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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games, visual novels, RPGs, etc which contain yuri.
Last Thread: >>4267609
Lists of Yuri Games:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4oc1uvr5vl96m/Yuri (Generally non-VN games)
http://store.steampowered.com/curator/6864182-Hella-Yuri/ (Anything available on Steam with lesbians in it)
https://vndb.org/g1986?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-1986 (VNs tagged Yuri Only)

Yuri Game CGs:

New here? Need a starting point? Try the /u/ recommendation survey results:

Related threads:

Yuri Gacha General: >>4236995
Hat World: >>4107813
Neptunia: >>3779723
Signalis: >>4230341
LIly LYric cyCLE: >>3649128
Baldur's Gate 3: >>4203885
Life is Strange >>4228323

Personal Yuri Projects thread: >>4225806
-Dragon Age Veilguard release date announced for October 31st. A Halloween release. (RPG)
-Songs of the Prairie released on Steam (farming sim with /u/ options)
-Kimi to Kanojo no LILYVAGANZA released on itch.io (VN)
-Everlasting Flowers releases on August 29th (VN)
-CrocApoca!! [Crocodile maiden at the End of the World] will definitely come out on the 30th of August. Believe it.
Also The Songbird Guild was announced, but no release date yet. It's a magical girl yuri RPG. I'm a little wary though because the main page talks about magical boys and non-binary stuff too.
I used a game screenshot because last thread some anons made a stink about fan ship art.
They would have made a stink about it anyway. All they care about is shitposting, with or without an excuse.
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>Kimi to Kanojo no LILYVAGANZA
I still say this deserves a screenshot.
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Is anyone playing Random Dungeon ?
Even if everyone else forgets your fumble, I will always remember.
what can we except from everlasting flowers? It has pretty good VAs and the art is nice.
I really don't care. If I was as insecure as you I'd not have owned up to my mistake in the last thread.
Whatever you say, little miss I-forgot-the-subject-field-like-a-massive-dork.
You forgot about Assasin Creed Shadows where yo uwill be able to play as cute Japanese girl shinobi. And I hope there will be some option to turn off player change shouts between missions to not break immersion in that stupid way I hated for players who won't want to change MC during that time.
Priscilla x Beatrice real??
she's just inexperienced it's normal, she needs a good onee-sama's guidance
I didn't forget. I just don't mention headcanon as if it was news.
To be fair, the Hat World thread has the subject in the user name space and it's been up for months, so clearly nobody cares. >>4107813
But we do care. That anon will feel the silent stares of judgment for the rest of their life.
I played a bit when it was posted here like a month ago, the character interaction and item description seemed fun but there's unfortunately a lot of stock rpgmaker combat in between all of those.
If we're mentioning just demos that have come out:
No release date but sounds potentially interesting
Bought Greedfall because it has lesbian romance but damn this shit is some major eurojank. I'm getting Gothic/Elex vibes.
Pretty much every time the game was brought up here people were warned that it's actual garbage as a game. I'd not even put it on a yuri RPG recommendation list even though that list is painfully short as is.
But I guess if you have nothing else to do with your life it will waste some hours.
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Volcano Princess is really gay and I'm very proud of my daughter for not only hitting up one but two nee-sans at the same time at the end. It was a tough fight not to shed tears on certain parts because it was so wholesome and sweet. I dare not venture into the darker parts of the game.

If someone hasn't played the game (sorry sis that can't play because of specs) I just want to give some advice on your way:

1. There are sometimes shiny objects on the screen once per location. Pick it up.
2. At a certain point you will get 'patience' points. With patience you can interact with people. You can chat, hang out, learn from or duel them. Don't be like me. Don't forget to use them at the end of the day.
3. Food is very important. Cook. Cook as much as you can.
4. Hold onto Earthworms until you can use them.
>naming Rose Yuri
Hah, weeb.
VP was discussed very extensively back when it came out. I think we could probably make a guide from all those posts... but they already have guides on Steam and other sites.
>I dare not venture into the darker parts of the game.
Try getting the alternate version of the Lebsa romance ending at least. That's fucked up, but who doesnt like toxic yuri?
The criminal cult leader and demon lord endings are pretty edgy tho. Can lead to really funny nonsense though because profession and romance endings are independent of each other. So you could romance Connie the nun during the day and become the demon queen who will kill all humans with her demon army at night.
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The unintentional comedy with the name was hilarious.

>Lebsa romance
I seriously feel conflicted with the whole Lesba thing and I screamed at my screen when I had to fight her. Again. With only 36 health left. Bitch couldn't take a hint when she went down the first time. But I was glad when she got deus ex machina'ed. It is seriously tempting to follow the dark path + Connie. I probably will do that after I got some more endings.
Her name is that slip just waiting to happen.
>I dare not venture into the darker parts of the game.
I for one couldn't. For some reason, the very thought of making Rose unhappy or hurting her is repulsive to me. Guess that's the whole point of daughter raising sims.
Ignore what the other fag said. Gameplay in Greedfall is fine, but if you are having trouble with the combat ranged is piss easy.
>the game that is known for its absolutely mediocre gameplay, dialogue and exploration is totally not bad, because you can cheese it
Genius. I bow to your wisdom. I will laugh at you one anon gets to the "romance" and cringe themselves out o existence.
And I will laugh when your mom evicts you from her basement, Pedro.
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>I screamed at my screen when I had to fight her. Again. With only 36 health left. Bitch couldn't take a hint when she went down the first time
It's the True Ending of the game, it was supposed to be the most challenging battle. It used to be even harder back in the day before they got rid of the Asbel transformation. You definitely got the much better version of the True Ending.
And yeah, if you go for Lebsa after playing the True Ending it must feel really weird. That's why I recommend having Lebsa as your Lord first and romancing her, just so that the conflict is maximized and all the revelations hit twice as hard!
But you should definitely do it on your next run. There are two different Lebsa romance endings if you are romancing her. The first one is the same as the normal Lebsa romance ending if you romanced her without getting the True Ending.
>It is seriously tempting to follow the dark path + Connie.
That was just a joke. I do not actually recommend that combination, because at a certain Darkness level Connie will not be happy with Rose. And everything about how the romance and profession endings cross over is headcanon, so it's not like the game acknowledges or tries to justify it. I like the way you have to write your own story in your head on how they work together.

You said your Rose seduced two "nee-sans", so I assume you get the Gwyneth/Mona poly romance ending? When I got that my Rose's profession was "Royal Fortune Teller" which was just a coincidence, but it was so perfect. In that ending Rose basically poisons herself because she had a divination that told her she could get closer/solidify the love between the three of them if she did that. So because she is the Royal Fortune Teller she was the one who made that prediction herself and she also lives at the castle with Gwyneth due to her job, the only way to spend more time with her busy Queen wife.
It's nice when the endings line up that way.
*if you are romancing her during the True Ending
>Rose's birthday
>wish for a lover
Someone named Kenneth got a bunch of hearts. I have no idea who he is, I never met him.

>dance option
>won't let me dance with Lebsa
At least it lets me pick Nina
How the fuck did you not meet Kenneth yet at that point? Do you just ignore characters in the overworld?
It's a student dance. Just be happy you didn't end up having Rose dance with her dad. Now that is really embarassing.
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My personal conflict with Lebsa actually stems from the fact that there is a dude's soul in the other 'Rose's' body?
That was a pretty wild revelation, ngl.
Now I have the added problem that I know I am going to talk to a backstabbing dude every time I see her.

I got me the triple puppy ending. That was absolutely adorable and so hard to suppress the tears of joy. And Mona was the best option in my eyes from the very beginning. Considering the fact that I raised a glutton, it was the only real option to keep her ravenous hunger in check. However, I'm glad she got Nina too. My little knight wasn't a particular smart cookie.

>gets ring from girl
>It will grand you protection from ghosts~
>Oh, okay. You are so strong! Not even afraid of ghosts.
My sweet child, please take a hint.

On top of being financially save with an excellent cook she can feel safe and secure about the future. That's a combo I can get behind and fully support as a parent.
>that there is a dude's soul in the other 'Rose's' body?
Not exactly. The twin is also not Rose. She is just her sister.
Things used to be worse, because originally it really was Asbel possessing the body and even turning back into his male form during the final boss fight, but they changed the lore. As Lebsa explained, Asbel's evil will and desire for godhood took over the twin sister who had the divine power of the goddess. It's not in any way implied anymore that it's actually Asbel doing a soul transfer like it was before. Basically Lebsa is just deeply corrupted and considers herself Asbel's pupil.
She is not a dude. Period.
>yuri heaven ending
Nina isnt a nee-san... well whatever.
These threads are only good when they talk about Volcano Princess. So I must ask, WHERE THE FUCK IS MY YURI EXCLUSIVE VOLCANO PRINCESS SEQUEL, CHINA?
1. It's been less than a year since the last major update to VP, so a sequel is almost certainly not even in the works right now.
2. It will never be yuri-exclusive either way. F/M pairings were fairly popular last time the stats were posted, even though it was a Gwyn sweep overall.
Not right now but put like 60+ hours into it a while back
The only reason VP was successful is that it catered to everyone. A game with the exact same mechanics and style that only has yuri would never have blown up like this. It's a game that heavily appealed to Chinese het girls and fujos.
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Is there depleted heronium for everyone in A Dragon's reQuest?
Took a long break from playing near the end and can't remember what I've checked and not checked and only have 3
>they changed the lore
Blessed be my luck that I played it with that update. The stuff was still rather wild.

>Nina isnt a nee-san
Woops, the apple really didn't fall far from the tree.
Please try to stay on topic anon... you dont have to comment on every little thing (especially dudes) in a game, like this is some kind of discord chat.
Ah, my apologies. Back on topic, then, what do I gift Lebsa? I have an idea on what to gift Nina when on dates, but Lebsa is a mystery.
Also, I can't seem to find a third girl to go on adventures with. I got Nina and Mona, but none of the other girls I can talk to seem to be willing to go on adventures. I'll have to bite the bullet and get a dude in.
For something totally on topic. This is literally the first interaction between Lohse and Sebille in DoS2. I didn't know they were gonna move this fast!
She likes alcohol and basically everyone likes that one flower. What was it called? The pruple star shaped one.
>third girl for adventures
There are none. Only Mona and Nina are available. The gender balance is extremely skewed towards dudes when it comes to combat. That said, you hardly need allies or the dungeons to begin with. Rose can solo everything with a little bit of grinding or an overpowered weapon. If it's your first run Mona and Nina should be enough support. Mona has the second best ally skill in the game. Though nothing compares to Rose's overpowered special moves later on.

You can challenge the dudes to duels though to get good gear from them. If you never bring them along to dungeons and they dont level up they are also easier to beat. The only woman you can duel is Mona. But everyone else can be debate dueled instead. Winning raises affection by the way.
What game is this?
>dueling dudes and winning gives good gear, which I want, but raises affection, which I don't
The dilemma! I'll have to debate the nun, the bath woman, and the really REALLY gay-for-Rose clothes saleswoman.
Rebecca not having a route is a crime.
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>Rose can solo everything
>Deep Sea Mermaid appears
>Casting a spell

How do you counter that? Sometimes she just insta gibs me into the next plane of existence. Even on full health (234 HP + 40 Armor). Every other encounter, even bosses aren't this devastating
Don't worry about raising affection with guys. As long as you keep whatever girl you want to romance above them in affection or deny their date events they simply won't factor in. Though to be honest a lot of the level 1 and 2 events with the dudes give some insight on the lore and they are not bad friends to interact with. Just don't go to level 3 events by Winter, those are all undeniably romantic and are necessary for romance endings.
>Rebecca not having a route
First of, this game doesn't have "routes". And secondly what do you mean? Rebecca is a love interest. She has a marriage ending like almost every other character with an affection bar.

If you are solo you just need to be leveled enough to shrug it off or kill her first. It's a bit of RNG either way. If you have allies, just hope they get hit instead of you. Nina can also heal. Some character have stun moves. Pretty much the only thing Ze is good for.
Sebille's sex scene actually made me embarrassed and flustered in real life. Great stuff.
Random Dungeon
am I supposed to google the most generic pair of words ever, or

not like adding 'RPGMaker' would improve the results either

and like all RPGmaker screenshots image search is worthless
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>and like all RPGmaker screenshots image search is worthless
I agree that searching for this was a pain in the ass, but all of these results match the image, and you could in theory fumble your way to a download link through one of those blogposts.

Google gives me 0 results, yandex just gives me Every RPGMaker Game in its results and not this one, and saucenow actually got me 1 single relevant result for what may mark the first ever time that site has been useful, except it's just a random person's screenshot with no relevant information to go along as far as I could tell.
Search in the archive next time, that shold be the first thing you do
I'll go there first next time, thanks anyway
>not like adding 'RPGMaker' would improve the results either
genuine skill issue, imouto. the game's rpgmaker page is on the first page when I google "random dungeon rpgmaker".
>Rebecca is a love interest. She has a marriage ending like almost every other character with an affection bar.
I thought that since she wasn't an adventuring companion she wouldn't have an ending.
For me it's there, but under a ton of talk about how random dungeon generation works in general and if it's possible in RPGMaker. I wouldn't blame someone for missing it.
Most characters dont go on adventures. Even the lords, which are quite obviously love interests.
>Random Dungeon
How far does the yuri go?
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Basically every major female characters is a lesbian
Priscilla is already reserved by Lucy. Sorry.
I figured, but I meant to ask whether there's actual romance with a satisfying resolution, or if it just keeps teasing the whole time.
two main characters are already girlfriends from the start
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Shut up, it's time to kick doors down, because everyone who said it couldn't be done can get bent now!
Persona 3 Portable (and also the femC mod for P3R) now have completely reworked anime cutscenes with Kotone in them. The mod is finally finisheed.
Follow the instructions and download whatever version you prefer (English dub or Jap dub with or without subtitles in both cases). They are upscaled and actually better than the ones in FES, which is like a double middle finger to maleMC.
Here are all the cutscenes if you wanna watch them as is.
EN dub:
JP dub:

These crazy people even created a completely original opening movie for the route (optional). Of course it doesn't compare to a big budget OP, but goddamn the effort. And more importantly Kotone doesnt have to share it with Makoto.
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So in case someone wants to know what mods to pick for P3P aside from this new cutscene mod, here is my modlist. I beat the game with it, so it's most likely gonna work.
0. Every Persona mod on Reload II requires the basic Persona modding tool, so just get that first.
1. The sapphic mod. Adds the other SEES girls as romance options for femC. Aigis was the only canonical yuri option in the unmodded game.
2. The Kotone/Liz romance restoration mod. It really only changes a little bit towards the final Elizabeth event where Kotone and her basically sleep with each other. The original US version censored it and made it more ambiguous.
3. Bust-ups from the 25th anniversary. No offense, but the original Kotone sprites are hella ugly. The 25th anniversary sprites they made are absolutely beautiful. They replace all other femC sprites, no exception.
4. Localization fixes. Self-explanatory.
5. Skill Fusion Spells. They are taken from FES and they should have been in the game from the start.
6. Chihiro for femC replaces the old couple social link with Chihiro, rewritten to be a yuri option for femC. It has some issues, so if you want it anyway look carefully at the instructions and comments.
7. Improved rescuing. Believe me this will be convenient.

Everything else is optional. Pretty much just improved models, audio etc.
Enjoy Gaysona 3.
I am either not playing Volcano Princess correctly, or it's a NG+ oriented game to get the stats I need to get anything done.
I still remember people in this very thread insisting modders would never be able to do cutscenes or voices and the project would always be a clunky unfinished mod. Joke's on them!
Obviously it's intended to be replayed several times. It's about collecting all the endings and literally has a NG+ shop that will give you permanent bonuses with currency you earn from achievements.
I don't think the first playthrough makes achieving most things totally impossible, but getting first place in tournaments or getting the high level profession endings or even the True Ending first try is unlikely.
I don't think anybody could have predicted how above and beyond these modders went though. Getting serious animation talent to do this stuff is rare, even for high profile mods.
I'm personally against mods for two reasons:
It encourages developers to release games on a dogshit state because the fans will fix them; you're dependent on the community's godwill to get something decent out of your $70 purchase.
Second, and now talking from a yuri standpoint, it encourages developers not bothering with actual yuri content for the same reasons as the above, the equivalent of no one making maintext stories "because fans will make doujins".
Are you seriously suggesting Atlus would be more inclined to add a female protagonist + yuri options if there weren't mods to do so? That's crazy.
Atlus shouldn't be rewarded for removing the female MC or for focusing on the het audience.
The gradual shift to the games being a bland harem fantasy for teen boys started a long time ago. none of those boomers are looking at Gamebanana before they decide to shit out "persona 5: you can fuck Makoto's sister now"
Not true... tall woman can be cute too... probably...
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>finish a Volcano Princess run
>the "losers" send a letter of heartbreak
>which can be reread in the Collections part
What kind of sadism is this?
nobody buys a game solely because a fanmod exists for it. people either bought it already or pirate it to check out the mod.
The P3P PC release is exactly as P3P was on the PSP.
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Just make them happy in the next life.
The fuck are you talking about retard? This is a mod for 14 year old game that was re-released exactly as is. P3P also only costs 20 bucks you dildo.
Everything you say here stinks of concernfagging and lies. You just want something to complain about. Your own second example of doujins proves that your argument makes literally no sense. No manga or anime in the existence of Japan has ever not included yuri because some doujin artists will draw a yuri doujin you anal bead sucker.

You are that braindead moron who last time claimed that pirating games supports companies (even though they literally make their games worse just to prevent piracy) and that it somehow encourages them to make less yuri for some retarded reason. You will find any reason to shit yourself.
If the losers are the guys then that's very funny. I intentionally got some dudes in second place just to see them heartbroken.
Though this is also the reason people kept dunking on Mona. She is probably the most pitiful.
Far be it from me to give that scumsucker anything to chew on, but that's not entirely true. There are some games that are only worth playing because of mods or are even treated as a mod basis by certain communities. I'm not saying that all or most of their audience would buy the game for mods, but let's take Europa Universalis IV as an example. That's an okay 4X game by Paradox. Their usual mid release. But people are legitimately buying EUIV only to play the full conversion mods that are actually excellent and better than anything Paradox themselves made. I have seen plenty of people who sighed and buyed EUIV just because the mods are actually good games.

We are definitely at a point in gaming culture where modders are skilled enough to attract people to games. The retard is wrong about the cause and effect, but yeah, some people will get P3R exclusively because of the full femC conversion mod once its out. However, if you got problems with Atlus, just pirate it.
Even better example is CK2. I have clocked almost 3k hours in that game and 90% of it is playing lesbian vampires in the Warhammer Fantasy mod.
Holy shit /v/tardation levels are off the charts. Begone you brain amputated tourist.
The funny thing is that Paradox and some other studios who have such intense modding communities literally copy and integrate stuff from mods into their new releases. They learn from modders how to make their games better.
If we followed that logic, the more big attention femC mods there are, the more devs will realize how needed such a feature is.
Yeah obviously. Mods being so popular shows there is a market for that feature, so if you want to make money you incorporate it into your game.
Paradox has embraced that to an exceptional degree, but they are by no means the only ones that pay attention to modding trends. Its just common sense to look for what the customer wants.
I can attest to that. I only played certain games because of the romance mods the community provided.

Neverwinter Nights 2
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Who cares? People throw the term around for any big overworld map TBS these days. My lesbian empress and her amazonian hordes dont care about how many Ys they kill with their Xs.
>people kept dunking on Mona
They aren't people, they are monsters.
> I only played certain games because of the romance mods the community provided
That's pretty damn standard for /u/ especially. For a long time modding was the only way we could get any yuri into games. It's not a new phenomenon. All these old DnD games had such mods and romance modules.
It's part of /u/'s obssession with that Yaya shit.
>easy no Ken romance mod
I know you can just reject him in the base game, but I love that someone made a mod to just delete the option completely.
is there any yuri game jam?
I prefer yuri game marmalade personally.
There's never anything worthwhile in those
I'd disagree if you could pirate the games, but Sega (and Atlus because they're owned by them) use Denuvo, so you gotta pay this cabal of hetshitters and support their haremshit fantasies, so honestly fuck the mods until Sega/Atlus stops the denuvo shit
Anything that requires you to pay for hetshit instead of full yuri doesn't belong here
If Hetsona 3 and paying hetshitters belongs here, subtext like the Revue VN and others belongs more, but the idea is yuri games thread is only for full yuri maintext games, not hetshit with mods that requires you to support harem pandering
>However, if you got problems with Atlus, just pirate it.
Denuvo. Can't pirate Sega/Atlus shit. This is the problem. Everything would be better if the games could be pirated
You are literally the same idiot, why are you samefagging? Piracy protections get cracked in literal weeks every time moorn. I can play any Sega game pirated right now, so stop boring us with your skill issue.

Hello again samefagger. Try to educate yourself before you embarrass yourself again.
NTA but Denuvo doesn't and P3R still isn't cracked.
I can't believe you retard managed to fail this hard twice, but because I pity you I will explain this one more time.
P3P is a 14 year old game. The remaster is the same game and also over a year old by now. Both games had femC from the get go and two canonical yuri options. The mod that was posted added anime cutscenes for the femC. Literally nothing you say here is in any way connected to what I said.
So why don't you put a bullet into that empty skull of yours so you can finally feel like you got something other than a void in your head?
Stop lying. Shit protected by Denuvo gets cracked really fast every time. They are literally competing for DAYS of not being cracked. The companies are shelling out insane money and make their games worse just so the piracy can be delayed by an extra week. Ironically giving players incentive not to buy the fucking game until its cracked, because it's literally worse.

I just played P3R pirated last month. Don't tell me what can't be played.
Weird thing to lie about, nee-san.
I know. I have no idea why the idiot lied about Denuvo being somehow uncrackable when it literally gets cracked every time within weeks of any release.
I wish I was lying about Denuvo. But it's you who is lying because you don't know what you're talking about and wanted to defend the mods without knowing people still gotta pay for
the hetshit game to use them
P3P for PC also has denuvoshit. Come back when these mods don't require paying a retarded company that only included yuri once to compensate P3P being barebones as fuck and never again. A company that refuses to even ackowledge their female protagonist in anything that isn't a shitty chibi game (Persona Q2)
Fuck Atlus. No yuri fan should pay them
>Denuvo is uncrackable!!!
>literally all games with Denuvo get cracked
>don't recommend mods for hetshit games!!!
>wait it's not a hetshit game, but one with femC and yuri? Uhhh.... don't recommend mods for on-topic games that were made 14 years ago by a company I don't liiiiike!!!!

Nothing you say will ever be worthwhile. Get outta here.
>it literally gets cracked every time within weeks of any release.
Why do you lie like that?
No denuvo games are cracked. Certainly not Reload or Portable. Yuri fans shouldn't have to give their money to people who will use it to develop more hetshit harem and 0 yuri. That money can go to actual yuri devs and games so they make more yuri
I don't know why you keep lying about the games being cracked.
>the games are cracked and you can pirate them. Trust me sis.
Fuck off with lies that don't pass a simple google search
If you downloaded a "crack" for P3R you should check your pc for malware.
Shut the fuck up already. You constantly change your argument. You don't give a shit about yuri, you are constantly moving goalposts.
My argument has always been "these mods are worthless because the games can't be pirated and yuri fans shouldn't give their money to a company that doesn't want to make any yuri"
Why should yuri fans give money to support the creation of hetshit? It's better if they go to actual yuri devs and games
What about shut the fuck up do you not get? We are talking about a game with yuri. Period. no ifs, no buts, not goalpost shifts. P3P is on topic, is relevant and will never be a problem. You will not stop people here from buying it or from modding it or from talking about it.
Get your /v/shitter ass off this board. It's super obvious you don't give a shit about yuri, you just want to complain about denuvo and AAA publishers. Disappear.
So we go from
>denuvo can be cracked
>who cares if it can't. Complaining about Atlus only making hetshit and harems and no more female MCs is /v/
Nice to see who is moving the goalpost. A 10+ years old game is no excuse to pay Atlus, sorry
Pay actual yuri devs instead. Why should yuri fans support people who only make hetshit?
It's you who doesn't care about yuri and thus why you don't care if yuri fans money is used to make hetshit and literally 0 yuri. What yuri has Atlus made since P3P?
You literally can't read. From the beginning I corrected you that we are talking about a game with yuri after you had a schizophrenic breakdown about a game nobody talked about. Then you were told repeatdly to shut up with your schizop ranting about how nobody should buy yuri games or mod them because you hate a company. Get a fucking grip. Or better yet, lose it and fall back into the dump your crawled out of.
A game with yuri that you can't play without paying retards who make hetshit and no yuri
You keep ignoring why I hate Fatlus to make it look like it's irrational hate when it's pretty relevant
"nobody should buy yuri games" I never said that. I said people here shouldn't pay a company that has made it clear they'll use the money for more hetshit. Fuck offr and stop being angry that someone in the yuri board doesn't want people supporting hetshit creators
Nobody. Cares.
This is why I call you a /v/tard. Your rants are off-topic and irrelevant. It doesn't matter what other games a dev makes. You fucking moron. Is it a yuri game? Buy it. No ifs or buts.
If you have some mental illness you need cured do it somewhere else. This is the last time I will respond to your retarded posts.
He's talking about Persona 3 portable, which without mods includes female MC as an option, and allows her to romance Aigis and Elizabeth
But also, she's been so ignored outside of Portable and Q2 that no adaptation features her
Manga? Male MC. Anime? Male MC. Any continuation that references Persona 3? (like the P4 Arena games where several P3 characters show up) The P3 MC is male with no female option.
The only /v/tardation here is >>4278749, and anyone acting like calling out Atlus for ignoring their P3P female MC and never again featuring her (outside of a shitty 3DS spinoff Persona Q2) and only making hetshit and no more yuri are wrong to do so in a yuri board
Acting like it's all insane people crying "muh soggy knee" and female MC shouldn't have existed is the real /v/ behavior. Of course people in a yuri board will call out how they abandoned the yuri audience after some crumbs in the shittiest Persona 3 port in existence and never again did that
Im almost sure he's the same retard who shills het harem shows with 0.1% "yuri" in the general.
His constant "Schizo!", and "You don't give a shit about yuri!", gave him away.
>game with yuri that was always welcome in these threads gets a mod
>retarded schizo rants about how you cant play said game because they have a feud with the publisher nobody gives a shit about
>defending that schizo
You completely lost it by now, huh?
>Manga? Male MC. Anime? Male MC.
That's kind of par-the-course for video games with gender-selectable protags. That every spin-off game and remake has totally ignored her, with the singular exception of Q2, is far less typical though.
Except there was a manga adaptation with femC in it. It's also not weird at all. Most games ignore any extra content in their spin-offs or adaptations. Just like Persona 5's spin-offs dont acknowledge Kasumi's existence from Royal.

It's a pointless and retarded topic that has no relevance to this thread. If the game is on-topic it is. If you have to bring in other media to falsely discredit the game you already lost.
The very idea that a publisher doesn't release other yuri content is beyond irrelevant to whether the yuri game they did make is worth buying. What ass-backwards logic. You aren't paying for het games or het manga or het anime, you are paying for the yuri game. Period.
And when you pay who gets your money and what do they use it for? More yuri or hetshit
For fatlus the answer it's clear:
If you think it's off-topic to mention this in a yuri board and people shoudln't care, you're a hetshitter who doesn't belong, or extremely simple minded to the point you think P3P exists in a vacuum and somehow giving it money isn't giving money to hetshitters who will never make more yuri
>game made by hetshitters who never made more yuri gets a mod
>people point out how you can't enjoy these mods without giving money to the hetshitters and the piracy argument doesn't work here because the game isn't and can't be cracked
>defending giving money to hetshit devs in yuri board
Do you know where you are?. Why do you think people on the yuri board don't give a shit about Fatlus not making more yuri?
Your retarded arguments were already completely trashed the last three times you tried to force your mental illness on this thread. It's a level of subhuman brainfarts that is honestly astounding.

Nakatani Nio made YagaKimi, one of the most popular yuri manga ever. Now she is releasing a non-yuri manga. Do we now have to stop buying YagaKimi?
McDonalds makes chicken burgers even though you only like cheeseburgers. Better not buy any cheeseburgers because you are financing chicken burgers!
Following your logic, if a publisher made het games in the past and now exclusively makes games with yuri, you SHOULD buy the het games, because you are supporting the creation of more yuri by giving them money.

Literally every major game publisher does not exclusively make yuri games and never will. That is normal. Your paper thin stance that just acts as a cover for your personal vendetta can be torn apart from literally every direction.

You only get one more warning. This is the yuri game thread. People can, will and should talk about yuri games and you suggesting people should not play, enjoy or buy yuri games is extremely anti-/u/ in essence. You are trying to suppress people's options based on irrelevant off-topic nonsense. You are the problem.
You failed. Give up.
>y--y-you failed
Oh wow. You stopped trying completely and have resorted to "lalalala I'm not listening I'm right and you're wrong"
Glad to see you've run out of excuses, fatlus cultist
There's one on itch.io with that exact name
>literally all games with Denuvo get cracked
TW:Warhammer 3 for Windows hasn't been cracked in 2 years because it's such a pain in the ass that it's easier to get people to install Linux to play it. The Quarry came out in 2022 and was only uploaded to trackers in 2023 after it removed Denuvo. Same thing happened with SoulCalibur VI and the Apollo Justice trilogy (released on trackers only after Denuvo got taken out). Latest Prince of Persia hasn't been cracked on Windows. I could go on, but I think you get the idea. The autistic Denuvo crackers aren't around anymore.
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>Bust-ups from the 25th anniversary. No offense, but the original Kotone sprites are hella ugly
don't be mean they are both fine old style is a bit ugly-cute
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It's actionslop but I'm satsified with the Dragon Agel Veilgudard "high level" combat they showed today. alwys been a sucker for warrior with shield gameplay so i guess im in for real
only question is taash or neve....
Has anyone been following this? It supposedly comes out tomorrow, but I don't remember hearing anything about it.

That guy's released multiple games previously, I've never been that impressed with them but I've heard some people say they've gotten a bit better, I think. This game was originally supposed to come out years ago, got put on hold, and then suddenly out of nowhere showed up on the release schedule.

Looks like it's in the same universe / same characters so it may not be that interesting if you haven't been following them
Stop using /v/ terms like slop tourist.
I've been slopping in /u/ since 2008
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How gay is digimon? I keep seeng cute Angewomon x Ladydevilmon drawings, but know that most probably it's just shippers.
The Angewomon x Ladydevilmon gets some official pandering in their DNA Digivolution in Cyber Sleuth
And that's it. There isn't any more.
That sucks
tourist is literally a /v/ term lmao, it's the new casual
It's not. Tourist is a term used on all boards. Not that a crossboarder stuck on /v/ and this thread only would know.
Yeah, it should be gayer.
Cybersleuth being unintentionally gay on the female protag path because they were too lazy to change literally anything from the male protag playthrough is still funny to this day.
Doesn't make it a good yuri game mind you, but at least you can pretend.
Isn't the character with the open hoodie and green hair from the Neptunia series?
>Cybersleuth being unintentionally gay on the female protag path because they were too lazy to change literally anything from the male protag playthrough is still funny to this day.
no that's actually based, if you're going to make your male PC a skirt chaser, keep that intact if you include the option for a female PC as well
That's Rina and from Digimon. She is a player, not a monster, tho.
BW's statement on Blood Magic was the straw (more like a fucking haystack, actually) that broke the camel's back for me and has killed any and all interest in this. In fact, I regret buying Origins back and the day and foolishly getting invested with the franchise in the first place.
When I finally get a new PC, i'm going to get BG3 and forget DA even exists. Thank the Gods that /u/ options are more common in RPGs nowadays.

