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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games, visual novels, RPGs, etc which contain yuri.
Last Thread: >>4277451

Lists of Yuri Games:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4oc1uvr5vl96m/Yuri (Generally non-VN games)
http://store.steampowered.com/curator/6864182-Hella-Yuri/ (Anything available on Steam with lesbians in it)
https://vndb.org/g1986?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-1986 (VNs tagged Yuri Only)

Yuri Game CGs:

New here? Need a starting point? Try the /u/ recommendation survey results:

Related threads:

Yuri Gacha General: >>4236995
Hat World: >>4107813
Neptunia: >>3779723
Signalis: >>4230341
LIly LYric cyCLE: >>3649128
Baldur's Gate 3: >>4203885
Life is Strange >>4228323

Personal Yuri Projects thread: >>4225806
-Kotone anime cutscene project finished and mod out on gamebanana for Persona 3 Portable. Available for P3R’s in progress femC mod too. (JRPG with /u/ options)
-Rune Factory spin-off announced for 2025. Claims to allow protag to romance every character, so most likely same-sex too. (Farming sim/JRPG)
-Sensei I like you so much! announced for end of 2024 and demo out (fanfic management sim with potential /u/ romance?)
-Baldur’s Gate 3 final patch is out and modding support added. Lots of evil endings and minor relationship content. (CRPG with /u/ options)
-Velvet Bite, Softly With Teeth announced for end of 2024 (VN with /u/ options)
-Time Travel Tea released on itch.io (VN)
-Hydrangea released. Can customize protag and love interest to be girls. (VN)
-Altered Alma Kickstarter succeeded and demo released on Steam (Metroidvania with /u/ options)
-CrocApoca!! [Crocodile maiden at the End of the World] will definitely come out on the 18th of October. Believe it. For real.
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It's a shame that the last thread lasted so long, because it would have been even funnier to include Crocapoca getting delayed to September initially and now being delayed to October.
Keylocker is coming out next week and will have /u/. Made by the same person as virgo versus the zodiac which was excellent.
Sex with Mitsuru!
YukaMitsu is definitely canon honestly.
>Rune Factory spin-off announced for 2025. Claims to allow protag to romance every character, so most likely same-sex too. (Farming sim/JRPG)
Not "most likely", it was outright confirmed by a staff member: https://x.com/Oni_Dino/status/1829617905262346367
>playing Hollowbody
>save point does the Silent Hill red eye rape screen like Signalis's TV monitors
>has dialogue intermissions where the mystery observer even calls MC a "sparrow" and other bird metaphors
>MC has random flashbacks(one triggered just crawling through a loading screen door between two hallways) where she reminisces about dates and stuff with the girl she's exploring British Silent Hill to find

If they make the "Signal is" pun I'll do a flip
>British Silent Hill
That's just Britain with monsters.
What are your favorite yuri VNs?
There is supposed to be an AU of Usonatsu coming out sometime in the future. I saw it on Twitter.
That's nice. My last update was just that they said you "can romance whoever you want", but that was such a weird way to word it, that people weren't sure. I mean technically you can romance everyone by picking the opposite sex for the protag after all.
Someone asked about Vampire The Reckoning of New York, don't bother, played it, two MC options to see the story from different angles, you first play as the main female named Kali, cute girl, second MC is boring guy with issues you have around for whole playthrough, zero lesbian/bi action in it aside of some minor feeding on some girl in one scene.
Complete downplay compared to two parts before which actually had lesbian/bi content for femMC.
No worth buying, maybe next parts in the saga will be better.
Huh? But they just started the manga. Can't they focus up a little? Whenever devs overextend like that it hurts the product.
That's so lame....thanks for the heads up
I don't think it's supposed to be out until like 2025-2026, judging by the cover art it seems to potentially be an AU where she and Mirei end up together...? They said it'd be taking a different direction
Did you forget Kaoru's name already?
Well yeah... if they do an AU instead of a side story or sequel then clearly it would have to change some fundamental relationships of existing characters. Shuffling pairings around doesn't sound too out there in this story. But also, it would lose a lot of its essence.
Shush. I was being lazy. But yeah that was kinda my thought when I saw it as well. I'm kinda interested to see how it'll play out but I don't think it'll be as good as the original
>That's just Britain with monsters.
That's just Britain.
I'm not shocked. I think in general they obviously aren't going for romance with that series and it mostly just existed as a major thing in the last one to show how much you have to give up to succeed. The romance ending is even called the "bad" ending.
Better to stick to the text games for yuri.
Fuck I found the tweet and realized Im retarded...it's a voice drama...not a full VN.
Sorry, I was half asleep when I read it.
Are there any good vtm text games? I know there's a few werewolf ones
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For better or for worse, Arena and Ultimax did not contradict or confirm any pairings for the P3 cast (except Junpei and the goth girl). The only real problem is that they defaulted to protag being male, which kills the Aigis ship. But Mitsuru and Yukari seem to both be single, but still very close with each other. So everything's possible.
Night Road is probably the best CYOA for VTM you can get. Same author who did the recent good Werewolf one.
They already released one, so I guess that one did well enough to warrant more. A voice drama AU does sound a lot easier to work with.
So is it actually confirmed they are/were girlfriends? Because a lot of people who played it seem to be confused about that. It seems to be vague or contradictory, probably because of the mindfuckery.
I would love to take this as another /u/ horror game win, but nobody in the reviews or anywhere seems to acknowledge that.
>virgo versus the zodiac
But that one didn't have /u/ content, so are you sure the new game will? Did they actually confirm that or are you just going by implications?
Night Road and Parliament of Knives are good. Don't waste your money on Sins of the Sires.
Thanks for the recommendations! I'll check them out!
I liked Sins of the Sires...

Also, the sex scene with the vampire lady in Out for Blood was hot, but I would not really recommend it.
>But that one didn't have /u/ content
NTA, but there were a few /u/ couples, including one with the protagonist.
Not saying that was 'good' /u/ content, it isn't a game I would recommend, but lying about it is just silly.
Oh shit, I mixed it up with another Zodiac game. Just looked up the new game and then found the previous one and it is completely different from what I was thinking of.
I wasn't lying, just made a mistake, you dick.
>it isn't a game I would recommend
And why is that? It looks decent enough.
Sins of the Sires is like a first draft that the author just gave up on but decided to publish anyway for that Paradox cheque. There's a lot of great potential there and it starts strong but it just kinda makes it worse that the final product is a rushed mess.
>But that one didn't have /u/ content
Are you thinking of a different game? I remember Virgo vs. the Zodiac definitely having yuri content, both with NPCs and the protagonists explicit lover. It might end tragically, because the whole game ultimately does, but its certainly /u/ content.
>first draft that the author just gave up on but decided to publish anyway
That describes most of the Hosted games tbf.
>I wasn't lying, just made a mistake, you dick.
It's 4chan, we get a lot of that, though I guess it's normally the opposite with anons claiming something is more yuri than it actually turns out to be.
>It looks decent enough.
It is, but as someone who only plays for the yuri, I didn't find much satisfaction in it, despite getting the happy ending (which culminated with the secondary het couple btw); in fact, I barely remember anything about it
Also, I wasn't a fan of the art style and character design.
I have the game but I haven't started it yet. I remember reading that it has several different endings, are they all tragic? Or is there a happy one?
I mean this anon claims to have gotten as happy ending, so... >>4290707
The Sword of Rhivenia is still haunting me. And Tale of Two Cranes shitting the bed. And Unsurpervised being a sequel-bait. Only good recent games are Book of Hungry Names and maybe Fields of Asphodel if you're willing to stomach rather performative inclusivity, for a lack of a better word.
>Time Travel Tea
Very short, but cute. Loved the artstyle.
I also said I don't remember much about it, take my words with a pinch of salt, all I can say is that I got the 'true' ending or something, the one that required doing the most things for it.
I do usually get irked when things end badly though, so I don't think that was the case, but maybe I just didn't care anymore.
>>4290722 (Me)
Here's two threads I saved for that purpose back then:
Reading them, I think I got the Cardinal+Starcrossed ending, which seems to be happy according to the comments.
2022-2023 was like all the big anticipated releases coming out at once and now it's just the usual dregs as all those people go back to writing for another 5 years. At least mind blind is finally finished so maybe that'll be out next year.
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Sigh... why do you people always try to act cute? Just make a normal request without all the sarcasm. You didn't even specify if it has to be a VN.
I think the poster child of disgustingly sweet and wholesome yuri is "Lilycle Rainbow Stage!!!"

