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O Willow Waly edition

Previous >>204866821
Thread theme
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>I assure you I have a purpose
I'm probably a horror noob compared to you but these are the ones I'm postponing until November.
You guys will still be here to shitpost about horror movies with in November, right?
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Second for Deadstream.
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He did nothing wrong
usually /hor/ extends all the way to Christmas and starts losing steam come New Year
We’ve been here all year. Body Snatchers ‘78 is kino with a great cast btw
this is /hor/ not /fantasy/
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Dirty Harry is crime horror
The Big Short is the scariest movie of all time
she made a good sidekick
Don't watch Them, it's just race bait
Bunch on there I haven't seen. Thanks for the recs
watch all the sequels to Rec as well
hor and whore sound very much alike, any misunderstanding is understandable
>You guys will still be here to shitpost about horror movies with in November, right
I dunno I used to be a true /hor/ believer but the guys who stay in the threads all year round really are fucking faggots, got to the point i filtered the threads. Only here for Octobers from now on
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My favorite part was when she turned into a witch.
noob namefag? glad I normally have you filtered. only reason I see you right now is I'm phoneposting
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harr de harr harr
>the guys who stay in the threads all year round really are fucking faggots
Can't handle the bantz?
not all of them are bad
Can't handle the fagz
>Idle Hands
>the faculty
which should I watch?
I've been looking for a new show. Thanks fren.
I appreciate your dedication to the post-ironic trolling but you're fucking with one of the best, buddy
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Idle Hands
1408 is my favorite Stephen King joint
rec 2 is good man
with which ending, shackdude
That's a bold choice. The first like 5 King adaptations are all all-timers
rec 5: recconing
rec 7: el chupacabra
so they're definitely making a Terrifier 4...right?
already been announced
holy based
plus it already has a game and is going to be in dead by deadlight soon
3 ended with her niece getting sucked into hell and her swearing to go find her, did you think that's just where this hugely profitable trendy franchise was going to call it off
0 things
1 zaat
I always get Zaat and Slithis mixed up
oh hey that looks nice, i'll watch it after zaat maybe
You've seen Humanoids from the Deep, right?
no, i've never done a creature feature "run".
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starting Bloodbath At The House of Death

Good intro
would you say that Terrifier 3 is closer to a porno movie than a horror movie? Wouldn't be surprised if people watching it at home just skip from violent scene to violent scene without watching the movie.
No and you're a stupid faggot who probably doesn't even know movies like picrel exist
What is the WORST movie you watched so far
Not funny bad
Not so bad it's good
Just absolute SHIT
>Evil Eye
If it's this one make sure to watch The Girl Who Knew Too Much as well. They have different scenes etc
It Chapter 2 is the worst horror movie I've ever watched.
About to watch The Frighteners
lmao, noob
go watch picrel
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I doubt it's worse because It 2's shittiness is inherent to its bloated, by committee intentions. It doesn't even work as unintentional comedy
I couldn't finish it.
Why is it even marketed as horror?
Beef didn’t do anything wrong either.
This is the 2nd worst movie I've ever seen
You sound like you've seen like ten movies
Zombie Town; put it on while my young neice and nephew were here since it's a 12 certificate but it was dogshit, Akroyd and Chase really phoned it in.
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This was fun. Just finished it.
No my newfag friend, I've seen enough to know that mainstream dreck such as It Chapter 2 is charmless and dull in every sense.
Frighteners is way underrated. Great story, great execution
The normalization of and pandering to mentally ill perverts should horrify anyone.
No, you're just a two year old who's seen ten movies and doesn't have even an inkling of how far down the well goes. I've BEEN in worse movies than you've bothered watching.
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>neighbor has a chirping smoke detector they ignore but I can hear through 2 doors
/hor/ for this feel?
Come on bros at least stay til November 14th
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Watch one or both of these movies tonight. You will enjoy them.
Self insert as Tim Heidecker
Dude, knock on their door. Offer to replace the batteries if they are defiant.
what colour are they?
There exists a peculiar joy, a profound satisfaction, when the humble figures of Shaggy and Scooby, in their gentle absurdity, weave a tapestry of folly that ensnares the wretched villain within the fragile web of their mirth.
Both good. DE is a cool Evil Dead knock off
Again, no, your midwitish "I've seen le many movies" cringe badge is typical of those who don't really have a fully fledged taste and cling to a misguided sense of knowledge you clearly lack. Watching several movies is necessary but not enough to understand the genre and your arguments sound uneducated
theres a lot of noisy horror due to all the screaming. you just put on TCMs like second half and the chirp will sound like angelic chorus in comparison. i dont know how that girl has a voice anymore
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Thoughts on Night of the Demon?
Fuck I forgot about all the screaming in that movie, it was actually kind of annoying
Nigger, you've seen ten movies
Fuck off
>Orson Welles on Scooby Doo
Either that or the screaming in Dream Warriors.
Alucarda and Smile 2 are two of my favorites purely because there's so much screaming in them. Smile 2 has so much fucking screaming that the end credits music is mixed together from all the MC's screams in the movie
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Will I suffer?
>kenny everett and vincent price
the fuck?
>Thoughts on Night of the Demon?
Utter shit.

