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Bros, Radahn has filtered me...I might make a new character, what did you guys do to beat him?
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>1. marika allies with horah loux and possibly even the great serpent of mt. gelmir in a plot to get revenge for the shaman people
>2. marika betrays the hornsent after gaining their trust; kills a bunch and mashes them into a divine gate which she immediately uses, casting the center of the LB in shadow and creating the erdtree
>3. marika gets to fucking, producing messmer and melina with the gelmir snake. messmer and maybe even melina join horah loux and marika on a march on the giants after marika discovers their "vision of fire". there are still a ton of dead giants impaled by messmer on the mountaintops to this day. they're also separated from leyndell by "Forbidden Lands" that are cast in shadow and loaded with vulgar militia like the DLC
4. when marika realizes she can't put out the giantsflame, she seals messmer/melina's eyes and she curses the last giant after killing the rest. this is possibly when the first of the bad curses get flipped back on her, corrupting her radagon alter ego and possibly messmer/melina
5. marika only now initiates the final solution on the hornsent. messmer is wielding his cursed version of the fell god's flame and commanding fire giant tech wickermen in the extermination.
6. at some point around here melina is rendered burnt and bodiless. could be that marika even commands messmer to do it and abandons him in the new realm of shadow, which may be the event which causes the schism between the serpent of mt. gelmir and the erdtree
7. marika raises horah loux up as elden lord, gives birth to godwyn the golden, and sends the newly minted godfrey to kill the last holdouts of the previous order like the dragons and beast people.
8. sated with revenge, she begins to realize the GW is fucky and that radagon is a threat. she sets her plan into motion for the tarnished and banishes godfrey. she stops 'playing ball' and the GW uses radagon to continue enforcing order on caria. everyone knows the rest.
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the gaius fight wasn't that hard, idk what you guys were talking about
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messmer no hit done
Just Bud and Yaoi left for the all major bosses no hit run...
There's no evidence the snake is the father of marikas kids. The coloration of messmer's flame is identical to the giants flame and radagon is a giant(they come in many sizes iji is one too)
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redcels are not sending their best
Six million hornsent? I think that number is too high. I mean I know that Marika was responsible for killing a few but that number is a bit high
But assuming she did kill that many they did deserve it
I got tired of dying so I repecced into Greatshield poke
>get filtered by Blackgaol
>fuck this I'll come back
>collect skibidis
>wander into the lion meme
>kill him because he doesn't hit me as hard as blackfaggot knight
>wander around some more
>enter shitty fort
>Sylvain Pontiff femoid wannabee claps my cheeks
>summon Leda
>put her down

This shit is retarded and lacking in direction. I have no idea what is going on or why I am beating up these retards.
>You literally do not have the Rune of Death in your inventory. It is the ONE great rune you can ever hold.
Because you UNBIND IT YOU MORON, it's released in whole onto the world at large. It was never supposed to be a fucking rune. It was bound into a rune to stop the natural cycle of death. When you defeat Maliketh and break it, death is restored. Jesus Christ pay attention.
if you see a fingerprint shield it's a guaranteed retard
why is the fingerslayer blade in nokron
what's the relationship between nokron and nokstella
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>Go to Cerulean Coast
>Look inside
>A third fucking Ghostflame Dragon

This is the last one right? It was cool the first time, and the second time with all those Messmer soldiers involved was an okay twist with it now being a chaotic free for all, but this one seemed pointless.
why do you think that the serpent of mt gelmir was ever allied with marika/erdtree
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Does anyone know how to get into these towers in the Western part of Belurat?
no, nerd. unga bunga.
>has to chug 6 times after he probably killed 2 of your coop friends
>immediately taunts
coopshitters showing your true colors
Sennesax is unfair bullshit
The fight is winnable but his attacks are asscancer
I'm not really enjoying the DLC.
Didn't really enjoy Elden Ring as a whole so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Still, feels bad man.
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>Radahn is gay with Miquella now
This is BULLSHIT. Can't believe I stayed alive for this.
Should be the last one
>Seluvius is dead
Did i lock myself out of getting the Dungeater summon?
>why is the fingerslayer blade in nokron
The night niggers made it to rebel against the two fingers. As punishment their cities were visited by a calamity (Astel) and decimated.
>what's the relationship between nokron and nokstella
Just sister cities.
Not related to the dlc, but these pics are supposed to be higher ups at the academy yeah? If so should the women to the farthest left be sellen in her original body? Her mask is clearly based on the woman.
solo taunting with sword and board
>Didn't really enjoy Elden Ring as a whole
Why did you get the expansion?
too much retarded, obviously wrong stuff in there to even be worth a serious rebuttal
>There's no evidence the snake is the father of marikas kids
where else would messmer get his affinity with snakes and whole ass snake form? when else would she have time to ally with the snake and come into conflict with it such that gladiators in the time of godfrey wore snake costumes because of their association with betraying the erdtree?
>radagon is a giant
radagon is marika. if he's a giant, marika is a giant. but she's not a giant, she's a numan. even if people fusing together was a thing stated anywhere, there's no way some random giant would have the power to merge with and overwhelm the personality of a god.
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>give the hornsent his mother's stew
>save him from leda
>assist him in getting vengeane against messmer
>he still wordlessly invades me in rauh
He couldn't at least have some dialogue there? If I have to kill him no matter what, I might as well as kill him as part of Leda's ganksquad so he can have last words
>Invades looking for PvP
>Gets mad when PvP happens
Yes you can get there through a long parkour segment starting at the upper area blocked by shadow if you haven't burnt the thorns yet
Much later you can go there, you cannot go there yet
It's the contemporary Souls game and the trailer looked good.
>It was bound into a rune to stop the natural cycle of death
Explain the Gloam-Eyed Queen holding it then
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I think a Souls game with an unambigously happy ending would be perfectly fine.
End of the DLC
damn, anything special about the build?
I refuse to believe Commander Gaius was actually playtested. I think the overwhelming majority of the whining about the DLC's difficulty is bullshit from From newbies and bad players, but this boss is actually broken.
There's no actual evidence astel was sent be anything it could've just happened normally and like the nogs they are they took it as "ooga booga da geata weel is mad wit us n shieet"
more like hes a meat puppet for bootleg griffith to enjoy his incest fantasies
why didnt he just pick any other body, why did it have to be radahn and mogh, why not fucking godfrey or any other demi god we killed, it had to be radahn because he wanted to get piped by his brother
if theres an actual answer after the boss fight i havent beat it yet
Then don't comment on the lore Grug you rock-brained fuck. Focus on swinging your big ass weapon and let others do the thinking.
It's not confirmed but is highly theorized that that woman was originally Sellen, yes.
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>used summons
>used ashes
>used sorcery
>used incantations
>used AOW
>changed weapon affinity to anything other than heavy
>used anything other than a collosal sword
>used jump attacks
>used any items except health flask
>used shields
>used status effects
>visited fextralife
You unfortunately did not beat the game
>he's not gay yet
You didnt like base game.
I usually just turn on godmode and one shot those faggots when I come across them now, they're cheating the game so why shouldn't I do the same?
Lightning Bottle + Rolling Sparks is broken right now. Throwing it at the ground by an enemy's feet pops for 10k+
>The night niggers made it to rebel against the two fingers.
why is it so unique and fancy? what did the eternal cities do to make such a blade? why can't ranni just kill her two fingers normally?
I fully expect there to be no answers to these
>used anything other than a collosal sword
GUGS nigger detected
Base game was fair but balanced, dlc is just fuck you if you don't have the reflexes of a UFC fighter or enough skibidi
>talk to him once at the start of the DLC
>ignore him entirely after that
>doesn't invade me in rauh
You're being punished for trying to be good to an omen
dark souls 3 is right over there
Holy fuck those smith golem enemies that shot rocks are fucking aids. You get hit once and they stunlock you to death and they just keep fucking shooting non-stop. These golems take too little damage even when you backstab them.
This dlc has to be the most unbalanced thing I have ever played.
>why do you think that the serpent of mt gelmir was ever allied with marika/erdtree
"The snake is viewed as a traitor to the Erdtree, and the audience delighted in seeing these bronze effigies beaten and battered." they have to have been allied at some point in order to be considered traitors, and that point would've had to have been early in order for it to effect the gladiatorial games during godfrey's time as elden lord. messmer was also using snakefire magic to purge the hornsent right at the very beginning of marika's reign.
what level of wizard fuckery is it to wear a mask of your own face
Same deal, anon. The GEQ didn't exist fucking forever. She bound death first, Marika then did it again after taking it from her.
>stack a bunch of buffs
>Agheel breath ohkos each of the sunflowers phases
After Messmer his vengeance extends to everyone related to the erdtree but the fact he says nothing is disappointing
Fuck that guy though, ungrateful sack of shit
I've been playing Souls games since Demon's and I'm sayibg SotE's balancing is fucking batshit retarded. It is so hopelessly too goddamn hard I donxt know how any new- or casualfriend has any hope of completing it.
Are these worm looking things in the finger ruins worms or are they a variant of fingers?
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Read the "his kind" part.
absolute tranny
What don't you like about it? I'm curious even as someone who thinks Elden Ring is one of the weaker soulsborne entries
>Only 3 light greatswords
>Only 1 is ashes of war costumeable
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>This gentle-looking crown was granted to a scholar who excelled in her studies, which also merited the title of "witch."
Oh, okay then. Thanks guys.
Since I'm running no-hit I can run all the buffs in the game
The standard three (Scorpion, Alexander, Perfumer) but I can also use Ritual sword talisman, as well as the armour that gives a stacking buff to damage at the cost of lower resistances.

I also went skibidi hunting, which is how I managed to get a 22.5k damage Rolling spark
play Demon's Souls then
or get the Ranni ending
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>Grotesque mask constructed from countless solidified caterpillars. A ritual implement of the greater potentates of Bonny Village. Used to ward off thoughts of impurity, doubt, temptation, and other wickednesses one is vulnerable to while absorbed in divine ritual.
Reminder that he personally butchered Marika's people, and is assmad that Marika avenged them
Who or what the FUCK is the Formless Mother
People talk about Gaius' bugged charge and back kick jankiness, which I've also experienced, but I think some of his moves are bugged in beneficial ways. There are times when the boar will do one of it's side head lunge things and I'll feel like I should have been hit, but they just go right through me. Also his phase 2 spin ground slam thing seems like it has basically no hitbox. Awesome fight, it just doesn't feel like it was tested properly.
It's the only honest weapon in the game
Ancient Greek theater did the whole giant masks for their plays thing. Draws parallels from there since Ancient Greeks was seen as wise.
>why is it so unique and fancy?
We don't know.
>what did the eternal cities do to make such a blade?
We don't know.
why can't ranni just kill her two fingers normally?
Because apparently they can't be harmed except by that blade. At least by any other means we're aware of anyway. Though it might be less about not being able to harm them and more about them being incredibly dangerous to take on due to their connection to the GW. The blade might stop them from using whatever powers they have, cheese weapon basically.
Marika was right about them.
So how does the lore from the DLC give context to the endings? Give me a quick rundown
>the armour that gives a stacking buff to damage at the cost of lower resistances.

What armor is this? I have everything else.
>radagon is marika.
is now, wasn't always. we've been over this. tehy have different mortal heritage, radagon is not a numen, he comes of the stock of the northmen who have fire giant blood intermixed with human.
The age of fracture is the only good ending. It doesn't actually repair marika hence fracture, and most importantly allows you to hunt down rya and force any ring on her finger. This is the canon ending to the game. Rya pregnant with your snake babies.
>The lampreys that guard the finger ruins resemble fingers far more than they do humans, and so the finger-weavers imitated their sorcery.
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Worst girl
>we see her naked and she's built like a man
>scarlet rot will turn your dick into a mushroom
It doesn't
the end.
i got my shit pushed in because i was rusty and stuck in my own playstyle, but gaius and the fucking sunflower were the worst bosses so far

except radahn since this is the only boss ive been stuck on for hours, genuinely might have my vote for hardest souls boss since phase 2 is just eye cancer
okay, that explains it.

how about this?
>marika betrays the hornsent after gaining their trust; kills a bunch and mashes them into a divine gate which she immediately uses, casting the center of the LB in shadow and creating the erdtree
It was never cool, having to fight a giant enemy is already a chore every time, and when you have a dozen other enemies fighting you it becomes even worse.
I found a second death knight btw, not that bad since besides his sudden lighting dash the rest of his moves are fine, but there's some repeat fights even in the dlc unfortunately.
Is the DLC story is after the ending or before the ending?
So Marika turned these guys into Wormfaces, right?
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Haven't touched dlc yet. Replaying base game first. Is it as good as Old Hunters/Ringed City?
Fuck this piece of shit boss. Defeated him with the Sekiro tear. (It was the most fun I had in this entire meme DLC.)
>Any UGS
Lmao spamming jump attacks and R2s and having every boss spend half the fight staggered is NOT honest.
Just an outer god like the one the deathbirds serve or the rot god. We don't know much about her except that Mohg worships her and she has a big association with blood.
She's an outer god, described as twisted. She's discovered by the oppressed and shackled
thanks for humoring me anon
it says "their kind", not "his kind". very important distinction when the when that "their" is placed after a plural use of giants in addition to radagon. it can be read accurately either way.
Rakshasa set
>is now, wasn't always
no way that's true
Pretty sure the red braid is referring to them cursing Marika, who then dumped it on Radagon. Defeated races cursing the GO seems to be a common theme.
It does nothing for the endings but does provide a lot of context for the backstory.
This but Senessax
explain how they literally come from different races otherwise?
It's the biggest and best DLC ever made, even if the final boss sucks fucking dog cock. I don't just mean thematically either, it's horrendously overtuned compared to every other fight in the game.
cant you get shadowbanned for doing this? i remember using CE in DS2 would get you shadowbanned and you would have to family share to another account to play again
the forbidden lean
So if Trina is Miquella's love, what is Radagon to Marika? Her order?
No but a plague turned all the evil Hornsent into those man-flirs
The lore is terrible, the bosses are okay but some of them are blatantly overtuned. One boss plays as if he's a Devil May Cry player character and you're still stuck playing Elden Ring
Yharnam Sunrise?
It ER or it SotE?
SotE is just too goddamn hard. I like what they did with trash mobs hitting hard as fuck but having little HP, so combat is fast and dangerous, but most of the bosses just feel like the worst parts of ER - endless strings that are a slog to wait out before you can take your turn, and every goddamn attack does 8 to 11 hundred damage so there's just so little room for error.

And the NPCs all seem as bored and disinterested as me at this point. I killed Messmer and no one even cared. Got that random message about a rune shattering, and everyone just shrugged their shoulders. It just feels like empty struggle against overlyzhard bisses and trash mobs for nothing.
Radagon is Marika
Marika isn't Radagon
This isn't hard to understand, Radagon is Marika's St. Trina, he's Marika's loyalty towards the GO that she abandoned
best thing about senessax: you can just walk past it lol
bye retard!! gonna go fight the cooler dragon!! lol!!
easily 5x as much content as old hunters and arguably better content at that.
Is there gonna be more DLC or this is the end?
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What the fuck? I have no idea why this happened, I've never used a mod or anything on this game in my life, am I just perma banned now?
>Pretty sure the red braid is referring to them cursing Marika, who then dumped it on Radagon
there's nothing to indicate this. "a curse of their kind", in context here, implies that the fire giants and radagon share a curse of red hair.
I think Radagon is her Loyalty. After the fingers helped her gain power, she shed away her loyalty to them and spent the rest of her days selfish, plotting against them and throwing those she loved in harms way due to her utter lack of loyalty.

Radagon recognizes what the Ring has done for him/this world and defends it.
>marika raises horah loux up as elden lord, gives birth to godwyn the golden, and sends the newly minted godfrey to kill the last holdouts of the previous order like the dragons and beast people.
Wouldn't this be like the first thing she does? How else would she claim the Elden Ring if the previous Elden Lord (Flacidsex) wasn't already deposed?
i mean, they added a sekiro boss to elden ring with malenia and people loved it
the deflect tear should just be a talisman
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>lightning kills everything like indians bs trains
Holy fuck dexfags get all the cool stuff, as much as it pains me to do this I made another save for dex/int. Should I change to dex/fth? Main save is str/fth
>gaius and the fucking sunflower were the worst bosses so far
>the fucking sunflower
That boss was the easiest remembrance boss in the DLC, I don't understand how anyone could find it difficult.

It seems like it's set before you burn the Erdtree.
Kino. Can't wait to get to it.
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You don't rike it?
>Faggots are cheating the game and making it impossible to win invasions because they have 2 level 700 phantoms spamming undodgeable spells
>I do the same and edit a few memory values around to make my throwing daggers deal 9999999 damage

not if you're smart
yeah but you can restore from a backup and your ban goes away lmao
It's a glitch. Just restart the game and you should be good. The ban message looks totally different.
No you fucking retard the game just put you in offline mode
>He accepted cheated in items online
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So how does /erg/ feel about the fact that there's now an in lore possibility that miquella stole radahn's old armor and occasionally sniffed it to remind himself of his scent?
doesn't the whole miqella/radahn stuff kind of put the "radagon is marika" thing in a different light? would it not just be the exact same thing?
Creamapi? Doesn't look like a ban to me
is it godrick's axe or godfrey's axe that's shitty?
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i love fromslop
Why is Messmer's helmet the only one that comes with a wig, that can be altered to remove it? They should have went back and added this to Malenia's helmet and others
So... Godefroy the Grafted was behind it all?
When's the logical time to do the DLC? Should I go to it once I get to mountaintop of giants?
Very good but last boss feels like it wasn't playtested enough
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Despite what Miyazaki said FROM should do another DLC.
>Flame of the Fell God
>Gloam Eyed Queen
There's your content paths
>Looks for PvP
>not if you're smart
and how do you avoid it, then?
First last and only DLC
Both are shitty
Go in when you're RL150. Nothing else really matters. Storywise it fits anywhere except post-game.
in the greater context of races that marika exterminated having very real curse effects on her children, i think interpreting it as the giants having cursed her/radagon is fair. the omen curse and the scarlet rot are both from people she wiped out. if she kept having kids, i wouldn't doubt for a second that she'd pop out a frenzy flame baby for the more recently exterminated merchants.
>Exploring the fort near where the Dragon + Messmer soldiers are having a brawl
>Abductor Virgins come outta the fuckin trees

When the host gets grabbed i pull out the "lamentation" prattling prate and laugh at them
>the fucking sunflower
He walled me so fucking hard at first but I think it might actually be my favorite boss so far.
Flame Art nu-Giant Hunt 5-shots all of his phases no matter what your stats are. That helps.
Why does Radagon look nothing like a fire giant then?
Why did Miquella let the Haligtree fail?
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Both, imagine not being gugspilled
Godwyn is dead bro
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>faggots are playing the game as
>i edit memory values
>"i do the same"
is this you in the pic
Elden Ring 2 will be a sequel focusing on the outer gods taking control of everything
I have finally seen a single streamer beat Radahn shieldless and summonless.
nta but literally everyone on elden ring uses cheat engine
>Get invaded
>Red doesnt take damage from sorceries
>Infinite stamina
>Host instead opts to jump around in circles around red instead of booking it to the fog door
>Check reds profile
>China with weeb shit
Im not sure who I hate more.
That didn't stop Radahn
Oh good you're right I was worried for a second

