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Arthouse and classics

Smoking edition

>/film/ charts

>/film/ literature

Previous: >>204384528
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based bake, Harriet is the new queen of /film/
Diamonds rn
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It's weird because the internet says they are like 5'8 but even western women who've been to Japan say they are taller than most men there. That also reminds me that Kurosawa was B I G
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Queen of /film/
definitely, you don't understand the genius of Bergman unless you are past 30. His subjects will just be totally alien otherwise. He is like Shakespeare how he is telling you thoughts you never knew you had that you experienced IRL
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Bergman is aight
God damn he really was a 5'5 manlet. LMAO TARK A SHORTY
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best Bergie, change my mind
Smoking really does make women look sexier. And it makes dudes look cooler. Cigarettes would be so based if they didn't kill you.
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I feel bad for not liking Bergman films that much, I've already mentioned it some time ago in these threads but all of his pictures feel exhausting to watch for me. They are not very long, usually like 95 minutes long but feel like 3+ hours. And I need a break after each one. And I'm not even talking about watching 2 in a row or something like that, I mean even the following day you think
>Oh no I won't be watching another Bergman today
And the worst part about it is that I do realise he is great, at least because there's nothing like a Bergman film, as in you are watching any of them and you know it's HIS film, impossible to replicate. With someone like Hitchcock, you could tell me Shadow of a Doubt was made by someone else and I'd believe you if I didn't know. Or vice versa. tell me Night of the Hunter is a Hitchcock film, well you get the point
Night of the Hunter is better than anything Hitchcock did.
Fuck I love this shot
I don't think I agree but I get how someone would think that, it's peak classic thriller
Have you been divorced? Have you struggled to raise a retarded child? Had you lost a parent or threatened to kill someone after he screwed you in a business deal? Bergman like Bob Dylan is for weary souls. On the surface it makes no sense, but then one day it clicks because you have lived it.
One of my least favorite arthouse classics
I did a revisit of every Tark a few months ago, maybe I need to do a revisit of Bergman now and also finally watch a few that I missed.
His filmography is pretty big though. And I always regret rewatching films when I think that I could’ve been watching something new and discovering a new filmmaker.
He is great enough and had so many movies that you can watch them chronologically, they are almost all great
>I feel bad for not liking Bergman films that much
Good, these threads aren’t for you, leave
You think it's necessary to live through that stuff to enjoy depressing films?
No, but I’m trying to appeal to an obvious retard who won’t enjoy films otherwise
If you get filtered by entry-level Bergman, you ain’t cut out for the deeper waters of arthouse
Is the high even worth it? I've tried every kind of drug except cigarettes?
Some life experience definitely helps when watching shit like Bergman otherwise you don't really have a frame of reference for what he's putting out there
No, Jew, there is nothing sexy about worthless disgusting trash.
Kill yourself Jew
Just watch The Serpent's Egg.

Bob is usually G shit, but sometimes he's boring. Bergman kinda be like that, too.
Not really, but you probably need empathy, some introspection and appreciation for the aesthetic. Many retarded people in the world lack those qualities.
Siddhārtha did not need to personally experience the four sights in order to be moved and transformed by them
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I can smell this post.
Like cigarettes and scotch, a patrician scent
Of course it's not worth it.
I'm not a jew you jew.
>Roy Andersson
I don't believe there's such thing as 'entry-level' and I hate when directors are referred to as that because it sounds disparaging
You're all so short. My estimation of /film/ has plummeted.
He did have to personally see them with his own eyes though aka life experience
Most overrated one.
>When it premiered at the Venice Film Festival in 1940, none other than Michelangelo Antonioni wrote, "If this is propaganda, then we welcome propaganda. This is an engaging, penetrating, extraordinarily effective film."
Wrong it’s his most underrated one
Wow! Some famous white guy said it 80 years ago so it must be true!
fair point
No, I just find it asuming that a marxist like Antonioni would praise a nazi propaganda film.
>see them with his own eyes
Like watching a film
I was a young man in 1995, a time when I was in a rush to become a cinephile. I forced myself to attend screenings of classic films that I couldn't hope to understand. Taking an entry level 101 film class, I decided to write an essay on Ingmar Bergman movies. The professor was surprised, he was used to his students writing about Spielberg, or movies like Twister and Independence Day. So I went to the library into a private room and put on the Scenes from a Marriage VHS tape, proceding to take notes to try and understand his metaphors and themes. But ultimately I was making a fool of myself. This was the wrong way to do it.