Now, Night of the Demon, on the other hand. That's kino.
Good god YES
don't do it
It isn't even a movie
Again, you're low IQ because you're clinging to 2 embarrassing, very midwtish assumptions:
-that you've seen "many movies" while I haven't even though that clearly can't be stated for sure and what you consider a lot may seem a pathetic number to others
-that the movies you've seen are in themselves an argument.
You are very stupid and you write/argue (so to speak) like a retard. Stop posting, you have nothing worthwhile to say
Fuck off both NotDs are kino
It's a movie meant for a very specific group of people that you probably don't fall under.
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What is it? Is it worst than that piece of garbage?
I prefer the sequel, night of the demons
Haven't seen that, but YES, without a doubt
Fine, watch it
You'll see what I mean
no, you put it on during workout to become gigachad. its a motivational movie
It's not horror.
Don't waste your precious October kino minutes on this
My own conclusions:
-you have low IQ
-you're social garbage
-you have a small peepee
-you're fooling yourself about knowing about horror.
Go away dysgenic trash
I can't believe a certain someone was so evil enough to the suck the sovl out of this woman.
Suck the soul out of her? She didn't regret making the movie at all, and Kubrick praised her performance. It was rough and he was rough on her, but it was all in the name of cinema.
any good recent movies?
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Literally starred in Popeye the next year in one of the most soulful performances ever
I loved Stream and MadS.
VHS Beyond is good too. Never Let Go is ok
I could have saved her.
I would be the perfect husband for her. I would make her feel safe and loved.
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Nobody was. Actors are supposed to be directed, not pampered.
She's had a life with some personal mistakes and issues (her house caught fire or something) but professionally she had everything going for her: great performances in the best horror movie of all time and a few Altmans but she didn't manage her career and personal life correctly.
When all it's said and done, it's up to what you've done with the cards you've been dealt and Shelley's one enduring legacy will be her acting as Wendy Torrance
>She didn't regret making the movie at all
She said that after her sovl and lifeforce got completely sucked out of her
You're one of those people that can never lose an argument because you just make shit up and constantly move the goal posts
Which doesn't make it true. It sounds like a cop-out because actors are supposed to detached themselves from their profession and its demands
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I'll trust you brothers, and watch this instead.
>Demon Wind
>Cemetery Man
Quick! I need a film that feels like any or all of these for 2NITE!
I loved the twist that the famous actor isn't evil.
Good choice, much better movie
What do we think of her reviews