Bioware could finally give us a butch lesbian knight in shining armour LI and I still wouldn't be interested.
I wan't to play an RPG and not a mediocre action game with occasional (and very limited) dialog options.
I want the option to play as an evil/anti-hero character and not be forced to be a goody-goody two-shoes that makes Marvel quips all day.
why is the mc not being able to do blood magic such a big deal, you can still play a mean character
An entire school of magic is now forever barred to us because the devs find it uncomfortable. That's too much bs for me to handle.
And I like playing evil characters. Especially dark wizards/sorcerers/necromancers.
Also, I believe that morality can't exist without without free will. So if you take away all the evil choices, the good "choices" are meaningless.

BW has just made too many decisions over the course of the series that has ruffled my feathers. The Blood Magic thing is just the final step too far for me.
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i'd like one not hosted by and for tumblettes
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Resurrecting your loved ones isn't evil, nee-san. It's a really wholesome way of saying 'not even death will keep us apart'.

But I get you. It's really a shame they took that away. Playing as a full on evil demon queen only to dote on your waifu is simply divine. What's next? They gonna take away the assassin class next because of knives and their implications? The horror.
>forgetting the present hypocrisy when a companion uses necromancy
They're cowards. They always were since Blood Magic was so uncreative in practice.
you aren't really gonna find small creators passionate about making wlw stories who aren't tumblettes unless you learn japanese, sorry nee-san.
This is gonna sound completely unhinged, so feel free to laugh at me:

But does WoW have prominent(not one off quest NPCs) lesbian characters yet? I havent played since early BFA (6~ years) and apparently since then, Blizzard has made a pretty strong push for...representation, so I'm kind curious if they have done anything relevant to /u/
is there a yuri equivalent of Rance?
if not, why?
Overwatch is the Blizzard's designated LGBT dumping ground.
If you can deal with tentacle scenes and ignore the few optional het scenes, then Lily Knight Saga. But it's pretty trashy.
DA literally never bothered with blood magic PC interactions though. Everyone just ignores you are one in DAO and DA2 as a blood mage only makes sense if you're pretending that Hawke is just being REALLY sarcastic about blood magic through the entire game.
No, they just literally copy-pasted the exact same interactions between the male and female PC. It was obviously a game made for a male protag and they just lazily added the female option last minute because they realized a model swap would change nothing about their blank self-insert.
Say it with me kids! Self-insert genderswaps are the lowest form of yuri.
Nobody cares.
Could you not bring your het stench in here?
>mostly tentacle focused (so not yuri)
>"optional" het scenes that are required to actually get the romance ending with any of the love interests
>90% of the non-tentacle, non-het scenes are futa
Please stop. This is embarrassing. And it doesn't even remotely compare to the het rape conquest thing the anon was going for.
>ignores the actual points
You woke up on the wrong board.
They put out a statement on blood magic? I only played the first game but even there it's presented as bad. The whole mage starting background is tracking down the students doing blood magic.
Vashj was pretty gay (in the afterlife as well). Legion had Valtrois and Stellagosa who were pretty shippy. There's certainly a fair number of random lesbian quest givers, but as for big names... Eonar and Elune had some sort of thing going on per one of the Dragonflight lore doodad books. I don't think any of the really big name female characters are. I'm holding out hope Azshara and Xal'atath are gonna get married.
Sounds like a personal problem to me
Self-insert genderswaps are the lowest form of yuri.
Patrick Weekes did, the Lead Writer of the game.

>it's just not a road we want the hero to walk right now
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Any japanese games that are real games (not VNs) with real yuri come out recently?
Feels like ever since MS2 nothing has come close to it since...
If you want to settle for nothing maybe
>just lazily added the female option last minute because they realized a model swap would change nothing about their blank self-insert.
Wish they kept that up for Hacker's Memory, my interest in the game would go out of the negatives if that one had a FeMC option.
This bait stinks. Do better.
That's when the mask drops. When they make a real character it has to be a male protag. That's how these JRPGs always go.
The real reason is probably that nobody's going to want to have to write an edgelord path with a significant about of necessary changes specific to one skill tree for one class for two races on top of bringing origins back.
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Just Crymachina I'd say.
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what did they mean by this
Excited about this, I just hope the opening movie didn't spoil 80% of the story almost a year ago.
Please be real yuri.
exactly my thought, it's like watching a summary edit of the plot lol
It means they are gay.
Double funny if you think about how that franchise is also a bit of a zombie
Nobody is talking about Overwatch.
The image is overwatch, though. So it's oddly fitting.
I'c rather have that than it being forever denied to us.

>right now
The rest of the state actually implied that it's something that the player will never have access to again because it's "unheroic".

I'm guessing nobody at Bioware ever looked into Greek mythology at school.

Someone should tell them that they're supposed to be making an RPG.
Yeah, it's a shame. I'm mourning the loss of potential. The potential of an argument with the LI and her either telling you to stop being evil or joining you after you potentially manipulate her.
I was actually pretty excited that the location they aimed for was the city of blood mages. But I guess we can't play bloody evil lesbians.
I'd rather not have it than have it be there and mean nothing. It was especially retarded in DA2 and it's bound to be even more retarded in a game where you're using the thing that fucks with the fade when you're supposed to be connected to the fade or whatever.
The ability to RP in DA has certainly been gutted. Apart from bring back multiple races, the DA series has regressed with every game.

That's purely the writers fault for going in that direction. You'd might be fine with the baby being thrown out with the bathwater, but many others are not.
It's complicated. A lot of CRPGs really struggle with writing the "evil option" because they can't afford to make an entirely different game for the evil branch and too often the evil PC is just a chaotic stupid idiot kicking puppies for fun and then following the main quest despite it making no sense anymore just because there's nothing left to do.

Streamlining the RP choices into multiple options that can all logically be headed towards the same goal can be a superior approach if it at least makes the 'renegade' path worth playing.

But I'm not intending to get into the new DA anyway. I'm tired of them.
>It's complicated. A lot of CRPGs really struggle with writing the "evil option" because they can't afford to make an entirely different game for the evil branch and too often the evil PC is just a chaotic stupid idiot kicking puppies for fun and then following the main quest despite it making no sense anymore just because there's nothing left to do.

You don't even necessarily need to make a completely different branch, though. Origins handled it well enough, I think.
Being an evil character doesn't have to mean being a murder hobo. You could still save the day and all that jazz. It just means doing it with a different method and motivation than the Good path.
Nobody cares, still. It is not worth making extremly in depth evil paths for the 5% of psychopaths who mistake being edgy for being cool. A game has a given narrative and you can choose how to react to it on the micro-level. Dont expect to influence the macro-level. You can still play an asshole, you just can't use some random magic branch.

It's literally whiny children going "Yes, you have 100 options to be whatever you want, but it doesnt have the one extra option I care about, so roleplaying is dead and everything sucks!"

How do you losers function with games that have premade characters? Do you just collapose into a crying mess? The only thing that actually matters for this thread is that all female party members are romancable by the female protagonist. Get your snob posts out of here.
Origins handled it by just not handling it, though. In the context of the story they're trying to tell being a blood mage is the murder hobo path. It's like complaining that there's no dragon shapeshifter class.
>The new Atelier game is going full yuri
Here we go
I'll believe it when I see it. Which is never.
More RP options are better. Period. The permanent removal of allowing the player to use blood magic because of devs own limitations is a legitimate grievance and no amount "stop whining!" will change that.
People should be able to play a good character because they want to be a good character, not because they're forced to be. Like was said earlier, the removal of evil choices ruins the point of roleplaying.

You'd think the success of BG3 would have made Bioware pull their finger out, but it seems they're are dead set in turning DA into Mass Effect Andromeda with swords.
>>The new Atelier game is going full yuri
>Here we go
Still wait and see.
literally nothing points towards that.
>if you can't use blood magic you can't be evil
>if you can't be cartoon villain then there is no point to roleplaying
You seriously are too stupid to be real.
THAT's what you took away from the Direct? A trailer that didn't even have a 2nd female character on-screen?
The most relevant news was the new Rune Factory trailer and release window.
I hope it does though, the new girl is a hag, and hags were made to be dommed by bratty lolis
The extra weeby Rune Factory also got officially announced for Spring 2025. It'll have romance, which probably means it has f/f romance.
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The official website says you can romance any of the candidates. So no reason to believe they'll regress after RF5.
>get the extra boss fights in Volcano Princess
>not aiming for Lebsa, as I did her in the previous playthrough and wanted to see someone else (namely Mona)
Something tells me I'm not doing things correctly.
The devs literally said they won't let further pcs use blood magic because it's too evil.
It's pretty obvious from this point forwards Bioware will only allow us to be goody-goodies. And no, the very rare occasional bit of sass from the PC doesn't cut it as "evil".
I don't give a shit what you can make up in your head. The point is that roleplaying does not ever require being a cartoon villain.
If you are incapable of leveling all girls affection and just pick which one you boost in the final month to get her ending you really aren't playing smart.
Also picking Lebsa as your lord twice makes no sense. Just pick Gwyneth if you aren't going to pick Lebsa again for her second ending.
What you want are more yuri VNs.
No, wait, hear me out. VNs are allowed to have "bad ends" where big commercial RPGs generally aren't, meaning bad ends that abort the story early so the big fancy climax is never reached, thus allowing you to do all the stupid asshole things you want, get a consequence, and then go back to the 'real' story.
Downside is I'm not sure how many yuri VNs at the moment actually allow for the protagonist to do evil things if she wants to. Clearly there's a gap in that market.
>The point is that roleplaying does not ever require being a cartoon villain.
It does require choice, though. And not just different ways of saying "yes".
The fact that your idea of "choice" is a binary between doing the actual thing you are supposed to and eating babies shows your lack of imagination, not the devs.
>Also picking Lebsa as your lord twice makes no sense.
I wanted to get the Ultimate Knight achievement. I'm not really minmaxing and optimizing things.
The FInal Prize Is Soup is out
You're gonna burn out if you keep going like that. If you make it to Gwyneth after all, please keep in mind that she has a poly ending with Mona, so you actually level both.
>VNs are allowed to have "bad ends"
Typical bad end in yuri VN is not about being evil player but one of the girls dying or marrying a guy and getting a kid with him, so no check your facts straight.
I would welcome more evil obsessed MC playthrough in your typical western RPGs like we got in BG3 as possibility but lets be real, most devs don't want to add such things and forces you to play as a good guy, hell you can brutally murder many people in some games and still they force you to act like little good shit in most important choices after cause if not you can't be a hero anymore.
In a way I liked Fallout 1 and 2 which gave you free reign of what you wanted to do and be selfish if wanted.
We won.
Hogwash. The devs have been stripping away rp choices with every new game, making the PC more and defined. Heck, they only brought back race selection at the last hour of DAI's development and even then only with reluctance.

>eating babies
If I was RPing an evil wizard and performing a dark ritual that involves the consumption of a fetus, you'd have to stop them from pulling out a napkin and asking for a knife and fork.
99% of people don't want or care to play an evil character. The worst it gets is pragmatic and that usually is always an option. Like you don't want to help the dying old lady because her side-quest is tedious? Don't. You don't have the money to pay for some slave's freedom? Either let them stay a slave or kill the slavers. If you are pragmatic you will often make quite cruel choices, but ones that you can easily justify just because that's not your business.
Evil on the other hand is going out of your way to try and make things worse for others and yourself. This is what retards like you don't get, general morality and alignment in RPGs sees evil as actually EVIL. Like Sauron evil. Not lawyer evil. Understand the difference.

>defined PC means no roleplaying
You are that moron... no wonder your arguments are so shit. I will give you the same response as always, a blank slate is not required for roleplaying or an RPG in general. Final Fantasy VII is a proper RPG and roleplaying game and Cloud is anything but a self-insert you can make a character sheet for.
Get over it bitch.
>if I was RPing something that the game isn't about and doesn't care to explore then I am not catered to!!
Yes genius. Get fucked.
We need a doctor, someone overdosed on hopium.
>99% of people don't want or care to play an evil character.
On the first playthrough.
90% of people never finish their first playthrough in most games.
>new Rune Factory
PC version confirmed too, neat.
what can we except from this?
Really, bringing Cloud into this? I mean I got your reference and all but you couldn't use a more relevant reference?

Yeah, usually good options give more xp so I tend to pick that option because I like numbers going up. Especially when it involves the LIs interest in you. Playing evil is fun, not just childish evil like stealing the lolis lolly but deeply corrupted evil akin to summoning eldritch horros upon the land.
So? That doesn't excuse developer from regressing the series with each passing game.
Good. Evil players are weird.
So investing into content that nearly nobody sees just becomes a bullet point on a box. It is almost never worth it.
>regressing the series with each passing game
This is just in your head retard.
And goody-goodies are wet blankets.

With that logic, devs shouldn't even bother finish making any games at all.
>This is just in your head retard.
Losing roleplaying options in a roleplaying game is regression, dummy.
>not just childish evil like stealing the lolis lolly
But you should be able to do this while summoning eldritch horrors.
Making one good playthrough that's fleshed out is better than making 4 half-assed inconsistent routes. At least a chunk of people finish one playthrough. At that's not evil players.
>losing blah blah blah
No moron. Your preferences and your focus doesnt matter. Making MC character voiced is a huge improvement for a lot of people, so that is not a regression. DA2 had no race select, but DA:I brought it back and Veilguard also has it. Graphics? Better. Amount of love interests for lesbians? More. Amount of content, map detail and so on? More.
No, I don't give a shit about your predictable response. Nobody cares what (You) want out of the game. Objectively a lot of people see these things as improvements. You have to stop pretending your standards are actually the only ones that exist.
I bet BG3 must have overwhelmed you.
Honestly, you should just stick to the JRPGs, since it's clear you don't understand why WRPG fans would take issue with Bioware's decision to reduce the amount roleplaying options.
That's kind of weird when you consider how otherwise gritty the series pretends to be. The Marvelification continues, I guess. Same with how the most evil love interests you ever get are just morally gray rogues.
>can't come up with any counter arguments so starts shitting on games that prove he is wrong
I blame console players who don't want to have any options, just linear shit being lead by devs by hand what to do next in a way the devs wanted to tell the "story" they wanted usually with fixed MC and nothing more.
Final Fantasy tier ones.
Wow, sure stinks like /v/ in here.
What's really odd is that Bioware's more than happy to change and/or retcon the lore just to fit with the current media they're working on at the time and yet they've doubled down on the blood magic thing.

Hey, i've enjoyed plenty of JRPGs.
>I blame console players who don't want to have any options
Well, don't. There are plenty of RPGs on consoles. And, in my opinion, DA Origins and DOS2 were successful ports.
I find bizarre how a board that is perfectly fine with RPG Maker projects or ebihime three hours long VNs suddenly talks about high standards.
Don't reply the /v/tards. They can barely hold themselves back from ranting about "console peasants".

This is a /u/ thread not a thread discussing any of this shit. Everyone here needs to shut up.
This is all off-topic and should be deleted. Like goddamn, stop whining about irrelevant shit already. This entire conversation is because of something completely yuri irrelevant like a fucking magic skill tree in one game. This retardation is unbelievable.
The problem comes from /v/ finishing its transition into a purely political board so the people who just want to talk about videogames are migrating to any videogame thread on any board, /u/ included.
Hey you! Yeah, you!
I know you're working on that yuri game and are stumped for ideas, so here's one for you;
End the game with a timed escape sequence!
I love timed escape sequences where shit is blowing up and you gotta haul ass to the escape ship while an on-screen timer counts down!
Do it!
Wrong thread. >>4225806
Pass the hopium pipe.
Why can't they just go to /vg/?
I always wanted to see a yuri story where some Class S setup ends with the imouto interrupting the arranged marriage-after-graduation and steals her onee-sama from the altar, in a pursuit scene.
T-that's an indirect kiss...
/vg/ doesn't discuss every videogame and doesn't allow spontaneous discussion.
>still only camera shots focused on female protags fat ass
>not a single hint of another female party member
>fucking werewolf furry shit
This is going to be just as worthless as Ryza. Atelier got only more het over time and more fanservicey to boot.
Goddamn it, there is literally a board exclusively for RPGs, /vrpg/. Just go there if you have to argue about pointless RPG mechanics.
/vrpg/ not only is a very slow board but 99% of the threads there are worthless; basically take /v/, replace the politics threads with Trails of Cold Steel Rean posts and you got /vrpg/. So of course people interested on discussing RPGs would rather avoid that board as much as they avoid /v/.

Honestly the only way the yuri game threads would be free of off-topic posting would be making you unable to post if your ip range has browsed or posted on /v/ even once, but I doubt it's something easy to implement.
Wouldn't your solution also prevent you from posting? You sure sound familiar with what happens on /v/.
Be the change you wanna see. Post about Dragon Age there and keep dragging people with you. Eventually you will have enough people to overthrow the harem weebs.

Either way, it's fine to talk about RPGs with /u/ content here, just keep it focused on what matters. I believe in animal training, so we can get /v/tards under control too.
And only posting hate for /v/ without mentioning anything yuri related is off-topic too. Peculiar behaviour indeed. I guess that imouto had a bad experience or something. We should hug her and make her feel better with the power of love and forgiveness.
Oh, Absolutely; I'm just pointing out the only true solution.
You seriously underestimate Reanposting; it literally managed to get the moderation team to give up on the board.
So the board has no mods anymore? All the more reason to spam better RPGs and keep talking about f/f romance there.
Those threads would be flooded and drowned by ha ha posts.
I think you're trying to bait me with unrelated posts into getting banned. Which is pointless because ban evasion is a thing.

So go ahead.
I'm telling you to fuck off to a different board. Nothing baity about it. I literally just went there, and lo and behold there is an active Dragon Age thread on /vrpg/ where they even positively talk about Veilguard. Is this why you aren't going there? Because they aren't as retardedly negativer as /v/?
Either way we are done here. I showed you the door. It's you people's time to go through it.
>can't romance the Owl Girl
Yes, I know who she is. No, I don't care.
t. Taiyaki
Ambitious. Mommy would be proud of you.
peak yuri or disappointment
was there screenshots of any other character?
>Night Cascades
Wow, what a wet fart. I'm glad I pirated it.
were you somehow tricked into thinking it was porn?
appears to be some kind of lesbian pixel art platformer
hopefully it'll be better than the last lesbian pixel art platformer i played
I just want a genuinely decent action game staring a lesbian. Not character creator, just a normal action game, a female mc and her female love interest
the problem, neesan, is that most games suck. there are by this point a number of action games starring lesbians. you probably hate them all.
Crymachina just came out anon
What's the deal with the dual protagonist scenes though? I like how it looks, but not a fan of what they're doing with this already.

Saw the trailer and I can see why it wasn't mentioned.
is it actually /u/ or subtext
>2nd female character
Even if there was, the trailer didn't think they were important enough to put any focus on. So much for the totally yuri focused title. You idiots eat bait like cereal.

I think anon is just not very good at reading in general and got angry at all the complicated words.

You are just not looking and you will just say anything that does exist isn't good because of some arbitrary bitch standard. Your kind is the most useless to this thread. Always making whiny statements without even having done a single scond of research.
Anon you have to mention that it's free so that people will actually get it.
just get everyone to just below 140 then you can choose who you want at the end. You can't get them above 140 because then you can't get their solo ending if they have a paired ending. Gwyneth solo is the only yuri ending I don't have because of this. My first playthrough I was locked into either Mona + Gwyneth or Mona + Nina
WotR is on sale again for 3 days. Even the season passes are on sale. For those who missed the last sale, here it is.
Oh and Rogue Trader and Kingmaker are also on sale I guess.
>Oh and Rogue Trader and Kingmaker are also on sale I guess.
I'm waiting for that DLC for RT, on 24 September we also gonna get that Greedfall sequel or rather prequel that month for people who prefer to play real games than reading VNs.
>real game
I'd rather read 100 VNs.
>I'd rather read 100 VNs.
I don't. Honestly most yuri VN are just shit tier both in writing and art wise not mentioning the content with small variety.
Last one I bought was that Hong Kong 1986 one and even that had shitty woman ends with a guy and a kid bad ending in it.
Next one I think I'm gonna buy is that Vampire Bride one.
I didn't ask.
>fucking werewolf furry shit
LMAO, you actually think he's a threat to /u/?
As far as Gust goes, wake me when Nights of Azure 3 is announced.

I need the sleep anyway
As the werewolf is a fucking dude...
There is going to be no yuri in it, so a threat isn't necessary anyway.
And exactly how many anime games actually have a full furry as a romance option? Hell, does Atelier itself even have a history of anthro furry romance options?
Do you understand what a werewolf is? They are humans that transform. And who gives a shit? Why are you so obssessed with the het romance?
There will be no yuri. Conversation over.
Klaudia and Ryza was pretty gay. I'd rather wait for the full game than just doompost like a hetfag concern trolling
I enjoyed Greedfall but based on what I've seen I wouldn't touch it until it's out of early access.
The only pairings in that series that got canon are het. Just like every other Atelier game.
If anything, randomly expecting there to be real yuri is the insane stance and should be mocked until proof comes out. That's not doomposting, that's as obvious as pointing out the next Trails or Tales Of game will be het. So yeah, wait for more info on potential yuri. Forever.
Do we even know he'll have a human form? If so your concern is warranted, but if not then you're just concern trolling.
Why. Do. You. Care?
My concern is not that she will hook up with the werewolf, why would I give a shit? My concern is that there will be no yuri as USUAL.
Then why the fuck did you even bring up the wolf to begin with?
duly noted
Because werewolf furry shit is extremely popular among straight girls, especially in Japan lately. It was just a single jab, but you freaks get so hung up over whether she will date the fucking animal or not, when the overarching point is the usual sexualization of girls, the literal negative evidence of any strong relationships with other girls and thus yuri and the undeniably hetness of the franchise.

I am annoyed that idiots are posting off-topic trailers here and take the bait of some rando claiming with absolutely zero evidence that the next game will be yuri. You shouldnt post head canons here. Post a trailer that actually implies yuri and until then don't post anything about the game at all.
So you're just freaking out over nothing. Got it.

Will regularly post info about the game until launch.
No, (You) are freaking out over nothing. You are acting like this game will have yuri content when there is nothing. By the rules of this board and thread you are only to post yuri content. Not non-yuri content you hope will become yuri content.
If you do post this garbage to spite me, you will get deleted, because you already admit it's just trolling at that point.
Full yuri
Atelier has always been posted on this board, so your reports will fall on deaf ears.

you will never be a mod, btw
No it hasn't and no it won't. What has been posted on this board was yuri FANART of Atelier games or people writing their schizoid headcanon fanfics to justify their delusions about how some Atelier pairings COULD be totally canon if you squint.

Nobody posts actual videos about Atelier games that contain literally no yuri or have any basis for yuri. You absolute troglodyte.
From a gameplay standpoint and judging them sorely as action games Crymachina, Valkyrie Drive and Samurai Maiden are mediocre at the very best, on the same category as games like the Senran Kagura games or the Onechanbara games, which is what anon is complaining about.
BUT, and this is the core of the issue, due to their gameplay-focused nature, action games aren't an appropriate genre for yuri so a "decent yuri action game" is an oxymoron. RPGs and Visual Novels work because they're writing and characterization-focused, and yuri is a romance genre after all. Action games? not at all. You're asking apples to an orange tree.
When people say they want a decent action yuri game they literally just want a yuri game with a combat system that's deeper than a kiddie pool.

That's literally it. It's no different from how action games have het romance in their stories.
No they don't; it's a single anon on this thread the one asking for that, when Crymachina and Samurai Maiden's commercial success proves that the yuri fanbase doesn't care about "muh deep", "muh epic active skill trees", just about the game being an effective and charming yuri story.
Like with the RPG mechanics discussion early on this thread, you're absolutely missing the point.
Why? Is it a yuri game?
Not all yuri fans have zero gameplay standards.
I want to actually enjoy both the story *and* the gameplay in a yuri action game for once.
Yuri and "deep gameplay mechanics" are mutually exclusive, because both the games and their audiences have completely different expectations and want completely different things from the game.

You have plenty of good action games to play if you want good gameplay so hard.
If there can be thousands of good games with a heterosexual romance or love interest in them, then Yuri games should also have the luxury of having good gameplay in their own right.
>schizoid headcanon fanfics
If this is how you feel about yuri, you don't belong here.
>good games with a heterosexual romance or love interest
Does not compute.
>If there can be thousands of good games with a heterosexual romance or love interest in them
Sorry to pop your bubble but good action games with deep gameplay mechanics don't have those either; maybe a thirty seconds teasing cutscene. Because romance narrative isn't their goal, their focus and their purpose.

You're yearning for something that doesn't exist, even on the het side of the spectrum.
Let me rephrase: good games in spite of having cringey het couples in their stories.
>"Boobbag" shirt
>NTR / Shota fucker smile on the promotional art
Sorry neesan but Atelier Yumia couldn't be more hetcoded if it tried
I'll say going "it's maintext confirmed. Yuri victory" is retarded and jumping to conclusions but so is this post
What the fuck are those arguments? What is even a NTR/shotafucker smile? This feels like a het troll post.
I can't say I agree with any of the takes in this discussion
Let's take Samurai Maiden for example, you could have the exact same game story-wise but with the boring musou gameplay revamped; it wouldn't take a lot to make playing it not feel like a slog.
Crymachina I thought was fairly decent, some glaring issues sure but ultimately it would've been pretty fun if not for the poor balancing (things being way too easy or way too hard).
Point being, we've come close to a good yuri action game, there's no reason to believe someone won't be able to take the next step in the future. The "real gameplay intersected by VN segments" is a solid formula in my opinion, specially if you get to choose when the to take in the story like with Crymachina. Slot in the gameplay from one of those thousands of nonyuri good action games (I can't claim to know many of those but let's go with it) and it's a home run.
>it wouldn't take a lot to make playing it not feel like a slog
If you think the problem is so easily resolved, then why do you think the gameplay came out being so "bad"? Surely you don't think the developers had a fetish for disappointing you.

Either it's not that easy to make a "good" game or people wildly disagree on what "good" is, making it impossible to make a game that /u/ will say is valid.
Crymachina isn't close to be a good game. it's as mediocre as the usual Marvelous effort.
It won't happen because making good action games is very difficult and requires talented developers, and there is no reason to hire such people when your game's focus and selling point is the non-gameplay part (the yuri).
The gameplay is just a vehicle for the yuri, not the reason to play the game.
And of course I mean "compared to the usual Marvelous effort", I'm not saying that it was made by Marvelous. I know that Crymachina was made by a different developer, the same people behind Crystar.
If you made the MC of any of those "good action het games" female, /u/'d say the writing is shit and the romance is subtext-tier and thus, doesn't belong in this thread which is only for maintext super yuri games. Turns out the barebones characterization and plot of such gameplay-focused games doesn't work for romance fans who want solid romance and characterization. Thus, why most reccomended action games here put gameplay as a secondary priority with the main being characters and their relationships. And why RPGs and visual novels, where long segments of dialogue and story are expected are ideal genres since they allow for proper romance and character development
>/u/'d say
*the thread police schizo (singular) would say
With that said, I’m not a mentally ill gameplayfag so such games would always be secondary to those where yuri is the focus
>The "real gameplay intersected by VN segments" is a solid formula in my opinion
Not at all; it's an inherently contradictory formula and that's why no one has bothered with it one way or the other.

>Players who want a gameplay-focused experience don't want to be forced to go through long "talking heads" segments before they're allowed to play the game. That's why gameplay-focused action games are very light on narrative and at best have a few short cutscenes between stages.
>Players who want heavy narrative and characterization don't want to spend long times hitting a wall, having to learn and master a billion gameplay mechanics so they can finally beat a boss before they're allowed to keep going through the story.

The closest would be Nier Automata, and gameplay-wise that game was a step down from the usual Platinum Games title (RPG mechanics are almost always anathema to combat mechanics, as shown by Dark Souls) and at the same time its narrative was very "to-the-point", without VN segments and mostly thought dialog in the middle of the exploration and the missions, with the consequence that characterization fell flat for certain characters (A2 being the biggest offender).
Samurai Maiden felt like a very lazy and "corporate" game with no passion put into it, they just shipped whatever was playable then cashed in on the swimsuit DLCs. I appreciate they decided to appeal to the yuri crowd with this one but I would be very surprised if making a "good game" was ever a concern for any of the designers involved.
What the hell are you talking about? There are plenty of games with extensive VN segments between action sections. A game that is actually on-topic for this thread unlike all your other shit, Fate/Extella has absurdly in depth VN segments. That's a Musou game and it works just fine.

Shut the fuck up with this /v/tard shit. How mamy of you /v/ermin need to be silenced this thread?
And it was /u/'s GOTY 2022 and a very good seller for its developer, proving that the audience doesn't particularly care about the game part being competent or not.
>There are plenty of games with extensive VN segments between action sections.
They are; I never said otherwise, but their gameplay part is very barebones because the developer's focus is on the narrative, not the game parts. You named a musou, which is a perfect example of a braindead genre.

What doesn't exist because it's a contradictory concept is "a GOOD game with VN segments".
You dont get to decide what a good game is. Extella was great. Your entire argument is fucked now. Too bad, so sad.
Samurai Maiden has a bunch of very intimate and well done kiss scenes what are you talking about
>You dont get to decide what a good game is
I do, because unlike you I play videogames and have actual discerning tastes when it comes to them.
A blouse that acts like the boobs are inside a bag is very fanservicey, and that kind of fanservice is aimed at het males.
Werewolves are stock het love interests, like vampires
Yumia's smile on the promotional art is associated to NTR due to a certain (interestingly enough) Ryza doujin and certain NTR games adopting it.

So basically all the signs about AY being hetshit are there.
You sound completely insane
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I wish; I've simply been cursed with evil knowledge, to warn others.
We're all mad here, nee-san.
I'd like to play a game with both good action and good yuri, and given the posts here I assume somebody else does too. That's two people!
I understand your point, and I agree to a certain degree, but the market is not so easily predicted. All the time people make unique and niche games trying to break new ground, sometimes they fail, but other times they find success with an audience no one even knew existed.
I don't think it's likely someone will make a masterpiece on both fronts. I do think it's possible someone might look at all these existing yuri action games and think "what if we put the teensiest bit of effort into making this a fun experience?"
Extella's game part was absolutely grating and actually dragged the narrative down.
Sounds more like you're jacking it to hetshit
Indie games break new ground all the time, and most of them are hit and miss because a good idea on paper doesn't make it a good game in practice.
What you want will never happen because both audiences have no overlap, want completely different things when it comes to videogames and at the end the effort placed on one side of the equation would simply mean diminishing returns to the project as a whole.
No game is univerally agreed to be good.
Once again you dont get to dictate what good gameplay is. If you dont like musou games that is a (You) problem.
Hetshit which will include this Atelier game, like almost every other Atelier game before this.
So is Dustborn a good game because "no game is universally agreed to be bad"?
No seriously, it's insane to think a girl smiling on box art is the developers referencing some NTR porn meme. I can tell you don't actually believe this and you're just concern trolling.
Take your off-topic shit somewhere else. This discussion has nothing to do with /u/.
Every fucking day now with these retards.
They already showed of a 2nd female character

Why dont y'all talk about what you think their relationship is, who tops, etc from their outfits
We've been trying to.
Until there is a single sign that there will even be yuri subtext in the game, this Atelier shit shouldnt even be discussed at all.
You pieces of shit literally have a Rune Factory game that is almost guaranteed to be yuri in the same reveal and instead you try to shove this hetshit into the thread. Stop.
Do you think the thread can only discuss one game at a time or something? Chill out. The atelier series has been yuri-coded for forever and them finally taking that plunge for real would be exciting.
Not a single Atelier game had yuri in it and the only canon relationships in them are het. The dev made more than clear by now that they dont do yuri. We are not here to discuss your delusions. If they release any fucking info or footage that remotely hints at yuri (although it will go nowhere as all Atelier games before) you can start spitting your retarded theories. Until then shove it up your rectum like all other off-topic game discussions.
And you dont get to pretend that you didnt know this. It was already explained repeatedly in this thread. Enough is enough.
/u/ not giving a fuck about the new Rune Factory while hyping the new Atelier is pretty depressing.
Basically you would rather have subtext and bait than maintext.
This sure is a very genuine post and not someone doing their weakest yurifag impression.
I am 100% convinced its all trolls. Just like the initial post that sparked all this that randomly said Atlier will be yuri.
They are feeding on the sane people as usual. And by now there are trolls on both sides just to keep it going.

