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Terry Fryer 3 edition
Previous: >>204475060
kek this fucking retard >>204482657 is exactly the type of fucking retard i was talking about here >>204482604
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Based Argento
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Who's your favorite /hor/ waifu?
Good point. The movie's ingenious in the way that it sets a certain narrative/character direction and then upends it completely
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First for Never Let Go
unless nu TCM love posting is just trolling. there are enough bored/crazy people here with subtle and persistent trolling skills.
I don’t have a favorite, I love them all
How is it?
It's made by Aja which I enjoy but doesn't seem to be bloody gory kino which makes me hesitate

I just got back from watching Terrifier 3. It delivers the classic slasher gorefest that fans of the series will enjoy. But for an overall horror movie it's like a 3/10.
theres more too gotta make one for the redheads
Daddy's Head, yea or nay?
That sounds like a gay porno
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It changes every time I watch another movie
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There's too many
Spooktober 13/31
Watched Borderlands/Final Prayer (2013)
I actually really like found footage horror, probably my favorite subgenre, but I felt like this one had even more empty shots where nothing happens than others do. The start feels very slow but at least the characters and acting were good to keep me company through that. The last half hour or so and the scene with the sheep are amazing though, if only the entire movie could have been like that.
so White God is shit so far

https://files catbox moe/0mm657 mp4
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It might be.
glad you enjoyed it
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>It delivers the classic slasher gorefest that fans of the series will enjoy
So it's a 10/10 for nu horror.
try A Dark Song
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Recommending Grizzly Tales For Gruesome Kids to /hor/.

>Animated horror anthology
>Stop-motion segments
>All expertly narrated by Nigel Planer
>Darker endings than most kids' anthology shows, frequently kills off the child protagonists or leaves them in a horrible state
>Random britbong humor moments throughout
I have a feeling Joe Bob might do Terrifier for Beelzebub Bash and have....Jericho on again...
So far it's really good. There is a little bit of blood and gore but nothing to excess. It's mostly concept and concept execution through mood, atmosphere and story telling. It's really fucked up. It's a great movie so far.
We're the dream warriors
Don't wanna dream no more
We're the dream warriors
And maybe tonight
Maybe tonight you'll be gone
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>There is a little bit of blood and gore but nothing to excess.
I'll pass
it has a BMWF romance, and a white man is the villain, so i assume /hor/ will like it
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Downloading now
Yeah it was pretty well made, I was surprised I missed all the foreshadowing that others mentioned though
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Mother of Tears
This is the sort of insight I was hoping to get when I asked. Thanks friend, skipped.
Nice, will download.
Thank you.

It looks like archive.org has this, but it's still down. It's also on Youtube. Should I wait for archive to come back up or just download them off YT?
How's Possum? Just now getting to it
>Grizzly Tales For Gruesome Kids
pure kino, seen a few of these on TV when I was younger & they were always a treat when I got to watch them
It's just a normal drama but there is a puppet the guy has that looks weird.
Times you acted like the Killing Birds from Zombi 5: Killing Birds?
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Goddamn that barbed wire death is just something else. Easily the best scene in Suspiria.
Barbara Crampton.
Man, this is pretty good isn't it?
>decide to watch some bigfoot movies
>Shit, turn it off
>Shit, turn it off
>Framerate's fucked, turn it off
>Oh, I want to see that one
>Won't play

