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fairy edition

prev >>204794309
Why would fairies, a myth that originated in Ireland and England, be running amok in North America instead of the many myths that were already there by the natives, or brought over by Viking and Spanish explorers. The Irish immigration didn’t kick off until the 1700s or so
How do the faeryfags explain the missing motel?
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>Why do you hate me so much, anon?
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So which of these is the cowboy?
>The show is literally called Fairy.
>Retards spent three seasons trying to figure out what it was about fairies.
I knew it from the start though
Its literally not tho
But why fairies
>you didnt know this gaelic word that nobody uses?
>what a retard
Further proof of just how awful the irish are. The English were right to mistreat you.
Origin theories aside can we all at least agree that there are cycles in Fromtown? The previous cycle ended with everyone in the town dying, except Victor. The new cycle is beginning. Tabitha is Miranda (Victor's mom) reincarnated and Jade is Christopher reincarnated.
I'm pretty sure that the first scene of the first episode of season 1, when Boyd walks through the streets and bangs the bell, is the scene that ends the final season. He's in a cycle and reliving the same events over and over again. I don't know where I got that idea from.
Force feed 10 cans of Chili, a pound of broccoli and 2 gallons of spoiled milk to Donnna then make love to her.
My uncle writes for the show and he actually told me thats exactly what happens
I don’t think you would have to force her.
This is a fairy thread.
Not limbo or purgatory. Those are debunked theories.
>kenny: “maybe we’re not the ones who get to go home. But maybe we’ll make it easier for the ones who come next.
They’re all fucked and trapped in a loop until someone from the year 2600 comes and frees everybody
Agreed. Fairies is round 3
Yeah I don’t think we’ve even seen the fairies yet. The ghouls are something else. The fairies are being tortured by a lovecraft being and their psychic screams are creating nightmares in the astral plane. They are the ankhooey kids and the boy in white
>The show is literally called Fairy.
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>Source: it came to me in a dream
Why does scottish sounds like a fake language? Or some retard trying to write in english? I can't take it seriously
Yea but it doesn't literally mean it. It doesn't even kind of mean it. Its an entirely different word
Kenny lost his father because of Sarah, who hears voices and is a pawn in the hands of monsters (fairies, whatever)

Kenny lost his mother because of Boyd, who similarly hears voices and is a pawn in the hands of monsters

All three are incredibly injured (Kenny, Sarah, Boyd).

That's actually pretty clever.
We shouldn't talk about this right now..
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>they believe in ghouls, giant spiders and phones but Fairy's is taking things too far
>some retard trying to write in english?
Because it is. They aren't even human.
So the title of the show is just a play on the word, not a direct translation.
we have never seen giant spiders
It's a common preposition used in Scots dialects, particularly in phrases like "far frae here," meaning "far from here."

'Fairy' unironically and literally means 'far from here'.
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Why does wikitionary say it comes from old french then
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Thats a bit of a stretch, pal. You believe that the title From refers to the Scottish word Fae, which is just one of several variations of the word Frae and its in reference to the Irish word Fae which is just an alternative way of spelling Fey, which means Fairy?
>she took acid and started hearing voices from Fromville.

Is that really the best explanation they've come up with?
She was in acid while next to THE original faraway tree
I still don't understand how she ended up there with two kids.
Yeah, yeah, I guess next episode will explain that.....
Henry said that his family “drove away” and never came back so it’s implied they got there the same way as everyone with the fallen tree.
But everyone got there by mistake. Or at least they didn't go there on purpose.
I think Miranda is a special case. She made contact with fromville on accident and then either willingly went there to free the children or drew the attention of the entities and was taken
>I think Miranda is a special case.
That's what I'm saying. It's so stupid and silly
That's night and day, right? The switching of dimensions, if you may. Basically, you see the light AKA escape Fromville if you helicopter Julie while surrounded by 8 trees.
That, or portaling out by jumping tower-height down to the 8 sacrificial tables.
Threadly reminder that if your watching this for answers to a mystery, you're doing it wrong.
We watch it for milkies
The mystery is the only thing it has going for it. Most of the characters are boring and the actors portraying them can't act. Honestly how do you fuck up something a premise this cool?
They aren’t Irish fairies, they are Nordic fairies, the Huldufólk.
They hint at this when Kenny and Kristi want to go to Iceland together
Ironically enough, that's his nightmare at the beginning of S2. He's just walking through town ringing the bell enough though everyone is dead and gone.
Bunch of narcissistic actors think the show is all about them. No - you are just pawns for the mystery, sorry.
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We are in America. Not Scotland. There also aren't any chinese dragons or indonesian bush magic
Whenever there are magic trees in a woodland setting, it's because of fairies.
The Watched is basically the same story as From.
>faraway tree
bottle tree. we never found out if it had an opening. I think he said no
>” Huldufólk and álfar undoubtedly arose from the same need. The Norse settlers had the álfar, the Irish slaves had the hill fairies or the Good People. Over time, they became two different beings, but really they are two different sets of folklore that mean the same thing."