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Any movies with Bimbos who kill Beckys and rape nerds?
Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight
Night of the Demons
Cabin in the Woods
For the "can I watch this with my mom" anons:
Seen 'em. How's Night of the Demons 2?
Is it worth spending 4 dollars to rent this for a night?
All the Vietnamese streaming sites buffer too much for me
ah yes a woman developed acute psychological problems and worked with a notably psychologically abusive director like Kubrick but, um, he's innocent!
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yeah its josh hartnett vampire kino
That bitch was crazy already, you can tell from her demeanor
Find a better streaming site
>all those orcs
No thanks.
>psychologically abusive director
If you can't take rigorous professional demands you're unfit for existence.
Watched Faculty for the first time a week ago, gonna pick that one. It was fun.
It's pretty good.
From watching half of this video she seems legit. Well thought out and well elucidated takes. She seems to get to her main points and keep the reviews short form. I both appreciate and am less interested by her selection of only older movies. I'm intrigued by her choice of aspect ratio and film grain/pixelation/filters. If it's intentional, I think something is missing. Maybe she's trying to convey the feeling of watching a 70s movie on an old color tv but it doesn't quite translate because of the visual content her videos: her background, her clothing, herself, etc. If that's what she's going for she need to be more creative and lean into it more. Right now it looks like I'm watching a youtube video from 2005.
Rate this outfit for a Saturday night out:
I thought 2 sucked but some people like it. Seen the remake? It's not bad
This October? Either the new Salem's Lot or the 1999 Haunting (I loved the cast but movie was ass)
You're supposed to keep those kinds of hidden gem channels a secret. It's a good thing 4chuds didn't ruin her channel like that book review lady.
I have not! I'll consider it.
I would watch that. Sadly horror film makers are to cowardly to break/invert the genre.
Thanks for the suggestions last thread, turns out I don't even have Netflix where I'm stuck kek. I'm down to Tubi. For some reason half of them are Spanish dubs, I assume for some rights issue in my cucked country. I have sorted a list for today though
>The Old Dark House (1932)
>The Haunted Palace (rewatch but one of my fav VP films)
>Demons (been waiting for the right time to see this)
thank you to whatever ponzi scheme keeps Tubi running
She's got 32k subs
anon I saw this chick pop up in the last Puppet Master film, recognised her from your posting
The Birds and Psycho are on Netflix!
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yeah she was still hot
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It's been 40 years, how come they're still the most iconic slasher villains?
Why didn't you post Leatherface?
I downloaded it with a vpn on 1337x.to
did they fuck up by not putting this on streaming before halloween?
not that guy but he didn't post leatherface because leatherface isn't one of the most iconic slasher villains

