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Nightmare blunt rotation in Fromville
Prev >>204881693
>no baby in ultrasound
>trailer clearly showed Fatima going through birth
who was baby?
When you see the surveillance room at the end of Revelations: Chapter 2, remember this post.
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I just finished this episode, nigga nothing fucking happened AGAIN, what the fuck?
you just had that webm on deck huh
>he watched the edited rip
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Tonight on Fromville:
Victor brings back a doll
Kenny moves to Colony house in search of some loose pussy
Jim decides to go
Ethan and Jade look at some numbers
Fatima gets an ultrasound
And Randall and Julie smoke some weed
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>no titty cop this episode
so the writers saw that marriage story movie and they wanted to write a scene like that?
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Randall and druggie girl will hook up and this will open up for Christie and Kenny to get back together.
>jim and tabitha fight
>he goes off to the huts to get food
>jade let loose some cannibal zombie thing
>tabitha has a vision of some little girl getting wrecked
>knocking on cabins the last two times
>no jim mention in next two episode summaries
>big death next episode
Jim is a dead man.
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Will Kristi ever tell her junkie lesbo gf what really happened between her and Kenny?
>Jasper knows
>we will make him talk.
Victor is gonna fucking torture a dummy to reveal the answers we need, I love this autist.
the dude playing Victor is so fucking good at what he does, it's kinda wild
are actors doing more improv this season?
Tabitha is god damn atrocious on the other hand.
Kenny needs to impregnate someone so we can have a cute hapa male or female for From 2
On the verge of starting a full blown riot over this injustice.
>no acosta
>no sara
questions are being answered like never before
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Nurse I need 20ccs of CAKE
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>4 more episodes to go
Absolutely nothing big is going to happen for the next 3 episodes besides pointless human drama huh
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The plot will move probably in the last 2 episodes. That's what happens every season and you can tell by their title that they are gonna be different.

So we're in for 2 more filler episodes before anything important happens.
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>Julie and Randall seek a bit of normalcy
What did they mean by this?
One of the leaks is that they're gonna kiss. It seems it's gonna come true.
Wasn't this ep the first time they've ever talked with each other? Seems kinda forced.
Randall will have a threesome with Marielle and Julie in the final episode.
I don't think any of the leaks have come true.
someone from a previous thread suggested that she's indeed pregnant but the baby can only be seen at night, if they were to make another ultrasound during the night, the baby monster would show up.
that's what jasper is for, I bet the whole ''making this puppet speak will help save everyone'' is complete bullshit and he just wants to clap them wooden cheeks, I always knew Victor was a creepy fuck
I think most have come true at this point.
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Ddx for hallucinations, night terrors, white eyeballs and blood worms?
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from is literally this shitty anime from 2018 and even people only care for shipping and human relationship instead of mystical meaning of everything. you just love shipping character
Can I get a qrd of what this show is about and if it's worth watching?
I think you're wrong.
>absolutely nothing happened again

They're really milking this show because it's the only fucking thing MGM have going for themselves.
Where are the big juicy tits
Is it actually edited or am I being trolled???
Off the top of my head Tabitha returning to the town with Victor's dad was one of the leaks and that turned out to be true.
The first season is incredibly compelling and has an amazing premise that will hook you in, just be warned that it grinds to a halt and the second and third seasons are an absolute slog by comparison.
That wasn't a leak.
Well what was it? It came out way before the episode did.
You might as well say Tabitha returning was a leak.
lol you're just being a sourpuss at this point
it's a shitty live action isekai, a group of people get trapped into a town where they can't escape and there are evil creatures hunting them down at night, plus, there's a constellation of mystery boxes that will most definitely never get properly resolved, but an important aspect, is that none of the characters make real progress to find answers, because the writers themselves aren't clever enough to reveal stuff and keep the mystery going, so if you're not patient, you will end up hating every single thing about the show. if you're planning to watch it, lower your expectations, the real joy of watching From comes from browsing these threads, shitposting about better theories and having a good time.
Also, no, this isn't like the leftovers, where we also don't get answers but we got compelling characters and great writing, this show's like a cw series with higher budget.
kek the nightmare thing came out of fucking nowhere
has tabitha ever mentioned nightmares before the start of this ep?
No, and Elgin still isn't telling people about the nightmare he had before arriving in town.
>make obvious claim based on preview images
>totally a leak
why does many scenes remind me of some theater play? characters just come running in from nowhere in many scenes like they're entering a theater stage
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Episode 6 was such an amazing experience.. questions are being answered like never before.. new mysteries are being revealed.. this season is crazy
Not really. Those totem things are a pretty good reminder and rather singular. One wouldn't be very inclined to correlate the two until you saw them.
I need the webm
That seems to be yet another example of people not telling people what they've seen, since Tabitha only remembers those nightmares upon seeing the sketches of the totemic style wards in the other settlement. Even though she supposedly used to have a nightmare of those and the red stones recurrently, she didn't know the stones or the wards were in Fromzone until seeing the sketches refreshed her memory. I swear to fucking god though if everyone in the town just got together for half an hour and relayed what they've seen/experienced the mystery would be solved overnight.
Sometimes that's a valid complaint. Not really here, though. When was Jade going to show her the pictures? She just got back the day before.

