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Arthouse and classics

Montgomery Clift edition

>/film/ charts

>/film/ literature

Previous: >>204353004
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Queen of /film/
Montgomery Grift
Happy Together represents the Asian grift just as well, "OMG gay people having hard anal sex? He's gay just like me!!" In fact it is even worse because I believe WKW likes that one song but I guarantee that WKW has never been butt fucked.
>Asian grift
Wrong thread lil bro. This thread's about Montgomery Grift.
Weak westoid cope. China has a long and rich history of homosexuality. The CCP shunning it is just a blip.
>WKW has never been butt fucked.
That I may believe.
Congrats you are parroting western propaganda attempting to break the social fabric of China. Maybe your two gay ass cities butt fuck men for social media likes, but the rest of China is disgusted by them.
>Montgomery Clift
My dear boy, why don't you try acting?
>Clift's diet was exceedingly poor, as he often ate so-called blue-rare, or practically uncooked steak, slathered with pepper and butter.
>Clift enjoyed staying in his New York townhouse, eating the same meal of steak, eggs and orange juice most days
>Clift ate the same two meals, consisting of steak, eggs, and orange juice, every day.
>the WKW fraud shill is spinning out of control and crafting lies
As expected.
Trying to spin the orientalist grift being about gays is the most American thing I've read here in a while.
You retards always rape your memes to the ground
It is about using chinese exoticism to pander to the western jews. One easy way to pander to them is through LGBT. You are even seeing iranian and arab filmmakers now sending in their buttfuck movies. The grift is worldwide
Yeah, you keep repeating yourself but not really arguing for how your usage of this term makes sense. Why would an orientalist, who's interested in the East for its supposed differences from the west (the original orientalist paintings aren't depicting Arabs doing western shit, it's all snake charmers, harems and hookahs), seek out something that flies in the face of that?
The issue here is some seething westoid trying to distort my legitimate critique of Yang into some gay hate. He will never understand the grift.
I have not seen Mouchette yet. Do you reckon watching that trailer will enhance or ruin my experience?
The issue is you're just the latest schizo obsessing over some shit and then hijacking thread after thread talking about it.
>t. grifter
Take a guess, champ.
As giving you the option might be dangerous, obviously, don't watch the trailer and go straight to the film.
You don't think asian filmmakers take notice of the LGBT virtue signaling hell in the west, and aren't crafting films for them? It is the oldest grift in the book. You are even seeing African filmmakers do it now.
>talking about film in /film/
It spoils a major story beat
Actual spoilers: I mean the rape
because orientalism today is different from orientalism of the past, like how the meaning of words and concepts can change over time, same here. 21st century orientalism is using your stock asian bodies and stock asian culture to pander to the west, which is done by westernizing the east. So in a sense the orientalism in this case is telegraphing that: 'Look! We are just like you white people, please like us!'
It is an instant ticket for a third worlder to get to Cannes or a top 25 festival.
>You don't think asian filmmakers take notice of the LGBT virtue signaling hell in the west, and aren't crafting films for them?
Don't know or care as it is utterly irrelevant to my point.
This last month has been awful for /film/: niggas, lil bros, waifuwars, orientalismfag.
And the funny part? It's all the same fucking people, lmao
Just take Moonlight as an example. The whole thing turned out to be about a gay blackcel.
Koreeda's new film had a gay subplot too.
Africa is possibly the zestiest continent in the world, anon. Read up on gays in Africa, or don't. They keep buttfucking in massive numbers even with the risk of severe punishment in many countries.
>21st century orientalism is using your stock asian bodies and stock asian culture to pander to the west

>which is done by westernizing the east
How are these statements not contradictory? How can it be both stock Asian culture and a westernized fake that's created to pander to westerners?
Um, have you seen The Karate Kid? Checkmate liberal.
You exposed him.
When everything is a grift, nothing is.
Griftanon in shambles.
Then how it is a grift? If they are saying check out this chinese film about chinese people it is a genuine movie. The grift is when theyre saying check out our african film it is full of queer subtext just the way you like
Officially at least, shitposting (and ironic shitposting) is against the rules.
>trying to pretend asians aren't fags
Stock asian culture as in the superficial elements of asian culture that a westerner would recognize -- little airport buddha statues, street vendors selling shitty noodles, etc.