That one isn't wholesome for most of the story. It's pretty drama focused.
>try to act cute
>all the sarcasm
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>That one isn't wholesome for most of the story. It's pretty drama focused.
Wholesome and drama aren't mutually exclusive.
He didn't even call anyone a retard, that was totally off-putting.
Can you faggots stop flirting with each other?
I don't subscribe to the school of thought that a story is happy just because it ends happy. If most of it was suffering and pain then it's a painful story. Same goes with drama and wholesome. The plot is literally about blackmailing someone into a relationship. Just because it ends well doesn't make it a wholesome tale imo.
I'm amazed you could read (watch?) that story and think it was painful, the blackmailing was just used as a pretext to get the two leads together and fall for each other, it wasn't even resolved by the end.
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>be the best harvest moon game ever made
>first game in the series to give the player to have same-sex marriage
>english localization team not only adds a bunch of bugs and glitches not in the original (again), but also removes the same-sex marriage option for literally zero reason
>no translation patch online (and with the amount of text in the game, its not surprising)
i will NEVER forgive Natsume for this
I didn't say this story was painful. That was a general example.
>the blackmailing was just pretext!
Yet 80% of the story is the leads not being happy and distraught because they feel an emotional disconnect and coerced. Even antagonistic.
Why is it so hard to understand that most of that isn't wholesome?
Why cry about some ancient DS game nobody cared about when you can just play any of the 1200 farming sims currently available with same sex options?
Because I thought most of it was wholesome?
You're making it sound like the story was about the blackmailing, while it was actually about two girls gradually falling in love and overcoming that obstacle.
Just compare it to some actually angsty VN such as UsoNatsu, it's like day and night.
The happy ending is basically made irrelevant by the True Ending revealing everyone was doomed from the start, because everyone is trapped circling down towards a black hole.
because theyre not as good
>ancient ds game nobody cared about
choke on a bullet
Sounds like a you problem.
How did you guys manage to make yuri so toxic?
In a slow board it just takes one person parking himself in the thread to tell everyone else what they should like or not.
This anon is just a bit salty, forgive him >>4290775
Do you honestly not realize that your one agenda never connects to anything that was actually said? You're like a broken record and fall just as flat.
>You're like a broken record and fall just as flat.
No I'm not and no I don't.
You aren't doing a very good job at hiding how triggered you were by my comment, anon.
Ohh, someone's angry at being called flat. Drink some milk.
I'll drink my milk if you shut up!
The post in which you got really angry at me for asking why you are whining about something so trivial? I dunno anon, maybe you're projecting juuust a little.
Please stop sulking, you're making me feel guilty.
Your attempts to sound aloof are actually pretty cringe, not gonna lie.
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I wish someone would tell you bitches to like each other.
Ok, that's enough off-topic discourse everyone, time to settle down.
Good thread
Why did this post get deleted? Like out of all the ones above?
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Anyone play this? heard theres an offsite english patch.
It looks to be age gap yuri with an adoptive daughter, but im not sure
If you're going to screencap the store page of a game you want to ask about, can you at least include the name of the game as well? Or just link directly to it.
The title is in the pic, but here you go https://store.steampowered.com/app/2414750/The_Everlasting_lovestory_at_the_Windcap/?curator_clanid=6864182
its in the picture, both in english and chinese moon runes
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My bad, it was so long I thought it was the tagline, not the title. Forgot Chinese VN names can get pretty long.

I can't tell if this is supposed to be age gap or if the other girl is just that much of a womanlet.
Oh, it's age gap and fake mother-daughter incest. There's probably at least one person here who has this exact fetish.
At least there's that really cute CG of the two of them going out shopping together. Which I actually can't find now since the wiki is trash but hey.
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Ask and ye shall receive!
I love how Mitsuru's maid in the back looks like she is used to these gay escapades.
Did you really have to add that shit at the end? Baiting trolls isn't much better than shitposting.
I clicked on Submit without proofreading and I realized I was being confrontational for no reason so I apologize. Let me rephrase my post

NTA but I'm playing the game too; if it's actually yuri I will tell you.
That said, In my personal opinion subtext like Revue Starlight or Symphogear aren't yuri so whatever I post take it with a huge grain of salt.
No dumbass, I'm telling you to stop bringing RevStar or Symphogear into this for no reason. There are only two possibilities here, you are the idiot from last thread who couldn't shut up about these two shows because of some autistic obssession or you are intentionally baiting that troll with that shit. Literally nobody would randomly bring up Symphogear in this context and this thread.

I am asking you, genuinely, behave yourself this time. Don't start shit, whether you are the guy from last time or someone else.
You waste your time asking for maturity from someone like him, you will always see people bringing (popular) titles that they hate giving them as false examples, just to generate conflict, either out of malice or he is simply an idiot (or both)

One thing is to have an opinion and another is to be a jerk (he is the latter)
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I think I'll keep my mouth closed then. I cited those two as an example of how I do judge something as yuri but I think it's for the best I stay silent.
Someone else here is playing the game so it's not like my insight is needed after all.
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Good. One less thing to worry about at least.
Them! It's nice to see Yukari taking the lead too, atlus really cooked with the art direction in general. I really should make another SMT/Persona thread but I kinda hate how virtually every specific fandom thread just becomes a generic porn dump with zero discussion.
If you want discussion it has to be something that a lot of people have opinions on and that has enough content to sustain it. I'd argue Persona/SMT does not have that on /u/. You really only have P3P and some very goggly ships in the other games. So all people really have left to do is post art.

In theory these games threads exist in part so people can discuss a myriad of games and franchises in the limited capacity that they offer material too. These threads aren't just about new games.
Last thread I talked about my experience with replaying P3P and I think that was all I really had to say on the topic.
True, yeah. You know the pickings are slim when it's a 30 year old franchise with a grand total of one /u/ appropriate title. Oh well.
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Made 14 more cards and decided to replace Retoree and Rei. I wanted to make Eiko from Slow Start, but I couldn't get her hair right, so I went with Enami. Elly and Hino-san already fucked each other within the first 5 minutes.
Is that Asumi on the center upper left? It's over. Gg she won.
, Anon says while posting fucking Persona of all things. Fucking hypocrite.
Different anon, but the game has its own thread on the board. No real need to discuss it here.
So apparently in the new Supermassive game, the one that is part of the Dead By Daylight franchise, the lesbian actually had a storyline with the one of female characters in the 80s storyline...it was discovered by a datamining.
I have no idea why they nixed that but let the shitty m/f/m love triangle.
I haven't heard of anyone thinking that game was any good so not a great loss.
Especially weird since The Devil in Me had a lesbian subplot.
Its not terrible, just boring.
Like basically every Supermassive game after the first one.
Are you hallucinating or are you a time traveler?
Extra ironic as there was literally an exchange a few posts above how it wouldn't be worth making a Persona thread.
The only reason i could think is that the character is dead in the current year but even then it simply makes no sense, especially seeing how Behaviour is pretty gay friendly.
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It is, but she's got no game. Yoko from WataYuri is just too powerful. Tamao made the dumb decision to try and start a relationship with her.
Yeah I'm gonna start it soon, trying to finish another VN soon.
>There's probably at least one person here who has this exact fetish.
Y-Yeah probably
Tamao is literally destined to get cucked in every universe...
>fake mother
>raise a kid alone, buy her food, buy her cloth, give her a place to sleep, take care of her when she is sick, clean her ass when she poops, listen to her crying for no reason
>do all of this just to be called a fake mother by outsiders because this retard child is not blood related
fuck you, she is a real mother, adoption is good and more people should do it.
Pretty sure they mean fake incest not fake motherhood.
As >>4291270 said, I was referring to incest being fake (= not blood-related), not to her status as a mother being fake.
>clean her ass when she poops
Onee-sama how old is that child supposed to be, I need to know before people see me play this
I played it, as someone who has played most Supermassive games (+DBD a ton) it's pretty weak
It did have gay in it in the 80s section, and there was a current day part that made me and someone else I was playing with assume a character had two moms, but it wasn't something I cared enough about to investigate more into because the story and characters didn't really pull at me (or anyone else) in any way
>haven't spoken to Umika
You're missing out.
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This isn't Koikatsu, but really looks like it. Tell me more about this please.
So far Tsumugi from Samurai Maiden seems to be the most popular girl.
I think it's best for Umika to stay away from Yoko.
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This is Summer Vacation! Scramble, the successor to Artificial Academy 2, the same people who made Koikatsu. It came out about two weeks ago.
Is it better than Koikatsu at lesbian sex, or do you still have to repurpose het poses?
She has two moms, thou i think you don't see the other one...just you know...
I'm not actually sure. I didn't care for Koikatsu's gameplay and only used the poser. On the subject of poses, there are only two poses in the lesbian tab: Scissoring and 69. Between two girls, there are 23 total positions for two female characters when you include the fondle tab. Here is a collage of a few positions.
I don't see an options to use a strap-on to repurpose het poses, so I guess that's not a thing. I don't like strap-ons in my yuri, so I don't mind.
The poser in Koikatsu let you use animations, like the ones for sex. You could use a strapon prop, attach it to one of the girls and use a het animation.

>only two poses in the lesbian tab
Welp. At least the fondling is more interesting than in Koikatsu.
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Looks like poses can slightly change if characters are more sexually compatible with each other.
>The poser in Koikatsu let you use animations
I know. I used the poser quite a lot.
>You could use a strapon prop, attach it to one of the girls and use a het animation.
I was aware of this too, but had no interest in it.
>Welp. At least the fondling is more interesting than in Koikatsu.
What other lesbian poses would you have liked to have seen that wouldn't fall under the fondling tab? Or were you hoping for strap-on poses?
Strapon, yes. Maybe even humping but that's kinda out there. Don't know if cunnilingus falls under fondling but other poses for that would be welcome too.

