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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

You didn't beat the game.
you didn't beat the game
>If you don't spoonfeed Hornsent's revenge for him, he turns on you with Leda
Reminder to everyone that its morally correct to kill that motherfucker at the first opportunity
Is the throwing shield better off on a Strength build or on Quality?
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I WILL fix Marika.
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Drinking Michelob with Miquella!
I decided to kill him as soon as I met him for the first time, nobody is mean to me and gets away with it
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Here's Malenia to demonstrate a layered armor system. Do you rike?
Name one (1) reason why Miquella ascending as a god would be a bad thing?
>Name one (1) reason why Miquella ascending as a god would be a bad thing?
he's gay
because according to my unhinged headcanon that is completely contradictory to everything stated in the game, he would actually be EVIL!!!!!
If you say no once, you die
buff it
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How do you dodge this move? Only attack he has I can't figure out to avoid at all, tried dodging late and early. Is it a jump?
It honestly feels like the direction for the DLC was shifted halfway through which is why it took so long to make.
>I legitimately believe Miquella's ending was cut for being too happy. Not joking.
I can believe this. I hate when grimdark guts itself because it wants to keep "everything is le shitty still" status quo.
And thats a good question. What the fuck did we accomplish here? Took out a threat to our future rule as Elden Lord or something?
Just dropped Rellana with my bullshit Blasphemous Blade, was a bit of a struggle but got her in 5 tires.

I really want to respec into some sort of melee with some int casting since i've never casted before. What's a good build?
he'd slip some St. Trina juice in there and date rape you
Run away, yes really
Anon thats Melina

Also looks cool
She looks so unhappy in that plate mail.
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ngl bros, Im feeling like a Villain rn

>midras greatsword can impale MULTIPLE PLAYERS
how's it work?
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Imagine the godly footjobs!...
what spells do yall run around with? honestly I don't see a reason to run more than 2 or maybe 3 spells. switching them is clunky and AoW are a better use of FP anyways
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Can someone do this pasta with Marika and the hornsent
haha oh nooooooo that sure would be terrible
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What build most evokes the feeling of playing Dark Souls 1, walking up to an enemy and deleting them with a point blank Dark Bead?
Radahn really wasn't fun at all. Phase one was fun and made me excited to see phase 2 but the second half of the fight is so abhorrently unfun. Just obnoxious visual diarrhea cluttering the arena. I really really hope they don't do more of this in future games. Granted, it DID make the fight the most difficult of the DLC for me so I guess they succeeded?
It is interesting that we basically only get two NPCs saying Miquella would be a bad lord/god. St Trina which is the embodiment of his doubt and self consciousness and some random ghost?
It's modded. You equip the plate torso ontop of the other set.
1. Copying Marika's footsteps and expecting things to go differently is funny
2. The whole point of the game, the reason grace was extended to you bringing you back to life in the first place, was for you to become Elden Lord. Can't very well do that if Miquella the magical unscrupulous mind controller makes his brother Lord Consort instead, and upends the Elden order, can you?
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No wonder ER is shit when the fanbase thinks From Software is the "hard game" developer. Do you zoomies even know why Dark Souls or Demon's Souls got popular for in the first place?
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>stand still in front of a redGOD as he charges his gigger nigger blast attack
how do these retards manage to beat mohg???
Looks like a kid whose mom is making them dress up for family photos.
Every god is just a different interpretation of metyr
Please help me kill Radahn on PS5
your blue wife would be upset
It homes and the 2nd explosion is super delayed, I can't get the distance right.
Can we have some Melina feet
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Alright bros. Beat everything on NG3. Time to take the training weights off and slap NG1 around.
My favorite is the exposed arms one. Could do a lot of fashion with that one.

