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Arthouse and classics

Pandora and the Flying Dutchman -edition

>/film/ charts

>/film/ literature

Previous: >>204403394
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The language of cinema connects us all.
So many possible readings for that joint... Don't forget that The Whore was a clone created by the elites for domination of the worker class. Like clockwork, really, that's the reason they always dress Beyoncé and Gaga in Metropolis inspired costumes. Exposition of the method.
Wrong. Even Spielberg made his own Wes Anderson-esque quirkfest with The Terminal, going so far as to cast th Indian guy from Wes's movies.

It is more than visuals it is his tone of deadpan, quirky, tragi-comedy. Even Kaurismäki was ripping him off. It had evolved by the 10s to more Lanthimos direction, and now it is stark arthouse.

PTA is also insanely influential, The Master is the most influential movie of the last ten years on the style, tone, and energy of arthouse films, with Lanthimos not far behind.
Looking at the poster I thought it was some thriller with Ava Gardner but it's not, fuck that shit man. Cool poster though
>“I’ve done so much wrong to perform this miracle.”
Kino, it is.
You must not have been there at the time. Wes was the millennials Godard/Woody Allen/whatever
Wes Anderson is probably the most Gen-X director out there.
Good film nonetheless. One of her best.
big if true
I didn't say he was a millennial, he was that generational iconic director for the millennials that literally everyone was ripping off. If you went to film school in the 00s, every single person was apeing Wes Anderson the way the 90s film students ripped off Tarantino.
Excellent flick
>Alida Valli
I want to have sex with that woman. Sexo (1954) - dir. Luchino Visconti
Was based to see this for free on Halloween at the government funded kinoplex some years ago. Also showed Suspiria and Les diaboliques. The triumphs of socialism.
get filtered idiot
Me too, but she's dead, might get me into a sticky situation.
Stop calling people idiots, idiot. Anyway, what was this flick?
Get killed in your sleep tonight along with your whore mother
Sounds like a good night
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This could have been a great movie if it weren't for the ending. God, women are shallow
read the reply chain
we're going to stay up all night. ggs
No, it was still a shit film even with an incredible ending
It was a good day.
Thank you.
Here across the pond I intend on watching The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari with a live band performing the music.
Makes sense in that regard. I've seen a lot of hack directors trying to ape his style who are Milennial and young Gen-X artfags.
Personally, while I think his films are excellent the European and Japanese movies that influenced him are much better to mine for material.
Here is another one:
>I intend on watching The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari with a live band performing the music.
For free? Is it cool when a band plays the music? They were doing that for Häxan in here, but I didn't go, and have never seen a live band playing a soundtrack to a movie. Still haven't watched Häxan too.
best movies from 2023 and 2024
Megalopolis, Joker 2, the list goes on.
Ask ChadGPT.
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Abiding Nowhere
Corner Office, North Of Normal, Ferrari, Seagrass, You Gotta Believe, Coup
This has literally never failed to make chuckle. I'm sorry, Tsai
Watching this at x0.25 speed, feeling intellectual.
Close Your Eyes
Killers of the Flower Moon
The Holdovers
20 днiв y Mapiyпoлi
The Zone of Interest
Cerrar los ojos
Kuru Otlar Üstüne
La chimera
The Iron Claw
Los delincuentes
the list goes on...
in english doc
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
>For Free
>Is it cool when a band plays the music?
For silent films definitely, given that's how people watched those films back in the day. Gives you a different perspective.
I haven't watched any movies from 2023 or 2024
I take that back. I did see Killers of the Flower Moon. It was alright.
The only trve kino I've seen from those two years were Boy And The Heron and Dream Scenario.
It's been a bleak one this year to say the least.
You really only need to watch Il Buco. After that, go back to watching old movies.
>that's how people watched those films back in the day
I didn't know that, cool to know now.
that came out in 2021 lil bro
Holy plotfag
Yeah people talk about the Jazz Singer for being the first talkie, but it was also the first movie to have a full score in the film itself that didn't have to be played by a live band.
OSTs weren't even commercially released until 1937 with Snow White.
Incredibly based post
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>that ER segment on The Beast
Well in other news, RIP Internet Archive.
>Search "The Beast" in my torrent site
>First result is Anthropophagus
I guess it's my destiny to go /hor/ instead of /film/ for today.
So fucked. Tried to search for kino that was in there yesterday to see the sad reality. Rest in RIP.
The internet only keeps getting worse year by year.
The data is safe.