>I used the poser quite a lot.
Same. Wish this game had an addon that let you make your own animations, like Koikatsu did.
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I did some testing and the only way to make it look like your character is using a strap-on is to make them a futa (this gives the player access to het animations), hide their genitalia, and give them an outfit with a dildo accessory attached near their crotch. Here's an example. However, a lot of the positions will cause the dildo to clip through the other girl's body. It's a bit too much work and maybe someone will mod it in later for those who are interested.
I think I’m going to get Veilguard after all 4rhhw
You're also getting so many captchas.
Thread probably got bumped off. Doesn't change that we had one that lasted a long ass time.
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Probably got bumped off? There hasn't been a SMT/Persona thread in over a year. Your info is more outdated than expired solid milk.
Of course it lasted a long time, there was no content to fuel it. Which is exactly why discussing it in here makes more sense where it is just a quick topic among many.

Reminder that this thread literally has a P3P OP pic and a news section about a P3P mod. Of course it's appropiate to bring it up.
Persona isn't a yuri series. Mods don't count.
Good thing that it doesn't matter whether an entire series is yuri as long as one game has yuri.
Only by virtue of them just using the male social links. Every FeMC only social link is as non-gay as can be.
Aegis has FeMC-specific dialogue lines acknowledging her gender.
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Oh yeah? Acknowledge this.
I don't eat farts before the first date.
And still Mary Skelter is shitposted to death.
You know how it goes. 'It doesn't count when it's something I like'.
Because that shit is het for 2 out of 3 games that tell a continuous narrative. Persona 3 is standalone dumbass.
>Because that shit is het for 2 out of 3 games
And Persona is het for 3 out of 3 games. >>4291594 was on-point.
It's not het if you play femC in P3P which is a standalone game and the only one discussed. Maryskelter cant be played standalone unless you are a retard who pretends reading only the second book in a trilogy is normal.

The difference between a series that is connected and a series with a bunch of standalone titles should be obvious.
>It's not het if you play femC in P3P
It is because it still uses the male MC as base and the feMC actual explicit romances are literal shojo bait: either the harsh guy (who's secretly dying), the non-human guy who's learning what love is or the shota, on top of the female MC being declared non-canon by Atlus themselves.

>The difference between a series that is connected and a series with a bunch of standalone titles should be obvious.
Yes, that you like one and hate the other.
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The best part about /u/ declaring Persona 3 /u/core and excommunicating Mary Skelter 2 is that it encourages developers to not bother with yuri at all because the fanbase will be content with fanfics and mods.
Do you not count Aigis as an explicit romance because she's a robot or is it just shitty bait I'm falling for because I'm stupid?
It doesnt matter what kind of autistic justifications you make, Aigis and Elizabeth are both available to femC, vanilla. Not even mentioning mods.
>Atlus doesnt consider her canon
Who gives a shit? What does canon matter to my playthrough in a standalone game? Weirdo.

Everything you say is just brain damaged.

This brain dead nonsense again... Atlus doesnt give a shit what anybody on /u/ thinks, you total basket case.
It encourages devs to not make the yuri game standalone instead of putting it between two het games in a story.
>implying japanese game developers care or even know what /u/ is
Also the jock who's a bit thick about romance (Akihiko)
Persona 3 is hardly stand alone when Persona 4 literally has the cast go visit the school from it and also has one of the past social links wax nostalgic about the MC. Nevermind the Arena games. It's Persona 5 that's the most stand alone title, as it doesn't even reference P1 and 2 like P3 does.
For fucks sake... minor references or cameos don't matter. You don't need to play P4 after P3, because the stories are completely disconnected. You don't need to play P1 or P2 to undertstand P3 either. The absolute majority of people who played P3 have never touched the first two games and it was designed to work that way.
Arena is a spin-off game and doesn't matter. Next you are gonna spazz out about the dancing spin-offs and Persona Q. Persona Q actually makes femC canon as an alternate timeline btw, so if you're gonna go down that route you actually completely invalidate this retarded point even more.
>all this stuff that refutes my point doesn't matter
The series is and will never be yuri. Get over it.
Once again, nothing in your post connects to anything said. It's kinda amazing how lazy your bait is.
I dont think it's the reliance on mod that's the issue

It's the blatant disregard Atlus has for P3P and FMC. Why even stick around to eat up their sloppy seconds when Current Year has so much more yuri in every medium form.
Nobody cares. Stop samefagging and stop pretending your opinion matters.
Just move the fuck on already. People can enjoy and discuss whatever games they like. Your /v/tarded company politics on the other hand do NOT belong here. You have wasted space with your retardation last thread already. No need to get yourself completely torn apart by the entire thread again.
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Summer Vacation anons, may I ask some questions?

1) Which is better at relationship stuff SV or Artificial Academy 2? (Played neither of them)
2) Is there proper relationship system or just "everyone fucks everyone eventually"?
3) Can you see girls going on dates, interacting, fighting etc. Or is it just a background stuff if it doesn't involve you?
4) Can they rape one another?
5) Can they form non-romantic relationship? Bully-victim, enemies, friends, family?
6) Where can I get AA2 or SV?
7) I've seen there are traits for each character and jobs. How much they overall influence relationship of a character?
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1) They're pretty identical, but I feel like you can progress a relationship quicker in SV
2) I feel like the majority of the time everyone will fuck everyone eventually. However, you can choose a character's sexuality and personality. A combination of personalities may result in two characters never showing interest in each other.
3) Kinda? You can tell when girls are fucking each other, and if they fight an exclamation mark will appear above their heads and one girl will fall to their knees in defeat. You will occasionally see girls run around together. In this picture here you can see a bunch of the girls having sex.
4) I believe so, but if it is like AA2, it requires the victim to have certain traits, like 'submissive'.
5) I honestly feel like there is only two: Lovers or Enemies, with each having a different level of love and hate. For example, the more they hate someone the more they're liking to fight them. The 'Curious' seems to be what just leads to the two.
6) Check the /h/ thread.
7) The traits can have an influence on the character, but I feel like some have more weight than other traits. For example, in my game, I gave Umika the Shy and Nervous traits. She doesn't really engage with other girls and only has 3 or 4 lovers. In contrast, I gave Tsumugi Affable and Chivalrous, which makes her passionate about her friends and lovers as well as makes her very compatible with the same sex. This combination makes every girl in my game want to fuck her, 17 so far, possibly about to be 18. Umika is not one of them. At least not yet.
Tales of the Shire: A The Lord of The Rings™ Game

has lesbian options
>check images
this... wasn't what I was expecting from reading this name.
The stupid cartoony Hobbit game? Seriously...?
AA2 has a much bigger map. That is not only better but the AA gameplay pretty much scales with map size. If the map is too small, everyone will allways be right around you and interrupt you if you try to seduce or fight someone. So SVC's gameplay falls apart as soon as you have a few lovers. In AA2, you can date a few girls and be sneaky. And as >>4291729 said, relationships in SVC develop much faster. You could play AA2 for a few ingame weeks and watch as friendships and love slowly develops. In SVC, play a day and everyone is fucking on screen with everyone else. Takes away abit of the charm. But mods and dlc will fix it.
Better than fucking Persona 3
>She doesn't really engage with other girls and only has 3 or 4 lovers
That's a bit... Way too much fuckery.

I really wish there was a game when you create a bunch of characters throw them into environment (school would be perfect). And see how they interact and develop relationships. But a little more realistic than that. With sex as just one element and not the focus.

Thanks for the answer.

>You could play AA2 for a few ingame weeks and watch as friendships and love slowly develops.
Maybe AA2 is more for me then. And SV needs a few more years in development.
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>only has 3 or 4 lovers
are you going to upload your cards?
I'm too lazy and dumb to make them myself
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Sure, here you go:

Here is a list of all 26 cards in the rar file:
Seto Akari - Otherside Picnic
Koyanagi Kaho - WataNare
Tarumi - Adachi to Shimamura
Saeki Sayaka - YagaKimi
Tamao Suzumi - Strawberry Panic!
Tenkawa Kaoruko (With La Verita as her job outfit) - MahoAko
Retoree - Show By Rock!!
Momo - Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road
Tsumugi Tamaori - Samurai Maiden
Matsumoto Rei - Konohana Kitan
Minamino Tsubasa - YuruYuri
Konohoshi Umika - Hoshikuzu Telepath
Asumi - Asumi-chan is Interested in Lesbian Brothels!
Hanabusa Makino - A Scummy Gap Student With a Hard Life Calls Upon a Lady of the Night
Ichihara Chiaki - Sekai de Ichiban Oppai ga Suki!
Enami Kiyose - Slow Start
Sonoda Mitsuki - Sakura Trick
Izumi Shiho - SasaKoi
Hazama Yotsuba - Yuri Tama
Anisphia Wynn Palettia - Tensei Oujo
Gotou Yoko - WataYuri
Ookami Sayuri - Shoujo Sect
Hazuki Shizuku - New Game!
Ellie - Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san
Toudou Itsumi - Warui ga Watashi wa Yuri ja Nai
Nagisa Hino - Hino-san no Baka

Some characters have their name in romanji and some use kanji. If you're using the game with an auto-translator, some names might not appear accurately.
I tried to make their personalities accurate and what I'd think their H preferences might be.
Most characters do not have a second outfit, unless I gave them a job. So most of their second outfits is just a no panties variant.
Some of the heights might be wrong too.
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I mean, this is SVS we're talking about. With 3 or 4 lovers, you're basically a kissless virgin with no girlfriend.
Everytime I check this general there's agressive walls of text fighting.
This one was rather chill, you get 7 points.
You are pathetic.
The dress-up game Infinity Nikki might have some /u/ elements but I doubt it will be anything beyond light subtext due to it being developed by a Chinese company. However in this world there are no men, and the main event of the world is a ball and all of the girls are clamoring for the perfect 'dress.' Dresses also contain memories of girls who spend evenings with each other dancing the night away.

