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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread

Previous thread: >>4333588
What are we watching in 2025 /u/?
not yuri, try again
The previous thread is on page 7, what are you smoking?
Sakiko's demise.
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Here lies Sakiko. The band gave her the rest of their lives and then some.
Did something happen to the catalog?
I wasn't seeing any threads for a few minutes. I could only get to the threads from the thread watcher. Seems to be fixed now
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Need more umiricky.
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>Succubus & Hitman is going into Kaname's backstory and it's just what happened to the Doggy in Mahou Asuka

Maybe I should make a thread for these manga again.
Kniowing this manga lets hope it isn't something worse and it stays women only but we gonna learn next chapter about the details.
>not trusting the Yurifag king
Just finished S1 of Hamefura and I'm pretty happy with the ending despite the fact that it's not a mainly yuri title.
Are novels any good or are they just endlessly baiting both hetfags and yurifags?
I haven't read the novels, but I recommend that you stop watching there. I really enjoyed the first season as well, but the 2nd season was just a waste of time. I couldn't finish it.
There is no bait, she kiss and gets together with blonde guy while the other girls get together with the other guys.
Yuri blog sites be like:
>theres two girls and they talk in a flirty way sometimes, and even groped eachothers boobs in the bath once. they both end up marrying dudes by the end though.
>All in all, id give it a 7/10 on the yuri scale, it makes my yuri heart flutter. highly recommend to all fans of yuri
Just look at the profile and you will understand why
I can tell that you watched the English dub.
A story about enemies to lovers from different worlds.
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Yuri about enemies to lovers to enemies to divorce to custody suits to lovers when their daughter makes macaroni art of her moms in a happy family again.
New MONONOKE movie is apparently yuri according to the reviews?
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I gotta tell you, Letterboxd has worse yuri goggles than us
My dumb ass was thinking princess mononoke
That was my first thought as well, way more likely cherry picked comments for a 1 minute scene than a main character with substantial screen time for romance.

i wanna watch it...
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Another one?? hell yeah
Buy Buy Buy
I thought it was supposed to be yaoi.
>Book x sis
Life is well and good again.
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menhera adachi and shimamura soon?
Is she pretty?
based KitaOoi fan
>even the author of adachi and shimamura will have his own "we have adachi and shimamura at home" series
You hate to see it.
Do I though?
>menhera adachi and shimamura
Isn't that just Adachi and Shimamura?
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Who was at their wedding?
It's Adachi and Shimamura but they kill Tarumi in this one.
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>be older me at start of quarterly anime season in 2027
>finally done with routine colonoscopy and can finally relax after days of misery
>get home to enjoy new yuri adaptation
>green manga finally gets an anime now it's green anime
>main characters talk about listening to rock music, from the west, shit that's harder than the poppy rock stuff you expect Japanese high school gen z kids to listen to
>show shows Mitsuki going from meek reserved nerd to stylish record store clerk, putting in headphones and hitting play
>Imagine Dragons - Radioactive starts playing
Real talk though do you think they'd make any attempt to license popular western music for any actual anime adaptation?
What the fuck is the point of this fucking prom arc if we don't get Teenage Dirtbag?

I would imagine western music is too expensive since they most likely would have to license it in dolars.
The cops.
Your mom is a cop?
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>Canon pairs mentally ill people can't see
Their high school friends because they're dorks
>got tricked into reading some faggot bisIut cuckshit again
It's all so tiresome
Also this doesn't feel like manga at all, feels like I'm reading some bullshit baeghab written by some hetfaggot gook with cuck fetish
>license it in dollars

Wouldn't they just license it through JASRAC or one of the Japanese liaisons like Sony, Warner, Universal Japan, etc.? I'm not saying this is pennies on the dollar but it at least makes sense for Japanese productions rather than the "lmao add $100000 to this episode's budget so we can play Phil Collins on an HBO show"
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You should kill yourself
Now post the list of 30 or so male love interests
It's a really good manga. The MC's friend is cool.
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Maybe you'd better post the chapter number where one of the main girls shows interest in these "interests"?
As a matter of fact they don't seem to so far, bue we have seen this movie before with this author.
Looks like a TV series to me.
You should have paid more attention, it was actually Really Inactive.
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>They actually mention Wheatus by name in a recent chapter
lmao, i made this edit like 6 months ago
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I'm surprised Green Day isn't on there. You'd think it'd be the obvious choice.
Well, you've got a pair of Japanese idiots on the cover.
Mononoke movie is definitely yuri subtext with the blushing and the main plot revolving around two girls relationships . Nothing explicit but the gist is the main girl considers the other girl her most precious thing and that conflicts with her job
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Forgot pic. They're precious.
The ring if it was a good movie/book.
very cute indeed
Sadako is a hermaphrodite.
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Yuri between "hot girl trying to find someone to kill monsters for her" and "girl that watched one Wong Kar Wai movie and made it her entire personality and is constantly trying to live the aesthetic"
What even is this?
Het. It's het.
Only in the book, and even there her only male feature is having testicles in place of ovaries.
Where's the men then?
Name? I should be judge of that.
Nah, don't do this, you are leaving people in the dark on purpose, this is the last work from Hibike author. The girls are not involved with guys but there are a large cast of male characters who are constantly dating other girls and in some cases interested in MCs, So yeah, if you want to ship in this one you are doing a one hit run on ultra nightmare.
Hana wa Saku Shura no Gotoku
Liz to Aoi Tori was yuri thoughbeit
Honestly a great title regardless of the content. Reminds me of Tomino's Hell
Not what the director said, regardless she did write a yuri story for the anthology, it had a lot of non yuri stuff but at least she got it right, can't say it for half of the authors of that anthology.
Okiku-san manga.
I trust my own eyes more than what anyone else says. Sad that you can't do the same and have to live sucking up to authority.
>unfortunately no het
Watch out the punctuation, easy girl.
Said every fish before waking up in a sushi bar.
not even the director?
well then again, the author of bloom into you doesnt like calling their series yuri either
Fiction comes alive when read, not when written. Once the story has been written the author stops mattering.
>we invited the strippers, renako, and asumi
>we invited the strippers, renako and asumi
Sure, but we are not here for whatever alternative story you made up in your head.
AO3 is the other way champ. Go do your revisionist history over there
Who decided to hire the most useless bottoms as strippers.
checked this out due to this post and a passing interest in the series. Glad I did, it was great.
I felt it was pretty close to explicit from Asa, less so from Kame. The pairing of the scene of their cuddling with the emperor /concubine was pretty explicit and the confession framing of 'precious thing' was pretty strong. Ending was bittersweet to say the least though. I'm kind of hoping the series might break the show's previous framework of unconnected episodic stories so we get the chance to see the two of them again in the sequel.
also the theme song of the movie being 'sick love' (which I also loved) feels like a pretty strange choice if we're just talking about a friendship.
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>Unfortunately no het
Renako is topping Mai and Ajisai, and has topped Kaho(without contacts version), so I don't think she counts as bottom
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Nor an alternative story in the director’s head. Anything the staff wants to communicate should be in the movie itself
If they fail so much that they need to reaort to interviews and shit, that’s their fault. The interviews still don’t count
Tell that to the director and their cult trying to do revisionism in interviews
For that they would need to provide unambiguous maintext answers, otherwise you will always interpret what they wrote as you see fit and thrown a tantrum everytime they tell you how wrong you were.
Obvious samefag is obvious
>person likes yuri
>person watches a work that contains literally nothing that hinders interpreting it as yuri
>person interprets it as yuri
You can interpret anything you want as yuri anon, no one is entering your house and putting a gun in your head forbidding you of doing so, but your headcanon is not relevant to the discussion here, the director explanation is.
The real problem is the hypocrisy of some fans, where the "interpretation" of something being considered yuri only applies to what they like (the more pretentious the better) and is the only true answer, while other people who don't really interpret things, but rather enjoy the little implications and don't try to pretend that it's necessarily yuri, are idiots who don't deserve to exist.
Well I don't really blame anons for having a yuri bias in the yuri board, though yes it's very clear some are unable to enjoy works that would require interpretation unless they can dismiss every other possible interpretation, even the director own words become meaningless because they not fit this agenda.
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>all-girl cast
>lesbian side characters
>absolutely no male in sight
>is hetshit anyway
Do hetfags really?
Pedos don't care, as we have seen recently they don't even care if they are girls.
Anything the creator says about their work, outside of the work itself, is no more valuable or true than what I say about it. Within the framework of their work, the creator is a god; outside of it, they are one of countless interpreters, moreover, a confusing interpreter, because they, unlike many nameless "colleagues," have had the opportunity to express what they think needs interpreting with the means available to them as a creator. But for some reason they didn't do it and now they give idiotic interviews because, you see, they don't like the way their work is interpreted by others, despite the fact that they themselves gave them an obvious reason for such an interpretation.
It is here. They didn't do it because they understand it's not their place to do so.
Yea the entire premise of this is really weird ngl
It's aiming for extreme waifufags. Same exact thing with Blue Archive and other playersexual gachas that don't give the player character any kind of design (until manga and anime adaptations, since the gimmick is much harder to pull off in those, so they gotta either remove the MC like Azur Lane anime did or give him a design like the various Blue Archive manga and the anime did)
Everything about Kunoichi Tsubaki becomes easier to understand when you realize it's aimed at the same kind of people as BA or Girls Frontline 2. People who'd be jealous of even the MC, no matter how bland his design or personlality. So they gotta remove MCs of the equaltion to pander to these extreme waifufags. Even the blandest, most self insert isekai MC is a rival to them, they can't self insert
Replying to 2 different posts is not samefagging
What? No. The point is only the content of the work counts, if you hate people doing "revisionism", interviews should also count as "revisionism". If an author wants to make girls explicitily not gay, it should be explicit in the show/movie. Any interviews is too late
Director's headcanon is also irrelevant. Hack should've made it explicit in the work. Muh interviews and shit will never count and are as much headcanon as anyone else's
Anon this series literally disgustingly ends with MC meeting an old guy and starting going out with him, you are confusing waifufaggotry with pedobait where they can't really do anything lewd with the girls so they just have them doing cute stuff instead.
Anon, you are the one interpreting it as gay, the director is saying it was never the intention for people to see the series this way, there is no retcon or revisionism from their point of view, you just see it this way because it directly conflicts with your headcanon, now if your point is that the movies are bad written or written in a disonest way where people would naturally assume things they shouldn't to fill the gaps then you may be right.
I only know the anime. Had no idea about the manga. Then I guess it's just the author inserting his fetish.
Any interviews are revisionsim, headcanon and retcon. Only the work itself matters. I will never seek or care about interviews to interpret a show
Cope and seethe and stop fellating hacks who can't make what they want explicit and need to resort to interviews
Well yeah, you can see this in his other series as well though at least he has done a few explicit yuri side couples in his other stuff too.
If you really don't want the relationship between your characters to be perceived as romantic, try not to give them ambiguous lines like "I love your oboe”, let them say something simpler and more straightforward, like "I love how you play the oboe”. They shouldn't embrace sensually for several minutes of screen time, friends don't act like that with each other. What are you saying, then the movie will be boring? It's not surprising, any work that allows only one interpretation and does not excite the imagination will be boring. But you didn't want this, right? You are a brilliant director after all, you have creative ambitions, you are applauded by European festivals…
If anything I am saying the director is trash, which isn't surprising since those are also trash movies. I am not sure what you want me to cope and seethe about, I never though of them as yuri to begin with, I was already very used with their disonest way of portraying stuff after all. Like I already said to you, I am not asking for you to change the way you think, but you are going to convince anyone here your headcanon has the same weight than the "director's headcanon".

