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Now: NES Shuffler Race
Next: Golden Sun
Later: Spider-Man (2000)

Stream 1: https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon (embed) (embed)
Stream 2: Meds, there was no stream 2
Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/

Previous: >>683414547
plum is done
stop being fat
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Plum just started
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I just wish to hear "HERE COMES PLUM", one last time...
Why am I so miglike in appearance
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why was the thread link already purple?
How was darkest dungeon that low?
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>spiderman 2000
finally a good game
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When are they gonna play plum's song?
crowd control
what went wrong?
does anyone really notice you if you're a migger at night?
Crowd control, also terrible speedrun game
When they have sold a total of 100 Plum shirts. You did buy one right?
does ESA segregate blacks and "women" like GDQ does?
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There could be miggers anywhere...
No, it's not America.
run was incomprehensible, even as a osrs player. it also should not have been a race.
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I'll handle them
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Nice drawing Anon!
We should've banned more people from the internet for spewing absolute gibberish.
No, the one commentator that called a black person a monkey wasn't allowed back, so now he only shows up at GDQ
dayum who is this hottie on the left
grandpa here i have no idea what any of this means
has it ever been a popular run here?
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Holy shit
What extension shows timeouts like that? FFZ allows you see deleted messages, but it doesn't show the timeout.
why the fuck would he stop now? he does it every time
link gets flagged as spam, but
gofundme /f/support-big-jons-journey-to-esa-event
He ate the funds
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Took me way too long
I can hear it!
>golden sun 3:40:00
what the FUCK
too bad she didnt wash her hair
welcome to RPG """""speedruns"""""
She wanted to fit in
Miss that Stream 2 yet?
his brain literally went into "woman is talking" meme
>Golden Sun run
>not Bowiethehero playing it
I'm out. Someone rate this run an F for me.
>rpg "speedrun"
>put text on fast
>mash skip text button
fuck this im out
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yeahhhhh its stream 2 hours
This game should be in the owl timeslo, if it was 24 hours. Sigh, 3 hours of doing something productive instead of warming a chair.
You forgot
>runner telling his life story
A good 2:45:00 of the run is just unskippable cutscenes and mashing through literal thousands of dialogue boxes.
Surely you jest.
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why the fuck did they put this run on at prime time for EU???
>Euro evening
>Lets put a 3:40:00 run in thats just textbox skipping
its a mystery
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>4 hour turn-based RPG """"speedrun""""
7tv modlogs
Happy ESA '24 to you too, Plum

C, was probably incredibly fun to play and commentate, but too much chaos for a viewer to get invested in
the schedule has been pretty dumb so far, but this is just absolutely retarded
i'm not watching but isn't the dude like a multi wr holder for the series?
My only hope is that he fucks up really bad and has a 3 hour long meltdown.
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Fuck this, it's time to play Civ V.
does anyone care about what he's telling us?
Why are people acting like they don't know? Golden Sun has been run tonnes of times, Plexa is often on super long RPG couches and its always kino
Just a bunch of friends shooting the shit and having fun for a few hours, it's peak speedrunning
My brain blocks out the french.
Doesn't matter, I'd rather a few minutes of time loss with an actual good commentator who likes Camelot games with every fiber of his being than this insipid cunt with this irritating prick shouting behind him.
haha so hilarious
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Reminder to close the stream so they tank viewers and realize they need to fix this dogasshit marathon before it fades to obscurity.
Its something about Hawaiian pizza. Someone should throw a fucking Hawaiian pizza at his head.
golden sun is mid
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You did good, son
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>and her saggy knockers? this low
Maybe because we don't ever actually watch Golden Sun when it's on
>NES shuffler race
The ESA bonus is painfully real
>I missed AEtienne run today because it was early in the morning
You mean this
First time I've been awake for a Golden Sun run.
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host a multiplayer lobby
Sounds more like a letsplay.
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fuck it im gonna play the superior gba rpg
Reminder he got all 5 of his runs declined. Thanks Planks
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declined cause he's banned for 'being disruptive'
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Same except the superior GBA rpg
The only GBA JRPG I had was Tactics Advance.
He is on 3 BSG runs.
Robo is such a goofy fuck, but that's why I like him.
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>marathon is shit
>OC is still good
you cant say that!
based gamefaqs chads
>pronouns near name tag
I thought esa was based? alt f4ed outta there as quickly as i could.
>If I pull the funding, will you die?
I knew about this diagonal statue movement since the game came out, what the fuck?
There's always somebody getting very bitchy about RPG runs or just long runs in general. There was a substantial amount of whining about the FFIX and Skyward Sword runs at ASM despite them being pretty great runs to watch.