Huldufolk means hidden people. Ethan refers to the “hidden fairies” in the first episode of the series
Norse chads won
>Ethan refers to the “hidden fairies”
Julie mentions them. Then Tabitha reminds Ethan it's all fake because monsters and fairies aren't real. Try again, retard.
>monsters aren’t real
>gets transported to a world where monsters are real
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We do have a Japanese ghost
You can't have it both ways. Either the story is bullshit or there are fairies running around. Ethan also says he dreams of pictures of them on Victor's wall. No pictures of fairies there, anon.
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Underneath Yggdrasil the world tree, there are three roots . One root leads into Asgard, one into jotunheim, and one other into hel.
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>Huldufólk can use their psychological power to lure and trick people and gain power over them. Huldufólk dislike churches (no bibles), daylight and electricity (no electricity). Therefore, the danger of Huldufólk is higher in the outfields and in short sight such as darkness and/or fog.
Imagine if this show just got shut down after this season with no final
It would spare people who actually like to talk about the show from fairy fag's bullshit.
We are halfway through the season and no news of renewal yet. Such is a distinct possibility.
It's one of their top 2 shows, probably #1 now. It'll get renewed for no other reason than they have nothing to replace it with.
I'm fucking around when I say I watch this for Julie's balloons. I actually watch for Boyd and his breakdowns.
>I actually watch for Boyd and his breakdowns.
Him going after Donna, Ellis and the cop were some of the best parts of the season. Cute cop didn't deserve it as much as the other two, though.
I watch for Sara to kill again.
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The final boss
I literally only watch for the Fatima and Ellis scenes. I skip everything else.
After the bottle tree always goes to the lighthouse fail, I don't think we can take her word for anything. We already know the kids aren't in the lighthouse, they're in that cave thing.
literally know where the monsters are coming from.
do nothing about it, no traps, nothing, haven't even tried to block the entrance to the cave.
Looks like Fatima to me.
wtf you utter psycho
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I hope you enjoy the next episode when they both die horribly
They're already gone, anon.
>haven't even tried to block the entrance to the cave.
would you do that? It is already established that Tabbers could easily carve through concrete to reach the tunnels and only by luck did the monsters ignore the new hole instead of removing the rubble, which they easily can, as seen in the same episode. what if it would only anger them and cause them to create some new and worse means to get out and about? status quo, bro.
Oddly enough there weren't any monsters near where she went through. They seemed to be located near the exit, far away from town.

Then they were nowhere to be seen when Jade went there.
Have we seen a Bible in From?
No. Father khatri mentions this in season 1. There’s books of all kinds but no bibles so he had to transcribe his own
They were all in the motel.
If this is all true then the fairy nigga is 100% correct
Don't worry. It's not.
Teapcup is better!
I stopped watching at the end of season 2, and even that I had to ffw through
did they finally admit it's fairies?
What is the (partial) message the show is trying to impart so far?

