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Reminder to report avatar/signature use.

Previous: >>483230931

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>May Trading Post
>Summer Trading Post

>General Resouгces
Based OP
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first for Black Empire expac
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A friendly reminder that Turalyon will die SOON
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fuck sorry i was tabbed out and didnt get to make my lothar op
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what are they going to do with the Warcraft IP after worlo concludes with TLT?
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>any Alliance WC2/WC3 character
Retard, not even worth a (you) desu.
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Reboot 100%. Start from the beginning, but with a more diverse cast.
reboot like age of sigmar
I was looking for this image, thanks.
Hope we get some Sons of Lothar kino next expac.
wow never had good storytelling just cool individual moments
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>Sons of Lothar kino
Khadgar is dead, anon. And Turalyon doesn't even care.
>Khadgar is dead, anon.
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No body
No death
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>Dog in
>Do dailies
Now what?
Dog out
which is a good thing
MMOs should never focus on the story and instead on the lore
an MMO should be treated like a kitchen sink tabletop setting, because the idea is the players creating a story in the world they are in
>le strongest mage
>never does anything except send you to collect bear asses

Reddit loves him. This soulless husk of a character is a perfect example of the abhorrent storytelling of modern wow.
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How can Khadgar be the strongest mage when Mary Sue Jaina exists, don't you know that she can destroy entire cities with the flick of her wrist chud, not even Archimonde can match the girlboss powers. Also she's literally me btw.
>idea is the players creating a story in the world they are in
Blizzard really do not care about players...

Warning! You will have to navigate through the actual, main-world Darnassus, not an instanced or phased version. You will see any Alliance players that happen to be there, and if you drop out of stealth, they will see you too — with predictable results, as you are PvP flagged.

...unless if they are all trannies or furries...
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Jaina is extremely powerful and one of the strongest mages. Khadgar is even stronger than her and all he has ever done is throw some fireballs and icewalls in the WoD intro. Anon is right that he's a great example of wasted characters and terrible storytelling.
who the fuck let playdead out of cage again?
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Why is she even in the spotlight again? Didn't her storyline ended in BfA? What else can you say about her?
WoW's story is kind of lame and shit compared to other games.
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The fact that he just stood by and let the Horde chimp out under Sylvanas was also extremely retarded.
He is one of the fuckings SONS OF LOTHAR, what the fuck did Turalyon and Alleria think of their friend doing nothing while they fought back the Horde who they once went through the Dark Portal to stop?
Nah he'll play a crucial role in Midnight and Last titan too.
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>something something i'm a woman something something hear me roar something something chudcels btfo
this is real btw, i'm not even joking
Because vanilla and TBC were about THE WORLD. It wasn't CW-tier soap opera about Anduin and friends yet.
Seems fitting that a powerful mage would get involved, no?
>the void glow on her bow
jaina forsook her loyalty to dalaran after MoP
>he'll play a crucial role in Midnight
Don't know about the crucial part, but Ion confirmed it, yes.
>Last titan
We don't know yet. Besides Turalyon has nothing to do with Northrend or the Titans.
It's arcane cause of arcane shot you dope
>the smegma on my uncircumcised cock
because jaina is still a w*man
oh yeah you might be right
He'll lead the alliance forces into northrend for the gigantic battle at ulduar
It's a common thing on a lot of elf hunter/ranger art. There's one of vareesa doing the same thing.
I would let her use my face as a landing strip
I left my Uldaman key instead of explaining each strat to the newb tank, kinda feel bad about it now
>There's one of vareesa doing the same thing.
Could you post it?
I've always liked nice windrunner sister art
>He'll lead the alliance forces
Turalyon is the official commander of alliance forces
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Turalyon is literally the supreme commander of the Alliance forces
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has there been a character who has suffered more than vereesa?
pretty sad when you think about just how much of her family has been brutaly murdered
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sister status?
I didn't even know she had a hearthstone card desu
why does Moira want a seat on the Council of Three Hammers when she can just use my face instead?
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But in TWW it is Jaina who leads the Alliance and he just stands nearby.
The fuck am i supposed to use my level boost for?
Why Moira is a tranny?
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>danath and kurdran are there
uh potential kino alert?
>Magni wanted a boy to continue his legacy
>Moira instead becomes a powerful dwarf queen
>anon can't into nuance because he's mazed by identity politics
Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Monk or Warlock
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How do I macro this heroic leap? What's the syntax?
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>uh potential kino alert?
No. They do absolutly nothing. They just stand there without any interaction, and Turalyon barks at the female Thrall and that's it.
use slotx? not sure what the boots are
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Damn, maybe it's just not all finished yet (cope)
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>surely the blizzard will listen to it's customers... surely the things will be different this time
But they did. SoD dev team is cooking.
>kurdran trollbane turalyon
>thrall geyarah and WHO
yep, time to go kill the auctioneers
>pov: you are about to hear the worst take in your entire life
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>tfw i want that Turalyon and Geya'rah start some shit and faction fricction
>tfw there's 99.9% they are gonna be friends at the end of the expansion
evoker is my favorite class in the game but I genuinely cannot play it because I can't see my tmog. I guess I could use iMorph to be perma normal form but that's gay. thanks for reading my blog.
Do you wanna guess what Blizzard is going to do about these?
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i miss bfa
As far as grief density is concerned, Anduin
>Dad kidnapped
>spent childhood alone
>the lady who hung around the throne room turned out to be a dragon
>you nearly die
>Dad comes back
>he's got some real baggage from his time spent captive
>get embroiled in war at a young age in pandaland
>get injured
>get groomed by another dragon
>watch war consume a beautiful land
>legion invasion happens
>your dad gets burned to a crisp by an orc that's supposed to be dead
>take up his sword, have to rule Stormwind and by proxy the Alliance
>you're like 23 btw
>get embroiled in another war over the lifeblood of the earth itself
>watch another beautiful land get consumed by war
>watch the rise of an old god and the potential end of the world
>get kidnapped again
>get mindzonked into becoming sylvanas' personal assassin
>after all the grief and shit you've been through it kind of feels nice to make someone else fucking pay
>wait hold on thats not good
>get unzonked and wander azeroth with increasingly fucked up visions in your brain
>create genuinely cool sets for evoker
>you can't see them
isnt tww fixing this? that new tier set is too good to be hidden by gay furry dragon form
That's one wacky thumbnail
cant you just make shitty memes right now or something?
turalyon really is the most based warcraft character, god damn
dont forget
>nearly die in ironforge during the prelude to cata
Garrosh. Varian. Saurfang. Illidan. Grom.
>>the lady who hung around the throne room turned out to be a dragon
she was 100% fucking him as well
he is going to die soon
I am going to kill YOU soon if you keep posting this
correct me if i am wrong because I may be misinterpreting the news so far but they are only allowing it for classes that will be able to be dracthyr in the future with the exception of evokers because it would kill the fantasy of being a dragon
left alive
but you could still be a dragon if you want with the suggested changes. its almost like they know people dont like their shitty, scalie abomination fetish race
I play World (of warcraft) on a laptop!
Illidan. Denathrius. Khadgar. Rokhan. Rexxar
Are there any non cringe WoW YouTubers?
I miss TradeChat.
She told someone to eat a tide pod and actually had some sense of humor. She used to cover WoW news quite concisely back in the day. I used to play vidya and occasionally have her vids played on another monitor to be updated on wow news without having to read shitty articles but she quit years ago and had a kid.

What I don't understand is why all the people left now who are supposedly doing the same thing are so fucking unbearable to listen to. They're all clickbaiting faggots with 30 minute videos to describe 3 mins worth of content, complete with gay gags and coffee sipping faggotry and bisexual lighting in the background or obnoxious intros.