The things a finger maiden must do for their Tarnished.
It's not that hard.
get a shield
I'm doing 40 VIG, 80 INT, 25 END, 12 STR, 17 DEX and the rest in MIND at level 150, playing mostly melee and it's fun.
yeah but you can do stuff like make Ranni a god/lord or whatever. You are explicitly her consort.
Because his ascension would give even greater rise to the weirdo pedos that are his fans.
It just got a massive nerf, started a second run and at skibidi 4 it's unbelivable how retarded strong you are now
Palm Blast having infinite poise seems uncharacteristically generous for this game. Almost makes me think it was a mistake.
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>teehee comet azure is perfectly fine though
What the fuck is his problem hornbros
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>owari da
So based.
God I fucking hate hosts.
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Melina confirmed in the DLC.
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Why’d they make this so garbage?
A ton of people were dedicating hours of their time to comet azuring Mohg for these useless hosties
The gameplay trailer proves that if you wore anything but your classes starting gear, then your run wasnt canon.
He does that once his phase change, just be prepared after a certain % of HP and start running.
Anyone has that one quote of him trying to do something good and his team being like "nuh uh, doesn't fit"? I think it was for Bloodborne or whatever.
Radahn makes me wanna respec into a greatshieldfag for the first time in my life.
What the fuck were they thinking????
I hate footniggers
>Messmer literally does Rhykard's whole shtick so much better
>better flame colors
>cooler fucking spells
>awesome snake
>controls the snake and isn't eaten by it
>literally virgin inquisition vs Chad Crusader
If you think you beat the game, then you didn't beat the game.
Shes just talking about the base game about burning the Erdtree via giants flame
Is mashing buttons to decrease grab damage still a thing?
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Man, the environments have so much more grandeur from a first person perspective.
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Damn bayle was nice fight with all the setup from climbing a moutain of dead dragons and having a summon that actually matters and cares about the boss that they are fighting. Its why I summon hornsent as well for messmer to get those extra lines.
Its awkward that I died before the last tick of rot kill off bayle though, couldn't see igon go but at least he yelled his last yeehaw. How good is igon's bow? Seems like you have to use his 1000 rune arrows for it.
I did it. No regrets. That fight is retarded.
Is the deflecting sekiro tear cheating, because I've beat almost every boss with it and I can feel my gamer cred slowly exiting my body.
"OMENs could be here" she thought. "I've never been in this region before. There could be OMENs anywhere." Thr cool wind felt good against her bare feet. "I HATE OMENs" she thought. The Shaman Village OST reverberated the entire Elden Ring, making pulsate even as the Grace circulated through powerful veins and washed away her (merited) Fearon minorities after dark. "With an Elden Ring, you can go anywhere in the Lands Between."
lost 300k runes in the shadowkeep because a dumbfuck put a message saying to jump into a place that blocks you in the air
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Greatsword with a Claymore poke that fires a projectile. Is this great?
Just roll in bro, literally just roll in.
Like I'm fine with Miquella being evil
It's just that in contrast when Miyazaki has Ranni be
>Can instantly kill you
>Can ascend and it's a good thing apparently
>Can't kill her mom because it'd make her sad
It's kind of hard to not see her as a mary sue by contrast
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"HORSENT COULD BE HERE" she thought, "I've never been to these lands before. There could be HORNSENT anywhere." The golden light of apotheoisis plucked from the Gates of Divinity felt good against her bare skin. "I HATE HORNSENT" she thought. The Title Theme reverberated through all of Enir-Ilim, making it pulsate even as the power of the Divine Gates circulated through her perfect golden veins and washed away her (merited) fear of Hornsent in the land of shadows. "With godhood you can go anywhere you want," she said to herself, out loud.
you can summon hornsent for Messmer?
i don't remember his sign was it in the arena?
>falling for troll messages in a souls game in 2020 + 4
Why not just put Flame Spear on a Claymore?
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>Uses and kills people for her own gain
>Attains godhood
>Discard her Great Rune and kill her own body
Why is it le evil if it's with Miquella? What's the plot here?
havent tried the shield yet but the throwing greathammer is tons of fun. It does a bit less dmg on my strength build with giant crusher, but the throw and the faster swing speed is pretty nice.
if you weren't level 1, naked, no weapons, no scat fraggies, no summons, blindfolded, drowning in shit inside of a septic tank for your entire life leading up to your playthrough of elden ring, then you did not beat the game I'm sorry to say
Lmfao i fucked that up, on mobile right now
Yes. Ranni is the God, you are the Lord Consort. In the normal ending, Marika is the God, you are the Lord Consort. If Miquella gets his way, he is the God, and Radahn is the Lord Consort.
this one is cool but i feel like the flame lightning would be more effective in general