Fast forward to being an almost 50 year old man, a time that I read Shakespeare for fun. I got into Bergman again, and am seeing an entire different filmmaker than I was back then. Sequences in the Virgin Spring, Through a Glass Darkly, and Autumn Sonata, I have lived these moments, gotten divorced, had traumatic fights with my elderly parents who are stuck in their ways, and dealt with a cousin with schizophrenia. I could only nod in recognition and understand exactly what Bergman was trying to communicate in these movies.

It is like the quote, life is what happens between making plans. Point is, you should not forc yourself to appreciate these films if you get filtered by Bergman, there is no need to be in a rush to become a cinephile, it is a lifelong endeavor.
>Fast forward to being an almost 50 year old man
I'm a big boy.
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If she smokes, she pokes.
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>50 year old posting on 4chan /tv/

Please tell me this isn't real
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Look at this fucking guy.
>multi-paragrap post
What do you think?
Because anything that takes a bit of effort to post must be fake lmao the state of filmovich
ChatGPT really broke every single zoomer.
Where do you think we are?
It's real, but keep in mind that there are few places to have unfiltered discussions about film today. I used to go on the IMDB boards way back until it got shut down. Social media constantly devolves into dick fights, and letterboxd and reddit are toxic sludge. You shouldn't be surprised that some of us Gen X'ers gravitate to this forum as it is one of the last places left that you can talk shit about movies the way we used to during the early internet days.
>mid girl in picture/film smoking
betamales go reeeeeee
We're all uncs here.
Where does the 'gotten divorced' pasta come from?
We're all smokers here.
From experience, son.
It's not pasta
Imagining some middle aged dude sitting on his computer reading all the braindead nigga and lil bro spam in these threads is really funny to me.
I mean, two people have mentioned it when talking about Bergman, made me think it's something like 'intellectual counterfeit money' (Godard) and 'solemn and humorless' (Antonioni)
so basically Bergman films are for the parents of lil bro posters
I sometimes stumble upon various forums like the Blu-ray.com one where people talk about /film/-related stuff, and everyone there writes like they are at least 40. Here on /film/ even the most 'intelligent' posts don't feel that way
In the past, girls stayed in marriages cause men had the dominant position within the genders. Now, men stepped aside and while women are still not dominant, men aren't either. And now that girls CAN survive on their own as long as men maintain all the public infrastructure, "girls don't need no man."

Girls also stayed in marriages back then even if they get bored, but now, with all the casual sex and attention they can get online, there is no point staying with a man that she only married cause she saw the wall. Majority of men are, 90%, are betamales that girls only marry after she hits the wall.
No bro in person
wtf is a lil bro
I'm 5'7"
a john
Welles could probably eat them both.
>>204406733 is a lil bro
What is this, the hack convention?
He is so fucking fat it's unreal
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I’m 4’11
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Good god these last few threads are moving fast.
Hitch could eat half, then take the other half up his gaped obese asshole
cute ;)
This one >>204406894 definitely is
Please tell me this is an elaborate joke and zoomers don't actually think this:

Cumgenus NEVER posts in lowercase. Imposter!
One of these do not belong
>how do we sell our candy?
>let's just get a picture of a washed-up film director holding it
It truly was a different time.
Thin Orson Welles.
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Yeah, Jarmusch is a boring hack.
>1 hour
I ain't watching that, but anyone who thinks modern Hollywood-style acting is naturalistic must be autistic.
The language of cinema connects us all.
I don't understand, wouldn't it mean different viewing experience between the Chinese and the rest of the world?
Easily the best of his generation and genuinely impressive how he managed to stay relevant in Hollywood
Precisely. There’s inherently a different viewing experience, Tsai is forcing the issue.
There's barely any dialogue in the film. A few lines. One or two are in English anyway.
I'm watching ''The Passenger'' by Antonioni, what will I think of it?
I always write like I speak in real life.
You will love it and jerk off to Maria Schneider. By the way, Jack Nicholson's commentary track for the film is one of the comfiest ever.
Equivelant of John Woo and Tsui Hark hollywood films. Foreigners making western films has never worked even once.
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Depends, Antonioni films are certainly not for everyone. I love it immensely like most of his films
It’s the reason I stay here- everything is anonymous, more “real” talk and thoughts than anywhere else, for better and worse.
lmao dont act like Zabriskie and Passenger represent Antonioni films. They are roundly mocked fiascos.
The Passenger isn’t, wtf you talking about.
>"and here's that one bitch I fucked."
>"theres that other bitch who gave me head."
>"I have no idea what this movie is but isn't it a hoot I'm in it?"
Not a big fan of Zabriskie but Passenger is 100% an Antonioni film. I love him and I love Nicholson, it's one of my absolute favorites from the 70s
I love both films, but sure they’re not as celebrated as his trilogy. Who cares?
i love smoking but i'm starting to have an upset stomach more frequently. honestly might quit
Never seen The Passenger, but Zabriskie is amazing. I also would like to recommend More by Barbet Schroeder to Zabriskie lovers, as it's quite a similar film to Antonioni's.
Fellini, Kurosawa, and Bunuel move in the same field as Tarkovsky. Antonioni was on his way, but expired, suffocated by his own tediousness.
Don't quit, anon.
I don't understand what Bergman meant by that because he hated Bunuel, but in that quote he seems to be praising him?
Who is better Bergman or Fellini?
I smoke like crazy with Crohn's
>Zabriskie is amazing.

It's okay but it suffocates under its own tediousness as the anon said. It also has a soundtrack by Pink Floyd. Cringy movie.
did it cause chrohn's or did you have it already. i was a sickly kid and i feel way better now, for the most part. but i've been smoking a ton and it's been ok for about a year but been getting the runs more frequently
we'll see i probably won't
>He is enormously intuitive. He is intuitive; he is creative; he is an enormous force. He is burning inside with such heat. Collapsing. Do you understand what I mean? The heat from his creative mind, it melts him. He suffers from it; he suffers physically from it. One day when he can manage this heat and can set it free, I think he will make pictures you have never seen in your life. He is rich. As every real artist, he will go back to his sources one day. He will find his way back.
If you feel like it's causing troubles then definitely quit. In the long run it really does fuck things up
>did it cause chrohn's
Nah, my aunt had it. But I do feel that smoking helped to 'activate' it sooner, though I've had stomach problems ever since I was a child
Bergman is cinema's own Shakespeare. Fellini isn't even on the level of Pasolini. He is a showman, an entertainer.
When talking about Bergman I think the story about him raping his wife from the draft of his autobiography is worth mentioning.

He writes about having an argument with her, hitting her in the head with a stool, pushing her to the ground, hitting her head against the floor and then "being inside her".

This is not just something he did but also something he felt appropriate to write in his memoirs. It didn't end up in the published version and I think the editor had something to do with that.
>Film is not analysis, it is the agitation of mind; cinema comes from the country fair and the circus, not from art and academicism
Bergman misogynistic
Honestly Bergman did seem like someone who'd do something like that
Do you have a source on that or are you trying to slander a dead man.
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>proceeds to complain about the way Hitchcock portrays women
Bergman raped HIS WIFE???

>The film unearths an early draft of his book The Magic Lantern that included a description of an episode involving his girlfriend Karin Lannby in which Ingmar almost killed her, though it was finally edited out of the book before it was published.