hope this helps
new terrifier was pretty good desu
the instrumental during the end credits is kinda fire ngl fr
the christmas atmosphere is really good and kinda got me in the spirit even though it's my least favorite holiday. ive always avoided christmas hors but i might make a point to watch some now
you need to watch the original Black Christmas
>Freddy? You mean Fazbear?
>Which classic do you think would make for a great modern horror film?
A modern indie production of this with a writer who knows what he or she is doing could make this interesting. It has a neat concept but suffered in the plodding execution; I didn't care for it.
original Body Snatchers or original Psycho?
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Just found out The Messengers 2007 exists. Whats up with all the crows?
if I saw Laura Loomer at night like that I'd be scared too
That does have a modern remake I think?
Body Snatchers for me
I'll do that, it's one of those i always consider watching but never get around to
Completely different movies. Psycho is more polished whereas Body Snatchers has that nice 50s genre movie vibe
For real? I'd like to check it out if so. Anyone who knows for sure chime in, because it doesn't seem to have had the same title.
I liked most of it, but that ending was so out of nowhere I thought it was gonna be a dream sequence the entire time. Feels like it was supposed to release at Christmas time and the studio got cold feet though.
when someone calls something a "genre movie" what are they really doing except calling it low budget and cheesy
I wasn't expecting it to be scary, but I really really wasn't expecting it to be irony-poisoned lololol muh fourth wall break doomer bullshit.
I enjoyed Driver and Murray, but that's about it.
>1999 Haunting
Absolutely criminal waste of fantastic set design. The room with the little rotating panels that the women play around in made me mad envious.
He's more of a monster than a slasher
I have no idea what the fuck they were thinking with this and it's an almost 2 hour flick.
And the 2019 version.
Any movie belongs to a certain genre but genre movie usually means comedy, horror, western etc, anything that is more directly focused to some expected tropes/aesthetics.
Blonde lady samurai OC donutsteel but Scottish was my favorite. Make the fucking prequel about how when you were eating haggis she studied the blade, please.
This looks so familiar? Is there a decapitated head rolling down the stairs in this movie?
It's "The Skin I Live In". Not sure if it's actually a remake but a lot of people seem to think it is.
Worst waste of talent/budget in the history of horror movies because the director seemed to have no idea where the plot was going and simply stopped at some point. In its own way it's similar to Come True's cop-out ending
Nta but there's a Peter Cushing one, Corruption, which is largely a copy (but that's in the 60s)
Anon might be thinking of The Skin I Live In which isn't a copy, it's based on a book, but it's in the same vein of mad plastic surgeon with a vision.
Do not suffer a tranny to live.
I'll add they change enough of it for Corruption that it stops being the same movie and you might like it once it starts twisting away from it.
That sounded like a telenovela with forced sex change inserted into it and nothing at all like Eyes Without a Face.
Watching reanimator
Better not be schlock, there’s a comedy tag but I’ve heard good things so i’ll check it out
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Enjoy it, and if you want more Combs going ham (you do), follow it up with The Frighteners.
My dreams every night, not a movie though.
It is. I watched it this year on a recommendation and it was really really fucking gay and terrible. It's a just telenovela with more gay rape.
>that ending was so out of nowhere I thought it was gonna be a dream sequence
so did i. weird to have two kinda major characters die offscreen like that but whatever
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Thank you kindly, Anon.
It's truly one of the best, if you don't like it then i don't know what to tell you.
Better than the source material.
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hyuk hyuk hyuk
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Just finished watching Scary Movie V with my parents. That was a surprisingly ok comedy movie. Nothing I would have enjoyed watching alone but my mom was practically howling with laughter during the whole thing and there were several parts that made my dad laugh as well(mostly when someone would get hit in the nuts or Snoop Dogg was on screen)
do they know all the lore from Scary Movie 1-4
There is a character who gets decapitated and the head drops to the floor; don't remember whether it rolls down the stairs or not probably because I was rolling my eyes too hard by that point in the movie.
>now realizing that Owen Wilson's character is named Luke
That was good for a mild kek.
He doesn't watch the best horror movie podcast, Zac Amico's Midnight Spookshow
Not at all. I remember watching the first couple of the movies with them when I was 11 or 12 but they didn’t remember them
At least he moved on to 14 year old homosexual boys. He's improving.
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Absolute kino
This could actually be the movie I've seen 25 years during Halloween and have been searching since then. Thanks for the answer mate.
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this was one of my favorite movies as a kid
I watched The Substance starring known pedophile, Demi Moore. People here said it was suppose to be good so I gave it a try and I have some complaints about it. For one, Why the fuck is it 2 and a half hours long. Stop doing this shit when it comes to "horror" movies. The last half hour alone was completely unnecessary. The whole turning into a monster and then going on stage for that weirdly comedic final act felt tacked on and deflated the movie for me. It should have just ended with her turning into the most disgusting creature and then cut to black. That's a good ending.

Another thing I don't understand is that Demi Moore's character takes this weird substance to become younger and hotter and yet the chick they hired to play the younger, hotter woman is fucking goofy looking. She has a butterface and her teeth are fucked up. It's especially noticeable in the dance scene where her hair is tied back and seeing her 4/10 face on full display. Literally old ass Demi Moore looked better than she did arguably, at least in the face.

