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Jasmine - The girl that made FROM the most popular show on /tv/ rn.

Previous: >>204867730
imagine capturing one of the creatures just to rape in a cellar somewhere daily

why has in all those years no one tried to capture a creature? They're slow as fuck and not very smart
>Because the small, unassuming white flowers bloom at night with such a powerful scent, jasmine sometimes symbolizes the value of modesty.
Bless you, Baker.
Thank you! I didn't know. This is interesting.
Toothy holes, anon. Even their eyes have teeth. Imagine wearing a cast iron condom?
We'll talk later, ok?
He did. Did you not watch the show? Jim says he went to the tree and took down some bottles and found nothing.
that went well for dale right
Because it might not take him to his wife and instead embed him in the side of an unused swimming pool.
viktor clearly said that his mom told him that portal always leads to the lighthouse
except when it doesn't.
he never said that dumbass, he said the tree was special and that his mother said it would take her to the tower, not that it always leads there
1 day and 38 minutes till new episode
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It's not about the story making sense. It's about character development. Anyway. I'm gonna take some peaches. You mind?
No, he said she said it was special and always went there. But she was wrong.

Turns out info derived from an LSD trip isn't always reliable.
>t. Pajeet
>he never said that dumbass, he said the tree was special and that his mother said it would take her to the tower, not that it always leads there
context matters. he was talking about the trees and that they all lead to random places, ExCePt that one.
>people immediately suspect victor is some kind of creepy pedo guy
>people wonder why he doesn't volunteer information
>But my mother said this one was special, that it would take her to the tower, to the children.
he never said it ALWAYS leads to the tower because if that were the case dale wouldn't be in a fucking pool right now
okay but clearly based on context like that anon said the assumption is that one always leads to the fuckin lighthouse, and it was right in tab's case
Rewatched that bit. You are correct. Perhaps what people read as always going to the tree was meant to be 'this is the one that CAN take you to the tower'.

Perhaps on the Chosen Ones can go to the tower.
So, whats the deal with scarecrow village? There's obviously monsters there but they just bang on the walls and roof instead of breaking in. they also have year round cabbage's.
>Chosen Ones
that's what I believe. You need to get the anghkooey disease and start seeing the children or something like that in order to get to the tower from that tree
When does the new ep drop? Gotta stay up til midnight?
it was right because she was 'chosen', I don't know you assume that it will always lead there when there is proof that it does not
some say 29 minutes, some say 24 hours and 29 minutes. I really don't know. Does it really matter?
>Perhaps only the Chosen Ones can go to the tower.
Thats what I figured. after you see the ghost kids and you intend to help them then you make it to the lighthouse
Yeah Boyd is awesome af, the way he gave the monster worm aids was sick I did not expect that lmao, Kenny is my 2nd fav char, his mom was 3rd, rip, Tian was one of those chars that held the whole town together, now these clowns have -1000 managerial capabilities and -10000 cooking capabilities

I kinda want some canned peaches for myself rn but it's 2 am
Those things hit diff than fresh
>Does it really matter?
I feel like a crackhead waiting for the next episode. I want to know if they capture a monster, get the talking dummy, if fatty-mama's nightmare baby is actually a monster or if shes just crazy. so many questions >.<
>fatty mama
What? She's a stupid vegan, never trust people that refuse steak, life rule
Definitely growing a nurgling
>whats the deal with scarecrow village
more mysteries
So can Jade? I guess what happened to Dale will curb any experimenting.
>he can't get canned peaches at 2am
>the way he gave the monster worm aids was sick I did not expect that lmao
I was really hopeful that he would try passing it on to one of them and was not disappointed! I like how the monsters just stand there looking at each other before walking off
>wtf lmao? Welp, time to eat some more people, pardner.
How come you're so happy? You can't just enjoy the show you have to argue with us about fairies, ghouls, demons, purgatory, etc.
>When does the new ep drop? Gotta stay up til midnight?
torrent will show up a few minutes after 9PM PDT.
>under smiley the monsters were dumb
>under cowboy guy they are forming plans and luring people out
I was expecting them to turn on it and start eating it or some shit, but ig they realized they'd catch the aids
The bile idea was crazy though lmao

My city doesn't have any 24/7 market shits, only gas station stores work, and those don't stock canned peaches, even if they did I wouldn't drive at 3 am for peaches, the creepiest hour of all
I think hes more tripping out about the symbol than trying to help anyone.
9pm PDT is 12AM EST. In my experience a brand new torrent will take 2-3 hours minimum. Tomorrow for me.
Yeah, but he saw the creepy kids.

