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Queen of /hor/ edition
first for Basket Case
Second for Basket Case a shit
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First for Scooby Doo Where Are You?
Do I ask for suggestions ITT?
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fifth for freaks
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watch v/h/s beyond!
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First for her grandma.
Hostile Dimensions was surprisingly good once it got going. The scene when she's jumping through all the doors and tracking the dude was great.
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This scene gave me a chubby I remember
She literally did nothing wrong during the entire movie.
feeling kind of down today. might go have a beer at the local horror cinema and gawk at the people buying popcorn for the clown movie
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So I watched the Karnstein Triology, here is what I thought:
>Vampire Lovers
Straightforward but comfy film about a dykepyre, pretty decent
>Twins of Evil
The best of the trilogy in my opinion, it definitely has the best plot and characters, though not as much eroticism as the other two.
>Lust for a Vampire
The weakest of the three, or maybe it felt so because I watched it last and the formula felt tiresome already.
Want to re-watch the VHS flicks until I get to the recent one.
Which ones should I skip?
>The Spiral Staircase (1946)
>Deadstream (2022)
>The Grapes of Death (1978)
>Broadcast Signal Intrusion (2021)
>Motel Hell (1980)
>Yummy (2019)
>The Sadness (2021)
>Alice, Sweet Alice (1976)
try them all. it's hard to know what will do for you.
anyone got a mega or something of the missing Last Drive-in episodes?
Just watch the best segments of each film and skip the rest. There is almost never any connection between the shorts of a v/h/s film, so you can think the whole series as just a big collection of horror shorts and skip the bad ones.
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Mia’s cute but let’s not get carried away here.
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Honestly it's pretty good but there's moments where it feels like the director is rubbing it in that he's molesting the main kid.
watch vhs, vhs 2, vhs 94

skip vhs viral,vhs 99, vhs 85
Hoe many pictures of her do you have saved?
I for one think it's adorable that someone has a Jessica Harper folder
85 was decent enough to be worth a watch imo. 99 was hot fucking garbage, though, christ
When I was a kid I had a crush on Reagan from The Exorcist.
Mia Goth is a good actress but all her movies are mid af
So you are jealous?
That's normal, Linda Blair was hot.
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Don't mind me, I'm just waiting on 4k remasters of:
>The Fly (1986)
>Day of the Dead (1985)
>Inferno (1980)
>Frankenhooker (1990)
>Braindead/Dead Alive (1992)
>Bad Taste (1987)
>The Devils (1971)
>Manhunter (1986)
>Phantom of the Paradise (1974)
>The Prowler (1981)
>Masters of horror (2005 - 2007)
>The Deadly Spawn (1983)
>Elves (1989)
>Carnosaur (1993)
>The Serpent and the Rainbow (1988)
>Cube (1997)
>Blood Dolls (1999)
>Cast a Deadly Spell (1991)
>Maximum Overdrive (1986)
>Night Flier (1997)
>Near Dark (1987)
>Shadow of the Vampire (2000)
She sold her soul to the devil
My dad is a gigantic turbo normie in every single respect, except when it comes to horror movies.
He’s not a collectorfag, he doesn’t do cons or merch or shirts or any of that shit. But he’s watched at a minimum one new horror movie every single night for like 30 years+. Dude is a monster. He cancels streaming services because he’s seen every single horror movie on them. Tubi is the only thing that keeps him going.
After her family blamed her for everything, wanted her dead, and then tried to kill her. So yeah, she did nothing wrong. Fuckers got what they deserved, except for the baby.
The lake immortality water one was kino enough to warrant a watch.
Don't clearly remember the other segments so I'll assume they weren't that great.
But now she's screwed forever. Sucks to be her i guess.
I feel like I need a break from the VHS series before I dive into the next one. I'm probably going to watch something like; Don't Deliver us From Evil, or something Japanese feel like watching something Japanese as a way to cleanse how bad the Uzumaki adaptation has been so probably something like Occult or Dark Water
the Yokai monster movies look interesting. the Arrow box set looks attractive
Maxine is not horror at all
I've watched a few horror/Halloween movies this month and most recently watched Late Night With The Devil. I very much enjoyed the first 75% of the film but then the place the movie should have ended was stupid and the actual ending 10 minutes after the place it should have ended was even stupider.
My ending would have been as follows:
keep everything the same up to and including the skeptic hypnotizing the audience and the girl telling him to 'check the tapes for the possession'. When we replay the possession have the TV short circuit and fizzle out almost immediately after the host notices his wife on the video. At that point have the sidekick character kill himself with the ritual knife and have roughly 1/3 of the stuido audience just drop dead. Have the skeptic imply that maybe there was something wrong with the hypnosis (already established since he wasn't able to dispell it as quickly as he wanted to) so there is just the tiniest speck of doubt that MAYBE it wasn't supernatural.
The film's contrivance was that it was a recording of a talk show and that there was some big horrible thing that happened. You need a traumatic event which I think means death live on camera minimum; but at the same time, the story is presented as kind of a mystery or a curiosity not We confirmed the existence of demons when a little girl levitated, her face split open, and she killed a bunch of people. The show aired live to tremendous ratings so you can't handwave it with 'this footage never released to the public'. Alternatively, have the musical guest play them off after the hypnosis and then have everything that happened afterward not have been broadcast.