Yes, this is exactly what happened, friendship is boring, so they make those interactions look more important then they are supposed to be, but since this isn't common human behaviour no matter how much bad directors try to excuse every nonsense they write as "adolescence" people will just assume what would make more sense in their heads, which in this case would be romantic interest.
I want you to cope and seethe about the fact your precious interviews you keep mentioning are irrelevant trash and no one is obligated to care about them
muh interviews is a weak as shit argument
Can you stop littering every post with muh and cope and seethe already? It gives you away as a concern troll big time.
See. At least his other stuff (that got an anime) has the girls paired up with a classmate or schoolmate from their age range. Not an old man. Kunoichi Tsubaki's ending is a much obvious fetish insertion than his other works
When you stop using your irrelevant interviews for your own concern trolling
I will never seek interviews. Interviews are irrelevant garbage Shut up about them If you care, tha'ts your problem. Doesn't give you the right to go all "you're wrong" to people who don't. Interviews are still weak argument
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Wich woman can fixed her and then bang her?
Yeah definitely, his last work is also full of creepy stuff even though the protags are JKs
You are objectively wrong, there is no way around this, so we are not going to shut up and accept your nonsense.
This is an english speaking thread, anonette...
Your overrated interviews are objectively irrelevant. Cope and seethe. Muh interview will always be trolling
If you refuse to guve up that shit, I will keep using cope, seethe and muh. I’ll stip when you give up on asking people to seek interviews
I mean you are free to do so, so good luck in your journey, as autistic it is.
Your obssession with seeking interviews and demanding others do so instead of watching, giving your opinion and moving on is not any less autistic
Lolis are made for middle aged obasans
I dated a bislut and it was the worst experience of my life. Never again, sisters. I now endorse all the bullying they get on this board.
We don't care if the guy who fucked you in the ass is also into girls
It was actually extremely easy to understand when I realized he wrote taigaki-san. Those big ass heads were a dead give away.

Not sure about the rest of your statement tho. This is written by a guy with an extremely narrow world view. Even in yuri with "youthful follys", women with no access to men have no interest in them. So it makes no sense for someone who's never seen one in person to have some weird drive to be with them. Unless you already think women are one degree removed from being an animal.

Gross ass shit all around
Wait is all this autism about the new Yamada Naoko movie?
Anon, 2018 was 6 years ago
The number 3 is only good when it comes to the optimal number of cats inside a house.
>Girls Frontline 2
Don't know why they didn't keep Gelatine for the MC of the sequel.
'Death of the author' and whatnot. Just don't bring non-yuri shit on /u/
Desperately need more /u/ that would pass as a Wong Kar Wai film like your picrel.
>The stoic and emotionless student council president who is insanely wealthy, has long straight black hair, is strict, has the best grades in the school, and even has her own fanclub of girls who think she is perfect; who get swooned by the MC because shes the only one dared to approach her while everyone else got scared off by her cold demeanor
What the fuck. Seriously what the actual fuck. I thought people were exaggerating when calling him a pedo. And how could someone with a really cute art style make something so disgusting?
Agapanthus isn't a true lily.
It's the point.
Fine the western release
still over 6 years ago
I love that doujin where Mami was dating a depressed middle aged salarywoman. It's one of the most wholesome yuri I've ever read.
So today's autism doesn't involve her?
Of course. But if something is yuri in the work itself,. any interviews are as valid as shitposts. If the girls don't show anything marking them as het in the work and have a yuri dynamic with each other, I won't seek an interview and I won't care for any "acshually" from an interview. Interviewtards can go kill themselves
Is it so gross to assume no contact with men makes women gay or not straight?. Maybe it's the other works that you mention that have gross implications?
Like, Kunoichi Tsubaki is working on attraction being determined from birth and unchanging. So, an straight woman/girl will always be straight. And of course, gay will always be gay
Here's the problem with yuri where girls have no interest in men due to no access to them: If their gay is conditional (no access to men), it implies it could be changed, which is the homophobic rethoric of "lesbians just didn't meet the right man", conversion therapy bullshit and of course all the "they want to brainwash the kids into being gay" retard panic from homophobes
I dunno, while I agree KT is weird and can be seen as gross, I don't think the idea of sexual orientation being set and unchanging is all that gross
Her mom apparently.
I think that's probably the correct answer. I just think in this series especially, it's gross because it's treated like a compulsion, since the last chapter still has Mc trying to leave the village to meet men

Either way, gross. The author is gross. And this and his other works are not yuri, even if there's crumbs
Sometimes, I wonder whether purityfags tend to be men or actual lesbians.
>He think there's a woman on /u/
Are you ok?
I have disliked purityfags since the Utena days
However, I take Purityfags over you zoomers.
They've been hit by, they've been struck by, a smooth criminal.
I've seen both. Male purityfags want to see girls untouched by dicks. Female purityfags don't understand how women could ever fall in love with men and can't stand stories where women get manipulated by men.
Itou-sensei, the loli gypsy has escaped. She's nowhere in the basement. She's gone...
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>2011 was 15 years ago
I wonder what the state of Yuri will be in another 15 years....
I'll be content if anyone attenpts to yuri bait again, their career is ruined
It is when they're saying the exact same thing and posted exactly one minute apart. This isn't even the first time this has happened in regards to Liz.
Nigger what
That's so rude to Mira, what did she do?
I can only assume it's a crackdown against lying title.
>Futari/Two Girls
>actually six girls' feelings are connected by yuri SM
The yuri centipede.
I think Mira stuff is all licensed to that site and they keep DMCAing hentai sites over it
now that Yuri is more popular and we have a lot more options to pick from without having to beg for scraps of yuri, i can finally say that mai-hime is fucking trash and i never liked it. hope in another 15 years ill be able to openly hate dragonmaid and assault lily too
>i can finally say that mai-hime is fucking trash

yuri status?
Gonna have to ask about assault Lilly. Is it the souer system? Cause understandable even if you're wrong. Dragonmaid I kinda get. Mc gets her girl tho
hated a lot of the characters (especially the dude and mai), the story wasnt that interesting, felt like they kept walking back on things, and the ending was awful. The yuri was nice, but there wasnt enough of it, and parts of the show felt like the higher ups were just testing the waters to see what sticks, which i guess is why they doubled down on yuri in Otome and pretend the manga where Natsuki is straight doesnt exist. One of those shows where i doubt many people would care if it released today
really great soundtrack though
its mostly the pacing. shit goes by way too fast to the point where i just dont care about most of the characters when its their time to shine, which makes their arcs feel underwhelming and unearned. The part with Yuri (the character) is especially badly rushed. Havent played the gacha, so maybe they flesh them out better.
Dragonmaid started out okay, but got worse the longer it went on, and i really hate the shota (named Shota)
I haven't seen the anime but played the gacha so you might be right there. I feel like dragon maid is trying to give something to every one, onee-shota for women, but tiddy loli for men, yuri for both
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not yuri
We have Adashima at home.
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what are these fuckin names...
>Ending was bittersweet to say the least though
Kinda hard to call it a yuri win if in both anime movies (Mononoke and Looking Back) we get rather bad yuri endings messages in them, in one the other girl gets killed and they never reunite aside of delusion angle of what if scenario, in another the girl chooses a job over her possible precious thing and makes her leave the golden cage and roam into the world while she stays alone in it but knowing other is free to do whatever else and not lose herself in the job, but they rather will never reunite either.
Also the so called emperor harem type iof stories are so iffy as hell knowing they only exist so the emperor could fuck the girls he chooses and all of them go there for that reason aside of few who just want to get better standing or learn something.
In a way both popular movies rather enforce the bad ending vibe for yuri genre in Japanese tradition than proposing something new.
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>that new akebi raw
when did hiro go from voyeur fetishist obsessed with pubescent girls to mastermind of soft, lyrical manga?
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foot fetish scene framed like this...
He can be two things at the same time.
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>looking at the viewer
Can already tell it won't be yuri.
Pie Eleven?
I think that artist has only drawn yuri in commercial products thus far.
New akebi
Why do you act like Assault Lily and Dragon Maid are holy shows here that no one criticizes?. If you were here while they aired, you’d see that they both got lots of shit
There’re people who like them but they never reached the rep of Mai-HiME. So I don’t understand that pary of your post
but she is the canon MC for the 1st and 2nd game.
now, where did I save the tweet from the publisher that said it’s a yuri story from the Volume 1 release?
I thought it was always tagged as yuri but was a pretty slow burn?
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This was one of the best chapters yet.
which one is it?
Yeah, after looking it up I found out there are some works I didn't know about.
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The sexual tension between these two middle schoolers is off the charts. Also goddamn it, Erika is perfection.
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Damn, this shitty Chinese publisher changed the obi text from "these two, toutoi" to "these two, totally would". Do they hate money?
I'm more interested in the fact that 千金 apparently means 'lady' in Chinese. I thought Mao was supposed to have Cultural Revolution'ed this stuff
isn't that by a twiwanese pub? they also changed 2 to 2 chicks. quite blasphemous considering the yuri audience lol
Same difference.
Hope the chink yuri fans people here worship trash the publisher over this
Somehow yuri always makes a poet out of a pervert
Taiwan is an independent country.
>unfaithful Adachi
This is why Iruma hates this series.
The AdaShima killer...
More like, unintentional, homewrecker Adachi if you read the synopsis.
I thought the MC for Girls' Frontline 2 was a generic faceless male character.
>cheating Adashima
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oh no
Select-able male or female.
>"these two, toutoi"
What does this mean?
toutoi means honored/precious but I yeah I was also confused at the mix of English and Japanese in that comment
Yeahhh noo, I hope the poor girlfriend doesn't suffer as much as Nanase .
I checked and it's a young man only seen form the back. Not even a face or a name, just a completely featureless blank slate for waifufags to self-insert into.
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Meaning, of course, male in any adaptation.
Hopefully a time where yuri kisses won't be limited to lowres gifs.
Nah, he is too tall and too width, he is like 40cm taller, so definitely an adult.
It suffers from the problems of every gacha adaptation; shitload of forgettable characters crammed into 12 episodes, barebones plot, derivative setting, etc.
Plus, for a show that tries to theme itself around yuri, its yuri levels are no higher than most subtext shows. And what that other anon said about rushed pacing. It just feels cheap and committee-made all around.
It was still a cool series, the two MCs even had a daughter but she died midway into the series too.
Maybe if it had aired 10 years prior, but by the time it aired there was so much better stuff that it didn't stand out at all.
Granbelm this ain't.
The real strength of Assault Lily is the comedic moments. They were the best parts of the anime but in the game as well, stories with a lighter tone tend to be better.
Oh, and unlike 99% of gachaslop, being animated by SHAFT. The character design overall is excellent as well, if you like thighs this is probably the ultimate franchise for you.
Well yeah if aired 10 ywars before it probably would have gotten 20+ episodes
The only good parts of Assault Lily were the scenes of Kaede being a funny yaya.
Not for long!
Iruma hate that someone took the "Tarumi should date Adachi" seriously.
I can only decide if this is good or not based on how hot the girlfriend is/isn't.
Someone should make a Sayaka x Yuu manga and force Nakatani to shill it kek.
This shit was so basic