I don't care for how Jade was able to get to the bottle tree and back all in a morning when it took Boyd and Sara like a day to get there.
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No, it isn't the first time we've seen those wards, there have been multiple trips to that settlement. From memory Jim and Kenny stayed in the settlement when they were scavenging for food. I can't remember if that was during the time of Tabitha being outside of Fromzone though. Although it is par for the course for Jade to be one of the few people who are actively trying to uncover the mystery. I suppose Jim and Kenny had their own family troubles going on as well as teh food shortage so it's perhaps understandable that they didn't go around saying "hey we found some weird fucking totems!".
Tabitha was in the real world when they were there. She got back and all that chaos that night. The next day Jade is all about the bottle tree and the trip to the huts was an afterthought. This episode is the day after that.
The answers are just.. insane.. the writers are friggin geniuses

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Has this show even tried to acknowledge what the fuck the 99% of the people outside of the main cast are doing at the town?
They aren't putting much effort into farming, they don't have jobs, they don't go scouting in the forest.

Are they just walking around the town for 10 hours without any purpose?
That all makes sense now, I was thinking it was a stretch for Jim himself not to have maybe mentioned the highlights of his trip to her, but the fact that she was away and has only been back for a little bit makes it more realistic.
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Considering all the shit going on, some weird totems in the woods isn't really a factor. And besides, he'd just be describing them. Seeing a picture would trigger a memory.

I wonder if Ethan will tell her about the phone call. Jim can't do it. He's going to be killed in the huts.
Yeah that's really distracting, they're a lot like the background extras in Lost. We know there's a limited number of other people outside of the main cast, but you never see the same face twice because the just cycle through extras constantly, so it unintentionally gives the impression there are hundreds of people floating around in the background unseen. What they're going to do, and I wish they would just plan it out ahead of time, is introduce some character and pretend they were always just there in the background. Like couldn't they just hire a number of extras and keep them in every episode, so they can be called on to enter the main cast if the writers ever decide they need a new character?
this is mental illness
Yes, if you watched the rip posted by magnet anon you watched the edited version
Thats a really good question.

But i have to go now.
Okay, I finally watched a stream of S3E6 and I cannot understand the fuss over this series. This has nothing to do with the writing, but with the acting. The acting is wooden and unconvincing. It's just not good acting. It's not even "so bad it's good" acting.

The writing and plot, such as it is, has been posted about to death. Clearly they are winging it. But that would be okay if the acting was acceptable. I guess /tv/ has nothing better to watch, but this is a series that will be forgotten before the last episode ever airs.
Outside of Tabitha nobody is really doing a horrible job.
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People are constantly surprised that /tv/ has shills. Like "wow this mediocre flavor of the month show has a discussion but it doesn't seem like most people here would watch something like this?"
my fromma
mayhaps they should not presume what people here would watch
>smoking weed while stuck in Fromville
Fuck that, I'd be paranoid as shit the entire high.
I think the show is kept alive by it's premise alone, but it's very obvious the writers are insisting we should care more about the characters and "enjoy the journey not the destination" even though the characters are all insufferable and uninteresting.
>characters are all insufferable and uninteresting.
I like Jade, Randall and Victor.
Jade is literally me but Victor and Randall are non-characters with almost no dialogue or interactions with anyone. They're not fleshed out at all.
Based. I also only watched one episode three seasons in.
How did people watch this it comes out tonight euro time what the fuck is my life a lie?
We get things first because we're better.
Fuck Europe
I think Victor has enough depth as a character, the problem is that he has so much crucial knowledge about Fromzone so they have to keep the scenes where he actually reveals/discovers le mysteries to a minimum. Randall I agree about, they have really sidelined him for the most part.
>being an alkie in From
holy shit, detoxing must be insane.
Everyone has been sidelined this run. Jim, Sara, Randall. There are just too many characters. Now they added a cop. For what?
yea I finally watched sopranos s3e6 someone told me it was a mafia show when its clearly some university school teen drama shit, oh and some weird suplot about a stripper, weird pacing all this pop culture shit about gladiator oh and the editing is atrocious the episode just ended mid sentence why does anyone recommend this shit?
Jade is reddit the character
No, that's Donna.
This show reminds me of Dark Shadows. DS is considered a classic by many, but as an actual old fart who watched it when it came out, it was not good but was so campy that it had a huge fanbase. The acting was below soap-opera level, characters muffed their lines in every episode, you could see mic booms in some shots, the script was made up on a weekly basis it seemed, they killed characters off then brought them back by popular demand, they had conflicting timelines. It was almost cancelled every single season it was on the air.

