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Arthouse and classics.

Third world edition

Prev: >>204948259
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Movie ends when the cow decides to move.
got some more Hiroshi Nakahara recs for you losers
>Here are some other notable films by Hiroshi Nakahara that you might enjoy:
>Silent Echo
A meditative film exploring the themes of loss and memory through the journey of a solitary protagonist.
>The Last Train
A poignant tale about connection and chance encounters set against the backdrop of a late-night train journey.
>Whispers of the Wind
This film combines stunning visuals with a narrative about nature and the human experience, focusing on the relationship between a man and the landscape he traverses.
>Beyond the Horizon
A reflective story about dreams and aspirations, following characters as they seek to fulfill their ambitions against societal pressures.
>Midsummer’s Dream
A romantic drama that delves into the complexities of love and relationships during a summer festival.
>Each of these films showcases Nakahara's unique storytelling and visual style, making them worth a watch!
those skull shapes
Cows often stay still for hours however
Reminder that even established jewish directors like Leigh, Solondz and Cronenberg are struggling to find financing for their films these days. None of you poorfag gentiles will ever make it in the industry and your little dream projects will never materialize.
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Cronenberg already made his movie, Solondz is a faggot and never made something of value so who cares. If you want to feel inspired just watch Joel Haver films.
Truth nuke.
Polyphonic book means multiple narrative voices at the same time, with no voice dominating over another. In filmic terms, you could relate it to hyperlink cinema, with the distinction that polyphonic novels usually don't seek to come to a singular conclusion, instead prefering many conclusions from one singular idea. The original polyphonic theorist was Mikhail Bakhtin, which borrowed the term from musical analysis to describe the narrative structure of Dostoyevsky's novels.
Mumblecore in 2024 is stronger than ever.
>invents mumblecore
>invents slow cinema
>invents ASMR
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>invents narrative fiction films
>The poster for "Cherry Blossom Jazz" typically features vibrant visuals that reflect the film's themes of nostalgia and beauty. It often showcases cherry blossoms in full bloom, creating a soft pink backdrop. The central imagery usually includes a silhouette of a jazz musician or musical instruments, emphasizing the connection between music and the emotional landscape of the film. The title is usually presented in an elegant font, complementing the overall aesthetic. The design captures the essence of spring, music, and the fleeting nature of life, aligning with the film's lyrical style.
anyone want to create this?
John Cassavetes walked so Joe Swanberg could run
I don't have the skillz
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there he is
let me try
Oh ok, i only knew polyphony in music.
I figured you meant anthology
>invents directors
just ask AI
forgot pic
Please ask him a question and film it
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I like films and movies. The Joker (The last laugh) is my favorite mobie
lel perfect. just need to fix the garbled text at the bottom
How exactly did you sink $10k into your film without anything to show for it? I’m curious.
t. wrote/directed a largely self-funded feature film for the same budget and received physical/digital distribution
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best I could do
What is your film, bro?
ask him how he feels about Taipei Elevator and Hiroshi Nakahara's love for it?
late but first for the Peep TV Show
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went ahead and added the actors that are supposedly in the film
Now we just need some of /film/'s auteurs to collaborate and make the film a reality.
We've found the perfect project for Gapsik.
Is this in jihlava?
not lgbt
Those jeans are awful.
Essential /timmy/core?
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The films of Zion Sono.
Realistically, Star Wars, Spielberg and movies like Drive. Films that exude suburban american whiteness.
Kimchi Duck, Wong Kar-wai, Sion Sono, Takashi Miike, Park Chan-wacko, Bong Joon-ho, Edward Yang, Kurosawa (both of them)
Anyone here has seen Eggshells by Hooper?
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improved it. I'm done now
would love to actually film something for fun, but don’t know enough Asian people irl to do it
lil bro dont want 2 become famous here like Gapsik and T. B. Johnson
Someone AI generate a fake trailer
just use AI, bro
Woody should team up and make kino with Polanski if they are both just hanging out in France
hell nah lil bro
i aint doin no jewish shit
Nta but i think those words are too close to her head, and maybe use less words?
Come on, man...

Hey, it looks pretty decent.

Just make it with whoever wants to cooperate.

I'd do it for the lulz.