Another thing I wasn't crazy about it is the fact it didn't really feel like a horror movie to me. Felt more like a special effects showcase drama with some comedic elements. I felt no suspense or horror at all while watching it and that's a problem when people talk about it in a /hor/ thread in which I expect horror.

One thing I do appreciate was all the nudity. Even though the young bitch was weird looking, her body was nice. I especially have to give Demi Moore credit. She looked great for a 60 year old hag even though she is a pedophile.
You have to ask?
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'tis almost here and then 'tis over
Watched The Island of Giant Insects Movie. Better than the previous short film, but not a pinneacle of anything. Still enjoyable, perhaps I'm getting retard because too many horror films in a row who knows. 6.5/10
Cringe "review"
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I’m thinking i’m gonna day drink all day on hallows ween, get like 8 pumpkin high abv hipster beers

What should my kino roster be?
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never seen Body Snatchers so im starting with the original. Has a Twilight Zone vibe to it so far
There were 3 remakes btw
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finished The Old Dark House. kino, the good old days when you could propose to a girl less than 24 hrs after meeting her.
Found a Vincent Price film I haven't seen yet so putting that on.
Still the best Spawn movie.
Margaret Qualley is absolutely beautiful are you gay or what
only gonna watch the 70s one probably. 90s remakes are shit
>he's gonna pass up Meg Tilly
>day drink all day on hallows ween
You going to be passed out before midnight too, what a waste. Not planning until drinking until after 6pm that day at the earliest. There are always anons on other boards posting kino Halloween decor shots and stuff too. I always try to look at them all before some get scrubbed.
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Oh yeah well I liked it
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>her teeth are... le fucked up
This is your brain on constantly seeing actors with veneers in movies
They mean the film is defined by its genre. It likely does not do things outside of the horror movie conventions. Or the film might not appeal to general audiences who don't particularly like horror movies.
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post some /hor/core serial killer kino

Shit like this is better than any fictional story.
American Psycho
Leslie Vernon
Man Bites Dog
Born for Hell
Aww, did somebody insult your waifu and now you're bitter about it? Poor baby.
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>Man Bites Dog
This movie was fucked up!
true crime is for gays and women, relationship gossip with a murder.
Not necessarily, some are very interesting and intriguing with little or no relationship aspects. 51 mins is a lot though
Post tits or GTFO
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
>cut my finger while carving my pumpkin and some of the blood dripped inside
This seems like the beginning of a gory 80s demon/monster flick
I could save her
Let me tell you, "real" shit is scary "for real". Horror movies usually aren't "scary" because they're just images and sound on a screen. But if you stay up until 2 AM reading Wikipedia articles about missing people, or dead bodies that were never identified, or serial killers who were never caught, that shit is TERRIFYING.
Also I know you're going to say some stupid shit in response so I'm going to pre-emptively say "fuck you".
>'''true crime''' youtube
These people just read shit off Wikipedia.
The Demon's Rook. It's like a love letter to over the top 80's schlock horror.
I Saw the TV Glow, Interview with the Vampire, the new Salem’s Lot, and I’m currently watching Practical Magic with my gf. It’s the most girl brained bullshit I’ve seen in some time.
She's not worth saving
I'm beginning to think that /hor/ has a Substance abuse problem.
Loved the hell out of this one.
lol this woman is scared.
Horror films are for entertainment. They are fun.
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You might enjoy this one, a nice late 2000 slasher with Dean from Supernatural as a lead.
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Just telling it like it is. Simple as.
report any symptoms to the thread. i watched night of the comet last year and started to get a rash
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This guy was such a bro
>spooky scene of guy outside a window, usually a vampire, only works if character sleeps with curtains wide open
do people do this? maybe they like to get up with the sun idk
>practical effects
>gratuitous violence
batshit plot elements that make zero sense
I liked it and thought it compared favorably with the sort of movies mentioned but YMMV.
This was much better than I thought it would be
You might enjoy this one if you are still in the mood for a holiday special movie. This is the kind of slasher I miss.
Enough boobies to make me coom?
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Did somebody say boobies?
based film
also based
They never explained how the reanimator got the reanimator serum that let him reanimate people
I watched this one last October and I don’t remember it really blowing me away or anything. I remember thinking the Black Friday store scene was kinda corny but I loved that trampoline knife part
Did they explain it in the original written story?
see you in november
Is Candyman actually good?
ikr here my review
i watch substance i like it. substance good movie!
Which one? The original is cool, the remake way less.
Watched Linnea Quigley's Horror Workout. Nice little VHS thing making fun of b series movies while Linnea being hot as fuck. Full nude at the shower opening credits: 9.5/10. Movie: 6.5/10
>Some of this movie was shot at the home of Linnea Quigley's parents.
this was such a kick in the teeth
was 100% expecting at least an inkling of old school exploitative grindhouse vibes and it was all kinds of Scream sequel bullshit
original is a classic, at least 9/10 horror movie, looks great, great music and performances by the leads, its got racial shit in it but the raceshit ties directly into the story and isn't just 'white ppl bad'
Yeah the original
My friends watched it recently and really liked it, I wasn't too interested before but now I'm intrigued. I'll watch it soon since it's leaving streaming after Halloween
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And as a Trivia of mine, she's wearing same clothes as featured in Murder Weapons film. The idea of this workout video was while shooting that film, and they shoot it in 2 days.
> Full nude at the shower opening credits: 9.5/10
I watched Witchboard earlier in the month and she's in it just long enough to have a shower scene with full frontal (hairy) and glistening ass
Best Arrow Video releases?
Watch this too. Lots of clips from movies but lots of nice new shots of stripping and nudity.
finna watch Let's Scare Jessica to Death fo tnite
In this one
>No full frontal pussy
>Shower scene lasts 2 and a half minutes
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So I saw this movie on Tuesday and I've been seeing this fucking face in my dreams since then.

