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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

It's really funny that Miquella abandons st Trina (his female aspect) then leaves a gay little cross saying "here I abandon my indecision and vacillation." Pretty based and redpilled fromsoft.
Can anyone drop me a Millicent Prothesis on PC?
I thought his St Trina cross was the "I abandon here my love"
so whats the loar behind madness niggers being invincible
>Dragon Communion is endorsed by Placidusax
Huh, didn't except something like this in the DLC. Shame about me turning into a Magmawyrm.
>cerulean coast
literally what is the point of this place other than being nice to look at for about 5 minutes
it is, anon is either retarded or pretending to be
just download hexinton's table and spawn it in.
Highest Scooby-Doo level one can get without fighting any bosses? I think it's about 18 or 19 since Gaius blocks five.
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>kills the person who would be the best monarch to prove monarchy is a shit system
>leave peasants to figure shit out
>literally plans to spend the next 1000 years entirely on her own on her "dark path" before the tarnished rizzed her up
What did she mean by this?
I wanna do another DLC run but how do I do it?
new save and use cheat engine to quickly get me there?
What are the odds of me getting banned if I play with this?
I don't care about PvP but I do like seeing bloodstains and the messages people leave.
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What's the verdict on Euporia?
they're untouchable
has anyone powerstanced the Milady?
is their powerstance moveset good?
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Miquella... I still believe... in our shared dream
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About to send my character into the dlc, how are the new weapons? I was looking at perfumer bottles for quick status application, do they have good base damage?
Placidusax probably doesn't care about humans and just sees them as walking weapons
can you say the m-word now at least
Cool weapon idea whose AoW you will literally never ever get to use to any great effect
it will do more damage with magic affinity because it's a magic ash.
Might as well just use Rellana's at that point
Reminder Miquella sucked. He tries to synthesize what Marika did naturally to become a god. Even going back to the base game. He is inferior to Marika in every way and ALWAYS has been.
>resting at site of grace while never being able to end the DLC

I'm sorry Miquella... by waiting idly and hoping I thought our dream could be fulfilled... I realize now that the best future can only be brought about by my own hands... perhaps in a way this DLC is a gift reminding me to bring all I have to bear upon the world... not relying on grace to grant it to me
>Spend hours upon hours trying to kill Fujo Radahn with the two summons
>Decide to just go it alone
>Beat him on my first try
Jesus Christ, summons just make the bosses harder at this point
>to prove monarchy is a shit system
Shut up jew.
St.Trina stuff.
That said I'm kind of shocked just how much shit is tucked away for exploration.
>>marika wants to be resurrected and fuck the tarnished herself
>>marika wants ranni to become a god and fuck the tarnished
where is that said or implied
Why is the boss fight music so generic
Rellana's have shit scaling and a shit super duper over the top anime bullshit AoW
dvine beast lion is great fuck you
I used antspur rapier with poison coating and raptor of the mists to defeat gaius and im not ashamed
>mimic tears can use the eternal sleep pots and charming branches
Thanks a lot Miquella. Now I can roleplay as a date rapist.
my plan was to basically do that, plus grand merchant mod to save me some time running around. my understanding is you can cheat in non-cut content equipment freely, but getting key items for progress before reaching the correct flags can get you banned, so i was just gonna cheat to the bosses and fight them normally with my build and just do like a boss gauntlet thing up to the DLC zone.
.....you have a heart of gold....don't let them take it from you.....
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how did rolling sparks make it into the game in this state?
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>About to send my character into the dlc
I will never understand this level of retardation.
The whole point of becoming Elden Lord is become the consort of the God-in-charge, meaning Marika.
She's literally guiding you to become her husband/wife.
NTA, but Grace is Marika guiding (You) on your path to becoming Elden Lord and marrying her, but considering her Grace also guides you to becoming Ranni's consort she must be ok with either outcome, especially since there's no guidance when it comes to the Frenzied Flame shit
Wish we'd have gotten Ranni at our side as her consort in the final fight so show which pair is stronger.
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I'm assuming this is a boss so I think I've explored everything and now have 3 bosses to fight; whatever this is, Messmer or that boar rider. Who should I fight first?
What are some good strength/arcane weapons?
>Get Electrocharge
>Oh wow cool it's like a damaging aura let's try it out
>tickles enemies for 20-30 damage a second
What did Miyazaki mean by this?
Radahn swords.
just fought divine beast lion and holy shit, besides the camera fucking up several times the visuals were amazing
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>marika is expressly shown to be a racist and genocidal
>marika just wants tarnished to have an elden lord
>promotional(canon) tarnished is a male
>refuses to allow her gay sons to take her role so she's homophobic too
>points you towards her or ranni's goals showing they're not contradictory in a way she cares for
>it needs to be a heterosexual male
>doesn't care if it's her or ranni
>game establishes that the runes not just rennala's can be used to produce kids
>ranni can still canonically get pregnant
>the only ending where melina turns on you is the frenzy ending which makes reproduction impossible
>Marika's entire motivation is for the player to MARRY AND REPRODUCE
>Even if you don't choose her she's wholly okay with ranni taking her place so she supports rannifags too
Is marika /ourgal/? Marikachads WON. Rannichads WON. Frenzied cucks lost.
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Doing a fresh run that is gonna beeline for the DLC, should I go ARC or INT? I'm hearing horror stories about how INT got fucked in the DLC.
Fight that one, it'll be fun.
>She's still fighting the sunflower
I can save her
Do yall think they'll nerf the Fire Knight's Greatsword? The AR I get on it is ABSURD.
Those scale off of strength and arcane?!
Most of the incants and spells are meant for PVP, they're useless for the rest of the content.
This was a really cool boss, good luck.
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Yes. You have to beat Skibbles three times in a row. Fortunately it takes chunky damage.
Nvm I'm illiterate, thought u said str/int.
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Malenia is proof that Marika's hips run in the family, meaning all women born of Marika are endowed with ass. ergo, redhead ranni had a fat butt
does the weapon skill scale off of faith
What are the lore implications of the Shaman Villiage?
Why does Minor Erdtree need 70 faith to cast for a fucking heal
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Whats their endgame?
Is it worth me making this change? I use frost on all my other weapons just because I only have level 12 arcane and 15 faith so speccing into blood is pointless for me but frost scales with weapon level so I've always used it and it has a decent buff to damage occasionally.

I'm 36 strength
50 dex
30 int
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>200 damage
>300 damage
shit game
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It was an rl1 all remembrance run I completed last year! I just finished the dlc on my main file and am feeling confident enough to begin on my rl1 run, the new weapon possibilities are exciting (but I don't know if they'll beat the good ol' giant hunt greatsword)
>Miquella shatters his great rune
>his soldiers in the Haligtree still suicide bomb you even though they're free from his mind control
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i see, makes sense
>lore implications
Marika's home, her people were enslaved and tortured and stuffed into pots by the Hornsent, which is why Marika has such a genocidal hateboner for them.
INT got literally the strongest AoW in the game since release. stronger than Hoarfrost probably
People are morons
>completed every fight solo so far
>going up the mountain killing filthy drakeniggers
>Igon being an absolute madlad wants me to summon him for Bayle even though he doesn't have legs
I mean how can I not?
What's the best bleed build right now?
>tarnished, finger maidens, get married
bravo Michael Zachery
>ended up killing Romina before Messmer
>kill messmer
>rest at the grace
>there's some NPC there
>get distracted by something and rest at the grace again
>NPC is gone
wtf did I miss?
I've done a solid 60% of this DLC's content completely out of order and irreversibly fucked quest progression on just about every quest
Which one? The divine lion stomp?
Anyone even use Miquella's Light yet? I haven't heard fuck all, good or bad, about it which is really weird for an orbital laser spell.
My sigma female
Fromsoft keeps making the NPCs associated with killing dragons the coolest motherfuckers.
Carian Sovereignty. I really hope they don't nerf it.
ive seen the webms where it nukes everything
Marika's people were shamans, they were seen as inferior by the hornsent, who believed that the shamans only purpose was to be cut up and made into jars, the fleshy things in the gaols are marika's people. After she became a god she returned the village and to remember her fallen people she put a minor erdtree there, offered a lock of her hair to the chief, and personally commanded two tree sentinels to protect it, along with Messmer
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Only took 4ish days.
it nukes people's FPS
We're like Pajeets to the dragons, who are the like the Canadian / Japanese government. They probably consider us a lower form of life, but they're willing to put up with us trying to fuck their smoking hot dragon babes and pretend we're dragons too because we're useful to them. We just eat dragon hearts and turn into ugly wyrms instead of knowing computer science and stimulating the economy.
Why would she eat and drink with her bottom arms and game with her top arms? Makes 0 sense
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Thoughts on Shadaversity possibly being responsible for influencing Milady's moveset?

>getting hoverhanded by your own boywife
I'll try it out once I beat the DLC with my Jeanne d'Arc build, but 72 Fth is a pretty high asking price.
Man, I just realized that the Original Sin isn't anything Marika did, it's the Hornsent who built their sacriligeous Crucible Tower then sacrificed thousands of shaman people to create the Divine Gate at the top of it to try and reach their gods.
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is this in the DLC?
>Greatsword patterned after the black steeple of the Helphen, the lampwood which guides the dead of the spirit world.
>The lamplight is similar to grace in appearance, only it is said that it can only be seen by those who met their death in battle.
Holy fucking based
How did dragon fights become so shit?
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Whats the recommended skibidi level for Bayle? I'm at +12.
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>Make a mentally ill troon who starts giving birth to abominations in his pursuit to be a "mother"
How did Miyazaki get away with this?
Interesting, thanks for the spoonfeed.
Now that we know that /ourguy/ Mohg was actually innocent, was Radahn also getting manipulated by Miquella or is he a gay pedo?
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Wait... Does she really?
So you have to use a greatshield huh
Post build? Well, armour & weapons really.
>Rape Victim
>Pig Man
Everyone else is fine. I’m Miyazaki btw.
>all the bad guys are homos and troons
wtf chudizaki??????
>Thoughts on (Insert faggot speak here)
lmao not a chance, no one is paying attention to that grifter goon. He's too full of himself for thinking he's an influence on anything.
There's a reason the majority of the medieval arms community severed all ties with him. He's an insufferable fool.
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is there a limit on message appraisals? i've noticed that every time i start the game i get about 5 appraisals in the first couple minutes but then after that i literally never get any more even if i play for hours
also, the only messages that get appraised are the ones i put down two years ago, none of my new messages have gotten a single appraisal even though they're in high-traffic dlc spots
Was it ever implied to be forbidden by the dragons?
being a Thin Beast Bones farm
>demi-human boss with Yoda's INTsaber (this area is kind of like a little open world dungeon)
>mausoleum boss
>ghostflame dragon
>stone coffin fissure
>leads to the finger ruins for Ymir's quest
It's just an interstitial area that happens to have some content in it. It needed a catacomb / cave or something, though. I really wanted to go inside of one of those stone coffin ships.
This is from the base game
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Dryleaf Arts and Dane's Footwork are the greatest weapons FromSoftware has ever created.
As high as possible. I beat it at 17 with ng+5 scaling, not sure if he's necessarily harder than Radahn, but he certainly took me more tries
I did it at 9
Thank you for posting this and informing me. Cheese for cheese
It's shit
Does anyone have a weapon poise spreadsheet ?
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does it look like i missed anything crucial so far? i've only beat 2 remembrance bosses and am now on the dragon
I remember watching this dude's video on castles long ago.
bro turned a demigod into a cloak gg
Hearing the priestess gush about Lord Placidusax when I killed him is pretty funny, wish there was an option to tell her I killed him
It's ok, I'm casting with 80/80 fai/arc and doing decent damage, it's not obscenely good but its good and cool enough to where you can certainly use it as much as you like
Imma be honest, the exploration doesn't feel rewarding at all. Most areas are just vast in space with literally nothing in there (Jagged Peak, I'm talking about you). They could have placed a random Rune[10] there in some random place you can go, but no, there is nothing. The only worthwhile thing I found by exploring so far war the Two-Handed talisman.
I think I'll just stop playing right now and come back once 100% walkthroughs are out, because finding stuff out by myself just hasn't been fun. I seriously spent like 40 minutes looking for stuff in that path you take to the Coast and there's literally nothing. It's very frustrating to me, at least with walkthroughs I'll know exactly where to go.
I haven't struggled with any boss so far, it's just this aspect of the DLC that is turning me off right now.
there's a very merchanlike tendency for rats to copy good messages and repost them a few feet before so they can farm the points instead. normies are retarded herd animals and give points to the first message they see.
It makes a lot of sense if you put it like that.
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>not a single proper Paladin-like Faith ultra/colossal greatsword in the entire game even after the DLC
>the closest thing being the weapons from the final boss of the DLC, except that for some reason they fucking require INT
>most colossal swords require fucking INT

I hate this fucking game so much man. It's impossible for me to make the type of character I want to, and even to try it requires me to have so much stats that I would be pushing toward level 200 which is dumb and cringe.

The itemization, level system, and multiplayer system are all so badly designed.
If I haven't started NG+ on this save does it affect the bosses in the dlc? Harder, easier?
I give up. Fuck this game, fuck miyazaki, fuck fromsoft, fuck all nu souls fans and fuck you.
Perfumer cheese here I go.
>tfw thought Robinswords was a bigger faggot
Wouldn't surprise me, because I remember around release of the base game when a couple people became nigh immortal with popular messages due to everyone funnelling into the exact same locations.
What the fuck was the point of Romina, she came out of nowhere, with 0 buildup and made 0 sense to have that scarlet rod zone there guarding the tree.