Very comfy film for most of the runtime and I thought the acting, particularly the little girl and the host, was really well done.
Johnny vs Art
It would be kino
Idk if I should make a whole thread for this, but what are his best Dracula movies? I'm kind of disappointed with the first 2
what film is this
Art would win within 5 minutes, the rest of the 70 minutes would be Art torturing him to death
Watch the movies first, then decide whether you want the physicals, stupid shopaholic.
>to death
But Johnny is a zombie.
You guys really like talking about this VHS series, holy shit.
you're not even my real dad
A new one just came out. Same reason why there's so much Terrifier chatter too.
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hail raatma
Wtf is this from?
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hail shakma
Kolobos part VI: Sins of The Flesh
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate V/H/S: Beyond. The found footage format is groundbreaking, a revolutionary step in the genre that shatters the boundaries between the viewer and the story. Each segment, a living nightmare, is a work of art that pushes the limits of fear and perception. The fragmented storytelling, the disturbing visuals, and the unconventional structure all contribute to a cinematic experience that’s not for the faint of heart.

V/H/S: Beyond isn’t just a horror anthology; it’s an exploration of the human condition, a meditation on existential dread and the fragility of reality. The way it bends time and space, manipulating the viewer’s sense of immersion—it’s something only truly perceptive minds can grasp. You wouldn’t understand it if you don’t have a background in psychological horror, surrealist cinema, or if you’re not capable of understanding abstract symbolism in media. Most people just watch it for the jump scares, but those with the intellectual depth can appreciate the deeper meanings at play.

It’s not just a film—it’s an experience, an invitation to confront your deepest fears. But honestly, unless you’re mentally prepared to question everything you thought you knew about reality, it might just be too much for you.
In my not-so-humble opinion:

The 2 that are the closest to the novel are the following:

The 1977 BBC drama starring Louis Jourdan as the count. It's pretty faithful barring the omission of Lucy's 3 suitors and still using a stake to kill the vampire. And Jourdan's count is a truly predatory sociopath; he's not the seductive tragic monster that people like to interpret but the murderous invader that seeks to infiltrate Britain and wants to turn it into his new domain. If you liked the 1982 Clash of the Titans, Judi Bowker plays Lucy.

The 1992 Coppola. Yeah it took a lot of liberties and Keanu's acting is atrocious. But it's the only adaptation that features all 3 of Lucy's suitors: Seward (who was always just shown as the doctor ally and not one of her romantic interests), Lord Holmswood (he's usually always depicted), and the American Quincey Morris (interestingly enough the 1977 BBC version features him as Lucy's fiancee and not Holmswood). And Oldman's actor really knocks it out of the park. Plus it's the most sexually-charged (Lucy's ravishment in the garden, holy shit). Only the Frank Langella 1979 version comes close.

Then there's the 3 guilty pleasures of mine. These take a lot of liberties, but they're still good stories and they feature Jack Palance, Christopher Lee, and Frank Langella as the titular role; each having a unique presentation.

1958 Dracula with Christopher Lee. This one features Peter Cushing as Van Helsing.

1974 Dracula starring Jack Palance. This one was made by Dan Curtis of Dark Shadows fame. This one is a good watch if you like Dark Shadows' vibe.