Services are offline as we examine and strengthen them. Sorry, but needed.
internet archive staff is working hard.

Estimated Timeline: days, not weeks.

Thank you for the offers of pizza (we are set).
Like life itself, but we can still save the world.
go fuck yourself
lil bro malding again
Why so agressive?
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Sadly it was a matter of time. At least we have the Uncensored Minecraft Library.
If I ever go to film school and get a kino made, the first thing I'm going to do is a dark comedy adaptation about ER that's a parody of John Hughes movies, fit with a creepily fitting 80s jukebox soundtrack of sexually awkward 80s songs (Flesh For Fantasy, We Close Our Eyes, stuff like that). It'd star the guy that played Rodrick in the last shitty Diary Of A Wimpy Kid movie.
Transcendental cinema.
I don't watch kino anymore.
I only watch true crime slop.
I'm done with art.
Only slop for me now..
They finally broke you...
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Did you know that while filming De Palma’s Phantom of the Paradise, the entire cast would often go out to get fried chicken in full costume? No pictures are known to exist.
No, I did not know that.
The guards from Joker 2 must have raped the kino out of him
I just made an account there a few days ago for the sole purpose of uploading a picture. Talk about shitty luck lmao
Neither did I before 15 minutes ago.
I'm too ugly for kino.
I'm actually too ugly for true crime as well.
where to go?
Time to get bogged.
>where to go?
Alucarda mogs everyone in pic rel btw, just thought I'd let y'all know.
>too ugly for kino
The fuck this means.
why is alucarda there?
>where to go?
Arkham Asylum for correction.
therapist told me to get plastic surgery but I need so much shit that I'd have to work for the rest of my life to pay for it.
why do you want to be beautiful? all you need is confidence and money
>The fuck this means
People who like kino/classical music/art are usually attractive. I just realized I don't belong in their world. Good looking people only. I'm now trying to live a life closer to my looks. What should an extremely ugly person do? What should I like?
Why not just accept yourself?
>why do you want to be beautiful? all you need is confidence and money
I'm extremely ugly. Like 0.5/10.
I've seen how attractive men are treated. I want women to be attracted to me. Probably too late now as I'm almost 40.
Just imagine being truly loved...
This reads like a bait post, gonna assume it isn't.

>People who like kino/classical music/art are usually attractive.
Complete lie.

>I'm now trying to live a life closer to my looks.
This means nothing unless you're trying to become a Victoria Secret / Calvin Klein model.

>What should an extremely ugly person do? What should I like?
A: What you feel like doing. B: Whatever you want. I suggest deathcore music.
>Why not just accept yourself?
I accept that I'm ugly. The problem is no one accepts me in their lives because of my looks. That's why I need to change it.
You're probably underrating your looks heavily. People on /soc/ once said that I was a 5/10, yet I still pulled models lmao. Anyway, I don't know if you're serious or just trolling / attention begging.
How do i know i'm ugly?
Lots of people are not accepted by society, I think the best remedy is not giving a fuck and just being yourself. Fuck them.
If women are attracted to you, congratulations, you are not ugly.
There are usually clues:

