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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Arthouse and classics.

Anna Ammirati edition

>/film/ charts

>/film/ literature

Prev: >>204729186
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*enters /film/ en masse*
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*enters film en masse*
Please make sure to include the /film/ manifesto in all future OPs
a spike lee joint about these niggas would be priceless
Speaking of Lee, recently watched Oasis. It's a great film and it portrays the themes it wants to portray with perfection but it made me deeply uncomfortable.
reposting in hopes for a response. anyone seen this? I can't imagine it's worth the 999 minute runtime, but I'm intrigued by it
seen it a cuppa o times
I don't know why I bother trying to post here anymore. you gimmick posters are insufferable
Spike Lee, Bruce Lee, Kang-sheng Lee, Chang-dong Lee
Still Lee
You think you are funny and smart for calling people third worlders and being racist, but you are actually just very, very stupid.
tellin u the truth lil bro
ask a simple question and u get a simple answer
did you find out about this through the remodernist film wikipedia article too
I don't believe you are telling me the truth. I would be surprised if anyone here could even name the film, let alone having actually seen it. I was just hoping to stumble upon one anon who had. that being said, there is no way YOU have seen it even once
yes. as pretentious as their manifesto sounds, it did get me interested
>I don't know why I bother trying to post here anymore
>I would be surprised if anyone here could even name the film, let alone having actually seen it
No offense but fuck off then I guess?
WTF is the /film/ manifesto
You say "no offense" then inmediately tell someone to fuck off? You think that is coherent? "Yeah, no offense but fuck you"
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the problem is there is nowhere else to go. I'm not sure where all the actually knowledgeable anons went, but they aren't here or anywhere else I lurk anymore
Knowledgeable on 'experimental' garbage? Google r/pretentious_midwits or something like that idk, maybe they went there
see >>204746099 & >>204746113
or >>204729718 & >>204729751
One retard's stupid ramblings.
I think you wouldn't tell someone to "no offense but fuck off" in your mother tongue. More than ESL, you are emotionally and socially blind.
Change da world my final message. I'm still here; stand up to retardation.
dude stop using that word it's not funny
I mean how the fuck am I supposed to react to some retard who shits where he eats?
>this place is garbage why am I still here
>heh, you are now knowledgeable enough you don't know about this film
shoutout to the homie gapsik tho
You think he's gonna post the short again? I wish he'd talk to us more.
potentially, but that's why I was trying to see if anyone had seen it to ask
Ahahahah stfu
I'm talking general film knowledge you ESL retard. all you fuckers discuss anymore are the basic entry level directors, whatever is getting buzz at the latest festivals, or whatever films your waifus are in. no one left has any desire to actually explore all that film has to offer
Ah didn't read just fuck off and die seriously
Guys, stop horsin' around.
Requirements for posting on /film/