The game is based on the Nikki series of dress up mobile games.
In principle, I guess
But it's still about hobits. Who wants hobiitt yuri?
>In principle, I guess
It's not. Why's it always those who have no idea what they are talking about that blight us with their opinions?
The mobile game was my thing when I was little. I don't really like the new game's 3D style, I think the handdrawn art of the mobile game is just better.
>Who wants hobiitt yuri?
The people who played a halfling in Baldur's Gate 3?
Take your hetshit series to /v/ where it belongs.
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Well this seems ironic.
cozy cotttagecore wives?
Well I would prefer hobbit-chan to fuck elf girl if anything.
>look up that game
Odd. Says they're hobbits but they're uglier than orcs.
Yet another GBA Fire Emblem romhack is very gay.
The lord can end up in a six-girls polycule because why not.
Is it actually any good though? The actual campaign and the art? Drums of War was pretty good with the maps, even if the romance left something to be desired.
While DoW was rather vanilla, TMGC is anything but. It might start relatively normal, but by the end, you have so many broken items, skills, and inflated stats that you're going to treat 70+ HP enemies as one-rounded cannon fodder and have each player unit move like 20 tiles per turn. Such a skill-heavy, player-phrase-heavy approach might not be everyone's cup of tea, but the hack's good at the things it does.
Huh, so more of a power trip than anything? I guess that could be fun in its own way. I assume that the writing goes hand in hand with the insane escalation and will be over the top.
So are all the coupling options gay or is it just those five girls with the Lord (which I assume is female by default?) in various configurations?
>treat 70+ HP enemies as one-rounded cannon fodder and have each player unit move like 20 tiles per turn
Average Cerulean Coast experience.

Wasn't there a coffee/tea-themed game mentioned in these threads not that long ago? I forgot if it was yuri or if someone just brought it up because it had an all-girl cast.
I vaguely remember that. It was something where all the girls are blends of tea or something. I don't even remember if that was a game.
But the screenshot is from Time Travel Tea, the new VN from the news post. Just thought it funny that they end up at a coffee plantation.
The main story is rather serious and can get dark at times but you're right that the side stuff and secrets have a lot of outright silly shit in it. The party's bard at one point changes the background music to a Weezer song, for example.
Its level is similar to DoW, as it's mostly limited to a lesbian lord in Blair with a bunch of romantic options with the "main" one being plot-important and two other pairs of side characters. It also has a bunch of het/gay/platonic pairs but that comes naturally with such a large cast.
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>Its level is similar to DoW, as it's mostly limited to a lesbian lord
DoW was very sparse on that though. The protag in that one had two romance female romance options and I think that was it as far as yuri went. So this is already quite the upgrade in comparison.
The annoying thing about FE games and mods in general is that you can't see beforehand which pairings can actually be romantic, so you always have to find a list beforehand to assure maximum yuri. A 5 girl harem's at least unqiue I guess, but I'd rather maximize pairings than amount of love interests.

If this turns out good I can finally indoctrinate people with the FE8 Trifecta. Ease them in with Restoration Queen for the vanilla experience (with added yuri), then give them Drums of War to steel them with a taste of proper modding and then finish them off with this Golden Country to escalate into modding madness.
>DoW was very sparse on that though.
The protagonist was explicitly a lesbian whose sexual orientation was important to her backstory, had a female ex-lover, and could pursue two female romance interests, one of whom hit on her even if you didn't actively flirt with her, and the other was by her side for almost the entire game. Saying that it was "sparse" because it didn't have the typical GBA FE approach to romances (= ocean-wide pool of pairings with puddle-deep support conversations) is underselling it by a lot.
Yeah it is sparse though. That's the definition of sparse, having very few options. I expect a mod about a lesbian lord to acknowledge she is a lesbian, that isn't some big surprise.
Of course it's nice if relationships are heavily featured in the plot, but part of the FE formula's appeal is definitely pairing up many different characters and experimenting with relationships. Not everyone likes the super predetermined approach. In fact I'm someone who often ends up hating "main heroines" specifically because they get this weird preferential treatment.

I liked DoW. The gameplay was very slick and balanced. The plot was slow and grounded. It was a good experience for a breath of fresh air. I still would not say yuri is its selling point.
>relationships are heavily featured in the plot
>That's the definition of sparse
That's not the definition of sparse as in "the yuri in this romhack is sparse", it's sparse as in "your romance options are sparse". Which is true, but I would still recommend DoW over something like Gaywakening, which technically has more options, but all of them combined still have less yuri per square pixel.
The funny thing is that TMGC was openly inspired by the now-called Cerulean Crescent so much that their authors decided to release the complete versions of their hacks at the same moment.
DoW also has Renate/Vivica and Saszkia failing to woo Hesterine, nothing much but it counts. Dream of Five has six yuri side pairs, but thanks to the route split you only have four of them in one playthrough - that's probably the best you can get on the FEU scene without people looking at your weirdly or going the "everybody is bi/some sort of queer" route of stuff like Souls of the Forrest.
I started thinking about tinkering with Lex Tailonis. Maybe I release a small /u/ hack in the personal projects thread in a year, maybe not.
>TMGC was openly inspired by the hack that gives you canto+ pegasus riders and galeforce unit with broken signature weapon in chapter fucking 2
Sounds insane, I should give it a go. I should also go back to CC at one point and check if the hints about the princess ever went anywhere /u/-related.
Gay Awakening and Gay Fates, while hilarious as titles, have the stigma of still being FE Awakening and FE Fates, which are both pretty terrible games. All the yuri in the world can't make up for that, although it does dull the pain.

>"everybody is bi/some sort of queer"
That's not a bad thing at all. I prefer that over no yuri or some really limited main romance. It kinda sucks if your protag gets to have a girlfriend and you have to ignore the entire rest of the cast because they are all hetshitters or get no couplings.
Oh, I just fucking realized that The Morrow's Golden County is Two Milkmen right as I was going to make a joke about having a nickel for every female lord named Blair. Why do romhacks keep changing names, I can't keep up.

It's less about Awakening being bad as a game (although I didn't enjoy it at all, gameplay-wise), and more that the gay romances just can't salvage the fact that it's heavily Chrom-centered. You can make girl-who-trips-a-lot-and-blushes-in-front-of-Chrom as gay as you want in support conversations, but she will still trip a lot and blush in front of Chrom outside of them.
Who says the Chrom isn't part of why Awakening sucks? I dislike both games plots, because they require everyone to be braindead and I think the gameplay was uninspired.
That being said FE has never been a series with strong plots. Three Houses is such anomaly, because it sort of excelled just enough in all areas to be competent, while looking the best and having legit yuri. Lightning in a bottle if Engage is anything to go by.
All this is reminding me I really should go back and finish Drums of War. I got idk like halfway through before being distracted. Was very cool.
Little Goody Two Shoes looks, sounds and plays wonderfully...i just wish it wasn't a prequel to that game.
It almost feels like they had to link to a property they made before just for some retarded amateur marketing belief.
I wish there were more of these type of fake retro games with such love and care and gayness...
Some people liked Pocket Mirror, so of course they would have one ending that links to it. But they went out of their way to make a game with better outcomes and made them equally valid. See it as a fix.

Also there is nothing retro about LGTS. Even the games it is actually inspired by are not retro. It's RPGmaker horror, but with an original engine and a budget.
Whatever ending you get is canon. The devs themselves said you can ignore Pocket Mirror
No, the devs were inspired by old Sega Saturn graphics for the cutscenes.
Probably but is not a name or a thing well know enough to merit a prequel with such high care put in it.
That's just basic 80-90s anime. Has nothing to do with old consoles, just with an artstyle.

