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Arthouse and classics.

Earth Standing Still edition

Prev: >>205937895
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Witch of /film/
Ugly bitch, the work done on her nose is horrendous and I was always mad she didn’t go topless
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La femme d'/film/
I have this poster in my living room, huh.
Nice taste. If I ever had ridiculous money to both own a house and have a theater room, I wanted to have a rotating poster collection hung on the walls
What about Pannochka? I’m making a witch chart
Based Nasbro.
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Don't check out what she looks like now.
Im down. Do the Alucarda bitches count?
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>witch chart
I have a constant stream of thoughts and my imagination doesn't stop even when focused, probably product of growing alone. So I tend to listen music all day to prevent this.
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I just throw on stupid podcasts while working or exercising. The music I listen to (noise) isn’t really a good fit for work or exercise.
but listening to random nobodies is? just find better workout music
Based fellow Nas enjoyer!
Do a24 witches count?
Daily reminder based Michael Rennie never sucked Marlon Brando's dick.
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Sounds like a real panty dropper.
Any pictures of what her groin area looks like in this scene? I wanna look too.
Listen power metal for that
or flashcore
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Your waifu will never be /film/, cry about it.
lil sanjay u are darker than quincy
The only films that matter are populist action or/science fiction/fantasy films and experimental/avant Garde/projected on a gallery wall shit/video art.. your retarded euro festival mediocrities will be rightfully forgotten, gone like tears in the rain in a few decades and you're here whittling away your days of health discussing this crap. ridiculous. watch maurice lemaitre, watch andy warhol, watch stan brakhage, watch matthew barney, watch isidore isou,, watch masao adachi, watch peter markopoulos, watch hans-jurgen Syberberg, watch jean marie straub.
t. Pedro Costa
Hi Pedro. When's your next film coming out?
>avant-garde films
>films that matter
you must have felt really intelligent posting that huh
None of those would exist without Godard. He even rightfully called out Straub for making irrelevant time wasting films
>watch maurice lemaitre
never heard of. thanks for the rec
>watch andy warhol
>watch stan brakhage
>watch masao adachi
seen a few but need to watch more
>watch matthew barney
>watch isidore isou
>watch hans-jurgen Syberberg
>watch jean marie straub
haven't watched yet, but on my watchlist
>watch peter markopoulos
do you mean gregory markopoulos? if so, same as above
Film posters aint for the hoes.
No. Noise only.
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Are you the Steel Reserve meme guy?
Go to bed, Chewy
metaphysical masterpiece
are his other films this good?
I liked Get Out but tbqhwy it was one of the first non-blockbuster things I watched when I was a tween
you gotta be fucking kidding me get out didn't release on 2015 but 2017
but chewy had awful taste
>Get Out
>when you were a tween
holy shit I'm so fucking old I was 23 when it released
how fucking young are you? what are you doing wasting your youth on a taiwanese gay bathhouse forum? leave and make something of yourself
>watched when I was a tween
I'm dying of old age and it's all your fault.
Kekeke nooooo.
I'm on (((college))) don't worry bros, I'm working to be a good drone
Don't study computer science, do engineering. Got a CS degree from a top 100 school five years ago, found myself completely unable to get a job with 1000+ applications, became a poor wagie
Bit different from your misquote
I'm even worse I guess, I'm studying physics. My idea is to get the physics degree, take some classes on economics (my university offers quantitative finance for physicists) and try to score a job on Jew York , work enough to buy a house and then finally work on academia. It will be hard and I'll have to study a lot outside of college to learn statistical/programming shit but I hope it'll be worth it.
Your post is filled with “never seen, never heard of em, etc” which is also Chewy
only one I haven't heard of, but ok. I bet I could list directors you haven't heard of either. and most I haven't watched, I was already actively planning on watching, so that's already better than 90% of posters here who won't ever glance at experimental cinema
He is making a musical. Probably gathering money rn.
Have you listened to my album yet? You should, it's pretty not bad.
Kek Straub was funny sometimes.
>watch maurice lemaitre, watch andy warhol, watch stan brakhage, watch matthew barney, watch isidore isou,, watch masao adachi, watch peter markopoulos, watch hans-jurgen Syberberg, watch jean marie straub.
I don’t see why not, she’s cute so I’ll add her. For a second I thought she was playing little red riding hood lmao
excuse me?
So I was planning on watch the big 4 japanese directors I'm interested in, Ozu, Mizoguchi, Kurosawa and Kobayashi. But added Yamanaka too. Issue is, Yamanaka despite having like 3 feature films,takes up too much time. Same with Shimizu and Naruse (among many others). So, considering I want to finish the year by finally having watched the Ozu, Mizo, Kurosawa and Kobayashi masterpieces, shall I just remove our nigga Yamanaka and focus on them? I dont even know why I'm asking this to you considering this is a personal decision but my intention is to watch these filmographies in order of release to understand the evolution of japanese cinema so neglecting someone like Yamanaka might be not a so good idea.
Apart from them, who other classic japanese directors should I watch? Oshima, Obayashi, Teshigahara (who has me hyped too, specifically for the face of another), Terijama,Honda and Fukasaku will be part of my objectives for next year.
>I bet I could list directors you haven't heard of either.
lol, sure Chewy

