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What the fuck did I just watch edition. This is probably the strangest film I've ever seen and the tone of it is just so incredibly off that I cannot figure out if it's suppose to be an unsettling horror movie or a comedy. If feels like it could be a kids movie but it's too dark and graphic but not graphic enough for kids to watch. I just can't figure it out. I'm baffled at how the filmmakers were even able to communicate to other people to get across what exactly the movie is. Add this shit to your October watchlist and let me know.

Previous: >>204613602
I can only find a dvd copy of it gay
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First for Bone Daddy
is rape really that common in horror? i've seen a lot of horror in my life but it doesn't seem that common as people make it out to be
August Underground
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Don't mind me. Just posting the best horror movie podcast, Zac Amico's Midnight Spookshow.
first for didn't read won't read
We will watch and probably enjoy literally any horror movie
Not a lot of genres with that sort of community
Anyone seen the new Wolf Man trailer at the movies? Was it good?
There's the tree rape scene in The Evil Dead
Yes. A lot of revenge horror includes it. There’s a movie that came out this year where a clown gets raped right before he’s stabbed to death.
first for read and will probably read again
>autistic rant edition
Demi Moore I'm sorry I called you old.
that movie wasn't horror, that was a crime thriller musical
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Hey Guys, thanks for leaving the door open.
just disrespectful really
where do you see rants, retard
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Primal Rage is prime bigfoot kino.
So is there just one anon off his meds sperging with himself in the general tonight?
schizo is back?
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>called primal rage
>not even based on the classic fighting game franchise
not watching that slop.
he's talking about the OP. it's a general not a grandstand.
name a single example of this happening
Is this good?
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>release date: none
at least street trash got a trailer today. toxic avenger? nothing.
Anon wake up. You’ve been in a coma so long. This is your wife’s boyfriend. We love you, please wake up.
OP here. Just talking about a weird movie I saw. Wasn't even a rant since I liked the movie. Sorry for talking about a movie in a thread where we discuss movies.
Ok so far this October I've watched
Scream 2 - Fine
Scream 3 - Awful. HOWEVER, the dream of her ghost mother is one of the best spooky scenes I've seen in a long time. That moment she stops and looks directly into the camera captures really well how intense that sort of moment can be in an actual spooky dream. Frequently sleep paralysis follows. But yeah other than that, really bad.
Will watch Scream 4 tomorrow night.
That’s all you’ve watched all month?
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how is everyone's October going, spooky I hope.
just got home from work and have the whole weekend free for horror.
oh so you're the sperg
You should watch Slumber Party Massacre and then The Substance, back to back
4 is definitely the best one aside from 1
>that image
bet she loves shota cock.
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no this>>204618002
is the sperg spamming shit like deadstream which is shudder slop and replying to himself>>204618016
Haven't even really started watching scary movies because I foolishly started reading two books and now my brain is too worn out to watch movies at night.
>Slumber Party Massacre
yeah if you like uninspired and dull slashers. Watch the second one instead.
>The Substance
yeah if you want to support Demi Moore, a known pedophile.
There are entire articles and lists of rape and revenge flicks
As far as movies yeah. I've been wanting to get Longlegs but haven't yet.
I watched the Interview with the Vampire tv show and it was probably the best season of tv I've ever seen, but apparently the actress for Claudia doesn't come back for season 2 so I had to drop it.
Good! I look forward to it
Look I don't give a shit if you want to hang out but don't sting anyone or shut on the floor this time.
I haven't watched too many new horror films over the past decade, so I figure now is a good time. So far I've watched Terrifier, Terrifier 2, Sinister, and Haunted. What else should I watch from the past 14 years? Slasher or tension, aka Halloween-ish horror, so nothing too highfalutin
I saw The Substance in theater early in NZ. Didn't really like it.
Slumber Party Massacre I enjoyed and actually would rewatched since I want to marathon the series sometime. Haven't seen any past the first one.
