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only one way to go from here
ghouls fingering themselves to orgasm during decapitation scenes
its like an edgy metal album cover
shoving starving rats down your throat to be eaten from the inside
average 4chan user still refusing to use his peenus despite being over 30 by now
> face down
> ass up
oh come on now
Crusted, rockin'
>FEMALE nudity
why not????
Total clown carnage. This is what horror should be.
even more goy slop
in next movie he will have star of david and will preach how the white goys have to die so the chosen people can move in
A reminder this low quality off-topic spam is obviously the same redd*t faghot behind joker ass rape and “crust” and Saw/jigC and FG/Simpson’s trash .. pretty much all forced meme cancer on the /TV/ board. Search “Sethy boy kekitskino bigcockcummer kiwifarms” (no quotes), it’s all his social ids if you want to connect the schizo discord dots yourself.

Sethy is compulsively obsessed with horror clowns and male anal sex and cartoons.

He was perma& from /co/, getting 404d from /tv/ and is now shitting up /pol/.

His MO is always the same:
- keep posting the same show obsessively. his cancer has to be on the catalogue constantly and he reposts fails after they slide again and again.
- samefags and bumps relentlessly (most of the replies here already)
- can’t help himself and inevitably tosses his other cancer into the thred, like “b*skin Robbin’s,” “rockin’”, “kek, it’s kino” or some other schizo repeat.
- gets angry when called out, denies it, and lashes out … then doubles down and goes schizo
- will spam and flood the catalogue with cancer relentlessly and repeatedly. Always a dozen of his toxic treads shitting up this board.

Mentally ill people always stick to familiar patterns. Now that you know it, you’ll see it. It’s obviously him. He was called out but obsessively compulsively needs shill whatever stupid and cartoonish and clownish thing triggering his illness (like, now Terrified, too)

Deny his dopamine rush and do what must be done.
>Deny his dopamine rush
too late. i just came
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>is now shitting up /pol/.
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There won't be a 4. I am sending clips of numerous death scenes to US senators to have this under investigation for breaking obscenity laws.
>I am sending clips of numerous death scenes to US senators
thank you
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> I am sending clips of numerous death scenes to US senators to have this under investigation for breaking obscenity laws.

Wait.... you illegally download pirated scenes and sent the illegally download pirated scenes to government officials.... I like you. You seems like a bright guy.
>you illegally download pirated scenes
if its on the Internet, its not illegal
I am too to my Capitol city senator
How about bludgeoning a porno actress after anal sex, nearly to death, only to tie her up and mutilate her slowly, all while intermittently raping and toturing her in numerous, creative ways. Boobs and bush on full display with explicit penetration. No message or lore, just gore. If the japs did it in the 80s, then surely an independent film this edgy could do it now.
You would not download an anal rape would you?
>explicit penetration.
one can only hope
So, they kill him, again?
I am not a horror movie guy but I feel like the previous film was way more soul poison than this one.
He pulled way back and setup for another sequel.
This feels to me that the creator or someone else wants to take this mainstream.
Which is fucking wild considering even the Chucky TV show was trying to match his freak.
Clown girl pregnancy and I know Damien hides posts mentioning it
just post the webms
Just make any trash and you terrifier fans will eat it up
So was the cute loli clown girl from the 2nd movie in this one?
Not worth the effort.
I dont think that many people like it, might just be a media department.
Nope, this was all about the clowns girlfriend.
Basically Yoko'd him.
Nope, no closure, for anyone, open ended.
does the final girl from the second one die in this? Terrifer 2 was next level retarded
Serbian film did that, but it was beheading her during doggystyle.
This first post, is OP.

Id love to have 5 minutes with OPs mom. He would never post again.
same fag
Its a bit deeper. Its more than one person.
Do something completely different and make an actually good movie.
This is a segment from the Talmud btw
This movie looks jewish as fuck
>no webms

OP is a fag and drinks cum
Well we know Art was a normal clown killer that is now possessed by Satan (or some other demon) and Sienna was chosen by God to stop him

The gates of hell took her cousin and the magical sword so Sienna has to some how go to the hell dimension (probably a re-visit to the Clown Cafe) and save her cousin, get the sword, and defeat evil

The deformed demon woman lied about the skull being Sienna's cousin, how do we know she didn't lie about it being Jonathan too? I think Jonathan is still alive and will be a surprise in 4