Also how the fuck did Miquella get to Enis Illim before you when he didn't even have a body (was in the cocoon)
I've seen several messages with thousands of appraisals. You can game the system a little by exiting the game and starting over. for whatever reason I get barraged by updoots in the first few minutes after starting the game and then they become more and more sparse as I play. If you quit and reload regularly you'll get more praise. Granted you'll need the message to be good enough for someone to want to praise it in the first place.
ACTUALLY there's more confirmation. We see ranni's corpse, proportionally it's ass is larger than marika's and radagon's. We also know that fat burns and she's a charred corpse. Her ass was even fatter when she was alive. We also know that radagon had a fat ass too. It's entirely possible that, besides the omens and messmer, every single demigod male or female was born with a dumbtruck of an ass. Infact it's wholly possible that melina is hiding a massive ass too.
Bro, your god killing black flame or destined death???
Spirit body
She's just a prophet of the rot goddess as a reason to have scarlet rot in the game.
uhhh your fire knight greatsword?
>There's a reason the majority of the medieval arms community severed all ties with him.
Because he isn't a cuck to progressive politics, they just hate that he's outspoken and popular.
Bone Fist still reigns for Hadoukens. Guess I'll just have to use incantations to substitute.
What year was this game made in?
Anyone managed to find a map that shows all the remembrance mausoleum thingies for the dlc?
Yeah why the fuck do Radahn's new swords need fucking INT?
The summons on Radahn scale him way too much, if you go in alone you hit him way harder
correct me if i'm wrong, the reason they need int is because radahns swords have GRAVITY damage, which effects certain monsters, right? the dlc ones. im not spoiling myself on much so I don't know, i'm guessing this is why people think that meteoric new one is "bugged" for having int no scaling and arc.
Can't remember it off the top of my head. Commander's Standard is the main weapon, though.
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>greatshield poke build
>put my sign down for radahn/miquella
>effortlessly get to phase 2 and then some, tanking the boss and poking him with poison/rot and frost
>host instantly dies to the meteor transition every single time
Marais Executioner Sword. It’s blender ash of war is pretty sick
Blood Infused Bloodfiend's Arm? That gives you C/B Str and Arcane scaling plus some hefty bleed. There's also the Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword, although that completely foregoes status despite being a Str/Arc weapon.
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>died a lot to the avatar tree but finally killed
>back to exploration
>walk into a open field
>big boar running full speed at me

aaaaaa another dying session....
They added a fantastic paladin weapon that has a unique effect if you spec it to Sacred, it's built for paladins.

Black steel greathammer
Jesus you fuckers weren't joking about Bayle
I give up on Radahn after 4 hours banging my head against a wall. Probably the first time in the DLC I stopped having fun. Maybe I'm just too old but half of his p2 attacks feel too fast to even tell what is going on and react to properly. I even had the fight bug out a couple times in different ways, one of which a second Radahn spawned during p2 which just stood there and didnt attack, but my mimic kept attacking despite him being invulnerable. I dont think I've ever had a boss bug out like this before in a FROM game, weird.
Anyway I feel they will probably nerf him when all the normies playing 2 hours a day get to him and get completely filtered.
It's Hornsent crying because you didn't summon him for Messmer, even though all he does if you do is strafe back and forth in the corner of the room
I don't care about fat asses, only fat tits
Redpill me on a few DLC things.
Is the damage still cranked the fuck up? 2-3 shot by everything at 60~ vig?
What are the bosses like? Is Malenia the baseline? More shit like her?
How balanced the weapons/spells/etc vs the base game? Are they just way better?
they made swapping a lot more restricted to avoid shit like bowglitch
Which dlc incantations deal holy manage? Or, how can you tell if an incantations deals holy damage?
He's just joking.

They hate that he's Mormon and getting more sponsorships than they ever got despite trying to position themselves as docents and historians. They don't understand how much entertainment drives engagement.
>The real reason messmer was banished was because he had no ass
Deepest lore.
Coop in this dlc is impossible because you’re scaled down to the hosts skibidi level and nobody ever fucking levels it
>attempt to summon
>summon failed
>every time
am I shadow banned?
Bros I'm kind of having fun fighting Radahn...
How do you dodge the ghost overhead though, that's pushing my shit in
He's making each try much more bearable.
is that why co-oping bosses is so much harder as a summon than as the host?
>It's Hornsent crying
I never even met this motherfucker or knew he existed until the gank fight pre-radahn
I did a shit ton of exploring but all in the perfectly wrong order to miss just about everything
I'm conflicted, anons. I want to do either a bloody katana build (Dex/Arc) or a dragon build with beast claws. Are beast claws a viable weapon through the whole game?
>hefty bleed

Yeah hefty is right
The rot dragon guarding the entrance to the Caelid church can be considered that, along with the obvious "hey, don't fucking kill and eat me"
I vaguely remember some other things that would imply Drakes don't want to be used for Dragon Communion.
Ancient Dragon's being fine with it kind of makes sense, none of the Ancient Dragon's you kill drop Dragon hearts, so you can't even do communion with them, meanwhile Magmawyrms and Drakes all drop hearts for this.
It's still kind of a shock that Placidussax invented it though
Best crutch for a shitter?
restart the game
>we also know that fat burns
>fat burns
>kindling maiden
>fat burns
It writes itself.
Good point. Is there any more of that in the dlc? Probably my favorite effects
read the spells item descriptions
the fallen leaves tell a story
I did it in 4 tries at 12, but I summoned Igon because what am I going to do, NOT summon Igon?
Does he still come to kill you if you fight alongside him against Leda and summon him for Messmer?
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Marika really did nothing wrong.
No everybody is trying to summon help right now
>Marika did nothing wrong.
>Malenia did nothing wrong beyond being too trusting of her brother.
We had it all wrong all along bros.
Can anyone drop me a Mohg's spear? I don't want to have to do NG+ to be able to get two.
I thought his issue was that he's too honest with his opinions
Marika's hatred and rejection of Omens and treatment of Morgott and Mohg make a lot more sense (although that's still a horrendous way to treat your kids).
If we sided with the FF and Melina leaves us, wouldn’t she kill our character later on when we burned the whole place?
The game saves appraisals that happened when you were offline and gives you one every minute or so when you're back online, so that you can potentially make use of the heals.

I don't know if this is true, it's just logical.
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I gave up
There isn't a single person who would look at Prime Radahn (forma de faggot) using all those light beams, and think
>he's STR/INT
Fuck you, Miyazaki. Make those swords single greatswords instead of a forced paired colossal, and have them scale with STR/FAI.
Marika ended their kind for a reason
>4v4 with (You) Ansbach Thiollier Mimic:^) vs Leda Moore Dane Frejya
I held the left stick and as long as the first one didn't hit they all missed.
>He thinks he is entitled to the first servings of the limited amount of players putting summon signs down for others vs the many trying to summon.
>Lesser dragons?
>Feed them to the humans
>Gets third head gnawed off by Bayle
>this will never be (You)
How does that make you feel? You might as well go ahead and use summons.
No it means someone else got to the sign first.
we all did
Just killed Romina

Am I suppose to continue here or somehow go to the right side of the map, north of Shadow Keep?
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what was leda's fucking problem
>Is the damage still cranked the fuck up? 2-3 shot by everything at 60~ vig?
Good luck surviving 3 hits without reaching max scadu tree shit
>What are the bosses like? Is Malenia the baseline? More shit like her?
Abit of everything really, but yeah they are hyper aggressive and hyper mobile, with long combo strings that punish you insanely for getting tagged
>How balanced the weapons/spells/etc vs the base game? Are they just way better?
Weapons wise, some are good some are dogshit

Faith has a ton of new good shit that is miles better than what it had before, meanwhile sorceries kinda got shafted with only like 3 being good, the rest being gimmicky shit that was clearly designed for pvp
Radahn's a scholar, mate. The only reason he knows magic at all was so he could ride his horse without crushing him.
I can drop u one if u drop me something good
Where does one get this raw chicken leg?
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I fucking give up.
I refuse to fight this piece of shit furnace golem that you can't stagger to death any longer.
Placidussax is a cool dude, what can I say.
>helped hornsent against leda
>did the ainsbach/freyja interaction at the keep
>hornsent's summon sign doesn't appear at messmer
>leda isn't at highroad cross
>there are no summon signs where ainsbach was to help him against leda
Is my game just fucked?
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So can we all agree that these 4 won?
>marika and ranni were proven right and are the only canonical love interests with marika supporting ranni if tarnished does her quest
>morgott was proven right to send his einsatzgruppe after tarnished and omens and was rewarded by being de-omenfied at the end
>mohg beat the pedo allegations and is actually a victim of a homosexual groomer
>all of godfreys descendants turn out to be based, even nepheli, and his potential descendant if hero class, the tarnished, gets to succeed him and either bang marika or ranni, proving beyond all reasonable doubt that his descendants are the best
The light beams are from Miquella. Radahn has always been a STR/INT chad.
it's bugged. only the lightning and frenzy bottles do that much damage, imo the extra particles from those effects are unintentionally also doing damage. the other bottles do more reasonable damage levels, though still pretty good.
>Had to kill autistic shieldbro even though I thought I did his questline.

What the fuck? Why did the game put this shit on me?

>"Sad... forever?"
this is some shaolin monk shit.
The closest thing would be the huge structure/arc at the base of the Scadutree.
God damn the smithscript spear is nuts. You should not be able to hit for a few thousand at range for literally no fp cost.
>tfw 1v1 duel with Leda while the other three hold of the rest
Most kino moment of the DLC, DESU
Moore was dead when I got to that part. the fuck invaded me because I killed some rot bug accidentally
I got one from that church early on with all the chubby big guys
i miss when it was a malenia miquella weapon
how do i get here

it does aoe damage on cast but yeah it's still shit
craft hefty furnace pots, find elevation (always is a spiritspring near those specific Golems), chuck the pots into it's flaming hole of a head. Takes like 3-4 pots and it's down.
I didnt burn the tree yet bc im doing quests
previous souls games looks so much more simpler in terms of boss design compared to er
like, people were struggling against this?
What prolonged exposure to shota worship does to a person.
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>MFW the yoda and runebear bosses are more fun than the main ones
Let Miquella kiss you and you'll understand.
it's called skadussy
It was a different time. Demon Souls was considered hard when it came out. In a few years we may look back at ER and think the same.
How? I legit don’t know where to go

I’ve finished Midra and Mesmer

Is there another way out of Shadow Keep?
Zero chance of another DLC expansion after this, right?
level 13 and it took me an hour of dying in the last phase at 20%
switched to the dragon katana and destroyed him
1. eat your fucking skibidi fragments and actually invest in damage negation (30% is fucking FREE with opaline hard tear and crab, by the way) if you want to tank things.
2. bosses range from Morgott to Malenia in terms of difficulty, a few here and there that are easier, especially in the open world
3. it's a mixed bag. some are very strong, some are balanced, some are weak. the good thing is that there are very few "dud" weapons like ivory sickle, the imp hatchet, etc. that have no redeeming qualities. yes, there's an imp hatched in the DLC, but it at least has a unique skill that's funny.
>In a few years we may look back at ER and think the same.
A scary thought to be honest.
Why is the frenzy flame forest so full of life?
I thought that shit destroyed everything?
Not create a weird fucked up ecosystem based around it.
Who /takingitslow/ here?
Started playing on release and just beat Rellana without cheating (no summons/shields/ashes/bleed). Just pure old dodges and the occasional parry.
>first playthrough of the DLC
>my main is on NG+2
>fourth time I got Radahn to sub-20%
I hate this fucking fight so much and I'm fucking stupid for picking this character
Is there any way to have Moore fight on your side? Can I prevent this dude from dying at all? Please?
Zero. All ER content is done.
ER 2 though, that's been a talking point.
Radahn is THE gravity magic guy.
me too, just got to putrescent knight while all my friends are already done by just abusing mimic, as usual
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>lamenter transformation has black flame vfx
GEQfags got fucked
Do ghostflame dragons drop anything cool or can I continue skipping them
Yo. Only done 3 remembrance bosses so far, currently working on Messmer.
>you get to have 1 hit before running away, you deal miniscule damage and if you get hit by anything you die
Considering the current design direction, this will be the average boss fight in a couple more Soulslike titles by From Slop
>accidentally lvled to 155
practically yes. but who knows. the IP is insanely popular. making new DLC is probably cheaper than making a sequel from scratch. there's still lore stuff they could work with. more they could add.
And we'll still be piloting the same bumbling rolling retard from ds1. Chilling to think about
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I prefer skadoosh.
Is 46134 HP too much?
yet it's still the most visceral dragon fight in these games (ok I haven't fought Bayle yet so I might change my mind soon). Something I've noticed is that his forward momentum is a lot more reasonable, you can sort of naturally predict the range of attacks
You either tell to be sad forever and he dies or you tell him to suck it up and he fights you. And dies.
i thought bale won the fight against placidusax because he cut 3 of his heads.
but now that i saw him i can confidently say he 100% lost, placidusax defiled him, no left leg, right wing arm fucked up with the bones sticking out.
what a loser.
Well that's disappointing. I'll wait for a sale.
>just use crab!
You don't get it.
No, they're working on Oceans below the Erdtree DLC, which will feature the GEQ and retcon all of the retcons in this DLC.
the one after u leave the ruins with the monk? U can easily kill with any holy weapon/art

I killed in NG+2 easily, just kill the soldiers first
Ancient dragon smithing stones and somber ancient dragon smithing stones
Honestly I'm thinking of pushing up to 170ish.
That's the third transformation?
where did you find it?
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poor lanky ass messmer
i've only beaten 4 of the main bosses so far. haven't gotten to Bayle, haven't beaten Messmer yet. gonna hold off on Messmer until i do more of the side content.
He's literally the only NPC I give a shit about. Dude had me mourning him after 3 instances talking to him.
I call them doodoo fragments
Didn't they already confirm no more dlc, but the possibiity of a sequel?
Go left before the path to Belurat, through the cave tunnel. It's in Prospect Town where a bunch of Bloodfiend's are chilling.
>at level 5 skibidee
>games too fucking hard man
>explore a bit, get to level 14 skibidee
>steamrolling every boss I encounter
God fucking damnit why the fuck did From design it like this? I wish there was a way to revert the upgrades, I literally just smacked Bayle around like he was a pinata.
>it's called skadussy
Because different people will get to the DLC at different times.
Do I break Fia's quest if I give D's armor to D before reaching the Deeproot Depths?
Optimization patch when? This dlc runs so fucking poorly.
What the fuck would they even do for the story/world for a sequel to take place?
why do u care? I have no problems invading or helping people while being 240
I feel like they kept the janky hitboxes of pre-nerf radahn on consort radahn I swear his shit hits weird and don't get me started on phase 2. Miquella's nuke and orbital drop is just not fair.
The worm pill...
Snakes are wyrms
Wyrms are worms
Worms are parasites...
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This dlc is demoralizing. It's both the fact that every enemy and boss is cbt inducing, but at the end of all that struggle you find out the boy you were interested in is already fucking chad. Humiliation ritual.
the ghost poker AOW as a generic AOW you can use on anything. but it's only good if you're STR/INT.
Killed Rellana, Putrescent Knight and Bayle. Probably going to Belurat right now.
>Marika absolved of any guilt
>Faithchads have won ever single Fromsoft game with the sole exclusion of Dark Souls II, the worst one

