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Touch Grass Edition

Some Extra:

Previous: >>204774164
anyone got new webms?
So what happened to that qt ghoul?
also thanks for fixing the spoiler whoever baked a couple threads ago
locked up in my basement
Which From is your favorite? For me, it's cowboy hat.
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Do the monsters have internal fluids?
Like if you caught one, could you hypothetically rape it? Would it be dry as fuck down there?
Monsterfu>Smiley>BuckBreaker>Milkman>SwoleMechanic>everyone else
She wouldn't be dry for me
Your question is actually unironically answered in the show
She's gonna have some external fluids if they kidnap me
I would from all over her face if you catch my drift
Based show watcher
Are you me?
I wanna fuck and breed Julie while her beta father and brother watch
Me are (You)
Ok, we'll talk later
Victor's dad looks like he is the same age as him, awful casting
This has become the only thread I don't hide in this thread-hider simulator forum now
sorry she's going to get culturally enriched instead like the stoner whore she is
>/tv/ hates popular shows
>many generals
u mad son???
Nah, Victor looks around 50 and his dad could be 70-80.
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Jim is a retard with anger issues that acts like he's smarter than everyone but did literally nothing besides whine about muh family (tower was Jade's idea).
Tabitha is a bpd retard that had a golden chance to save everyone and wasted it by acting like a schizo in the real world before being pulled back in, they probably let her out because they knew she would be too incompetent to find help. she's also likely the one responsible for the town starting to worsen thanks to the hole she decided to dig in the basement.
I want to marry Julie and adopt her brother and save them from those two imbeciles.
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Yeah that's really distracting, they both look to be 70-80. I noticed how in the episode where he meets his dad the make up department tried their best to make Victor look younger by dying his hair and de-aging him.
How old is he supposed to be anyway?
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Every scene with her and Elgin flirting I just want to fast forward or look away but the writer new we would do that so they made sure to put important plot information in those scenes to own the chuds.
No way
Well in the mid 1960s he was around 10 so he should be pushing 70
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One thing I've never understood from the pilot episode was are the monsters supposed to have like magic powers to put people in a trance? Like no sane person would ever trust these monsters outside their windows or listen to them, let alone let them in, so they must be manipulating them and enchanting them right? Like the guy that let them into colony house and got everyone killed isn't just supposed to be that retarded is he? The little girl in the first episode seemed to thing they were her grandmother even though she looked nothing like her.

Also I can't fucking stand this Lesbian, she's my least favourite character. All she does is whine and she looks like a haggard bitch.
he looks like the average boomer millennial
pic looks like an old Anakin
I killed them. All of them. And not just the men. But the women and children too.
>are the monsters supposed to have like magic powers to put people in a trance

I think in some form they're trying to do that. Whether or not they know it or it's the forest as a whole just making them have lowered psychic defense idk though
basic vampire lore where they can't enter until someone, usually a horny or desperate woman, invites him in. manipulating isn't so hard. and he knew she was dangerous, but she said oh she changed and shes a rebel etc.
not really a new concept that some misguided brave idiot tries to tame a dragon or wolf etc. like why did humans even try to tame wolves in the first place? By your logic they just came and killed everyone until some day a neanderthal threw them a steak and carefully created a friendship. Boyd wants to talk to the monsters for information, so the colony house guy wasn't even that moronic.
are we sure that they are dry when they are "alive" and it wasn't the worms or death that dried them out?
Not 100% they left it overnight
I fucking hate this show but I can't stop watching it for some reason.
>I'm straight but cant stop watching Blacked. Am i Gay?
Did they ever confirm that From takes place in current year?
I think it's implied based on the technology like smartphones and stuff
I'm a hate watcher. Especially after seeing this interview, where they say it's not about the mystery. https://youtu.be/jYBDyTJ3c4E?si=LZYA1rlcR72HpKNU
Now I'm just hoping for a very special episode, wher they devote the entire hour to slowly flaying & eviscerating that fucking kid.
Fucked up link. Prompted here;
Jesus fucking Christ.
I do not give a fuck about almost any of the characters. Literally the only interesting thing about the show is the premise and the mystery it represents, it's the only reason I keep watching. There's no way they can't know that.
His actor is 53. Victor, Maybe his 60s? No older surely.