I think it's Tabitha because she shown that light on them. They basically chose her. Victor even says she shouldn't have done that even though he was shining his flashlight around on the monsters.
>9pm PDT is 12AM EST. In my experience a brand new torrent will take 2-3 hours minimum. Tomorrow for me.
Yep, that's when it always comes out.
A few min after 9pm PDT. Happens every single time. I have it downloaded by 9:10PM.
I just discovered it the other day, I didn't think we were capable of making shows of this quality in this day and age. There hasn't even been an episode where the cast turn to the screen and shout "Orange Man BAD!" or complain about russia or whatever the current thing is.
Its just people trying to survive in some nightmare town, no current thing, no real world politics, just fun kino.
I'm watching ep3
Will Kenny finally clap some cheeks I wonder, ffs leave the dyke and hate fuck Sarah, she's asking for it
>implying sara wouldn't break him in half
She'd willingly take that BAC to redeem her actions
weird I have over 1gb dl speed and usually seed new shit for 12-24h or more but it takes me 2-3h to dl From and The Penguin lately
When they show the observation room with all the cameras at the end of Revelations: Chapter Two, remember this post.
>A few min after 9pm PDT. Happens every single time. I have it downloaded by 9:10PM.
Same here. Always shows up at the same places.
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Yea she def fucked a ghoul or 2.
Do you think Sara is into femdom?
I love the cowboy monster. Same for the icecream man monster... actually, all of the monsters. they are fun and silly.
>weird I have over 1gb dl speed and usually seed new shit for 12-24h or more but it takes me 2-3h to dl From and The Penguin lately
Lol anon it takes me 1 minute to download FROM, Tulsa King and Penguin soon as it comes out.
Just use ddl, usenet or private torrents and you will get FROM in 1-3 min depending on your connection. Public torrents take longer when new stuff comes out because it takes time for seeders to propagate. You can also help by adding it to your torrent client to help seed to others.
Sarah is not into femdom wtf shes like a timid weird girl, big K needs to anal her immediately
I thought the leaks showed a perimeter like Under The Dome? The fag who posted about it said they see US Military at a checkpoint.
>but it takes me 2-3h to dl From and The Penguin lately
Stop using public torrents then. Use private torrents or DDL.
Such a bad edit when you look at her location and then Boyd's. Really really bad.
>believing leaks
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Is that you rape anon? How have you survived for so long?
Thanks but I gotta be honest I don't know how to use ddl or usenet, barely know what those are, and I have no idea how to find private torrents.
>Sarah is not into femdom wtf shes like a timid weird girl
Fun fact: The actress who plays Sara is a lesbian with a Jewish girlfriend.
What leaks? I’ve been In every from thread and haven’t seen that
They are married.
>Thanks but I gotta be honest I don't know how to use ddl or usenet, barely know what those are, and I have no idea how to find private torrents.
Wanna know how?
Go to https://fmhy.net/
Shows you all the ways to pirate TV shows.
Grim, shit like this is why I never look into actors personal "beliefs"
There are "leaks" all the time. One said it would be exposed Martin was a survivor from Victor's time. But it was bullshit. Like all the "leaks" so far. The only one that was correct was one that said what they were looking at in the pool was Dale, but that leak came out a few hours before airing.
someone stabilise this video on her udders
Don't. It might tear a hole in space-time.
I didnt really notice. Too busy staring at the bouncing balloons and that gunt
Modernization of media!
>They are married.
Holy shit she actually did marry the Jew.
Sara is a married dyke. Wow. Did not see that coming.
The crazy eyes...
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Which ones are worse?

Bottle tree retcon deniers or Faegs?
I used to think the latter, but for the last few days this incessant denial that the writers simply changed the lore with the farway tree is ridiculous.
Definitely dont look up the actress that plays Jasmine(Monsterfu). I dont know her beliefs but the way she looks is very off-putting compared to her tradwife look
>Did not see that coming.
Do you even know lesbians? There's an old joke
>what did the lesbian couple bring to their second date
>a u-haul
They jump headfirst into any relationship.
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>Don't. It might tear a hole in space-time.
Maybe that's what we need to do.
>The actress who plays Sara is a lesbian with a Jewish girlfriend.
What a waste of a good looking woman.
>everyone complains it's clearly not the same tree in S2
>s3 confirms it's not the same tree
>rreeeeeee, retcon
Can i get a qrd on this? I wasnt aware there was an ongoing debate on the lore changing. I just thought the science hasnt really been settled on the issue.
and yet you won't let him hit it even once
stupid bitch go back to ur junkie
>>everyone complains it's clearly not the same tree in S2
So Tabbers went through Tree A, comes back to show Jade Tree A, not even aware there is a retconned Tree B, but suddenly the season 3 tree that Tabbers RECOGNISES and presents as HER tree, is a different one?
the "boobs" symbol is so obviously the fallen tree connecting two realms forever in a perpetual cycle. But I think the feaugh or whatever is the actual main part of the mystery, but Victor "doesn't remember" the story, told to him by his mother when he was young, due to trauma. Was it trauma from being alone for so long, seeing people die, etc.? I don't know, I just saw the interview with Victor's actor that has a couple thousand views on YT and one of the things that stood out was the actor saying "Yeah right from the start I knew I had to focus on the trauma" (paraphrasing)