Watched Deadstream like a week ago. I hate modern horror slop but that was a good entertaining flick. Not a game changer and it doesn't change my general thought of found footage trash but it's a worthy movie worth sharing. If it was Terrifier, /v/h/s, or anything that is legitimately bad, I would have your back, but I will defend Deadstream and that anon who posted Deadstream.
this has got to be a samefag because there's nobody on earth with this opinion
I was the guy you were arguing with last thread. The other guys is just baiting you. Also I already apologized for calling you a hag. Let it go
>I saw The Substance in theater early in NZ.
In Auckland? I saw it at the Civic at NZIFF and at the Hollywood Avondale.
(oh, also the first V/H/S)
Hereditary is a must and should be at the top of your list. It sounds like you want to avoid "slowburn" horror but trust me, it's worth your time.
Suspiria 2018 is the greatest horror movie of all time. Watch that.
The new Screams (5 and 6) with Jenna Ortega are good.
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Every accusation is a confession
holy based
>Open /hor/
>Look inside
>They're talking about dicks and cuckolding again
Horror films for this feeling?
I did see and enjoy Heriditary. I'd not consider it highfalutin horror, because shit actually happens.
>Every accusation is a confession
There's literally video footage of her on youtube from like 30 years ago making out with a 14 year old boy.
nah down south, but yeah at the IFF.
speaking of body horror though, I am actually hyped for Street Trash. Don't care if it breaks my heart I just need something to look forward to and really enjoyed Fried Barry (2020)
For Christ sake it's 2024, just accept that some adults, who consent, have more varied and wilder sex lives than you do. Fucking puritan.
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>If it was Terrifier, /v/h/s, or anything that is legitimately bad
nice troll attempt douchebag, now stop peddling shudder slop stop samefagging already christcuck>>204618104
Will I get in trouble for a shameless plug? https://youtube.com/@HauntedHippie
I could use more subscribers/engagement. I'm a regular here not just spamming to grab clicks
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Not even worth responding to. I'm guessing this is the guy who's been sperging out thaa anons keep mentioning.
You're only allowed to promote Midnight Spookshow
I agree wih this anon's takes on the Suspiria remake and new Screams. They are must-watches for any horror fan.
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i dont get it
Is the video a blurry pixelated mess with a Project Veritas watermark too?
>Literal Satanist
>Shudder bad
>Terrifier and vhs good
You're not even trying. Probably like Blumhouse and A24 as well.
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Thanks to the anon who recommended this. Loving it so far
The best part about it is Juliette Lewis and that's all I'm going to say about that.
She's literally less attractive than the mom. Juliette Lewis looks like a Neanderthal who hasn't evolved.
lol take your meds schizo
yep lol, literally opens her review by mocking the holy Trinity
avg Terrifer enjoyer
>get told an objective fact
>hurr ur a schizo
retard. prove me wrong.
Good armpit hair in some movies and red carpet photos though.
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still samefagging and how much are shudder paying you to shill deadstream? we all know why you hate terrifier and the first 2 vhs movies is because they don't have the shudder or A24 woke stamp on them.
jesus christ stop being a fag xD
Not getting my (You) no matter how hard you try
wait, someone here claims to hate vhs 1 and 2 but likes the rest?
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fry bitch
I don't watch attractive women, I only watch incels in solidarity
by "Haunted" did you mean Haunt?
Deadstream is a good comedy horror.
The Last Matinee is a good gialloish slasher.
Possessor is a good (son of) cronenberg tension film.