>Head bigger than your stomach
>Lips bigger than your hands
>No eyes
>No balls
>Penis smaller than 1 inch when erect.
Kentucky Fried Chicken arthouse
Post the picture
Literally the only reason why I posted that lol talk about a coincidence
How do I know women are attracted to me?
It’s nothing explicit, I just wanted to update a wiki article with some concrete evidence which I still haven’t even done yet. I’m a lifelong procrastinator unfortunately.
>You're probably underrating your looks heavily. People on /soc/ once said that I was a 5/10, yet I still pulled models lmao. Anyway, I don't know if you're serious or just trolling / attention begging
Not at all.
I'm a chinlet, jawlet, crooked nose, wide mouth, fat cheeks despite being 18 BMI, large forehead, visible nostrils, no forward growth, prey eyes...
>Complete lie.
Have you ever been to an opera? To an arthouse exhibition? Only attractive women there.
Get a chin/jaw implant, buccal fat removal, and a nosejob. Nothing to lose, everything to gain. Embrace the bog.
Take the Warholpill.
They are wet and put their bagena in your pener. Let's suppose you were being serious:
>They look at you repeatedly and make eye contact
>They look nervous when around (can also mean you make them uncomfortable... WATCH OUT!)
>They talk to you OR they don't talk to you at all
>They make physical contact with you
>They chat with you on Whatsapp, Discord, etc., maybe for many hours
>They approach you with a smile
>They say they like shit you like, even when they don't (I hate this one)
>They take gifts from you, want gifts from you, or give you gifts (can also be a trick, be careful).
My face is alright, i just need to work out, have the same skinny body since i was 17.
This is just lookism shit. Nobody gives a fuck about this stuff irl. Just be yourself and have a personality that is yours, that is what makes you attractive.
He wasn't even ugly, just gay and obsessed with his appearance (as many gays do).
We're all gay here.
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this movie literally /ephebophilia/ core, crazy how it get away with it because it's "kino"

love it! more like this?
You've discovered the french pedo grift (see also: the gratuitous panty shot in Mouchette)
Is this an american word for "normal heterosexual"?
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>that tummy
The average woman is so fat now compared to then.
i would suck his dick to completion without any hesitation
I make eye contact with many cute women, but I'm always too shy to approach them.
>Have you ever been to an opera?
>To an arthouse exhibition?
>Only attractive women there.
Nope, but I might be biased, as I've observed that every woman I meet turns me on.
>the gratuitous panty shot in Mouchette
Means nothing.

>I make eye contact with many cute women, but I'm always too shy to approach them.
Doesn't matter, just do whatever you like. Life is about letting go.
Gayniggers from Outer Space
We don't use that word around these parts.
it's on imdb
John Wayne was right. Spartacus was communist propaganda.
It's on youtube
Disgusting face.
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Queen of /film/
Watched a film, but it’s off topic. I’m sorry to let you all down.
Talk about anyway, i'll allow it, i'm the president of late night /film/.
How the fuck did french cinema go from this >>204419422 to THIS >>204421585
Post the webms of her ass.
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recommend me films with girls who look like this
Rohmer is a true catholic frenchman, Kechiche is a smelly nafri.
Timeless, Bottomless Bad Movie, is a 1997 South Korean docudrama film directed by Jang Sun-woo.
Not true but you already know why I linked it ;)
Female hairy forearm supremacy.
by improving
America improves everything.
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I posted about it in /hor/ just now
We NEED a /film/ podcast
wait is this the movie with that coomer director that made blue is the warmest color? I recognize that ass from porn vid,
This. We could shine light on obscure cinema masterpieces and do interviews with famous /film/ posters like TB, Haver and Gallo.
Captain Kronos?
NTA, that was me lol
Honestly would be worth it just to hear someone read out loud some of the schitzo, chimp out, waifu posts
>kinskifag stops posting in here
>quality of the threads immediately improve
What did he mean by this?
I'm actually down for it, and I'm being serious. Just watched Antropophagus btw, I know it's /hor/ but it was pretty cool for something Halloweenesque.
I've been saying this for a while, the only good waifuposters are Bauchad and Harperposter.
Tisa mogs Mia.

Then just tell me because i already closed that thread.
Post movies with actual evil vibes. Hard mode: no horror movies.
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No more brother wars!
Les bonnes femmes. Not exactly evil but perverse. Chabrol in general is kind of diabolical, albeit in a playful way.
>Post movies with actual evil vibes
Joker 2, but unironically.
Pursued 1947
>Sexo (1954) - dir. Luchino Visconti
The young prostitute who was her replacement was much hotter
Based. You know any other westerns noirs?
The Baby of Mâcon
Thank God. Letting that coalburner in here totally killed the vibe in here and attracted the wrong kinds of posters.
Colorado Territory is a western remake of noir High Sierra
Personally, my favorite movie is Irreversible but I never really find that movie to be that shocking or find it to had "evil vibes" with it.