ADHD-addled anons want their faces rapidly bombarded with bing bing wahoo and Tetris.
One guy does a run, other people copy it without knowing anything else about the game, one guy eventually comes in and says 'why don't you just go through the backdoor', the community shits itself over this new time save and business continues as normal. Very few people actually innovate a run or even bother to step outside of the prescribed strats. They don't know why they do most things, they just do those things.
He just explained why
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Stream 2 bros...
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
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Im having a great time there
this is absolutely true. most of the runners of a particular game don't actually know the game that well. compared to people that are hunting for skips and doing research, especially. they're the people that *really* know the game inside and out. then they can tell the runners this shit they found and they can follow it mostly by rote
No party this year? It was kino watching ir during winter in these threads

Golden Sun so far is comfy af and the runner+Legrand are great
I don't think Nikoheart is there, so no after party.
golden sun is a good game
30 minutes and nothing happened yet
It would be extremely purple
Or people who aren't even runners accidently find skips or just time saves, like how Mizzow's cousin found a time save by getting the run wrong and doing it in a way the community didn't even consider might be quicker.
Niko pulled out last month.
The runner said that the first hour is just boring setup and to watch a previous run in the meantime, the absolute madlad
Probably the person I hate the most at ESA still.
So much wasted space on the ESA layout. I fucking hate the "modern" look.
That's Planks, not even kidding.
Classic /v/
Why wasn't Plexa at ASM when it's right next door to New Zealand? Scared of a little 'roo eh, ya cunt? Worried you might cop a stingray's tail ya bloody Sheila? Naaaah bloody hell mate fair dos, fair dos.
Yeah it's doing my head in that there's so much just black space on the elements that didn't need to be there, and also the camera feed doesn't even need to have that upper third of it to show off the mood lighting on the wall.
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He was afraid if he went to Adelaide, he'd get trapped there by the inhabitants of that cursed place.
mating pressing your bro under plum's watchful eyes...
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>laughed at a donation joke
DashCon eat your heart out
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show me your plums
It should have been me
Oh god, he's turning into one of THEM
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>check out vidya booru for new pics
>all the plums are purple
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I'm not so sure about this season of Blackadder
It's sad that they broke up.
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My shitty oc from ESA Winter
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>What if we kissed under the Plum at ESA?
Don't worry, I have a cunning strat
Oh hey my Plum is OP image. I didn't think it was any good thanks
Hmm, not really sure how to interprate these expressions, anons
BaldTako has gone missing again.
It's not.
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may I offer the robust nourishment of a consolatory egg in these trying times?
All Plums are good (her game notwithstanding)
They were sharing a room, anon.
Post your Plum then
Anon this is a blue board
Wait, Plum has a game? I thought she was just ESA's mascot.
I'll post your mom's plum, idiot
how do u even know this
Milfy Plum when?
I posted OC of Plum's plums to a previous thread but it was deleted in a heartbeat
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>Bandits are purple
do it again i wanna see
The ancient legends talk of some game related to Chainsaws from which Plum originally came.
Is the runner still rambling on?
I never unmuted from the intermission
What's so good about Golden Sun
It got the stupid posting relationship shit all over social media shit, Jhay's dating some dour-looking chick now.
Nah, no thanks.
Customizability of the class stuff.
Do it. I'm waiting anon.
Impressive attacks for GBA game, RPGs were rare on the gba when it launched. But most importantly, really cool class system that the game never pushes you to make use of because it's too easy
cooma cave lets go
Could they not have done this run at the end?
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I'm sure they were desperate for runners considering how many things got completely fucked up this year.
yes of course but Retardenal is the one that made the schedule this year and he doesnt have a fucking brain cell left
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>Jhay's dating some dour-looking chick now.
RPG runs at the end have a bad history at ESA, Bowie fucked up a Octopath run hard.
Can't go on.. goodnight.....
im surprised none of you fucks looked up pictures of the girl on the couch
I meant at the end of the day, feels more fitting for RPG runs
There were and are a bunch of long ass RPGs
This isn't the only one
sorry I only like cute boys
my point still stands, retardenal is too stupid to think that putting a long ass stupid RPG run during prime time is a bad idea
Genuinely, how long are you going to force this
Every single marathon every year has poorly-placed JRPGs. This is nothing new.
They often set run times based on people's availability, it's quite possible that other priority runners could only do certain slots which otherwise would better suit this snooze-fest
Jesus metako take a day off from crying
Not as many submissions as previous events but its not as if they are short either
nice try bootlicker. This wouldn't have happened with Fatzke. Crawl back into orgs assholes, simp. This schedule is absolute ass and you know it.
Also the runner's a Kiwi, his body is probably telling him it's about 8am right now so best to get shit done when he's not getting fucked hard by jetlag.
Time to watch a long run that's actually good
It's been an hour so this run is gonna get really good now, right?
There are three thousand people watching this shit.
Unfortunately for you, you will never be a woman.
Put your vtumor avatar back on
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Anything since South Park worth going back and watching?
If only there was a convenient way to solve this mystery.
Uhm, excuse me, this has even fewer transwomen than GDQ. Why should I watch this in 2k24?
there isn't
pretty sure this one is a man, or just retarded
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>they said the run gets way better an hour in
>it hasn't gotten any better
You shouldn't, watch Frame Fatales instead.
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>if you lower your pee-pee enough
Oh, did he say "one hour in"? Haha, he of course meant two hours! So yeah, three hours in you'll start seeing some crazy stuff.
Gee Plexa, how come Golden Sun let's you have TWO Jennas?
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>prime time EU
>lets have 4 hours of the most boring run in the world
Wait till you see snu snu Jenna in a few hours.
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Why are they so into the run?
(also, transparent version without the text)
>Fire scheduling team
>Schedule is shit
Gee, who could've seen that coming
I am the eggman
Harry Potter lookin ass
Who's this character? Some Trails girl or something else?
Oh my god
Plum is a Kraut?
Mashing through Golden Sun's endless dialogue boxes is highly engaging.
I'm saving these, kek
This is likely to be the final ESA. No doubt they'll bleed out everyone at this point
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RPG speedruns are fun
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>almost cancer free esa threads
How did they do it?
Running absolute garbage so everyone evacuates.
What's Plum's thoughts on early 1940s Germany?
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I have no idea how much is left but it can't be that much, maybe 20 videos.
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Okay I'm back
I've never played Golden sun but looks really comfy
suggest me a golden sun themed plum, provide reference because I know nothing about the game
Plum acting as the safety enforcer for ESA
Any new Plum pics lately?
So it was that fucking easy after all.
I made >>683423012 earlier this morning
Well, at least the menu navigation got faster
do a praise the sun Plum. praise the plum.
golden sun has quite literally never been a good run