Turns out it was his girlfriend, not his wife.
Subtitles are anti-performance, anti-image, and anti-cinema. If you've only watched a film with subtitles, you haven't really seen it. A skilled director can make a narrative film perfectly understandable even if you don't know the language. THAT is what it means to communicate through the language of cinema.

A director who doesn't reach that level is closer to filmed theater than cinema. Kitano, Švankmajer, Tati, King Hu, Bresson, Melville, Frammartino, Zeman, Tsai, and Dave Fleischer don't actually need subtitles, and neither would Bay if you couldn't understand English. This shows true understanding and mastery of the art form. Enemies of cinema deny this, as they flirt with the muses of literature and theater. Though there are some exceptions by even these great directors, as few are that skilled from the start. Of course most people have been brainwashed, so they are too afraid to try and watch truly great films unsubtitled. None of the silent masters really even needed intertitles.
Not tedious imo, and Pink Floyd is alright. What's cringy about it lol
Women suffer in quite a few of his films so I guess that's what he has in common with Hitchcock
yeah i'm starting to feel run down. moved to new york less than a year ago, been drinking and smoking a lot. i've got a bad cough right now and yeah my stomach could feel better. i have only been smoking since i got here, feel like i could get better if i stop now
Kill yourself you evil Jew scum
Kill yourself Jew
>feel like i could get better if i stop now
If you die the world will be better
>hates jews
>is on /film/

How is this possible? Everything we talk about is jewish
Brother, you're aware that your gimmick is super stupid and boring and literally contributes nothing to the thread, right?
Telling people to kill themselves is just as evil as anything you accuse Jews of doing
Way more evil than smoking, that's for sure lol
Bergman, Polanski, Hitchcock, Godard, Gallo - you need to be a piece of shit to create great art. A goody two shoes like Truffaut simply isn't capable of plunging into the dark depths of the human soul and thus never rises above mediocrity.
I only watch superior German Aryan cinema for the ubermensch: Lang, Wiene, Sternberg, etc
What did Hitchcock do
It's a spambot that posts the exact same thing in response to any single pic of people smoking in any thread on /tv/

https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/Kill yourself jew scum /
He was a proto-Weinstein
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>In Spoto's third book about Hitchcock, Spellbound by Beauty (2008), Hedren revealed that Hitchcock actually made offensive demands on her. "He stared at me and simply said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, that from this time on, he expected me to make myself sexually available and accessible to him – however and whenever and wherever he wanted."

>Hedren then told him Marnie would be their last film together and later recalled how Hitchcock told her he would destroy her career. "I said I wanted to get out of my contract. He said: 'You can't. You have your daughter to support, and your parents are getting older.' I said: 'Nobody would want me to be in this situation, I want to get out.' And he said: 'I'll ruin your career.' I said: 'Do what you have to do.' And he did ruin my career. He kept me under contract, paid me to do nothing for close on two years."