That combined with the writers straight up saying the mystery doesn't matter has me thinking Miranda was into old folklore, told her kids the stories, then did something bad/tramautic to them like locking them in a basement with coloring materials.
The symbol is a crack in one of the observing camera lenses
I would be so disappointed if it turns out to be a man made thing versus a paranormal phenomenon, thats simply lame as hell

its probably native american wendigo bullshit messing with the yankees, theres 0 native americans in the town for a reason
Im probably wrong but it could be a hint at being a parallel world. Aside from the symbols going around the talisman the image is symmetrical, to me that implies 2 mirror worlds and the little person is in between the 2 worlds or some shit. And maybe the from world shares the same sun and moon as the real world. Ahh fuck it i know im wrong whatever
I've actually solved this part of the mystery. Had they casted "native" american actors, no one would have watched, so it's a paradox.
victor is a powerful psykker who can create alternate dimensions in the warp from his thoughts, from is a melting pot of all the stories his mom told him >>204878345
all this started the moment he ran out of peaches
I thought they cancelled using native folklore in media because it’s offensive. Don’t expect any wendigoons
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To me it looks like cell division. Or a set of hairy balls. or an ourobouros in the second version of it in the caves
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>it's the wendigo nigger again
>probably native american wendigo bullshit messing with the yankees
My friends are Cree and I was asking them if any of this shit makes sense in their folklore and they said no. Different tribes, different folklore and all that but still.
I think I'm too cynical lately. I thought for 1.2 seconds, angrily, that the knocked over lamp was an AI-made barbell.
>Thanks but I gotta be honest I don't know how to use ddl or usenet, barely know what those are, and I have no idea how to find private torrents.
Why is /tv/ like this?
idk who that is this is my first time coming to the from thread i binged this show like 2 days ago

but think about it, this shit only happens to people around north america/the US? Its in some secluded woods with all kinds of weird symbol bullshit? its cruel to the white man, africans and chinese folk? smells like wendigo bs to me
All the people in Fromityville are different aspects of a mad god's broken psyche. The realm is just his mind trying to piece together thoughts and memories as his consciousness slowly deteriorates
kek this was silly
so this place has the power to just pull anyone it wants at any time? I feel like at that point the CIA would take notice
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Its a möbius strip
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They have
what happens if you cut the tree in half and keep going straight
or you shoot the crows with a shotgun
>at that point the CIA would take notice
and what would they do?
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itll be like the tracking station from Lost, you watch
I thought it might of been some government compound, then they built the radio tower and the place got angry, sent a storm and collapsed a house. Now I think its spoopy demons.
parrallel world is a stupid concept.
There was a picture of Victors with a snowglobe and someone pointed out a citizen kane connection. not being American, I never watched or pretended to have watched the movie and only have minimal knowledge about it.
But I think that fits more the gist of the story. a town that has been part of the real world, but some freak event trapped it and can move it around. It doesn't seem likely it is "removed" from the real dimension, but similar to the LOST island it has a barrier around it. old school bermuda triangle conspiracy theory.
Think an animal put in a terrarium with a bit of soil from where it was found. a biotope that is sealed off from the real world but somehow sustained. running water despite no rivers going in or out/electricity without source etc.
Of all the "based on" theories people brought up so far, I liked the Roanoke colony the most. seems most fitting compared to muh faeries with wendigos crap
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they'd send hit squads or smth to try and get fromville to rope them in so they can flamethrower everything in there and/or nerve gas it, simple
Recognize that the path loops back on itself. Focus on changing your perspective: instead of trying to find a linear way out, explore the twists and turns creatively. Challenge the established rules of your world—break the fourth wall or seek out hidden truths within the narrative. By altering your understanding of the loop, you might discover an exit that others overlooked, like embracing the unexpected or reinterpreting your role in the story.

How can Jade do this? He's been saying all the right things, especially s1/s2.
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Everyone knows the reveal won't be satisfactory yet we keep watching this slop.
you do know my original post was ridiculing exactly this, right? and then you topped it with muh mystery tree symbol, being even more autistic
but it 'seems' to be random. The ambulance with victor's dad got there because of tabitha
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They would do crack with niggers for 40 years, while printing money from inside Fromville. Then launder it through haute couture. If they get caught in the laundering scam they just arrest some random broad and make a Netflix documentary about how she almost got away with it.
> I liked the Roanoke colony the most
Is that the place where the town just up and left one night?
a möbius strip has to be 3D, while the pictogram makes no attempt at this and a möbius has no slash through the middle
the fact that tab somehow escaped and was chilling in the real world for 3-4 days then this cheeky motehrfucker notices and just ropes her back in though? It implies its rly powerful, why wouldn't it just rope everyone that escapes back in as well, can't be helped, Boyd n Kenny have to kill it from the roots like in Darkwood
>I feel like at that point the CIA would take notice
how, with no witnesses to report the phenomenon?