1979 Dracula with Frank Langella. Very erotic in its imagery and theme on how the Count enthralls his female victims to his control when he bites them.
hail Shikaka
I did that yesterday. It was awful. But yeah, she was kinda cute
>Foot tattoo
Why God why.
I genuinely don’t get the appeal, especially after seeing her in that terrible makeup and big ass hat in that musical movie
I dislike tattoos on women but I can tolerate one on the hands or feet because at least they're not her arms, legs, shoulders, back, or midriff.
Well, i can't on accounta i'm a footfag.
Her beauty is undeniable.
she saw an other girl on instagram with one so now she has fear of missing out on fashion
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kek. i shopped her next to you because i thought you liked her
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I like Kung Fu or the Kolobos piss girl much more
>no filtered reference anywhere
>no NPM reference anywhere
we want the Pissman to stay bitter because he's not the hero we need but the one we deserve.
yeah she's cute
Such a shame that the original cut is lost forever
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any good necc kino?
To be completely honest? Probably enough to fill multiple /hr/ threads. I don’t go out of my way looking for new pics.

She looks fantastic with the big hat, Cabinanon! It’s easily one of her best looks… you liked Suspiria, you like Alucarda and you’re also a lifelong Spongebob fan so that’s enough for me.

>i shopped her next to you because i thought you liked her
That’s funny as fuck.
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Hey thanks! Out of these I had only seen the Coppola one and the 1958 one. I will check all the rest!
The only Basket Case movie that's good is the one with the jail scene where Belial's kids get squashed. The retarded demonspawn or whatever that then walked into the jail? Absolute cringekino scene.
Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person is kino and cute as fuck. Not for your typical vampire enjoyer though.
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Why didn't you take your friends & girlfriend with you to see Terrifier 3?
What is this from?
>48% latino and hispanic
Yeah we like le gore.
>48% Hispanic turnout
Lmao why do chicanos love Terrifier?
Because I will never have a girlfriend or wife.
What I liked the most about the Coppola one is that it's the only version that actually kills Dracula with knives just like in the novel. Why don't more movies do this? Staking with a piece of wood is nowhere near as badass as Jonathan slashing Dracula's throat with a Nepalese kukri and Quincey in his dying moments stabbing the vampire in the heart with his bowie knife.

In the epilogue, Jonathan and Mina name their firstborn son after Quincey in honor of his steadfast bravery. Doctor Seward even remarked “If America can go on breeding men like that, she will be a power in the world indeed.” It's why I loved Billy Campbell being cast as Morris since he also played The Rocketeer.
You can clearly tell from what they write here that the sample size is extremely small and not indicative of the actual demographics.
You will, i believe in you anon.
Is Hell Hole (2024) the greatest Serbian horror movie? A Serbian Movie is just dishonest cinema.
>Hell Hole (2024)
Effects were fun but it was too much talky talky and too little fun creature.
I get they barely had a budget to begin with, but still
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i WILL go into the house
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>he didn't watch the Leone cut
lol you DID NOT watch the true Terrifier 3
Based producers keeping Leone in check so he wouldn’t make Terrifier 2.5.
Modern actors either mumble inaudibly or scream like turbosickos .
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are these the most incompetent cops/swats to ever exist? its a cool scene, but theyre just mindless zombies, seriously. in the romero-verse, i could never see the zombies taking over at all. night of the living dead does it perfectly, where its essentially just the first night that will be dangerous and chaotic and a lot of human stupidity being the cause for dying. the next morning, sheriffs and volunteers just casually going around and shooting deadbeats like its a game. in the remake you see them grilling and drinking and stuff. here its been going on for a while, there is martial law in effect, people just keep dying and no one takes care of the resureccted bodies like they dont believe in it, despite already being in full effect. day of the dead is the same, if not worse, you attract them into a big open space and just napalm or bomb the mindless drones from the air. and bullets shouldnt be a problem either, just make some more. fuck finding a cure, the best solution is total extermination. do the studying after that.
Its in the ghetto where they dont want to give their dead up to whitey.
This. A lot of that is the sound engineering's fault though.
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Wrong, just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's not in the genre
i dont even dare to call them actors anymore, just movietools. i dont remember a single instance of these untrained egomaniancs ever evoking genuine emotion in me like a david warner would for example.
My biggest problem with most movies is that they have the LOUDEST FUCKING MUSIC and then next thing we have the actors mumbling like chucklefucks.
me and my mom just marathoned the substance at my local kinoplex. I loved it. It was packed too which is weird because I'm from an irrelevant yuro country. I went to see Titane to that same theater and it was me and some other weirdo, so I was expecting something like that. I know Substance has bigger names attached, but it was still surprising. I was sitting next to an older couple with their son and his gf, and their reactions were great. Good movie, I need to get myself a French movie director gf
I had watched Coppola's like 5+ years ago, so most of it is foggy to me. But good observation. I feel like a lot of the main vampire lore gets lost these days.
She's so cute bros
>you're not supposed to
Get the fuck out of here, cunt. I like it irregardless of your feelings about it, dumb bitch.
probably. there's also the fact that so many of them don't go through classic theater anymore. back then actors had to learn to be heard from far away without actually shouting.
Like Gadonfag, NPM is an enemy of /tv/ and rightfully shunned in these group pictures.
>. It was packed too which is weird because I'm from an irrelevant yuro country. I went to see Titane to that same theater and it was me and some other weirdo
Idk if it's the case over there but in the US I was bombarded with ads for The Substance. It got a fairly big marketing push for a movie its size.
stop liking evil women, doofus. you'd only end up beta-orbiting her anyway, so whats the point.
>Joker for bpd women
Holy kino
Pissman doesn't deserve to be included. I'm not sure Garlic Faggot does either desu but the way anon did it is funny.
you want a david warner kino? if you havent seen The Omen, that was one of my favorites from last year, will probably rewatch it later this month. i love me some religious themed horror
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>David Warner