Mods for crying out loud delete everyone talking about Atelier. Get this thread back on track.
I'm excited sure but what do you want me to say? The trailer didn't even show off the bachelorettes unless I watched the wrong one. It will get talked about when it's out.
The new rune factory trailer was pretty disappointing to me. It already felt like the playable characters felt weirdly special, and now it's confirmed they even have a backstory together. There really was nothing good about the new trailer, and it didn't confirm or disconfirm gay romances/who you can romance.
>weirdly special
That's pretty standard. Alice in RF5 is the super special rare Earthmate who can control dragons and basically does everything.
With the extra weeb setting and artstyle I have very low expectations for both plot and bachelorettes. But again, the devs already said you can romance everyone which to me implies no gender restrictions.
>and it didn't confirm or disconfirm gay romances/who you can romance.
Neither did the Atelier Yumia trailer and still you claimed that it would go full yuri.
I didn't mean that the player character is special, but that the opposite gender playable character is in the game and has an important role in the story.
>you claimed
there's more than one poster in this thread, I called that anon out for making shit up about the trailer.
Yeah. I don’t think devs care about a meme only weird degenerates into NTR know or care about
Besides that, fanservice for males can be yuri: Valkyrie Drive, MahoAko, Samurai Maiden
Again; not saying it’ll be yuri, but saying it’s confirmed het is equally deranged and the arguments given are poor. Only the the werewolf is remotely decent and it’s countered by a second female party member
There’s simply not enough info, and both sides are being retarded. Game doesn’t belong here for now
Why does it matter? Even on the off-chance that the player characters can romance each other, that would be optional.
My idea of Ryza and most ateliers is that het isn’t confirmed either. Just safe and cowardly scraps for several possible pairings and don’t confirm anything
Which fair,still doesn’t belong in a thread for maintext games
If you agree its off-topic stop talking about it and stop both-sides-ing it. Just shut up and move on.
Ryza had explicit canon het pairings. Stop deluding yourself and move on.
Having possibly a lot of interactions with a guy forcefully in the story is a pain in the ass regardless. I was just saying that the trailer only bothered me, didn't really hype me up.
A y involving Ryza herself?
Or would you call a het game yuri if it had a secondary yuri pairing?
I’ll shut up when the het shippers shut up
Have you ever played an RF game? There are always important male characters, get over it. It's not an all-female cast. As long as you arent forced into het romance it's irrelevant.
Irrelevant. If the only canon romantic pairings in a game are het than the only romance in the game is het. How is this a fucking hard concept to understand? Even if you bend over backwards like a total retard to pretend the game is aromantic because Ryza specifically stays single, that makes it an irrelevant to /u/ game with het romance. That is not an endorsement or worth bringing up. End of discussion.
You're certainly an annoying poster, someone wanted to force discussion about the latest rune factory trailer, I mention that there was nothing good about it, and you're nitpicking shit now. I have played RF games, no, they never had an important male character, quite the opposite, just bachelors, and mostly ignorable at that.
My point is you should be honest instead of pushing your het narrative
As you say the game’s lack of canon romance is enough to make it off-topic, so you don’t need to lie about it
Lack of maintext =/= het
Why are you lying? RF5's main plot has the thief guy who keeps appearing througout and is literally necessary to unlock Ludmilla for the town and the main antagonist is a dude that everything revolves around. Even Lucas, one of the bachelors character arc is directly tied into the main story and he is repeatedly involved. If you want to use any of the most important facilities in town you will interact with nearly all the male characters.
In comparison the only actual story relevant girls are Livia and Radea. So dont give me that shit about males never being important.

You dont get to act all uppity and then just lie about shit. If you want to critisize a game find a better reason.
Werewolf enemy in Atelier: reeee
Male MC being super relevant if you pick female MC in Rune Factory: great yuri trailer. Discuss this
Very nice double standards
It has maintext canon het romance in it. Ryza is not the only character and maintext romance is not dependent on the protagonist. You are so obviously trolling... disgusting. Get banned.
Those are villains, not a marriage partner. I'm not even criticizing it, it's not even out, I just didn't like the trailer, you humongous retard. I'm still interested and will keep myself updated, but that trailer just showed nothing interesting yuri-wise.
Perhaps /u/ should've been among the boards that go accidentally purged the other day.
Lucas is a marriage partner you dolt... and your entire overly stupid claim was that no male character is ever important in RF games and can be ignored.

If you didnt want to get backlash you shouldnt make dumb statements. It's really that easy. I agree that the trailer is pointless. If you just had kept quiet and shut up from the start I wouldnt have had to correct you.
>I didn't like it
The concept of more than one person talking to you is too complex for you, huh? I never asked you to give your half-assed opinions on the trailer. Assuming you are the same idiot and not just the troll who is trying too hard to get attention.
The thought of there being more than one idiot at your level scares me, so no, I'd rather believe it's just you. Doing shallow comparisons to pretend that the unnecessary importance of the other gender MC in this new game, that almost certainly only exists because male MC players wanted to marry the female MC, is ridiculous. I'd rather not talk about it, got taunted to talk about it, and then a retard is trying to pretend it's nothing now.
>shut up about this game
>unless it's to support my hetshitter narrative
You get banned. het shitters with het agendas don't belong here
Het games don't belong here either.
You really are a trainwreck.

Your trolling is so basic and bad. You really dont get that nobody is falling for the old "if you point out something is factually het you are a hetshitter" brainfart.
The entire point is that Ryza and all other het games dont belong here. Try harder though. I would love to see you banned.
>freeeeeeeeeee it's het if I say so
The only ones who should be banned are people who come to /u/ to push het agendas and lie
Come back when Ryza romances a man canonically. Secondaries are irrelevant. Only MC matters. (otherwise any het game with some backgroud lesbians could be called "yuri")
Okay this is definitely a /v/ whistle, out-of-nowhere bringing up the latest game that got brigaded by people screaming about how woke it was before it even launched.

Hell if I know if the gameplay sucks or not, I haven't played it and neither have you and neither have any of the 800 posts per day screaming about DEI.
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groundbreaking yuri masterpiece or how i feel about all of you in this thread, take your pick
>(otherwise any het game with some backgroud lesbians could be called "yuri")
That's literally what Maryskelter Finale is and yet it gets recommended by people here. This is a thread about games with yuri, not about games exclusively about yuri.
What it is not is a thread to defend games that exclusively only have het romance like Ryza. Now give up. Your trolling has gotten so bad that you almost got a real on-topic discussion going by accident.
What lies?
>het games are fine
After saying this, you’re the one who needs to leave. MS doesn’t belong here if the yuri isn’t the mains
If it’s irrelevant secondaries, game is hetshit and doesn’t belong

That Ryza is mainly het. When the only het is irrelevant side character bs and nothing from Ryza
Back from your ban already troll?
>games with yuri dont belong here
The irony.
>It's a lie that Ryza is mainly het
Is it true that all romance in the game is exclusively het, including romance involving the actual party members? This is a yes or no question.
Making a game about a dude raping 200 women explicitly. But don't worry, you get 2 seconds of 2 lesbians who aren't targeted by rapist MC kissing. Game with yuri, belongs here yes? Fuck off and stop defending hetshit here because irrelevant characters are lesbians
Het with irrelevant yuri doesn't belong. Only games where the mains are yuri and yuri is the focus belong
Ryza is exclusively aromantic because Ryza doesn't get a canon love interest,.
Other characters are irrelevant and their romances don't matter
You want to shill hetshjit like Mary Skelter here because "with yuri". Kill yourself, het shill. You went mas off when you admitted irrelevant characters having irrelevant yuri scenes are an excuse to shill het garbage where the mains are het here
Kuroko Saten and Uiharu means Raildex fits this "with yuri" classification. Under "with yuri" rules. Raildex is now yuri and belongs in /u/ Who cares about it being about some dude and his het harem? 3 irrelevant characters are gay, so "with yuri" so belongs here according to the Mary Skelter shill
Raildex has always been posted in /u/.....I mean i dont particularly like it but it's been done.
Mary Skelter 2's main characters are lesbians and the main plot revolves around their relationship. Haven't played Finale yet but 1 is indeed an het harem.
So basically the question is, is MS2 allowed on /u/?
>makes up some idiotic schizo premise nobody talked about to justify insane point
Fail. You are the one who decided that the lesbians in Maryskelter are irrelevant characters even though nobody said that. Your trolling style is just brainless desperation, eh?
>cant event answer a yes or no question
Atelier Ryza 3 has party members in a het romance. Party members are main characters. And I dont care about your delusional definition, those are main characters.
Because you were too cowardly to answer the yes or no question I will tell you. The answer is yes. The game objectively only has het romance. No matter how much it makes you scream and cry and throw a tantrum. Shit yourself in anger, Ryza is a het exclusive series. You are dwfending a game that only features het romance. You are not wanted here.

Raildex has no canon yuri couple. The existence of lesbians isnt actually yuri by itself. However, Raildex yuri art is completely fine. Too bad. Cry about it.
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>So basically the question is, is MS2 allowed on /u/?
Is the undisputed Queen of /u/ featuring none other than the CEO of gayness as a main character allowed on /u/? What kind of dummy question is that?
MS2 is trash, but at least it has yuri, unlike the trash some people here are obssessed with.
Because MS is an het franchise at its core, with 2 being the odd one.
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>update in 4 days
Just wait less than 100 hours and you'll know what vibe this will have
You can feel the lesbianism coming out from her. Can't wait
You are the idiot who thought the blacksmith dude from Mistria was a tomboy girl, aren't you?
Atelier Yumia is yuri tho
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It's news headline, touristpag
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Little Mermaid tops btw
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Sheesh, some people are hard to please...
MS2 has a canonical, zero-ambiguity lesbian couple one of which is the main character.
It has decent visuals and decent gameplay (especially if you enjoy dungeon crawlers).
The gayness of the main couple, unlike most japanese media, is taken seriously instead of being treated just like a random fetish.
MS2 is amazing and its only crime is setting the bar too high for other aspiring yuri games to compete with.
MS1 and Finale are both garbage I was replying about MS2 specifically.
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Wrong screenshot
Remind me again why this monkey so against the Atelier series
It's a trashy dungeon crawler and its visuals are a blight. Where are the "muh gameplay" idiots every time you come around to praise literal trash gameplay?

The fact that it has canon yuri is the only thing it has going for it.
He doesn't like it so it shouldn't be allowed in his thread. Too bad his call for the mods (which is against the rules by the way) was left unheard.
It has no yuri. The obvious reason it is off-topic. Kinda cringe you even needed to ask.
Like MS2, then
He admitteit’s het with MC being het and yuri being irrelevant, like the het in Ryza (side characters wilk always be irrelevant, cope and seethe. Only MC and their love interest matters. This means Ryza is Aro while MS2 is putright het and any MS2 shills belong even less than Ryza shills)
I dont think you know what anyone "admitteit's", whatever that means. MS2 exclusively features a lesbian romance however. The protagonist of that game is a girl and in said yuri romance.
So yeah... canon yuri in a yuri focused game is not the same as a franchise with no yuri whatsoever in any way.

Maybe learn about the games you talk about next time.
Agreed. So stop posting Hetshit Skelter
You admitted it’s het
“With yuri” is just an excuse you said is invalis for both my hypothetical and Raildex, so double standards make it not a valid argument. You’re just clinging to irrelevant lesbians to shill hetahit
>"Atelier is ok but MS2 isn't"
Fucking amazing
Raildex has no yuri, so there is no with yuri.
So we go from it being an example of irrelevant lesbians where the MC is het romance to “acshually yuri is the focus”
Fuck off and stop lying to shill hetshit
Both are not OK. But the thing is Atelier is Aro. Anon is using irrelevant side characters instead of the MC to push a het narrative and he should fuck off
Same applies to Hetshit Skelter then
Your lack of ability to follow the convo isnt my problem The game with the side-yuri is finale. MS2 on the other hand is yuri focused. Another fail.
Considering this is your level of understanding of the games you call "hetshit" it is now proven you have no idea what you are talking about.

You talking about Ryza is off-topic by the way hetshitter.
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I’ll admit my mistake about 2. But you still defended people talking about Hetshit Finale here, so you still defend hetshit
Kill yourself
2 can stay. Finale is hetshit and doesn’t belong
Hey Janny why is this pic with art from literal het doujins not deletes yet?
Finale is where the yuri couple gets married.
Just an idle thought, but where do Japanese players talk about yuri games? Is there any particular site or platform? I'd like to practice my nihongo a bit
Because posting hetshit is OK if it favours the narrative of the Atelier hater (like when he uses “with yuri” nonsense to defend Mary Hetshit Finale)
You fucking idiot those are two different people, stop making everything about your agenda fucking troll. Literally everyone in thia thread wxcept shitlosters agreed that Atelier has no yuri and the trailer has no yuri.
The guy who posted that pic is a shitposter who tries to rile people up from the opposite direction.
If the mains are het, it’s hetshit. Stop clinging to irrelevant shit)
Lesbians should’ve been the mains like in 2
They aren’t so it’s het garbage and doesn’t belong. “With irrelevant yuri” us not an argument
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“No yuri” =/= het
That image favors the hetshitter agenda and thus it stays
Will someone shut the schizo up already?
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Oh wow. A game with explicit het scenes and irrelevant lesbians you can cling to to push the filth here
Finally went mask off, hetshitter
This idiot really thinks everyone is the same person.
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>If the mains are het, it’s hetshit
NTA but Finale has no "mains". It shifts the focus across several different character groups, only one of which contains the canonical het couple.
And while I disliked MS:F as a game, for many reasons, I would recommend aspiring yuri newcomers to skip the main game completely and head straight to the bonus content, which is still worth checking out.
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I played Rogue Trader again a week or two ago trying to pick up at my act 4 save and it was still pretty messy, so I hope they fix some of that.
So then people speak about it because it doean’t fit my example of “main het couple” and some yuri irrelevant side characters
Why did that retard bring it up then?
Turns out you wouldn’t call something yuri if the yuri is irrelevant sides. Same logic: If the het is only irrelevant characters and the main lead isn’t het, it’s not het game
I want to think there aren’t several people in the yuri board using irrelevant side characters being lesbians to push hetshit here
>I ranted for an hour about a game series I know nothing about, just like Atelier Ryza, but you are the one at fault
What you consider irrelevant is irrelevant. Your opinion doesnt matter and never will.
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>So then people speak about it because it doean’t fit my example of “main het couple” and some yuri irrelevant side characters
>Why did that retard bring it up then?
I don't know I only came here to defend Mary Skelter 2.
So that's what she's looking at!
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>it’s not het game
Hey sis a game not being a het game doesn't automatically make it a yuri game either
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this thread would be quite different if you guys spent as much time talking about yuri as you do downplaying it
>irrelevant lesbians
Ethica is also the MC you retard.
It's hard to talk about yuri when some idiots keep shitposting about Atelier. If the Janny actually cleaned up we could have normal convos about actual yuri stuff.
Keep lying and going mask off. These desperate attempts to defend literal hetshit hentai are really good for me. Really proves how much of a hetshitter you are
"play this literal hetshit edge hentai game, some irrelevant lesbian is in there, so it counts for the super strict maintext yuri games only thread"
Fuck off, this disgusting hetshit doesn't belong here. Only games focused on maintext yuri where any hetshit is irrelevant at best or nonexistant
You dont even know what maintext means. That certainly fits the pattern of not knowing what you are talking about.
>RPG mechanics are almost always anathema to combat mechanics
Strangers of Paradise
Kingdom Hearts 2
Final Fantasy XVI
Granblue Relink
Scarlet Nexus

Action RPGs are more in vogue than ever
Yeah what matters is what works to push your narrative that games you hate are super het and het garbage you like is yuri because irrelevant characters are gay (but don't play the main story, just the bonus. Wonder why? Wonder what the main story and game itself is truly mainly about?). Fuck off
Is there a guide or walkthrough somewhere for yamiyo ni odore?
>the audience doesn't particularly care about the game part being competent or not.
That's not a good thing
Your opinion doesnt matter.
True, but then why do people need to lie about it being het?
Those people should also shut up. If the game is off-topic, then it's completely off-topic and ranting about how it's het because irrelevant characters is also off-topic
It is irrelevant when it comes to yuri games.
There are plenty of games you can play if you want "muh deep combat".
Yuri that is actually confirmed and explicit instead of super friends or ambiguous nonsense. The SonoHana VNs are maintext. Revue VN is subtext. Are you going to say Revue is maintext now to keep saying I'm wrong about everything?
Nobod cares. Why are you defending a game with exclusively het romance in it. Why does it matter to you that the game with het romance is called het? Because you dont cate about yuri. You only want to rant.
>Yuri that is actually confirmed and explicit instead of super friends or ambiguous nonsense.
So, Ethica then.
Neither does you. At least I don't defend literal het hentai
Ifr she was a main character instead of irrelevant shit in a hetshit hentai
Would Raildex count if Kuroko got a gf?
Why would I actually want to play a game with bad gameplay when I can just look at the cutscenes for the yuri.

Truth is having a yuri game with good gameplay is a net benefit, amd thebonlyvreason we get all these mediocre titles is because of pure laziness.
this is just gonna go in circles
when he cannot deny the explicitness of a game he will just call the character irrelevant (despite being a protagonist with tons of screentime)
You used maintext like it means the yuri must be the main focus or for the protagonist. Maintext simply means there is explicit yuri in the game, nothing else. Side-character yuri is maintext yuri.

This thread has always discussed yuri content in all games. You are a shitposting troll who comes here every few months to rant and bait people. You arent clever, you arent even slightly intelligent.
>If she was a main character
She is.
It's because gameplayfags complain about cutscenes and talking, so devs who pander to that audience do games with minimal cutscenes and talking, which doesn't allow room for any actual romance
Any games worth mentioning here are made to pander to people who like cutscenes and talking to develop characters and their relationships and thus don't care about gameplay- The crossover of gameplayfag and narrativefag is too small
>gameplayfags complain about cutscenes and talking
Not since what? The 2000s? People fucking love the cutscenes in Bayo and DMC. For action RPGs, cutscenes and talking are outright expected. This idea of good gameplay and story being mutually exclusive is out of touch.
She isn't. She's irrelevantshit. Stop lying to push hetshit hentai. Why do you think shilling het hentai in the yuri board is a good idea?
What you ommit is these "tons of screentimer" is minimal compared to the MC and his hetshit
If that was true a game with 8000000 het sex scenes and 2 explicit yuri sex scenes (the yuri girls aren't involved in the het) is yuri and belongs here. That's retarded
Yuri must be explicit and the yuri girls must be the sole protagonists.
>She's irrelevantshit
Literally shares the MC slot. You play half the game from her POV
If Dante was a girl and the games remained the same, DMC'd be called subtext and don't belong here
The cutscenes in action games are basic "MC looking cool" shit to develop a barebones narrative that doesn't give you any meaningful romance
>its visuals are a blight.
Character designs are good though?
>Not since what? The 2000s?
Since ever.

>People fucking love the cutscenes in Bayo and DMC.
And those cutscenes were two minutes long and just featured the characters doing a cool thing like climbing a tower at the side or cutting a giant robot in half.

>For action RPGs, cutscenes and talking are outright expected.
Action RPGs don't even have cutscenes or talking besides the intro and the ending; all the narrative comes from item descriptions.

>This idea of good gameplay and story being mutually exclusive is out of touch.
It's not out of touch: it's how it is. Especially given how plenty of videogame fans are rejecting modern videogames and embracing indies, AA and B games that are throwbacks to 80's - 90's videogames where gameplay was the sole focus.
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>all the narrative comes from item descriptions.
Does Kingdom Hearts and FFVII Remake just plain not exist in your timeline? Hell, does Nights of Azure not exist there either? ARPGs are more rhan Soulslikes.
>dat AI art
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>If Dante was a girl and the games remained the same, DMC'd be called subtext and don't belong here
And they'd be wrong
Two sisters fighting shirtless in the rain is peak yuri.
Soulslikes became the dominant ARPG style precisely because they don't waste the player's time and are 100% gameplay-focused.
Kingdom Hearts and any modern FFVII project are just nostalgia pandering that wouldn't fly if they were new games released today. Nights of Azure is another remnant that wouldn't made today because it got phased out by Soulslikes.
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I don't mindlessly hate dudes or anything but she's also like 80% of what was good about that game, with the other 20% being worldbuilding and crazy animated sequences. In my mind she might as well be the "more" main character, I guess.
Maybe my mind would be slightly different if I bothered to do the two routes more focused on the dude but, I doubt it. Doesn't surprise me at all which one got into the Nitroplus fighting game.
Scarlet Nexus and Code Vein did well enough, and the latter is a Souls game *with* a shitton of cutscenes.
>Scarlet Nexus and Code Vein did well enough
No they didn't. They were so coldly received Bamco decided to not bother with either intellectual property anymore. People didn't care about Scarlet Nexus even when Bamco went as far as giving it a 26 (!) episodes anime adaptation and keeping releasing content for the game as far as one year after release, and Code Vein is unanimously considered one of the worst Soulsikes, down there with shovelware like Lords of the Fallen or Mortal Shell.

In fact one of the reasons Code Vein was so disliked was due to having so many cutscenes. Everyone hated the fuck out of those "walk and watch a Diorama" sections.
Would still be subtext without any romance confirmation
Like the Maya and Claudine's revue in the movie
The thread is for explicit confirmed yuri.. No room for subtext or coded shit.
To be fair, the game is a heroine fighter where all the characters are female. Even if the MC is clearly male like in Saya no Uta or Demonbane, or Kikokugai or Muramasa or Fate or any of the sources for the playable cast that aren't Senran and Arcana Heart
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Of course not; I just found it very bland, like the prologue / tutorial scenario for a bigger story. And there was no drama or a badass rescue scene, the MCs just solved their issues with a couple conversations. Beautiful art but kind of boring everything else.
I did find very funny the part where one MC told the other she thought she was straight, married to a man and with a kid and the other was (rightfully) super offended. Like, how in the fuck can you misunderstand your ex this fucking badly?
>prologue / tutorial scenario for a bigger story
Fair. I think I heard at one point it was meant to be this but they couldn't raise enough funding so they went for a shorter story with a sequel hook and hoped it would sell enough to continue.
Who reads a book at a diner?
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She's clearly confident and a little mischevious, but when she's at her most vulnerable, her supportive love interest will be her pillar of strength
A poorly timed BSOD erased two runs worth of achievements in Volcano Princess. I have to start over with no equipment and no stats.
I thought achievements were tied to your whole steam online profile...
There's a silver lining to this, nee-chan. At least it's an excuse to play through it again.
Sometimes cheeves don't post until you close the game so if she'd been playing for ages without quitting she could have lost progress?
Gotta do something while waiting for your order.
Now reading a book during a date? That is pure douchery.
I can't sympathize with someone who doesn't do manual backups of their save files. It takes like two minutes and as someone who has been using computers and the like your entire life you should know better.
>Kingdom Hearts and any modern FFVII project are just nostalgia pandering that wouldn't fly if they were new games released today.
Final Fantasy XVI
are you trying to tell us that every time you play a video game you also constantly exit the game, go to the save folder, and manually copy all the autosaves, just to be on the safe side? every single game?
Everlasting Flowers is live on Steam
Oh please, no need to be ridiculous even when you want to insult the other person.
Once at the end of every two or three sessions or at the end of a particularly long session is enough and thanks to that I can brag I've never lost a savefile, ever. I've had loss of them after crashes or power failures but I always had my backup and lost one week of progress at the absolutely very worst.
Anyone know what happened to this translation group?


They were working on Sapphism no Gensou and the Yuri Love Slave visual novel.
The usual: internal drama due to a clash of egos.
Gotta love the classics.
>Those times when several scanlation groups picked up the same manga, had internet fights and internet dramas over being the only one allowed to scanlate the manga and then out of pure spite all of them dropped it, leaving it untranslated

Gotta love them
>90% of what I play on Steam is yuri VNs
>my personalized discovery cue is full of nothing but shooters and sports games
god this is a useless feature
I just saw the Volcano Princess doesn't have cloud saves in an update page from a while back. I'm worried I lost my save file after switching computers. Doubt I'd go back to it anyway but it'd still be nice to have the file if I did
One of the reviews in Chinese says it ends in friendship, I'd like to wait for confirmation here.
Jannies really just dont give a shit anymore, do they?
Better question would be "who reads a book while eating fries with the same hand".

You realize that in the case you're refusing to sympathize with, a BSOD has likely interrupted a "particularly long session" before it could have been backed up even if the person bothered with manual backups, right?
BSOD doesnt erase your autosaves you dolt.
The problem in question isn't even saves, the problem is most likely BSOD interrupting the process that pushes achievement completion info to Steam when you close the game normally.
Your fault for not live syncing it. Usually Steam registers achievements as you get them not after you close a session...
It's a recurring issue with Steam. See:
Your advice is basically "lol just don't play offline games when Steam servers are experiencing issues, or when your ISP is experiencing issues, or when cosmic radiation flips a byte and this starts happening for no reason at all, and also quit the game every 15 minutes to do a manual backup, idiot".
I never said a single thing about manual backups. Your own extreme scenarios would mean that Cloud save would have changed nothing about the outcome.
>I can't sympathize with someone who doesn't do manual backups of their save files.
I'm sorry to hear about your early onset dementia.
Or, and this might shock someone of your intelligence level, you are talking to more than one person.
Sucks that the company became all ages (from what I've seen) because I want to see these two have sex.
All ages is the future for VNs. Allows you on Steam with less trouble and you also get to sell on consoles. PC alone has lost the ability to sell enough to support any VNs. Going for consoles too is a safer bet and when it comes to overseas release, Steam is ideal.
You can use SAM to unlock those achievements if you remember what you got.
I hate it.
Damn so many schizos here.
Just enjoy yuri games and not try to force non-yuri games shill in here and it would be simple.
Making all ages versions for consoles has been a thing for decades, though, it didn't stop them from having 18+ versions in the past
Apparently the new Sprite vn has a huge amount of cgs
No shit. We knew that since it was announced. That was literally a selling point.
One of the achievements is viewing 400 CGs.
Seems to be some drama or annoyance over that that's a bit confusing
There's even one to stop the speed achievers that requires a ten-hour playtime.
seems like people are annoyed that one of the achievements requires leaving the game running for 10 hours to boost the average playtime
The difference is in the past they didn’t expect localizations that have to get on Steam and the console versions came years later, rather than the console versions coming out at the same time or even earlier than PC
Some people are saying that certain CGs won't appear until after the refund limit time on Steam
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That one I haven't seen any direct evidence of.
The enshittification is real though.
Why the fuck are there a bunch of morons here supporting achievement refunders entitled bullshit instead of talking about the actual game? Can you please kill yourself /v/ tourists?
Should I just start filtering the word "tourist" at this point?
First you need to filter off-topic bullshit. Good luck with that.
>get it pirated from ryuugames
>click on Start_Game instead of the normal launcher
>turn off my net connection and go offline
>it works
Another W for piracy. Another L for stupid devs. This expectation that internet connections can never fail and people can be online all the time is stupid. Again, the fact I can play my pirated game day 1 means it fails even as anti-piracy
It isnt anti-piracy and the fact that you have internet like everyone else proves you have no right to complain. In fact a piece of shit who pirates the game without knowing any of this beforehand doesnt get to complain at all.
I've internet in the present. What about the future? What if my ISP fucks up and I need to spend several days offline without connection?
What if I need to go to my grandma's house which has no internet whatsoever and want to read it there?
And if it isn't anti-piracy, then what's the purpose of forcing people to be always online for a fucking VN?
I'll admit piracy makes me scum, but still doesn't justify the "connect to Steam" bs
The only time you retards get to stink up this thread with your retarded posts is if you talk about the yuri in the game. Not the set-up, not the achievements, not any other off-topic BS.
Shit luck. What if your power grid goes down or your batteries die and your charger falls put the 10 story window? There can always be complications with any set-up. Internet is as common as elwctricity these days.
The point is you pirates the damn thing anyway, so you dont get to whine. Play the game and talk about its actualy contents.
I don't even know who is arguing with who or about what or why anymore.
tbf it would've been easy to pick one of the heroine's as a playable fighter over Ethica. That's what I think anon is trying to get at.
That's a safe bet.
"/v/" too.
We still don’t know how gay it is either
Filtering the word will not hide the actual /v/tards posts.
Sauce, please (I can't believe how useless image search has gotten)
Ignore me, I'm retarded, it's https://vndb.org/v50969
>in development
shaking my head to be honest
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Really? Out of all the bullshit that troll spouted you reacted to the only correct point he made?
DMC doesnt have romance for Dante. If it was a game with a female Dante there wouldnt be any yuri. You'd have to wait for female Nero in DMC4 and that doesn't even matter, because that's all off-screen.
the problem is that nobody really complains about the (existing) het subtext (on the contrary, they call it canon) but yuri on the other hand can't be subtext and even worse if it doesn't have an explicit official confirmation and a statement signed by the entire project staff, then it's not yuri and you can't talk about it in any way.

The annoying thing is the people who think they have the right to determine what can or cannot be done on this board (or any place on the internet), but when they have people pretending that something obviously Het is yuri, those same people don't say anything to them.
So you're mad that people don't want to discuss subtext garbage when there are actually explicit yuri works to talk about?
Nobody thinks Dante has any romance going on. He is literally called a sexless autist who doesnt know what sexual attraction is, because he is a crazy pizzaman hobo who has a bunch of hot women around him yet somehow always ends up not even trying to approach them romantically and ends up alone. The woman he is closest to literally looks like his mother and he treats her like it.
You picked the worst example for your weird nonsensical thesis. If DMC was an all female cast, 90% of said cast would be asexual weirdoes and there would be one canonical couple that doesn't get any screentime together.

Also yes, this is a yuri thread, not a headcanon thread. People don't talk about het games because they are het, they talk about them because they are games they play. But that's not what this /u/ thread is for. The major stipulation to posting here is to talk about yuri. So that unfortunately (for you I guess) means that weak subtext isn't going to cut it. I get it, you want to talk about games you like and I see how people bend over backwards to project something yuri into any game just to talk about it... but this is not a video-game thread first, it's a yuri thread first.
In the case of DMC, no one complains because no one plays it for romance. They play it for the cool MCs doing cool shit in cutscenes and gameplay. But yuri fans seeking yuri games are seeking romance games because yuri is a type of romance. So, there's the difference.
If only, Dante and Vergil are pretty much saiyans on personality: only care about battle, with Dante having something that resembles human morality but still is divorced from it.

Bringing DMC to the /u/ video game thread is pretty funny given how much the thread despises "tryhard" and "gameplayfag" games.
>Implying people wouldn't be shipping the daughters of Sparda like crazy
What does this have to do with anything I said? I don't care.
>Bringing DMC to the /u/ video game thread
We are not actually discussing DMC here and it is entirely off-topic as a game. I literally just explained to someone that genderbending DMC's cast would not make it a yuri game.

You can ship whoever you want, but unless you post fanart or a fanfic, that won't make the game yuri or relevant.
>given how much the thread despises "tryhard" and "gameplayfag" games.
It's really only a couple of (vocal) sperglords. Otherwise having a game with a deep combat system and yuri dating sim elements would be a peak yuri game.
See it's posts like these that make clear you aren't from /u/ and don't belong here. Keep your het talk out of this thread.
The "sperglords" are the retards constantly whining about wanting games that don't exist. It contributes literally nothing.
>Otherwise having a game with a deep combat system and yuri dating sim elements would be a peak yuri game.
No it wouldn't. Yuri fans would hate it due to forcing them to play hours of "tryhard shit" between yuri dates and gameplayfags would hate to be forced to go through hours of "telenovela bullshit" before they're allowed to keep playing the game.
Not everyone exists in your made up binary of stupid. Speak for yourself. That kind of game would be good, it simply doesnt exist and won't, that's the only reason talking about it is pointless.
>Not everyone exists in your made up binary of stupid.
It's not some made up thing I invented on my mind; it's how it is.