i'm going to bed
goodnight my fromilia
good night americanos
Night night. Don’t let the horny fomster suck your dick in your sleep
just watched that Tian Chen scene
Call it cheap but I hope the ending is just Kenny and Boyd viciously murdering monsters
Pretty brutal, yes
>Colony house has 5 grow boxes as their "farm"
>Oh but don't worry they cared enough to start growing weed that Fatima had when she got from'd
Colony house is such a fucking joke. They care more about fucking getting high than having enough food
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You are so strong Anon, look at me
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The towns people should go hunt the faeries during the day, capture them and tie them up in rape dungeons, rape and torture them endlessly for months, and then release them back into the wild. Let them go back and tell the other faeries about their experience. Can faeries experience physical and emotional trauma? Would it cause the other faeries to want to stay away from the scary humans?
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>scene from this weeks upcoming episode just leaked
WTF??? Elgin bros BTFO
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They are hinting that Jade will start to sober up, but...

He drinks 24/7. If you drink that much, can't you have hellish and life-threatening withdrawals? Can you imagine going through that in Fromville? How will Jade stay sane?
Well the junkie went through heroin withdrawals there
With regular applications of Julie's pusy to his face.
It takes quite a while of alcoholism to get that bad
Sunk cost. I know I don't even enjoy watching it but surely THIS will be the episode where questions are answered and new mysteries are revealed.

The scene where Dale got turned into a wall had me laughing for about 5 minutes though so it's not a total loss.
I hope they start with this guy
The final two eps of the season are titled something like: Revelations pt. 1 & 2. Surely, SURELY, that must mean we are getting real answers finally.
ep 7 will be good just you wait ...
Like anon said it takes a really long time.
My dads been drinking every single day for 50 years and never had a withdrawal.
damn son, AI will destroy this world
i-isnt this incest?
AI is something that genuinely needs governments to step in and heavily regulate, and I'm amazed that they're so fucking slow to do it.
Like we're getting extremely close to being able to fake footage so convincing that video evidence will always be suspect in trials
woah calm down reddit
Just before the reveal I kept laughing and saying "He's going to be gigaRaped. GigaUltraRaped. They're going to have turned his whole shit inside out."
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>I know what we've got to do, we've got to get out FROM this place. We've gotta go.
Theres a theory that this junkie whore has been posessed by an evil spirit since the dungeon thing. She has never spoken about her experience, she "treated" nicki and then nicki mysteriously died, she gave fatima meds the fatima started eating rotten food, and now shes watching over randall
I don't know about her being possessed, but she might have been mindbroken by what she saw while asleep. She's probably hearing voices and seeing messages like Sara was, telling her to let people die or poison people. We've seen how the experience still tortures Julie and Randall. Julie hears screaming, which makes her more prone to snapping at her family, and Randall sees clouds of bugs when it would be advantageous to distract him.
>shows up high as a kite
>spends most of s1 doing pot
>spends most of s2 drinking
>every scene of S3 is him hitting the flask
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why is she so jiggly? it's so hard to concentrate on the show when she's jiggling all over the place
>She has never spoken about her experience
She has no one to speak to about it. She'll probably talk to Randall next ep about it.
An amazing experience, questions are being answered like never before. New mysteries are being revealed, this season is crazy.
I have on good authority that nothing will happen next ep
Yeah, I'm expecting boredom except for some vague exposition about Christopher (who I don't care about at this point) and something happening at the very end in another cliffhanger.
…. Thank you science
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Whaddaya mean? Answers are being questioned like never before. If they keep delivering questions a such a rate there won't be any mystery left to answer.
So it's understood the monsters are actually crows (or the crows are monsters) that shapeshift from day to night, right? That's how they know who comes into town. That's how they knew about the tower and everything.
How does that tie in with the fact that we know the monsters sleep in the tunnels underneath the town during the day and have been shown sleeping and waking up, walking out of the tunnels?
In the 900 seconds it took to make this post I can say with complete authority that nothing else has happened.
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They're gonna test a few ideas...
They are shown there once, near dusk. There was also a crow IN the tunnels which made no sense.

Crows fly into the tunnels and change into monsters at night, then back out again later.