all you can hope for is that werster is running / commentating it, and even then it's still miserable
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kek, drew something similar back then but with a different punchline, was gonna post it sometime this ESA since i probably don't have the time to draw a new one this time around
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LOL what a fucking dick
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>here's where the run actually starts
Not even enough for a light snack...
This run is fucking obnoxious
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>RPG "speed" runs
Charts always have the "live with /v/" qualifier.
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>I consider myself a vital part of the event when I go and as an event that raises money for a fantastic charity each half year, it is important to me to be there for the week.
Holy fuck why does /v/ like this guy
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Could draw her hanging out with the Djinn from Golden Sun. Pic related.
not denying it but it seems like there wasnt even an effort to look at the chart
If you have played it, Star Wards Battlefront 2 (the old one). Pretty solid commentary and interesting routing.
Big Nigger is a fraud and has disrupted virtually every ESA schedule by promising to appear then failing to do so. Surprised they haven't banned him.
Can't believe you've been holding out on posting this cute Plum, anon.
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Either based on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5JgOVPW1Hk, with Sol Blade unleashing Megiddo. Or Isaac using psynergy like the image
Draw her just standing there and nodding with a [...] and [:)] in a speech bubble above her head, like in Golden Sun.
Oh man, I loved that game. Will check it out.
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Apparently not vital enough, spheroid.
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I guess you could draw her hanging about with this chick.
I don't see how Golden Sun has become a semi staple run in marathons.
Euro primetime is even crazier. Is this the first marathon since Das left? If so, it really shows.
Put it into a 15 minute gif with two other characters of your choice talking about meaningless things, repeating them, and affirming each other with ..., :) or :( after every single sentence to make it like the real game.

