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Arthouse and classics

Spielberg edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>204545904
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Queen of having a Jewish husband
should have been GL
We love a Jewslut!
I shall not tolerate Gadon posting any further!
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Jewish prostitute of /film/
Just report and move on.
That reminds me, the reason Gallo hates Jews so much is because his waifu Chloe Sevigny is in love with one
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Based Gallo. Sevigny was attractive for like five minutes.
Looks like someone took you up on it because it’s already gone kek.
*Jewish man
Why do some /film/anons think Spielberg is on-topic but Cameron isn’t? They both are.
Spielberg is not on topic. Cameron is.
>last thread is under bump limit again
Whatever you do don’t look at the last picture posted.
As much as I love John Ford, that scene in Fablemans was a real waste of energy, like everything else Spielberg does. John Ford would’ve shit on Spielberg for everything he does.
James Cameron is the David Lean of his generation
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Stop trying to erase his identity, the Fine family is proud of their Jewish heritage.
Already deleted because Gadonfag got banned again. Anyway, him being a dicklet explains a lot.
lol imagine loving john ford
>John Ford would’ve shit on Spielberg
To my knowledge Ford didn't even shit on anybody like Tark or Bergman, he simply didn't watch movies period lmao. Aside from Griffith and Murnau during his early years of directing. There is a rumor though that he liked Kurosawa's films and when they met he told him
>you like rain
John Ford is still the most Brechtian of all filmmakers.
Two bans in less than an hour, man's an artist
That was probably the best scene in the entire film. Don’t tell me you got Lynched.
Any man can post a picture of a their dick! That is not art my friend.
I prefer hand posting.
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Queen of /film/
Dude posted his penor? Damn, based
Lmao I feel like you just show up at the start of threads, if you were here for the last bit of the last thread you’d be on the same page that we should all stop waifuposting for a while
Gadonfag’s tryna kill waifuposting for the rest of us lol
I mean… did you see it… the penis in the last thread?
Finding out that Gadon's husband is jewish made him lose his last bit of sanity
Not to brag but I’ve beaten that before.
In John Ford's Shamrock Handicap there was a Jewish guy, he was observing a horse race and got so excited at one point that one of the intertitles was in Hebrew instead of English and I thought it was pretty funny. When they do something with the intertitles in silent films it feels like a 4th wall break or something like that
Lel. Conceptual Haneke lives rent-free in my head next to the Special to Me video
Remember the Alamo!
Remember the Penis!
We’re all dickheads here.
Ford and Kurosawa as photographers were both just as influenced by art and paintings as they were film. Kurosawa was a painter himself.
It's not even that small.
Is it a bad thing? Genuinely can't tell if you are praising them or not because I don't know with you guys anymore lmao
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It's pretty small.
I won't stop using anything on the left.
Idk I'm 7 inches erect but my dick doesn't look much different from that when soft
>It's so... big
I'm just saying growers are a thing. But I guess I'm an extreme case