This all ties in with Julie's story about crows in the first ep (the writers have said the explanation is actually in the premiere episode).
The crows are like familiars for the big bad over it all. Act as eyes and ears which is probably how the monsters know everything about the people in the town
hm 2bh I thought the crows are just another tool for the masters in the background who spy on the town and shit
surely we will get concrete answers to this in the near future
>julie is turning ugly
>tabitah is aging
Copfu with the monkey face is the only breedable character in fromtown
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What about if you got one of those covid cuck tents with a rune on it? It stopped that deadly killer virus it should easily deal with a few unruly ghouls
I like the idea of them transforming more. Plus it ties in with the story, like I said. If you see the crows, you are the one they plan to murder.
>vague exposition about Christopher
As long as it is informative, the answers regarding Christopher alone will maybe make the next ep a 9/10. Christopher's downfall is implied to have heavily influenced the massacre of the previous inhabitants, and Jade is following his path.

The info could be kino.
>As long as it is informative
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What would be the From equivalent of this?
Who would you put here?
Has it been renewed for S4 yet?
They have gasoline. They must also surely have styrofoam somewhere in their storage.

Styrofoam + gasoline = napaml

The monsters can shrug off a 9mm bullet, what happens when they are scorched in jellied gasoline that won't go out?
You've now got the problem of flaming monsters coming after you
>burn one monster
>change the rules
>now the monsters burn down the town and you have nowhere to hide
Why are these webms more interesting than the show itself?
Nope, there is no word on such. It may well be over.

They've really driven home this season that it doesn't really matter what plan and idea you come up with, If it benefits you the town will just find a new brutal way to fuck you over
It's MGMs only notable show and the president apparently loves it. They want 5 seasons so it'll probably be fine
>Remember that creepy old man in the castle who gave Boyd the worms?

>Forget about him, we'll never mention him again.
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Does anyone else feel they are setting Victor and Sara up for a romance?

Both are outcasts and misunderstood, poor Victor has never even gotten to enjoy any taste of love in his life. I think it's happening, bros.
Victor is like twice her age
Time has no meaning in Fromville.

I don't think they're going to do any romances on the show. Yeah, you have Fatima and Ellis, but they were hooked up before teh show began, so it's kind of like Jim and Tabitha.
Not really, have their ages ever been explicitly stated? Victor was a kid in the 70s/80s. Sara is like 30, I'd guess Victor is in his early 40s. Given their circumstances, I'm sure neither of of them gives a fuck.

Plus, they are both unfairly judged and seen as strange. If they do go with a romance, they'd be wise to go this route.
Physically, but mentally he's 12, so on average he's about the same
Can a person be a dwelling? Let's say Fatima's baby isn't a Fromulon, the baby is living currently inside Fatima, so if they were to put a talisman up there would they be maybe able to kill Fatima but not the baby?
>Sara is like 30
Pretty sure she's only meant to be about 20. Victor was 10 or so in 78, making him about 52.
>victor is actually about Boyd's age
Exactly. They both see and hear shit but Junkie hasn't mentioned anything about her experience that I can recall.
>more worried about kenny
>gets back hurt
>starts accusing her of being back on drugs
Many such cases
What is it
Boyd, Jade, and Randall
He had to go
I guess probably where the fuck they are or what the creatures are
The Fromenockle...
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Why nobody chained Victor to a wall and interrogated him?
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>Julie and Randall seek a bit of normalcy.

Yeah, I'm thinking fuck niggers Julie is gonna get with the CHAD.
Why would they? No one believes anything he says.

Probably one of the bigger stories that needs answers is how Victor survived and how new arrivals reacted to him. It seems clear everyone until Jade, Ethan and Tabitha ignored him.
Faeries are weak to fire, music and iron. The music box stopping was given quite a lot of focus. Asiancel also destroyed the jukebox.
who was radio
>mangled face
Not in this lifetime.
Same as phone.
Someone add the plot saying nothing happens
For reals though why haven't they firebombed the shit out of that tunnel yet
Why the writing is so fucking bad. Thanks for clearing that up.
>mysterious ruins in the woods

What will the ruins be?
>8 children were sacrificed to keep the faes locked in Fromville
>Eloise freed one of them (boy in white)
>in doing so it gave the faes more power
>Christopher got told by his puppet the truth and he had to sacrifice somebody to fill the final sacrifice slab and seal the monster again
>show will end with Tabitha freeing 2 kids and then realising she will have to sacrifice her own 2 children to stop the Faes breaking free into the real.world
The ruins in the woods. Where boyd found the talisman. Where Martin was.
Also if was Victor's sister sacrificed, hence why Victor found his mothers body but not his sisters.