Does anyone release proper Blizz/WoW news in audio/vid format without beating around the bush or being a gigantic e-celeb faggot? or is this something that no longer exists and won't because times have changed too much?
they’d fix most of my complaints about Dracthyr if they just made the Evoker-specific sets work in dragon form
it’s fucking insane that they couldn’t even do that
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yeah no way you actually believe them more based than turalyon
The mick. I also like hazel, mrgm is also bearable, then there's crendor, platinum and nobbel
here's an example of her content that used to be good
just a 4min vid with details about latest/upcoming patches
>no season 1 until september
>we're stuck with the worst DF dungeon pool until then
fuck this game sometimes fr
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>do a m+ and someone adds me to do future runs
>add them because they were cool and it's 1 less azralon shitter
>never message or run with them again because I'd rather play alone
>remove them
why the fuck do I do this?
I actually remember that paragraph from the book, surprised there is fan art of it desu
Femhuman or femeredar warlock?
probably too much effort, which again is all the more reason why 100% visage form should be a thing
Femhuman if assumi fan
Femeredar otherwise
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I usually ghost people because I don't like feeling obligated to play with them. If they ask me once they will be the type of person to ask me every time I log on and that gets annoying.
I am ALWAYS fucking away for something when timewalking comes around. I really think it's retarded that they space them out so much.
this is why im not in guilds or communities
Plan around the ingame calendar
is there one of her jumping into his arms?
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This game is too fucking woke. Im out lmao.
Im 3 mounts away to be done with remix lads
none of them plays wow tho
Gooning to draebabes in ammen vale
have you tried hanging yourself in basement?
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so what's the deal with the light dreadlord?
did he actually convert, or is he really just playing 5D chess for Denathrius and J'lor?
there's a ntoe you can find during slands that says alogn the lines of "lmao the light is so easy to trick, they were eager to believe one of our agents could be converted"
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The light dreadlord in legion you ape. Lothraxion
>The mick
Her stuff always seemed too slow paced and diluted with filler, but seems way less terrible than some of the others.
Doesn't she ride Blizzard's dick though? Always being falsely happy about everything and never criticizing things?
Never heard of him before, kek at the featured video being stereotypical coffee mug holding faggotry. To be fair it's a vid about his opinion not news but just thought it was funny to see.
I guess he does some decent stuff based on this vid though. I'll
Seems alright.
Not sure how his content is but the majority seems to be lore or other stuff not really news/state of the game content.

One that I refuse to watch these days is that talisin and evital channel, it's like absolute brainrot. Asmongold's mental state has also devolved into some retarded streamer mindset and I find him incredibly annoying now as all he does is "react" these days. He's like Vidya/WoW's version of that annoying MrBeast guy.
Yes, the note during Shadowlands implies that the previous appearance of Lorathxion was a trick. As they are discussing a successful infiltration that has already happened.
I like hazels raid guides

This story isn't bad but... It kinda feels like a fever dream to read towards the end. And I also bet we won't see Dagran II be actually cool and majestic and instead he's going to be a Milo Thatcher-like character who's constantly being a dork.
the mick is bellular and sometimes his cross eyed puffy bf
I want to lick moiras ginger pussy
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These OPs are boring and soulless.
Made for futa orcs
futa lightdranny on futa orc
dont reply to it
>Turalyon being the coolest motherfucker ever
>Erm, he's a white male
>Therefore our writing team is going to make him literally Adolf Hilter

so tired of the writing staff at Blizzard, bros
>These OPs aren't about me and my buddies, or my fetish and porn addiction.
you should be tired of the demons in your head
but go fuck yourself
In the beta he's responsible for causing a ruckus
It's only going to get worse
see: Garrosh Hellscream
digits don't lie
chuds lost
mental illness
uh oh melty
forgot your avatar, pedo
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I didn't say that nor imply it. What I'm getting at is that it feels like the OP is trying to make /wowg/ corporate, sterile, and brand-safe. It's soulless. The faggot wanna-be janny one liner is the dookie on top of the garbage.
Checked and based.
>Game is being filled with anti-white propaganda
>Point it out
>"erm, mental illness"
hmmm, not sure what to make with this one
2 more weeks anon!
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>the OP is trying to make /wowg/ corporate, sterile, and brand-safe. It's soulless.
so what you mean is
>the OP is trying to make /wowg/ about the game and not me and my buddies, not fetishized, and safe for work. It's buzzword
how about you repent like you said you had, or was that just a few days into your return while you pretended to be a new person with your nightborne and before returning to your avatarfagging and futafag erp blogging?
Actually your wretched little general and game die this Friday
you could ignore all of the propaganda as in "'sticks and stones may break my bones..." but if even the gameplay is dogshit as seen here >>483322190 >>483322380 and yall keep playing this shit then it's undeniably mentall illness
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>moonguard hours
>fills the OP with a bunch of useless links that nobody clicks and uses the same handful of AI generated images with a branded logo instead of actual images that reflect the game
retarded as he may be he's right, the OP is dogshit and you should be perma rangebanned for shitting it up so badly for so long. Even the most tranny of tranny threads don't have an OP this dogshit.
I feel like if we give it another five or ten years the trend of put a gay nigger woman in everything will have run its course as all the fat gets trimmed from companies (incompetent dei hires) due to recession and companies start putting out products that don't revolve around minorities again. So hopefully if rebooted WoW won't be made for another ten or fifteen years it'll be fine.
i thought it was the image you were seething about?
>a gay nigger woman
have sex
It won't come soon enough. TLT will wrap up by 2028 and they're going completely reboot WoW as Shadowlands 2 because that's the setting the current writers want to actually write
off-topic, talk about WoW
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What happens in two weeks?
Fan of both assumi and eredar. Hard choice.
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>so what you mean is [headcanon about le avatroons]
You are easily the most annoying zoomer to ever grace this general. Stop dodging my point you clueless retard.
>Repent!! Why aren't you doing what I want NOOOOO
I never pretended to be a different person. I am also not going to change all my characters to male body types because I don't like how they look. I know that triggers your dysmorphia but I need you to get over yourself.
I'm not talking about futa or erp, that is literally just your brainrot thinking everyone is me. Again.
Your OPs are trash. I remember your cute mental breakdown when you first started making them and the other OPs wouldn't use your gay "approved images" and pastebin. It's a flood of links and a sterile, uninteresting OP. Your attempts to corporate-ify and be janny's little helper are so cringe I cannot fathom it.
not reading all that, fuck off and talk about wow
>talks about WoW
This post will trigger another menty b guaranteed
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Yeah my bad next time I'll include a gif of subway surfers.
>t-t-talk a-about wow...
You're so mad. Talking about the OP or /wowg/ is on topic. Fuck off with your shitty OPs.
>avatroon melty over him not getting op to remove the ignore message
futapedo meltdown
You wouldn't get it, all those youtube links NEED to be there. I would be lost without them.
We didn't have 3 expansions left at least tho after WW? I don't think they'd put out 2 until mid 2030 at least, especially since they have classic to ride out for a couple more seasons before it makes retail obsolete
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im a ret chad
Literally nobody cares about the OP. None of the copypasted shit is ever read, looked at, or used by anyone.
dont forget this one janny >>483331013
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god strike down everyone that plays on troonguard
See? There it is, menty b.
the only thing that matters in the OP is a link to the previous thread
It wasn't a janny. I self-deleted it. I do not believe this thread is worth posting in for now.
Which is exactly why it should be the only thing there and all the useless link spam should be deleted.
i think the ops are good and i appreciate that the person handling it put as much effort in to creating the watermark and picking appropriate images as they did even if technically its not that big of a deal, its clear they care about the general looking somewhat offic
its miles better than furfag/avatarfag ops and if you think this one sucks, i implore you to go look at how low effort the ceegee threads have been for years, literally barren, half the time its an eceleb or some other off topic garbage
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Have you apologized for the invasion of Pandaria today, anon?
Going from Pro to Ret broke my brain because I was told this was a complicated game that required at least a dozen hotkeys, not mashing two fucking buttons to make a sword pop out of the ground with all the fucking finesse of a Garen main in league of legends
cg OPs are based though. You're not making a good argument.
invading the crack of this panda's ass with my face as we speak, no remorse
this, theres no reason for him to have an unprompted meltdown >>483329431 over something most of us don't pay any attention to, and anyone that DOES want to pay attention to it has guides and info
There's no reason to be upset about it even if it is "sterile"
dont kek, theyll go on an hours long derail about perroy and his band of pedo followers again
A link to the previous thread and a link or two to WoWhead for patch notes or something. Why the hell do we have advertisements to the game in the OP in the form of trailer videos?
/wowcg/ has great OPs. Eceleb and off-topic garbage is just as prevalent in /wowg/ anyway.
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Differing opinion? Schizo, /pol/, melty, chud.
Simple as
>Kissing panda ass to apologize for panda slavery
kinda hot
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Same opinion? Samefag, troon, melty, clique. Simple as.
Meanwhile if you deviate even a little bit from the format the retard will spam the thread for 10 hours about how you're "shitting up his OP" and keep making new threads over and over and spam linking them until a mod gives him a 3 day break.
proof of this happening?
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>play hunter
>wow look at all these cool guns
>still using legion animations
>you are basically shooting arrows out of your gun
>it doesn't even sound like a gun
great game faggots
You keep using the Revenge ability icon as an avatar, makes me think those twitter screenshots really are you since it also uses the Revenge icon.