Sounds like Lost, doesn't it? Lost and FROM and a host of other shows are directly influenced by the low budget classic Dark Shadows.
The cheeks.
more fuel for the g**ners
no it doesn't LOST was immesley popular and was never in danger of being cancelled, I know Dark Shadows it use to play in the afternoons on abc, the same actors playing different characters in different situations, it was just a twilight zone ripoff
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marathoning the episode right now
Is that magic?
I have insider knowledge, nothing happens until the final episode which ends in a cliffhanger that immediately gets resolved in the next season's opener and leaves us with more questions than answers.
An amazing experience.
This video explains everything about what is going on?
You can play it online!?
Fucking nerds
>implying they know what will happen in the next season
that's how I know you are lying
yeah, Magic The Gathering Arena
he's the only interesting character now.
he's been playing with them for decades and he's been playing with them for a while before other people arrived so he gets special treatment, he's a vip
His mom probably made a deal with them the night she died.
checked, but heck you!
I'm gonna check it out.

Did you like the episode?
Same reason they don't want Boyd or Randall dead.
it was alright, better than average I would say
This season was made during the writer's strike so it makes sense that nothing is happening. You'll get answers when you chuds pay writers what they're worth.
i think they left randall alive for fun
The creatures don't need to kill, they just do whatever will cause the most loss of hope which is often killing.
It was written before the strike. It's how it got made and didn't miss a year like most other shows despite the writer/actor strike. .
They clearly eat the guts of the people they kill.
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Yeah like why wouldnt they get the whole town involved going into the cave? Why send just 2 people? Do the people in the town even want to escape? Whyd they even get so worked up at Tabitha? Nobody from the town even wanted to look at the faraway tree with Dale. Its just bad writing.
no they don't doesn't matter how many times you say it it will never be true
so that bitch is definitely the spy right?
*fat bitch
Donna or the brunette?
>every body is hollowed out
>their organs just evaporate
the really fat one
no every body isn't and they just don't do constant close up of the guts to satisfy your retardation
it's Tillie
if thats the fat bitch with the bandana then yes
pretty obvious that she's gonna be something along those lines since she's a side character with nothing to do but she keeps getting screen time
There's no spy. There's probably some omnipresent entity watching them.
Like how it knew Tabatha was in the ambulance and it also let the monsters know.
Tillie is the old lady with the glasses who was going to do a Tarot reading for Fatima before being interrupted by the crows.
that too but their is also a spy to directly interfere with plans and its the fat bitch
nah its the fat one, the old lady is misdirection
its both the old lady and the fat one. The old lady is just as sus
best webm for this show ever lol
i'm inclined to agree the birds interrupted her and I think the birds are on the boy in whites side
i only enter these threads to see or post this webm then leave
thanks doc
>minimum 2 minutes of recap per episode
this is getting boring now. im sure lost had revealed more by this point.

fuck mystery box shows

also why is the lesbian wearing tight jeans that go straight up her pussy? it's obvious in every scene and extremely distracting. it's this another ploy by the creators to keep us interested in the absence of plot movement.
>this is what little pink dick whitebois call "cake"
lmao even
Boyd hasn't been killed because he's the community's leader and sign of hope. The monsters want them to keep hope alive so they can eventually break everyone one by one. If they kill Boyd, everyone goes ape shit and leadership and structure goes out the window. That's no fun to the monsters. Same reason why they killed Kenny's mom in front of Boyd instead of him, they want to break him as well. I doubt it will happen though, dude killed his own wife but the monsters are hell bent on getting him to crack.
Randall was left alive as a reminder. Just like how they left the chick alive nailed to the tree. They knew there was no way they could save her, but they left her alive as a way to fuck with them. Oh look there is a survivor....BUT you no matter what you can't save her....AND you have to be the one to kill her now to put her out of her misery. That shit rattled Kenny and the dyke nurse to their core. Like Boyd said, letting Randall walk around with a fucked up face is just a reminder of what's going to come later that night even though they try to act and lead a "normal" life...even if you hide away and never see the monsters, you'll see what they did to Randall and be remindeded that you're still here and that they're still out there.
kek even Manifest wrapped up everything in 4 seasons.
how do you even defeat someone/something that can teleport you from anywhere in the US to their dimension?
so will the season ending have jasper reveal what the place really is? or do we have to go for another two seasons
He will tell us a very confusing riddle
The episode descriptions really make it sound like Randall and Julie are going to become romantic.