He never went crazy, he just had to kill a child for the greater good
>8 children
>you clearly see 7 slabs
>the biw was there before she even got there
>she saved him
You fags can't even follow the loose plot that's already there without injecting fanfic.
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why did they dress her up to be so fuckable I CAN'T FOCUS ON THE PLOT
*anghkooey intensifies*
Then they make it winter and put her in jackets just to fuck with us
Script says they don't, so they don't. In the show its probably because the monsters are always listening and any time someone decides to go full Rambo they intervene in some way to distract them, like by giving some one visions or making someone hear voices that prod them into intercepting the proactive one.
Why does everyone assume the monsters are "Fae"? Is there real, concrete proof that they are Faeries?
>Eloise freed one of them (boy in white)

Unironically I do think he's the 8th child that either didn't get sacrificed and his name or title or whatever is Anghkooey
I was hoping a ruined Norse temple to Odin might be introduced at the last minute.
He's a troll. He and the Odinfag that keeps insisting tree pictographs are "runes".
There are so many connections to the folklore and mythology, the writer's said it's solved i the first episode and the very first thing we see is Julie telling a story about fairies killing someone, etc
>Ethan has to die
Sarah redemption arc incoming.
>the writer's said it's solved i the first episode
hol' up
Why do you keep insisting they aren't. Did Donna put you up to this?
The motel thing feels really out of nowhere. Could the entire place be a motel and the numbers in the bottles are room numbers?
The cave painting has 8 figures and 7 slabs

Victor says BiW didn't appear until the massacre happened, that could be when he was freed by Miranda
In Julie's story, the monsters kill Norman and the fairies are powerless to save him. So how does that translate to the monsters being fairies, dumbass?
Probably one of the children who wants to be freed and Ethan to replace them
at this point anything's possible anything's plausible
Miranda painted the biw before they even got stuck there.

>The cave painting has 8 figures and 7 slabs
And the figures are the ones doing the offering, not the kids.

Tabitha sees 4 kids in her vision. Miranda only saw 2. Jade saw 7. There is zero indication the BIW is or was a sacrifice. Considering he's dressed in the same period clothes as the monsters, fair to say he's not part of the sacrifice shit.
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Faeries under the control of the Government in collusion with Aliens in a pocket dimension created during an acid trip.

It all makes sense now.
Just because the camera hasnt been focused on these 2 the whole time (thankfully) doesn't mean that havent spent a significant amount of alone time together since she got released from the nightmare thing. I could understand not talking about it the first day or 2 but at some point you'd think she would've opened up to her wife, and I'm not talking about her smelly thighs
There are warring courts most notably Unseelie (bad) and Seelie (good). The secret fairies she mentions are the good ones that nobody has really seen yet because they haven't arrived or made themselves known. We only have seen the Unseelie court's fae
Also people literally won't build roads through fae territory, tho this day, because of the sort of stuff that happens in the show.
Anon, it's patterned behavior in the show that no one shares personal shit. I'll believe she talked about it when it's mentioned.
>just keep adding unsupported wank to make my ridiculous theory make less sense
They're finally gona reveal when Monsterfu is coming back. Thank GOD. I was about to give up on this show
It makes the most sense, but you'd have to have read some old books on the folklore
Too bad the show is called From and has nothing to do with folklore.
God damn I want a Wheel of Time adaptation in my lifetime.
No. No there is not. Fairyfags have usurped Spurgatoryfags this season
lmao weak bait but I'll bite
>Add a plot
If only they would.
NTA but thanks for posting that
I agree. I'm just saying she had the opportunity to talk to someone. That was the original argument.
Except From translates to Fae and the monster act exactly like Slaugh
# Slaugh

The monsters are the Slaugh, fairies from Irish mythology. Similarities below:

* Slaugh draw people into their own separate fairy world. Monsters are in a "pocket dimension"
* Slaugh can transform into black birds. Black birds can be seen on the fallen tree and throughout the series. This is probably how the monsters know everyone's names - they watch them during the day.
* Slaugh have no mercy and torture their victims. Monsters match these characteristics.
* Slaugh steal souls of the living and especially the dying or sad. This does not contradict and there are some things that suggest they match (Boyd's illness, impending divorce).
* Slaugh wait for night to attack. Monsters do the same.
* Slaugh are associated with the "Wild Hunt" and hunting for pleasure. Monsters seem to be hunting for the same reasons.
* Slaugh can be "blocked, or evaded, by running (or staying) in doors after dark, or by not tempting fate walking alone in secluded, unpopulated areas (dark forests, empty streets, etc.)." Monsters cannot come in unless entry is opened for them, and people survive by staying in after dark.
* Slaugh are described as: Haggard and thin, skin barely clinging to bone in a pitiful version of what used to be human form, the Sluagh are bird-like even when not in flight. Leathery wings are kept close to their bodies, forming a weathered sort of cape or cloak. Hands and feet of bony claws, sparse strings of dark hair covering their heads, gnarled pointed teeth protruding from a beak-like mouth. Monsters match this description when not in human form.
* Slaugh are described as being once human. Monsters appear in human form at night when not attacking.
* Slaugh will let you live if you put another in their path. Monsters seem to be attempting to making that trade with Sara.

Then the faraway trees are fairy trees/fairy circles
I don't see any Scottish people in From. Debunked!
kino, damn i miss lost
Any leaks for the next episode?
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Bruh, let the monsters run. These aren't zombies, there aren't enough of them to be scary at that speed.
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So tie a rope to something and throw it inthe tree?
Kek @ pic
If they can run then it's too hard, anyone caught outside is a dead man.
turn them into crimson heads.
when they get killed they keep the monster face and come back a few days later as a running mindless monster.
This shit would do literally nothing to help the show
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Imagine letting your daughter walk around like that in a town where everyone's on edge and the average woman looks like this, every man in town must be fapping to her daily
Finally! Some *real* answers
Elgin driving the van.
Jim, Jade and Kenny as the passengers
are they going to bring that nursery rhyme or whatever the fuck that happened in season 2 when they couldn't sleep or is that already forgotten
This is why the writing is awful. It takes 3 seasons to answer ONE SINGLE IMPORTANT QUESTION. And you fucking know that the characters will do nothing useful with that information this season.
>words have meanings in other languages
Big if true. How does electricity out of nowhere fit in?
>victor and his dad go to the tunnels and talk to a puppet about christopher
>jade figures out what the numbers in the bottles mean
I'm gonna go with #2 since no one gives a fuck about Christopher. We already know what happened there.
The fae created a human town for them to live in, they created it by observing real towns from a distance. They understood that things like telephones let people talk over distances, and they had wires, but they didn't investigate underground etc or really know how the physics of it worked.

So they gave the telephone the ability to work, and it works with magic, the wire just exists because the fae saw they had them in the real world and assumed they were part of the design
How did that go? Something about 3 for free?
It's clearly magic, what would you suggest causes plastic cables to transmitted electricity or a phone that's not connected to anything allow a dead infant to speak through it?
So why is there no fairy language in town? Why is it in America? Why did they supply cows and pot?
Good, make the night scary again.
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they touch, they break they steal, no one here is free, here they come, they come for three, unless you stop the melody
Ask the fairy fag. He's got all the answers. And if he doesn't he'll just make it up.
>it's fairies because julie says fairies in ep 1 even though she uses it in a totally different context
>They burp, they farther, they love the cheese
>A big mac, a whopper, and a chocolate freeze
>Order all and get the diet coke for free
>no one here is free
>they're not your kids anymore
How are all the women in colony house not pregnant all the time?
that fucking monster looks like mark duplass
Bro, honestly just believe what lever the fuck you want or lurk more. I can't be fucked to distill years of research on various cultures' beliefs for you and then connect all the fucking dots in the whole show on this fucking forum
If there were dots to connect you wouldn't need to make them up.
>dude there's a sekrit fairy war we just don't know about it yet!
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The entity doesn't will it.
There are no pregnancies in fromville.