Am I fucked?
what's happening in that cover? James Cameron's AI Restore?
the monster reveal scene in the first one bends this one over and dry-fucks it mercilessly
i get they couldnt just straight up repeat the original but damn, spooky eyes arent that great
These generals seem vaguely lukewarm these past few days.
why was this so fucking unsettling?
Monster felt pretty lame compared to that
there is a very essential missing ingredient
threads are just no fun without it :/
why do vampires get so much lore? garlic and crosses and sucking blood and bats and compulsive counting and running water and can't enter without permission and no reflections and fatal daylight and stakes through the heart, i'm sure i'm forgetting things. i can't think of anything else with so many rules.
What’s with the whole weird and gay plot with the sword and end vibe switch in both terrifier 2 and 3. Total ruins the lore and vibe of the movie.
what are we missing lads?
meant for>>204880815
Uhhh... Halloween Ends is really good guys.
They also make werewolves redundant because they can turn into not just bats, but wolves, and even mist. They need a nerf
there's tons of different versions, regional and otherwise, that get smushed together
Carmilla style vampires that become pseudo-romantically obsessed with their victims and turn into giant black cats to drink blood straight from the heart are great
also in Dracula sunlight isn't fatal to vamps, they're just weaker during the day, the sunlight thing i think comes from oversimplifying the rules and finding a convenient way of killing the vamp on film, so there's movie lore, book lore, mythological lore etc, all smushed together
3 things imo:
-insightful conversations/discussions. It's too "watched this, then watched that" followed by a couple of "oh, ok" comments w/ a lack of follow-up
-talk about recent releases
-banter. Like it or not NPM etcdid make for spicier threads
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IT enjoyer here
Watched the last adaptation and yeah, it was easily the worst of the 3 which is unfortunate because I like the cast a lot. James McAvoy, Bill Hader, and James Ransone are perfectly cast in their roles but the script just doesn't do enough with them.
Overall I didn't hate it but it wasn't great like the last two. The only change that really pissed me off was Stan leaving a note that basically said "yo I killed myself so you'd all be extra mad at IT" which is pants on head retarded.
Also the Richie gay thing, while being a common reading from fans of the book, is still off to me. There's a scene in the book where Richie is noticing his attraction to Bev for the first time and he specifically states that he doesn't have these types of feelings for his other friends. Not a huge deal but strange to me.
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Ends will become a cult classic just like Halloween 3 did
>spicier threads
i'd rather eat something plain than something spiced with human shit
>the negropissed man?
they come from actual mythology centuries back. not so much for freddy and jason
the opening scene and title drop are great, unexpected as hell
too bad Allison is still completely useless even after 3 fucking movies, if there had been an actual plan going into the trilogy it could'v been amazing
Search for the youtube short hungry hickory
Hellraiser. I thought it would be better. It really lacks the appeal of some other 80s horror movies.
Incident in a Ghostland
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>there is a very essential missing ingredient