>That kind of game would be good
It wouldn't because both concepts are mutually exclusive and not only you would be alienating both audiences.

>it simply doesnt exist and won't
It doesn't exist because it has no reason to. The audiences for both types of games have no overlap.
No, the complaint is that you can't talk about subtext, but when something is yuri then it's bad and doesn't meet "expectations" (among other demands) but it's okay to pretend that 2 girls clearly in love with a boy, are yuri characters because it's a popular game and they have porn, you just have to ignore the boy and that's a good thing.

>I literally just explained to someone that genderbending DMC's cast would not make it a yuri game.

no need to speculate, considering that Bayonet and Nier Automata exist, it shows that they are not considered yuri by any means, but hetfags have no problem considering them het.
Because obviously Persona fans hate having to go through hours of "telenovela" bullshit with the latter's Social Links. And clearly nobody plays RPG's with hour long cutscenes on higher difficulties for the sheer challenge and bragging rights. All those expert level videos of Tales and FF? Don't exist apparently.
The Bayonetta franchise literally ended with Bayonetta marrying a dude and having a daughter; that's not even remotely subtext.
People still debates about 2B and 9S's relationship because it's ambiguous bullshit and because they're machines, not living beings.
You're being disingenuous just because people here don't want to enshrine Atelier as the "definitive yuri franchise".
>It is so because I said so and I am right
Brilliant arguments. How did you make it out of pre-school?

Everything about this post is so insufferably dumb.... Sigh.
>you can't talk about subtext!
>when it is yuri it doesn't meet expectations
It's called an opinion and people can voice different opinions about yuri products. It's not a hivemind.
>it's okay to pretend to het girls are yuri characters
You are fucking insane. This doesn't happen. Do you not understand what yuri fanart is? Nobody is saying the fucking game is yuri because they posted AU fanart of two girls from a het franchise making out.
>they consider Bayonetta het!
Because it is. That is literally why everyone shits on the third game.
>Nier Automata is het!
The only romantic implications for the main characters are het, but there is actually a lesbian side-couple among the NPCs. If you are that desperate for yuri in an off-topic then knock yourself out.
>hetfags consider blah blah balh
We don't care what hetfags think. Stop revolving your values around them. Move on and focus on yuri, as you should.
>Persona fans hate having to go through hours of "telenovela" bullshit with the latter's Social Links.
It's the opposite: Persona fans hate having to go through the RPG segments and that's why the dating sim Persona games gameplay-wise are very simplistic and shallow compared to mainline SMT or even other JRPGs.

>And clearly nobody plays RPG's with hour long cutscenes on higher difficulties for the sheer challenge and bragging rights
Exactly. Only a small amount of autists bother with the superbosses and other post-game content because 99.99% of the public plays them for the story and go through the combat parts almost on auto-pilot.

>All those expert level videos of Tales and FF? Don't exist apparently.
Speedrunners are autists like the above; they don't represent the actual videogame public as a whole. If they did videogames would actually be completely devoid of non-combat sections.
Well, I am right. What else can I say?
Unlike you I play videogames and I understand the mindset behind the people who play them. I understand why some games fail and why some games never get made, I'm aware of experiments that worked and experiments that didn't. I understand why people like certain games and genres even when I personally don't like them or why certain games and genres were failures even when I liked them.
You are just rambling about your subjective opinion and call it fact. Like all idiots do. Your input is worthless.
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>Unlike you I play videogames and I understand the mindset behind the people who play them.
It's not a subjective opinion: it's a fact that is pretty obvious and easy to grasp for anyone with an actual interest on videogames and that has played them for decades.
You're a yuri fan, not a videogame fan so you can't understand. Like trying to explaining the concept of colors to a blind from birth person.
>If they did videogames would actually be completely devoid of non-combat sections.
You mean the same people that love the non combat stuff in games like FF7 and the Yakuza series? Even the "hardcore" combat fags I follow derided FF16 for not having enough variety in its gameplay structure, and that installment is 80% combat.

Hell, the Yakuza series alone proves you wrong as everyone who plays those games like the combat, story, and side-activities in equal measure.
Leave this thread if you think you are a real gamer (TM) and not a yuri fan. How does someone out himself this badly?
Because you can like games of different genres and yuri, if there is a good combination of both, then much better, the problem is having more complaints and denials than true enjoyment.

Then you have the other problem that is arising from forced inclusion, thanks to these idiots the general fanbase is rejecting anything gay, that can affect yuri, because the (idiots) players don't know the difference between something good and yuri, from a bitch self-inserting and projecting her insecurities into a game.
>Hell, the Yakuza series alone proves you wrong
Quite the opposite: the latest entries removed the combat because people didn't like it and replaced it with a simplistic turn-based combat because what people enjoys about those games are the story and side-activities, not the gameplay.
A few people who make challenge videos by playing the games on ways not intended by the developers, let alone actually played by the actual players don't represent the audience as a whole and only do it for those Youtube click ddollars.

You can like two things, you know. At the same time you may be smart enough to understand how two things you like don't need and can't have overlap between each other.
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>some retarded /v/ style anti-diversity rant
Yup there's the brain damage.

>you can like both
Wow, the idiot said something intelligent by accident, btu doesn't take the extra step to understand why this completely undermines everything he said.
This anon was right >>4280999
, we should just laugh you out of this thread.
>the latest entries removed the combat because people didn't like it and replaced it with a simplistic turn-based combat
It's amazing how you can lie this confidently about things you know nothing about. Nobody hated the old combat. The devs literally explained they changed to the RPG style so the franchise wouldn't get stale. It had nothing to do with players not liking the old combat system nd there was even strong backlash against the turn based system.
It's like you live in a parallel universe, except it's just your demented brain.
Given that it took them SEVEN entries (not counting spinoffs and remakes) before changing the gameplay, I'm sure it was less because people not liking the gameplay (especially since Judgement keeps the beat'em up-style combat system) and more so to shake things up to have Kasuga's era feel distinct from Kiryu's. Isn't 7 and 8's turn-based combat one of the least liked aspects of those entries too? In fact, wouldn't changing from action to turn-based combat make the fights go on LONGER? That would defeat the purpose of catering to those who don't like combat over the side activities.
>Nobody hated the old combat.
Yes they did, because the appeal of those games has always been the narrative and the

>The devs literally explained they changed to the RPG style so the franchise wouldn't get stale.
No developer changes a series' core gameplay in the name of preventing stagnation, because it turns it into something completely different. With Yakuza they did it because they finally acknowledged the Elephant in the room: people never liked the beat'em up combat and it was an unnecessary distraction.

>It had nothing to do with players not liking the old combat system nd there was even strong backlash against the turn based system.
Such a huge backslash that LAD is literally the franchise's best selling game.
>demonstrably changing the combat system gave them great backlash
>"no, they actually hated the combat system because I said so"
>the dev said they did it to change things up, weren't even decided on whether to make it a one time thing and kept the old combat system in all their other franchises
>"the devs lied because I said so"
>there was backlash against the combat system
>"no there wasn't because people bought the game" <-- this isn't even a coherent
I have determined from this response that you are a worthless liar who cannot admit he is wrong and actually uninformed about the only thing he prides himself in, making shit up about video-games.
You are hereby dismissed. And yes, people are laughing at you.
>Such a huge backslash that LAD is literally the franchise's best selling game.
Because Judgement showed they weren't going to abandon the old gameplay style across the board, the new lead made the game a good jumping on point, and the inclusion of an english dub helped normies settle in.
If people liked the combat the most then the series would have phased out the minigames and side activies and turn it into a pure brawler in the same vein as God Hand, but they never did. Japanese developers can be very stubborn.
Developers lie all the time. When the Blue Reflection gacha implemented a male self-insert main character, do you believe that the developers were sincere with their claims of "it was what we intended to do from the start, totally not forced upon us by shortsighted executives"? What about Starfield's 1000 planets?
An actual backslash means that people wouldn't have bought the game and it would have bombed, which is the opposite of what happened.
I said you are dismissed. Your inability to even remotely comprehend anything that is not a binary is hilarious though.
>Buying a game due to a different game
Now you're being facetious.

>English dub
Which proves my point: people care so little about the game part that something as disconnect from it as a dub became one of its main selling points.
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I don’t actually play Atelier games but still made a couple of hype posts about Yumia because something about it just felt “right”
New yuri demo, the screenshots are chinese but the page says there should be English support
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And by English support they mean machine translation so disturbingly mangled and nonsensical the player's eyes start bleeding after a while.
The page doesn't look that bad and the recent chinese VNs I've played, while a little clunky, were a wild improvement over the MTLs of the past that were near-incomprehensible.

I haven't DLed the demo yet though I literally just saw this.
This one is interesting because it actually caused a debate over action vs. turn based within the fandom. You also now have people say that Expedition 33 should have been how the remake game play.
>recent chinese VNs I've played, while a little clunky, were a wild improvement over the MTLs of the past
You wouldn't be saying that if you had tried Imaginary Future.
Reminder that this post with het doujin images is still up after a whole day. Janny....
Ah, the Volcano Princess experience.
VP is easy to understand, stop being a little bitch.
Technically doesn't violate a rule if there's no man in the image posted, only in your imagination
Nope. It has to be yuri to begin with, but pictures of a solo girl are also against the rules. Yes, even if you glue together 3 solo images. And it has been long since established that cropping stuff from hetshit is also against the rules.
>trashing on one of the sacred cows of the thread
You're brave anon
Looking at more reviews, looks like Everlasting Flower ends in friendship, the yuri development seems disappointing.
>college and the workplace
Damn, nice find anon. The character art is so pretty. My years of experience with MTL baihe webnovels has finally come.
A shame, but now that I look at it, the LGBT tag is gone from Steam if it ever was there and no official description or anything seems to talk about romance. When I look at it, the way it's marketed does remind me of how super friendship subtext anime are marketed which has been raising my suspicions since I read >>4280712's post
All the plot synopsis and such from the official steam page and such only mentions the relationship beetween the girls without saying exactly what kind of relationship it is or mentioning romance.
>Implying that will stop the muh subtext people
At this point you wonder why even bothering with explicit yuri when you can just do subtext and sell as much.
I'm not talking about the game. The game itself is fantastic. I'm saying the translation does not live up to it
What about it's easy to understand did you not get? Even if the wording is clunky at time (but mostly isn't) you understand it.
Chinese girls are so fashionable. It's not fair.
Shut the fuck up already, you annolying pissant. Not all stories about girls are yuri and the game did not market itself as yuri, so it wasn't trying to trick any yuri crowd. Those are all assumptions made by people on their own. Coming of age stories exist in all mediums. There isn't some fucking retarded conspiracy going on to turn all things subtext. It's just a fucking game that is subtext, if at all.
They aren't actually though. That's just fantasy China. In reality they don't wear anything as fashionable as in web comics irl.
Also the outfits in the screenshots are super basic...
I haven't read it, but apparently the black-haired girl confesses her love to the gyaru. The gyaru doesn't hear the confession though, and then the game ends with them staying as friends lol.
That's the thing with toxic positivity like VP has here:
You must repeat it's a 10/10 with every aspect, including translation, being perfect. If you dare complain about anything being flawed (like the translation), you'll get branded a heretic
Or maybe anon is just wrong.
"It's easy to understand" is no excuse for skimping on translation. Referring to Lebsa as 'Rebessa' multiple times is just not right, even if it's obvious who 'Rebessa' is.
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>2 long hair
>2 short hair
really good options
>"everlasting flowers"® is the first installment in a series of "cinematic novels" that tells the story of two girls, Mina and Ran, and their struggles and growth as they search for their own approach to life.
This confuses me. When they say "series" do they mean more VNs in this style with different stories or characters, or that this game doesn't end these girls' story and there's more to come?
Because then I can understand that ending as sequel bait. Otherwise, it does feel quite unsatisfying to tease romance and then go "didn't hear" and keep friendship status quo
>anyone who dares complain is wrong
Toxic postivity at work, as I knew would happen when anon dared to criticise ANYTHING about such a sacred cow
Being not perfect and being incomprehensible are two very different things. Bad MTL shit that you usually expect from China just doesnt make any sense. VP is always understandable and has many section that were clearly just translated by a person who is good at English, because the quality fluctuates.
You are being sarcastic, right?
People can also be wrong, despite your agenda.
>the game did not market itself as yuri, so it wasn't trying to trick any yuri crowd
you mean other than the LGBT tag the developers put on it pre-launch?
>2 long hair
>MC also has long hair
The Chinese are so based sometimes. That's all I basically wish for. Why must it be so rare. Thank you.
People can also have a point when criticising something, despite your agenda
The only tags right now are "Visual Novel" "Adventure" "Emotional" "Phylosophical"
You fucking stupid? Steam tags are added by users you clown.
What do you mean? Long haired girls in yuri are super common??
Ohh I am so impressed by your no u! The utter lack of any argument or point in your posts really speaks for your superior understanding of the situation. Pfft.
They are the same poster, me.
Anyway, I didn't have high expectation for it to begin with, what do you honestly expect from a studio that had only created het VNs, and unlike Innocent Grey which at least had the decency to create a separate account to promote their yuri works. Yuri VNs all have been disappointing lately, one created by a misogynist, and the new one is fucking subtext in 2024, the only studios that's worth supporting and trust worthy when comes to yuri are Lycoris and Sukero Sparo.
>one created by a misogynist,
What? Which one?
>one created by a misogynist, and the new one is fucking subtext in 2024
Your argumentation is so pathetic.... Not only are you pretending that two VNs are somehow all yuri VNs that came out when there are dozens, you also purposely mislead. Even if the author was a mysoginist, which isn't even proven just because he wrote shitty porn, that was still a good VN with yuri.
The other one wasn't trying to be a yuri VN, so there isnt even any point to try and put it into the yuri category.
So stuff that "only these are trustworthy" shit up your own ass.
>super common
Not as common as short on long hair. That one is far more common.
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Tell me you barely read yuri without telling me.
I still want to know which VN he's accussing of "mysoginistic author"
I raised the suspicion a while ago after the dev claimed this game is for "everyone" and not just yuri fans, and they keep avoiding using the word "百合” in any articles besides the interview (the one which the writer said he got inspired by yuri manga), and that interview is well hidden on their official website. One more company to blacklist.
For fucks sake how many yuri VNs have people been bitching about recently? Pick one of the two. It's fucking Lilja and Natsuka dumbass. It was already explained last thread that the author of that used to be a writer for vile het eroge.
What is there to blacklist? They didn't make a yuri game when they didn't say they would make one. If they make one in the future of this quality what's the problem?
>Tries to counter
>Proofs my point with a picture of short on long hair
I don't understand. I'm confused. This is considered short in my book. I'm very picky with hair length.
>You fucking stupid? Steam tags are added by users you clown.
Sweetie, honey, tags PRE LAUNCH are added by developers. It's part of the process you go through when setting up your steam page for public view. Steam prompts you to populate your game with about 20 tags.

Yes, I know it says 'user defined'. Steam is lying to you. The tags are first set by developers and only later changed by users.
Take some meds
I'm not in this thread 24:7 so I missed the bitching
Don't expect everyone to be here all the time and notice all controversies
>oh no the writer did het eroge
Funny to say this in a board where Madoka is a super classic
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>The only tags right now are "Visual Novel" "Adventure" "Emotional" "Phylosophical"
You are aware that there are more tags assigned to a game than just the top four which show on the page before you select 'more tags' right?
Anon... I intentionally cut out the title so you couldn't look it up. Proof that you are yuri illiterate. The brown haired girl is the protagonist, the short haired girl is the heroine.
Users can add tags day 1 you dolt.
I think the presence of "2D platformer" "choices matter" "hentai" and "sexual content" in an all ages VN with a single non-branching storyline should already tell you tags can be very innacurate and aren't trustworthy
You havent been in any threads for almost 2 months? If you are such a rare tourist then why did you not just go through the archives? Your indignation rings hollow when you are being an annoying child demanding to be spoonfed.
They can try to affect tags after the page launches, but since the developers added them first and the dev tags get put in with massively increased priority it requires a whole bunch of users to input things before it affects anything and that generally doesn't happen until after the game has been released.

Before the page launches, obviously only the developer can set the tags.
And you have no fucking proof any of that happened I'm guessing? Of course you don't.
Annoyingly Steam auto-suggests a bunch of tags when you're setting up the page and those tags may or may not be accurate and many developers just go 'Yeah sure!'. Makes it hard to tell when the tags are trolling, when they're the developer being misleading, and when they're just lazy. It's a frustrating system.
I could waste hours in the archive reading different shitpostings until I find the anwer or I could ask and get it in a few minutes, like I have. The worst that can happen is some retard insutling me,. and I wouldn't be here if any insults from anons bothered me. I lose literally nothing by asking and in fact I saved a lot of time
Putting "misogynist" into the search bar for Yuri Game Thread takes about 20 seconds. You didn't save shit. You just annoyed people for no reason.
You are still proving my point? You are even admitting she has short hair now. What are you trying to do here? Farming (You)'s? Trying to provoke? I don't understand what you want.

>Hurr Durr I showed you by presenting an example that proves a yuri short on long couple

If you had shown something like Love Ribbon or anything else close we would have a serious talk but you are just digging deeper into my narrative. What's going on? Is this reverse psychology?
>And you have no fucking proof any of that happened I'm guessing?
i'm not even sure what you're asking. obviously i have no proof of the day-by-day adjustments of tags on a particular game that I didn't personally publish, if that's what you mean. i cannot prove that the lgbtq tag was present as soon as the page went up unless there's an archive screenshot of it somewhere.

but if you're asking how I know how tagging works, just publish a game on steam and see for yourself.
Neesan, I think your sister is protesting that you said "short ON long" and that therefore you meant all yuri games are short haired protagonists seducing long haired girls. Therefore she countered you by having it be a long haired girl pursuing a short haired one.

Whereas I think you only meant that long/long couples are less common.

I don't know if they are or aren't I'm just trying to mediate the tea party.
You are some kind of retard huh? You are the one who suggested that yuri rarely uses long hair on short hair. You are wrong. This is not complicated. Your constant confusion makes it seem like you lost some braincells from huffing hair glue.
> i cannot prove that the lgbtq tag was present as soon as the page went up
So your entire gripe, which is 100% based on you claiming that the dev published this game page with the LGBT tag, is without any foundation. And you don't see the problem?
OOOOH, yeah that makes way more sense now. That's obviously my bad. English sure is difficult. Thanks for clarifying.

Yeah, sorry. I am stupid. I meant in general, in any direction. As long as one girl has short hair it's not appealing for me anymore.
I can't 100% prove it. I can point out that it's so extremely fucking likely given the way that the system works that unless you can prove otherwise it's still basically established.

Like, it's entirely possible that the game page had totally different descriptive text on it when it first launched saying 'BIG YURI GAME HERE' but with zero evidence pointing that direction, the logical presumption is that the store page description is probably the way the developers set it at launch.
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Sigh... well good thing we cleared that up, even if that is the dumbest statement I ever heard.
Jokes on you, Akai Ito has a heroine for every hair length. So I still win.
It is not though. A game that was advertised this much and focuses heavily on the relationship between two girls obviously makes a lot of users tag it LGBT. Hell, all kinds of shit with no LGBT content gets tagged that all the time by people for less logical reasons.
I'm pretty disappointed that you made such a indignant and serious claim, implying deception, when you have nothing to back you up. Be better.
Why are you trying to defend the dev so desperately? Everlasting Flower is yuribait simple as that.The LGBT tag was there before the launch, there was even a post talking about it in the last thread, the game was promoted as having yuri elements throughout the marketing campaign, the writer brought up yuri manga in interview, then they don't deliver it in game, it's a deliberate yuribait.
I still got my answer and I don’t care if some rando anons are annoyed. What are you going to do to me? Far as I know, being annoying isn’t against rules. So worst that can happen is people posting insults and if I couldn’t take them, I wouldn’t be here, so I lose nothing by asking
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>Why are you looking at the facts when you could just say some dumb shit like me?
There there, little one. It's almost bed time for you isn't it?
>all kinds of shit with no LGBT content gets tagged that all the time by people for less logical reasons.
again, what proof do you have of this? I monitor the steam tag fairly regularly and the LGBT tag is almost always developer-applied. there are plenty of games that actually have LGBT content but do not have the tag because the developer didn't bother adding it.
>I saved time!
>Well I didn't...
>But... I don't care if I annoy people! So that is still some kind of win
>Please insult me more though
Starting to see the end goal here.
The VNDB tag on the other hand was absolutely user-applied by someone who just hoped it would be yuri.
I tried to play Aoi Shiro but I couldn't finish it because it got boring at some point. And it's true I didn't bother with Akai Ito. But I take your win as my win and I'm gonna wishlist it. Thanks nee-san.
I guess the dozens upon dozens of cases where the yuri curator this thread uses had trouble with games tagging things LGBT when they weren't or that time trolls tagged the new 100 Heroes game LGBT are not on your radar. Even though it get brought up constantly.
I dunno, if you are THIS badly informed maybe nobody will take you seriously?
If you didn't like Aoi you won't like Akai, I'm pretty sure.
The problem is that even long on long is not that rare, so you are just generally making silly claims.
Blame the “coded” and headcanon tumblr/twitter memes for that
People will push their delusions as canon and make tags unhelpful to people seeking real yuri instead of this “coded” and headcanon nonsense that activists use because claiming lots of games for the cause takes priority for them over actually helping people find real gay stories
> cases where the yuri curator this thread uses had trouble with games tagging things LGBT when they weren't

i'm a member of the curator group and the discussions are usually about trying to figure out why the developer assigned the tag since it doesn't necessarily mean yuri, neesan. never about users assigning the tag at random. always about talking to the developer about why THEY added the tag.

>that time trolls tagged the new 100 Heroes game LGBT

known troll cases are a different situation because trolls organise and tag en masse. this is quite different than assuming dozens of unrelated people individually all smoked so much hopium that they tagged an unreleased game
Shut the fuck up /v/tard. Don't bring your politized agenda here. How many times do you need to get kicked down? The yuri community, probably the most delusional community next to fujos, is well known for seeing yuri in everything and always overreaching out of desperation. This is the most normal thing in the universe and no matter how much you scoop out what little brains you have left to fool yourself into thinking everything is the fault of tumblrites or that diversity is bad or that the bad liberals (you are on a fucking yuri board you clown) ruin everything, this will never be relevant.

I am disgusted that you put on a yurifag mask just to keep spouting your same old /pol/ shit behind enemy lines. Begone.
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>it never happens
>okay, so sometimes devs mistag their shit
>okay, so sometimes trolls intentionally mistag
>okay, so there are actually many cases where the LGBT tag gets wrongly applied for various reason, but!
>The idea that users who fervently follow something they think is yuri would tag it LGBT is completely impossible for some reason!
Are you just addicted to being wrong? I never said "it never happens".
> the LGBT tag is almost always developer-applied

That's not "always" or "never happens". That's "almost always". Sorry words are hard for you.

>okay, so sometimes devs mistag their shit

How is this a gotcha when that's literally what I've been saying from the beginning? DEVS apply the tags and devs are often doing it wrong for a number of reasons, see >>4281204 where I laid all this out.

>okay, so sometimes trolls intentionally mistag

Yes. They do. It's generally pretty easy to detect.

>okay, so there are actually many cases where the LGBT tag gets wrongly applied for various reason, but!

If you mean about why I said it "doesn't necessarily mean yuri" it's because LGBT != yuri. A lot of games are tagged LGBT by the devs because they contain a trans character, a futa character, an NB character, BL, etc. So this requires talking to the developer to figure out why they tagged it.

>The idea that users who fervently follow something they think is yuri would tag it LGBT is completely impossible for some reason!

In case you're still having this much trouble following the argument, the argument is not that no one would ever have tagged it LGBT out of pure hope. The argument is that tags are heavily weighted so that the developer tags take precedence, so it requires a large number of votes all together for a user tag to show up. It's not literally impossible for non-troll users to mass tag things with no evidence, it's just unlikely.
This place really has gone to hell, hasn't it?
What I see here is you having no proof and just trying to dismiss that fact by bringing up irrelevant "but in my limited appearance it is unlikely" narratives. You didn't understand the point of my post and instead went full literary analyses like an idiot.
Proof or fuck off, as usual.
Isn’t “coded” just a different worfd for subtext? And you agree there’s a problem odf wrong tags
Stop seething about the wording. Unless you agree with them that “yuri coded (subtext)” like Everlasting Flowers deserves the tags
>if ypu like yuri, you need to side with US ultra leftists
Guess male MC genderswap shit os yuri now because trannies
Videogames are a hobby for the mentally ill. That's why places like /v/ are what they are.
I was just excited to spot a new upcoming yuri game but having fun is apparently outlawed here.
The new Atelier game isn't a yuri game.
You know they say the same about /u/
This post is a dog whistle and an intentional falseflag. You are too dumbt to bait me further.
You aren't even making any sense.
Yeah, I sometimes feel like a degenerate for liking even the slightest bit of yuri in games after reading some of the comments. But then I remember where I am and don't care anymore.
Nobody cares what the mentally ill freaks on /v/ think though.
The rest of /u/ is peaceful. Only the videogame thread is a mental institution, and it's clear why.
>the rest of /u/ is peaceful
Spoken like someone who never actually spends any time on /u/. How unsurprising.
Long ago this thread used to be peaceful and friendly. It's gone steadily downhill.
>good VN with yuri.
Looked at the archive. So are the people saying it's subtext like Everlasting Flowers wrong?
Spend a couple days on the yuri general thread You will realize how mistaken you are
So you aree with yuri coding meaning subtext stuff can be seen as yuri and tagged as such
You also think delusional males dating girls is yuri
They are. A bunch of trolls who didn't play it are not a good source, big surprise.
Anon could've been talking about:
New Rune Factory, which was also announced in the same direct as new Atelier
Everlasting Flowers: which only came out today and only now we found out it's subtext
>the LGBT tag is gone from Steam
Damn, even the Lilja and Natsuka and Revue Starlight VNs are tagged with LGBT.
No, I meant >>4281042
It's not gone though, that anon just doesn't know how to view tags
No shit Painting Lies is tagged LGBT, most of the cast are lesbians.
RevStar though is stupid. But that's RevStar fans.
I've been saying like. For the past two years or so it's been the dedicated argue at literally anything/everything general. inb4 a bunch of gaslighting that um actually it was always this pointlessly hostile.
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Oh oh, can I give you the usual? Because you never learn? Ahem!
>this thread really has gone to hell the last few months
>it has been like this for half a year
>it got bad a year ago
>I've been for the past two years
>it started to get bad 3 years ago
>5 years ago things weren't so bad
>it all started in 2008-2010 when those newfags arrived
>most of the cast
How about the main 2 and their relationship?. Do they get together or is it more "coded" super friendship bs like Everlasting Flowers?
If you keep using "coded" (especially in this retarded way) you will keep getting ignored. Why do you choose to purposely identify yourself as a troll?
I just want to know. Maintext or subtext for the main duo?
It's typical subtext, there's kissing with excuses and nothing's ever confirmed to be romantic.
They kiss twice, once for "the play", the second time because they want to. The game implies they start dating after the game ends. There's no straightforward confession beyond the usual obvious stuff.
It's not subtext, because only an idiot wouldn't get what the game is going for, unlike actual subtext where you are just hoping.

The second kiss has no excuse dumbo.
So what actually is the content level in Everlasting Flowers? There's been such a lot of noise in here, I'm not sure if anyone actually played it or is just repeating rumors.

I think someone said that there is a love confession but it is not reciprocated?
Dissapointing. And some retard still tried to shill it as "good with yuri"
There is no shilling you obviious troll. It's a really good VN with a bunch of maintext yuri and a main couple that is in love by the end. No other qualifications needed.
>kissing with excuses
But that's still pretty gay.
VNs are now following the same cycle of subtext anime, delusions included.
>It's not subtext, because only an idiot wouldn't get what the game is going for, unlike actual subtext where you are just hoping.
This can be said about many many subtext anime. Including Revue or Symphogear (people have said this about the XV ending in fact). Stop the coping
So, is >>4281326 lying then?
Prisma Illya confirmed maintext yuri. Just ignore Shirou and the girls being into him, apparently kisses with excuses for fanservice is maintext yuri
There are so many VNs with yuri subtext, it is absolutely nothing new. Except Lilja and Natsuka is not subtext. The yuri if fucking maintext in every aspect. The main couple's love is also blatant.

No shit.

You are intentionally deflecting. Read the damn thing and come back to me. Pathetic.
Heh, I 100% guarantee someone here will soon start to insistently claim that everlasting flowers is totally maintext.
Bringing up XV's ending as an example of "nothing actually happens, it's all in le head" really lowers your chances of beating the "absolutely fucking media illiterate" allegations into the abyss.
Prillya is going for yuri, but that's an on-going story. Such low level bait...
If I read a VN, I don't want to waste my time on subtext. That's why I'm asking. To know because I don't want to waste my time on subtext VNs
I don't care what you want. Read it or give up.
>if you don't consider my favourite subtexts as maintexts, you're media illiterate
Holy fuck. Media literacy keeps being a term used by obnoxious people
yuri game thread more like debatelord sperg thread
>Symphogay is subtext because I said so
I now see why anon called you a troll. That's real silly.
>Prillya is going for yuri
It's been 5 years, if they were going for yuri, they took the wrong turn five hundred kilometers ago.
Imagine if I said this about Atelier Ryza
Just like people here don't want to play that because no yuri. I don't want to play a VN that has no yuri (subtext doesn't count for me)
You never read it. I can tell.
If Sympho's maintext, so is Revue Starlight
If you can't grasp what a girl who sings about loving the other girl and the other girl are going to have heart-to-heart about in the finale of their show, then yes, you're media illiterate. More news at 11.

Your question was already answered. >>4281328
Either this is explicit enough for you to play it, or it isn't.
I don't care what you want. You are disingenious, media illiterate, denying actual yuri on purpose and lying. I don't think you actually care about yuri or subtext. What a shocker.
>I don't want a VN that has no yuri
Is funny that you slipped up this bad by the way, because even if you stupidly pretend the protags arent lovers by the end, the entire game is full of lesbian couples that get together or helped by the protags, so there is plenty of yuri regardless.
I read it until not-Shiro's (or AU Shiro's, I can't remember who he was in the end) appearance. It didn't go yuri.
Except Sympho ends on a confession of love and the writers literally confirmed it. Kinda weird that you would not know that, considering you apparently know so much about "subtext".
If you can't grasp what the revues in Revue Starlight mean and how they're romantic, you're media illiterate. More news at 11
Side charactershit doesn't matter to me if the devs are too cowardly to pair the main duo, so tell me if >>4281326 is lying
>I stopped at the halfway point of the current chapter count
>it wasn't yuri yet
Insane. That's unheard of. Truly shocking. You are right, how could I expect you to not know what you are talking about when you only read half the story of the still on-going manga. lol
Why do you have alzheimers and keep asking questions thart were already answered? Is being a troll that taxing on the poor ol' brain?
I won't go around checking interwiews and shit. Only what is on the show (or the source if it's an adaptation) counts for me. Staff should've put that confirmation from interviews in the show itself
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>you need to read more than 50% of the current chapter count to get to the point where it just starts "going yuri"
>"wow you dumbass you absolute buffoon i can't believe you, a /u/ anon, would stop reading a non-yuri manga in hopes it would go yuri after only 60 chapters"
Can I criticise Otherside Picinic because Vol 3 is too late for me? There are many yuri that only show their true cards quite late in
And the show ends on a confession. So I guess we have two options here:
1. You are a moron.
2. You intentionally avoid reality on purpose which is supported by you constantly saying shit arbitrarily doesn't count just because.

