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>people bought the yawnfail xiv for this
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Dont care the actual game part of the game is the best Dungeon Bosses Trials and Raids in years.
I didn't hate the story all that much even if its generic anime JRPG storytelling. But i finished it after 2 weeks.
The actual endgame content is what i stay for.
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>he boughted yawnfail
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>smartwife is clever enough to mostly stay out of DT
Love her.
Does anyone know if the new machinist skills are ronkan influenced or electrope slop.
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Very good track, I wish we had more time with Alexandria
Who keeps making the anti-FFXIV threads?
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Because they circulate the lie that dragons are literally Satan attacking them for no reason and that their God sanctifies their holy war against he demon dragons. Also a whole bunch of other societal corruption explored elsewhere
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Rape femras
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I wish we had more time with Krile, her whole plotline got completely dumpstered for more Wuk horseshit.
>Because they circulate the lie that dragons are literally Satan attacking them for no reason
Uhh, that's not a lie. That's literally what's happening. Nidhogg is attacking innocent people for something they didn't do. There's also only one single person perpetuating the lie, and it's perpetuated for the specific purpose of keeping the people united so they can survive an unending war.
>and that their God sanctifies their holy war against he demon dragons
Self defense is justified pretty much everywhere but I'm guessing you're from some hellhole angloid country.
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FFXIV is a story game.
If I want good content with a shit story I'd play WoW.
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Unironically, the quality of the MSQ is directly tied to the amount of Y'shtola scenes in it.
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valigarmanda EX might be one of my favorite EX trials right alongside susano, seiryu and memora miseria
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Is there any specific reason wuk's voice actor couldn't yell louder for the combat scenes? would something happen? something with the voice?
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is Hiroi brain damaged?
What's his excuse for flopping it this hard?
This is a very common sentiment, I agree
I'm on the same copium as some others, I've been hearing theories that she'll be a big part of post MSQ 7.x quests
But Y'shtola was barely in HW
He wrote Ivalice and Bozja. Yes he is brain damaged.
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>portraying your enemies as the literal devil and conveniently editing out the part where your side started everything is ok
I can't believe how shit it is bros. I honestly can't. I even enjoy ARR.
What the fuck happened?
He has never been a good writer.
I'm hopeful for what the state of the game could be ~7.3. Could genuinely see myself resubbing mid cycle for this one.
But they need to get off their asses. I hope Yoshida is having trouble sleeping right now.
You already know the answer, don't play coy
I think they literally can't. Transitioning fucked their vocal cords. You can tell it's not a direction thing cuz they're great in quiet scenes
Getting her out of the life stream was a major plot point, so was her helping afterwards. Also massive redesign.
>defending yourself because someone is trying to kill you for something your country's ruler did 1000 years ago that you have no idea about makes you an asshole
>waging a 1000 year war against civilians who weren't involved in the offense against you in any way and intentionally drawing the conflict out to sate your unending bloodlust doesn't make you worthy of being portrayed as a demon
Let me guess, you're Australian.
He also wrote Pandaemonium. It's the usual Square Enix Peter Principle situation where they have people who have good output as long as they're on a leash, but then the promotion carousel starts and they fuck up.
How many times do I have to tell you that they're BOTH assholes you dumb shit:?
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It is funny how true that is.
>cuz they're great in quiet scenes
There's not a single moment where Wuk's voice isn't uncanny.
And no, transitioning didn't fuck his vocal cords at all. Transitioning doesn't affect your vocal cords in any way. He's just never done any voice training. You can look up the guy he voiced in Unicorn Overlord to hear his actual voice and it sounds perfectly normal.
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>I can't believe how shit it is bros. I honestly can't. I even enjoy ARR.
Same fäm. I never thought Dawntrail could be worse than ARR and Stormblood lol but here we are.
I liked Pandaemonium, Ivalice and Bozja stories so I don't believe you guys or his part in writing them must've been minimal compared to his lead role on yawnfail
i don't have much hope for post patch as of right now due to how obviously they've cut content that could've been part of dt msq to use later
they need to speedrun all of it in 7.1 and then get ishikawa in PRONTO
>defending yourself because someone is trying to kill you for something your country's ruler did 1000 years ago that you have no idea about makes you an asshole
So yeah, you're Australian. If I google some Australian atrocity real quick will you kill yourself for your crimes?
Not true, HW was great and she doesn't feature until the ass end of it.
No idea how he got into his position.
looks like dates lalas
What will be his blurb for 2024?
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They wouldn't take him if they knew he wrote Dawntrail.
>Experienced another life-changing event. (fired from Square Enix)
Your adamant refusal to acknowledge anything I've said and stubbornly return to your own talking points tells me you have to be some kind of third worlder incapable of understanding any viewpoints other than your own.
He was lead on Pandaemonium, lead on EW patch MSQ, and now elad on DT. On Bozja he was Matsuno's assistant.