I havent been disappointed in an anime this much since Sesamaki Koto
She better not have a shit hair style or else everyone here will be cheering the cheater.
>the author of Yashiro no maou confirmed the maou isn't a girl
Why the hell would you do that?
Did he say they're a boy or that it's neither? Things without a biological sex count as yuri as long as they look female.
She is too busy DMCAing a random twitter account who posts Yagakimi images daily
I think everyone already assumed the devil forms have no gender
No, they don't. Yuri is love between girls, not between "things that look female".
By convention stuff whichhad no gender before like androids, monsters and so on are commonly accepted as female and also as yuri too. If he said Yashiro was a male devil then it's not yuri but TS.
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And yet Japan doesn't consider robot yuri to be seperate from regular yuri.
What convention? You mean your own agenda? Robots and monsters can be female if the author makes them female.
>robots can be female if the author makes them female
Unless the robot has biological components (meaning it's not a robot), it cannot be female.
Robots don't have gender, you just think they do because this is a literary convention that comes from the 50/60s when Astro Boy introduced female robots and everyone accepted it as such, monster can have genders but monsters can also be genderless depending the lore.
How about you go to the genderless board if you hate female characters so much you have to deny them?
Japan accepts them as girls, japan accepts it as yuri, you have no ground to in this discussion.
You mean a minority of retards like you who also says futashit is yuri or makes GB threads on /u/? Because most people both in Japan and outside of Japan don't consider yuri that one series about genderless things that some retard posted here some time ago.
Roboyuri sisters…
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Sorry retard, but both futanari as TS as the name says, are considered different things than yuri, regardless of what some porn addicted anons try to say, meanwhile you have Does you first time with an android counts and Normality and monsters being sold together with yuri titles. Here is a picture for you, now find the futanari and TS titles.
That's what I'm saying, retard. Robots and monsters are female when the author makes them female. I'm not the one saying they're not female.
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Anon, does (shameless solo fanservice) pictures like this look to you like the author is trying to make the monster not female? I am pretty sure if you asked all of those authors if the monster form or if the machine body/data is female they would all say "not really but..." because ultimately it's the truth, they are not human, animals, insects or whatever can have something we can different between male and females.
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>I havent been disappointed in an anime this much since Sesamaki Koto
what's it like having taste this bad?
Butterface yuri
These girls look like lesbians.
Sasameki Koto? Moar like So-so-meki Koto.
All girls look like lesbians when they're looking at each other.
The anime was EXTREMELY low effort, had a bad art style, stopped in an akward part of the tsory (I think, been a while) and a bunch of shills were hyping it up "THIS WILL BE POPULAR"

In fact one anon tried to tell us it was going to be the Ouran of /u/
None, I made it up.
Extra pages in the first volume.
It's always a red flag if the original gender isn't revealed as female from the start.
It's not saying it's a man though.
How do you get from precious to totally would?
Options are limited.
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Oh fuck no I just recently got into it.
Nah, you may notice anon said it's not a girl, not it's a man.
i know this is just a typical default Japanese response to avoid unnecessary conflict, but you can predict that the manga’s ending won’t be a 'romantic' one. they will live together in the end, but you won’t see them kiss or anything like that.
Author never did proper yuri, A-channel was trash, and there was never any expectation they would do something good. Why expect anything more than more junk from them? There was never a reason to put any value in this in the first place. There is a new explicitly yuri series starting basically monthly at this point, not even counting the endless kirara subtext 4koma pipeline, so we can just move on to brighter pastures.
>A-channel was trash
Kill yourself.
Yes, very likely so, the author kinda sealed that fate when he made the demon lord look like she 10, though there is also the new girl who is explictly interested in fucking MC and making the little one jealous.
I mean, it's s fun series so far, I think A channels suffered from what a lot of early CGDCT 4 koma did which was never really moving an inch of the original premise.
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Is alien stage worth getting into for /u/?
Wouldn't be so sure about that, the very first MC for a GFL adaptation was female. That was the first official design for them too.
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High art
Classic series
I was reading watatabe, and mermaid Touko is super weird and dorky.
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>had a bad art style
I wont allow this slander
arent they full body cyborgs, not robots?
Only one of them.
>it took 20 volumes and Nene being told directly to notice the most obvious thing about Clarion
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As expected, she didn't care.
It also leads into Clarion starting to convince herself (and Uzal) she's human so even if someone wants to take the "robots are genderless" interpretation at all costs, the series goes beyond it and fully justifies its "girl meets girl" tag through heavy transhumanism.
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Watanare if it was good.
Them being a cyborg and a robot is a big point. The manga masterfully tied together good yuri with good scifi.
what makes a person who created something like Ghost in the Shell create something like Koukaku no Pandora?
It's also the Excel Saga guy and a bunch of other people. They just wanted a nice story.
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Speaking about Koukaku no Pandora, I'm almost done with the anime, and MangaUpdates says it adapted like 8 volumes, should I read the manga from the beginning or am I fine starting it on Vol 8?
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The original Ghost in the Shell manga was goofy and even had lesbian sex. It was the adaptations the ones that cemented its image as moody, existentialist story.
Both options are fine.
The anime goes a bit fast and skips/alters a bunch of things towards the end, the confrontation with Kurz and his android enforcer is a lot more involved in the manga and heavily includes Robert Altman who references the events later on. If you don't want to reread from the start, you could pick up from volume 5/chapter 19.
Are you blind? It says no re-uploading.
Unironically what do people think they're accomplishing by throwing that in, it seems very common with Japanese artists
it's a cultural thing
The purpose of the 'do not reupload' disclaimer is not to eliminate all reuploads, but rather as a tag to tell everyone seeing the reupload that the person posting it is an honorless dog that should have been aborted as a fetus.
It's not, when someone reupload you are you don't getting views they do, on X the right thing to do is repost it.
>you are you don't getting views they do
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
There are a lot of people (the vast majority of which are third-worlders, by the way) that repost someone's art without crediting them so that they can get likes and attention on social media. Artists don't care about random retards on imageboards posting their art, they care about attention whores on X and Facebook doing it.
I do it all the do it time.
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Good day to /u/, the Winter Cup is almost here and as such our team needs your help to get some need blood on the team, If you have some ideas for the roster you can find the link to drop them to us down below

why authors so gay now
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Ichigo fucked us over 2 years ago and would much rather play baseball than soccer. Now is the perfect time to bring her back.
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Culture regarding yuri and homosexuality has changed even on japan, whether they really like girls or are just playing the role it doesn't really matter, they get too much positive feedback online by doing so, of course it helps be it authors or vtubers they aren't really using their real names. But you can tell the new generation of authors is much more open about being homosexuals and bisexuals.
Wdym? She writes yuri, should she not?
Most yuri authors are straight, or at least used to be.
most authors simply dont talk about their personal lives, straight or homos
We are not in the 2010s anymore grandma, there is a thing called X no, young authors will talk too much, even about their periods.
Not really? Most of them were and are dykes. You ever read old yuri hime or shimai?
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Never forget those two dorks made this cool girl
You are talking about a dozen old authors from that era like Morigana, not every was gay and they were comparatively small in quantity considering how many came after.
Posthumans are too amazing, we're not ready yet for more than a short glimpse of one of them.
Under desk cunnilingus really is so rare.
That's not how it works. Two dorks can only make a bigger dork.
Dork combined with dork cancels out, it's PEMDAS or something.
Dorkness and coolness are a circle, you can be so dork you became cool and you can be so cool you became a dork
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Tummy punching yuri? I'm in.
Is that canoeing 3dcg movie /u/ or not?
Years of omakes, interviews and so on, though you could argue some people would rather not come out.
Sorry but you haven't provided any proof.
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It's up.
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Nice, I was gonna suggest her but someone beat me to it.
I came here to post this. Looks like absolute peak yuri
>cheating adashima
the list is long
>not one kiss for real
lame, taiwanese girl wll had tongue for real
Okay, the girl from 9:48 does sit put tongue
That is taiwan though.
Now it's over for real. The third movie was good and gay too, but the drama remains the gayest. A fantastic series.
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Mite b cool
What happened to her other LN? Is it already over?
It flopped, hopefully he got a better editor this time, assuming this one is yuri of course.
My attention span is too short for that.
That looks like SHY but with lesbians.
Hoĺly chetos, this is actuaĺly the inspiration for Lycoris
>same eye and hair color
Please be incest
Please be incest
Please be incest
The cover is too het
For based thou art, and unto based shalt thou return
Villainess didn't flop you retard.
LycoReco needed more bare feet.
I assumed anon was talking about yet another novel by the author, at least on wikipedia it mentions two spinoffs called You're Pretty Uppity for a Commoner and Turn to Me
The flopped one was BokuKimi you dumbass
>flopped so hard anon doesn't even know it existed
Villainess is his only work that didn't flop, even so part 2 reception was so bad he can't get part 3 published, his sci fi novel flopped super hard and his most recent fantasy one even harder.
I don't blame Inori for going back to the only thing that ever worked for him, but unfortunately for him he got a bad timing since the LN fantasy/isekai market has trending down in the last few years, meanwhile the yuri romance market has basically exploded with even Dengeki having to do create their own yuri line.
>no PepiLoretta spinoff
I hate it!
More unfortunate for him is the fact that he was never a competent writer to begin with. You can make something as yuri as it possiblely is, but with his brand of shitty writing, it's like putting icing on a piece of turd.
I seriously wish countless yuri mangaka were so unfortunate as to make a best selling series with an anime adaptation. Stop acting like being a one hit wonder is such a horrible fate when most die in obscurity.
I think the issue is that early on Inori got involved with the western fandom, after he said the series sells better outside japan and so the feedback he has been getting for his works is not good and also not compatible with the market he works with, it's not surprising he made sure the US version of this work would be out together with the japanese one.
We don't have any sales report which indicates it's likely on the low side of the yuri popularity metric.
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I kneel.
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>Got enlightened by yuri
>Consistently being one of the best yuri novel writers
How does he do it?
That pairing you like will come back in style.
>high profile(300k followers) seiyuu rting yuri oc art
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>in style
In pog form?
Gyaru Chisato x Takina.
He was already an experienced author with dozens ot novels out.
By writing for 18 years lol, even himself is shocked at how nice the draft of Promiscuous Teacher read and how much he's improved.
i am fucking tired of student/teacher stories, whats different about that one
Some are oneeloli student/teacher stories
Is itou dead...