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you posted my post number so i get it by defualt, nice try christcuck, now you're samefagging here>>204618246
oh here we go xD
Probably my favorite movie. Thanks for the compliment!
so far this month i've watched
>v/h/s 99
>from beyond
one of the best movies ever made
>vampire's kiss
terrible film but cage's performance was great
absolutely horrendeus, expected more out of a laurence fishburne flick
really nice movie, liked it a lot
fun but bad
>carrie (remake)
>curse of the sin eater
second worst movie i've seen this year
>eko eko azarak 1
really fun movie, reminded me of corpse party but with /LL/ between a teacher and a student
>eko eko azarak 2
fun but not as good as the original
>eko eko azarak 3
couldn't see anything and the story was kinda ass
>eko eko azarak 4
was good but confusing as it's titled as the fourth installment and not as a remake
>saint maud
>end of the line
bad but fun movie
>Salem's Lot (2024)
shame the director had to cut 60m of character stuff
>older gods
worst movie ive seen this year
>v/h/s beyond
felt like a shitty salems lot rip off
>there's something wrong with the children
proof the importance of good sound design
>eight eyes
being shot on film doesn't make something good
>dream child
not the best elm street but still a fun watch
>don't go into the house
wasn't into it
>hellboy crooked man
better than it deserved to be
>impossible horror
fun despite being a film school project
good seeing tim burton scaling things back a bit from his previous works
>out of darkness
kinda boring
>dead zone
best film i've seen this month
>the revenant
>talk to me
liked it a lot
>mildew from planet xonader
still holds up
>the substance
the final 10 minutes were great, lead up wasn't too bad neither
>the boogeyman
good monster design
>nun 2
>apartment 7A
shouldn't exist
>rosemarys baby
>violent nature
liked it a lot
>alien romulus
had promise but i knew when the kid's (totally not a nintendo switch) game device said "game over man" i knew it was going to be terrible
what books?
See >>204618242
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Grillokino incoming
with a tiny bit of thought, you could have halved the amount of pixels your post has wasted on my monitor.
no, your suffering feeds my soul
Look at this dude
>these pixels are too spicy!
>zombie apocalypse film but with werewolves
daring. will probably be shit but I'll watch it. also the werewolf
*looks cool.
I scrolled through it quick but once I saw he liked that garbage v/h/s beyond I just page downed the rest
>pixelated mess.avi
The boy is 15 years old and she's 19 in this video lol
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ok I actually need a break from my Puppet Master Marathon. gonna watch Evil Dead Trap 2.
There are 500 thots trying your same "muh reaction while thirst trapping big titty goth gf" grift. Good luck!
They're not /hor/ related, I just can't really think about watching movies until I finish these books. Maybe I'll go to Smile 2 anyway this weekend.
Exact opposite for me. I read two books to kick off the season, then since I started watching kinos late into the night I haven't been able to keep up with my reading.
that doesn't make it better
oh I thought maybe you were reading some of those horror novelizations some kind anon linked a buncha threads back
It's literally my full-time job, I'm doing fine. These threads probably have an average of like 80 posters, not like I'm hoping for a major boost in views by posting here. Was just inviting /hor/ frens.
Stop LARPing as that youtuber, you're clearly just one of her simps.
>Evil Dead Trap 2.
That shit is fucking terrible and I got sick of looking at that fat gross chick after 5 minutes. No wonder films typically cast only attractive people in lead roles. No one enjoys seeing fat girls in films.
Haven't read that much horror, I did read The Damnation Game by Clive Barker a few years back and it was good.
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am I seriously the only one who has seen Smile 2: Return of the Smile in theaters now?
It kind of does because anon is making it sound like she's 30 years old in the video. Not to mention anon got the kid's age wrong too.
This is 100% a spurned simp turned seether [got blocked probably] trying to get 4chan to ruin her life or something.
Tale as old as time.
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I really want the stories from this put to film.
he said 30 years ago, are you stupid
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>It's not Satanic bro, it's a chad slasher. Dare I say, it's even misogynistic
>Of course the demon is going to be blasphemous bro, but God wins in the end
>What do you mean it's anti-Christian Molochian kikeslop? Talk about triggered!!