>bank statements to show no netflix subscription and no deadpool vs wolverine ticket purchase
>must say nigger on camera holding their drivers license
>height requirement to ensure no manlet rage
>penis length requirement to ensure no asians
would unironically make the general better
Nigga said he "exposed the grift". lol.
arr rook same
Indeed I did.
can we please just ban all asians and hispanics? then the general would be usable again
/film/ is a center-left general. We abhor racism and welcome folx of all ethnicities here.
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You're damn right it's not bait. Racism is antithetical to the true spirit of cinema.
>I'm not sure where all the actually knowledgeable anons went, but they aren't here or anywhere else I lurk anymore
They’re on the small secret chans.
>deadpool vs wolverine ticket purchase
too lenient
When I was young, I believed in three things: Marxism, the redemptive power of cinema, and dynamite. Now I just believe in dynamite.
there's nothing wrong with being racist
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>Racism is antithetical to the true spirit of cinema.
epic sergio leone quote
not any I lurk on. the /film/ refugee board gets like one post a month
I didn't go to film school, I went to Sergio Leone.
You disgust me. We are already in a soft race war. The other races hate us like you wouldn't believe. The jews have us accepting our own genocide and it's whites like you who cover for them.
I didn't go to film school, I went to my father's porn collection.
>I mean how the fuck am I supposed to react to some retard who shits where he eats?
In a civilized and correct manner, which you will learn eventually.
Proud Asian against racism here.
Why don't you just create your own racist /film/ then? No one likes you here, as this general contains people of many ethnicities. Just go with your racist friends and live in your own delusional land.
>whites like you
Nigga I'm hispanic
>56 posts
>maybe 4 actually trying to discuss films
can you retards get back on topic already? what have you been watching recently? I finally watched House on Haunted Hill the other day and really enjoyed it. fun little horror film
>white people act like subhuman degenerates
>it's da JOOS
It's not supposed to be funny. As ESLs, we're just repeating our aquired knowledge of this language by interactions with Americans online. As far as we can tell, this is just average American interaction, which we respectfully employ in order to foster mutual understanding with our American peers.
Good for you.
People like you make others ashamed to be white, you demon.
I watched La double vie de Veronique. Interesting, but still the worst Kieslowski I've seen up to date.
Watching Evil Dead Trap right now. Will come back with a review shortly.
>I leave for one night, and this place gets itself in the middle of a race war.
Narcissistic people always search for something to scapegoat for their own failures.
It was necessary. The level of retardation is unsustainable. If people were intelligent this wouldn't have happened, but alas.
/film/ should just merge with /hor/ at this point
have you seen the Three Colours trilogy? I liked Veronique more than all three of those, but those are the only Kieslowski's I've seen so far. what didn't you like about it?
looking forward to it
Most /film/ posters probably watch horror, but most /hor/ posters certainly don't watch arthouse.
I don't watch horror.
please god no. I enjoy a good horror film every now and then, but if you think the shitposting is bad now, imagine trying to discuss arthouse/classic films with anons who ONLY watch horror trash. /hor/'s taste in horror is pretty abysmal, and does not align with /film/'s taste at all
Horror is the most visceral of all genres.
>have you seen the Three Colours trilogy?
No I haven't.
>what didn't you like about it?
Unironically felt like "the arthouse grift"; not much in terms of plot development, aesthetics or acting, but rather just a very simple low fantasy plotline with some basic romance elements sprinkled and a piss color filter to end. I feel as though the movie was proto Wong Kar Wai, -which is a filmmaker I deeply dislike-, and the movie has no relation to what made Kieslowski great in the 70s and 80s, for me.
>/hor/'s taste in horror is pretty abysmal
coming from the general that voted Tenebrae as one of their top movies
Social stigma is a weapon of war used by jews to get whites to accept their own replacement. Read about the Kalergi plan. Read the Protocols. Learn the true purpose of the vaccine. You are under attack by a hostile enemy.
Back to the depths of hell you crawled from.
why did kieslowski make the murderer so morally repugnant in a short film about killing if he was trying to argue against capital punishment
I'm going based off /film/'s horror chart, not the /film/ canon that was spammed by a couple anons
>coming from the general that voted Tenebrae as one of their top movies
That was such a bizarre /film/ moment. Suspiria and Phenomena are much better.

>You are under attack by a hostile enemy.
Yes and it's not the jews. The occult elite is not composed of jews. Jews are just a scapegoat that the elites have used as cannon fodder for ages, same as blacks, asians, and every other minority that they can convince the stupid population to hate.
Probably trolling on his part. You watch that movie and you end up arguing for the capital punishment.
>No I haven't.
I have a feeling you will like them even less. from what I understand Kieslowski's 70s & 80s career is very different than his 90s stuff. I need to get around to some of his earlier stuff one of these days
He was trying to show that we should show compassion to eveyone, even the worst of criminals. But I think his message fell flat.
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>Suspiria is much better.
I agree.
It's probable. I like the lead actress (she's hot), but I'm not for the basic arthouse flavor that Veronique had.