It really is a leash situation. You saw the first signs of a tendency towards creator's pets in Zero but it wasn't fully actualized. Now we got Wuk lamat and its on full display.
We're going to have to deal with Wuk for 7.1 and possibly even 7.2 since they do frameworks for stuff ahead of time
I am praying to God that this OC and her writer get canned FAST
She'll get her big moment
*huffs copium*
It'll use her part of the trailer song and redeem the soundtrack
Well something happened to make their throat sound like sandpaper
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MSQ is beyond dogshit but some of the fights are ok
Raids hard carrying everything right now. Design, characters, fights, music.
>defending yourself because someone is trying to kill you for something your country's ruler did 1000 years ago that you have no idea about makes you an asshole
This is what you said. That Ishgardians are in the wrong for defending themselves when Nidhogg attacks them for something they didn't do. Why are Australians such fags?
I don't think we'll see that much of her even in the early patch series. I'm expecting a shift to Solution 9, Gulool Ja and the Oblivion crew.
Who will be the true final boss of the expansion before they shift to moving to the next? I really hope it's not speeeeeen again.
Reminder that she's still losing to wuk evu and 9 other characters in a popularity contest
Filtered by Zoraal Ja.
His throat sounds like sandpaper when he's voicing women because he hasn't done voice training and he's constantly straining his voice box trying to reach a higher pitch. It's fucking pathetic that he fancies himself a voice actor and hasn't even bothered to do any training at all. This faggot hasn't even done youtube tutorials on voice training, he has put in zero effort in trying to sound like a woman. Here's his actual voice.
That is not what I said. I said that lying about how the war started and that God ordains your righteous crusade when the people in charge know that's a lod of horseshit makes you an asshole. Admittedly Nidhogg is a much bigger asshole, but Ishgard is not completely blameless.
probably zoralja's penthouse floor that we didn't get to see
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I would really like to know what the previous writing was like before Koji got his hands on it for the English version. If there are vast differences in writing or not. Because Dawntrail felt very stale, it felt very wooden and I don't know if that's only because of the Japanese writer and it being translated in a very matter of fact way with very little flare or flourish, or if the writing was so bad the translation team even trying their best couldn't solve this no matter what they tried.
Whatever the story I would really like to be a fly on the wall in the CS3 office for those conversations.
>WoWfag wowfags about he's a WoWfag fagging up the game
It's unironically over with people like this flooding the game after Shadowbringers. This post right here is a perfect example of why you never want your IP to go viral, just successful and to appeal to it's niche. It draws in paypigs like this retard.
another ass-pull like a reskinned Valigarmanda 2 since low budget and out of ideas please understand
oh and Wuk will steal the kill again too
mark my words
The current cope answer is ff9 alexander since the castle is a giant void in the oceean where he should be.
Plus they had that long hold on her tiara thing
Gulool Ja. Son of Zoraal Ja. Grandson of Gulool Ja Ja. True king of Alexandria. Mankind's first hero, and his final hope!
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Koji didn't do this one that's part of why the writing read like a wiki page and lacked soul.
I don't. She was excessively boring in any scene she featured and her arc has completely concluded. She found out about her past, she is easily able to keep up with the WoL in combat. Other than her being a female lalafell there is no reason to feature her at all. Best they can do is to send her back to the Baldesion Arsenal to pick her office duties up again.
The story lasts for 2 weeks at most. Do you really expect people to stay subbed for months at a time for that, or because they entertained by the battle content available?
>I would really like to know what the previous writing was like before Koji got his hands on it for the English version.
koji hasn't done writing since stormblood
Lying about how the war started was a decision made by Haldrath to keep the people unified because Nidhogg even after killing Thordan was still rampaging and gunning for Ishgardian innocents. He did nothing wrong, and without the lie Ishgard would have just died out because Nidhogg was already coming for them.
Australians are such pathetic, gutless fags.
Koji hasn't done ShB and EW either, so if you want to blame the dangerhair for everything you need to blame her for those expacs too.
People criticized him before for being a memelord, but clearly we didn't appreciate how good we had it.
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He wasn't as detached with those as he was with Dawntrail.
It's almost like her scenes being boring instead of properly developed is what I'm complaining about, retard.
no, and that's how xiv has worked for a while
yoshida has said countless times the reason they can get away with a story mmo where everyone fucks off is they have the mogstation addicts who cum over new mounts
mmos are a cancer and it's only a good thing xiv has always been becoming less f one
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The duties in question.
JP think DT's story is ass as well so its not just the lack of based Koji
Wuk the Hedgmat
source: my ass
this fag is still seething because shitola got dumpstered
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whos the last retard we had in party? blue eye Ryne?
The story is 90% of the reason most people play the game.
Even if you're some mental invalid who plays this for the combat you're still being given half an expansion.
I honestly have no fucking idea where this "Australian" thing is coming from, I'm from Burgerstan
>A bloo bloo
The story lasts the entirety of the game you nigger retard because the MSQ is the game and the content is fed to us through that, NIGGER RETARD, they're interconnected NIGGER RETARD, is it sinking through your thick, NIGGER, WOODEN, SKULL yet? Come on NIGGER RETARD THINK HARDER. LET THAT NIGGER RETARD BRAIN CIRCULATE.
Some people regardless of hormones/surgery/training will never be passing. This is just the reality of the situation.
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The damage control for Dawntrail will be interesting and telling. Even if the story wasn't shit I think I'd still be underwhelmed because the jobs still play exactly the same bar one or two.
They're just going to copy 5.3 again.
>Sareel survived and is travelling around Tural handing out regulators
>Meanwhile we're trying to rebuild Sphene
>In 7.3 we confront Sareel and he uses all the combined hate and intolerance spread around Tural to transform into the Archduke of Transphobia
>We defeat him, Sphene gets her body back and kisses Wuk before announcing her newfound position as the Vow of Love
>Cue Smile blasting at max volume
yes but try paying a professional voice actor to read 6000 lines and see how much that costs. and imagine you have to convert yen to dollars to pay for it.
It's no small coincidence the game exploded when the story got really good.
The story is the game more or less, and while the combat has seemed better than average it's only slightly so. Making combat a bit more fun still leaves the entire rest of the game in the shitter.
Yeah, I've been looking around and I see a lot of the same general complaints from jp about a lot of events not making sense, stuff being badly paced, and characters like Zoraal Ja being way underdeveloped.
holy kino sis
What "rest of the game"? There's the story and the combat, that's pretty much all there is unless your some HRT addled troon that frequents ingame "venues".
Gameplay complexity in FFXIV lies firmly in boss design, not job rotations. We'll see what they've cooked up next week but so far it's looking up from Shb/EW.
Voice training is one thing any tranny can actually do to be convincing in some way. I've known straight guys who do it just to get free shit from steam friends. Sena hasn't done any and it's very obvious to people who have done it like myself. He sounds like a guy who just decided that he's trans and is doing his first day of falsetto. It sounds like two balloons rubbing up against each other.
Even Vrtra acknowledges that Nidhogg was taking things too far by dragon moral standards. Tiamat didn't really care either that you recall. The only reason Hraesvelgr didn't tell you as much is because he was almost as close to Ratatoskr as Nidhogg, and is an eternal sulk.
Was Soken responsible for Smile? If so what the FUCK was he thinking?
>Y'shtola out of nowhere
>lahabrea and themis get magicked back into existence in a contrived and hamfisted way just so you can interact with their original personas
ok now the mess that was living memory makes so much sense
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>jobs still play exactly the same
they took away RDM's ability to stash an extra finisher combo in dungeon/alliance raid
One thing I've noticed is all the lines since EW finished have been lines you can easily cut in half.
In your pic you can easily remove half the words in it.
>I was moved by the tradition of the Yok Huy, that death isn't the end; that we live on in memory.
Literally the same thing Ishikawa did for Elpis and Emet/Hythlodeus/Venat but okay.
Dawntrail unironically reeks of consultancy agency and Koji isn't around anymore to act as a tard wrangler or give feedback, just imagine for a moment what someone like Kate (the localizer) thinks is good. She's not going to countermand an ethnic diversity disney song that sounds like black church music is she? And I imagine Soken who usually makes metal tracks was told to something like this was suitable by an 'adviser' like her.
Konichiwa, dude!
It was kinda funny how she kept trying to claw her way into plot relevancy throughout most of DT?
>Um um my letter?
The future is fucking grim.
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This motherfucker took me on a date
Could be the WMD Lindblum used to originally cause the Flood of Lightning. Or it's just gonna be Necron. or both
>Literally the only thing she had the entire expansion was her usb earring
>And she couldn't even have that because baby galool had to use it
Supposedly the only consultency agency that was involved with DT is some firm that does geographical stuff instead of the usual cultural sensitivity horseshit, so what that says to me is that all of the hamfisted DEI shit present in the game comes from a very conspicuous, pink haired source.
>Goes to Gulool Ja Ja to ask about her grandfather
>Haha I know about it and could in fact tell you but I will not as that would give your side an unfair advantage
job diversity is a shit idea everybody ask for but never really want anyway
i was shocked wuk lamat didn't jump on the boat at the last second
Yeah I don't think the JP team really gave a fuck about gaijin land, the whole story is just to get the cum chalice into the WoL's hands.
No, he wasn't. I can't find it in the credits now but he only did the composition (because it's an arrangement of the Dawntrail theme). Some third party guy did it.
RDM is just made to inflict suffering on people who dare to hope this game can actually have mechanical richness.
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>there's a message in my earring
>happens off screen
>the earring is a key
>wuk lamat saves the day with her brother's clone
I hate the writers, completely disrespectful
Yea he's one of the characters that fucked off for most of the expansion but they know the fujos love him so they had to give him something.
Plus they're still just ripping off all the other stuff from EW with his big eternal wind speech
This could have easily been solved by just having Krile come along and not be part of Wuk's ass kissing retinue.
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All I know is it's the most inoffensive lukewarm bland amorphous grey blob of a region we've ever experienced. The grittiness, dirtiness and general danger of a tribal land like that wasn't conveyed in any meaningful way. It felt safer than Limsa port which should say something about Tural, it's squeaky clean. It feels like it's been made by people that were unironically offended by black zombies in RE5.
If he liked Lalas he wouldn't have shit on Krile so bad.
The earring is so redundant too. You could have just said that Galool can open the portal thanks to the access he got from daddy and it would have been fine.
I love how no one spells any of the names the same because of how retarded and DEI they are
The localization was a travesty
>Yok Huy in Koamazukikaki Poo Poo cutscene
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>Alphinaud carried wood
>Alisaie carries wood in DT
Hate to burst your conspiracy bubble, but the only thing Soken did for Smile was the leitmotif that also gets used throughout the rest of the game. The arrangement and "Disney song" stylings are by TomoLow, a well known producer in the Japanese pop/idol industry.
It's just a marketing thing for the Japanese audience again, same as the utterly unfitting Japanese "main theme" by Yonezu for FFXVI.
>All I know is it's the most inoffensive lukewarm bland amorphous grey blob of a region we've ever experienced. The grittiness, dirtiness and general danger of a tribal land like that wasn't conveyed in any meaningful way. It felt safer than Limsa port which should say something about Tural, it's squeaky clean. It feels like it's been made by people that were unironically offended by black zombies in RE5.
it's literally that OMG REPRESENTATION from some california shithole while the VA for bakool ja is an actual mexican chad.
there's a bunny girl in the outskirts that not only takes you on a date but basically makes you her bf/gf, straight up tells you that she'll be taking you out later
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Maybe SE's new CEO will stop some of the DEI hires like Kate and fire retards like Hiroi.
Is there any reality in which we get Koji back or are we stuck with Kate forever?
>Will we get to see any cool and interesting South American culture in this South American New World expansion
Koji should have come back just long enough to make sure the sheriff greets us with a Meowdy partner.
The reality where they big ishikawa to come back.
Or at least like maehiro, sure xvi kind of circled the drain at the end but it was mostly ok.
More like Estinien.
Good job design elevates battle content at every level, not just the most recent stuff.
Honestly what the fuck is Koji even doing now that XVI has wrapped up? Seems like he'spent the past year just dicking around with The Primals.
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I dont... even know how i took the wrong damn screenshot
The Peter Principle is real but Japanese companies dont see it as a flaw but a feature.
konnichiwa, dude!
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>switch DT so Fordola finds out she's royalty from Mexico and wants your help to win her throne
>change nothing else
cute cat you should have g'raha give you a litter
Yoshi-P is retarded for not getting Ishikawa and Koji to at least supervise.
The unreal mismanagement required to release a story in this absolute state boggles my mind.
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The successor AAA single player project Ishikawa is writing on obviously. By usual dev cycles that project should have locked down the script and recording the VAs right now.
It's a small thing but also with Kate, her fan fest translations are god awful. She will just ignore a shitload of stuff Yoshida says or his jokes where Koji was pretty faithful.
>that one shining moment at the EU fan fest when Kate wasn't there and Koji stepped in one more time
It's over.
Surely XVII will be a return to form instead of just being kind of ok after years of garbage.
>Only person to speak in the group
>Rest of the party is dead silent for the whole run despite my occasional banter
>Get 3 coms
Ehh I'll take it.
YoshiP said the studio is working on two other games right now so probably one of those.
True, but I do wish they'd make all normal mode patch trials, 8 man, and alliance raids mandatory so they could include that shit in the story more.
He's overextending the resources he gets from SE. It's painfully obvious CS3 can't maintain FFXIV and develop (not just one but multiple) new games at the same time.
>Yoshida makes a joke about the Arcadion GPU fans
>she just stands there and smiles
>he pauses and stares at her
>"...I so HOT."
>she just giggles
>he sighs and moves on
Are they really giving XVII to Yoshi P after XVI had such a tepid reception? I find that doubtful.
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You are going to terrorize m2s parties for your queen right /v/?
>CEO says he wants to make less games
>Keep making more games
>giving anyone a litter
>tfw all his stuff is gone
I thought Kiryu just implemented measures to stop exactly that problem by limiting how many projects a producer can manage at once.
I was shitposting but I mean, who else do they have?
Nomura seems to have possibly redeemed himself but he's literally all they have left because everyone else is working on 7r3.
They're holding the weapons in the wrong hands
Those super reflective floors in the Heritage found zone trip me out, not used to seeing high quality stuff in XIV
Maybe if they weren't retarded and didn't make it exclusive to a console without any games it could have done better.
CB3 furiously coding additional content for him as we speak.
She's gottta have a mechanic where you intentionally get three stacks to dodge her sperging out and killing anyone who isn't enthralled right
With Ishikawa writing the story might be a return to form. I honestly liked FF XVI, the story was pretty good too, and I liked the action combat, but the overall dated game structure made it obvious Takai hadn't directed anything but an MMO for a decade.