>Hedren herself was asked why her account of sexual harassment contrasted with the many interviews she gave about her time with Hitchcock, her presence at the AFI Life Achievement Award ceremony honoring him in 1979, and her presence at his funeral. She explained that, "He ruined my career, but he didn't ruin my life. That time of my life was over. I still admire the man for who he was." She also said, "I've been able to separate the two. The man who was the artist. I mean, what he gave to the motion picture industry can never be taken away from him and I certainly wouldn't want to try. But on the other side, there is that dark side that was really awful."
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Oh shit a new ragebait bot by Hiro
>None of the silent masters really even needed intertitles
This is very true.
>Turns out it was his girlfriend, not his wife.
Well, in that case it was wrong of him.
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Yeah the Hedren story is well known, just wonder if there was anything else
>who is Spielberg
>who is Ang Lee
>who is Wes Anderson
>who is Jacques Demy
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Is this reportable?
Yes but Hedren was also an insane person who lived with lions and put her kids in danger.
So what you’re saying is Michael Bay is a master and Bergman wasn’t?
>He writes about having an argument with her, hitting her in the head with a stool, pushing her to the ground, hitting her head against the floor and then "being inside her".
Name should’ve been BASEDman
>who is
Mediocre directors, except for Demy.
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Spielberg is the only one of those worth a damn and he's probably a pedophile
Cry more Hitchcocksucker, your hero is still a pathetic coward
Pretty fucking based thing to say.
>moved to new york
Jesus, why??
Spielberg is based desu. One of the best commercial filmmakers of all time.
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>Visconti smoked 120 cigarettes a day.[26] He suffered a serious stroke in 1972, but continued to smoke heavily.
Even after the Jew almost killed him, he never gave up the fight. Respectable to say the least
>he's probably a pedophile
Yeah, I'm thinking you're retarded.
Wes Anderson let the animation director do all the actual day to day directing on Mr Fox while he shouted orders to him from his iPhone in a Parisian luxury hotel, while not sharing directing credit like Tim Burton had the honor of doing for Corpse Bride.
He repeatedly gaped his obese asshole for the paying audience to repeatedly treat like their toilet
The Poltergeist girl story.
Just making sure
They are all off topic
Demy and Lee (his Taiwanese films at least) aren't because they're foreign
No, telling people to kill themselves is never a good thing. Suicide sends you straight to hell.
If by based you mean cringe sure
So, the samurai that comitted hara-kiri out of honor are in hell? O.o
>cries at A Clockwork Orange like a bitch
>gets fucked in the ass
>dies of AIDS

So based...
Just watch his non musicals like Bay of Angels or Model Shop if you're threatened by teh ghey
Just a /tv/ meme. She died six years after working with Spielberg.
Honestly it's kinda nice that Pasolini died in such a unique manner rather than just going out of aids like every other queer in the 80s.
Bay contemplative cinema
Great thread, we’re healing
I was gonna ask, what's with the lack of waifu posting in the past few threads?
The shitbirds were put to rest, if you catch my drift.
This is actually a good thread for once. Fuck off you dumb coomer
filmovich is healing
I was just curious.
Just have to speak the truth, 'cause the truth will set you free, you feelin' me?
Unironically how and why has Persona become Bergman's most popular film?
I disagree- Seventh Seal and Wild Strawberries seem much more popular
It's much closer to today's audience preferences (Lynchian vibe fest and direct precursor to stuff like Mulholland Drive) than The Seventh Seal, which was the boomer Bergman pick of choice.
Persona has the most ratings on Letterboxd (and it's also Bergman's highest rated movie)
Seventh Seal is the most popular, definitely.
I think it's his most aesthetic film, even though it's not my favorite. Easier to get into because of "vibing", I guess. Not like Cries and Whispers, which has no vibes.
Not only letterboxd
ctrl+f Bergman there
What are some good sexploitation kinos? I'm only familiar with Brazilian pornochanchadas.
Don’t give a fuck what trannyboxd says ever

Greatest doesn’t equal most popular
>Cries and Whispers
High camp which takes itself deadly seriously unfortunately, also mostly filmed theater with constant red fades.
This might be true. The Seventh Seal has more ratings on IMDb which is mostly used by boomers, whereas Persona is more popular in websites geared towards younger audiences like Letterboxd and RateYourMusic
I don't agree on that, but it's my least favorite Bergman because of being boring.

Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion
School of the Holy Beast
It was tough enough to endure 3:20 of this. Not surprised in the least that zoomers have no clue of what "realism" means, for them it must be scarjo using upspeak or something.
Caligula actually good?
Gee, why would someone impersonate that schizo? /film/ nevr fails to fall for each and every grift.
The Emmanuelle films directed by Just Jackin. Also probably the Black Emmanuelle films by Joe D'Amato but I'm too afraid to check them out
I really do get where you're coming from with this to be honest. And I feel like his movies can be slow and boring as hell even if they're only 90 minutes long. (not "slow" in the same sense as slow cinema but you get the point)
And it really got me thinking, I feel like his movies are good because of its theme and boldness when it come to the discussion of philosophy where other directors might find tedious. And of course, good acting.