Neither of these I guess it was a glitch
Nah they're gonna save Tanith Lady of Blasphemy and GEQ for ER2.
always has been. that's why they had to seal him away.
Please Miyazaki, add a fucking living town into the game
because he's mostly human with some remote fire giant ancestry, which is literally one of the races you can pick when you make a character
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I'm 48 hours deep in the DLC, 48 hours, not even counting the 150 hours of fully exploring the base game, I can't believe the game is this massive
in all of my years of gamming I've never experienced such joy in exploring a fantasy world
the absolute beauty mystery and horror of every single place you go
I just reached the old lush green ruins and I can't find the map yet, but holy shit dude
this thing is just 11/10 art direction
the DLC itself has it's own problems, but man, how can other developers even compete?
yes cheater we know what you did
eh, I never liked greataxes in these games anyways
Theres more? I thought there was only the 2 near that torture base filled with omen killers
If a plot point includes how Marika keeps getting cursed by the people she's squashed, is it possible that the flymen curse in Beruit has a 'revenge' version in the lands between and it's wormfaces?
i died to it more times then gaius, there was points where it did nothing but spam the fucking golden roots and never brought its face down
also the damage in ng+5 is insane
ive gotten decent at his first phase, but god damn i cant see half the fucking time, and it just doesnt end, at least the only bad thing malenia had was waterfowl, but you can at least see her regular attacks, my best try so far was 10%, still havent dodged the valstrax drop yet, first phase is honestly really fun, but phase 2 ruins the fight for me, like going from radagon to elden beast
It's just the message that pops up when easyanticheat fails to load on startup
Muskfag please go. I don't wanna read another tangent about smegma gravity boulders.
BASED. Triple phantom niggers deserve nothing. They ruined fun invasions.
We should get a dlc that takes place after the fracture or age of stars endings(you get one or the other based on your choices) and it's just a dating sim of the tarnished going around the lands between on dates with marika or traveling to different planets on dates with ranni. There won't be any boss fights but instead there will be in depth sex scenes where you do your best to pleasure and impregnate your chosen spouse, if you fail to tick down their pleasure meter they fucking kill you and make you restart again and again until you've perfectly attuned yourself to bring their personal ramrod
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Any optimization guides? This is 3060ti on max settings and low rtx.
>smegma gravity boulders
KINO, grrm is a fucking genius
read the arcane talisman; that's her.

same kinda thing as the rot god (romina).
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What the hell were they thinking with this swift slash ash of war? It's so fun.
>summoning you level 700 friends to carry you by spamming rot breath is "playing the game as"
turn off rtx
>>we see her naked and she's built like a man
literally the widest hips in the game and a dump truck ass
There's never any indication the Wormfaces are a recent malady or what they were before they were Wormfaces. The fact that they're in farum azula meand it's not likely they were a curse against the GO
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Finally... no more fog...
Whats your dex / faith numbers? I just put this together but im not doing that much damage
Not that anon but I get the same warning every time I try to do an online activity
Restarting the game lets me go into online mode again but as soon as I try to summon or be summoned I get that message and booted to menu again
The game worked fine the day before the DLC came out by the way, I helped people fight Mohg until the servers went down for DLC maintenance
>this thing is just 11/10 art direction
They really, really did knock the map out of the park.
FROM doesn't do sequels
if that theory about our character waking up from a walking mosoleum due to its sounds being very clear in the background it's possible our character is the frenzy flame baby and that's why we were the only ones capable of being the lord of frenzy after so many failed
Is the guts greatsword effective with deflecting hardtear or is it too slow?
playing the game as intended
this is a huge stretch. mohg and morgott are not omens because the hornsent cursed marika, it's just a thing that happens to kids born closely connected to the crucible and their dad was basically the poster boy for crucible powers pre-erdtree when it wasn't stigmatized yet.

similarly the rot thing also isn't a curse on malenia, being an empyrean just makes you a suitable host for gods in general and the rot god claimed her for his own.
yeah but she has a bodybuilder frame
>read the arcane talisman; that's her.
and it might be why mogh became interested in her to begin with. hornsent villagers getting wiped out.
>running a game at max settings on a low end mid range card
go back to consoles we dont want you here
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but it looks so shit without rtx
how do you even get the top left corner
it's driving me mad
>Basilisk statue that deathblights you on sight via magic eyes
Cool idea and like how they're a near universal enemy
radagon's background isn't 100% locked in and confirmed like marika's is. i've yet to hear a satisfying explanation for how a man-sized giant of no renown can just walk up and body-snatch a whole god. why bother with a divine gate at all?
not according to me
don't like it? don't summon your faggot friends
What caused Radagon and Marika to fuse?
>literally the widest hips in the game
those aren't even half of Miquella's childbearing femboy hips
back to menu and change to high, then go to advanced settings and swap texture to max.
rtx = off
The Lands Between are going to be deleted from existence because Godwyn being dead is a massive problem with his gay corpse
just stop invading if seeing people gets you that angry, find some fight clubs on reddit or something so you can fight with "muh honor"
or use the fucking arena
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Will they nerf Radahn? I think From legit went too far, he's basically what /v/edditors think the entire game is like
>He thinks every woman is built like coomer-bait K-MMOs
Youve never seen a woman.
Remember your skibidi and talismans and ash of war and physic and golden vow
That perfumer cave right near the beginning of the game has a eastern exit.
Collosal weapons are all low tier. Only axes/daggers are worse.
Doing a new playthrough for the first time since release. This game kinda sucks, desu. Big bland open world where most pathways only reward you with shitty mushrooms or artorias leafs. Bosses that spam attacks and leave you with a 0.1 second opening before spamming more attacks, with insanely delayed attacks thrown in to catch you rolling. It's just not fun.

Think I'm just gonna go replay the Souls games instead.
Weird, it wasn't on start up I tried to start a duel and I got the "inappropriate activity" message then got booted to the title screen
rtx wont be viable until the 70 series if nvidia keeps going down its current track
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I don't think I will, actually
I'm kinda mad the DLC didn't update her questline as well we still got the item from patches that does nothing and the DLC even has dancer enemies but no interaction between them
The DLC is fun but i'm still using Creamapi, deal with it
like a lot of things we don't actually have an answer to this. all we know is she called him to the capital, he left renalla and had a "union" with marika which not coincidentally resulted in the output of his flesh becoming demigods suddenly
No, everyone is beating the game now, even that black guy that is popular with the new generation.
>rot god claimed her for his own
technically, romina was the original rot god going by her remembrance.
Am I interpreting the DLC lore right when I say that the Greater Will is capital 'G' God and never interfered with things directly save for sending some emissaries, the Erdtree, and the Elden Ring in some primordial era?
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O mother emote in front of marika statue, u get the emote at bonny village

the marika statue with some message about shamans in the room.
Malenia had to listen to miquella talk like this constantly. How did she not go insane bros?
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maybe you should consider rtx low if you have a 4090

Vote on if Radahn is too strong
>he bought the game
take the L gracefully paypig
Invaders will never do this.
They derive their entire self-worth from winning invasions. Its why they get so pissed off because they feel like theyre not good enough and they get the feeling that they wernt supposed to lose. So instead of getting better, they get mad and blame everything else for how "unfair" it was. This is also why every invader uses CET to give themselves max of every item.

Reds are losers and they need to win at a video game to feel like their life isnt a complete waste.
fuck, my greatsword has carried me the entire game, but might need to respec for Radahn
>O mother emote in front of marika statue, u get the emote at bonny village
Lol stfu
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>rellana wanted this
what're you gonna do about it, faggot? invade? like hell you will when you're still butthurt over the last time we whooped your punk ass. ZERO chance of winning with your skill and we both know you've already hit your limit
I had a bad day so I'm going to drop items that flag and ban
I really wish there were more ways to grief people in this
>technically, romina was the original rot god going by her remembrance.
the rot god is stated to be sealed beneath the lake of rot though
>fight blackgaol knight
>big sword, familiar looking and automatic crossbow
>the ash of war sucks and armor is mad heavy
If the solitude sword as a LGS and could take an AOW of my choice I'd run it, I just want to play as golden age Gattsu
what this guy said. the rot god got soft retconned and was just romina all along.
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I really dislike the "bloodbornification" of bosses whereas we move like the undead from ds1. Makes so many builds unusable without "cheesing". For example, I can't use my dragon breathe build which has a startup animation of 3 second alone and 2 sec for atk animation whereas the spazztic bosses barely give you 2 second of respite after completing their 15 attack combo then resuming again. From really designed the bosses for single hard hitting STR builds meanwhile ignoring all other builds.
huh? but thats how u do it
Yeah i dont have the perfume talisman yet so thats what i need.
Does 2 handing affect the ash of war damage? I cant tell.
How to build the Beast Claws? Is it a good weapon? I just beat the naked retard NPC and got it
>Theyre the same image
I am terrible at parrying. How do I git gud at Rellana? I've given up on my normal strategy of dodging, especially with the clusterfuck of phase 3.
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Give it to me straight /erg/. Is malenia in the dlc at all? Did malenia win?
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>Tourists seething about invaders and doing their armchair psychology clown show again
lmao even
I've never played spells in any of these games and I'm replaying the game now trying to get to the DLC.
Is a spell caster easier or harder to play than your regular 'dude with a sword' character?
I'm not very good but I did finish the game on launch (though I totally missed several large areas).
who did marika fuck for her kids to grow up to have hips like that
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since the game is now revived and blooming..
all what I want to say
I really REALLY want Melina AI voiced content - non-lewd

I melt the second she offered me that accord
I thought his children with Rennala were already demigods, or are you saying that they retroactively became demigods?
There's no emotes in the DLC and he was asking how you unlock the map
don't think it does
Perfumer is 20% multiplicative so it's pretty good
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I'm going to have a little bit of fun the way I want to and if you don't like it maybe you should play the game fairly or not summon your homosexual friends
Does anyone have a spare gravel stone seal? I can't believe it's missable.
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>3 cool areas of the map which are yuge but contain almost nothing
What were they thinking
is this body achievable natty?
how many fucking exits does the keep have? I have
front door
new londo
golden swamp
and shadow of the colossus land

how do I get to the back gate?
a regular person can't just become an outer god. romina may have created the scarlet rot, but she is not the outer god of the concept of rot. it literally stated that she discovered a "divine element" which is almost certainly that god.
What's the point of any of the dlc story or anything else when Godwyns corpse issue hasn't been solved. Isn't it going to destroy the world regardless of what ending you do or what happens anywhere else? (Except MAYBE the frenzy ending?)
>Is malenia in the dlc at all?
>Did malenia win?
No despite not being in the DLC she was character assassinated the hardest
>It seems like it's set before you burn the Erdtree.
All the NPCs keep calling the PC servant of the Erdtree or the Erdtree's chosen lord meanwhile my Erdtree is crispy as shit in the LB. I was gonna say that maybe info doesn't travel between RoS, but Leda was in the LB as it was burning.
The 2H Greatsword Carian Knight is fucking 2-shotting me in Castle Ensis
And the worst part is there's so much bullshit I have to clear to reach him or else they'll interfere in the fight.
there are at least 2 new emotes in the DLC
village one and the BAD END cuck emote
DLC feels far too different and not in a good way. It's going to be grating as fuck 3 years down the line when you make a new character and the base game is 3154250243 erdtree spirits and 60000 watchdog statues and 243353154 reskinned whatever bosses that have a total of 2 moves, and then you head to le Skibidi dimension and every enemy has 60 attack patterns and every boss is vastly different thematically and art wise (aside from Radahn who rocks up in the last 3 seconds to remind you that Miyazaki is still a retarded gorilla monkey who cannot help but recycle content and guzzle cum.)
The deflect tear really is gamechanging. Hope it doesn't get nerfed but probably will be because From hates fun.
wtf why can't I parry the hammer crucible knight
>So mad he wont even click the post
Youre mad because I'm right.
I actually made a lot of stuff about melina with ai a while ago where she appears to the tarnished and gives them step by step instructions on how to fuck statue marika and give her more siblings then later children of her own
You rike my buird?
Open world meme in a nutshell
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do you think melina's body looks so messed up in the ending the same way messmer's body gets fucked up when he breaks his seal?
Being unable to abuse rot breath on bosses without summoning spirit ashes does not make them only beatable by cheesing, retard.
>There's no emotes in the DLC
Huh? what u talking about retard
>and he was asking how you unlock the map
yeah im sleeping
the high storage, theres some hole in the wall in one of the higher flors, and then u go walking up there, then theres a elevator.
look the cellar and u will theres some shit high up
gay game, gay website, go to reddit oops that's also gay, go to discord oops twitter oops facebook oops oops oops

i guess you can just play cards with imaginary friend, alone, if you don't like it
very cancerous
seek god
sorry anon, people guessed the godwyn plot and this upset miyazaki. he called up grrm and that fat fuck said to just never release the DLC. cutting out godwyn and inserting some random favorite boss poll guy with a complete story was the only other option.
item descriptions literally state that they became demigods upon his union with marika, which can only imply that they were not when they were born
>Tanimura was the director of DS2
>Tanimura directed AOTE
Of course that little slant eye yellow little fucking ricenigger was in charge of this mess
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>Inappropriate activity detected when helping a faggot friend of mine get a sacred relic sword to his lower level character
Is this like a false positive? I did use CE to get a bunch of shit on that character
sealed away being the key point, not below. romina is sealed away in the shadow lands. go read the remembrance.
If there's an emote in that village then how did I miss it?
When I replay the DLC I'm just going to use cheating software to build a base game character. It's probably best to pretend the DLC is a separate game entirely.
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Both radagon and marika have fat asses. And for a guy radagon does have wide hips. If you look at ranni's corpses her ass is even fatter than marika's so it's likely rennala also had a large ass. It's a completely reasonable interpretation of the lore to say that only the omen and messmer had flat asses. It's very possible that godfrey and tanith are just into fat asses.
>After the church was burned to the ground, Romina discovered a twisted divine element, which she weaved into the baleful scarlet
Do you all just not know what "discovered" means?
I can get stable 60 with max setting on 3060ti, it's just the rtx that pushes everything down the shitter. I wonder if this just poor optimization on from's part or is rtx unusable on every other game too.
>Inappropriate activity detected
It doesn't mean shit, just relog, you will only be banned if players report, Fromsoftware/Bandai is not checking all saves that have something suspicious.
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>If you look at ranni's corpses her ass is even fatter than marika's
>reach scudtree avatar
>beat phase one
>oh wow it's a normal boss, cool, i wonder what the second phase will be
>it's just more annoying bullshit where the boss constantly teleports around the arena out of range the entire fight and you spend more time trying to get the boss to engage in a fight than actually fighting it
it's literally the most annoying thing about these fights and every single one of these faggots does it, i'm so bored of this
What happened to my wife?
How did they assassinate her character...
Miquella mentions her as his loyal blade who will be sung about, and we know what she said to Radahn at Aeonia. She gets mentioned by Moore as his mother who abandoned him and other foragers.
Is Milady good against Radahn?
I'm gonna wear the dancer's dress and cast butterflies!
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my poison build is perfected
There's 5
>Ring of Miquella which you get automatically
>May the best win from Dryleaf Dane
>The two fingers from the northeast finger area
>Let us go together from being charmed by the boywife
>and O mother from the shamans
>Base-game dungeons
>Chalice Dungeon reskins, 24/7
>Walk into a dungeon in Shadows
>Lord of the Rings Dwarven Forge with animated Golems
I agree entirely. Feels tone deaf. Even Old Hunters still felt like Bloodborne.
show us lore accurate ranni butt
she's almost never mentioned to the point it becomes distracting.
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ngl, this was NOW how I thought this freak would behave

restart the game
this is a thing that many have reported this patch
if not you may get the WARNING message on the startup information popup, just delete your save and start a fresh character so that the system does not ban your steam ID on the next wensday, or enjoy your 6 month ban
I'm sorry but it's true. We also know that fat burns so her corpse's ass is likely fatter than believed. Also if you look closely she has a partially modeled vagina. I'm not joking. A lot of dead female models in this game have partially modeled vaginas. No one points this out
My god romanias gear is so gay, I wish I just popped her remembrance for the runes
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>two miquellafags
>one radahnfag
>one mohgfag
>one trinafag
>one hornsent
>one maleniafag, except not a cleanrot, one of the kindred of rot
who are we missing
>banned from elden ring
the fuck do they mean inappropriate activity? how do they know i'm posting the n word on 4chan
Man, after all this shit DLC I think that urinocally Elden Ring is about trans rights, I'm not shitting you, every single character has some transformation/change on their corpses, double names even clones with different gender, what the actual fuck.
what do you do to all of them
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So what drove this guy to becoming a gay hypno rapist?
that's what you get when you hire an american writer
I guess marikafag is (You) or rannifag
My death spells character currently uses the Death Poker and Ritual Spear. Any interesting similar themed weapons in the DLC?
>perfume abuser
you deserved it
the most surprising thing is that it's not half full of niggers
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why do these chakrams deal so much fucking damage
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>A good 20% of the open world is just empty shit and you can taunt and invade in there
When the shit are they letting us turn off invasion spots, why the fuck can you turn off the TT in that area of the dragon peak where you can only advance with spiritspings?
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Massive Radahn cock. Look at his eyes.
It's me, Karate Tranny. Here to forcefully transition you by karate-kicking your dick off.
do you not see the sharp edges
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Fuck you, tanimura
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did they fr remove the dancer girl from the coast of flowers like in the trailer and stick her in a little mausoleum room?
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>madness perfume bottle
excuse me wat the fuck
I can see people spamming this shit in PVP
Rannifag is also you. They're the only ones you're allowed to be with.
>perfume abuser

>Is it as good as Old Hunters/Ringed City?
No. The world design is annoying and makes exploration a headache. You can't fight any of the bosses without getting 10+ scudtree blessing. The boss design is more of the same shlock as the base game, meaning AoE spam and delayed attacks everywhere. None of the bosses are as good as Gael, Midir, Orphan, Demon Princes, or Ludwig.
They did basically the same thing with the porcupine hippo
I feel like that could be interpreted as them only being recognized as such upon the union, given that otherwise the whole twist would be spoiled. It could be literal, like you said, but I think the idea of Marika subverting the Carians using another aspect of herself is more interesting. Good talk.
can you guys not run things into the ground and ust refer to characters normally
muh heckin skibidi radahnfag!

