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Arthouse and classics

Abomination edition

>/film/ charts

>/film/ literature

Previous: >>204363023
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Kino OP
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Yep, I'm thinking it's experimental /film/.
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Queen of /film/
>>204369862 #
All this conflict will be solved if asian cinema is banned on /film/. There has never been a good asian film. They don't have flexible facial features therefore they can't emote properly.
Harmony Korine type stuff
>queen of /film/
I love cinema!
Long live kinotoriums!
Queen of /film/
blursed edition
Based cinephile Gadon
Last night I dreamt of acclaimed American director Vince Gallo.
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>I’d found a cinema that was closing in the suburbs of Taipei. All the cinemas in that style were closing down, and this was one of the last ones left. I was filming What Time Is It There? (2001), and there was a scene that took place in that cinema. After I wrapped, I held a single screening there. It was raining outside, but there were a thousand people in this about-to-close cinema. The cinema owner called me asking if we might be able to collaborate, and I said no.

>He was trying to convince me to run the cinema because I’d managed to pack it out. Instead I said, “Rent me the cinema and I’ll make a film here.” I had no idea what I was going to make, but I took it for a year. I didn’t run it, I just rented it from him. Then, of course, I forgot all about it. It was my producer who reminded me in the last month that I had it, and he asked what I wanted to do with it.

>So I wrote just one page, that was basically just a short piece of poetry, and had a thought of screening Dragon Inn on the final day. It was after that I wrote the film and acquired the rights to the King Hu, then shot it over the last 10 days – four shots a day. It’s a film that deals with memories. The memories of that cinema became the memories of cinema.

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Gay/film/ when?
You're already in it, Joelfag.
>Shock Treatment
To be downloaded soon.
>Joel Haver
The millennial Cassavetes.
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Queen of /film/.
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i love films but also i love movies
Monteiro was too kino for Portugal, they didn't deserve him.
Cassavetes invented mumblecore. Joel perfected it.
Rude post.
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many people are saying this
Truthful post.
What exactly is mumblecore?
A very jewish invention
All countries have faults. Good or great artists naturally will be above any country's average population, so it's pretty unfair.
If not Portugal, what nation deserved him then?
Also: cuck mentality 2bh.
A 2000's low-budget relationship-focused genre that no one pays attention to nowadays, except the ones still triggered by it.
My meme/gimmick ranking:
Intellectual counterfeit > western grift > Hitchcock's gaping asshole
The others aren't really funny
>missed the actual cinema discussion two threads ago

>missed the horror show one thread ago

>here for the current thread which is boring

/film/ is like a box of chocolates- you never know what you’re gonna get!
Mumblecore is a genre known for its highly naturalistic dialogue, and focus on the personal lives of its characters over plot. The camerawork is typically handheld, almost documentarylike, and filming is done on real locations, rather than on sets.
>The others aren't really funny
No gimmick is funny. It's all garbage
I liked Joker 2, its not great but it was close to being superior to comic book formulated slop. Its good and Todd Phillips has potential
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You are in for an absolute treat.
"My ladies and gentlemen. Dear colleague. I'll be brief. I will spare you the troubled story in which, due to purely fortuitous circumstances and
unexpected events, I became an ice-cream man and, little by little, I devoted myself to my craft.
I am a man of peace. I could, who knows, be a
criminal, an outcast, in permanent rebellion against a blind and aberrant social law. I don't know. I know I could never be a politician, join the procession
of this group that places and disposes of human beings,
guiding them towards a becoming increasingly favorable to a crawling condition. You are a reptile, and in reptile you will turn, it is the logic that tirelessly forms our shameful degradation, while
individuals as a species. Against universal cheating, frozen ice cream, my ice cream, which contains all the caloric energy
of the world, a friendly word, a proof of love. Rigor and fantasy. The last sovereign luxury of a
free man who had the supreme audacity to, in the country of half a dozen, exalt life. I don't have
recipes, magic formulas. Every ice cream that I manufacture has a perfume that is its own, its
perfume. It is never similar to the previous one, never will be the same as the next. Each one has, however, something to remember: a trip, an outing, a date, a loved one, the loved woman. My dream, perhaps unrealizable, is to manufacture a perfume that concentrates all perfumes within itself. Harmoniously reach God, quintessence of perfumes.
Never betray your childhood dreams. If you open your hearts, maybe we can taste the glorious final ice cream.”