Who cares if it's a big name game, it's the devs previous work and they saw potential in making a game about Elise. End of story. Just be happy it's so gay and doesn't railroad you to doom.
I just hate i found out this is a prequel.
God, you sound like such a little bitch. It's a prequel only in so far that this game takes place before the other in one timeline... out of 10. You can play it standalone and it makes zero difference.
Over and over you have been told why it doesnt matter, that there is no canon ending and thus there is no meaning to calling this a prequel.
Seems like you are bad at processing basic info.
>In fact I'm someone who often ends up hating "main heroines" specifically because they get this weird preferential treatment.
Ah, so I'm not the only one. Things like that always make me question why even bother with multiple options when one is clearly treated as the 'intended' one.
Christ faggot take a fucking chill pill.
The fuck is wrong with you?
We have a wannabe thread police in this thread, possibly two
I'm normally totally up for clowning on thread police-kun because it's just too easy, but there legit have been way too many wtf yurisisters I just learned about pocket mirror posts. It's easy engagement bait basically.
Yeah and you already said it was solely about cutscenes. Guess what kind of anime style was popular during the days of the shitty Saturn?
It was never about games, it's about the artstyle. There are no Saturn games like this. This game is literally RPGmaker horror with retro anime artstyle, nothing else.
You never clown on anyone though. You just shit up the thread and call that a diss. Kinda sad that you think you are doing anything to anyone, when all you do is out yourself as a shitposter.
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>a bunch of talk about mods for het Fire Emblem games
>the mods-dont-count-het-series-not-allowed idiot doesn't act up
It's almost like it was all about an agenda against a specific company and never about the yuri or something.
Well or maybe they got hit by a car or something irl and aren't available for comment. Ya never know.
We can only hope.
He allows to talk about game series he likes.
Doesn't count either, yes. You Persona loving cunt.
Oho, we hit a nerve.
>Persona is a yuri series.
Show me the yuri in the vast majority of the games. Not just a singular spin-off.
His heart's not really into it unless he can get mad at Atlus.
To be fair, Nintendo definitely delivered more on the /u/ front than Atlus ever did.
I dunno anon. I count two games with yuri from Nintendo and one game with yuri from Atlus. Not quite the gap you portray it as. And don't start with published by stuff, because then Atlus suddenly has a whole lot more to offer too.
Splatoon's pretty gay, too. Just not player focused (which I know is a deal breaker for a lot of self-inserters in here)
Meh. The two TV celebs vaguely alluding to being into each other is about as substantial as watery chicken soup.
I have a strong feeling that you're just looking to start another shitfling fest, but
>mods for het Fire Emblem games
Most of the recent discussion except for Gay Awakening and Restoration Queen was about romhacks that had original stories, and calling them "mods" is a bit disingenuous. They're player-written original campaigns that just use GBA FE as foundation (and some have switched to custom engines at this point), in the same vein as user-made modules for NWN.

>two games with yuri from Nintendo
What's the second one?
>all of them, except most of them, are romhacks that aren't the same game
2/5 is almost half, but no cigar.
I have no idea why you are autistic enough to try and clarify something nobody cares about in response to me calling out a hypocritical loser, but you didn't do a good job.
>most of them are the same game
So you have never even seem a romhack. Got it.
I think you might genuinely have had a stroke. That has nothing to do with what I said. Let me try to get through to your fried synapses.
Restorations Queen, Gay Awakening, Gay Fates = base game with more yuri, basically just a gay mod
Drums of War, Morrow's Golden Country = romhacks

I am saying that most games that were talked about are not what you said. Not to mention the second part about you being autistic to even try at all.
>were talked about
Gay Fates was mentioned in passing in a single (1) post. And if you're willing to count that as being "talked about", then we've talked about 3 mods and 5 romhacks (DoW, DoF, SoF, CC, TMGC). Last I checked, 5 was bigger than 3.
Counting non-yuri romhacks? I think that makes you the loser.
4 is still bigger than 3, sweetie.
Counting even one non-yuri romhack is a loss by default, sorry pal.
I'm going to write a support chain about you two, I promise.
Tragic. I shall spend the rest of my evening crying on the sizeable bosom of a goth girl.
Although your imaginary 2D goth girlfriend is pretty sad, you are definitely more fun than the idiot I originally called out, so cheers. Enjoy your evening alone with the one of you.
the bad girls always get the chicks...
>What's the second one?
Fire Emblem Three Houses and Fire Emblem Engage I'm guessing.
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where's the sex
where's the mspaint sex
Those weren't developed by Nintendo though.
All Fire Emblem titles are exclusive to Nintendo consoles (unless you count the few mobile ports) and Nintendo pays for the development. That's like saying Retro studios games aren't made by Nintendo.
If you pay someone to cook you a delicious burger, you didn't cook that burger.
Irrelevant. The person who paid for it owns it. Retro is a Nintendo internal team, but it still is considered its own studio. Intelligent Systems was pretty similar. Though these days Koei has the reigns to Fire Emblem, which makes things more complicated.
What matters is that unlike a situation where one company just publishes a game that they have nothing to do with, FE is specifically made for Nintendo.
>made for
Right, not "made by". Just like commissioned art is not made by you. Glad we agree that Nintendo didn't make any yuri games.
Stop posting like a redditor already
Start using punctuation and I'll think about it.
Nonsense. They hired them to make the games. If they are on Nintendo's payroll that makes the game a Nintendo game. Same as every Metroid Prime game was a Nintendo game. Do you deny that too?
Metroid Prime devs weren't "on Nintendo's payroll", they are part of Nintendo. IS isn't.
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In this image, sort of.
Wrong. Retro was taken in by Nintendo after they royally fucked up and wasted ressources. They were independent at first.
And this makes no fucking difference to the topic at hand. What is the difference between a Nintendo iternal studio and IS for this? Both get paid by Nintendo to make games to their specifications. Nintendo isn't a research lab, it's a company that manages game devs and publishes games. Cadence of Hyrule was made by an external indie studio, yet it is a Nintendo game, using a Nintendo IP. IS made several Mario and Wario games, so are those also not Nintendo made games?

No, you know what, fuck you. I can already tell you are bullshitting. You will pedantically drag this out to infinity, but you already know I am right. Not wasting my time.
>What is the difference between a Nintendo iternal studio and IS for this?
It's the difference between being an employee of the company and a contractor.

>Nintendo isn't a research lab, it's a company that manages game devs and publishes games.
It has a gamedev department. Games developed by that department are Nintendo games. Games developed by other studios and published by Nintendo are games published by Nintendo.

>so are those also not Nintendo made games?
I will only respond one more time, but only to point out another retardation of yours and then I am done.
There is a difference between Nintendo publishing a game they have no investment in and publishing a game they ordered to be made.
You are too stupid to get a single thing talked about here of course, but I just wanted to point out the obvious for people who read this exchange and can't tell the basics because of your idiocy.
>There is a difference between Nintendo publishing a game they have no investment in and publishing a game they ordered to be made.
>"yes, hello, look at this piece of art I paid for, I'm such a good artist"
What isn't reddit to you people?
Can you provide a list of non-reddit things? I imagine that would be easier than providing a list of things that are reddit since fucking everything seems to be fucking reddit for you.
You and your fucking boogyman.
Shut up you fucking faggots, this has zero relevance to anything
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> 5 cute girls to date (or to drain)
Vampire girls? We're so back.
We only need Mayonaka Punch to finish with a W and we are not only back but we are never going down again.
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God I love Ebi-Hime's work
Ah yes, truly a doctor that has read the Hippocratic Oath.
I don’t see myself playing the Persona 3 Mod
>replies to a convo that was already over in hopes of starting it again
Rookie shit.

>Mayonaka Punch
Way too optimistic on that one.
What is it with these wanna be edgelords always acting out? Ohh this writing is so edgy, look at how unique and quriky it is!
>why is the dedicated yandere girl acting all yandere

This isn't yandere writing, this is a teenager's idea of something "shocking" and "quirky". A yandere is possessive yes, and unhinged in her own way, yes. But this is just lame superficial mentally ill dialogue by someone who has no idea how to properly write a yandere or a mentally ill person.
What is the deal with Ebihime anyway?
It seems like she has a Discord cult of personality that does all her projects for her except the writing.
And for that matter, it's the writing even good? The VNs come out with such frequency that they must be either painfully average or ghost written by a Discord followers with her name in it.
I think the writing is pretty solid

Try dreamy planet for I think a really good example of her work

The way she talks on twitter, she sounds like she has different vns always in the pipes in various stages of completion

She writes and puts things together and commissions work on the art assets and music
Considering the tone is supposed to be light hearted this is a good middle ground

If you wanna see her do Yandere, try it's so lonely here, which is also free (and is entirely in 2nd person which I think is neat)
Dunno what the big deal is. She writes and she has people who like doing art for her.
Her writing is pretty average most of the time. I'd say she is better at dialogue and personal interactions than plot. Though that trashy wannabe edgy screesnhot above is not a good example.

