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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Arthouse and classics.

Mary Philbin edition

Prev: >>204749005
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rolling for a movie to watch. 0 is viewer's choice
The Ultimate /film/ Manifesto

1. A New Spirituality: /film/ seeks a new spirituality in cinema, focusing on humanity and the profound truths of existence, rather than religious narratives.

2. Authenticity Over Convention: Cinema is a unique art form that should not be confined to storytelling conventions or mimic other mediums like painting or literature.

3. Embrace Imperfection: We celebrate wabi-sabi and mono no aware—the beauty of imperfection and the transience of life. Flaws in film are honest and human, and should be accepted and encouraged.

4. Intuition as Guide: Filmmakers must trust their intuition throughout the creative process to ensure authenticity and honesty in their work.

5. Subjectivity is Key: All cinema is inherently subjective; attempts at objectivity often lead to dishonest portrayals. A true film reflects the beliefs and biases of its creator.

6. Rejecting Modern Aesthetics: We reject the trends of ‘elevated horror,’ CGI, AI, and the commercialization of cinema that prioritize spectacle over substance.

7. Championing Analog: /film/ advocates for the use of 16mm and 35mm film over digital formats. Handcrafted cinema with practical effects offers a rawness and poetic essence absent in digital work.

8. Rejecting Modern Festivals: Major film festivals that prioritize trendy, abstract works over authentic storytelling are to be discarded. We seek genuine cinema that engages with real human experiences.

9. Emphasizing Melodrama: We view melodrama as the pinnacle of cinema—films that explore real themes, human experiences, and emotional truths.

10. Critique of Abstract Cinema: Symbolic themes and abstract filmmaking often obfuscate meaning. Cinema should awaken viewers to concrete truths rather than lull them into complacency.
anon, where are you from because you seem to have some of the best taste in these threads. I always look forward to your rolling
11. Courage to Fail: Filmmakers must have the courage to embrace failure as a path to finding beauty and humanity in their work, rather than seeking validation or accolades.

12. Inclusivity of Voices: Cinema is a collaborative art form, yet the vision of an individual auteur should not overshadow collective efforts. Great films can emerge from both well-known and unknown creators.

13. Challenge and Provocation: True cinema should confront difficult truths and challenge viewers, provoking thought rather than simply providing entertainment.

14. Rejecting Inauthenticity: We stand against inauthenticity in cinema, mass media marketing, and political agendas that manipulate artistic expression for commercial gain.

15. Diversity of Experience: Cinema can be anything but boring; if it must be boring, it must still offer a captivating perspective that engages the viewer's mind.

This manifesto is a collection of principles and ideas meant to inspire and provoke thought. It is /film/'s own Dogme 95. Remember, /film/ is the new Cahiers de Cinema.
We're all failing here.
/film/makers of note:

T.B. Johnson
Gapsik Mokjang
Joel Haver
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>/film/ seeks a new spirituality in cinema
>rather than religious
need to include our acclaimed /film/makers at the bottom
Joel Haver
T.B. Johnson
Kim Gap-sik
Fucking based OP, best we’ve had in awhile
You don't even know if he likes all of these films, since he hasn't even seen them yet. He's just a typical orientalist watching anything Asian.
>Kim Gap-sik
More like Kimbap Sick!
Still waiting for that cunnychart though
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i am a refugee from kdrama general
and they're better recs than 99% of posts
>T.B. Rohnson
The only one who ever posted here.
Phantom Of The Opera (1925) is /film/.
decades upon decades of a beautiful cinematic tradition to explore and niggas waste their time watching worst korea slop
where is a KDG thread when you need one, unnie.
Same energy.
A Single Spark of course. If you got it from a recommendation here it was probably from me.
give me time, nigger
Redpill me on costa rican anon
i have never seen retards at this level of retarded.
are is there anything worse than a bunch of zoomies watching films and pretending they have discovered a great new cinema movement, it is absolutely pitiful.
>are is
Stop, new thread new beginnings, moving on…
never 5get
it's actually from this list I made to prep before watching the documentary ari ari the korean cinema
Koreans are only capable of flicks and slop, their national character is pure slave morality.
Him and i were having two parallel conversations on friday, one about film criticism and the other about the unbearable heat where we live, during the heat conversation we found out he was costa rican, during the criticism conversation i called him an autist and he sperged out and we went on a two hour annoying discussion about how he "demands respect" and there's no reason for "name calling" etc, eventually he calmed his tits down and we were able to have a nice talk and i asked him about costa rican cinema. Now two threads ago he launched into this anti-racist crusade on /film/ over somebody simply typing "nigger". He is a fucking baby who gets triggered into oblivion by the mere sight of words he deems "disrespctful" and "offensive". He clearly has serious mental problems and will probably continue to sperg out here.
i NEED to know where the waifufags stand on racism
or he's just new
Oh ok. It's a great film, you should just watch it and stop with this "rollin" stuff.
I say nigga all of the time.