I see 2 storylines taking place in 4, Sienna navigating the hell dimension and encountering beasts we never seen before and Art in the real world killing people

Maybe the longer Sienna is in hell the stronger Art gets, that could maybe be a New Year's Eve themed movie with Sienna having to get out of hell before the start of the new year. I'm just rambling
Enjoyed it a ton. Felt like 2 was a bit more evil, though. I was hyping the gore up to my friends based on having seen 2, and 3 wasn't quite as bad. Now I look like a pussy. Still had a great time watching.
Pajeet pls.
Nobody fucking cares about how everyone in your capitol city was vomiting in the aisles for this lame-ass movie.
Didn't the first terrifier have a tied up girl split from the pussy up?

Still, could have shown the blonde nude, all the reviews applaud how this series isn't misogynistic and how Leone defended himself against this accusation.
>ghouls fingering themselves to orgasm during decapitation scenes
no one is talking about this scene
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Ye, it did. All Hallow's Eve also had this short scene.
she also did it at the after credit scene in 2
I thought she was masturbating with the piece of broken mirror. Even wilder. That scene was the highlight of the flick for me, way crazier than chainsaw-up-the-ass. (But the girl from the shower scene, man, smoking hot!)
She was masturbating with the mirror shard, you weren't wrong to think that. By fingering he meant shardblasting.
Reminder that Denji would rather do this than
>no female nudity or tits

...bring back Power.
>If the japs did it in the 80s
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So is this garbage or what?
Yeah it's nothing crazier than an old troma movie. Very disappointing because the reputation makes it seem interesting
Saw it today and was pretty disappointed. Outside of 2 or 3 kills, everything felt kinda samey/done before. Felt disjointed and like they started running out of budget at the last 20 or so minutes.
Wow. Terrifier 3 was gore tastic. I like seeing children being blown up opening Christmas presents in a mall, it was crazy there were three kids in my theater is Kansas this weekend. Whose parents bring them to see this shit? I liked it more than part 2 which was overlong. Now if they had cut 49 minutes off part 2, absolute gore kino. Part 3 hit the spot. It was kewl because it reminded me of a lot of these children being used as human shields against Israel who get what they deserve! Terrorists. Meet Terrifier 3. We should send Art to Lebananon and Pakistan and let him solve the problem, we should just screen this movie in December to scare them before we blow up their secret weapons and nukes. I loved that scene with the girl and the glass this time. I was cheering and so were a lot of Kansas gore hounds. How will they top it in part 4?
Leone is a beta who's afraid of telling his actresses to strip.
Shitposting used to be creative.
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What the fuck was her problem?
It just wasn’t fun. Too meanspirited.
Was I supposed to enjoy the kills? Be scared? Grossed out?
The effects are great but so much of the movie is just Art torturing people, and not in a funny way. Very little tension or atmosphere. It almost felt like it was insecure and that it needed to top itself to meet audience expectations.
For a movie that tries so hard to push the envelope and break the “rules” of morality (kids/animals), it simultaneously functions as if you’re supposed to be on Art’s side for a lot of it, which just doesn’t work.
Not scary, not a fun romp of mayhem, just a bleak, one-note tortureporn flick.
A few clever ideas, the look of the film felt less amateurish than the first two, continuity respected, but just a weird tone that doesn’t invite the audience to be in on the sick joke. Also, the transition to the third act was done very poorly, it felt like some scenes were cut out.
I have a big stomach and a high tolerance for this sort of content, but this movie, for all of its effects, took the joy out of slashing.
>average Trump supporter
You must really really be obsessed with Trump to come to a /TV/ thread about a clown killer movie and try to somehow string in Trump.
No such thing, you schizoid boy
Go outside, stop spending too much time on /tv/
is this you?>>204493591
Which is what this franchise is. The fact it's going mainstream says a lot about our current state of society.
from someone who doesn't like gore to someone who does, what's the appeal? what's the point? slasher movies can be fun, sure, because there's still a plot and characters and stuff. the movie isn't about the horror necessarily, there's just scenes sprinkled in and then some climax and that's it. but a movie like this seems to be solely gore. so why watch it? is it so you can go "WOOOW some guy is getting his balls cut off on the BIG SCREEN!! this is really showing hollywood!!" why would you pay to spend an hour and a half watching random torturous gore scenes?
>how do we know she didn't lie about it being Jonathan too? I think Jonathan is still alive and will be a surprise in 4
Alternatively if she's traveling to hell he might be back through some supernatural or afterlife means
I thought she was using a piece of glass or something as a dildo
As a person who likes gore, you hit the nail on the head why this movie in particular doesn’t work.
You're not supposed to like that part, anon. You're supposed to dislike that part and long for the villain's comeuppance.
Is this AI? I don't remember this.
qrd on these movies? what's even the plot? why am i getting psyoped so much?
>qrd on these movies
Effect guy makes slasher movies. Villain gets enough of an organic audience that the series becomes an industry plant. Mostly inept besides the effects and how much you like the villain.
>What’s the plot
Spooky clown kills people.
>Why am I getting psyoped
Industry plant franchise.
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Holy shit. Third movie and it’s already about demons, going to hell, a magical sword wielded by the chosen one, etc.? It took Friday the 13th until part 9 before it went off the rails in a similar manner. What a fucking hack Leone is.
>Well we know Art was a normal clown killer that is now possessed by Satan