How does it feel INTfaggots? You may have Ranni but we have MARIKA
>optimization patches
good one
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What scadutree level should I be for this fight?
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why are elden ring players like this
The boy will kiss you if you let his man choke you first.
I feel like the story would have been a little bit better if it was made more clear to the player, at least by the mid-late game, that miquella sees the player as a threat.

they could keep the beginning of the DLC as-is, but the plot twist point would begin at messmer, who would again largely be the same, with the major difference being that it sticks to the cut dialogue where he not only name drops miquella, but that miquella told him who you are.
that would explain not only why he knows we're a tarnished lord-sanctioned by marika, but reveal to the player that miquella is both friendly with messmer, but also went out of his way to warn him about us. this could itself be used as a more fleshed out explanation for messmer's disgust and panic in regards to fighting us, as he would see us as a direct threat to miquella's divinity.

this could then segue more naturally towards a reveal that the growth around the belurat being deliberately set by miquella to keep the player out, and the miquella followers becoming antagonistic to the player as they all figure out that you were never guided by miquella, and are in fact an enemy.
>I've come to a realization...
>Without Miquella literally mind controlling me, I'm very suspicious of other people
>Anyways, I'm going to kill everyone, bye
that's why you kill him and chad, and then get summoned to help other people kill them
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>marika doesn't mind ranni's questline being done or ranni taking her place and fucking the tarnished
Is it okay if I commission a comic of marika forcing ranni's face into the tarnished's crotch before nodding approvingly with godfreys ghost givingba thumbs up in the background then marika crumbling away?
>Marika absolved of any guilt
The only way the timeline of this DLC makes sense is if Messmer was born in Leyndell and lived among his family for a while but then got sent on a crusade into an already-sealed Shadowlands and Marika trapped him
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>oh damn this weapon is cool as fuck
>use it
>it fucking SUCKS
bros... why does this keep happening
does the DLC have a single weapon that's good AND fun?
night mist?
>boy you were interested in
Speak for yourself, faggot pedophile.
they do magic damage
>born with snake parasites in him
what the fuck is wrong with Marika's ovaries?
They're gonna nerf pefumes into the ground because of this, aren't they?
>Using a cheat
You didn't beat the DLC.
>why can't i face tank things without investing in face tanking
messmer is why everybody hates snakes, not because they hate messmer, but because they hate what happened to him.
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Whatever. I see swords that shoot out yellow beams, I think STR/FAI. Didn't need three weapon paired colossal based on Radahn that all scale the same. I would even settle for the weapon skills being ashes we could put on weapons.
>Perfume bottles
They're a little busted. I think RL1 characters could do good dmage with them.
Messmer was born at the same time as Melina (hes melina's twin). But he was cursed with SNAKES so Marika sent him to the Shadowland and he started purging things.
backhand blades look good if you're a dexfag.
>lonely mentally unstable woman develops psychotic obsession with underage male figure
>goes ballistic and becomes a danger to others when woken up from this delusion
many such cases
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So the endings are basically
>reestablish the same old order only you are Marika's next husband (who she will probably discard once she is done with you), (Demi)god Game of Thrones probably continues with the next litter
>reestablish the order in its purest form, with God Politics being banned and Marika having no say
>establish a new order, take it away from the planet, let people figure it out
>(not an ending but Miquella's goal): Establish an order where you take the free will of others away, making everything kind and peaceful but with people essentially mind controlled by you
>plunge the world into undeath
>Peepee poopoo

Lets say you were ACTUALLY there and had to make a choice.
What would you personally do? Assume letting Miquella win is also an option.
can't wait for dsp to get to bayle and radahn
Yes and? This all takes place after Marika married Godfrey and was giving birth to babies. The crusade is likely the last war in the war to conquer the Lands Between since Messmer knew about Tarnished and that means it was started after Godfrey was sent away.
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I said "I dont know" after the rune broke and didnt kill any forager bugs and he lived after the final boss but was a bit sad that everyone is gone and only I visit him
Felt fine at 8
>lets make a boss that attacks multiple times faster than a player can dodge
>how many attacks should we chain together for this?
>twelve, also give him one completely unavoidable AOE and two AOE's that require split second reactions to get out of
>also make him seduce the player

what the absolute fuck were they smoking?
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yeah lightning perfume
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>map makes it seem like something is here
>bunch of lamprey fucks on the path
>buncha these weird cunts huddled in one spot
>attempt returning at night
Anyone figured out what this spot is for?
anon the sparks are old news
>she doesnt suspect you until its too late
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vigor checking shitters so hard with these being +10 with jump attack talisman
Probably 8-10. I did it at 15 and it felt a little too easy.
according to unused dialogue he knew miquella so it had to have happened very late in the timeline.
Rykard MOGS Messnigger
The only moral decision is unironically Ranni. Any other choice is either idiotic or outright evil.
How do the new Dragon stones work?
Gold Mask won an argument with God. Maybe the austist had a point.
I'd pick his mending rune.
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>how to fight Rad like a gigachad

Everyone shut up about the lightning perfume. They're gonna nerf it, and I want to do an entire run of nuking shit with it.
His brother only shows up to gloat after she's dead iirc
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>kill marika and absorve everyone powers
>godhood and immortality
>run the whole thing with iron hand
>anyone that desobeys me deserve death

gg ez retards
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Must've tried this a dozen times before I managed to get 3 people in a row that didn't have big ass aoe weapon arts and bleed/frostbite shit that wrecked me
Inft/fth bros... how are you guys dealing with Radahn, any tips? Weapons? Sorceries? Incantations?
>if ranni's questline is done then marika's plan was just to get ranni, a carian, a family known for tragic romance, specifically the females, a bf so she can stop being a retarded seething femcel and properly take her place as goddess so she can finally die and be with her family. While also giving her a "fuck you have fun trapped as a god lmao" for killing her son
No matter how it's interpreted marika is a good lady. She's done nothing wrong. Ever. Not a single time in her life. I love her so much. She's the best wife/step-mother in law you could ask for.
play offline
>give hornsent soup
>help him against leda
>help him get revenge on messmer
>still invades me
whats his fucking problem
Based and True. Rykard joined with the Ultimate Snake and can only be killed by Snake Kryptonite. Messmer dies to some ice cube missiles. Absolutely pathetic. Volcano Manor Supremacy.
maybe post a screenshot and mark it on the map
>how do i get here
drain the church district
I was kinda disappointed by the cutscene where Radahn fucks Miquella in front of the player character. It felt somewhat patronising, after all I went through to finally see him.
Every single opponent to Marika's ideal ideology is either perverted, twisted, selfish or incompetent.

>"Tarnished thank you for the ring but I'm going on a journey through the cold dark of space to separate us from the influence of the gods and bring about turbo atheism to solve the problems that I myself created."


>"Undead should be allowed in the golden order. Since they aren't the golden order is faulty. Ignore the fact that I want a train ran on me by a zombie horde entirely and end life as we know it so that the undead can be a part of the golden order or none of us can."

>Acknowledges the good that the golden order brings despite pointing out a few flaws. Despite this, achieved absolutely nothing himself. Brings about the golden order only perfected without the greater wills influence.
He wants revenge
Anon you maybe have a wee. Start now.
Why do people think Miquella has only mind control powers? He supernatural charisma isn't mind control, it's literally making people fall in love with him. There isn't a point where you stop falling in love. It isn't like temporary confusion.
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for those having trouble with Radahn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YdPoYS6tpc
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Choosing anything but ranni is just contrarianism.
>someone will see us talking about lightning perfume and post on reddit for internet cred
>''creative creators'' will make 999 youtube guides about how to abuse the build
>build is now dead
we have 1 month max and this is being hopefull
item descriptions show he literally made items and spells that charmed people
lamenter gaol
I would unironically control the frenzied flame despite this apparently being impossible. hold my beer.
>without the greater wills influence.
Greater Will is still involved (except its absent, so he fucked up) only GODS are exempted (all dead anyways)
Goldcuck was retarded. DLC raped his character.
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How do you beat these guys? You can beat them, right?
anyone got any ideas?
Well, I did it. Beat Radahn at scadu level 14, which is definitely too soon.
Big thanks to Rolling Sparks, which is definitely getting nerfed.
gold mask got in an arguing match against an absentee and it killed him
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You're there to put the Incubus down as Ranni's champion. Or you're doing it wrong.
hornsent also uses blackflame shit.

my take is that the GEQ was specifically their queen, but they had a deep-seated fear of death that led to them supporting marika in revolution.
Balance/bug fix patch comes out this week, I think. Thursday or Friday.
Damn the Frenzied Flame got hands
Don't worry anon there's no way they'll totally gut it, right?
Why didn't the Tarnished just fuck the crazy out of her?
Parry them
INT got literally nothing worth using from the dlc
Will we ever get a boss as good as Gael or Isshin again? Feels like they're hitting a dead end on boss design.
>Shots in the trailer Miyazaki said were really important to the story and he can't spoil
>They're not in the game
How is he allowed to get away with bullshitting to this degree
What happened to the fun
Marika will lead you to ranni's quest if you do it. She's not an opponent to marika's ideals at all. That's the funniest part about it, she THINKS she is but is still one of her pawns. That's what makes marika so based. Every ending besides the frenzy benefits marika in some way.
Are those ghostly larval tears in the dlc a fixed amount?
I was willing to acquiesce that the goldmask won the most out of the people who lost but what kills the goldmasks character? I'm very interested to hear your point.
>first four sections of the video are Intro, Giveaway, Sponsor, and "Addressing the Level 713 Hate"
Yeah, no, fuck off and post a greentext instead, stupid frogposter
You cheated not only the game but yourself. You gained a hollow victory bereft of any meaning.
Ahh... I'm being healed....
The smithscript weapons are great. Except the daggers.
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>oh shit radahn is back we get to see him before he was crazy
>doesn't say a single unitary word
>anime spazzes on your character
Bravo Mitsubishi.
there are a ton of spots on the map that are clearly meant for items but never had anything put in them
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is the fucking perfume the only good FTH weapon in the DLC?
yeah man, it does charm them. It's not temporary. They literally fall in love with Miquella.
Why is Miquella such a brother fucking shota?
Is it Miyazaki's secret fetish?
>inb4 ">secret"
>bloodfiend arm has 200+ bleed build up
Holy shit what
just because she has some justification for her actions now doesn't make her any less of an insane bitch
Well, now that we know the Greater Will isn't communicating with anyone, and the Fingers are a sham, Ranni and Goldmask's ending seem like they'd result in the same thing, just with the Elden Ring and (you) being in space or not
Man Metyr was actually easy as shit, I was expecting another bullshit fight after Bayle.
For a quest also there's a talisman
New thorn sorcery is the best bleed thing in the game.

Carian Sovereignty is the best AoW in the game.

Glintstone nail (charged) is the best FP/DMG ratio in the game.

You are just retarded.
yes, making up random gibberish like they have been from all their other games is suddenly a lost art
>if ranni's questline is done then marika's plan is to help ranni stop being a seething femcel
Um...rannibros? Our response
I guess you can fth infuse the Great Katana
I'm really enjoying the fall for the Petruscent Knight every time I die.
>Ore greatsword has a stinger
How do I make a cuhrayzee build in this game
because all the demigods are related / because its hot
I'd probably just sit on the great runes for an indeterminate period of time like gideon. Before the DLC I would've said ranni but knowing the new lore there's basically no difference.
>Implying that fighting him "legit" has any meaning besides making you mad
Every single faith weapon is a good faith weapon.
>Flame art infuse milady
>Messmers spear
>75% of the faith spells are incredible or direct upgrades

Many such cases.
don't be a nigger, it can absolutely be used to ascertain when shit happened on a timeline when said timeline is a generally set-in-stone preconstruction.
Not possible, she'd reason herself into murdering you
Remember Gwyndolin?
>10 second fall every time
thank god he was so easy
>Radahn had his soul ripped out of his body and placed into an Omen
Why the fuck is Miquella like this
Not Holy, also more of a DEX weapon, which is another annoyance I have with the stat requirements they've put on colossal swords in this game, including the weapons I mentioned with their retarded 24 DEX requirement.
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God please help me and my autism. My insistence on role playing is really harming my ability to play the dlc. Some bosses are so fucking difficult with my rp setup, but my autism won't let me change it. Thank fuck there was a shield that matched my aesthetics, but it's a medium shield so it's not "ideal." This is truly suffering.
hehe delayed attack hehe
And the heavy attack seems to doubles it
It's called great katana
He wants revenge against Marika
You're Marika's bitch
Get it twisted.
Is the 400 blood loss buildup on the thorns spell a glitch or did from actually design it to do that, I've seen people proc bleed 3 times in 1 cast for 12-15k damage with the right setups. I feel an emergency nerf incoming
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Got only a couple bosses left and I havent really cast any spells.
Made this for DMG, but to be honest its gotten pretty boring at that point.
Was hoping the DLC would have some more weapons I can use or some cool sorceries but it seems like I will have to do a second run as STR/FTH instead if I want to have fun and try stuff out.
It also explains why the banished knights have dragon stuff in the armor and yet some of them can use Dragon Comunion spells like breathing fire, they were working for the Ancient Dragons.