>He clearly has serious mental problems and will probably continue to sperg out here.
I'm actually very sane.
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>I’m actually very sane.
ok, cool
Racism? Not a fan.
>you seem to have some of the best taste in these threads
>it's all moonslop
Then what the fuck is the problem, man? The hard r? Is that the problem? You're not even american, why would you care so much about something like "nigga vs nigger"? I really don't get what the fuck is your problem.
What about anti-racism?
I'm an extremely newfag and i don't act like that.
Better anti than pro.
I never was against saying nigga, I'm against racism. You're doing a strawman
How can you even judge what is "le true racism" on 4chan, it's all people talking all kinds of shit and using all sorts of words, and what are you gonna do about, just derail every thread complaining about it?
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>You're doing a strawman
Rec me some obscure gems of Finnish cinema, Tsaibro
Jesus CHRIST let’s talk about fucking film everyone hey how bout that shitty Criterion sale anyone buying anything im thinking about actually getting the gummo 4K
I pick up on intent. I don't give a fuck, I'll just drive by from now on. Anyway, why are you talking to me?
I just use criterion as a free clothing shop now, no point buying discs when I can watch it all for 10 bucks a month or rip it from the mega and collect bonus points.
>Anyway, why are you talking to me?
You don't want me to? I won't anymore, don't worry.
I didn't say I didn't want you to talk to me, I'm just asking why.
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>I pick up on intent.
In other news, The Brutalist trailer is out

We're all picking up on intent here.
no thanks
I wouldn't spend money on Harmony Korine.
>Good goy swallow all that yearly holocaust cum. Remember you are just animals to us. Anything we say, you do
Fuck off
Why the fuck is everyone shitting their pants over this generic garbage? Only thing remotely interesting is how he was able to do so much with a relatively low budget.
>The film chronicles 30 years in the life of László Tóth, a Hungarian-born Jewish architect who survives the Holocaust. After the end of World War II, he emigrates to the United States with his wife, Erzsébet, to experience the "American dream". László initially endures poverty and indignity, but he soon lands a contract with a wealthy client, Harrison Lee Van Buren, that will change the course of his life.

Great, more ritual Jewish worship for goyim. They are still pretending to be victims even as they commit a genocide in the middle east.
True brutalists.
Most of these wouldn't be obscure to Finns, but here you go.

Maa on syntinen laulu
Valkoinen peura
Kahdeksan surmanluotia
Jäniksen vuosi
Käpy selän alla
Tuulinen päivä
What a wacky language.
I saw Kapo few days ago purely because I like Emmanuelle Riva and it was garbage. Is The Battle of Algiers any better?
>as they commit a genocide in the middle east.
t. Habib
Thanks bro, will add to my watchlist
No, t. any person who's not a filthy jew or their golem.
Stop stealing my idea
I'm waiting as well.
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>that pic
Does Buddha approve of adultery?
We're all waiting here.
well that last thread ended pretty well
>9. Emphasizing Melodrama: We view melodrama as the pinnacle of cinema—films that explore real themes, human experiences, and emotional truths.

Based. Almodovarbros it's our time.
It goes against one of the five precepts. Lee is trying to make up for that bad karma, as he probably doesn't want to be reborn in a hell realm.
But we are in a hell realm
I'm tired of pretending the Italian cinema tradition of adding sound later isn't one of the biggest crimes against art in history.
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well I rolled it so I'm going to watch it later tonight