Doesn't really have anything to do with being lighthearted unless this character is supposed to be a parody of a yandere. But then the retard who said he loves ebihime's work because of this particular "joke" sounds too much like the generic edgelords always going on about how they want more yandereshit in their VN. So I believe he thinks this is unironic.
I don't think ebihime's "dark" writing is any good. She tries too hard.
I see myself.
>a Discord cult of personality that does all her projects for her except the writing
She... hires people?
Except sometimes in gamejam projects when she connects with other people who want to make gamejam projects, like everyone else in the gamejam?
>The VNs come out with such frequency that they must be
An awful lot of ebi-hime's work is either short free games or kinetic ones, both of which are vastly easier and faster to write than complex branching stories. That doesn't mean I think they're all brilliant, her stories to me range from good to dull, but the release rate isn't that shocking when you remember the content.
Keylocker's out now. Whether you liked Virgo versus the Zodiacs or not, this one seems to be quite different. Unfortunately unlike Virgo, this one's not very clear about any yuri content being in it. I assume that even if there is, it won't be so focused on.
An ancient thread said there was supposed to be a romance system but at the time (three years ago) it hadn't really been written yet.
The last kickstarter update (announcing the upcoming release) says four complete romance options in-game, more coming later. Assuming those are the four characters on the KS page, one's definitely a guy, one's definitely a girl, and the other two I can't be totally sure.
>more coming later
DLCs or updates? If it's free updates that would imply they didn't have enough dev time. But 4 is a good amount. Let's just hope it's gonna be more f/f options.
I just took a quick look at the stream vid they are using that is also available on their Youtube channel and I clicked right where this female NPC, Babydoll, appears and she turns out to be Bobo's ex-girlfriend. And the developer then adds that Bobo (or B0B0) is a bisexual queen because the player can date both girls and guys. This video is from three months ago so I guess the romance system is pretty much confirmed.

In any case, I can appreciate the higher production values, but this one does nothing for me in terms of theme and aesthetic. And calling your main character stupid in Spanish or Portuguese is an interesting choice for sure.
Are there any games with decent written sex scenes?
Hornybrains wouldn't even be able to tell anyway.
Divinity OS 2 genuinely
According to Hella Yuri this has one f/f romance option. It looks like a game with several male love interests, but maybe not. Either way according to the devs its all about your choices and all endings are equally valid or whatever.
At least the Japanese mythology theme seems cool.
It's mostly otome it just has the one f/f option.
>one love interest that likes fishing
>it's a guy
Every fucking time. Give me a hardcore fisherwoman.
Play RF5.
I played RF4 and didn't like it. Don't think I'll like RF5.
You don't have to admit to playing het games here. In fact it would be better if you didn't. It would be so easy to just say you don't think you'd like RF5.
RF4 has a yuri mod.
>inb4 some "mods don't count" autistic rant
Keep it to yourself, I'm not interested.
And you didn't play it, because that shit is broken.
Except I did, you stupid wanker, and this mod has been discussed on /u/ when it came out. It works just fine, the main problem with it is that it's a primitive protag swap.
It's funny how RF5 didn't originally have gay marriage, so Lucy and Priscilla could just be dismissed as very good friends. Except now you know that they both like women, so they're just insanely gay for eachother.
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I have been spending the past couple of months working on an overhaul to lesbian Frey's dialogue... but in checking Nexus just now, I guess someone beat me to the punch. There was a new dialogue rework uploaded in May of this year. It looks like it fixes a lot the major misgendering in a manner similar to what I was doing. I think mine will probably have more substantial edits (MC had a lot of simplistic responses to dialogue, like "I agree," "That's nice," ""Great," etc. which I also attempted to expand upon), but for the intents and purposes of /u/, Tamah's mod is probably all you'd need. (Picture is from my mod, not theirs.)

That said, RF4S is generally a bit of a product of its times. There are a lot of outdated stereotypes, and the writing as a whole is still a bit simplistic. Whether or not it's worth going out of your way to play over all the other farming sims out nowadays will probably depend more on how much interest you have in the RF universe/franchise than anything else. To each their own.
the stoner vn demo is up https://store.steampowered.com/app/3221840
>feat. Lilypichu
Suddenly, I feel to need to flame a teammate.
I think this concept isn't very compatible with /u/. Sure we tolerate the occasional bislut, but in this case it's just fact that MC dated a bunch of dudes, who are actively relevant and have to be made up with. This isn't optional het or some backstory level thing.
I'm sure some people here will not care as long as you can end up getting back together with one of the girls, but it's definitely very low on the ladder.
>donuts go straight from being rolled to being fried, zero proofing time
its shit
Don't you dare diss Papa's Donuteria like this.
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It's been uncharacteristically peaceful in this thread and every other thread I went to this week as well. As if countless shitposters all cried out in agony and were silenced.
Keep it up.
>And calling your main character stupid in Spanish or Portuguese is an interesting choice for sure.
"Bobo" can be translated as "fool". They're going for a Fool's Journey nonsense I'm guessing.
there's not much to fling shit about, probably because 2024 is pretty dry in relevant releases compared to the last 2 years
Very naive of you to think it takes new releases for shitposters to shitpost. Also last thread is major proof to the contrary. That abomination didn't get to 1500 posts from polite discourse.
I think Seabed broke me
It really is devastating.
Shallow waters for your boat to hit the seabed.
I found a lesbian couple in Runescape.
I'm not going to tell you where they are though! Hahahahaha!!!
Gotta wait for the release of Dragon Age Veilguard.
But its bad.
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I think this is gonna be /u/
Says mature content includes homophobia but not much else to go off of on the store page. The creator's itch looks like it has other games that mention yuri so seems likely this could have something, but from what is being advertised it is not looking substantial.
>mature content includes homophobia
>creator's itch looks like it has other games that mention yuri
Only one another vn from them, walk in the sun, not explicit but still /u/
>almost full female cast
I'd say hopes are high.
>Only one
Oh I see now. The itch user profile design is just terrible and makes it look like the other games on there are theirs too but it is a list of their favorites instead. Well it is a good sign that they also like yuri there too. Irish yuri would be interesting for a change, can't remember any others with that setting.
Itch is known to be a mess with its interface and everything else.
Are there any depressing VNs besides Seadbed?
Isn't your life depressing enough? No need to compound on it.
luckily it's for someone else, so you arent totally right
Then tell that "someone else" to reaed Dreamy Planet.
i will, and i will also tell you check em
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Finally, a yuri game with a good concept.
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>yuri game with a good concept
>look inside
>brothel-themed harem eroge
>Synopsis: Sakura, a high school girl with a stronger sexual desire than most, is summoned to a parallel world where only women exist, and decides to create a yuri harem in the parallel world.
>To build a yuri harem, Sakura makes a contract with a weak succubus and becomes the owner of a brothel...
>Enjoy harem yuri sex with various monster girls from another world!
Making a brothel to have a harem is really stupid though. A harem where all your girlfriends fuck strangers is not exactly cool. Though at the very least the dev said it's an all-female world and there won't be futanari or genderbending shit either.
Who has the best romance in Stardew Valley?
Where do I find this?
you could ask the artist, the rest of her twitter is still there, but if she took it down because she's embarrassed it's probably going to be hard to come by
>Making a brothel to have a harem is really stupid though. A harem where all your girlfriends fuck strangers is not exactly cool.
Yeah that is kind of a weird combination unless the idea is that the protagonist is evil and wants to have a bunch of sex slaves and also exploit them. Which could be fun, we don't get a lot of evil-protagonist yuri.
I don't think it is meant to be evil. She probably pays her sex workers. But the summary says she has an elf slave, so morally dubious for sure.
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Oh fuck me, I wish I didn't see this but it got reposted everywhere and now I can't unsee how weird the upcoming Dragon Age's proportions are
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Holy fuck, you retards will find anything, absolutely anything to freak out about. Every minor fucking detail. Next you will be whining about the goddamn particle effects on the spells. The rock texture is not rocky enough.
Dragon Age has never been the world's most beautiful series. Remember pre-Inquisition texture screeching?

People either learn to ignore it or wait for mods or play another game. It's just not that big a deal.
Excuse me? Hawk's the coolest protag the series ever had.
Also this is really a proportional thing, I'm sure everyone has seen that "body vs. number of heads" ratio chart before and it looks like the new game's got an odd ratio.
I meant the screeching about Inquisition's textures right before it released, not about DA2. Which, yes, I do like Hawke's default design even if I didn't go with it.
Big Head proportions are weird though. Especially for a series that has had more realistic proportions in its prior installments.

ME:A had the same issue. Surprised it carried over.
What are you talking about? They made the heads smaller.
small heads for the small minds hur hur
aw hell nah they turned on big head mode
The before is what's in the game, the after is the user edit retardbro
Origins had pretty fucked proportions for the women. Everyone had yaoi hands.
It's fucking hilarious on a dwarf.
Not to mention that all people had the same body types. All women, from "underage girls" to "grandmas" have the ridiculous 90/60/90 hourglass figure. And the older ones have a really half-assed wrinkle texture sometimes at best, but clearly look just like and 20-something.
It's been a century, so does anyone finally know if Hollowbody is actually /u/ relevant? There were some anons who claimed to play it... >>4290624

I know these Silent Hill-likes are intentionally vague and with multiple endings nothing's certain, but if even one ending is /u/ that is enough.
Well, now it seems Bioware is continuing its tradition of overcorrecting.
If people really care so much mods will be made. It feels like some people are looking for anything to complain about instead of focusing on anything that's actually important.
I dont think endings matter much here but yeah, female MC is searching for her girlfriend.
Game itself is... well... okayish. Bootleg SH.
Is it actually confirmed to be her girlfriend? You aren't just assuming? Because as I said at the start of this thread, info has been very contradictory.
>If people really care so much mods will be made.
Because fans shouldn't be doing for free what the devs are being paid to do.
>It feels like some people are looking for anything to complain about instead of focusing on anything that's actually important.
It ain't just the CC that's been under scrutiny. Things like the lack of choices and RP options are also a big concern.
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Well its not explicit, but MC is reminiscing their dates. I dont think there is much room for doubt here.
>the devs should do what I bitch about
Nope. You are actually retarded enough to say the devs should add an option to change the body proportions of the entire game? Literally no game does that you freak. Youir personal tastes are not a "fix", they are a preference and that's why it's fine to leave that to modders.
>lack of choice (meaning only the one choice anon gives a shit about) is a potential concern
Nobody cares. You will complain about anything, no matter what. Just because you are that one moron who is obssessed with blood magic, the thing no prior game has properly done anything with anyway, doesn't mean the game will have "a lack of choices".