Also I feel like there is some meta story telling here with how you used to use Mortal Strike icon as your avatar and have now swapped to 'Revenge' after falling out with the others.
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>Roleplay hunter
>Don't have any of the issues involving actually playing hunter
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I just think it's a neat icon. Revenge is my icon on my TRP. It makes a good profile pic on Discord and Twitter.
that storyline and character background concept are all long dead because everyone who wrote it left the company anon
everything further back than bfa does not matter anymore in wow lore and story, everything you are looking at is a completely different character with a familiar appearance, no more, no less
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Retarded no game meltdown aside, can we pause to talk about how depressing the Blizzard store is now? They used to have the COOLEST and most creative shit, but now it's all reduced to just plain shirts and mugs with logos stamped onto it. Pic related, was my wallet for 4 years and thought it was the shit.
Whats interesting to you
well you do need a lot of bindings to use all your skills for every situation but might as well just blast if you're not doing 20s
Yeah when he first started with these boring OPs he would go on a bender spamming new threads and flooding the general saying to stop shitting up the OP. As if his word is law.
teah like not being able to take the knot with your in-game pet? I hate that too
>black and brown
>ever a part of the rainbow
pick 1
Based kekked n checked
>people are actually, unironically seething that every op image isn't softcore video game porn
>the op image that nobody looks at more than once while clicking into the new thread
truly the epitome of first world problems
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Do you have proof of this happening? because i dont see any "bender" except the one guy who brought up the op for no reason and derailed the thread to be about himself
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check out this demon in my head sister
pretty cool huh?
Did she get fired along with Dunguser and Goldie? I hope she did.
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Here he is having an absolute melty because someone put a picture of a tauren in the OP
You can check the thread too, he also got mad at someone for suggesting a funny image and then made the next thread 10 posts early to make sure his autism got into the OP
she was never a blizzard employee, she was just contracted to write the one book
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Was there ever a time when you people were happy? Or has /wowg/ always been a nonstop hub of bitching & moaning about how whatever version of the game existed 2/4/6 years ago was better?
Was never a blizz employee. I dont think theres anything in the actual game that she wrote
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Here he is making sure to remind you not to post in "spoiled" ops (ones he personally doesn't like because they aren't his autism pastebin spam) and just make a new thread. But he totally would never do that, right?
alot of fags recently claim the thread was the best it ever was in mop but youll have others that say it was just as bad
from what i can tell tho there were far more avatarfags during mop/wod than there are now.
obligatory sl was better than dildoflight
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>catch orc rogue in stormwind
>fucking one shot him and he turns to ash before the light
>tight little piece of ass sprints up and starts clawing at the ash pile, screaming and crying that she loved him
this city is rotting from the inside out
>It all started because he got upset some avatarfag made an OP
Why do you act like there's no proof or that you'd never do this?
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the previous thread was (spoiled) because of this
>8 year old posts from someone not associated with the game
yup yup, demon in your head
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Here he is once again complaining about a "spoled" thread because it had an image he did not approve of (a pretty good one too)
playing marksman on the beta

maaaaaybe they've gone a little too far with the arrow spam. it plays good but it's just a mess of particle effects and streams of arrows.

the talent which morphs barrage into 30% power rapid fire at 5 targets is the main offender, its only got a 1 minute cooldown and each of those rapid fires can bounce with trick shots which creates a complete mess, covers enemies in red silly string.
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>still seething about the baker
>obligatory sl was better than dildoflight
I don't think anyone but you honestly believes that tho, schizo-kun
>says the man who spends all his time seething any time his hecking epic pastebin spam and shit AI gen trash isn't in the OP
kill yourself
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Learn to use filters
there are a few who agree with me but im willing to recognize that we're a minority, sure.
And anon is right. Nobody cared until that faggot maye started pissing his pants about a fucking 4chan op lmao
>1 post
>6 trillion meltys from avatartroons this month alone
>1 copy pasted comment
>12 trillion meltys from avatartroons this month alone

Have you even looked at other generals besides WoW? Jesus christ dude.
You don't even know vg board culture.
Here's the threads on page 1 at the time of posting this reply to you. Not cherry-picked. because every general is made the same.
notice anything? they all have youtube links. pastebins, and relevant information
thats not why
>he keeps shitting up the thread for 10hrs spamming ops until they move to it
so what did HE mean by this? because there's no proof of that happening
just some throw away comments in the op, that anyone who makes a thread, can do.
avatarfags need so much attention in order to survive that not even their own discord servers, which should be their own little perfect utopias, can satisfy them
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sigewinne spotted
>Look at these garbage threads with terrible OPs!!!!!
Not proving any point other than you are a paragraph posting seethelord
Tina won and dumped his scraps back here.
You got got
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>so mad about an op no one cares about that hes derailing the thread and calling anyone who disagrees the autistic op
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You know what I want. You're just being dense because I'm the savior of /wowg/
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>le board culture
>le trannies
>everyone but me is having a melty
you are so fucking angry right now. go outside you interminable roodypoo candyass
>savior of wowg
>by shitting it up and killing it
i support you, baker
i just want to clarify to the futafag that there is more than one person who hates him and his gay brigade
Honestly why do people feed the troll? I thought this is 4chan, and we all are aware of this poster for a long time now, we should know and do better.
What is wrong with that image? It's not even AI which you've been proved wrong on, on multiple counts now.
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>Honestly why do people feed the troll?
First time on 4chan?
The golf swing animation ruined every two handed spec
>Honestly why do people feed the troll?
baits people into replying with his astroturfing
>i was just pretending to be retarded
I've been here since 2013 and I wish all you newfags would just kill yourselves holy fuck.
Total zoomer death.
to add to this, the talent which makes aimed shot spread serpent sting is a big offender. every time you shoot aimed shot it makes two serpent stings fly away from your target. I know people throw the word
around a lot, but the current version of MM on the beta is like if you asked the average hunter main to finish the sentence "wouldn't it be cool if MM could..."
we're not feeding the troll
we're salting the snail
not like much else is going on right now
i could make a ritual post asking what you're all doing in the thread right now but most of you fags are on breaks and who could blame you the patch is over if you're not grinding the shuffle ladder or M+ title and thats excludes a good 97% of the thread.
you're gay
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>I have an absolute understanding of human psychology and except everyone to behave reasonably
Maybe reddit is more your speed
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He tries to run defense saying "wahhh nobody cares about the OP" but in the same breath has a meltdown because sometimes myself or a worgen / vulpera makes the thread. Sterile, boring, a messy flood of links nobody gives a fuck about.
Those OPs aren't good. I am willing to bet some of those OPs were made by avatarfags of those generals. The difference is nobody shits their pants when someone doesn't follow le sacred scripture pastbin and corporate-approved OP images.
>Grr... it's Maye! It has to be! IT HAS TO BE!!
It isn't me. You're getting rolled because more people than myself can't stand your faggotry.
Trying to enforce some stupid board culture and crying about avatarfags and trannies when nobody plays pretend with you has to be the gayest shit ever.
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suck my tiny autistic vulpera nuts
>This is not the last we have seen of Feng
>It is literally the last time we see Feng