but for the movie that I feel like has those quality is Lars Von Trier's Nymphomaniac.
I know. Anything not by Walsh (he's my number 1 kek).
Nothing else comes to mind, maybe you can recc me something?
Where's the grift?
Made with baiting stodgy, sexually-repressed Anglos in mind.
I'm not a moralfag and didn't mind all the bikini shots, but when the guy kissed that 15 years old girl something within me stirred in slight outrage.
Why are you acting like being a moralfag is something that's bad. nothing wrong with having an outrage against that action lol
I just described what I felt while watching the film.
That's not moralfaggotry, that's just mental illness.
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>when the guy kissed that 15 years old girl something within me stirred in slight outrage.
the first time i caught this movie on TV and saw her come out of the water i got really hard and started stroking with my mom in the same room under the pillow
many, many faps done over the great ava gardner
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My pick is Martha. I wouldn’t classify this is a horror movie. Although, Fassbinder is the only director who has ever made a movie that horrified me. This man certainly gives off evil vibes.
Fassbinder must’ve gone through some fucked up shit, or at least experienced severe psychosis more than once in his life (possibly due to drug use) because this niggas movies are insane in a way that is familiar to me.
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Time to dump
>The world seems to be coming to an end, teeming with the vestiges of a human presence. Cat is a solitary animal, but as its home is devastated by a great flood, he finds refuge on a boat populated by various species, and will have to team up with them despite their differences. In the lonesome boat sailing through mystical overflowed landscapes, they navigate the challenges and dangers of adapting to this new world.
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Brando and Bertolucci LE BAD
>Maria is a young, struggling actress with promise. When an emerging Italian director casts her to headline a new film alongside an American superstar, her dreams are coming true. But what seems like a big breakthrough turns out to be the start of a living hell. That movie is THE LAST TANGO IN PARIS. The actress is Maria Schneider.
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>A family decides to visit their clan God to cure their daughter, believed to be possessed but in fact is in love with a man from a different caste. The journey accompanied by her betrothed, unveils tensions between tradition and personal freedom, exposing her silent rebellion.
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>Democratic Kampuchea (Cambodia) - 1978. Three French journalists are invited by the Khmer Rouge to conduct an exclusive interview of the regime’s leader, Pol Pot. The country seems ideal. But behind the Potemkin village, the Khmer Rouge regime is declining and the war with Vietnam threatens to invade the country. The regime is looking for culprits, secretly carrying out a large scale genocide. Under the eyes of the journalists, the beautiful picture cracks, revealing the horror. Their journey progressively turns into a nightmare. Freely inspired by journalist Elizabeth Becker’s account in When the war was over.
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From last year
>A passionate declaration of love for the cinema and poetry of Iran, which also offers a frank view of the precarious situation for critics of the regime and shows the uncompromising daily struggle of Iranian women against their oppression.
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>Max, a 25-year-old aspiring writer living in London, begins a double life as a sex worker in order to research his debut novel.
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Every time Honore makes something he gets panned, yet he gets funding for every movie he makes. It's weird.
>Pressured from all sides by the figure of her father, Chiara Mastroianni decides to bring him back to life through her own self. She goes by the name of Marcello, dresses like him and asks to now be considered an actor, not an actress. The people around her believe this to be a temporary joke, but Chiara is determined not to give up her new identity.
>Italy, 1997. When Clara and Irène, both 17, meet they are nothing like each other but get on marvellously well. They run away together to a faraway island off the coast of Sicily to live their summer freely, and to hide from a reality they want to forget.
>tfw there are people actually watching any of this
>Factory worker Nadine falls in love with her colleague Paul. Years later, she questions her view of him. A romantic social drama about the magic of falling in love and the pain of falling out of it, set in the Rhineland lignite mining region.
Another Aïnouz artistic flop i'm guessing. Firebrand was wet bread aside from the two main performances.
>Dayana lives an abusive marriage with former police officer Elias, owner of Motel Destino. When 21-year-old Heraldo finds himself at the motel after messing up a hit and going on the run, Dayana finds herself intrigued and lets him stay. As the two navigate a dance of power and desire, a dangerous plan for freedom emerges.
All McDonald's arthouse
Stop shitting up the thread with your gay movies
Muh feminism angle isn't making me hopeful, but I had this in a watchlist since going through Berlinale lineup when it was announced because I am always interested in those hybrid documentaries.
>Sleeping with a Tiger is a hybrid film about the Austrian painter Maria Lassnig. A film about her struggle in the male dominated art world and the quest to find her own personal artistic way of expression in which she brings her inner pain on canvas. And of course a film about her great artistic success.
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I remember being sure this one is gonna take the Golden Bear
>A voice that claims to be from a hippopotamus. A voice that doesn’t understand the perception of time. Pepe, the first and last hippo killed in the Americas, tells his story with the overwhelming orality of these towns.
Too late
Keep going.
>Simon is 21 years old. He introduces himself as a mover’s helper. He claims not to know how to cook or clean the bathroom, but he does know how to make a bed. Recently, he seems to have become a different person…
Canneshit grift
Are there any women in this thread who want to have sex, watch movies and go to church with me?
Seek psychiatric help.
>Are there any women in this thread
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One of the two Kiyoshi Kurosawa films from this year. This one is a remake of his own movie I think? Had practically no traction. Cloud played at Venice and the short at Berlinale, so people knew about those.
The synopsis sounds spoilery so not posting it. The original film seems popular enough, but I haven't seen it yet myself.
None of this is cinema for the people.
Kurosawa was the last one i think.
To try and cure your americanism.
But I already view America as the Great Satan, have for decades.
>asian director tries his hand at making a movie in western country
Don't even have to watch this one to know it's some hot garbage
Occidentalist grift
Watched trailers for all of those films as the links were being posted. They made me think of the Costa quote posted here earlier.

