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Marioneta Homosexual edition

Prev: >>206031302
I think Marielle is cute
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I watch for she
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Two monster factions vs eachother or a hopeless situation?
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Ep10 better be 2 hours long to make up for all those 15 minute episodes we've been subjected to.
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Mfw I see a new from general
Have you guys thought about how not a single question has been answered without creating even more questions? Since season 1, not one of the mysteries has been explained without making it more confusing and complicated
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When I was watching season 1
I saw the monsters, "What could they be?
Will they be fairies? Do they shape shift?"
Such a great mystery
"Que será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que será, será
What will be, will be"

Now theres 3 seasons of this show
Still have no answers. Just new mysteries
Will it get canceled? Will it be shit?!
Guess we'll just wait and see...
"Que será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que será, será
What will be, will be"
Que será, será
Personally, I'm a Smiley loyalist. I won't deny Cowboy had some pretty unique tactics under his leadership but Smiley is and will always be king
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What was Martin referring to when he said there's worse things out there than the monsters? Giant spiders, the ballerina monster lady, or something else? Did a big spider drag the tent? What walks around those log cabin structures at night? Are the regular monsters scared of the giant spiders, ballerina lady monster, or the unknown walking thing?
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Why does they dropped that the demons/monster can shapeshift to the person you knew like in the first episode? I remember one of the monster looks like Julie's deceased friend when they first arrived at the colony house
Noo, he was just distracting her and buying some time! They can't shapeshift!
This was never a confirmed plot point. Julie never said that he looked like anyone she knew. It's a very basic trick of the monsters
>You're brand new in this town
>You don't know what's real and what's not
>Someone in a calm voice says "don't you recognize me"
>In the dark you try to look at them and get killed
Father Katri fell for the same trick when a monster called out to him and slashed his throat when he turned to look
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>What was Martin referring to when he said there's worse things out there than the monsters?
Giant Spider.
>Giant spiders, the ballerina monster lady, or something else?
Giant Spider, singular.
>Did a big spider drag the tent?
A Giant Spider, yes.
>What walks around those log cabin structures at night?
Giant Spider.
>Are the regular monsters scared of the giant spiders?
>ballerina lady monster
>or the unknown walking thing?
It's the Giant Spider, so yes.
Based giant spiderbro
They show this guy again later. In this pic he looks like hes wearing modern clothes but its just dark. We see him as one the monsters that captures Brian and Kelly and he seems to be wearing some 50s style clothing. I doubt if he was mimicing someone Julie knew that he would maintain the appearance when going after other people.
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cowboy vs smiley, spider is above all that shit just doing spider things
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The Dog is key to get out of Fromville, just follow the dog
Its sweet to know that s2 finale saw Fatima and Ellis get married and s3 finale will see Fatima give birth. Its like a fairytale
Is the bartender black?
Truth nuke
black and white, 50/50
So black
The monsters have taken a backseat most of this season. Seems they could be doing a lot more with them; that little scene with the lady one taunting Boyd was good. They're out there every night, shouldn't they be tormenting everyone from their windows by talking to them and trying to get them to let them in?
Mystery meat or mulatto like droopy faced Ellis
they made it seem like shit was going to change when they let the barn animals out but then... nothing at all. besides fucking up randall and letting him live that's all they've done this season. i think the writers genuinely don't know what do to with them or they forgot to utilize them more this season.
The entire scene has been focused on Fatima's pregnancy.. Which absolutely no one gives a fuck about.

Everything else was total blue balls. The telephone calls, the settlement, Henry and his grunting. Oh, they took time out to establish Julie can time travel.
oh there's something out in the settlement in the woods i guess? we know nothing about it besides there's something out there though and it creeps around the cabins at night. i guess that'll be forgotten too with no answers given so they can focus more on lame shit that doesn't matter and then at the last minute act like that boring shit ACTUALLY didn't matter and it was the boy in white all along again who then proceeds to do nothing but tell them to figure it out themselves.
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What if Fromville isnt some infinte loop but instead its a sphere. A really tiny world where the road just goes all the way around it. And the sun and the moon move perpendicular to the road. And the tunnels connect across the whole world, and at the core is where the giant spider sleeps.
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I know this was already obvious as early as season 1, but looking back it is really quite remarkable how little has happened, how much was hinted at and then forgotten, it's baffling.
Not til we get some answers
Yeah, it wouldn't be so nerve-wracking if they didn't spend so much time on things just for them to be nothing.
>3-4 trips
>creepy shit and knocking, the place changes at night
>absolutely nothing fucking happens
>creepy phone calls, they're not your kids anymore
>nothing happens, ethan realizes it's not thomas (i guess that's the end of it).
There are probably 20 scenes discussing all this shit, all for it to be nothing. A total waste of time.
King Kai vs spider finale

>Boyd bringing Sara to colony house to torture dat nigga Elgin

>s4 is all about the town being mad at her for torturing someone after being told to
I can't wait.
So two more seasons is what's planned? That'll be very rushed at the pace they're going at if they intend to answer everything. Unless they just answer the overall mystery and just get everyone out. But they hardly know anything at the moment so it seems it'd take a big "ah ha" info drop rather than them putting bits and pieces together.
>aunt julie
We're going to find out everything electrical and radio-related are the Man In Yellow. Much of this stuff can be covered in one swoop.
Problem is they refuse to focus on Jim and let Boyd do important stuff anymore, everything must be done by Tabby
I think this is like fatal frame 2 or silent hill, a bunch of creeps made some ritual with kids that went wrong and they created some isolated hell
>implying tabitha has actually done anything
She got thrown out a window. That's it.
They also need more antagonist/rivals
I think Boyd actor has talent but he is only reduced to discuss to some fat old woman. Even twd shone at some point thanks to the whole Rick vs Negan thing
Yup. Silent Hill (the movie) seems like a good approximation. They sacrificed these kids, but didn't account for them having some kind of voodoo and everyone ended up trapped in a cycle.

The monsters and shit probably work for the kids and act to punish the reincarnations of the people that sacrificed them.
>Characters casually dropping recaps of the previous episode while talking

They should bring a
So tabitha is not miranda, she just time travelled back to where miranda was like julie
they were never shapeshifters you stupid fucking ESL
Well they do have a monster form and a human form but we don't know if that's a glamour or what
Julie had a seizure thing though and it was like she was physically there while Tabitha seemed like she was just seeing things
They're push the time travel narrative instead of the reincarnation, just saying
>Jasper was the boy in white
They will 100% revisit that
but that's not shapeshifting because ... it just isn't!
My murderfu will kill again.
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Don’t worry. Answers are on the way, get ready for HUGE revelations
Will we ever find out who was phone?
He says it's Thomas duh
It's the Man in Yellow.
>you shouldn't have let your wife dig that hole, jim
There is no man in yellow
You see him in some of the paintings at Henry''s home
He's literally cast already for season 4
You also see the spiders but they are not real either
But you still see them
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Boyd's actor is terrible
Reddit has daily threads saying he is the greatest thing ever though and it has nothing to do with his race of course and their white guilt
This but Tabitha and Jim and Elgin
Tabitha is actually awful when her character is meant to be freaking out, because English is not her first language and it's painfully obvious when she's acting panicked
>watches CW-tier low-budget slop on "mgm+ formerly epix"
>"some of these actors are bad at their job imho"

You don't say
No, not really
Writer on the show here. Totally forgot about the dog man
>Reddit has daily threads saying he is the greatest thing ever
Not surprised
I don't usually watch low budget shows but can't they at least find a good actor for the main character
glad im ESL and cant see through the bad acting

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