An if you want to stretch a bit further, they could be Godwyn's/Golden Lineage man as they were banished from the capital after Godefroy/Godrick pulled their little stunt.
>He hasn't found euphoria
Never played a caster before.
Do you have to worry about FP flasks when progressing on levels or fightning bosses?
I'm a pure endure into charged heavy attack enjoyer so I don't know.
What's a good Scadu level for doing the drakes on Jagged Peak? I'm at 5 right now.
That's one hell of a tapeworm
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>malenia abandoned these cuties to depression and loneliness
I believe in the Tarnished. He can make miracles happen.
So did it turn out Miquella is the real villain or something?
Plays into marikas plans, order is still there, she gets to finally be at peace
Doomed to fail his entire plan was put in his head by a yandere shotacon
Brings back some aspect of her dead beloved son in the mending rune
Let's marika rule but without the stress involved with having the religion be all about her

Literally EVERY. SINGLE. Ending but fractured and frenzy is a win for marika. Every single one. Marika fucking won. She won so fucking hard. Its unreal how much she won.
I appreciate the advice and while it's a nice looking weapon I want to use colossals. I've been using them since Demon's Souls and prefer them over standard greatswords and greathammers.
>Missed out on Thollier's QL
Stone Fissure was blocked when I first found it, saying Miquella was blocking it so I figured I'd have to kill him first. Do the rest of the game, burn the tree, then I find out that IT'S BEEN OPEN THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME AND I HAD TO MEET THOLLIER THERE BEFORE I BURNED THE FUCKING TREE
You rike it? *Raughs*
If you wanna beat Bayle, you're gonna need at minimum 12
we did, he's called Mohg
20 because everything in this DLC has a bloated healthpool and that's the only way to make it not turn into a boring roll fest while you tickle down their health bar
>that leda fight
>fucked up a couple quests so the teams were even
>spammed buffs heals and twin moons behind my allies
kino kino kino kino
Parry them and it breaks whatever buff they have that makes them immortal
you do NOT have to actual parry them twice in row.
People are too busy getting mad about not being able to brag to their friends rather than getting mad about the destroyed lore
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bro your >>483348609 and cheese shield?
If he's so easy why am I still dying to him?
>50 vig
The only thing you beat was your own penis you failure.
Gofrey/Hoarah Loux is pretty good.
they started suicide bombing AFTER miquella left
it was never against her goals anon, she says so herself.

Make of thyselves that which ye desire. Be it a Lord. Be it a God. But should ye fail to become aught at all, ye will be forsaken. Amounting only to sacrifices...

the only thing marika did was tell us how to get to them, what came of that was entirely up to the demigod.
I'm not saying he didn't kill me like 20 times
But once he clicks he's a joke of a fight
IGNORING DIFFICULTY this is how I would rate the bosses

kino design and movesets
>Midra, Messmer, Rellana, Metyr, Putrescent
meh design and movesets
>Radahn, Scadutree, Dancion Lion
legitimately just shit

Shame because I think with some proper balancing (less damage, more downtime between attacks) at release, people would've considered many of these bosses some of FromSoft's best.
I did it at 7 with the dragon slayer katana and Igon, plus defense talismans and Alexander. I thought it was really easy, too.
Bro what? It feels like everything worth caring about is DEX and INT
Wait does this mean that no matter what, marika gets what she wants?
looks like he got stomped and took no damage at 13:40:22
Is endurance a meme?
The community jerks off difficulty so much that bosses being difficult over good is the natural endpoint.
Early game, mana management will be an important part of your gameplay, but when you get maxed out flasks + a good amount of mind youll essentially end up with what is basically infinite fp
Probably because you (a) are not using a holy weapon (hes very weak to it even on non fth builds) (b) are not dodging TOWARDS him and (c) arent jumping his aoe attacks.
FaithKINGS where we at?
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>Onze, a master swordsman who devoted himself to the Star-Lined Sword, realized that only ruin awaited at the end of the procession of stars, and imprisoned himself in order to forestall it.
A fucking DEMI-HUMAN realized the primeval current shouldn't be fucked with and Sellen didn't. That's actually hilarious, how is she so stupid?
Does this mean Mohg was a tragic hero
I actually enjoyed the Radahn fight, but if the difficulty tuning keeps going up, I'm worried for future games that aren't offshoots like Sekiro
There is nothing wrong with Omens, Marika.
The furtive Romina, so easily forgotten
miquella didn't want radahn for fucking, he wanted radahn because radahn is well-suited to endless war
>Reviews are down
Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe this level of difficulty isnt fun? People like challenge. Thats why they play Fromsoft games. But this challenge isnt that most people would consider fun.
Its really annoying to see people try to downplay this and completely missing the mark about why people are unhappy with the level of difficulty in this DLC. Malenia was hard, but fair. It never felt bullshit except for maybe Waterfowl.
People need to actually read the specifics into why people are unhappy instead of immediately dismissing it.
depends on your stats
I'm in the frenzy flame forest.
Saw the message saying that combat was not an option.
Tried killing one of those eye guys.
>Hits don't register at all
Are they invincible the entire time?
Wait? So malenia is a fujoshi? Where is this said?
The game literally gives you a damage readout, bro.
Big number is better, unless you're going for status.
Prospect Town.
Absolutely Goldmask
>have you considered most people
no, go play something else.
>Rotten girl
is this using the deflect tear?
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>tfw i killed the first one I found
>immediately start sweating because i realize he took too long to start attacking me
It's was probably just another cock book I wouldn't use, but still...
Where can I get that?
>Only options for best bro of the DLC are perma sadness or pointless death.
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It couldn't be in the lands between but there's many hints towards other regions in the world, I like how the lands between is this strange land with it's own alien god and culture obscured by fog, it could be like the elder scrolls where each game explores a new region with it's own strange culture with some through-lines connecting each like the outer gods.

They would have to get GRRM to write for it again though, I like my Miyazaki kino but it's not Elden Ring without the fat fuck, it's the one thing I'm happy for him to be writing instead of The Winds of Winter

Lots of possibilities, the land of reeds is some fantasy version of japan in the midst of a bloody civil war influenced by the formless mother who we still don't know much about, could be a chance to do a souls fantasy RPG in a japanese setting
she was too obsessed with it, demi human was wiser
Scadutree avatar is a cute little gimmick fight that doesn't stop you from using a variety of different tactics to actually hit the head. I enjoyed it, personally. I think the lack of any build-up to the boss hurts it, though.

Dancing Lion would be infinitely better if the camera was at an appropriate distance for the combo where he flies through the air. Fighting the second one in the ancient ruins made me appreciate the fight more, for some reason.
Legitimately what is so hard about the DLC? There hasn't been a single part of the DLC that has even approached the hardest shit in the base game
Radahn and Malenia in the base game took me 3 days of attempts each
The longest a boss has taken me in the DLC is 1 hour 30 minutes
I'm genuinly asking what people have found so hard in this DLC because I'm not seeing it
backhand blades
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I have 99 FTH in Miquella. I am not deterred.
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I'm cumming buckets every time this thing lands. Looks like if you get hit by the melee portion you cannot escape the detonation
It also allows you to explode people through walls like Giantsflame, except for even higher damage, absurd.
A hero? No, he did still serve an outer god with questionable motives at best. But was he a victim of Miquella? Absolutely.
>Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe this level of difficulty isnt fun?
Have you considered there's other games you could be playing instead of asking them to make this one easier? There's ONE overtuned boss, Radahn. Gaius also needs his hitboxes fixed to match the animation. These aside? The difficulty is fine.
Post why you think Radahn is good boss design and how many women you’ve had sex with
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How do I get up here???
I finished Mesmer
sadly I think radahn was meant to be a genuine seluvis-style meat puppet.
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Why the ABSOLUTE FUCK do we NOT have a level down feature yet?
I don't want to hold 500,000 runes because I'm level 150, the new PvP meta isn't defined, and I don't want to literally brick a 100 hours save.
Don't pretend it's for pvp balancing, you never cared about that
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I've tried Rahdan for 6 hours today
I've gotten him down to less than 20% HP more times than I can count
I even got good at parrying him, making the first phase much easier.
But then I run out of resources in this war of attrition that is his chip-damage
Extra funny if you get him that low, and then get grabbed for a 2nd time, way over at his side (the hitbox on that grab is inexcusable)
He's a poorly designed boss
I will respec into bleed tomorrow, I gave it my all, but this is just straight up bad, he's making me subtract an entire point from my rating of the DLC, its no longer a 9/10, the finale is ruined and it will leave a sour taste in my mouth for the whole DLC.
You really don't get it.
I'm doing my no-hit run and Scadutree Avatar and Lion were unexpected the two hardest so far.
there are a shit ton of pvp spells and skills in the dlc that are COMPLETELY useless in pve, like that one
>Scadutree avatar
>After the 2nd phase it starts slowing down.
>Still desperately trying to kill you but can't move as fast.
>Little delay before it rushes you now like its trying to get the energy.
Never thought I'd feel bad for a flower.
>Monkey man learns judgement cut
>Decides this is as good as it gets and retires
Sellen's a fucking moron
Oh yeah I meant to add her to the kino designs
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Oh the game does actually tell you, you can parry them.
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Just fought Midra, I expected Madness spam cancer but it was actually pretty basic Fromsoft boss with sword slash and shit. Pretty cool, though I wish they skipped the super easy phase 1 after the first time, it gets tedious after a while. The whole area in general might be one of the best ones they've ever done in terms of atmosphere.
So far from easiest to hardest Remembrance bosses:
Scadutree Avatar < Midra < Dancing Lion < Gaius < Rellana < Messmer.
I guess I'll go to the south section of the map now, I heard there are dragons.
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Read what procession means. It's the orderly movement.
The procession of stars is the movement of stars. What it's saying is that the movement of stars eventually leads to ruin. It has nothing to do with sellen. It's likely the reason radahn froze the stars seeing "oh we're in a grimderp setting let's stop that shall we?"
Yeah Radahn is the single only badly designed boss. They went overboard and need to fix him. Well that and correct Gaius's hitbox on his charge anyway.
>Malenia was hard, but fair
On release people were saying she was the most unfair bullshit boss From has ever made.
Then people got good or accepted they needed a crutch, it's just the cycle of things.
She's a cuckquean.
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holy shit finally beat this bitch. no summons but i resorted to this meme build
Use Rolling Sparks and aim it at his feet and kill him in 2 minutes
I'm definitely retooling my main character into a Messmer flame incantation build as soon as I'm done with the DLC. Right now I'm pure STR with a little faith using mostly buffs and the smithscript weapons. While fun in PVP (the shield is comically broken, by the way), I can definitely feel the limitations of the build in honest 1v3s.
is Claymore the best
are there any new useful ashes of war for ultra greatsword? aside from better lions claw i havent really seen too many good ones, or is it still giants hunt or lions claw only
miquella mind-raped malenia into abandoning those cuties
get out the back of the castle. you can beat the boss for a remembrance and skibidis x5. do the marika lore thing and collect the gesture at her hometown then perform it in front of the marika status 10 feet from the grace.
>Radahn is the single only badly designed boss
Outside of Lion most of these bosses seem uninspired.
>need to do a full 5s combo to get the buff
euporia SUCKS!
I think anyone who believes in god irl would choose Goldmask and anyone who doesn't would choose Ranni, the others are all retarded
>Have you considered there's other games you could be playing instead of asking them to make this one easier?
Where did I say Im asking to make it easier? Im asking to make it fun.
you get the thrusting shield at the shadow keep
So it's not the primeval current? It's just saying that "fate leads to ruin" then why did miquella want radahn dead so badly? Is he retarded?
Goldmask. I wouldnt trust Ranni, yet another nepo baby, to not fuck this up especially considering she orchestrated the whole shitshow thats currently unfolding.
>crimson seed talisman +1
I think this shit is staying permanently equipped, even in invasions. it's too good.
It doesn't have to be literal procession as in movement anon. Words can have double meanings or be used symbolically. We don't know what the primeval current is outside of that fucking with it is taboo and is a huge mistake, same goes for this "procession of stars". It's very likely they are the same thing.
not anymore
>no summons
you didn't beat the game
>Jerren would be sad with the radahn resurrection shit
Truly a honorable warrior different from freyja and battle autism
i think it is the primeval current personally, no reason to believe it isn't
>get out the back of the castle
How? I only found three routes: Store room to Ruin of Rauh, Store room to Library/Mesmer boss, and down into the sewer into river into Abyss Forest/Midra
if you were banned you wouldn't even see signs
>You receive: RIP
>I receive: Ranni wife
Works for me Marika.
i'm playing a necromancer and know that feel. my skeletons/thralls (spirit ashes) come in handy sometimes. the only thing saving me is Darkmoon Greatsword being so good.
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>when he thrust his staff in my face, I brushed it aside
World of Warcraft did this with raiding and look what happened. Raiders kept wanting them to up the ante on everything and now few people attempt it and even fewer people actually care.
I have 20 blessings and I'm still getting 1-2 shot by bosses. Most of which are them stagger locking me in a combo.
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Why were people complaining about him? Did him first try at RL150 with +1 Skibidi.
He's just wrong on a lot of shit is the biggest problem for me
you have to enter via church district
It is fun though? Every single boss except Radahn is a blast.
>fun is me winning without a challenge
lmao okay bro whatever you say
just because it's not fun to you doesn't mean it's not fun to other people

kindly fuck off, FromSoft has made more than enough concessions for accessibility's sake, and the consequences have already been awful for the dungeon-crawling half of the games
it's on the ass end of the specimen tower which is confusing as fuck so i don't think i could direct you if i tried. the boss is gaius so if you want you can look up a video of how to get to him.
You didnt beat the boss.
see i was wrong, lmao, ficking aldia keep lookin ass tower
I never said that but okay.
>kindly fuck off, FromSoft has made more than enough concessions for accessibility's sake,
So you think fun is an accessibility thing? Youre an example of someone who doesnt understand why the DLC has a 62%
I was told RL150 was a good level to get into the DLC....
I choose Goldmask because I believe in objective morality that stems from base epistemic truths and is merely discovered rather than invented.
This is actually the position of most philosophy PhDs.
No I will not elaborate
It's very cute that you think you're the majority for this
>blizzard shite, especially now
I haven't played warcraft since 3 you're talking to the wrong person
go play something else stop begging for cringe mode because you can't handle it. you've had 5 games to do so.
Hey retard, how about you look up what a "current" is? They're the same damn thing. The primeval current = the procession of stars.
It's the same.
>black knife tiche summoned
>12,693,900 runes
>18,000 damage
>freya's name hiding inside of the boss
the more i look at this image the funnier it gets
Summons (not to be confused with spirit ashes) unironically make the boss harder
Holy fuck go get laid
spirit ashes and summons make this boss a lot easier