What will Jim to to Randall when he finds out he's been banging his teenage daughter?
Jim won't be around to intervene
I don't think Jim is making it past this season, he gets less and less screen time and becomes more and more irrational (even though he's been a pillar of rational thought in the first seasons), he's on his way out 100%
>white passing female x white male
Never going to happen.
Also, no straight white male is ever going to do anything good in this show and if Randall is going to get redeemed he's either going to die soon or be gay.
least brainrotten /pol/tard
>everything started going to even more shit when the Matthews rolled into town

I'm surprised no one has called for their execution or something
Isnt Jim sort of like the main character of the show though? Like we see it through his eyes when he arrives. I dont think theyll kill him off (even though he literally does nothing as of late).
I lost 20 minutes reading that gay ass reddit theory that get spammed here.
I should've know better than to waste my time with these retards tho, that's on me.
The bus chud gets to live with two hotties, lucky guy.
I thought the winter build-up was going to end with people fighting between them but they quickly glossed over it lmao
Yeah, he's a goner. It's all set up at the huts. Someone dies next ep from the episode summaries.
what theory?
Yes, this show really need the humans are le real monsters angle anon
>sex parties mentioned
I guess they stopped doing them after ghoul qt incident
He should have told her to enter by inserting her legs through the window first, then tie her up, undress her lower body from the waist down and have his way with her.
avoid roads, use trains
NTA but the Matthews directly or indirectly caused a lot of bad things

>Sarah got schizoid thoughts about killing the kid
>Digging underneath the house caused it to collapse and led to the death of some people helping like bar dude
>the radio tower caused the high from powers to send them a bigass storm