new chapter coming out very soon, so not quite dead
Damn. One of these days...
I wish there was more tall girl yuri, not like freakishly tall but girls like around 177
that's oddly specific
You mean like the black knight one that sometimes is drawing?
She is over 2m there
i fucking hate the dance manga where tall girl acts like a fucking victim
girl has no real problem and acts like her life the hardest shit ever
This is kinda like Chigusa.
Only the face format and the super detailed eyes
tits too small
Yeah things are not going well for Inori
yuri is still a super niche market
many authors struggle to get publish
manga are axed every month
yuri LN is even smaller
Anon, Inori last work from last year was published, he also had a work of his getting an anime adaptation last year, he shouldn't be having issues with getting a publisher or self publishing because he is mostly sure it will get axed on the first issue.
>Love Bullet begging on twitter good!
>Inori begging on twitter bad!
good title?
Inb4 single va self insert shit wins yuri ボOTY
He isn't begging though, he is self publishing, he literally has no other way to make money.
Which one of those is that? I just don't agree with the loli Cune one there.
Is this a doujin?
i dont know
is the original nip title an idiom?
no it's the official english release of Hana ni Arashi volume 1
Doesn't hana mean flower and not rainbow? Someone flucked up.
No but there might be a trademark thing like how Dragon Quest was Dragon Warrior for a while
Yeah, you.
Just getting around word filters.
I looked up "花に嵐" in the Daijirin and it indeed redirected me to the idiom 月に叢雲花に風 which refers to something having a lot of hindrances and difficulties. It seems like there are several other mangas with this title as well as a famous song so the trademark theory might be correct
no rain, no rainbow
Fucked isn't one of them. Lurk harder
I'm talking about on other websites. It's easier to change the way I type than code switch constantly.
if you're a fucking retard maybe
It's all fun and games until you accidentally drop an F bomb on tiktok and get shadowbanned for life.
>openly admitting to being a newfag tourist
This was a choice.
Code what? The nerd club is two blocks down.
It sounds good. That's all that matters.
I can safely say that fuck and it's variants are not flagged either. Retard either. In my experience, only calling people fags or telling them to kill themselves gets any automatic attention
>drop an F bomb on tiktok and get shadowbanned for life.
How the fuck is that a bad thing?
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What do you mean LN is even smaller
LN is like even cheaper to produce, no? It's just words
The voting is still ongoing, most of the candidates are mono va shit
I think Arata Iro realized she can't handle two things
I was wondering why the host sounded like they were broadcasting from the Apollo 11 landing site then I saw in the description that they are a "バ美肉おじさん"
Kill yourself.
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It finally showed up!!
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And it came with an autograph!
never knew this had an english edition
Sorry, /u/, I just can't. I enjoy the manga version of AdaShima, both the old and new one, but Adachi's autism in text form just gives me too much secondhand embarrassment that it's unbearable for me to continue reading it.
We both know you are going to continue reading it anyway.
This is like the third time I tried over the last 4 years. It's over for me.
Anon, you will be posting the same thing next year and the year after and you didn't even got near the actual embarassing moments.
>you didn't even got near the actual embarassing moments
I got to volume 4. Am I going to make it?
I think volumes 6 and 7 are probably the most embarassing things she did, the next manga chapter which will likely cause a shitstorm here and in other places is one of the best examples of it.
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There was a Kickstarter for a English version of this and comic gallete over the summer
Pick your poison:
>Slow burn, useless lesbian where the story ends when the two get together.
>Couple gets together fast, or is already together but the story focuses either more on other characters or there is little to no plot
I prefer 30 year old lesbian NEET who's never touched any vagina but her own and never will for the foreseeable future.
But enough about yourself.
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This is fanart for Iruma new LN?
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Unlike slow burns, there's no proper term for the second one because of how garbage it is
which kind is shuukura
It's called frontloading.
It's called ensemble cast you animal
Slowburn in terms of emotional intimacy, not so slowburn in terms of physical one. Everyone's happy!
It's called couple life you dillweed.
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>Fast-burn enemies-to-begrudging-hate-sex lesbian sword-and-sorcery novelette
>western lesbian shows and cartoons have mostly young female audience
>japanese yuri animes and mangas have mostly adult male audience
Explain. Now.
>western lesbian shows and cartoons have mostly young female audience
Not sure what you are calling lesbian shows, I can assure you action series did not have most female audiences, otherwise they always 100% flop because they are targeting ridiculous small demographics.
>>japanese yuri animes and mangas have mostly adult male audience
Most anime watchers are men, so not surprising, same way yuri live action has mostly female audiences because... most of the audience are women.
>western lesbian shows and cartoons have mostly young female audience
Is this actually true? But generally, western progressives are much more defensive against guys becoming involved in lesbian spaces and try to avoid content that could appeal to that audience.
I think teachers shouldn’t groom their student with sexy selfie
I think anon shouldn't be speaking Juliamo on /u/
>otherwise they always 100% flop because they are targeting ridiculous small demographics
That's why lesbian films and shows are usually very low budget.
>yuri live action
I hardly knew they existed, because I've been avoiding japanese live action films in general. I'm scared of cringing at japanese acting, but I guess I should try some of them.
To be fair, there are way more female born lesbian rapists than you think. Most women just know better than to be outwardly creepy, so they're mostly ignored, until someone sues them (unlikely).
For Each (You), Two Anons Will Kiss for One Second
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Cause they'll sell shit to dudes or at least make more ungendered merchandise. They made Vi/Caitlyn t-shirts and shit for Arcane but it's only for women and in women's sizes my broad shouldered ass can't wear that also the pockets look like shit that can't carry anything.
Meanwhile it's easy to get little keychains of things of your favorite yuri couples. Just hand off a fistful of anime lesbians any time you drop your car off at the mechanic.

If we need to talk about yuri functioning in the IP age we need to talk more subdued merchandise for the discerning yurifag. Acrylic stands and figurines and all that is nice and all but think about how much fucking mileage shonen manga factories got out of slapping the Kame kanji or Goku's kanji on random bullshit, or Naruto headbands. Shueisha got in some legal shit cause they tried to trademark Tanjiro Demon Slayer's design motif and it got rejected for being too generic because it's literally just a fucking green and black checker pattern and they had already slapped that shit onto everything.

If a yuri series is decent enough I buy it twice even if I've read it on dynasty, getting the Japanese version and then giving it a second boost if it ever gets licensed into English, pay it forward for the culture. But that's basically your first and last avenue for yuri revenue at the big publisher level before you start getting into the weeds.
It’s called Sasakoi
who do you think watched shera
New Momentary Lily preview

Thanks, I didn't feel like my eyes were burning enough today.
To find anything resembling yuri in those 2 minutes and 14 seconds of flickering: impossible.
my eyes, my brain
wtf is this camerawork
Yuri must be seen with your mind's eye. And that's all you'll be seeing with after.
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Completely ruined by used goods. Imagine if the teacher had a wife or even a female partner instead of a husband and she would NTR her with a young girl.

It would be infinitely better
I prefer men being NTR'd than women.
>used goods
>/a/ incel word to dehumanize women
Wrong. You'd lose the dimension of the married woman being tempted into something so contrary to societal norms it's not just adultery, but also with the same sex.
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The succubus parfait manga collabs with the yuri cafe
>dehumanize women

Nah, only bisluts
The average popular shonen jump manga is gayer than this.
hating misogynist != hetfag
Retarded take.
You hate hetfags despite being a man?
Is there anything you want to tell us anon-kun?
No, you are dehumanizing women when they act in any way you don't want them to, this is the board for girls in love with each other, not the board where you can find excuses to hate women.
Yeah, I'm dehumanizing bisluts.
yuri muffler towel
>Hello! I'm Itsuki Ichigohara, a fornication teacher! I'm a hopeless guy who has an affair with a student 10 years younger than me and is standing at the podium with a calm face on!...That's right, I'm a disqualified teacher, anti-social person, and criminal, and I'm the worst wife who betrayed my husband and savored my happiness. Still, I have no regrets at all. After meeting Mr. Togawa, I wanted the path I wanted. Even in the face of the destruction that will surely come someday, I want to protect this child and not let her get hurt. I don't want anyone other than me to touch it. --The reason I went astray was because I found someone I liked. Desperate and destructive, yet infinitely kind. The second love story between a female teacher and a female student.
Oh wow even the MTL sounds super based
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>fornication teacher
>you are dehumanizing women when they act in any way you don't want them to
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>"For example, if Adachi turned into a cat."
>I wonder what to do, so I just pick her up.
>As expected, it's lighter with a cat. Maybe the viewpoint of a cat is shaking differently than usual.
>Adachi's eyes widened in shock.
>Arms and legs... no, all legs?
>It's adorable to see them flapping around.
>"Well, these things happen."
>I tilted my head, wondering if there was one, but
>Which is more unrealistic, meeting an alien or this?
>"It's okay, most of these things go back to normal after you sleep."

I see her girlfriend turning into some human animal hybrid abomination is not enough to make Shimamura worried.
Which Adachi and Shimamura are the- oh, wait.
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What about this one
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Which one of you did this lol?
For context I believe this artist drew a popular gacha character getting d*cked after only drawing her in solo/yuri situations before.
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What's with the recent teacher/student trend?
Which character?
This artist did like 10 yurish illustrations (mostly just girls posing together) between her 300+ non yuri artworks, it has been noted this artist is an attention whore and no one can find which comment they are talking about, so it's likely just twisting some words.
It's forbidden love (like literally forbidden by law), it's surprising it's not more common
nah, a guy
kafka from honkai
>follow het hentai artist
>get upset when they do het hentai
And this is why I want it to be a nothingburger. GoHands is one of the few studios that I don’t want making yuri. I din’t want them to blind my fellow yuri fans. I hear their SoL shows (Madterful Cat and thr het romcom with the girl who forgets her glasses) ended up calming down. So maybe they should focus in that genre. But any time they try action is a visual mess that appeals only to themselves (and maybe some other people who share their insanity)
Probably dumbasses who saw some of the yuri drawings in their “for you” page and blindly followed without checking the rest of the artist’s work
Nobody did this. She just forgot to take her meds. All hetfags are schizos, just look at /v/, /a/, and /pol/.
> On the cover of volume 1, Sensei's gaze and body are facing towards us, but in volume 2, he is facing Togawa-san. That's the feeling.
Volume 3 cover will be her mugshot when she’s finally arrested
>Which one of you did this lol?

Not me but I wish I did
i dont think it fits in recent releases but
My First Love's Kiss v01-02 [Yen Press] [Stick]
if youre interested
I hope she cried into her birthday cake, salty tears mixing with sugary frosting. It's a nice mental image.
Also is your avatar Elaina?
>My own audience is not allowed to complain to me
Why is the new generation like this?
We post LN there
good, we need less artists drawing gachashit
according to iruma this title is a romcom, we don’t do mugshot in this genre.
Sis is this real? Yurihime on track to become a mainstream weekly mag by 2030?
Not clicking a link with that handlename.
Lol no, YH is struggling to be a monthly magazine at this point with several titles constantly skipping a month if not several months, to the point they have far more titles they could print in a single month because they need something to fill the holes.
theres no way, yuri hime authors have full time jobs and struggle already
see 2dk gpen alarm clock with the change happened
What makes you think I give a shit?
Putting aside the /u/-specific gut reaction, I don't think it's an unreasonable take. Followers/fans sometime have this weird self-aggrandizing perspective of possessing some authority over what a creative/producer they're interested in does. It'd be one thing if they were like an initial investor in a company, but "I clicked the follow button and have liked a bunch of your tweets" doesn't really entitle someone to decide what someone makes.
Qiandaiyiyu isn't a "het artist", mostly solo/ pin-ups.

Not that exaggerate she does yuri on a mid tier frequency, but its right I literally can't found the supposed complains amd knowing that she's a menhera she's most likely exaggerating
>mostly solo/ pin-ups
Same audience.
We get it you only like fictional women, freak
Litterally lesbian's first crush. This, an older neighbor girl, or a babysitter are very common first crushes
>his artist drew a popular gacha character getting d*cked after only drawing her in solo/yuri situations before.
0 empathy, fuck that bitch
big sister or cousin
You're right I should clarify *non incestuous crush
is watayuri on break because of payment issues?
This artist put the het works behind a paywall, so only actual supporters saw them anyway. And how else are they going to tell him/her that if this kind of content continues, they will stop supporting them?
Seems like the artist got a bit mad the hetshit art didn't get a lot of approval.
By that logic it's the same audience as yuri.
>how else are they going to tell him/her that if this kind of content continues, they will stop supporting them
??? Stop supporting them.
How about you actually read the thread?
Try posting solo girls here and see what happens.
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Random Chigusa “Modern Yuri Prophet” Minori Art.jpg
Like I once said, some didn't like it but I will say it again, never trust hentai artists, they make money drawing hentai, once yuri hentai isn't profitable they are going to draw something else because they need to make money, sometimes they are smart enough to at least separate things, communicate to their audience they are changing and moving on, there is a reason why some popular het hentai artists only do yuri serializations but almost never do yuri hentai, they are not the same audiences and it's easy to separate both businesses. Sometimes they are dumb enough to believe their yuri audience won't mind when they suddenly change things or worse when they start doing non yuri stuff with the same characters, there is always backlash.

If we are talking about hentai there is a overlap because of course all hentai is made with the purpose of making the audience horny, but you won't see that many people who are specifically searching for yuri wanting to see Marin from the gay doll maker anime opening her pussy to the viewer or characters from Bocchi posing naked while acknowledging the viewer.