Remember, it's not confirmed Fatima is knocked up.
It will be brought up again once more when Elgin is revealed to be the town's saviour. But otherwise no
Well, Boyd stopped the music and freed the three prisoners, so...why would they come back to that since it's resolved
Where did the Faeries touch you, anon? Is that why you irrationally hate them so much?
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>wtf were the worms
>wtf was the ballerina
>why did it started after boyd saw martin
>why are the people that were affected still seeing shit
Detecting pregnancies is taught in fourth year of medical school.
pregnancies are probably why the monsters afford they so much leeway (and my guess is the talismans have always been make-believe). They want occasional human babies for some reason--perhaps to be a new monster.
You're the one obsessed with them. If anyone has been touched, it's you. Your obsession suggests you are Irish and thus Catholic, so you're probably used to it.
>kristi outright says she can't be sure under the circumstances
That line is there for a reason.
And they have the ultrasound next episode, which is obviously gonna show something fucked up
i hope they leave Dale in the wall
he's decoration
I don't want to talk about this right now
No doubt. It's gonna be like Prometheus.
They'll probably hang a blanket over him or something.
I'm a wizard, not a Catholic nor Irish. Roman ancestry with an interest in obscure texts, religions, and occult beliefs.
Too bad is From is clearly Native paganism.
Oh, do elaborate then on how that native paganism explains the main creatures, the runes, the place they're trapped in, the tree is the road, the faraway trees, and the blood worms. Then I'll be more inclined to take this line of thought seriously.
but what do they eat?
Beans and cornbread
>the runes
What runes? You mean the pictographs?

Everything is common injun folklore, from crows to wendigos.
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>its the fatima is a wendigoon retard
Yea I didn't think you could do it either, it's fine. Show me the native american pictograph that is on those talisman at least
AI finally learned hoq to do a shitty kiss and it only took 5 years?
We are so done.
Lowest IQ Fromily member, that guy baka. It's the Q Anon uncle equivalent
You mean two people sitting between a moon and sun? A story they didn't tell? Show me the euro "rune" and I mean one that accounts for the full picture, not just a zoom in on the legs.

They tell me about euro totems and dreamcatchers and why it's all American crows and not Euro crows (they aren't the same thing).
>How will Jade stay sane?
By spending a few days in bed feeling like absolute shit.
Withdrawals are only life-threatening in the most severe cases. Jade has been there maybe a few months and has only been hitting the bottle hard for maybe half that time. With food, proper hydration, and rest, he would be able to recover in anywhere between a day and a week, depending on how long he has actually been binging. They also have booze so that he can taper off if the symptoms are too bad.
>a few months
The entirety of the show is less than a month.

But who knows how long he's been using before the show. He showed up so blasted he slept for a day.
>Show me the euro "rune"
Sure, i highlighted the ones they're based on. Still waiting to see yours...

>Then tell me about euro totems
Well you'll have to be more specific on which ones you're referencing in the show, but for example there is one that comes to mind:

>The most direct memory of totemism in Gaelic tradition is the story of Conaire Mor. His father was the king of the Enlaith, the bird people. When Conaire was a young man, he went hunting after birds and ended up in Ireland. These birds then transformed into men and then explained Conaire’s lineage to him formally forbidding him from hunting birds and then assisting him in gaining the high kingship of Ireland.

>Later, Conaire breaks this taboo along with many others, resulting in the destruction of the hostel he was staying at and his own death at the hands of raiders. This is perhaps the most direct reference to totemism, not only in the consequences but also in the way his totem is presented, not as a curse or punishment but rather as an ancestor to Conaire Mor.

I'm not even going to reapond to the bird question unless you can accurately identify which species of corvid it even is. I'm already going out of my way this morning to dunk on you, not need to shatter your rim as well
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For your reference
>The entirety of the show is less than a month.
As of last episode, Jim and family are on their 20th day in the town.
Yes, that's correct, they haven't even been there 3 weeks yet.
So now it's "based on". No, show me the "rune" that depicts two people sitting between the sun and moon.
>more specific
You know, the ones in the show standing outside the huts with nails through their heads.
They used to grow food by the lake but someone stole it all :(
I've said it before that this folklore they're using comes from an almgamation of different countries' versions of the myth, it's not 1:1 retelling of specifically one regions' fairy tale.
You've also got protection runes in there, as the body/arms of the stick people
Yes I'm glad someone with a brain is here to see the parts I didn't mark clearly. And it's not the only runic alphabet in that mythology/history. Has the wendigoon posted his native american one yet?? I didn't think so.
So in your head, "Odin" is all over the cave paintings and not an obvious pictograph for fucking trees?