What did Cho mean by this?
oh he mad, at least the curtain has fallen now and we can all ignore the complaints about op knowing its one of his spergouts
you arent repentant, youre just as bad as before and you didnt learn anything in your absence
they aint gonna suck emself
Wait, you guys actually read the OP?
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How long does it take for these rare spawns to respawn?
stupid MoP event
Danuser does it again
No, and that's exactly why it should be minimal and have funny meme images like any good thread.
>run defense
theres a world of difference between making a cry post once in a blue moon because you niggers cant be held to any kind of standard vs the legitimate melty you're having m*ye
relax, take your zoloft and contribute when your blood pressure has reached a normal level
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>Asks for LE PROOF
>proof is provided
>Unbelievable autistic screeching tantrum that the proof was thrown in his face
Behead all zoomers and do not allow them to make OPs.
what has to be going on in your life that you take this shit this seriously
like 20-40 minutes
use sha groups to realm hop
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nothing, evidently
wow is all he has in his life its why he treats this general as his personal space and blog and is upset when people dont use his threads and use one that tells people to ignore him
>indirect seethe reply
futapedo won
RP realm autists I assume. if they're not doing it here they're doing it in their discord bitching about each other and deciding who to cast out next. I'm guessing they didn't have friends as kids and so decided to act like they're a popular 16 y/o girl online for their whole 20s. and 30s, apparently. we will never be rid of them.
what is the best race/class combo to do a little bit of trolling in pvp?
I'm thinking goblin hunter or some sort of tank
I just want to make people really mad
>Crying nonstop when your OPs get called out
>Accuses your nemesis of having a meltie
You lost.
troll sub rogue
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thanks, got him
>pretends to be a girl on the internet
>has porn of his character
>has porn of his character with a dick
>accuses others of faggotry
you're right about the schizo but cmon my gamer
vulpera rogue
>guildy consistently saying retribution is so easy anyone can play it (half right)
>does literally half my output with similar gear
i'm not gonna act like ret is super complex but if you shit talk a spec's difficulty you should at least not be a grey/green parser
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i dont bake
im bored in a shuffle que and punching down because i know youll read it, kek
blood DK imho. with the caveat that you can't take it into shuffle, and I assume BG blitz will be anti-fun and only place you in WSG and force you to flag carry or be autobanned by reports.
Next OP is going to be a vulpera OP and you won't stop me
Chelru/Maye, sit the fuck down. You're wrong on this one.
Guys, the emperor's rage echoes through the hills.
i would make it lothar like i said i would
but i'll be asleep by then
you can play it in shuffle
Also fwiw, Chelru is a retarded name for a Draenei
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is thrall the warchief again?
Their discord servers aren't enough to contain them, shockingly
He looks good on the throne
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playing tank in shuffle is hellish now they forced you into tank queue, I'd very recommend doing that as unh and sticking to capital cities / BGs as blood
Ill just use my bakebot if you're going to be a faggot about it
Does this chair look less retardedly huge on bigger races?
he's sitting on it to make sure its comfortable enough for grand horde council overlord geyarah, his superior
I am starting to regret not buying the lgbt chair
It would be funny as fuck to kill someone in world pvp and then spawn it on their corpse because you know they're going to be mad about it
Christ Metzen
>Between the forces of the two factions, we see the leaders of the pandaren, Aysa Cloudsinger and Ji Firepaw. As respective leaders of the Tushui and Huojin philosophies, their budding romance found them as star-crossed lovers during Mists of Pandaria when the Alliance and Horde came crashing into the shelly shores of their homeland, the Wandering Isle.
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>2024 retoilets being mad about lgbt+
The troonscord once again manufacturing a fake argument in the thread once again
Dont pay attention to how the fighting all conveniently stops at once
we're living in a post-ironic society anon, and given the polar demographics who plays this game there's no telling how they might construe that. know that if they got mad for the reasons you wanted them to be mad, they were probably a kindred spirit.
>5 posters all at once show up to argue about something pointless
>They all mysteriously vanish into thin aor at the same time
Couldnt be more pbvious
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Hey, nice chair!
when did that change
i mean prot palas have their own que but all the other tanks are in the dps que with 2 healers
ive never seen a two tank lobby barring prot pala
i played with a ragnarosi bdk last week and a vdh the week before that
And now they're going to spam the thread with avatroons to cover up the post calling them put
>Be newfag
>Learn about the reputations of 'certain servers'
>Realize I have a buddy who plays on Moonguard
>Ask him about it
>Says he plays horde and alliance olayers are the furfags
>Says the horde players back in the day would do raids on alliance and call it cleansing the server
Is he fucking with me or is that a real thing you guys did?
How did you manage to make your worgen look like a pedophile?
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still here
think may took my reminder to take his zoloft
youre welcome maye
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when is blizz changing one of them into a cripple or swapping some genders here?
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>home internet was out for 13 hours
I was on the edge of giving glowniggers unpaid overtime work
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fucking hell sorry to hear that bro
All the furfags that post here are pedos
Just go look at mmog on trash for proof
I dont get it
those're just coomer retards trying way too hard to fit in with le ebin oldfag 4chan culture of everyone liking loli, literally deriving their fetishes from npc scripting
How does one join the trannycord? Asking for a friend
Moon guard erp
built for white gay worgen
the name comes from gachashit, lines up with his hatred of gachashit that he is one because he hates troons but is one
Yeah im sure they all draw and jerk off to kids as a joke to fit in sure thing pedo
Click here ---> lolololo
these people read one ED article and look up a few "nostalgia" threads on the /v/ archive and then tailor their personality around what they saw when they see everyone praising that behaviour as le ebin good old days
on the plus side they're also making absolutely sure that their dick will never enter anything that will carry their genetics
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i will move on to zuldrak tomorrow
goodnight /wowg/gers
You have to install ffxiv, roll on crystal, and then get in with the social circles enough to join the crystal bads server
no ur right I'm reading now that tanks only get put in 1/2/3 lobbies now. I thought they forced the creation of a 2/2/2 lobby.
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i hate seeing people so wrapped up in self-loathing desu
you cant hide from me >>483340963
Why do you have this image saved
gn king
Because it'll be funny when he starts HRT
It's in his 1 tb folder along with all the other screenshots of the 4chan trannies he stalks
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wowoa caca :DD XDD
Dracthyr are going to look so fucking retarded as warriors, their run animation holds two handed weapons terribly

gnome pussy

Deepest Regards.
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warcraft fortnite chapter?
Theyre making new animations
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Don't know what is more depressing, this general or the state of worlo wawacrap
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Yes i believe they really did do that. If your friend is telling you that, he was probably there to experience it too, as you know, he also plays on that realm.
who is this trooniger?
stupid nignog was too retarded to fight so it got its arm cut off and eye stabbed for being an ape gaboon monkigger
New queen of Stormwind and the strongest paladin in the universe (Turalyon will die)
player character will duel her to "test our strength" and we will almost beat her but she will say "not bad, guess i'll have to stop holding back" and knock us to 1% health and proceed to heal us, just to make sure the paladin players will not be stronger than her
Dear anon,

Please, elaborate on this sentiment that you posted.

Fattest of dabs,
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beautiful and bold slay qween!
In Response:

Tight, wet, gnomish women.
low quality graphics
>have shoulders that look really good in my dracthyr's visage form
>can't hide them in the base form so that I can use the actual armor appearance from character customization
small indie company
has to pay for HRT before upgrading processor
You have convinced me. Where do I get such a spectacle
2 weeks for your gender reveal?
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they have lower score than me btw
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>3k io alt dying to meatballs in ruby life pools
>It's a +6
grimmy grim grim!
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>be a shitter
>only invite good players
is not hard to understand
Im intrigued
god i wish i were my dracthyr
should I level a KT
i don't even know what these retards are doing, 10 minutes passed and they still didn't invite anyone, the fuck are they waiting for, 4k rio to carry them? disgusting subhumans
I only invite people with over 2700 io and at least 523 ilvl
for a +8? the fuck
Faerin the Mongrel, daughter of highborn blood who thinks poorly of her empire's strict policies and intolerance to outsiders.
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*teleports into the thread*

*picks a note off the ground*

what? why is no one talking about the game? why is it all bickering about the OP creator and schizo-posting?

*stamps foot on the ground*

Anon I'm VERY disappointed in you!

*teleports away*
Yes, is not release week anymore and I want to fill my vault fast with a group of good players.
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>WoW 2 soon
Dracthyr run animations on other classes
I fucking hope not. This seems to me like a cuck trying to boast about his relationships after just licking up his bull's mess on his wife's twat.