This is true, but even actors in the past who were exclusively movie actors were coached to project, i guess that's been abandoned now.
You mean The First Omen? I actually liked that one, especially the Possession homage.
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That's a good tween horror movie
Wonton? Why the fuck is he talking about chinese soup?
Who is this and why should I care in the slightest?
oh god, movies still try to pass off violence as entertainment? in 2024? this has to stop.
lol what a pussy ass gay ass bitch ass fat ass.
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>noooo not violence in my horror movie aaaa somebody save me
Why are people like this?
The Omen 1976
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Watched all 3 terrifier movies in the last 48 hours. I regret every single minute of consuming such trash. I can't understand how this shit has become so viral/popular.
Filtered by slasherkino. Terrifier is one of the only bright spots in horror right now.
we truly live in a society
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i can understand why, it's an "I'M ACTING" meme movie to a large degree. might be worth watching through just to say you have done it, but it's not something you have to rush to see.
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most of the time movie violence isnt passed of as entertaining but as gruesome and cruel, to make the monster/whatever scary. entertaining violence is cool effects and overblown bloodsplatters, creative kills etc. there is a clear difference and one cant generalize. seeing how he is probably some neoliberal pansy, its hypocritical to even generalize anything in the first place and not look at matters from many angles. thats what liberty/anarchy is all about, right? or should be.
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What do we think of his list?
Fun movie. That lil fucker went crazy.
Even better.
Watching Mr. Crocket
Kinda fun so far and I definitely was not expecting it to be this gory
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Can’t say I watched that movie for “youthful energy.” No one even knew she existed before that movie came out
people took it to far , it was supposed to be a "classy" amount of slapping ,but if you over do it , it looks silly making you look like a retard.
you have have to stop at a decent point like 3 slaps or it will look like Family Guy sketch
the bar is very low nowadays, hence why a movie slightly above average will seem like klaviersonate nr. 14 in comparison. that would also imply that zoomers dont watch old movies anymore which i will just state as a fact now. its not like they just turn on the tv anymore, zapping through channels and are lucky enough to catch a genuinly good movie that will capture your attention entirely. i discovered Tremors like that one late night.
What? I know, wasn't trying to be, was just mocking that fag.
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Every actor in Possession acts hysterical at some point. It’s a five genre tour-de-force, check that shit out.
>turn on the tv anymore, zapping through channels and are lucky enough to catch a genuinly good movie that will capture your attention entirely
It's a real shame this doesn't exist anymore, streaming does not offer this.
Based Hispanics
this is the girl with the nanotech first aid in hyperspace?
lookin nice
that segment was a cool idea but a boring segment
i liked beyond
the skydiving segment especially was awesome and fresh for the series
the resident evil 4 ripoff at the beginning was entertaining but embarrassing in its style
the wraparound however was complete dogshit
fuck this scary ass monkey

PS: terrifier series sucks. like 5mins of decent makeup total
Yup like Dracula CAN walk in daylight; something else the Coppola version got right and others don't.