>and most I haven't watched, I was already actively planning on watching
lol, sure Chewy. Very fucking easy to click “add to watchlist” and pretend like you’re a cinephile without ever actually watching the fucking film. THAT is 99% of posters here, including you.
All added, thanks guys. I’m now up to 33.
I have and I liked it, but it’s off topic
You should definitely do Naruse and Shimizu too man, definitely.
Imamura and Kawashima.
Thanks :)
what do you guys think about The Comedy (2012)?
so actually Straub btfod godard
You're not making much sense. Do you mean web crawlers? If so, they can't read my cookies from my 4chan posts. If not, are you referring to some bot that is running on 4chan server-side? Or are you talking about Cloudflare? Either way your post wasn't clear so please explain what are you talking about, precisely.
We should unironically do a /film/ podcast
Can just chat shit for an hour in discord vc and record it and post it somewhere
I'd be down
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I love Alucarda but I wasn’t gonna add them as neither struck me as witches, more like satanist and vampire. But now I have an excuse haha
Nobody wants to hear our ESL accents.
yes they do it makes it more diverse
We should do something similar to Radio Karagarga, that would be cool... also
Why not just post some jitsi meeting link and let random anons join?
>Radio Karagarga
Another reason to be sad I don’t have an invite :(
I am not Chewy, and I will not continue to let this libel slide! expect a lawsuit soon
Dekalog is overrated
Extremely, along with three colors trash
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what should I watch?
Recommend me some bisexual kino.
Discord was just the first thing that came to mind but yeah can be anything
Wouldn't want too many people joining though or it'd be chaos, need to have a core group of 3-4 people
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Michael Rennie was ill the day the earth stood still
But he told us, where we stand
somehow I doubt anyone from /film/ is social enough to make a compelling podcast host
Has everyone purchased their tickets to Wicked yet?
No problem with chaos, we could sort it out in editing.
That’s what would be hilarious. Also, number/email to leave voice messages, live call in, would be pretty hysterical
“…didn’t watch any movies this week. Made fun of trannyboxd users for having shit taste. Tsai is King, Godard is God. Thanks for listening, use promo code SlashFilm for 10% off PlexPass”
none of that, angel and the badman with john wayne and gail russell
I don't think so
Holy fuck that'd be awesome
What are /film/ approved outfits?
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>Part of the reason for the pricey “Heat 2” budget might have to do with Mann’s plan to de-age some of the actors from the original, which include Al Pacino. Robert De Niro’s Neil McCauley is also supposed to be de-aged.
I can turn on the charm when I need to
Though I basically see this as being cum town x arthouse cinema
why make unnecessary work for yourself...
de-aged de niro has been movie poison since the irishman
Wonder what cap brand they will use this time
>cgi + mann, again
oh boy
>cum town x arthouse cinema
Sounds like a dream
how do i get a gf like this https://letterboxd.com/heartbeat/likes/films/
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thats a man
A cum town with nothing but Adams.
But if you guys do start a podcast i'll call in once in a while to argue.
i wish it was, hate feeling this way
It is don't worry, he used to suck my dick, no homo
I love her hair.
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Dirt nap.
i hate adam driver and everything he's in
…I take it back
One of the worst ideas I’ve heard in awhile
Have you taken the Wickedpill yet /film/?
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I would unironically rather watch One From The Heart
>Why not just post some jitsi meeting link and let random anons join?
A few weeks back I suggested someone make a tinychat so anyone can join, is jitsi like that?
>coalburner slop
Coppolaesque and possibly Emersonian quinoa, actually.
Canada looking good, eh?
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I hope I’m not this bad when Nightbitch comes out in a few weeks.
What should I watch if I find arthouse/artsy movies boring as hell? It's not that they're old, it's not that they're foreign, it's that they put me to sleep. Stuff like Au Hasard Balthazar or a lot of Bergman or Altman movies.