combine this with the celebration of western pop culture (playing all the leaves are brown 100 times, or ending your film with the cover of a western pop song) all of this so that white people watching this shit at a festival can say 'I recognize that!'
I mean just imagine the screening for Comrades, do you really think the white people are going to recognize any of the Teresa Ting songs? no. They won't sell to whites even though her music btfos the shit wkw scores his movies with.
The most popular sport in glorious Japan is baseball
how is picking up a stick and hitting a ball with it exclusive to westerners?
waifuwars were better than this shit.
You are possibly the only person ITT besides me who actually understands the orientalist grift.

t. the Yang hater and exposer of the grift
too bad you faggots report and ban waifu posts you don't like, so now here we are.
It's you and me against the world, brother.
This is gayer than Tsaifag spamming the chink
i have never done this ever. i like almost all the waifus that get posted here.
>has no arguments left
>wha...wha- no YOU'RE the faggots!
just concede on the argument like a real man.
Japan has been the trendsetter in Asia (including introducing cinema to less developed countries 100+ years ago by the way) for a long time and they themselves are basically a western country now, when it comes to people living in cities like Tokyo, there is barely anything Asian in their everyday lives
No you are saying the exact same thing as me, saying how they pepper their films with items to pander to western viewers and institutions... but for some reason LGBT doesn't count in your eyes as western pandering. Wokeism is just the inherent reality. Typical argument with a far left lunatic
Not just a little, that exchange was extremely gay
What's the objective? To try and convince people that directors like WKW or Yang are bad?
they are only bad relative to the amount of praise they get, if they were nobodies, it would not matter as much.
>he doesn't know
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Any He Jianjun chads ITT?
NTA but anons here shitting on Edward Yang feels even weirder to me then. Like literally no one remembers him anymore, nobody cares, he is not a meme director who is popular with normalfags like WKW. I guess some people know Yi Yi exists but that's it. Hell, ask literally anyone who's at least somewhat into cinema if they know who Kiyoshi Kurosawa and Yang are, some will say they know the former but no one will say they've even heard of the latter
I think I watched Yi Yi on a borrowed DVD sometime between 2007 and 2012. Hazy memory of it all. Reckon I should revisit it.
Just when I thought these threads couldn't get any worse...
>I think I watched Yi Yi on a borrowed DVD sometime between 2007 and 2012
Your post makes me feel nostalgic
it's just one mentally ill ricel who's shitting on Yang. ignore him. WKW has always had some haters here though, due to his "music video aesthetic". I still love both of them, and nothing anyone here says will change that
I know gays always assume everyone is perverted like them and get ass fucked on the regular. No you are less than human, not even one percent of people.
because the films you like pander to you, personally if Quentin Tarantino made a film about some Sinoboo who loves Teresa Ting and listens to Chinese music all day, I would actually like Tarantino.
in the closet much?
>because the films you like pander to you
So it's literally impossible for a non-Asian person to enjoy 'real' Asian cinema?
Chunking Express: one of my first watched arthouse movies, thankfully it hooked me into diving further in the mileu but the overdone song blasting on repeat ad nauseum could've put all this enterprise in peril! Thankfully it didn't. This was 3 years ago, am yet to see Fallen Angels and other WKW works.
>Running time 237 minutes
Holy shit, even Lawrence of Arabia got a bit boring at times. Should I?
>says the objective truth
>it's only this one jerk saying the truth, therefore you can safely ignore it.

nah he is dead on about Yang, and WKW is a grifter
I hear some knocking on the door
You will never understand the orientalist grift. Homosexuality isn't western or Asian. You're clearly just a mentally ill whitoid, either American, or strongly affected by American "culture wars". There's gay bars and clubs all over East Asia where it's legal, and there's a long history of homosexuality in general. I could easily go and pick up a guy right now if I were gay.