If you want to bitch about every minor detail, stay on /v/. It's okay to talk about the game in general a little bit, but these autistic micro-obssessions that are completely irrelevant to /u/ don't belong here.
Is that really the best example? Because this is actually very vague. Going for the whole "family" vibe before even having a lovers stage is usually a bad sign.
Also what's with the cyrillic in the file name?
Well, poo poo to you too, Mrs Argumentative.
>Is that really the best example?
I think so. In my opinion its pretty obvious. But thats not the main focus of the game, if you need some shove in face conformation like "oh baby lets scissor each other on the ruins of that bri'ish town filled with zombies" you probably wont find it ehere. Still no hetshit though.
>what's with the cyrillic in the file name?
Uhm, is that a problem?
>"oh baby lets scissor each other on the ruins of that bri'ish town filled with zombies"
Spoilers, they weren't zombies

>is that a problem?
Yes. Windows throws a shitfit when non-unicode characters are used in file names.
>In my opinion its pretty obvious
You're acting like it's too much to expect the game to at least use the term girlfriend, lover or anything else that indicates a relationship without plausible deniability. Het games never stay vague about this shit.
>is that a problem?
In some ways yes, but more than anything it's random.
I don't know what caused the yuri prostitution boom but I'm here for it
Devs did not answer when asked, other people who played it said they honestly couldn't figure it out either, it's very Maybe. So probably good enough if you want to play the game anyway but not enough of a draw if that's the whole reason you're there.
So back to start it is. That's all on the same level as what I got day one. These pretentious "psychological horror" games really are such a pain to work with.
It’s the correct term for the wannabe thread police.
>I'm only pretending to be retarded to troll
I like Leah look-wise and I always married her, but recently tried Haley's route and I like Haley's romance personally. Something about a bitchy character that slowly appreciates the small things in life gets to me. Probably has the best personal growth story. It's Stardew though, so they're all paper-thin romance.

The fabled Nights of Azure sale is here.
NoA2 is generally considered awful right? Something something mostly bad endings?
>NoA2 is generally considered awful right? Something something mostly bad endings?
It's sequelbait with no sequel. What is there is not satisfying because they were hoping for a trilogy.
The game itself is pretty good though. Just not as gay as hoped.
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Sorry if this has been asked a ton before, but is there any notable yuri subtext in the Atelier games? specifically the arland trilogy since i heard they were the best of the series
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Nothing.

No yuri, got it. What a waste of space.
Remember the read the replies that point out that this was all goggling and no substance.
Is that a japanese made game? And if so, does it have a happy end where the girl and her "dead" gf get together again?
You are as dumb as a sack of bricks, huh?
>pic rel
>still flirted with her brother
What? Instantly killed any interest i had in the mod. If you insert shit like that into your "yuri" ending then i have no hopes for you to be able to do good yuri in the first place.
In the original game La'Rachel was a love interest for Ephraim, Erika's brother. It was a pretty aggressive trait of hers. The mod's just trying to fit the personalities into the framework.
This isn't really a big deal. Don't take a joke so seriously freak.
>accepting hetshit of any kind
I'm out. This place is worse than dynastyscan forums.
Yes! The shitposter is gone. That's worth a hundred het jokes.
Right, let's move the thread in a move positive direction, shall we?
I'll start.

Greedfall 2 will have all the LI options available to both male or female PC, similar to DA2 and DOS2.
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The moment the shitposter left the thread already went into a better direction. We don't need you to repeat news that was already posted in the last two threads about a game that gets made fun of every time it gets brought up.
Did we? I must have missed that. Damn, I have the attention span of a undeveloped goldfish.
But the Spiders devs did Steelrising and that was pretty gay-ish, so I at least remember that.
Greedfall has same sex romance options, that is undeniable. The question is whether you can survive the cringe long enough to finish said romances. That is if the game doesn't collapse in on itself before you even make it that far. Or if the montonous unimaginative gamelplay and pseudo-french culture don't make you give up on life first.
Greedfall 2 looks like more of the same. Which just like French snails on platters, is not a good thing.
It's a better game than Greedfall, but somehow doesn't have any solid lesbian romance. It's like they can only do one or the other.
Cut me some slack, okay? There are so many pointless arguments that break out in these threads nowadays that I don't often read through them as thoroughly as I used to.

Besides, if anything is worth repeating, it's good news.
Ctrl + F is your friend.
>good news
Debatable in this case I would say. But if the endgoal is an increase in the gross yuri-compatible game sphere than this is a decimal percentage for sure.
That bad, huh? Is it DA:TV level kinda bad? Idk, if anybody can top that right now.
>Ctrl + F is your friend.
That's what it wants me to think. Then it'll betray me.

I'll tell you what's not debatable, though; More yuri is always good.
Bitch Dragon Age isn't out yet and nothing about the actual gameplay and companions implies it will be bad. Stop sucking /v/'s brainfarts and grow a spine. Unlike your retarded hate bandwagon, Greedfall doesn't even have a wheelbarrow, so there is only room for one hater. Me.
But in theory if more than one person at a time could jump on Greedfall it would collapse under the stress.
Greedfall 1 had it's flaws, but it was a solid enough game. Though while it had /u/, I wouldn't recommend for the /u/.
>Dragon Age isn't out yet
Yes, and I have seen enough that I do not like the direction it's going.

>Stop sucking /v/'s brainfarts and grow a spine
The last time I was on that board was because someone here mentioned they had a semi /u/ related thread and that was weeks ago and just for a few minutes. This is my home not some retarded blue board with maximum autism. So how about you stop assuming everybody is from /v/enus or I am coming for /u/ranus.

Don't engage with Mrs Argumentative, it's what they want.
For someone who's totally not from /v/ you sure have a lot in common with them. Maybe fix that.
The same bullshit was spouted about Inquisition back in the day. The reality is that idiots with agendas will hate on Dragon Age for everything that's not catering to their special brand of autism (like f/f romance) and start hate campaigns that half-informed idiots fall for. You are just playing into the retards hands by parroting their bullshit before the game is even out.
There are always some special types of morons here who have major double standards. A mainstream game series that actually caters to /u/ is something to be celebrated, but instead we get /v/ talking points thrown around every time.

Hate on something more deserving, like Greedfall.

I'm starting to think that you have no arguments, which is why argumentation frightens you.
It's more like Ctrl + F(riend). So you have to control your friends. That way they can't betray you.

>More yuri is always good.
True, everything can be improved with more yuri. DA:O was good, but with the Shianni Mod it was even better. I don't understand why they deleted it and I mourn my inept foresight of not saving it for prosperity.
If anything I’m pretty optimistic for Veilguard from what they’ve put out after that disastrous first trailer. Aesthetic wise my only real problem is how fucking goofy the darkspawn look.
The first trailer didn't even have anything wrong with it. People just completely forgot what tone DA2 and DA:I had. Those games put out super grim and serious trailers, but the games where full of fun party stuff and snark. Veilguard is just not pretending anymore.
Seriously, when I watch DA2's trailer now I can't stop laughing, because that super duper grimdark Hawke fighting the Arishok is nothing like my sarcastic Hawke who just ran in circles from the Arishok and kept hitting him with bombs.
Even some devs have said that they didn’t like that trailer and that it didn’t fit the tone they were going for.
I'm just glad that BG3 is filling in the void the DA left. And i'm sure other games will continue to do so, as it's obvious DA itself won't anymore.
I'm sure the devs who made that DA2 trailer also thought it represented their game really well. I don't think trailers can ever do a game with so much variety justice. You have to pick one "version" to focus on.
Larian already said they won't make a BG4. I doubt any other studio Wizards of the Coast can find will make a game as good as BG3. So give up on that right now.
DA was never consistent. The latter games were way better than DA:O. So if you are looking for DA:O shit, then yes, DA thankfully moved past that.
Sure, but Larian itself will make more games and BG3 itself will hopefully inspire other devs.
Is this still the blood magic person
The blood magic issue was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
I don’t think there’s going to be any more DA as fans would want it after this anyway. After all the layoffs there’s basically nobody left.
Still even without direct answer Hollowbody is 10 times more /u/ than most of the crap being discussed here.
Are they still doing the whole import previous save game thing in Veilguard? I doubt I have my DAI save anywhere anymore.
No it's not. But I'm sure if you are so certain you can give examples.
No. They’re not even using the vault anymore and you just pick your choices in the game.
So, moving on, Greedfall 2 will be entering early access soon. Anyone here going to try it out and report back?
I would, but i've got other stuff to get through.
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Moving on back to the topic that was already finished? What is your obssesion with this janky frog game? I don't see you asking people to try and report on any other demos or EAs.