Either way you are worthless and can stop hoping to bait anyone anymore. Bye bye.
>Literally Mieruko-Chan
Ever heard of a slowburn? You know, other than the frying of your brain?
And the manga has continuously set up Illya and Miyu's feelings for each other. If you couldn't pick that up I guess that goes back to the brain frying thing.
It ends right before what you assume is a confession
By those rules of "ends in confession" Everlasting Flowers is yuri because one of the girls confesses
Just read about Everlasting Flowers, to think only a few weeks ago people here were swearing it was confirmed maintext yuri because the artist mentioned reading some yuri manga.
If the marketing doesn't openly use the word 'yuri' to qualify the work then the girls won't get together, it's that simple.
>the creator confirming it's yuri isn't good enough
How did anyone ever think this clown wasn't a shitposter?
You can criticize it for the main romance taking too long to develop (though even that's a stretch, they have a lot of intimate moments early on). You can't criticize it for not being yuri, unless you're braindead.

And to put that into perspective, there's been more time between chapter 1 of Illya (not yuri) and most recent chapter of Illya (still not yuri) than between volume 1 of UraPi (can be argued to not be yuri) and volume 7 of UraPi (chimeric otherside lesbian sex).
Apparently it's confirmed yuri after all, because a confession or an scene that could be one but cuts right before any confirmation without showing anything is enough for maintext yuri according to Sympho cultists like >>4281370
If you deny it you're media illiterate
>volume 7
Volume 8*, whoops.
But not content. There is way more Otherside Picnic than Prillya. One is a novel character relationship driven novel series, the other is a battle manga.
Said confirmation should be in the show (or whatever the source is if it's an adaptation)
If the creator can't put it in his story and needs to deliver outside confirmation, that's a failure
What counts is what is on the source story (in the case of Sympho: the anime)
OK. So since Symphogear apparently counts, how about that?
It's super friendship non-yuri bs until the end of season 5. Only at the end of season 5 is there what you can interpret as a confession
Another case of taking very long
Your point being?
Prisma Illya (the series) is 16, probably older than its titular character. "It hasn't gone full yuri yet because it's not a character-driven novel" excuse would've stopped working around years 8-10.
Dumbledore is gay all over again.
>I decide what should be
No. It is confirmed to be yuri. You can wiggle, and seethe and grind your teeth, but it is confirmed yuri. Period.
The entire anime was building up to it, so it didn't come out of nowhere and the creator confirmed it. That's literally all you need for it to be yuri.
Your incredibly pointless subjective opinion doesn't factor in here. Your constant attempts to change goalposts failed.

The source is the writer. The writer knows everything. The writer decides what's canon. That's how fiction works. You will not change how fiction works just to hang onto your hopeless attempt to deny yuri wherever you can.

Case closed shitposter.
To be fair, chapters are super short for a while. And for a while too ,the author has skipped a month or two. so some years have an small amount of content released
What does Symphogear have to do with Prisma Illya being a pretty damn bad in terms of time investment to yuri ratio? Is it also bad in that regard? Yes. I wouldn't suggest watching it for yuri unless you like the premise and/or the songs.
Nope. It could take till the literal last chapter for Illya and Miyu to confess their feelings and that wouldn't change anything.
You conveniently ignored that I said there was plenty of build up to their romantic feelings too. Tsk tsk. You have to try harder.
If you do end up reading it please report your findings here, I'd like to know as well and the local shill is obviously untrustworthy.
The fact it's being defended as yuri and yet it takes as long as Illya for the only yuri scene (the end of season 5) to happen
Point is: not every yuri reveals itself as such early on
Nobody here has actually discussed whether a series is good for the yuri exclusively. Only if it becomes yuri. You were mocked for not even reading half the thing and making tall claims. You overlooked the intentional subtext in the first half already mind you, but after that arc things get more blatant. And ultimately this is only about the end result.
If the creator is too incompetent or cowardly to confirm in the show itself, it's not yuri. Fuck off
The source is only the show itself, not the show + interviews
>blah blah blah
It is yuri. Fact. Your preferences are not a factor.
>it takes as long as Illya
You're not going to believe this.
>>blah blah blah
It is not yuri. Fact. Your preferences and lying about interviews (the only source this interview that confirms yuri exists is you going "trust me sis" and I know better than to trust internet anons) are not a factor.
>my preferences exceed the creator
Don't care. You lost. And this baby tantrum is hilarious.
I was talking about runtime/episode time. Real time is worthless when Illya is monthly and the author has released a bunch of short chapters and taken several months off
>all the Prisma Illya blind talk
Can we at least know what happened?
Did she reject her brother or claim she doesn't love him anymore?
What does "episode time" have to do with anything if we are talking about a manga?
>the creator clearly confirmed in an interview
>trust me sis
Don't care, you lost.
She's been stuck in a separate world forever. And she has no moments with that world's Shirou. Who is shipped with Angelica and Sakura (his subplot in the final fight was all about beating Sakura and restoring both her sanity and even her life, She's now normal and alive)
The whole brocon thing has literally not come up a single time since Zwei. It was a joke to begin with.
And if you are that curious, Illya went to save Miyu and there was a bunch of stuff that she is special to her (not like her other friends) and the main antagonist even went like "Why the fuck do you care so much about her specifically?"
I know I know, this isnt maintext, but that's what I remember from the top of my head. There are some very gay panels, but this is a game thread, so maybe ask in another thread.
How exactly are you comparing runtime of an anime-only series to a manga that stopped getting adaptations in either 2016 or 2021 (don't know what that movie was about)?
Baby is maaad. Waaah waaah lmao
Page count then. The amount of actual story. You using real time is worthless You can use the adaptations and compare their runtime to Sympho (I imagine Prisma will still be longer, but not by much. 4 seasons and several movies vs 5 seasons)
The first movie was about the Shirou flashback shit, so basically completely pointless to Illya (but important to Miyu's backstory).
The next movie will be Illya focused and be metal as fuck.
Because someone who marathons the manga now or when it's over, won't be waiting months and years for developments. So your real time bullshit is worthless
And the latest movie was a canon adaptation of the manga
>Page count
You're not going to believe this.
Is. Licht The Nameless Girl is already out
However you want to measure actual time people spend watching Sympho and reading Prisma if they started with both today. You fucking autist
It's you who is mad about your fav show not being yuriv and keep mentioning some interview that only exists in your head (even if it does, as I said, the interviews aren't part of the show. Creators who can't include shit in the show shouldn't be listened to)
Sympho's as gay as Everlasting Flowers
Shit, I am always behind.
>waaah waaaaah no its not yuri! I dont want it to be yuri! you cant say that its yuri just because the writer said so! Only my opinion matters waaaah waaaah
Did you drop your pacifier?
Everlasting Flowers has an LGBT tag from devs
Confrimed gay because creators said so
Writer also said he was inspired by yuri manga
So as far as I understand she hasn't denied her het crush or even affirmed that she loves Miyu romantically, so I'm not seeing this big reversal from bait to yuri to be honest.
A tag made by users. No creator said anything about it being confirmed yuri ever. Although and this might confuse an infant like you, if one girl tries to confess her love that means she is not straight. Which means an LGBT tag is justified. Oopsie.
>actual time people spend watching Sympho and reading Prisma if they started with both today
You're not going to believe this.
Glad you went mask off and admitted you want to count non-yuri shit like Everlasting Flowers
Good. Good. Means your standards are worthless
What the hell are you looking for? There is no reason for Illya to randomly announce "That joke crush I had on my bro? Outdated."
You were repeatedly told its subtext and slowburn. Nobody said its full blown yuri yet. But Illya has not been involved in anything remotely het for most of the manga's run, yet repeatedly been involved in very gay scenarios with other girls. We will see where it goes... one day.
I have no idea what your methbrain is teying to construe here. I never said Everlasting Flowers is yuri. Only that the LGBT tag is justified. Did you know that the LGBT tag doesnt default to explicit yuri? They are actually different tags. Shocking I know! You learned more here than in your preschool today.
Well, someone is pretty gay. That's what I found with a bit of digging.
So if the creator of some ultra-hetshit said in an interview "actually the girls dump the loser male and get with each other", would it be yuri?
So is this gay-ish now?
And no explicitness as far as I can tell.
I mean if there is an actual love confession, even if the other girls doesnt hear it, then even one of the protag is pretty gay.
What has this to do with my post? Do you even know what you are replying to anymore? lol
The fact you defend "it's yuri if the creator says so, even if the show itself shows none of said yuri"
Anon, they are just wrestling. Tongue wrestling to be specific. Tis a sacred contest.
haven't read the last 300 posts what did I miss
ur mom gay
You changed your point to attacking me for uh, let's check
>you went mask off and admitted you want to count non-yuri shit like Everlasting Flowers
So you are admitting this was completely out of left field, stupid, basically braindead and wrong to say?

And now you want to go back to talking about creator confirmations, the previous topic, which you for no reason dropped as you saw hope to change subjects? I think you might have tripped over those goalposts.
Painting Lies and Everlasting Flowers might be subtext trash. Not yuri. Wastes of time.
Ah, yes. Wrestling between room mates / cousins / best friends.
>What the hell are you looking for?
Well, some anon itt was saying it went yuri, so I expected something that would at least bring the yuri up to the same explicitly romantic level of the het, if not a het denial altogether.
But showing homoerotic scenes without committing has always been a defining feature, I'm not seeing the difference.
This is still about attackingt you for clinging to meaningless shit to call non-yuri subtext garbage like Sympho or Everlasting Flowers yuri
The one moving goalposts is you (muh interview, muh tag counts for convoluted reasons)
So just to confirm, you still accuse me of calling Everlasting Flowers yuri? Very well. Show any post of mine that claims this. Maybe then I will pretend you are above the age of 7. C'mon. I believe in you!
I think you misunderstood what the anon said. Nobody claimed it became explicit yuri. What about slowburn subtext did you not get?
alright cool but that's not cool
just don't buy them
>Did you know that the LGBT tag doesnt default to explicit yuri? They are actually different tags.
What's the tag for explicit yuri?
OK- I admit I was wrong about that. So let's go back to Sympho: If a show is super het but then the creator says in an interview "the girls abandon the loser male and get together with each other" is it now magically yuri? Is a show yuri just because a creator says so if the show itself has 0 yuri?
I thought you meant on steam.
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>the show itself has 0 yuri
Inferior to Revue, which this thread agrees is subtext
Guess the people bitchingh about that are wrong
Sure, Revue wins. Now can you shut up?
>slowburn subtext
That's a nice way of putting it, but as long as the protagonist is in love with a dude, it will always look like bait.
The fact that you haphazardly accused me when you thought you had a new angle of attack and the moment it undeniably fails you go back to another bad idea you had is not encouraging your level of intellectual honesty or intelligence.
But fine, let's play your low IQ game.
If the creator says that post-story het turns yuri, then that means het turned yuri. Nothing to discuss. The show was het focused, but in the extended timeline it became yuri, apparently (this scenario is so fucking dumb lmao).

Symphogear has been building up to the love confession the entire season and the creator CLARIFIED that the confession scene at the end (which has no other purpose than to be a confession scene to begin with) is indeed a love confession scene and it ends in yuri.
So as you see, the yuri subtext show that never tried to pretend it was anything but yuri, ended up being confirmed yuri in the end because the creator clarified something IN the show.

Do you comprehend why your example was stupid and why your pathetic attempt to get a gotcha predictably failed yet again?
Steam has no tag for yuri. Not even GL. It's pretty sad.
Damn, that's pretty gay. And a slight touch of crazy. My neurons have been activated.
There is nothing that really proves she is in love with said dude. So who cares until anything gets actually confirmed either way?
>that's pretty gay. And a slight touch of crazy
That sums up Miku's character pretty well.
>If the creator says that post-story het turns yuri, then that means het turned yuri. Nothing to discuss.
NTA, but if you started recommending people here to read a "yuri" story like that, they'd rightfully eat you alive.
All I see are excuses for a show with 0 yuri and less yuri than soemthing that is agreed in this game thread to be subtext (Revue Starlight)
Cool we can give Sympho the yuri mark
Why does it matter when the show itself has no yuri? A waste of time for people seeking yuri. How does this mark do anything but confuse people seeking explicit yuri into watching meaningless subtext garbage?
>There is nothing that really proves she is in love with said dude.
Huh? It's brought up numerous times as far as I remember.
It's not like not meeting him for a while means that doesn't count anymore.
Too bad no one acknowledges this (except for a joke in the BD chibi shorts) and this is quite literally backpedaled and goes nowhere at all
This scenario didn't say anything about me recommending anything, so kinda of a non-issue.

>all I see
That's the problem, you have your blinders on that say "Be mad, throw a tantrum, deny all yuri". No wonder you can't see how fucking dumb you look lol
>how can a show that has proper romantic build-up and ends in a confession be recommended to someone who likes yuri?
It's a real mystery and completely irrelevant to the point we were discussing. Symphogear is a good show regardlss of yuri contents, but it sure is nice that these very gay girls who were clearly in love get together in the end.

Are we done now? Ran out of vitriol?
>anything about me recommending anything
I meant it in the sense that classifying such a story as yuri would be thought of as shitposting.
It was a comedic early story crush that has not been brought up once, even when she met another version of her brother. It's not simply something that didnt come up by accident, it was purposely ignored and buried. In favor of a bunch of yuri subtext.
A comedic fleeting crush that is very likely confused and mistaken as romantic in the first place is not a good support for a het interpretation of the actual story which couldnt give les off a shit about that outdated gag.

I think you get this, but you cling to it for some reason. I don't really care anymore.
"good show regardless of yuri" is irrelevant to the yuri board
And the girls didn't get together
>proper romantic build up
The typical of super friendship shows like Nanoha
Not shown Again like many super friendships: fans deluding themselves. Objectively there'0s no romantic build up or confession
Sympho's a waste for yuri fans
Why does it matter? Said show doesnt exist and we weren't discussing whether the show itself is yuri. All we confirmed is that in the extended post-show universe it was confirmed to go yuri. It's a pointless thought experiment.
>very likely confused
>mistaken as romantic in the first place
I wasn't expecting such a pile of coping mechanisms to be at the base of this discussion, serves me right for giving it the benefit of the doubt.
Most of the negative reviews for Everlasting Flowers seem to be over the Online DRM and CG stuff. A few mentions the supposedly friendship end but I can't take them seriously when they have less than an hour of gameplay on steam.

Seems like most people here haven't read it, and the few that have, haven't finished it. Screnshots at least look gay. And if there is an actual love confession at the end up its not heard, that sounds like sequel bait.

There's actually evidence for this because they made a whole new brand named after the game?

Keep in mind they already made a new brand specifically for their cinematic novels, so the only logical sense is that it'll continue in some form.
>the girls didnt get together
They did though.
>super friendship
It can't be super friendship when it has a canon yuri conclusion. The super friendship is actual romantic build up then.
>the confession isnt real because I didnt hear it!
Oh are we now back to you denying the creator confirmed it? Madokami, you are such a fickle little baby.
What the fuck are you talking about? I just told you why the gag you are abnormally focused on is not serious. The yuri subtext that is in the entire manga and not just in the first few chapters on the other hand is omnipresent.
How dishonest of you to try to spin shit this badly.
>sounds like sequel bait
Pretty much. It would be an incredibly odd way to end a story otherwise.
Creator confirmed cool
Creator is a piece of trash wasting the time of yuri fans with a show with 0 yuri in the show itself
Put 0 yuri in the show and say it's yur in interviews. Technically might be yuri. Still a waste of time for people who want to see some gay content on screen instead of the usual super friendship shit
Your favourite show is a waste of time. Keep crying, you baby
Well, you seemed to be advocating that the word of an author could somehow retroactively change a story, which sounded silly, but I guess I misunderstood.
>creator confirmed cool
Good, nice you admit that it's confirmed. That's all I wanted to hear. Good boy. The rest of your opinion doesn't matter as usual. Now I will do something productive with my day, like rewatching Symphogay. If you'll excuse me.
He's doing that with Symphosubtext
>show is literally same super friendship shit as many others
>by word of creator retroactively is gay because creator
Authors can clarify unclear things or retcon stuff, that is definitely a thing. But yeah, that isn't what we were talking about.
>reccomending yuri fans waste their time on a show that delivers nothing beyonf same dissapointing subtexts
Fuck off. The creator marking it as yuri doesn't change he forgot to put any yuri in the show itself
I'd say it had a better ending than many others, but it's obviously still subtext since there was no explicit confirmation.
You wouldn't be having this discussion about something like YagaKimi.
Can't be subtext when it has a confirmed yuri ending.
At last, someone sane. Watch anon go full schizo and say we're the same person
Author confirmation means little when nhe forgets to put anything in the show itself
Show me the confession scene, c'mon. It's there no? What minute of the final episode does it start?

Like they're clearly making more vn's under this new brand. The ambiguous wording of the description on steam makes it sound like that's the case. If I spoke Japanese I'd directly @ the developer on twitter and ask them about this since they do respond to fans.
Just use a translator?
So, I assume the director or writer of Symphogear said that the girls are together, which is cool.
But I have to agree with the other anon, even if you explain the ambiguity after the fact, that doesn't make the fact retroactively unambiguous; if it was, there would've been no need to explain it in the first place.
I mean you tell me what the confession scene at the end was about if not a romantic confession. Clarification was given, but the entire season build up to it and there wasnt really any other interpretation. It's really only "ambiguous" because some idiots want to hold onto the prinicipal that it could have been something else, which makes no actual sense. The confirmation is for those people.
It really doesnt matter. The romantic subtext was intentional and so was the outcome. Insteas of being a yuri fan happy that a long cherished ship got confirmed I only see the yuri-denier who has done nothing but deny yuri, abandon all mental faculties to stay in denial.

I hope you are not actually as daft as that toddler.
>that doesnt retroactively make it less ambiguous
Uh yes, that is exactly what a retroactive clarification does? Now it is no longer ambiguous what happened.
As best as I can tell at this point the correct curation description would be something along the line of "Romantic suggestion but left open-ended" or something like Misericorde had where the creator was outright saying "It'll get gayer".

But there's so much REEE that it's hard to get trustworthy information.
I don't think we're disagreeing, we're just reading this conversation differently.
I also believe that it would be very difficult to come up with a reasonable heterosexual explanation for that ending, but the reason I don't call it "maintext" is because in my mind that term equates to "stated in text/speech", and that didn't happen in the anime.
Basically, we're arguing semantics.
Yes, it's less ambiguous to someone who hears a new piece of information about it, but that piece isn't part of the work itself, so its ambiguity hasn't changed.
Imagine that Shakespeare wrote a 1000 pages dissertation that explains every tiny detail of some work of his, you wouldn't read it and then claim that it's a totally straightforward story.
It could've been romantic. It was a nothinburger status quo shit because the creators skipped the important part and blueballed the audience
Even if the creator says it's yuri the show is still a waste of time that should've included the goddamn confession
Sympho wasted yuri fans time for 5 seasons and didn't have the giuts to show anything. Garbage. Barely yuri only saved by author confirmation
This would be easier if people in this thread could lose the "only maintext explicitly shown yuri is real yuri" autism. But since they won't then going by this thread's rules, Sympho's a waste of time. Maintext that is no different from subtext beyond the author comments
Hell, Revue (which is seen here as subtext and worthless) has more gay, so it falls below some subtexts even
The autists will always be louder than the people who are capable of just not paying attention to a game they're not interested in.
You are replying to an autist right now.
So are you.
Guess we'll see once someone here actually finishes it.
It's one of the last scenes. Sound is cut off, however.
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Oh boy, 220+ posts in 5 hours. Surely they announced the Onesho videog-
You're literally not allowed to talk about gameplay in a game thread or else anon will bitch at you. Of course having fun is outlawed.
So a nothingburger. Same as every subtexshit
Author confirmation just shows he's a dipshit who thinks super friendship is yuri and doesn't understand what yuri fans want
Sure according to author is yuri. Shitty yuri that is 99.99% equal to the super friendship worthless subtext non-yuri shit (the 0.01% difference is the author comment). Worthless garbage
A game thread in a board for romance is an oxymoron. Because romance development always comes at the cost of gameplay. So the focus of the board is the thing that makes games bad as games. We shouldn't discuss videogames here. The board should be limited to mediums that are better for yuri: VNs (not games), LNs, manga, anime. Any medium that isn't videogames
>A game thread in a board for romance is an oxymoron.
pls leave then
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>A game thread in a board for romance is an oxymoron.
I'm trying to wrap my little mind around this and all two of my brain cells are failing me. Any one got a dumbed down translation for this?
People who want romance in their stuff care little for gameplay as romance requires lots of interruptions in gameplay to develop characters and their relationships and gameplay focused titles will never be yuri because gameplay focus means they can’t develop characters or their relationships
Imagine Super Maria Sis. What romance is there in a girl saving a generic dansel in distress across several games? Very little
>People who want romance in their stuff care little for gameplay as romance requires lots of interruptions in gameplay to develop characters and their relationships and gameplay focused titles will never be yuri because gameplay focus means they can’t develop characters or their relationships
Most retarded statement since the invention of RPGs.
Now I get it. But I think it can also express the preserving will to get to the princess. Overcoming more and more obstacles along the way and climbing so high to be on the very top of the flag pole to out to show your worthiness. The journey in a way is the romance, the yuri is hopeful the end product.
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>confession happened onscreen, but since you didn't get to hear it it didn't happen
There is no difference between subtext and maintext; at the end of the day both are yuri.
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Before anyone can rant and scream at you. Have an encouraging.
Games thread has high standards
Subtext and even shitty maintext (Like Sympho) are worthless here. Only super explicit confessions you can hear count. Fuck off to general yuri. This is a thread for true gourmets with high standards, not plebs like you
Exactly. I need to hear thr confession
Otherwise, in execution it’s the same as every worthless subtext shit and still a waste of time for people who want explicit romance they can see and hear instead of frustrating nonsense and “it’s totally there if you’re schizo enough”
If Guat said Ryza had a gf during all 3 games we jusr never see for no good reason (like the mute confession from Sympho we never hear for no good reason), would that make her games yuri?
>If you see a lesbian on a street without her gf is she still being a lesbian on her way home?
I'd say yes.
A single lesbian existing in a game doesn't make it yuri though. You need two. Otherwise it's just LGBT Issues.
Am I missing something or how the fuck are you supposed to guess the girl's name in Flowers le volume sur Printeps? My Japanese is far from perfect so maybe some instruction went over my head but it seems like nothing more than a crapshoot with those random books and random options within them
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>just happened to start reading Painting Lies last night before all the posts up there
>30-45 minute prologue is immediately girls getting married
>next chapter is also about explicit lovers
>next chapter is ALSO about explicit lovers
Wow I fucking love subtext

Generally the definition of subtext is intentionally placed information the reader is supposed to pick up on anyway, not the definition some autist has been melting down over for months here with
Make it 'hem hem' next time to be especially annoying
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Subtext marriage.
I don't think anyone is claiming Painting Lies is subtext or not yuri, maybe one schizo, but most issues come from writer's previous works, I'm glad the writer found the light of yuri, but still won't be supporting him. But I will take an explicit yuri work written by a misogynist over some subtext friendship garbage in 2024.
It's so over...
They failed to translate the actual clues, it only makes sense in Japanese. There's another puzzle in that game where the answer, at least in English, is outright incorrect for the question as asked.

They got better at this in later games in the series but for Printemps use a walkthrough.
This is the right away to do short hairs. They should still be stylish and fluffy, not masculine
spring and winter puzzles are a joke, you'ren't solving them unless you are a walking encyclopedia
It's simple, anon hates yuri and everyone in this board, so he wants to shut down discussion, deny yuri at every point, and generally make a nuisance of itself to shit up threads. He does this by means of concern-trolling, pretending that he's doing it in name of defending the board, when all he's doing is rules lawyering about retarded shit that literally nobody else gives a fuck about.
He's constantly in these threads because retards here fall for his bair every time and reply constantly. He does similar shit in other threads to far less success, the general is where he shitposts the most othere than here. This exact sperging about Symphogear has already before this very year.
He's been doing this since at least 2022 or 2021. Ask him about Lycoris Recoil, Gundam Witch, or Healer Girl, and watch his mask fall off.
Imagine thinking fucking SYMPHOGEAR has no place on a yuri board. kek
>mother and child romantic dynamic
my favorite
Studio Elan partnership with Sukera Sparo
JTL crowdfunding...
Anon, we have been telling the troll over and over that the game is full of explicit yuri. He just keeps moving the goalposts because he isn't here to talk about yuri, but to deny it.
Anon... the troll who is doing this all right now appeared yesterday. He wasn't here before that. You are retardedly conflating someone who actually just points out the rules with this dishonest prick who is trolling on purpose. The idiot who constantly changes his goalposts and says Symphogear isnt yuri has changed his point 20 times in the last 20 hours.

How the fuck do you people not understand that this troll comes here every few months to shit up the thread on purpose? It has nothing to do with a mainstay anon.
This is a PSA:
If a troll tries to shit up the thread and is very obvious about it as the above, do what we always do. Report and move on. Don't engage the troll, not matter how stupid or offensive his posts are. Report and move on. When he is starved for attention he will leave, like all trolls do.
If we can all just control ourselves and work together for once we can rid ourselves of this plague.
PSA over.
Because you keep changing your point to make it look like a hack’s interviews magically make Symphoshit not a worthless show. Point is: it isn’t yuri enough to be acceptable in this thread. As long as subtext keeps being rejected in this thread, so will Symphogear because even witn the director comments, it doesn’t meet higher standards
Were the people rejecting Revue and even saying the girls will fuck men also trolls?
>It's fine when muh mainstay anon denies shows I hate (Lycoris) and lies about het and keeps changing his point, he's just "pointing out rules"
>if you do this "pointing out rules" to shows I like (Symphogear), you're a troll though
Nice double standards, retard. If I'm a troll, so is the anti-Lyco retard
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Didn't they release the Symphogear gacha's story as VNs? Were those released in English too? I can't find them anywhere.
I don’t think so? At most an offline reader for the JP app
But not english because the english server died very early and most of the story never got translated
What is being released ad VN (in JP at least) is the Yuuki Yuuna gacha story
Oh yeah, I must have mixed them up. Yuuki Yunna released its gacha story as a bunch of overpriced VNs.
Kinda sad how many good stories we lose with these gacha games that EOS. Preserving them without the developers is pretty much impossible.
There was a site that hosted stories that were released in English before XDU EN keeled over and died, and also had some of the later stories translated by fans. I don't know if it's still around though.
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>it isn’t yuri enough to be acceptable in this thread
It's not for this thread at all, dumbfuck, this is a video game thread.

>you'ren't solving them unless you are a walking encyclopedia
So you're saying I have a chance.
That too. But tell that to all the people who jumped in to defend Symphogear since yesterday
Indeed because it’s not a game, the defenses don’t belong
>they're clearly making more vn's under this new brand
Nippon Ichi already tried this some years ago and released a few subtext VNs, which crashed and burned so they gave up.
I expect the same outcome for all these new entries we're getting lately, VNs and anime have vastly different history and audiences.
If it was a sequel to the current game, there isn't really any reason it would stay subtext. Though if it's several games in this uncommittal style yeah, it's gonna go nowhere.
Although to be fair, these are clearly supposed to be emotional coming of age dramas. Those have their own audience. What we as the yuri focused audience ignore is that the VN is still pretty good, even if it's just subtext. Someone who didn't exclusively come to this VN for yuri can still enjoy it.
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I've been replaying P3P now that the Kotone cutscenes mod came out.
So I was dead set on getting Kotone to romance Mitsuru (thanks sapphic mod), because I really like the femC specific Soical Link with Mitsuru (and its slightly altered romantic version with the mod), but as the game went on I noticed....
How did I forget how absurdly gay Yukari and Mitsuru are together? They got through an entire character arc together across the game. They are constantly the most important characters for each other across the story. In the femC route, they literally end up in that love hotel dungeon together and when asked what happened to a blushing Mitsuru and Yukari they are being super evasive.
Yukari starts out hating Mitsuru because of her father's death in the Kirijo group disaster, but warms up to her and respects her eventually. When Mitsuru is devastated by her father's death, it's not femC or Akihiko who cheers her up, it's Yukari repeatedly in different events going after Mitsuru and giving her hope. And when Yukari talks about going to the hot springs and "baring everything" to show their closeness both of them blush, showing that they both had dirty thoughts about it.
Also Yukari is the only character in the entire game that Mitsuru hasn't known for years that she switches to a first name basis with, something which in her romance she only does with femC towards the very end when she is head over heels for her and willing to throw away her arranged marriage for her.

Like what the actual fuck? I can literally not make femC romance either of them despite the mod, just because they are a better ship as is. I guess it's time to go back to Aigis. P3P was super gay even before mods.
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And don't think I forgot how Atlus screwed up by not making Saori a romance option for femC. The cowards.
You're speaking in a thread where a good story (Revue Starlight. Not necessarily the VN itself, but people here did complain about the whole instead of just the VN) is rejected as worthless evil shit for being "just subtext"
You either do as I do and try to fit in with the thread's rules. even if you have to lie about your feelings or you fuck off from the thread. Being honest about finding these subtext stories good or liking them, despite not following the higher standards of maintext demanded here is blasphemy
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Also damn, Elizabeth is a total bottom. Why are there no doujins for Kotone topping her?
Fuck the Murican release for censoring this part btw. Thanks restoration mod.
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>Fuck the Murican release for censoring this part btw.
is it more explicit in the jp version? why did they censor it?
>why did they censor it?
It's an adult having implied sex with a minor.
What I posted here is the more explicit lines that were restored with a mod. In the original Western release they deleted the option to call Elizabeth Kotone's girlfriend and the implication that they had sex. Same for this scene with Theodore.
The JP version had all those things intact, so we know it was intentional.
It makes no sense, because the male MC version of this scene was not censored. It literally only got cut for femC. I guess a minor girl having sex with an adult was worse than a boy doing it to them.
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Why didn't they censor it for the male MC, then?
Double standards.
It was good ol' pre-2010 homophobia, and Atlus has not improved an inch since then.
It wasn’t rare for localizations to censor gay stuff until not that long ago
...but Atlus are the ones who put the scene into the game in the first place. It's the localizers who censored it.
The irony is that they didn't censor Aigis gay Social Link, which repeatedly points out that they are both girls and that she loves Kotone anyway and femC can accept her feelings. So it HAS to be the age gap or the sex. And as Kotone can pretend date a 12 year old I can only assume it's sex.
I just looked up the explanation and damn you weren't lying. In hindsight I can see the connection between 花菱 and the heraldry book but the ones that depend on knowing obscure plant taxonomy in both English and Japanese beggar belief
in case people missed it, this update apparently removed the Always Online requirement from everlasting flowers
>Elizabeth kissed your hand, and took it in hers.
That's total degeneracy. No wonder they had to censor it.
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Which SEES girl other than Aigis would be best for femC?
People often call each others autists here and that's cute, but damn I have never seen an actual autist of this level. Actually talking to himself and everything. Impotent rage is my favorite.

Anyway the Tales Of games are on sale. https://store.steampowered.com/sale/TalesofFranchise
Which one is the one with the heavily implied yuri couple? I think it was Vesperia, but maybe it was Abyss?
>I think it was Vesperia
Oh good. Abyss isn't on that sale.
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Yukari and Mitsuru definitely banged in the love hotel. It's canon.
I could actually believe it if that had happened towards the end of the game... which is crazy enough as is.
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Making the rival producer this hot make me wonder if cross-company relationships are a feature of this game. I don't think I can affect her sexuality stats though.
>Ms. Dyke
Ah, from the Netherlands, I see.

>rival Producer's sexuality
She's playersexual, so het if you're playing as a dude and lesbian if you're playing as a woman.