Same here, it is basically what Megalopolis should have been, it is a $200 million arthouse film. & it is great to see all the screeching manbabies crying about their capeshit movie.
Intellectual counterfeit money is a tool of importance and power. It can be used by a resistance group in a dystopian society to undermine an oppressive regime's economy, much like the current hold over modern cinema.
By calling films or filmmakers “intellectual counterfeit money”, you’re actually labeling yourself as the enemy and giving others a compliment of the highest order!
>youtube vid
Filmed theater. Portuguese mumblecore. Haveresque.
Holy fucking shit, Herzog BTFO!!!
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sound film was a mistake
Cinema died with the Lumieres.

Sound, color, editing, camera movement, plot; all gimmicks.
You're idealizing women too much. Most women are vapid, egotistical, evil, cunts.
Yes, and?!
Indeed. Men are more attractive and better at acting.
Godardian hairline
Not Sarah Gadon. She is life's sweetest angel.
The guy's taking a photo of her butt
Soulless eyes.
est une merde!
Disgusting volleyball becky rice boiler
Volleyball Becky sounds like a porn name.
Female beauty is for me aesthetic counterfeit money when compared to a nice, handsome male.
Reminds me of that dude who would make short arthouse movies with GTA San Andreas
Add closeups and slow motion
I love Sarah Gadon
>aesthetic counterfeit
Partially true honestly because of make up and plastic surgery
Is that from Impressionen unter Wasser?
Well of course!
>A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction.
I always lose my shit with the Antoine Doinel character.
Actually way cuter on the left.
Queen of /mid/
this man is such a gigantic faggot it's unreal

here is his "cinema"
thinkin bout droppin a hunnid on this
Don't be disingenuous, that's just a meme video he made for fun. His actual movies aren't half bad

zoomers actually don't do mumblecore, they operating in post-irony, crossing dada with snark. see here:

>didn’t quote my post
you can really feel the tsai influence
Cute in both.
>I stopped painting in 1990 at the peak of my success just to deny people my beautiful paintings. And I did it out of spite.
Vincent Gallo is in league with the Devil, however his visage hasn't been disfigured yet.
>my beautiful paintings
It is like Tsai + Napoleon Dynamite + mumblecore. With that said it is odd it is getting 100 thousand views and 1,000 comments. Movies like this will often disappear into obscurity. What is causing so much fanfare in these?

Joel is a millennial tho
Brilliant image kek
He made a lot of comedy sketches that got millions of views, gathering a good number of subscribers. Most of his audience doesn't give a shit about his features.
Is this actually any good?
it's okay
Absolutely. It's very accesible and a very enjoyable watch. Also it felt like the director was making a huge tribute to the language and folklore of his country.
>here is ur stop motion film lil bro


this joel guy gotta be takin the piss
>It's very accesible and a very enjoyable watch
Im not interested in accessible or enjoyable cinema.
Hard pass.
it'll be a good name for all the amwf scenes she does
In the end it's all subjective 'cause what's your truth is my falsehood and what's my falsehood is your truth and vice versa.
He is the most famous member of /film/. Our influence is vast and spans the globe

now here lil bro joel just does daddy cassavetes
Joel is a titan. A master of all trades.
>le one take gimmick
didn't even notice because the dullness got me fast forwarding
All this Joel shit is off topic and you all know it is
it is arthouse
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Dedictví aneb Kurvahosigutntag is a very funny film, I like it
Too big.
Redpill me on Tsui Hark's Once Upon A Time In China film series.
it is anti west so it is based for that, but the films are not my favorite.
Green Snake for all of its raunch and goofiness is his masterpiece imo.
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My cockring snapped after years of use and it reminded me of the criterion logo
This is interesting but not watchable for 2 1/2 hrs. The comments are cringy as hell with retards acting like it is a cinematic masterpiece, for what is just a gag.