The fact that everyone is just ok cool is just weird considering that everyone is on edge 300% of the time
Imagine being in such pain and you hear a bunch of sexy lesbians next door scissoring eachother non-stop. You're rape senses would be tingling
rape anon is this your favourite part of the week
say it with me: BABY KILLER. She ate those rotten fruit knowing that she is pregnant. This is no different from chain smoking while pregnant. She killed her baby
you just might be the dumbest anon ITT and thats saying a lot
always carry a high powered rifle with lots of ammo, a bunch of TNT and never drive in a car that doesn't carry tons of fuels and generators to burn and collapse all the caves of the monsters
this but also a ton of mre's
personally i would ask her how bad she wants to come inside. then i'll tell her to undress and press dem ghoul titties against the window while I jerk off. then i'll leave the bathroom
i still didt watch the last season
does it deliver ( is the explanaition shit)
>ep7: These Fragile Lives
uh oh, Jimbros... are we sure we're prepared for this?
It's just generic phantom pregnancy but made in horror format.
now this show is getting interesting
Mercy killing at this point. They've totally unmanned him in S3.
But no one actually died in mayoiga, it was an anti-silenthill. The only similarities with FROM are that A) nothing ever fucking happens and B) the threads are better than the show.
You should go.
no really you are dumb as fuck
>Sometimes that's a valid complaint. Not really here, though
yes it is. we didn't need to have her say anything, just mention nightmares in passing earlier, exactly like she did at the start of this specific episode. it would've been interesting if the nightmare scene was the first of the season and when she woke up she was still in Maine. then have her have the nightmare a few more times, then have her have a scene with Jim where she talks about how the nightmare is back and Jim is like "oh shit, are you ok? those thing used to fuck you up" blablablabla
and THEN you do this episode
now its just out of nowhere asspull bullshit
That's weird, I watched the new episode and I feel no different..
Almost as though I've watched nothing at all.
I'm not the same anon, I just think you should go back.
this is my board and if you're not that anon you might be even more retarded for agreeing with him
I feel like I've had an amazing experience
It's weird how badly matched they are by looks.
>B) the threads are better than the show.
FROM threads are 50 percent bitching nothing happens, 30 percent dumb theories, 10 percent blathering about rape, 5 percent waifu posting and 5 percent actual discussion.,
What that anon said is definitely what happened tho. Scientific facts don't care much about your opinion on the matter.
Look, I can see that this revelation is cutting deep in your feeling but you need to take it like an adult, grow up and accept the harsh reality, then you can move on as a better person instead of being aggressive like that.
>Inquisition-era fear of witches was common, and an Augustinian Friar came with Cabot as a missionary. Most Inquisitors were Friars.
the belief that witches existed was literally declared heresy in like the 8th century. i fucking hate it when people say this dumb shit
its supernatural you idiot
>30 percent dumb theories, 5 percent waifu posting and 5 percent actual discussion
So 40 percent better than the show
There is a scientific explanation for everything, what you call supernatural is simply things we don't understand yet.
oh your one of those retards, nvm last (you) idiot
In time, you will grow up and understand anon.
I still think you should go back tho.
the actual discussion part should be higher but nothing fucking happens.
A lot of lesbian couples are like that.
meanwhile faggots only fuck men that look exactly like them
Well, Fatima aborted her baby via rotten veggies eating, there's that.
I don't know about that one chief
yea thats pretty standard for lesbians, I work with a girl she's pretty cute shes a waitress, her gf is a butch electrician
lol no she didn't why even attempt this nonsense when we know the synopsis for the final ep this season?
It was a leak, that anon is a humongous faggot.
It delivers
A whole lot of nothing is still nothing anon.
watching teacup right now so far pretty decent people trapped in a location horror shit is happening trying ot unravel the mystery, also only 1/2 eps and apparently its a mini series so it'll wrap up this season
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There is no food guys what the hell are we going to do???
>INB4 Kenny cucks Kristi out of her own lessons fiance after friend-zoning him
i felt like the first 4 episodes nothing happens and then episode 5 is a double lenght loredump
still fun though
Bitch is drier than sahara, must have felt like dust caught in the hinge of zfold.
Funny how whoritha didn't even bring up the bracelet again
Watched ep 1 and it's just yap yap yap.
When the drumpf/maga stereotype suggested shooting the rabid dog that is a threat to the libtard stereotypes children and he has a full on "NOOOO NOT A HECKING GUNNERINO I CAN'T LOOK AT THAT" mental breakdown I couldn't take it.
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I'm so sick and tired of the "it's magic!" and "it's supernatural!" retards. How do you even become this stupid in life? Have you ever watched a vampire movie? Yes little bro, vampires are supernatural too with supernatural powers, that doesnt mean that they are unkillable and have no ruleset whatsoever.
All you "it's magic! switch off your brain!" retards: Leave now you morons.
>Boyd gesturing “AAARGH” when the cowboy starts the shill talk
This webm is perfect.
You sit your ass down, right now.
jesus you americans are obsessed, no he's a decent guy and everyone is using guns by the second episode
How do you know that she's dry, did you put your hand down there.
there are rules the rules of fae you just don't know what they are so your infantile brain gets confused and you start making idiotic posts like this one
yea i'm enjoying it, they are really short eps and at least something dire happens in every one so far
Look at those lips retard she needs some milk she would be turning into those homeless skelly meth heads if she did any more morphine.
God did it
honestly, tell the rest of the channel: How are you so utterly convinced of something that you dont know whatsoever? Something in life has to happen to make you so stupid. There is absolutely zero confirmation anywhere that it's fae. You convinced yourself of this on your own and now you spread it like a religion because you are just like all other retard cavemen idiots. Even if it were fae, it STILL wouldn't mean anything whatsoever. Not only are fae not well defined in known mythology, the TV show fae could just be a different kind that can be killed anytime no problem. You are a monumental moron on a degree that shouldn't be possible as an adult
what channel? could you maybe head on back where you came from you dipshit

It's out world now, fuck Europe
Not sure I wanna get in the crossfire of this back and forth but I will say this: it is quite miraculous how hot she used to look vs how frumpy she has been for the past season or so. And frumpy is indeed the word for it, she frumps around.
They could have attempted to write it in a way that makes him at least slightly likeable.
Your neighbour comes over and warns you that a wild animal could hurt their kids and even offers to lend you their gun to protect your family, the least you can do is not respond in the dumbest way possible.
"No mr maga, we don't need and AK-47 fully
semi automatic triple glocked anti-air gun, but thanks for coming out here to help me protect my children".
He made it clear that he hates guns more than he loves his kids.
and 20 seconds later when he sees his kid has been injured and the guy offers again to go hunt the feral dog he agrees instantly, btw that character the dad episode I'm on now ep 3 he's carrying around a hunting rifle his budy has a pump action shotgun and his wife a winchester and just picked up an m4 carbine, you are sensitive af best you avoid watching anything since you seem to get triggered by everything
Fatima and her boyfriend are pretty dogshit too
and Jim isn't the best either
ah no he doesn't want the guy walking around in the dark hunting with his kid out their, as soon as his kid comes back he readily agrees to go hunt the dog
Why did she get that new dyke haircut...
>CGI kiss
oh nononono kennybros
another episode where nothing happens...
They left Randall alive to cause problems within the group you dumb nerds. It's very clear from what Victor's been saying that this cycle happened when he was a kid and is what led to (nearly) everyone dying. people are being distracted, pit against eachother and led on wild goose chases, then some big event happens they're all not prepared for because they're not united and they all get massacred in one fell swoop.
Tabitha is like Victor's mom, Jade is like the puppet guy and Ethan is like Victor. I think there's other parallels, but I've forgotten. The cycle is happening again and everyone except Ethan is about to die.
wdym anon? questions were answered like never before and new mysteries were revealed it was crazy
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the fatima is the japanese ghost anon has fucking died
>rest of season is Victor torturing a non!responsive Jasper doll
>Dad thinks he's nuts but plays along, why not
>FINAL moments of season finale
>Slow zoom on Jasper's wooden face
>eyes move to look at Victor
>Cut to credits
So you can go out at night, you just have to look out and walk fast? It's even safer than the streets at night where I live.
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This entire scene was a waste of time.
if you miss one or they encircle you you are fucked, they are incredibly fast and lethal once they get in arms reach but sure you could maybe stay in a wide open space jog through gaps but you'd have to keep it up all night long and it is ya know night, visibility isn't that good one mistake and your fucked
i dunno. made me glad im not in a relationship lol/ his response to her was based too, called out her bullshit.
just like fatima's pregnancy!
What is he planning.
Has he told her about the thomas phone call? I thought that's what the entire scene was leading up to but it never happened.

