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Who are we maining?
Fuck I need the full song already. Its smell of the game all over again, but better.
>start playing low ranked tekken
>it's just full of mashers who constantly pop rage art/heat smash for free wins
This is so gay. When can I start playing the actual game
I just love the second song at the end of each trailer, can't find it anywhere yet
That's what you get for playing Kekken, play some real fighters instead
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Wow, I sure do love those VFX in modern fighting games
It's the game's theme song so they will release it when the game is out I guess, they should do it sooner tho
China slop design
My mains will arrive in December.
>implying slime rush is any better
>constantly pop rage art/heat smash for free wins
Just block and punish if they're doing it constantly
tekken 8 isn't tekken
>getting filtered by greenie tactics
kek you'd get dumpstered by DI and modern controls too. The problem isn't the game it's you. Also, you're the one mashing if you get hit by these.
Strive 3v3 is extremely fun
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Take out the cane and nobody will this is billy Kane,hell even take out"this is fighting game character" nobody will know this is billy kane
Finna get drunk and play some Sub-Zero in MK1.
Based mk enjoyer
He has the union colors, already immediately recognizable as Billy. That's like saying no one will recognize Terry without his red jacket and red cap, yet his MotW design was instantly loved back when it initially debuted and it is loved now.
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>Who are we maining?
Evil women
if you can't beat button mashers then you don't belong in higher ranks
I like the new design.
hopefully all-stars gets an offline version but i don't think is going to happen because netmarble developed it instead of snk.
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I think part of the appeal of older SNK games is how often characters would not look like standard fighting games characters but regular, if a little into extreme fashion, person. You could see the split Capcom and SNK had partly by how much the roster was various martial artists.
Billy looks like he took a trip to Flavortown USA.
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I'd get hyped, since I llke the redesign and there are some games where I main him, but Billy always has a 95% of being trash whenever he shows up. He got better in XV for example, but trying to use him when he first came out was fucking painful.
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Blue Mary cotw leak!!!!
>Styileo's insane MI designs ever being used
Well, he is middle aged by the time MotW takes place, and CotW takes place a few years after that so the time is ripe for Billy to go full Guy Fieri.
When you stop falling for people mashing rage art.
I'm interested in that super he does at the 1:00 mark, it does a bounce finish that looks like he'd be able to follow up if it was in the corner.
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Maybe it's because i'm playing bryan but i feel like i can't do dick against them. if someone gets up in my face i'm usually cooked and i either have to play keep out or set something up with c.h at mid range. is that just how he plays? i know he's supposed to be hard but damn
It's Uzuki night tonight.
Has he ever been really good? Even the best versions of Billy I can recall are mid tier at best.
He is really good in KOF14.
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>Really in the mood for fighting games
>Like too many and can't decide which to shake the rust off on/learn
>Go play single player games instead
I should at least get back onto Marvel 3, UNI2 & SF6 since I'm going to CEO next year, but there's so many smaller/older games I want to play. I'm gonna give T8 a nice break since I was among the 2% of people who actually wanted Marduk and now that the leak is proven fake I don't really have a reason to go back soon.
Yeah and shit in 15
Low rank Tekken is that from Vanquisher to Fujin. Have fun.

You won't its the shittiest game in its series.
>Fatal Fury
>Slime rush
If you cant get to fujin in 30 minutes, it's honestly on you desu
>its the shittiest game in its series
I genuinely like 8 more than 1, 6 or 7, though I haven't played 6 since it was pretty new in all fairness. 2 gets points for style even with how much the next few games improved on it. The best Tekkens are 3-5 and both Tags though.
6A at least hits twice again, and I think rev cancel should help his combo game while top attacks give him a good defensive option. But he still might have shit hitboxes, and top attacks might just blow through his stuff if he doesn't have a good answer for them. JD could also screw over a lot of his pokes unless he had more ways to vary number of hits. Can't see him being amazing but might at least be useable this time.
I haven't tried it but it looks retarded.
he is talking about street fighter 6

This goes hard ain't gonna lie
People shit on the maximum impact games but they can be fun junk an they have nice fanservice.

great costumes designs really like Mai and B Jenet's alternate in it
CotW closed tests when? I need to know whether it follows the modern fighting game design school of having extremely unga bunga universal mechanics that dictate the entire flow of the game. No point in keeping an eye on it if it does.
Hope cotw has boss challenges like Kof 15.

I’d imagine it would have Geese, Krauser, Chonrei bros, White, Kain (if he’s not the main villain), Mr.Big, and Mr. Karate
I mean we already know how the game works mechanically, and MotW was already an offensive game with strong defensive mechanics. Rev blow is really the only new unga mechanic and seems like a mixed bag. Hard to break, but many don't or barely move you forward and are more of a combo tool. All while being limited to use in TOP. Rev Accel/EX moves mainly seem to be for combos though have a place in neutral, Rev Guard is a push block. So it comes down to how MotW mechanics let you do crazy things with feint cancels and breaks. Along with 0 frame supers and the like still being in.
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>I need to know whether it follows the modern fighting game design school of having extremely unga bunga universal mechanics that dictate the entire flow of the game.
Depends on what you consider unga mechanics.
The Rev system's biggest boon is that you start each round with EXs available, and you can cancel EXs into each other on a system level. People will compare that with Drive but it's not as centralizing as Drive since other core mechanics like JD, Guard Cancel, Braking, and Feints aren't tied directly to Rev. SPG being active gives you access to a universal armored move that counts as an EX as well.
seems like 0 frame supers are moved to guard cancel super
I saw this was tested out at EVO yeah. Though I think this means that GC Supers might be universally 0f.
The only things that is unga there is the Rock whiffing J.d seeing Vox glowing green and he keeps pressing D
I am aware we know how the mechanics work on paper. There's no way of knowing how unga and dominating certain mechanics will be without people actually getting their hands on a game and developing a meta.