(Strums guitar)
"ART... was a normal
Clown Themed Killer of Humans...
Until... THAT DAY!
He was possessed by SATAN.

Then he became, the TERRIFIER OF TERRIERS."
(barking noises)
"He was an ordinary average guy.
Killing humans for fun,
Changed him...
To become a Satan possessed killer of humans."

"Frankly it's a boring and derivative,
Knockoff of that which came before,
Unimaginative in concept,
Despite being excess in simulation of gore,
The teriyaki Terrifier,
Yawn yawn yawn...
What a snore... What a bore... So easy to ignore."
I don't "like" gore but it's similar to riding a roller-coaster. You expose yourself to something terrifying in a safe way (i.e. through fiction) to evoke a feeling you don't usually experience, partially through morbid curiosity and partially to test your ability to handle horrific things. It's kind of an area of your psychology that doesn't get explored very often which I think is what appeals to a lot of people. Obviously, some people who watch this type of stuff are sick freaks who enjoy (or at least pretend to enjoy) seeing awful things because they think it's part of their personality to be sad and morbid and edgy and they want everybody to know it. Typically for those types of people it's probably just a cry for help, like most things they do.
Damien should take note of that one kill from In A Violent Nature
cry about it bitch
art is cool and based because he kills whores like YOU
Nigger all of those things are present in part 2.
>d Sienna was chosen by God to stop him
hold on
you mean you actually sat and watched this shit and listened to the dialogue???
Damn nigga...i just fast forwarded to all the kills. The film is garbage. The clown is a fag
thats what makes the movie good, the heroic fantasy fiction is a counterbalance to the torture porn
>The clown is a fag
Art the Clown heard that. He's in your bathroom. I'm serious anon, go look
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>He's in your bathroom.
Bro, the name “Terrifier 4” sounds like a movie Drake and Josh would go see.
The original short film Art came from already had all these elements. Go back and watch “The 9th Circle” from 2008. Art kidnaps a woman and traps her in hell so she can be raped by Satan. He’s always worked with demons. He’s granted immortality in exchange for giving them vessels to possess.
>He’s always worked with demons
not clown canon.
shit take discarded
nice of him to still apply eyeliner for her
What an amazing reaction image
Niku Daruma, 1998 (90s, not 80s, but still nearly 30 year old movie)
American Psycho did something like that already
Everyone in my capital city shitted cummered vomited and fartered at the same time when this scene dropped