And a sun and moon are circle and square?
>because it's based on my imagination you can't expect my explanations to actually explain anything
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>I got him on the ropes
you know what?
i'm kinda feeling the wizard/witch theory
>magic tower
>crow familiars
>undead minions

Talismans could very easily have been left by witch hunters who failed in their mission.
Waiting. Why did they write "odin" all over the cave walls. What is the rune for the symbol on the wall? Why dos the talisman have 8 odins on it? Why does a circle and square suddenly become a sun with rays coming out and a moon? Why does the central symbol suddenly sprout heads and arms?
Could be something. Miranda did draw paintings of a weird pilgrim. And someone is obsessed with kids, as Euros religions tend tend to be.
I gotta go. You can read all the books on the myths and folklore yourself if you can find them and want the answers. You've got the thread, just follow it.
How did Victor know they were sleeping? How the fuck do they even need sleep? What happens if a monster doesn't get enough sleep?
>I gotta go.
Yup. Figured as much. See you next thread were you spout this bullshit.
think he says the boy in white told victor all the infos as well as where to wait for her. As for the rest don't get your hopes up, that shit aint getting answered
I read somewhere back when the first season came out that the idea is some sort of playroom for the aliens. I think the original draft was about a meteorite hitting that place and the controversy started. In those disputes, a kind of vortex formed where time and space operates in its own way. All the people inside that place become just victims that the aliens like to either torture or they feed on emotions like fear, hope. The alien mind itself is like the ocean from Solaris. They know everything about the people inside this place, can read their minds, get inside their heads and so on. But I highly doubt - even if it was true - that it still fits with what the screenwriters are writing now.
Some might even say that the real mystery is, why isn't Julie chained up in somebodies basement rn being used a living fleshlight.
they look like they are turned off
>But I highly doubt - even if it was true - that it still fits with what the screenwriters are writing now.

Boyd's actor said before he accepted a role he sat down with the writers and had them explain what was going on and the ending, and said they've had it planned out since day 1.

Plus they said the "answer" is in the opening episode

So I doubt anything has changed
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>the "answer" is in the opening episode
which brings us right back to the faeries
Here's a plan:

Have a central board/box in town that everybody can put in any strange experiences they are having. During the week they can all be put together to try and see if it fits into a wider issue or explains something.

Each Sunday Boyd gets the town together to discuss any updates and they mull over their next moves
>Plus they said the "answer" is in the opening episode
The beginning of the first season is the end of the final season. That was the idea from the start.
I gotta go
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If they did this the faes would just destroy the talismans or burn down the town or something

Donna was right, the game is RIGGED. they can't win by sitting around town plotting
Have ultrasounds been around that long?
They're clearly aliens performing experiments on random humans
They said there was one on the ambulance, I dunno If that's standard in American ambulances or just a plot convenience
Nah. The answer is
>push the tree out of the way
> There's no explanation because it's some alien crap.
I wouldn't even be surprised if they end up like that.
>Boyd's actor said before he accepted a role he sat down with the writers and had them explain what was going on and the ending, and said they've had it planned out since day 1.
An' lawd noes no one in the entertainment industry would lie to get a black guy to sign a contract.
Google says they are common in ambulances now.
Haven't watched past S01.
Have they explained if something happens to you after getting killed by the monsters?
Like do you become a spoopy ghost or something or just die
Or that the story doesn't change as seasons get added. I mean, they clearly did not intend for the bottle tree to be a faraway tree in S1. The fucking thing is tiny.

That doesn't mean they don't have an overall plan, but certain things have obviously changed. That's the problem. The more you pad shit, the more convoluted it gets and the less likely everything gets answered.
Apparently the way to get out of the loop is to just kys in some specific way
Guess I'm just waiting for it to tend to binge watch everything past s01
We don't know that. Tabitha should have died, but maybe she didn't. Maybe the way out is to be put into a coma or something.
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Oh interesting. I’m usually hammered when I watch so I miss things like that.
I hate that instead of creating atmosphere, they just use screamers. Fuck it, I almost couldn't watch season 2 because of it. Every time there's a screamer.
That doll jumpscares are the silliest
It was stated on the trailer for the next episode so you didn't miss it in the actual show
What was the deal with the over the top house selectment rituation
Bingo. It's really not that hard to grasp, idk what that wendigooon tied has against that mythology
Honestly it's the most fuckin stupid thing about the show
It's pretty much stating your intent.
colony house=I'm going to smoke and drink and fuck and not give a fuck until i die
town=I'm going to play by the rules and actively work towards or support those working towards finding a way out