Really looks like mechanics will be unga depending on characters
If a Focus you can only cancel out of with an EX that you can't charge/hold and only get in SPG is unga then sure.
Its already been at many events and being MotW2 people already get what the game is about. It isn't trying to be some SF neutral style game cause Fatal Fury has usually leaned to the aggressive side.

Also only crumples on counter hit and unlike DI can be blocked. Will certainly make approaching a character more dangerous. But MotW you could already lose 50%+ off one bad interaction, or cause you blocked Kevin's 5LP.
>Thought Preecha was a solid enough newcomer
>See this 10/10 concept art for her
Dammit SNK
tbf that design leans a bit too hard into the nerd side of her character, and not enough for the pupil part.
They should totally use that design for her mom.
A game can be aggressive without having dominating, easy to abuse universal mechanics. GG is one of the most aggressive franchises I ever played, but it didn't get truly braindead unga until Strive, unless we're counting YRCs I guess.
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I main Asuka Kazama for two big reasons.
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>character gets new routing with patch, both more optimal routing and better conversions
>keep doing the old shit
I'm so fucking stupid,
Is there even any scene left for Marvel 3 online? I used to go hard back in the 360 days, but can barely find a match on Steam. I like playing fightan, but nothing scratches my itch quite like trapping folks in a reset loop with Nemesis.
I want a girl in kimono or something
The closest you can get for FF is pic and she'd be in her 40s.
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>and she'd be in her 40s.
That's makes it even better
Hags assemble
If it works, it works
>and she'd be in her 40s
Nice, though I don't see Kasumi appearing in FF at all, they already said there's a new AoF on the works too.
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I absolutely despise fighting Guile in Dix for all the same reasons anyone has ever hated fighting him.
Nobody likes fighting Guile
Not even Guile mains
>and she'd be in her 40s
I hate his lows
Really why give him normals this good? Dude should be good at zoning and only zoning
I mean this really just seems like you want to moan about SF6 and compare the mechanics to CotW without actually going into any sort of detail. Sometimes games do have aggressive universal mechanics that are very relevant to the meta, that doesn't automatically make a game bad. MotW already have universal things that made a character good and many were aggressive aspects. Go actually read up on CotW instead all this vagueness.
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>Theme isn't London March
Fighting games ruined other games for me. I want to quit because I'm an incorrigible scrubbut other games are so boring in comparison. I keep coming back only to lose most matches in ranked
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>he doesn't like N.D.R
never played fatal fury, gimme a cool one for me and my bro to fight each other in
Real Bout 2 for peak FF.
MotW because it's also good and it'll give you some idea of what the fuck is going on in CotW.
groovy, thanks anon
The new design of Billy sucks, the hell is SNK doing with him?
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>at work
>just want to go home and play fightan
Any big tournaments to watch this weekend?
Glad I'm not the only one. It may as well be a new OC who's his brother, named "Willy Kain" or something.
SNK sisters, Is garou 2 cope of the wolves going to bring the company back from obscurity?
no but it'll be fun

His voice is also completely off the mark.
the upcoming samsho action RPG could if it is a DMC like or a sekiro like.
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>Sold over 2 million copies of a shoe string budget
>Good critical and audience reviews
>Best game to watch at EVO
>Bamco has no plans for a sequel

What the fuck is going on?
Indeed. The original FF teaser had Billy Kane's silhouette looking like his classic self, usually this would not bother me that much but after the few unusual details of the re-release of SvC Chaos, I'm starting to have to some doubts about the what SNK is doing with their new games.
Wrong video, I meant this one.
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>don't like her ojou-sama or barbie bullshit
>her looks, stance and fighting style make my penis big penis
i always pictured him bald under the bandana even though you could see a bit of blonde hair coming out from the side
After every game project soul goes through a complete reorganization for whatever stupid jap dev reason, so they have to figure that out first.
she is from art of fighting so i doubt she will ever appear on it even in dlc form, the only one with any chance of being in the game is Ryo as mister karate 2 in the form of dlc.
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Fuck this makes me so mad. The whole SC situation is awful, and I feel even worse after such a great tournament it had at EVO.
I have seen what modern audience want and it is disgusting so hopefully they keep doing well to stay afloat and fund other projects but never to well to go mainstream
>Street Fighter 6
I alternate between Bison and AKI
>Tekken 8
Paul and Lee
>Mortal Kombat 1
Got it on sale, quite literally just finished the tutorial, so I dunno yet. I'll probably give Reptile and Havik a fair shake.
>City of the Wolves
I'll have to be using THE BUTT. Just look at that pompadour.
That is not Billy that is Bimmy his cousin
Well if the rumors and theories about SNK's currently development are true, they'll keep trying until they ARE mainstream. If you ask me, I think all that new money they never had before in the company's lineage has been like a taste of blood to a shark... ironic.
perhaps THE UGLYEST billy kane desing ever, they should fire that designer asap, look how they massacrated poor billy
>SNK is following the same corporative path of Koei or Capcom
Truly this is a cruel world.
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Anybody down for some Strive games right now? I'll probably be available in the evening too. Pretty experience but haven't played in a fair bit
>normals aren't zoning
fucking scruuuuuuuuuubbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
I could play, but I'm in Europe. I also only have it on console so it'll take a minute for me to set it up.
What modern fighting game should I play if I want a game with the following properties
>no comeback mechanics, or at least limited
>no universal neutral skip nonsense
>no overly long combos/cinematics
>has people to play with
was there a tournament ran at evo? im excited for this game so i wana see more. Also from justins footage it definitly seems like marcos dp recovery is to low and you can spam that shit like dimitri and o.ken
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He should be fired for what he did to Preecha.
yes but you need to join a discord
play xrd (kamige)