Meanwhile, actual Terrifier enjoyers:
>lovecraft liked it
how racist are we talking
hor doesnt get 80 posters, it has 1 or 2 samefags, a couple discord fags who act like hall monitors, and a dozen normalfags with shit taste
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Still on my black and white kick. So far I've watched:
>House on Haunted Hill
>Spider Baby
>Black Sunday
>Daughters of Darkness
>The Beast with One Million Eyes
>The Giant Claw
>Earth vs. The Spider
>random episodes of the Twilight Zone
My list for this weekend:
>White Zombie
>The Old Dark House
>Doctor X
>The Giant Gila Monster
>The Horror of Party Beach
>The Magnetic Monster
>Werewolf of London
>Dead of Night
Any suggestions? I'm pairing classics with drive-in shlock B movies.
phoneposter. ignored.
You can filter out those posts you know.
I wish I were cool enough to have larping simps
Does Westboro Baptist Church post in /hor/? What is going on
Look around. Jesus lost, bitch
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kino list, some on there I haven't heard of.
you've probably already seen them but The Haunting and Last Man on Earth are the black and white standouts in my head.
good point, I actually should.
The third eye, 1966. Has a ripoff by the absurd creator which is his best film ironically enough.
In one of the stories There’s a mausoleum you walk into when you want to die. No one knows how you die. And no one investigates it. Just if you want to kill yourself you walk in it and you’re gone.
filtering posts is hugboxy as hell. like people who eat with gloves on.
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See >>204617028
Not a coincidence. It's one guy spends all day seething about Terrifier kek
I used to agree but a few generals I follow have posters that melt down for 100+ posts daily and it's better to just forget they exist
If you're making these, keep ot up
I like seeing stuff like this
he was very racist, but king in yellow is more homophobic than racist
that reminds me, someone in here called me a retard for claiming Terrifier could do 40m and it's now sitting at ~31. It hasn't fully been released globally so could make it to 35.
>Look around. Jesus lost, bitch
Exactly why you need to repent you retard. The world has Fallen into the devil's clutches, but Jesus will return and crush him under his heel.
You're going to hell and we'll see if you think it's still some cute ironic joke then
they really don't make them like they used to
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this weeks been horrible, but the next one will be better.
Last Man on Earth is one of my favorites. I haven't seen the Haunting in years.
Looks interesting. I've never heard of it.
Why are you here? lmao
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I find that stuff spooky. there's a good segment in The Vault of Horror aka Tales from the Crypt II with an element of that.
Moore was 19 in that video. Anon mentioned it happened 'like 30 years ago,' which was 1994. Now look up when Demi Moore was born. Do the math, lil bro.
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he doesn't believe in going to church, he prays at home like a good little christycuck xD
also if you call him gay or post any images of jesus the schizo will report you
any preference / rec?
Okay just finished this. was pretty cool coomer kino with nice gore but It should've been like twenty minutes shorter. Is the directors other stuff good? also I want to see Dennis Quaid play Vince Mcmahon in a biopic now lol
Nice forearm hair, post some good pics.
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>mfw tt
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c'mon post some bible verses, you know you want too xD
>Is the directors other stuff good?
She only has one other film but yeah it's good.
Horror was here before torture porn. It's fundamentally a genre about good triumphing over evil. I'm the one who should be asking you, and all Terrifier freaks, why you're fucking here
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Terrifier is everything that was wrong about mid-2000's horror movies but now contemporary.
Revenge (2017) was decent. It’s not as good as the substance
trailer looked terrible, not sure combs could get me through it.
very bad
Terrifier predates the bible
In fact the bible is based on Art
1312. Thank you, Michael Leavy.
Despite coming out in the early 30s, Doctor X is actually in color.
Still watch it though, it's fantastic
life imitates Art
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Mc starts off more composed and seemingly sane than frank, but chimps out way worse and ends up being a lot more fragile. The ending is pure horseshit, but it's fun to compare the differences.