Chigusa is careful enough to make sure the audience knows it's a female POV, the few times she didn't like the marriage pictures she did for some merchandise (medicos?) she literally had to tweet and (make up) explain they actually are looking at this third girl she never showed before.
The salon was forced to close due to numerous health and safety violations after Kanoko tried to poison Hime's customers.
>11th reprint
Not unexpected with how well the series is selling with each volume, though those are all small prints because the publisher has no reference to evaluate how popular the series could be, well their whole GL line is doing well, Iruma said they increased the number of volumes of >>4341432 >>4341448 because it sold far better than expected. I do worry if the sony buyout may not fuck up things though, it shouldn't but could.
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Drawing Naoi with blue hard is asking people to get confused.
what the fuck is himejo, i cant keep up with the kiddos slang
Yuri equivalent of fujo i.e. girl who likes yuri.
Yurifag but you can say it on other websites
Yurifag is a mixed gender word, himejoshi and himedanshi are not, though I am sure certain people use it for the wrong gender anyway.
>To think this high-class lady was buying sex from high school girls.
>The world was rotten, wasn’t it?
the author has to remind you its bad
in case you forget it's bad for an adult woman to buy sex from a highschool girl
Didn't this already happen?
I haven't even finished the first chapter yet, and the author has already reminded me of so many things that are bad that I have fully realized the whole sinfulness of humanity.
Depends on the context.
Is the JK coldfishing, or not into it, or being coerced into it? Then it's bad. Is it a legitimate transaction made between willing participants? Then I don't see the problem.
>teen prostitution
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Is there any yuri in One Off? its hard to find anything out about it with a title like that
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me on the right
fuzoroi no renri will end at v10
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a respectable amount
They could just be DMs
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>Author has a meltdown on twitter
>Ends the manga in the most abrupt wet-fart way possible
what was her problem?
neither of these things happened
>when they start doing non yuri stuff with the same characters
Why do they do this? I guess they really are dumb.
>Marin from the gay doll maker anime opening her pussy to the viewer or characters from Bocchi posing naked while acknowledging the viewer
That's far from the worst though. Not great but it can be far worse.
>Why do they do this? I guess they really are dumb.
It's the audience who is dumb for not knowing the artist had already done so.
Whatever caused the meltdown?
>the one girl at the gangblang who hasn't even gotten her clothes off yet

Yeah makes sense
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She does draw plenty of yuri and spews a bunch of lesbian memes. Perhaps later drawing the same characters getting screwed by a faceless man in the butt on her patreon/fanbox. If I have to guess this pink girl right here.

I'm not a fan of pinup artists like her. They don't usually have the greatest respect for the characters they're drawing. They only like drawing them looking cute and sexy without any substance in their personality. I guess it's only a matter of time until you see these characters taking it up the butt from a faceless m*le.
people kept asking her when the girls were going to start dating, and she got annoyed
I feel like 90% of pinup artists literally draw a curvaceous body first and then slap the head and hair of <flavor of the month gacha/anime baddie> on top afterwards. There really is that lack of respect.
thats what scale figures do with their bunny figs.
Did they ever start dating?
I personally know a really horny lesbian weeb who doesn't care if her favorite character (or even her irl crush) fucks a woman, a dildo, or a disembodied male penis. Lesbians can have very low standards too.
She didn't have any meltdown, she basically just said yuri does not necessarily means romance and after some backlash she backtracked. She still doing doujins of the series, while they are not officially dating (even though they already kissed several times) it basically confirmed they already had sex, so IMO it's a moot point to even argue about this series anymore.
Oh yeah I'm basically in the same camp too, I mean it's just artwork. I'm just talking about how pinup style 'two baddies doing a sexy pose together' type artwork is like the fast food of yuri and even creators often just vomit it out because the characters are popular and get clicks.
The author doesnt like putting a label on their relationship
Yes, they basically already have the models ready, they are just following the latest trends while they are profitable and as money goes down they start exploring the alternatives.

Well talking about getting fucked in the ass, it's what AI did to all artists like this, they already were artslop for people with no standards and now they all got mostly replaced by some software that creates 200 pictures in minutes.
its slop with a yuri flavor
After the last doujins I strongly suspect it's not the author
RHCP yuri
Any yuri with plot about shooting up ceos?
Murcielago if it had better writing.
What do they shoot up instead?
There are several assassination attempts in G-Witch.
Wrestlers under the influence of a superdrug. I don't remember Kuroko actually using her gun on anyone else.
Why are you disrespecting the artist like this? I'm pretty sure you're referring to the 95% of artists that don't draw manga/doujinshi, even yuri ones.
I checked her twitter. Like 90% of her art is sexy women gazing at the camera with little to no physical interaction. They're generic pinups.
95% of hentai artists*
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Is there a reason why the a lot of yuri manga have a decent enough grasp of English, especially when compared to other Japanese creators?
>*a lot of yuri mangaka
Fixed my dumb mistake.
Do they really?
Whether I am being rude or not it does not change the fact their product concept is too simple and can be replaced by other artists or software because their main consumer is unable to grasp the difference or the value of it because they just see it as a cheap/free porn, even before AI they were already facing issues because there was so many people doing the same thing the share of the pie had become financially nonviable for most artists.

Most of them don't, they just use MTL.
>Draws yuri art of this character today
>Draw the same character getting dicked the next day.
This bitch had it coming. Last year she also got hated for posting her first het fanart, but that one i can forgive since she didn't really draw anything yuri with that character (still unfollowed her though). This time it's just different, the other anons were right, this bitch is just an attention whore trying to appease both yuri and hetfags.
They don't really care, they already moved on from yuri, stop being retarded though, if an artist mostly does solo pin up shit they are going to move on to het the first opportunity they get.
Lame. Back in my days, my yuri betrayer would say their yuri manga is not yuri for some arbitrary reason instead.
Nee-san, bloom into you was 7 years ago
Though can't say I like Nakatani going after X accounts posting random pictures of bloom into you
Is this why the translator suddenly dropped the series like two chapters before the ending?
Kuwabara isn't even consistent on the colors. In some images Kurumi's hair is almost red, while in others it's light brown. Then there's Isanuma who was drawn with almost white hair at one point, but then Kuwabara drew a color image of her with blonde hair.
So what you are telling me is that Kuwabara is doing symbolism and foreshadowing with the characters' hair colour? Bravo Kuwabara.
Lol no he is just lazy, the ending didn't say anything different from the tone of the series and while the author commente on twitter got some people upset, even other yuri authors, in the end she isn't really doing anything different from the others
Mostly because hair color is usually just a visual asthetic but no really canon
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I had a date...
All Kuwabara experts should know that coloring is often the responsibility of the spare Kuwabara.
Probably because there'd be zero meaningful tension when she could just solve 99% of the arcs just blasting the bad guy of the week like Jigen Daisuke which is why she barely ever uses her guns even though she's ostensibly a government sanctioned assassin and often has to engage in melee combat.
You can apply for a job in yh editorial dept now. deadline tomorrow.
With how many Chinese yuri manhua are
>lesbian romance between lesbillionaire CEO of some fuckhead conglomerate, and a glamorous ultraidol that's a world touring musician and also is in blockbuster flicks and has a bazillion followers on social media whose obsession with her and any brands she's adjacent to constituting the GDP of Italy and the entire plot is them gazing at each other wistfully in luxurious resorts and hotels and luxury cars with a beautiful skyline in the background
I'm sure there's at least a handful that are probably about one trying to kill the other.
About time they start firing editors, retards can't even get authors to stay in schedule.
So that's why WataYuri was on hiatus. Guess Miman got them to fire someone.
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Undoubtedly, it's a series that kept dancing around the topic for 10 volumes, and when it finally started an arc to address the elephant in the room, it just fizzled out into nothing and ended there.
I understand their disappointment.
>readers wondering what exactly these two feel about each other
>drip feeds only on .5 special chapters
>readers wondering what exactly these two feel about each other
Any news on translations?
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>officially tagged as yuri
>has no yuri
why is this so common?
Touch grass.
I feel they have no idea to who to sell titles like this and just go yuri by default
Maybe they could make those baddies immune to bullets, like the Cesare wrestler was.
> i can forgive since she didn't really draw anything yuri with that character
That was Clorinde from genshin and yes, she has drawn yuri of her.
>attention whore
Goddamn anon, she might have shit taste but she's just confused. Obviously no one she cared about had ever told her about it before, then one day one of her loyal fans criticized her and left her. Losing the respect of someone you trust is painful.
Isn't genshin gacha waifu trash anyway?
Isn't this subtext? At least the rest of her work is maintext
There is some subtext but... it's mostly just fashion drama.
>Hoyoverse games have a big yuri fandom
How? Hoyo is as allergic to yuri as anyone else that has the CCP breathing down their necks.
When are we changing /u/ to /ba/
They will bang in the last chapter!
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They used to be good before CCP became more agressive with media. Sometimes it looks like that they want but they can't when back in the day HI3rd had that Bronseele kiss, currently there are actually a lot of mild yuri fanservice so it's not rare that there are also a lot of yurifags between them.

>worst kind
90% of gachashit out there is waifufag trash without even female MC option, at least said company literally had canon yuri back in the day
Most yuri authors don't make much money, so many have at least a part-time job on the side.

Though there's also the opposite issue, where once an author gets decently successful and makes quite a bit of money, they lose motivation to work on a regular schedule.
Most kirara titles sell as much as the averager YH does, yet they rarely miss a month.
There are a lot of Kirara series that take long breaks.
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The contents list for the upcoming issue of Yuri Hime is out now.

- My Girlfriend's Not Here Today (color cover)
- The Skirt Sings at the Landing (color cover)
- Love and Dreams Don't Mix
- Wanna Skip School in the Infirmary?
- Destroy It All and Love Me In Hell!
- I'm in Love with the Villainess
- The Helpless Saint and the Powerless Princess: The Tale of How a Saint with No Magic Was Summoned to Save Another World
- Be Happy in the Real World Too, Okay?
- An Angel Flew Down to Me!
- The Oomuro Family
- YuruYuri
- Koharu and Minato
- Canaries Dream of Shining Stars
- Insecure Herami Sisters
- A Noblewoman on the Brink of Disaster Wants to Make the Black Knight Fall in Love!
- The Engagement of the Disgraced Witch and the Cross-Dressing Princess
- Garan no Hime
- Does It Count If Your First Time's With An Android?

Oneshot: I'll Never Let You Go by Makijita Hitch
Just wait for it to go supertext.
Garan no Hime sisters we're SO back
Yuri between an author and her editor who keeps fighting her to quit with the subtext.
And so that you don't think that this time the text on the cover is easy to read, we turned it 90 degrees!
Yes, but I bet you series that started in 2023 or 2024 didn't miss half of the magazine issues
It already ended a long time ago, it's one of the author's first works
i loved it anyway
there's even a jealousy/rival arc, it's yuri in my eyes
what was the dumbest one shot where an author wanted yuri but insisted on a male pov?
Yeah that's why I said supertext. No actual material just the author up and going "yeah I never showed but it's yuri these girls are lesbians and having lots of lesbian sex" on twitter one day. No elaboration. Next post is just them talking about whatever crime against humanity Japanese Burger King put on their menu this month.
I spent a few seconds looking at the tree's branches trying to find 百合姫 written in them.
Sheep board?
I mean, let's be a little fair to the author, they probably wanted the series to be explicit but they were not in a magazine that usually publishes yuri and so most likely the publisher didn't want her to and we know some authors (like Hijiki) get upset over this.
Must read
>My Girlfriend's Not Here Today
>Love and Dreams Don't Mix
>Destroy It All and Love Me In Hell!
>The Helpless Saint and the Powerless Princess
>Insecure Herami Sisters
>A Noblewoman on the Brink of Disaster Wants to Make the Black Knight Fall in Love!
>Garan no Hime
>Wanna Skip School in the Infirmary?
>Does It Count If Your First Time's With An Android?
>Be Happy in the Real World Too, Okay?
>Canaries Dream of Shining Stars
>An Angel Flew Down to Me!
>The Oomuro Family
>Koharu and Minato
>The Engagement of the Disgraced Witch and the Cross-Dressing Princess
>The Skirt Sings at the Landing
I don't mind if it gets axed
>I'm in Love with the Villainess
Looking at this list I realize there's pretty good variety in the magazine series, and yet the only one I find myself actually looking forward to is helpless saint (and kyoukano, but just to see how much more of a trainwreck it manages to become).
What about /u/, what's your favorite here?
YH isn't promoting it anymore, so as far they are concerned it's over.
It may sound strange to some but the one I want to read the most is Insecure Herami Sisters
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I think Inori's only real advantage with Wataoshi was that it was basically one of the earliest yuri villainess isekai stories as well as yuri fantasy in general that got any traction. Light novels/web novels can hop on trends much faster compared to manga production and then when other yuri creators caught up and started contributing to fantasy yuri, there wasn't really much leverage other than being first-to-market, which basically doesn't matter when you're not providing a service, you're just selling a work of fiction.