Ended up watching an extremely low budget comedy that was kind of funny, Bigfoot: The Movie. Got a couple Yowie movies lined up unless those go south too.
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Da Bling
A Nightmare in da Hood
Das Rite
The Blaxorcist
The Hills Have Thighs
Niglets of da Corn
The Dope Exorcist
Friday da three-fiddyth
The Kentucky Fried Massacre
Army of Blackness
The Amityville Whore
movies like eyes without a face?
2Eyes 2Faces: Eyes Without a Face Returns
Thanks anon, adding to the list.
I feel like giving this one (atmospheric Halloween/folk horror) a try:
She was really cute, yeah, so you can imagine my disappointment when we got shown her husband in the movie.
you hate me
Who made that and that one you used for the OP on the /co/ thread?
>that scene where they force the convenient store clerk to sniff the girl's ass
Circus of Horrors (60) with the great Anton Diffring
I don't get the hate for Terrifier
Is it just because it's getting more popular now?
No nuHorror franchise has the soul to do something fun like this
Best drugs to do while mainlining pure horror kinos?
You wish you were the girl in that scene? That's pretty zesty, playa
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Any ghost, haunted house, or monster movie recs? I'll take anything as long as it's not too gross or insect-y.
Amityville 2
It's a backlash because there's a type of le edgy 12 yo cringe overenthusiasm for its gore for gore's sake approach
I already have 2 tampons soaked with vodka up my ass, what else should I use?
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Leaving D.C.
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1963's The Haunting is very subtle and effective
>gore for gore's sake
As opposed to gore for???
Last House on the Left, Amityytyshity ville horror
cram more
Watching Butterfly Kisses, hope it's good
Already seen it, unfortunately. Been trying to avoid rewatches.
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I don't get the hate.
It was fun, the zombies still looked great, and I liked the wider setting, going from the suburban homes > streets > hospital etc., as opposed to just the mortuary/warehouse of the first
Does the clown get raped in this movie? I've had enough of that
Chubby redheads noice
He does the raping.
Terrifier 3 SUCKED, they did not go through with full brutality like the second film did. it lost its artistic vision. pacing was terrible as well.
Gore as yet another element inside a narrative. Trying to be shocking and/or overusing tropes becomes burdensome, as do those who revel in these excesses because they're very hardcore despite still clinging to their mommy and daddy financially and never having seen a pussy irl
You sound like you'd enjoy Caveat
The second has barely anything brutal outside of the bedroom scene
Third has the rats, shower, the santa kill
And the pacing is NOWHERE as bad as 2 where its around 30-40m without anything Art related happening and just Sienna and her roastie friends flapping their gums until the halloween store sequence
The gore plays the exact role in the narrative of Terrifier as it does in Friday the 13th and Saw.
Ah ok,
>That's better
Not at all. Terrifier's gore scene are longdrawn, bloodier and more prevalent throughout the movie and the clown's le snarky persona is a goal in itself rather than part of a truly elaborate plot.
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these are the kinds of people invading here to cry about Terrifier, they can't have anons enjoying something that's so "misogynistic"
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>Terrifier's gore scene are longdrawn, bloodier and more prevalent
Like the Saw movies.
>rather than part of a truly elaborate plot.
You'll see anons complaining on this board about Terrifier 2 and 3 having too much plot.
This is horror?

Haven't seen the 80s one. That's a good idea.
Sure. Thanks.
I'll probably rewatch it before the month is up. I really like that one.
>Last House on the Left
Suppose I might as well.
The rabbit thing is ugly, but sure. Thank you.
The Skin I Live In
The Face of Another
You could add:
Manhattan Baby
Night of the Eagle (Burn, Witch, Burn)
did these redditors completely miss the part where the main character of terrifier 2 is a fucking magical girl??
>Like the Saw movies.
Not at all because Saw's "game" sequences are set against a very limited timeframe.
>You'll see anons complaining on this board about Terrifier 2 and 3 having too much plot.
Those would fall within the demographic I mentioned above: the oh so edgy adolescents and random extreme gorehounds whose outlook has either become narrow or unimaginative.
penis decapitation & acid attack were brutal
shower is just killing w/ a chainsaw & the santa freezing was a cool idea but had shit effects
3's pacing was garbage & they kill a main character from the 2nd film off camera
>he thinks the chud is really dead
Never Let Go is probably going to be in my top 5 for this year. Another folk horror homerun for 2024. When it's boiled down, it's not a terribly original concept but it is crafted and told in a way that will keep you guessing until the end, thereby keeping the tension perfect throughout. I don't watch many Halle Berry movies so I forget how truly incredible of an actor she is. She is creepy as fuck in this movie. And the two child actors did a great job as well. The set design and aesthetic are top notch. I highly recommend if you are into psychological/solipsistic or folk horror.
the uncle was dead & Jonathan was being a bitch the whole movie
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>psychological/solipsistic or folk horror.
>no monster/bloody/gory Aja kino
into the trash
Or the part where he mutilates a dudes junk AFTER killing him by shoving a chainsaw in his ass
Jesus, that cast
no, the third kept hinting a child kill on screen over and over and then they NEVER went there. Damien lost the plot. he got weak.
I wish I was a woman so I could be your wife and make you watch better horror films
>horror movie
>the girl is actually the one who wants to constantly get in the pants of the male main character
>will keep you guessing until the end
And remains so after the credits role because the black kid could have been infected by the creature as shown in the Polaroid pic and he was still guilty of murdering the hiker who's conclusively not a creature
Aja did a decent job in that there are no bs ideological excesses in the movie. There is one narrative flaw (the fact that only the wooden space in the house's floor doesn't burn down; it's a bit of an Indiana Jones in the fridge moment) but it doesn't make the movie less watchable.
Would plow both their faces then kill both with an axe
Man, that fucking sucked. Y'all lied.
I wish you knew how creepy that sounds.