Excellent. Except for the nondescript cinematography, it's a feast and the more you know about horror movies the more you'll get from it. Also quite gory but with a nice nude scene which is refreshing
>Meanwhile, actual Terrifier enjoyers:
funny how we were telling these /pol/tards it's mostly hot girls who like Terrifier when they kept insisting it was fat redditors with funko pops, now a hot girl who likes Terrifier posts here and actually it's a bad thing because uhhh not a tradwife!!
you're so mad that your a pussy with a weak stomach and girls are laughing at you, but keep acting like you're just super religious. that's it
U need Ur panties ripped off
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>It's fundamentally a genre about good triumphing over evil
i always love how the christcucks mental gymnastics about a certain type of media always makes them sound as they truly are, which is retarded.
i'm here because like you, i like made up stories of people getting murdered
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sometimes they still try i feel like, but industry stipulations and funding measures drag down the vision
Unironic Satanist = / = "not a tradwife"
As usual, concession disdainfully accepted
I'll have to fight my autism on that because it sounds really good.
Tonight's film: Cannibal Holocaust
I wonder who the real cannibals are.
Yes, Revenge is based. The lead actress in that movie was also cast as Red Sonja for the reboot movie in the future.
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Don't listen to this guy he's dumb.
you inspired me anon, i'm going to start posting my own fake positive (see: pozzed) reviews of awful movies to see if i can facilitate consensus.
Get a life nerd.
Maybe the real cannibals were the friends we the friends we made along the way
It's the exception not the rule. Visit r/terrifier and see the average Terrifier fan. This youtuber is a grown woman whose entire life is apparently reacting to horror movies. Obviously she's going to enjoy Terrifier 3. And she's pre-selected to be attractive by the fact that she thirst traps for a career. This proves nothing; but I can spam the rest of the thread with the actual physiognomies of Terrifier fans if you want to press the issue.
>Satanic panic in 2024
Real Amerihours
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
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post them. i dont go to reddit.
When I saw Terrifier it was mostly really attractive and well-spirited normie zoomers
There is no chance this is you.
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Oh don't mind me, just dropping some pure kino in this thread.
You can't, you're too dim because
1- you're incapable of posting a counterargument
2-your low IQ makes you paranoid so you assume ppl who weren't filtered by the movie are posting "false positive reviews". You should just never post again for the sake of the generals, your kind is burdensome and irrelevant
Reddit the clown
> I can spam the rest of the thread with the actual physiognomies of Terrifier fans
Do a few. I wanna see.
I'm actually not willing to go and save them/infect my mindspace with their ugly mugs so it was an admittedly empty threat. But you can visit r/terrifier anytime you want to get the picture.
The just married crash messed me up desu
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>le concessionfag
don't tell me another one of the schizo's identities is concessionfag?
Post your physick incel
she's a slightly overweight mid girl who barely gets any views and is a horror fanatic, not sure why you incels think it's so hard to believe lel
This was complete dogshit compared to Deadstream. The main character is annoying as shit, the story wasn't even interesting, too many scenes that drag, it's attempts at comedy fall flat, had no good scares. That shit was mid
annie chads rise up.
If you have to save it for a non-B&W movie night, do that.
Another one to take its place is the 1931 adaptation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with Fredric March. His performance is incredible and the sets and special effects are still amazing today
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>Annie starts raping faster than Eminem
You're the one who sounds like a schizo and your autistic 24/7 posting is always the same: an unrelated pic + an unfailingly wrong/clueless take or assumption
>mc annoying, attempts at comedy fall flat
Love it or hate it, I thought she was really funny and charming.

>no good scares
Oh come on now.
She's objectively hot, malding Terrifier hater
fucking hell if you're saying that it was worse than shudder slop, holy shit it must be bad...
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Holy kek lmaooooooooo
Oh no no Terrifier sisters....