And sure that could be viable, see trend, make yuri version of it. But the zeitgeist has barely fucking nudged from isekai video game fantasy shit for years(looking at the seasonal charts is agony) so shit out of luck if you're relying on your ability to craft original fiction on your own terms instead of just trend hopping.

Anyway, 28 Years Later looks sick as hell so I hope some yuri authors get on the zombie survival train soon.
What if we buy a bunch of yuri mangaka Project Zomboid?
>- My Girlfriend's Not Here Today (color cover)
Yuni being treated as a prize rather than a prick is putting my suspension of disbelief more and more to the test.
>- The Skirt Sings at the Landing (color cover)
I've been trying and failing to get into this for a while.
>- Love and Dreams Don't Mix
White hair girl is unlikeable.
>- Wanna Skip School in the Infirmary?
Teacher is unlikeable.
>- Destroy It All and Love Me In Hell!
The characters look and act so tired of living that they make me tired of reading.
>- I'm in Love with the Villainess
Lost interest after they got together, and the preaching is cringeworthy.
>- The Helpless Saint and the Powerless Princess: The Tale of How a Saint with No Magic Was Summoned to Save Another World
Cute and entertaining enough.
>- Be Happy in the Real World Too, Okay?
Shallow harem.
>- An Angel Flew Down to Me!
Zero development, just waiting for the end.
>- The Oomuro Family
Let it die.
>- YuruYuri
Let it die.
>- Koharu and Minato
Boring setup.
>- Canaries Dream of Shining Stars
Third wheel was a mistake, as always.
>- Insecure Herami Sisters
One big mess.
>- A Noblewoman on the Brink of Disaster Wants to Make the Black Knight Fall in Love!
Third wheel was a mistake, as always.
>- The Engagement of the Disgraced Witch and the Cross-Dressing Princess
The art and setup should work for me, but the execution is failing to keep up my interest in any way.
>- Garan no Hime
You can tell a lot of care goes into this, but the yuri is lacking so far, and that should always be the priority.
>- Does It Count If Your First Time's With An Android?
Third wheel was a mistake, as always.
>A Noblewoman on the Brink of Disaster Wants to Make the Black Knight Fall in Love!
Oops, got confused with fed up office lady, I'm actually liking this one so far, good comedy and an interesting premise.
>Jan 2016
>10 years old
They'll both be 19 in a month. This is terrible. 2016 was just yesterday. Surely Flip Flappers couldn't air a lifetime ago. Stop. Cease this immediately.
>Destroy It All and Love Me In Hell!
Reading, but don't want to read it anymore
>The Skirt Sings at the Landing
>Insecure Herami Sisters
Not reading
>the rest
Yes probably, though it's also not particulary popular in japan either.
You would be wrong anyway.
>My intention is that this work should be read by anyone who has ever encountered hardship and thought, "Life is so hard," "I want to disappear," or "If this how it is, I wish I had never been born..."
It's already over for this LN
It's probably nothing more than a thinly veiled suicide letter
>Don't worry you will get isekaid to another world where you will be the most special snowflake, everyone will love you for no reason and you will have power to destroy anyone who don't!
>No Asumi again
I really hate how if she misses a deadline that means we have to go 4 months without a chapter.
>Riko to Haru to Onsen to Iruka
to this day, i am still mad
Ok Hijiki
if you're a yurifag you'll like it
28 girlfriends later with office lady Renako raising 3 iPS babies.
Yes, we love nothing happens manga.
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womanlet girlfriend
>No citrus

Expected but still disappointing
Buenos Aires?
Butch Asians
No femmes allowed anymore
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revenge of the lizard people against lesbians
Uh, LycoReco is yuri. It's been a board staple for some time now.
This will be the sixth time we have had this argument, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.
Hello /u/. If you've read the Oz series of books, you would know that everything that happened in those books is actually real and canon to our own world, as it is explained that Dorothy used a special device to contact the author of the series, telling him of her adventures so that he may publish them for all the good girls of the world to read.

Because those who live in Oz are immortal and do not age, this means that Dorothy has spent the last 100 years having sloppy lesbian sex with her wife, Ozma every day. This is not fiction, this is real life.
100 years of lesbian sex!!

Also it is heavily implied that Glenda wants to fuck Scraps the mischievous little doll girl. That is also canon.
The land is called Oz and there's a chick named Ozma? That's kind of confusing...
She's the princess and she also made Dorothy the second princess, which is how I know they're canonically lesbeans.
That giant better be a lesbian.
For a second I thought you were spoiling Pripri.
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It will be back next year. Trust the plan.
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Why are lesbians like this?
Imagine if she went on even longer. Could've been the Chinese AdaShima rant.
I keep hearing that the Seiyuu Radio LN is slow burn GL on western sites, how true is this?
please respond ;-;
It's a slow burn in the same way that the elephant's foot in Chornobyl will eventually stop being radioactive I guess.
That series is subjected to organized trolling in the west, just check out the amazon/bookmeter reviews for yourself. You won't find anything that remotely suggests it's a slow burn GL.
green tea bitch
the ? here is diabolical
What did you just call me?
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Stop self inserting.
Well that's probably how it's gonna go anyway.
Assuming the series ever gets finished, that is.
Can't you see the shadow mistress Shamiko and her husband Momo?
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I ship these 2, it's not like it's completely unfounded, but don't expect much and less explicit (which is what lazy people want to know in advance) plus they are 4 episodes of 15 minutes each, so there's not much to lose.
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It's almost been 15 years since the last yuri-only hentai was released.
Do not care.
There was that indie monster girl one
Valkyrie Drive doesn't count?
I want the humble and vulgar opinion of extremist purityfags, do you prefer the term preference or orientation, or another when a character talks about lesbianosity?
tfw your autobiographical story gets called boring
No coochie
Just being a lesbian isn't enough anymore. That's why there's so much drama/ntr in yuri nowadays.
Orientation, duh. Preference makes it sound like an opinion, orientation makes it sound like an immutable fact of nature.
I'm going to side with anon on this one, the shorts they do on pixiv (which are followed on the fanbox) are far better.
why this line so common?
this sounds rapey when you said it IRL
It sounds raspy here too.
Japanese sex culture is kinda weird. There's a lot less I'm horny so let's do than you'd expect and a lot MORE I can't help myself than you'd expect. Don't even get me started on how it's common for girls to say no during sex as encouragement.
Do they intended it as encouragement or was it just misinterpreted as one?
Stop reading hentai.
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>the other girl says no
>stop immediately
>the other girl gets mad because I stopped
Please pray for Itsuki Kuro, let there be a sexy oneesan that moves in the room under her workplace.
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>That's why there's so much drama/ntr in yuri nowadays
drama is a yuri staple
Sendai should have bought some yuri smut and sneakily put it on Miyagi's bookshelf.
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>Seiyuu Radio LN is slow burn GL
Haven't read the LN but the anime feels pretty much like that, though there's no guarantee of an explicit payoff in the future as far as I could gather.
If the site in question is leddit you don't need to bring out the conspiracy theory to explain it. They are just mindlessly upvoting posts that reinforces their wishful thinking.
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This would be good for her work as what she's writing is obviously fueled by horny.
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Here's the next youtuber girls anime original you wanted.
my Gaydar isnt picking up many frequencies with this one
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People gaydars picked up shit from the cheer PA Works show and it went nowhere
Preair gaydars are unreliable for originals (adaptations are obviously different as people can check the source itself)
90% of the expectations for Nanare came from a vague tweet Yuniko made during the G-Witch controversy that a random anime she was working on would be fully yuri.
Now that leaves us with avemujica by process of elimination
The cheer show was yuri though?
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Third time's the charm!
in the same way tap water and coffee are both drinks
Or you know the author used a controversy to get attention to herself
Does it have yuri content? Yes. But unlike Gundam we ironically actually have an open to interpretation ending here.
Ruka's leg positioning is tripping me out.
After 7 years Destro 246 got a new chapter. (there was offscreen lesbian stuff)
Just four more volumes to go and someone might start translating the prequel (it has some lesbian stuff)
her torso is a bit too short
why are men reading shuukura
isnt erotica a woman thing?
Oneeloli is more of a woman thing.
A vibe for christmas feels a bit unwholesome if I'm being honest.
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Not yuri.
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Chinese lesbians are nuts, like actually
Momentary Lily listed with 14 episodes
is drakengard yuri?
thats a lily in her eye isnt it?
Kinda but not really. The game is about killing all the other girls. And they all have their own drippy guy sidekick who it's implied they have sex with. So yeahh.
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See you tomorrow at the food court anime officially announced

Will SHITHands kill yuri, only for RenaGOD to save it?
less gay inkyagaru with more textbubble per page
short anime or full episodes
Based off the episode I saw at AX, it's not yuri
It's about getting revenge on your sisters and abusing your retarded dragon. And lots of cursing
Drippy guy? You mean the masochist that zero likes to verbally abuse? Like everything that has a pulse?
By that logic a lot of yuri isn't yuri
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It was more interested in one liners than developing it's characters and world

Let alone any perceived romantic relationships
Unless it has a hard turn around I doubt it. I think the director(?) was there and he didn't mention anything about Yuri, lotta empty words tho!
>Momentary Lily
Blink-and-you'll-miss-it yuri
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I remember reading this years ago, but it wasnt particularly gay
why is there even a boy when hes in 1% of the art the author does
More like not gay at all
Ninja and an Assassin Living Together is pretty good and i am looking forward to the anime.
Saw the first episode at AX. It's not yuri.
The ninja leader she escaped with is literally in a lesbian relationship
If you're only following the recent scanlation, know that it gets even better as it goes on. There's a lot of heart to the MCs' relationship, it doesn't stay purely comedic.
You're being memed, anon was making a reference to the Momentary Lily discussion. No episodes have been shown anywhere yet.
Why do any girls in yuri have dad's? We just don't know...
>wasn't invited to the showing
Ouch. Sorry to hear that.
god bless Ritz
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OP is from Trapezium.