Gadon is married to a jew so she probably doesn't mind mutilated, small dicks. Kinski seems like a size queen desu
Just checked the archive and lmao. With the exception of the last thread (an extra webm and affectionate comment) I post this same picture and comment (usually to few if any (You)s and otherwise just talk about film. So, sadly, I don't think I can claim credit for mindraping Gadonfag.
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Are you not ashamed /film/? Are you not ashamed of your actions? This could be a great resource for cinema, but instead you’d rather talk about penises. This place is a fraud, and I am personally cursing everyone here! You are not /film/! I am film!
>Kinski seems like a size queen desu
So, what was the the straw that broke the camel's back? Was it the jew ig stuff?
We're all talk here.
>Was it the jew ig stuff?
You make a mockery of cinema. /film/ is such a pathetic place. I can’t believe I’ve spent two weeks here. I shall no longer partake in it.
Only two weeks?
Roman's 6'5, it's just that she's a giantess
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Jewish manlets are the most powerful race on earth.
It was enough to discern the worthless of such a place.
Finished Freaks (1932)
Pretty good film, a good palate cleanser after consooming Friday the 13th first 4 movies (2 of them were decent)
Stop the cap nigguh, I recognize your syntax
Rest in peace Heather O'Rourke.
Carax is not a Jew though lmao
I liked Freaks but I've only ever seen the first Friday the 13th, thought it was complete garbage. Like a failed attempt to make a giallo film by an American
You may think whatever you like, but what do you truly know? Goodbye, fake world!
I always post on topic, like this- I love Godard films
Good, leave
the second one is comfy tbqh, the teenagers arent douchebags and the kills are fine. I'm watching the whole saga because I unironically and genuinely like (as in enjoy) Freddy vs Jason
>Carax is not a Jew though lmao
He's jewish on his mother's side iirc, it's on his french wikipedia page. He even draws a parallel between himself and Polanski in his recent autobiographical movie, both being "short-statured jews"
>Freddy vs Jason
Never seen it. I know their creators had been friends since day 1 though, Wes Craven and that other fella who made Friday the 13th
Recognizing that, “Cinema is the most beautiful fraud in the world.”, is the first step to enlightenment.
He hated them way before that.
Oh, didn't know that
This is news to me as well.
why did dario argento make his daughter get naked in like 5 different movies
Why not? That is the question you should be asking.
Carax is definitely a jew.
Because he loves us.
the most beautiful fraud in the world is myopia however, when I walk in the streets, I see women in the distance, I see the blurry image of a beautiful woman. Whether the image is true or not it doesn't matter, it alone satisfies my aesthetic needs, it's blissful. Any films for this feel?
>Alex Christophe Dupont is the son of American journalist and film critic Joan Osserman-Dupont (International New York Times) and Franco-American science journalist Georges Dupont. His father is Franco-German, his mother Russian-American and Jewish.

He does kinda look it once you know desu
>The Church
I stumbled across a picture earlier and it made me feel like I should be put on a list for saving it.
Can't believe i lost the whole schizo discussion at the end of the last thread and the dickpic, i'm here most of the day and the few hours i'm not something crazy happens.
Is everybody in film a fucking jew goddamnit.
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Vince Gallo starts looking like the wandering jew when he doesn't shave
We're all jews here.
>The Church
Asia is so cute in that one. Have you ever seen Palombella rossa? Great Moretti film, she's in that as well, a couple of years after La chiesa.
I'm fairly certain Tsai and Lee are not Jewish.
consider yourself lucky
I don't even know anymore.
sorry Shlomo but I'm a latinx raised catholic
I will never the rabbi touch my soul
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Bros...we won.
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Tsai is spiritually Jewish
Lee Buddhist
JCon's not in Opera though
In film I'm not so sure. In /film/ yes, most of us are 5'7 jewish manlets.
Studio executives absolutely
If you were on /film/ 24/7 and have a tab open in your phone at all times while you’re out then you wouldn’t be having this problem anon
She was cute at one point.

I haven’t actually, thanks for the rec anon.
Tsai “Jew Money” liang. Real nigga!
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I bet Gadonfag loves this collage.
This nigga unironically looks like my 18 year old son. Should I film him naked too, and distribute it?
Dunno. If I were a racist schizo and found out that my perfect tradwife had a fake nose and was married to a jew, I'd probably go a bit loopy too.
Yeah and share it with /film/
Okay I'm going to sleep, but before I go: William Wyler and Jules Dassin were Jews
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Kk. Here is a photo of me I took in West Africa.
nigga is a dad speaking ebonics on /film/ aint no way
So was Smitty Werbenjägermanjensen, but you’re not ready for that discussion.
Two titans. Thank you jews, for all the kino.
>most of us are 5'7 jewish manlets.
You know for a fact we're all 5'10 brazilians.

>If you were on /film/ 24/7 and have a tab open in your phone at all times
Oh but i do this, but i was cooking dinner and then not looking at my phone while eating out of respect for the others and then i was watching something on youtube so couldn't look at 4chan.
>while you’re out
lol i don't leave the house.