>I wanted to share my feelings about the films that are made today. They seem to me very, very weak and almost handicapped. If the films today were a person, they sometimes could not walk, they sometimes could not talk or move an arm. A lot of things are missing. And in the old days they had this craft. They had the notion that it was a difficult work. Today people work on a film to work on themselves. The filmmakers talk more about themselves than about their films and even the films speak more about the filmmakers than reality. I recently visited a festival with Horse Money and I was at one of the press events that never end and I was waiting there for my interviewers and I heard this big-budget Hollywood guy whose name I have forgotten. I heard the terms "me" and "myself" 25 times in 10 seconds. The film was about himself and he wanted to make that very clear and the interviewer was really amazed by that.
>commie hates individuality
No surprise here
>he thinks movies need to be MORE designed and created by committee instead of by the singular vision of a director/producer team
Film needs to die before it can be born again
Does this always have to be a bad thing? Vincent Gallo certainly fits into this description, yet his films are beloved by many, and I certainly resonate with him/them.
lol that quote made me immediately think of gallo too

i don't believe self-indulgence in art is as bad as some might say, it can yield some interesting results as long as the artist himself is interesting
Apt name.
Also, what is he even talking about. There were plenty of great filmmakers before Costa such as Chaplin, Antonioni, Tarkovsky, Fellini, Bergman etc who would’ve fit this description as well.
Gallo is a hack and a meme. Annoying faggot.
Cult of personality grift.
Your dislike of Gallo is unimportant.
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Filtered. Even Godard recognized Gallo's genius.
Havent seen too much from either year, but would have to say Perfect Days and Music for 2023, maybe Walled In for 2024...
Duh. As is your liking of him. No delusions here.
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I hope this face haunts your dreams for the rest of your life. Gallo is objectively, factually a great director.
I'm still upset that the 4K "restoration" has a piss filter
he looks like the horse pic
You think so?