It's going to depend heavily on who they put in the driving seat as director.
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>Put out your first half-ok mainline in 15 years ona dead console
>Put out your best game ever in decades on a dead console, the game that has been joked of for being your free money button for ages
All gay choices
She has a nisi mechanic so that's gonna be funny to watch.
TomoLow did a terrible job then, because fucking Happiness from Rune Factory 3 is a better song than Smile is, frying higher or not.
I'm hoping for Ikaruga shit where there's pink and purple hearts that you need to soak depending on your color.
The action combat wasn't terrible or anything, it was fun moment to moment, but that game was about as much of an RPG was pong was.
ALso some pretty heavy fuckups in the story
>South America
Only ONE of those places is absolutely based on south America (Urqopacha), the rest is North America.(Yak'tel, Shaaloani, Heritage Found and... "Disneyland") with Kozama'Uka being a bit vague.

And even then, Mezcal is north american which is a big plot point in Urqopacha's firat half.
>Reign as king of a powerful realm for a hundred years
>We do not grant you the title of Nunh
its unlikely he'll get XVII.
probably some spinoff or new IP based on what he's said in the past
>What kate gives: This the poopoo pakka of the doodoo dakka people! It's a very ancient, poopoo!
>Wuk Lamat: Waoww! We're learning so much about this region!"
>High pitched tranny voice raises it's cadence only slightly because Sena can't hold her voice
Yoshida probably isn't producing/directing these projects. The problem is that CS3 isn't getting nowhere near the resources that CS1 (VII Remake trilogy, Kingdom Hearts 4, basically every remaster/remake) is getting.

Also they STILL haven't announced IX Remake even though Dawntrail with all its references is out now. That project is definitely in dev hell, probably outsourced like VII Remake originally was then rebooted in-house when it turned out Malaysians can't make games.
Rebirth is an (almost) perfect game and is without question their best one in decades.
The only thing that even sort of comes close is Strangers of Paradise and while that game was pretty great you can see how low budget it was and how much the devs got fucked.
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DRG DRK SMN (SCH so I don't have to actually use it lol) MCH
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>mfw they reveal that Joshua has a secret society of ninjas whose job is to keep him safe from the shadows
>mfw they tell you that they were at Phoenix Gate that night
you don't comprehend the superior japanese business acumen folded over 1000 times
Yep, you can't trade a souful passionate person for an ardent political activist with no soul and expect fun
70% of the msq is spent in south america
5% is spent in texas
25% is spent in "We want you to remember ff9 but also we hate ff9 good luck"
Rebirth has the exact same pacing issues XVI had. Plus the multiverse retardation
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Him being so liked is so amusing to me, especially with the devs being 100% blindsided by it.
This is what I did. Only Dancer instead of Machinist.
You couldn't handle being an RDM
In a way i feel it would be appropriate and more visually interesting if they were in the 'wrong' hands
in a regular brain the motor function of a left hand is governed by the right brain
Damn you make it sound really good. I enjoyed my time with the Remake as well.
So when's it coming to Steam?
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>Rebirht is an (almost) perfect game
I don't think he's fully focusing on XIV either.
there's been a lot of new directors/producers coming into XIV. you can even see some being introduced in the JP fanfest.
he made that comment about how he could go back to being just a player who yells at the dev team for a reason.
In today's era of streaming making any kind of story game a timed exclusive is the most retarded fucking move imaginable because you will have zero audience once your game finally goes to other platforms as they'll all have been spoiled by then.
>A massive chunk of the hype for 16 is that it's being done by the XIV guys
>A lot of that hype is being perpetrated by western audiences who are like 90% PC
>Release the game only on Playstation
I really wish I could see the meetings where they see the Japanese character ranking polls and the poochie isn't even in the top 10 because she's near unviersally disliked but the twoheaded midboss lizard is super popular.
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>Rebirth has the exact same pacing issues XVI had.
You have never even seen a single second of footage of either games if you think this is accurate.
I never bothered to 100% XVI (wasn't that fun) but I got a bit of the way into NG+ and did the dlcs.
Hell going from Rebirth to XVI actually made me like XVI less because of how infinitely better Rebirth is in literally every way. The only ""that part"" of Rebirth is the cait sith dungeon and that's like, a few hours out of an assload.
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FFXVI was 10/10.
Rebirth was campy openworldslop padded to death with minigames.
God knows, hopefully soon.
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Stop it, you'll ruin her.
Fordola is hero material, not a dumb taco queen
Sena had some nice lines but they're pretty much only the extremely short, conversational ones. His "...Huh?" when Erenville is getting doted on by his robomommy was particularly funny.
kek what word triggered the 16 autist this time?
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post your WoL dipshits
prove you're not a faget
Not that anon but it really is. It's fucking incredibly. Easily the best game SE has made post-merger.
They walked back the multiverse shit even though it's still convoluted enough that hardly anyone picked up on it not being multiverse shit anymore. Plus you'd actually have to play it to have a chance of finding that out and nobody's buying it. It's actually false memories in the Lifestream because the Lifestream can't separate genuine memories from hopes and dreams. The time jannies are actually memory jannies, but Sephiroth has hijacked them so now the Lifestream isn't sure what's real and what's not.
Actually I agree and was thinking the same before posting, Id just like the color coding of the scales to match then where it sort of goes in an X pattern
It's hard to go down from XV, I have hope for the series too after XVI even if it wasn't that great.
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White Mage
>Everyone in the room turns to look at Hiroi at the same time
One thing that the English translation was criticized for back in the lead-up to HW was the over-embellishment of Midgarsormr's speech, making him super cryptic when in Japanese he was fairly straight forward about some things that the story expected you to know. There are some differences in flavor in more unimportant stuff like the infamous wind-up Moenbryda sex joke as well.
To my knowledge they did not make outright fucking errors like that scene though, that shit is absurd, especially for a voiced line.