I like Golden Sun, played it like a motherfucker as a kid and replayed it recently, but my god the dialogues/scenes take super long with all the nods and [!] and shit.
I should definitely actually finish the second game, but I dread the gold password entry.
I don't remember seeing Das last event
I think I get why people complain when they play Final Fantasy games at GDQ.
thirding this
too busy posting her thighs here
Golden Sun legitimately has more text boxes than any Final Fantasy
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>4 minutes in
>"So yeah, Acklays actually have this weakspot on the right leg"
why are they cosplaying as edenal and planks?
It never used to be so bad at ESA because you'd always have 2 streams to retreat too during shit or boring runs. There is no more stream 2.
How long is this game casually if you're reading all of them?
I'll watch that after I finish this NES block then.
She was at last Summer and at Legends.
post them
Okay I'll do that
Around 30-40 hours if you do everything and read everything. Which for the system it's on is really very long. 12 hours would probably be enough to read absolutely everything but do everything else at a bare minimum.
That was before the staff purge though.
Me when I watch a 3 hour JRPG run and then complain about it.
I always switched to rocket infantry, so I would have never known. Also the "hero bonus showcase" is not worth watching, since it was probably an afterthought.
It should be compulsory for all RPG speedrunners to wear clown noses like this when running their shitty games at live marathons.
is big brown again not at esa?
if only
>get home just in time for some shitshow JRPG run
fucking hell
perfect time to catch up on runs!
that's what rerun hours are for later tonight, I was hoping for something fun being on
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>a collage overlapping text boxes, menus and profile pictures swallowing the frame in a cacophonous mess
>in the corner Plum playing with the Djinn in a magic protective pocket dimension barrier she has cast
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Wake up babe, it's time for our Snake Rattle n Roll NES run.
That's pretty normal for a JRPG I guess, kinda crazy that most of time is reading.
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The coming schedule.
I love women so much bros.
What are you, a fag?
I am gay for women.
Can't wait for my wife LumiLaura's run
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why would you lie to me
>that brief graveyard block before Pokemon
that's where I'm at
Fuck, guess I'll be productive tomorrow
absolutely godless
Not amused
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tfw no speedrunning gf to run shitty NES games with
I am utterly convinced CERN sped up time
There's a 6 hour LOTR: The Third Age run...
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I don't trust those scientists, always smashing particles together and making mini black holes in the arctic...
wow tomorrow looks pretty good besides the festering pokezit on the schedule
Man took me a moment to realize this wasn't in my timezone. But I see now how much the break sucks for US, that is pretty prime time. And pretty grim, only thing I'm looking forward to is pokemon and that is just because it's an excuse to listen to cafe music and shitpost.
>2 player 1 controller randomizer elden ring
Holy shit it's like a shitpost trying to make the worst possible run ever. But it's actually real.
>>683439727 anon is right, last event I was in was Legends.
also I've only ever posted my husbando and badges here I do have a good unintentional reaction face though
It can't be that bad
>it's the turn-based RPG one
Well hopefully it's entertaining anyway.
Didn't we already have a pokemon run?
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*sad honk*
>any% easy
>lumilaura is okay, despite the obvious
>actual speedrun depending on the category?
break lmao
>ebin shitpost speedrun
>a bit questionable, but might be okay. classic shadow warrior is better
>any% easy
>thank fucking god it's an aetienne run
>flash games but it's tharixer so it'll be okay
>let's play
>holy fuck it's runnerguy i fucking kneel but >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bingo meaning he won't be mic'd and we're going to get cringe esports commentary by euros
>oh elden ring with catalystz it might be coo- oh, wait, 2p1c randomizer, fuck my fucking life
look man, i don't want to be the ungrateful armchair marathon organizer who's being overly critical, but jesus christ what the fuck. this schedule would be grim even if there were a stream 2 where there were half-real speedruns happening. ESA has turned into a glorified let's play / gimmick run event, just like GDQ. i can't express how much of a cockblock it is seeing something like runnerguy playing OoT or catalystz playing elden ring on the schedule and knowing it's a non-starter because of the format or production. i understand that they're choosing to submit this stuff, but still.
What part of that rises to "pretty good" for you?
My body is ready for The Neverhood.
A bunch of short and fast games with the longer runs at the end of the day.
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wtf how come he gets to have 2 gofundmes
Pokemon is a donation magnet so it is inevitable.