You see there is tons of zoomer content like this such as Cherdleys:


Haver's talent is in marketing more than the rest.
Just watch it, it's great. Have you ever seen Rohmer's Perceval? It's aesthetically similar.
I loved it as a kid.
In awe at the increased incidence of /film/ moments in our lives.
Is this really zoomer humor? Feels very millennial coded to me.
Ireland should be rangebanned
Now break your anus for a Janus Films reference to the complete pack, anon.
I didn't like this arthouse movie
Look at Cherdleys other videos, the rapid gags and memes are pure zoomer style humor. Joel Haver is like Cherdley's, definitely not /film/
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>Joel Haver is like Cherdley's, definitely not /film/

>influenced by /film/ canon directors like Cassavetes, Tsai and Kiarostami
>but he's not /film/ because... he just isn't ok!!!
I know it’s troll bait, but just because Nolan says he’s influenced by FNW doesn’t mean that his films therefore are FNW or Arthouse.
Now be a good little bitch and fuck off.
If this man was on a film set and saw how much goes into a film, even a mumblecore by people like Alex Ross Perry or Aaron Schimberg, he wouldn't dare call himself /film/. These are YouTube gags made with no money or crew. Like Cherdleys he has a fanbase of morons who are ready to declare it a cinematic masterpiece, because they have a fixation with an eceleb. Joel Haver should release his next feature anonymously so he can see just where the market actually places his work withiut the eceleb curve. It will drown in a sea of 10,000 movies exactly like it made every year that are submitted to Slamdance. Memes =\= /film/
I see what you did there, cheeky basterd
just wondering, is there any way I can find Cherdleys? Or like encounter him in the wild?
Joel Havenot
I have no idea who this Joel guy you're talking about is.
Only the guy spamming him has.
He's the Tsaifag

>normal posts
Oh it's some youtuber. Lame.
I have dreams, you know
Cherdleys is a YouTube filmmaker, like Joel Haver he has millions of fans who worship him.


You can see in his comments he has people saying what an amazing filmmaker he is too. But are these /film/? No they are YouTube memes made for fun.
tsaifag really got u malding eh lil bro
where's the fun
that is just a tiktok vid lil bro
phil solomon or someone else?
Of Sarah Gadon?
>t. joelfag
John is a kino character, I appreciated the procedural format of the film, but I personally wish they didn't do it that way.
Dreams, not nightmares
>Kino for this feel.
Whip out your phone and make the next american masterpiece my guy
We're all celebs here.
Joelfag brings us all together.
The difference between what Cherdleys is doing and Havers doing is so small that you cannot call one /film/ and not the other. Cherdleys is a way better actor as well. These are both YouTube slop. The stop motion is cool though just how retarded and mentally ill someone has to be to make that. Herzog should make a documentary about him playing with those dolls.
lil bro i aint callin any of these guys /film/
DUDE don't say that word there are black people in these threads
Go on...
Some anon has been shilling this guy here for weeks (it might be Haver himself). If Joel Haven is /film/ he better stop dicking around on YT, crowdfund an actual movie through those fans. Eceleb are always trying to scam their way into the cinema canon. See also Robert Eggers and Chris Stuckmann.
one day I'll be filthy rich and bankroll y'all films
I want a war against black people.
Joel Haver is better than that guy cmon
>t. Joelfag
Imagine what TB Johnson would be capable of with a $200 million budget...
c´mon John...
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>You ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America? This is how they did it.
No, you aren't.
Not really. Cherdleys is a better actor at minimum. Regardless it is like determining who is better at being retarded in the special Olympics.
The fuck? You really watched this shit?
This. For all his faults, Joel presents an emotional honesty that's completely absent in Cherdleys' work.


Can you imagine Cherdleys making a video like this? I can't.
well first of all, let me say I think Paul Schrader saw this and covertly reworked it into Taxi Driver. His original claim about Pickpocket makes no sense, John the Violent IS taxi driver. Now that I gave the film its praise, I found the narrative they used took too much time away from John. John isn't really a part of it much until an hour in. Then its glorious from there, when we see him in his element and his personality. I wish we got something like taxi driver meets venom and eternity, but what they did with it was interesting still. Felt like a novel almost.
someone get lil bro a napkin
Can we not talk about Joel Haver anymore? By doing this, you are making a mockery of film.
Dreams, I tell ya
Thanks. I will likely watch it either this weekend or the next one.
What movie is horse fish from OP pic from.