I'd argue there's at least value in stating the location (and hopefully getting it right) to convey the breadth of the land the country spans, and that this was a speech celebrating their wide diversity of cultures and that she understands and values all of them. Except the people on the northern continent. Fuck those people.
>Linear section
>"Open world section"
>A splattering of pointless, timewasting sidequests
It literally has the exact same issues in terms of pacing and you're a delusional fool if you don't see that. There's a reason everyone hates Chadley
>Hell going from Rebirth to XVI actually made me like XVI less
Funny because I had the opposite experience. Going back to XVI from Redditbirth made me really appreciate how smooth XVI's combat flowed and how great the story was in comparison to Rebirth's campy marveltier storytelling.
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>Rebirth has the exact same pacing issues XVI had

No it didn't. Please elaborate on how you came up with this, and post comparisons.
No, you idiot, I'll grant you some room and say Kozama'Uka is based on the Amazon, that means

2/6 maps are South America
3/ 6 are North America
1/6 is last area which is obviously some sort of FFIX/ New York / Disney mashup.
That's just as retarded.
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>zero exploration
>blandest world in the franchise
>most boring characters and story in the franchise
You only interact with the real Themis at the end and that was just to bring him into the sources lifestream again. Lahabrea is stated to be dead and it was just a shade of him. It was nice to get to know the not crazy him.
It's just some random schizo, they've proven themselves incapable of any thought so just ignore them as usual.
Is barry still kicking around or has that sadsack finally killed himself.
I concur, that's just as retarded
I love his mystic head in the dub.
>...but we could get used to it
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FFXVI was the Ultimate Final Fantasy.
>le epic meme falafel
100 reddit golds saar
XVI's demo was 10/10. The game itself is about a 6 or 7 at the very most.
i hope we can just move to a different shard by next expansion because I am tired of this real world but fantasy bullshit they're trying to pull.
having some completely different world where they can do whatever they want without having to consult with people would be great.
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Sorry I'm probably the biggest faggot here.
Im gay so yes I can
Rebirth's combat mogs the fuck out of XVI. XVI is one character with one combo string you mash while you wait on eikon cooldowns.
Rebirth has seven playable characters all with multiple combo strings and unique skills. ATB is generated by attacking so you're rewarded for being aggressive by getting to use skills more often. There are actual builds with the weapon selection and passives, not to mention materia.
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>wuk has a 90 second joke freaking out about the new mode of transport to the next zone
>repeat 6x
Wait, did I understand the MIN/BOT quests correctly? The blue crystals are the souls of the dead?
So... its dead ghosts stuck as crystals trapped in the dirt around Tural. Thats kinda horrific. And instead of ending on a "we have to find them all and destroy them so the fucks can return to the lifestream and cycle of reincarnation", it ends with "man, I feel great now. Lets leave my dead family stuck as crystals."...
The fuck.
>yfw Bakool is 3rd as of now
The japanese version doesn't say kozama'uka or urqopacha so it's an english translation addition anyway.
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if you say so, champ
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I'm really enjoying the DRK AF. It goes well with my eyes, which pop a lot more since the graphical update. A shame DRK feels like ass to play now.
If FF14 ever gets a timeskip I want to see the WoL looking completely flabbergasted when he runs into Fordola and she's got eight kids.
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I'm not good at taking pics and I suck at getting good lighting but here.
imagine selling less than xvi
So did the lizard dude that became king spend 30 years fucking sphene? She was the queen right?
I hate it. Bad enough tank gear is all butt capes and coats. But the 100 AF gear for DRK had to be a dress.
I am a dawntrail msq apologist. I enjoyed it.
But I cannot defend these atrocious role quests. This is the worst writing in the game, bar none. These should not have shipped.
I liked Rebirth and XVI
XVI has the better story
Rebirth has the better combat
Both have the same pacing issues
Rebirth has the worse fans (shippers mainly)
mDPS role quest is better than the MSQ in every way
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you can't fuck an hologram
Splitting the game up like that is always gonna hurt sales really bad since you're only going to draw in people who both played the first one AND want to play the sequel.
The shippers are fucking lunatics.
Well every other DRK set is for men so I got one for my female character finally so I'm happy with it.
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To be fair, it's tough to surpass a 10/10 record setting title like FFXVI.
Tank one is good. Basic, solid story. Not amazing, but decent.
And in Dawntrail. Something being decent is like God Himself descending down and giving you the greatest blowjob in all of time and space.
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Sphene is a hologram projected onto a robot.
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recently cooked up this masterpiece of a glam (it's as comical as it looks in play)
Fair enough.
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holy shit
>A shame DRK feels like ass to play now
Did anything even change other than losing plunge? It feels almost identical to me, though I'm not a DRK main by any means.
actually would go hard if you made your weapons also match the aesthetic
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just goes to show just how bad remake was
i didn't like remake but rebirth is pretty good
>The Bakool uncle
Delirium and Blood weapon being combined came with them taking two stacks of Blood Weapon away for no fucking reason so it has less resources for TBNs and Edges. Also the excog effect on their 40 percent feels like a pittance compared to GNB (who already shits damage everywhere) getting a free Thrill of Battle.
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i'm glad dt is getting shit on, i hope it puts se in the red
He's an incel that had a clone made or something.
They never say because hiroi is a retarded slant eyed nigger
That's the worst fucking one. Not only is it riddled with typos and spelling errors, it makes your character look like a total retard getting bamboozled repeatedly by the lamest motherfucker in the universe. The WoL could've easily shot down the fucking bird each of the 5 or so times he gets away, but because it's the melee quest, we can't have that! Haha whoops, turns out the bunnygirl just needed GLASSES all along! Ebin!
The seventeen seconds of screentime Magnai gets at the end are the only decent part of the shitpile
That's the last one I have to do. I pray to god you're right
Is Otis... a reflection of Hildebrand
>kate is lore consulting
male lizards are the ones who give birth
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He's too based for that, but funnyman is ok too.
I swore I queued with you last time I was on goblin...
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Do you normally like to say bad things are good and good things are bad?
The MSQ was fucking horrendous and the role quests were all pretty entertaining for saturday morning cartoon villains. Liked the caster and the healer one and the femezen in the tank was nice
there's probably a couple of viper swords that would "fit" more, perhaps even the pvp one
but i just love using padjali weapons, they're such a testament to the devs' laziness
and giving eyestrain everyone in vicinity eyestrain
i can't pass it up
>This is the worst writing in the game, bar none.
literally everything to do with gyr abania
literally everything to do with the shroud
the tank role quest from EW
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I miss WoW mechanics.
Speaking of Hildy, is he even going to be allowed to take the piss out of Tural in general?
t. screeched while doing the EW relic quests
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As a long time Final Fantasy fan, I feel obliged to play Rebirth given its rave reviews, but I found Remake boring and the Rebirth demo was just ok. I didn't hate it, but I also didn't love it. Frankly, I've been pretty happy with other games I've picked up besides Rebirth this year including Palworld, Granblue Fantasy Relink, Helldivers 2 and Stellar Blade. Hell, I even played Ever Crisis for a while and I thought that was actually a much better modern take on the FF7 universe than Remake, especially in the combat. Next up is Astro Bot and maybe Visions of Mana. Both that look more interesting to me than Rebirth.
>Delirium and Blood weapon being combined
Ah yeah good point, I guess I was blinded by their rotation being full fuckin speed double weave every oGCD during burst followed by watching paint dry for 100s being the same. DRK still on a downhill slope every expansion I see.
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I don't have an image post graphics update
yea remake was kind of ok but had a lot of glaring flaws
rebirth is 99% kino
>Wuk is your protege!
I don't want that.
The twins are my proteges.
He has the makings of a gentleman that much is true, but he's not a Manderville man
Rebirth's demo is one of the worst vidya experiences I've ever had and I have no idea what they were thinking because it's not indicative at all of the rest of the game. I was dooming hard over that demo but once the game actually began I fell in love. Rebirth is in my top three.
It was a joke quest line and they make that clear from the get go
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And on that bombshell...
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>second tier of the raid releases
>first cutscene
>HEEEEEY! I heard you were making a name for yourself here, mind if I tag along?!
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>oh hi krile are these your dead fucking parents? lmao that sucks anyone got any tacos or skibidi pibil this dead person food is icky lol
DT would have been kino if Wuk died when zoraal ja attacked tural
I want my WoL to be adopted into the Manderville family
t. has 10 sticks up his ass
If you're gonna make a cartoon villain you gotta make them enjoyable. They failed spectacularly at that. They're just annoying.
Yeah but if the joke isn't funny, it's just shit
I'm guessing that's how most of you feel about msq
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Rebirth is better than Remake, but you really need to accept early on that it's a retarded Nomura sequel filled with fanservice and not an actual remake if you wanna get anything out of it
>Yeah but if the joke isn't funny, it's just shit
I dunno I thought the falseflag king was pretty funny. And I cared more about Kuiyki than I did pretty much anyone in the MSQ
>sub expires tomorrow
Thank god it's over. Mount sucks.
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>has the worst characterization of any main villain in your path
>Agh! Shut up!
Fucking kek
I've got about 7 days left, I only just entered Living Memory. I'll be lucky to do normal raids before it runs out.