it is.
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>how is malenia a fujoshi
Let's see here
>fujoshi means rotten girl
Exactly what she is
>they are women who get off to guys being gay usually in depraved acts like incest or rape
>gowry says her aeonia was caused by intense emotions
>she whispered to be with miquella in radahn's ear before she aeonia'd
>her aeonia produced millicent in her sisters
>the intense feeling she felt after telling radahn to be with miquella caused her ro pollinate all over caelid
The only way to read this is she got so excited at the thought of radahn and miquella being together she jizzed everywhere.
Mesmmers orb has zero armor and you get knocked flat on your ass out of the air
Rain of fire is genuinely one of the worst incantations in the game, might be bugged
Messmer fire is okay i guess.
Lion isn't that hard. He's just so flippity-floppity that the camera can get kinda fucked.
You dont understand why people are upset if you think people want an easy mode.
Dont listen to him anon, its the normie level.
If you want challenge you can go 120-125, if you are autistic you can go lower. If you are a balding God Gamer you can go RL1
You beat the DLC.
This. It's actually kind of weird. The bosses are in this weird middle ground where the movesets feel hard but Elden Ring characters are just now at this point where we have so many flask charges that you can just chug through the boss. Is it not odd to everybody that people seem to unanimously agree that the bosses are very difficult with long attack chains and huge aoe hitboxes yet everyone seems to be progressing just fine? Many people are already done with the game but also state that Radahn is one of the most bullshit difficult fights in both the base game and DLC. So what's up with this?

I think what is happening is that players have so many resources such as a bunch of healing, buffs, and really powerful weapons that they don't have to learn the fights. They bruteforce the boss by just going in death after death, whacking them with their jumping heavy attack, getting hit, chugging flasks, repeat. So when they finally beat the boss they think "wow that sucked, I couldn't avoid anything, and I just felt like I got lucky"
I have no idea where church district is
I do remember a NPC mentioning something being flooded...
>Accessibilities sake
>"Wahhh wahh im dogshit at the game and can't beat a boss that is proven beatable at this point even with all the easy mode shit they put in the game!"

>DMGS on a "necromancer" when there's a dozen actual death themed weapons that fit better thematically
Holy fucking cringe.
>dancing lion
put him higher, he's cool
i'm not. the majority are just faggots. gatekeeping is a good thing.
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Hi, I'm Bayle.
>Talk shit
>Can't even kill the dude
How does she keep losing
yeah i think rain of fire is missing a decimal point of damage
the fu- in fujoshi usually means rot but doesn't translate directly
Castration is written as fu-punishment and most people who get castrated don't rot.
>thought finger sorcery was a meme
>they are actually kino
fleeting microcosm is my new favorite spell
>you can see placi's head on his back like some kind of macabre trophy
>can only lock onto his head
>head is too high to reach
Love this meme
yeah if you used spirit ashes you didnt beat the game
Which perfume? Fire or lightning?
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>Go on /v/ to see peoples opinion on the game
>some retard said gothic 2 is the better open world
>some fromchad BTFOs him
>gothic PC schizo replies with a burning kitten out of rage

Holy fuck they are seething so fucking hard there
go up to the OTHER church, the big one on the map with the tranny, and go in the back, yes the DLC is retarded and full of curving paths that go literally a quarter of the map or more out of the way
>Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe this level of difficulty isnt fun?
Right here is where you said that.
retard, you're replying to someone who's on your side

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>roll slop
lightning and frenzy do absurd damage
I think Ranni is the best option, after the DLC I also think Marika isn't that bad (except Dung Eater ending which just fucks over everyone). Miquella is the worst one of the empyrean endings desu
and they all suck ass or don't have the correct scaling for a INT/FTH build.
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Here's the actual description.
procession does mean orderly movement so yes it is the movement of stars
Current is movement of something too
The primeval current is outright said ingame multiple times to be the movement of the stars
They mean the same thing. It means sellen is retarded and that a literal monkey and radahn realized the primeval current was no good.
what do you mean up the ante if not bitching about difficulty
and, I don't care. popularizing souls was a mistake everyone agrees with this due to the 4 player count instead of 6 now in invasions and what not. I do not give a flying fuck what reddit want to do to the game, don't.
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Was this supposed to be fun? it was Elden beast but worse because he has like 3 attacks he can use while running away
shieldpoking is for niggers though
bayle is pretty frustrating
>have to loop up to see what's happening
>have to look down to not die to delayed explosions
I did it easily at 10. After they do their huge omega blast attack they become extremely vulnerable and melted the last 40% of their HP in 5 seconds
i liked it
The DMGS doesn't have the correct scaling for that either you fucking idiot. Also
>Death's Poker
>suck ass
You're retarded. It's the most busted INT weapon in the game.
>has to depict self with a gigachad
when has this never been a clear indication that the person doing it is a retard / faggot, honestly
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Do you cosplay?
>her genitals are covered/rotted away by the scarlet rot
Still fits. Malenia by definition is a fujoshi
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>the shield is comically broken, by the way
It's great, but i have a feeling within a few weeks people will just hard counter it with reapers or that anti shield katana
Absolutely top tier for pvp still, though. Invasions too, especially in lower ranges where you're actually forced into melee range.
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Gotten real comfy now
are you kidding? i loved it, it reminded of older bosses
Because you dont have an actual response?
>popularizing souls was a mistake everyone agrees with this due to the 4 player count instead of 6 now in invasions and what not
What does this have to do with anything? Like what does 4 players instead of 6 invasions have anything to do with the game being popularized and the games difficulty?
cool it with the racism Gurmfag
huh? Putrescent only runs away from you to prepare for an attack that brings him closer to you. You rarely have to run across the field to fight it.
>The depths of youR FOOLIs-ACK
bros i can't. i think im guna use mimic on radahn. he just has no fuckn openings in phase 2.
Depends in your build, I was playing a pretty scuffed sl120 one and killed her in 2-3 tries at 15, so prolly lower than that

just shut up
>Fenzyfags think they're the lord of frenzied flame
>Actual lord of frenzied flame has a castle in the woods and guards

Kek Marika stays winning
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Did I beat the game?
I was actually referring to smithscript shield's L2, which is basically a fucking gun that costs single digit FP to fire. Ironically, it's better for invaders than it is gankers because you force people to guess who you're going to shoot.
you literally don't know what you're talking about lmao. you've never tried to do a int/fth build and it shows. stop embarrassing yourself.
Why do normies summon it makes the boss harder?
>innappropriate activity detected

Yes that is what the game is designed around
what's the point of this new guard counter physic if the bosses have this 10 hit combo and even the last hit just knocks you flat on your ass
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>Deep-Purple Lilies respawn, making it possible to amass eternal sleep pots
Can you dodge miquella's light nuke and the rocket drop when radahn is at low health?
>just shut up
Cry more.
Nobody cares about how you beat a hard game.
Is cragblade good with powerstancing? Thinking about putting it on my offhand.
>he didn't find the sleep perfume bottles
Oh no no no no!
>a lot of normies who played elden ring with summons this whole time now think the git gud players are shitters while they're having a fine time with the DLC
lol lmao
I finished my first DLC playthrough on a normal character now I want to go for a gimmick run, help me pick /erg/
>shields ONLY no weapons
>sorceries ONLY no physical weapons or shields
>level 1 suffering run
Not really, she's a kusare-joshi if anything. Again, fu- can mean a lot of things. Scavenging is called fu-meat-eater and most scavengers don't eat rotten meat, those are detrivores.
yeah, on easy
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Anyone willing to carry me through Metyr?
I've got a remedy popped at the stake (PC)
I really despise how your only option is to play level 20 - 80 if you want something resembling Dark Souls combat in invasions, it's a shame. Vow of silence needed to be in the DLC.
I don't know what your point was and I don't care. stop talking to me.
>It means sellen is retarded and that a literal monkey and radahn realized the primeval current was no good.
Not even just them. The Carians realized this too and made it forbidden. Shit even the sorceries Lusat and Azur made detail how terrifying it is.
>When Azur glimpsed into the primeval current, he saw darkness. He was left both bewitched and fearful of the abyss.
>When Lusat glimpsed into the primeval current, he beheld the final moments of a great star cluster, and upon seeing it, he too was broken.
Sellen literally just ignored every fucking warning and figured "NAHHHH IT CAN'T BE THAT BAD". She literally had so much hubris that she went FULL RETARD.
Well shiit, i have to try it out. I thought it's gonna be weak.
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How the fuck do I get over to the green for the second finger family quest
Cursed. Thats why she was so broken when Ranni murdered her one non-defective son that was meant to be her heir. It all came crashing down
only if you're playing melee, on a caster it makes it MUCH easier

light pillars have spots where they don't hit and you can run from the lightspeed comet
I'm down, what's the password?
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So either way radahn tried to save everyone from doom? He's so cool I love him so much I would do anything for or to this man you guys can't comprehend the love I have for him. He's so fucking kind, even as a rotted out husk he was trying to protect us all. How can anyone hate a man so based? He's the only man I could ever see myself with. I want to be the target of his kindness I want to be able to share his kindness with the world. He would make the perfect elden lord. Kind, strong, warlike, brave, smart. All the best qualities of radagon and godfrey into one massive man.
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got to the last zone and uninstalled, good luck to anyone who has to go through that garbage with slightly-lower-than-required skibbidi blessings
sorceries only or incantations only is fun
fuck off miquella
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Radahn ruined the entire DLC
Do me a favor and point out where the DMGS has FTH scaling. Go on, I'll wait.
sorceries and incants only (no shields or skills on weapons either, cheater) are fun challenges
On the other hand Azur and Lusat literally became transcendent from it
Azur can't even be damaged and it's not because of a barrier he's just immune because he's transcended into a rock
List of retcons so far.

Miquella being the mastermind behind his own rape.
The Land of Shadows existing at all.
The entirety of Plaxi's story.
Melena being Messmer's sister.
Miquella searching for godhood instead of a cure.
Radgon being a faggot who marries Miquella.
The Skibi-toilet tree is just a rehash of the Haligtree.
The Greater Will is actually the Christian god and created all living things.
The Lands Between and all life from it came from star dust.
The Greater Will actually has never communicated with the fingers.
Malenia knowing the plan but waiting with her hand on the Haligtree anyways.
Radahn being part of the plan the entire time even though they went to war.

I'm sure there are a few hundred more but listing them all is going to be a pain.
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>using skibidi upgrades at all
i'm diagnosing you all with a severe case of read the clipboard, goodnight.
You mean the sunflower boss yeah? I need to get gud I guess. I keep getting got in its third form.
what a shitty transcendence
90% of it certain builds being hot shit against certain bosses. for example: renalla for just rapes you if you try to block, gaius just rapes you if you DON'T try to block
I mean sure? But the cost of that is they can't even fucking move or communicate anymore. What good is invulnerability if you're stationary and trapped in a prison of your own corpse? They are essentially immortal vegetables.
>madness proc into great sword of damnation WA

This would actually be more balanced if they made the sword madness too what the fuck
I only had to stop chasing him when he was in the corner, he constantly did the jumping spinny attack =Horse assist and the attack where he swings twice and just keeps riding. I can't use short weapons, I can't use ranged weapons/ incantations, can't use focus attacks, its a shitty fight where you're very limited in what you can use against him.
Oh, and he HAS to have a shockwave and a flame carpet like every other boss, seriously every boss is just a different flavor of Mogh.
I love Miquella!
no the boar, cdr gaius, grace is castle back gate or some shit