you are the good guy
why did they NEED to make miquella a feminine little boy that canonically wants to fuck his brother and become god by marrying him, at least make his body fully developed man its so fucking weird
this is a legitimate problem I have with the DLC and Miyazaki saying he won't make a new ending for the base game. You really should be able to just side with Miquella.
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For me it was when Leda made a redman reference.
Fuck it's over.
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Faithbros do you run a shield+one hand with a high faith investment or a two hander with a high strength investment (and low faith)? I feel like havinig a high r1 bonk is more important than having a powerful buff or using super high level shit like 50+ faith spells. It's not like you're going to spam lord's heal and dragon spears against most bosses anyway.
Why do retards bring up the fucking scadu fragments when the actual complaint is that fighting enemies that keep chaining combos one after another while having infinite poise is the actual fucking problem? How many fucking fragments do I have to find for them to fix the fucking game?
counterpoint - ranni is cute
He isn't evil though.
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Never forget
It's interesting. The projectile applies any status the blade does btw
>miquella ending too happy
Ranni ending exists, Miyazaki tells the story he wants to tell. Shocking that the guy who has suicide bombing fanatic soldiers and is known for mind control was a bad guy
Miquella is cuter thoughever
i think you have to choose to help hornsent when hes invaded by Leda in the shadowkeep. afterwards talk to him and you'll get his summon sign in the arena.
Holy, lightning, or fire?
Just parry him, unironically.
Miquella also mind controls people, which is spooky.
The projective isn't an ash of war. It's just the R2
Miquella is Griffith, Ranni is a gentle girl
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Bros I found my weaponfu
Yeah, no shit.
its insanely overpowered.
but also really fun so i'll keep using it :)
Messmer was cool and I like they changed his voice actor. He just sounds like a goth dude not giving a fuck about anything albeit being mass murderer.
Good question. Are the bosses resistant to holy like they are in the base game? I honestly don't know.
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Is THIS what they meant when they said Lansseax used to take human form? Is this what Vyke and the Leyndell knights were fucking? I'm about to throw up.
>Oops, just condamned my brother to an eternity as a soulless husk tee-hee
>take mohgs body
>put radahns soul in it
>he turns white
I dont get it
miquella has A COCK thoughtbfever
FromSoft is shitty at making endings anyway. Some dude will make a mod using AI voice lines and Miquella model from the game and it will be better than whatever ending FromSoft would've created.
best RL for pvp shenanigans?
>clearly a man
>has a manly voice
>"MOTHER of Fingers"
>there's literal malepregnancy fetish shit in the game
>beloved base game character
>people admire his manliness
>becomes an actual homosexual, who also happens to be a pedophile
When did FromSoft become woke?
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Ranni is related to Miquella, too. Spirit Calling Bell, Torrent, puts Kale to sleep. Or was, before Miyazaki decided that it doesn't fucking matter.
It is.
I think his model changes, actually.
Just did my INT/STR run, do I go in with my Dex/Arc chud or my STR/FTH chad
are you implying that is a downside?
i didn't realize I have to drug her to save her. Now I only have her heart and could never summon her and larp as her dragon lord.
Play a different game
>give him his mother's soup
>save him from getting killed by leda
>help him kill messmer, as if he'd ever beat him alone
>despite him saying he's in your debt, he still invades you at rauh
>doesn't even fucking say anything
God, nobody gives a shit about you dilating over not getting a boywife, tranny. Fucking move on.
If Ranni looked at me like that I would find a way to get a doll pregnant.
who in their right mind would want to fuck males while being a male themselves?
Woke? These people are antagonists. Your goal is to kill them. FromSoft is based.
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So what the fuck was all this about then?
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Main weapon and Misericord in right hand
Parry shield and Seal in left hand
Switching between them expeditiously depending on what I'm doing
Imagine if, instead of fighting Manus, we fought Smough, Bearer of the Pygmy, carrying a generic hollow model on his back.
Imagine if, instead of fighting the Fume Knight, we fought Velstadt, Hammer of Nadalia.
Imagine if, instead of fighting the Orphan of Kos, we fought Gehrman the Firstborn, whose model was slightly changed to have Kin parts sticking out.
Imagine if, instead of fighting Gael, we fought Prince Lothric of the Healed Legs Order.
Imagine if, instead of fighting Isshin, we fought Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa except he no longer had a horse and was very upset.
Just make Godwyn a dual wielder as well and replace Radahn's model with Godwyn and the fight would be so much more kino. It's so weird for there to be several items describing how Miquella wants to resurrect Godwyn and then fucking Radahn comes out of nowhere.
false advertising
I don't think so
I think Messmer is definitely resting to fire and holy, and Radahn is most definitely resiting holy