>Also from justins footage it definitly seems like marcos dp recovery is to low and you can spam that shit like dimitri and o.ken
He's using break stop it early, been a thing since motw.
>go to local that has small newish motw playerbase
>ruin their fun by playing grant
I think it's cool to see redesigns just for their own sake, but this one's pretty ugly I have to say. Old Billy looked a lot better.
The King of Fighters XV
the one we got is better
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Kwang had a great design, what did they had to ruin her?
You know, the irony is that the redesign would probably be saved if they just put the bandana back on Billy.
My bad for the wait, I'm down. I'll meet you in the middle; East Coast 37?
>SNKfags take over another thread
Alright, just give me a few minutes.
New Billy looks like bootleg XIV Billy
How do you feel about zero frame supers popping off from a 3 frame parry window?
animations are miles better
They are still far behind their contemparies except for NRS. This game looks like an early ps4 game and we're already halfway through this generation of consoles.
>things that never happened
Hopefully their next games will be Unreal Engine 5.
>halfway through this generation of consoles.
This generation has been stillborn since its inception.
Why do people her a tranny. Is it just the hair
>man body with man proportions
>male name in thai
>literal tranny flag hair
it's a troon
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SNKbros...we can't stop winning!
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Reminder his name Kane is like the verb "can" and not the substantive "cane".
Hot. If you don't want to fuck this ladyboy pussy you are gay
ok groomer
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What did Akiman mean by this?
Normally Preecha would not raise any concern but I think there's a real reason to be worried with SNK looking to be mainstream.
Akiman is a 60yo who isn't afraid of retweeting very young semi naked girls, I wanna be like that at his age.
ok rape you next week
Their muzzie investors would not allow that
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>1,50 m
>45 kg
>man body
>man proportion
Damn, your country must be fun.
The retards ruining this shithole using her as a scapegoat for their delusions. Fucking faggots.
Sexo with Chunner legs all night.
Hey buddy, the Fallout London thread is two blocks down
The chinese investors would also not allow such decisions and yet there's something that feels off.
He looks like fucking Guy Fieri. Worst redesign in the whole cast.
They'll get quiet once COTW actually comes out
>He's using break stop it early, been a thing since motw.

