but "normal", in the way of some sense of self-control, emotional regulation, etc., but I just realized that there is probably a more than usual concentration of actually insane / severely autistic / neurodivergent people in here. I thought that was only in R9K, though, and I never realized the seriousness of it until today's "coalburner" incident. And that's coming from someone who was diagnosed ASPD and BPD in his teens, so, imagine how fucked up the situation is in here lmao
Lil brosters have always been at least decent I think. Never seen "toxic toxic" behavior from them. Can tell they are just joking.
>le tit be
That one was just highly retarded but not "insane" feeling like these last threads. I could feel the mental institution patients vibe like never before.
why do i get a severe case of deja vu looking at this image?
Same impressions here. A place like 4chan is now what the mental asylums were in the past .
How much til /film/ has threadly cumtributes to the waifu images
based. best film from Mali?
Appreciate it, Kinskibro. Great taste in gals like always >>204335937
Here’s a sample of what I got.
The day /film/ has a good thread without one single shitpost, I'll kill myself on stream
Sahara (2005)
Cmon everyone, we gotta get our shit together now!
>Confirmed /film/ Ethnicities
Dumontfag/Bookum - New Yorker
Dumontfag2 - Irish
Fortune Cookie Anon - Taiwanese
Black, ESL anon - Malian
Huppertfag/Harperfag - some sort of asian
Caraxfag -Czech (maybe?)
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>Huppertfag/Harperfag - some sort of asian
These are nationalities not ethnicities you retarded fuck
lmao 3 hand posters now, based.
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Very nice, I especially like the Suspiria booklets. I dont have any posters or anything yet but I'm shopping around for a good reprint of the Avedon poster, the originals are way out of my price range. Thats going to be an interesting conversation when I take it to get it framed lmao.
A lilbroster once told me he was polish
Now you know why the right are not taken seriously across intellectual circles, rightism is only an expression of mental illness.
based harperfag backing up his word
Angerfag has a point
Mali anon, speak to us about your country. Favorite dishes? Tourist attractions? Where should I go and what should I do if I visit Mali?
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Based, welcome to the club
listen nigga, I'm a little tipsy and they are basically the same thing
I think any extreme position is kind of meme worthy, and it also depends on the way the extremism is expressed. Stirner was a proto anarcho-capitalist, but his expression of ideas of egotism seem balanced to me in some way, like he's self aware of morality and societal rules, just disagrees with some of them. If you talk to me about some other clown like the neonazis and shit, then yes, they are all pretty much meme worthy.
>Favorite dishes?
Peanut Stew and Fufu

>Tourist attractions?
Dogon country (because it sounds like Dagon)

>Where should I go and what should I do if I visit Mali?
trek the desert lil bro
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I've posted my hand here before
>trek the desert lil bro
Funny you say that, I almost did that in Mexico and am obsessed with the desert since a few years ago. I just love the desert (never been in one btw)
Thanks man, I hope you find a reprint of the Avedon poster. More anons here should follow by our example. I was just tired of being called Asian every thread lol
Here’s the rest. I bought everything back in March except for the Japanese booklet.
speaking of...
zero posts with asian hands

yall larping or what?
>almost all the people who post here are white
>It is true what they say that foreigners are lower IQ and only watch films like this one:

>Caraxfag -Czech (maybe?)
I'm Northern Irish
Forgot to include this. I still can’t believe I get to see both of my favorite films in theaters this year.
same fucking thing
Only asian guy (supposedly) is the taiwanese one. Every one else was just rumors.
sometimes those steelbook releases seem to only care about making a cool looking poster fit for a collectable trading card. The pic does not really represent the film.
I've seen Suspiria so many times that it surprises me that someone on /film/ hasn't seen it in theaters still. Seems like they program it yearly in my city.
The Lawrence one is pretty artistic, the Suspiria one looks pirated af lol
>It's unfair to film the world
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And this is my face. I'm bored of this place
Somebody bake.
it's unfair to film beautiful landscapes, chud. not everyone has access to such landscapes, so therefore it's racist
seen 5 Hitchcock movies and it's official, this guy is garbage
why is this fat retard so beloved for making stupid tripe? It makes me question the intelligence of people in the 50s and 60s.
who even is u lil bro
>implying the pic is real
Are you brazilian?
literally who?
flawless logic

not garbaggio, just extremely overrated
Oh you're just baiting, ok.
Probably fake, but looks like a faggot, so it could be true
one of the high points of /film/
It's simple math: everybody else in the past and now is wrong, or you, an eloquent member of the highly intellectual /film/ general on /tv/, is wrong. A mystery.
And my balls lololol
so obviously the former. Hitchcock is ass
We're in here

No we're not. Hands > canadians.
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Fap at your own risk fren
Erm, no sweaty.
Meds. Now.
Did you really make a thread after a new one was already posted? I’m dead.
He made it way before, actually.
Don't care, shan't be bumping Gadonslop
I'm sure you don' care, the point is what was said was false. The Gadonfag made his thread way before the other one.
No reason to kys, ain't that serious.
He baked way early so he could make another thread all about her even though the one before this was his OP too. Pathetic, and he calls me a spammer.
I don't doubt his dishonesty. Unfortunately a lot of people bake WAY early just because they're so thirsty to make the OP.
Why did Gadonfag wait 12 minutes to link the thread though? That’s where he fucked up.
IDK but I'm burning his playhouse down. He never gives me a break so why should I give him one?
My guess is he's kind of new in this general linking business. Him coming to /film/ is already a very recent development.

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