On the extreme side, the Japanese even gave their best picture award to a tranny movie that the west had pretty much ignored.
Obviously, it's an excellent film. Separate it over two days if needed.
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Go answer it, anon.
Alright, all this Yang talk got me interested in him, never watched a single film of his, not even Yi Yi. I feel like pretty much everyone has seen it except me
No the emotional climax of this film falls completely on its face. It is just a facsimile of an Ozu movie without any of the emotional charge.
The four hour running time all it builds up to is the main character stabbing his love interest which isn't a bad turn of events but the problem is it just lacks any sort of emotional charge I don't think I saw anyone have any real emotional reaction to it it's so flat the presentation is so bland and there isn't anything that stands out about this film formally it really is just a copy of Ozu movie as far as the subject matter goes you might as well just watch a borrowed life instead
It is just the same there is no such thing as woke, leftism is reality argument. This is an agenda largely pushed by jews to undermine and destroy the social fabric of societies. It seems to begin as a social fad before they get to sex changes and pedophilia and all that garbage.

>A Japanese tranny film won BP

Yes that is why it's called the woke mind virus. Once it infects a population, they perpetuate it. Japan is already lost now that they let that shit onto their island.
Obviously anyone interested in exploring a director shouldn't care about the opinions of posters who obsessedly hate them.
Go ahead and waste 4 hours of your life my guy
Use the spoiler next time, okay? Your whore mother should've tought you to do this on 4chan
At least try to have some self-awareness.
Genuinely sorry about that
>just consuummmmme
>positive reviews only
>dont ever form your own opinion
>trannybox is your god
If >>204363146 is (You) too (among others), then I can't see how what you're saying isn't so vacuous as to be able to conceivably apply to essentially any Asian filmmaker. How is Comrades not orientalist grift (I heckin loved recognizing William Holden, and while I didn't recognize the Teresa Teng, I was pleasantly surprised that the Chinese made pop music like ours and that I could find it on RYM to add to my heckin cultured music list). How is Tsai not an orientalist grifter (gay stuff, LĂ©aud stuff in What Time is it There)? How is your issue not just a veneer over a dislike of someone like WKW for being an entry-level, normie filmmaker? It seems kind of ironic to me that the antithesis of this new orientalism should lead a serious westerner to seek some imagined authentic, non-pandering Asianness to consoom with a clean intellectual conscience (I really appreciate Comrades for exposing me to Teresa Teng because I heckin LOVE Teresa Teng because she's like western pop music only EASTERN and better).
Well what can you do
Wkw and Yang made films with international audiences in mind
Peter Chan and Tsai made their films for other Asians
yeah sorry I don't know cause I think you're the only one here who hasn't seen the film but everyone else has so I guess I just should leave it up right?
>Peter Chan and Tsai made their films for other Asians
By virtue of which they made them for an international audience, because there is an international audience for national cinema.
Not really, you just repeatedly come off as an unhinged shitposter. I don't see anything you say as serious, just the latest trolling gimmick.
Sorry I said international when I really should have said western
lmao can't make a coherent argument so you resort to unquantifiable language like "comes off like" to dismiss them. your IQ is too low Indont know why you even talk when you are so easily BTFO
>your arguments are scaring me
>ignoring you now
As I said before, at least the nigga and lil bros posters were funny occasionally
Changes nothing. Most of that "international" audience for national cinema is western.
Cope no one was saying that before, you just got BTFO now you suddenly want the niggas back
Every year I celebrate June 29th, for that is the date cinema prevailed.
The gay army is here and they aint happy. I dont get why people like Joel Haver even post on /film/ go to your trannybox leftist hugbox
>Tsai made their films for other Asians
Is that why he screens them at western festivals and art galleries?
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>people like Joel Haver
Based Gadonposter
By that logic every single Asian filmmaker releasing their films in the west is a grifter. His films play in Asian theaters and galleries as well, you know. Most often in Taiwanese museums.
sarah gadon should hit the gym, the fat cow
Westerners pretend to understand Tsai so they can appear more cultured at their little social clubs.
How come none of these people talk about A Borrowed Life which is one of the greatest portraits of Asian identity and politics of the TNW.
I’ll tell you, it’s because it takes pride in Chinese identity while also grappling with Japanese colonization. Japan as a current western vassal state is beyond recourse for westerners.
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He is a regular on /film/ and he is the one seeding all the pro-gay people posts because of his discord friends.
Except when I like their films, then they're not le hecking grifters
whatever u say joelfag
>By that logic every single Asian filmmaker releasing their films in the west is a grifter.
Almost like it's a bullshit term.
>Westerners pretend to understand Tsai so they can appear more cultured at their little social clubs.
Yep. True orientalists.