I'm not being facetious, I'm genuinely looking for good movies that I'd like watching.
try reddit, this thread is for five to ten permadoomer losers that don't watch movies
Watch whatever makes you happy, don't need watch anything to fit anywhere like you think, be free my man.
We're all free here.
Thanks, I will, but isn't this the place to look for recommendations for good movies?
What yoyre looking for are Sarah Gadon kinos.
if you don't like these kind of films, what kind of recommendation do you want? didn't said the films you like either, so my recommendation is stick to whatever you enjoy, unless you want some entry level arthouse?
Altman isn't /sleep/core, the opposite actually. But just as you, I enjoy some non-stop action kinos. Check Kurosawa movies and chinese 70s/80s martial art films. Those are the shit.
Sounds good, I love Sarah Gadon
Sounds bad, I hate Sarah Gadon
Get this coalburner out of here.
/film/ is not your personal general, sweaty.
>Just watch some DePalma flicks, unironically.
I've seen all of em. I love DePalma. I also like Argento, Billy Wilder (wasn't as big a fan of his Marilyn Monroe movies though), Cronenberg (all of it), Lynch, the Kurosawa that I've seen (i'll throw the rest on the list), some of Hitchcock (Psycho, Dial M for Murder, Rear Window, Vertigo), Polanski (especially Rosemary's Baby, Repulsion, Chinatown), Coppola, etc.

Pretty run of the mill and "basic" I'm sure, but where can I go for more good stuff in these veins?
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Herzog's films literally breathe. I don't know how else to describe it. He probably could have been a famous photographer if he weren't a filmmaker.
Literally no one on /tv/ likes this coalburner. Take that shit to /b/
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Since you like the 70s New Hollywood stuff, try some Billy Freidkin and Paul Schrader stuff if you haven't seen those (I'm sure you've seen at least a couple of Freidkin movies for sure). Also check out some cinema du look, it's French but it's very stylish and accessible. Start with Diva, Mauvais Sang and Subway and go from there. Moon In The Gutter is a favorite of mine but is somewhat difficult to find.
Um, no.
Looks like Dominique Labourier's hair.
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Nice! I know how annoying watermarks can be on a nice pic. Try out watermarkremover.io if you don’t feel like pulling Photoshop out on your desktop, it’s done the trick for me many times.
>Just watch some DePalma flicks, unironically.
Sound advice that will still piss half of /film/ off.
ok, so how do i get a gf like this
I don't know what tinychat is, but you can just generate a link for a video/voice call with jitsi and anyone with that link can enter the call.
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I thought the same exact thing when posting that. Saxana is much cuter tho
movies with ginger with freckles and everything women in their 20s/early 30s? sorry if off-topic but for the first time I'm thinking on watching a movie for the pleasure of seeing my kind of women in it
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Damn that actually works really well. Much appreciated buddy!
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>moon in the gutter will never look that good
>we will never see the extended cut because the studio destroyed all the extra footage
Man is born crying, and when he's cried enough he dies.
would becoming friend of a prostitute /film/? I wanna live the late 2000s/80s sleaze life during weekends
If you save a prostitute you go straight to heaven, you don't even need to die.
I'd like to have a friendship with one purely for inspiration to write, no joke.
kek truest post in the thread
>when the bait doesn’t work
You cab try some fuller (pickup on south street), aldrich (kiss me deadly), melville (un flic), k.kurosawa (retribution), kobayashi (samurai rebellion) and herzog (aguirre), if you like them dig more in their filmo
Whatever gets you there, man. Go ahead, pay for an hour and just bombard her with questions.
Withnail & I was mid
Expect her to either refuse or charge more. Prostitutes are known for “look I’m here to fuck, anything else I’m either not interested in or is extra”
>I'm from the UK look how miserable I am
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Yeah, I am thinking that this is Kino
Also add ford (the quiet man) to this, I forgot
how can i meet a prostitute for actual friendship and milk her (heh) for stories?
Yeah it is, surprisingly dreamy and very tender. Hathaway had a few kinos.
nta fuck her a few times so you become a regular I guess
i dont want to fuck a prostitute
This is the best plan, see her a few times for sex and gradually start talking more. You will lose money though.
Not a man. She used to get harassed by /mu/tards. Couldn't go a day without seeing her face posted for like two years straight.
no idea then, it's a very disturbing world anyway
“All women are prostitutes, except my mother, she’s a saint.” What movie is this from /film/? This is my new game. I will have one quote per thread and the first that one that guesses it gets a blowjob. No cheating.
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what color palette? yes one is higher quality than the other, but I'm strictly asking about the coloration.
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top has sovl
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That's not from a movie, that's from the thoughts in my head, how did you get this?
Bottom here has more compression artifacts than visible grain. Awful.
Top looks far better to me. I prefer the colors and there's grain. Bottom has been compressed to dogshit.
top is just plain flat though
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2 more, i think i found what i was looking for
Top for sure.
Top definitely.
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one more bonus
The one that doesn't look like a 1GB rip
Except for one, top is Criterion release and bottom is whatever BluRay came before it.