Nah Seventh Seal is the most popular one but I think people just seem to like Persona more that's why it seem to be so popular among the cinephiles.
And not going to lie, I didn't really like Seventh Seal that much, I don't think I didn't get it but it's just okay for me. I don't see it in the top 100 best movies pick that's what I mean.
Thank you! I suppose the Caligula Ultimate Cut is the better one? I know it uses a lot of different takes.
Yes, excellent in fact. Has some porn, but I'm not bothered by it at all. It's a legitimately great film.
>I'm too afraid to check them out

Never seen it, just normal release for me.
All the Sins of Sodom 1968 is pretty decent, it was shot in black and white and so its has that avant garde looks to it instead of looking cheaply made, the acting is kinda meh but if you want to see some tiddies, check it out.
>Cries and Whispers
>no vibes
is it Opposite Day or something?
Added to the list. I've always avoided because it just seemed like a big mess, with different directors being called in and inserting porn scenes.
No, it didn't "vibe" for me. More like, anti-vibed. Stiff af film.
>filmed theater
This shit is a non-argument and I wish you all stopped using it because it's annoying. Cries and Whispers was filmed the way it was because a film like Cries and Whispers needed to be filmed that way
Thoughts on the mumblebore movement?
The whole movie is vibey af idk what you’re talking about
I just think some posters here don't know the difference between filmed theater (Inserts) vs. chamber film (Cries and Whispers)
Supposedly dreamy; for me, it was just a bore to get through.
Which one is Petra Von Kant
And we hate everything we talk about.
Chamber film, but heavily influenced by theatrical language
> chamber film
Oh, right, I was trying to remember what they called those
is it even really a thing anymore? I thought it died after early 2010s
>I just think some posters here don't know the difference between a fag and a poofta
what's the difference between chamber film and theater film
better than la
Son of the Mask and Joker 2 are /film/
Go with the original cut first.
Definitely didn't knew what a poofta was until like 10 seconds ago.

Maybe I'll like it eventually idk

Filmed theatre: much more influence from classical theatre in lighting, acting, scripting (really fast pace and summarized plot events, for example, ample use of analepsis and prolepsis to save screen time and advance the action / diegesis, in media res, etc.), and costuming. Usually simpler structures when compared to chamber film.
Chamber film: small casts, general minimalism in scripting, lighting, costuming, etc. Emphasis is on actor's performances (think My Dinner with André, Cries and Whispers, 12 Angry Manes...). Action usually occurs in a fixed place, with camera movements showing the place. Influence from classical theatre is notorious, but very diluted when compared to filmed theatre. Acting styles also differ heavily (not as expressive as filmed theatre, usually more restrained).
Only serial killers can make real kino, don't @ me
fuck both of them
There’s literally nothing wrong with anything discussed in this post
Who said there was something wrong? And something wrong with what, in the first place?
>12 Angry Manes
Like a horses mane?
Oh god no…
Master of the House (1925)
Rope (1948)
Cries and Whispers (1972)
There is absolutely nothing even remotely incorrect in this post
>12 Angry Manes
is that the spike lee remake
>at least this steaming pile of shit is better than this diarrhea
why not move somewhere actually good if you were moving anyway?
Are there any directors who've actually killed people? Other than Max Landis
No it seriously makes me think of a horse, their mane…. Makes me think of their eye for some reason…
*John Landis, my bad.
Spielberg has raped and killed thousands of children
speaking of filmed theatre, are there any directors who take inspiration from Méliès? his insanely theatrical sets seem to be unique just to him. I want to see a more modern film with sets like his
satanic quads
Jesus no…
Lots of Japanese cinema directly influenced by and adapted from Japanese theater
Honestly I felt bad for dragging gadonfag in here.
José Giovanni
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>filmed theater
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Does any western animated film besides Mask of the Phantasm really beat this? I still have yet to see something with more heart and artistic integrity.
looking for a /film/ waifu, which films have the most beautiful asian women?
Hi Paul.
Howard Hughes accidentally killed a pedestrian with his car in 1936.