>How come none of these people talk about A Borrowed Life which is one of the greatest portraits of Asian identity and politics of the TNW.
Only really heard Scorsese mention it but it is mostly unheard of in the west whereas wkw and yang are staples.
>everyone I don't like is Joel Haver
>being this mad that gay people exist

Based. Why's it so easy to expose retards?
Wow. Me btfo.
>Japan as a current western vassal state is beyond recourse for westerners
Isn't Taiwan basically the Chinese equivalent of this? Like South Korea
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Grifters spit on Asian culture and use it as a mere tool to get Hollywood contracts and Beverly Hills mansions. Grifters follow western film form, which they wrap in dumbed-down Asian imagery and fortune cookie wisdoms.

>Borrowed Life
664 watches

>Brighter Summer Day
75,000 watches
This leftypol shit is so dull
How many of those 664 aren't Chinese?
It's heckin kimono capeshit!
Keto is fine but he had no fiber
Reminder that the main grifter gimmicker is a half-chink who hates himself and has severe anger issues
So many cases.
Chinese gays exist. I'm too tired to list all the movies, directors, actors, fashion designer, singer
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Nothing angers the white teenager like exposing that his favorite Asian filmmakers are fortune cookie, gong hit, Panda Express, cheap incense, stunt show kung fu, airport Buddha statue grifters.
Sarah Gadon does.
Dumbshit, a bigger population has higher number of gays. They are posting Chinese HOMEMADE gay buttsex on western sites.
Taiwan mainly looks down on Chinese mainlanders so it's not exactly the same. And Taiwan doesn’t necessarily bend the knee to China either. Compare that to westerners who don’t care about Japans role in forming many hostilities in current Asian politics. As long as Japan tows the western line what they did to form current history does not matter. Don’t get me wrong I like Japan, but westerners are nothing but retarded hypocrites for thinking China is evil because of Uyghur rumors while turning a blind eye and making jokes of the rape of Nanking.
This came up in similar films on imdb, looks interesting
A great film and not a part of the grift.
This. What we have here are white aspiring Asians making movies. Yang is the best example since he became a Beverly Hills sell out.
>which they wrap in dumbed-down Asian imagery and fortune cookie wisdoms.
but not all the LGBT tropes, that is just there coincidentally, you can safely ignore that part goy
You gave CCP/KMT brainrot. At any point in history, folks are most concerned about the most immediate danger, not brewing historical grievances used by politicos to control the populace. Has China been accountable more the Wuhan lab leak? Dumbshit.

t. Taiwan-raised
I don’t know if they’re teenagers or rather old millennials who worshiped these idiots for a whole decade.
Looks kino. As a westerner, I really like how the description was in English and the reviews were all in English and French because I can understand both of those languages unlike Japanese.
>the west invented gays
lmao & meds
He said so himself about being an unsatisfied mutt, and his posts in previous threads connected him with angryposting.
Nice, thanks looks good.
Thanks for proving my point race traitor
>I haaate the West
>that's why I spend my life on western sites, using a western language and fighting westerns windmills
>Joel Haver even post on /film/
Has that ever been confirmed?
>an unsatisfied
Only unsatisfied by your stupidity and the state of orientalist grifters.
>connected him with angryposting.
I'm angry, but I'm not whoever was originally labeled the angryposter. Feels like anons call everyone that nowadays.
>Uyghur rumors
Yeah, a totalitarian communist state would never do something like that
This, it's been established he's mentally ill
He is combining like 3 different anons
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>be Hirokazu Koreeda
>"How can I win Cannes this time? They're getting bored of my oriental grift"
>get Monster script.
>consult with an organization that supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer children
>film immediately gets in Cannes and wins top prize