Yeah those narrative flaw moments happen so often in just about every movie I watch that I can typically dismiss them fairly easily as long as they don't become too numberous (like in Longlegs.)
Suzy in her leotard is probably the cutest any woman has ever looked
In the case of Longlegs what I recall are iffy decisions plus the fact that the nurse/mother is never interrogated but I mentioned elsewhere that irl the Yorkshire Ripper got away with frequenting the same places for half a decade.
In NLG's case it's stretch in terms of a non-subjective chemical reaction that would be expected. 2 in fact bc even if the wooden floor didn't burn by some odd exception the kid would most likely suffocate irl
How about Qualley in hers?
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You forgot the Golden Rule.
What if the hole in the wooden floor is truly that magical place of protection and that's why it, and he, survived. If we're to go away believing the evil was real and made it out in the end, then the ancient, protective wooden house was real too and that floor space was supposed to be the core of its strength. Makes sense, doesn't it?
Comfy flick.
kek they also did a song for the new American Psycho comic
Not even close
Suzy sketch:
Phoenix sketch (just found the blog a few days back):
There is a strong implication that the house is, indeed, a shelter of a supernatural type
a horror film with a message, good effects, right atmosphere and they stuck the landing, it's a fucking miracle.
It's literally a plot point in Longlegs though. Not sure why you'd give it an example of a narrative flaw.
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Dokken had a bunch of great songs
For me, its Stretch
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A personal favorite and easily one of the best ghost movies ever made.
>Her thighs in those little shorts.
I beg to differ:
Cool. The Phoenix one is really cute.
I'm not clicking that
Also has that one epochal, much imitated scene (which it perhaps borrowed from a previous movie, but it's the Changeling's scene we usually think of)
loved it. even with another 5 years still ahead i think this will be a contendor for top 10 for the 20's
Clicky this then unless you're of a prudish mindset:
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I couldn’t agree more!
people like to shit on 2022 TCM but Alverez knows how to make an intense as hell scene
its no classic like the original but its definitely the best sequel in the series, even better than jessica biel running around in daisy dukes and a white tank top
It's just some lovely ass, anon, don't be gay.
Nah I like cute girls not pornography.
Girl Haunts Boy
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I try not to think about that.
True. The initial story was cowritten by Alvarez but the movie was directed by David Blue Garcia who did a very good job considering he was suddenly brought along with a new DP right before filming started
I won't try to regulate your own desire but that sounds like a subjective line you've drawn
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The official top 15 horror films of /hor/
If you haven't seen them all, you are a tourist
Really? I didn't think this was very good. And what scene are you talking about?
Dario Argento was the line up until he started showing his daughters bush in his movies then he became a pornographer and stopped making good movies.
Could you post that Suspiria poster by itself?
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Notice the superb use of sound as well:
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thank you.
>we wuz
That sounds like a prudish appraisal. He showed naked women in his movies way before Asia started starring in them