Idol anime adapted from a book written by an actual Idol.
>OP is from Trapezium
Komnenid yuri?
Don't ask me about the movie's name. The gimmick of the group is that they are the Four Cardinal Directions. A Trapezium does not point NSWE.
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Hoping for seven pages of Adachi's internal monologue to rationalize cheating on Shimamura.
Well, not cheating on, she's ntr'ing away shimamura from her gf
We still haven't seen the design of the gf, is she gonna be nearly none existent like the husband from Iruma's married teacher series
I doubt it.
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Thoughts on the GirlsLine mascots?
She's a huge Shuukura fan and bought 6 copies of vol5 btw
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I would rather have a big logo instead of waifufagging mascots
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Where is Lilika's hand going?
We have Adashima at home.
They act like ad props for shuukura in the short novel
It seems that Goto-san was trying to hint something to Tsukishima-san.
>someone finally remembered that Adachi is taller
>even the yuri mascots are just friends
How many short stories do I have to read before they kiss?
Why is every yuri couple AdaShima now??
They're the carcinization of yuri.
Black hair is often associated with strict characters while a shade of bluish-black is more flexible. Dark x light pair is the basics of differentiation especially in black and white manga when two characters will be seen together often. Long x short hair is likewise more visually interesting. Shimamumu had both blonde and brown hair so she's cheating herself a whole spectrum. AdaShima simply stole the default template.
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There was too much yuri series with adashima lookalikes it became a meme.
You'll get your kiss chapter when one of them catch a cold
>She's a huge Shuukura fan
I hope she geeks out on how the sex is better in the LN version
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It would be interesting to read how they discuss vol.5 and argue heatedly about whether Miyagi really consented.
>turn off the lights
There's no rule that a light off means yes.
Are Chikane and Himeko Adashima
No, they're MadoHomu
Why would it not be consented, she affirmed multiple times. Sendai did pressure her into the initial one with a rather heavy-handed threat though.
Miyagi knew she had no options left, it was rape.
>Arouses Sendai and then proceed to blue shell her repeatedly
>Sendai:it's now or never
>surprised pikachu face
it's all miyagi's fault
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>Which do you prefer?
>A: They're all over each other
>B: They haven't started going out
>b is winning 56-44
I've had it with this gay earth.
im too lazy to post the pages
>new serial
Isn't this like her 3rd active serial
How does she do it?
Name them, which ones besides Shuukura
This is just a twitter short, she isn't Kuzushiro which had 5 ongoing serializations at some point.
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They should just continue the story at this point since Miman isn't.
can u not read the thread if youre not logged into twitter?
You cant do shit without being logged, there is going to be a stream about this, not sure exactly the context
I miss when every yuri couple was MadoHomu.
Mayhaps the yuri was the friends we made along the way.
The semifriends, actually.
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How come there's never an acknowledgement in yuri about the little cunnilingus injury your tongue gets on the frenulum every time
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There is MadoHomu everywhere for those with eyes to see
skill issue
You DO know there's no need to go that deep, right?
skill issue
>Who are those lesbians?
>it's Adashima!
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its a short comic about her and her gf
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Love the title of it too. Proof that if you write enough yuri that you too will prefer coochie
How long is the gap?
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I'm still waiting for the scanlators to do work on the remaining nurse delinquent chapters.
drawing yuri turns you gat
Not yuri.
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>bislut cuckshed
Cute. Also new chapter translated.
Is it really as simple as "dark haired reserved beauty/warm haired energetic self-destructive retard" or is this one of those Purist/Neutral/Radical alignment chart things. Like is it obligatory to have the dark/warm color scheme in play, or other dynamics as criteria?
One of these will be serialized on Yurihime
Jesus that's a lot of options
The winner was supposed to be announced in the yh this month but they postponed it to the next issue.
So this is what's replacing WataYuri...
anon please read all of them and tell us which ones are good
Why not all of them?
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Funnily enough. Brown (Yuu) got mistaken for gay when she gets a little too enthusiastic about recruiting the blonde nerd (Kurumi).

And I think it might even be the most popular ship (KuruYuu)
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"Not now almost done here."
"Are you still busy editing your peer review"
"Come to bed, it's time to "review" your favourite Idol."
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The West
To Her East.
Can't wait for another quartely title to read and forget about
サルビアのブーケ and the lemon thingy released pretty frequently iirc
To be clear, one of those works or one of those authors who submitted those works will be serialized (like last time with the one sometime is drawing now)?
One of those work, the blackknight serialization is independent from the prize afaict.
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We need more depressioncore yuri.
Yes, but wasn't the author choose because they won?
No. The prize Suou won was Yuribungei1's grand prize. The promise of getting an oneshot/serialization on yurihime only started from yuribungei2, and you have to win the lesser prize to turn your work into manga. You get no manga for winning the grand prize.
This new format gives out a serialization to the grand prize winner which makes more sense.
Sure but my actual question is if the winning work is the one getting serialized or if it's just the author regardless if it's the same work or not?
Since you don't seem to believe whatever I say you should follow the link and verify for yourself.
Read Yuri Espoir
The first novel was nice, although I imagine anyone who hates NTR might want to skip it. I was surprised to see YP list it as 'older teen' - even if it doesn't have outright explicit scenes, the novel doing a left turn at the halfway mark into a schoolgirl getting molested by her sugar mama after sex made me wonder if the whole thing was going to turn into smut. The blurb for volume 2 did not exactly dissuade me of this motion either.
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at least the cover is kinda gay
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Why do a lot of people do stuff like this but won’t pick up most yuri or yuri-adjacent titles?
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This is just sneaky adashima
Some people are addicted to the thrill of shipping characters but are not really interested in the romance genre itself or variations like yuri or yaoi.
What makes you think they don't?
And non-anonymous websites, you can usually check their post history and see that they rarely talk about it, at least in my experience from lurking.
Popularity begets popularity. Either they don't know about the more niche series or they're so attached to a big franchise they'd rather try to squeeze yuri out of it no matter how dry the material is. For many it's likely the source of a minor yuri awakening and they won't explore the genre further. Sometimes the more entrenched ones delude themselves into settling for nothing, arguing yuri never delivers anyway and fanon is better than canon like Plato in the cave. Other times they're simply too lazy and seem to enjoy the victim complex that comes from shoving a square block in a triangle hole while wishing for things that already exist. Seen it too often.
Fujoshi who realize they're gay but don't change their media consumption habits.
Fujoshi only ship men even if they are gay for women IRL.
Was this ever explained? Maybe lesbians shipping girls with other girls feels too personal to them?
Lots of people, including dykes, might like lesbian romance but dislike the specific tropes commonly used and associated with the yuri genre.
There isn't much to explain, the japanese may have issues but they understand very well what is the difference between fiction and real life, they enjoy the dynamics, they enjoy the tropes, they enjoy the artwork of yaoi titles and this is why they are fujoshi. They don't equate yaoi, yuri or heterosexual romances in manga to their own sexuality or real life situations, like normal people should do, but unfortunately americans can't do this anymore.

This is just a fringe sentiment you only see from the west, mostly on bluesky now and so utterly irrelevant.
I don't really care about authors who are not working to be honest, let's hope she actually works hard like she is saying, but it's worrying how some of them don't think about their careers at all, there is a reason Kuzushiro has two anime this year, on her third anime, and they have none.
Considering that the most popular yuri series are selling double the amount of the next best selling yuri titles, something has to be different about them compared to the others.
The irony when you could have made this exact post about Kuzushiro back at the end of her time with Yuri Hime.
No? Kuzushiro had other serializations for other magazines while Nekoyama was ongoing, including Ani no Yome, she just wasn't doing yuri romances until Moon and Rainy Night, just yuri subtext stuff.
One was a viral hit on social media and the other had a popular live action adaptation which mostly ignored the source content and made it's own story, the manga themselves are full of common yuri tropes and even she loves to cook which you are likely talking about. As for the series themselves they are full of common yuri tropes and narratives.
There are more yuri successes and just those two.

>they are full of common yuri tropes and narratives
Not that many in their first volumes. Even something like Citrus broke some of the rules in the first volume.
I don't think you have that many ongoing titles with sales on the same tier, so I am not sure how many titles you could be talking to but those two, Yuru Yuri is a tier above them. Citrus came out a long time ago anon, more than a decade, the magazine wasn't even monthly back then, yuri romances were just starting to get big so I am not sure what rules you are talking about. And even so it took a long time for Citrus to get popular and probably a contributing factor was YH starting to sell better with the male demographic, the most notable thing about Citrus in comparison with other titles of the time (and even today) is that the art was really good and the girls were really attractive, it wasn't moe but it also didn't resemble the common shoujo artsyles too much, only the more sexualized gaze type of shoujo that usually puts the words "male gaze" to shame due to how much far and shameless it goes. I would recommend you to take a reading, they are very common yuri storylines, they aren't doing anything special, outside of having unique well drawn art styles and stories well written for their respectives formats.
YagaKimi, Ctirus, and the autobiographical brothel one were the ones I was thinking about.

>outside of having unique well drawn art styles and stories well written
Yes, and that would mean these people consider other yuri series to be poorly drawn and written.
>Yes, and that would mean these people consider other yuri series to be poorly drawn and written.
You will always have manga that appeal more or less to other audiences, it doesn't necessarily mean they think everything else is worst written, chances are they have no idea, they just think the overall concept and how this concept was promoted and sold to them at the time was attractive. Two of the series you talked about for example were not sold at a yuri magazines, so they inherently had bigger audiences.
Lots of yuri series aren't sold in yuri magazines and yet they don't do well.

>appeal more or less to other audiences
So they did in fact appeal to an audience outside of the usual yuri fans in a way that other yuri works did not.
Of course they don't, being published in a bigger magazine just meant you have more exposition, it doesn't mean people will necessarily want to buy it, a extreme example would be shonen jump, Yuri Hime probably has a circulation number of 20-30k, while shonen jump is probably a few millions, it's not coincidence even low selling shonen jump series easily pull 50k each volume regardless of quality.

What I meant to say is that this is a general rule for industry, we can't only have winners, people still have to decide whether they are going to buy your shit, some works will appeal more or less, any work that is more popular than the other is reaching audiences than the other isn't, which could be part of the target audience or not. Green manga was a viral success on twitter, it's definitely reaching audiences that YH isn't, it's no coincidence YH authors were told to upload a few pages of the chapters and publish on twitter and it worked for some of them, stuff like Zenkowa or Herami Sisters got millions of views for those chapters, though they obviously are not being uploaded every week to twitter and Ichijinsha would rather promote Yuri Hime or their website. Though if you ask me I wouldn't even be surprised if part of this audience didn't even know yuri manga existed or where to find and read them. Though this is just speculation because we have no actual data on who is buying works like, their ages, their experiences with yuri if any and so on.
>this audience didn't even know yuri manga existed or where to find and read them
Even if this is the case, their audiences can still have negative feelings towards certain types of writing. In fact, they would especially feel those negative feelings the first time they are exposed to those tropes in a genre they aren't totally familiar with yet.
Sure, though it will of course depend how those tropes are used to begin with, some authors understand how to subtly integrate them in the narrative, others are just going by a checklist of common points they should touch like suddenly adding a new girl who just meet one of the characters but is totally in love with her and is just a designed loser meant to upset and make one of the girls jealous, Lily from Wataoshi is probably one of the best example of this.
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Aoba Minami belongs to older women.
How much older are they
I'm actually looking forward to an anime about golf, huh...
Looks fun.
Too bad it's going to be 15 min episodes
2 years.
birdie wing fooled me once, i will not be fooled twice
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male spotted in bottom right
That's a girl I think.
>birdie wing fooled me once
I feel like no one ever talks about this book. Why?
gee, wonder why
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We already have notes of a crocodile at home.
Why don't you ask in the nerd thread?
>Too bad it's going to be 15 min episodes
Is that even confirmed?
I don't feel like talking to myself
File deleted.
Hello /u/, roster suggestions are over, and the poll is open now decide the future of the team. As usual, you will find all the links in the Pastebin down below.

So looks like Yuri Comic Galette is gonna Kickstart all it's international volumes since the first one did so well. I think that's neat since it does a similar thing for it's Japanese releases.

Hoping Yuri Hime tries too, even if it's exclusively e-books
Is NanoFate proto-MadoHomu?
Yes. Though they win since they have an adoptive daughter
Adashima but both of them faceless or eyeless
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To be fair, Aniplex put ChisaTaki as magical girls in a MagiReco collab event
I need that shirt
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sad news: the editors hosting this are single
I hate how "boyish" girls in anime and manga just look like girls because anime boys look like girls in the first place.
That's asians in general.
Maybe they will fall in yuri with each other
Shasendou yuri drama
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This artist draws sincere oneshots.
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Source novel illustrated by Kuwabara btw.
My autismo head thought it was senshadou yuri and got excited for a second...
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Will it drive a girl crazy if you go hawk tua and spit on her clit?
ZenKowa chapter 18 summary.

Resumes from Kokoro's proposition last chapter. Kurumi asks if she's joking. Kokoro starts stripping down to her underwear while Kurumi keeps refusing, saying that she and Kokoro can't do it because they're friends. Kokoro eventually pulls a desperation move and tells Kurumi that she can just close her eyes and think of Naoi while they do it.

Kurumi's emotional distress over everything causes her to go along with the light groping for a bit, however she hates how the way Kokoro touches her is too gentle and tells Kokoro to be rougher. Kokoro tells her that she can't, because Kurumi feels like she'd break from rough treatment and that Kurumi feels much thinner than she'd imagined her being. Things stop here before they ever really start. And Kurumi notes how the whole experience was extremely humiliating. Then there's a knock on the door, so they both get dressed.