The Black Pearl leaves no survivors
then where do the stories come from?
But why does it only trap motorists who venture off the main highway?
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bro, the FBI have live satellite surveillance tech like you wouldn't believe over the mainland US at all times, if they notice a trend of vehicles poofing from random backwood roads, they'd eventually put the pieces together and realize smth is snatching em
julie rhymes with boobie
well saw haw ree if I didn't read your spongebob reddit post with 5000 words in its entirety
>and what would they do?
Regime Change. Or fund the opposition to retain the status quo, figure out how to deal with the talisman when the time comes.
Crash a plane there
>s4 is all about a monster civil war.
>1 group wants to keep eating people while the other wants to turn vegan and let the humans kill them
So far, everyone who got into the town has had a history with drug ab/use. Or they were unwitting passengers. But every arrival vehicle had at least one junkie, usually someone who ran from problems
Yea but i believ the mystery has been solved irl. Or at least in one of those "most experts agree" kinda ways. iirc they were slaughtered by injuns and buried a few miles away
Victor had old toys of an ambulance. If Tabitha is Miranda, the ambulance was pre-dated and she never really left, just communicated with a nurse, a doctor, a priest and Victor's dad. For whatever reason no one here ever talks about Tabitha going to a church and confessing the entire story to a random priest who says he can help her but she just leaves. I think maybe the priest implies calling the police? Not sure. It's early s3.
Outch. I was hoping for a happy ending like they just moved to a different town or something.
I always wondered what the context was to this. Who is the Russian man in the back, the blond? What are they reacting to? What is Harvester saying? Is Emma reacting to the grab, or is the grab "protective" from media? Or what? Is there a video of it?
I still can't get over just how apruptly fromville pulled Tab back in lmao, was expecting a whole arc of her struggling to go back inside for her senpai
yes. and left a weird word carved into two trees.
early colonial history has some extremely fucked up stuff. unexplained disappearances of entire settlements and such.
It was so kino. I figured she was fucked, going to end up in a psych ward or something but then BOOM:
>Why are you stopping?
>Theres a dang tree in the road
>Its getting dark out there..
Also if everyone escapes they'll have to never get in motor vehicles again just to be safe kek
are we even sure about that?
My go to explanation would be: pedestrians don't give a fuck about a tree in the road and walk past it. I don't believe that the tree actually signifies being trapped, but is the hook and bait. People are stuck because they rather avoid an obstacle in their life/path rather than overcome it. The Mathews are divorcing but tip toed around the subject
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It’s a primitive cave painting, they’re not gonna be able to render an object like that without simplifying it into a glyph, and that line in the middle could represent anything, for example a wormhole
You're way overthinking it m8, it's just the symbol that says "yeah you're fucked"
There is a massively popular, long-standing theory that rich natives (the ones who actually got the government grant/deal money) do an annual hunting retreat where they take White folk from southern Canada and bring them up north near their tribe's land. They then release them and hunt them. There's a whole community of people who think it's a national conspiracy. It's like Missing 411 but for Canada, but you get banned if you talk about it anywhere mainstream, or ask certain people about it. The Roanoke mystery is bigger than it seems.
I like that, i hadn't considered satellite surveillance before. One day some rando fed notices a vehicle vanish in thin air. Then they start backtracking the last known locations of all missing persons in the US and start finding a few more vanishing here and there. They try to piece together patterns and start having dedicated teams of agents just driving through wooded areas all around the country 24/7 just hoping for one of their agents to get spooped. That agents name is Donna
Funny you mention this.
>Should I stay or should I go?
>from random backwood roads
but it is never the same road.
And in the US there are thousands of disappearances every year. Let's not pretend that THIS is the unrealistic part of the show.
(I actually found it much more curious that Tabber's mother was so despaired and happy when she called her. they have been gone for maybe a month if at all. and it is not like they weren't planning on going away for a while...so maybe they were gone much longer in this reality)
Satellites aren't capturing the entire world or US for that matter at that image resolution at all times, all things equal there is a very low probability that any of them would happen to be captured by a satellite in this way.
this episode will be 10/10
i just know it
I mean that's entirely possible. I could have just made that whole thing up
I think IRL CIA/FBI whatever would definitely put the pieces together on smth like this, and fast

They would if thry start looking for them, it's not just satellites, these days cameras capturing at highway entries n exits is extremely common, trust me if a trend develops the gov will notice cars proofing mid highway
She still looks cute to me anon.
I like your theory.
kek, how naive are you? you think the government and us regular folk get the same tech, known as Google Maps? With images from 2010 to 2024 just randomly updated by Google? Come on man.
can't wait to see the woke white women characters in it petitioning for a ceasefire in favour of the OG monsters. they're just misunderstood! From the road to the tree, Fromville will be free
(in fairness, we had that scene in season one with flower fromster)
No, ill take your word for it. it makes it seem even more spoopy than they just packed up because they didnt like the weather or something.
>could represent anything, for example a wormhole
when you majored in physics but could only get a job as substitute arts teacher.
I'm sorry for this, I really am. It's the only way. Siding with Israel is more NPC retardation than siding with the mudslimes
oh man, I bet so many questions are going to be answered

like never before I bet!

I'm so excited I'm going to buy a second completely superfluous MGM+ subscription while I wait!
kek. Thats about it. We have to sacrifice ourselves for their entertainment because we STOLE their land! In the end, it was humanity who were the REAL monsters. xD
also all this + the fact that characters in shows/movies imo are way TOO sceptical, humans are creatures of fiction, we grow up with religion (that may or not be fiction but we definitely can't see it), we're superstitious, we grow up drenched in media depicting paranormal bullshit, even a huge % of normies in the US believe in ghosts ffs, if mass scale paranormal occurrences like fromville snatching cars and even ambulances n shit occurs, it just won't be long at all until the authorities get involved imo
Why don't they just build molotov cocktails?
They have gasoline. They have alcohol. They have glass bottles. They have plenty of cloth scraps laying around. They have lighters.