either way if your jam is holy I'd pump strength all the way.
fire can be a pure caster, but with the new fire knight seal you can get away with splitting the two
lighning I would say just use the new Knight lightning spear and win, but with the death knight axes I'm loving being a strong boy and swinging away

honestly STR/FTH got some pretty fun and diverse tools
Marika was right about them.
Skibidi avatar and prepubecent knight were the only guys I killed in one try, bunch of tin can jobber bums
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>I'm going to leave the hornsent to his own devices.
>With the object of his vengeance gone, his blade has grown dull.
>In that state, I don't imagine he will ever fight again. I needn't bother with him.
>Lest, of course, another target for his retribution should appear.
Leda is a mean bitch...
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What the fuck do these words even mean?
Imagine if, instead of posting walls of text, you killed yourself.
literally just false advertising trying to make the dlc story look more interesting than the laughable garbage that they ended up releasing
>Fucking kill yourself trannoid filth*
Can you miss Leda's quest?
>missing 1 scadutree fragment
I went to every spot marked on the map and i cant for the life of me find which 1 im missing.
Radahn is dead but this missing fragment is killing me
>Imagine if, instead of fighting Isshin, we fought Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa except he no longer had a horse and was very upset.
sounds kino
Funny post
Imagine if, instead of having tiktok induced brainrot, you could read more than two sentences.
ranni is best girl, what's the issue?
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none of what happenend in the first trailer made any sense in the end lol
str/fth got a lot of fun new tools with the new fire and lighting spells and weapons sooooo
do that
>Getting ass kicked by Bayle yesterday
>Hop on today and nuke him in 3 tries with little difficulty
Fuck me, the skibbidy buffs are for real. Why is Miyazaki punishing me for being gainfully employed and only playing during evenings.
S tier
>Golden Hippo
D tier, insta charge/grab is AIDS
A tier, only cheap is the bullshit charges and grabs with DS2 hitboxes
>Dancing Lion
B tier
>Putrescent knight
F tier annoying never ending attack chains, even blocking with lots of end a maxed out shield and the stamina ring, shield talisman get insta broken
F tier magic spamming bitch
>Scadutree Avatar(4 phases of faggotry
F tier
C tier too much L2 spam
najka 2 elden boogaloo not bad b tier

havent fought the boar knight, the frenzy knight, or the 2nd big red bear, or the death knight
Why tf can nobody do pinky toes?
It must be glitched, it literally does not have any bleed buildup on it, which would make no sense
could mean a bunch of things, but most likely "Tree of the Earth" (german Erdenbaums)