deleted scene,
I live just outside Tel Aviv. I love this series more than Saw. If you are American maybe not. For me it is cathartic. I see so much carnage in my life here. The evil Hamas constantly shooting missiles, shaking my dad's small home and my mother's apartments. We live on the edge. Most here live in comfort, never seen a missile on the playground, never seen dead body of loved one in person, especially on news. When I was 16 my second girlfriend died when an Iranian missile shell fell out of the sky and killed her instantly as she walked home in the same path we used to walk, holding hands, sharing notes of care. I saw her insides. Then the world sees her insides, the evil killers killed her! What does anyone know? No one cares. The horror, the horror, you know? You don't! For me Art the Clown is the evil we face. He wears black and white like Palestinian terrorists. He has teethe of Palestinian, Hamas, Hezbollah. He has the ability to be everywhere, all the cruel weapons they use on us. He represents the end of the world like Iran. America better to smarten up quick about Iran. I like the girl, I like the sword, reminds me of girl cousin I know in IDF. Together we will defeat Art the Clown. But predictable that United Nations unite again to form unholy terror pact against God's Chosen. Just as Art the Clown will keep returning. But over darkness and hate we will prevail. Israel will dance again. We do not fear the hate of Nazis, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, we trust in G-d, we know Terrifier more than anyone in history. Bless Israel and our supporters, the few but we will not forget you in world to come.
Definitely a lazy way to get rid of Jonathan if true, I thought the same. I also thought for a minute Gabby was possessed or was at least going to be the new host for whatever demon was in the ghoul
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If Art were raped these movies would be elevated to real art.
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>elevated to real art.
Your tax dollars go towards blowing up real children every day yet a dumb movie is what offends you.
That had rats shoved in the pussy
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Is it crazier than 'A Serbian film'?
it wishes
That's why I said "something like that"
>villain does unquestionably evil things and is portrayed as evil by the movie
How could they do this?
St. Nicholas didn't dress like the fat Coca Cola man. Dumb fucking retarded brainfried poltard burgermutt subhuman christian larper.
A Serbian Film and Trauma (2018) are on other level. Terrifiers are just gore garbage for mainstreamers.
what's crazy is that art is essentially a zionist who is *out of its civvie costume*
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>Mogs Terrified 3
Someone make Todd Phillips getting raped by Art and tweet him it, that faggot
>Todd replies with "Fucking hot. Saved"
Do it.
Lol wtf is this from
poor amateur work. How do you go from Bottin to this?
>and using our language to do so
YOU are using MY language (in a distincly niggery way though), lil brownoid. Go learn some history.
it's from The Substance, don't let anyone shame you for being a newGOD
My dad said Bottin became a crackhead
I thought that was just about girls shaking their ass this is the first time i've seen something else posted
yeah well, your Dad's full shit. he don't know me.
Looks good, I'm gonna check it out. Haven't seen practical effects like that since The Thing
Unpopular opinion: Only first movie was any good. At least in the sense of what it did. It gave you exactly what it told you it will. I'm not fan of whole angel vs demons bs that the movies are going for hard at this point.
It has also killed the original charm that said first one had. Which is that nobody was safe. I recall thinking that black haired goth chick is our main lead and that she will 100% make it out alive. Only to be in shock as I watched her be gunned down and have her face filled with bullets, telling me, yup. She is dead. That moment literally told me to not expect shit as there is no true final girl. Even the girl that did survive, ended up being disfigured and becoming absolutely deranged. Sending a message that victims who survive such shit, might end up becoming alike those who did it to them.

Then we cut to 2nd movie and now the formula is that he will do random killings for the sake of gore porn, then when he arrives to our main girl, he gets his ass kicked because she is le chosen one. Rinse and repeat for third movie as well.