rennala is really easy with the deflect tear and a magic def shield
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i can't tell if you're doing picrel or just genuinely retarded but either way lol. bye
>he used a weapon
>he rolled
>he used estus
didnt beat the game
>Radgon being a faggot who marries Miquella.
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Haha just respec into perfumes, or a status-heavy cheesy build. Don't forget your 4 defensive talismans, and a greatshield, alongside Mimic
Peak gamedesign, bravo Myazaki!
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I honestly don't see much of an issue with it because the game doesn't try to hamper you from creating low level builds in any way, and the clown show of high levels can be entertaining in its own right. The DLC is built in such an open way you can get almost everything without fighting a single enemy which is amazing for low level invaders.
>Melena being Messmer's sister
She was heavily implied to be Marika's daughter, therefore Messmer's sister.
You don't know the difference between a retcon and new information.
>no the boar
Fuck, he is even worse than the sunflower. I REALLY need to get gud.
>can't move or communicate
Azur can move thoughever, he left Raya Lucaria and went all the way to that village you find him in
And I'm pretty sure he actually teaches you Comet Azur since you look at him for a bit while his hands move slowly and then you get the spell
Your complaint about the death weapons was lack of FTH scaling. I'm pointing out the DMGS doesn't have it either, you're an idiot and your build isn't in-theme at all.
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>finally give the chilling perfume a shot
>no range
>poor damage
I was hoping I would have a cool offhand weapon to use that I can apply frost with and I'm severely disappointed.
Ahh, Radahn. Whatever. Fagdahn. doesn't matter.
>intfags get Carian Sovereignty and Impenetrable Thorns
>still bitch about not getting good sorceries
I want to fuck Frieren's face is that really so bad
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didn't use either
this build was very scuffed. wasted a point or two in mind
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I haven't been here for like 7 days, i finally made it to Radahn but the second phase is fucking garbage, I can't tell what's going on, are some attacks just flat out impossible to dodge?
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He's a cute and well meaning boy!
Yeah, I've yet to really route my way through the DLC. I did start it on a level 80 character and realize how much of an effect blessings have relative to level / weapon level, though. There's also the spiritspring to skip Rellana, thank god.
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>if you hit someone with the lighting spear, they also eat the guaranteed Gate of Babylon projections too
>you can swap targets mid charge so the lighting spear flies into one cooper but projections fly into another
These DLC spells are so neat for invasions
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Is this a sekiro easter egg?
Anon for all we know he moved there BEFORE becoming a rock. And yeah they can unfurl their fucking hands at 1/20 the speed of a normal human, wowee that's some impressive movement!
Reminder that it's not a retcon if new information contradicts your headcanon
I for one, can't wait to see some autist on adderall no-hit Radahn on an honest build without being overly passive. That would be a sight to behold.
this spell is op as shit
Why not just... roll?
Someone give me a super secret tip to making this useful in pve
>Miquella searching for godhood instead of a cure.
oh look its this retard again.
Reminder that radahn was asking for it. The guy went around showing his veiny throbbing biceps to everyone. He shouldn't have dressed like a slut
is hand-to-hand viable and are there more weapons in that class other than the one the monk drops?
She's also implied to be the Gloam Eyed Queen reborn. The entirety of the Messmer shit is stupid and pointless anyways, literally just a knock off of Rykard.
Whatever happened to fights being quasi-turn-based? You know, that beautiful call-and-response dance where your opponent has their turn you have to respect, and once it's over, you can get your own works in? Where victory was a matter of knowing when bosses slowed down just enough for you to fit your own bullshit? Now it seems anything that takes longer than half a second to do is completely impossible. Is this really what Souls games have turned into? Everyone running one of three playable builds, or one of two builds that completely invalidate the boss's ability to exist whatsoever, while we reeeee about the people who pick two of the five options that are left to actually play in an RPG and scream how they didn't beat the game, and how nobody should ever complain because those two builds exist? Because I'm not a fan. I don't wanna run bleed again or rolling sparks or fingerprint/giant peepee, I wanna use any of the other 20-ish weapon types that exist, but the DLC bosses don't allow that. Why is this acceptable?
>git gud
I've beaten the DLC. My complaints remain.
You can also enter Shadow Keep without fighting a hippo. Arguably you enter from a better position too.
Just use bloodhound step
>Miquella being the mastermind behind his own rape.
He was never raped, retard
>Anon for all we know he moved there BEFORE becoming a rock
That doesn't make sense to me, he invented Comet Azur at the academy or even before that
it has generous iframes and takes a memory slot instead of a weapon slot. bayle strafing you? not a problem
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Sign's down, erg.
you do a quest for him and get an accessory that maximizes your spell cast speed but makes you take more damage
the sunflower is a standard souls boss and really well designed, I went into it expecting a hassle and all I got was a breath of fresh air.
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>random streamer is recommended to me
>click it, he's testing out the new sorceries
>see this
excuse me?
There is no tip. Right now it's bad because it's too slow and doesn't move you far enough to be viable. It needs to be buffed.
There's two, one focusing on punches and another focusing on kicks and there's a wacky spinning AoW you can find for them if you don't like the super punch. They're viable if you put cold or bleed on them, shit otherwise.
Try to always dodge diagonally forward to his left or right, dodging straight forward or backwards will get you sniped by the holy beams
shitter alert
>but makes you take more damage
I'm so fucking sick and tired of this meme
>she was the most unfair bullshit boss From has ever made.
she was
and then they made even more nonsense fights with the DLC
I beat many of the DLC bosses with hand-to-hand combat and it was fine. You're just bad even if you used cheat engine to beat the DLC.
Base Elden Ring Miquella is the best thing ever and this shitty DLC can't change that. Damn if it didn't try hard to ruin this faggot though.
Reminder that yellow niggers can't tell a story without a white man. There is a reason GRRM isn't in the credits for the DLC.
Would Miquella make him dress less slutty?
>All the best qualities of radagon and godfrey into one massive man.
Did he really have the best of them?
actually that's exactly what having justification for your actions does
Here's my idea: Shard of Alexander, smithscript talisman, red-feather branchsword, Rakshasa's armor, shriek of sorrow on main hand weapon, and any other buffs I can fit on it. Will I die in one hit? Most assuredly. Will I ever be hit? Hopefully not. I'm also going to try this with Igon's greatbow.

The only downside of the L2 is that you do have to be within a reasonable range. I'd say between 25-30 ft.
what the fuck am I looking at
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Well that was a fun experience, thanks for reminding me the game existed.
Looking forward to the DLC
There are actually 2 heads
>he invented Comet Azur at the academy or even before that
Source: your ass. Besides he's surrounded by mages and demi-humans, even if he WAS a rock beforehand it's entirely possible the mages brought him there. We have no reason to believe he walked there himself given how little movement he's visibly capable of.
Refer to the last point, retard. If I'm a shitter, then the game is easy enough to be beaten by me, but still not fun.
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Sword of light
Shadow sunflower blossom
Leda's sword
crucible greathammer
Greatsword of damnation
Death knight twin axes
Serpent Flail
black steel greathammer
Close, but still looks slightly off.
because they don't give a shit about your retarded minigame's meta
that shit barely even exists anymore and you think they're going to waste time implementing a mechanic solely for it?
And then he went and ate some fermented rice and had a rectal gland stroke while wishing he was Kentaro Miura.
what mobs drop smithing stone 6s often, including in the dlc?
i mean i piped his ass hard. so i am the lord now?
No :3
When Miyazaki said that they were trying to blur the line between the open world and the dungeons I expected it to be more pronounced.
I wish you could at least teleport through enemies and land behind them consistently
As it is now it sucks
>They're viable if you put cold or bleed on them, shit otherwise.
thought as much, fucking hell... leave it to from to make yet another weapon class completely underwhelming
and I was kinda hyped about the idea of unarmed combat too...
>Forgetting Messmer's Spear
You will burn with the hornsent
ok, i acknowledge that was worded poorly. she is less of an insane bitch but she is still an insane bitch
Yeah no, when he was sharing that bloody bedchamber with Mohg while unconscious he totally wasn't getting his boi-pussy filled. Consorts aren't sexual. lmoa. It's funny to me that Miquella was raping Mohg this entire time. Just so he can... take over his body to give to... Radahn. Holy shit it's so stupid. It's LITERALLY stolen from jap pornos.
You retards need to wait for the content creator tier lists to come out because your retard opinions are embarrassing. Remember when people in this general kept saying intfags got no new tools and then a couple DLC AoWs and spells ended up being broken as fuck? People kept saying Perfumes were unusable and then now again they are another OP weapon.
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Is that a middle aged jew with a zoomy fro?
that's the best part of her character honestly, the otherwise rational and reasonable scholar overcome with the tantalizing possibilities of things forbidden, like faust or frankenstein, the way the player themselves can become caught up in the momentum of her confidence. horribly underdeveloped like every npc story, but there's the spark of something there
>No one can conceive the variety of feelings which bore me onwards, like a hurricane, in the first enthusiasm of success. Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I should first break through, and pour a torrent of light into our dark world.
so did marika fuck the serpent or what's going on with messmer?
Suggest me a build to kill Radanh, I'm not having fun anymore with this faggot. Just want to finish this shitty boss.
>you need influencers to tell you what to think
kill yourself
Why does Sanguine Noble randomly help us when we go against Leda and the others? Whats the lore reason
She's not. Infact the snake eyes messmer had was implanted in him then sealed by marika. It's likely the gloam eye is the same for melina. She isn't the geq she just has her eye and death affinity.
Looks like shit chief.
It's a twink talisman you dummy. At the RLs the DLC is tuned for you can just level fucking DEX.
She was cursed by the hornsents, which is why she spawns cursed shit.
Well he fucking failed I can see the blue line that forces you off of torrent
I don't need influencers. Only you retards do.
See >>483344267
radahn makes malenia look like a fucking cakewalk by comparison. his first phase is fine but the second phase with the blinding aoe and undodgeable dashes is just complete bullshit
>If you dont beat the DLC you can't criticize it
>If you do beat the DLC you can't criticize it
>If you do use summons/spirit ashes/broken build you can't criticize it
>If you don't use summons/spirit ashes/broken build you can't criticize it
So when are people allowed to criticize the DLC and get more than a "lol git gud"-tier reddit response
can you still wrongwarp to leyndell with the dlc? Haven't been able to pull it off on a new character today.
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>poison perfume bottle has a fixed AoW

Fuck man that was gonna be like half my build.
Where's the ending where I place Ol' Placi as a god and I his lord. And together restore the good old days when dragons ruled everyone.
Wait, how do you do that? Through the church district, jumping down to the specimen hall, right?
>with the deflect tear
Yeah well I don't want to play Sekiro. I didn't buy Sekiro, this is Elden Ring. Design the bosses for the correct game for fucks sake.
Guys I'm really enjoying the DLC. I can't wait to get home later and play some more :D
>Sellen is ER's take on a mad scientist
That's actually something I never considered before, neat.
My issue is it just fucking runs 500 feet back forever. I get to hit it maybe twice before it justs runs to the other side of the arena to fling thorns and holy beams again.
>people's opinions and thoughts changed based on new information
whoa holy shit really????? what is with all you third worlders stumbling across the most basic concepts and parading them around like you just made a new scientific breakthrough. fuck off retard
Usually I have multiple beat games that I just go through each with a build on them. I just dont know if I can be assed to play with my magic build after seeing all the bs the DLC has.
I did the entire dlc with this debuff in case if was relevant somehow, maybe if they do one more dlc
they added more high level spells to the game, its not that weird
Try summoning mimic
Again, whatever the fuck the DLC added with it's bullshit fanficiton is not relevant to the actual story of the game. The DLC is just plot-hole after plot-hole and doesn't even have GRRM in the credits. It's just some japs power fantasy.

In base game, when you do the Frenzied Lords ending, you see her eye and her wolf like hair, implying pretty heavily that she's connected to the GEQ. Content for which was rewritten for this shitty DLC, so who knows what was really going to happen.
What’s even the point of having vigor as a stat? It should just level up with your character the way these bosses are designed to kill you in 2-3 hits anyway.
List of good bosses in the DLC:
End of list
>Retard to retard communication
Impenetrable Thorns is fucking broken
I really gotta study Mohg's character and history through this new lens. The implications are so interesting. I wanna figure out the point where you can go that's when the mind rape started.
That's the neat part, you're just not allowed to criticize it. The game is perfect and you're just a whiny shitter.
Are (you) going to play shadow of the erdtree a second time?
Divine Beast and rellana are great.
I absolutely despise Rellana but the fort leading up to her was fun. Why does it have to be like this?
ok then use a greatshield or just strafe the attacks and only guardcounter the last part of the combo string, it's not that hard, you little baby
messmer doesn't have snake eyes, it's a marika rune. they deliberately played with the camera to make it look like a snake eye, and only revealed that it was a marika seal right before he went to rip it out. classic twist.
>literally a basic spin attack that even toddlers playing with toy swords do on the fly
>fat retard: "hurr hurr did i do THAAAAT?"
lmao stfu
you subhumans can only change your own opinions on new information OTHER people organized for you. None of you have any curiosity or actual intelligence to try things out yourself. Then you go and say everything is shit only to be proven wrong immediately.
>go into arena

Uh oh
I just don't want 90% of the weapons, spells and ashes of war to be near useless because Miyzaki wanted to make le hardest DLC evarrrrrr
>he thinks you're allowed to speak negatively of our Lord and Savior Fromsoft
i am already and i will play it a third time because i like making themed characters to steamroll the base game with. right now im doing a fire knight build and next up is going to be a Death Knight/Lightning build.
i'm not sure if I can manage to play it a first time with how it ruined its own story. Really wish GRRM put in the work again - there is a reason he doesn't show up for the credits of the DLC and it's just so fucking obvious with how bad the plot is.

fucking japs man. Miyazaki can't tell an original story to save his life. Always has to steal from the white man.
Good bosses:
Putrescent Knight
Saint of the Bud
...Why not just cold or bleed infuse them, then? There's nothing wrong with it, anon. They're good if you do and if anything the procs make the crazy combos feel more rewarding. Alternatively poison infuse them and use "The Poison Flower Blooms Twice" as your AOW. Poison procs into a crazy high damage kick is fun and decently viable. Not as good as cold or bleed, mind you, but it's super cool and MUCH more fun.
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He had godfreys commanding skills and battle prowess, said to be the mightiest of demigods matching malenia in strength, he is fucking massive even bigger than godfrey, and much like godfrey his men are wholly dedicated to him abandoning their homes to fight the rot that consumed their master.
He has the intelligence of radagon, able to discern just how cringe the primeval current truly is, and learn gravity magic to such an efficient degree it matched the onyx lords and allowed him to halt the stars themselves.
His dedication us unmatched, even as a near brainless ghoul he still held the stars and shielded leonard showing that radahns kindness wasn't just something he did out of nowhere, its his very instinct to be a kind soul. There cannot be an elden lord who isn't radahn. No one can measure up to him. No one can even come close.
stick close and it rarely does that move
helping hornsent fucks the quest permanently
No because Ranni would do that by herself to her White Aryan Husband. Godfrey and Marika would be laughing at Ranni though, full on losing their shit to the point their stomachs hurt
>killed Mesmer
>just now meeting Thio girl

just get a friend or cheat engine to drop you a cool weapon and use it through the normal content, it isn't too bad if you've played before
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I sincerely want to throw this guy into a dumpster and steal his lunch money. I don't know what it is about him. His voice. His malnourished, skeletal frame. His autistic approach to number-crunching PVE content. I'm not normally like this, I just have this primal urge to bully him. I don't think I'd be able to hold back if we were isekai'd into a high school simulation, he'd be literally drowning in swirlies.
These people are legitimately too stupid to understand anything other than powerstanced jumping heavies
100%. I'll probably even start a whole new character and go through the entire game again.
>>>>>>>Putrescent Knight in good
What a good way to make me not read the rest of the list
if i can set up a character reasonably with cheat engine and not get banned, yes. mostly just skipping the limgrave stuff and having to gather all the shit there before going into stormveil.
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good lord
Has anyone done a no hit Radahn yet? Or at least a no shield/summon/parry? It seems like literally everyone so far has had to change their playstyle to clear it.
You're asian right? asian men are super faggy for radahn and it's one of the reasons this DLC butchered the story so bad. Just checking. You have to be.
The Dragon Communion Priestess who says she wants to make babies with you after you tell her that you already defeated Dragonlord, is actually a tomboy with a 6 pack