I'm not coming back for at least a year.
Gulool Ja is my hero.
I remember this fight. This was back when I used to run dungeons for fun.
They had to reduce his screentime for Wuk Lamat you understand right
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>copy Vauthry Trial transformation thing
>add long cutscene to make it "epic"
>forgot to give us a reason to care
I kinda like the role quests just being goofy joke quests this time around.
>Preach says that Dawntrail was a mixed bag with some great highlights
>Also says that he couldn't care less about the raid story at all
I though he was our guy?
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I hate they changed the mechanics of this boss. I liked the old version more.
I'm not coming back until next raid tier or when the new bozja comes out.
I hate every change they made to the ARR dungeons
>new bozja
what is it about fate farming that makes you want to come back for it? genuine question
He said it didn't grip him yet but he hopes it does moving forward because he liked previous raid stories much better from the start.
He's the boomer "le weeb!!1!!" hater
>If you're gonna make a cartoon villain you gotta make them enjoyable. They failed spectacularly at that. They're just annoying.
the femezen just put people in snowmen
the sentai retard was kind of entertaining for his delusions
the 2 in the healer quest were pretty good for comedic characters
haven't done melee/ranged
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>dude, let's just dump all of his stuff on his trial where you kill him
They changed it? You don't do the snowball thing anymore?
Preach likes drunken hags from manchester, what did you expect?
I think Preach is painfully aware of how long it's been taking them to get started on Era 2.
It didn't bother me at first, but now I realize that things will not be in full swing for probably up to six years, counting from 6.0 release.
That's a little insane. This game has no wind in its sails now.
>Listening to Wuk Lamatt wax lyrical about tacos in a performative, soft, gender-neutral, disneyland version of Bozja, translated by Kate "I hate fun" Cwynar
Not him but you are playing the game with more than 7 people. There was reason to communicate with others in Eureka/Bozja.
>Invades the city
>Tells Wuk to come fight him on top of the Frozen Throne
>Leaves city without fighting Wuk
>Wuk goes to his city
>"We need to hurry and fight Ja Ja!"
>Spends the next ten hours learning about farming, comforting geriatrics and chasing a tiny lizard
>Eventually Jaja gets bored of waiting
>Starts walking with like ten guys to Tural again
>Wuk stops him
>"Finally! We can fight!"
>One blow is exchanged and then he leaves
>"Come fight me atop the Frozen Throne if you're so tough!"
>Wuk Lamat gets distracted again in literally two seconds
love her
at least he had a banger of a theme
The raid story is shit though. You only like it because generic fanservice girl.
Preach is a normalnigger with the political views of a toddler that thinks repeatedly voting labour will somehow prevent another Rotherham will happen. Don't expect honesty or critical thinking from him, he's there to make money. Not point out the uncomfortable elephant in the room.
It makes farming EX tolerable.
I like the part where it goes, du du du du da da dah!
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Nope. The snowballs were changed to just small and big circle aoes. And the cone aoe from the boss is changed to a a circle aoe around the boss overlapping with a staggered donut aoe.
And somehow people still fuck it up.
The full raids and nms that could actually party wipe are a fun experience.
>He was the hook that forces you into helping Wuk
>He's a useless retard and probably would have never even got off Tural with an army
>Even if he did one of any of the Dragons we know could solo his army, even without the intervention of the alliance or the WoL
another Rotherham from happening*
What a retarded post. He's not shy about letting it be known when he's not happy with something and doesn't like it.
>transforms from the Arbiter to a retarded EVA unit
it's funny how strong Eorzea is at this point, the alliance could easily conquer the rest of the world
Can you fuck off? You complained non-stop about fujos for two expansions, they listened to you and replaced Fujo bait with Wuk Lamat. You ever stop and think the random shite you repeat over and over has an effect?
I'm going to blame you from now on for Wuk Lamat. Every time I see you post about Fujo bait I'm going to blame you for Wuk Lamat.
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Nah, Preach is a total fag. He slurped up WoW's shit for waaaay to long and only stopped when he had the chance to do some performative nonsense to make himself look 'big'. Then, like the other grifters, he jumped over to the next game. He went back to WoW after vowing never to play it again, his word means nothing and it never will because he's there to make money.
This. I hope we get her as a trust member someday. I have to assume with Zenos dead she's one of the most powerful people around. I really want more detail and exploration of the artificial echo concept, I wanna be her mentor.
>Conservatard randomly seething that his party got destroyed in the last election.
That's only because they've got the WoL, Eorzea without the WoL would not only struggle a lot more heavily against the other regions but would probably collapse back into infighting.
That's fair, every previous raid tier has the advantage of involving characters you already know and care about. Arcadion is completely cut off from the rest of the game, there's nobody from the MSQ here so the stakes are very low.
I know. The whole reason the scions went back to being a disjointed, secret group again was because the Alliance can take care of themselves now. But when we hear one fuck once to try and conquer the world we drop everything to stop him even though we have zero proof that he's even a threat
If you don't enjoy Bozja you simple are too stupid and should stick to idling in solution 9 assuming you even made it there yet
>You complained non-stop about fujos for two expansions
No I didn't you mouth breathing knuckle dragging nigger.
I'm one of G'raha's biggest fans.
As morally destitute as her EN VA (male)
Pandemonium story was so boring though, did people really like it?
it was kino
The """"Conservatives""" in Britain are just Labor with slightly less fags and browns.
t. Preach
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All Lalafell should look like this.
The plot sucked but Athena and Lahabrea were fun.
Pandaemonium is generally liked yes. Aside from the obvious Elidibus fanpandering it's good, Athena is an excellent antagonist.
Reminder that when FFXIV was a fujo dictatorship the game's story was the most loved it has been in history, and the overthrow of the fujoshi regime immediately caused the complete implosion of the MSQ. FFXIV is the equivalent of 90s Russia now.
>Can't ride on the merry go round
fuck this fake ass town
>Heh I bet you vote for labour
I don't vote for either labour party, no. Like I said, the political views of a literal, unironic, toddler.
the Conservative party has way more browns than Labour though
It was pretty nice
i haven't touched the game since i finished DT's msq. i haven't enjoyed any of the key jingling shit they add in patches like eureka, bozja, island sanctuary, doman enclave or criterion dungeons. would rather play better games lol
They're pretty fun if you don't take them seriously. The only problem I have is the tone whiplash with the melee one where you have a dark moment when learn the guy you're after outright murdered the person you were supposed to help, sandwiched right between two of the "haha she missed and hit a Namazu" running gag.
problem with raid stories is that first tier is always vague about its setting and it doesn't get interesting until second tier. we were promised lahabrea backstory raid tier and asphodelos gave 0 insight about him besides mentioning he's behind the whole pandemonium facility.