Naoi comes in, basically ignoring Kokoro and wanting to know why Kurumi called her. Kokoro gets mad at Naoi's continued attempts to get closer to Kurumi and keeps saying Naoi's a bad influence on Kurumi. Suddenly, Kudou shows up, seemingly having followed Naoi from the hotel. Kudou's being cheeky, acting amused like she's watching a movie or something as the fight plays out. Kokoro pins Naoi down in a rage and starts strangling her when Kurumi basically admits to not wanting to go back to her old self. Kurumi's not strong enough to pull Kokoro off Naoi, then the chapter ends with Kurumi passing out while thinking about Naoi.
People like this slop?
jump onto that train track
This feels really cheap. Like the whole reason to make Kurumi pass out to to have things mostly conveniently sort themselves out by the time she wakes up.

At worst, Kokoro will tell Naoi that her and Kurumi almost did it.
Kudou is carrying the series at this point.
Eh I don't know anon, almost getting raped, realizing the rape isn't good enough, the girl you actually want to rape you shows up with her girlfriend who is laughing at you, meanwhile your ex starts killing the girl you like while you are unable to stop her, sounds like Kurumi has the right to be a little bit stressed.
>Kudou seeing Kokoro choke a bitch
This is 100% setting them up as a couple. I bet Kudou wished it was her being choked instead.
Well turns out Kurumi also wanted to be choked, only Naoi is getting a taste of the giant yaya's talent
>Kurumi passes out
>somehow forgot it was Naoi being choked out, not Kurumi
So bad
Kurumi passes out from the stress of the day, anon. So yes, convenient way to skip her doing anything of note.
Kudou already said the pain only works when it's Naoi doing it. Plus, Kokoro arleady has Akane.
Things change. Maybe seeing Naoi being on the receiving end awakened something in her.
Wouldn't that more than likely mean she'd want to hurt Naoi in addition to being hurt by her? Kudou was a bully when she was younger, so it's clear that hurting others was always something she enjoyed.
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Since Kurumi's house has already become a thoroughfare, someone else is bound to show up to bring the number of participants in this fun girls' party to 5. Who will it be?
inb4 Kurumi's mom
I can't believe Kokoro is so useless that she can't even rape Kurumi, she just became the Yaya of yayas at this point
Kokoro's mom wanting to know why Kokoro stayed out all day and took her good cutlery without asking.

I personally hope it's Azuma blowing the whistle about Isanuma's upcoming date with the teacher though.
It's not rape if she agreed to it.
The funny part is that it sounds like Kokoro wasn't aroused at all. Instead being turned off by Kurumi being as unexpectly thin as she was.
Kurumi kept refusing though. Then Kokoro played a mind game by telling her to just shut her eyes and think of Naoi, because she was taking advantage of Kurumi's emotional distress of Naoi being at the hotel with Kudou.
Kokoro is a chubby chaser now?
More like Kurumi is so used to worrying about others that she doesn't take proper care of herself, like eating well. Or maybe her mom's ideal that she pushed on her was being as rail thin as a supermodel. Kokoro doesn't seemingly find that kind of thing attractive apparently.

I want to call BS on the story for Kokoro not already realizing that though. They're in gym class together at school and share a changing room. It would seem impossible for Kokoro not to have noticed Kurumi being unhealthily thin before now.
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Feeling it once can give you more information than looking at it 100 times.
I want Kurumi to wake up in her pajamas and think the entire thing was a bad dream, only to then realize it all actually happened.
Anyway, the important thing is that Yoshizawa finds her shorts.
I wonder if when Naoi tells Kurumi the truth of what was up with Kudou that Kurumi will feel like a shitheel for what she almost did with Kokoro.
I am pretty sure she feels shitty already, though it seems to me some of you are missing the irony of all of this, this chapter confirmed Kurumi in fact has a abuse fetish, you know who else has a fetish like this?
Naoi has until now found that kind of thing gross, except in chapters 3 and 5 when she was into it when she was with Kurumi. I think Naoi just doesn't like Kudou, but until now has conflated Kudou with BDSM.
I think it's going a route similar to A Face You Shouldn't Show and will have Naoi "discipline" Kurumi for her behavior this chapter. Of course, if Kokoro and Kudou are still in the house they'll likely catch them and have varying reactions and realizations. Might cause Kokoro to give up on Kurumi for good, possibly hating her and releasing the shoplifting video. While Kudou might realize shes's in love with Naoi.

I think it's going the route of
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She likes that Kurumi fights back, unlike Kudou who just submits. A healthy equally abusive relationship!
In chapter 3 Kurumi didn't fight back and Naoi was still into it. She only stopped when kicking Kurumi didn't get the aroused reaction she wanted to see.
Maybe. And yet it was when Naoi got punched in the face by Kurumi that was the turning point, when Naoi stopped seeing Kurumi as just another girl to play with to relieve her boredom. And yet, every time Kurumi shows aggression, whether it's towards the school desk, Naoi herself, Isanuma, or the hotel furniture, Naoi is obviously amused and excited. That's what a submissive Kudou can't give her.
I feel like it's a "yes"-ish just because the pairs have intersected in various crossovers and as basically the preeminent magical girl couple before meguca arrived on the scene, but the real primordial Madohomu is Chikane and Himeko.
I feel like Homuhomu is too much of a fucking dork to compare to Chikane-chan. She's just a megane loser who lacks the social influence of the alpha dykes of old, including Shizuma and Shizuru. She can't even rape properly.

I'm not going to read it. I just wondered if they were safe and don't do anything with the shitty male mc. Usually these harems with "yuri side couples" usually end up doing that.
I get the feeling the author will drag this out by Naoi friendzoning Kurumi for a time after this. Keep in mind that the hotel chapter showed how afraid Naoi is of betrayal. And she even defended Kurumi to Kudou prior to this by saying she doesn't break easily, yet here Kurumi crumbled like a cookie without talking things out with Naoi before agreeing to fuck Kokoro to forget the pain of falsely assuming that Naoi already had a girlfriend.
I've never read it myself but I remember a post in the LN or buyfag thread saying it was bishit but I can't find it in the archive now.
I have learned way too much about this hetshit harem romcom solely from osmosis in these threads.
I liked the yuri couple in Negima.

That is all.
Thank you for reminding me of my hatred of Ken Akumatsu for doing them dirty
Did he? All I see from the sequel is they have 2 yuri daughters together.
Never read UQ Holder after the first arc. I just know that in the extended epilouge, he didn't bother confirming them but made sure to note that negi and a girl he hardly shared the screen with got married. But this is coming from the guy who, when got a chance to do a movie, decided to have it be about the girls chasing negi for an hour and not the final fight that it teased in the opening title crawl.

So fuck im
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Our girl Chigusa Minori wins again.
purity sisters....
Anime soon.
Hopefully her other one gets a release soon
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Inori haters in shambles
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Minori haters in shambles
No? Wataoshi did well in the US so it's surprising this didn't happen faster, though this series was a major flop.
pov yuri won
>I-I'm not mad! I-It flopped anyways!!!
It factually did, does not mean it can't do well in the US like Wataoshi did.
>Summer 2025
You know, this would be funny if it was based on Shizuka's novel.
>eccentric turbo dyke
>straight lace daughter of a important man that'll turn into a turbo dyke
>in a school setting
I don't see this doing any better than she's cheeky for a commoner without a massive shill campaign
>important man that'll turn into a turbo dyke
How is this yuri?
Finally something, I was starting to get worried she was going to Manio'd Yuri Hime too.
Manio did nothing wrong.
>Manio did nothing
This is the issue anon
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>Demon Lord
>Almighty Hero

Br/u/h can we send these writers/mangaka a Switch RPG care package or like the Lodoss War or Claymore Blu Rays or something so they can think up some kind of fantasy story besides influence of influence of influence of influence of some dude whose dad played Dragon Quest 3 on a NES in the 80s? Shit let's just send them the OG Conan the Barbarian movie and the LotR Extended Trilogy. Fuck it get em Skyrim and tell them you can play as a woman and marry women in it.
good thing DQ3 was just remaked and is a huge sucess
well never escape
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sorry sister
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third wheel babysitters need not speak here
Yeah. Instead we need more generic school girl yuri!
Thankfully we're getting the worst of both worlds. It's a generic fantasy that takes place in a school!
Get that chocomint candy bar the fuck out of the basket and go grab more potatoes.
Just like WataOshi.....
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remember rolling girls?
Rae salvaged the first few volumes of WataOshi
Ruchika will do the same for her story
Every day. https://youtu.be/Pqvo-yMFm3M
I really wish this could've been like two volumes at least. I feel so blueballed now.
*blue ovaries
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Women who use っす are peak yuri
Did they get stuff in the sequels? I only played the first Sophie game.
Gothic Futaribeya?
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anymore stacy like this?
Only Hanei Rin comes to mind. So you are right
What about bottom yuri?
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There's a scene both in Firis and Lydie & Suelle where the respective new MCs overhear Sophie doing maintenance on Plachta and think they're having sex. The L&S MCs ship them really hard and repeatedly embarrass them. On the more serious side, Sophie's whole decade-long journey away from her hometown in the sequels has the aim to develop an alchemy recipe to turn Plachta back into a human. She finally succeeds in L&S and they share these totally not marriage vows afterwards. Sophie 2 was a midquel where Sophie from right after her game meets younger, still human Plachta from the past in a place where people across time converge and Sophie ends up becoming Plachta's alchemy mentor and catalyst for opening up to others, in a reversal of the first game where book/doll Plachta mentored Sophie. Plachta goes back to her past at the end and chooses to keep her memories of Sophie while not being told why she became a doll in the present to avoid doing anything differently and risk not meeting Sophie again.
That's cool and all, but where is Love Cobra? It's been 3 years with not a single peep of news.
Like a wise man once said: keep rolling rolling rolling.
never ended up finishing this, but i heard people were let down. should i get around to finishing it?
Does the new Wataten chapter mean the movie is non-canon?
There is no real loss, in the end it is a better anime than you might expect, it is not the best in the world but it is interesting, although it feels like it is missing episodes.

>remember rolling girls? It came back, in the form of merchandise
So did Ruka convince Suuna to put lipstick on her lower lips?
Who and who? Read the filename.
That's the thing though, things would be different if these people actually played a video game, even actually playing fucking Dragon Quest 3, or 4 or 5 or whatever. Instead it's some bullshit about a hero and a demon king and a bunch of random bullshit inbetween, or vague ideas of what a "villainess" in an otome game is like because I doubt suddenly a bunch of Angelique fans suddenly started making LNs and manga.

It's just legally sanctioned copying, we might as well just be feeding it to AI because at this point this factory process is just an AI that runs on convenience store food and instant noodles, yuri or otherwise.
Someone on the other thread mentioned that MajiGawa feels written by someone who doesn't actually watch mahou shoujo, and that's about the same situation with these fantasy writers.
Their worldbuilding is extremely shallow because they only know about fantasy settings from parodies and references, and never bothered to engage with classical examples of the genre. It's like a game of telephone where everything is a derivation of a derivation of a derivation.
By this point I don't know if the genre can be saved when it has become so diluted that it only bares a superficial resemblance to what the genre once started with.
Wasn't that the case with meguca, though?
>MajiGawa feels written by someone who doesn't actually watch mahou shoujo
This is every 'parody' of mahō shōjo I've ever seen. They all seem to be responding to an imagined version of the genre that maybe existed in 1983 if at all
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i dont like the implication here
Maybe, if they derive enough, they'll accidentally end up returning to the basics.
i think generic yuri fantasy is comfy. like a late night mcdonalds snack after work
Well you're not worried about cramps if you're getting eaten out
How can you say you love her if you won't even drink her menses?
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We got on the yuri backstory chapter and it of course had to end badly for the other maid girls, but at least it was yuri only of what we saw for main girl.
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