Just make some molotovs and chuck them at the monsters at night. I mean fuck, just to SEE WHAT HAPPENS. No one does any experimenting here. They just sit around every night and ignore the monsters. Why not go after them, try to fight them?
They know bullets don't work. Great, but fire is more powerful than the kinetic energy of a bullet. Set them the fuck on fire, they're not made of metal they're still flesh. They wear clothing. Flesh and clothing burns. chuck some fucking molotovs at them. They move slow as fuck, you can just hang outside of a house until you see them approaching, light a Molotov, toss it at one and then go back inside, watch from the window to see what happens to the monster. If it goes down, then investigate in the morning. If it doesn't then try to think of another way to kill them.
None of you would do better at surviving than the main characters

Going in blind without any information of the show, you would act and be retarded too
This conspiracy theory got an official name so i can look it up. Or will something show up about it if i google indians hunting white people? Sounds kino tbqh
I just pirate everything. Yarrrrr, at 9 bells we be hawatchin ter next ebbisode.
When's the next ep?
sara bout to get some BVC
12am EST
I guess if you live in America it wont matter to you, but where I am at there really isn't a question on which group you want to support in murdering the other, fair or not, justified or overkill, i simply don't give a fuck. if you have a docile coyote or a rabid stray dog in your backyard, i know which one i would prefer to win the fight.
Kenny was going to burn them all alive while they slept but Boyd talked him out of it because if it didnt work, they would get ripped apart by flaming monsters.
Implying I would let a woman kill my dad and let her live, then spend the night with her. Implying I would not lock my son in the same room as me after he opened the door for monsters 5 times. Implying I would let my daughter interact with Elgin. Implying I would allow a junkie that steals the only morphine we have live even after one slip up. Implying I would give up my guns (Randall) because "look man citizens just don't have guns here aight nigga?" Implying I wouldn't kill Donna for swinging an axe right beside my head as my eyes are closed. Implying I'd allow Victor to "make a drawing" for my underage daughter as she slept. Implying I'd.. ahh there must be 10 more of these situations.
Do you think Victor goons? Growing up in complete social isolation in constant fear for his life with only the white suit boy for company, do you think he would naturally begin to goon?
To the monsters, we are the monsters
(can't believe i sacrificed ten hours of my life for that shit show)
kenny's plan was to go into the caves and light them on fire. retarded plan when they come outside every single night.

They have cars that work. They can put a talisman in a car, cut a hole in the roof and make a door. Pop out from the door while driving around at night throwing molotovs at the monsters. Problem solved. They can either just hold out in the car at night with the Talisman and see what happens to the monsters, or they can just go to colony house or the town after and go inside.
More like big bad wolf vs bitch-made coyote. You're wrong but look, we can talk about this later.
definitely not, I grew up as a kid with 0 interest in sexual stuff and that led to not gooning until very late teens and that led to phimosis which I got an adult circumcision to fix at like age 24 last year, I'm now 25 and have only been gooning for a year regularly after what was essentially 2 decades of nofap, now imagine that situation where you're in fromville with nonstop death and fear
NONE of you would survive. You all think you're survival experts, but you're not. You're coomer doofuses.
But I would cum
What actually happened is black people started moving in too close to the village so all the whites left.
The thing is, if any part of the plan fails they get ripped apart. They arent even 100% sure about the talismans working.
I get what your saying though, theirs a million ways they could try it out. Hopefully the next episode they try capturing a monster or pull an ambush style attack or something.
you're right, I wouldn't survive. I would THRIVE. getting trapped in FROM would be the making of me, I would find my vocation in survival and ganking fromsters and if we ever got rescued I wouldn't want to leave.
not bait, but believe what you will
You're Canadian and voting PPC thinking they care about immigration
Same anon. I talked to my military buddies about this exact theory. We all agreed, we'd come out at night to scare the town. We'd throw around elaborate theories and make sure they never find any answers. We'd even include new mysteries, revealed.
Wasn't Boyd planning on trapping one earlier in the year, talking to Randall about that plan? Then Tabitha came back and since then nothing has happened. They better get to that plan eventually.
how many Jews stab people on a daily basis vs how many Muslims? And you really have to weigh the options?
I don't care about survival, I just want to fuck around with the chicks in the town / colony house. There's got to be some good pussy to be had there
Thanks for sharing but I still have zero clue on where to find private torrents for basic shows. I don't want porn or anything weird just the new current thing. If you could please provide me with some sort of occult theory, I'm sure I could figure it out. I gotta go.
>You're Canadian
To the American, there exist only two countries with internet. America and Canada. Yes yes, I am Canadian. totally. My great english skills show that
>communal pussy
also the monsters are strong but remember they always fucking walk, theres so many opportunities to trap/burn them that people just don't try in from, its another plot hole imo
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Ive always wondered about that too. You only really seem to see super skeptical people in shows or movies where paranormal shit is actually happening. In reality, I think if you told most people you saw a ghost, an alien, or a portal to hell, they would at least entertain the idea and want to know more. When I was a kid i saw ALOT of paranomal shit and I only ever met one guy who didnt believe me. I'm a ghost btw
heck yes, that was the plan. IDK how they were planning on beating answers out of it though.
I like when Randall and Boyd are talking about it. Randall tells him that the monsters are creatures of habit and lists out what they do every night.
>You only really seem to see super skeptical people in shows or movies where paranormal shit is actually happening
yes, no one would behave like that in real life, if me or my friends or rly most people ik see a real ghost/alien doing ghostly/ufo shit no one is gonna instantly start being mega sceptical nerd emojing it in denial, most would easily believe it if they see it, fucking Scully, still love her though
I figured they do that on purpose to scare people. they move pretty fucking quick when they want to.
>find random stick on the ground
>carve some runic shit on there
>"look guys I found this magic stick in a big uh like a big temple thing on the other side of the lake while none of you were there or looking"
>try not to burst into treats as some of them lose their minds trying to figure out what the stick means while all the others immediately tell each other they have to go and all leave in different directions
>Randall tracks their habits, movements and what they do every night
>The monsters track their habits, movements and what they do every night
Randall... J. Weems?
>Implying I would let my daughter interact with Elgin
It all makes sense now.. why hes so angry and hasn't asked to live anywhere other than the bus.
Have you ever been back country camping? My toughest buddies armed to the teeth have all collectively freaked out yelling, growling and shooting into the bush because "we heard a noise" many a time. Were we sober? No. Was it a bit of a bonding experience? Yes. Was there a threat? Idk not after the gunfire. People's fears run deep even if you have ARs. If you don't know what's out there, you are naturally scared.
I mean if he saw Monsterfu theres no way he didnt start strummin his banjo if you take my meaning
>two people in a tent at night
>open the dollar store halloween spider webs and put them all over 50 feet away
>you and your buddies drag their tent over to it
>hide 5 feet away behind the webs
>vampiric monsters that look human
>can control the weather
it’s the Jews
I used to go camping by myself all the time and I can confirm, its spoopy at night. Where I grew up there was plenty of cougars and bears, I didnt own a gun so 110 pound, 15yo me with an axe wouldn't even put up resistance to an animal.
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>we keep Randall
>give him back 5 minutes later
unless maybe they gave him FROM AIDS and he's going to turn into a fromster
Have there been any cute hebe faeries/demons/aliens/federal employees
only lefties or muslims support muslims.
hear me out...
I like that the monsters are changing. Theyve never attacked the animals before, now they do. They never let people live, now they do. I got my fingers crossed that the talismans dont actually do anything and they are just fucking with the townspeople.
Thanks for sharing
>>we keep Randall
>>give him back 5 minutes later
5 minutes is all I need
I think so far in season 1, 2, 3, it's too serious. They need to bring in a one episode cast for comic relief. I'm thinking - it's Always Sunny in Fromville. Every single one of them dies except Danny Devito, he becomes a Frommie.
>waah waah I have hallercernatens
>lmao lets smoke sum weed
blacks and women. always.
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no worries, i know my life story is unusual, but these days I goon a lot same as anyone I guess, 2 times a day a lot of the times, 3 if I get a good asian x bwc playlist going, but I still think I can go on nofap anytime I want since I"m used to it
it is not against jews though. these pests are in our countries. they stab US. they burn down OUR monuments.
I liked when Jim was a character
I'll never forgive them for killing antie Tian, may Kenny take a flamethrower to their shitty lair and burn them and their demon kids in their sleep