>we should show compassion to eveyone, even the worst of criminals.
Horrible message. We should be just to everyone, and in some cases, justice means showing no mercy for those who show no mercy to innocent people. Maybe he was just trying to force himself to be a "good person" in christian terms with the "compassion" message, but universal compassion is impossible, and even if it were possible, the consequences of such an act would be absolute chaos and injustice.
Suspiria > Tenebrae > Phenomena
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Meanwhile, at the /film/ headquarters...
Opera > Suspiria > Deep Red > Bird with the Crystal Plumage > Tenebre > Inferno > Dracula 3D
still need to see the rest
t. goyim cattle NPC, just like they call you in their religious books.
I hope Melody Marks is shooting a scene in there
It’s spam trolling garbage, ignore it
Sorry, gay porn shoots only.
>Social stigma
what are you? a woman?
FOTW Reminder. Also watch Jean Rollin's Fascination if you haven't already. It was rolled late last week
Overrated as fuck, baby’s first foreign look at me I’m different!
Cat O Nine Tails is also great, but I know a lot of people may disagree.
Sorry I don't Asian films.
When did this get rolled? I missed it
>crying about racism on 4chan
Are you guys serious?
That 'lil bro' guy needs to be publicly executed
love the chemistry between the two leads in that one
in compensation four flies has probably the most boring protagonist of any argento joint
Kek I said the same thing jokingly but I wouldn’t even be against it at this point. There has to be a decently sized group of us that frequent both.
For me the top 5 Argento films are Opera, Cat O Nine Tails, Suspiria, Tenebre and The Bird with the Crystal Plummage. Phenomena and Inferno are the most overrated and are lesser films of his, even something like Dark Glasses are way above that.
nah he cool
One should fight racism wherever it may occur.
see >>204694785
Why? It's pretty harmless here, just words on an image board.
Filtered so hard that you might as well kys or stop watching films.
Not that anon but you appear to have posted the wrong film made by a gay hack… let me fix that for you!
I totally disagree, but to each their own.
then /film/ isn't for you
He couldn’t even make a good film with Thom Yorke soundtrack, very sad.
asians literally cant emote due to their stiff faces, their acting is pitiful
Deep Red
The Stendhal Syndrome
The Bird With the Crystal Plumage
The Phantom of the Opera
Four Flies on Grey Velvet
The Cat O' Nine Tails
Mother of Tears
Dark Glasses
Dracula 3D

Am i forgetting anything?
Giallo is the only bad one.
I’ll continue posting here.
How is it harmful?
>"good person" in christian terms
Yes, the films (About Killing & Love) were a part of the Dekalog, this was clearly what he was going for.
Some sensitive niggers in here. Don’t forget you’re on 4chan, home of /b/
since we are on the topic, how many have you seen? 8 for me. my personal favorite is Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One
Anyone watched Demons directed by Lamberto Bava. That shit is kino!
Then stop being a fag trying to tell prople which words they should or shouldn't use.
You think insulting people gives legitimacy to your unbased claims? You think your "message" will be heard when it's obvious you have an unbalanced ego and just try to force your opinions through repetition and attack? You think racism will solve the problems of the world?

I disagree, his 70s and 80s work is excellent.
No, I don't think I will. I also have never seen a second of anime and never will.
/hor/shit is not /film/
Thanks. This is one I finally haven’t seen. Is it actually worth a damn?
Argento is and will always be /film/.
No it's awful like everything with Sion Sono's name on it
Only Ceddo.
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Best phase in the Suspiria Cinematic Universe?
It’ll be over in 9 days
we should all put a slush fund together, maybe if we put all of our money together we can afford a cup of Tsai.
I haven't watched it yet, but it's typically highly rated among Sono's filmography. so if you like him, you'll probably like it
it is entirely possible
Yes it is. How is it not? Any halfway decent film school dedicates a decent amount of time studying it, giallo in particular.
My ranking:
>5-Deep Red
>7-Four Flies
Inferno feels cheap but is cool, Four Flies is complete garbage.

This. The world is changing boys, even on 4chan, people no longer tolerate racism.

>Derails discussion into meaningless bs
>Annoys anons who aren't racist, which are always the best anons
>Seeks to harm other people for no reason
>Has nothing to do with /film/ and, in general, worsens the world