She also never asked about the phone being ripped off the wall in the morning, so it's weird to me that they would have her drinking coffee with the visibly ripped phone right behind her.
>people are okay with teleporting trees, people from the past, objects from the past appearing, invincible sentient demon monsters that appear night, giant bugs, magical electricity from nowhere, magically appearing food, neverending looping town that folds back in on itself, ghosts of dead townspeople, shared hallucinations, little white ghost boy, vanishing baby pregnancy etc etc etc
>But nooooooooo theres no thing as talking dolls you must be crazy
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Ghouls give him scars across his face. Starting to see the world is a farce. Smiley dead.
get used to mystery fodder, the doll is mystery fodder, something new each season to solve so it doesnt feel like nothnng happens, the doll will reveal somethjng but nothing important
well tbf they often have a character say something acknowledging how they shouldn't be surprised by x because nothing in fromville makes any sense anyway
Nah they're just playing mind games like they did with the chick nailed to the tree.
He's going heel mode
that's literally what i said
chuds mad
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How do you even finish reading that tarot bullshit theory with a straight face lmao
>Randall invited to sleep over with the "lesbians"
>gets invited to toke sessions with Julie
>Boyd is distraught with guilt and will do whatever he wants
Randall chads, we're fuckin WINNING
Him and Julie and the junkie are going to have a BSG final five moment where they all start acting like robots/zombies
>Ive gotta go
They all meet up
>Is it time?
>It's time
Roll credits see you next year...
Who said being a psychopathic chud never pay off?
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>the pregnancy plot was all bullshit to waste your time(again)

>break my balls pls
>*breaks her balls*
>fuck you man
what dod she mean by this
that's one of the main themes of the show, risking your life trying to escape versus enjoying time with your loved ones playing it safe, it's donna's idealogy versus boyds, colony house versus town
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Did they ever explain what this symbol meant?
its still happening and boyd will put a bullet in her to stop the chest burster
apparently it not being a symbol but irl roots which are the only thing irl the "kids" see was the big revelation and its a complete nothingburger until someone somehow find that exact spot
the symbol means nothing, it does nothing its just weirdly shaped roots in one place nobody knows
So Tabitha is Victor's sister right?
This, the whole thing was done by the Fromsters to break Boyd even harder and destroy his relationship with his son
What was Bakta up to this episode?
its the 3 roots of Yggdrasil the world tree. One root go to Asgard home of the gods, second to Jotunheim home of the giants, and the third to Niflhel the underworld
No that's literally what I said.
>Dale becoming one with the wall doesn't even warrant a mention in the "Previously, on F R O M"
Well that's harsh
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Its fuckin hilarious that there was all this build up to see something be horrificly wrong with Fatima's baby and the ultimate reveal was literally NOTHING. Very in-character for From.
there is clearly still something dumbdumb
How did they do it? I was convinced something would happen this week, but it didn't
why do you think it was nothing? the fact the fetus disappeared is a very bad sign the sheer stupidity of some anons in these threads is just amazing
They are master baiters.
Like showing side boob but never actual nude women.
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>/from/ tells me there was going to be answers
>there was just more questions
maybe the pregnancy was just faulty
and the rest wad placebo
With the way things are progressing, I worry the show is gonna get cancelled before we get another answers. The way things are moving we are gonna need at least 2 more seasons. I think more and more people are realizing that the writers are just adding random filler and more questions and mystery over time, just like in Lost, until it all becomes one huge mess that nobody recognizes or can fix.
Victor's dad is a shit character. He has no agency or opinions of his own, just goes with the flow

>tells Victor he will go with him
>immediately acts like a scared bitch and is holding victor back
>keeps trying to make them leave
In many ways a question can be considered a kind of answer
The writers have said its gonna be 5 seasons long as was the plan since day 1

And the MGM CEO loves the show and its the only thing they have going.