What about that shitty anime attack after he throws the rocks?
Damn. When you put it like that he sounds like the best man for the job!
Not me, I Carian Slicer-ed my way through the entire DLC and I'll do it to Radahn too
gaius is only shit if you refuse to use a shield. with a shield he is a very solid boss
Brother wants Mohg's body back
Why must greathammers and colossals be so short and have no step-in? With every new iteration of the souls formula their antiquated design becomes worse against pretty much anything that isn't stationary and retarded.
not him but most people are just too lazy to try out all the weapons. stop being a drama queen
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Miquella's so lucky...
I beat him with no summons by using night comet
nta but i agree with him that it's implied azur invented comet azur while he was still at the academy
>Since the grand masters Azur and Lusat were driven from the academy, no one has achieved their formerly-held rank.
wouldn't make much sense for them to be exiled before they went full primeval current schizo
but the same set also says
>Azur had reached a near-inorganic state.
which means you're right that it's very unlikely he's able to walk around
Miquella is humiliating Moghs body by using it for Radahn. If you did Ansbachs quest you'd be know
>you used the game mechanics? heh you didn't beat the game
Woulda been cool if it was a GEQ boss like it was first planned to be. Imagine all the black fire stuff it could pull off. fuck i hate the absurd amount of retcons and plotholes the DLC adds.
Genuinely how do you miss Hornsent? He's standing directly next to a grace that the game funnels you towards.
Putrescent Knight is a good fast, aggressive, mounted boss that’s fun to fight like a bloodborne boss. Then the interns at From decided to do the opposite and make a completely horseshit mounted boss with Gaius
Which do you think is more fair, Radahn with a shield, or no shield but mimic?
Is it at least good

>we're gonna make it through this boss, bubba, i promise
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there's a hole to jump down in the area marked in blue
He was literally inside Miquella's veins in the form of blood, porn-addict
Thanks nigga
wow putrescent knight is the definition of an oldschool souls boss
very enjoyable to fight
shields are not cheating at all
he didn't actually halt any stars. just a bunch of meteors
>blinding aoe
The only thing that I really have complaints with this goes the same with Bayle. For me the movesets are fine it's that making the effects a visual obstacle just to make it grandiose is not the way to do it FROM.
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Despite their gray skin, female dragons such as the Dragon Communion Priestess can have both red cheeks and long eyelashes
A good boss shouldn't require a specific piece of equipment.
actually im retarded thats to a different zone, other anon is correct
how do you even parry radahn at all on phase 2? the fag lasers stop me from even thinking of tryin gshit
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How did you never get that? She got kicked out of college for murdering/melding people together. She only takes so kindly to you because you help her and there's the mad scientist trope of having a sidekick they actually genuinely like and care for(you).
would you say it's a form of ritualistic humiliation
What's the lore on these lawn gnome fuckers?
I'm seeing bloodstains a bunch of messages talking about "betrayal" a few paces before the Church of the Bud, Main Entrance grace. But nothing is there for me. Is an NPC supposed to show up? What did I miss?

yes. there's too much stuff to try and my autism demands that every build be relatively RP-appropriate. i already have a 2nd character sitting in gravesite plains ready to go.

sincerely filtered. he's a great boss, he just lacks lore / presentation.
It's pretty much guaranteed poison on everything in the vicinity, yourself included.
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Yeah I spammed my fire weapon art this time and it went a lot better. Also I didn't know you could crit him for like 40% of his health bar at the end of each phase. That made it way easier.
Now to go bang my head against the wall on the boar fight.
I agree and that's why I also think renalla is shit. if they removed gaius' charge move he'd be absolutely solid.
I fucked up literally every quest somehow.
>beat the DLC without killing Margit on Leyndell
>no alexander talisman
>just normal talisman setups
Man, how are people struggling to kill bosses with Alexander talisman, milicent questline talisman and other OP talismans?
>found scorpion/centipede lady boss
>beat her with the help of the kung fu guy
now what?
shadow keep is full of fire spamming fuckers who are annoying to fight and have insane poise
they're like a mix of cleanrots and black knives but also spam magic
I love you
He's an annoying cunt with attack chains that go on for 5 attacks too long, does hit-and-run bullshit so melee onlys struggle to get more than a glancing hit in, and his room is the single most laggy boss arena in the entire dlc
the only one i think i did correctly was thollier's
You're so mad your headcanons were proven wrong. Are you the moonfag or goldmask seether?
i think you get invaded by a npc as part of a quest
Any uncompleted quest fails when you burn the tree because that's when the game locks in whether they're at the gank or not.
I had a lot of fun with it too and the delayed attacks it had didn't bother me because of weird it looked, my brain knew it was going to throw out some weird shit
Gaius was complete aids though. Fuck that boss. Worst boss in er for me
did you help Hornsent or Leda?
Radhan is too gay to be Godfey's successor. Meanwhile, Godwyn was attractive enough to cause the dragons to stop feuding with the Golden Order because they were thirsty for Godwyn's good looks.
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>be marika
>do whatever the fuck you want, fucking who you want, throwing away any family you dont want, causing wars, destroying elden rings, etc, etc
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>bloodsucking physick tear
okay that HP drain is a little more fucking aggressive than i would have hoped
No, but I have a backup save outside Radahn for when I finally feel the urge to beat him fair and square.
it's just sad that they can't shine on their own and are reliant on procs instead, really sours their appeal for me if they're just vehicles for applying procs and have no merits without them
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Based Thermidor
You probably didn't, she has a lot of failstates, she basically interacts with a lot of npcs.
And who's to say that frenzy flame ending eye melina has isn't something similar? With the new dlc it's the only sensible explanation that explains her connections to geq
>other people are already beating the bosses without getting hit and in roughly three minutes despite supposedly thirty second long attack sequences
whats your excuse?
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Ansbach words
gaius was one of my favourites once I learned his moveset. excluding his buggy and broken charge move, his kit is extremely fair
only triggers after you kill messmer, you haven't missed out on anything. they show up somewhere else if you never get invaded
I just didn't care enough to do them properly.
I've gotten pretty sick of Fromsoft's 'quest' design that isn't fun nor intuitive to engage with, and I will simply CE in their equipment when I'm done with the DLC.
>Which do you think is more fair
What is the point of this ethos. When and why the fuck did people come up with self imposed bullshit for "fair" gameplay?

Bitch its a video game, you either beat the boss or don't beat the boss. Thats it. At absolute most you might consider a no hit run its own form of playing a game separate from the base experience. Only because its a type of gameplay change that completely radicalizes how you play. But this idea that builds change the validity of an experience is fucking retarded. There is no difference between a bleed roll spammer and a shield tank spammer its the same shit.
at least it's all attack power
thollier is the dude that's obsessed with st trina. i got all of st trina's dialogue and told him. he wanted to help fight leda at the end so i think i completed it correctly
It's almost like the "WHEN ITS MY TIME TO PLAY" meme is just a retard discord tranny psyop.
Because I get hit by attacks, any boss that's a war of attrition I will lose because I have to hit it 50 times and it has to hit me twice for my entire healthbar.
I'm upset that the lore for the DLC is garbage and retcons the original game to hell and back. If you think the DLC is anything other then shitty fanfiction then all I can say is I hope someone rapes you. Characters have been ruined, the plot has been ruined, and worst of all it's fucking stupid.
lol you fucking moron. He shared his bed chamber. People have sex. Quit being a fucking moron. Also, it's the japs that made Miquella rape Mohg. That's not me. I'm not that fucking dumb.
Again, use The Poison Flower Blooms Twice.
>really sours their appeal for me if they're just vehicles for applying procs and have no merits without them
You just described every fast weapon in the entire game. If you don't want to rely on procs then grab a big ass sword and stop crying. There's NOTHING wrong with proc-based builds, especially if it's fucking POISON of all things. You've been brainrotted by retards who say using bleed means you didn't beat the game.
Watching people facetank the huge combos that I had to clench my hole through made it look a lot easier at least.
>4000 faith weapons in the dlc
>people in the thread complaining that Radahn's sword is int
Fuck you you greedy assholes you got enough
>and there's the mad scientist trope of having a sidekick they actually genuinely like and care for(you).
never thought about it like that
time to have an igormaxxing outfit for talking to her
humiliation ritual.
nta but to me fair = fits the character I'm roleplaying as
Didn't Radahn get his ass kicked by Morgott?
I brute forced it at lvl3 because I can't find any more shards
Again, the DLC is written by yellow niggers. It's just shitty fanfiction. The credits for Shadow doesn't have GRRM in it. That old white dude is the only reason Elden Rings story worked so well.

Without a white dude in the lead it's not surprising Miyzaki resorted to stealing tropes from popular media. The man is a thief, always has been.
>Doing a fresh level 1 run with all weapons and armors from the start with mods/CE
Genuinely more enjoyable experience than putting up with the fucking shitshow that is tomb raiding and quest horseback riding that is required to get some otherwise quite fun tools.

On the bright side the DLC throws weapons at you from the start. On the downside they learned from this mistake after fucking finishing the game instead of at the start. Limgrave should have given us 50% of the weapons the game had instead of 1% and all these DLC weapons should have been in the base game.
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Martial arts are too slow.
Speed them up.
Also the fact that the bonefist didn't return is infuriating.
I love the "reward" for Frejya's quest is having to slog through her meatshield ass while hornsent tries to tear you a new one.
your headcanon isn't real, lol
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I need people to remember that you can get a spell by making a dragon fall in love with you. You just can't fuck it because your tarnished is built for marika/ranni goddess pussy. Vyke has a similar spell to it, and its long been theorized that he fucked that dragon. Godwyn is heavily implied to have had a similar incantation meaning he either made a dragon fall in love with him or outright fucked one.
>Rahdans sword is int
>demihuman swordsman sword is int
>Lion dancer remembrance is frost stomp (int)
>Rellanas swords are int
>Rellanas twin moons are int
What I'd like to know is why intniggers are complaining, especially when the base game was so int centric, it's faith chads turn to get cool stuff
>Gaius breaks my poise point blank and then decides to charge
epic nice game from you utter fucking braindead freaks
Cheers, bud.
>can't find any more shards
I'm at blessing 5 and I haven't even fought that guy. I literally just unlocked scadu altus.
meh, it's just not my thing
the game never said he won every battle. part of being a good general is recognizing defeat, mitigating it, and learning from it.
>The Greater Will is actually the Christian god and created all living things.

>He doesn't like God actually being just God and not some demiurge pretending at divinity
Ranni was a femcel and jealous that Godwyn was getting so much dragussy
Nah, the DLC is just full of retcons and plotholes and that's the only thing you got. I'll just continue to hope someone rapes you while talking to people smarter then you about how fucked the story is. Whilst pointing out the hundreds of retcons made to the story.

you silly subhuman.
Your call, but seriously try a poison infused one with the poison flower ash. I guarantee you'll have fun.
oh god my mimic does fucking nothing
The bed chamber is the cocoon, porn-addict
>I hope someone rapes you
He's so mad. The dlc is canon. Keep seething. Miquella is a rapist that raped mohg and radahn, malenia is a radahn simp. Malenia is a fujoshi.
>The Greater Will is actually the Christian god and created all living things.
This better be a fucking lie because the base game has the Lands Between be a primordial setting invaded by a godlike being.
hahahaha no wiki is gonna put your gay fanfiction on it lol it's not canon ahahaha
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>get to the van gogh flower
>fire absolutely melts it
>>Rellanas swords are int
Int/faith actually, the fucked up part is you almost hit every int weapon in the entire dlc, you missed a carian greatsword (it's okay) and a sword that can cast spells (it really sucks)
Also like half the sorceries require another casting stat so they are even limited there.