>Then stop being a fag by telling me that I can't rape children, you fucking moralfag!
Most underrated Sono is Hazard. Dont @ me.
I have long suspected /film/ has been invaded by r/truefilm trannybox tony zhou fans. They don't belong here, and they often show their true colors when you go against their far left brainwashing. Last week was stage one when they all threw a bitch fit when we talked out against Koreeda filling his new film with faggots to pander to Cannes. Today they are all furious that someone said the n-word.
>also an "antiracist" faggot
proof that horror is the most reddit genre. you don't belong here, faggot
As it has been said, adapt to change or create your own /film/. You can't just push us away from our threads. Same thing that has happened to you irl is now happening to you online, that's why you have become an outcast. Your terrible personality, arrogance and ignorance is what makes you disliked.
consensual intercourse with "underage" females is not rape. I will not defend faggot pedos, as all fags are rapists
she looks like a tranny in this
I don't belong here because you tell me so? What is it, lil Hitler thinks he own this place? Why don't you go away with your racism and stupidity to your local KKK meetings, they will accept you there.
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the king of /film/ is a gay asian man
cry about it chuddies
Absolutely based
yeah the brunette and braces look was definitely the dark period of Melody's career. I think this was when she was told to lay off the asians and to fuck more blacks.
Stop racism. Blacks, Latinos, white Americans, Asians, they are all people too
god i wish
you don't belong here because you are barging in here and trying to change /film/ culture to match your gay subreddit safe space ideas. either just accept that some anons are going to say "nigger" and "faggot" or fuck off
stop posting this bitch, she's literally just a porn star you simp over
To you, racism is just a one way street. When someone points out the racial attacks against the west: anti-white DEI initiatives, promotion of pornography and trannyism, unchecked illegal immigration, black on white crime, the covid vaccine bioweapon and reckless spending on foreign wars to further ethnic supremacy, you only draw the line when they are called a racially motivated attack. Other races have no problem denigrating whites, but when whites speak out about what it is being done to them, it is taboo. The Jews are terrified of their dumb goy cattle waking up to what is being done to them.
>consensual intercourse with "underage" females is not rape.
That is true, and it doesn't make pedophilia more acceptable. The consequences of your "consensual pedophilia" are terrible, obviously. Back to /b/ pizza threads. Also, you're a pedo judging homos... lol
you know what, fuck all the fighting, let's just all take a breath and laugh at /films/ two biggest lolcows.
pedophilia is natural
homosexuality is not
simple as
Based anon reminding people we’re not on reddit.
pol/film/ era?
t. Tony Zhou
I love Sarah Gadon
I love Gadonbro and I’m not afraid to say it!
Don't be delusional, no one here (besides maybe you) actually knows anything about Melody outside of her videos.
Or how about this: /film/ changes and we now run the show and you have lost all of the petty "power" that you had. Accept that you're nothing, that your "culture" is now worthless, and that you will eventually get banned for posting against the rules.

The victimization in this post is so unreal... you think it is comparable to speak about jewish conspiracies (for which you lack any evidence because the truth is that the jews as an ethnic group are not responsible for whatever bs you're yapping about) in relation to some white racist calling a black person "nigger" for no reason? You think people attacking each other for pure prejudice is the same as a /pol/ conspiracy about "da joos". Why even argue, all of your arguments are incredibly biased due to the fact that you're racist and an anti-semite. Do you really think every jewish person is an agent of chaos? Sick in the head, really.
She loves her Jewish husband.
my personal film canon
>Tossing a Nigger in a Blanket (1898)
>A Nigger in the Woodpile (1904)
>Ten Little Nigger Boys (1926)
>Baldwin's Nigger (1968)
>Nigger (1968)
>No Vietnamese Ever Called Me a Nigger (1968)
>The Legend of Nigger Charley (1972)
>Nigger Lover (1973)
>The Soul of Nigger Charley (1973)
>Boss Nigger (1974)
>Every Nigger is a Star (1974)
>Run Nigger Run (1974)
>Nigger Night (1981)
>Ten Little Niggers (1987)
>Nigger (1990)
>Gayniggers from Outer Space (1992)
>"Please Kill Me, I'm a Faggot Nigger Jew" (1996)
>Afropunk: The 'Rock n Roll Nigger' Experience (2003)
>Who You Callin' a Nigger (2004)
>The White Nigger (2011)
Many people love Sarah Gadon
I wanna check her body of work since some time ago. Thanks /film/

Sure, bro.
Most of all her Jewish husband.
>I wanna check her body of work since some time ago. Thanks /film/

I'm your guy!
I will personally kill this general before I let any reddit faggot come in here and tell anons they aren't allowed to call anyone a "nigger" anymore. you have been warned
>by telling me that I can't rape children, you fucking moralfag!
I never told you that, please feel free and go ahead. I don’t believe in morality, anyone who does is a delusional pathetic coping fag.
reminder that right-wingers can't into art and by tolerating their bullshit and letting them worm their way into /film/ you're contributing to the degradation of the general
Because he wasn't arguing against capital punishment but against killing.
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>That's a good goy, it's just a cohencidence, stop noticing things.
>If I don’t get my way, then nobody will!
You sound like a manchild lmao.
/film/ has always been right-leaning. you are the faggots trying to worm your way in
>Or how about this: /film/ changes
The problem with these threads are all the changes over the years. Fuck change.
>The indians commenting
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>Iñarritu & Cruise are teaming up
kino incoming
Off-topic, you know what to do.
xenu bless you
This lmao, was such a funny interaction.