Holy Tree

Shadow Tree
besides, it could not matter less
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bros how do i get there
She has a quest? She just invades hornsent / ansbach and you choose who to side with
Erd = World
Halig = Holy
Scadu = No real idea, theres a italian word that means ''theatrical'' but thats about it. Probably just means shadow.
Scat tree
Its poop
Ranni didn't order Rahdan to kill Malenia so she could kidnap Malenia's soul and stuff it into another relatives corpse for use as a sex slave/puppet warlord, for one thing. She also wants to banish the order and fuck off, not conquer it and rule herself.
W-we'll get a better ending in a patch dear anon... trust.. the plan...
it's depicting Marika ascending to Godhood surrounded by the corpses of her people
apply yourself
have you tried the messmer incants? 60 faith is a whopper
you can get multiple different outcomes based on how you interact with the NPCs, blame the retarded reporter for misinterpreting it
How come the dlc is about the origins of Marika and her ascension to godhood, yet we get jack shit on the gloam eyed queen that was the direct rival?
I think scadu is shadow
Marika sure likes to take her top off
Anon ymir is literally growing parasites iin his flesh that, if successful, will kill him and turn into new fingers.
Imagine if, instead of being a stupid nigger, you killed yourself.
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There. Go south along the wall
Turn left from the Cross where you met Ansbach and Moore. There's a path on the side of the mountain.
Erdtree is called Golden Tree in Japanese
Scadutree is called Shadow Tree in Japanese, it's also "Shadow" in Old English
Haligtree is "Halig- Tree" - Holy Tree.
There are no endings so it doesn't even matter
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Dont make fun of Miquellas feet, okay? Hes very insecure about them.
Oh yeah the hammer is kino, I have it sacred infused on my faith character and it dominates
Your arguments? Where are they?
I was talking to a friend of mine about the DLC story, and she thinks that the reason why none of the NPCs in the base game respond to the stuff in the DLC is because the DLC takes place after you kill the Elden Beast. Melina would be dead (usually), Gideon would be dead, Malenia would be dead, etc.
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Much obliged
Marika's tits!
Earth tree
Holy tree
Shadow tree
old english
Ranni fucked off to the moon
Miquella was hyper-present and planning to wage endless war
why couldnt this armor have been related to the GEQ
This is the exact spot you fight miquella. The big door of bodies is literally where radahn jumps off from.
Read her ash's description, anon, she stole your heart.
is bloodfiend's arm actually a drop? I swear these guys haven't dropped it and I've gotten two of the spears by accident when farming the guys with chicken wings at and around prospect village
Couldn't you just tell Messmer that you're his dad now and you're putting him in time-out if that were true? His whole thing is being mad that you MIGHT become the Elden Lord.
flame serpent is an S-tier spell and it's only like what 15 fth?
flame rain is fucking STUPID trash
messmer's orb is anime level stupid looking. it does a lot of damage sure, but you have no hyper armor. you're never gonna finish casting it

flame serpent will literally carry you
pair that with the new Knights lightning spear and you don't ever have to go past fth 36 desu
Can someone recommend me a fun weapon thats only slashing in the kit? I'm deathly allergic to stab moves. I used Great Katana and ended up in the hospital.
he didn't want to resurrect Godwyn, he wanted to fully kill him. Amazed at how many retards miss this
Up your ass, ask your doctor to dig around for them.

Because he wants to fuck kids

Islam is right about him
>reused a bunch of shit
>not a single godskin
it's a 100% drop from one of those bloodfiends, idk which one tho.
there's a bunch of weapons like this in the DLC btw, the black knight twinblades also has a 100% drop rate from one specific black knight
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oh wow how the fuck did I miss this
>night set
Welcome back, DS2 designs
any good/underrated strength weapons in this DLC I cant seem to find any, no int/fai/arc scaling please or ill hang myself
I got it but I don't remember when, I think it's either a random drop or from a specific bloodfiend
>Miquella takes us to the Shadow Realm
>Never once talks to us or even charms us aside from the boss fight
I beat Bayle in two tries, am I allowed to be called good? I intentionally died first so I could summon Igon.
hmm. Can you only get one then? No dual wielding?
Your concessions, dilations, and sneedressions are accepted.
>He's gay
>He abandoned everything a kind god would need
>He's a faggot
>He's in the way of my ascension
>He's a poof
>He stuffed his brother's soul into his other brother's body because he was horny
>He's queer
>He abandoned all of his loyal followers to chase his own desires
>He's a homosexual
>His plan was fucking retarded
>He's a takes cock up the ass
Where's the Mohg part of Radahn? I'm not seeing it? Am I blind?
thanks for the info, i think 36 might be the sweet spot then
what are the best spells for a 36 faith build? i know the dryleaf seal is now the best seal for sub-50 builds
heavy Milady
messmer soldier greatspear
you find it here somewhere>>483634693
me when I'm a blatant pedophile:
i actually dont know, but i think so
No Romina-porn yet. Did they make her too unattractive or people generally don't like centipedes?
more like welcome back lotr designs
Likewise, niggerfaggot. You can leave the board now, I wouldn't want you to miss today's HRT injection.
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well now I might need to ng+ to grab it. Luckily I saved Jolan and Anna from the big bad finger guy(mommy?)
I wonder how good they are though, seems like they do a lot of bleed dmg.
Almost anything right now, massive numbers online.
He has two random horn parts sticking out of his arms.
What's the point of becoming elden lord then if Marika is your god? How would anything change other then the piles of dead bodies? Wouldn't that just fix the shattering of the elden ring and that's it?
trash, they have no HP.
Because Ranni aims to fix the world itself, and doesn't abandon the path she is taking 20+ times after doing fucked up shit just to give up and say "fuck this" in the end.
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Just realised the scadutree is actually two trees with one like circling around the other