you guys sound like faggots
isn't it a player using this gear in the trailer?
>gooning too hard
>was jealous of his half-brothers because her mommy was super smart and cool while her mother was the biggest hoe on the entire world.
>no father figure because daddy mommy
>other siblings were peak human physique and beauty meanwhile he is weak and small
zanziroberto....forgiveth mine sins....
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I did restart and I can go online again, hope nothing happens
>you can now put Ghostflame Ignition on any weapon you want
Kinda makes Death's Poker irrelevant.
>one maleniafag, except not a cleanrot, one of the kindred of rot
Never fought her and just fought the bear furry
But that's who they're following anon
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>he got filtered by the exploration
this is more your speed
Ymir is a schitzo tranny?!
The AoW version apparently fucking sucks, but I heard this from a Jew
welcome to 4chan
The DLC confirmed them all literal tinfoil hat conspiracists.
What the fuck is up with the whole zanzibart thing, anyway?
What Ash of War are Messmer's soldiers using with the Axe? It's fucking strong as fuck.
I've found these underwhelming compared to the Backhand Blades. How are you using them?
>gambling game
Still can't believe they didn't give us anything new for the Black Flame. They couldn't squeeze in a Godskin Noble to drop a new ash of war or something
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i beat the game
I'm testing out the new Spirit Ashes at the Gatefront, and Taylew (the golem thing) seems like he kind of sucks.
I assume that he's better in 1v1s?
some guy on twitter made a joke about Fromsoft game story telling structure of how things can be implied by like a boss mentioning another character ("forgive me zanzibart") and so it gets reposted constantly as bait by psychotic discord trannies
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>mfw spamming Impenetrabe Thorns and everything dies
>Radhan goes down in 20 seconds
and here I keep seeing people smashing their faces against him and getting mad about it
>only three light greatswords
My heart has been raped
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What are the more interesting new weapons and armors you've found in the DLC?
Personally, I adore the Rakasha Armor. Even though it makes you fold like a fucking wet tissue, the damage boost is actually very noticeable. It helped me get through Radahn pretty nicely, despite the fact that he chunked me for 60% of my health on any stray hit. The Smithscript weapons are pretty universally very fun too, even if I do not at all agree with their stat-requirements.
>almost first try metyr and got cucked by the ads
>spend the next 7 attempts fucking throwing so hard
>next attempt I rape her so hard I barely use any flask.
moore alludes to being abandoned by her. like gowry.
nobody in the shadow realm even knows what black flame is.
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So why were people saying Radahn stopped the stars to save Ranni from becoming an Empyrean? I didn't see anything about that
well done anon
you're finally free
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Moore is like Gowry, a humanoid kindred of rot. The other forager brood are those chill pests who give you cookbooks, and he mentions his mother abandoning the brood.
the night armour, the woman knight guarding the finger guy in the church as the black flame symbol on her chest, Metyrs face is the same symbol....
I agree that the world design seems excessively convoluted, but I feel like something that would make this a lot less sucky would be having more maps that only reveal areas relevant to their location.
idk, just +10 they seem to deal way too much damage in pvp
backhand blades is your usual bleedspam r1 weapon
we're missing an actual Maleniafag. Moore doesn't know her and has nothing to say about her other than that she rejects rot. There should have been a Cleanrot NPC talking about her exploits and personality like Ansbach does for Mohg.
i like the spinny swords
shame the projectiles get stick on tiny ledges and rocks
The world design is ass and you know it. Having so many of the other areas being hidden by obtuse tucked away tunnels and secret paths is just fucking retarded. Imagine if the base game was like that and you needed to find a secret tunnel to get into Liurnia or Caelid instead of just walking there.
not yet, post your equipment and your stats
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guaranteed to make lorefags seethe
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If we're being honest have you seen radahn? Look at this man. His height alone would drive anyone crazy. He's like 10 feet tall or more. The player barely comes to his knee. Imagine how someone even smaller would be. He could literally pick someone up one handed, his big, strong hand wrapping around their entire waist, and just slide his massive meaty cock into them at any time. They wouldn't even be able to struggle. But he wouldn't do that. That's the best part. He's kind. That's the one consistent thing about him. He's kind and would ask permission, he would be as rough or as gentle as possible with you, he would take his time with you, make sure you're satisfied, and gurantee you become addicted to him. He's a selfless man. He's a large man. He's a handsome man.
I see a shield
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>love the backhand blade now that i have the swift slash for it
>did the math
>will have to respec away from ARC into DEX with faith dip to minmax for it

>some guy
The dude was a writer for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.
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the new fingers talisman for max speed casting is really interesting
BUT the catch?
-30% defenses? geez
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>Fujofren is actualy paying her part of our bet
Asked if she was working on the drawing, she got annoyed, sent me a wip and stopped answering me. I think the ship is growing on her lmao
Reminder that this guy is a Borderlands writer
The description says its supposed to be a fingerprint, but the black flame sigil has always looked like a fingerprint. I don't know if we can say they're connected, wish they'd confirm something
Will DSP be able to beat Radahn?
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input reading boss was a mistake
>i beat the game
you didn't beat the game
The funniest shit is that its a writter for Borderlands, a game where every single new game retcons and forgets about stablished canon.
Didn't he quit already
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quick, what's the heaviest chest piece that matches with the rest of the Solitude set? That isn't the Solitude chest itself, ofc
did you use a shield?
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>Radahn's fan artist saw the ending and got upset
>Draw Radahn punting Miquella
>Immediately has to shut down DM due to people flooding DM
Like clockwork. The next few days as artists finish up the DLC are going to be interesting
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what if small enemy..............was big...

you see wrong
i can't even fit another gram of weight on this build
so when Morre said they were attacked and killed after I saw them and killed them that was me? I never realised they were the foragers, I thought it would be other humanoin NPCs
I wondered why it gave me something when I approached
man I feel bad now,
I just made like 10 copies of a level 120 character with a bunch of larval tears and all flask upgrades so I can simply use one when I wanna replay it
no fucking way am I spending hours playing through the base game for the gorillionth time collecting everything
I simply invade at level 30-60 with my dragon communion twink and destroy absolutely every host and overleveled phantom I come across. You dont come across gank squads at those levels, just hosts who are awful at the game and their phantom pals who are just as bad except they have fancier armor.
I want to see a jumbo Vulgar Militia

the big cannonhead imp got a laugh out of me
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Reminder we got more lore on Tanith's homeland than the GEQ
No all the special ashes from the DLC suck
Let me refer you to my previous post >>483363301 (me)
Lmao this seethe.
what if woman... was a man?
miyazaki-dono you're a genius
Well good job anon but if you summoned you're getting castrated in the next 10 years
what's that third talisman
If you don't understand why miquella did what he did to radahn you've never been in love.
God Messmer is hot
if every invader used CE why wouldn't they use the actual cheats like god mode or instant kill

sounds like cope that you lose even when you have a massive advantage so you have to accuse them of cheating
what if dead character.........was alive.........
write that down
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backhand blades are plain awesome, their ash of war can help you counter lots of the bullshit bosses
impenetrable thorns and carian sovereignty are the 2 most overpowered spell and ash in the whole game, no contest so far, they will get nerfed so enjoy them while you can
the fire knight sword coupled with the new impaling fire attacks are super good
the real cake for me are the martial artist stuff, going around full Bruce Lee mode in this game is priceless
destroying bad players isnt fun unless u do it in rube goldberg esque funny ways

honestly its more fun to go up against sweaty ganksquads with some broken shit like the current swift slash and whomp them but alas its a rare and fleeting treat
the only stat I don't have a character build around
you monster
Ranni succeeded in doing everything Miquella was trying to achieve with a fraction of the effort.
She didn't have to do 9D chess to get what she wanted.
She did 01 ritual to get rid of her flesh as to not be controlled by the GW and got her lord by just being cute.
she didn't discover a "god", she discovered a godly element and became the originator of that. meaning, she was the first. malenia becomes the new goddess of rot (but we defeat her).
wish granted. it's just an npc wearing the vulgar militia armor.
Giant cannon imp my beloved
the upgraded version of the flask healing talisman
does that dragonform do anything
Is 10 skibidi levels enough for Bayle?
I think gender just works differently in the lands between. I wouldnt look into it that much, its just a weird alien world
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i beat all the dark souls and elden ring bosses shieldless but i can't beat messmer or bayle with a greatshield and mimic
maybe i'm just getting too old for this stuff
fag shippers who are fags themselves are the most rabid unhinged creatures on Earth. You unironically can't make a canon homo pairing in your IP because that crowd instantly think you're on "their side". And gods help you if they ever think you betrayed them. They're obnoxious at best and dangerous at worst (aka doxxing, death threats, pipebombs even)
The gender shifting stuff with Marika and Miquella is framed in mythological terms and is clearly taking from actual myths with similar themes.
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Ornis does do good damage (for a Spirit Ash), but he fucking folds like wet paper. Why the fuck are my Horned Warriors getting posture broken when the enemy versions seem to not have a posture bar at all
Even though Sam Winkler is definitely an incompetent hack, he's absolutely correct on this one. Remember when EpicNameBro released a 55 minute video about Flame God Flann, a character that was literally only mentioned in passing in one singular item description (Ring of the Sun Princess) and the entire description reading
>This ring is granted to those who enter a Covenant with Gwynevere, daughter of Lord Gwyn and the Princess of Sunlight. This slightly warm ring boosts the synergy of miracles.
>The Princess of Sunlight Gwynevere left Anor Londo along many other deities, and later became wife to Flame God Flann.
and he somehow managed to try to squeeze out 55 minutes out of it. He later removed the video and added parts of that segment on a video about the pantheon of Anor Londo. But I know. I was there. I remember.
the new magic version of the jar cannon is cool and fun to use
That doesn't mean she originated it, it just means she discovered it. Its the same for every other outer god, the bloodfiends discovered the formless mother, etc.
to add, she made "rot" from said element.

this dlc goes all out in showing us actual gods. we get the mother of the fingers themselves. another lord of frenzy. a new god. an equal to the dragon god.
>fly disease didn't kill those who would care for the afflicted victims
Is this somw kinda small pox shit or what
the dancing blade animations are really nice, i can understand what rykard saw in her
I'd say I'm 'casual that enjoys challenging himself' when it comes to Fromsoft games, with base game I've been trying to beat the bosses 1 vs 1 whenever I could and go for summons only when I've wasted ~1+ hour on single boss without visible progress. With DLC bosses I mostly don't have such sentiment when they attack me with bullshit like Divine Lion's 'floor is lava' or Rellana's moon nuke. With summons I find the difficulty just right, as the biggest gripe I have with the game is finding a window to rebuff/heal and split aggro helps with that a lot
Beat the DLC
fuck this game and fuck this company never trusting them day one again
you forgot to mention all her companions were fucking useless and her real friends were set for failure and she got insanely lucky by having some universe bending plot armored hero just show up to her and decide on a whim to help her achieve literally everything
How do I cheese Carian Knight
this guy's so fucking annoying he two shots me and he wins because he can attack through my hits
Thats why Elden Ring 2 will be all about Ranni and Godwyn, probably 10000 years after and will show that everything went to complete shit instead of happening what Ranni predicted.
They removed the weird prisoner guy that was getting followed in the trailer as well.
they developed a resistance from controlled exposure?
bayonetta in a nutshell
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how about reading a book? say the Hobbit for example
her voice makes relaxe a lot and all what I see out there are shitposts or lewd
as with all human opponents use something that can stagger them
Has anyone found beast claws other than the one at the very start yet?
Kinda hoping there are some dragons claws around
it implies she made "rot" from it. so she'd be the first going by that text.
backhand blades' blind spot helped me kill radahn because i could reliably dodge the meteors, as well as the big final aoe slam from his extended swing combo with it. it's absolutely getting nerfed into fucking oblivion, but it's still funny to see that they just made bloodhound step into an attack that has more iframes than even bloodhound step in it's prime did.
Its really telling how fragile your ego is to equate downloading a third party application to give you every single item and max it out to using a summon.
>help me torrentman, i'm going insane
I feel like people are brainwashing themselves into liking this shit at this point.
or Gundam Witch, or pretty much anything that's post 2010. fuck I'm surprised fag shippniggers didn't threathen to kill the creator of Devil May Cry over the fact that Dante or one of the main guys has a son.
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>miquella is a manipulative tranny/femboy
>ymir wants to be a mother and dresses like a woman
>we kill them both on pride month
Holy shit
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check my quints
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Messmer by far is my favorite fight in the DLC and maybe of the entire game even.

He's a right balance of difficulty and leaves plenty of room to attack in between his combos.
Man, im burned out. These zones while often pretty feel barren as fuck of any interesting enemies.

I was expecting big things from shadow keep and fuck, its just empty. Like they spent all their time on bosses but forgot to add in the enemies inbetween.
I only ever found bear claws that are strength based
Thats exactly what I do. I could just spray them with Ekzykes's Decay but thats just my panic button to kill especially annoying phantoms.
I prefer terrorizing them over a long period of time by killing all their phantoms repeatedly, stalking them with concealing veil, harassing them with jar cannons and great bows, etc
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>The questline of the mysterious paladin who fights the undead ends abruptly with him being stabbed to death by a whore.
>There’s no quest that ends with the eradication of the undead
>The questline of the zealous young priest ends with him going insane from the revelation that he’s literally the last person in the world that still believes in the golden order and killing maskbro
Lawful Good bros, why does fromsoft hate us?
how's the repeating crossbow
check this 3
his combos are too long for the kind of game this is
there's a spiritsprinng near temple town ruins that brings you up to a mausoleum npc fight that drops Red Bear Claws
she discovered a divine element, that divine element was the rot god, which she then weaved into scarlet rot. its the same as shabriri channeling the flames of frenzy. shabriri is not the god of frenzy himself
so what's getting nerfed first in the next balance patch?
>long, thick, prehensile snake
you know why
I saw someone theorize that the disease didn't affect kind, selfless people or something
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I'll share here when the picture is finished, it's going to be only lineart tho, like her old Miquella drawings.
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pic related will hard disagree
will he ever win?
how do I roll messmer's 5-spear burst while he's hanging upside down
i'm not the one using CE, i didn't say that

but how is giving yourself consumables (which you can just buy anyway) giving you an advantage over other people? do you think someone that CE'd 999 boiled crab meat is suddenly equal to a host + 2 summons?
>sorcery that requires faith
The fuck is this shit?
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>The questline of the mysterious paladin who fights the undead ends abruptly with him being stabbed to death by a whore.
Are you fucking retarded?
Did you not finish the quest because his twin fucking kills her
This makes me wonder. Why does the guidance which is controlled by marika, point you along ranni's quest if you do it but points you to killing miquella? Why? She says for her kids to try to become Gods in melina's quote of her, and clearly doesn't mind it if ranni does it. So why does she not want miquella to do it? Is she just homophobic and hates gay men?
>in a single player game
there's always one of these faggots
how do you have trouble with meteors? you just run perpendicular to them
you don't
you block it
roll - block string - roll - roll
perfume bottles
probably into useless territory
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how dumb is leda
Began with DS1 back when AotA came out and radahn 2.0 is quickly becoming the very first fight in the history of the series that has made me want to just give up and resort to any cheese necessary purely so I can be finished with it. I am finally filtered.
>So why does she not want miquella to do it? Is she just homophobic and hates gay men?
She wants a Tarnished to rule, and that fuccboi refuses to fuck anyone but his brother
Some consumables are limited because of the powerful buffs they can give you. Thats how they balanced it out. Using cheats to give yourself an effective infinite supply removes that scarcity.
They wernt meant to be spammed. They were meant to be saved and used during that one moment you really needed them.
how is balance not relevant in a singleplayer game?
>using shields
She wanted the snakes to eat her out.
If the divine element was the rot God then were the kami or whatever its called fags right about some outergods just being aspects of nature?
swift slash
the true combo that one colossal greatsword has
probably bleed weapons again for the 30th time (still wont be enough)
all bosses (to reach the chinese market)
empty headed except for plotting murders
items such as...?

please don't say blessing of marika because lol
Who thought that forcing people to use shields was a good idea?
I swear so many fucking times I swear I'm punished for not having the build the game fucking wants.
Make a fucking action game you fucking niggers we can't fucking respect between every fight
roll block block roll roll
jump or strafe the last one if you can

don't be a shitter who only rolls
I summoned a guy to help for Messmer and he did something like 12500 damage in one hit with the sunflower. Da fuk??? Is it just high skibidi level or what was going on there?
I was curious so I got the sunflower and leveled it to +9. Still wasn't doing more than 1000 damage.
what does that exactly do?
starlight shards, rot stuff
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I liked her and her gang of lunatics
Furnace golems are fucking terrible, either you waste time farming for shitty crafting pots to cheese them or spam attacks on their legs while trying to avoid their shitty aoe lingering hitboxes for 5 minutes. Awful.
Lets you start perfect guarding like this shit is DMC
People get scaled down to your skibidi level, might be an exploit / bug / FromSoft being stupid
it isn't. not unless you mean something entirely different with the same word
miyazaki hates his fans, this dlc is his hate letter to us all.
why else would he use recycled radahn that can only be fought with a poiseblob shieldfag build as the final of final bosses?
how the fuck do people live with themselves wearing bullgoats
seriously I don't get it
how do you choose to play a single player game wearing something that fucking ugly
the number of white phantoms with bullgoat fingerprint or bullgoat offhand PoD is insane
can you repeat the question
>Rellana's moon nuke
Rellana's moon nuke is probably the best version of that kind of attack -- you just run away and jump twice.
That said the entire fight is horseshit and that genre of attack isn't fun to deal with.
See you in the next rollslop general
Pretty much anything of blue/purple quality.
Youre trying to be dishonest when you know exactly what im talking about.
just press guard/block right before the attack hits?
why is the blackgoal knight with them
this is not canon.
She wants (YOU) to be Elden Lord since she likes you a lot for some reason
Rolling sparks, swift slash, blind spot's poise damage, impenetrable thorns

As she is suspicious
now that the dust has settled, did the hornsent do anything wrong?
It takes 9 gorillion years, but atleasst the slap the legs strat cant fail if you use hoss to jump the waves
you run backwards and roll after the first couple thrusts. if an attack lasts longer than your iframes you need to be out of its area of effect after the roll. it's not rocket science.
base type b template lookin ass
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>btfo by Lion a few times
>summon Tiche
>win 1st try
I love my wife
>CE turns on
>One tap
>CE turns off
I refuse to play shitty content.
yes he and his people are literally fantasy biblical jews
I get they were going for a shadow of the colossus style of fight but they missed the mark by a lot. Should've added a gimmick weapon or consumable to make it more enjoyable. The armored leg ones are by far the worst. Their firestorm spam is terrible.
>didn't list any
i accept your concession
You're the ballsiest Tarnished the Lands have ever seen, and bizarrely charismatic, at least according to Rogier.
She's also down with having Godfrey win though so there's that.
there's a reason why we only get 14 charges maximum to the estus flask
do you think that's just an arbitrary number?
why are there even abductor virgins in the land of shadow
aren't those rykard's thingys
>Thinks about murdering all of her companions since they might not be super loyal to Miquella
>Never suspects you at all despite you being the only one who actually wants to kill him
Leda is a bit of a dummy.
You mean the one that starts with him helicoptering through you before doing it? Rolling into it diagonally worked for me, but the timing is tight. Don't listen to >>483387853

Even if you take one hit out of five, it's worth it because the ending of that combo lets you get off a fully charged R2
Nta but they match well
>theyre both nutjobs
>theyre both obsessively goal driven
>theyre both willing to do heinous things for their ambitions
>they'd both go to the ends of the earth for their ideas
>their goals are to become a god and elden lord respectively
>miquella values strength and the tarnished fucked up his sister and even got a compliment for her
I think it's a massive missed opportunity to pair miquella with radahn. Miquella should've been an obsessive yandere for the tarnished instead. Then we'd get more /ss/ art with him
but...i'm just a tarnished of no renown
>shitty crafting pots to cheese them
Qrd? I'm not fucking dealing with their attacks if I can help it.
what fucking part of those golems is "shadow of the colossus style"? the fact they're big and nothing else? you can't climb them or even jump on top of them.
I tried that, and I kept getting hit anyway. Sometimes I could just roll early and get a perfect timing, but I'd just keep getting hit by them for some reason.
sex with dragon communion priestess
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Anyone tried doing invasions in the DLC? Are they as cancer as they were in the base game? I stopped bothering when 90% my invasions were gankers with max level phantoms
I'm at +15 skibidi and nearly explored the whole map before killing mesmer. How the fuck are you anons getting +20?!
Nope I already didn't care for a lot of DS3 and Elden Ring was the final straw.
I also didn't like Sekiro but I don't count that and now the DLC and Sekiro are two things I finished out of spite and not fun.
I will not suffer this a third time
Most of his combos are like 3 hit attacks with the only exception being that one move that ends with the spears coming from the ground. They're also very telegraphed and generally easy to read.
>Failing at fire golems
Lightning Perfume and Rolling Spark.