AI has the potential to diminish creativity if people continue to use it as a substitute for human effort. I'd rather see human made films, thank you.
I like the other one more
Woody still lives in New York. He just flies to Europe to shoot movies there.
whats the /film/ equivalent of harsh noise? no wave? transgression?
also, yall fuck w pinku?
The first full-length film made in Austin, Texas is this Tobe Hooper's experimental allegorical story. Long considered lost, Eggshells was rediscovered, restored, and and re-released in the late 2000's. The restoration then debuted at the SXSW Film Festival in 2009 with Tobe Hooper in attendance. Austin Chronicle Editor-in-Chief Louis Black spearheaded the hunt, executive-produced the restoration, and wrote about it in "Found Film."
Those avant-garde films that are just bright blinking lights.
How? The chinese ai vid creator make only a few seconds
I would guess something like Begotten. No Wave films like Driller Killer are more like early industrial music.
>also, yall fuck w pinku?
I don't think I've seen a pinku (do Prisoner Scorpion and School of the Holy Beast count?), but it seems like the kind of trash that I like. Why do you ask? You got some rare pinkus you wanna share? ;P
definitely avant-garde experimental shit like Brakhage, Makino, etc.
I unironically want to make a mostly silent film about an asian diaspora guy getting obsessed with racial porn. Might play with sadistic undertones. My whole idea revolves around making the guy slowly descend into madness hinting at a shooting. But I don't know, I feel it too half baked, needs more touching. I consider too insincere and I'd really dislike my film being used as propaganda. Or as inspiration for any of those retards to shoot a school.
seems like something you could make by yourself from your bedroom, so I say go for it. remember the /film/ manifesto
Just edit the shots together. There's already a million AI trailers for fake films on YouTube.
Nah, I want to get into Pinku. Interested mostly in Angel Guts (because of the name)
Also agree on Begotten as the equivalent of HN on film
I think you should focus on the film first. What people do with your film you can't control, just make sure that your intentions are correct and write something up. I've also thought about making a deathgrind album about a famous serial killer of my country in the past. Maybe I should work on it.
yeah im sure this will inspire school shootings
watch Wakamatsu
>I unironically want to make a mostly silent film about an asian diaspora guy

are you an Asian person yourself? And why racial porn? is it because of our lolcow Melody?
melody is /film/ her movies even made it on some charts
Kill yourself already.
We're all inspiring school shootings here.
Other than that one (already seen it), which ones do you recommend? The motherfucker had a gigantic filmography.
>why asian
asian diaspora is the most demoralized caste of society at least the in USA. from what I've seen online. /r9k/ is chang central after all.
>are you asian
no, latino living in latinamerica.
>why racial porn
refer to point one. Stuff like AGP interest me as a breaking point for deeper, darker stuff. How porn addiction can break one's psyche. (I think that what interests me the mosr)
>lolcow Melody
Melody Marks? boring bitch
>demoralized caste of society at least the in USA
that would be the blacks lil pedrino
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queens of /film/
Melody is an artist, more than just a performer
In social themes not economical (I know african americans are fucked but not in these departments, also theres a lot of black tears films I'm getting tired of it.)
Pretty much this. She would have been a mega star back in the pinku heydey of the 70s and 80s had she been born earlier.
We're all crying black tears here.
I hope we don't
What did you guys think about Canadian director Caitlin Cronenberg's birthday party yesterday?
blacks are still lower than asians on a social level, buddy, sorry to break your bbc fantasies.
Semitic semen sucker at it again
Jewish cock rider party
Here's a pic of her with Canadian actress Sarah Gadon and her husband.
>How porn addiction can break one's psyche.
You can say that again.
Hello, cuckold. Don't let that Jewish semen drip out of your mouth.
That mouth has taken his Jew cock many times.
We're all porn addicts here
only for Melody
David Cronenberg himself was there too!
I wonder if Gadon has tasted his semitic semen.
only for Lahaie
You can just start filming landscapes like james benning, the film you want to make feels like this 2019 film
>harsh noise
There have been a handful of Japanese filmmakers who incorporate it, can’t remember off the top of my head.
As far as embodying the “feeling” of harsh noise? Yeah, full abstract experimental filmmaking.
>Cuck (2019)
Can't believe they made a film about Gadonfag.
just turn the crank faster bro
>harsh noise
Ishii is more punk than harsh noise.
Somebody already said Makino
Ishii is ethereal new age
Is punk, harsh, new wave and everything in between
In the 1990s yes. Gotta rewatch August in the Water.
Which movies are reminiscent of industrial metal like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WJtU7gkBdE
Sarah Gadon's husband is white.
Just fucking make it, if you sit around worrying about stupid shit like that you’ll never do anything

>deathgrind album
Fuck yeah, please do this and post it here
only for qt traps
Sarah Gadon loves his Jewish cum
>August in the Water.
one of the greatest of the decade

She can't resist his Jewish cock.
>Fuck yeah, please do this and post it here
I'll try. Let's listen to some Mortician in the meantime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGZDS7raG9o
Gadon is a based racemixer
Jewbros won
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But turning the crank faster would make the final film run slower.
crank the projector faster
What kind of feel are you trying to capture? Something really fucked up? When I listen to a band of justin k like godlfesh, jesu or god, I think about loneliness
we're all mentally ill failed film student virgin incels just posturing online about shit movies because we're starved for social interactions here
That's too specific to not be protection
>I think about loneliness
Very interesting, why do you feel that way? While I think that he has many songs that sound lonely (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2y9bhSaAKg), most of his Godflesh material for me represents the concept of pain. Like think of the most excruciating, unendurable pain you've ever felt; that's what Streetcleaner represents to me. Add to that the concept of atrocity and misanthropy. Think of serial killers, someone like Richard Ramirez, or even Hitler. I feel it's something like that, the blackest bile that human beings are capable of doing to each other. Godflesh is my favorite band btw.

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