In fact, in the 19th century stories, plenty of vampires could walk in the daylight without harm like Carmilla and Lord Ruthven. It was Nosferatu that perpetuated the meme that vampires could die in the sun. Honestly, we need more vampires that can do it. Their only drawback is that their powers are severely limited like not having shapeshifting or enhanced strength.
bone tomahawk underplays its horror element imo. it feels closer to apocalypto, where its just "normals" vs. a bunch of savages. netflixs and hulus selection really look barebones (no pun in ten did) in this article, i'd rather go with HBO or PRIME
it got harder to sell the TV rights to it, so professional wife-beating stopped being commercially viable. then the institutions for training the relevant skills got privatized, and it became seen as niche and unfashionable.
This one is well-regarded as a close adaptation (including the novel's sequence) and has a lot of horror names involved (Franco, Lee, Lom, Maria Rohm, Klaus Kinski, Bruno Nicolai, Bruno Mattei as editor etc) :
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You know, I actually agree with parts of your post but it’s best when you don’t mention it nonstop whenever you aren’t banned. No one is immune to aging and we’ve been over this before.
Why reply to that retard?
nice shot
She looks unattractive, especially that wide forehead and lumpy face
Because even a broken retard is right once every once in a while. I wish he’d fuck off for good but it’s clear he has no intention of doing so.
Top 3 David Warner horror movies:
You got to pump it up
You got to pump it up
You got to pump it up
You got to pump it up
You know, pump it up
You got to pump it up
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I don’t think I’ll ever be able to figure you out man. At least move on to trashing someone else.
nice picks
>and new new person browsing can it is not for them.
It's improving. There was someone autistically trying to stop discussions about VHS movies for instance and he lost
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is this even english? am i having an aneurysm?
He’s literally a pajeet Canadian living in Québec. Dumbass posted a screenshot from his phone and exposed himself by accident. It makes sense why he types like a Brit.
Does anyone know what movie this is?
>Photographer girl goes to the country side
>gets gangraped
>avoids being killed
>is alone in the woods
>kills some teenage boy because trauma or something
>sheriff is now looking for her because of the murder
>she kills her rapists
>sheriff finds her after she killed a lot of people
>is so pissed he puts her inside the stomach of a buck
>she gets third degree burns through the digestion
>somehow ends up in a hospital.
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i respect the drunk as fuck attempt to make sense
He’s ESL, that ain’t even drukposting
Women remain sexually attractive after their 30s to many men-- I like 30+ women a lot (Lea Seydoux and Kirsten Dunst for instance) and the theme you mention-- loss of looks-- is also a permanent one in fiction and horror specifically, more recently in The Substance and The Outside CoC episode
Sounds like Raped by an Angel, but the mention of a sheriff throws me off.
well i'm druk and if i'm druk he druk
>Finished the first segment and turned it off.
Sounds like a you problem
Is it possible for an average skeleton to ever be as powerful as the average human?
If they make men come, these older women ARE attractive. What you're implying is that they're not serious relationship material perhaps
She is beautiful, but whut the fack is up with her eyebrows?
Kirsten Dunst is that semi-attainable woman