No problem, Moretti is great, and i haven't seen him brought up here yet. Palombella rossa is a very unique film.
lol you missed all the action last thread ma boi
Not to mention the great kinomeister Billy Wilder.
Add recommended word filters for /film/ on the top post of every thread, we can start with: Gadon, Gallo, Carax, Tsai

This is the only way to save these threads.
No but she is.
We're all filters here.
>Moretti is great, and i haven't seen him brought up here yet.
In all my years of /film/ I only remember someone bringing him up once and it was to call him an unfunny communist hack lol. Haven't seen any of his movies myself so I can't comment desu
Never. Filters are for cowards.
>You know for a fact we're all 5'10 brazilians.
Untrue, some of us are 6'2 brazilians.
What did anon mean by this?
Fuck off
These threads have gotten so fucking weird it's approaching a biological event. Step back and consider this for a moment that it is just 5 mentally ill autists spamming gimmicks at each other for 100s of posts per thread around the clock every single day.
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He wants to fuck his son. Many such cases.
You are free to leave.
We're all mentally ill autists spamming gimmicks at each other for 100s of posts per thread around the clock every single day here.
Absolutely not.

Damn you're tall for here.
We're all tall for here.
>Step back and consider this for a moment that it is just 5 mentally ill autists spamming gimmicks at each other for 100s of posts per thread around the clock every single day.

Back in the day this was called having friends
We could've had a discord...
We're all friends here.
You guys are my only friends.
Gadonfag is literally the only one that needs to fuck off forever.
Stop seething about directors you don't like.
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Fuck work, I'm staying up and getting hammered bros. I haven't been this happy in a long time. A toast, to /film/!
Same here anon same here
This looks like a JAV cover
Love you homie
A toast to you and your lovely waifu!
We're all lovely here.
Any of you sissy fags likes NY No Wave and Transgression films?
I suspect him of being a weirdo, just like Jodo
salud brother, fond regards x

huge Kurasawa retrospective in the country I live - but none of the cinemas in my city are playing Ikiru. i've sent a strongly-worded message but that might not be enough to persuade them...
>You know for a fact we're all 5'10 brazilians.
Indeed, I'm a 5'10 Brazilian of Sephardi descent.
The current threads are representing a lunatic asylum.
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Some of us are also 6’2 caucasians.
New slop just dropped
I'd like one of these posters please, thank you!
Have thought about getting into it. I think Driller Killer is kinda related, no? I'm watching that tonight.
The realest “we’re all x here” post I’ve ever seen.
5'10 latino here, accepted this comfy height as a part of my identity.
>Driller Killer
No idea. I'm just getting into it thanks to a girl appearance in a fim from some guy whose name I forgot that was used as the cover for Sonic Youth third LP EVOL, but probably.
Btw the film is Submit to Me, by Richard Kern
Amos Poe would probably be the first place to start. I remember some of his movies were on Tubi. Alphabet City is on Criterion.
>NY No Wave
I love the music, had no idea there were films as well.

Hi Harperposter. I watched this episode after seeing you post this image somewhere on /mu/, what a slop. But t'was good for shits and giggles.
You're brazilian too you just don't know it yet Harperposter.
Listen to Johnny Thunders while watching Amos Poe. You can give me this, you can give me that, it’s not enough it’s not enough! No wave is a good place to turn to when all hope is lost.
Driller Killer is batshit, peak drugged out of his mind Ferrara, if you have a chance to listen to his dvd commentary to it is hilarious.
Is that the one where she does nasty stuff irl?

Ferrara is super underrated imo. Looking forward to seeing a horror movie from him. Addiction was amazing.
We can still have a discord.
We're all having here.
We're all havers here.
I keep watching horror slop. Im sorry /film/
We're Joel Havers here.
What do you mean by horror slop? Which movies?
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bet he's consooming slasher like a lil bitch
I'm doing so rn
Freddy Krueger>Jason Vorhees
Have you considered a horror kino like pic related instead?
Slashers have taught me a lot about alienation. It teaches me about my own condition. They are also fun to watch. The makeup and costume design are interesting too.
Freddy could fuck up Jason's face like nothing, any day of the week. They did my boy Freddy dirty in Freddy vs Jason
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Someone needs to shop pictures off Lee over all of those posters.
It’s not slasher but it’s off topic

I’ve seen it, I liked it
He's rocking the Bresson cut.
Is that NOTLD Remake?