I do wonder just how connected these guys are to the Fromville entity though, are they just pawns or victims as well?
Nta but when i was younger i went to my cousins where he has a couple acres innawoods and we were all camping kinda far out into the woods and we started hearing a guy screaming like he was being murdered and we all ran back to the front of the property. And supposedly a few different people ahve heard a girl laughing in the woods and then start screaming.
That's not going to change depending on whether or not Israel gets swamped and eradicated by a horde of subhuman desert browns, but that outcome would bring me joy

Regardless: let's get back on topic, how many pairs of underwear do you think Julie brought with her on the trip, and how often do you think she washes them?
Bro, that's jews. You're in like level 1 of the jew matrix right now. Try to assume you don't know the whole picture. You do know about the USS Liberty right? Or how the ADL was founded?
Checked and agreed-pilled. Season 1 of just the guys trying to find answers was based.
>acid trip is what made victor's mom die and become a schizo get his sister killed and have him be raised in hellville for 40 years
yep never even think bout doing acid bros
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there is 0 fucking way this happens from a 9mm in the hip
Ts and Ps for blessed Tian. She made everyone breakfast and was nice.
I figured the monsters are sort of victims as well, people who just gave up. The marine trapped in the dungeon was saying they are just the tip of the spear and theres things out there that are so much worse.. Hopefully he meant more than just the dream-monster/bugs in his arm.

What dragged the tent to spiderville?
>Dubs Quads
Agree strongly with you anon. He pretty much does nothing now. Wouldn't be surprised if they killed him off for a major character death that we are "supposed" to care about.
>What dragged the tent to spiderville?
giant spiders I assume, they were already mentioned once before I forgot when
maybe the place can heal wounds and the place can exacerbate wounds
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>They could've had Randall AND everyone else in the ambulance. Think of it, its unbelie-- and its so stupid, these ghouls are SO stupid. They couldve-- can you imagine--These ghouls could've had it all. They could've had it all and they just let Boyd go. And I saw that and could-- Look, they could've-- And even, they even GAVE. RANDALL. BACK. Think of it, you let all these people live, you keep ONE guy, and then you give him, back. These ghouls are destroying Fromtown, they're destre-- And think of it, Think about this Joe...