/father_jimmy, fellow GnT chad. A batsu game should be starting soon.
first 5 games dont get on most marathons besides rise of kong
quake arcane dimensions is a cool map pack
flash game gauntlet could be cool or shit
cant remember a neverhood "run"
minecraft is less than 20 minutes even if its shit
never saw beta quest before
elden ring i can go have dinner and play video games
But what about Second Pokemon Run?
>Another 4 hour RPG in the middle of the evening
even GDQ wouldn't
Somehow the manipless Pokemon run sounds like it could be fun. I'm not sure if I am being biased as gen 2 is my favourite.
over under on him having kept 5.5k even after canceling going
He canceled cancer?
Just make sure to make time for third Pokemon run.
Finally he can have one good meal
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>[chair clattering]
yeah they would
kek i thought that was a twist on the gdq charity meme
It's pretty cool that our lad Mako keeps getting hired to draw the artwork for this stuff.
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I mean, they would for sure. And have.
Everyone there looks demonic
They're just ugly
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Classic case of the bosses firing people willy nilly thinking it wouldnt make an impact and they can do it just as well.
They're just Americans
Ya seethe, Metako?
he's unapologetically black and fat
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Are you all happy campers, anon?
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Hey I didn't think I'd get to use this so soon.
Oh nice, I thought Twitch would ban these kinds of channels. Used to watch on Vaughn Live all the time. Thanks anon.
You're delusional, Planks.
Why does Metako live rent-free in your head, schizo anon? You seethed so hard unprompted last time you forced the janny to clean up all your posts.
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watching this speedrun be like
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I already made that joke, delete this post.
Only 2/5 of these people are still involved with ESA.
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wait until elden ring tomorrow night
Bruh, he's referring to a pair of Americans
A pair of Americans at a Euro event are fair game for a bit a' bantah
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>Valid criticism
They didn't like how popular his runs got when they're not serious runs, and they also didn't get the joke of him acting like a dick during his own runs and Taskmaster.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bros i thought you said ESA gets good after a couple days
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Please tell me it's Tali and Agarthick
god fuck another hour left of this shite
in awe of the Innsmouth creature in the red shirt.
Glad someone else sees it
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On that note, I think I've grabbed all his videos? I'll have to check, but the queue is grabbing Lordmau5's runs now.
doing the lord's work, so to speak. RIP lordmau5
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I am, I got to back the Children of Infinity Kickstarter at the exhaustive collectibles level, with a bonus Spathi Eluder pin to boot
Funny thing, the Italian Job run reappeared on the Youtube channel earlier.

Somebody's playing silly buggers with that shit.
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Based archiver
Pete, I think I'm ready.
Isn't lourdmau5 another victim of the speedrunning troon virus?
You're confusing it with Viper's run. Lordmau5's Italian Job isn't on the ESA channel, didn't see it in search either.
Fwiffo is an hero.
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Haven't seen a Nickies thread in quite some time, does he still exist?
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You can't see em on stream but: fumo in the house
Why are the fumos in the stream 2 room? Are they not aware stream 2 is kill?
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No this is the main stream room. They're here right here for Golden Sun
Youmu...you're looking a bit different today.
What is the Council's verdict?
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Ah good, kinda looked like the stream 2 room but guess it's to the right of the camera. Hope they are getting comfy and enjoying the run
Goggle says he just lists himself as a furry femboy.
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this bothers me every time i see it as someone who makes spelling errors often, so i fixed it
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You're a big archive.
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sus. Give it a couple years.
He says this but has been in the chat all marathon and he still has vip in the channel.
No, you see, that's different,
Good riddance.
I hope that anon gets his shirt soon and posts it here.
His issue is obviously with Edenal and Planks, not with the attendees, runners or even the chatters.
I'm really not sure either.
The very next ESA (winter) he didn't have the wig.
To be fair it probably is pissing off Planks so he's doing something worthwhile.
Easily my favorite event of the past 2 years. I hope that dude managed to wake up for work the next day after nearly drinking himself to death on FFXVI.
He's too valuable to ESA to throw to the wolves like some of the others. Argick, Huds, and Niko are considered to be "redeemable" by Edenal and Planks. If ESA survives this flaming train wreck, you can bet that all three of them will be offered all manner of compensation for coming back.
she's cute
Give it to me straight is it Bumper-cuck and the Bumboy in front of him that yet remain?
It was a long 2 year wait, but it was worth it. They have no build up to it either, I think they announced it the week before it was set to air and didn't even have an Oengus page until day two.
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Nnot sure. Hasn't uploaded to youtube in a while as well. At first i thought his channel was gone, but looks like he renamed it to Nickies instead of the random name it was before, so I didn't see it
nah, lordmau5 is based af
Looks like that BR trap on the back of the bike in the favella
Damn. I don't even want to know how long it would take me to download all that with my slow ass internet speed. Are you planning to upload it somewhere or send it to the guy who runs the youtube playlist?
They mentioned it on Twitter about a month earlier, which is how a few anons caught onto it.