>its trolls vs. shills vs. normies time
what the fuck, i love /hor/ again
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i accept your concession le concessionfag, you sound like a dumb person with a dictionary
generals should never be perpetual, to not allow festering tumors to grow. big game/movie/whatever comes out or if its seasonal, perfectly fine, very engaging even. anything after that is forceful. i get that we live in lonley times, despite hyperfast information flow and maximum connectivity, but i dont feel like internet-personas and "friends" arent the right answer to your longing.
nah, maybe if she lost 20 pounds
(that's just of makeup)
That's a good swap.
Need to invent a time machine. I should’ve been the one that BLACKED Margot Kidder in Sisters.
thinking annie is annoying is about as soi as it gets.
>yikes she just made fun of people wearing covid masks.. is it a joke?? i don't get it!
>now she laughed at a feminist? why hasn't the film punished her yet??
Justice for Vic Morrow and those two kids.
Maybe when you learn to spell it right
perpetual horror general was a mistake. mods should have drawn a line. i remember when the idea to do this began. those anons should have been lined up and shot on the spot to kill the movement in the womb but now we have this. embrace the suck.
a lot of four chinners arent necessarily ugly, just socially stunted in one way or another
Generals are as good as the posts/replies. Comparing to, say, 4 or 5 years ago, there are users who sound inarticulate and insecurely hanging to their preferences while unable to properly express themselves whether they like a movie or not.
Also a considerable amount of literal autists of the wrong type (repetitive, dumb etc etc).
I remember a few years ago discussing over several threads with a guy who was adamant that Mothman Prophecies was the literally only Lovecraftian movie in his opinion. I disagreed ofc but he was well-read and knew how to express himself
I would definitely say having a "full-time job" of posting reviews of horror movies every few days to an average audience of 10k viewers counts as "stunted"
But Terrifier defenders will act like this is some Stacy
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its ironic, isnt it? the horror thread being horrifying?
>there shouldn't be year-round generals!
/hor/ is always better in the off-season, when posts are slower and you can have real conversations about films that you the majority of people in the general have seen.
Dude stop sperging out we need this hippie satanist chick's armpit hair and forearm hair pics.
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>this is your average Terrifier stacy
i miss mothman poster. i havent seen universal extended universe guy either.
How do people watch wrestling? Seems too degenerate.
This. Hairy women are best women.
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>Mothman Prophecies
i only watched the movie because of mothman anon. he will be missed
Too skinny
You're in a horror thread
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>Is literally pure kino
>/hor/ rarely ever talks about it
kek I thought Mothman Prophecies was excruciatingly boring, he almost made me want to rewatch it.
>Soicam slupers calling others soilets
>When's xe's simpazoiding over a post wall muttlatte bpd irl liptard who reironiclly likes immigrants
>Reddit spacing on top of it.
Bitch looks like she eats rodent dick. I like bitches that eat ugly fuckcumwall disease spreading bitchlegged creatures. Spec gerbils, the niggit of reddit rodents.
>universal extended universe
This is true, every movie exists as a work of fiction within the main metareality (our universe).
fantastic collage
One of the most racist movies I've ever seen.
Dude... Bro... Annie is /ourgirl/ and if you can't see that then I just don't know, champ.
I watched one of her reviews because of your shilling and she said she saw Night of the Demons when she was 9 with her dad lol.
Should have posted the good poster with the hot zombie.
>mothman anon.
He is missed, yes. His comments, even at his most irascible, pushed the conversation forward in way that was interesting, learned and respectable in that he could express himself.
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>another one mindbroken by /hor/
Many such cases
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>Also a considerable amount of literal autists of the wrong type (repetitive, dumb etc etc).
kek yeah that one idiot who repetitively autistically deletes his dumb posts because of a small spelling mistake is the best example
>This makes unwashed females coom and cream
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And that's a good thing
I when I say reddit, I truly mean it. Guinea pigs and rats at least cum quickly. SHITberils keep their useless dicks in the equivalent of post fuckwall piss smelling rodent pussy until it chinks out every ounce of bitchboi less than rat cum.