Of course the dichotomy isn't really mentioned outside of once in the pilot episode where Donna tells Boyd that he's not supposed to be snooping around colony house. After the monsterfu incident pretty much everyone is on the same page.
But what's the deal with the permenance of it, why were you forced to commit to a decision the town barely explains
>gunshots do nothing
>a little knife makes them bleed
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>makes them bleed
Based show watcher
Limited amount of homes, limited number of talismans. The town can't be constantly changing living arrangements because people can't make up their mind.

That's my headcanon at least, in the show they never say.
I think really it's just because they have fundamentally different views in how people should be doing things for awhile then Donna's castle falls and she has to relent and give control over to Boyd who is kind of doing better at that point in her eyes
probably happened after abby went psycho and the retards didn't want to stay there and went up together to colony house
there won't be. settings isn't comfy and sovlful enough
I believe they have 12. 1 in colony house. 1 at the school, 1 at the diner, 1 at the post office. They leaves 8 houses.

Pretty heavily implied, yeah. First off, it had to since Boyd only found them that night. When he came back with them, Abby was shooting up the town.
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“The secret fairies are on their way back from the lake of tears right? They’re gonna save Norman!”

“No. The monster’s claws went too deep. Tell my friends I’ll miss them. Tell my parents I said ‘Goodbye’.

“ Sorry, buddy. Norman’s dead and when you’re dead, you’re gone.

“bring him back. You’ve got to bring him back.

“I had a dream. It was a drawing on the wall. There were so many drawings on the wall. I saw the lake of tears. But somebody screamed because the spider came down from the ceiling.

Every answer is in these 2 dialogues

Norman = victor
Monsters claws = white clawed monster
Fairies=the ghouls, corrupted by the fear spider

My theory: Victor died as a child and his mother struck a deal with fairies to bring him back, but instead was sucked into from land where victor was allowed to live to adulthood as a cruel twist
1.) You're ignoring half the dialogue.
2.) The dream isn't in episode 1.
3.) The town predates Victor.
If that were the case then they shouldn't be able to harness the electricity in the lines
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>its the fairy retarded mongoloid again
>monsters aren’t real so victor is still alive
There is also that bit

And I didn’t say victor created the town just that he was sent there with his mom as a prank
I like kinda like that theory. I feel like they led Boyd to that cave intentionally. The dog brought him close and when he got close enough to the entrance the monsters came out and flanked him into it.
And what about everyone else?

"The answer is in the first episode" is vague as fuck. The answer to what? How to get out? What the town is? It's no different than this shit: >>204803665

Yeah, I'm sure there's something there that will ping later, but I really doubt the story hinges on anything in 1.1.
Too much anti-fairy racism in this thread. Ya'll should be ashamed.
Maybe that's what the two figures on the talisman are. Two people fucking.
Boyd will take the magic torch from the dungeon and reveal the hidden motel in town where the glowies made their base
Forget about that torch. You never saw it. We'll never speak of it again.
Of all the retarded theories out there, the "the talismans don't actually work" one is the stupidest
kimono lady is Fatima is even stupider
I respectfully disagree
Why does tabitha look so old here though
Fairies is dumber.

What's even dumber is how they don't actually look into it. They actually make this stuff a plot point. Jim writes about it on the wall:
>how do they work
>who made them
>can you make more
And it's subsequently never talked about or looked into. Moreover, it's clear from this the writers know good and well these are questions people will ask and 25 episodes of nothing about it. Just boyd randomly found them in a hut one night.
They’re lesbians scissoring. Kristi and the junkie are not who they seem.
A woman giving birth to a really big baby. The monsters bust out of mama full size.
The fairy anon will be vindicated by the end of the show and I want to make it clear here that I believed him all along

Idiot didn’t even wait until bump limit. Fairy fags confirmed trolling.
Why would fairies, a myth that originated in Ireland and England, be running amok in North America instead of the many myths that were already there by the natives, or brought over by Viking and Spanish explorers. The Irish immigration didn’t kick off until the 1700s
Filthy protestants brought them over.

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