Mr. President the question was about tariffs.
>Dubs Quads
just call it a full house
My dad's a surgeon, and watching this scene with him he was saying how stupid it was that she removed the bullet. The one thing you don't do in this situation is remove anything.
Never did never planned on it. Always told myself if I turn 75 and don't have young grandchildren I'm gonna try heroin and crack.
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>Go to https://fmhy.net/
nice portal for all kinds of public filesharing. found a couple new sites. cheers anon.
>What dragged the tent to spiderville?
no one dragged the tent anywhere, common misconception. The forest moved around the tent.
:o oh shit.. I missed when that was mentioned. Im glad that they arent aliens. I got concerned when the lighthouse light and foghorn were going off. I think aliens are Fake'n'Gay but believe in demons and stuff.
My dad's a bullet, and he said Muhahahaha when she removed the bullet. Also you don't do CPR on a couch, they call that a death bed. Also you can tell the dyke hesitated and that's going to be a big part of the latter half of the season for her I think. Multiple people told her she can do this right? You've got this right? and she hesitated and failed.
>just leave the bullet in her guts man bullets are actually good for you
your dad sounds like a shitty surgeon bro
I binged the show in the past few days but I genuinely forgot who mentioned giant spiders but they were 100% mentioned and impllied to be a thing
>What do you mean the trees moved?
>Yeah, about 4 inches..
>Is that a good thing?
>Definitely not.
kek good post anon
you only leave projectiles in if they hit a vein or the heart, brain, some organs. leaving it in always brings a massive risk of severe infections, so removing it from her bowels was just logical. it wasn't even logded to begin with, so it didn't block any bleeding or colon contents from spilling.
source: I watched a lot of Greys Anatomy(which is more believable than the old my uncle's father's son was in Nam)
Real medicine isn't like hollywood moron. My grandpa got shot in the leg in Korea and they couldn't remove every single bit of shrapnel from his leg, he carried it around inside him for the rest of his life. You don't always remove bullets, especially not in a situation in which there's no hospital and you're in a house without any medical supplies.

They should have stabilized the bleeding, held pressure on it and waited until morning and brought her to the medical facility in town. You want to remove that bullet you need to do actual surgery on her to see if she has any internal bleeding, and I doubt that med student or nurse has any idea how to do abdominal surgery.
Thank you, anon
There's honestly something cozy about living in the town during a stable period like the 90 days before the story, knowing that the outside is dangerous but you're nice n protected in your suburban home, a subhurban and talisman'd home in Fromville is way safer than a home in many parts of urban America, think about that
>he carried it around inside him for the rest of his life.
did he pass it on to his son?
There was 0 reason to remove the bullet with an unsanitary pair of pliers. She created MORE risk of infection by taking the actions she took in the situation they were in, not less. Like I said, appropriate would have been to just put pressure on the wound to stop bleeding and then in the morning take her to the medical facility and do surgery on her to remove the bullet in a more sterile environment. She's unlikely to develop sepsis from a bullet overnight, and digging around a wound with a pair of pliers you barely sterilized isn't going to help anything.
also you get free food at auntie Tian's
How long from now until the next episode is out?
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there's this guy on youtube who had a gun explode his jugular and he just broke his thumb and put it deep inside his neck and survived.
Well, not anymore. It would be pretty cozy all things considered. If the food didnt go bad and you didnt open the doors or windows or have a nightmare that kills you.

Has anyone tried making their own talisman or is 12 all theyve got?
This scene looks different from what I remember
Agree, if I somehow knew for a fact that we'd be safe. I would have too much anxiety thinking about maybe the talsimans dont actually work, or maybe some crazed human would come in and remove my talisman, or maybe the town entity would possess/manipulate one of the people in my house. But I agree with idea. I sometimes imagine being in the captains quarters on a pirate ship in the middle of the ocean during a crazy storm and while its complete chaos outside, I'm cozy in my big comfy captain bed.
>putting your lives at risk for a demon doll
good plan viktor-bros
What if the doll is a really swell guy?
An hour and a half. Fromiliabros I am so fucking ready.
its clearly evil, it did the fromvillezombie shriek ffs
Serious? I thought it came out Oct 27th?
I thought it was just talking to the guy. I got to stop drinking so much watching this... giant spooders, screaming dolls.. Ive missed so much.
It pretty much went straight into her liver so she wasn't making it either way but I'm not sure if they knew that when they wrote the scene.
Anon, an hour and a half from not it will be October 27th. At least if you are a vile East coast delinquent like me.
I think its a fromville resident but instead of a dead human it posessed a doll, it shows up together with the other zombie niggas during jade's symbol visions, its hanging out in their crib, its basically one of them

lets take it and bring it in for inspection though good job viktor n sara retardcrew