Brobruh, you literally to legit netflix loving laterally addimitted to sniffing post plapped used up arab pussy in the other thread. You're gayer than the x poster
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I always think this is the chick from nightbreed
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first ones still better
same cannot be said for the other 3
>Mothman Prophecies was excruciatingly boring
it's a fun schizo movie if youre into the topic. represents the "messages from beyond" aspect in a very realistic way.
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You seem pretty deranged, please keep posting. I mean wowsers, you are cockaninny. Absolutely coocoo.
This poster is more boring and probably wouldn't even watch the movie if this was the image that was initially used.
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honestly I wanted to like it, I'm probably just not /x/ pilled enough.
BSI though, I thought was great.
>Ok to begin my positive Terrifier review, let me begin with this:
>Hail Satan
Can't make this shit up lmaooooo
it's pissman, ignore them
Not at all, but hanging on to this type of otherwise normal 4chan behavior (editing comments as needed) as you seem to do is literal autistic behavior because you're probably insecure and easily embarrassed irl so you take it out of proportion. It's a type of social clumsiness that is evident even in 4chan of all places
>Terrifier has a grade school audience
Not shocked.
Tbf, clowns irl wear white makeup and it's every female's desire to have anything white shown as evil, but not them. This is why jew york banned people abusing guinea pigs. Retarded fuckgoy bitches. When I buy a pet, I can do anything I want. If I lick the shitskid off a dead rat's shroom spreading anus, I'll do it double to a spicoid guina BTICH mmghm!
Not insane boi. Just think its fucked you can rape and even eat dog dick legeally but leh heckingoid rodents are to bebee protected. Mutts law in full fucking effect. Rodents are the literal niggers of the mammal world.
I don't remember anything racist in it. The bad guys are Mexican but that's racism
nta but I find autistic deleting quaint. compared to the rest of the internet which is a cesspit of not caring about anything.
Are you the hall monitor?
>conspiracy thriller
just my type of movie. thanks for the rec
*but that's not racism
I like his autistic need to defend his awful posting, makes me laugh every time
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It's not-- obsessing over it, as has been said multiple times, is autistic though. Most people want to express themselves properly.
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/hor/or for this feel?
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If I stream Dead Alive, will anyone here join?
Is there anything good coming out before Halloween?
Amateur Night+Pearl
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low budget but one of the better films in recent years.
also another rec I enjoyed, Dashcam - not the annie hardy one but the other one that came out almost the same year.
If you can't recognize it don't worry about it.
depends where you stream it. I ain't clicking no sketchy links
>In a genny with gorehounds and gross out redditors they think I'm just going to watch any random webm
i can moksha her
>Is there anything good coming out before Halloween?
Of course not. It's 2024. Maybe if you asked this question 35 years ago, you would get a different answer.
The new Tyler the Creator album
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Fuck me, that was honestly one of the best movies I’ve watched in a long ass time.
If you're HauntedHippie then yes, otherwise no fuck off
Has to be soon tho I sleepy
watch Beezel.
That's never a proper question because "good" and "scary" are very subjective. This month there have been already 3 releases I enjoyed, Never Let Go, VHS Beyond and Stream, but you have to see whether they or some of them align with you expectations and taste.
hyperbeam. Literally as safe as it gets. You don't even need to create an account since you can just create a nickname and just join any room you're invited to.
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no he's the christcuck schizofag, i've asked him to post bible verses but he won't
There were loads of 80’s slop
I watched all 3 of those and Romulus.
>There were loads of 80’s slop
which are still a billion times more enjoyable than even the best today's world has to offer.
I'm curious. Was it the one black guy? He was one if the coolest parts
>If you're HauntedHippie then yes, otherwise no fuck off
This but if you're her, show hairy forearms now, and stop shaving and waxing everything else and show that at a later date. Especially interested in seeing the happy trail.