oh my bad thanks anon. ive only played a little bit of motw at my local one time so i didnt dig deep into the mechanics. I wish i could play it on fightcade but i fucked my fightcade up somehow and can only play naomi games. not all bad because i want to try mvc2 as well for the collection.
Dammm BASED! They fucked.
Nah hes the most based design.
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MvC4 when?
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is it just me or is there to much visual clutter when you just defend in cotw? I find it hard to see what is happening right after.
Easy with the projections there, this is a fighting game thread
Thanks for the games, I'm fairly tired so I'll just leave it there, but they were good matches. Connection wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.
GGs to Asukanon for the FT10, I don't often get the chance to study specialist matchups. Gotta clean up my inputs...
I don't know if it's the just defend specifically, but I do think it looks pretty messy, but I'm sure it's the kind of thing that looks easy enough to parse once you actually play the game a bit. I remember before playing it I thought Blazblue looked totally unreadable but it didn't take much of playing it for it all to look pretty clear.
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here are my toons
kinoge for sure but he'd have to brush off at least two of those conditions
granblue or third strike are probably the closest of what he's asking for
Are those modded or all natural?
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Look at the SIZE of those Honkas...
>it's just full of mashers who constantly pop rage art/heat smash for free wins
Just wait and block the rage art the moment they get low enough for it, and then df+1 them for a free launcher to close out every round.
If they haven't regenerated enough health, you can also just guarantee a grab on them so there's not even a chance of dropping a combo.
Akiman was not involved at all with the abomination that is SF6, or its rendition of Chun-li.
>Just wait and block the rage art the moment they get low enough for it, and then df+1 them for a free launcher to close out every round.
Based strat ty
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/v/ needs to TORtanic shitpost and CotW unfortunately hasn't provided a drum to keep banging, so this place will just keep making shit up until then.
I LOVE DOING 3C 4C 6C 214A 4B8 j.C j.2C
isn't that how most characters work
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Is it really Billy if he doesn't have the bandana?
His name is Billy Kane
Not Billy Bandana.
Who the fuck plays bedman
I just love her so much....
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Is this you guys first huge time-skip redesign or what? The whole point of Billy looking so drastically different is to sell the idea that it has been over 12 years since he was last seen in canon. Same shit happened with Terry back during MotW’s original release, he looks completely different than the design people had gotten used to for years since FF2 as they were trying to show Terry was not the same guy people knew from before.
>has people to play with
lmao no
What the fuck, is that Terry? Where’s his iconic hat?
The ending sequence will most likely be similar but there are other means of getting there.
Works on my machine.
So, should expect CotW to have more frequent updates now?
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SF6 Chunners is a perfect recreation of Akiman's vision.
bros now i've figured it out. the answer isn't walking backward. The answer is empty cancel light normals. they stop everything. slime, bullshit rushdown and give you time to anti air.
Not frequent until they exhaust all remaining gaming events for following reveals (Gamescon, Tokyo Game Show, etc.), by January 2025 it might turn frequent as it gets to close to whatever the release date is.
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Yeah... no.
SFV was much better, especially in the Akiman designed costumes.
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I main Chun I know what I'm talking about, you do not.
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As someone who's in his own 40s that is no longer an unappealing prospect
Can some SNKbro help me get into the franchises? I've been diving into them for about a year now, but every time I get into the community I keep being gatekept.
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ram plays like shit in that shit game and I need my weird projectiles fix
I also played bedman in xrd plus delilah is cute
I would think so too, but as far as I'm aware, Billy's trailer wasn't dropped during any event. It came out of nowhere.
What are you trying to get into and how are you being gatekept?
Oh Axl is just Daisuke's Billy Kane. I should've figured that out way earlier.
The fuck does that even mean? Just play the game. What are you having trouble getting?
KOF15, SamSho, and CvS2
If I ask any tech questions, I just get told to fuck off
Dix has been out for well over a year and Akiman has not drawn a SINGLE picture of that shitty version. I seriously fucking doubt he enjoyed having his muse turned into some grotesque parody.
Well what kind of questions are you asking? Because a lot of this shit is available and explained online. Take two seconds to learn how the game works.
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TFW no one to play DDND with :(
Thanks for being exactly what im talking about, holy fuck your community is horrendous and aggressive for no reason when asking simple questions
How are you even being gatekept bro. All the info is online for free
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He only posts official arts, and he retweeted a lot of SF6 stuff related. I follow him everyday on Xitter
and yet you probably call him billy "cane" rather than billy "ka-ne" :(
im peeved i was going to buy kof 15 for 17 bucks during evo but i hesitated and now i want it and its 60 again. Gonna have to stick to getting smoked in 02um until cotw comes out.
Dreamcancel for data about KOF XV
Supercombo wiki for stuff about CVS2

check videos about KOF neutral as well even if it's on previous entries it still carries over to XV
>and he retweeted a lot of SF6 stuff related
Yes, anime style pictures of SF6 Chun, not the shitty in-game horror engine version.
Thanks for the resource
until high master rank you can never push a non light button in neutral. the moment that happens you're eating a full jump in.
Thanks Looneytroon!
Not anon, but Chun, Cammy, and Juri look fine.
It's mainly the new girls that all look horrid for some reason because they all(except maybe Marisa) look far better in their concept art.
guess that's why im stuck in 1400
every time I finish a blockstring with a medium, 80% of the time my opponent when jump out or DI
There was a gaming event in China, ChinaJoy and PlayStation’s ChinaHero, it wasn’t a random drop.
Cammy does not fucking look fine, she has permanent, retarded looking angry expression, a very weird neanderthal-like forehead, bug eyes and pouty botox lips. She is by far the worst one of the 3
Juri does look fine, surprisingly.
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>Name is billy KANE
>Fights with a staff
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>Everyone recommends KOF as good starting point for fighting games
>Yet every actual fighting game player actually avoid KOF much as possible

It's fucking bizarre, specially with older titles.
you're welcome, it can be a bit goofy to jump in SNK games since resources are a bit scattered and can be missing some stuff as well
i mean the point is there's not really much to learn outside of neutral stuff and bnbs for all 3 games, just like any other fighting game
>Yet every actual fighting game player actually avoid KOF much as possible

those fags are scared of learning 3 characters that have the same combo structure and how to jump
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>Yes, anime style pictures of SF6 Chun, not the shitty in-game horror engine version.
He never does that. He didn't even do this for SFV
Until 4 frames and 5 frames safejumps, Roll OS exist
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>Anime kusoge with touch of death is completely fine
>3 characters + hops is too much.
It's literally the most distinct thing about him, asides from bri'ish colors and the obnoxiously obvious cane.
And yet he still looks like Terry.
>Everyone recommends KOF as good starting point for fighting games
I never see anybody do this. Just it being not the most popular game around is reason enough for it not to be a good starting point for fighting games and I don't often see it recommended for beginners for that reason. If you just go somewhere and ask broadly what fighting game you should start with most people will probably say SF6 or Tekken 8 just because they have big playerbases of varied skill levels. If someone were to recommend an SNK game I'd expect them to say CotW will be a good time to get into them because new game usually means a lot of new players, but I don't think anybody would say go back to KOF XV, much less the earlier ones, as an entry point to fighting games in general unless you specified you were interested in SNK.
nobody cares
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it's bee-lee kuh-nee
>He didn't even do this for SFV
No, you're right, he just designed like 6 costumes for her that got actually put into the game.
Look, it's OK if you like the shitty, downgraded version, just don't pretend Akiman had anything to do with it.
>3 characters + hops = harassment
>Marvel with 3 characters, tag mechanics, frame perfect combos, crazy mix up = flirting