Nothing wrong with ADR if you do it well, unlike the Italians. For example, not many people notice that 98% of the dialogue in the LotR trilogy is ADR.
It's a very Brechtian practice.
It depends how you see cinema. If one sees works of cinema as engineering. Often the only thing that they will talk about is shit like grain fields and color timing, aspect ratio and camera lenses. The Italians see films differently, they go, he said what!? Aw hell naw she didn't just cheat on him. It is the difference between films as paintings vs films in the theatrical performative tradition.
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>Cinema should awaken viewers to concrete truths rather than lull them into complacency.
REMINDER. Movies have a hypnotic power. Just watch people leaving a movie theatre; they're usually silent, their heads droop, they have that absentminded look on their faces, unlike audiences at plays, bullfights, and sports events, where they show much more energy and animation. This kind of cinematographic hypnosis is no doubt due to the darkness of the theatre and to the rapidly changing scenes, lights, and camera movements, which weaken the spectator's critical intelligence and exercise over him a kind of fascination. Sometimes, watching a movie is a bit like being raped.
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>"What do I think about all the critics of the grain fields in The Abyss in 4k? I think they should get out their mothers basement and go talk to a girl."
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I believe the restriction of speech for any purpose is wrong. Simple as.
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>Brady Corbet
Orson-esque transformation
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and from various other sources where needed

The problem with this is that the state gets to define anyone who they don't like as a NAWTZEE and crush dissent. Also Karl Popper touched kids.
They did that because they used international actors frequently not out of some artistic choice.
They literally did that even when the casts were entirely Italian.
Damn, he's turning into a true auteur now
Based Harperbro.

Tolerance of speech is not tolerance of action. Also that comic is gay and reddit-tier.
>I'm actually very sane.
You’re actually very retarded, insufferable, and need to fuck off so no more threads get ruined by your reddit ass.
The spirits of Welles and Hitchcock are guiding him.
Supervised by the cinematographer's brother-in-law
>they used international actors
Reminder the only film where you can hear Claudia Cardinale's natural voice is some shitty irrelevant French flick. Same for some other Italian stars, for example Massimo Girotti.
I wish I could go back in time and eliminate him from existence
this movie makes me want to do anti Italian racism
>You people don't deserve life
lil chang
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>I've decided to become a genocidal maniac
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Watch Dust of Angels (1992).
wtf I love The Brutalist now
easy there
snoozefest. taiwan lost return it to the mainland
Eliminate Asian cinema - and /film/ rot will vanish.
yellow fever website you're the odd one out
That coalburner spam image dump thread got deleted.

/tv/ is healing.
We're all orientalists here.
>going outside of /film/
we're all yellow here
looks like quirkddit slop, like all 90s gaysian cinema
Wrong, I'm the Odd Man Out (1947)
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>Emphasizing Melodrama: We view melodrama as the pinnacle of cinema—films that explore real themes, human experiences, and emotional truths.

noun: melodrama; plural noun: melodramas
1. a sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and exciting events intended to appeal to the emotions.
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Rent free. I'll post two tomorrow.
>Spam thread deleted
>"I'll spam even more tomorrow"
Literal cancer
There is an equally slippery slope on the other side of “tolerance,” anon. The US government has been pressuring social media corps to censor themselves for years in order to “combat misinformation.” Surely you aren’t okay with this?

>The problem with this is that the state gets to define anyone who they don't like as a NAWTZEE and crush dissent.
This 100%. It becomes 1984 very quick.
this post was absolutely right then
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Any racist arthouse kinos?
More coomer art house kinos please
Directors for this feel?
your takeaway from that movie was your dick? really?