This shit fucking sucks
>the scottish accent that borders on speech impediment makes the word "fae" and the word "from" sound indistinguishable
>anon think that it follows they are the same word
chrst save me from these retards
To struggle is human
Who says there is one?
A Midsummer Night's Dream 1935
Damn what if the chickens and cows and goats that roam around were people from previous eras that were turned into animals and they’ve been eating people all along
Depends. Will it wrap up this season, or are they going to try to Walking Dead the shit?
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Either the departed infant's soul has been captured and corrupted by that place or a demon is impersonating him. The entity in S1E02 that tells Julie
>Don't you recognize me?
could also be her brother who's somehow "alive" and grown up.
The man in the yellow hat. On a serious note, I dont think Kencel heard the voice on the radio but its the same voice he heard in his own dream. He answered fhe phone then heard that gay rhyme about coming for 3 or whatever. So basically this thing is nigh omnipotent
However the kid on the phone had the same malicious tone like the man who spoke to Jim and intimidated him about the radio. It could be the same entity with a different voice.
>that gay rhyme about coming for 3 or whatever.
that rhyme was so shitty. the whole music box arc was terrible

>they lie, they something, they steal, they come for thee unless you stop your melody
and they kept repeating that shitty say, i fucking hated it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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You guys realize this is Lost all over again, right?
I like the show, but I'm not expecting any answers.
MGM+ as an entity is more likely to cease to exist than it is likely that they will cancel From. But it's pretty likely that MGM+ will cease to exist.
Serves them right for not making a Stargate revival.
>Show isn't about the mystery, it's about the characters
See, this only works when you have actual interesting characters.
From doesn't have many. Lost almost every single character was interesting, so they could get away with that excuse when they ran out of ways to explain the mysteries of the Island in that show.

Even Jack was a good character, then you had guys like Locke, Sawyer, Desmond even fucking Hurley is almost a more interesting character than anyone in From. Ben, Juliet, Jin / Sun, MIB / Jacob, Michael, etc. etc.

Even the best characters in From, Jade / Boyd / Victor aren't that great characters and aren't developed all that well and we barely know their backstories.

Most of the other characters are just worthless / uninteresting. Tabitha, Ellis, Fatima, Ethan / Julie / Jim, Randall, Sara, Elgin, etc. All characters if they were killed off next episode I wouldn't really care.

Khatri was interesting but they killed him off so early.
We're about to get raised by wolves 2.0. Another mystery show killed off before it could end.
Nah, leave Stargate alone. Unless the revival is continuing the existing franchise, fuck em, leave it dead.

They tried to do the same shit with Battlestar a few years ago and luckily that never got off the ground either.
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I know, but I have nothing else to watch and I'm desperate, but it's insulting to compare this show to the utter kino that was Lost. It can't even hold a candle to it.

I still like and enjoy From, but nothing can ever do what Lost did again.
>he doesn’t carry an iron dagger to deal with fairy shits
Imagine leaving home without any protection against supernatural threats.
Pretty sure it was Amazon proper that was looking at a Stargate revival but they seem to have abandoned that idea.

I have no idea why MGM+ is even a thing if MGM is under the Amazon umbrella.
nta but it's apples and oranges
Okay Dean.
I'm abouta froooooom!
I'd like to From inside Fatima, Tabitha, Julie, Kristi, and Sara, if you know what I am talking about.
>Not Accosta's tight cop booty
I'm only halfway through season 2 :(
Started watching a week ago because of these threads.
Well you got something to look forward tot hen. Enjoy the show anonajtgy
Lost was kino, pure soul.
The Desmond intro of was so good

I'm just saying, Dean and Sam show up in Fromville?
Problem solved that very night.
Dean and Sam show up in Fromville and you have Mystery Spot 2.0. It already appears that Fromville may be cyclical.