>cross-company relationships
Allowed. You can have sex with her, with CGs and scenes and everything
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Look at this smug bitch. She's about to learn why Ms. Dyke hides her eyes.
>CGs and everything
I suppose this only happens if you enable the 18+ mod? I've turned it on, but from what I read it just enables features that were in the beta and then taken out.
Isn't banging the head of a rival idol company like regulatory capture or something...
Once my idol group of lesbian has taken over the world I think she will be working for me anyway.
>I suppose this only happens if you enable the 18+ mod?
No, I think it's in the base game.

It's a cutthroat business. If the success of your idol group means you have to smash clams with a rival producer, then clams must be smashed.
I remember putting it on my wishlist before release and never ending up going back to it after the whole 18+ mod debacle. Are there any good mods to ensure maximum yuri?
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>Ms. Dyke
Heh, that name means business.
>No, I think it's in the base game.
Definitely not. The base game is All Ages. They took out everything sexual on release (not saying it's not still in the code, it just isn't available). That's why the workshop has mods that re-enable the 18+ content.
Aside from the 18+ mod the most popular mods are those the add more diverse idol sprites to the game and some scenario mods that add more events. But there is no mod that forces all idols to be lesbians as far as I could see. I have to manually change their sexuality to lesbian in the files when I hire a new idol.
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...I wonder if my bad turnout is related to the utter lack of coherence of my idols. Nah, couldn't be.
Hmmm, I don't need every idol to be gay...probably. Still sounds like a bit of a pain though. Oh well.

The lesbian coherence is very strong, anon.
They're exhausted from the lesbian sex you've been subjecting them to. Also because you're doing things like making a bunch of pop idols sing death metal when the audience calls for grunge. But mostly the lesbian sex
>I don't need every idol to be gay
Are you nuts? If they arent all gay some may end up dating a dude. All you need to do is to change a value to 2 in the file for each named idol. Some will already be lesbians by chance anyway.
Any recommended mods for sprite diversity? I grabbed the Sexy Idols 1.2 mod but the other top subscribed at the workshop like seem excessively porny at first glance like the otaku idol collection one.
Sexy Idols is good. If you are one of those Vtuber degenerates you can also get the Hololive mod. I think there are a couple of other tame ones, but this is up to your own taste you can't rely on others to decide that.
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These are the mods I installed. I recommend getting the IM-Harmony Integration mod from the github linked on the Harmony Plug-in. Some mods require it. Once you got the plug-in you can also pick and choose which mods to activate in the main menu, which makes testing convenient.
Thanks anon, those look good.
>last updated 2021
Same year the game released.
Yeah the Slice of Life pack was abandoned, but the good thing is that all the events are more or less self-contained so it's just a nice bonus. Everything else didn't need updates.
I meant to point out that it was sad that good mods just stopped being updated, but forgot to put that in the post.
IIRC playing as female makes it more likely your idols are gay/bi at least?
I think I edited some files to increase that or something back when I played though
No need to take the risk when you literally just need to change one number per girl. It's not like you are going to hire 100 idols at once. If you hire 5 idols every 2-5 hours you will spent like 5 minutes editing them all to be gay.
Nobody cares. Buy it on steam next time you coward.
Serves you right.
>this is just a hook.jpg
>All those mods that fix the game or add the content the target audience wanted from the game
What a sad state of affairs when you think about it.
That's the point of mods.
NTA but most VNs on Steam for some reason only support English text which is an instant disqualifier for me. I've found more Chinese-made VNs that support Japanese text than I have Japanese-made VNs that support Japanese text, it's probably some licensing bullshit
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So, is Full Chorus the "complete" version or it's a different version from the regular one?
I ask because it packaged both versions rather than just the "complete" one.
Buy it off Steam, those are dolphin porn
It has everything there is in the original and adds stuff on top of it.
I can't see the size of the archives there but I guess it's possible that full chorus acts as a patch in your case.
Just try it on its own and see if it works.
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Oh, you were right. Full chorus is a patcher, not the actual installer.
Let's get this rolling.
Nobody cares if you are such a maximum weeb that you want to read things in Japanese. Just buy it from the Japense vendors then.
You're lucky if you've managed to avoid knowledge of the war American credit card companies are currently waging on Japanese game producers. DMM and DLsite (Japan's main digital retailers) have both stopped processing foreign credit cards in the last year, and DMM now blocks foreign IPs from even viewing store pages
Media featuring female homosexuality counts as "vileness", you know.
Credit card companies took great lengths to embed themselves in the online commerce ecosystem to the point where it's difficult to do anything without them. Them suddenly acting as arbitrators when the buyer and the seller and the banks are all fine with the transaction is pretty annoying and arguably an overstep. They're literally just middlemen in the transaction and yet.
Baldur's Gate 3 patch with mod support next week. Time to mod in lesbian group sex.
I love how this all started because someone was pirating Kindred Spirits
which this? we haven't even had an outbreak today
I'm talking about how someone pirating Kindred Spirits led to a debate on the bans of JP sites by US credit cards and people being called pedos.
Just completely off-topic to the games thread or Kindred Spirits itself.
Are you a retard? Talking about the availability of Japanese game sites to get yuri games is not off-topic at all. That's just logistics.
The fact that you are a pedo is just something hard not to mention on the side.
>with mod support
Hasn't it had mod support since early access?
Integrated mod support. Until now it just detected that you have mods installed and you had to use a seperate fan made mod launcher. They are now giving a mod support menu in the game, the same way Divinity Original Sin 2 did after it was finished.
The reason they haven't had mod support until now is that they were still updating the game. But Patch 8 is the final patch (that adds a bunch of content). After this at most they will do some minor hotfixes, so modders can go nuts.
Maybe don't be a pedo if you don't want to be called one.
Is fightinhg these evil "pedo" drawings worth it when yuri goes down with them?
And the only thing related to yuri in this discussion is where to buy the games and if you can from the US, not this debate on wether the credit card people are justified. I guess if you're against high school hentai, then as a HS eroge, Kindred Spirits is part of the problem, but then fuck off from here, because such titles are classics and well regarded in the boardç
Meanwhile non-hentai yuri seems to be subtext trash or too cowardly with the main couple to confirm clearly they get together (painting lies, everlasting flowers)
>retard didn't actually read the conversation
So, what did I miss beyond people speculating about the credit cards and wether they should be allowed to do this and you people going about "pedos"? What do you even consider pedo? Is it only loli or is teen hs stuff also included?
None of that matters. Your retarded post had absolutely no coherence or connection to what was said. Nobody said high school eroge are bad. Nobofy gives a shit about opinion and especially not on your retarded subtext strawman. You will never fit in.
Remember the PSA. Don't reply to the troll. Keep the thread clean.
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Whoops, accidentally married one of the idols and ended the game. Could have happened to anyone.
Oh no?
I wasn't even halfway through the story events. Might have hard focuse the dating a bit too much. Oh well, I made a save before it, so I can just go back and pursue the rival instead.
Nobody actually finishes the game.
Guess I'll be the first.
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>"Lesbians? No! we're like sisters!"
Dropped like an unwanted baby; glad I pirated it
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Eh? That's what you got from that? They just have a very wholesome love.
How are you not aware that this is a shitposter? He is literally trying to bait people with the constant pirate comments. In fact it's probably the same retard who has been blighting this thread for several days now.
Try to reload to see the other epilogues. Some are quite funny.
I tired twice and both times they got divorced after 12 years and she took the kids. Which is extra weird when in one ending Mrs. Dyke was a stay at home mom for the kid... yet somehow lost custody? Idols are scary.
Wait, retiring at 70 even though idol production is show business with high salaries? Yikes.
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That's why I engaged with the yuri in that post instead of the morale depravity. I seriously don't care if someone pirates anything. Heavens, I did exactly the same with that game. Difference is, I bought it afterwards. I just hope talking about the game in any way, shape or form makes someone buy it, so it evens out. Because it's damn cute. Maki is best.
Some people are very invested.

Anon, Kindred Spirits is a game literally everyone who ever heard of yuri VNs knows. If they haven't tried it yet they won't start because of you indulging a troll.
But go ahead and post a bunch of cute screenshots.
Beats the one where you pick the wrong option (and you have no indication on which is the correct one) and you end up mopping floors at a ramen joint and your idol girlfriend leaves.
>Kindred Spirits is a game literally everyone who ever heard of yuri VNs knows
fwiw I've been on /u/ for years and have never heard of it before coming to this thread to ask about the Flowers puzzle the other day
You're just an all around disappointment, eh?
Chill out.
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Don't be mean rather welcome your new imoutos. As long as they behave.

>read the links! There is a ton of recommendation, dingus
Just reading stuff without much context is lifeless and boring
>but there is a reason why it's posted every time!
I know, and it's still worth posting in every thread. Still boring to comb through because it's not as engaging as a discussion with pretty pictures
>someone this new not knowing the yuri standard is an absolute waste of space and is [random insult]
Yeah, but we all started not knowing about [game] at some point

Did I miss an argument?

TL;DR: Not everyone is an oldfag
It's surreal to me to see anyone criticizing piracy on 4chan. I would bet there is literally not a single person on /u/ who watches seasonal shows legally
There's been a long tradition of being a little less piracy-friendly on /u/ because so many yuri works are niche and we know they need sales numbers to keep being produced. However, it's usually a gentle scolding followed by someone else providing a helpful link, not a full pillorying.
Would you retire if you could score young pussy?
You drive a hard bargain.
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How excited are we for Yumia info tomorrow / tonight
On scale of 1-10 excitements, 1 excitement.
19/10 excitements.

I'd be really happy if we got an Atelier game that got me to get off my ass and finally play a couple of them.
I would be more interested if it's the old Gust when their games are at least more goggleable
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I mean who coluld resist those beautiful eyes and powerful gaze?
Bitch, cut your bangs, you don't have a gaze.
The gayze can't be stopped by objects.
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Is Aya the reporter girl also a romance option? And yes I got the Touhou reference, thanks.
I'm asking because she is trying to impossible and wants me to bring back rock from its sordid grave and to the top, which frankly is the hardest challenge one can face.
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>Is Aya the reporter girl also a romance option?
IIRC options (not counting Fujimoto and failure endings like bankruptcy etc) are rival, Aya, your generic idols.
That explains my quest list. I can help Fujimoto, Cocona (is her name random?) and Aya next to the main quest.
Generic idol romance hasn't turned out too well, so I hope the other options have more to offer (no, I'm not gonna try Fujimoto ew).

Honestly I think this game's difficulty curve is fucked up and hurts the game. Chapter 1 is so insanely hard, you can barely keep afloat and somehow have to 200k sales to top the chart, which is just unreasonable from scratch. But the moment I started chapter 2, paid off all my loans and got into a monthly plus I've been racing through the chapters and the game has become pretty managable.
It just annoys me that 90% of all people will not bother overcoming chapter 1's steep difficulty. I guess the dev really wanted to make the player feel what it's like to establish a new business in Tokyo. Hell.
>average /u/ general
I can't stop laughing at that. Damn, that got me good. Probably shitposting about Hitomi's salty tears while Marika is just amused about the whole thing.
>top the charts with a rock single
A Herculean task if I've ever seen one.

I don't remember that stat screen.
>Generic idol romance hasn't turned out too well
There aren't that many endings with them anyways. You either get married (and then a bunch of things can happen) or you separate and you end up with your cat.
It's not a stat screen. During idol elections after a concert the idols react on the sidelines after every vote.
There is another funny one "[insert name] is having an existential crisis".

Yeah but from what I've seen they always get divorced and she takes the kids. You only really get differences on when it happens and of course what career either of you experience.
>they always get divorced and she takes the kids
I had one where we ended up becoming old ladies together.
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>I don't remember that stat screen.
It's just election screen.
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Hilarious. Haruka falling apart, Ayaka trying not to be insensitive and Hitomi acting like a curious gossiping gremlin. Good stuff. Fine, I'll buy it.
>elections screen
Yeah, I never got to that part. I need to start playing it seriously, the difficulty curve got to me
All you need to do is hold a concert and have an election single... wow you really stopped early.
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>Chapter 1 is so insanely hard, you can barely keep afloat and somehow have to 200k sales to top the chart, which is just unreasonable from scratch
I'm not 100% sure but I think the game is scripted to give you one ridiculously popular breakthrough single out of nowhere at that point in the story. It's been ages since I played it though so don't quote me on that but that's a fairly common trope in some tycoon games for some reason.
Later on it's very important to figure out how debt servicing works. It doesn't matter how much money you owe to the bank, the only thing that matters is that you keep your profit % above loan interest rate which is pretty easy in this game (and is absolutely trivial with Fujimoto's interest free loans in early game).
I do agree that in chapter 1 your resources are very limited and your customer base is non-existent so it can be hard to accumulate money even with decent profit margin, but as soon as you get out of that slow start phase you can ramp things up quickly with loans, just make sure your growth rate is at least somewhat sustainable.
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Yumia full trailer and preview out
There was no such insane breakthrough single. I had to painstakingly increase my fanbase to way above the 200k mark so that I could get a 200k sales hit regardless of any other factors. It was painful. In the end fans are all that matters to make big numbers. Everything else is just set dressing. And as you would expect, fans accumulate the slowest.
>take a bunch of loans
That's basically what I did. Every time I went into the red I kept taking huge loans, but the interest really accumulated on the bank, and paying back Fujimoto or doing his requests could be really dicey at certain points.
Basically there was a point where I couldnt take any loans fast enough to off-set the weekly debt payments and had to work my idols to the bone with a concert and three singles to make enough money to survive. The bankrupcy counter was at 10 days. I did hear Fujimoto can bail you out of bankruptcy once, but I didn't risk it.
The same time I finally got the top charts I started to be reliable enough with my income to reduce my debt more and more and very quickly in chapter 2 I got into the green.

So yes, for any new player my tips are, abuse loans and definitely try to always focus on gaining more fans in the early game. After that focus on auditions to get gold and silver idols. Anything below silver is worthless.
No yuri, not even an implication, but a bunch of focus on dudes. This is off-topic.
Thread bobby has spoken.
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The sister is clearly the romantic love interest anon.
These design have become absolute garbage. Old Atelier wasn't yuri either, but at least the art had some style. This is just coomerbait trash with generic dudes on the side. Ryza was already bad, but this is like 10 steps below that.
I just started the game and overall the variation in recruits just feels really stupid. I got a random gold recruit from a 100k search who has 99 potential in every potential stat and very high starting stats. Then a good silver idol and 3 useless fucks that barely average 25 in their starting stats.

The 'regular' idols feel absolutely pointless, especially given how long it takes to level up stats.

The golden idol on the other hand is incredibly boring because she doesn't really need any training at all and can do everything already

Overall it just feels like there was no point to all the raising sim aspects of the game for either of the two extremes, and I kinda lost interest because of it.

I also have no idea how you're supposed to manage exhaustion. I guess just keep burning money on spa days while completing new goals + gaining fans, and hope you've gained enough that you are actually making good money from regular performances once the loans run out?

Made my first single, cost I think like 100k to produce and got about 8k back lol. Guess I won't be making more of those for a while.
Honestly just save scum the idols for higher rarity
And big Boobie lady. Wolf girl can cum too.
The question is: Are you using mods? Because most modders who add idols did not balance that shit at all. Gold idols are not supposed to be perfect in all stats. Maybe figure that out first.
You mean our resident actual child fucker?
I dont think Japan likes hag love interests for yuri, which is a shame
Ah, the XCOM experience.
You're supposed to start out with regular idols and level them up together.
Starting out with a maxed gold idol makes the game both easier and harder to play, as you get a girl that can hard carry the unit but you go deep into the red to get her and you're going to need the other idols at some point.
You can train the basic idols early one well enough and they don't demand salaries as high as the golden ones. They can absolutely keep you afloat until you get more high grade idols.
>I also have no idea how you're supposed to manage exhaustion
Spa + break rooms. Break rooms passively recover exhaustion each week. Eventually you will have enough money to afford doctors and medical rooms where you can constantly heal idols fatigue or mental issues.
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These ones + the uncensor patch

Believe the gold idol was from the sexy idols pack
Sexy Idol is one of the very few balanced ones as they straight up just replace existing idols with new models. I don't have Reiwa, but I assume that it is also just cosmetic.
Hmm.. you don't have the unofficial patch. That fixed a lot of balancing issues in the game. Maybe look into that one.
Also I recommend the 18+ restoration patch. It restores what was already suppposed to be into the game, it's not new porn shit.
>18+ restoration patch
Does that one let you flirt with younger idols?
No. Any romance starts at 18.
>but a bunch of focus on dudes
All two of them, while the rest of the party are girls. Sounds like a good ratio.
You moron clearly didn't watch the shitty trailer that shouldn't even be posted here.
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Your same arguments can be used against stuff worshipped here like Nanoha and Madoka. Fuck off
Stop bringing up anime and manga in the games thread you general thread piece of shit.
Oh and I'll also use the Symphogeartard argument
There''s an interview where the creators say it's maintext yuri. I won't provide source. If you need source, you're a media illiterate retard
I did + the 10 minute presentation video. The latter confirmed that there will only be 2 dudes in the main party while the rest are girls.

As usual, you're overreacting.
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I'll try the unofficial patch then. Already grabbed the 18+ patch but I manually installed it and it's not showing in the mod list for that reason, it is showing in-game though.

Here's my two good idols (silver and gold) compared with my worst one (trash). Seems memory exaggerated their current stats - my silver actually has better stats than my gold idol atm - but when you compare with their fellow idols I feel like they might as well be perfect.

I took a small initial loan from Fujimoto before I realized how bad my stamina situation was and now I can't get another before fulfilling his request, which I won't be able to do before I run out of money. RIP.
Both have non-gacha games for the PSP. And the games thread isn't separate from /u/ as a whole nor does it magically have different standards applied to it
Nobody is talking about the party members specifically you moron. There are a bunch of male characters in the game that are impolrtant. And every other Atelier game also had more women than males and guess how that worked out? Never in yuri. Fuck off until you have actual yuri to show.
>two dudes
It only takes one.

There's a trailer that says it won't
You only talk about games in the games thread. That is literally in the OP. That's how this thread works outsider. You can leave now.
The interview is what matters. Interview is more important than anything (according to symphogeartard)
>There are a bunch of male characters in the game that are impolrtant.
The rest of which are enemies to be vanquished.
I do not like those idols. Their smugness offends me.
And getting the gold idol that early on might have been a mistake. The guaranteed gold audition and her salary most likely bled you dry.
Yuri is more than games. The kind of stuff that can be considered yuri game is informed by what is considered yuri anime and manga and beloved
Why should games have different standards than anime and manga? And you're ignoring the PSP games
The games for those two would be on topic.
The stats on that silver idol are absurd. Most of those should be potential, not actual skill, especially this early.
>can't get another loan from Fujimoto
Get one from the bank.
>ignoring the PSP games
Because anon was like, 7 when they came out.
But neither is being discussed and neither of them is yuri. Now fuck off.
I got her from a 100k audition and she's on the same salary as everyone else (reduced to 2500 from the starting default 4500 because apparently this doesn't affect their satisfaction at all).

I ended up putting my silver idol on hiatus because I couldn't do any activities without dropping her mental stamina. Although at this point their physical stamina values are 64, 32, 18, 3, 3 and I don't think I can start putting half the group on hiatus and get anything done.

The tutorial randomly stopped working for me very early on, so maybe it would have told me about break rooms. As it is I didn't really look at them until the advice this thread.
When mentioning Madoka and Nanoha we mentoon the franchise as a whole, including games
>neither is yuri
>saying this in /u/
And you exposed yourself as a newfag beyond newfags. The real intruder. Many trolls love to do the concern shit you do. They always get unmaksed like you just have been though
This is not the general thread you escaped from. This is the yuri game thread. You can make up whatever bullshit you want, that doesn't change the fact that this is all off-topic, especially your constant autism about Symphogear and RevStar.

You cannot help yourself. Every single post you make your autism spikes up and your bring up off-topic shit, over and over. You are so fucking obssessed with Symphogear and RevStar that you are incapable of shutting the fuck up about either or other shit you consider subtext.
Nobody. Cares.
I said the games are not yuri, because they have no yuri in them. You are the one who compared Madoka and Nanoha to a het franchise and said they are the same. You are the shitposter.
RevStar is on topic thanks to El Dorado. Cope and seethe
>nobody cares
You care enough to keep writing posts seething
RevStar is not yuri. Period.
I would need to borrow 1mil to build a break room. That would bring my weekly payments to 175k. I currently have 180k and I can make about 163k/week if I perform every day of the week and never promote or do spa treatments.

So I guess I could maybe manage by the skin of my teeth with random business contracts topping me up (damn office lady keeps failing 70% of her proposals...). But if I am performing every day my idols probably won't have the stamina to do the proposals very well either, so it's rough.
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The initial marketing is very fanservicy, which points to this not going to have any romance with the m*les to avoid otaku backlash.
So the main thing relaly is how the girls relationships play out and whether the community picks up on it with art and other fan content
The games have as much yuri as the rest of the franchiser
To deny their yuri is to deny the franchises as a whole being yuri, which no one who isn't a shitposter would do
You're the one saying Atelier is het because of arguments that also apply to Madoka and Nanoha You're the shitposter.
Another concern troll exposed.
RevStar is yuri. Period. Games will never have different standards than anime and manga
You just said the rest of the franchise is not yuri. Whoops.
>you're saying Atelier is het
Because the entire franchise until now has been het and there is no sign of yuri. But keep claiming that Madojka and Nahoa could be treated with "the same arguments". Good way to prove you are a shitposter who denies yuri.
ReveStar isn't yuri. All of it. It's all shitty subtext at best, every facet of it. And everybody knows it. Yuri shipping is fine, reality is different.
>Highest Stamina
There is the saying "Dumb fucks good". I guess this also applies to pixels.
The same reason there won't be het (according to you, but Ryza proves you wrong) would be the same reason not maintext yuri can exist in the game.
So stop posting about it.
The only het is side characters, like Madoka and Nanoha
With the mains being yuri subtext. like Madoka and Nanoha. There's only one person denying yuri here, and it's you
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Can you two fucking stop already?
Have you ever heard the saying? Report and move on.
Yuri subtesxt is still yuri, concern troll
Revue has always been yuri
I really hate how much you Korra tourists spam this word. Just use canon/subtext like a normal person.
Yuri isn't maintext only. And if subtext is accepted everywhere else in /u/, it's also accepted in the games thread. This "games have different standards" shit is nonsense
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>With the mains being yuri subtext
They're not even that.
Yes. Report the anti-subtext concern trolls
yuri bondage game demo up
Well she is their senior, and if she can't command respect on the stage...
Holy shit, no wonder you are braindead, you are stuck in 2015. Go lie down in a coffin already old man.
Yuri subtext is still canon yuri. So canon is a bad word to separate from subtext. Maintext is better
>concern troll denying yuri
Mask off
>Korra tourists
Would be hilarious if they are Korrafags, since that series only had Korrasami happen at the literal last minute and spent the first two seasons of the show with male love interests.
But the bank generally gives you between 10-100 million loans even this early one, doesn't it? I'm serious, abuse the loans to their maximum potential. You will have to keep taking them for a long time anyway. Some breathing room will allow you to expand and also let your idols recover.
Well he isn't wrong about Korra.
I guess I could max out the loan. I'll give it a shot anon.
>troll pushing games with canon hetshit saying they have subtext yuri where there's none
>Just use canon/subtext like a normal person
The normal contrast pulled from literary studies is 'subtext vs text'. 'Canon vs non-canon' is a separate concept pulled from Bible studies and I have never once seen it used in the context of literary fiction
There is a certain balance to it. Fujimoto's loans are your emergency break as they are instant instead of requiring producer to work on them for a week. Use bank loans to have room to fulfill Fujimoto's request so you can loan from him again.
The circle of debt!
>'Canon vs non-canon' is a separate concept pulled from Bible studies and I have never once seen it used in the context of literary fiction
Is this your first year on the internet?
>troll denying subtext and saying there’s none
Concern troll
>use loans to pay the other loans
Somewhere, an economist is screaming.
You aren't using them just to pay off debt, but also to expand and develop your agency so you can eventually make actual money and go clean.
Or if you are scared of the challenge, just keep dating an idol until you get her marriage event and beat the game.
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Anyone know how to get these, and the secret achievements from Seraphim Slum? The developer is a kike and wants people to buy his full achievement guide + behind the scenes for their game DLC for £8.50
>a Brit
Ew..... I mean it's easy jolly ol' fellow. Steam lets you see hidden achievement if you click on global stats.
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My new idol is too dumb. Age 22 and still smart 1. How did she survive childhood?
Again, that's absurdly unbalanced. Idols should not have any stats at 1.
I never realized how much the unofficial patch fixed the balance....
That's because the game is free, anon? It's literally meant as a "pay to support the game" option?

Charging that for hints on top of a paid game would suck but you're just whining that you're bad at playing a free game.
I did install the unofficial patch before that idol hunt, so I guess it doesn't work on active savefiles or something?
Also I can't see any mentions of stats or balance on the unofficial patch steam page, which seems weird if it touches those.
I think it should, just like most other mods. But did you follow the instructions in the mod? The unofficial patch, just like the Slice of Life mod you have require the Harmony extension for the game.
Also dumb question, but what difficulty do you play on?
I did install it and get the 'harmony enabled' message in the main menu.

Normal or whatever the default is.
Then I am out of ideas. Sorry. Guess you will have to work hard.
I will make sure dumbo gets a smart GF and everything should be fine.
Remember, unless you mess with the save file some of these idols will be het. Better to make sure.
That's just RNGesus having a giggle.
An addendum to the spa. If you wait a while before using it, it will recover up to 10 points rather than the 2 points if you spam it.

>Already grabbed the 18+ patch but I manually installed it and it's not showing in the mod list for that reason, it is showing in-game though.
How is it sholwing "in game"? Why didn't you just subscribe to it like all the other mods? You will not see the results until you reach a sex scene or a romance scene with some boobs exposed CGs, which is way down the line.
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There is always OI (Only Idol).
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If you click the mods tab in-game it shows up.

I didn't subscribe because the only result on workshop that I saw was apparently from some rando that accidentally uploaded it, so since it wasn't an official upload I felt it was safer to grab manually from the site.
Looking cute. They're in that looking at the viewer type pose but that's about standard for the genre anyway. I think it's a safe bet too there'll be basically no meaningful interactions between the girls and the boys.
There are literally "meaningful interactions" between girls and boys in the trailer already. Stop being fucking delusional. This is the same dev team that made Ryza and that ended with het romance between party members.
There is no hint of yuri, the absence of het does not make it on topic for this thread, so please stop trying so hard just to shitpost.
Man, are you always this aggressive or are we just special to you?
>Anyone know how to get these
Aside from the first and last one, they all seem pretty self-explanatory.
I wouldn't have to so firm if you people didn't keep posting non-yuri games in here and discussed them like they belonged. I have a pretty good tolerance for anything yuri. You won't see me telling you it's off-topic to talk about porn, BDSM, lesbian rape or lolicon shit... as long as it is yuri it's fine. But for some reason (/v/ fuckers) there is always someone trying to shill non-yuri games in these threads. And a couple of shitposters find it funny to post off-topic shit and get away with it.

I'm not the subtext schizo, I'm generally reasonable. I want you to objectively look at Yumia and realize that there is nothing there for /u/ outside of maybe some crackships and fanart. And that's not enough to post the game's content here.

Like the Megaman example I gave before. You can post Megaman yuri art, whatever little there is. But you will not discuss Megaman as a game here or talk about its plot. That's not gonna fly.
Can we not even get this fucking baseline down?
>I want you to objectively look at the thing that isn't even out yet
that's why no one should be wasting thread space on it yet when there are actual yuri games to talk about
There's more space wasted on talking about why nobody should be talking about it.
>But you will not discuss [Name] as a game here or talk about its plot.
Why is this person acting like a drill sergeant
lol true
When I say be objective about it, look at the info we have. None suggests sudden yuri from a non-yuri/het franchise. The discussions should just be
"New Atelier is coming out. Not really any signs of yuri. Oh well." Conversation over. Not posting all its trailers, not posting its synopsis or discuss its characters, nothing. Spending months discussing a game that will obviously turn out not to be yuri on day 1 is inane.

Every other game gets the same treatment, one line asking if there is anything yuri about it and us saying no. Then when the game comes out someone asks if it has any yuri and we say no. This is really as far as this damn topic should ever go.
We already know it's going to be great.
You know, you making multiple NO STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS posts is genuinely more disruptive than someone going these girls look cute together hopefully it'll be yuri. Once again: chill out already.
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Can you lesbians shut up about a game that's not even out yet and start discussing a real yuri game like Hat World
We get actual new releases in the thread and no one cares, it's just troll vs troll.
It's natural to be more excited about the potentials in bigger budget games.
It's 2024, we shouldnt confine ourselves to settling for VNs and pixels
There are plenty of big budget or mainstream games with yuri these days. Baldur's Gate 3, Dragon Age, Horizon, Rogue Trader... even Jap games like Crymachina or the new Rune Factory.
There is literally no reason to cope about a het franchise like an idiot.
And you're so garbage at baiting you cant even put in the effort to get non-sample art. Why do we only get the lowest effort shitposters?
Rather have pixels with yuri than big budget games without
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Got all the Horizon games on day 1's but it's ridiculous to consider it yuri when the only relevant parts are E's backstory and the one thing in the latest DLC.
Would have been amazing if they had Talanah as a romance option early instead of...what we got for her in TFW
Is the second Sucker for Love game yuri? I know the first isn't but the second has a female protagonist
Yes, yes it is! Go and summon your eldritch goat waifu!
>Rogue Trader
Is the Sister of Battle still unromanceable?
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Mega gay.
>cow girl
>gigantic bloobs

I swear this always happens. Downright womandatory.
She really is the MVP. But are there other girls besides her lusting after the MC? The first game had a bunch of girls.
>Rogue Trader
Your options are: Space gypsy turboslut, and Space elf pseudoromance.
I hope that DLC chick will be a yuri option.
>Is the Sister of Battle still unromanceable?
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Yes and no. Nannie and Billie are pretty loyal to Buck at first. After your do your stuff and break the mind fuckery they will come to admire you but that is all. So sadly no kissies. I earlier thought we had those two and Aunty Nyan Nyan or even Muu (even in her true form she is absolute adorable) to look forward to but no. Rhok'zi is (for now?) the only romanceable option.
>SoB unromanceable

>can only get eldritch smooches from the goat
thats clearly a goat, nee-san
Inzoi (that new Korean Sims game) has lesbian relationships and marriages. I wonder if it'll have adoptions too since raising children seems fleshed out.
Well she's got a cow shirt...
She is an eldritch monster depicted as a goat because she is based on Shub-Niggurath which is called the "Black Goat of the woods with a thousand young". But usually when you try to find anything Shubby related those are a little more tentacle-y and with a lot more eyes. Artistic freedom and so on. That's why I would have loved to have Muu as another romantic option. She is much more fitting for that setting as far as design choice goes.
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what a waste

rather have multieyed demon lesbians than gross furry shit desu
True. I wish her design leaned more towards Estir or Ln'eta from the previous game but that one does not have yuri which is a shame.

Damn, that's cute and pretty. Isn't that the artist of the White Angel thingy? Is there more? Or is this just a one off?
whats this
Didn't expect that from a Korean dev. What a pleasant surprise.
Now, if they don't go overboard with any future DLC, I think it could be a good alternative to The Sims.
Because honestly, with the amount of DLC that Sims 4 has, you'd think it was developed by Paradox.
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>Isn't that the artist of the White Angel thingy?

>Is there more?
No unfortunately. It was a project/concept art but it seems she never went through with it. From what I gathered it was about a eldritch cult in a high school. She instead made another story with a manipulative girl (naturally).

Just a storyboard concept.
I was kinda surprised too since they didn't really market it. It would've been scandalous if they omitted it in this day and age. They are targeting western audiences too after all.
In character creator you can set your Zoi's gender identity (female, male, nonbinary) and the sexual preference (gay, straight, bi).