I guess
>And yet he still looks like Terry
Without his iconic red cap and red jacket; same shit as Billy losing his bandana.
>And yet he still looks like Terry.
So does Billy, what’s your point?
>b-b-b-but time skip
so fucking what
i guess its more "natural" to get touch of death by goku in fighterz and not a guy in a jeans and a jacket called billybob or whatever in any kof
>So does Billy
that's the point
So did KOF15 ever fix the matchmaking issue? I'm planning on buying it next time it goes on sale
Imagine chilling in Sound Beach with Mary and Mai this will anger the Bogards
Look, you don't understand design philosophy, it's fine. But you are wrong.
He doesn't. That's the point.
Indeed, so what? Billy got a new design and if you don’t like it’s not like you can do anything about it beyond skipping the game I guess.
Yes but the game isn't really active any more
It is in Mexico.
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Anybody EU wanna play Grubble or Strive?
Trying to learn a new character in Strive and it ain't going great.
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uni2 fags this is your mindset
The only point here is that you don’t seem to like Billy’s new design, not that it doesn’t look like Billy.
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Because Capcom hired him, for now they didn't hire him, simple as. You don't care about Chun or what Akiman thinks, you just want to push your shitty agenda.
the key difference is that you can still possibly catch your opponent with some nasty mixup and it can lead to win in tag fighters. Even if you lose, you lose fairly fast

In KOF, if you're significantly worse than your opponent you don't get play to game as they hop jCD you to death and anti-air your options 90% of the time. It also takes forever to lose 3 characters because your opponent doesn't have the option to TOD you with 3 bars so they wash you fundamentally.
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>Unironically find Terry to be fun, even somehow he made charge DPs feel fun
>Getting called a bot anyways because I don't play Iori or Kyo instead
I'll give them a try someday, just one character at a time
Don't listen to South America
UNI is where the whole "discord fighter" meme originates to be fair
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Couldn't be me. I don't even have a discord account.
They're the bots for playing Iori or Kyo

characters are cool tho
Actually in KOF it's 3 characters at a time
So you are a character designer? Then how come you don’t seem to understand why Billy’s new design philosophy is the exact same applied to Terry and there is nothing removed from his template that intrinsically makes him Billy Kane?
Not in SvC Chaos unfortunately
Posting Mary's marys
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I used to think Billy Kane was bald under the bandana...
Character position matter, first one don't benefit from stock much as last slot. And something like advanced mode can snowball matches fast depending of character.
UNI is the only fighting game I've ever player I actually felt I needed discord just to get a match and it being such a nuisance to have to get matches that way is what made me stop playing.
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i only watch dsp and ltg rage compilations instead of playing
so is setting up fightcade hard as anons make it out to be? just wanted to play 3rd strike with people after playing the anniversary collection for a while now
I would play Strive but I'm going to bed now.
Let me guess, EU?
Unless you live outside of America or Japan you shouldn't have problems finding matches. Pretty much like most fighters. The only way I can see you struggling is if you only do casual matches instead of ranked where everybody is.
you get the exe file and click it
then you google "FIGHTCATE AUTO DOWNLOADER" and put json files in the folder
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That's right. I love my Honoka
>Same color theory despite his new design being completely different.
>Same identifiable character symbols on his clothing despite changing his wardrobe.
>Same character silhouette if you look at his outline.
Yet this dude is claiming to know design philosophy. Billy’s design is not something you may like but don’t spout nonsense, you aren’t a character designer that’s for sure.
Yes, I'm sure it's fine in America though.
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That's a shame.
I used to do that, but once both of them admitted to fake raging and the fact that they're both mellowing out due to them winning a lot they've been more boring to watch lately
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>/v/ already getting into arguments over the redesign of Billy Kane of all characters
This board is going to be a bloodbath when Mai gets shown.

I don't think any of Billy's sprites ever did a good job showing his hair, but they'd make sure you saw it in his character art. I remember his XIII sprite was especially ugly and made him look like someone recovering from chemo.
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I think he might be depending on the game.
Ah so it downloads them for you, thank you anon
>Mai gets shown.
Mai really is going to suffer the moment capcom releases her trailer.
How would you approach Mai's design for cotw?Hard mode: no bikin cow prints
Mai is due for two bloodbaths.
One with how ugly she'll look in SF6 and then for COTW
yeah nu-ltgbt fell off but dsp salt still holds up
It's all gonna be one big blood bath when people comparing the two
Mai is going to get the double whammy
>Board will blow up over how SF6 makes her face look unless a miracle occurs
>Board will then blow up over her CotW look because it's completely different from her previous designs
SNK movelists are relatively static until somewhat recently. Its better build skills on older games then play something that actually sticks for you.
>I remember his XIII sprite was especially ugly and made him look like someone recovering from chemo.
KEK yeah... definitely not a fan of that look.

huh... yeah, that does look like he has no hair.
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It's simple! you give her a co...
>hard more
What the FUCK
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No, he always had blonde hair.
wasnt she already in the old cotw?
more like city of the cows amrite

omg Honkers
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The two routes you can go down for a redesign are
>Mai in street clothes
In that case you'd have to give her an official design that incorporates the leather jackets she's always mentioned about wearing when she isn't in her ninja gear. Maybe give her a big ass belt that hangs off her ass like a tail for both style purposes and the fact that she needs one for her moveset to still work.