It was still funny that some anons who weren't there the first time were doubting it was going to be good.
if he was in america
All of the marathon sis...
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we're all bros here
It was even slower because Twitch/Youtube has a throttle (to prevent bots from scraping them all day every day). I have a slow upload speed so first I'm seeing if Metako needs a copy of them to upload to his own channel (also sent him the pastebin if he wants to yt-dlp them himself), not here to eat other runner's lunches after all. If he can't upload it for whatever reason such as ESA threatening to DMCA his channel I'll just post them to my own channel and add to the playlist. Here's the list if anyone wants to archive the runs themselves.


yt-dlp -f "bv*[ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]/b[ext=mp4] / bv*+ba/b" --fragment-retries infinite -a list.txt
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>tfw no Contra speedrunning gf
Has the run been non-stop talking by the runner?
>2 men
so who's in the shed?
is it distracting you from the interesting gameplay, anon?
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almost 4hs of fucking pocket men
3.5 hs of some wacky trash
elden ring meme%
I was playing video games for the past 2.5 hours
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Pretty considerable. Good on you.
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me as Mokou desu
Amin Yashed
As far as I know, Lordmau5 got banned from both the event, discord channels and the twitch chat some weeks ago. I think it was after expressing criticism, or something like that. Can't remember and I deleted my twitter account some days ago.
Who knows if his materials got purged too.
I wish I could add my fumbo to that council.
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why was this greenlit
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Hope renaming the channel means he is working on something. Always love the schizo threads. But at least I probably didn't miss his return
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We've been watching this "speed"run for 3 hours..
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Glad they are there, but shame you cna't see them
Planks is blocking out the haters, you're not some kind of hater sympathizer are you?
you didn't miss a single thing
>look to see whe nnaro is running
Fuck, I usually get up at the crack of 11.
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Guess the true clowns were us watching the run
This event is what Planks/Edenal want to see
Sympathizing with which side?
you wont' be missing much.
clown plum...
There are no sides, only good people who did nothing wrong and the haters.
>why was this greenlit
Plexa threatened to release his own pastebin about people breathing while hugging him
If a drawfag is around can we get a colored Plum fumo
Anyone here good at sound mixing? Plum's VA said she's open to doing something, but isn't the one doing audio work.
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I appear to be done.
I have done a tourist run at ESA's discord, and even with the deleted stuff, hate runs in all directions. That place is even more toxic than here.
Hate is a pretty strong word and I am not that deep into this subculture to develop it, but let's say that I am not happy with ESA's handling of situations and the impact is having on an event that I used to love.
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The official reason why he got banned was because of making a bad joke around #metoo during a pre-covid ESA. He was actually banned from the event at this point as well, but still got runs accepted during covid because... ? He didn't know why the ban was never really enforced either, but the didn't seem to care much.
That joke has been brought back as the reason why they are now enforcing the ban, after he was critical of everything going on after the Lovare pastebin drop.
they should run later and then start later. no ones watching at 7am eu time. go until 3 am and then start at 10 or some shit. then they'll get peak time US viewers too.
The real reason we keep getting these long runs taking up half the day is the same reason ASM had them: to fill time
Having people pull out fucked up their scheduling and had to shove a bunch of long boring shit to save face. This is evident with how the schedule was late by a week or two.
Relatively. I mix meme music and podcasts. But what did you have in mind when saying "doing something"?
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Doing a cover of Eat Sleep Game Repeat
Because they denied a load of ESA regulars even before the drama happened.
Nice work.
The main reason was described as being disruptive in the discord (after being critical of them handling the lovare pastebin) they called him out publicly in the discord for no reason whatsoever
>Hey guys, the way how this is being done is not okay
>Fuck you lordmau5 you bad actor trying to bring our event down, we've done nothing wrong, you're just a reaction farmer! BANNED
extremely based
golden plum
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That's the good shit
Metako is drunk streaming FFXIV and you are laughing.
Can they not put the long runs at a time when no one is watching? Why are they having filler content at 7-9PM?
I could easily mix that if you have the instrumental and the VA's raw vocals.
>no save & quit
>uses save states
clown it up