Lot of folks seem to love this particular turn, but to me? The charm of the first movie is completely gone with these sequels. It also doesn't help that the story that is trying to tell with 2nd and now the 3rd isn't very interesting. So, it's literally just wasting your time with all this bullshit when majority literally watches these types of movie for kills mostly.
Didn't this already happen in the second one? What's the explanation this reddit monster is back to normal in the third? Does he atleast have stitches around his neck.
>Didn't this already happen in the second one?
see >>204506426
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Offscreen, a longtime serial killer is possessed by a demon and becomes an even more evil entity known as Art the Clown. Art's mission on the mortal plane is to find suitable bodies for other demons to inhabit, which he does -while- going around killing whoever he wants. In the first Terrifier, we see only that, his introduction. At the end of the movie, when the audience believes he's killed, we're introduced to our first supernatural encounter with him. He's exposed as more than a guy dressed as a clown. In the same movie we're introduced to two key characters, Victoria (Vicky) and Emily (a doll taken care of by a cat lady). Vicky's sister was killed by Art, and after being lured to the kill site she's tortued by the clown, with her face ultimately being butchered to look horrifying. After appearing on a TV show as the woman who escaped Art, Vicky snaps and kills the interviewer from the show backstage after the interviewer shits all over Vicky about her face, thinking Vicky didn't hear her. This lands Vicky in a mental hospital, where all she wants to do is die. Enter Sienna, who's the main protag. She's a hot chick who has a sword and angel warrior outfit idea passed down to her from her comic book artist dad, who often has visions of the future with the demons. Sienna's brother Jonathan, as well, has visions and even identifies how the demons work as a child. Sienna falls asleep to a commercial for The Clown Cafe, not knowing that this is actually a trick from Art to bring her into his own little pocket in Hell. Lots of dead people later, Sienna escapes and wakes up to find her angel wings and sword burning. Long story short she gets the real sword buried underneath. Art follows Sienna around, knowing she's an angelic figure and a perfect host body, and eventually kills her whole family sans Jonathan. Enter The Little Pale Girl (TLPG), otherwise known as Emily the doll, who Art freed after killing the cat lady.
TLPG hangs around (and is in love) with Art. TLPG is also the main demon who wants Sienna's body. TLPG kidnaps Jonathan along with Art and uses him to lure Sienna to an abandoned fairground. There she battles Art in order to get her brother back, but ends up being pushed into a portal to The Clown Cafe. Sienna, stabbed by her own sword and now drowning, dies. The wound closes magically as she's brought back to life. Y? The sword was crafted specifically to kill demons. Sienna crawls back out for her final fight. She finds Art eating Jonathan alive by the ankle and beheads him. TLPG takes Art's body away before he can die for good, and she possesses Vicky in the mental hospital, in order to use her body to rebirth Art before he's sent back to Hell. Escaping the mental hospital, Vicky and Art go rest until they're good and ready to roam around killing again. 5 years later they awake, Jonathan's in college and Sienna's just trying to hold it together. Sienna goes to visit family in the same town, introducing Gabbie, her 12yo(?) cousin. Gabbie's introduced at the beginning of the movie without telling us it's her, when Art murders an entire family dressed as Santa, but lets Gabbie (who's hiding in a cupboard) live as he has no need or passion for her to die any longer. Gabbie now hates Christmas, duh. Blah blah blah, killing, we get to all of our characters coming together.Jonathan's killed offscreen, not 100% confirmed it's him. As mentally tortured as possible, Vicky makes an attempt to possess Sienna's body. With Gabbie alive, she can't. So Gabbie uses what time she has alive to trick the demons in order to get the sword into Sienna's hands. Sienna kills Vicky, whose acid blood creates another portal to Hell in the floor, which Gabbie is trying not to fall into. Sienna has Art pinned against the wall and faces a choice--kill Art or save Gabbie. She chooses Gabbie, but fails, and Gabbie falls into Hell with the sword. Art escapes.
They already took your country over.
Bitching about Terrifier which isn't written or directed by a Jew isn't going to change the fact that it doesn't matter who you vote for in the election.
So knock the tiresome shit off.
Wait, after the intro slaughter didn’t the screen text say “5 years previous”?
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Great rundown, there was a couple things in the third movie that went over my head. Only edit I would make is the girl in the cupboard wasnt Gabbie, just the daughter of the family who gets killed with no connection to the main family.
I'm starting to think Terrifier has lost it's way.
Most of the kills/gore feel more like punchlines to a joke rather than tense moment intending on shocking/exciting you. They all sort of feel like the gun kill from the first movie, a moment meant to get you to laugh in surprise rather than legit make you tense.
Your reddit review didn't answer my questions.
The 5 years previous is when they show Vicky escaping with Art. A lot of that same scene was at the end of T2. The current timeline is when they show both demons waking up and killing those two guys in the house they were resting in and everything else after.
No, that was Gabbie. It's why she hates Christmas, but she's never asked why she hates Christmas. It alludes to her and the little girl being the same person. You can pretty much assume Gabbie was either given to family or adopted.
your Terrifier lore insight is appreciated
could you further expound on SIENNA'S cute tummy and deliciously plump ass meat?