Thrall is the cuck. A defeated, middle aged boomer who's glory days are long behind him. The Horde needs Azshara to lead and I'll die on that hill.
Yes, drood or hunter
How would that work, Azshara hates both factions
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I'm thinking based.
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What do you think of my mog?
Very cute. I'd be your orc bf.
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I want to bash you with a maul until the armor falls off in broken bent chunks and fuck you into submission
What idiot doesn't wear a helmet to protect their brain meat. 0/10 gonna get sniped by a stray arrow
wow sisters we can't ddos our fellow ziv sisters it's just wrong....
/wowg/ and /xivg/ should merge at this point and be moved to /lgbt/ where they belong
Need a helm. Otherwise p good
Why are Horde niggers so retarded and delusional?
Like what???
It is so obvious that Arthas will be resurrected and he will become the new Horde warchief.
Trust the plan
Somehow managed to sound even more retarded. Impressive. Who's next
Garithos' ghost as horde warchief
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>another time travel expansion
>I play Horde
>I coom to night elf villain
> Azshara is a good fit for Horde warchief role

To be fair you're quoting a retarded coomer so it make perfect sense.
I guess it is hard to be sarcastic when there are so many retards who mean it genuinely... My bad, but typing "/s" is just too reddit.
We had memes like the sigils and walking on water in shadowlands what did we even get in df
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>play prot pal
>female dwarf
>try to play ret
>the animation for 90% of the two handed stuff is this awful overhead swinging animation
What the fuck
>Arthas was the boss of the classic trilogy and also the boss of the worldsoul trilogy
Bravo Miyazaki!
>May you be blessed with daughters champion
/use Cogwheel Gem
Meta gem for Lifestorm.
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play draenei male
dracthyr in wheelchair
avengers endgame
fyrakk being an edgelord
>female dwarf
they look like shit I don't know what you expected
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How's this for a helm?
>implying we're not getting playable Naga and an Azshara redemption arc in Midnight
I like short women and goblins can't be paladins
that's fine but they look like shit and they have some of the worst animations
The animations for prot paladin are fine, which is why I never saw any of the bad ones
Chris Metzen
You try coming back after an unfathomably juiced squad of frog gods arrive and annihilate you from existence before the pull timer reaches 9.
Sex with Li Li Stormstout
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I wish they wouldn't announce expansions until like 2 weeks before they come out. Fucking sucks wanting to get back into the game but knowing that whatever I do right now won't matter in 2 months so there's no point in playing until the expansion drops.
I want to go FAST
>waits 2 hours looking for the perfect carriers, as the people I already have get bored and constantly cycle back out
It's funny how people say this all the time but even right now (end of expansion fated meme season) the groups fill in a few minutes.
uhh your mountsmogscheevos?
sister did you collect the chungus reddit pupper doggo?
I think the last couple months before an expansion launch is comfykino. A good time to chill out before going hard on new content.
Granted last 2 expansions are probably the best time to play due to the fated stuff letting you massively gear fast and how with the fated gear BIS trinkets from the beginning of the xpansion are revelant
>joins your key @ 527 ilvl
>6 beers deep
>1 chest
heh nothin personnel
looks shit use the mage tower version
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Who do you think took the name “Pinkspear tribe”?

I’ll bet it was some pygmies.
I actually hate that so many games get announced like a year in advance.
I don't want to wait years knowing you're working on a game. Just tell me when it's ready and you're going to drop it in like a month tops.
It's even worse cause so much vaporware exists. You see these games get announced and they have super cool and flashy game demos to show off but the entire thing is just a proof of concept, then it either never comes out or it comes out years later looking nothing even remotely similar to the proof of concept.

Maybe it's me getting older but i'm tired of all of it. I don't want to know about your product unless it's 90% done and around the corner.
I mean I've seen groups still sitting in the finder after I got done with my runs. If you don't match the description then you're not the person being described, y'know
yes because that people is looking for 1 dh tank, 1 druid healer, mage, priest and aug because that's the meta, I invite any class as long as they are good.
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There are plenty of ways of play before an expansion drops. You could prepare for said expansion or just have fun playing the game. This is what I don't get about tourists; they just show up here, complain that there's nothing to do, and then leave.
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"ALLIANCE could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this zone before. There could be ALLIANCE anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her bare bones. "I HATE ALLIANCE" she thought. Orgrimmars iconic thundering war drums and orcish chanting reverberated through her imagination, making her MMR increase as the new strain of plague circulated through her powerful dead veins and washed away her (merited) fear of human male ret paladins. "With a mount, you can go anywhere you want." she said to herself, out loud.
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Haven't played in years. What's the easiest healer to do m+ with? I wanna cap out on that to get used to the game again before playing tank like usual again in the expac.
Is Wow the ultimate cuck game?
- most "PVE content encounter" money goes into most effort for planned, designed, and balanced elements of Mythic raiding. Like 1% does that content. Everything else is just trickle down after that.
- best mounts goes to half a percent of PVPers and full elite mogs are also for a fraction of a playerbase.
And everyone knows that at the end of the day, mountsmogcheevos is what this game is all about.
>get gud
Wow playerbase had 20 years to "get gud". The distribution of shitters to pros is actually getting worse.
99% is funding stuff they will never even try to get, because it is "too sweaty/ no life".

99% are cucks funding the game lmao
Honestly it doesn't matter as long you're a healer you're going to get invited but I think pala is the worst healer right now
raped to re-death thanks to the Holy Light
Let me be an evoker without having to be a tranny lizard!
90% are bots selling gold and boosting services to 10% of retards who still play this trash
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Shaman is still waiting on their rework, Blizzard…
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Dks should have gotten door of shadows as a class spell!
I guess a better question would be, what's the laziest healer?
bro your rider of the apocalypse?
also people that want casted abilities on melees are psychopaths
i cringe every time i see a ret pala casting rep when its not incorp week or use searing glare, cucks the lot of them.
I just wish they would tiny spell colors. Why not make DKs slappy hands move red/blue/green depending on the spec.
none of them
healing sucks
just go straight into playing tank or dps like the rest of us
Dragon riding is ableist and should be deleted
Isn’t it kind of fucked up how a quest will send you to kill monsters, and then the monsters attack you for doing your job? Why am I being punished just for playing the game?!
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lmao my ass off @ paladins
A utility group spell that works like gateway.
Fuck the warlock monopoly.
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I let my sub relapse and didn't bother with season 4 at all. Rather play Elden Ring tbhfam

S4 is such dogshit, I'll just come back in the pre-patch.
Too hard. Would cost a raid tier, y'know.
If nobody heals then no groups form.
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>expansion came out last week, I'm already so far behind I should just not start
>season 2 is coming out next week, I'll never find a guild, I should just not start
>it's the final month of the expansion, and it's the easiest it will ever be to catch up, and I'll get to run all 3 raids and all 8 dungeons of the expansion pretty easily, but it's too late for me to play now
nigga, there's never a wrong time to get into wow.
Ableist to my framerate, maybe.
Ableist to my 6.5 yo laptop maybe.
So /use [@cursor] Cogwheel Gem Heroic Leap

?? ???
>Prot paladin
ahh yes week 12 of the season where even people with 525 ilvl are absolute shitters... how wonderful it is trying to pug heroic
shit out my ass
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We knew we would lose this from the start but the whole team agreed on focusing only that Auggy guy who leads the premades
Literally all we did throughout the whole game is ping his location and then a group of elite commandos went to take him down
One of the funniest games I played in a wihle
Lmao, he's literally one of the worst ones.
All his videos are full of filler and sponsorships and he never gets to the point.
He's like watching the retards at cnn or fox news spend half an hour talking about something some idiot said while he was drunk and asking each other "but what did he mean" as diabetes, bipolar, and schizo med ads play during commercial breaks.

Taliesin is probably the worst, and Bellular is a close second.
Bellular isn't even supposed to be making WoW stuff anymore he swore he quit but he didn't. He has no spine, he's a lizard shill with basedboy faces in all his thumbnails and sponsors in every vid.
>google 'muscle monster'
>it's real
wtf. my preworkout is about to get fucken tasty
It always amazes me when I see someone fully decked out in near BiS gear doing damage about equal to what players were doing in season 2 gear.
it's impossible to form a group when it's a 50/50 chance that the 510 is going to do double the dps of the 522
Are we play warlocks in TWW bros?
Warlock good
why is dragon soul such a dogshit raid
i find mw and holy priest the easiest but those are also the only two healers i actually enjoy
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you're a ret. ard
why is world of warcraft such a dogshit game
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Today i shall remind them
he's just playing
what a schweetie good boy pupperino
ancient engine, out of touch senior management, capitulation to chinese business interests, winemom and twitteroid writers, corporate whore meddling. You know, the usual
I've always wondered why that spell looked like shit, I didn't know they downgraded it. That makes it so much worse.
more like
>another Blizzard product
[_] Yes | [X] No
kinda hot, but not
I wish noname55 would go back to more in-game model appropriate stuff
This is a Death Knight ability.
What does this have to do with paladins?