It'll be fine
music, fire, next is iron, its not random you just aren't picking up the clues
He's just scared to lose Victor again. He tries convincing Victor to leave so that they won't get torn apart, but he also doesn't want to upset him and cause Victor to tell him to fuck off.
tabitha having visions of fromville before she came confirms the archetype theory
i thought the sex parties were a meme lmao. fucking hippies
Its funny how things were getting interesting with Tabitha getting out and now shes back its like everything has reset and its as if nothing happened.
>the archetype theory
Or they weren't visions and she's Victor's sister and has just repressed the memory or had it rewritten
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>tabitha is victors sister
>julie is victors mom
>albert is fatima's son
Why is Tabitha consistently the worst character?
>What if they were right and am I a fucking retard who didn't do anything useful while outside?
>Hey hey, you did your best
>You don't know that. Don't lie
>Don't tell me what you think I want to hear. Fuck you
He's going to give Boyd the old one-two
the town pulls in people that fullfill various roles the town has been filled up and massacred over and over for centuries, victor for instance in the lone survivor his mother like tabitha is their to help the children, Jade to work on the mystery, it was his predecessors who left the older bottle trees
no thats stupid
You've never been mad at someone cheaply placating you?
oh and the reason is the boy in white keeps pulling certain people in to break the curse but they fail over and over but maybe leave enough clues for the next round
>Kenny moves to Colony house in search of some loose pussy
"H-hey you err... you don't still have those crazy sex parties do you? Haha just kidding but now that my parents are dead they wouldn't judge me if you did have them... But I hope you don't because that would be so weird haha... Unless..."
I thought the trees were just the town copying the real world, because there's 2 trees in the real world
>implying he wasn't already
>refuses to give up weapons and starts fighting on arrival
>very first day after having his life saved, he grabs Kenny's gun and holds him at gun point
>fights and bickers every chance he gets, leading to him getting kicked out of the orgy mansion and forced to sleep on the bus by himself
>attacks donna
>throws the keys and nearly gets jim and boyd killed
Not being a dickhead for 3 episodes doesn't magically absolve him or make him a good guy...he's still the same shitbag he's always been.
ethan is the next victor the lone survivor after everyone gets killed this time, unless this time they break the cycle
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>from town is the stitching together of people's nightmares condensed into a pocket dimension with minimal cohesion
>american government discovered accidentally or not and controlled
>radio nigger was really a glowie
Imagine the sexually transmitted diseases.
More and more evidence is piling up that Donna knows something and doesn't want people to investigate. So I'm still sticking to the theory that she's made some sort of deal that she thinks is protecting the people in the town.
maybe I still think its the real fat one but maybe sure
In 3 seasons we've gotten 0 proof at all the government is even aware of any of this shit. Not even a scene of CIA/FBI agents investigating the missing people or nothing. Just niggas disappearing and nobody batting an eye.
Which "main character" is going to die next?
Im voting for Elgin.
What evidence?

Although Randall being right would be based
Fatima almost certainly, and I guess Victor's dad

Faes can see people's nightmares
One of of these. I could also see them killing off the black bus lady or the old lady and we are supposed to care about them
>What evidence?
This episode she gave Tabitha a long speech about how trying to be a hero just results in you dying and that she needs to just be there for her kids.
She's consistently been against every plan to try and learn anything or find a way out.

Is Victor's dad 'main' at this point? I'd bet he's going back into the caves.

My hope is Fatima, Tabitha or the druggy dykes.
Elgin's fucking based though
Old lady can't die until we get the reveal that she either is or isn't a spy.
They've made it so blatant that it would be too stupid for her to actually be a traitor. But the writers are idiots so we shouldn't expect too much from them and they probably think they're being subtle.
The only reason they even brought him on was to kill him off in my opinion.
I've never forced an argument with someone trying to make me feel better, no.
At least, not since I stopped being an angsty teenager
That argument was too real, Ornery Bitch GF Simulator 2024
>they actually did it practically
Then why did it look so shit?
last season with randall suspecting her was a double bluff it really is her but this >>204893974
she thinks she's protecting the people
How were they ever even sure she was preg? Symptoms? Theres clearly something more spoopy going on with her
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>it's another nothingburger episode
new thread when
Jim's as good as dead sadly. Really don't like how they wrote him into the dirt since season 1
Kinda sided with Tabitha there, it is frustrating when someone just says stuff they think will make you shut up when you're having a bad time.
Based Dead Tom telling Jade to get his shit together
This is angkhooey

An entire village next to the lake went missing in the 1930s and it's never been explained.