Just a cohencidence, goyim, there is no LGBT grift at play
Holy Based
Yes he made a youtube video essay about Tsai
Well, I think you’ve… nipped the issue in the bud.
The difference is Japan is not a totalitarian state with heavy censorship and punishment for those who say anything against the state. A minor distinction, of course.
is this a degenerate film or family friendly?
/film/ is a proud pro-gay, pro-asian, anti-orientalist general.
False, fuck off
No it is just a coincidence that Japan is the next target ((they)) are after, and all their art is starting to get woke, gay, and full of trannys. Stop noticing things goyim.
>t. seething chud
You will never make us leave.
but can I watch it with my family?
/film/ has finally peaked
Examples of wokeness in Japan?
Long live /film/!
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>pro Asian sexual imperialism
>anti orientalist
>scenes of western humiliation

The freedoms and last creative bastions of Japanese filmmaking will be in JAVs. Twenty years from now films like this will be seen as a revival of pinku era aesthetics and politics. Possibly can make its way on kinema junpo with other pinkus.
>In contrast to the norms in religious circles, in the warrior (samurai) class it was customary for a boy in the wakashū age category to undergo training in the martial arts by apprenticing to a more experienced adult man. According to Furukawa, the relationship was based on the model of a typically older nenja, paired with a typically younger chigo.[1] The man was permitted, if the boy agreed, to take the boy as his lover until he came of age; this relationship, often formalized in a "brotherhood contract",[12] was expected to be exclusive, with both partners swearing to take no other (male) lovers.

>This practice, along with clerical pederasty, developed into the codified system of age-structured homosexuality known as shudō, abbreviated from wakashūdō, the "way (Tao) of wakashū".[14] The older partner, in the role of nenja, would teach the chigo martial skills, warrior etiquette, and the samurai code of honor, while his desire to be a good role model for his chigo would lead him to behave more honorably himself; thus a shudō relationship was considered to have a "mutually ennobling effect".[14] In addition, both parties were expected to be loyal unto death, and to assist the other both in feudal duties and in honor-driven obligations such as duels and vendettas. Although sex between the couple was expected to end when the boy came of age, the relationship would, ideally, develop into a lifelong bond of friendship. At the same time, sexual activity with women was not barred (for either party), and once the boy came of age, both were free to seek other wakashū lovers.
>This was the last scoring project by Ryuichi Sakamoto
I can't believe the film killed Sakamoto
Too soon.
Clift was a peater, who knew?
Another Japanese gaykino.
>Joan Mellen, recording the violently negative reaction (in the 1970s) of the left-wing director Nagisa Oshima to Kurosawa and his work, states: "That Kurosawa had brought Japanese film to a Western audience meant [to Oshima] that he must be pandering to Western values and politics
>>204366493 see
volleyball becky pajeetbait sundress tradwife parody
konnichiwa merodi maakusu
me greato fan
Kurosawa Grifter
Ironically, he was just parroting Cahiers.
This is called the "no true scotsman" fallacy. It is impossible to even define what is true Japanese cinema because it is subjective.
>define what is true Japanese cinema
Mizoguchi. Cahiers said so.
Whatever Oshima said, I'll trust him
Japanese cinema
Early Terayama
And especially Kinji Fukasaku

Western grifters
Sometimes Ichikiwa
Late Terayama
>Cahiers said so.
Grifters obsessed with Hollywood, traitors of France
Spiritually French.
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>Composer Bernard Herrmann became infatuated with Geneviève Bujold after seeing her performance in an early cut of this film. Bujold's surprise visit to the soundtrack recording sessions in London in July 1975, the only time the two met in person, heightened those feelings. Herrmann's friend Charles Gerhardt recalled, "As she spoke to Benny in a heavy French accent I could tell he was about to get the hanky out. She told him of all the trouble she'd had with Cliff Robertson because he spent all his time in makeup and didn't make their love scenes meaningful. She said, 'Mr. Herrmann, he wouldn't make love to me - but you made love to me with your music'. And Benny started to cry. He would tell that story over and over at dinner, and start crying again every time". After Herrmann's death five months later, his widow found a photo of Bujold in his wallet.
It's starting to seem like it's just grifts all the way down!
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Is Kwaidan real Japanese cinema?
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>based on a collection of stories by a European weeb
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Benny was a man of taste. But delet this.
>Yakumo Koizumi (小泉 八雲, 27 June 1850 – 26 September 1904), born Patrick Lafcadio Hearn
This is the type of guy who probably got hard bullied by samurai and the nationalists
He collected them from real Japanese people tho.
He can’t be trusted, how do I know he actually understood what they were saying. He might have been shit at the language but at the time he and a few others was all there was.
Most of his stories are based on Japanese myths and legends he heard, but he often embellished them quite a bit with his own material.
>how do I know he actually understood what they were saying
They're well-known folk tales. Yuki-Onna for instance is like entry-level yokai stuff.
I doubt you would trust some fobby ESL Chinese dude writing down your oral history for posterity. Use your fucking head.
There's several almost entirely different versions of the Yuki-Onna tale. It's a recurring character, rather than a single story being retold.
This place is toxic. I'm leaving.
>Faux nigga
see you tomorrow
>everything I thought I know was just disproven
>I am… broken
Later dggy
I'm aware. My point was just to push against the original post which could be taken to imply that it was nothing but Hearn.