>Grandmaster Mai
Basically just classic Mai (preferably her FF3 look) with extra bells and whistles attached, pieces of armor and shit like that, but not so much it covers up her main assets. Maybe make her hair short too like her MI alt design just to really hammer home that time jump.

Either way, you lose and people on the internet are going to be mad that she's not 1:1 with her previous FF designs.
Make her look like a sexy housewife with short hair.
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>Mai gets revealed for CotW
>she is now blonde
How do you react?
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Finally home. Time to lab and grind until I pass out
I love her
im hoping dix gives mai a casual outfit
her sexy ninja default will always be peak, but I always have a thing for modern wear
Probably inevitable when her and Andy's kid replaces her in a future game
you just have vanilla taste, is alright, i enjoy the BODEGA man pressure
>short hair
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that one dan combo compilation on youtube for vanilla sf4 was the reason i got into fighting games in the first place
the tf2 channel one
Why the fuck do people want Mai to look like a grandmaaaaa shut the fuck up
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>Spot dodge
>Crouch dodge
>Stamina bar
>Rage bar
>Rage explosion
>State of nothingness
Players were supposed to learn all of this in the arcade with limited playtime and no online ressources
We're spoiled babies these days
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>Make Mai's hair short to show that's she's finally taking her training and new position very seriously
>Make Blue Mary's hair long again to show that she's no longer working herself to the bone and more relaxed now that she can just chill and hang out with Terry/Rock

It's about the storytelling man, and that evens things out too.
he had a victory pose in kof 98 when he take off the bandana and show his haircut
as days goes by >pic is true and this server was mindbroken thanks to blizzdrones
>samsho 5
she's cute


Gyaru Kunoichi is a real vibe FG character designers should explore on that
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So why do people find setplay and trap characters to be impossible to learn?
Most of the ones I main/sub basically play themselves once you learn their flowchart
She got the same outfit as Kyo in KOF13
We need more
thankfuly she got replaced by more diverse sheboon
Reminder Mai, and her huge mais, will still be virgin, kissless and basically untouched by a man in CotW.
What are you labbing Honkers KING?
short hair means maturity in japan you illiterate coomer
Goddamn, look at this cool motherfucker. How could you possibly think the new design is good compared to this?
all snk designs look like some goons you beat up in streets of rage or whatever
You can't replace someone who was never there to begin with
SNK's creativity peaked during their golden years. Shun'ei, Isla, and Krohnen are boring as shit.
cool, classic, sexy, badass
cringe, dorky, who cares, vapid
Guess I shouldn't of asked this when the thread is on it's snk vibe
Yeah bro we're not going to reply to your scrubpost
Is this AI? If so hot damn.

Regarding SC6, it was a soulless, over-monetized UE fan project. I'm glad it killed the series.
Is this a screenshot from city of wolves? Every new character they have shown has tanked my interest, the character designs are awful.
>due to them winning a lot
Couldn't be LTG kek
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>she's cute
>What are you labbing
Labbing the Rig match-up while I sit in ranked queue. Was struggling against it last night.
Fatal Fury Special, Real Bout series(RB2 is the best) & Mark of the Wolves. Nod to Fatal Fury 3 if only for it's presentation.
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Khronen was cooler when he was not Kaneda and I hate that they had to change him.
It's not really a scrubpost when im the only one who finds them easy to play, but thanks for the input
He's been playing a lot of 3rd Strike lately and is actually not bad at the game, he even gave kokujin a hard time but kokujin won obviously
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Real Bout Fatal Fury and Real Bout Fatal Fury Special are soft reboot of the series.
o i really like this outfit i hope they give her something like this

this strive 3v3 mode looks ridiculous (in a good way)
>No XI port.
>Don't even port UM again.

What the fuck.
more honkers
Pro-tip if you need to improve your defense:
Pick a cute character who awakens your instinct to protect
Why would you bother guarding playing a big burly dude who can just tank it?
Okay this thread is starting to go downhill, was fun while it lasted
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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that some of that is wrong.
>This is so gay. When can I start playing the actual game
honestly if it's anything like tekken 7 was. top rank. no one under tekken king or so could actually play the game. just trying to rinse their gimmicks before they get rinsed themself
ltg is just another C rank average joe in third strike only challenging D ranks or total newbies
>spam that shit like dimitri
surely it isn't as bad right ? old ken i can deal with. but dimitri DP was impossible to whiff punish
You can just look up his stream archive, it's not hard to find
Do you play any other fighting games or are you just a DoA coomer?
yeah snk has really been putting steven mcnair to work with these themes the last few games
Anon, you must save the thread with a single pic or webm. Choose wisely.
>Playing arcade mode
>Trying to have a proper match
>Utilizing most of my tools, guarding a lot, manage spacing
>AI repeatedly does perfect reads and instant overhead/lows when I guard
>Decide to just spam my most damaging normal
>Easiest win of my life
This is why playing solo is a joke
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I'll basically play anything that isn't made by NRS or a platform fighter
The thread is saved
no girl dresses or acts like this irl
Playing solo/arcade/story mode trains you to do combos with a character in movement.
One thing is doing it in training mode and another is with a moving target.
It's not really important the difficult settings, usually average or slightly higher than default difficulty is ok and do the job.
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Video games aren't real life
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>play modern fighint games
>enemy scriptbaby perfect reads and instant overhead/lows when I guard
but no really ive seen like 2 cheaters in sf6 this week
>or a platform fighter
Why doesn't the FGC like platform fighters?