I'm actually fine with a bunch of DLC so long as they're substantial expansions like back in Sims 2 and 3. Where we'd get new towns and mechanics.
Sims 4 is a "game as a service" which is why it's still alive after 10 years. But its DLC are kinda lame. Mostly just clothing and building material packs. Something mods already provide.

I wouldn't mind shelling out for Inzoi DLC. Maybe like a Honeymoon/travel DLC or new career DLC or whole new cities (we'll get at least 3 at release I think).

But for now I really want to see how same-sex childbearing works. I'd be happy with simple adoptions at the very least.
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>eldritch cult in a high school
My heart is breaking into a thousand pieces knowing this could have happened but it probably will never be realised. Having niche interests is depressing sometimes. The only thing I remember that is at least close to that is Monster Prom and that game is just obnoxious.
>with the amount of DLC that Sims 4 has, you'd think it was developed by Paradox.
That one did sting.
t. bought HoI4 and DLCs. At least it was during the 90% sale they had a few months back
Check out "A monster is trying to eat me" manga. It's in the same vein I feel.
Cool and all but is any of this actually yuri or are you just posting off-topic stuff yet again?

>Sims 2 DLC
Yesh those Pet and furniture DLCs really were worth the 20 bucks they asked for those "expansion" back in the day.
Don't be a sucker. Simslikes selling DLC is a scam. Theye could all be added in free updates like most games do it.
Oi, you have a loicense to post that stuff 'ere?
Playing through 2 largely yuri-less games for some lesbian action in the DLC is a pretty tall order, so I don't think you should count that. Same with Last of Us btw, since the first one is also mainly not yuri until the dlc but is essential to play for story purposes.
I can tell you didnt play Forbidden West.
Then maybe just specify FW so anons don't waste their time playing 60 hours of a yuriless base game.
Forbidden West is the base game you dolt. Proving twice over you have no idea what you are talking about.
And even if Zero Dawn has no real yuri, only an idiot would skip the first game in a story driven trilogy.
Is there actually that much in ZD that you're missing? You could just look up the stuff with her mom on youtube.
>only an idiot would skip the first game in a story driven trilogy.
So there's not reason to play the Horizon games if yuri is all you're looking for. Got it.
>And even if Zero Dawn has no real yuri, only an idiot would skip the first game in a story driven trilogy.
And that's why you shouldn't count it. Getting yuri only in a sequel is not worth playing through the game preceding it.
I'm pretty sure we had an Anon rag on Mary Skelter precisely for that, too. Hence why Horizon should only be recommended with an asterisk, since that's clearly not going to be everyone's cup of tea compared to a game where you have yuri from the get go.
>Don't be a sucker. Simslikes selling DLC is a scam. Theye could all be added in free updates like most games do it.
Anon I don't know what games you're playing these days but free DLC/updates are the exceptions not the rule.

At this point people are happy if their games can be played without internet connection.
No shit thereis a lot. It introduces every character, the entite backstory of the worl, the tribes, Aloy's fucking character development... why am I even bothering answering a question this stupid? Yes, an 80+ hour game has a lot of shit you shouldnt skip.

Pathetic. But obvious. No big game like this is worthwhile for romance alone. That isnt how it works.

I dont care about your opinion. It's like a retard conplaining that by the end of volume 1 of Adachi and Shimamura, Adachi and Shimamura are not a couple. I guess we shouldnt buy or read volume 1, because nothing before Volume 6 matters?

Maybe your retardation would have a point if HZD had a het focus like Maryskelter does in game 1 and 3, but it doesnt. It's completely neutral and set up for Forbidden West. We will see how the final game will handle romance.

Either way fuck off with your asterisks. Nobody here recommends Zero Dawn for the yuri. When people say Horizon is on topic they mean it as a series. And if you dont like playing the games for anything but the yuri you will not play 160 hours of open world RPG. It's nonsensical to even consider.
Of course you missed the point again. I'm only talking to the most brilliant gamer minds here as usual...
Ah, so 'rules for thee but for me'. You fucking hypocrite. The first Horizon is about as relevant here as the Atelier games by your metric.
>Nobody here recommends Zero Dawn for the yuri
Then it should also not be talked about.
ANOTHER dishonest asshole who constanrly brings up other shit and purposely ignores the point? Or are you possibly a ban evading troll?

I will only give you one chance to stop embarrassing yourself. It's very simple. Nobody, you dumbfuck, has talked about Zero Dawn. At all. When I came out and had no yuri nobody here tried to deeply discuss it. It has only become relevant after its sequel, so dont make any dumb comparisons to games that dont have a yuri sequel. Stop trying to lie about reality. All that was said is that Horizon as a franchise is on topic and that you need to play the first game to understand the second.
It's ONE narrative and just like any other longform story just because pay off happens later doesnt mean the earlier set up is irrelevant. If I want to talk about how the backstory told in ZD informs Aloy's actions in FW I damn well will and you have nothing to stop me. It's completely in line with the thread's rules.

And don't even bother trying to move goalposts, I don't give a shit. What I said here is fact and needs no further elaboration. Any intellectually dishonest bullshit you will undoubtedly spout will be ignored.
Talk about the DLC of Horizon all you want. The entire rest of the game is NOT topical. You wanna talk about that, go to /vg/. That's for general game discussion. This is for /u/.
Why do you think I keep calling you out for not having played FW and talking about shit you don't understand? FW has yuri content outside of Aloy's crush on Seyka in Burning Shores. Maybe if you werent a crossboarder who only ever heard people on /v/ talk about it you'd have known that.
At the very least you shouldnt confidently make claims about things you never touched. It's quite embarrassing.
Don't care. Stop trying to be special about your own shitty rules.
>FW has yuri content outside of Aloy's crush on Seyka in Burning Shores.
You mean backstory yuri of Aloy's genetic template that comes with all sorts of implications about being gay being genetical?
>it has more yuri
>"I dont care"
I figured. That seems to be a running theme for you.

Well a perfect clone not having the same sexuality as the original would be wild, but how about the fact that the final boss is a lesbian trying to kidnap Aloy to make her her lover on another world because she cant get over fucking her mom 1000 years ago? Or the fact that the entire reason Alva is helping Aloy and crew is so she can save her girlfriend and marry her back home? Or even random side-quests where you help a lesbian couple get back together?
I can go on, but you get the gist.
How many lesbians are there? Because that's a lot of them.
We dont actually know if Elisabet and her clones are lesbians or bi. For now the only attraction/relationships they showed are f/f though. I wouldnt be surprised if they settle for bi so they can give players the option to pick who Aloy ends up with in Horizon 3.
My point is that that's at least 3 potential extra lesbians but I wont guarantee it. Other than that... Tilda, Alva and her gf, the couple from the Utaru tribe you help, another lesbian NPC couple from the Quen tribe you can meet in their camp... I think Hekarro's right hand woman in the Tenakth tribe also talked about her girlfriend dying a long time ago (she is pretty old).
It has been a while since I played it and I didnt 100% the whole insane map. There are also a lot of important female characters we dont know how they swing yet either way.
I shall remember this whenever someone starts bitching about 'side lesbians' not counting in the future. Let me just screencap this.
Anon, you arent actually owning anyone. You are just cringe.
The yuri game thread is about games WITH yuri content. While obviously we dont discuss het games, you can talk about the yuri parts in such a game, obviously.
Horizon doesnt even apply to that category because Aloy herself has romance with another girl in the game. DLC is part of the game, dont bother making dumb destinctions, you literally cant buy them seperately on steam, it's always integrated.

Looks extremely promising
>solo coomberbait cover art
>18+ game
>revenge plot against some wider group/organisation
So I checked the website and all CGs there were either masturbation or lesbian sex, but I would be VERY careful anon. This is the type of porn shit that often has a bunch of het rape, monster/tentacle shit and futa stuff as lose scenarios.

Rather than promising I'd call this cautiously optimistic.
Personally, I treat bad ends and game overs like that as optional. But I get if that isn't everyone's cup of tea.
You have to understand that a dev who puts content like that into their game is not a yuri fan. And they may be called "bad ends" or "lose conditions", but in eroge that just means its content like any other and stuff the disgusting male otakus purposely collect. It is vastly inferior to a real yuri VN.
Sometimes its not about whether you can avoid it but why it is in there at all. Het rape on lesbians will never be excusable.
Sounds kinda like the 'quantum cuck' argument, but okay.
Yeah I'd be wary of this simply because a lot of that entry reminds me of a previous game JASTUSA published which was technically sort of lesbian but was mostly extreme guro.
That sounds like the response from someone with a quantum sized brain.
To be less aggressive than the other anon, nobody is going to spend the effort to pay for HCGs in their game if they don't think the players are going to want to see them. A game with a detailed het rape bad end does at minimum expect at least some of their playerbase to be into that. Given that they are already expecting or requiring some of their playerbase to be that way, they are likely to add other bits of content to the game for those people to keep them happy, and likely to add some signaling to the game to indicate that the content exists so that they can attract that sort of customer in the first place. These design decisions tend to self-multiply. There's really no point in having just one detailed het CG in the middle of a yuri game, it'll only piss people off (unless that's the dev's fetish, which is another story). You're much more likely to, at best, end up with a game that can be played lesbian or can be played rapefest and is marketed to both teams.

In which case while you might be able to play the pure lesbian route and have a decent time if the game otherwise hits your kinks and has enough content in it for the pure route to be satisfying, it's still going to be seen as tainted and naturally inferior.
I am not playing any game with het in it, no matter how "optional"
Same. We're not asking for much.
So you play nothing playersexual? Or something like Volcano Princess?
There is a difference between a thrill and garbage. Just because nobody wants to see someone eat puss riddled moldy old food doesnt make it "good stakes". It is simply disgusting to be disgusting.
However, retard, het rape on lesbians isnt about "stakes" it's gratification for freaks and it is included gratuitously. It is meant to be "enjoyed". Blurgh... If you dont understand why someone who caters to such tastes should be shamed and kicked down you dont belong here.

Take your potential het rape excitement somewhere else.
Oh I meant strictly VNwise.
Why are you comparing tame romantic choice games to het rape anyway?
Nope; if het exists then I’m not touching it.
Despite that, optional het rape and optional het romance are quite obviously different levels of disgusting.
Leave it to a het rape defense retard to use het incel logic as an example. You dont belong here and your understanding of the topic is about as shallow as the puddle of spit from your braindead drooling.
Well I don't really want to go down this route but it's not really comparable I think. Het rape in a yuri game is worse.
If the bad end in a yuri game was "lesbian rape" or "main OTP breaks up and ends up with other girls" then that would be comparable. Since it's the same sexual orientation.

Either way I agree with other anons. I am not giving money for games that market themselves as yuri but hae het rape scenes. Just too gross.
Honestly not really.
Now there's a niche. Yuri tentacle monster girl.
>if het exists then I’m not touching it
That's impressive dedication and also very restrictive. Fascinating. On one hand I want to argue but on the other hand I wanna keep you pure and untouched. From now on I will mention any and all het I see so that you are aware of it and your innocent eyes won't have the misfortune of seeing it. I'm not joking.

But don't mind me enjoying the yuri around the potential het landmines.
I certainly do appreciate it when people who play this or that game mention whether there was het or not.
I take it hetero side couples also make that nope list. That's quite restrictive, but you do you.
Depends on the focus but I usually don’t care if they’re actually side and don’t get shown much.
If a tentacle monster is female then it is yuri. It really is that simple.
Technically but it can still be unappealing. Wouldn't play yuri with hideous vulgar whores either.
Coral Island for $12 instead of the usual $23.99 on discount

Kind of surprised it got bundled. Read not good things about this game but the mermaid romance is tempting.
Maybe it's really about the level of design of the tentacle girl. And that's probably why jan-chan deleted the adorable image of Ebrietas, DAUGHTER of the cosmos and her possible cute gf from the GAME Bloodborne.
Yuri and Lily should just date each other. Or merge into a single turbodyke named Turbodyke.
all of these people feel exceedingly pleasant and do not bring me the drama i crave, like hailey from stardew or karen from harvest moon
These all look like what you'd make in a "make your own disney princess!" flash games from 2010.
Yes, however the tentacles must not originate from a crotch or expel mysterious white fluid.
Even after untold years, tumblr art still exists.
Lily mogs. But Denali is cute too.
The old pre-2014 era tumblr art. It's pretty.
Would you marry me if I told you I'm the princess of Nigeria.
Yes, your highness.
kind of need to put a big asterisk on $12, since it depends on you remembering to cancel your subscription.
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This is the kind of artstyle you only find in knockoff disney books in the children's section
That's exactly what I was thinking
It's not bad but it's got that children's picture book look
its pretty much just the raya and the last dragon style.
You should get Stellaris since it is a better /u/ grand strategy game, been playing that a lot recently.
Stellaris isnt yuri. Not even with mods. An invisible population stat is not yuri. You can pretend the entire population is lesbians, but yuri has to focus on the relationships, which Stellaris does not display or care about. The existence of lesbians is not yuri in itself. It's a coat lf point for you to justify to yourself that you can bring it up here.
This is why I hate self-insert games. It leads to genuine waifufaggotry like this. "Who would you date/fuck/marry" is not a question that belongs on /u/. Yuri isnt about (You).

This anon is the only actualy yurifag here >>4284249
What level of autism is this? They didn't even say it was yuri
>Stellaris is a better /u/ grand strategy game
>actually nobody ever said its yuri
You really only have two options here. Either you are too dumb to get what the anon you are defending said or you are saying they posted about an off-topic game.
You fucked up either way.
Tried Coral Island for a few hours and I think I still prefer Fields of Mistria. Don't think the 3D is working for me and I very much prefer the character interactions in that game more, despite it being in early EA. Was iffy on how large the cast is in Coral before playing and now I can see why
You just summarized again why self-insert trash is bad. And there are layers to that. Some games give you at least enough choices to build a character you can ship with the love interest. I dont know how barebones Coral Islan is, but regardless losts like that shouldnt exist.

If you have to do it at all rephrase it at the very least. "Which of these love interests do you think would be good for a f/f ship" or whatever.
Instead these very obvious crossboarders act the same way they do on /v/ and just go "Which of these pieces of meat who you have no context for do you want ro fuck the most??"
I mean come on. He is literally asking (You) to pick a girl based on who (You) find hot. That is as far removed from /u/ as a het dating sim would be.
Exactly. Lesbians aren't allowed here. Only self-hating men who fetishise women's relationships with each other.
That shit didnt even make sense in your head, admit it.
Gender select games have been discussed on /u/ for a long while. I will agree that they're for the most part trash, though.
Wait a minute

You’re literally pairing them up through racial profiling
What the fuck are you talking about? The "races" are completely random.
Someone made a yuri thread on /v/ and that thread is getting pretty agitated; get ready for a flood of shitposting.
Feels like that's been happening for years anyway. I am pretty sure several of the regular trolls we got here can be traced back to some retard taunting those manchildren on /v/ and them never leaving.
And what were you doing on /v/ anyway? The people who go on big tangents about evil crossboarders are so funny because they barely even try to hide how they use the same boards too.
Where did that anon indicate that he is trying to hide that he is a crossboarder?
Listen, Muslim bitches love mermaids. It's just a fact. It's not stereotyping if it's true.
There's a mermaid in there?
This is basically just fast food yuri. You get a dose of big tiddy anime women fucking each other. Not saying that's bad or undesirable, but I will be impressed if this title actually has a decent story or meaningful relationship development.
And like the other anon said, there's always the looming risk of it being a bait and switch. I'll approach with caution.
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I read Everlasting Flowers. I won't go into it in detail, but I want to address something that was discussed earlier through second-hand accounts. I think Ran does hear the confession at the end because she says something back. Anyway, the whole point is that Mina has to go back home to try and fix her life with the new perspective she gained from working at the inn with Ran and figure out her own aspirations without becoming co-dependent on someone else before the two of them can meet again. So yeah, if they decide to make a sequel, it may go further with the romance, but it wasn't really the focus of this story.
So basically it's the Fatal Twelve situation, but with no unlockable scene where the confession can be clearly heard. Not as bad as some doomposters were making it out to be.
I didn't play it but several people who did say that both characters say 'love' all the time to a lot of different people, making it hard to get a sense of any particular love statement being romantic. Though the posted screenshot certainly looks more like it than not.
There's a scene at a summer festival the day before they Mina thinks back to the time she spent with "the people she loves the most", then singles Ran out as "the person she loves the most". I don't think it's ambiguous on her side.
*where Mina thinks back
Oh, and the confession on the train platform is probably supposed to contrast a scene at the festival where Mina already tells Ran "I love you" but then adds she loves everyone else too when Ran questions her. When Ran supposedly isn't in earshot on the train platform, Mina directs it to just her.
Does this game have any romance between the fangirls?
The general concept seemed pretty fun, but the demo's English translation was really bad.
This looks so much like Idol Manager's style, but apparently its not the same dev. Seem very yuri friendly at least.
>Idol Manager's style
Ok, you got my interest. Tell me more.
Just go to the game's Steam page and you will get it.
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>but the demo's English translation was really bad
This list of supported languages looks unrealistic for a project of this scale so I'm assuming it's going to be MTL all the way through (hopefully with some editing).
You play a girl (always a girl, there's no gender selection) who works on fics and other projects for her OTP. the OTP in question is defined by you, so you can make it an f/f pairing, and either get as close as possible to making characters from other media or make your OCs, or whatever.
idk if there's any romance for the MC, but she makes friends with 4 other girls in the fandom.
There's some sort of affection mechanic with events gated behind the other fangirls liking you enough. And even if they turn out to be a nothingburger you still can experience the joy (or relieve the memories) of being an ESL disaster who made her life goal to write as many unhinged AUs of her fav ship as possible.
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You haven't seen real fast food yuri until you played the Huniepop games. They are... delightfully and unapologetically horny trash, but without any of that rape shit. It's like a somehow well adjusted teenager wrote smut and everyone is just over being embarrassed by it.
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>First characters outside the main ones
>Already on the friendzone
Goddammit; dropped like a hot potato.
Glad I pirated this one.
Did you seriously come back the moment your ban ran out? Please stay gone for good.
>English audio
How? If the written english is a mess, the spoken english can't be much better
IIRC some of their earlier promotional material had a MadoHomu pairing for showing off their images of the game, which was cute and put it on my radar
Let's just assume the demo just used placeholder translations. Also if they are really going the Idol Manager route they will only have very sparse occasional voicelines.
While I have no idea if they intend to, people who use AI to translate can also use AI to voice act
Machine translations are one thing, they are well established and ultimately the one who uses them has no idea whether they are any good. AI voices always sound like trash and even a foreign dev can tell that the AI voice sounds bad.
>what is relationship development
Did you expect a nukige where the girls are already in relationships and you can watch them fuck 5 minutes after being introduced?
It's. A . Troll. The same one who got banned 3 days ago and only came back now. He literally made no progress between his last past about the game 3 days ago and now, only to repeat the same bait. Please, grow a brain.
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>I wonder what happened to everlasting flowers and painting lies. Lemme check both the /u/ game threads to see if they turned out to be yuri or not
>its just a bunch of schizos going back and forth with 'its maintext' and 'its subtext'
>end up more confused than before i even entered the thread
I get it you have brain damage, but it's not complicated.
Painting Lies = Yuri
Everylasting Flowers = Subtext

There is one troll here who rants about how the protagonists not super duper explicitely confessing in Painting Lies means the entire game isn't yuri (even though they kiss on purpose and make clear they get together by the end), but the whole game is full of explicit yuri couple and even lesbian marriage.

Everlasting Flowers seems to either sequelbait with that final scene or just goes for the tragic missed opportunity. Either way it never crosses the line into explicit yuri, but it has a lot of gay shit.
>I get it you have brain damage
blow me
>the whole game is full of explicit yuri couple and even lesbian marriage
thank you
Everlasting flower is bait
it's for people who like angsty yearning and delicate subtext and not for people who want actual yuri relationships
First time on /u/, huh.
Subtext VNs are all the rage now, didn't you see the revue starlight VN?
That is based on a subtext anime, so nobody expected anything else. Stop it with your shitposts already.
do we have a list of yuri porn games that are not on VNDB (probably mostly WEG and RPGM stuff)?
Nope. Every list in the OP is just everything mixed together. Unlike some of the image dump threads, a pure porn focus is kind of too pathetic for this thread. There is a reason that Huniepop >>4285133
is a joke more than a serious recommendation.

I'm sure you can find whatever you need pretty much anywhere else. Try F95Zone or something.
>Taash news
Well, there goes my motivation to get DA Veilguard on day 1
Anyone who played the game knows what they're on about?
The character everyone here shat on because of her looks? Oh no what a loss.
When will people learn to ignore the NB shit? We don't consider trans women to be actual women, so why should we respect women pretending to be NB? Still just a woman.
I think I've read something at the time about the protagonist being male-to-female.
>When will people learn to ignore the NB shit? We don't consider trans women to be actual women, so why should we respect women pretending to be NB? Still just a woman.
Yeah it's different case when character is actually trans MtF or FtM but if someone is biologically a woman and says she is NB? Still a woman in m y book.
For me NB is completely unrelated to anything and for me it isn't anything important when someone declares that.
Good thing I never wanted to romance her anyway and preferred two other 3 other female companions option.
Pretty much. It's just a dumb fad. Everyone who is even slightly outside the shitty gender norms immediately declaring themsleves NB is painfully stupid, but in the end they aren't actually trying to change anything about themselves.
It's annoying of course, just because someone a tomboy doesn't mean she is somehow not a girl anymore, but whatever. I even saw in screenshots that she still also gets addressed with she/her in some cases, so I assume this is something you can talk her out of. If not fuck it, it's just a pronoun.
>a dev uses they/them offhandedly while talking about a character
>other sources still use female pronouns
>nothing actually said about her gender
wow, its literally nothing. what tranny obsession does to your critical thinking skills, I guess.
She is not.
>the protagonist being male-to-female
Enoa isn't the protagonist, they're the heroine.
The they/them shit was in actual screenshots of the game though. And yes, there were also plenty with she/her. That's kinda why it's called a rumor right now. But if both are in the game that means it's something that can be influenced or something that changes on its own across her questline. Either way, not important.
There was a plot twist where the MC is revealed to be a robot program like her love interest. I don't know where people get the male-coded shit from since the original program was never shown or heard before the plot twist. Just retards with trans people living rent free in their heads.
Enoa may be an AI, but that doesn't make her a "them". She is a female AI.
I haven't played the game, but a google search gave me this:
Seems like she's implied to have been male.
That's just some reddit schizo. She has never been implied to be male.
>not directly or acknowledged but There is a machine that is coded male for a good chunk of the game in text and dialoge then is revealed that he make himself in to a girl to become human
what does this even mean?
Yeah, this is just pure retardation. If this was accurate then one of the 4 main girls would have been addressed as male all game and then suddenly become female, which never happens.
>what does this even mean
'Coded', 90% of the time, means 'I am making this shit up and demanding you treat it as facts'

I mean you'll see people describe a relationship as 'pedo coded' because it involves two thirty year olds and one of them is slightly taller than the other. Because that implies an unequal dynamic and therefore is exactly the same as pedophilia!

Other times, it's stereotypes and subtext. If a gender-neutral computer is brainy then clearly it's male-coded because men are smart and women are emotional.
If this is talking about Propator, the latter isn't called female by the other Dei ex Machina for the majority of the game because none of them knows who it is, except Enoa who did but lost most of her data in the alien attack on Eden and thus doesn't remember. Once it's revealed that it was Leben all along, there's never a question that Propator wasn't female all along. Leben even calls herself the mother of the other Dei ex Machina.
Yeah, like we already said. It's about the Leben was also a machine twist. And these tranny fuckers took that to mean Leben is a tranny because an unknown entity was refered to as male by people who didnt know her identity.

It's all nonsense as usual.
Remember this for the future, because I don't want anyone to repeat my mistake: r/yurimemes is a tranny subreddit. It's literally full of trannies who left r/yuri when they decided not to accept trannyshit there anymore. Nearly everything yuri they post there is purposely twisted and misinterpreted as trannyshit. Kinda like extremely delusional yurifags who ship straight girls, but just 1000 times more delusional than even that.

I went there literally just one time (without being linked shit from there I mean) and when someone there posted a well known yuri short about two girls who mistook each other for boys as children and then grew up to be really girly and didn't recognize each other on their first meet-up 10 years later (and then start dating afterwards), literally the entire comments section was full of people calling them trans and that they took hormones and all that crazy shit. When pointing out that no, there is no tranny part in that story and that they are just cis girls and the joke is they were super tomboys as kids I literally got banned 10 minutes later.

Moral of the story, reddit is shit, but any yuri sub there except the main yuri sub is infested with trannies and should never, under any circumstances, be used as a source.
the main yuri sub is a porn dump
>full of people calling them trans and that they took hormones and all that crazy shit
Heh, reminds me of those crazy dudes on Dynasty who got riled up by a oneshot from the author of Futaribeya where a molester chatted like a schoolgirl and later wore a skirt to approach one of the MCs, but was chased away by the other.
Naturally they took his side because he was totally a misunderstood trans and got the manga deleted.
Yes. One with actual girls. I'm not saying the standards are high, hell they unironically use Shoujo Ai there, but it sure beats trannyshit.

I hate this sub so much, if you were so desperate looking for man maybe you shouldn't choose yuri to begin with. Why does everything have to be centered around "man", what's wrong with this world? They can't even leave a niche game like Crymachina alone.
Man, good thing this thread isn't obsessed with trannies like they are!
Exactly the opposite direction though. Those fuckers see trannies everywhere because they want them to be in everything. /u/ sees trannies in a lot of things because they are being forced into a lot of "yuri" content and encroach on our space. What happens in this thread is a self-defense mechanism. Being wary generally isn't a bad thing, especially for the yuri genre which has been abused from pretty much every direction over the decades. Be it Class S, yuri bait and switches, bislut stories or trannyshit.

When someone posts that yuri one-shot I mentioned on /u/ literally nobody would even think about calling the characters trannies. That shitty sub only thought about them being trannies. You may joke, but the difference is obvious.
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>the difference is obvious.
lol, it sure is.
lol got em
I think you should read anon's post again.
Nothing about this connects or makes any sense. You are a special kind of autist, aren't you?
Literally 8/9 mentions of the word in this thread come from this current conversation and the three comments explaining the general topic.

Meanwhile you went to r/yurimemes main page and expected the search results to find something in the titles, even though the discussion and tranny claims are usually in the comments. If you must fail this hard, at least make it less obious that you are this stupid.
lol indeed

I sense another pointless argument about to break out.
I suggest trying to veer the conversation in a more positive direction.

Although, this thread is on its last legs. So maybe it's best to disengage altogether and just try to keep things chill in the next thread.
Thanks anon, I'll heed your advice.
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At least do it properly.
>last legs
Not even on page 9 yet. We'll continue to drown in this for days
> just try to keep things chill in the next thread
for a year or so i kept hoping that would work but now we know it never will
And nobody believes you've been here for a year. Now stop exacerbating this topic.
I want an action game about lesbian androids that ISN'T sad.
Crymachina has a perfectly happy ending with everyone surviving and living together
I think that's a lie!
you have a very confused idea of how the internet works, imouto-chan
No, it's true. They even recover and convert one of the main villains. The cool giant whale dies I guess.
Is yuri allowed to not be sad?
I wasnt at first but I saw that GIANT braid she had and thought...that was cool

Then they just had to reveal what they revealed, shame
yuri has become too synonymous with bittersweet
Once again, nothing was actually revealed. It's a rumor. An it doesn't even matter. Explain to me why this NB shit matters at all.
Literally 99% of all yuri VNs have happy endings. Fucking newfags.
Is this still based on a character using they like you would for any unknown person even though her writer already corrected someone and said that that was what it was?
>Fucking newfags
bittersweet yuri is an oldfag trope, thoughbeit
No, these dumbos see stuff like Samurai Maiden or Signalis and think that all yuri must be like that, because they have literally zero experience with the genre and only vicariously live the common oldfag experience through the memes.
The majority of all yuri manga has happy endings. The majority of VNs has happy endings. The majority of yuri LNs has happy endings. I would say yuri anime have happy endings, but they never get to actually finish.

The only space where I could even remotely see some stronger drift towards bittersweet or even sad endings are lesbian movies (because French hacks love suffering).
I've been banned for less than this obvious troll is doing, at this point the mods are in on it and trying to destroy this general.
>replying to some random off-topic post from over a week ago and hundreds of posts ago
>yeah I got banned for totally no reason before
I'll care about you have to say when you'll grow a brain. So never.
Holy shit. I reached the finale of Idol Manager and that whole Summer Olympics thing and that shit is literally impossible. They want me to increase my fanbase by 20% in like a few weeks. But I got like 1.2 million fans. That is over 200k new fans. Literally impossible. And if you don't meet a single of these requests you lose the game.
>read seabed and love it
>mildly disappointed some side mysteries with side characters like Nanae and Lily never really got resolved
>end up stumbling across some japanese blog posts saying that Nanae is actually not Nanae, she's Lily's old friend who lost her child, and unable to cope with the grief and guilt she forgot a lot of her memories and has convinced herself that she's her own dead daughter and lives as her now
>when I go back and check so many details add up to this theory and it explains so many strange moments and incongruencies that I'm almost entirely sure this is correct

I can't find anyone acknowledging this on the English side of the web so I just needed to put it somewhere.
While you are at it, listen to the audio-dramas that were released pretty recently, like over a decade after the VN. That's a real trip.
Are they uploaded anywhere? I'd like to but they're more expensive than the actual game for some reason
Just buy them anyway. But if you are poor, some anon uploaded them a few threads ago. Go to the archive.
One has the Yuri Curator recommendation, and the other one doesn't.
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Played through Phantom Thief Mew, cute little game. I felt like the yuri would just be limited to molestation scenarios at first, but Miu and Chiyu actually do end up together, so that was nice. I really liked the last part with the magician twins, playing as Chiyu to save Miu was a nice touch.
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That vibrator sound got really annoying after a while though, felt like a drill into my head.
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Anyway, there should be more yuri with girls breastfeeding a loli version of their girlfriend
I mean even if you consider the rest molestation, Miu enjoys all the sex scenes anyway. Even her work colleague/friend doing her and she barely is even mad at her at all.

That one was just a dream though.
There are two massive difficulty curves, at the start and at the end.
Sure the start is very hard, but all you need to do is stay afloat and slowly stabilize. This finale just suddenly gives you an insane timelimit and impossible tasks.
Are the requirements for the finale fixed (X amount of fans, no more and no less) or dynamic (whatever you have +20%)? Because if they are fixed you could, in theory, get there if you stay in the grind mode you used to get over the first curve.
If they are dynamic, though, God help you.
The other has a thread in the HY group because they're confused about whether to list it too because of all the conflicting into
It gives you around 1 month. In that time you need to
1. Learn the judges preferences by using your research points (trivial I'm drowning in those)
2. Get a number 1 single (I managed, but at this point the competition is very strong so I had to get close to a million sales, fucked up honestly)
3. Increase your fanbase by 20% (doesnt matter if you have 10 or 1 million fans, it's always 20%, which is why I had no chance)
4. No scandals (complete joke, I didnt have any scandals for 2 years and even when you get one you can just fire staff and blame it on them)

I could finger most of it, but the fanbase thing broke my back.
And there's no way you can get to that point without massively increasing your fanbase? Or maybe you can get a crapton of idols in a crapton of units pumping out an crapton of singles?
After the game over it allows you to restart the chapter, but that that point I'm already on the doom road.
>crap out a million singles for fans
That is pretty much my only option. I will have to spend all my money on constant auditions and develope singles, but the problem is that you get diminishing returns the more you pump out quickly. And if I overwork the idols this hard they will all go on hiatus and then who the fuck's gonna perform at the Olympics concert?
Well what can you do, I'll just have to go bonkers and play like a lunatic.
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Does Mirage Feathers contain /u/ or does if have /u/ potential?
>Notari really likes to stick with Miroita. Most people always see the two together.
It's their main writer explicitly talking about each character and using They for Taash

This person even kept talking about how much she(?) loved the romance with that necromancer guy, so I dont think this was intended to make every character still seem mysterious
Keep your main idols in reserve for the Olympics and have the newcomers shit out singles. You might have to rotate the newcomers so that they don't get wrecked by the pace.