Oh yeah, this scene. This was good.
Asia in Phantom of the Opera is the hottest she ever was btw, watch that.
I miss Z Nation so fucking much bros it's unreal
Somebody let Harper poster know that he forgot Etoile (1989) in his Suspiria Cinematic Universe chart
I'm not sure what isn't very good about it.
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Time to FINALLY see what all the hubbub is about. I’m about to enter the sting zone with..THE SUBSTANCE
Why don't horror movie sequels start with scenes from the previous movies like they did in the 80s?
There’s no nudity in Suspiria or Phenomena his best movies
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There he is~
The Almost Birthday Anon.
Oh, but it looks like I wore my longlegs today.
What happens if I...
They're both great but imo they're among his best movies, not the best. Nudity is fine and horror is a mature genre except for specific stuff such as Goosebumps etc
>Day 13: Terrifier 3
Fuck yeah! I've been avoiding reading /hor/ too closely until after I saw T3, to avoid spoilers. And I'm glad I did. Watching this gorefest in a packed theater was an absolute blast. Art the clown is a delight as always, keeping the audience laughing and cringing as he continually one-ups himself with incredible kills. He's got a new companion too, and some snazzy new digs complete with a real beard. The girls are smoking hot once more, especially the True Crime Podcast bitch. And it's just great to see grossout horror return to the bigscreen, with the barf-bag ad campaign and all. More blockbusters made by genuine sickos, that's what I want. From a couple humble $250,000 flicks, Art is now officially Here to Stay. This was just great.
Nothing like watching a body horror kino with Demi Moore, Margartet Qualley, and Dennis Quaid, of all people.
Nudity is fine if there’s a reason for it there’s a very obvious non arbitrary difference between movies that have their appeal rely on nudity and actual good movies
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This looks like the woman from Kolobos poster
>Nudity is fine if there’s a reason for it
Nudity is inherently valuable bc it reflects a timeless interest in beauty and titillation. It needs no context or justification bc it immediately draws attention
glad you're still capable of having fun, unlike some autismos here
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any other recommendation like BrainScan?
That tone doesn't match the movie's MPAA rating though and that's the issue: it's deceptively marketed for naive preteens while pretending to be made "for adults"
The movie is unrated, bub
>pretending to be made "for adults"
nigga, Leone has never had any aspirations for the franchise other than a gory as fuck slasher with an entertaining killer, which IS a rarity nowadays regardless of you liking it or not
You just don’t get it. You’re too shallow
A Dark Song
its actual kino
looks POZZED as fuck
Why? Because Halle Berry is black?
hey faggot why dont you just remove the tripcode? why do you insist on shitting up these threads with you gay ego posts?
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It good.
dont reply to tripfags. filter them so they eventually remove their tripcode when they realize nobody is seeing their posts
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sweaty post-run clarice
>me on the left
Is Terrifier 3 at least have some good nudity?
No, chuds seeing booba is the real edgy.
Based Argento actually wanted JConn to show her tits but she refused and got all mad.
i disagree, wasn't really scary, but it also wasn't very funny either. very mid "remember the 80's?!?!?!?!" flick. soundtrack was kino though