Looks kino.
Is this a good movie?
Poaching by the Water (1990)
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Y'all on the 'Gram holdin' money to your ear
There's a disconnect, we don't call that money over here, yeah
John the Violent was better.
Dear people
No this is not impressive. If Cherdley's father died he would have a far better video about it.
someone help tell me where I can find this person. I know in LA, but where exactly? Like his neighborhood? Anyone know?
What is your plan to rape Cherdleys?
I'm actually looking for his father.
The cinematic language behind Joker's rape is Bressonian.
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>born with a full set of "fairy fingers"
yea lemme throw up real quick
This meme has never been funny
Im about to go see joker 2 now with my mother. I hope the rape scene doesn’t scare her.
I haven't seen any of FFC's post-70's work
Should I watch Rumble Fish
I do wonder about that since he often portrays the boomer father stereotype in his work. Did he have a good relation with his or even knew him. I wouldn't be surprised if there is drama there.
yes, that is why I am looking for him, I am a mutual of the father and want to reuinte the two, but I don't know Cherdley cause he blocked off contact, so please, if anyone has any geographical information or clues to his routine whereabouts please tell me.
You know what to do
Dracula, that’s it
No I do not stop being cryptic TELL ME WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO DO
Reddit answer. Rumble Fish mogs.
Best revenge /film/s? Slop accepted.
Holy filtered
I don't actually know much about him but he is that combination of confident and vulnerable that attracts women like magnets. I suggest getting into the whole LA youtube scene because he is associated with all those female youtubers from there.
Non-Letterboxd answer.
Quite the opposite. Lettertrannies and Redditors fell for the lie that's it's the only good post-Apocalypse Now Coppola joint.
any specific locations or landmarks or anything you can lead me to?
Yeah sure... https://letterboxd.com/film/rumble-fish/
People really care about letterboxd and reddit here here, huh?
Not as much as about YouTube.
YouTube is where literally all of the great filmmakers of tommorow are currently working, anyone who is still working in traditional film with traditional distribution is a dinosaur producing marvelslop or grifter orientalism like Tsai
extremely weak bait
Is the schizo gonna try attacking Tsai now?
different guy
>YouTube is where literally all of the great filmmakers of tommorow are currently working

Only their own mothers would say such things.

Listening to a good Spielberg interview reminds why one fell in love with cinema in the first place. The man is a true guardian of storytelling.
Seriously one of the greatest films of the 2010s. Spielberg's blocking here is some of the best in his entire career. Magnificent tension building.
yes, do that.
is there anybody in here who makes music?
This except Munich
I've made in the past.
music for scores? or more traditional rockband type stuff?
Me, I’ve played in a few indie/punk bands and make like weird bedroom stuff on my own
Singer-songwriter, shoegaze, alternative metal, post-hardcore. Mostly stuff I wrote for a girlfriend I used to have. All pretty much unpublished. I showed it to my friends and they liked it. I erased it all from my phone, eventually.
nice, got anythig you would like to promote? a sample if you don't feel comfortable sharing a profile link here?
This except the Fabelman's
Not really, I haven't written anything in years, but thanks. What are you looking for?
macdonalds farthouse
saw Mechanical Ballet recently and was sort of blown away by the score that sounds like it is just layers of musique concrete.
Made me want to gout and make a short experimental festival film.

nice it like tetsuo
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so did he really touch those kids
I'll watch Mechanical Ballet and write a song for you inspired on the film. Be looking for my song on later threads. Doesn't matters if you don't like it, just looking for an excuse to write something. Do you have any requirements for length or song quality?
I don't buy it. Gay men are notoriously anti-pedophilia.
I am sure no matter what it is I will love it, and I will greatly appreciate the effort and will keep an eye out on the threads now. As far as length, maybe 5-10 minutes? i dunno though, whatever feels right for you.
Alright then, I will record something of that length.
This was fucking great, thanks for the rec
>I am sure no matter what it is I will love it
Be careful what you wish for…
Sarah Gadon's brother does.
you are the MVP of this entire general based composeranon

nah man, this dude has an artist's spirit, I believe in him.
My pleasure, this is from a larger set called "Masters of the Avant Garde" that I had on my harddrive, lots of interesting gems in there, but this was the standout.
One of the extremely rare instances where a silent film’s original soundtrack is actually good/interesting
no, Sunrise, has another original score that holds up very well.
I think man with a movie camera was also solid. I think I remember one Chaplin film that had a good one, cant remember though.
>Gay men are notoriously pedophiles*

Yes. I always shill on mu, go to the shill thread and try to guess who i am.
>Men are notoriously pedophiles*