Try me, bitch.

You sound like a great guy. Enjoy dying alone and sexless.

>Fuck change.
Figures, afraid of change, the usual routine for griefers and racists.

Interpretation makes sense.
I don't give a shit about politics and race shit
Cinema as an artform has always been far left. What do rightoids even get out of it?
Muthuraja spoke nothing but truth.
I'm not even a racist, but if you faggots really have a problem with people saying nigger, you don't belong here. simple as
one is the only answer
>Then stop being a fag by telling me that I can't rape children, you fucking moralfag!
Equating word on an image board with raping children, what a gigantic dishonest faggot you are.

>Derails discussion into meaningless bs
There was only a discussion because the "anti-racists" started crying about.
>Annoys anons who aren't racist
Oh boo-hoo.
>Seeks to harm other people for no reason
The kind of weak pussy faggot that feels "harmed" by the mere sight of word doesn't belong on 4chan.

I sincerely hope you're a woman.
I don't give a shit about a film's message. a good film is a good film, even if I disagree with the message. for instance, I love me a good Soviet montage film even though I think communism is retarded
I'm a marxist and I say nigger all the time and will defend anons right to say N* till the death of 4chan

*if I wrote N again my post would be filtered according to the recent censorship rules
>I'm not even a racist
>says the n-word
Oh yeah, Griffith was a hardcore communist.
Imagine posting on 4chan and getting offended when someone else says nigger lmao
>saying a word makes you racist
you have been brainwashed by Marxist big tech companies
You know what to do.
You're just trolling now.
Holy shit, actual hall monitors!
Back to /r/truefilm tony zhou
Maybe we should separate? /film/ and whatever the secessionist group would be called. We’ll see which one is better. It’d be funny seeing them on the same board if they could peacefully coexist.
>Maybe we should separate?
/film/ and r/truefilm/
/film/ and /redditffilm/.
Leefag made it on the waifu chart so it’s obvious most anons here have no issues with gay people, as long as there isn’t a 15 minute hardcore gay sex scene.
/film/ and nigga/film/
I think it’d be interesting. Each general having their own charts and what not. It would probably be nuisance to the rest of /tv/ though so maybe not a good idea. I would wanna see which one has the better taste, discussions and memes though.
They would both be exactly the same, tsaiposting, waifuposting, zoomers talking shit about Hitchcock and Ford, lilbrosting etc, the only difference would be one would contain the nword.
I’m not sure it would. I think there are two types of posters here that counteract each other and prevent actual discussion.
You're already getting mindbroken (as usual), let's review your bullshit:

>Equating word on an image board with raping children, what a gigantic dishonest faggot you are.
You know of something called analogies? Logic?

>There was only a discussion because the "anti-racists" started crying about.
Mommy, I couldn't get my way into being racist without opposition, this sucks!

>The kind of weak pussy faggot that feels "harmed" by the mere sight of word doesn't belong on 4chan.
You can't even try to harmonize with people because you're a gigantic, insecure manchild faggot who doesn't belong in the world.

>I sincerely hope you're a woman.
Misogynistic too. Damn man, you really are a gem.
this. most anons would just use both threads to continue their gimmickposting. it's literally a worthless idea, as expected from an "anti-racist" redditor
>You sound like a great guy.
Thanks, I am.