If the guy's work was relatively accurate and could be correlated with an oral tradition or something, why would I care? Better than it just fading away.
It wouldn’t have gone away, weebs are just drama queens
>It wouldn’t have gone away
Yeah. Oral tradition's notoriously reliable.
Exactly so let’s preserve are notoriously reliable tradition by having it recorded by a literal JSL
Do you know what notoriously means?
My post was using your sarcasm you ESL fuck
Is this part of the oriental grift as well?
>Sudden awareness of my limited time on Earth erupts into my consciousness from out of nowhere
>Feel the urge to YOLO SWAG for the rest of my life
/film/s for this feel?
I don't know, I've never seen it.

t. og grift exposer
Ok, cool. So can you explain to me how the notoriously reliable oral tradition being allowed to run its course with people dying, forgetting, etc. and the modification over time having a potentially degrading effect is better than a JSL (who's super into Japanese shit, with no axe to grind) recording it and doing a good enough job that it gets made into a film by a Japanese filmmaker? I'm not getting it.
>William Holden
>Christopher Doyle
It's basically Wongslop.
Glad to know literally no one is reading the thread and are only reading and responding to the first lines of text.
It got boring since the threads are so fast and are only people responding to each other over some autistic race shit
The story recorded is not the story told
Kwaidan (the book) is mid.
Kwaidan (the film) is kino.
Some of the stories in the film are actually from Hearn's other collections anyway.
And neither is the story told the story told with oral traditions being what they are. And sometimes there's just silence because a guy died or forgot or something. The JSL can at least help to preserve something in a way that's immune to those issues.
This is white saviorism
The Japanese don’t need you to rescue their oral traditions Gaijin
Which question are you talking about? And yes, take the hammer and do as you please
Last (You) enjoy it retard
I tells ya /film/, I'd take ten Gadonfags over this angry hapa.
>t. Yanglet
>.t Also wonglet
so this is the Tsai you all keep talking about?
What is it with Tsais
Don't like either. But I hate these bad vibes more.
Absolutely, it's beautiful.
The real world is going to eat you up my guy
I have a gun irl tho.
I unironically believe it could've been cut down into two hours and been a better film.
Yeah and if you use it in self defense against a member of the protected class your backwater upside down government will throw you in jail.
Yes the length is intentional so that people will say the film is great and they liked it. Otherwise they would feel pretty foolish sitting through a 4 hour mediocrity.
>'Mr. Herrmann, he wouldn't make love to me - but you made love to me with your music'.
What a wonderful thing to say to the old composer. Nice lady. No irony here btw.
Something like true Japanese cinema is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good Sono joint, Miike flick or a Koreedaslop.
I refuse to watch anything made by or starring asians.
If you're one of Kar-Wai fags please do.
Who wouldn't? /film/ is only good when there's no angry posters or /pol/ posters.
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>butthurt btfo’d anon
So never? I agree
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Something like hatred is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good amusement, mirth or joy
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>is contracted to make a documentary about the first 100 years of Japanese cinema
>uses the documentary to shit on other directors and focuses mostly on his own work
Tsui Hark blows the fuck out of Kar-Wai. Pic related was done in response to the fake poetry aesthetically dull clean cut meditative horseshit grift Ashes Of Time and it's one of the best action films of the 1990s. True Hong Kong cinema. Everybody watch it.
Based and not/film/pilled
Y-you mean you just realized that NOW??
Midnight to 6AM really is the best time for /film/, this morning was just me and two other anons having a nice talk about which events/people have had a negative impact in cinema developing, it was really cool.
What films did Oshima like? Aside from Bunuel's stuff
You're missing out on a lot, japanese cinema is great, Japan is the third greatest film country.