arcadion will get better in 2nd tier once we meet mr. president.
>Preach says

literally fucking who
i'm guessing it's some e-celeb
when did ffxiv threads devolve into this shit
kek you really made them mad with this one
So I skipped the cutscenes because of the bad taste the MSQ left in my mouth, what's the reason for us crossing the rift into a spooky ghost carnival dungeon?
watch a story summary, faggot
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the shippers unironically have /dbs/ tier retardation
most people that dont play FF probably think they make the bulk of the FF fans
You wouldn't be so triggered by him if you didn't know who he was, you aren't fooling anyone.
it's so fucking stupid
he is right to be annoyed desu, eceleb shit is the lowest tier of shit to post about here
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I don't give a FUCK about e-celebs or what they say and neither should you.
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>bestiality imagery
What did they mean by this?
>Posts a normalnigger take
>Gets mocked
Nigger you're literally on drugs if you vote for the uniparty
>defending e-celeb faggotry
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I'd genuinely be kind of scared of how many more scalies it'd produce given the response to the main Mamool Jas even with the shit writing. Imagine if they were written well and had adequate screen time when right now they are just carried by design and maybe va.
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I cry everytime I get it in roulette
>The Bakooler uncle
I remember seeing somebody digging out that one of the writers and done some yurishit manga before working on DT, viewing it through that lens makes it make a lot more sense.
Both 7 entries need you to completely ignore the last 2 hours to be really good. As soon as you factor in the "finale" they become hot garbage, these parts are just that godawful. You can still get 50+ hours of really good entertainment out of these games.
Wuk didn't even interact with Krile's parents. The scene feeling like shit is on Hiroi and Krile having no reaction to it.
>Wuk didn't even interact with Krile's parents.
that's the point. krile is having an emotional moment and wuk lamat is talking about food
What damage numbers should I be aiming for with Viper at 100?
What do you anons put out? I need some benchmark to measure against.
Is it hypocritical of me to think they're insane for making the same threads every day for months on end?
Go fight the timed striking dummy
If you kill it in under 3 minutes you're gucchi
The end to rebirth is good though, jenova is amazing and the rest of the fights are pretty good too.
Right before was one of the weaker parts though since they do some weird shit to have him still give over the materia but they changed that a lot.
I would have liked if we could have actually explored the capital, that's my only big gripe with it
I bailed out once I saw "Clotis" on the second thread I was in
Ranged is ass. Shame too because the lizard girl you are paired with is a cute retard. Melee is very good.
>Sphene, as someone who has been leader for about half a day before leaving to go hunt down my brother, with credentials that include catching an alpaca, eating tacos (not making them) and beating up monsters as a foreign party carries me through the fight, let me tell you that I fully understand your centuries long struggle to protect your people and I think you should listen to me!
Dungeons can't be wacky anymore because of trusts
I hated how much emphasis they put on Zack for it to amount to fucking nothing. He's on the boxart for god sake
I almost think the DT MSQ would be better with mods and a laugh track
It was kind of odd but everyone I've seen has loved the final fights with him.
Even my friend who as a big grouch the entire game and was loathing the zack segments loved it.
The cover is kind of weird though yea.
The rest of it would be
>for Wuk's sake *clenches fist*
>this is what Wuk would have wanted
>ah.. yes... Wuk Lamat :'(
And she still would pop up as a ghost or something in the final battle
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>Live letter tomorrow
>New PoE league also tomorrow
>Coincidentally my sub also expires tomorrow
One last shot SE, don't fuck this up.
>doing trial roulette before the limited tomestone is added as a level 100

for what purpose?
>>Live letter tomorrow
the final trial would be everyone trying to sacrifice the WoL to create a Wuk primal
>Hey! The party is splitting up, mind if I join you WoL?
japs kill themselves while their women sell themselves
>they removed spineshatter dive from DRG
Why do they keep doing this nonsense
I like it from a fanservice perspective getting to have Zack and Cloud fight. But him surviving at all is retarded and so is the multiverse stuff
and it would still better than what we got
Ever since I realized WAR can solo Sphene with ease I've been queuing into that fight and holding shitters hostage for up to 50 minutes as they inevitably die the the hole in the wall shit or something else stupid and then are forced to watch me tickle the worse voice acting in gaming while refusing to give up.
It's the only thing that gives me purpose in life.
will the patch story conclusion be .3 or .5 this time
Wuk Lamat energy.
The multiverse stuff is pretty dumb yea, but everyone was doomposting over the time jannies and they barely changed anything in the actual story
.3 as always
they even said EW was a one time thing
ok that's based. I usually just queue up E4 when I want to watch people die.
the fact that the time jannies exist in the first place is stupid though
does wuk talk at all before the cutscene? it's just during and after the cutscene, no?
Yea it's definitely dumb. Could be infinitely worse though, and if 7r3 is anything like 7r2 I think we'll have gotten a good deal.
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Brother, this entire zone feels so out of place... Because how fucking good it was.
I refuse to believe that Hiroi came up with this.
I almost feels like certain fujo wrote it...
They usually stay alive long enough for me to get close to the transition. Absolute authority happens at like 40% HP and often kills both healers if they are shit. The transition happens around 35%.
I'm scared they'll fuck up the best scene from the original in part 3
Let's Mosey? THere's a lot of good ones
moonie pits are my sustenance
Love with himecats
Nice, was able to do that just following my Opener and building gauge.
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I skipped the fuck out it. I don't know why you fags think Diet Penacony is cool.
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>Yeah... This is me
I was intensely disappointed at the lack of a fencing minigame during the play. I know they have the ability to implement that kind of minigame because they've used it in seasonal events.
Imagine getting btfo by a Nintendo 64 game.
Actually, I dig ALL elezen chicks. They're so docile and tight!
I personally loved the zone and all the scenes in it, especially Namikka updating her highest point of happiness scene. Really made me very glad that the story has some well written scenes at the end
But somehow the writers are retarded enough to think poochie breaking into our fight would be something people will actually like so my mood soured after the fight
Ah yes, the damage control stream.
we want the penacony audience
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>Only FF9 boss is a random Abadon from the first dungeon
>Only get two FF9 remixes
>The only location we get is Alexandria Castle Town and a look at the castle itself in a dungeon
But hey, at least we got Otis, right?

