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This show is Kino, but are we sure the writers aren't making it up as they go along? Thoughts on the last episode?
hello my fellow 4dchanners. what do we think of this hot netflix original series?
The ending and reveal are all written, and came with the show pitch. but everything getting there is pure padding/filler. This has been confirmed by multiple sources
>but everything getting there is pure padding/filler.
No, it's not because, well... sorry, but I gotta go.
Better, but these people are frustrating.
Also, I'm here and have the answers. Fuck Boyd.
>cosmic entity likes people suffering
>gives people hope, wrecks them, then gives them time to recoup
>also some scooby doo tier side plot to do with the ghost kids
>either it's like the demon in Smile where everything from a to z is a setup and there's no hope, or it's not and Tabitha escaped by accident, (but then came back also by accident? Unlikely)
>lighthouse has something to do with ghost kids
>lighthouse is a real location, but not in line of sight from the big house
>get engineer dad to rig some portable way to get above treeline like a larkin frame with an extension, as well as make portable tents and test them with the talismans
>scout crews NSE and W,
>look for lighthouse
>also try and figure out with Victor what happened to OG people. The monsters shapeshift, but only to one human form. Are they random, or are they the old townsfolk?
>entity happy because you're not staying still and you're taking a risk
>can't ever risk magic trees, as they probably only work when you're in danger, and never send you where you want
>also something to do underground, but I gotta go now
The writers are idiots.
The show is compelling despite them.
Only the chosen people who can see the children can safely use the trees
>The writers are idiots.
If they have a concise plan to finish the show in say, 5 seasons, I would forgive them.

If it turns out they are just dragging it out for however many seasons the Network wants, I'll be pissed.
>>cosmic entity likes people suffering
Literally wrong on the first line. Impressive display of brainletness
No you.
It certainly doesn't want people happy. It likes dashing hope.
If they sit still, famine. If they take risks and die, they find food.
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>Go on in, I've removed the talismans, everyone's sleeping. Make sure to eat Boyd. I'll be waiting in the bus with ALL the talismans and Julie
Not him, but how was he wrong? The prospect of some Lovecraftian cosmic entity feeding upon hope/fear seems possible based on what we know... right?
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Fromville was created from a rift in space time (hole in the ceiling) where different dimensions (or “roots” of different world trees) creep into the rift from other universes to merge into one plane.
probably whats going to happen right? We know another culling episode is coming and the writers gave him a motive and he can die in the aftermath or so. He's white and a chud so he's gotta die
>Ok. But first....
My opinions on the episode

>Victor is the only good actor, I enjoy every time he's on screen
>the effects of the guy stuck in the wall sucked major balls
>nothing happened for the majority of the episode

Filler episodes worked in shows like Lost because the season where 300 episodes each. This shit is short af, they can't have an episode where they just talk
he's going to become one of the monsters
Writer here. It's faeries
Also the fat woman from colony house is the mole
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>What do you think about that Dale?
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Why is this thread not getting bumped
my thoughts exactly, first of all there is a fuckton of already introduced or hinted at content we gotta cover and second of all there are not many episodes in a season. Unless they plan on drawing this shit out to 6 seasons I don't see why they waste so much time on filler shit
I'm the only one posting and I put sage in options field
How mad will he be when he wakes up and Julie tells him she's carrying Elgin's baby?
>randall goes postal and steals all the talismans because julie went black
I can see it happening
>*unfolds his ears and flies away*
No, I'm posting too. Something's wierd for sure
still page 9
Jannies are biased against this show
Someone bake a new From bread since this one is not bumping.
no spoilers please but ive just started season 2 and it seems to be going in a completely retarded direction. is it actually good from here?
if you want a good show go somewhere else pal, Mrs Davis maybe
Pro tip, watch the two first episodes then skip to the last two. Skip any scene that involves the lesbian duo.
some good things happen
some bad writing happens
gotta take the good with the bad, some characters are really shit
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i got nothing but time bruv i just get stoned and look at the pretty pictures on the magic glowy box
anghkooey cursed this thread
>>204690139 new thread
there are no spoilers bro
oh is it one of those shows that just keeps piling on more and more questions with no answers? thats what I was afraid of.
Boyd is a good actor, but yeah other than him Victor is by far the best one.
Because that's not what the show has been showing us.
We know that extreme suffering is possible with the worms/bugs stuff where you get chained up for decades to suffer alone living in some weird nightmare but not what people are experiencing there.
The show is telling us that certain people have certain roles that 'the forest' is somehow making them do. They didn't kill boyd for a reason, tabby went back for a reason, it seems at least that everyone is part of this grand plan that spawns decades or centuries and it's not even linked to the forest itself but the people. Now, is the plan just self perpetuation ? We don't know ,maybe it's something that is unfolding as we speak with a goal we don't know. Tabby had the role of bringing Victors dad back, Boyd had the role of the sheriff and worm man, Boyds son and the Iranian girl have the role of (possibly) spawning some monster.
Also the fact that many of the characters repeat the 'the forest wants us to suffer' phrase makes me suspicions as these shows often rely on subversion.

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