>Enjoy dying alone and sexless.
Married, had sex two days ago. Try again, pathetic dumbfuck.
What a stupid fucking idea from a brain damaged retard. Just shut the fuck up.
>We’ll see which one is better.
The unironic racists will just continue to live in pain until they implode as usual. Look man, I think saying nigga is funny when done in an ironic way, the thing I'm against is real racism. I say nigga all of the time irl and no one has ever complained about it, I also make misogynistic jokes, dead baby jokes, etc... difference is in intent. One thing is funny and the other is cringe.
only if nigga/film/ is where the n-word is banned
Imagine what kind of woman could give a shit about such a failure as you are. Only a terrible person could, but you know, they usually come in pairs.
>222 replies
>majority are just arguing about using the word "nigger"
It's better to confront problems first.
lmao, keep believing that and repeating it to yourself as you cry yourself to sleep every night
“No, it just can’t be real, I can’t imagine a world like this!!! They have to be bad and I’m good!!!!”
You are the literal definition of pathetic.
I'm downloading Paris, Texas right now. Decided to watch some famous classics I haven't seen. Was choosing between Paris, Texas and Apocalypse Now and chose the former
It’s better for you to kys
watch Apocalypse Now next. both great films btw, regardless of what /film/ says
What is the best conversation about film that you have witnessed here? I was here when Bookum was here and we created a discord server, but took a long break. Looking back I think it has always been gimmick posting.
I'm not black, I'm OJ.
I will. Redux version for Apoco Now because someone here told me it's the definitive one a long time ago
...... okay
there have been plenty of great discussions throughout the years, typically just between two or three anons casually discussing a topic as the general burns around them. I've learned of plenty of great films/directors because of these threads
best conversation about film and bookum don't belong in the same sentence unless you are an actual shit posting retard

but to answer your question, Vlacilfag and JNWfags were the best posters here in the old days.
You think saying all of this empty shit will change the fact that you and your wife are frustrated, unbereable middle aged bastards looking to a life full of pain in the future? You think someone loves you? You think you aren't a failure? Why do you think everyone rejects you? You can't speak a sentence without trying to hurt others. You are the pathetic one, and I suggest you kill yourself, unironically. Just end your suffering right now.

Sure, try to ignore your problems, they will magically go away.
>Marxist big tech companies
When some anons turned out to be /m/fags and we were talking about Gundam but that was like 4 years ago. I honestly don't know if any of them are still here
I'm not sure if that was me or not, but I did start watching the original Mobile Suit Gundam series about a year ago and I posted about it here. I've got about 10 episodes left
Fucking this.
You chose wrong
I'm not about that "I just ignore everything bad that happens in my community" lifestyle, I actually do shit to change shit.
>the best conversation about film that you have witnessed here
finally, pc/film/
Ya, that’s how I remember it too. It was always me and one other person. This was years ago so I don’t remember it too much. I’m glad you and others have had learned a lot from here. Ever since I’ve been back it’s been a real shitshow. I might just come here for rec sharing for now on and just read books, reviews and interviews when it comes to learning something. I just wished we talked more about film theory and history. I know I’m part of the problem, but I have asked some questions and nobody engages with me. I have basically just been here to share films and directors.
Not him but sound like the type of person that supports restricting freedom of speech in order to "curb misinformation." Chilling stuff.
/film/ is already influencing the outside world. I just saw a post on reddit get a ton of upvotes after mentioning the 'slop' meme, which started on film to describe marvelslop. Turbo normie youtubers now are even making video essays about Tsai.
you sound*
>total mindbroken meltdown
holy kek, add “projecting” next to pathetic for your life’s accomplishments
what's more likely is regular tv users lurking film, spreading it on threads here, and reddit tourists picking it up from random capeshit threads.
Tsai will eventually rise to the top of the Sight & Sound poll.
Why hispanics? It's asians that are ruining /film/. See here:

You chose right (both great films btw)
He can’t handle anything breaking his small fragile worldview
I unironically, wholeheartedly believe this.
>I actually do shit to change shit.
Sure thing pal
Boy, this one works like a charm.
That is not the achievement you think it is. "In the Mood for Love" was voted in the top 10 all for being a standard oriental grift exercise.

>I have asked some questions and nobody engages with me.
It happens, keep trying.

A level of restriction is necessary for civil life to exist. Would you rather prefer thieves and killers to have no restrictions put on them? Or racists just killing black people for no reason without laws existing to defend minorities? Freedom of speech needs a basis of good will to be something that works, or else it turns into a complete subversion of life and a regression of evolution.