>inb4 "paladins had this too"
nigger nobody liked that, it was a shit ability, for nu-fags and it didn't even fit the theme of the class identity at all
it was some faggot dev who had some retard fantasy and forced it on everyone and you know what the result was?
paladins no longer being able to sprint through small areas they would otherwise fit through because their mounts were too big

if you wanna laugh at anyone
laugh at Death Knights now for being given the same retard faggot slop treatment from the devs
or laugh at anyone still retarded enough to be playing this shit game

can't tell you how many times I tried moving faster with that gay horse ability only to be stuck running in place against a doorway until the cooldown faded away and I could continue going forward
blizzard should replace all warlock pets with pibbles and rename demonology spec to pitmommy
What do you think the felhunter is?
I have to pee but my razer rbg adult diaper that lights up when my ret paladin abilities proc needs to be changed but im too lazy what do I do wowgee
>20m H Abberus last week
>Bosses melting in 3 minutes
>Barely finish Sark with 4 people alive at the end and only manage that thanks to two evokers and a shadow priest literally tard wrangling the tanks and knockbacks
Spatial awareness is a lost art in wow pugs. Nowadays people only know swirlies and "odds left evens right".
Sound like a funny setup for a boss fight imo
>Female gnome warlock named the pit mommy
>Summons two pit lords for the raid to fight
>Whole time shes yelling about how sweet and harmless they are
imagine owning a fucking land shark like that let alone letting it inside of your home
demonic creatures
piss in a bottle like the rest of us
ok what do you want to talk about
i didnt even log in today
taking a break from the ladder + my water pump sprang a fucking leak and the plumber couldnt get here until 5 est to fix it so i spent most of the day pushing water out of my garage
it was miserable, at least it was ten degrees cooler than its been all week
my dicks too fucking fat on account of exclusively playing ret paladin and femdead and my pee comes out in a tribeam laser like fashion so it doesnt work
pit people would actually firebomb blizzard. they're fucking insane like that.
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>aww he's smiling
unironically a skill issue
imagine not being able to craft a trucker-b*mb
i want to level my mage on sod but i hate classic leveling so god damn much
and yet...
selling mara boosts is calling
and it is sweet
Just run incursion loops lmao
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play remix chudlord
when im done stroking my shit freak style :)
this but to level 80 because I don't want to play anything other than old content forever.
how do you niggers not have every class 70 its been 20 years, if you have a bunch of 60s its super cheap to pay an Indian to afk power level you as well
I don't like all classes
didnt reach this milestone personally until this expac
still leveled six more in remix because why not
dont know what to use my bewst on now
no one actually enjoys the unholy rotation, right? shit is straight clunky and feels fucking awful to perform
every time i take a break i come back wanting to play on a new server so i have to level everything again
Everything feels the same to level.
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>Cleave is clunky
>Fury is brainless and does poor damage
*Coughs up blood* Please... don't make me main Ret... TWW will fix Arms... *wheezes*
i swear to allah if this happens i'm going to quit for good THIS TIME I SWEAR
you know you can just not do those quests right?
I did that quest once, the first time through because I wasnt reading side quests and didn't recognize it until It was done and then I just never did the gay centaurs quest line again.
wtf is this gearing system. should i just be shooting for the awakened stuff because it has the highest upgrade cap?
>retarded warrior discord players brigaded the fury poll because "muh playstyle"
>they're all playing arms now because, as it turns out, getting rid of the set bonus doing a large chunk of your damage for some middling shit takes your spec from being "fairly mediocre" to "absolute dogshit"
I will never forgive them.
Sure but you can only buy weapon, trinkets and a few rings/1 cloak/1 neck with bullions
as long as arms has the leaps/charges i'll never go back to lolret. the pony is fucking gay and doesn't have the same feel as the blood curdling charge scream or leaping everywhere in full plate
>wanting to play on a new server
everything is cross server cross faction? What kind of autism is this
>still leveled six more in remix because why not
but on the same note, why would you? If you have nothing worth doing just go play another game.
>They voted for the one that makes you press Bloodthirst every 10 Rampages
Dumb fucking retards to the last.
Yeah as Ret I don't get that satisfactory melee damage feel. It feels more like I'm casting spells, not slashing someone to ribbons.
i don't want people to know i was on the previous server
was trying to get all the mounts with the gibsbux but i gave up got most of them tho
I don't even get what the fuck their problem was with the season 3 playstyle. It was BARELY slower and getting to facefuck 5 mobs with an odyns into 3 massive bloodbath crits felt super satisfying. Way more satisfying than tossing that wet noodle ravager on the floor every 40 seconds feels.
yeah, its hard to beat the clang sounds that arms offers.
leveling after the first patch is hellish. best to rush all your characters through before the zones are dead
>boosts down from $60 to $40
their game is basically dead and they can't discount this shit anymore than 30%? fucking blizzard
>>retarded warrior discord players brigaded the fury poll because "muh playstyle"
Is that how we ended up with that Fury bonus again? I thought it was lame the first time around.
thinking about downloading zeev to undress a cat girl and shitpost their thread
what can i say to cause the biggest melty
also what server are tiners and mowgli on
i know you niggers know you never shut up about how you play both
>you dont have to play the game to shitpost
silence, i wont be one of those tools.
Think you should kill yourself instead
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Saw this book for $10 at my local bookstore, has anyone here read it?
Any good?
it is clunky, but several other classes are too and the "class fantasy" makes up for it some what, especially with Riders in TWW.
some classes are only good for an expansion, or for a patch.
some classes are always shit (druid, paladin)
Most of the time everyone on /xivg/ hangs out on the Crystal DC, which you can move to at-will anytime.
It's ok
>forgot to fight Ahune tonight
>can’t play again until after next reset
How are the Dracthyr? Should I make one?
their shit
boring rotash and you have to look like a scalie twink
their running animation is offensively bad
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oilers lost
one of the druid specs has been top tier every patch
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good fuck alberta specifically
??? Guardian and RDruid have been meta in M+ since S2. Balance is always good. Unless you're feral only this is a complete lie.
I liked it as a kid but even at like 10 I thought Rhonin was a ridiculous Mary Sue so...
Guardian is not bad but s2 was the last time it was meta, dhs mog them hard now.
balance has been meta since like s2 SL lmao
I don't remember s1 but balance wasnt meta during s2, 3 and 4.
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>Druids showing on the Shaman crying threads of the forums
Are they actually bad or they're just hoping on the Shaman train to get some buffs?
>I liked it as a kid but even at like 10 I thought Rhonin was a ridiculous Mary Sue so...
Did Blizzard kill him off so quickly because he was Knaak's mary sue?
At least his death wasn't pathetic like Vol'jin's, he died a heroic death saving Vereesa and Jaina desu
Sorry, I meant 1 of the 2 was meta. Guardian in 2, Resto in 3/4.
fuck druid players, main character can do everything so much thematic shit, exclusive visual stuff and mount forms + meta every patch every expansion and they have the balls to cry.
I'm not talking about meta, druid is shit because I have to transform into a tr*nimal.
Shamcucks deserve everything they (don't) get, if you retards actually agreed to boycott and stop playing the class entirely blizzard would be forced to reconsider their cock and ball torture treatment.
Vol'jin will be back, mon
They would just abandon the class and use low playing rates as excuses
Yeah fuck them.
>cry bear and cat are erm kinda poopy I can haz buffs plz?
>they made it so retarded op druids could be main tanks as well as hop in a dps spec mid fight, and let's not start with pvp
>they made the compromise of splitting the specs, making it the only class with 4 specs
>that on top of OP shit that's been carrying over from vanilla and tbc

Yeah the forms are shit, even if they were the most op shit ever, I could never main a druid just for that reason.
any particular reason why you hate shamans so much? I don't play them but I like the concept of the class and the fact its one of the poster children of Warcraft as a whole, it's treatment is fucking abysmal.
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What do you guys think is going wrong with the class balancing team? Why do Mages and Locks get so much love compared to anyone else? What's so special about them?
Man why the fuck are there 10 versions of wowo wawa nowadays
make anduin lothar the next OP image
>pictured: the average 3k non-fotm player you invite into your weekly key
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I don't hate them, orc shaman was my first ever character in this game.
Stopped playing one when blizzard forced dual-wield faggotry in TBC and never looked back.
>thrall again
So what they're going to do with Thrall? Is he going to be able to use Shaman abilities again?

Male orc shaman was also my first ever char, after that male human paladin as my 2nd.