It will probably take at least 5 years worth of repeated cycles to solve.
err, excuse me.
All I'm saying is, if I was Dean in a Fromville mystery spot, there'd be a lot of poking that pig (Acosta). If you can extrapolate what I'm suggesting.
They are different trees, bros.

they moved it underground for the ghouls to live comfortably
They have to wrap it up or start with new characters!
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I want to watch it but...
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How do the monsters fit into the fae theory?
They don't.
This is just what faeries look like.
new clip of next weeks eps, it answers everything
God I can't stand how characters will shut each other down when they're starting to get onto something
>Hey I think I figured it out, it could be like a worm hole or some kind of rift where
Also the casual fucking reveal to Jade that there's a second bottle tree when Boyd told NO ONE before
>Did you even go to the other tree that I never told you existed?
Fuck off
Lets face it, without theories, there is literally nothing to enjoy.
Pretty much. Each episode is just watching and praying that something happens to further explain or deepen the mysteries going on.
The characters on their own aren't interesting enough to be cared about
>Jim this season has turned from a main character into a background character. Actually it's worse than that, he's a background character that actively tries stopping others from getting answers from his wife who went back to the real world because "HEY LEAVE HER ALONE" even though if it was anyone else he'd be demanding answers
>Boyd is all talk this season, bringing up plans like capturing a monster just for half the season to go by with no developments
>Tabitha and her broken english has always been annoying, but then she's written to have a freakout right before we see a bottle tree in the real world that would maybe give answers. Also she knows what her first day in Fromville is like and still decided to freak out HEY WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE WE'RE GONNA DIE LET ME GO WE'RE GONNA DIE to a fucking cop and didn't expect to be restrained
>Julie/Ethan are annoying
>Victor is good but never fucking answers questions
> "HEY LEAVE HER ALONE" even though if it was anyone else he'd be demanding answers
That actually makes sense. What's bothersome about Jim in S3 is he does nothing else. He's essentially the wife side-character. That wouldn't be a terrible thing if he wasn't so outspoken in S1 and most of S2. With the phone calls, you'd think he'd step up. Maybe he will in the next 5, but I doubt it.
>>Victor is good but never fucking answers questions
>That actually makes sense
It's just frustrating because it's not even like people were fucking yelling at her at first. She was being asked basic reasonable questions and Jim wanted to shut it down instantly
Their questions were retarded. About the only thing she *might* have been able to accomplish is telling some people they're still alive.

Instead they're arguing about calling the cops and getting help. It's a magic town that can't be found and she'd be locked up if she talked to the police about it. It actually just goes to show why the MCs should only share info amongst themselves. The rest are too short-sighted.

Everyone's talking about Victor, it's actually Boyd that probably has the most relevant info. The other bottle tree, for instance. And that damned torch that can transport you back in time. He should be lighting that thing everywhere.
Decipher the painting above julie's bed bunk in the colony house.
So phone knew about digging, summoned the storm, and can invade dreams?
Phone also plays the inappropriate music from the jukebox and that girl's phone to troll them. Respect.
I don't think it's necessarily a reincarnation.

Probably an archetype. The place attracts character types to fulfil a role, like "The Mother" or "The Boy".
What does a pocket universe have to do with fairies?
The bracelet thing pretty strongly hints at straight up reincarnation. Miranda would have died right around the time Tabitha was born.
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Why is the line between the motives of "the all controlling evil" and the motives of the "writers" non existent?
Victor loving & leaving the ladies.
Is any daughter safe in fromville?
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You're just pulling that out of your ass. We don't know when Tabitha was born or when Miranda died and Victor seems to be the same age of not older than Tabitha.
Reincarnation makes sense becomes of the timelines. Tabitha would've been born around the same time Miranda died. Same with Jade and Christopher. And the fact that they showed up in Fromtowm at the exact same time. Its a real Keymaster/Gatekeeper situation
that jukebox trolling kenny was hilarious, based evil entity
or the good entity aka the boy in white is pulling in people that fit a certain criteria to fulfill certain roles
I don't understand your question.
Writers want a diverse cast of characters to broaden their demographics, and when multiple characters fulfill a certain role the writers find it much easier to kill one of them off
You might just be misattributing this intent of the writers for some in-universe "entity"
did anyone get what these niggers monsters say in s03e01 when the people are getting the animals back from the street? probably nothing
The writers can't have only one motive, that is to play a meta multicultural awards game. Also, I don't know if it's possible in principle to separate an author's intent with any of the characters they wrote. I may not understand your objection still.
what are you talking about? what other character did they kill off to make room for Jade and Tabitha?
It sounds like "who's a good girl"
It sounds like it starts with "why"
Is it worth continuing? t. Got filtered at the end of season 1
Do it for Julie's
Only 2 more days until episode 6!