How have they taught you about aliens? How are you an alien?
*of Lee
I personally like it much more than the original desu.
after last thread yea i stand by this >>204324140
For me, it's Leatherface.
For me, it's Ghostface.
For me, it's Rapeman
For the price of a slasher ticket, you can buy a coffee and a cupcake which you will enjoy much more
Any good Asian slashers?
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Ferrara is great and ruled the 1990s, perfect record in that decade.
Stop posting this retard.
I don’t care what he thinks. His face is annoying. Stop posting this guy.
He has the film taste of a hyperactive 12 year old, what did you expect?
Crazy filtered.
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Weird that he gave 4 stars to A Man Escaped. How can you hate one but love the other? Joel's mind is a fascinating enigma.
Can you seriously stop? Who gives a fuck what this guy thinks? I feel like it’s two people who posts him here. Nobody gives a fuck about this nigga. If he were to die tomorrow nothing would change.
he's right tho
Behaves like a true /film/ poster with the hot takes.
Queen of pleasuring her Jewish husband.
Letterboxd is seriously a cancer to film.
Sarah Gadon's married to a white man
There’s something so painfully human about Tsai Ming-liang’s characters. They all exist somewhere between disrepair and despair, and are usually hurtling towards the latter, and yet their saddest moments are when they resist their inevitable decay. It’s not so confusing being a rotting person in a rotting building, allowing time to have its way with both of you simultaneously. But when your inner world and outer world disagree, and your heart begins to want and to hope and to be wanted and to be hoped for, it becomes impossible to ignore the rubble. It might even be a hellish sort of comfort to have a hole to point to for all our problems, one that we didn’t cause but must deal with everyday. And a mop to shove in it when it gets too loud. And a hand to pull us up, when we’ve had enough. And we’ve had enough.
*Jewish man
Bro there's no coming back after the last thread, just take what dignity you have left and go quietly into the night.
Stfu Joel Haver. Kys.
Still in denial?
Other anons made you post your dick
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You let other anons decide for you that you should post your dick in a thread dedicated to the discussion of film. It’s over for you.
see >>204552789
That wasn't mine silly.
Stop, please stop.
The duality of Gadonfag
We'll never stop posting Sarah Gadon
Second one was in response to Joelposting, I believe.
Sarah Gadon, Jewish breeder
Why are Ts*ifags so cringe?
Joel Haver is the Rupi Kaur of film criticism.
>Something went wrong.
Every time.
Gadon taking a break from serving her Jewosh husband.
Rupi actually looks kinda cute next to the haggard Jew cum socket.
What film critics do you read, or do you? I think I’m going to start buying books to accompany my viewings for now on.
She already gave birth to a Jewish baby, of course she does it, and she loves it. Stop being racist, dicklet.
>I feel like it’s two people who posts him here.
I feel like it's one people, possibly Joel himself.
I recently bought a book by this man, Dan Schneider. Before this, I would only read classic film theory and criticism, or works written by the director themselves.
Reading this gave me flashbacks to recently when some anon on /hor/ baited me so hard he admitted 5 minutes later he was just doing it to fuck with me. Joel’s blurb is bait.
Don’t lie, you just sobered up
Jacques Lourcelles, Dave Kerr and Louis Skorecki.
That was the only good scene of the film because it was the only one completely disconnected from the neurotic Jewish family melodrama
I doubt he actually posted it but damn if I’m not gonna pretend he did out of spite.
Der Schradester ofc
several anons sadly saw his small pecker
I don't drink
Thank you. I will try and find their books this week.
I'm here, little brother.
I know, I’m one of them unfortunately.
You're a Gadonposter too?
We're all brothers here.
Imagine browing /film/ and not loving John Ford. Who do you think you're fooling?
I love you Gadonbro.
Never. I just saw the dick
/film/ is the most Brechtian of all generals.
Those lips are around Jewish cock every night.
Don't be shy, we are all Sarah Gadon poster here :)
I am Sarah Gadon here.
Tailor-made for circumcised Semitic cock.
but anon, just like the holocaust it was real in his mind
Seems like she really can't keep herself away from Jewish men!
>posts pic of her with another jew
No way you aren't doing this on purpose
Reminder Judaism is matrilineal which means Gadon's baby is still aryan. Gadonbro won, /film/ lost.
Jon come back
>assuming she didn't convert for her husband when it would only help her in the industry
She sucking Jewish cock daily in any case.
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>Reminder Judaism is matrilineal which means Gadon's baby is still aryan. Gadonbro won, /film/ lost.
Gadonbros we can't stop winning!
As the president of late night /film/ i say stop with the gadonfaggotry.
Gadon is JEWED
gonna post my (short) watchlist:

Throne of Blood (rewatch)
High and Low
Aguirre: The Wrath of God
Woman in the Dunes
Tetsuo: The Iron Man (rewatch)
Tokyo Fist
Trees Lounge
Yi Yi (rewatch)
A Brighter Summer's Day
The Cell
The Face of Another
Coming Home
No need to bother with High & Low, there's a Spike Lee remake coming out soon.
>Judaism is matrilineal
No Jew actually thinks this way. They have a kid, they call their kid a Jew. Besides, Gadon probably converted and she loves a Jewish man. Jewchads won.
I agree, but who made you the late night president of /film/. There have been nights where I single handedly carried /film/ by having conversations with myself, when nobody else felt like posting. I used the Socratic method to discover the truth of certain films, and film as a whole. Can you say the same?
We're all films here.
Tat tvam asi, lil bro
Life! The greatest film of all!
We're all Tsai's agents here.
I am Sarah Gadon.
We're all hoping Gadonfag doesn't show us his penis again here.
Was the nosejob to remedy a volleyball injury caused by baited pajeets in some way?
Why are you thinking about Gadonfag’s penis? Are you gay for him? It’s okay if you are.
It's called PTSD lil bro.
Somebody bake
We're all on it here.
Why couldn't it have been Mali anon who posted his penis instead?
The real Sarah Gadon was the friends we made along the way.
Why couldn't it have been a ladyanon with big boobies who posted his penis insted?
We're all based Thai filmmakers here.
I'm going to fucking kill you
I will not allow that to happen.
We're all happening here.
I will lay down my life for Joe, even though I am not an admirer of his art, because of the simple fact that he is a living thing that deserves to be treated with respect.
Joe's films connect us all.
Joe's films are love letters from cinema to itself.
Joe's films are dreams we watch with eyes wide open.
The cum is just dripping out of my butt and even the buttplug won't hold it in oooooooo I wish I could feel this high all the time un un un. Now I know how Apichatpong Weerasethakul movies feel
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What does this facial expression convey to you?
I self-proclaimed myself the president a few threads ago and nobody challenged so i take that as acceptance. I'm here everyday from 00:00 to 6:00.
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>Mfw gadonfag gets banned again.
>mfw I see a fellow nigga poster
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What do you think they were talking about /film/?
Speedy Gonzales cinema
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Thought Ben was De Palma at first
>tfw got tricked by the cool poster into watching this snoozefest
Teenage girls.
>Does he do a good job depicting Bukowski?
Imma bake
Have you read that one Bukowski short story about the guy jacking off to a girl between the age of 6 and 9?
What do you think he meant by this? I think the short story is called The Fein.
A waifu for every anon and a (You) for every reply.
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Here is a Bukowski short story about a pedophile.
We're all sexual deviants here.
One word: Story.
Probably but i don't remember it. Wasn't there one about a guy raping a little girl in a garage too? I remember something like that.
Right here. It’s the same story.
Bukowski actually worked with Godard a couple times. What other directors did he work with?

Barbet Schroeder on Barfly. He even wrote a whole book about the experience called Hollywood, it's a very fun read.
We're all fun here.
Do you know of any other fiction writers who reference /film/ related things. I guess Murakami sort of does, but not quite like that.
>TWO hours later

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