I love her little snaggletooth
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of course it does.
it moves through mystical forces , human fucks need chem energy , good luck trying to fight when you are glycemic bio nigga
without muscle tissue he he is weaker by default. and he also weighs a lot less. its like playing football against a preschooler, you just tackle that skelly and it'll turn into bonemeal.
Ravage (2019)
I disagree on both counts: she looked good in Melancholia (29 at the time) and this does except for her ozempic phase just before and after the latest Oscars (she looks buxom and milfy again).
As for Lea's remarks, it's all bs nonsense talk. She looks gorgeous in French Dispatch and Crimes of the Future
the duality of man
mystical forces anon is correct, thoughsoever
Whatever happened to that frog who said he was going into the house after we told him don’t?
Bring attractive means any woman is a potential "cum dumpster"
they should introduce a shuffle function for movies on streaming services.
>Ravage (2019)
yes, thank you
It's not cope bc it happens. What frustrates women is that they get less attractive with age and less capable of getting into a serious relationship
The house has him now
even with mystical forces, he would still weigh very little. take army of darkness for example. yeah, they might stab you if they are lucky enough to get a hit in, but theyre weak as shit and will scatter to the winds with a simple swing
Don't be so protective of your virginity. Learn to let your male instincts take over once in a while. Just make sure you use a condom
>Hereditary shit
>Midsommar shit
>Skinamarink shit
>Late Night with the Devil shit
All you retards on this board have quite literally the worst taste in horror.
Every. Fucking. Time.
But most older women don't wear that as a badge, it's just factual. Gyms are full of sexually attractive 40 yo women
NPM is either gay or a virgin. There’s absolutely no inbetween.
Name 4 alternatives; 1 for a replacement of each. Go.
guessing you want something slightly new, you ever watch Mandy?
That’s directly correlated with you also being a fat, ugly, unlikeable NEET, btw.
Every movie you mentioned is great except Skinamastink.
Anyone ever have any experience with doing a scooby doo plot? I've got a house I've inherited with a pair of cousins I don't care for, and I'd like to buy them out, but the value is too high. The house already has a reputation for haunting and odd activity, if I went out there in a costume and spooked the locals to crash the property value, would that be fraud or could I play it off as just a harmless series of pranks? Assume the current tenant is moving out soon and is willing to claim he saw ghosts too.
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I like David F. Sandberg
>a pajeet Canadian
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The lady doth protest too much
Hereditary is decent, Midsommar is kinda shit but watchable, I haven't watched Skinamarink and Late Night with the Devil is indeed shit
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>all these deleted posts
what the fuck happened here
i just tuned in
schizo poster got banned again
NPM was here. I tried bringing the conversation back to movies and horror but he wouldn't stop talking about cum dumpsters and whatnot. Also called Lea Seydoux unpleasant and "stinky looking" which sounds like a 12 yo boy saying girls have cooties
Man I remember being so hyped up for this movie as a kid. Was it even a “movie”? Either way I loved it
First two Hammer + the later one where the protagonist is an atheist and Dracula makes a Priest into his bitch slave. Besides that there's the non-Hammer one that's extremely accurate but pretty dull.
I'm finished watching VHS Viral overall pretty weak compared to the first two I think the only segment that stood out to me was the parallel universe one and that could've been much better if everyone wasn't some kind of vagina or penis monster and were just regular Satanists.

Now I'm watching The Last Broadcast


Midsommar at least has nice cinematography and is very pretty but it's largely boring
Tonight's films are Four Flies on Grey Velvet and A Quiet Place: Day One
>2 that are the closest to the novel are the following:
>The 1992 Coppola
Abso-fucking-lutely dismissed.
Mimsy Farmer looks like David Bowie, you won't be able to unsee this now.
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Talk about a jarring contrast. Make sure you watch A Quiet Place Day One first
Thank goodness he's drawn attention away from my shirt
He was afraid of MC content and didn’t tip JigC
Kinski knew what he was doing
Im sick, should I go cough my way through Terrifier 3 at the kinoplex?
Disliking Hereditary is contrarianism
cough at as many people as possible
Based as fuck jannies. They did a great job today.
I dunno what you mean but I'm going to find out!
I probably really should, thanks
No, it's having good taste.
>Four Flies on Grey Velvet
One of Argento's more underrated movies. Very fun.
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nah, it's just contrarianism
the satanism thing is a little hackneyed but the decapitation and everything surrounding it are genuinely terrifying. sometimes less is more.
Go and bring a bag of cough drops with you. It will help with the cough and you'll save money on candy because you can snack on the cough drops.
>People can't possibly dislike a movie i like
Eggers thinks he can top this
you need to develop better reading comprehension because that's not what I said
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Now watch Vampyres (70s) and Blood & Roses (60s)
In Mexico its box office has increased its box office for 2 straight weekends, it's doing Parasite numbers, I've watched it twice with plenty of people, including some who looked liked underageds that shouldn't have been able to buy a ticket, I suspect my theater is going lax to sell more because these hard-rated movies (like Terrifier) are getting a lot of attention lately.
You're saying people don't have legitimate reasons to dislike Hereditary and only do it to be contrarians, i'm saying that's retarded.
Still haven't seen it but I guess that one anon hyping it up was right, The Substance is one of the more "notable" horror movies of the year.
i agree with you. there is actually very little horror elements to it, more of a family drama reacting to an accident with a cheaply tacked on demon element. its not horrible though
Pissman got BTFO for the millionth time.
The scene with the dog was a direct rip off from Suspiria..but the spiders walking to the funky music made me lol
Exactly, it's a soap opera that tries to be creepy, a cheap drama with a couple of horror elements sprinkled trough.
High hairlines are an acquired taste dammit!
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cum resurgit creatura
In what order do I watch the X trilogy
why, are you stupid?
i started with x, which was not bad
now halfway through maxxxine and i can tell you it's not as good
i think director probably has a crush on mia goth for some reason she's fuckin mid
guy had some bants , but he loves the troll life to much
I like your prom night dumpster band song but you need to stop aligning yourself with that faggot. You’re literally the only person on /tv/ that tolerates him.
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Rating system:
Worth a watch!
Good Job! Not Worth Watching! (well-made but pointless and dull)
Hot Garbage!