I can't stop pacing around I am so excited. We're finally going to get answers about Christopher, Jasper and Jade!
no doubt questions will be answered like never before
I think it was "was a good girl", which is a playful remark at Jade calling the cow a good girl earlier
I think my primary problem is that the pieces of evidence for the "role" theory are so small that it's impossible to differentiate them from just being quirks of the writing right now
Tabitha is the closest, but Jade being "just like Christopher" feels like a stretch
I watched S1 every week. I streamed S2 after it ended and was on Amazon for free, and it was not nearly as good as S1. I will stream S3 when it's free, and I don't expect it to be any better.
What is the "role theory"?
That the town is actively seeking to replace people who die with similar people who fulfill specific roles in whatever "story" it's trying to tell, I guess
You are right, its padded like shit and moves like snail. Junkie lesbo and lady trump gets half of the screentime.
>Junkie lesbo and lady trump gets half of the screentime
They really don't tho
>Literally any conversation happening in any corner of the town
>Lady trump enters the scene
Both of them are in every single episode.
I just think you're exaggerating a little
Also mr multimillion dollar quantum computing entrepreneur has been fed all the retarded script.
I only finished season 1. Was it fairies all along?

I can't even complain because I actually never would have guessed that
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Fairies are often portrayed as being able to change their form in modern media, and their true forms are shown as being alien.
They used the exact same idea in The Watchers.
They were on a little island where there was only one route off of it.
Was a pretty fun movie that was let down by some dumb dialogue.
thats not modern fae using glamours is ancient you tard
this is somehow hotter
I find it hilarious that shitty flick was your first exposure to countless legends and myth of fae
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Pure eye candy.
You guys do know there are actual Faeries on reddit? Go to r/faeries. Tons of people who were Fae in past lives post there and reveal information. Some posters even claim to be living Fae. We could probably learn a lot by talking to them.
hey faggot, fuck off
It's not Faeries. They're not in fucking Ireland.
How do you know they didnt get teleported to ireland? Where are they exactly? All the people there came from different parts of the country. Are they even on earth still?
Who says Fae are specific only to Ireland? I saw Fae once as a child in northern Arizona.
Boyd is Irish though
>where are they?

Jade postulates in the preview scene from episode 6 that they are in a dimensional rift and the lighthouse overlaps with Camden, Maine--hence how Tabitha appeared there. https://youtu.be/XO1MTIOEA9E

So it looks like we will finally get some big answers.
so? they aren't in norway either, you really have no idea how this works do you?
New mysteries will be revealed. It's going to get crazy!
So is Norman dead or not?
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It’s Nordic fairies, the Icelandic huldufolk brought to Maine by Norse explorers 1000 years ago
It isn't, but it's just the most recent example of what's probably going on in From.
Fromilia, have we ruled out time travel?
The ”hidden people”, sometimes refered to as fairies or elves, live in a parallel world to our own hidden from humans
no-one but fucktard tourists from reddit ever entertained the possibility fucktards like you
When are they going to show her seminaked?
you can stop this awful attempt at b8 anytime you know
>North America instead of the many myths that were already there by the natives
Jersey Devil,
Large Feet,