In these two, the non-Criterion has the better palette (lower quality is on top for the first one).

In these three, the Criterion has the better palette.

These could maybe go either way, but I THINK the Criterion is better.
It's the other way around. All the commie gobblediegook you mentioned will be completely forgotten by the midpoint of this century.
In fact, now that I think about it this was probably a somewhat elaborate bait. It's a testament to the shittiness of this general that no one caught on.
Wah wah.
pathetic samefag
Everybody caught on you retard.
that really doesn't mean anything, it was 2023 homebound emphysema Lynch that completed the movie more than 25 years ago. it could be like when William Faulkner added an appendix to The Sound and the Fury 20 years after the novel was released that completely missed the tone and spirit of the book to begin with
I unironically follow Lynch words about film on phone. Only movies I've watched on my phone in around 5 years have been the FNAF movie and a rewatch of Evil dead 2 in a bus.
Why would you ever watch a movie on your phone? I don't think I've ever done that, unless you count some very stylized porn (which I would count as art)
I never watch movies on a phone just because it's a bad experience.
I think I got used to watch anime in my phone in the time I didnt have a pc (and because by those days only my phone could catch the wifi signal I was leeching off)
What are some good mockumentaries or generally funny movies that you all like?
Windy City Heat.
I watch movies on my phone to make the bad experience even worse
I think Kusturica SUCKS
Dane cook?? Jimmy cook? Looks kinda bad. I will take your word for it though and watch it. Thanks anon.
Kimmel* kek. Ok I watch soon.
people don't dance like this on an empty beach
Isn't Sarah Gadon a little wide? Girls like that are always cute until you're looking at them with their back turned in bed and you almost thought you slept with a football linebacker with tiny arms
Sarah Gadon’s whole life is a lie
Fuck off and die
you wouldn't get it if you're not from here
It sucks, i don't think it's funny at all, the main guy is unbelieavably annoying and every thing feels very forced.
I'm thinking of shaving my head, is it kino? (I'm not bald btw).
Having taken some time to re-watch and ruminate over Windy City Heat (I've seen it four times and counting), explaining the enduring appeal of it is still tricky. First of all, it's funny. It's blindingly funny. It's tip a cow then kick a duck up the arse funny. It's also fantastically original in it's conception and treads heavily where few might dare to tread at all. The mark in this; possibly the most elaborate prank ever, is the fabulous Perry Caravello. Arrogant, sexist, homophobic and gullible. He is hilariously short tempered yet naive and lovable. Our catalysts and instigators are Don and Mole who according to the film have been messing with Perry for over a decade now. The setup is to have Perry, an aspiring actor and comedian in Hollywood, audition for a part in a film and win it. They go on to shoot the actual film over the course of a week, only it's all part of the setup and every scene is just another opportunity to provoke Perry's wrath while the cameras are rolling. There is physical comedy, humiliation, and provocation. It's great. When watching the film you will recognise names and faces. The in-jokes are endless. Perry gets none of the references. I do get twinges of pity for Perry as he falls for joke upon joke. Half the jokes are just to sell or justify a previous joke or fabrication. Some of the setups seem so contrived that it's hard to believe anyone would fall for it, but Perry sees no problems. It's humour is maybe a little cruel and sadistic in spirit, which in turn provokes thought on edgy comedy as an elaborate web of ethical dilemmas. It runs hand in hand with An idiot abroad as the most hilarious and startlingly real tragi-comedy out there. Comedy on film is often about levity and escapism but on the other end of that spectrum lies WCH, something that's real and engaging, provocative and most importantly, deeply and lastingly funny.
People always say stuff like that but then Peep Show is one of my favourite comedies and not only am i not from the UK, i'm an ESL.
Bottom is garbage