Kinskibro is simply reacting to Gadonfag’s sperging. We’re all spammers here.
>I'm actually very sane.
Yes- it’s a complete piece of shit otherwise, ending is hilariously awful
It's my takeaway as well, and I haven't even seen it.
John Leslie
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/film/ for this feel?
It's called a joke you fucking polesmoker. I finally get a good thread going (outside of /film/, because I'm clearly not welcome here anymore), that faggot gets it deleted and gloats about it and I'm just supposed to take it lying down? That guy is correct about one thing, I've been too nice to people giving me shit. With that in mind, go suck start a shotgun you miserable fuck.
watch more movies
easy there
Tsai Ming-liang
Spike Lee
Fucking hell, slow down guys.
and this post was also right on the money
Wicked 2024
kohlchan net/int
kissu moe
trashchan xyz/film/
endchan net
You're welcome here if you don't just spam.
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In other news, Dick Pope is dead
imagine if a whole country gives you resources to make kino
it also has Ennio Morricone
Oh my God I've been exposed, I have feelings like anyone else. Gadonfag antagonizes me for months on end but the second I finally lose my temper I'm the bad guy. There is no pleasing you troglodytes.
I'll admit I overdid it over the past couple of weeks, and it's fair to call me out on that. But Sunday, there were two or three people shitting on me totally unprovoked, and this post in particular hurt.
IP grabbers
That anon was just being hyperbolic.
>and this post in particular hurt
I'm the guy that replied "same", and it's true. I will never watch a film with Kinski again (I saw Paris Texas once few years ago) because the only thing I'd thinking about is your pathetic self. I'm not saying this to hurt you, I'm just stating how things are, what you did to your waifu and to many people on this board. Because I'm sure I'm not alone feeling this.
omg stop being such a baby
Just post some Kinski already.
>endchan net
If you want to visit a board where literally everyone is mentally ill like Gadonfag then go to the e-girl board there. Like something straight out of a horror film
You are probably the most mentally unstable poster here. I say that fully unironically.
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Full version of Pleasure Garden (1925) for the first time on home video (possibly) soon
I already frequent /bbg/ /agatha2/and /ausneets/
Kinskifag, just know that I don't hate you as much as Gadonfag, and I really wouldn't mind either of you if you just left your stupid waifuwars out of /film/
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This is one of my favorite movies. Has anyone seen it?
I'm more of a /delicious/ enjoyer
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It makes me feel very melancholic and miserable every time I look at the catalog, I just can't really explain this
Whoa! That's a cool magic trick, Tsai!
you forgot the best one. mlpol
Yep, it’s great, along with all his other films.
Kinskifag, just know that I hate you as much as Gadonfag, and I really wouldn't mind either of you if you just both kys
You wanna know what’s more important than throwin’ away money at a strip club? Credit.
>rich nigga
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I live with depression
Still nigga.
>The Brutalist
>The Substance

Cinema is fucking back, baby
Wtf, Yvan Lagrange died, and no one said anything? :-(
Yvan Lagrange moved on?
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Wait til you find out about DJ Qualls
Always weird to see a /film/ post outside of /film/
or inside
He's gay
Unbelievably embarrassing. There is no recovering from this meltdown, leave /tv/ and never return if you have a shred of self respect.
>The Brutalist
Kino incoming
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You fucked up the text (should be King of /Film/) but I love all of these
Please keep them coming
Satanic tool. Fitting for a satanic filmmaker, I suppose.
>he says on a computer connected to the internet

how do luddites even exist in 2024
we're all satanic here
We're all luddites here.
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Welcome to Satanic /film/
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Mary Philbin was beautiful
for some reason the AI turned Melody into a real asian girl instead of just a white girl larping as one.
>muh luddites
AIfags, everyone.
It is just weird people are displaying salem level religious puritanism but they use "satanic" technology in every single area of their life.
yeah other than the AI confusing Melody as an actual Asian girl (LOL) I am quite happy with how these are turning out.
Please keep going, people need to use these instead of the images at the beginning of threads
Fuck, can you do the one of Tsai looking like a demon? There’s one or two of him with horns that are commonly posted
thanks, this is my first one, the others I credit to the Tsaifag, but I am making another spicy one.
I'm the one who made the Tsai ones, this >>204762859 one is awful and wasn't me
damn fuck you nigga, I was hyping you up and everything.
Vertigo is a gateway film of the worst kind. It's a bad film, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the film itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.
Sorry, keep on posting, I'm out lol
you got it, I am doing a few right now, but I will bump this one up in my queue.
it will be nightmare fuel, don't do it
Hitchcock's greatest masterpiece and the only work of pure cinema worthy of great paintings, sculptures and music.
to the waifufags out there, do you ever get a kind of "post-nut clarity" after watching a bad film with your waifu, where you're like "well that was a waste of time", or does your waifu being in it make any film worth watching?
Of course not. Everything Sarah Gadon does is kino.
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>he bought the coffee?
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other version
As the anon who originally made this still image, I can’t describe the feelings of simultaneous joy and horror upon seeing this. Truly amazing.
he did
looks like a wanted poster lol
Amazing. Anything involving Tsai planting or spreading seeds?
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I'll see what I can do, but for the meantime enjoy a Lee.
The devil. The actual devil.
>Tsai planting or spreading seeds
This has potential
lel, this is fucking amazing
coffee seeds?
a flight to Paris?
It's Tsai Ming-lianging time
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I watch kdramas so no
>I watch kdramas
Ok but why
give me the essential K(ino)-dramas
thank you, these are incredibly fun to make.
people will say My Mister but I don't think it's good for showing what kdramas are all about, for that you have to watch something fun like Oh My Ghost or Goblin. I'm currently watching Beyond Evil , it won some big name kdrama award the year it came out, and it's pretty good too.
Iñarritu or Tsai?
>that hairline
Truly a satanic tool, Lee has a beautiful full head of hair.
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What should I avoid in my indie film. I want it to look unique but not dishonest.
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Remember to plant your own seeds anon
watch Extraordinary Attorney Woo, unnie.
Avoid being alive. Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.
You should avoid making an indie film if you already have to ask questions like this.
flat lighting, shot reverse shot, etc.
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I've seen it twice and I own the autism headphones, sennheisers, though not the same model.
watch The Serpent's Egg
Based Attorney Woo Chad. What model are the Sennheisers, I might get one.
Just do it, avoid copying famous people like wes anderson and just do it
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the HD-589 ivory editions. if you need closed back get the HD-569s if not splurge for the HD-600s
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We might be the same people anon
Lee swimming in Balenciaga?
My sides kek
This should be the next OP
jpegs are officially obsolete
This is fucking amazing
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i'm starting it
AvistaZ only had a 700MB DVD rip unfortunately
>Carax busy making a new film
>suddenly all Caraxposting abruptly halts