Those are like, all the cryptids of north america (oh and maybe some kind of shapeshifting talking coyote, may or may not become your wife)
Can any fromanon decipher the painting above julie's bed bunk in the colony?
sure it means go the fuck back
Do you have like a picture?
No, but it has naked black man and white woman holding hands. Idk what it means and who is it related to. Afaik ellis made julie's bed bunk in the colony. Is fatima going to die?
Why are you acting retarded?
They just need a GOOD casting. Too many ugly/old people so people can't bee invested
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The baby now belongs to the white clawed monster
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“It’s too late. The monsters claws went too deep “
why are you posting like a retard? you've been at this for a while now, its not clever its simply retardation, from you a complete and utter retard
What does that tyre mark means? Is that symbolizing trolley problem that soul of bartender was talking about to mr. Quantum computer?
Idk what are you even doing itt bruh. Fuck off if you have nothing to contribute.
It was just a hoe
That scene was a brilliant and that's all I remembered from season 1. But it was kind of like the second episode? From there, it just got boring.
lmao you keep posting the same """"question"""" over and over hoping for some shitty response about a white girl with a black guy, but fatima is arab and ellie is 1/2 white so your entire attempt to turn this into a race thing is just kinda badly thought out and retarded, but go on keep trying you stupid fucking tourist "brah"
maybe just head on back where you came from brah
All that mumbo jumbo yet you failed to realize how ellis ended up being half white. That makes the puzzle even more rich. As i said before, you have nothing to contribute and seem super obsessed with the race thing at play. Why don't you go back to one of your favourite raceplay board to bait retards?
3 roads, 3 bottle trees, 3 tree roots, 3 paths, 3 worlds
I get that Boyd didn't want to put Sara in the box. But the townies do still need their retribution. Why didn't Boyd make a stockade to put Sara in and make her a free use cumdumpster for a week or so? That would probably calm everyone down.
>you failed to realize how ellis ended up being half white.
I literally just pointed out to you that he is, and that you are obbessed with race and have been trying to strt a discussion about it for hours now. You are completely mentally retarded if you think anyone is falling for your stupid shit, fuck off
Did you make that artwork?
lol fucking idiot jut take the loss and move on
I’m not exited for the civil war subplot reveal because it’s gonna be some race baity thing and these threads are going to be ass
Why do they live in such a horrible place?
They're sloughs.
>Retard got nothing to contribute to the thread
>Melts down over a piece of puzzle artwork
Take deep breaths darling
It was fine until the spider came down from the ceiling and everyone started screaming
they are trapped their by the curse caused by the sacrifice they are as pissed off about it as everyone else is, monsterfu hinted at it when she said
>I didn't choose this you know
She's 58.
moron take your infantile attempt at racebaiting somewhere else fuckwit
I ain't replying to a faggot who got no answers to the tyre mark puzzle anymore. Here is your final (you)
good now go the fuck back you retard
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>This is what happens when two people go through the faraway tree at the same time
Why the last guy got fused with the wall whereas other characters had no problem travelling through the tree?
The boy in white is like a lighthouse. Without his guidance you might crash into the rocks
Where do froms from From come from?
the elphyne
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So is boy in white the big bad?
he kind of helps them survive tho
If Henry dies, then he’s a bad guy. If Henry gives some revelation to victor about how to escape then he’s the good guy
no he's the "good" entity in opposition the the evil one and "good" is in hyphens because a "good" fae even a fae god isn't well good not in the way we'd classify it anyway
Ireland or Norway
Elgin is a brave, sensitive, and kind human being. Why does this general dislike him?
none of that has been proven he's just a massive sperg whos done nothing but cause problems
>God I can't stand how characters will shut each other down when they're starting to get onto something
He shuts him down because he is rambling and going insane. Same as in X-Files when Mulder just goes crazy and believes everything at face value or some conspiracy theory written by someone not related to the issue with no scientific background. You can't just regurgitate some lore from a comic book to a problem in the "real" world. a hovering object is not instantly "the Force" from star wars. it could be anything that could be explained with physics. and time travel/dimensions is just pseudo science, so why would Boyd accept it like it is something that exists?
>Tabitha and her broken english
He braved the outdoors at night to rescue Ellis from an injury he had nothing to do with.
>Phone also plays the inappropriate music from the girl's phone
did we hear what Julie listened to? i thought she was just ignoring her mother and no music was coming from it at all
Can any man explain to me how Jade is on track to look like Gandalf in season 4? How fast does his fucking beard grow?