Bottom is garbage

Top is garbage

I think I prefer the color in top but bottom has more detail

Bottom is garbage

Top is garbage

Top is garbage

I think bottom wins?
>I think bottom wins?
Yeah you would think the bottom wins you homo.
Following up on my ranking of garbage or not garbage- some of those criterion screenshots are shockingly bad. Fuck the color palette (which at times are disgusting too), but I’m talking about the detail loss, highlights/shadows pushed to hell, extreme contrast. What the fuck
Go to bed Chewy
This was cool, thanks for the post. Did you take these screenshots yourself or pull from somewhere? Wouldn’t mind if you continued to do these.
>I think bottom wins?
you're bottom
faggot talk
Based Jew-owned slut and Jew-serving jeet cuck.
An ass made for her Jewish husband.
does that whore even have a decent movie?
I'm more of a Nick actually
Try Asian cinema
In particular atmospheric 'vibe' films like Rebels of the neon god, Goodbye South Goodbye, and Kamikaze Taxi
And forgot to add HK, in general but also specifically for kino action if you want action, like PTU, The Mission, The Longest Nite, etc
Yeah yeah we all think we're Nicks...
anon I don't think it's gonna be quite like in your old timey movies
She ain't gonna be a poet or a failed ballerina or whatever
She'll be a depressed addict most likely
Getting everything from a film you watched randomly and expected nothing from is such a satisfying and lasting feeling.

Now what
You and Lynch can get fucked
Watching on whatever you have is better than not watching
One of my all time favourite film screenings was watching Stalker for the first time on my iPod Touch under my blanket at night
Would it have been better to watch in the cinema? Probably, maybe
Did I have a great time regardless because it's a great film?
Average Tarkovsky fan everybody.
lil bro watchin movies on his lil ipod under his lil blanket
watch more movies
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You didn't experience the film. You think you experienced it, but you were cheated. It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking iPod. Get real.
The first and only film I ever watched on my phone was In the Mood for Love and it was not comfy at all. It was in 2012 during my army service, and the phone screen was rather small by modern standards.
Great write-up, anon. You truly get the appeal of WCH.
Does anyone have any suggestions for good screenwriting books? I've perused most of the normie stuff, I think. I'm looking for something more intermediate but focuses on story/plotting.
>bumping a dead thread at page 10
Just let it die, man.
Paterson was alright
One of the funniest movies ever made
so when is the /film/cast coming out?
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>movies with ginger with freckles and everything women in their 20s/early 30s?
Literally any 70s/80s Huppert joint.
Someone make a jitsi chat room and link it. I’ll join
Fun edgy arthouse like Gaspar Noe, Todd Solondz, Lars Von Trier, Sion Sono

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