You're welcome.
All shippers that live permanently on twitter are like this though.
Thank you for admitting you were being dishonest.
Unironically tempted to do the same.
You can throw hefty firepots if you can get above them but you need like 5-6 hits inside the basket, miss a few and you're fucked.
ok pedo now face the wall
imagine struggling against something that dies to being hit
blocking is part of the game
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And that's makes you special!
Man, I wish there was Marika and Tarnished art that wasn't outright porn.
Do the castanets do anything now?
>great katana are shit
>there's only one infusable light greatsword and it's ugly
>the only form-fitting plate armor in the game is gloom- I mean night armor, and it doesn't match any weapon and looks like shit
This DLC really let me down.
there are some which have armored legs and the only way to deal any real damage to them is throwing several hefty fire pots directly into it's top while it's spamming fireballs at you. It's some Bed of Chaos type of bullshit, except this time you need consumables.
>Allow invasions
>Absolute no fun allowed complete minmax abuse
>Do coop
>Absolute no fun allowed bleed/flies spam
For the first time in any Souls I don't even bother doing any online now. The DLC online I have done so far was terrible.
you mean the one you didnt really beat?
>You now remember those Dante x Vergil shippers
>>great katana are shit
At what? They're doing fine with me on bosses
>no hit no parry radahn consort
>every move easily dodged by just dodging to the left or straight backwards
whats your excuse?
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It's actually kinda cute in a way. The only people around that marika has any faith in are her ex husband, her step daughter, and (you). You all represent her salvation, if godfrey succeeds she gets her man back, if tarnished succeeds she get a new man, if ranni succeeds she gets freedom from her godly prison and gets to be reunited with those she loves depending on where dead souls go. Marikachads won. Because ultimately even ranni lovers are on marika's side in the end.
>Just drugged the dragon priestess with thiollier potion
Kek that's interesting
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Between the hornsent and Marika, did she do anything wrong?
i did a bunch tonight and every single one is still a 1v3
none of them seemed to be max level however
>if you can get above them
Ah so like none of them. Cool.
>whats your excuse?
the fact that half the moves he does in p2 lowers my fps down into single digits.
>Anyone tried doing invasions in the DLC?
Are they as cancer as they were in the base game?
pretty much

however its still a primo time to invade if youre going to do it, there is actually broken enough shit that lets you fight 1v3 and still sometimes win, like the bone bow and my god the swift slash
They die in 3 pots. Its only for the 2 or 3 of them with a spiritspring next to them and the armored legs. You wait for them to get close and drop them in the baskit.
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>can't infuse it and keep impaling thrust because impaling thrust can't go on fists
I told him about Trina and now he's spent the entire DLC just sitting in front of her saying 'pleade leave me alone'.
Wish I'd told Leda to kill him.
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I knew a girl that looked like this irl, half black american half white, her skin was still dark and her eyes were blue but darker than that. It freaked me out. She was mentally unstable and into raceplay with white guys. Your character even has the same mentally unwell resting bitch face she had. Good job
We needed a Cleanrot NPC who uses a faith katana. I can't believe we got two more Int katanas in the DLC
>Get his bow
>You yell before you fire
how does the bone bow allow you to 1v3 people?
if you mean is it related to some computation around optimal player healing then no, there's zero support for such a theory.
if you mean is it entirely arbitrary a la throwing darts then also no. it's not entirely arbitrary: the most likely explanation for 14 in particular is that they wanted the player to collect meaningful things as they progressed and explored. and seeds are such a thing. the number 14 grew naturally out of how many seeds they placed on the world map. they placed the seeds, and then reduced the total number a bit in case people missed some.

even in the pvp there is barely any concept of balance. give it up, it's not a balanced game. and that's fine. it would be more fucked up punching someone did as much damage as stabbing them with a spear
yes, that's exactly my point. Is just a huge guy that you have to slowly wail at until it eventually topples and dies
Didn't you keep drinking Trina's dew?
Ornis is not worth the FP to summon him
The generic Horned Warrior ash does more damage and survives longer it's so weird how the DLC has better common ashes than special ones
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Yeah so far I got
>Open world with 3 passive shitters that just stay right by the grace, host DC'ed after an hour
>TT double spear poiseblob faggot with blues on (Both blues were insanely disgusting frenzy spammers)
>1 guy with 2 max levels who just melted the fucking PvE and me but the host died to the PvE when he was teabagging me
>2 Limpgrave grace goblins BACK TO BACK
The current system is unsalvageable, not to mention invading near/far also can make you invade in the dogshit base game areas
I also feel like the enemy encounters are one of the weakest elements of the DLC. You have areas that are perfectly fine like the Specimen Storeroom or Belurat, but then there's a lot of dungeons that are in dire need of more enemies / better-designed enemy encounters.

Remember the room full of sorcerers and the giant pot in Raya Lucaria? Remember the room where you're getting bombarded by 3 sorcerers from 3 different directions right after that, with a lazuli sorcerer waiting for you? Remember the courtyard encounter in Stormveil with all the exile soldiers? Remember the Haligtree? And so on and so forth, the base game has a lot of memorable combat encounters. The DLC feels like it's afraid to throw more than 1-3 enemies at the player at any given moment, which doesn't make sense because it's the endgame. You should be getting raped in every room you enter, yet half of them are empty.

The church district of the Shadow Keep is the worst example of this. Look, I get that it's flooded and that precludes the inclusion of a lot of enemy types, but it's essentially entirely empty. Where are the crossbowmen peppering me with bolts and fire pots while I try to jump across the wreckage? Where are the shadow militiamen ambushing me while I'm fighting off bats? At least put a lobster or two and some slimes or something in the flooded section instead of... 2 crabs and 2 ulcerated tree spirits, wow.

He's great, yeah.
I think I've drank it twice. Didn't seem to effect anything
Yeah, it's bizarre. That said, one of my test runs ended with him getting 11 kills instead of 3.
do also consider that it might've been two part favoritism
1) guiding melina to the erd tree (where two fingers locked off the capital so she can't just pop in there) and explain why she's resurrected + the plan
2) since you were already chosen by melina to walk the path to destined death you've proven yourself to be at least sorta capable
am I the only one who regularly has to equip bhs/raptor mist just to get through the bosses in this dlc?
you just described balance in your 2nd sentence you retard
>bloodhound's step
wake me up when someone does it by rolling
you have to drink it a lot
St Trina talks to you on your 4th attempt.
Have you tried the new spirit buffing crystal tear? I've been wondering if that unlocks their true potential
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>have been seeing the words incel/chud/pedo in a non-iroic way

when did /erg/ became xitter central?
lmao the scadutree avatar has multiple lives wtf
if you rolled, you didnt beat the game
okay boomer
>get that it's flooded and that precludes the inclusion of a lot of enemy types,
It would have been the perfect time for a new anphibious monster to crawl out of the water onto the roofs. Then they are just hanging out in the streets after drained
>no spells
>literally casts golden vow
t. alt-right
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only 2 hours and one respec
end up spamming black flame
fuck this shit
show me someone doing it with a normal medium roll
I have not, no. I'll try it out after doing them baseline.
you are seeing ordinary colloquial english my middle aged friend
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So if we do ranni's quest, marika's guiding us could potentially be interpreted as a step mother trying to get her NEET step daughter to get off her ass, get married, and get on with her life? Bros? Did marika do a single thing wrong? Ever?
lmfao nice boss design
You need to spend ultra rare crafting mats to make hefty furnace pots
Then you need to do platforming while getting pelted by firestorms and the instant mil kamehameha
After that you need to wait for it to get close and jankily throw the pot into the basket and it takes like 5 to kill them
It's about as awful as fighting them normally
>Did marika do a single thing wrong? Ever?
she's not my mommy
What are the steps for the dragon quest? Putting it off don't want to miss something. Already got invaded just before finding the cave.
>no MAGIC spells
If you believe the theory that the Tarnished is an ex-demigod, I guess you could say trying to bang your son is pretty weird.
it wont help you 1v3 but the ash of war lets you pepper players with non stop homing arrows, which staggers them and usually gets them killed if they are fighting anything else at all. its good for pressure
>people use mentally ill language ironically
>mentally ill people see their language being used
>they think they're among friends and settle down
>people now use mentally ill language unironically
that's why ironic shitposting will forever be the same as shitposting
some resistances, minor armor and 20% more dragon lightning damage
its actually 3 pots and the ones that are clearly meant to be taken out by pots have armored legs
and they stagger long enough that you can just keep throwing
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So what was up with these scattered around here and there but being non-hostile? I thought they were born from the scarlet rot or whatever.
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literally the second Kai touched this game
actually kinda kino
Um it matches the Claws of Night and the Sword of Night
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>That final boss
Bro when the normies find out about this we about to enter the negative realm of steam reviews
Whoever designed this is genuinely unhinged
She didn't build an excessively huge happy family with me
It's basically the same as the base game, but with exciting new cancer
>Moonveil, as always
>dragon breath, as always
>dual Vyke's / Mohg's, as always
>Blasphemous Blade, as always
>Waves of Piss, as always
>dual spears, as always
>fingerprint shield everywhere, as always
>everyone and their mother is using backhand blades and spamming either swift strike or blind spot (both of which are cancer due to latency)
The bright side is that because 95% of Elden Ring players are complete NPCs, none of them will realize what's actually imbalanced in invasions until their faggot of choice uploads a video about how ABSOLUTELY BROKEN?! it is. In other words, enjoy experimenting with new weapons while you can do so completely unhindered by the stigma of doing so.
Thats a very specific description
ultimately not sure why he'd even bother with buffs other than dodge roll and stamina. not like hp/fp matter if you plan on restarting after 1 hit.
need a prequel about them fucking & fighting their way across tlb
Chud is a fucking funny word and adding -cel to anything also makes it funny
Took 3 deaths for Rellana
Greatshield + Guardcounter wrecks her, she's easily staggered. I staggered her at least 3-4 times.
is there a single weapon buff build that doesnt feel like ass? seems like the damage is always fuck all
The meteoric ore one??
forager brood, they're collectors, they give you cookbooks and some mats
>Greatshield + Guardcounter wrecks her
that's the entire DLC
we're in the greatshield meta
They're the forager brood mentioned by Moore. They're born of the scarlet rot, but they're chill. their cookbooks mention that fermenting is another form of rotting, so they ferment the livers and stuff
>can only ever get in a single fast poke every 20 seconds
This is terrible design. I didnt deal 2.5k dmg a hit so it would take me 4x as long to do this
>the constant fire knight spam
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you hav-MUST go back
It's about time greatshield bros won. I say this as a stalwart 2H roll-spammer.
Got invaded while playing with my friend 3 times
>1 swiftstrike, got bullied against a wall and kicked to death by me
>1 kungfu man, got outfisted by me
>1 spinny-throwy hammer man, slamdunked me

Overall the swift slash was the biggest cunt
isnt it better to leave all your stats 5 short of the softcap so you can rune arc or shift around talismans to reach caps
Vaati is here with us now. Vaati is stealing this. You did this
why wasn't the star lined sword a light greatsword

when haven't they won? all the games are made 100x easier by using a greatshield

it's there for shitters
Can you get all the stuff from Radahn remembrance, or are you limited to cloning the remembrance only two times?

>Assume a luminous form and leap forward to deliver a downward slash at the speed of light.

Demigods can move at the speed of light now, damn, this dlc really went full anime bullshit. Guess that was the only way to make Radahn look definitely stronger than Malenia.
>their cookbooks mention that fermenting is another form of rotting, so they ferment the livers and stuff
That's actually a very cool detail.
Swift slash abusers are subhumans and you should do your duty to kill them on sight.
>spinny-throwy hammer man
That's me, except I've accepted that the hammer is only good at close range, ironically. The charged R2 can't be rolled out of, I think. At range, you're better off throwing the smithscript shield (which is evil) since you're already using one smithscript weapon.
>jagged thin sword
>no curve
>its a katana
For what fucking purpose
it shouldve been either a light gs or even a heavy thrusting sword
I'm surprised we never got a powerstanced dagger
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I bet you could convince her to let you call her mommy if you become her consort
That's the secret ending to elden ring the after credits. It ends with pregnant marika restored to health thanks to the elden ring. Or a pregnant ranni, given a more fleshy body by the elden ring. The entire message of elden ring is to actually marry and reproduce you see, this is why the dlc had us kill two gay men and a man who wanted to be a woman.
How much harder would the DLC be on NG+ you think? I'm pretty sure that even if I went level 300+ and just started full haveldad I wouldn't have the skill needed to beat some of these DLC bosses.
>shadow sunflower
So wait did this thing grow from Miquella's great rune?
Unpopular opinion but I think it's fine that the game is balanced around the existence of spirit ashes since they're meant to be a core new mechanic. The reason the strings last so long is because your spirit is meant to help you create openings.
If you're not good enough to get past through a boss without spirits, just use the fucking spirits instead of bitching online that the game isn't balanced around your mini challenge run.
Where is the Gloam Eyed Queen
Speaking of heavy thrusting swords, what's the point of Queelign's?

What? Also use the main gauche
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Is there a way to get there/Is there something there?
>go into the castle
>fight moon knight with poison build
>one shot
So ez lmao
An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
The bosses have a new ai and target the host 90% of the time. Unless your using multiple aggro pieces, bad hosts will just continue dying.

This is made painfully apparant if u used any npc summons.
To test: go fight like morgott with melina, his dumbass cant figure who to focus and u both shred.

Summon freyja for this divine beast. She wont get aggro, ever.
Based chudcel
Yes and you’re then meant to kill said brother since to reach that point you must side with Fia. You’re an idiot, anon.
Youll be pleased to know that guy got locked into the wall by me and my bud, forced to roll in place until force palm put him out of his fucking misery
on the subject of force palm, holy fuck does it have range, knockback and damage
Chilling with Velka in the age of the deep sea waiting room
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Same thing with Moore's armor, which says verdigris is a gift from an outer god. Its a corroded metal, so rust and corrosion are also a form of rot
Can we get a "post tarnished" next thread?
homo shippers are specially vicious tho because they're empowered by globohomo
Yes there's a twinblade
I don't know if it's good I never use twinblades
Bleed buildup of thorns sorcery and bloodfiend arm. Carian sovriegnty poise damage. Rolling sparks being toned down. Radahn may go a few patches before changes
>fermenting is another form of rotting
think they got any kindred moonshine? some real rotgut
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did they add new sleep weapons?
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>level up to 150
>the arena is still full of tryhards
a dagger that comes with the power stance moveset, like the twin axes and what not. fire knight's shortsword should have been that, since the fire knights dual wield them
Marika the eternally fertile hag...
Did Starscourge Radahn's meteors always floor you?
I got lazy near the end of his fight because I was breezing through most of it with my gravitas hand axe.
Was slow on dodging the four meteors and got taken down from ~1600hp to 0hp in an instant.
Granted, I am using radagon's soreseal at lvl 60, so I don't know if that contributed to the damage negation.
Regardless, hot damn.
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yellow chads won
How did they create such a pairing that literally fucking NO ONE likes? Lmao
Very confused on the hornsent enemies. Why are they black phantoms? Why are they in the shadowkeep if they’re enemies of Mesmer? How come the curseblades, inquisitors, and horned warriors aren’t black phantoms despite being hornsent?
Which items tell you Marika's people, numens, all that, were killed by hornsent? I just visited her village.
I've gotten my skibidi up to +15
Do I have to burn the tree to get more?
I don't agree with the idea that the game is "balanced around" a mechanic that interrupts the flow state of FromSoft boss fights. That's the point of the boss fights: you're (usually) dueling 1v1 with your foe and looking for those openings, which universally exist without the aid of spirit ashes. You are right, however, that spirit ashes create more openings for the player. That's why they're an accessibility concession, they're there for people who don't necessarily want to engage with that aspect of the game's design fully, but want to play through it regardless.

I'm not making a value judgment about spirit ashes when I say this. I don't care if you or anyone else uses them. They're cool. But they directly disrupt the gameplay experience by design as an accessibility concession.
>Did Starscourge Radahn's meteors always floor you?
Yes they always did like a million damage if the whole cluster hits
Man it really should've been Godwyn instead of Radahn...
Honestly good, its fucking infuriating to have to sever out whenever we find a dungeon entrance
unironically coop mod is a straight upgrade
You never kill his twin he just fucking dies off screen and you get his set on the ground.
there's some ghosts in bonney village, as well as the tooth whip
>fellow Poisonous Fang user

Where's your exalted flesh btw? And what ash you're running on Fangs, bloom?
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>Marika wants you to burn the erdtree, find her and start a new age
>When he sees you, Radagon immediately attacks you
Armored Core 6 was their best recent game.
Wait hold on hold on if the ending is really "impregnate marika or ranni" how would that work as a female character? Especially since radagon seems to be dead. Do they impregnate you instead? How?
Good. I'm eager to try the H2H weapons, but I'm really not sure what sort of build they belong on.
You can go to +19 before burning the tree
The option should be added but I like having to babysit random hosts until the boss is dead so I hope they don't remove random short term summons.
Too bad it completely kills invasions on pc
Now get fucking Capcom to do it with MH. Fucking Japanese. They need to wake up.
Im going to cry
Male character is canon
which weapon category got treated the worst in the DLC
Are the black guys even hornsent? Do they have horns?
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I totally didnt die 300x till I learned the parry timing btw

ive only got one, courtesy of my friendo, infusable so you can do whatever, and since its a dual weapon it doesnt get the 50% twohand str bonus so can go either way, its a quality weapon by default
When you get it, try the running R2, youll fall in love real quick
Now level up to 200
Invading people will really blackpill you on the state of this player base
*Thank god it completely kills invasions on pc

Destiny red minigamers and Souls PvPers are the biggest whiny bitches ever to throw their malfeasance on this earth. Go play a real balanced PvP game you twinking casuals.
Lords of the Fallen did this...
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Starting to like this weapon
Marika is the half that wants to shatter the elden ring and start a new age
Radagon is the half that wants to repair the ring and restore the old age
She's so uncertain that her mind splits into different people
>explored nearly the entire map
Finding the remaining skibidi is going to be a pain in the ass...
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>use greatshield
>have no problems besides the cheeky first-attack-is-a-grab-and-I-didn't-know moment

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genuinely how are you even supposed to beat this guy with a normal build, his attacks are impossible
Yeah they’re hornsent. They have small horns. It just doesn’t make sense how they’re burnt but the other types of horn sent aren’t.
An official one would likely include invasions, if invasions are included at all. I'm beginning to think Elden Ring might be the last game with invasion multiplayer, if only because the DLC made literally no improvements and increased the status effect bullshit tenfold.
it is pretty eye opening to see what the average player is like
the rule of "you need a phantom to get invaded" kinda ruined invasions anyway, since it now defaults to whoever can outfuck the other party first
duels are nice, but invaders are so afraid of getting ganked that they prefer to attack first, and then get ganked
Okay but what IF YOU chose a female character. That's what I'm asking. Women can't impregnate other women. Neither marika nor ranni have cocks
>almost solo 3 man death knight for host and his buddy
>host steps in at the last second
>gets two-shot
Going to have to work extra hard for these rune arcs I see.
Shield I feel will play a big role for a lot of people this DLC.
>a normal build
Once upon a time, using a shield was the normal build in souls.
agreed, maybe they could use a system like the small stones from 2 for that kind of mp
I wonder something, what if Gideon actually peered into radagon's mind thinking its marika
>Okay but what IF YOU chose a female character
There are no female characters, that's why it says body type A and B, they both have dick and balls. Lore scholars have known this since day 1
It sucks dude
Random shadow people with pots have fragments, random strong enemies that don't even count as mini bosses can have them, some are hidden in obscure locations
There are no markings or indicators for where to look
It's the worst scavenger hunt
My kingdom for a pair of dragon claws
Surely its not just the beast and bear claws...
I respect FromSoftware's brave stance against zooming the camera out when fighting gigantic monsters that fill up the entire screen. It surely must take a massive amount of courage to go against logical game design principles that they've followed in previous titles for literally no reason.
Radahnfags face it. Miquella cannot control the mind, it's absurd! They only thing Miquella posseses is a cute shota body which Radahn couldn't resist just like Miquella's followers.