It'll be back on Monday.
John Wayne was a fag
It's calle jealousy
does anyone have Arvo Kruusement's "Summer"? looking for it everywhere to no avail but the preceding film, "Spring", is phenomenally comfy
How do you know they didn't use lens filters or printer lights to tweak the colors back in the day? Colors have been manipulated as long color pictures have been made. Do I know if the restoration is accurate? No. I can't make claims either way without more information.
*as long as
meganon where do you get these links
and do you have Limonov
Gallo rules.
He's right
But it's not just the filmmakers fault, they are certainly complicit, but it's the modern system at large - I'm a filmmaker and nowadays if you're a small filmmaker or starting out, though hell even some of the larger ones too - you have to go through a bunch of shitty 'workshops' with your film in development essentially to help you secure funding. And at these workshops the plebeian tutors who are all failed filmmakers and ideologues try to shape the films to their design and they hate to see dissent, you really have to fight against it. Anyway, one of the main things I noticed is that they really encourage this me me me egotistical shit that Costa is talking about, they encourage people to make their films more about themselves, even if they really weren't to begin with, however as I said the filmmakers are complicit because many of them are either eager to do so or don't even try to resist it. In my opinion the rise of these workshops, and their current almost mandatory status, which I'm pretty sure weren't a thing before the 00s, is part of why most films are so shit now...
it's only in certain scenes iirc and it's fitting given their contexts on top of serving as a nice contrast to scenes that have the cooler color/lighting.
Cinema is a tool of self-expression.
Movies are dreams we watch with our eyes wide open.
Cinema is the truth 24 times per second.
Cinema is moving pictures.
A great film tells a story you didn’t know you needed to hear.
We're all storytellers here.
some of them movies yall niggas post i be watchin with my eyes closed
I concur
What the fuck. Didn't even know such workshops existed. Sounds disastrous. Are they mostly a European thing? Who even sets these things up? Film institutes?
hard disagree
soft agree
Untrue. Cinema is a series of pictures in quick succession. The pictures themselves aren't really moving.
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She had so much potential, but unfortunately hasn’t been any good movies, and then cut her hair short hair which made her look like an old lesbian.
I forget to say the main point. I hope the same thing doesn’t happen to Sarah Gadon. She needs to get riced asap, and star in some Korean movies!
Cinema is an excuse to stare at cute girls
I've been had, i don't have a comeback, you are correct, i was not.

this is the best answer.
Yeah I didn't either until I had to participate
Yes it's very widespread in Europe, as far as I know they have them in America and other 'Western' parts of the world as well, don't know about other places like Asia etc. I would imagine there too. They are set up by film institutes, festivals, funding bodies - all of these things are connected desu so it's basically one and the same
晚安, /电影/.
夜晚? !现在是白天!
Ching chong bing bong.
Film Noir and beer is all one needs. Watching Odd Man Out now. I love movies!
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>I love movies!
Get out.
The quick succession is the movement.
Based back at you!
>I love movies
Watch more films
Cinema is what's between the pictures.
More of an illusion of movement, really.
Fuck off!
I don't watch films.
Cinema is the truth 23.976 times per second.
Cinema is what exists beyond the frame.
Only cucks and fools shoot in 23.976.
Idk of you should be calling me meganon, because there's an actual original meganon and i am just reposting links from a TG channel which posts them. I can't say what channel it is because they have already faced getting banned because of copyright before. It's a private channel.
I don't have Limonov, idk when it will leak.
They do move through the projector, don't they?
whoever posts mega links is meganon
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I don’t watch films. I watch motion pictures. You wouldn’t understand.
25 frames per second if you're watching a PAL DVD.
There's no motion
Oh it shows...
All movement is but an illusion. Zeno knew this.
No emotion without motion.
Movies are my life, and I love watching them.
Movies are evil, and I hate watching them.
Movies are my life, and I hate watching them.
Movies are my wife, and I love watching them get fucked by a big black bull
It's not the size of the camera, it's emotion of the motion.
I heard that the normal trajectory was that you're into action when you're younger, but like drama as you get older
It's the opposite for me, I'm so sick of people yelling and complaining, about misery and the decay of the soul
I want to watch shit explode, car chases, shootouts, but with the utmost care and attention and love
>An artist's work says something about them
Brilliant analysis!
Uh they simply don't count because uh...
Is that the guy from matrix?

The European film industry is FINISHED
Nepotism, in the arts?
Surely you jest
The industry is SHAKING in its boots.
All of them are hacks and cult of personality grifters.
For all the talk about muh Hollywood nepotism it's not even comparable. This is what happens when you structure film industry around government funding. Commie shit.
Cinema is the sweetest lie ever told.
Imma bake
Not yet. 10 posts to go!
on it
8 posts to go!!!!
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I've been mainlining HK action kinos
It's not just nepotism it's revolving door corruption throughout all strata of the industry
Either you suck some Harv's cock or you suck the governments cock
someone bake
on it
The other anon lied. I'll bake.



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