Consequently, I am leveling both of these characters again and having them my dual mains for TWW.
>playing the train wreck that is shaman in 2024
I haven't played since WoD what have they done to Shaman?
More like they havent done anything to shaman consistently
Barely anything, and that's the problem, other specs have moved on and gotten better overtime meanwhile Shaman largely plays like it did back in Cata/Wrath.
Taken away class identity by making any and all totem related abilities just be quick shit that barely lingers, usually offensive.
All the effort of unique totems for every race and the only ones sticking around long enough to see are ones to just make the group run to the next area quicker.
It's funny how back in SL Blizzard said they didn't want to give raid buffs to every class and they end up doing exactly that. Gave it to everyone except Shamans.
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I still can't decide if I want to play Horde or Alliance during TWW. Alliance has more players and more activity, but Horde is based and my Rocket Shredder is going to be so sick on my Goblin.
Blizzard only gives a shit about and writes for the Alliance anymore, so may as well play Alliance desu.
Just look at what we've seen so far with TWW, it's all focused around Alleria, Jaina and Anduin, no-one gives a fuck about Thrall.
Maybe if TWW gets a goblin patch? idk
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>he plays the red alliance faction
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but ret palas are the whiners
give me a fucking break
>ability available to 1 out of 3 specs
>ability that two better classes has anyways
>ability available to 1 out of 3 specs
Literally one spec

Mages, Evokers, Hunters can also do it while having a raid buff

What was the last time link was needed for a mechanic again?
>still no 2hander for enhance shaman
It's silly how much they hate us desu
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>Average Ret-ard
And not only that but Silvermoon is becoming a cross-faction city in Midnight. Horde just cannot stop losing, man.
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>4 insta seethe posts
he might be a ret.ard but i think hes on to something
Fucking kek
The only thing he's "on to" is the short bus to middle school
Scalecommander is looking kino in tww
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Just beat my dick raw to latina women sucking horse dick, class/race for this feel?
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>And not only that but Silvermoon is becoming a cross-faction city in Midnight. Horde just cannot stop losing, man.
Tbh, it was going to happen at some point eventially.
You can't have Alleria, who is basically the high elves greatest hero, as the main character of their new trilogy and not address the fact that she is exiled from her own city by the people she left to protect, let alone the majority of her people being on the enemy faction.
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gay dogs do NOT go to heaven
4th darkest skin tone Blood Elf Mage.
>And not only that but Silvermoon is becoming a cross-faction city in Midnight.
SMC for horde. Alliance will have their base in Exodar which Velen will move somewhere in EK/QT
hoes bluebars mad
I think I know what video you're talking about, brazilian classic. Maybe Hunter I guess.
no there are newer ones being made, sometimes they take the dick too but it seems like it hurts them a lot kek
can we stop talking about horse dicks please holy fucking shit
m*ye just got off his horsecock fix we dont want him to relapse and spam the thread with horsecocks
its time to stop posting
Vereesa is, not alleria
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okay, ill do it for you hitler
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its go roll a human BM hunter. its always BM hunter, you fucking troglodytes
>oh god i just jacked off for 2 straight hours to a a stream of a chick moaning and whimpering in 4D audio what class do i play for this feel
>busted a nut 9 times today watching noname55 alexstrasza videos, what class
>what class is best for findomming dudes on the internet?
its literally always BM hunter. in all aspects it's the most degenerate class there is; aesthetic, mechanics, rp potential, all of it. get a fuckin wolf or nightsaber or horse and name it something stupid like "Husband" and you'll have the exact feel you want at all times
maybe, but I doubt
there are way too many things that are pointing towards a neutral silvermoon that blizzard keeps hinting at
retard, didn't realise I had to spell it out
Alleria is the BLOOD/VOID/HIGH (COMBINED) elves' greatest hero
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i wish the real stuff was as good as the animated/drawn stuff but 9/10 times its shit
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>get a fuckin wolf or nightsaber or horse and name it something stupid like "Husband" and you'll have the exact feel you want at all times
alright, I laughed
Time to check r34
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There hasn't been anything good in days
This, it's just AI slop and then more AI slop.
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Et tu, Swifty?
What should I make my gnome for the MOP remix?
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fury warrior, forma de negro
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Im getting tired of the aislop and 3d renders, I know I can just filter them but then theres barely anything new
warrior, rogue or warlock imo
she looks so belligerent
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You like WoW?
Tell me how you would save the Horde!
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>+0 weekly
i only made her so i can get the warrior t3 she sits outside of naxxramas at level 30 like a cuck but once remix ends she will be replaced with my thad forsaken warrior

but id still fuck her and suck her hershey kiss pepperoni areola'd eraser nipples
ive been encountering more and more people who are clearly tanks or healers playing dps and doing a really shit job
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I didn't know you could get bouillons (pronounced like how Trump says "billions") from LFR. I thought you had to actually raid. So, I did LFR Amirdrassil and spent 4 boullions on Diurna's Chosen and Fillial Duty.
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nice i would do that too
Nobody asked. Why do you post this shit like it's your blog
I asked
Way to cherrypick.
bullion drops from any boss thats awakened? i think
also you get more if you missed weeks as well im pretty sure
ok tranny
>They are really truly, unironically going to have Anduin marry Faerin
>She will be High Queen of the Alliance and be kept relevant for the rest of time
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never ever doomtard
>/wowg/xisters seething there are no homosex queer relationships in TWW
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I told you retards, why do you never listen to my prophetic wisdom, dumb fucking cunts the load of you.
Turalyon dies at the end of The War Within, and then we watch Alleria become "ebin evil" in Midnight because she can't handle the loss, but she comes through in the end and becomes the true Kerrigan™ of Azeroth in The Final Titan
i hope alleria dies at the end of midnight.
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if this negress touches anduin or is at all relevant past her zone I am going to fucking vomit, holy fuck
Yea you get extra if you missed some weeks
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Why are Hordelets like this?
Turalyon and Alleria are both good people and literal heroes, keep coping you fucking retards.
No one gives a shit who these people were in warcraft II, least of all blizzard. They are different characters in every sense from design to role to personality to motivation
Not true at all, if you had actually read the books and played the game you would know their depcition and characters are still accurate from who they were.
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How are you doing?
I don't believe you
Metzen does
Fortunately, her voice is pretty cute and sexy, literally not matching her model, God forbid the abomination from the cinematics.
Even from what she tells in the game in some quest, she's supposed to be some young and stupid girl who lost her eye and arm on the account of her stupidity and naivety.
But then someone decided she should be the ugliest gorilla nigger ever.
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Go read the books if you want to see for yourself, they are actually good
Why do you have to be a retarded shitflinging ape, this has nothing to do with factions which ceased to exist in all but name.
This is metzen cringe writing 101, it was the original plan to turn Sylvanus into Kerrigan but for some reason they stopped halfway in Sneedolands. Now Alleria is there to pick up the mantle of cringiest bullshit ever put on the screen but with warcraft flavor.
i want her to die just to see if blizzard has the courage to kill a "good" female character
Don't forget to knock out the dungeon weekly before reset for an extra 2 bullion.
Mopmixxin. Whats up
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how is this 1 nigga still posting? reports do nothing for that guy
Yeah we should have more Danuser's queer dragon kino.
actual braindead retard
It's about to happen, just like doomers told months ago.
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we all post here.
we are one.
should i attempt to bust a stimdick nut before i go to bed or just go straight to bed right now/ i ran mythic nyalotha today for the mount and got jack shit wowo wawa
Doomers? It will cause every wranduin fag to anhero if it happens. What's doom about it?
>Alleria becomes a GOOD void lord and protects Azeroth from BAD VOID
I would rather Anduin be an unironic homo for wrathion than having him fuck this half orc desu
Classic discord/reddit/twitter faggots gaslighting.
Fuck off
In this case Anduinfags call them doomers because it's a negative thing for them and the nigress queen makes it even worse for the rest of the game.
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Well done anon, you are starting to get it now, this is precisely what is going to happen.
But first she will have to become the BAD void lord, and that will require some traumatic event like the death of Turalyon.
All of this shit has already been foreshadowed in the harbinger questline, only a retard with room temperature IQ fails to grasp it.
yeah ok the fucking half orc as the queen of stormwind is really so much better, fucking retard
Get off the internet NOW
Pull the cable, throw away the phone.
Three months minimum.
>But first she will have to become the BAD void lord
By default void = bad, light = good but Alleria is good, Tyralion is bad.
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Screencapping this post for when Turalyon and Alleria remain live and well by the end of their new trilogy.
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Anduin will cum on her arm and it will grow back. Then the eye is next
Tyralyon is going to die 100%.
>white angry man
>old character
>one of the current leaders
>lives in a moment where Blizzard wants to make the light = bad
>Blizzard introduces a new strong, female, black disabled character who represents the light, blind justice
Also you: Yes I would prefer if this yt boy would fuck with this brown zesty dude.
Like I said, get off the internet, it rotted your brain.
2 more weeks, trust the plan
i dont remember tichondrius saying this
Ofc he didn't, this thread is now all about a delusional trannyfaggot gaslighting, coping and seething that the game no longer panders to his sick perverted fetishes.
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>wanting Turalyon and Alleria to not get hit with the villian bat then murdered like Kael'thas was is a sick perverted fetish
take your fucking meds schizo
So all that remains are delusional schizos, furries and trannies?
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Turalyon is too much of a chad to die
there's very few normal people left itt
I miss the days before tourists like you
where do you think we are retard
Turalyon is too much of a chad to be left alive by the current blizzard writing team
Metzen decides that
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yeah turalyon is going to die, just like malfurion, gelbin, jaina and tyrande died in bfa and shadowlands when the plot decided to feature them
Kael'thas was a fucking idiot right from the get-go.
>current blizzard writing team
Who is that now anyway?
>Asassafras: gone
>Nathanuser: gone
>Goldie: gone
>Metzen: in
an idiot isn't a villian
I'm obviously talking about the fag who is fuming over Anduin not being faggot with Browno the Dragon.
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>metzen is going to save wow guys, two more weeks until comfy kino sovl
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But Metzen created Turalyon. And he loves paladins.