>the problem is that you get diminishing returns the more you pump out [singles] quickly
Is that on a per idol unit basis, or a company basis?
>Is that on a per idol unit basis, or a company basis?
Company. The fanbase buys less the more you release in a short time.
Weekes is the main writer and Taash's writer.
That sounds like a stupid limitation.
I'd complain about fail states existing long before you realize them, but I'm a HoI4 player, where those are just facts of life. I sure hope you saved often, because you might need to backtrack a few months.
I don’t know who or what the Corrine person is then, but that’s who was using They for Taash ina character overview video

And people say that it doesn’t matter makes no sense. I want to hear “Rook and her are an item” from other companions, not “Rook and Them”
Shut the fuck up already. You were already told it's a rumor and there is contradictive information. We didnt need 40 fucking posts of back and forth on this. Keep your bitching for when the game actually comes out and we know more.
And yes, it doesnt fucking matter, she is woman either way. Nobody should fucking care.
Oh I went back to look it up, it is the Game Director.

Pretty disappointed as it's most likely final.
Question is would you consider a woman to be hot if she identified as a chair?
Well, as long as it's a female chair...
Did you learn nothing from the other anon who got deleted? No "do you/would you/which of these is hot" questions. That's waifufagging.
Are there any yuri games featuring the human furniture fetish?
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Best I could find was Bousou Teacher Shiho ~Ai no Kanchou Kyouiku~
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Against all odds, I have a relevant screenshot.
If there is a separate board dedicated to people who identify as chairs, then it doesnt matter whether I like the character or not, that discussion should go there, same with NB
Yuri with guns doesn't have to be banished to the gun board.
I feel I might want to know what kind of chair she identifies as first
Plastic lawn chair? Rocking chair? Sofa chair?
Softer than the softest sofa of the soft sofa store.
>a mary skelter picture didn't immediately trigger a huge bitchfest

/u/ is healing...
As long as you don't pretend these are good games or that anything but 2 is even relevant, you can post your shitty looking early 2000s deformed Gust art without being shat on.
You severely misunderstand what MS is being disparaged for.
That's Death end re;Quest 2.
Anyone has the FLOWERS drama cd translations?
they took it down from youtube and I forgot to save them
Well it's a good thing you don't have to pretend those things then
This is the only one I can still find.
Of course you don't have to pretend these games are good or worthwhile. Some idiots always try though.
Rikka is such a slut
I genuinely believe this second poster is on /u/ all day
No matter what hour of the day you mention this game he will immediately reply to you with a fuming post
I remember that one, it was an idol who wanted to reach her female fans and in-story the guy was clearly a pervert.

So the site sided with the pervert? Fucking amazing
If you want to facepalm harder than you ever have:
Manga link:
Might be a bit late to say this, but this is really off-topic. If you need to do this stuff go to the general thread. I'm sure they'd love to shit themselves over there.
A harmless digression from an on-topic discussion won't kill anyone anon, don't be such a stickler.
I wouldn't say any of this was ever on topic. Discussing how morons on other sides say stupid things is gossip at best. I'm not telling you not to do it, just to pick a better place.
>Discussing how morons on other sides say
Yes, that's the digression; the discussion was about Crymachina.
It wasn't really though. The actual digression was talking about reddit culture and their autism. You then took an even bigger turn to Dynasty's autism. At this point it's neither about games nor people's perception of them.
Honestly, anything beyond correcting the misunderstanding of Crymachina's plot was unecessary.
So just take this gossip to the general thread so they can start a fight with Dynasty or whatever.
But that subreddit's culture was precisely the reason several anons had the misunderstanding about Crymachina in the first place.
Aside from me, at least >>4285763 and >>4285733 found the clarifications very helpful, this was probably the most positive outcome a discussion here has had for a long time.
And I'd say just this exchange between us is already on its way to outnumbering the digressing posts that were there before we started.
This wasn't the most positive outcome for convo by a longshot (people literally ask and receive recs or explanations for games all the time in these threads) and those people would have been fine just getting corrected about the topic. The original question anon didnt even get this info from reddit.
>already on its way to outnumbering the digressing posts
I despise this nonsensical approach. You are not some helpless automaton. You can stop responding any time. Obviously the best outcome would be for you to just accept it and move on, but you people never do. Either you follow your own logic and shut up or you accept that clearing up what kind of posts should not be necessary in the f-u-t-u-r-e will help the threads overall. Just like you need to train a dog to obey commands over time, you also need to reprimand people who stray occasionally so that eventually they behave by default.
On top of that it will prevent future misunderstandings about games by warning anons from visiting that place.
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>anons need to be warned not to go there
How new?
The misunderstanding started from one anon believing a reddit post about Crymachina.
>The original question anon didnt even get this info from reddit.
Well that's pretty funny of you to say considering I brought up the topic here after reading that reddit thread and the posts on the previous game thread, who was quoting it word by word.
And all the while you keep insisting on your off-topic tirade, you write a wall of text worth of rhetoric about me?
Way to practice what you preach.
It didn't. The actual anon who wanted clarification NEVER said this info came from a random reddit thread from 10 months ago. ANOTHER anon just said he googled the topic and found that ancient reddit thread.
If nobody had set up this strange misunderstanding nobody would have looked on reddit of all places for clarification.

Either way, anybody on 4chan knows reddit is trash.

>blah blah blah no u
God you idiots are always the same. When will you learn that "you reply to me so you are guilty too" is not a gotcha? The only thing I practice is explaining to mentally underdeveloped autists what they shouldn't do. And you seems extremely resistant to learning and very intent on stretching this out and constantly defelcting.
Remember: This was about you posting completely off-topic and irrelevant Dynasty gossip. Not about the reddit thing which I didn't even interfere with at the time, as you no doubt noticed.
>The actual anon who wanted clarification NEVER said this info came from a random reddit thread from 10 months ago
That whole Crymachina (malicious) misunderstanding was born from the start on that subreddit; anon listened to a misinterpretation from the game that came from someone who visited that place first.
>The actual anon who wanted clarification NEVER said this info came from a random reddit thread
Well, as someone who's so eager to show his logical superiority, you sure have trouble putting two and two together.
Allow me to help.
>What the fuck is this about one of the characters being coded as a male or something like that before becoming a human female
>There is a machine that is coded male for a good chunk of the game in text and dialoge then is revealed that he make himself in to a girl to become human!
The almost exact quote is the reason I immediately found the reddit thread when searching for info about it, and failing to find anything else about it on the internet I asked here.
Also, consider your additional off-topic ramblings thoroughly ignored.
>Remember: This was about you posting completely off-topic and irrelevant Dynasty gossip. Not about the reddit thing
>The actual digression was talking about reddit culture and their autism
It's not just a Reddit thing; tvtropes' YMMV sections for yuri media (mostly videogames, for some reason) is all about interpreting canon frmale lesbian characters as secretly transgender.
In that case, not knowing where it came from, there is little reason to care about or bring up reddit. After all the information could have come from anywhere. As long as it is wrong and people correct the misunderstanding that's the problem solved.

Two and two make four, but you are just saying someone found a two second-hand somewhere with no context. To the one who got the info second-hand the knowledge of where it came from after being already corrected has no value.
>I will ignore you now!
Fucking finally. But please, do keep the dynasty gossip out of this thread too.

Yes, the first digression was the reddit posts, but they were still flimsily connected to the actual topic. Your digression from the digression lacks any and all relevance. Thus get it out of here.

You people... unbelievable. Just take the scolding and move on.
Someone said TVtropes nuked a bunch of lesbian/yuri tropes for some unknown reason recently. No idea what's going on there, but people should never have taken TVtropes information for games as reliable. They always got shit wrong for as long as I remember and that goes both ways, like tagging the most worthless of subtext full of yuri tags.
>not knowing where it came from, there is little reason to care about or bring up reddit.
Reddit being the source makes it a necessity because it helps anon understand that if something's sole source / internet search result is reddit then it should be ignored.
I didn't even bring up reddit originally, I just asked for info:
Then someone else found that thread too and posted it.
The entire point is that the original anon did not know it was from reddit and just regurgitated wrong information from somewhere. He didn't ask "Is this reddit thread correct?"
Most people here know well not to trust reddit on anything.
Anon regurgitated that "information" because he listened to someone else regurgitating it from someone who read the reddit thread some time ago.
By warning people to ignore that subreddit we may cut that chain of lies from the start.
Just don't reply to him, it's not worth it.
Actually, as I said, I knew that anon took it from Reddit, I'd found the topic beforehand, I just didn't mention it here when I asked for info, but some other anon immediately found it anyway.
You know that makes no sense. The info didn't come from /u/ obviously, so it didn't come from someone on here, but some other place, so obviously there is no point in pretending that you can cut off wrong information chains from the end point.
All of this is so retarded that it actually hurts. What the fuck are you arguing you vacuum brain?

For fucks sake you aren't worth another post.
Stop getting baited already.
I don't think this anon was baiting, I've already been ignoring the rambling anon after he took a beating.
Holy shit. That anon is still freaking out over me asking for clarification from the other thread?
If you don't make the mistake of taking him seriously he's actually entertaining.
You are the only one who captilizes reddit, so you kinda failed disguising that you did reply. lol

What do you mean still? Nobody freaked out about that even once you dunce.
Another anon claimed that it "ruined Crymachina" so at least two anons took Reddit's misinformation directly from the source. That makes clarifying the source and why it's not to be trusted necessary.
Don't capitalize, he'll think you're me too.
Or that other anon was trolling. Or that other anon genuinely didn't understand the plot of the game.
You sure make a lot of assumptions.

Trying waaaay too hard to sound aloof after you got triggered lol
>Or that other anon was trolling
Even more of a reason to shine a light on the source: if trolling is allowed to go unimpeded it will get worse and worse. Soon we would have, I don't know, people posting that Tsumugi went back to the future because she's transgender and medieval Japan is against it or some other outrageous shit.
Keep the good work going, now even the dumb Google IA is using reddit as a source so it's a matter of time before more misinformation comes from that place.
I genuinely don't see how your point could be this stupid. I already said that correcting the wrong info is all you need. This means telling the anon what is actually going on in the game, which would counter the trolling too. At no point is randomly pointing at reddit going to do anything.
This is painfully pointless. You are dismissed.
>I already said that correcting the wrong info is all you need.
Not at all when it's not the first time lies and misinformation come from that particular place. You remove the source of evil from the start.

Honestly, I find suspicious that you want to protect Reddit's reputation so hard.
I hear they made Baldur's Gate 3 more moddable. What /u/ related mods are cooking?
Why do you not get that this misinformation goes through several layers before it arrives here on /u/? If some idiot reads this shit on discord how are they supposed to know it came from reddit? At the point where they know it comes from reddit everyone here on /u/ already knows not to trust it.
The end result is the exact same. With no way to confirm the truth they will come here to ask. No matter where the wrong info came from. After all clarifications are needed.

And now you add some falseflagging bullshit about me secretly being a reddit defender... of course. A fucking troll. I should have known. Seriously, dismissed for good.
You dont need /u/ mods for BG3, it already has everything. There isn't anything you can really do. There are good mods, but they are not relevant. Maybe go to the BG3 thread and ask there.
>this misinformation goes through several layers before it arrives here on /u/?
But still arrives here, so we need to clean house. And probably many anons visit that place even when they don't name it directly.
Until this thread I didn't know that particular subreddit was a den of transgender people, which may be sonething useful to know if someone else decides to repost filth from there.
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Pathfinder WoTR got a random free DLC update for a crossover with another game that adds a few small things and then BG3 drops the big final patch within the same day. That certainly is a good day for CRPGs.

I guess people who thought the evil path in BG3 was not very fleshed out can be happy now. For everyone else this only really added some mechanical changes and better mod support.
I will wait a month before the permanent Alfira mod will most definitely come out. Larian think they are subtle about this? It's so obvious that they are nudging modders to do their thing.
Enough beating him up anon, you'll get dismissed for the third time.
>an anon saw that there was a game that the thread hadn't dismissed as tranny slop or hetshit and rolled the dice on painting it as the former
If only the /u/ thread is way too tolerant; subtext and bait are allowed.
The reason your rants are off-topic is simple: No one is going to listen to you. Your delusional if you think playing thread police is going to rerail the thread or make the people you hate (who also hate you) change their ways. So what is the only thing you accomplish? Further off-topic posts and discussions as arguing with you isn't off-topic either. You're the one playing thread police, You're the one who needs to shut up and practics what he preaches, hypocrite. Because your rants aren't going to stop or change anything
>let people shit up the thread and talk about off-topic shit or you are the problem
Are you by chance that shitposter who claimed we shouldn't tell people not to post hetshit and just let it happen? Very similar argumentation style. This thread really is full of lunatics.
You don't have to "let it happen". Did you know there's a report function? Did you know you can use that and you don't need to make any posts?
Reporting without replying helps more than derailing the thread further to preach. Your preaching will always fall in deaf ears. No one will listen. You're only shitting up the thread further. Report and shut the fuck up. You are an idiot if you think your preaching stops anything
Your preaching only invithes further derailing. You going "stop right there" won't change anything. Why don't you get it? Why do you think your rants contribute anything?
Jannies have been extremely inconsistent for a while. If we don't self-regulate things will not get better.
>calling them out never works
Every single time the off-topic shit stops. Yes the idiots talk back for a while, but the topic is eliminated. It's a blocker. It's very rare that the bad topic gets picked up again and that's for the best.
>Every single time the off-topic shit stops. Yes the idiots talk back for a while, but the topic is eliminated. It's a blocker. It's very rare that the bad topic gets picked up again and that's for the best.
It only stops when mods start taking down posts. Your "self regulation" is worthless and you're delusional. No one is listening to your preaching
Whatever you say. Trolls will never stop regardless, but the more harmless /v/tards who treat this thread as an extension of their board will either realize they fucked up or will at least feel extremely unwelcome. Never let them feel cozy and they will naturally be repelled or adapt.
But hey, I know you are just another moron ranting. Every time you shit up the thread telling me how my very justified posts are a problem causing more pointless posts. I should just do the sensible thing and treat you like the mindless moron you are. Ignored.
I mean, all my posts are replying to your desperate need to justify derailing the thread with your holier than thou mod larping that achieves nothing
So, you're literally causing more pointless posts with the need to justify yourself and refusing to admit you're also part of the problem and not a holy protector of the thread. You're just another moron. The fact you think you achieve anything or that anyone is thin skinned enough to change or feel reppelled by your preaching tells me how delusional you are
I am not replaying until I can have my Alfira + Minthara poly relationship. Modders get on it.
Get out of here with your polyshit you loser.
And Alfira already has a girlfriend.
And she's the kind of girl that could use two.
Nobody is gonna mod that. They will just make a lazy mod that will make Alfira romancable for the player by reusing assets, lines and animations and thus turn Alfira into a bislut who now romances males. Disgusting. This is why you dont mod lesbian NPCs to be playersexual.
>Larian think they are subtle about this? It's so obvious that they are nudging modders to do their thing.
Nah. They were subtle about 'leaving' data enabling people to make custom stories in the patch after they previously had to 'sadly' announced Wizards of the Coast didn't give them permission for it.
I await the mod that makes Tieflings able to also look more human. They have way more variation in actual tabletop.
Never heard of this before. You sure it's not bullshit?
This isn't really true. In the actual DnD books Tieflings werent nearly as colorful. Players ignored the color limitations and appearance limitations and just homebrewed the shit out of Tiefs until 5th Edition weakly acknowledges more color variation possibilities. But overall they keep it vague to avoid more backlash.

Also you can already make them look pretty human in BG3. You can already give them normal eyes and human skin/hair color. Even small horns. What more do you need? Rip off the tail?

The one good Tiefling mod that has been around for over a year added more Tief sub-species at least.
Class S is the foundation for yuri, retard.
It's not. Class S is garbage that was killed when yuri came around.
>What more do you need? Rip off the tail?
No weird ridges on the body and non-clawed fingers and toes.
Those are normal though. If you just take away all demonic aspects then why the fuck are you playing a Tiefling?
They did nuke the Mahoako page, but for reasons completely unrelated to the yuri
Nobuko Yoshiya will strangle you in your sleep tonight
It's about having OPTIONS. Tieflings can also have hooves, yet I don't see none in BG3 sporting them. The Tieflings all look too similar.
None of you have the foggiest idea of what Class S even is, do you?
Aren't there a bunch of Tiefling variations? BG3 should have more than one.
There's a whole spiel in the ttrpg community about how D&D nuked most of the tiefling options to make them more similar so they could sell more figures/etc because your average D&D player isn't up for kitbashing the way a serious warhammer player would be, but if you want more info look off /u/.
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They're gonna make official community ran servers for Old School Runescape in the future. I know some of you nerds must be good at modding and have money so make an OSRS server with lesbians for us.
Mods for this exist already. I'm pretty sure I saw a mod that removed back ridges all the way back in early access.
We know, we are just not retarded like you. Take your lovers suicide and marrying a man in the end stories and fuck off.
>lovers suicide bad and not yuri
What? I agree het endings aren't yuri. But how is a tragic ending for a lesbian couple not yuri? Why do you think yuri should only have happy endings?
Garbage is garbage and I don't need to justify why it sucks. Portraying a double suicide as the "good outcome" because the story is so het centric and has to portray lesbianism as a dead end is extremely disgusting. These endings weren't put in there because the authors liked suicide so much, it was because of strict regulations.
There is no justification for this nonsense. And calling it yuri is an insult to yuri.
>I'm a fragile little bitch who can't handle tragedy and think no one should
>everything should only be boring generic happy endings
This is how you get less yuri if you restrict authors. They'll make their tragedies het or yaoi instead. If we want more yuri, we need to let authors write whatever yuri they want, including tragedies.
>I can't read
>I can't read
>I can't read
Who would have thought?
Ironic since you're an schizo making up shit about tragedy writers to force a happy ending all the time
Because Samurai Maiden is a sad ending where the MC goes back to her time, is it also some kind of anti-yuri insult to yuri het propaganda according to your schizo logic?
I'll give you a hint. Read my actual post next time before you make up a fantasy version of it get mad at. Ya daft cunt.
I read your post and it was you spouting schizo bullshit about how tragedy yuri is secretly anti-yuri het propaganda. You're an insane fragile retard who can only handle yuri if it's some K-On "nothing wrong ever happens" thing
Not beating the illiterate allegations today.
Fine, because you are mentally challenged I will deign to give you context.
The topic was Class S. In my post I literally specified >>4288196
>These endings weren't put in there because the authors liked suicide so much, it was because of strict regulations
Do you understand? The reason Class S is garbage because it bends to homophobic regulations and norms. While lovers suicide is a garbage concept to begin with, my problem with it here is that it was not done because it was the writer's vision, but because they had no better alternative. It's fucking trash, it's disgusting and it shits on yuri.

Now if you still didn't get it like the first 20 times you didn't manage to get the most basic context, then you are too stupid to be conversed with. Do your best.
So for some schizo reason you linked tragedy to class S so you can feel justified in being a fragile little bitch who can't handle anything that isn't a happy endingç
Yes, I'm right. You're using schizo logic to complain about tragic endings and try to say they're secretly anti-yuri
Tragedy yuri, even lover suicide, is still yuri. And will never be class S or whatever other schizo shit you claim
Is Samurai Maiden also class S because it's not a happy ending and the MC goes back to her time?. Kill yourslef schizo. There's nothing to get here. You're the one being an stupid schizo
Yup, proving that you really can't read. But what more can I expect from a frog?
I read and all I got is you're an schizo using nonsense logic. Kill yourself and stop acting like you're so smart. You aren't
demo up: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3069120/Love_Curse_Find_Your_Soulmate/
Is the demo only in Chinese?
I honestly just don’t care for indie or indie-adjacent games
And nobody cares about your preferences.
>had arranged marriage with protagonist before birth, which was canceled because they were of the same gender
What aristocratic-ass families do they both belong to?
And nobody cares about you not caring.
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First class ticket to Uncanny Valley, that one.
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Never sure whether or not to wish for a translation with chinese games since so many are so bad.
I played too much of satellite autism simulator to trust mannequins.

Yes, but it's because of a bug. Translation exists, but the dev forgot to add a button to let you switch languages. You can force the demo to run in English by adding a RenPy config file to the game folder. See: https://steamcommunity.com/app/3069120/discussions/0/4757577465150866348/
>Yes, but it's because of a bug
Oof, thank you, I'll give it another try then
Any news about anything yuri related in VTM - Reckoning of New York which got released today?
I remember playing two past parts and it had such content and it seems to again have female protag in it.
I only know Reckoning makes the /u/ ending non-canon because Julia is part of the Primogen and that only happens if she let's Dakota be killed
>Please return to...
No Ma'am, haven't seen that Mannequin anywhere, no Ma'am.

Funnily enough, when I typed Velvet in I got a game out of it not related to this one but with yuri.

>Velvet Bite: Softly, With Teeth

Steam says: A Romantic Visual Novel featuring 6 romanceable vampires.
>3 females
>3 males

Added on Steam: 5 September 2024
Demo is out too.
Vampire girls? I'm in.
Yeah that was a failed kickstarter that lost the artist, was assumed dead, and then did a total revamp (so to speak).

The other one's mostly otome, just the one female option.
So I remember that Rear Sekai was mentioned here briefly some time ago because there is the option to play as a girl and I think the Rune Factory developers were involved somehow or at least the artist.
The thing is that it has released recently in the West with a long ass name: Elrentaros Wanderings, but the reviews are quite negative at the moment, it's sitting at mostly negative rating on Steam for instance. And from what I read, it reminds me of Harvestella but (even) worse. As to the romance and yuri, I read there are same-sex relationships in a review, but said relationships are as deep as a puddle. So not a great look overall. I don't think it's even worth adding to my pirated Switch.
Anything that manages to go below Harvestella's very low bar really isn't worth it.
I read impressions when it came out in Japan and people mentioned that romance is just a few lines at the end. Wait for Rune Factory Guardians of Azuma.
>Letting secondhand opinions and retarded Steam scores decide for you
Just play the game and arrive to your own conclussions; maybe you will like the game after all.
There isn't much room for interpretation with "a few lines at the end of the game". Ending slides are lazy enough, but at least the most popular games with that like Fire Emblem have support conversations and stuff like that. This level of yuri is just too weak to be worth playing an entire game for, so it would have to offer something else...
Which brings us to the game itself. With so many negative reviews you can filter out the actual problems and this one clearly has a lot of them. This isn't an Overwatch 2 where people are just on a hate bandwagon, this is a niche series for enthusiasts.

Sure, I have seen games that got hate which I liked anyway, but ultimately what matters most here is the yuri. If it's tagged on then I will ignore it just like I kept my hands off Harvestella and its non-comittal garbage.
Was Nurse Love Addiction supposed to be good? I really wanted to like it and its theoretically should have fit my tastes but the individual routes felt underdeveloped and flimsy for how dramatic they tried to be. The art was good but the story was pretty meh
>no period
>just comes here to complain
Jeez you are STILL around? How many times do you need to get the boot?
You post the exact way the idiot who kept going on about pirating Kindred Spirits did. Same retarded dismissive attitude.
If you are not him you are still a retard for lines like "Was [insert game] supposed to be good?"
Fuck off with that insufferable shit.
I haven't even played Kindred Spirits but okay. I'll be honest I just wanted to provoke people into giving me their thoughts about Nurse Love Addiction, and people are more likely to respond if you add some inflammatory statement like that than if you don't.
Yeah they sure will reply more. It's just not gonna be a constructive conversation, dumbass. Next time ask like a normal person, lest you wanna be lumped in with actual shitposters again.
I enjoyed it other than the teacher route, it's rare to find a yuri game with this level of drama and nonsense. Don't get me wrong I like sweet romance too but so much yuri is focused on one perfect couple that it gets old.

Some people prefer Nurse Love Syndrome for exactly the reasons that I don't - it's a lot less wacky and has more slow drawn-out romantic endings. If you found Addiction underdeveloped you might like Syndrome instead, but the drama and WTF is a lot lower.
I thought it was okay, but it's pretty fluffy and slice of lifey and there's barely any continuity between the scenes.
Only ironically. Syndrome is the actually good one.
Why do you people keep making yuri threads on /v/ when this thread exists?
The schizo here is almost worse than the ones on /v/.
Why do people keep bringing up shit that happens on /v/? Nobody cares. Keep your board drama on your board.
An indie Silent Hill clone was released today; said game's player character is a woman who's exploring an abandoned town searching for her ex-girlfriend who went missing; tried the demo on the latest Steam festival.
I didn't buy it for the yuri but because I like 3D survival horror games on the same vein as classic RE; I won't name it because I need to find first if it's yuri enough to justify being discussed here. I'll tell you about it.
Was it that one demo with the really ugly polygon graphics?
Oh no, it's another.
The one with the """""""retro"""""""" polygons is about the MC being dragged to a Silent Hill-esque "dark world".

I have my eye on that one too; honestly I liked that demo the most of the two "survival horror feat. lesbians" demos.
You mean Hollowbody?
Oh another Sony Steam sale. The thread's favorite Horizon games are on sale.
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Yeah, that one.
I'd like Horizon more of all of Aloy's love interests weren't spunky rogues. Any of you ever notice that?
I like the idea of the drama and crazy stuff but the execution felt kind of lacking. I only really enjoyed Nao's route. I was excited for Sakuya but her route was a clusterfuck and not in a good way. I didn't like Itsuki anyway but her route was pretty meh except for that certain ending. Teacher was trash that should burn in hell.
Someone on staff is probably a Dragon Age fan.
I've had enough of your anti-rogue bullshit. Kindly fuck off.
Yeah that'd makes sense
There's only one right choice for Aloy
Just half-assed making 12 girls from different yuri series in Summer Vacation! Scramble (The new Artificial Academy) and was just going to let them go at it to see who ends up wanting to fuck who. But right when I was about to start I saw you can actually have up to 24 characters at the same time. Now I got to spend time tomorrow making another 12 before I run the simulation.
Who's bottom right? Cute idea tho
Rei from Konohana Kitan, she was only in one episode. She was the first girl I made as I originally intended to only make minor characters from different yuri series. I scrapped that plan after Akari and Tarumi. I might replace Rei with Satsuki's sister Hiiragi later.
I wish I had half the brain damage required to so confidently fail at a joke as you do.
Theyre pretty much obsessed with eachother, and all they talk about is eachother, and the game starts with one sacrificing themself for the other, but the game ends on sequelbait.
The only male character is a faceless military dude, so its subtext at worst
Anyone have any recs for cute yuri life sim kind of games? I enjoyed Haven, Exocolonist, Signalis and Potionomics recently. Looking for more.
Not yuri.
How does fit into "cute life sim"?

Volcano Princess, Growing Up and A littly lily princess.
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Cute Bite though you have to do a bit of work to find the romances. They're all yuri though.
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>Altered Alma - A darkly beautiful Metroidvania

Metroidvania on kickstarter, looks to be Yuri.
Nah; go peddle your shit somewhere else
Don't need to it's already made back twice its requested amount retard.
What part of "peddle your shit somewhere else" you don't understand?
This is being described as having Mass Effect styled romance options. Has three female romances and two male ones. No selectable gender though, MC is a girl named Jack.
>Bisluttery trash
It's like it can't get any worse.
I understand that you're a mouth breathing retard whose a stupid, faggot troll from /v/. Kill yourself.
The big question is why a Metroidvania requires a Kickstarter when it's the easiest genre to make without a budget and one of the most popular ones, to the point where 99% of indie games are Metroidvanias.
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Wow, real aliens as romance partners instead of rubber humans in blue suits.
Mass Effect style romances... in a Metroidvania?
I was thinking the same; it sounds super sketchy.
Your big question isn't /u/ relevant.
I mean this is just scaly/furry shit. Not exactly creative alien designs. Lizard with tits is still just meant to be hot to humans.

I wouldn't say sketchy, it's just very unusual. Metroidvanias usually aren't big on long interactions, but it could have some kind of homebase that you return to a lot. Maybe you go on missions within the Metroid style map.
I wonder if they picked a gender neutral name like Jack because they initiall wanted to give the player the option to select the sex.
But then I see all the unique and expensive animations and it seems clear why they didn't wanna do those twice.

All the better for /u/s I suppose.
It's made by a studio that has some games in its portfolio already, so likely they're just using Kickstarter for free (or at least cheap) marketing.
Tell that to Igarashi back when he first raised money for Bloodstained.
>Lizard with tits is still just meant to be hot to humans.
I'll take lizards with tits over Vetra's bony butt if it's all the same.
Turians are definitely a more imaginative humanoid alien race than fetish fuel lizard. Just saying. Sure Asari are basic, but in general ME had some good alien races.
>real aliens
Nah, it's as generic furry as it gets; looks like something out of Goodbye Volcano High.
Between this and momodora I'm confident in saying metroidvanias are /u/core games. We did it.
Momodora doesn't even go beyond subtext...
Yeah it does.
Neither of them has explicit yuri. Stop coping.
There are more than two Momodora games. I'm gonna assume you've never actually played them and are just repeating buzzwords you heard elsewhere, so I shouldn't engage further.
>Still no romanceable Hanar option
The suffering is real.
Are you serious? Nobody gives a shit about those ancient installments before the Moon games. And if the newest and most polished games have no explicit yuri, why should I care?
Generally the less humans want to fuck an alien race the better they are as actual aliens. This is why you could never romance Korgans, Elcor, Hanar or the weird bug things on the Citadel. Even Salarians are too freaky for most humans. This is what makes them good.
If you just make a big titty humans with scales you didn't actually make a lizard-like alien. You made a human like lizard.
>MC is a girl
>named Jack.
The cutest "girl" is non-binary... Might not even be a girl, depending on if it's a girl or dude identifying that way.
The robot is non-binary too.
>non-binary robot
Does it even get turned on?
maybe they're trying to make up for jack in me2
I seriously thought you were asking if the robot gets horny. Then I realized that a AI runs on binary code and couldn't function without it.
I blame all the hornyshit that always gets spammed everywhere else on /u/.
All robots are, as the male/female binary is a biological construct. Some people get really mad when you point that out though.
Androids can absolutely be created to have female features and an AI can be trained or created to have a female identity and personality. Combine the two and you get a female robot. You are being quite intellectually dishonest to just stamp that off as non-binary.
considering the hoops some people go through to insist that a relationship is still het even when a character has had every cell transformed into female because they didn't start that way, there can definitely be people who think that no robot is ever male or female because they weren't born that way

i'm less picky, if the robot looks like a girl and sounds like a girl and calls herself a girl i'm fine with that
>a female body and a female mind are not determined at the moment of one's creation nor are they inextricably entwined, but are in fact mutable concepts of one's self that can be "trained"
Wow, I'm learning a lot today! I wonder what would happen if I were to apply this line of thinking elsewhere. Probably nothing that /u/ has been vehemently arguing against for the better part of a decade, I'm sure.
GB trash isn't yuri and is completely different. Just because you put a dude into a female body doesn't make him any less of a dude. That's trannyshit.

You really are stupid enough to see that explanation and compare it to trannyshit, aren't you? Not comparable in the slightest. We are talking about something that was created to be female from the start, not a born male being turned into a woman.
Just because you put an AI into a female body doesn't make it born female either.
1. Yes, if the fucking AI was programmed to be female from the start.
2. If you just digitize and copy the mind of a woman and put her into a gynoid there is no difference from a normal woman beyond not being organic.
Maybe the AI refers to itself as female. It has no reason to lie.
new thread

But by all means, keep that robot debate in this thread.
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>game about vampires
>is revamped

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