There's been multiple paintings of the town being flooded.

The original event was a flood, hence the weird kimono lady and her first trying to drown Elgin

To save everybody they need to flood the village again
kristi heard a heartbeat among all the other regular signs
Sarah being right will be even more based.
How adults communicate
>I get you're trying to help but it's not working. Give me a minute to just be frustrated
If you're saying that Tabitha has the mental age of a child, I'm not disagreeing with you
>kristi heard a heartbeat
She did? Geez thats a pretty big pothole. In this ep she was pretty nonchalant about no baby being there. If she did know she was pregnant and heard a heartbeat of a baby she shouldve been way more concerned.
>refusing to give up weapons when faced with supernatural bullshit
nothing wrong with that, and he conceded when Boyd explained it's the cost of living in Fromville
>he grabs Kenny's gun and holds him at gun point
In response to being held at gunpoint himself
>getting kicked out of the orgy mansion
Orgy mansion is a communist shithole which wasn't explained until he moved in there, it'd piss off anyone
>attacks donna
His most retarded move by far but given Donna's backstory has barely been touched I'm betting 50 bucks she knows something important
>throws the keys and nearly gets jim and boyd killed
The fact they all lived and the Fromsters acted differently only gives credence to his schizotheory
I would, but I have to go
A detective was mentioned investigating the disappearances
Radio guy can't be a glowie because the same voice was heard in Kenny's dream
people being nonchalant about bizarre phenomena is a mainstay of the show
which evidence
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I'm a retard and I forgot I guess but what were they talking about The druggy girl completely forgot about something ?
>After the article was reported in Canadian newspapers, the NWMP received inquiries. In January 1931, Sergeant J. Nelson, stationed in The Pas, filed an internal report that was released to the public. Nelson wrote he could find "no foundation for this story." Nelson reported that Joe Labelle, the informant, had taken out his first trapping license that season and questioned whether he had been in the territories previously as stated in the Kelleher article. Nelson continued, dating one of the photos used in the story to 1909 and stating that Kelleher was known for "colorful stories." The incident appears to have been forgotten until referenced by Edwards's 1959 book.[4]

>The RCMP (modern day version of the North-West Mounted Police) has since dismissed the case as an urban legend, claiming that the story originated in Frank Edwards' book. The RCMP also states, "It is also believed that such a large village would never have been possible in such a remote area."[5][a] The RCMP states that it has no record of any unusual activity in the area.
>A detective was mentioned investigating the disappearances
no there wasn't that was just victor and his family his dad mentions the cop at the door was an old friend who investigated the disappearance at the time
That wasn't the question
Yeah but being a competent doctor/nurse is kinda her thing. This would be completely out of character.
see >>204894040
oh just being mentally kidnapped by nightmares, it was kinda the whole main plot of season 2
true honestly I might be misremembering I just remember that shes the one that told fatima she was pregnant
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Victor's map has numbers on it

If you go through the tree with a number you are teleported that distance. Hence the bottles, they are destinations

Victor's lunchbox had 1597 written in it
So is anyone else shocked/surprised to learn that the bottle tree Boyd saw is different to the one that Victor lead Tabitha to?
Did we have any hint of that being the case before this episode because it wasn't framed as if it was a big reveal. Boyd just instantly knew they weren't the same tree
I get the feeling you like to project onto people how they should act based on the perfect scenarios you create in your head. Doesn't really work that way irl though. People get emotional, they'll say stupid shit or say shit in a stupid way, that's like 99% of arguments between adults.
i gotta go
we can talk about this later
damn good catch anon
there's no 1597 next to the lighthouse
no it looked completely different, you just didn't remember what the one boyd found looked like we discussed this last season and that the one boyd found didn't have a faraway hole
1597 is at the bottle tree showing it goes to the lighthouse
New thread
I gotta go there
>showing it goes to the lighthouse
look at the pink arrow pointing to the lighthouse now follow that arrow to its other point
Please understand can't have some white looking man being cool
okay so its confirmed now for sure. Fromville is another type of Silent Hill!

>calls to you in your dreams
>everyone there has a grief or trauma
>unexplainable changes in the environment
you'd be wrong
Criticising Tabitha for consistently making the worst possible decision isn't the same as being as mad she didn't act perfectly. I get the feeling you're unable to see the difference

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