I knew it was him shilling himself all that time
Its on youtube in 1080 with english subs
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here you go anon

thank you I'm having a blast with these
Youtube > AvistaZ
Meds. I’ve posted Carax before.
>t. carax
If I were Carax, I wouldn’t be here. I’d probably be traveling, reading or with a woman.
just fyi, The Baedalian Girl is in the /film/ films mega now for those curious
Hi everyone! It’s me Sarah Gadon.
Hi everyone! It's me Tsai Ming-liang.
I love you too!
I don't love you. I love my Jewish husband.

t. Sarah Gadon
What kind of seeds should I plant?
its over...
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Blub blub
sorry, got distracted jerking off again
I love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.
If they’re really your waifu, it doesn’t matter how objectively bad a movie is, it’s always worth it. If they’re actually a good waifu the shit films are few and far between.
Kino with male full frontal nudity?
You better be planting the seeds for Melody anon
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Melody-kun, wot happened to thine visage...
girl went full down syndrome
Holy Motors.
Bad Lieutenant.
This is just scary.
Which director is a virgin?
Guys I got a short film idea starring Sarah Gadon and Gadonfag. I might write is as a short story and post here tomorrow, for tonight I’m too druk. It’s very simple though, but its a really silly and beautiful idea.
Gapsik Mokjang
Ai went a little /wacky/
Be sure to include her Jewish husband.
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Hi guys.
The movie is released today.
We had not enough budget and time so the movie quality will not be good.
You might not be satisfied but I really hope you enjoy this film.
This is our first project in Korea and we will make it more detailed next time.
Constructive feedback is always welcome.
Keep watching and supporting us!
Watch, Subscribe, Like please.
Thank you!

Here's the link
It’s actually already happened, without anyone knowing it. It’s magical realism.
>The movie is released today.
This is not true. It released days ago.
I'm starting to think you're not even a /film/ anon, and you're just taking advantage of us, Gapsik.
If this is true, that you’ve been taking advantage of us, I’m going to kms right now!
Gapsik, we demand to know the truth.
Gapsik are you even a korean? And why do you only post when thread is about to hit the limit?
Interesting, you can see him at work behind the scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og4iau4S7VI
Shut the fuck up
I don’t think this is actually Gapsik-kun.
That's exactly what he'd want us to think...
Can't wait.
Here is my basic outline for the short story about Gadonfag.
-Gadonfag dedicating years of his life to spam Sarah Gadon.
-Suddenly, a woman appears and claims to be Sarah Gadon, but nobody believes her, besides Gadonfag.
-Gadonfag says, “I love you Sarah Gadon” to this anonymous poster. The poster responds back saying that they love him too.
-Gadonfag truly believes that he just talked to Sarah Gadon, and is in a state of bliss. Everyone else thinks he is crazy for believing, and the poster was an imposter.
-It is revealed to the reader that the poster was actually Sarah Gadon. Gadonfag believed her without any proof anyways on the strength of the absurd.
Yo! Lil Gapsik. When's the next episode coming out?
now that the dust has settled can we finally say korea > japan?
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1.41 MB WEBM
Remember to plant your seeds wisely Gapsik
-Sarah Gadon goes to bed and has sex with her Jewish husband.
now that the dust has settled can we finally say joel haver is an auteur
>on the strength of the absurd.
*The strength of love.
I'm bakin rn
Very soon.



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