If Radagon is indeed Marika, then he isn't dead and probably can still pump your femTarnished.
Ranni can probably do whatever with her doll body, surely outfitting it with a cock wouldn't too much to ask.
>dryleaf arts has 400 AR
>beast claw has 500 AR + bleed

man why is the AR so ass on the hand to hand weapons
That really depends entirely on the fandom. I've seen straight fag shippers go utterly mental too. It all depends on how much bait a ship gets in the media itself. If it seems like a done deal or a relationship that just goes unquestioned only for it to be completely sunk by some random ass plot development these people will lose their minds. The same can be said for Japanese waifu fags if they see the girl they like fall in love with someone in the show. They will literally kill themselves or burn down kioani like that one schizo.
Can I revert the stone-sheathed sword back if I transform it?
>noooooo ooo you can't just twink to deal with my 2 meta cancer max level phantoms
kek can't make this shit up
Genuinely hope the retards responsible for ruining MIQUELLA get kyoani'd
>in future games
>not overhauling ER's dismal multiplayer component
Co-op too. It's so fucking grim. There are so few players who have interesting characters or builds that aren't the same shit you've seen in YouTube videos 1,000 times over. They don't know that gestures exist. They hide behind their summons, or you if you're the summon in a boss fight. They die to literally everything, if a gnat breathes on them it's over. There's no sense of community or decency like there was even after the PC release of DS1, or during DS2.

I really ought to go get this thing ASAP, dueling shields look really interesting despite not being OP or anything.
If he makes us pay for this in another dlc.....
Leda's pretty cute....
Is it worth betraying Mohgbro?
I sure love that fat fucking hippo
because the arts has a great moveset but the claws makes you commit on the second R1
>finished Erdtree
>done all quests
>got everything I can get
what now bros... I want more....
if you have 2 phantoms you should be able to be invaded by 3 people and without friendly fire on between them
Yeah its pretty obvious fromsoft is phasing out invasions to appeal to casuals
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I wanted an ending where I can hug the cute shota and start a comfy age of kindness
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i'll be so sad if i dont see miquella x malenia x trina
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Why do NORMAL enemies hurt more than bosses
The worst part is that they can do it. They have done it. They just decide not to, because fuck you.
It's over. You go outside and blow the stink off you or wait for Elden Ring 2.
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Was this really fucking necessary Michael Zaki?
Okay but put back seeds of fallen giants
Redman touched you in your nono places?
That's my thinking too. Invaders have been nerfed into the fucking ground to the point you gotta twink up with hyper-optimized oneshots builds to find any success. Even so, things were fun in Demon and Dark Soul
It's more like as an Invaders you gotta lean on exploiting the hosts overconfidence since you'll invade 3 peoples the majority of time. I like activating taunter, putting the hunter ring, and hiding with camouflage. some ridiculous shenanigans happen
>next game has permanent coop with 2 other players
>but you can also be invaded by 3 player parties
you're thinking of idolfags
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[i'm still using the solitude armor set]
2nd character, co-op, invasions, arena, NG+

It's a little crazy stepping back into the DLC on a 2nd character. It makes you realize just how fucking huge it is in terms of the breadth of content. The depth leaves a little bit to be desired, but whatever.
no but you can transform it once more after this
>the dlc is beautiful and the world design and levels are some of the best from has ever made
>but the bosses are just nigger tier bullshit from start to finish
why, michael zaki? why?
The hippo isn't even that bad. I just reached Senessax and I can only conclude that nobody actually playtested this shit because even playing unlocked it's a miserable experience trying to see what the fuck he's actually doing. Don't even try to play locked on because the camera will literally go backwards facing the wrong direction all the time as all his attacks have forward momentum on them that puts his head in front of you, but all Ancient Dragon fights have this issue; they're just a shitty enemy in general.

that was their way of balancing host vs invader in previous games and they threw it out the window and went for a completely unbalanced and unfun approach instead
Like watching a nature documentary between the mating habits of a red and a blues fat greatsword
They still go equally insane over character worship. In this case, it's just two characters instead of one.
>what if you play a female character
Marika being able to grow a cock isn't out of the realm of possibility. Rykard has her blonde hair despite being rennala's son. Maybe that's why he went insane?
I'll pass then. I don't have the faith and the untransformed design is sick. Thanks for answering.
Her leaving her clothes here implies she got naked and wandered off
avoided the thread due to spoilers
>ctrl-f rolling sparks
I see everyone else has also realized.
This thing is so fucking busted I think i've beaten the last 5 bosses I fought in speedrun time. Stacked talismans and even berserker armor for maximum damage. why the fuck are perfumes boosted by roar talisman?

Beat the game with it and now I can start a new run and use something normal and maybe see more of the boss fights
Yeah at that point I don't blame people for looking up their locations.
At least with golden seeds they're easier to spot or find. But this shit isn't...
those axe niggers hit like Radagon with his hammer it's insane
Messmer is a fucking asshole. Fight is not fun.
souls pvp peaked at Rat King.
>Neither marika nor ranni have cocks
miyazaki is a futa gooner confirmed
>roll-catches you twice in a row
>100 to 0
nothing personnel
Oh look it's the resident redhomo seethemaxxer
I'm doing NG+7 and it's aidskino, if my math is correct I'm basically playing with 8 fewer skibidi levels compared to NG and the bosses also have way higher stagger resistance
would actually be very interesting to see a souls game that has co-op as the primary focus
cat covenant forest pvp*
Messmer eats my asshole. Fight was easy, he got absolutely dommed and trooned out to sissy hypno.
Thighs are thick but my ass sucks.
Nah he's the best anime fight from has ever made if you exclude Sekiro
Those are gachafags and tumor fags. Waifufags have been waifuing chracters like Holo that have canon lovers for ages
And the kyoani guy had nothing to do with waifufagging or shipping. He did it because he was convinced they plagiarised him
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>everyone's like "wow this has brand new animations and stuff! i love backblades!"
>they don't realize it's just the avian marionette's moveset but on a player
>"wow these new beast claws sure have cool new animations!!"
>it's just beast claws + transformation glyph from bloodborne
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You're a guy bro. You talk like a fag, you act like a loser, and you're shits all retarded. This is my cathedral now. PRAISE THE LORD!
>If you play a female character marika or ranni knocks you up with their futacocks
>Gets owned in any balanced PvP game but also cries endlessly on /vg/ when I triple gank pebble spam his sorry ass
You are pathetic
Am I retarded or is 100 new weapons actually not that impressive? One (1) SINGULAR int/fai weapon. ZERO fai/arc weapons. The fact that the DRAGON WHORE's mace doesn't have faith scaling is BEYOND RETARDED
>getting filtered by the dancing lion
am I getting old or this dlc really pulls pure bullshit never been seen before out of its ass on top of the amazing camera
in the forest turning into a jar and standing against a wall wasn't a viable strategy
wait until you find out where they got this bloodborne animations from
Leda gank squad is so cancer
I fucking ADORED that fight, his long delays give you a ton of openings to counterattack
i've noticed you do a lot of projecting in these threads
I beat the black gaol knight, the two sword lady the lightning dragons on the mountain + bayle, the boat guy and the demihuman queen with only +3 and no summons because I'm bad at exploring.
>the untransformed design is sick
And apparently has one of the absolute highest poise damage per hits in the entire game, rivaling that of colossal weapons.
This is literally 100% true
This idea that devs should not reuse old assets is dumb and retarded. The amount of time wasted because X firm has to remake animations done a hundred times by other devs is capitalism gone wrong.
The dryleaf moveset is just the senpo monks
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>get the first reversed blades you get in the dlc
>lugging them around and shit
>decide to say fuck it and bring them to the medium/big bosses minus a few
>but bleed affinity and cragblade on them
>doing stupid damage with staggers now and then with sizeable bleed damage

this is almost unfair bros. its very funny since the dlc is melting a lot but this is kinda unfair for sure.
just wait until the content creators make the weapon tier list (DLC weapons will consist of the top 20% best weapons) for you so you don't have to make these retarded claims
They just need to make the souls mmo. Big firelink hub, customizable maiden pet follower, new big dungeon every few months. Would be kino.
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Is there a way to drink the loli juice without dying?
I beat the dlc at level 302 on NG+4 with only 17 scadu fragments. It's doable, but its fucking absolute aids and cancer, specially for bosses like Radahn, Putrid knight, and Frenzy guy who just combo for 5 mins straight. High level helps you use various weapons though, so I was able to interchangeably adapt to certain bosses a little bit.
fai/arc, being absurdly strong already, doesn't need new weapons
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Turns out the Radahn twist was foreshadowed all along in Malenia's equipment descriptions and just got localized out of the English version.

In the original Japanese Malenia actually differentiates between "brother" and "Miquella". It seems unnatural because she says brother in one line and Miquella in the next and the translators just decided to change it so that both lines refer to Miquella, but looks like what she was actually saying is that Radahn will be forced to keep his promise because nobody can resist Miquella.
So the sunflower's thorns do not only affect the ground and you cannot jump over them (makes sense, as they are 12 feet tall. I'm not sure of the timing required to dodge
a) the initial attack. I can never see he's even about to do it and just get slammed
b) dodging the actual rising of the thorns. They seem to go out in circles around it, are you supposed to run away and not be in the initial one so you can predict it properly? That's tough when I get staggered 100% of the time he does that attack and get caught in the center when the thorns pop.
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For me, it's Stormveil
>at a level where you don't have to deal with 3 people spamming magic / L2, only 2 at most
>full of actually fucking useful enemies
>full of shortcuts to abuse
>full of hiding spots
>very long dungeon unless you know the shortcuts, meaning you can win by attrition if necessary
>full of delicious password phantoms to kill
>summon sign INSIDE the fucking boss arena
>summon? popup default is "no"
who the nigger fuck designed this?
Bro, your tantrum started because I said the coop mod kills invasions. I want to invade people despite the bad experiences, stop projecting.
>Go +20
>Suddenly the game feels more sensible and balanced
Whoa! Pointless grinding! Cool!

i NEED this weapon
>futa ranni might be canon
>futa marika might be canon
Are dancers blades a shit meme weapon?
they have the strongest ash of war in the game right now
enjoy it while they're OP
the lack of covenants or any gimmick invasions at all really hurts enjoyment for everyone too imo. further encourages a no fun allowed mentality
>popup default is "no"
same shit with Torrent when it dies, fucking hated this since day 1
Just keep doing it
Rannibros stay winning
>absurdly strong
fai/arc literally only has dragon communion spells, and 0 weapons. It's fun, but not strong by any stretch of the imagination.
>new weapons
Nigga it doesn't have ANY. NOTHING in this game scales with faith and arcane. Except an occult erdsteel dagger, Iguess.

Prove me wrong, you can't.
>balanced pvp game
lmao even
the only way someone could have an opinion so retarded is by playing top tiers in everything
honestly yeah, i got a gamedev brother who points that out too. nothing wrong with reused animations. the industry does it all the time, hell fromsoftwares been doing it since demons souls.
where do people think the memes from anyways?
Swift slash, thorn sorceries, the aggression of a few bosses, and boss damage but not their health.

Dodge toward him when he does it. I was quickly able to get to a point where I could dodge that attack consistently.
>two posts
As suspected, you cant handle even the most basic criticism. Notice how you didn't address the point because you know you're wrong.
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romina is a joke, they didn't even try with that one,
shit design, boring, generic as fuck and so fucking easy it's unreal
>It seems unnatural because she says brother in one line and Miquella in the next
No, that's just typical of Japanese. Nii-sama here clearly can refer only to Miquella and miquella alone.
>rannisimps want their female tarnished impregnated on the moon by a doll
I'm so tired of people who think that they're somehow superior to others because they recognized reused assets on sight. FromSoft is smart about reusing assets. They do it fucking everywhere, but they always give things a new coat of paint to make them feel new / a part of the game they're reused in.

I don't care that omens use the Harald knight skeleton. I don't care that imps reuse the thrall skeleton. I don't care that they've been using the same fucking shove animation from the defiled ones in Demon's Souls for a decade. No one cares.
You're supposed to finish it off with a specific weapon, that's why it lies there for the finishing blow when the bar is depleted and why they give you multiple chances to figure it out. If you just killed it three times with whatever that means you failed the quest.
I dunno about that, it seems more like radahn was plan B after Mogh failed miserably
Seething this hard over reds lmao. Keep going
How.... how does it come back?
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im not touch that AoW.
it looks cool but 1. i havent found it yet and 2. im not touching it because its OP. i dont want to ruin all the fun.
They took the guy who designed Sekiro's camera out back and shot him.
Does Ansbach make Radahn a lot more easy/hard? I want to summon him for the LORE
Probability of Impenetrable Thorns getting nerfed?
Previsions for next balance patch date?
I myself think they don't really care about Elden Ring anymore since the DLC is already done, so there's no reason for them to "waste" time on the game.
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>start game
>collect torrent
>collect wonderous physik flask
>collect golden sneeds
>collect smithing stones/bell bearings
>collect whetblades
>collect weapons you wanna use
>collect spells you wanna use
>collect ashes of war you wanna use
>collect cook books + crafting materials
>collect lift medallions
>start DLC
>collect skibidis
you may now start playing the game
Really? What's the specific weapon, I can't even imagine what it would be.
>"the quest"
Don't use that word for fromsoft's puzzles.
Lightning or Quality on Milady?
Okay EOP shitposter but I'm going to trust the actual Japanese pointing this out over you
Yeah either run away or dodge it by feel
IMO the ranged thron attack is way worse since you can very easily get hit by all three doing like 2k raw damage on top of a bleed proc
The Dragon's Dogma Online approach could work, a central hub with other players running around + an open world that's instanced for you & your party
fai/arc has a deal with retardedly high spellbuff, and status weapons on top of that. Just because the faith stat isn't directly scaling on a weapon doesn't mean it's not serving the build well
>enemy movesets shoved onto playable characters
I see no issue with this, better than being stuck with a generic moveset
I wish NEW GAME+ was actualy just playing the game again without changing anything, but bosses getting more dmg/health/defense means most weapons with split damage will become worthless in new game+, and the dmg is so high already, 50 vigor+bullgoat set+greatshield talisman+cooked prawn+golden vow= boss still taking 40% of my hp with each hit.
Don't think too hard about it, Anon. It'll be okay.
>the change they made to accommodate fucking retards who mash through dialogue and accidentally pick an option makes this menu even slower
>it also affects the quit out menu, so it's harder to quit out while you're falling off a cliff or something
As much as I do kind of hate the argument, I paid for new things, not reused things. It's literally one of the biggest criticisms from older souls players when elden ring's first gameplay trailer was released - where we had seen every single combat animation barring 1 or 2 and could pinpoint it to the exact weapons. I don't mind if they reuse stuff like regular swings on something like a sword from a previous game, but repurposing every single animation from most weapons in a new franchise when you should be expecting something new and fresh and see the same shit you've seen for the past 10 years at that point, is a bit disheartening. I understand why they do it, I just wish we could get something new outside of the minimal few weapons that do have new animations. The combat is the point of the games, and when weapons and weapon arts are the same even down to the same frame data, it just ends up coming across as straight up lazy. At least change some keyframes in the animations or something.
Problem is you have to be at level ~20 and that massively cucks your build options
I swapped the chest with Rellana's titty armour.
>you have to play the game to build a character??????
Expected for the frogposter to be retarded lol
You don't understand. I CLAPPED when I saw the individual hairs on Aloy's face! The devs must sacrifice in other areas for the new shiny!
Weird way of spelling isshin
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>dual lgs running attacks on 300 ping
>light rolling with backhand blades / dryleaf arts
>bleed beast claws
>rakshasa katana crouch poke + running r1 spam
>cragblade pata rr1/rr2 spam
>niggers still using 2h cleanrot but now with the havel set
>midra gs wa spam
>sleep bolts with shotgun bow
>light rolling with bone bow
>swift slash
this, but insead the soijak goes noooooo nooooooooooo you can't just turn people into jar batteries
Hypothetically speaking if you join the frenzy flame, burn the erdtree, cure yourself, marry ranni, then do the age of fracture, could this be the ending you get post credits? https://files.catbox.moe/kbx9tk.jpg
>fucking implying
Nigga people are coping right now, we have people in this fucking thread coping their hearts out about every part of the lore
IF that's the foreshadowing than that's fucking insane and bullshit, that's like saying "John wept. He knew that the venture was doomed." but actually the He doesn't refer to John
You seriously think Malenia who doesn't ever speak with bubbly honorifics would use niisama on fucking Radahn?
Balance patch will be in like a month, during which time people will be begging for it every god damn day here, starting next week

The only people I see using 'chud' are /pol/ types that leftoids originally called 'chuds'. It's the right-wing 'nigger' in that way.
does burning the skibidi tree lock me out of non-miquella brainwashed npcs' quests?
like ymir
Does anything here come close to the Romeo fight in Lies of P?
She uses "Miquella" to refer to Miquella immediately after, retard.
I summoned him AND thiollier for the lore, and after hearing their dialogue I stopped doing it because they inflated his hp to untenable amounts
Quality is crazy
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They don't say anything about it being unnatural though
This isn't foreshadowing this is people retrofitting the dumbass tweest.
What the fuck were they thinking with the Fire Golems? This is bed of chaos levels of unfun.
Nah the remembrance says radahn is his plan from the start. The lores just shit. We even see him praying to marry radahn pre coccon.
i use rakasha medium roll with kick dryleaf, what does that make me
Damn, guess the Maleniakeks truly were btfo.
>IF that's the foreshadowing than that's fucking insane and bullshit, that's like saying "John wept. He knew that the venture was doomed." but actually the He doesn't refer to John
No it's literally "Father wept. John knew that the venture was doomed."

Father is not John, niisama is not Miquella.

>google translate
EOP retard
I'm glad I made a backup save before Radahn. I knew I would become dissatisfied by the strategy I used.
I feel like for the final boss it had to bd Miquella + known character and they just made a popularity poll
Why are you people so obsessed with marika and ranni being pregnant?
No shit. 150 is the tryhard level
Is the Milady best as a Blood weapon?
Or keen/quality/heavy?
Primarily against Radahn is what I'm interested in
Lorefags BTFO
One of the few bosses who get easier during their second phase
I think it's fun but his second phase is infinitely less so.
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I can't bring myself to play like this, no matter what. All of my builds need to be RP-themed, and if they have access to something good because of that, so be it. But all the good stuff tends to be lame bullshit like
>slap cragblade on a weapon it doesn't feel like it belongs on, bro
The only exception I ever made was this proof of concept meme build that resulted from an argument about whether Marika's soreseal has a practical application. Saint has the right idea about invading, you should always have a character concept.
That's completely normal in Japanese. It's normal in English too.
>oh no he definitely doesn't mean John here lol it's DEFINITELY super unnatural there must be a second person
Malenia's met Radahn a grand total of what, twice? You think she's going to call Radahn niisama?