>The movie is unrated, bub
Yet another reason why it's ostensibly NOT made for children and Timmys in general and at the same time that's its demographic.
>nigga, Leone has never had any aspirations for the franchise
That doesn't matter because he DID turn it into a franchise and the fact that Hollywood co-opted it should be taken with a grain of salt, not just because of Terrifier itself but because it represents a type of videogamey ultraviolence that's at the same time strangely sexless and perpetuates a somewhat immature mindset.
Terrifier has been placed in the same niche of movies such as John Wick, Deadpool, Bullet Train, Boy Kills World etc: mainstream prudish ultraviolence.
Even if you enjoy the Terrifier movies, keep in mind that they overemphasize certain "adult" themes to the detriment of others
I've only seen classics like children of the corn, Chucky and SAW but no new ones. I only liked the SAW movies but mostly for the weird plot

Recommend me 3 enjoyable and real scary movies please
She’s more based than him
I'm probably just going to get baked and fall asleep on my living room floor watching Hellbound: Hellraiser II, if I'm being honest.
This reads like bait
It's the opposite: those who look at the world and beauty as they are look at its width and depth. Those who avoid certain aspects of art, culture and life do so out of subjective social values, which is your prerogative
The best kind of bait.

The Purge
It Follows
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Evil Dead (2013)
It's not. There is one single scene where a girl is ambiguously presented but other than that their race isn't inauthentically extolled and in fact as I mentioned above there's a scene that's refreshing in that it shows black characters displaying poor impulse control and/or committing or threatening to commit acts of violence.
That movie is good but is it really a ghost or haunted house movie? I guess it's kinda sorta monster movie? I dunno though...
It is good. The blunt tonal shift in the 3rd act was surprising for this type of kids investigating a mystery in the suburbs/small town subgenre
Of course not, she robbed us of those pink teen nips.
It's occult horror. Good movie btw
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Sooo is this Margaret Qualley’s real ass or not? Because holy shit
Yes, but she had prosthetic tits
In this shot, yes. In some other close-up shots it's a body double but except for the prosthetic tits it's essentially Margaret's naked body that you see-- which is unexpected considering she's done many full nude scenes in other movies in that Shia Laboeuf music video
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey
worth my time or no?
It's occult
Now you’re just assuming things since you can’t understand
its not bad
for me it's Taryn
I figured the tits were fake because they looked TOO perfect but damn she has a killer body regardless
Hellraiser vs Cremaster, who wins?
The fact that you lack actual counterarguments ("you don't understand" doesn't qualify) and that you're at odds with the entire history of culture (which has always highlighted the naked body) should give you a hint
She has a great slender body which got even hotter because she gained some curves for the movie. It's an easy to flaunt figure and tbqh it made her career since until she got to The Substance and Kind of Kindness she's always been bold and it paid off
What am I in for?
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>this will sell our movie
>turns 30 in a couple weeks
She better pump out blockbusters for the next 5 years
Really hope she doesn't get bogged
Is the Terrifier actually scary or does it just try to gross you out with gore?
>the deleted ending where she spent the rest of her life as a sad old fat lady in an asylum
The latter
can't believe that there are people that get grossed out by fake movie blood.
You're genuinely autistic if you can't understand why it could be unpleasant for some people
>All the zombies have pale chalky skin
>Immediately shoot the first nigga they see
This guy and the truck driver in TCM are my favorite black men in horror
you’re not making an argument
The 1990 version is better
God I loved seeing this again. Seeing the lovely Sissy Spacek smile at prom on a huge screen was just what I needed tonight. Top 3 De Palma for me.
>She better pump out blockbusters for the next 5 years
She's genetically very lucky because her bone structure will work in her favor. I assume she has more role options rn than ever and should choose wisely and keep working steadily. Anything except for capeshit will do
They had been plugging "people" all day anon. I doubt they cared what they where shooting at by that point.
I'm happy to see her break out because I've known about her since The Leftovers and always thought that she had the looks and acting chops to be a movie star. It remains to be seen if she'll reach Margot Robbie levels of sex symbol
Nice, I remember seeing this on TV for the first time on Halloween back in the 80s after I got done trick or treating.
>Really hope she doesn't get bogged
It seems like they're being forced to do it these days, there's no logic behind it.
The kills are brutal but most the time they reach Looney Tunes-tier wackiness. Personally, I was laughing my ass off during half of Terrifier 3.
Toxic masculinity and that's a great thing
It is a great scene, were you filtered?
this scene ruled dude

are you dumb?
Yes I am, I'm pointing out the nudity is a constant in arts and culture and you (probably a bot) are saying "u don't understand"
It looks like shit.
She's unquestionably a hard worker and her ascension resembles Sydney Sweeney's whereas other actresses' public image has faded since because they were too prudish and/or too picky
What does that have to do with the original post retard
That's one of the greatest scenes in cinematic history. Are you actually retarded?
No, it looks great and terrifying, fully displaying the majestic presence of an actual angel and it's right after the sequence where demonic creatures try to harm/stop her. It has a beautiful cathartic effect
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When was even the last time we had a horror villain get music made for him officially
I can only recall ones from the 80s actually bothering with it, though I guess a few 90s as well, like the Hellraiser one despite being a franchise that started on the 80s
horror movies just arent scary
Yes, no man past their 20s will be scared by horror unless you have low test
Doesn't change the fact you can still appreciate the imagery, settings, atmosphere, themes explored etc.
i like the bloody boobs
dude this rules. i missed horror like this. i am very glad to see horror going into this direction again, which is not to say i don't like horror with actual density to it (horror is in my opinion the best medium for making dense art) i just want my horror to not be allergic to fun like it was with the 2010s a24 era. we need both.