only thing that should be going to the tunnels is kenny's flamethrower
>only thing that should be going to the tunnels is kenny's flamethrower
I really hope he gets his revenge.
I've heard tons of horror stories about people taking LSD/acid once and one bad trip completely mind breaking them but irl or altering their psyche forever, or giving them actual schizophrenia or smth, they're just scary asf drugs, only drug I take is caffeine and beer
thoughterinos, boys?
LSD is like the least dangerous or malicious drug you could take. Of all the drugs, this is the only one I would tolerate legalisation.
>only drug I take is caffeine and beer
Based. Id do cocaine if I wasn't so poor and it wasn't always shit quality. That stuffs great.
Blood ocean.
Its a snowglobe. More accurately, a mysterious snowglobe.
the first season had a nice pace of kino exploring, speculating, and experimenting to understand the supernatural nature of the world culminating in a great finale cliffhanger but they almost entirely dropped this major shared determination of most of the characters. I get that the place has a powerful way of dispiriting people and making them fear even looking for explanations but they haven't really communicated or justified that to the audience very well. we used to have fucking Julie drawing out brainstorm maps on the wall and now we just get little crumbs of potential understanding or revelations (mostly through Boyd) over entire season arcs.
rly? cause I've heard "bad trips" on LSD can be soul crushing
As much as I enjoy it I'm not sure how I feel about legalization. Driving dosed out of your mind is fucking insane I'm not even sure how I'm alive right now.
Not him but it depends on a lot of things. It's not for everyone and you have to be around the right people.
Yes, it's the witches jar - shaped like a snow globe. All very established at this point.
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Think anything bad's going to happen from them breaking one of the voodoo dolls?
and bad trips on literally any other drug can't? LSD has no real addictive factors either and doesn't damage the body to the degree meth, cannabis, coke etc do.
All I am saying is, if you want to have your illusions, use acid over other shit
I think mushrooms are probably the safest.
I think Haitian/New Orleans voodoo/hoodo fits much better than other real world shit. they also use fantasy runes, rely heavily on talismans and the shrunken head looking scarecrows .... plus the bus driver has on numerous occasions dropped juju and other mentions, plus tarot cards have been introduced. and playing cards in general
>on literally any other drugs
does weed count, cause I hate weed, but I've smoked due to societal pressure, and I've def had "bad trips", felt paranoid and felt woozy as shit, but I didn't hallucinate anything, lsd is a hallucinogenic I think, that shit is scary as hell, you might become jade in real life, miss me with that bullshit, cocaine is probably way safer other than ruining your nose and lungs (0 compared to ruining your brain with hallucinogenic bullshit)
Not him but I always felt the effects were interchangeable. Acid didn't taste like shit so that was what made me prefer it.
>bus driver has on numerous occasions dropped juju and other mentions, plus tarot cards have been introduced
I forgot about the tarot cards! thats when the crow breaks into hippy-house, right?
Theirs something up with the bus driver..I dont trust her.
When will it be available to pirate (the episode) ?
jim do NOT let your daughter get blacked
>Time Travel
>Norse shit
>the government
lol no

any other wildly bad guess?
the PAWG cop has entered the scene though
Tilly. Theirs also something wrong with Tilly. Shes a monster in disguise or something.
They are experiencing a group nightmare while being in a coma after a big pile up on the highway.
who is she??
Garden of Eden
>victors interdimentional thought projection
>fallen angels
>wormhole inside a mobius strip
>lovecraft spider
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The worst theory is the Taran matheu tarot game between a witch and a beothuk entity theory. Pure nonsense
Where you at on:



Higher dimension brought on by powerful psychic during a bad acid trip?
you don't trust the one person aside from stinky dick that was vehemently skeptical about the town monsters being a thing and just wanted to leave?
There is absolutely no giant supernatural spider btw.
It was the dumbest thing I could think of.
thats the correct one
There are giant spiders idiot what do you think dragged the tent to the fucking giant spider nest with huge webs? Fool
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>tfw no samhien Jasmine gf
Shes shifty... Plotting something.
>this triggers and upsets the redditor
Honestly I could imagine the writers pulling something as retarded as this off
>but how did they all end up at the same highway from different locations at different times?
>wouldnt people who ended up later see on the news that there were a group of people in a coma for years on a highway like Viktor who had been in a coma for several decades?
Boyd: I have to go
So is it confirmed if you die in Fromville thats it, like game over your really dead?
Well whats your answer then, bucko
not for me
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>bus driver has on numerous occasions dropped juju and other mentions
Good memory.
it's rape anon everybody
Isnt that how Lost ended? they all died in a plane crash or were in a coma or something dumb?
that remark has nothing to do with the overarching plot y'all are schizos
Higher dimension brought via Voodoo by a powerful psychic during a bad acid trip.
In this dimension he created a simulation of a nuclear test site (the town) but due to the acid it's all fucked up, also fae are in the equation somehow.
At the end of the show it is revealed that he died at some point during his acid trip and is now in purgatory but since he is a powerful psychic his creation stayed as a parallel dimension, out of control, it trap random people in it.
Only way out is to capture monsterfu and run a creampie train on her for a week in order to break the boundaries of the "inflation" parameter of the simulation, break the voodoo curse and make the fae happy all at the same time.
I just rewatched the pilot and one weird thing I noticed is that there are power lines by the road when the Matthews' RV stops at the tree. The power lines are both before the tree and keep going past it, you can even see one on the other side of the tree when they're looking up at the crows. Its more than likely insignificant but I think its strange that if they had to turn around on the same the road they rode in on and they wound up in Fromtown then at some point the power poles would've had to have just disappeared. I'm a power line btw
>overarching plot y'all are schizos
jk lol. I just figured anon had a good memory for lines.
Seems plausible
where can I watch the new episode
Five more minutes Turkish.
eventually the gas will stop working properly
how long have they been there? 3 years? 3 months?
I would at least get a qt monster peepshow through a window before I opened it

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