Look, only over one month has passed since s1 ep1. Yet Jade's hair is growing an a rate I've not yet seen. I don't know what being a man is like, but I do know there's no way beards grow this fast, right?
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Forgot pic. This is what Jade will look like in season 4 if he doesn't fucking shave.
so? randall has braved the outdoors at night constantly to help people so has kenny jim and of course boyd, for the most part elgin sits around having panic attacks over samurai ghost lady
normal people have facial hair that grows at a regular and consistent rate, as a neutered zoom zoom you wouldn't understand
Robert Hoge, writing for the American Numismatic Society in 2006, stated that "There is no reliable confirmation on the documentation of the Goddard coin, and much circumstantial evidence suggests that someone was deliberately trying to manipulate or obfuscate the situation. The Norse coin from Maine should probably be considered a hoax.
>I don't know what being a man is like
tits or fuck off you tard Jades beard growth is normal for a man his age
retcon. Victor made it clear this tree was special, but because it was an obvious show ender, they changed it.
A beard doesn't grow six inches in a month. Jade's beard has grown at least a solid 5 inches
Tabby's actress alternates between British English and L.A. Chola pretty often. I actually thought it was good acting because she usually breaks into the hispanic accent when she's either around only her family or stressed the fuck out.
jelqing helps. trust me bro
actually victor made it clear it was super dangerous to travel though the faraway trees and it was only because the boy in white was telling him it was ok for tabitha he thought it was the right thing to do to let her travel in it, you idiot
>A beard doesn't grow six inches in a month.
ah yea it does, its actually a massive pain there is a reason we have to shave every day you fucking zoomer moron
>normal people have facial hair that grows at a regular and consistent rate,
Buuuuuuuuuulshit. Strawman. I have never seen anything resembling Jade's ridiculous hair growth. Seriously, am I the crazy one here? No other character with beards have as much growth.
There’s Viking ruins just north of Maine from the same time period, so It’s not a stretch there would be some Norse presence there if that’s what the showrunners wanna go with though
she is spanish and will revert to a spanish accent when she's really stressed out, this is common in esls
>, you idiot
no he said this tree always goes to the lighthouse. ever since his mother wanted to use it. Victor knows the trees very well and uses them often
because they shave, I have facial hair that grows like that, in fact I'm dealing with it right now, its been 4 days since I shaved and I have the makings of a full beard not everyone is a hairlet, if I left this going on much longer I'd look like gandalf within two months tops
sure, but the one piece of "evidence" you brought up is a verified hoax.
I'm talking about the other times he explained the faraway trees, and was really clear that they are dangerous not when he was taking tabitha to the bottle tree
Did he forget he had a gun to shoot the chain at least? How do you watch this shit?
Ok, fairy theorists - why do they only capture Americans?
borders are super important, the curse only encompasses the american continent and more then that the borders of the actual united states affects the spell as well, borders and boundaries are incredibly important to the fae, why do you think so much time is spent on figuring out exactly what the talismans can affect/protect? an enclosed space definitely with a door maybe, boyd survived in a tree hollow with a talisman hung up, then again the tree hollows are also magical places that displace so...in short borders and boundaries created by morals have an effect on the nature of the fae
>lets shoot a thick iron chain with a 9mm, thats a good idea
glad you aren't in fromville
>Boyd wastes his monster-killing superweapon to save his son
he didn't know it would kill smiley at best he thought the worms would transfer to him
Proven wrong by BING AI.

Yeah, you have to shave everyday, but even if you let it grow a month, you'd not have five inches like Jade.
>only over one month has passed since s1 ep1
Actually just 19 days. They're on day 20 as of last episode (yes, I counted)
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wat the fuck is bing ai? I am talking about me I currently have a beard and I shaved 4 days ago if I left it alone for 2 months I'd have a massive beard, what the everloving shit are you on about?
I'm on about the fact that you're wrong, you haven't quantified your experience. Your beard may grow fast, but not over 10 times the average rate fast. Refer to >>204837081 , I meant Google AI, but feel free to research it yourself and see it's right.
oh damn you are using google to "prove" you are right no the real world isn't like your shitty "ai" in the real world some people grow hair much faster then others, people like me, it takes me days to grow a "beard" its been a while but if I let it go for a few weeks well it might even be longer then that thing Jade is rocking, the real world doesn't work like your stupid computer program
When I was just a little boy
I asked my father, what will I be
Will I be happy, will I be rich
Here's what he said to me

Que Sera, Sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be

When I was just a little brat,i asked my teacher
What will i be?
Will i be a mess, will i have success
This is what he said to me

Que Sera, Sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be

When i grew up and fell in love
I asked my darlin' what should we be?
Will i be happy, will you be sad?
This is what you said to me.