>No it's literally "Father wept. John knew that the venture was doomed."
>Father is not John, niisama is not Miquella.
Except in the event, John IS your father, and Japanese easily uses names instead of pronouns in spoken contexts. I can't even remember the last time I called my brother "he".
I think the reason they went with Radahn was the fact his fight in the base game is a gimmick boss instead of a standard duel.
Uhm no you have to spend valuable dev time remaking the same animation 10 times or you're a hack
They should've picked the less popular option (Godwyn) because it would've made more sense lore wise and it would serve as more of a spectacle to see this Demi-God who was the first to die to confront us at last.
Invasions are gay. Stick to the arena
>eop retard
>is an eop retard himself
none of us speak japanese here, don't pretend you're superior
he didn't say it's unnatural, it looks like he's noticing that it's possible to read it in light of he new reveal
Kai Cenat will do it
The remembrance says radahn was kind ro malenia and miquella when they were kids. He'd met them a few times unless we're too believe radahn was nice to them once as a kid and miquella is so mentally ill he plotted for the next thousand+ years to marry radahn and prayed to do so.
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Where's Rellana's co-op enabling statue thing?
I wonder why Godwyn's less popular, could it be because he's not even in the base game
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Really? That's pretty soulful.
based brother, marika’s a bitch
How are people not understanding the miquella timeline?

Miquella wants Radahn to be his King Consort but to do so, he needs to kill him because he's not currently under his control. So he asks Malenia to kill him but she fails, though she does inflict scarlet rot on him. So Miquella bides his time by simultaneously mind controlling Mohg (which he needs because his blood powers will allow him to animate Radahn's corpse after he is dead) and cocooning up which allows him to transport to the Realm of Shadows where he can ascend to godhood.
I liked her. Fun attacks and remembrances rewards are good
>it would've made more sense lore wise
he's DEAD
So is the ymir quest line just formed out of assets from the cut gloam eyed queen quest line?
>less popular option (Godwyn)
But this is what literally everyone and their mother was expecting. There are even memes about it.

This is my assumption as well. The Radahn you fight in the base game is a husk of his former self, a ravening beast with a fraction of the martial prowess he was once renowned for. FromSoft probably thought it would be an interesting idea for the two hardest bosses of the entire game to be... the two most renowned warriors in world: Malenia and (peak) Radahn.
Not saying I agree with this decision, but I think that's their motivation.
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>70 faith
Do you think they should nerf the dlc? Why or why not. If yes in what areas?
Imo I think only the bosses need changes, just Lion, Hog rider, Renalla, and especially Radagn need some nerfs to damage
>it would've made more sense lore wise
No, it wouldn't. As contrived as bringing back Radahn was bringing back Godwyn would have been even more contrived and fanservicy, to say nothing of the more serious plot issues with the base game it creates that are much less of an issue with Radahn. A fight against Miquella alone would have been best.
Nah, malenia met radahn more than twice from what we know the empyrean twins are the ones radahn interacted with the most outside of the carians demigod wise. But you're right, the language is clearly meant to be talking about miquella and people are coping.
did you rike it?
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Thought Messmer was a dick until I found out the hornsent have an entire religion based on extreme levels of torture, then I saw where he was coming from
it definitely feels people are just going to start saying the lore makes sense as some as some youtuber constructs a proper, comprehensible timeline. frankly, i'm not even sure when marika's children were born, when she married godfrey, or when the crusade happened.

exhaled through my nose
i think he said he was a fan of the games and it wasn't even a "own" or anything against From, it was purely just a joke which makes the obsessed psychos who repost it constantly all the more sad
>Do you think they should nerf the dlc?
maybe only fix unintended gameplay issues like the entirety of gaius' fight hitting twice sometimes
that's it though, nothing else is really necessary honestly
we should post incorrect info and theories and pretend we agree so that nigger makes a fool of himself whenever he put it in a video like he came up with it
He is DEAD dead. His lump of flesh is not Godwyn it's literally just flesh.
The issue with this argument is time and budgets aren't infitine. If fromsoft spent a bunch of it on remaking existing animations, frameworks etc the DLC would be significantly smaller. I'd much rather dev time be spent on making new shit than remaking the same swing animation dozens of times
>literally make fun of retards
>another retard: "based, ur right"
nta but
>godwyn is dead
nigga so is Radahn lmao
One of Miquella's goals was to deal with Godwyn one way or another
Reviving him for Prime Godwyn or having him fail utterly at doing so and creating some kind of abomination final boss that eats Miquella for its second stage would both make more thematic sense than randomly having Radahn
Do you understand why shes a bitch, though?
Fans don't know what they want, especially Japs.
You could've easily rewritten the entire Shadow of the erdtree storyline to be about Miquella sacrificing everything and everyone to bring his dear brother's soul back while leaving the Prince of death storyline in tact in the main game.
how do I get there?
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>find this
>find the second mushroom bell bearing
>have to resort to a fucking guide to find the first, actually useful mushroom bell bearing because it in quite possibly the most asinine spot for an item to be in I've ever seen
it's so fucking small dude wtf
>Malenia is literally called the BLADE of Miquella
>people think she fought Radahn for funsies
it was right there all along
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We know it's easy to get a little heated during internet arguments. But no matter how heated you get, racism is not okay, and more importantly is against the rules here. Do better.
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>Half the moveset are attacks that hit you before your roll animation is done even with crucible feather + windy tear
>nigga so is Radahn lmao
he never got killed by destined death he can still come back
The only things they should do is reduce Rellana's poise, reduce boss health pools a very modest amount, and fix Gaius' charge hitbox and Torrent damage. Other than that the bosses are completely fair and people need to unironically git gud.
The difference is that godwyn underwent a very specific special soul death that warped reality and made a new race of people from it. Radahn doesn't undergo that kinda death. It should've been malenia as we don't kill her in base game. The dlc should be locked behind her.
I'm still getting folded by Radahn, at best I can make it to his sky jump attack

Is it worth retooling my str build to include golden vow, flame buff etc? I'm concerned that I wont get enough time to cast them
I have never eaten a boiled crab.
>he never got killed by destined death
incorrect, I killed all the demigods with Blackflame and finished them off with Black Knife L2
Rellana should not be able to one-shot you with that double slash in the second phase
Radahn and Miquella's epic tag team's tiny sky lasers that spawn after every single attack should do less damage and poise damage. They're insanely threatening for being able to turn any attack into a near one-shot true combo, but there's an insane amount of them and they're awfully random.
godwyn is like, perma dead though
regardless, he's not really a person anymore as much as he is a concept
he's very mysterious, creepy as fuck and I would be legitimately pissed if they extrapolated and ruined all of it
we do not need DLC on every single little fucking thing in the game
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this is the maximum range for the healing btw
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>rannala literally has a roll catch attack built into her combos
I don't disagree. I'm just saying with current lore they were meant to be closeish. Regardless "it should've been" isn't what we got.
if you make it to the sky jump you've almost won already
just keep going and finish that final bit
Yeah but it works even if Miquella fails to bring Godwyn back properly and create a horror monster, because it would be a tale of hubris and throwing away everything for nothing, exactly the sort of shit Miyazaki likes. Godwyn doesn't have to be back,the point is that Miquella's efforts being directed at Radahn is out of nowhere and kind of retarded.
Rellana is a tutorial boss compared to who I'm talking about, my man.
Women don’t play this game anon.
(Trannies don’t count.)
Rot, crabs,starlights, rune arcs, every craftable because lets face it. Your cheater ass isnt farming them and never has. Dont even get started on weps. 99% of u niggers dont know what a ng+ iw and dualwield the same wep.
I report each and every one of you when i see you onlinw.
If you're getting that close you probably have the picture desu
It's just a matter of cleaning up the dumb damage you take so that you have more chances to take legit/unavoidable damage
I'm honestly sick of Messmer
I've died half a dozen times just trying to get the fucking summon off
The shadow keep basement is full of jars of shaman meatballs. Messmer is doing the same shit.
>You guys
go back
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I don't doubt it. It's more toward the fact that some of these bosses are 𝘢ctu𝘢l bullshit.
>Radahn sucks you in then slams the ground, the area does damage for 5 seconds
How do I dodge this?
I think godwyn would be a stupid choice too as it ruins the point of him as the prince of death. It would make many people angry and revive the let me solo her memes. But it should've been malenia the cut content with them had them as a duo boss. If they already wanted to rip off twin princes they should've used miquellas twin like they already planned to do. You don't even have to change much of the dialog which is already there some of it voice acted. I think the originally DID want to make it malenia and not godwyn but swapped to radahn because they thought locking the dlc behind her was a bad idea
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THAT'S your tree? Hahahaha oh my god it's pathetic
Oh no don't feel bad it's kinda cute when it's so small
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>pelt of ralva won't drape over the shoulders on the elden lord armor, even when altered
the real giga tryhards are all at 125
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>people are already trying to claim the retarded plot tweet makes sense
Mike Zaki could shit directly into your mouth and you'd claim it was delicious at this point.
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man sword of night is so close to being cool but no poise on the long as heck ash of war chargeup really kills it. its a shame. i think it also should deal (un)holy damage instead of magic and have faith scaling but eh
I was talking about the golden barbs, but you have a point
messmer the nigger
There ARE no shamans left dude
Those are horn dude meatballs, you get to that part of the shadow keep through the specimen place which is full of preserved hornsent monsters
so is bayle the first drake or just really old one to have triple heart?
I had to swap out the chest for Night Cavalry's to free up one talisman slot because even at 50 END is impossible to wear the full set plus GS while midrolling
Fromsoft. you have to stop
You have to stop with this bullshit worm thing flailing all over the screen. Enough with the ulcerated tree spirits, enough with the lion dancers, enough with scadutree avatars. These fights are total bullshit and you know it. You can't even see what's going on 90% of the time.
swap to lightning bottle + lightning roll thing and kill him in a few seconds instead 'cause that fight is legitimately broken
Either dodge the initial gravity pull or run backwards if you get pulled.
you roll through the suck in
its kinda funny
We lacked Marika's kindness...
what are the fucking chances that the entire Erdtree is one massive spell by Marika
The whole point of him is that he can't be brought back, period. Not just partially but period. It should've been malenia since we're not likely to get a sequel and gowry keeps talking about her third bloom(what she does when we beat her) it should've fucking been her I'm so mad I punched a hole in my wall the other day I'm still mad they ruined all of my malenia art
The Jar hospital is Messmer's crusaders trying to bring the Shamans out of the jars and restore them to normalcy, not potting hornsent.
Before you're even done getting pulled in start ruining straight back, then spam roll away when he hits the ground. Pretty much foolproof in my experience
>retard discovers attacks meant to be rolled in certain directions for the first time.
>and status weapons on top of that
which are shit unless you're going all in on arc. I rest my point, as being indisputably correct and you are wrong.
>retardedly high spelbuff
336 at 45/45 meanwhile 353 at 80 faith and you get access to more spells that now hit harder along with your melee weapon
inb4 "git gud" but are any of the new spirit ashes worth using over mimic?
>senessax lightning explosions are timed to exactly roll catch you if you try to recover from his previous attack
I hate this shit
The boss isn't fighting my character, he's fighting the mechanics on a meta level
scadutree avatar is easy just poke its face for 1/4th its hp with a fire weapon
The two sisters of night are alright, and the golem smith fucks a lot of bosses because they just can't stagger it fast enough.
no, but mimic is also bad now because it doesn't pull aggro and the bosses still lock on to you.
Only Dung Eater keeps aggro on every boss except Saint Saiya Radahn.
I'm very close to going into offline mode and toggling instakill in cheat engine for Gaius
Is the lore autist still here?
>The Numen are said to be descendants of people from 異界 (Ikai), which can mean another world like the English localisation says, but can also mean the spirit world, underworld, or next world
The entire thing about calling the Numen coming from another world a retcon is just a localization error lmao
I can't say I like fighting Messmer
His flame obscures his weapon so I literally can't see what he's doing wth it, I can't tell when his combo is over or when he's doing a windup.
doesn't matter which way you roll
but also several other bosses do this as well.
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No nothing comes even close to the mimic
>Yeah but it works even if Miquella fails to bring Godwyn back
he already tried and failed
in fact, it's possible that is the reason he started his ascent to godhood
and he needed a consort and it just so happened radahn shared in the same beliefs as him with the festival and all that
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some sets are ridiculously light and low poise for what they are (light plate)
i beat him on my 2nd try by just spamming my weapon art at him
Bayle is making the camera spaz out so fucking badly that I can't tell if some of his attacks are unblockable or if the game is making my character face away from his attacks.
Which attack
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>>If you look at ranni's corpses her ass is even fatter than marika's
ill do you one better. you can see her pussy and butthole. too bad dio got there first
Every single one of the ashes over the weps of the npcs are insane.
Lorefag here, the jp and eng lore are written at the same time. The shadowlands is essentially the spirit world now, or a form of it, and marika is from where that now is before she split it off. Both definitions fit
This worked ty
Only a few bosses are bullshit.
Jump away from it
low IQ post
>pick between shitty edgelord Katana or super special spirit that gets an upgraded into a better version

really tough decision
it's written obtusely because of the tenses but it's not a retcon
I do wonder how marika would've interacted seeing her son obsess over radagon's. How would ranni react to the shota obsessed with her brother? How would rykard react? What about radagon?
I have not been keeping up with the lore for the past 2 years, how consistent are the ENG-JPN translations and localizations. Its not as bad as Dark Souls 2 was or downplaying the localized Bloodborne item descriptions as much right?
I just summoned my friend and we both laughed at his broken as shit hitboxes and keep yelling
Over an over, beat him 4th try. I pity the fool who tries that boss solo
>gaius enters phase 2
>the exact same attack that did about 1/7 of your health bar now does 3/4 of it for no discernible reason
Radahn should get better visibility in phase 2 and have less health
>Run away from Radahn so he can only use Lion's Claw or Psycho Crusher
>Punish the attack
only way I can beat phase 1
Which item descriptions have the lore regarding Marika's origins, her culture, and the Hornsent oppressing her people?
Killing the boss before they have a chance do do anything just means you didn't learn the fight. Why even bother playing?
If I have to kill Miquella then I'll just feminize Radagon to be the femboy instead.
>be me wake up 970 posts
bake you maniacs
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how good is it anons?
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Just got my third arena kill by nailing them in the chest with the Messmer Spear throwing R2
This thing is fucking cool
seriously how the fuck am I supposed to see what the fuck Messmer is doing
They could be descended from the guys that arrived on the coffin boats, then settled as shamans/mikos
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Starting to really like this shield. It probably doesn't do too well cause of that ass damage, unfortunately.
Phase 1 isn’t even that bad, you have so many openings for attacks. He will occasionally do a stupid quick jab attack you can’t reasonably dodge sometimes
Phase2 is just complete bullshit
auto-include for every character that two-hands his weapon
Basically 15% for free, no drawbacks or catches
Really good considering how far talismans go
>learning fights

you didn't beat the game
How the fuck are people getting filtered by him? I beat him solo as a pure INT without a comet azur play (not like he can even stand still to use on him, especially after the free fp tear got nerfed)
Tiny Erdtree incant and golden braid, plus I think the tooth whip and that ghost in bonny village. All that taken together
that's unironiclaly how you beat souls games the smart way
bait the AI by being at the right distance so it uses the shittiest attack it has
It's apparently a 15% damage increase when two handing, so pretty fucking good.
Canonically speaking this is how messmer and melina were conceived. Radagon got plapped so hard by godfrey he made him pregnant and when he swapped back to marika she was made to carry their gay love baby. The two siblings were cursed simply because homosexuality is unnatural and reality itself dislikes it.
how are dualing shields on a scale of 1 to sacred chime (if you give me a minute to wake up ill find the ds2 video that shows it was rather busted)
doesn't do too well in pvp*
you mean the ash? but i already have mimic tear
>ranni gave up her coinslit to save the lands between
truly a jesus story
just checked it on a random mob
1076 damage without
1237 damage with
>using shields
>baiting the AI into doing specific attacks
>only attacking when the boss is in recovery frames
you didn't beat the game (ydbtg)
so what's the exploit with lightning perfume bottle that lets you deal insane damage?
good unless your build is based around your ash of war, then it does nothing
So why couldn't our tarnished lick rennala's feet? She wouldn't really react so why couldn't we? Would ranni instakill us for molesting her mom? What if we never meet ranni? Would she still kill us?
Allows you to be hyper-aggressive with guard points in your attacks and lets you guard things very well with Scholar Shield spell, I'd say a 7. Regular boost is kinda ass at 70
>He thinks bosses have recovery frames now
No such thing anymore.
That's kind of hot desu.
Perfurmer charm + Scorpion Lightning Charm
Does relanna's count for this? I assume no
Why does Ansbach talk like Miquella only has one eye? DOES he only have one eye or is it some shitty machine translation crap like the Hornsent saying he found one new cross while giving you a map with like ten on it?
use rolling sparks AoW and aim it at the floor
works on all of them but the poison one
ctrl+f "perfume"
You could ask that about nearly every boss in the DLC.
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Tbf I gave up Solo early cause me and my bro were in VC and I didn’t care about the hog boss so we just summoned and fucked around, it was very fun
I probably could have done it solo, but this was funnier. I’m making up for it by doing Radahn without a mimic tear to regain honor points, which is a fucking chore made easier with based great katanas
does it work with fists?
>The flesh of shamans was said to merge harmoniously with others
So does this confirm that Marika and Radagon were originally separate until Marika used secret Numen shaman magic to merge them?
works on any direct damage perfume, flame/frenzy one likely better on higher levels and more buffs accessible
rollling sparks ash of war, free aim at the ground so damage is condensed
you're missing two charms
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any farm location for grease ingredients yet?
not in terms of story/context and presentation
Perhaps? That could be a neat reference to that development.
yeah it's called the grand merchant mod
I forgot the other two
Get your eyes checked?
Im replaying now and i was able to get +10 scadu before the rune even broke. Will it break when i take the elevator to shadow keep? It broke is some random ass spot for me the first time
im just remembering the clip was from a compilation so I doubt I can remember where its from, basically the guy shield onlys dark souls 2 colosseum and wins, easily (600+ damage per hit, WITH A SHIELD, in pvp)
How much stronger are DLC greases compared to base ones?
I mean thats fine, only now am I seeing more and more people all over the internet complain about HOOOOOOG RIDAAAAAA and he was so unimpressive and only took a handful of tries. Even my didn't expect weak foe message was down voted hard in-game lmao
Autistic people really have trouble when people don't speak in exactly the same way they do and see shit that isn't there, huh.
Shields are a liability against any boss that turns your character around while locked on (so nearly all of them in the DLC).
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damn messmer was the furtive pygmy all along
the lillies grow in the south in cerulean coast, near the entrance to that one hole in the ground
What if the tarnished tried to plap a newly reformed marika and instead of just normal sex they accidentally merge and we replace the now dead radagon.
nta but I just use the perfume tali + Alexander shard. really don't need more, especially not with the right elemental tear. the buff from the scorpions aren't huge in comparison to other shit.
One is alexander obviously
Other than that, I think it's perfumers (also obvious)
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>me hoping to buy st trina arrows or get a sleep buff spell
>MORE lilies to farm
god fucking damn it
I think it depends HEAVILY on your build like many of the bosses in the game
People complained about messmer and hog rider but I first tried them as a pure faith build spamming the upgraded lightning javelin and burn o flame
meanwhile I got gigafiltered by the one boss nobody is complaining about (romina) and spent an entire day on putrescent knight
I stumbled onto him with barely any scadutree shits so the charge would 1 shot me if i missed making the shitty hitbox on it all the more annoying
Upon seeing the jar warriors unjarred
I feel no regrets for slaughtering alexander mercilessly every playthrough.
>furtive pygmy
so what even is mesmer's lore/background?
Okay seriously. Why do I barely see anyone using the new perfume weapons? I've been using the lightning one and it seems OP as hell.
Huge range, decently fast, good damage, and has two of the most busted skills in the game.
The depths of your foolishness!
How does this new lore fit marika being a numen? The base game uses "of the same stock" when referring to marika and the numen connection
I think it’s cool Elden ring got a Quelag equivalent, can’t complain I like that kind of design
Plus explosive butterflies is cool
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>1v1 against host or spirit
heh, you will fall to my +9 Sword of Night
>1v2 or especially skilled host
so you do have some skill... i'll have to sink my Beast Claws in you...
>1v3 vs ganksquad
sorry master... i must go all out *swift slashes with bloodflame backhand blade*
>all the events of the game happened because the finger mom was pissed about the Greater Will being a deadbeat dad
Shit lore desu.
Why? They are literally criminals. It is an honour for them to donate their flesh and transform into a warrior
Outside of rolling sparks its nothing to write home about. A sword has just as much range and its easier to use on torrent.
A hornsent typed this
lightning is the broken one. if you think rolling sparks is good on the other ones, you're right but its not broken. lightning is broken.
all the talisman buffs are multiplicative so having 4 talismans that all buff your perfume gives you giga damage. Along with Golden vow you also can be buffed by rakshasa armor to DELETE bosses to the point where you kill all bosses on phase 1. There is nothing that deals more damage in the same time frame in the game right now.
He was a goodboy following mommy's orders to go annihilate the horned jews but then when she went crazy he was forgotten about in the sneedlands
Marika did nothing wrong
another 5000 years of fire for you lot
I'll only jerk off to Miquella hentai after I beat him
Cursed by reality due to being conceived by gay sex. Has mommy issues for his surrogate mother. That pontiff sullyvan lady wants to marry him. The "original sin" related to marika and her family was this very gay sex between godfrey and radagon that produced messmer and melina. It's immoral and wrong and they tried to hide it. It's also why radagon became such a zealot for the golden order.
In the hornsent's religion turning people into jars is making them saints so there was no guilt or feeling they were doing anything bad there, from their point of view they were doing good deeds by helping these sinners become saints.
the great will saw all the hornsent niggers and peaced out
>Son of Marika (unknown father)
>Born with a serpent inside which is auper blasphemous
>Around the time he is grown, Marika decides to genocide the hornsent
>Sends Messmer to kill them all and hide him
>Veils the Shadowlands and forgets abot Messmer
>Messmer still thinks Marika cares about him
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Oooooh Guts-chan, you are the only one for me
I dont believe what ymer said. Hes a tranny
it doesn't, saying that shamans = numen is coping
I may just be a PvP autismo but I learned to do that stupid Dark Souls 3 Order Acquisition organize inventory shit and memorized all my weapon slots to hard swap so I can maximize my equipment instead when I was hardcore dueling and gank squad hunting.
>invade in cave
>spawn directly right next to the host and his phantom
>they just walk up to me and trap me in the corner i spawn in on and spam r1 on me until i die
its sooo hard to program a distance check for the spawn location
>son of Marika and fuck knows who
>born with serpent birth defect and fire powers that made his mother hate him
>mother sent him on a crusade so she could get revenge on the hornsent and get rid of him in one fell swoop
>resents his mother but is too much of a cuck to disobey
That's basically everything.
Shamans were a society, numen were a race
the thread has a bunch of people talking about how broken they are. Just wait for inevitable youtube onslaught that will nerf it to hell. the only thing saving it is that most people only tried the poison one which sucks real bad and most people haven't gotten its ash of war
>sorceries that require 20+ FTH
>incantations that require 20+ INT
i would probably do that too but i cant be fucked to organize my inventory and i dont care that much about winning as much as roleplaying some anime villain shit