wuk lamat should be replaced with illberd and have all of the same voice lines just AI generated with illberd's voice
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I don't know why people pretend Preach is any different from Zepla or Asmon or any of the other cuck personalities who attached themselves to this game.
They are in it for the money and it's funny how they kept sucking YoshiP's dick one day, the other day EW is the worst expansion ever and they go back to wow/genshin whatever.
I assume anons just post them to bait, no one is retarded enough to seriously enjoy the 'work' of these people.
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I can't believe I enjoy the story of some Chinese gacha more than XIV now, where did it all go wrong?
>He did nothing wrong
You literally just admitted how he lied about the origin of the war, which is the entire reason why no one wants peace.
>without the lie Ishgard would have just died out because Nidhogg was already coming for them.
There is absolutely no logic behind this statement at all.
If the Holy See told the people about the truth frok the very start, not only would at least some part of the population want peace, they would still defend themselves against dragon attacks.
You think they'd just give up and die? That's retarded.
Because HoYo are mega weebs so they know how to actually properly reuse(steal) the elements from Japanese media they enjoyed when they were younger
I refuse to play HSR, ZZZ 4 Lyfe
Jesus Christ
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i wondered what the fuck this penacony thing was, turns out its from some gacha
usually gacha stories are pretty trash so whats the story about
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Sometimes I wish I bothered to setup a gamepad for this. Just to veg out and do dailies on.
Hoyo unironically make good characters and story. I don't know how long they can keep it up, but they're doing great and don't deserve the hate they get for being chinese+gacha.
>Only one ff9 boss
look closer, there are no less than 3
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This plus Evangelion
It's not too late, you can change the crossbar to be a controller, expand the crossbar settings, and hook one up. It's pretty comfy
It's a dreamscape pleasure world where people can do mostly whatever they want. Imagine the best parts of rapture from bioshock and las vegas. It is extremely similar to living memory in concept and aesthetic.
Frontier planet is covered in a mist that causes people to have fucked up dreams, it gets conquered by the galactic Jews who use it as a prison colony, eventually the prisoners rebel and take over, declaring independence. They take advantage of the dream mist and turn it into a high class hotel resort where people can enter the matrix and enjoy a vacation of anything they like because it's all a dream, but it's a shared dream multiple people can enter.
You go there with no idea who is on your side and there's like 5 factions or whatever trying to do different stuff and you have to get to the bottom of it and solve some murders and shit and eventually you punch God in the face.
It's pretty entertaining and intriguing, not the best JRPG story I've played but a damn sight better than Dawntrail, not that this is saying much.

Core theme is "Is it better for people to suffer in freedom or be happy in a cage."
FFXIV on gamepad is fucking great
If it's one thing japs can do it's controller support and usability
I thought this webm was edited at first, then I actually got to this moment in the game
I like the story in Genshin but good lord do they need to hire an editory to prune a good 60% of the repeated text.
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What other FF9 bosses are there in DT?
The thought of having to redo all bindings again across all the jobs puts me off.
Genshin suffers from grindy dailies/material dungeons and lack of a speed up/skip dialogue button. The locations and such are beautiful, but the story is very hit and miss. I find HSR much better, probably because they focus on story at the expense of exploration. I haven't played GI since like the second patch of fontaine, but I haven't heard of it getting better.
||make your own thread, gachaniggers||
Genshin lets you bank dailies now.
I think they enjoy them and they are serious, the problem is that a lot of people are naive enough to think that someone making legitimate critique means they're being 100% honest or at the very least truthworthy. Streaming is just a business and preach is just another minor e-celeb that jumped on the bandwagon when WoW shat itself to death. Shadowbringers brought over people that were by and large a net negative, he's one of them.
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She's kinda hot in a dirty 6/10 whore kinda way.
It got better a couple of weeks ago, they changed the commission system to not cap out at 4 per day, chests you open today count as a daily completion for tomorrow - and the day after that, the number keeps going up without a cap and you can redeem whenever you need.
In short, there's no reason to do a commission ever again, ever.
>best MSQ since Stormblood
>best dungeons/raids since Stormblood
why is Dawntrail so great? The only thing they need to improve is the job design and we aere back to peak FF14 after the shit that was ShB and EW.
The obvious ones are Feather Ray and the final boss which is Mecha Necron, surely you hear the opening to the fights theme song.
You will never be a janny.
Saving my final opinion until Bermuda Triangle drops.
for combat keys yeah its a bitch
but for muscle memory you can put role abilities like Addle and Arm's Length on the same button for every role

For general keys like inventory and duty search you can have them placed on crossbars designated to be shared between all jobs or just keep regular hotbars for those instead. But i've grown used to even having those on crossbars anyway as well
That worm FATE that drops the Capybara reminds me of the guy what scares the tram. I dunno if that's intended.
Also the other special FATE is Mu.
I'm holding my breath for the XI crossover, so far so good but will they for once in their lives give XI some true recognition or butcher it.
Starting to unironically wonder if Vinny keeps catching strays from the FFXIV players in his chat
didnt we already get a XI crossover in eureka?
If I cared, I'd pay him to say "Speen, listen to me." in the funny voice.
But I don't care that much.
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I thought feather ray looked familiar. It being just a manta ray is lame as shit though.
Queen Eternal being Necron is a fucking huge reach though. If anything Endsinger is more like Necron than she was. Endsinger even has the stupid back circle thing
No, you had a few elements dropped in randomly with no reasoning, purpose, or ties to the story or the setting.
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I love Wuk Lamat. How high are the chances that we finally get to dump the boring scions and hang out more with her?
Listen to the very beginning of it's theme song, they put that there for a reason.
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https://youtu.be/8fE6Dorta7o?t=58 why does this shitty song play 3x in the xpack?
Cool, guess I'll come back and try mexico and see if they did it better than DT.
They literally cannot do it worse.
the game needed more black representation, chud.
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I shoved the astral flare counter inside the BLM compass
It doesn't look too retarded does it?
Erenvilles mom was it, just let her be the thing. I want her to call Erenville a fussy little bun bun when I fuck her.
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I fucking hate that too, uh duh black bunny's mom is a black bunny so lets hire a grocery auntie to give the worst voice acting of any character and if anyone says anything about it, they must be a racist! This game stinks of diversity hires.
And? A 10 second opening riff that sounds similar doesn't make her Necron
And the fact that you have to split hairs like that makes it a shit reference anyway
>Whats wrong, big bro? Are you sleepy?
>We still haven't taken a bath, big bro
>Sorry, but can you go in while I'm sleeping....
>....Then that means I will dance the Taking a Bath Dance all by myself
>I won't leave you alone....
>You're so great, big bro
Explain to the class what Necron personified, then explain to the class what the final boss of DT personified.

Spoilers, the same thing.
I liked her if only because I have a black woman fetish.
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I'm convinced that if they had planned to make Wuk step down as Dawnservant and follow us during the patch, everything she was supposed to do will be repurposed for Bakool.
Shit hasn't been the same since they got rid of Aunt Jemima.
What I want to know is why Genshin Impact's main theme plays during Heritage Found's daytime BGM
He will be the guy we do stupid hijinks with in the post patches, the type of beach episode anime filler arc shit that was expected of the core main quest
How to immediately improve the DT MSQ:
>Step 1: Make sure your WoL is wearing beachwear.
>Step 2: Make the Scions wear theirs the entire time throughout the expansion.
>Step 3: Make the Scions pop up in the background doing random shit throughout most cutscenes. Nothing to do with the story, they don't even interject, they're just doing random unrelated stuff while Wuk Lamat talks, like at first it's the twins finding a beetle and playing with it during some lengthy af exposition cuscene, Thancred and Urianger getting drunk in the background, Estinien just beating up some random monster during an outdoors scene, Y'shtola suntanning, etc.
>Step 4: Change every Scion dialogue with Wuk Lamat to be just "Ha ha, that's crazy Lamaty'i" after every dialogue, no matter what she said.
english dub must really suck, huh?
thank god my experience with DT didnt get soured by it.
Bakool still technically endangered the entire continent by freeing Valigarmanda slowly to slow us down. Thats why he's going to be the Scion's NEWEST MEMBER FUCK YEAH
>let us turn 2 min skills into another skill to reduce bloat
>doesn’t do it for all skills that require another skill to be used first.
>freeing Valigarmanda