some examples of modern horror that do this

>The Substance

all goofy as shit, all extremely dense, all incredibly well made.
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>An incredible SUN hold for #Terrifier3, what looks like a sub 20% drop for $4.75M+
>3-day weekend ~$19M.
>The 4-day extended weekend could be ~$23M
He literally will NOT stop winning
[REC] unnerved me.
>Good morning sir! I go to capital city to watch movie sir!
you sound like a normie
They don't have to be. Watching horror movies and wanting them to be "scary" is a childish/womanly expectation besides being an entirely subjective perception
is this supposed to look bad ironically
based, The Substance surprised me
Maxxine I found rather boring though
Longlegs was fun at least but the super heavy exposition dump towards the end was weird
Lake Mungo actually spooked me
Spoiler that shit for anons who haven't seen it yet bro
>my husband was actually LE EVIL

wow, so unexpected!
retarded faux masculinity cope asside, the thing that attracts me to horror is how imaginatively fertile and all encompassing it is. horror, by definition, has to keep outdoing itself, so it is like 30 tiers above everything else in terms of imagination because it has to be to stay alive. and what you end up with is movies ike hereditary and freddy vs jason being in the same genre somehow, and i am here for it. you can do so much more with horror that you can do without it. it is rarely used to its full potential, esp considering the slop that comes out in theaters every month, but when it hits, it HITS like nothing else on this planet.
Well said
who cares if it was expected, the movie had really well crafted themes and also the monster made out of non euclidian angles was cool as living piss. fuck you kill yourself c ope sneed not based and blue pilled piss your pants im with her cuck gyatt skibidi!!!!!!!!
Sounds very nostalgic. It’s a horror so iconic you can’t forget that feeling the first time you ever saw her unleash absolute hell on everyone.
Same, few movies do, but it did.
Well said
I’m gonna rewatch it later this week probably.
>who cares if it was expected, the movie had really well crafted themes and also the monster made out of non euclidian angles was cool as living piss. fuck you kill yourself c ope sneed not based and blue pilled piss your pants im with her cuck gyatt skibidi!!!!!!!!
That would be an issue with creativity as a whole, not a strength of horror as a genre of fiction.
a lot of people dont watch horror at night, alone, with the lights out, phone off, disconnected from the internet. that's the only way to judge if a movie is actually 'scary' which is to say can evoke a feeling of creepiness that makes you glance at your closet door every once in a while as if a demon may open it.
You're moving the goalposts and once again displaying your armchair edgy 12 yo mindset. And your comment doesn't make a lot of sense and sounds like a guy who had a spergout 2 days ago, flooded the general with rants and then said you'd be quitting /hor/ and horror movies. Back so soon? Chill out and go replenish your dopamine circuit in other ways instead of "le scary"
kek for adhd-addled zoomers the real horror would be having to have their phone off
>Top 3 De Palma for me.
Tough, he's one of my favourites, it's up there though. What would be your other two? If one of them is Scarface don't even bother replying to me.
Are you actually talking to yourself?
This is actually a reference to the short film Prologue by Douglas Buck
he won in the end tho. it was an ok flick considering most horror is dogshit
More like A Violent Nature?
Evil Dead Trap 2
Phantom is #1, another all-time classic I somehow managed to see in theaters this year. Carrie #2, Blow Out sits at #3. John Travolta and Nancy Allen gave great performances in both of those.
The Brutal Insanity of Love (1993)
its easily an 8/10 "slasher movie", you dingus
Anyone in this thread have Bad Taste?
Evil Dead Rise?
Rise of Leslie Vernon (fake doc) and most of all You Might Be Killer share a certain meta approach that IAVN displays but not as starkly.
I would also suggest Rituals which is a lean slasher with many on location scenes, some of them dangerous-looking
yeah, you do
idk why people pretended this was good for so long it's really maybe 15 minutes of ac
I liked it a lot. Freaked me out quite a bit but I also hate spiders. It's more of a psychological thing tan an outright horror movie though. Very uncomfortable to watch. Not for everyone but I enjoyed it.
oh hannigan, love that fire crotch
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>Phantom is #1
Oh it's you, haha. Phantom probably wouldn't enter my top 5 even. I think i have Body Double at 1.