>Me are notoriously pedophile

Watching 47 ronin
It seems pretty good so far, I love the sets and how many actors they manage to cram into every scene
It feels strangely good
One From The Heart is worth a watch.
Rumble Fish and Peggy Sue Got Married are my two favourite films from him, so yes.
What kind of pilpul is this

both posts are wrong
Trips of truth
Mizoguchi estrogenic
This and the Liebestod scene are my favourite scenes of the film.
Hey, I got the song https://voca.ro/14sxBJ4Rdq1m
This has got to be it, right? Probably a few things, and I'm not sure if this place is specifically like that, but there's no reason we can't be considered slaves and also prisoners whose purpose is to experience endless pointless suffering. If it's a prison then that would imply we're some bad fucking people. And it would also imply we were bad somewhere else in the universe.
So it would make sense to put the prisoners to work as slaves on a resource rich plant. Self replicating, self healing, resilient and smart enough to take care of themselves, biological entities. No maintenance need except to keep them fighting enough that they don't band together to figure things out, but not so violent that they destroy themselves. It would also make sense that these slaves would eventually revere their captors as Gods. To me it seems like the most severe form of Stockholm syndrome you could imagine.
So that's what I'm going with. This a prison and there are at least two goals: make you suffer and mine resources for which you receive no pay and no benefit from after it's mined. Im not a miner you say? No, but you provide support for the infrastructure necessary to support those who do mine. It's actually genius, you'll create your own suffering in the process. You literally can't help it. You have too many hormones coursing through you directing the way you think. You're set up to fail from the get-go. The only way I accept this as punishment is if I fucking blew up a thriving planet star wars style. The other option is we're prisoners of war. That would actually explain a lot now that I think about it.
what do you want your stage name to be?
this is unironically the best film of the year, and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. normies just got ultra-filtered
I don't believe you've seen all the films of the year.
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all the ones worth watching
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Queen of /film/
Anytime I see bits of this posted, it always gives me the impression like it's the fake pretentious art movie within the universe of something else.

Like Bonestorm being a fake violent video game in The Simpsons.
>the fake pretentious art movie within the universe of something else
Exactly. Megalopolis will be the art house parody movie in GTA VI
Mizoguchi's or Ichikawa's?
The former is very glacial, but it has many good moments, and the cinematography feels very ahead of its time. The anti-chinese message felt hamfisted.
I haven't seen the latter.
>The anti-chinese message felt hamfisted.
studio notes
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Does that constitute the oriental grift?
I can't watch anything with Tom Hanks
No. This was a Japanese film for Japanese people during wartime.
Yes. This was a Japanese film and I, a white man, watched it
Meganon or anyone else, got a mega for Marguerites Theorem (2023)?
Check the asian to non asian ratio on letterboxd.
yes because of the anti chinese propaganda that Mizo was forced to shoehorn in but otherwise Mizo is pretty clean.
Oh yeah, that one always makes me kek, very silent comedy-like.
Forced to shoehorn in by whom?
Just watched Sombre, and now I'm very interested in seeking out the rest of Grandrieux's work.
Francophone grift
lol Americunts are still seething about being exposed as victims to asian cinema grifters.
>now he's getting paranoid
It's like a checkbox
Coppola marketing Megalopolis with "You don't wanna get FILTERED like everyone else did, do you!?" Was a much smarter choice than any of the ones he made when actually making the movie.
Bait aside, has anybody actually watched this? Jesus Christ.
Everywhere I go I see his face
Don't see why everybody got mad about this, one way or the other.
/film/'s influence is immense.
The government of course, remember they were an Empire and during wartime. They had to churn out propaganda for the masses, even if it meant forcing a director to make compromises in his films.
first they are victimised as newborns by their assigned rabbi
then they get victimised by asian cinema grifters
So a Japanese government being anti-Chinese. Where does the west come into this to make it orientalist grift?
I personally do not care for trannybox
It showed just how bad new filmmakers are going to be if their primary influences are shit like EAEAO
It's good for determining which asian films are orientalist grift.
It just does, okay?
I'm not the gimmicker.
Good for you.
For me, it's the Harperfag replying all my posts on /mu/.
I'm starting to believe that /film/ posters run this site
grim, glad I'm asian.
Not only this one.
The propaganda ending makes it a psy op for the foreign market where the government only cares about that one scene being watched and to them it justifies funding the project, Mizo was just used as a puppet.
Cucked and Curious: Tokyo Grift
Cinema brings us all together.
We're all storytellers here.
Some people here are best left excluded.
I can honestly say that I've been asked a million times why I post in these threads. And I normally just shrug and say, "it's a hobby". But that's a lie. Because when I'm on /film/, I'm at home.
bakin rn
The language of cinema connects us.


That's how it is in this era of bake/film/
someone make another one
Good, he’s great

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