i mostly only play pvp when i have a cheat code to win 1v3 invasions with (swift slash rn)

dueling has been for the birds since ds3
>invade in Limgrave
>spawn under the bridge while host is on it
>red finger respawn
>respawn at correct height but farther away
They botched invasions so hard
I believe him because my wife hyetta said the same thing and she's cute.
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"Shaman" is an inconsistent translation of 巫女 which is translated as "maiden" elsewhere in Elden Ring such as in finger maiden and dictates that they are all female

The Black Knives are all female and are all numen, they're probably the surviving shamans from Marika's village
>poison one which sucks real bad
Why does the weapon art poison you?
Has anyone tried it in an offhand for a bit of passive damage? That seems to be its only use
Are there any good Strength or Quality Straight Swords?
could shaman just be the male/gender neutral form?
only doing like 3600 damage, that's very low and I can get more from other broken builds, is that normal?
Alexander and his jars are ones made from warrior corpses, not to be used as sacrifices
This game has a huge influx of redditors who use troonveil or other shitty try hard tranny weapons. If they see something new or unusual, they become afraid and think its useless automatically.
how the fuck do I get to the northeastern part of the map
I've found some door-looking things in scaduview but I don't have the right
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which weapons will heal me on damage or kill? I need one like blasphemous, im not gonna use it as a main weapon, just something to go around while exploring so i can heal myself killing trash
Regular old longsword is great for STR and goes with any fashion
Look at last thread with the no hit messmer. He hit for 15k in an instant. You have to aim at the feet so the entire spray is in a single location
It is kind of crazy for so many people to try to glean information from exact word usage knowing that the entire game is a translation.
Tiche still nabs aggro pretty well though so is it just a gold summon thing.
Asked before dlc I'll ask now. Would anyone like a blonde femboy bf to play elden ring with? I'm not too mentally ill so don't worry
Shadow Keep Church District, but you still don't have the right and gesture required ahead after
Maybe Shaman was the name of their people, not race.
Like saying someone is American.
In Japanese 巫女 contains 女 which literally means "woman". Shaman is a shit translation.
just use Taker's Cameo
One day you metatrannies will realize that your RL125 is fanfic and that the developers don't care about your autism
yeah but they are still abominations inside a jar, and therefore, they should die.
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This thing needs more range, it's not even "medium" is "melee+"
Give it throwing dagger range or close ffs
you can pump it up
check the no-hit run on messmer earlier in the thread. 3 L2 was all that was needed
So was the modifying dolls stuff a fake spoiler made up to bait Rannifags or have I just not found the item?
Remember when ENB was literally the only lore guy who looked at the original Japanese text? I miss that guy.
O mother emote in front of the statue by the shadow keep back door.
O mother is found in bonny village
>No crucible hippo spell like the one Devonia uses
>No dragon communion-inspired base serpent attack spell based on Messmer's phase 2
>No bouncy glintstone shard spells like the ones mage dudes in Godwyn's catacombs are using
>No finger pink laser spell like the one Metyr and stone ball snakes in the coffin area use
>No 70+ int quasar spell like the one we see Metyr use in phase 2
>No sleep spell on any kind
Man, so many missed opportunities, especially for INT builds
Not him but 巫女 is "miko", and neither shaman nor maiden. It most directly translates to witch-woman, theurge-woman, or diviner-woman. It's customarily translated as shamanness if needed.
This, uh, also implies the entire village was female, and that everyone getting jarred was a woman. You cannot be a 巫女 and male at the same time.
great stars
not really required anyway with the new mana regen tali
巫女 isn't even in that item description, they're referred to as 稀人...
Running through the dlc bosses a second time on NG+. God the running to midra, metyr, and messmer is fucking aids.
His ex wife killed his unborn kid and cucked him after the fact. Man hasn't been the same
does it do more damage on bigger targets? gonna try it on malenia coop
It's really annoying how much more shit pure faith, split faith, and dex builds compared to the rest.
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stopped around 1.07 anything good in the dlc with similar stat build? maybe I'd just do a backhand blade if no recommendation.
does arrows reach work with throwing knives?
since it does for spells.
isn't it similar to the village in the area around the capital? it has that hill with the skinny godsworn boss fight. all the mobs in that village were women too i believe. the ones dancing with flowers in their hair? are they related at all?
There's no offhand that can heal you on hit, but there's a serpent curved sword that heals you on kill.
I'm using this and taker's cameo when exploring, works really well.
Also: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Equipment+with+Special+Effects
low iq post
>no sleep spell
sleep is really not hard to afflict with the new sword and pots
I'd also like to point out that >>483395204 is correct. Even the people using jp text are often wrong as they're usually westerners with google translate
i'm a pve shitter who can't pvp to save my life and i have deleted every single invader by spamming swift slash. i'm not sure what to think about this ash
Oh and then this happened while he was working on official translations for bloodborne material for bamco. Imagine going through that while having to look at dead ayylmao baby shit all day.
Yeah its basicall a ball lighting that damages as it travels through, but if you are right on them and blast it at their feet it doesnt matter how big they are because all of the dust is on top of them.
Just doing it normally while locked on wont do a lot of damage, and is probably why they thought it was balanced
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just beat the book bitch annoying as fuck
>There's no map for the underground area
What the hell? Did they cut so much content from this DLC that they even cut a map?
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>Text says "Sword" singular
>image shows a single blade
>nowhere does it say it's actually a paired weapon kino
Why is FromSoft like this?
They do eventually and provide a vallueable service to ecology of Lands Between. This does make me wonder how the jars can function, since all their innards are dead
Thoughts on the new great katanas? I think it’s interesting they gave DEX users a more powerful but slower option, also the dragon katana is awesome
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Jesus Christ.
How the FUCK did you get this? I've been grinding that fucker for a while now, and no luck.
every enemy that I've seen uses it with both hands though
it doesn't drop randomly it's from one specific horned warrior
Equip it and tell me what you see, anon.
> I learned to do that stupid Dark Souls 3 Order Acquisition organize inventory shit and memorized all my weapon slots to hard swap so I can maximize my equipment instead
this is exactly why I don't engage in pvp. You psychos are way too autistic about it
well damn, which one?
i love it. ive been using it the entire game minus radahn. dont know about pvp though since im not a troon.
Don't forget the weird tongue thing the black knight miniboss uses.
Should I pay my jap friend to translate a bunch of lore stuff again? Should i just make a shitty vid with us on discord and he explains the actual texts in Japanese for everyone or something?
I found an ancient "jaks pointing"
it's not very big
In the final dungeon, there's one horned warrior near the end that uses storms.
Somehow the "shamans were all women" thing made me less sympathetic to marika. Am I a misogynist?
Pls help, I can wait by the hippo if that's convenient.
Yes, and that's a good thing!
I haven't touched Elden Ring, let alone PvP, for a year and half or however long its been. I didn't even participate in the Colosseum DLC/Patch because I put in an unhealthy amount of PvP time prior to it even getting announced. Kind of why I'm not too eager to want to make an invasion character.
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I liked them. Surprised that on my quality build this thing - clearly a dex weapon, has better damage than a Quality Great Katana with a B/B scaling, though
man i wish all weapons had cancels like the beast claws have
Like 5 tries into Commander Gaius and I'm still waiting for my turn to attack.
People were saying you can mount in this fight, but I don't see how that would be even remotely helpful.
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It dropped randomly on my way up to Dancing Lion, wasn't even farming for it
It's kind of surprising that Marika authorized the use of living jars in the lands between considering they literally are a walking reminder of the terrors inflicted upon her own people
silence slut
just homosexual
Don't get me wrong, I still support hornsent genocide. I just don't feel as bad for marika. Idk. I just can't feel sorry for all female groups or all male groups being wiped out. When I first imagined it I imagined men women and children all being put in. Husbands and wives shoved in with their kids. Now I just don't really care.
>aim at the ground
fuck me. I thought it was busted even without this. I was already doing more damage than any other aow I've tired with just my dumb locking on. holy fuck this isn't even overpowered anymore this is just cheating. I haven't finished melenia on this run and just use her to test build effectiveness and I accidentally fucking killed her
I wish backhand swords had curved sword feign cancel backflip. makes no sense that they don't.
Thats a really bizarre line to draw.
Who hurt you?
How did you jump to that conclusion?
And how did you not think that about the Black Knifes?
she only succeeded because of the tarnished, though.
Is the island off the Cerulean Coast accessible from there, or is there some bullshit like a teleporter on the other side of the map to it?
there's a cave near it.
Does the existing boss resurrection mod work for the DLC? I can't try it myself right now.
It's not helpful, just mimic and bleed him but wait till you get to some of the other bosses who also never stop attacking lol.
it barely even worked before the dlc
sure, if by "succeeded" you meant "ruined the entire world"
Is it wrong for me to only want to plow Marika to make Demigod children but could give a shit about what happens to her? Asking for my schizo self.
The only villages I care for are communal ones made up of nuclear families all working and living together. A nuclear family includes a father and mother. If they were all women I just don't care much for them anymore. I'd feel the same if they were all men. I just don't care about unisex colonies or their wellbeing.
Literally the last dude you kill before radahn. Its so gay, and the weapon art is so cool.
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fuck these things
I was hoping that was the case. Thanks.
how do you charge it? holding L2 doesn't seem to take longer than just tapping L2
>This thing needs more range, it's not even "medium" is "melee+"
The throwing dagger's range is comparable to a long spear. The throwing hammer on the other hand is awesome
>does an existing mod work in the dlc
no they ALL need updating like B&S now crystal hunt is out. computers are not magic.
I believe this because it almost looks like a hospital with all the beds. Why would they be on beds otherwise?
There is a hole in the ground by the ugly fucked up tree you see the ghost niggers praying at
wait, thats how you damage them?
How are you supposed to figure that out?
Does this work against the armored ones?
Here and >>483395186 in reference to the shaman specifically. In jp they're all women.
No one I've had a perfectly normal upbringing and I have my own home; a job, and a kid on the way with my wife. I just don't care for unisex colonies.
Yes bro that is definitely the intended way of dealing with those
>faster stagger
>doesn't even need riposte
they're THAT busted? christ. took me like ten minutes without skibidi upgrades, and two ripostes (37k damage, misericorde)
you still have to do some convoluted shit to kill them
honestly one of the worst mechanics in the dlc
>took a screenshot of phase 1 fading to black

i love the base one, i haven't tried the others although i want to very badly. CGS / GS are my favorite weapons, so naturally i like these too.
No i meant the attacking their legs. Not the perfume bullshit.
>I just don't care for unisex colonies.
Someone hurt you
she killed our people brother
Best method to kill them is to open up cheat engine and activate one hit kill. No time to waste on a shit endurance fight.
She seemingly got her shit together, until Ranni's Ridiculous Regicide triggered her PTSD
No the intended way is to throw the giant pots into their basket.
You dont charge it. Just aim at the feet.
You know how when you shoot it regularly it makes a line of dust. When you are right on the boss and shoot their feet the entire line of dust is in a single spot and all explodes at once.
nigga I mean how did you jump to being a misogynist just because of the woman shit and how did you not have those feelings prior about the Black Knifes.
You deserved it, hornfag.
If God wanted you people to live he wouldnt have made Marika.
Next time try not being a freak of nature.
I see
I can do 6300 damage now, maybe it requires FTH and DEX maxed out and the boss having low lightning resistance to maximize damage?
People get way too hung up on the names of things forgetting that translations are weird even in ER:
I just assumed the shamans were numen. Either the shaman village was a village of shaman numen (profession and race), or the numen race descended from the shaman race. Or the numen was the name they took when they founded the eternal cities.
Doesn't really matter, it's obviously the same damn thing. Marika's clearly stated to be related to the numen, and the shaman village is clearly her birth village. So shaman = numen. There isn't much else to it.
how do I cheese the Furnace Golem at Cerulean Coast? I'm on NG7 so it would take like 8 hefty fie pots to kill it and I'm pretty sure I'd run out of materials before successfully killing it that way. any incantations that can reliable hit its face? lighting spear is pretty meh when it comes to that
What’s the broken ash of war for backhand blades? Pve ofc
No one did. That's the thing. I think it's because I just don't care about the idea of a group of adults being brutalized as much as I do a group of men women and children. It feels like it was less a proper village and closer to a coven of witches.
Only for the 2 armored ones. You cant even craft enough to kill 1 until you killed others because it requires their face to craft the pots
What the fuck are the lamprey enemies and why are they associated with the fingers? Are they some weird subspecies of finger or a creation of them, some other aliens that tagged along when the Greater Will sent its minions to the Earth, or something else?
Smack them in the legs enough times and they'll drop to the floor where you can stab them for massive damage.
Do you get anything good for killing them? Otherwise lol lmao no way fag

There is something to be said about all hornsent here.
you don't need 7 you need enough to stagger and he instadies even if he still has over half hp left
Moveset : https://files.catbox.moe/my0s9o.webm
AoW : https://files.catbox.moe/z5hktn.webm
The AoW has a lot of range and it look like it can be manually aimed without lock on by pointing the camera
Honestly looks 10/10 overall. Don't know if Weapon Art scales with Faith like it should or it's some bullshit AR thing like with Cleanrot Spear
>just cheat
git gud scrub
I never cared for the black knives either. That's the thing. The difference is they attack me and they objectively did something wrong. Marika's people were hadn't done anything to deserve their treatment so my lack of care worried me until I realized why.
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ok I checked
"Shaman" is written 巫子, not 巫女
This, uh, isn't a normally common way to write it, although there's nothing wrong with it, it's pronounced the same way and this substitution is valid enough. You...COULD read this as a gender-neutral form of shaman. In a vacuum I'd still assume it's a nonstandard spelling of 巫女 or even 神巫, both of which are normally female by definition.

>NUCLEAR family
Fool is what you are, nuclear families are the fucking devil that leads the atomization of society, the breakdown of horizontal social ties and safety nets, and lower birth rates as a result of that
The "nuclear family" is literally the result of urban planning propaganda and trying to get as many people into the workforce as possible while lowering their collective bargaining power as much as possible. The moment the unit of society breaks from the extended clan-style family into the nuclear atomized family unit birthrates start dropping like a rock and suicide rates soar.
You know not what you want.

>It feels like it was less a proper village and closer to a coven of witches.
It's probably both. Mikos are by their nature god-callers, sacred creatures. The village would've been closer to a convent than anything else (although historical mikos weren't really isolated this way).
No it doesn't, regular big fire pots are very cheap to make. Mushroom + butterfly
First dungeon, the tower thingy with divine beast
Grace called "private prayer room" or something, walk up the stairs and he's there
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Do they even drop them? I've been farming this stupid fucking hornnigger in Midra's Manse for a while, but only getting armour pieces.
I've long ran out of chicken feet, too.
light roll backwards can get you through all of it
Aaaw. Is this a rare drop? Where you farming hours for it with no luck?
I wholly think miyazaki wanted us to impregnate both marika and ranni as the ending to the game but it was cut before they made their pregnant models.
looks like flowing + another curved, can you r2 cancel?
Yeah, I interpreted it as the same device they used in Bloodborne where Oedon exists as a formless higher being who indirectly influences the game's setting prior to the point where the game starts
I wish it was non-somber weapon. In fact I wish more comber weapons would instead be normal weapons + separate ashes.
I believe a couple of them drop items. I don't know though, because I only killed one. It's not fucking worth it, though.
>muh cheat engine
>fallingstar beast jaw L2, but on a paired curved sword
Grand, just grand.