Little Bites (2024) – Good Job! (For the portrayal of Agyar the vampire). But Not Worth Watching! For this excruciatingly slow offering from Spider One drags its talented actors and *actually* cool-looking, cool-sounding monster through a one-page script stretched transparent over almost TWO HOURS. Every word, every sentence is injected with so many pauses and “pregnant” silences it defies the belief of this kinonaut. (And by pregnant, I mean “pregnant with boredom,” don’t you know.) In keeping with the style, every action *wafts* to completion with a sort of sleepy Tai-Chi deliberation.

It’s in the sub-genre of horror film I like to call BEAST GUARDIAN -- wherein there’s a wicked thing in the basement, or crawlspace, or attic that must be taken care of in some way. In Little Bites it’s a vampire called Agyar; he hangs out in a nice, paneled basement room and rings a bell to be fed with his host’s own blood -- because if slow-talkin’ Mindy doesn’t FEED him, he will devour Mindy’s daughter entire. I’m pretty sure it ends up being a stinky metaphor for the pain of child-rearing . . . because the THREE STEPS of child-rearing are explained with torturous lethargy by an older blind woman whose body is *also* covered with bites.
Today I had two gummies and watched:

The Hitcher
Tango & Cash
Wake In Fright
Mr. Crocket

It was good times.
This is one of the movies I would have liked more if I didn't expect the entire movie that some extra loud jump scare would happen any moment.

Also i'm freaking out now because it just won't stop
you can never go wrong with watching any series in chronological release order. sometimes you can see an evolution taking place, sometimes even degeneration, which is the case most of the time.
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Agyar was too cool and too menacing to be relegated to a mere metaphor, so my feelings about him are mixed. I also have mixed feelings about the two TRANNIES who make brief appearances in the film. Chaz Bono as a chubby, lonely, sweater-wearing nerd whom Mindy the feeder attempts to hook for her BASEMENT BEAST does a . . . very, very believable job, actually! (But imagine waking up one morning and telling your pop-star mother: “Mom, more than anything I want to grow up to be a chubby incel with a pubic beard!”) But heshe pulls it off with aplomb in what is probably one of the best non-Agyar sequences in the film. The other tranny is “Bonnie” Aarons, a tall and skeletal deep-voiced DRAG type who plays Mindy’s mother; she’s so off-putting when she’s dressing down Mindy for her apparently CUT-RATE mothering that I just had to jump up and laugh. I knew early on when I heard her talking on the phone that *something* just wasn’t right . . .
>a direct rip off from Suspiria
Despite that, shout out to whoever recced The Beyond to me, it is indeed a classic.
Watch them a week or so apart or every other day. If you follow that order and focus you'll notice some objects and details from Pearl on X.
No thanks, I don't use the horse.
If you got a fetish for BPDemons watch Pearl and skip the rest. If not, don't, extremely mediocre movies

I love women sans eyebrows
>I don't use the horse
? Is your TV/computer horse-powered?
>Wake In Fright
genuinely a good "horror" movie for the summer. considering it was a penal colony at one point, this movie will tell you why. and donald pleasance is really great in it. i never ever will want to go there, despite loving all the australian anons i got to know over the years. some great and a silly bunch of people. i guess thats how they deal with the horror that is their daily life in that shithole.

If by horse you mean heroin then yes, yes it is.
>23 posts deleted
>more contrarian babble

Ah don't be such a silly Yankee cunt. We'll have anyone. Probably eat them, too!
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who are you quoting?
She's so fucking hot
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Sell me on the Clock Tower games.
Which ones should I play? In what order?
Yeah edibles are unreliable
i hate italian horror with a passion and feel like everytime someone brings them up, i'm being pranked, BUT the grills in them are always top of the line and you can expect nudity in most of them as well.
Someone suggest good horror films for poorfags in the UK, I have access to free streaming services such as:


I would pirate stuff but im not doing that anymore because stealing is against the rules because I'm trying to turn my life around
what's your favorite country when it comes to horror?
I’m autistic anon, I’m naturally attracted to other tards
Exists or Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes
30 bucks for the definitive blu-ray version (USA/Canada only):
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>I would pirate stuff but im not doing that anymore because stealing is against the rules because I'm trying to turn my life around
It feels like it's hard to find serious horror movies. Everything is campy and cheesy.
>He's evil because he's ugly
Tale as old as time.
>i hate italian horror with a passion and feel like everytime someone brings them up, i'm being pranked
you could always check out some of the streams. videodrome just started here: https://manestream.live/north/
I find it very odd to "hate" the horror movies of the country who arguably gave the world the best horror cinema along with the USA (whose movies it heavily influenced both directly and through Italian-American directors)

You just aren't looking
Recent horror movies that play it straight (even if they have some occasional wry, deadpan humor):
Starry Eyes
The Lodge
A Dark Song
A Field Guide to Evil
subspecies 2 and 3
you can skip the rest
the original Super Famicom game still holds up pretty well. it's the only one really indebted to Argento/Phenomena.
I'm supposed to be at work 9am tomorrow, and can't stop this shit
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This was a fun little flick. The sequel was shit.
>horror movies which are actually scary and not gory
>Big Trouble in Little China
>The Thing
>Mr. Vampire
Come on now.
Aren't there any older ones that hold up? I liked The Haunting (1963)
The sequel was fine, but not close to the first.

what am i in for
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why good old america of course. god bless.
visually they are solid but narratively they make next to no sense most of the time and start boring me to death. phenomena for example is boring as fuck, people just watch it for prime hebe jenny. i can see how druggies and winos would enjoy them, no one sane likes those movies.

except it has prime Wednesday
>sells the movie on sex appeal
>no nudity
It's a no-brainer.
Thought I knew until it got to the buck breaking part
brosis incest
Legend of Hell House (somber, to the point ghost house story)
The Uninvited (44)
Schalcken the Painter (excellent made for TV movie based on a real person)
The Innocents (61; Turn of the Screw adaptation that generation a ton of literature about its implicit psychological/sexual themes)
Burnt Offerings
there are exceptions but most assholes you meet are fucking ugly.
I feel like they had some very good ideas and Weaving was enjoyable but the main guy can't fucking act at all and aged badly between the movies. It took me out of it completely. The muscular guy was funny as fuck though. I like these horror comedies. I also enjoyed this one with Vince.
>I like these horror comedies. I also enjoyed this one with Vince.
Have you seen Totally Killer?
Wonderful visuals, great acting by Chastain (who's annoying and cringe irl but in the movie plays the cold/sexy woman very well) and an okay story, much better than Del Toro's average. It's a horror drama that's very literary in pace and plot, don't expect sudden thrills, just flow with it
>narratively they make next to no sense most of the time
They do take a more focused viewing, particularly gialli with its twists and turns but that's part of their appeal.
Phenomena was an abstract/dreamy type of horror
Jock dude bro was great and definitely had the comedy down. Freaky was nice and I'm a Vince Vaughn fan. Don't care what people say, he makes good movies.

People hate it, but I liked it.
>who arguably gave the world the best horror cinema along with the USA
>People hate it,
People on /tv/ hate it, I think it was well received outside of here.
I thought it was pretty good, enjoyable slasher flick. Worth watching.
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Hey... hey everybody, you know your House? Your House is about to be part of the Ocean and all your pictures, pictures with you and your buddies.. That's going to get wrecked by Ocean water AAAND Aligator could swim in there and eat a picture of your Daddy....... It's focked up.. fucked up stuff right there.
its just a personal preference or rather hate, i dont think they are "bad". they just bore me personally. DEMONI is another example that is really boring, but i love the poster taking place almost exactly like that in the movie and there is a cool generic rocksong in it.
I did. It was fairly decent. Kiernan was cute. I suffered through a season of that Netflix show she did because I find her to be cute.
I'm nowhere near alligators, though. I did enjoy Crawl and can't see how a sequel will work without recycling the same shit.
I'm baking

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a lot from the 70s will have more serious tones, especially if its religion related. that makes them also automatically creepier due to the influential nature religion once had on western society. try making a catholic horror movie today, it will just be silly with some generic demon imagery.
No more baking for this guy
Seriously? I won’t ever ask again then.
This. Aster has admitted that he turned his dark drama script into a "horror" script to get it financed.
go fuck yourself
Someone else should bake next time.
Twas me probably. Still say it's the best ending to any horror film and the only one truly horrific and hopeless.
Not enough gay men in horror these days
I've been watching lots of good indies lately:

The Aggression
VHS Beyond

Gay men will scream at ugly wallpaper. It's generally not effective in movies

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