Que Sera, Sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be

Que Sera, Sera
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>verified hoax
No it’s not. It’s just “unproven”
The tree would have taken Dale to the center of the swimming pool, but because the trees moved, it put him in the concrete instead. That is why Victor is concerned about the trees moving.
I've got some bad news about what 6 inches is
Are you genuinely this mentally ill or is this an act to garner attention from anonymous strangers
Are you the fairy guy?
>I've read this on google AI excuse me are you saying AI i wrong?
no really seriously fuck off
You can look up a trillion other sites and none of them will back you up sis
I don't give a flying fuck what your idiotic site say you moronic fuckwit, I'll go with the proof of my actual real life you bizarre idiot
I just think you don't know how inches work
On tonights episode of /fromg/:
>Fairy guy pleads his case
>Donna guy wants to eat Donna's shit
>Beard guy thinks he can grow a gandalf beard in a couple months
>b-but muh internet told me
okay thats so sad
but...you're just a guy on the internet
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What happens if we chop down a faraway tree?

In fact why don't frommers just spend the day chopping down all the trees to clear some farmland instead of wasting it doing whatever they do (not much it seems). They could build a pallisade with the logs, with a nice strong gate. The faegots just walk about slowly they gonna head to town, see the pallisade & "gotta go" back to cave. Frommers win. Faegots lose. End of story. Thanks for watching.
Woah woah woah, just,
…just calm down….are you ok? This place it…it will try to get to you. Just go home, get some rest
>b-but look at these sites they told me how things work irl, surely everything I read on the internet is real, are you saying actual real life is different then my websites? t-that can't be.
how do I know you're just a real guy, you're just some anonymous loser on 4chan
>no don't listen to all those sites listen to me! the authority on beard growth!
>are you really trying to say the INTERNET is wrong? uh HELLO its like the INTERNET.
>eww are you really saying the internet is wrong? like really? are you for real?
you're just the internet to me, retard-kun
our reddit pals found another clip of next episode too
>uh yea like actually duh
Least retarded /fromg/ poster
>I mean yea no cap uh fr right? just duh ngl
That was my first thought. It's the first thing that should and always comes to people in any settlement if it's dangerous outside. Build a fence. It's not just for protection from monsters, but so that everyone understands where the boundary of the town is, so that children can't run off somewhere.
But then I thought maybe they just don't go into the woods because the monsters live there during the day. But no. They do. Almost all over the forest. Still no fence.
Love it
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It’s time to forgive her
does the english language not have any word similar to "fuck"? they use all the time in the show and it's getting annoying now
burning down the forest would have been my personal instinct if I were there. But I think the town will just start a rainstorm.
She was just trying to help.
It's been over 2 weeks for christ's sake!
someone make a new thread, i would but I'm too tired

I used to hate the annoying bleep sound in shows. if they know it will be bleeped just use a different word to not annoy the audience with immersion breaking. Now all those broadcasters are super edgy with their premium channels making a challenge who can use the f bomb the most. it's not even cool anymore because it isn't seen as a bad word or censor worthy. they should try using nigger or retard or tranny more often as words, because they are the new forbidden and edgy ones.
motherfucking fuck boyd why the fuck do you fucking say fuck all the time, and also fucking you donna? No boomer woman says fuck like that
I don't think any of you get out enough to know how frequently people say fuck
it's really noticeable if you've binged the show like i did. almost every expletive is "fuck" or "fucking". but is english really so lacking in such swear words? or are the writers playing it safe
Damn! These cunt monsters are all over my shit! Sonuva bitch!
she's a murderer
>characters are in an unprecedented nightmare realm being tormented in new and unique ways every day
>ummmm...what's with the swearing?
Jesus fucking christ. Shut the fuck up. Do you never talk to people outside of work or some shit? Fuck is literally the most used swear word and it's very useful. If you don't like, go watch some pearl-clutching retard show like The Big Bang Theory
So is the cop. Sara subsequently has saved Boyd, Julie's boobies and Ethan and helped rid them of the cicadas.

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