>He freed the ancient dragon we are all doomed
>Where did it go? lol
the MSQ would be improved without any of the scions.
>final boss arena turns into an xbox logo

why did i laugh
>go to Meracydia
>get called a white dog cunt
please look forward to it
I liked them doing the hole in the wall thing we need more Takeshi's Castle shit during boss fights.
She's hispanic or something. She was really cute(in japanese) as a robot, but seeing her in person shriveled my penis.
The truth.
jumping puzzle boss mechanic when
Oh boy, another "The Scions are the reason this expansion sucks even though half the criticisms are that they did absolutely nothing and we got robbed of the Scions conflict" fag.
I wouldn't be surprised if they did, XVI seems like it was the first numbered FF in a while that didn't get stuck in some kind of dev hell so the return on investment was probably better than the others even despite the way lower sales.
She has her breasts out.
They really should have written him out of the kidnapping and made it so he unfroze the quetzlcoatl by accident.
It should have been just graha+krile. They didn't get enough lines to be worth showing up.
if your mom doesn't give u a boner you're a mistake
I fucking despise the kidnapping plot. Its so fucking dogshit, its literally just filler to waste time. You don't even fight Bakool Ja Ja in an instanced fight its all in a cutscene.
As silly as the role quests are, it's interesting that Tural tribes protect themselves in different ways. Shame Wuk Lamat's cultural journey is about tacos and riding floats. Fucking dogshit MSQ
Shame you skipped all the cutscenes, but alas.
The kidnapping shit has 1 of 3 good moments in the entire crap MSQ.

When WoL smirks to Thancred.
>Woah bro the Pelelu are a group of traders, I wonder how they will show us what its like to live in a society who's primary method of living is trading?
>Oh spend the entirety of that zone just fucking trading up
I didn't skip enough.
>When WoL smirks to Thancred.
one of those rare moments where the WoL actually does something
>Haha whoops, turns out the bunnygirl just needed GLASSES all along! Ebin!
It's even worse because they did the exact same joke for the SB GSM quests
Remember that scene in EW where the WoL, Thancred and Urianger get fucked up taking the experimental Aetheryte? I just wanted an adventure with fun scenes like that.
I liked when Koana immediately tried to blow Bakool Ja Ja's brains out as soon as he saw him, it was the only time he was likable apart from him then throwing up his own tablet and shooting it.
rubber bullets tho
I take it back Koana's a fucking coward.
is always easy to spot the newfags that didnt play FF14 before ShB.
they think the scions are actually interesting and want more with them, even when they add nothing to the story.
better days
game wasn't worth playing before ShB
No. All job gauges should just be one part. Some gauges don’t even need to exist. Post full hud for your gamepad
The worst part is the ending of EW that all but says the Scions will be breaking up and going their own ways. Then you realize Yoshi doesn't have the balls to actually get rid of the Scions and introduce new supporting characters so they're back.
I just wanted a comfy adventure with the Scion B team and other familiar faces....
at least you admit that you didnt play the game when it was actually good, until they neutered it for idiots like you.
No Estinien actually learning how to make a good trade compared to in Thavnair getting swindled.
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SoP is unironically the best attempt at an action-oriented FF game
Elements matter, jobs exist, classic FF enemies, adventuring party
I don't think the diablo loot system was necessary though, even though I don't mind it
And I didn't even watch a single cutscene
Necron surmises that all life chooses to seek death because of Kuja and decides to end all life by destroying the Crystal
Queen Eternal wants to siphon life from other worlds to maintain her own
Endsinger surmises that all life eventually chooses to seek death because of the worlds she's seen and decides to end all life by stopping the flow of Aether

Which one of these is not like the other?
Who is b team other than that roe and elezen.
see the difference between you and i is that i'm playing a game i enjoy whereas you have been suffering its decline for years and whine about it
>And I didn't even watch a single cutscene
You really missed out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guPV7SQGsYs
This expansion WAS gonna be about them with the Scion fight Yoshida spent a year hyping up. Then Wuk Lamat came in and ruined it.
It wouldn't have changed at all actually
Think of the ceruleum sniffing shitposting though
Jack missed Rage of Halone
lol no. nobody, except a few retards, believed that. The MSQ was about traveling to the new world and having adventures. and we got that. Thank god for Wuk Lamat being there to make the MSQ enjoyable after the torture that was having to spend two full expansions with the scions.
I liked that too. I always appreciate a character that just acts without talking first.
Estinien did that a lot in EW too and I liked it then as well
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lmao try to be more subtle with your bait
see the difference is you are a filthy newfag that gets his opinions from other retards on the internet and is easily manipulated. propably someone that always watches a guide before doing any content.
I think Aplhinaud and Estinien are interesting
someone obsessed with scions made that chart. thank god they got buttblasted. cant wait for more wuk lamat
Nah get fucked Wuk needs to disappear
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>We have someone who unironically left a good review here
whiny little baby lol shut your mouth
Why would you post bait in a thread on autosage that's already on page 7?
speed watcher kun please. They say that's the official story so governments don't get worried when one of them gets spotted somewhere.
Too hard imo. I cleared the 4 raids so far and while I was able to pick up on the mechanics, not everyone else did which resulted in 3 of 4 taking like 3-5 raid wipes. I'm not blaming people, these are new but that doesn't seem like a normal difficulty curb for normal content.
>no hard feelings if I kill ya'?!
took especially long.
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Well, i don't have the game kicked on anymore but this is what my layout looked like in Shadowborkers. The core buttons and thought process behind their placement remain the same now
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I've been playing since HW dropped. Always liked the Scions.

They aren't going anywhere. Unsub faggot.
I don't even mind Wuk and her voice doesn't even bug me that bad. I don't like what they did to Alisaie. She seems too accepting of circumstances like when the 2 headed freak broke the rules.
>well I guess we can forgive him
or the craziest shit ever, iykyw which part I mean
>we did everything we possibly could
Reaper's soul stone looks like a piece of delicious salted black licorice hard candy.
Anon they were disbanded. There's literally no reason for them to exist post EW and especially not post EW MSQ.
Alphinaud literally says "At least that's what the official story will be." Please.
The most amusing Alisae scene for me was when she snapped Wuk out of her wartime PTSD from a slaughtered civilian like it was nothing
I'm like oh yeah that's right Alisae saw this kind of shit across several expansions lmao
>The twins are here. Will we have Alphinaud talk to Wuk Lamat about the dangers of leadership and the serious consequences taking it too lightly and idealistically can carry? Will we have Alisaie talk to her about being the physically oriented sister in a brother/sister duo and her need to prove herself?
Nope, Wuk Lamat this is Wuk Lamat's story, she cannot be made to have to engage someone else's story.
>Thancred and Urianger are here. Will we have the competition we were promised? Will we have a cool fight for once where we test our skills against each other in a fun way? Will they talk to Wuk Lamat after Gulool Ja Ja dies and she could use advice and consolation from someone who has lost someone dear to them?
Nope, this is Wuk Lamat's story, fuck off.
>Y'shtola and G'raha are here. Will they get to lead the operation in the shard related part of the expansion? Will they use their experience leading the Night's Blessed and the Crystarium respectively through incredibly dangerous situations to advice Wuk Lamat, and then address Sphene?
Nope, this is Wuk Lamat's story, fuck off.
>Krile and Erenville are here. This is their expansion. This is the point at which their main reason of being as characters will finally fill in the MSQ.
Nope, Wuk Lamat does not share MSQ. The MSQ belongs to Wuk Lamat. Go fucking kill yourselves.

Neither Bozja or Ivalice are bad though? In fact both of those two has some pretty fun stuff going on. Nor the post-SB Tsukiyomi storyline.

It's pretty revisionistic to claim these SB storylines are bad. If anything the salvaged SB after thr MSQ left the players with a sour palette.

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