Contributing to the Honkers society
What if I have a fetish for seeing cute girls get hurt by big men
Will fapping to your main help you improve?
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Frog website
I don't know but seeing sexy fan art of my main made me improve
Absolute garbage character
True, I drop my combos way more against AI than in practice mode

Imagine if they released a mesugaki who's gimmick is that she powers up the more damage she takes
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Not really.
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Go back to plebbit, this is a frog supremacist website.
This design lean a little bit too hard on the science aspect. I prefer the geeky muai thai practitioner that we have now.
Bloodbath? More like cumbath
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I will now post some KoF webm between a match and another enjoy.
what ps3 game is this
I prefer my dudes with a shirt on, thank you very much.
I didn't ask or want to know how you like your men, homo. Keep that shit in the closet with the other shirts of guys you blew for a dollar.
That's not Kaneda.
It's an anti-faggots videogame, thats why you never heard of it.
I bet this faggot will tell you that Dix looks good.
>Was thinking the graphics were great
>Saw the character's face
>Ok, maybe not the best graphics
The games would feel much higher budget if they modeled better faces
I think, for the most part, XV looks fine except for the particle effects. They look like pizza sauce.
I think the game lacked a strong art direction because they were reusing some assets from KoF XIV.
The only buttons that matter all the fastest ones with the best range. All slow buttons are literal gimmicks that are completely unnecessary.
This desu
Particle effects look unquestionably bad, but most characters look good, especially in motion.
snksissies malding
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>gay in gay out
what did rock meaned by this
Is that a yes on the Dix thing?
I can't defeat Boss Mode Goenitz.
i dont play that
Answer the question faggot, I never asked if you play it. You have eyes, don't you?
dix looks like shit too
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>Le Chad
>Pepe worshipping
I'm about to fucking kms God fucking damnit why am I so shit fucking bitch fuck
The fuck is Dix?
>honestly if it's anything like tekken 7 was. top rank. no one under tekken king or so could actually play the game. just trying to rinse their gimmicks before they get rinsed themself
I think 8 is the same
Just spam your 3-4 gimmicky moves which noobs don't know how to counter, get free ranks until around purple or so, then get hard stuck because now you have to play the game
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I'm going to come back to SF6 to play some Ryu, any big changes? Did Akuma en up being complete fucking bullshit?
Why did not they use the original intro? That was better.
No he's fair which is lame. His fireballs are really good that's it.
its what you used to have between your legs
Street Fighter Dix
corny fgg term. when you see someone type that you know they are retarded
Call your shitty game whatever you want, it won't make it any less ugly.
yeah i agree that snk shit is ugly
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she is official now??
what should I play in preparation for the new fatal fury? kof xv or sf6?
>"Straight in, straight out...i'm super straight btw"
Trannies malding in pain.
mark of the wolves
Fatal Fury games.
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>Selling alt versions of characters as DLC
>Alt versions who were in their own game originally as an extra
So lame
If you play wifi in these games I want to gouge your eyes out
It's okay as long as you're close to the router
umm isnt rollbackerino netcoderino supposed to fix everything?
Is either version of Chris currently good in XV?
I know Yashiro has some retarded normals and is good all around but I rarely see Chris or Shermie.
There's nothing like it, besides the old MOTW obviously. The combos will be similar to KOFXV, but the game speed is slower. It has similar meter mechanics to SF6, but no gay rush or gay impact mechanics.
For lore? Just watch Fatal Fury OAV 1 & 2 or play Real Bout Fatal Fury (soft reboot of the first FF) and Real Bout FF Special (soft reboot of Fatal Fury 2).
I don't think you even need to play Mark of the Wolves because CotW will be a soft reboot of that one.
>>don't like her ojou-sama or barbie bullshit
lol faggot
First season was included in the 89 euro version of the game.
not for lore/story. just for practising execution
O. Chris is good since he can get big damage off an anti air DP but that's all he has going for him.
Normal Chris is solid but he doesn't do anything that other characters don't do better.
>this is our war
>street fighter four
>this is our jive
>street fighter five
and so on
To add to this, playing MOTW will not really help your execution, besides practicing Just Defense and brakes I guess. They're making the game much easier to play by doing things such as adding an optional hop button.
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>Who are we maining?