Okay, talk to me about your grand life's achievements. Start, I wanna know more about you, lil bro
/film/'s influence is immense.
>That is not the achievement you think it is
Agreed, the amount of worship over a worthless gathering of retarded dumbfucks is pretty sad, and it’s only going to get worse sadly
just needs to samefag a little harder next time
Basic bitch taste
>lil bro
Slipped there.
Just the truth, doesn't matters if you believe in it. While you constantly seethe thread after thread and give yourself literal cancer from your rage, there are people like me that are changing stuff in every community, making outcasts such as you more and more marginalized due to the fact that you can't adapt to change.

He samefagged his own film near the top, I think.

>"In the Mood for Love" was voted in the top 10 all for being a standard oriental grift exercise.
I agree, shitty film.
what questions, anon?
I was just trying to piss him off, big bro.
In the Mood for Fortune Cookies
>making outcasts such as you more and more marginalized
Now add delusional too. Keep going!
can we just return to waifuposting pls
You think you will have a good life being the way you are? You're already looking like a clown on an internet forum, imagine how your irl existence might be. You are unable to live in a society, you're too fucking ignorant to exist.
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I’m laughing my ass off, more projecting delusion, incredible!
unironically this. I thought waifuposting was bad, but this thread is probably the worst I've ever seen
and yes this is on topic because niggas wearing a Kubrick shirt
You must be new, this thread is nothing.
Why does this thread feel like a Sunday thread when it's Tuesday
>Everything that goes against me is projection.
I've been here since 2012 and in /film/ since 2020. this is one of the worst threads /film/ has had. I'll take bookum sperging out for an entire week over this moralfagging garbage
I genuinely feel fucking bad for you at this point. You have a lot of growing up to do.
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>mysterious up-and-coming director Misai Ling-Tiang has once again named all of Tsai's 10 feature films for his Sight & Sound list
She really does look trans there.
>Everything that goes against me is a terrible, no-good, feel-bad, horrible wrong, evil doer
>the anti-racists trying to make /film/ better are the nigga/lil bro spammers
you sound like the biggest faggot itt. get over yourself and accept that people here will always say nigger.
Here I thought that you were angry at all the racism ITT, but instead you revel in it. Pitiful.
When you stop talking like a middle schooler, we'll talk. You're to stupid to waste my time. Anyway, I'll drive by your posts when you go against da rules.
Alright, stop engaging with the faggot, i'm pretty sure he's just trolling and ragebaiting at this point. He's legitimately worse than gadonfag and the lilbrosters.

Ban us brazilians and general dies for good.
Thanks for your input, smart, well thought out anon.

Never was a lil bro spammer.

I say nigga all of the time, you haven't read shit and are trying to school me.
>to stupid
Evidence of projection
>Ban us brazilians and general dies for good.
There's what, two of you.
Whoa, a typo. Fuck, I'll kill myself
That's enough.
Somebody bake
Yes, I'll just do the drive by treatment from now on.
You’re welcome, take this as a true moment for learning and reflection you dumbfuck retard
More like four or five.
>I say nigga all of the time
As I said, >>204754328.
Thank god, finally doing something good in this world. I actually support this change you’re making!
Terrible edition - terrible thread

Told you to make Joan Fontaine's
there are dozens of us
We're all changing here.
bakin rite fuckin now
from my account, two Brazilians, one Argentinian, at least a Mexican or two, one Malian, one Ethiopian, one Taiwanese, one Korean, one Irish, two Czechs (though they seem to have left), one Ukrainian (might be dead), one German, and countless Americans
You were right, she would've blessed the thread.
I should have realized from the beginning that in reality you were lil Timmy from /pol/ baiting all of this time. Kek, no words.
Still two hours left.
There's a costa rican anon too, who i suspect might be the anti-racist who's been ruining the thread but i hope i'm wrong about this.


It's me, and if you think I'm ruining things just by speaking my mind, then fuck you.
So this was the anti-racism improving /film/...
>you were lil Timmy from /pol/
I only post in /film/, I have absolutely no fucking clue what you’re talking about you delusional waste of existence. Please follow through on your previous post now.
I knew it. Stop it, dude, seriously, nobody is enjoying this, you ruined almost two entire threads with this horseshit. You were pretty cool the other day, what happened?
>You were pretty cool the other day
I don't care about anyone's enjoyment, I just do what I want. Nothing happened, this is me.
This is me, this who I am.
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>This is me.
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let me turn that frown upside down
this is hot because I am a retard
we're all retards here

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