>went from based to cringe retard in several sentences
nigga shut up and just post translations, i didn't sign up for your sociology ted talk
OK Marx
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>nuclear families are the fucking devil that leads the atomization of society
>Fool is what you are, nuclear families are the fucking devil
Jewpost. You lost all credibility and proved you don't know what you're talking about.
raping this brat
I have the impression that you have to stagger them once on each leg for them to drop. Based on my limited testing
Where is the summoning pool for Rellana?
Important question, can you throw hefty fire pots into the heads of downed furnace golems? Obviously you can do it to the ones that you're intended to do this to, but it'd be nice to be able to 1-cycle the normal ones by doing this while they're downed.
They're the new Erdtree avatars. You want the new physik buffs? Get chopping.
how do pvp invasion streamers avoid getting into the "host has started fighting le boss" loop
>It's probably both. Mikos are by their nature god-callers, sacred creatures. The village would've been closer to a convent than anything else (although historical mikos weren't really isolated this way).
Couldn't it be that the shamans were a part of the village and the rest were just normal ass men and women?
The divine gate not being a bloody fleshy hellhole like in the cinematic and the fact you can't even climb it is such a kick in the balls for an otherwise dogshit end boss. Metyr was far more impactful to me.
>see streamer name
>become part of content
hmmm such a mystery indeed
They don't
I'm keeping an eye out for that. Been taking my sweet time exploring. Don't wanna miss anything important. Been playing for 3 days and I'm barely done with First zone plus Cerulean Coast, minus Jagged Peak
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You're supposed to throw pot bombs into the furnace golems heads? I've been hitting their feet until they fall over this whole time.
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
>"Yes Miyazaki-sama, please shit in my mouth!"
Retarded shiteaters lmfao. Enjoy your bed of chaos 2.0, I'll stick to the real game.
The nuclear family did not become normal in the US until the mid-late 1800s
Note that birthrates dropped drastically around this time
no you need to play it the way team b miyazaki intended, stagger crit most, pots for the exceptions
Yeah reading this makes it seem like it's less of a village of innocents and more of a faction marika was part of. Now I don't care about them either. Wow.
The true ending was a pov scene of Marika teaching doll ranni how to give proper head.
politics in an elden ring general is shit regardless of your position
I can't believe some of you niggers were lauding Bayle as one of the best dragon fights in the series. This shit is genuinely fucking awful.
They do it by cutting those out of the youtube videos with the magic of editing.
I haven't crafted a single heafty cracked pot (didn't know you can), and I found 4 of them in the world.
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Alright, I've become a real fan of the shields now. This guy gave me plenty of grief with my Great Katana, here it went smoothly on my second try.
It's not possible for all of them but the ones you can find a suitable throwing-location for it does like 20k damage per throw

>it's ok to genocide a "faction" even when they still didn't do anything wrong
Is there even a little bit of evidence that the shamans ever did something to deserve potting
Imagine having no taste
It's not as good as Midir but Igon makes it amazing
I fucking hate fighting dragons in this game, but at lest this one is mostly laying on the ground so you can hit him reliably
Okay, rolling sparks it is
They did the same thing with that lazy obese cunt in the base game, it's tradition at this point. Though considering the state of dragon fights Bayle is at least a strong contender for #2
>says the guy who suddenly started ranting about only supporting le nuclear family!! and hating le wimmens
m8 he didn't start it you did
Hey shlomo!
>make dogshit, wretched boss
>add a reddit npc summon who screams really loudly
>retards slurp it up
bravo miyazaki
>bed of chaos 2
>just cheat
You're not wrong, but it's funny how fast it got poltards to reply.
>activate 1HK with a cheat engine
>stick to the real game
that's retarded
>missed swift slash
>had no idea there was a quest for it
>blaming a random anon for another fucking idiot anon who was being question why he suddenly asked if he hated women in a non-meme manner
its kinda fucked to just pop a skibidi fragment on the jumping puzzle to euponia, otherwise it was a fun segment besides the scorpion jumpscare and the final window jump
Nta but its okay to genocide them then as they're just a religious group. I'm fine with that. I don't really care.
That wasn't him that was me who brought it up.
You can reliably back stab them after a few of their moves. Gratz on the second try without knowledge though.
He's great, stay filtered for having an opinion that differs from my own, objectively correct one.
>pointing out the depopulation agenda is politics
enjoy the end of civilization I guess. dumbasses
What he means is that the concept of the "nuclear family" as it's understood in Anglo countries, parents and children, is a fucking meme. Communities of extended families and clans are a far more important and proper way to organize small scale society and human interaction and was in fact the norm until industrialization and modernization took over.
have you seen our race? we deserve it
Imagine being so trash that you need to flex Fire golem of all things lmao, please rope faggot.

>didn't realize right away its basically Moby Dick
>even Igon's internal name is Ahab
>call it le bad and le reddit without cause
Uncultured AND Shit Taste
stay filtered.
now that we have great katanas, can they either patch nagakiba out of the game or just make it one of them. it just shouldn't exist. it's like if they made a greatsword but gave it the straight sword moveset lol
So since it's just a faction marika was part of is that even bad? People genocide eachother over their beliefs all the time hell even marika did it to the fire giants for their religion. It's really not something that makes marika some victim. Just another evil bitch perpetuating a cycle of violence she once found herself the victim of. Honestly messmer is right about his mom and the hornsent. Makes sense that the most attractive male demigod face wise is the smartest.
That is also possible
My first impression for 巫女の村 is "the village of miko" as in the village filled with nothing but shamans, but on the other hand it could also mean "the village of THE miko" as in there was one, singular, and this is the village of that specific miko
Obviously that's not possible since we have a lot of them getting cut up, but it could also just be "the village where all of the miko hang out (alongside everyone else)". It's not explicit. I would still guess it's their exclusive residence but there's no particular reason it has to be.

I wouldn't say they're a religious group, miko doesn't imply a religion at all, certainly not an aggressive or exclusive one. Shamanistic faiths actually have a really hard time being exclusive about their worship. They're more like a social class with specialized knowledge and probably specialized tools. Think of them more like "STEM majors" than "christians".
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Blackknife Tiche isn't able to handle Messmer's ass. Too frail + doesn't pull aggro enough. Did the DLC actually add an objectively superior spirit ash to compliment these annoying faggot bosses? I've nearly killed Messmer a few times but regardless of grinding my head against the wall like I do with everything in this game the spirit ash really isn't up to par even with those reverned ash shits.
I haven't engaged in that discussion; I've posted:
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I have been having soe rouble doing radancould it be my bild?
Wrong. I've made all these posts.
Jolan and Anna
But you'll have to fight a different boss to unlock
How do I advance Igon questline tho? i killed Ancient Dragon man (both the invasion and the real one), and killed the first Jagged Peak Drake at the foot of the Jagged Peak but the guy is still writhing ob the groubd
>People genocide each other over their beliefs all the time
>therefore they aren't victims
tell me you support israel without telling me you support israel
then kill yourself and leave us out of it
>no skibidis, win anyway
>people cheesing the fuck out of everything with perfumes while crying about how the game is so hard
>"imagine being so trash"
go troll someone else its not working.
>s like if they made a greatsword but gave it the straight sword moveset lol
Did you miss the light greatswords?
No, look at what he posted >>483395963 he's a retard but he means communal clans made up of mothers and fathers and children living together, staying monogamous to their partners, and working together towards a common goal of survival while caring for their elderly. I know it's what he's talking about because zoomer Fuentes worshipers always bring this up in the exact way and misunderstand exactly what seperates a nuclear family from what I mentioned
You have to kill the other drake that's fighting another one
Is Messmers assault bugged? Sometimes it just goes strait through other people in invasions.
yes and those are not as long nor do they have the same moveset so i guess youre retarded and shouldnt reply to me anymore
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Try Dung,
then range battle
>Anon learns about morally gray/flawed characters
>omg, this is just like my epic reddit song!
>split your lungs with blood and thunder! upvoted for the reference miyazaki!
>is it just that bad that we tortured and turned people into meatballs without any provocation and told them that their place was in the pot?
What the fuck do you think?
and I've made all of these
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>greatswords but faster and better
>uh they're nothing alike!
nevermind you're just a retard
Moby Dick isn't a song you fucking disingenuous faggot and no one on reddit has the patience or brain capacity to ever read it.
Then I (the dude translating) misunderstood him, but those aren't communities made of nuclear families but communities made of partnered pairs who work for each other's benefit
Most of these clans would have multiple generations and a bunch of cousins living together or in extremely close proximity
Issue is still using the term I suppose.
I hope they all kill eachother over there. The sooner it happens the happier I'll be.
I already know. I just think it's funny that I went from feeling bad about marika to going back to think she's a sometimes justified bitch
I think they likely instigated it in some way and even if not they should be with their own kind having kids instead of doing whatever the fuck they're doing. The purpose of life is propagation not religious shit.
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She still works for me
Never giving up on my girl
What the fuck are you talking about you schizoid, is plebbit really living rent-free in your head this much?
might be the railroad spike through your frontal lobe, my disorientated friend
nta but I barely had to patience to read Moby Dick myself, nigga literally is padding word count cause he got paid by the word
Radahn's weak to piercing damage and, ironically, holy damage.
I want to breed her
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Are they available pre Messmer kill? I feel like I've explored most of the available map outside going a bit thorough. I haven't really been using the wiki for anything but npc questline guidance.
Fumbled my chance at that unfortunately.
No that’s the horned warrior’s GREAT sword. The others will drop from the standard horned warriors but the great variant is exclusive to one warrior in Enir
>gulp gulp
thanks for the fecal matter miyazaki mmm so good
Bruh dis nigga infected with reddit rot
remember back in 10 years ago when they were making these games, theyd always spawn the invader between the host and the boss door, so that a pvp would be more or less guaranteed. but then in elden ring i guess it was too difficult to program so they just didnt do it so now 80% of invasions are actually just loading screens and another 15% are ganksquads
Yeah you have to find all the finger ruins which requires killing Gaius but that's it
Is that the tower's name? I haven't reached it yet. There's another horned warrior wielding it in Belurat, about halfway through. Does he not drop it?
>literally laugh in your face
>"uhh ur stoopid!"
Thanks, I accept your surrender :)
Yeah, it's ironically a problem in communication between you two. And you're right they did, I do think this is probably how marika's people were. A group where an all female coven of mystics lived amongst their relatives. The main thing is there are male corpses there we just predominantly see females. So they likely took everyone related to the shamans not just the shamans
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i cahgne dmy buidl but it stil isnt wokring i wonder if there s a better SS that I can use for fighting radan
Kinda hard to do that when 80% of bosses have a grace outside the fogwall.
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he's right tho. Nuclear families are to weak of a group to thrive.
>one household of 2 parents, 2-3 kids. Usually one and half income earners
>this each requires a house, which implies mortgage, insulation and fragmentation of clans and extended family to rely upon
It's basically you, your wife, your kids and the State. It is stacked against you.
As opposed to:
>Big Families or Clans
>You all live on a big familial plot of land, either in one big house or several smaller homes within the plot
>strong familial bonds, direct access to several trades, professions, a built in community with the strongest ties and loyalty towards itself
>less reliance on the State, more security and insulation from external factors
The State tried to destroy this because it was too powerful, they want you weak and isolated and reliant and fearful of (((them))).
I know this because this is me. I live on a big familial plot. 3 houses, one family each. On top of that most of my extended family of 30+ people, excluding children, lives close by. Guess how many trades and professionals I have access to without fear of getting jewed?
Your family is your strongest and most important community, it comes before the State and it's the only thing that can help you against it. Never forget that.
well FUCK
I've amassed 730k runes from killing that one great sword faggot hoping for the sword
which means that I've killed the stupid nigger around 83 times
>scadu tree 3+
>about to fight Dancing Lion
I am gonna write down how many times I die
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>he thinks he's cultured for knowing what Moby Dick is
Daddy not give you enough attention, little guy? I don't know who you're trying to impress here.
Can I get jolan summon if I already got her sword?
Doesn't require killing Gaius, the teleport is before his boss arena
>Try out the other summons
>Keep going back to her since she's just really fun to watch fight
Why did they make a faceless assassin so beautiful?
Shouldn't be TOO hard but I guess your build is a factor
>I think they likely instigated it in some way
>they should be with their own kind
They literally are, they seem to be an ethnic group too since their flesh has special properties.
>having kids
Marika's grandmother's corpse is in the village, dude. They're family.
>The purpose of life is propagation not religious shit.
I'm going to come out and say it. You have such enormous virgin energy. How about you get married and have kids yourself? inb4 some whining about western women all being whores
Skibidi 3 is fine, I've beaten him on my 3rd try with that level
Was still bullshit at times though, got one-shot by lightning once
I bet you haven't even read To Kill a Mockingbird you fucking uncultured swine
nta, but doesn't that just mean the other retard is even more uncultured?
I don't know any tech sry
Her secret incantation implies she was at first filled with kindness and just wanted to save her village, like her main goal was not even revenge, just the earnest desire to save her people.

But she was too late in becoming a God and they were already dead/turned into pots, so she left her kindness behind and went full scorched earth on the Hornsents. And hell, they way the Hornsents talk, they don't regret a thing, they are just butthurt that Marika fucked them up, they still feel like its their right to sacrifice other people, so yeah, Marika is justified this time.
What's the trigger for Miquella breaking his rune?
You really thought you were cooking when you posted this, even have a gay reaction image to go with it.
are you drunk or did that sword fall on your head before this post
my build is kinda shit in the main game. Barely did any damage to Godfrey and farum azula beastman with the large sword
You gotta give her the iris of grace
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why are you still breathing?
How the fuck do I avoid Putrid Knight's dumbass roomwide fire attack?
for me it happened right after crossing the bridge from Bonny Village
It happens automatically when you approach the shadow keep.
You need the visage to craft the heft FURNACE pot. Other ones dont work
Walking up to the Shadow Keep. Despite what people tell you, it doesn't break any quests, it just breaks the mind control spell on NPCs which causes their quests to actually begin. Entering Messmer's boss arena is the first thing that progresses quests, I think.

Jump. He's just Manus, but you jump instead of using the silver pendant.
The big thing is when you have kids
>you and your wife have a kid
>even assuming assuming your wife doesn't work because you can earn enough for both (not guaranteed), your wife can never do any chores that make her leave the house until the baby is weaned and if your wife gets sick you are fucked unless you can take time off
>if you lived with your extended family you could just fob them off to your grandpa for 20 minutes while your wife gets groceries or for a few days while your wife stops being sick
>if both of you work then the kid is going to spend more time with the nanny than with their parents
>You really thought you were cooking
go back to where you came from, zoomer mongoloid.
Jump over it.
yes so just dont put me into those sessions where the host is right at the fog door

id rather wait 10 minutes for a good invasion than 5 seconds for an immediate "host has started boss" and back to loading screen
Is it too late then?
someone bake
Yeah he's a total retard for believing it's a reference to the fucking Mastodon song but that doesn't make the camera during Bayle's fight any less of a cancerfire to deal with.
Let it die
>skibidi level 7
>fight Rellana as poison build
>first try
Endure rocks!
>He doesn't change his language with times
What are you, some nostalgic boomer who still says stupid shit like pwn?
>so she left her kindness behind
No, that's not what it says
The incantation is "the kindness of gold without Order". She showed her hometown, and likely her hometown alone, the kindness of the Marika who once lived there without it being covered by the Golden Order that everyone else knew her by.
is Partisan good
holy shit, you weren't lying about that lighting.
I feels like Ibis spamming shit at me.
you didn't do the thing


>for 20 minutes
you truly don't get it. My aunts, uncles and grandmother helped raise me. This is what it means to have a family to rely upon.
America has created a transactional society where everyone is constantly on their personal grind without time or will for anyone else. This isn't how it is in most other places.
Does it need to be the furnace pot you throw at their asses? I though a regular hefty fire pot or hefty volcano pot did the trick.
Then why are they only women? Where's the men?
so this is the full power of skibidi blessing and perfumes...
that is indeed a curved greatsword. There are others who are seen wielding the paired curved sword version.
I'm just giving an example for the suburban/urban Americans in the room friend, I was also raised by like 8 people
>This isn't how it is in most other places.
well it's getting like that so enjoy it while it lasts

We don't know that they're only women. It could easily be that only the women were practicing miko. The word 巫女 demands female, the word 巫子 still implies it but allows it to be gender neutral, but in both cases it is a social class being referred to.
Also we literally see a male corpse in that fucking whipping hut so there clearly are men in that village, or were, since the only humanoid corpse there is Marika's grandma sheltering in the tree.
Hefty fire pots will do it but the damage is only like 9k instead of the 20k the furnace pots do
>dude I'm totally an oldfag I swear fr fr og
>I'm just giving an example for the suburban/urban Americans in the room friend, I was also raised by like 8 people
Understandable. Apologies.
Yeah but that requires me to fucking land the damn hit and I only have maybe 6 or so masks (found a bunch of them laying around that one dead golem near the entrance to the Shadow Keep)
If I miss I am going to want to kill something.
He's destroyed you
> >The purpose of life is propagation not religious shit.
nta but that's true. Reproduction is the primary directive of all living beings. Religion is a human invention, biology isn't.
Are all perfumes op or just the lightning one?
>If I miss I am going to want to kill something.
hey that's me. I missed pots until I ran out of mat or it killed me with the gazillion fireball spam. I want the nip who design that fight to commit seppuku
I mean on some level he's right but he's being an insane incel about it and I don't use that word lightly, you may as well say people should stop making art or playing vidya or whatever and just breed nonstop so long as the food for it exists
Religion in ER holds not just real but obvious and immediate power, we see and can harness the power firsthand. Religion becomes as much of a priority as farming or learning how to use a spear because you can directly improve your life with it.
>Then why are they only women? Where's the men?
You do understand that we're dealing with quasi divine/mythological beings
Reminder Loki birthed a wolf and the goddess of the death. Not sired, birthed.
Gods are fucking weird.
didn't backread much so I'll take your word for it
Do I need to summon leda for rellana? or every npc for bosses available? questwise, I hate that from requires things like this
The boss has like 4 moves: grab, three pounces into breath attack, breath attack, ground slam

The change in elements adds strengths and weaknesses to its moveset which adds AOEs you have to avoid or cuts down on attack chains leaving more openings to kill it faster
i can't see what the fuck it's doing
i apparently missed a bunch of questlines in the expansion without realising at all. it's stupid how there isn't at least a log book or something to track quests. otherwise if you play the game blind you can miss a whole bunch of content till you find a random youtube video about it one day.
How do I counter swift slash ergie this is awful
It's utterly broken right now and true combos into itself, expect a nerf soon
I still have FTH in Miquella.
its better than mimic for bleed, aggro, and crowd control. damage and longevity as well depending on your build
dex/elemental stat toys
dont stay hardlocked 100%of the time?
thats my wife please be more respectful
>damn messmer was the furtive pygmy all along
i took that to be the tarnished of no renown, since youre so much smaller and dodge everything
then theres:
>full moon (presence)
>formless mother(Oedon)
havent found a connection to sekiro yet though, excep for beeg snek, makes me wonder if rannis dark moon is literally the players hunter from BB
the darkest soul of all because they steal our bikes
no, the nuclear family led to the most prosperous time for all social levels, across the board, that the world has ever seen. It was the high trust such a society engendered that made us weak to the scheming of the jew (which our ancestors had suppressed for thousands of years) leading to the living hell we currently inhabit
>chicken feet
bro just equip the silver tear mask and silver scarab its not that rare afaik, but theyre a pain in the ass (at rl125, 50vig)

i got 2 just playing through belurat natty. you only need 1 though its a dual weapon. use silver scarab
>it doesn't drop randomly it's from one specific horned warrior
not true. i got the drop from 2 different guys

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