There isn't anything to report anyway. We already know same-sex romances are a thing in both games. Why would you want someone to suffer through Early Access of an already janky game to give you reports on what caricature of a person the LIs are?

How about you get through your other stuff and then play Greedfall 2 yourself when it comes out? Your suffering surely won't be in vain!
I liked Greedfall but I’m not suffering playing through a spiders game in early access
Okay this may be really random and fucking weird, but I'm replaying BG3 after the final patch. Loaded my old Karlach save and this is so weird... But the Karlach/Minthara romance is really good? Minthara is super attached and literally swears to go to Avernus with Karlach to slay Zariel instead of taking the spoils of conquering Baldur's Gate. Like this isnt even fully redeemed Minthara and she is still so caring.
She sees a strength and will in Karlach that inspired her and that spark is unique.

Think about the fact that this entire romance could only happen if you either played an evil Karlach (complete anti thesis of her character) or a Karlach who didnt care enough to save the grove because of some selfish moment of weakness. Well unless the player knows the knock-out trick anyway.

I just found it fascinating because this is a romance 99% of players will never experience.
Maybe I should make a tier list of romance combinations one day.
I will probably play it once it properly comes out (if my crappy machine can run it), but not gonna waste my time in Early Access.
Disappointing that even with an extra 20% off with the humble choice discount NoA2 still costs $24. I want to upgrade from my ps4 copy but that's not worth it for a 7 year old game.
did they ever fix the PC port? i remember not buying it a few years ago because a lot of the reviews were complaining about how horribly optimized the port was
Can't speak for NoA2, but I never had issues playing NoA a few years back. Maybe one crash. Might be another case of everyone's experience varying. Then again, I honestly never had issues with Koei Tecmo ports like everyone else.
slowpoke here, just finished song of farca on steam since it was in sale and recommended by hella yuri. it's a cyberpunk-ish point'n'click detective game with nice art and music.
Can't recommend it though since it's another case of bury your gays. And despite the premise of the game, your choices cannot change that outcome, although you can change the fate of some secondary characters no one cares about. Really felt like a waste of time, stay away if you're sick of that trope too.

>The latter games were way better than DA:O
fucking lol.
It's worth noting that there is a list on HY to warn people about that kind of thing but they don't put it in the main description to avoid spoiling people who would prefer not to be spoiled.

It might actually be a good idea for someone to create a second curator listing just those games, possibly with more spoilers, so that if you do want that headsup you can get it more easily.
>fucking lol.
Yeah I also always laugh when some old men tell me Origins was the best. Has all the flaws people accuse the later games of with all of the downsides of being the first game with all the issues that brings.
Weren't there some anons who said they wish Crusader Kings 3 lets them start a campaign on the very bottom and not a bigshot ruler?
Well the new DLC just dropped and it actually lets you do an adventure camapign until you settle down and settle some land you earned and go from there.
It also added a lot of stuff to the Byzantinian empire, which as a reminder, is the best starting point for the Sappho's Daughter mod.
Time to throw another 40 hours into a playthrough.
>it actually lets you do an adventure camapign until you settle down and settle some land you earned and go from there
At that point, why not play M&B.
Reviews are comparing the two. But obviously CK3 offers things M&B does not. And this is just one thing to do, not the point of the entire game.
No Rzeczpospolita Polska? Damn, so much for historical accuracy.
Wasn't there some mod where you could play out CK battles in Bannerlord?
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Third Times the charm.
>nice art
I thought it looked interesting and saw the recommendation so figured it was worth a shot and got it in a previous sale. Never had time to play it yet so I guess I'll just continue never playing it forever now.
Who would have thought, but your tastes are literally irrelevant to everyone. It's amazing that you are surprised every time.
very cunty post
The only cunt you will ever see.
He's right though. Painfully so.
It's not a matter of taste, it's a matter of having eyes
>concert exclusive books
Oh my god please tell me these will be sold separately eventually
So you're admitting you don't have any? My condolences.
I have enough to know tumblr art. Too bad you don't.
any dating sims with different routes?
>any dating sims with different routes?
imouto-chan i think you don't know what some of those words mean. are you simply looking for romance games with multiple routes? a dating sim has multiple options by definition.
How's the new Rogue Trader DLC? I gave the game itself a pass when I found out the SoB wasn't an option and our only choice was Isabela in Space, but I might get it later if the DLC improves things.
What's the problem, sweety? I thought you loved your gays getting killed because death is tragically beautiful or some dogshit.
Don't even joke about that. There are legit morons in these threads who claim there are too many happy yuri stories and we need more bitter endings and dark shit. As if lesbians dying isn't one of the most overused tropes of all time.
>Not resurrecting your gf after she dies
Absolute beginners. You should always come prepared as a lesbian with that Doomocles Sword hanging above you. At least put some points in Necromancy.
Speaking of which, what's going on with that Sword of the Necromancer sequel? Does anyone care?
Last I saw, it has a male protag? Which is fucking stupid and weird when the first game was lesbians.
I didn't even like the first game but that shit's still dumb.
It was already discussed a while ago. If you want to dig this shit up go to the archives. We don't need a repeat of that.
So bad news? Got it.
Found it >>4227987
Have fun reading up on it. I personally haven't played the original.

>a while ago
>09 Jun 2024
This is like one year in internet age.
Yuri is extremely niche; it's way more profitable to make a game pandering to mainstream audiences.
They'll at least upload the short story somewhere, I hope
One could also argue that they already made a game for the lesbians so now they make one for a different group. As long as they're not straightening out the original characters, doesn't really matter
lol I wish. But no they will charge you whenever they can
The more likely scenario is they won't do anything with it other than hand it out at the venue to ticket holders and that would be the end of it. Exclusive merch becoming lost media is common in japan.
That is partially the fault of the concert goers then. If you are part of a fandom and get access to exclusive goods, it is your duty to upload them to the web.
According to what the developers said, the game has 3 protagonists/playable characters: the new guy and the lesbian couple from the first game. At first the game alternates between them, then they form a group and you can choose which characters you want to use in battle.
It sucks that the sequel could have been completely about the girls, but at least we'll still get a lot of content (unless the developers really want to set the world on fire and make a het triangle...)
You added literally nothing to the convo. We already linked the archive where the exact same thing was said.
Your mother added literally nothing to the world
>Unironically defending males on a yuri game
>Unironically defending the yuri audience getting shoved at the side for a male
There is no way you aren't a marketer working for the developer.
SEABED COMPLETE EDITION HAS JUST RELEASED ON STEAM. New features and new scenes from the Switch version
I've always wondered why bother releasing Steam versions of Switch games when people will always choose the Switch versions.
At this point Steam is pretty much a meme.
Aoi Shiro and Akai Ito are getting western, physical release by SLG

Holy shit I think they're including a proper localization!
The fuck are you talking about? Steam is the most successful gaming platform in the entire industry. The Nintendo Switch is a joke that everyone groans about. Ancient outdated tech that can't even compete with the last generation of consoles, the worst running ports and shitty controller.
You must be living in some alternate universe.

Nobody cares until they fix the damn translation.
They mention a new localization in the description.
Wait, does that mean we have to buy this new version when we already own it on steam?
>Steam is the most successful gaming platform in the entire industry
Not at all; you're confusing Steam with the Switch.
Zohar here. Yes it's mine. Success contacted me after the machine-translated fiasco. Came to a nice arrangement (and yes, I finished Sakuya's route). I believe Aoi Shiro is going to be using the OG Wings of Yuri patch.
At this point they should just context the fan translators from the start.
That being said, do you have any insight on whether the versions on other platforms will be updated with the improved translation? Right now we are all using the fan translations on the official version, but Sakuya's route was never translated and in the end it would be easier for people to just have the good version when they buy it.
Oh so you are just a shitposter. Kinda obvious when you say shit this stupid lol
>on a yuri game
but it's not a yuri game?
The versions currently on Steam and the Nintendo store are going to be updated with the "new" localizations. Success has been continually updating the release for the last year to add features missing from the PS2; trust me, the team over there really cares about it due to the duology being a big cult game over in Japan. The whole language fiasco is something they are very apologetic about; they've just started getting into the western market, and it was a learning experience.
Considering the aspect ratio issues and crashes related to that, they seem to have had a lot of learning experiences with porting old games.
Anyway, as long as they fix it things will be fine. The bad port was around for a year, the good one will be around until they have to delist it for some reasons or never.
So why are you bringing it here?
Female Death Cult Assassin companion romancable by either gender
I didn't. All I did was post >>4297654 not caring if there's a non-yuri sequel that i'm not going to play.
>I didn't, I just brought a non-yuri game to the yuri game thread.
You are intentionally stupid. That anon just told you he wasn't the one who brought the game into this thread, dumbass.
But anon still felt compelled to talk about it. To defend it, and to defend its new male protagonist.
As long as you admit you were wrong. Stick to the correct butthurt accusations.
Why are you defending someone who's shilling a non-yuri game so ferociously?
Wow, is this the extent of your bait? No wonder the other anon got bored of you. Happy searching for someone who cares.
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Your taste is, yeah.

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