I fear that she's gonna be waaaaay too fucking old spoiled milk by the time Turrorfied 4 comes out
bigger set of tits than lara croft
No problem. Sienna's cute tummy is a product of her father's unknown bloodline. Is she part angel? Is the family merely longtime keepers of this supernatural sword, and bare the burden of having to be the only humans capable of keeping demons at bay? Who knows? What is known is that this results in very nice ass meat. So delicious, in fact, that if one were to eat said ass meat it would be slurpable. "But how?" One might wonder, seeing the firmness of Sienna's tummy and ass, "How can something so firm fall off the bone?" Sienna's drinkable body is a century's long prophecy, chosen by God himself. Along with the abilities of an angel warrior, so to comes the figure of an angel, which provokes a lust so deep that other angels must be made ugly with eyes all over. A good Christian man must not see someone so tempting, lest he be led astray by his own desire. A beauty that assumes the polar opposite of Art's terrifying being.
>very nice ass meat. So delicious, in fact, that if one were to eat said ass meat it would be slurpable
what is the boy character for?
I assumed it was to lead into a 'coming of age' jerk off session to his sister/cousin, Sienna
unfortunately, this didn't happen
Don't worry, there are plenty more cute Latinas in the sea.
Huffing siennas feet
Jonathan? That's her brother, who suffers from visions like their father. In T2 he's a more curious kid character, obsessed with Art as a serial killer. After his experience with the murderous clown in T2, Jonathan ends up crawling into layers of shell, forgetting who he once was and becoming meek in the process. When Art and Vicky first display a faceless skull to Sienna and her aunt, they say it's Gabbie in order to torture both simultaneously, but that was a lie. After killing the aunt, they put glasses that look like Jonathan's on the skull, exposing the truth to Sienna in order to break her down further. But was this the truth? We don't see them kill Jonathan. Jonathan's so important up until then, being the vision holder. Why would they kill him offscreen? Because we can assume this is the beginning of his character arc for T4, where he will likely swoop into Hell to save Sienna and Gabbie when they need him most, and he will break through these shell layers to expose the Chad who was slumbering in the cocoon the entire time.
Uh, sweaty, Damien Leone is Palestinian. And the point is a comfy slasher franchise.
seems like a massive faggot to me
> robbing screen time from Sienna's buttery and engorged labia
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back to basics: focus on the plot.
He'll get his unfaggot arc.
A Serbian Film is like a Kubrick kino compared to this garbage
A Serbian Film was meant to be traumatizing. This is meant to be fun.
Nah, ASF is pretty shit, but it did its job at being shocking. So shocking that you can't just play it for family and friends at Halloween, which also makes it a useless movie.
What is it about these movies that make /TV/ turn into disingenuous pearl clutching suburban mothers? This is not a meme question, I'm being serious. I think these movies are fun experiences and every time I go into a thread about them all actual discussion gets completely buried under all this performative bullshit, it's really fucking annoying
/tv/ liked the first one because it was a gem. The others have also been good but they're finally mainstream, so it's time to pretend they've always hated it and that the first (with the least amount of story) was the best, despite also complaining that there's no story to any of these (yes there is).
it's liveleak cartel humor. it's just bad and sad
Doctor Who
4chan is a Christian board now, sorry
The audience is 51% spic. These movies are indicative of illegal Aztec sacrifice runoff hungering for Aztecian blood eruptions inside of America. Just observe how orgasmic and giggly Hollywood is about T3's wke box office. Even though it's not a Hollywood movie they are gushing. Why is that? Because they know the bar has been lowered for slop and that spic sharks are horny for a feeding frenzy on white Americans.
this scene was important to the plot
mental illness
>Terrifier 4
Who keeps finding this slop???????
It's currently #1 at the box office. The people are funding this kino.
>Can show vag, but can't show tits
you know deep down you know how little you're worth as a man and a "people". im sorry you've not accomplished anything in the past 500 years without our help or money or tech or media or language or celebrities or anything. go ahead give me the run down on any little recent accomplishments or milestones of your "people', whoever you are ... I'll wait
ever consider finally going through with those thoughts you bury so deep inside?
That I bury inside of your mom with my cum?
Nigger on nigger violence
Do theaters just not card people anymore? I went to see this and got extremely pissed off when I saw some very obvious high school zoomers go into the theater before me, broccoli hair and everything. And just like I feared, they were incredibly disrespectful and annoying during the movie. Pulling up their phones, vaping, talking, getting up, moving to one side of the theater, then moving back, one dropped something and then pulled their phone out and used the flashlight on it for no joke like 5 minutes. I'm so sick of this shit.
>inb4 boomer
I'm not even that old I'm 27
Management at your kinoplex probably sucks ass. I work at one and have had to kick zoomer shits out all weekend. We had our security guard stand by the exit doors in the hallway.
I just truly don't understand the mindset. I know I sound like a boomer when I say this but it's just so fucking rude and borderline barbaric how unconcerned they can be with bothering other people.
Correct. Supporting Terrifier is a red flag for sociopathy of the brown ethnic or mutt persuasion.
...using their illegal tax free profits from dealing narcotics and fentanyl in America.
What if I'm white and extremely irish, then what
>this is the healthy person unwilling to watch the "gore slop"