I can't agree with this at all. The time between knowing an expansion is coming and when it finally arrives is a big part of the enjoyment. It stimulates the imagination, you can have conversations and speculation about it for a good which further provides excitement for things to come.

If anything I feel very anxious when a game / dlc release date is in only a few months because it means I have to start getting ready for it, update my hardware or work on my backlog to finish game X Y and Z by then.
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Give in.
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You're arguing with retards who genuinely believe someone as morally good and pure hearted as Turalyon will suddenly turn evil, don't even bother.
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Turalyon is going to DIE. There is no other way. We don't need yet another blond haired white guy in the Alliance.
It is if he's immediately allied with the people that he was fighting with five minutes ago, who convince him to get hooked on demonic magic just cause it works for some other much stronger dude. All to try and save his people when he had a considerable number of alternatives that didn't involve continuing to put up with Garithos.
Big shock, evil magic made him side harder with the evil people.
in what
whats the sauce
Turalyon dying is well within the narrative pattern, unfortunately.
Khadgar has died should be your recent call to wake up.
Anduin is set up to take the niche of the good paladin/priest in the plot that he can't because of Turalyon and own downfall phase.
Turalyon is orbiting around Alleria story and recent vision of her fighting him should be your other call to wake up.
Now, let's add californian shit in form of nigress that they WILL continue pushing front and center as the alliance leader.
Turalyon has no place in the narrative outside being the sacrificial lamb for Alleria drama.
And finally - Yrel and her Light Crusade. If Turalyon won't die in THE, he will in Midnight. They set up the bad Light angle but they won't remove the side of the good Light guys.
That would be Anduin, nigress, Alleria's son, Velen. None of them will obviously die from the hand of the Light Crusade.
Turalyon on other hand is expendable. He will die, unfortunately, either in TWW or MN.
It's not being schizo, it's about analysis of the Blizzard writing that always was predictable and using classic tropes.
To the void's cold, tentacled embrace.
>Turalyon is orbiting around Alleria story
Exactly. Since Legion, there has never been Turalyon's POV chapter in novels. There was never any plot around him. It's obvious that Blizzard isn't interested in him, but is more interested in Alleria. Turalyon is expandable.
I was wondering where is the unexpected punch line in that.
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>killing off any of the few remaining WC2/WC3 characters who are all quite literally untouchable
>b-but Khadgar!
So show me his body.
Where horde charagders?
agreed. I'm thinking TWW plot will be super predictable but I'm praying metzen proves me wrong.
Nobody cares about Liadrin or Calia
>. It's obvious that Blizzard isn't interested in him, but is more interested in Alleria.
you say "blizzard" isn't interested, i say "trannies"
the fuck is with every leader being a woman now? if thats true why did they kill sylvanas? who gives a fuck about the world tree honestly
>Khadgar has died should be your recent call to wake up.
They killed Varian and made Thrall fuck off because Metzen, who voiced both of them, decided to quit, or at least that's what they said back then.
So who knows what is behind this decision.
>2 more weeks
What are you talking about? TWW releases in august
I would say you have a point, but the fact that Metzen is back, who created Turalyon/Alleria and has always loved Paladins, makes doubt it desu
Metzen do not care anymore.
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they can't even fix his sitting pose

they don't care about turalyon at all
All the women ITT just imagined throating his dick at the throne.
your mom
>If thats true why did they kill sylvanas?
They didn't kill her, they brought back arthus and killed him again and sent her to purgatory because the cat lady writers are doing everything in their power to rehabilitate her image after afriasabi had her torch the tree.
my mum would love turalyon THO
Didnt play the heritage questline for undead huh? she appears there as a spirit
only people who are dead can have spirits be astrally projected to an earthen plane or w/e the fuck
as far as i know she is dead
she was knocked down at the top of torghast in a cinematic
if more happens after that with her then i have not yet seen it because i am only now playing through SL (no spoils pls!)
i don't have a twatter. is there a normal place this is posted?
you have to go back retard
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>this entire post
>if more happens after that with her then i have not yet seen it because i am only now playing through SL (no spoils pls!)
Are you fucking for real dude? Do you tell people what happens in movies you haven't watched too? Stupid nigger.
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harry potter won the triwizard cup
Go back to xiv faggot.
how, did he flip over the railing near The Great Anvil?
Anduin lost, Yrel won.
Me on the left.
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>She used to cover WoW news quite concisely back in the day.
No she didn't - she showed off her tits that's the only reason you like her.
Hazel the dangerhair who cuts her hair short because she doesn't want to cut her wrists like her thighs yet? That woman is one bad day from sticking her cat in the oven and killing herself onstream live.
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me in the middle


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>tranny with skirt



Having a moment, schitzo?
The only schizo is you, tranny faggot
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>tranny fox mount for gay furries
Stop talking to yourself shitzo
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yes but this
wait, y'all do mog reviews now? I should post my WIP from the last 8 years.

you can get 2 - 3 levels for (60-70 bracket)doing the midsummer fires following teh zygor path. pirate versions exist out there.
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what the living fuck am I gonna do with 2 hunters, 21 ret pallies and two warriors in remix along with my retail max levels? FUUUUUCK.
ret pally may be even more retarded easy than BM hunter, but it's fun! What, are you one of those Fight Club austistic number crunching faggots?
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weapon, shield, rings, cloak, neck AND trinkets. Set pieces you can convert at the tyrhold vendor converting regular gear into set gear.
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Nah, I just like how a class feels. Ret pally is fun, but I want to *feel* like a Warrior, y'know? Arms does fantastic damage it just feels a little awkward and clunky with Cleave.
I do agree Ret is fun it's just not my style all the time. I can enjoy it but gotta mix it up before I get bored of it.
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switch to cat form while bear tanking? I'm too lazy with for that.
How the fuck they manage to get more content than TWW?
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You sound panicked; jealous over the fun they have.
GODDAMNIT I need that fucking hat. over a hundred boulders to go and I don't do dailies with my faction toon so I'm fucked.
>more content
Such as...?
Isn't that the meta in cata though?
Blood as main tank, solo tanking if possible, feral offtanking when needed, otherwise cat.
what's the problem with that mount?
there's no problem i was just answering him how they will get arouind huge zones in tww
dynamic ground travel
another feature stoleen from gw2 because americans are creatively bankrupt and have to copy from europeans :)
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*Chair breaks*
so what I fuck kids - GET USED TO IT!!!!!
We ran out of nazi scientists. Can you resupply us?
no, the rest are in russia

just so you guys know this is what it looks like in gw2
>6 years ago
and it's really good
i doubt blizz will implement the charged jump but i hope they will
even fags used to be funnier back then
i want out of this nightmarish timeline
Tarisland already has charge movements for ground mounts as well so WoW is going to copy them.
I mean if you do normal raids early on you can probably get an impression of the LFR raids
They may as well have let you interact more with the opposite faction in remix, there's no PvP anyway and you are all there on a deeper purpose
He aint dead. Kidnapped with most of dalaran

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