Hail Satan
I wanted to watch Stream tonight. Would my girlfriend like it?
>Thinking my faith is with chirst
The bible saysois to leh respect any animal an shitz. Rodents are acutal to factal niggest of chinkoid niggers. They cant suck dick becuz of their teeth, you can onky eat them out but their pussy smells like acutal PISS and rodent dick taste like fucking dick thanks to their shit diets. Fuck rodents and fuck jeuss for allowing them to live. Cat pussy rhetorically taste better AND it knocks off the toxins. Fuckpostwall biggo baggo guinea pig loving bitch.
80's horror is fine bcuz no rats. 90s movies are goy because thats when jews shilled rodents to your children. Kaigary plan supporting kekbitch.
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Hail Raatma
why would you peddle that slop in here, surely those movies satanic as well xD
Some recent ones I haven't watched yet but will
Strange Darlings
The Substance
Check out the "schedule" column to the right here:
I want to watch a movie called Die Alone (releasing today on VOD)
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Whats the WORST movie you've watched during this years October horror marathon
for me, it's Trap
I want to see substance but it’s not out yet.
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isn't it great that 4channel is peppered with these wonderful schizo trolls who troll shitty movies
The new Salem's Lot
Trap was worse.
watch Beezel instead of Azrael.
Darling is singular. You may want to delete this and repost with the proper title in case others want to look up the movie.
This was alright. The ending redeemed it a bit.
v/h/s beyond, pure shit
Btw holy shit how does this magic pepe do that
I like this gif. I dont think of jews when I look at it and I just KNOW your standered rodentfag winches at his teeth. Guinea pig smegma doesn't even taste like cows. Gross bitches.
If she's up to really gory slashers, yes. It also features a sparse but interesting/surprising family drama side plot that goes beyond what usually happens in these movies and it has a connection to more recent "you're being watched/death games" horror.
I'm surprised /hor/ doesn't talk about this movie more. The way she uses her gender to play the victim and get away with the fucked up shit she does makes it certified incel kino
Student Bodies (1982). But that’s not saying much because it was still super fun.
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It just works
Trap is great. I've watched a lot of shitty movies this month, can't really pick just one.

Both Rob Zombie Halloweens, Beetlejuice 2, The Redeemer: Son of Satan, Arnold, Poltergeist, Transylvania Twist.

It's been out for days.
for some reason I thought it wasn't out yet - I'll check it out. I feel like /hor/ barely watches new films, nobody has mentioned Daddy's Head either and I thought they all would.
Surprised /tv/‘s not talking about it more in general. That was the first time in forever that I was so locked in and mind fucked by a movie. The payoff was incredible. They did a good job marketing it because I don’t think a single person would expect what plays out.
Because they're interesting, enjoyable movies and contrarian rants are usually just that, rants.
You are the person who always uses lower case and is usually incoherent.
You had a meltdown over the weekend and said you'd quit /hor/ and horror movies for a while and yet here you are.
Calm down and try to make sense. I'll henceforth call you the lowercase lolcow
Why would anyone want to watch that when they can just see it in real life every day?
I don’t think it’s been promoted much. Sounds like it barely even got made and was a bitch to get in theatres, which is truly unfortunate. Hopefully it gets a second wave of love.
If you think the rob zombie halloweens and beetlejuice 2 are worse than Trap then you are a tasteless retard
the deleting autist forgot a period at the end of his dumb post >>204619547 I was surprised his medically-diagnosable autism allowed him to leave that one up
It's out both on VOD and free online resources
Little Bites. I watched it to see how bad it is and holy shit it was painful. Waste of a good vampire too. I'm actually still mad I wasted time on it.
damn wikipedia upped their game
Again. Trap is great.
Yes, I'll watch Beezel as well eventually
No, your observation suffices, thanks for taking the time and doing it for me
>Both Rob Zombie Halloweens
The director's cut of RZH2 is kino.
new thread


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