Looks like basic action fare, and if your selling point is hate against other directors, it's even less compelling.
Whatever Cahiers told him to like.
>Looks like
Watch it first, then talk.
>judging a film by its poster
>you are never going to make it
Is the /film/ consensus on Megalopolis in yet?
Unironically Godard.
Yeah, whatever, your gimmick's super boring and you're a waste of my time.
Didn’t mean to green text the second line but you know, kys and so forth.
it's absolute cinema but not quite kino
I should have some interesting reason to watch it first. You saying 'watch it' for your own motives is not a reason.
>t. WKW fag
>so angry he doesn't even know how to greentext anymore
Keep seething.
Pretty funny, yes
Gritty frenetic kung fu film that's bursting with energy, it's one of the most in your face movies i've ever seen, relentless ballsy filmmaking that's aesthetically unique. Now stop being a fag and watch it.
>waifu, waifu, waifu, stale meme, stale meme, stale gimmick, waifu, waifu, stale gimmick, stale gimmick, stale meme, stale meme, meme
Brilliant last few threads.
>angry boy has self-awareness as an alien concept
No ones talking about waifus anymore faggot
Mere stunt show kung fu for western audiences that has nothing to do with real kung fu, real Chinese culture.
And guess what's coming ahead? More awful, terrible, disastrous /film/ threads
be the change you want to see, I'm with you
That's a much better sell. Now I feel interested. Highly energetic films are something rare and usually amazing.
100% bullshido
Yes, we's just having 100 gimmicky posts now.
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Bakeanon, please make this the next OP.
we are giving you a proper history of Asian cinema not your orientalist film school bullshit you stupid asshole
just watch the actual Jimmy Wang Yu original, he is better than Lee, Chan, Hung, and Li combined.
I share your sentiment, but it's kinda useless. If you reply to them, they'll run over you because they're way more autistic and spergy. And if you don't reply, they will keep posting and talking among themselves.
no what's you're basically saying is that you are losing arguments and it's making you mad and you are somehow are trying to say that it's derailing the thread bullshit go fuck yourself you lost arguments just accept it take the loss and move on you stupid fucker
The only thing you're doing is shitposting on a 4chan general. Never been done before. No one's listening or giving you legitimacy.
anons don't realize the power of a good kung fu film. They represent cinema in the purest state:
>le 1 year old gimmick
Bravo, very original.
Just reply to civil posters and that's it. The autismos are just a drain of your precious lifetime.
Any film using stock sound effects is shit.
Based angryfags baiter
Based. I will.
It depends on. Sometimes they can give you the Brechtian nuance that you are in fact watching a movie. But when they use it without irony then it's kinda shit.
>civil posters and that's it.

We should make a new /film/ for civil posters only. We can call it /cilm/ for civil + film
this self ostracism won't be helpful lil bro
Lmao remember that stupid fucking film called 'Bay of Blood', the beginning of it when a guy was saying 'squonk' in a very stupid voice
kek that shit was funny
On paper sounds like an unironically great idea.
Have the two of them even, the /film/ general for shitposters, /pol/ and /leftypol/, angry people and gimmicks.
And another general for civil discussion, questions and answers, recs, etc.
There wouldn't be any difference.
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Sarah Gadon
Yes do that too.
Based fellow Bauchad
you niggers need to stop following me. I just watched both this film and the wendigoon video that mentioned squonks, and then you go and make this post. STOP!
Wendigoon is comfy
Glad I completely sat this thread out, Jesus guys lol.
bakin rn
You're wiser than me, kek. It's like trying to talk with toddlers. I should stop.
good thread


This was great. No joke, seriously subversive shit.
All this will be solved if asian cinema is banned on /film/. There has never been a good asian film. They don't have flexible facial features therefore they can't emote properly.
If only.

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