Magnificent work.
>we invented the clown meme
>go until 3 am and then start at 10 or some shit
You do miss out on people watching before work, but I doubt many donations come from that. As EU, would honestly not mind if they start at 10 AM
AI generated
also lordmau5 is an /ourguy/ shoutouts to him reading this right now. what they did to you is a disgrace
Ultra based
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holy based
Holy shit that is so perfect, it's like I'm playing Golden Sun right now
hand drawn baby
seethe all you want
>Runner wins a dangerous boss fight, avoiding instant death RNG and a teammate surviving with literally 1HP
>But he didn't win hard enough, so he rewinds, thus invalidating the run
Can you post more Zack and Aerith being cute? No inside scoops needed
yeah, I know, it's just that was what he pointed out was on the official email. Which is still a pretty lame excuse but par for the course.
This is so fucking bad, Jesus.
if he goes over he's getting an F, i dont make the rules
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I have to look for more, I don't have that many with the two of them
And I was just about to give him an S as well.
All that's left is cutscenes. Rate Golden Sun
Wait, that dragon was the final boss?
D for Doring
C for clowns.
Not until it's over, fag
fuck off already
D idn't really watch
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What a gay run
Fucking Painful, but the man was fast.
A Not just a clown, but an entire circus crowd
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F for using savestates
>Save state rewinding
>Pagliaci memes in 2024
C+, pretty comfy, decent cough. But not a must watch, enough other runs even just this year
Fucking F, that was the most annoying speedrun I've ever seen.
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I'm doin' him a D
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B and I know I'm generous, a great couch but I wish they'd done the no-cutscenes category if it was gonna cost this much time. We could have fit a whole other game with that extra hour
F boring as fuck
Lmao y’all a bunch of fags
Good commentary, funny runner, comfy as fuck watch, underestimate, honk. Long runs are dope
C - Didn't watch but when I did I only saw him using save states
Is that the fat rapist on the left?
oh ESA has 2 greasy prize goblins on
F for four fuckin hours
D for didn't watch
Look at the size of those fat fucks
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who tops?
C for Clowns
big nigger probably didn't even have cancer. He's a fraud and should be banned from all marathons. He has disrupted ESA and GDQ multiple times in the past.
I'm getting Streets of Rage 2 flashbacks for some reason.
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red shirt
SAARS, do not make fun of indians saars.
F. Since when were save states allowed at these things??
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>wins consistently
Prizemommy was begging for it with her outfits. Alright?
I love this
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Oh no...Dr. Connor's class....
I'm already at full health.
>no funny tabs
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At least they were self-aware about it
Amazing OC
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B, kinda comfy but RPG's like this is why we need stream 2

Those incentives are insane lmao, no way should they be that high. They aren't pulling GDQ bucks.
F for Fuck that was awful
Fuck I hate skenmy so much
I will NOT donate until the plum video is played
How retarded they think their viewers are if they need to explain donating like this?
>one groper got promoted despite being reported to ESA because his good outweighed the bad
>skenmy rose in prominence from Winter '24
fuck it might be
What the fuck are they smoking with these prices. They don't have anyone to bail them out.
>do not redeem
>skill issues
he shitposts here, doesn't he?
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Retarded enough to donate.
Good, another Plum for the collection...
Keep working on that tan, TinyTim, glad you're getting help with your lotion

You artfags are absolute MVPs
oh that's really sweet lineart
are you gonna color it?
>two shadowdropped Plums
It's a good thing I trawl these threads religiously looking when I get back or else I'd be behind on the Plums.

He single handedly brought jeet bashing into the normiedom.
The Neverhood one's definitely not getting met, it's way too obscure.
Cute Plum!
Mods, ban this guy.
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the special guest
Death penalty.
these niggers are nuts
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One is coming to kill you. The other has been assigned to protect you with his life. Which one /v/?
*du duu du du du duu*

MoD will have my back
nah, I'm shit at coloring
can't wrap my head around it, it's weird
can I do it?
wanna practice more myself
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oh great, it's this tranny again
sure thing
>because his good outweighed the bad
I hope he's working on something. He's too good for /v/, though. The clone experiment was peak Nickies.

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