>John Travolta and Nancy Allen gave great performances in both of those.
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I'm putting together a team.
That's the end of A Violent nature? What happens!!
embarrassing post from someone who's seen less than 50 movies made for adults
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nice quads
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Beef is great
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Just watched this shit. Damn it was good. Fun and original. Good shit.
Up to you figure out. It suggests several alternatives, including the killer not being real at all but rather a figment and the killer was a wild animal made rabid
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Just watched this shit. Damn it was good. Fun and original. Good shit.
It's alright, a bit sloppy. I wish it either stuck with the format of being a broadcast like Ghost Watch or WFNU or was just shot like a normal movie. It felt distracting how they half assed the backstage segments and then just had a straight up dream sequence in as well.
Sorry that you don't know quality films when you witness it.
Lake Mungo ages like fine wine
it's not fucking fun though it's actually quite sad
They're both good, but the same comment 1 minute apart?
that is so totally epic! we pwnd those loserz! post more images of reddit posts pl0x 4tehlulz
The second guy is trying to insult the first guy. Lurk more.
That just sounds cringe. Had he chosen, say, It Chapter 2 it'd make sense, not Lake Mungo
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Paul Williams is greater.
The rabbit thing is ugly, but sure.
fuckin love that rabbit
It's there a list of /tv/ recommended horror films to watch?
Great movie yes, but not fun at all
Leslie Vernon was good until the "plot twist" then It turn into another generic slasher
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>Not a furry but...
I'd say Joanie from Cursed
Sil from Species and Lily from VHS are tied for second.
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Someone posted this yesterday and I think it's pretty good, at least for 20th century horror
Finally watching Terrifier 2
Not really worth it, might as well just exist as a short of the bedroom scene
So now I'll just watch the couple good scenes from T3
The only movies that get consistently shilled in /hor/ is Lake Mungo, Late Night with the Devil, and maybe Oddity
Lake Mungo and Phenomena

Nobody actually likes slashers here it’s just ironic shitposting
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) is actually kino
it literally is
its called an homage but theft is a better word
heavy 80s schlock focus
This is just some random letterboxd list
he is kinda short, actually
Not a slasher
Should I watch the Hell House LLC directors cut or the original cut?
What's some horror movies that actually take place inside the cinema?
>Last Matinee
Probably the original since everything the director did after the first one is dirty diaper tier
I'll report back my opinions in an hour and a half
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This was actually fucking stellar. Everything you could want in a slasher. Nice simple plot with a twist (admittedly an obvious one), fun (and kind of cozy) setting, fun kills that make use of the environment, lots of legitimately funny stuff sprinkled throughout, fun camera work/cinematography. Love it.
Post some of your favorite slashers beyond the big franchises.
I saw the director's cut, never saw the standard. People say that the standard is better for a first watch, due to pacing and the ending. I say go with that.
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I'd say it's TCSM is a rural horror rather than a slasher
Is that any good?
the blob, kinda
Recent tcm is a slasher, every other tcm is not a slasher

Phantom of the Opera
>poster spoils the killer

Only one sequence though
It’s just a demo reel for the kills. Showing why slashers ate the worst sub genre
Another day, another thread where pretentious faggots bend themselves into pretzels trying to think of classifications to give a movie they liked so they don't have to admit that they enjoyed a slasher.
No kinda about it, he's borderline midget.
I enjoyed it. It's a dumb horror comedy.
and yes there's nudity
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This my current favorite. Also a sequel to Slumber Party Massacre sort of
I thought the same thing, but I thought it was pretty obvious in the movie anyway.
That's alright with me. I get enough out of the characters to enjoy watching them interact and the rest is just visual fun. That's all I need in a slasher.
He is a big guy.
>Hollywood co-opted it
whatdya mean by that?
interesting take otherwise
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This was like, 40% fucking awesome and 60% tv movie of the week in the worst fucking way. Never have I ever wanted to "fix" aspects of a movie more, holy fuck. I'd rec it though, the good bits are worth it, I feel.
Some of his songs are great
Should have been more Beef and less Phoenix (she dances like a wounded duck)
No. Never less Phoenix. If anything, more Phoenix.
Hard disagree there chief.
Fun fact;
Written and directed by Brian de Palma
In know, anon, we were talking about DePalma.

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