>threads are just no fun without it :/
this is why Mr Vampire is so good. It's an an alternate universe where 90% of the vampire tropes have been replaced.
why did DGG reboot make absurd amounts of money
You don't have to but blandness for its own sake is dull
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>it's a real movie
Back in the day that would've been just a /tv/ edited image.
Final Summer
supposed to be an old school camp slasher 80s style horror movie but its 100% sexless and has the 'ruff-est' pack of dogs in place of female hotties :/
If Hellraiser is the worst thing you watched, this late in October, you must be having a hell of a month
>it's in an alternate universe
That Universe is called the country of China, and I don't consider jiangshi to be vampires. It's just a translation of convenience. They're more zombie-like than anything in most adaptations.
Brand strength and marketing but he did such an awful job in The Exorcist that he and his team were removed despite the considerable box office
No he's right, a dull thread is better than a thread full of literal feces
I assume you haven't seen a lot of movies, or you accidentally watched one of the sequels
>Lead actress got her face fucked up from the director of Martyrs
Ayo Let’s Scare Jessica to Death is actually scary, and it’s from the 70s, why did kinomakers forget how to do this without jumpscares
for some reason
audiences in these countries have gotten progressively dumber, movies cant focus on building suspense and an unsettling atmosphere when theyre too focused on teaching to the back of the class
the constant flashback sequences in the Substance come to mind, literally reminding the dumbass audience 'this character is sad because her looks are fading with age!' and "she's taking this book of her shelf because she wants to pass the time' etc:/
It's honestly hilarious how many shitty edited-looking posters are actually real these days
>This will sell our movie
>Kevin Bacon wife, Kyra Sedgwick, is his long distant cousin
all has sense now
>Watched The Island of Giant Insects Movie. Better than the previous short film, but not a pinneacle of anything. Still enjoyable, perhaps I'm getting retard because too many horror films in a row who knows. 6.5/10

Have that on order but you should check out Elfen Lied, RIN: Daughters of Mnemosyne, When They Cry and Corpse Party!!!FACT!!!
I was going to say it's an alternate universe in the way that everyone imagines their folklore as being the only one that exists in the world, but actually in Vampire vs Vampire there's a crossover.
Anyway I think the fangs and biting = conversion is vampire enough. The hopping dead is like a pre-vampiric phase.
>a dull thread is better than a thread full of literal feces
Only for the dullards

>Anon, how exactly is the discussion of colored cocks and "roasties" essential to the horror movie thread?
>Horror movies?
>They never explained how the reanimator got the reanimator serum that let him reanimate people
>Did they explain it in the original written story?


And it did sell their movie. Everyone liked Sydney Sneedy's movie along with The First Omen.
Holy fucking based
There's no better marketing than christcuck conservatards sperging out
>Paying somebody to act offended to market your movie
Best films on rarelust?
Not him, but I drink early so that I can sober up before sleeping. It's my method of minimizing hangover.
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She's been...nauuuughtyyy
Who are you in the chat? Tell me so i can talk shit to you.

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