lmao even
They're just there for a paycheck or don't view it as a big deal.
reports nationwide of children, not teenagers, at screenings with and without adults. truth be told the industry wants our children absorbing this shit just as dc and the un want to create school shooters. one hand washes the other hidden hand in young blood.
Zoomers are getting paid to go to the theater?
I don't think they care about whatever schizo shit you're spouting I think it's more that theaters want as much money as they can get these days so they let anyone in.
Sorry anon, the director went on record saying the only two places he wont go are racism and anti-semitism.
You mean the worst aspects of part of 2 that everyone hated? Yeah.
While I appreciate the recent showing of Irish peacekeepers standing up last week against the IDF in Lebanon, and won't overlook Mark Wahlberg's protective alliance with Mel Gibson, you surely already fucking know that Boston and New York Irish have a storied history of flagrant miscegenation. Just for one example, Joe Rogan, who is Irish-Italian, with an est. worth $300 million, has a half nigger teen step daughter by his wife's "baby daddy." Then what.
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Why is this a thing?
I took my 14yo and 12yo cousins to see it. They love horror movies and thought T3 was pretty funny.
I'm a babyfaced 20 year old, brought my ID since I get carded to buy shit that's a 15 sometimes, didn't get asked for ID. Guy letting me and my friend in told us "Enjoy the gore". I was kinda stunned. Not American. Bongland.
>watching random torturous gore scenes
i miss bestgore dot com
Does Alexa get brutalized? I'm sure that fedora nerd who danced for her will enjoy watching this shit if she does
I like when films make me feel something. I also appreciate the art of the practical effects. If a movie can make me cringe, cry, laugh, feel fucking something that I don't feel often, then that's good. If all you get from this is thinking people see it and go "haha take that Hollywood", I think you might be a little stupid. It's fun when a movie is engaging. My friend saw it with me and he doesn't particularly like gore or body horror and he enjoyed it because he said it was really engaging and made him react to what he was seeing. It's like a rollercoaster ride. How do you not understand?
Yeah she gets one of the more gratuitous deaths. Slowly killed by chainsaw slashes, stomach gets cut open, she gets sliced in the head a couple times, her tits get slashed open, etc.
stay in your containment thread retard
the guy who plays art the clown is a massive fag irl. id fuck him up easily
Inherent female nature to signal she is ready to be proneboned
kek seething newfag getting mad at baby bait
actual cringe
you guys think like bitchmade reddit pussies
Gabbie will be like doomguy and destroy the demons of hell, then Jesus Christ will take her as a wife
A lot of the time I hear redditor thrown around as an insult it's usually towards people who express emotions. Why are you being such a faggot?
>Haha you're acting like a normal human
Grow up nigger
no you just explained your incredibly gay thought process and i called you out accordingly
>i am le normal human bean
yup, you are redditbrained
art is meant to evoke emotion. If you aren't feeling an emotion from it then why do you watch movies? I promise no one here thinks you're cool because you don't show mlle heckin emotion
No now that I know it upsets you I'm going to do it even more. See how it works kike
>I get carded to buy shit that's a 15 sometimes
stop gambling retard
Because these movies are gay af
>duuuuuuude these le heckin edgy movies are poggers sick kill!!!
>but under no circumstance can we show a boob or say the nigger word
so what's this movie even about? who's the target audience for this? this shit looks like mortal kombat, something made for unhinged lunatics
Why is this the reason you faggots give Everytime? It makes you look like a fucking loser
I'm curious how they will make a film entirely set in hell work when so much of what makes Art funny is how he interacts with the "real" world. Like there's no equivalent for scenarios like meeting santa at a bar or fooling around at a costume store
when did i say i dont feel emotion? i just called you a faggot lol
why is the clown so mean?
As a fellow jew, I concur. Watching violence and carnage occur to the goyim is sexually pleasing and emotionally liberating
Jews that like to see the people they hate most being butchered (white children and families) and insecure nerds that like to see the people they hate most being butchered (Chad and Stacy).
We have games and movies rated 15 here. I don't gamble.
maybe with a main girl nude scene OH WAIT
Why does it need it? Go on, tell me why that would somehow automatically make the movie good to you outside of the reason of "I wanna see a hot woman". Because otherwise I don't see why it's necessary. If I wanna see that I go watch porn.

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