Also fuck you Faith was great in the normal game as well.
Skill issue
I challenge you to explain why the "light greatsword" weapons couldn't have been thrown into the straight sword and greatsword classes depending on their appearance and weight. Inventing new weapon classes just so the existing ones don't have any variety in movesets is retarded.
>Rellanas swords are int
No they scale with strength and dex unless you're stance R1. C/C/C/C isn't an INT weapon either
>Rellanas twin moons are int
Yeah they fucking suck too
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The mimic is only WEAK because you are WEAK
The Gloam-Eyed Queen is the God-Devouring Serpent that ate Rykard.
It's just a lame choice. It's also the one I care about the least, because it's at least hinted at in the base game. It's still a plothole and done wrong - The One Great is the one who created the universe and life until the DLC retconed that. But whatever - it's a huge plothole but at least it SORTA tracks with the base game and what GRRM was writing.

also life coming from star dust because the faggot japs have to steal quotes from white men is fucking painful.
I thought Malenia was bullshit because she heavily enforced certain playstyles to beat her, but I see she was only the beginning.
I'm sorry Malenia, you seem so tame in retrospect
>Melena being Messmer's sister.
Not a retcon. Never was it said she was anyones siblings. New information doesnt mean a retcon because it doesnt contradict anything.
Either God is real and you want ER to be identical to real life or God isn't real and therefore you want ER to copy the highly successful fantasy poetry book the Bible. Both are retarded.
lorelet here
if both Radahn and Malenia ultimately served Miquella, why did they fight a war against each other?
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>glean useful information from someone's message
>don't upvote it
Anon do I have to pull out the article saying shadows of the erdree came from what grrm wrote again? Or are you just going to deny that. Also grrm did a geneology test. He's mostly Jewish not white.
you can charge sorceries mid teleport
that boss is fun
>>Rahdans sword is int
It's quality with barely any INT.
>>demihuman swordsman sword is int
It has B DEX scaling and D INT.
>>Lion dancer remembrance is frost stomp (int)
It's Cold, which is more DEX than INT.
>>Rellanas swords are int
>>Rellanas twin moons are int
These are useless lol
Because the DLC's lore is fucking retarded
Information that the audience is not privy to is not a plot hole, lmfao.
>Ranged deathblight frogs in scorpion catacombs
Holy fuck how cancerous.
I know but the awkward windup for the teleport makes it nigh unusable and I have 70 dex. I either do it too late or do it too soon.
The distance needs to be further or something.
Radahn never served Miquella are you people retarded
wait, is this possible to do in-game?
I like her sword
mimic veil
Because they deal less damage than GS but more stagger than LS. They fit a niche which is very popular in ER, which is faster swings with higher stagger for the trade off being lower damage. They also get their own animations that go hard into the wacky water movements which were super popular but annoying to find because they just fell under existing arch types.
The dungeon with the really long room with the crushing spike trap with a pit in the second safe spot got me good.
All I could do was laugh, well played fromsoft.
impenetrable thorns should be nerfed this shit is stupid
Can someone help me determine where I am in Leta's / Hornsent's quest?
>reached the Specimen Storehouse before talking to Leta / Hornsent, meaning I missed their summon signs in the first section of the Shadow Keep
>triggered Messmer's cutscene, causing their summon signs to despawn and Hornsent's to move to Messmer's boss arena
>killed Romina at this point
>go talk to Leta
>she's still suspicious of Hornsent
>summon Hornsent for Messmer before beating him alone, to see if it affected his quest (it didn't, he was depressed that he didn't get to kill Messmer)
>exhaust Hornsent's dialogue in Messmer's boss arena, he despawns
>go back to Leta
>she says she's no longer suspicious of Hornsent because Messmer is dead
>she says she's going to go after Ansbach instead
>assist Ansbach because he's dangerously based, I receive Leta's rune and his bow (with it's insane DEX requirement)
>no longer know where Leta is or if she's actually dead
>no fucking clue where Hornsent is or if he killed himself
What should I do at this point? Will Hornsent still invade me outside of Romina's arena if I go back there? Will he even show up in the tower?

I actually really like the catacombs, the traps are pretty good in the DLC ones.
u mad bro. Have fun with you 70% positive reviews. how they fucked that up i'll never know.
Yup. It's a huge retcon, seeing as how it's implied in the base game that the one great created it. But eh. The other outer gods are basically creatures outside the universe that can interact with it. It's very, very, very stupid. The Greater Will in the DLC basically left and has in fact NEVER communicated with the fingers (another huge retcon). It's also the creator of the universe and all life as we know it.

It doesn't work, at all. It's very, very stupid and even a ten year old can write a better story. Japs though. These subhumans just can't help themselves.
All of Malenia's difficulty comes from the fact that waterfowl is a bitch to dodge at point blank range, and she can just go into it at point blank range and there's no way for you to predict it so either you fight like a cuck constantly backing away wasting time or you risk it and only win if the point blank waterfowl doesn't happen.
Who cares they do shit buildup and the game gives you 5 blouses at the start of the dungeon they’re a minor annoyance at best
Which came first in the Elden Ring universe? The Greater Will or the One Great? Because to me, it feels like the One Great was Chaos right before the Big Bang happened, and the Greater Will just took advantage of the One Great's loot that appeared as a result of the Big Bang.

Hyetta: The words of the Three Fingers. As your maiden, allow me to divine them. All that there is came from the One Great. Then came fractures, and births, and souls. But the Greater Will made a mistake. Torment, despair, affliction... every sin, every curse. Every one, born of the mistake. And so, what was borrowed must be returned. Melt it all away, with the yellow chaos flame. Until all is One again. No more fractures...no more birth...
then why is Radahn letting Miquella hump his back?
i wish i didn't collect the shadow frags. bosses are too easy.

i miss the zero frag rellana difficulty now.
Day 3 of Radahn. I'm using the best armor I can. Bullshit Bleed build with the fiend arm. Shield. I'm making progress but it's not fun. It just feels like the farthest I've gotten is purely because either the NPC or my mimic tear got targeted with the bulk of attacks. Luck rather than actual progression. Radahn super jump killed my best two runs instantly.
I agree, honestly even in the original some of them were really good. Like the one that tries to trick you by making the layout exactly the same as the area you had just been through.
It's a shame there wasn't more in the dlc.
The DLC contradicts itself pretty bad with the base game. The lore is absolutely fucked and must have been rewritten a thousand times to come out so fucked. Just ignore the DLC and the game makes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more sense. It's fanfiction. Literally. The credits don't have GRRM in it.
You can do whatever fag shit you want. GRRM isn't listed in the credits for Shadow apparently, which is pretty huge proof that they didn't use his shit. Miyazaki is a lying hack so anything he says isn't worth the time of day.
Thank you bro, you are the better Miquackzaki.
still waiting on answer ;_;
Jeez. Cool it with the anti Japanese sentiment you guys.
yeah, the windup needs to be faster. the way it is right now you can't use it as a react dodge.
but if they ever fix it the skill will be quite powerful
your mimic veil?
your prince of death's talisman?
your deathblight boluses?
fuck it, your horn charm?
your just running through because there's only one trap that's actually dangerous enough to kill you?

why are people so bad at adapting to the slightest novelty?
>every god was getting laid besides ranni
>malenia was fucking finlay
>godwyn was fucking dragons
>radahn and miquella were fucking
>rykard was fucking tanith and daedicar
>mohg was penatrating the formless mother with his spear
>morgott was a willing volcel and happy for it
>messmer was fucking(up) hornsent
>melina was fucking on fire
>ranni is the only one that didn't get laid
>had to see her mom get cucked into insanity by her dad and her aunt develop oneitis for messmer
>marika allows you to do ranni's quest and guides you along it so ranni can finally get laid, get a loving husband to break the carian woman curse, and stop being such a seething femcel and replace her as goddess so she can die and be with her shaman and god family.
Marika was doing ranni a service. She's so fucking kind bros.
The charismatic mind control powers that every item keeps mentioning? He even does that shit to YOU during the fight.
please stop listening to the autism lore spammer, he doesn't actually know what the fuck he is talking about
i've just had 10 hosts in a fucking row die to radahn's meteor attack holy FUCK JUST RUN IN ANY DIRECTION
did you see Miquella's hip?
haha no
>opens twitter
>Poise Break Jump Spam
You didn't beat the game.
everyone used to say hyetta was lying. turns out she was telling the truth.

with saying that, the three fingers are still flawed and born from the same mistake, as they were still born from the mother.
you dont though
You've been here seething for days. I didn't buy this shit dlc. Grow up
God I hate that this shit was turned into a super cool power instead of being the curse that it was meant to be. The Mohg retcon ruins so much about the game that it hurts.

Why retcon such a vital part to the story. Why are yellow niggers so bad at writing. I don't understand.
What in the fuck is a mimic veil? No, I'm not going to change my build to deal with one dungeon.
NPC makes the fight a lot harder not only because of the huge HP bloat but also because of how clunky the fight is.
Marika would never pass a chance to make children she's a breeding maniac
Messmer it doesn't have to be like this, I can be elden lord and you can work for me.
As for as I'm concerned, it's the canon ending lorewise, but no this currently isn't possible in-game without mods (modding-chan is better Miyazaki so just dismiss last half of the "DLC")
I was streaming the game to a friend who likes to watch us play through games and he kept asking what "that weird sound was"
I explained to him "oh yeah that's the Guard counter SFX, 90% of people don't use the mechanic though"

Safe to say, nobody would care if it went away except me.
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>there are ashes of war in the DLC that can deal 40% of Messmer's entire life bar
I thought all the new DLC stuff was bad?
It's a mod my guy
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How do I get to this place
Don't use the npc. It just gives him free HP and not necessary for their gear.

Make sure you're using fingerprint shield.

Wait until P2 to summon mimic tear, do it after running out of the big bullshit aoe he usually does at the start. Don't heal immediately, block until you're safe.

If you face where he lands in his big final bullshit explosion attack, your fingerprint shield will absorb most of the damage.

Otherwise just punish all openings with heavy attacks. In P2 most openings will happen when your mimic takes aggro. You will get it eventually if you do this.
You don't know what you are talking about
so we don't kill Miquella? Thank the heavens
It's outright said that shadows of the erdtree came from Martin's own mind. Its why there's so much gay incest. The guy is jewish. He's not white. His entire series of asoiaf is a critique of European especially Anglo-Saxon culture and a deconstruction of it. Stop worshipping that fucking kike. And no, the Yellow jews aren't better.
it's a universal tool that you should have picked up in one of the earliest legacy dungeons in the game unless you were skipping rooms entirely. there are tons of messages in that catacomb telling you to use it.

you also don't even need to use it, it's just a neat trick. just eat your fucking boluses and tank it.
who wouldn't. Mike probably smells like lily.

Because Radahn was supposed to have an honorable death just like how Godfrey had to die and come back to the Land Between.
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Why the fuck do I need to kill Latenna 2.0 to get Gaius shoes? And why does she hits so hard?
why does that guy on the right look jewish
Retard-anon, it's the thing that turns you into nearby objects.
new thread?
it works though?

that's why miquella is so powerful. he can get anyone to do anything for him, even other demigods.
Does Ice Spear void my "beating Radahn" license
One of the best games ever just released a DLC with mixed reviews. It's actual shit, of course people are going to use their free time to shit on it. When something is told so poorly it's fun to trash talk it and all the morons who aren't paying attention to the story. Again, it's so utterly incompetent that I can't accept the same people worked on it. And the retcons. SO MANY RETCONS.

The gameplay is fine enough - enemies are so aggressive that it's hard to use spells and certain things, but I'm beating bosses after an hour or so on new game +3. With the seeds giving you around 50% damage res it's not that bad.
I beat Radahn without iframes
You were listening to people who tried it for approximately 7 seconds and decided it was bad
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there's an underground entrance around there. it will lead you to that part of the map
Because that was his wife you monster
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He has the power of cuteness on his side
>co-oping with a friend, just exploring the DLC
>get invaded by some asshole named "cope harder"
>hardswaps between every meta setup he's been able to find on youtube
>crouchspams every time he lands a hit on either of us
>we kill him
>don't even acknowledge him, just turn around and jog off to keep exploring
I hope he seethed.
She had his pants, she's clearly his girlfriend.
Why is it more fun to play coop than to explore in DLC? I feel too burned out to run around on a horse to explore looking through every nook and cranny for items.
Waiting for Miquellussy model video
Please tell me the new St.Trina sword is longer than the one from the base game.
you can beat him by parrying his swings too, room temp iq brown skins are having a fit beating their head against a wall and not learning
Read the description. He's an albinauric, no legs. Mount warrior. The pants were made to mock him
i enjoy both personally.
should be around north-east of that place
Miquella is just Aphrodite with the ability to grow a dick
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The negative reviews are literally just indians and chinese people with shitty PC's complaining about performance.

i've only been invaded by useless retards and a chink named xiao using backhand blades who was literally impossible to hit (even with pata running r1) thanks to latency
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Oh the shoes have a description that hes Albinauric and cant walk lmao

and u get 5-7 Skibidib after gaius
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go to Morth Ruins
circle around the big hole until you find a safe spot to drop down
go into the hole
go through and come out in bonnie village
cross the bridge out of bonnie village, go across the bridge past mildred 5, then across the 2nd bridge and follow the road.
you'll know you're close because theres a wickerman who assaults you when you;re close
theres also wolves
if you follow one path it leads to the shadow keep but the other path is to the church
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Yes I did.
where is carian sovereignty?
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... Is she a plant?
Nah, well. In the actual story of Elden Ring it's more complicated then that. It's implied that his love power is a thing he can't control - that people fall in love with him and that it's terrifying. It's the reason Mohg kidnapped him and tried to marry him and is currently raping his unconscious body.

The DLC retcons this. Turns out, Miquella getting stolen from the tree was part of his master plan. Then when he was cocooned it somehow brought him to the Land of Shadow where he started to get rid of his body and emotions. Miquella is basically raping Mohg instead - this is a typical jap twist. He did this because he wanted Mohgs body, without a soul, so he could marry Radahn.

holy shit just talking about the DLC plot hurts. It's so fucking dumb. Fucking japs man. yellow niggers, all of them. Jews are so much better.
Both main game and DLC have shit story, you play these games not for story but for gameplay since the Fromsoft team cant write for shit so they shield themselves in obscure lore and leave it to the players
Im just going to ignore it all and say. Great One made the universe but made a mistake which led to the Outer Gods.

Greater Will is one of many Outer Gods who go around imposing their will on the lands to harvest souls/worship. Greater Will fought the primordial Lands Between and conquered it from the dragons and misbegotten. But the Demi-Gods he created for himself rebelled because they didn't want to be slaves.
Radahn makes Malenia look so well designed, is this how From super bosses are going to be moving forward?
To be fair, it's really gay that the game requires like an RTX 3080 to even playing at 60 FPS. Even worse that I still get stutters randomly where things go fast for a second; probably because of vsync gsync, but I had tearing.
Maybe they shouldn't have hid an entire fucking area behind making a jump that would 100% kill you normally with no indication that it's a special situation.
>Poise Break Jump Spam
Lol, imagine being this outdated. The meta is greatshields and counters you absolute scrub. Talk about being 2 years too slow.
Yeah she is a pretty flower but in the trailer she did have a lower body.
the only move I can't dodge at all is the vergil cut spam he keeps doing inbetween every move. literally no way to dodge 2 strikes in one roll unless you get it frame perfect
So once I break the seal, I can freely do all the NPCs quests? As long as I dont burn the tree nothing progresses beyond where I take it?
She wasn't always a plant
I beat bayle :)
I hate that turd
I beat your mom if she farts after I cum in her asshole
did you beat him first try like I did?
there's literally another way in, people are just retarded and don't explore
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I just killed the bug boss. How far do I have until I reach Gaius? I see lots of people bitching about him
Because it's hot.
All this talk of Miquella getting raped and manipulating dudes into raping him is doing something to me, man.
Which trailer?

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