Just to be clear, theatrical sets =/= filmed theater.
Anyway, check out Karel Zeman.
Most based western anime film coming through https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFTWbnf4MEk
>Approximately 7,500 extras worked on the film.[4] During the filming of the climactic flood scene, the 600,000 US gallons (2,300,000 L; 500,000 imp gal) of water used was so overwhelming that three extras drowned, one was so badly injured that his leg needed to be amputated, and a number suffered broken limbs and other serious injuries, which led to implementation of stunt safety regulations the following year.[5] Dolores Costello caught a severe case of pneumonia. Thirty-five ambulances attended the wounded.[6]
Remember this?
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Sacrificed to Moloch.
That's from Metropolis, right? There's something really otherwoldly about how they combined all the ancient mythical stuff and the scifi setting. I don't even want to say that it was ahead of its time because it sounds corny but man it's just crazy for 1927
Oliver Stone killed during the Vietnam war. Platoon is the most honest Vietnam war film.

I read that one of the extras refused to have his leg amputated, and then managed to fully recover and become a professional tennis champion
Yes, it's from Metropolis, and you're completely right, the film is super ahead of its time. The ancient occult vibe mixed with state of the art technology is a reality though, -elite occultism-, which is what the movie shows.
Your desire is the most reddit thing I've ever seen.

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Opinions on her? Why is she supposed to be so special? Never seen one of her films.
Thanks for expressing your opinion, now shut the fuck up.
Great actress.
>Never seen one of her films.
Change that and you don't need to ask anymore.
I never cared much for Bergman either, but eventually I did like Skammen, so I'd say give that a watch
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You may enjoy the works of Wes Anderson.
Ain't gonna front man, I just hate that shit so much
I like Rushmore.
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Jerry Lewis' The Ladies Man
orson welles mogs your favorite director
you didn't even try this time
Lon Chaney is the GOAT
Favourite non-Kane Welles? Touch of Evil for me.
>My favorite director
He can't mog Bresson.
That film is a waste of potential.

>construct a gigantic set
>90 % of the movie is using traditional coverage
>using anamorphic lens with boring shot reverse shot staging
>boring script and dialogue
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Wes is /film/ most influential director of the century by far
I once went to the cinemas to see a Wes Anderson film about boy scouts, the one with Edwart Norton. I hated it. Oh and also Grand Budapest, hated it as well
Which directors were influenced by him?
I saw Isle of Dogs on release. First time I felt a disconnect between pre /film/ me and post /film/ me. I *used* to think that I liked Wes when I was a teen, but that flick left me feeling cold. First time I felt the desire to go beyond what commercial kinoplexes could give me.
he influenced no one, cool style tho
Almost every indie film in the 00s was a rip-off of Wes Anderson. His style was particularly influential in the advertisement industry. He is also the most parodied director on YT/social media. His whole autistic, symmetric, colorful style is iconic.

The Grand Hotel is a cinematic masterpiece, actually. It is like a comic strip come to life.
>Almost every indie film in the 00s was a rip-off of Wes Anderson.
Name ten of them.
>His style was particularly influential in the advertisement industry
How about that
Wes Anderson invented AI.
AI invented Wes Anderson.
Napoleon Dynamite
Garden State
Wristcutters: A love Story
Running with Scissors
Igby Goes Down
Jojo Rabbit
I Heart Huckabees
The Brothers Bloom
Squid and the Whale
Marie Antoinette
Lady Bird
Be Kind, Rewind

None of these would exist in their form without Wes Anderson
most don't follow Andersonian style at all
>That's from Metropolis, right? There's something really otherwoldly about how they combined all the ancient mythical stuff and the scifi setting. I don't even want to say that it was ahead of its time because it sounds corny but man it's just crazy for 1927

It has a futuristic setting but it's an extremely moral and Biblical film. It's literally about the Whore of Babylon leading the world astray, while linkening exploitation of workers and industrialization to Satanism.
bakin rn
Most are a stretch.


where did white people come from again?
>one hour later

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