Who else but the better Guy (she's fucking ass tier please Capcom I'm on my hands and knees).
I don't particulary like either but definitely Orochi Chris has more options to have fun while playing imo.
CotW is confirmed to take place 2 years after MotW though
>optional hop button.
I need that in KoF XV...
That sounds about right, thanks for the input m80s
What fighting games are you used to?
It's not EXTRA if you're paying MORE.
I would rather Capcom remove her from the game as long as there exist people who base their playstyle entirely around midscreen slide/overhead mixup. Yeah sure I end up winning most of the times but fuck me is it annoying.
Thats what "soft" (reboot) means.
Like SamSho 2019.
uni2 is the fighting game ive played the most as of late
pepe is never going to go away. disingenuous in the extreme to pretend he's not up there with wojack and spurdo sparde in the pantheon of core 4chan mascots. wishful thinking
I bought the gamestop edition and season 1 was included.
Forced mascot.
No one has ever said or done this, and it'll never take off. It's childish.
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add her already crapcum
they were all forced at some point, son
>it'll never take off.
It literally has, for years already.
You can dislike it and you are right in saying it's retarded but it most definitely took off.
Pepe should've died after Pee Pee Poo Poo. Wojak is only around because spamming various variations plus the mods don't do shit.
I'm sorry your power to unperson people is limited here. perhaps reddit would be more to your liking
Try some KoF XV or SF6, just to get used to a more "ground based" fighting game.
I don't know about uni2 but, if i remember correctly, is more an anime fighter.
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>hey, you know what we should do with this evidently mid-tier character? nerf him progressively every patch!
What did SNK mean by this?
>Welcome to 4chan, the bastion of free speech!!
>But you must never disparage our holy memes and follow them blindly.
japs cant into balance
not enough people are using kyo
as if you're not trying to pressure people into obeying you. it's never the pepe posters who are bossy. it's always you tools
>N-NO! STOP telling me that my memes are unfunny and shit! RESPECT them!
Fuck off retard.
You mean you tie your entire personality onto a green frog and get offended when someone say they dislike it.
don't worry...he's a confirmed pain in the ass, just keep trying
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All normies disliek pepe but usually they don't show here.
This isn't your hugbox.
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To compensate this Yuri body (and i mean every centimeter of her body) is at Robert disposal 24/24 all weeks, all months.
just imagine
she has no curves
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When you put it that way, he definitely won.
The main woman's fighters teams are all catty annoying bitches
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billys not bald anymore?
>the main woman's fighters are all CUTEY delightful gals
Oh hi, I took the liberty of fixing your post, no need to thank me.
Nah, Mai and Yuri are loud mouthed shrews
t. Andy
dbfz until i die
never was
Remember when Andy was bald.
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King is too classy for these broads.
>unlike DI can be blocked.
DI can be blocked
he was def bald in the early fatal fury games.
Oh fuck. We might see an older, mature King in City.
Fuck Mai, I didn't know I needed this until I realized it.
Andy is in a relationship with Mai, so he would never say that
King is from art of fighting not FF
Maybe Jin brothers secret scrolls contained the cure for baldness.
That wasn't the question.
Are you around now? If so, I can play TvC with you finally.
Play Garou if you want to now how COTW is going to play like.
True, but that hasn't stopped some AoF characters from appearing in Fatal Fury. AoF already has a presence in CotW, since Marco's stage is a gym owned by Yuri.
rent free
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King spread her legs a lot during her fights, like an horny slut...what if she's secretly a naughty girl? This should be undoubtedly investigated.
Guys, I'm hyped for COTW as well but you have to admit that this needs a nerf. He got 50% from round start off of an armored move.
is it true SF is the hardest fighting game? people act like getting pro level skill is impossible for most people
What fightan game I should get for my PS5 GBFV, SF6 or Under Night In Birth 2
M-Maybe SNK just forgot that characters don't have 2 health bars in this one...
If she was naughty she would have raped Ryo ages ago but she hasn't so it is safe to assume she is an innocent gal.
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>there is an absolute titty monster hidden under all those fancy clothes
Love it.
what does spg stads for
i prefer her xi outfit
does the game have a Guts system?
She's gonna be a wrinkly hag with her breasts hanging down to her knees
Ash Saga and it's characters sucked harder than the NESTs saga
Anyone want to play SF6? I'm still trying to get comfortable with Bison, I played plenty of him in 4 but dropped him in 5 almost immediately because he felt off. Still getting those weird vibes in 6 but I want to push through them.
>CotW will be a soft reboot of that one.
CotW is literaly a direct sequel to MotW's story...
Sadly SNK suffer from a severe case of allergy to alt outfits
Excuse you
Soft reboot like SamSho 2019. Imagine doing a sequel to a 25 videogame
I agree the Ash saga sucked because Ash is a terrible character to have your story revolve around him. And no the nest saga is the best story in kof
*25 years old>>
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>And no the nest saga is the best story in kof
Clones are never a good story
Diamond 3.
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>Fatal Fury Special
>Fatal Fury 3
>Real Bout 1
>Real Bout 2
Anyone wanna play
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>read filename
>dyslexia kicks in
Why is she censored?
Do you even know what a reboot is...? They aren't "rebooting" anything, they are straight up following the story of MotW
Called soft reboot.
Tech icslly both work.
Kofxv is dead so you might enjoy SF6.
CotW is gonna be way more pro balanced.
Seeing how Mai, Angel and Shermie are portrayed in XV I believe Elizabeth just genuinely got a more modest outfit this time around.
SF is the hardest competition
This thread is gonna die...is this the fate of fighting gamers?
To suffer in silence?
We hit bump limit
But we can make another
Alright what's the hardest competition then anon
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New bread

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