loreGODs, what are the implication of this?
You know, it's very absurd that you have "Prime Radahn and Miquella on his back" as a fucking boss. Feels like a weird shitpost.
I beat him with my wife Latenna and Igon, poor dragon stood no chance with 10000 arrows being fired.
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>friend told me he died to Bayle for over 50 times
>been stuck there for hours
>morally prepare myself to rage and struggle
>go in and summon Igon for quest's sake
>Bayle is dead after several giant hunts in his leg
I should be satisfied but I feel empty. Robbed. And I did it to myself. CURSE YOU BAYLE!
are the fire golems weak to messmer fire or something or why do furnace pots do so much damage
what support spells should i be running as faith in multiplayer?
Cut content
Those are hornsent.
Are we free of the R1 curse forever? Or is Michael Zachary going to bring back the R1 wank in Sekiro 2?
oh well i guess thats the same with tithe, but bleed seems weaker than black flame.
Ordinarily, there's no point. But if you take the Golden Pill and use the Mending Rune of Perfect Order, then Marika is made into your slave and HAS to obey you as your wife. She's rendered incapable of doing anything else.
they're gay trees
I'm sitting at 40fth literally because of autism and I've had no complaints so far

I'm gonna be honest with you bud
ever since I picked up Flame serpent and Knight's lightning I have not casted anything else
those two spells put in WORK
the usual buff spells are always good to have
a heal never hurts
supposedly the new pest threads upgrade is super good but idk I don't use it
you can thank the scatfuckniggertree system
Sorry forgot my pic.
you missed out on him flying around the arena breathing fire a lot and trying to instakill grab you
He's mad that you're his dad now, so he's going to kill you anyway. Miquella calls you "Lord of the Old Order" as well.
At that low of faith, wouldn’t you be better off with clawmark seal if you’re also investing in strength?
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Reposted analysis.

I legitimately believe Miquella's ending was cut for being too happy. Not joking.

His original ending in the base game is basically utopian, from what little we get. If it was retained there's absolutely no reason to go with another one. You end up with a magical saintly treehouse, an omnibenevolent golden god, and the now-probably-cured game mascot and strongest demigod as your new best friend.

In the DLC we were supposed to get something broadly similar. That cutscene of him lifting the veils and stemming the bleeding from the Scadutree in the gameplay trailer would match VERY well with his cut ending narration (and the model he used to have in the base game is already in the DLC, used for the flashback). But when you play the DLC it's nowhere to be found.

This is really weird since you can see elsewhere in the trailer that this event would induce a permanent world state change for the skybox. That's far too much effort for one second of the background of one trailer. They clearly intended to keep it at one point. Miyazaki specifically said there'd be a visual change to the world to let you know you beat the DLC, but as now there's nothing. He also specifically references that unveiling cutscene as a spoiler in a 04/29 Chinese interview just a few weeks before the game came out, but it's also nowhere to be found. Yet dataminers have also found its cutscene file and ID, so it explicitly wasn't just made for the trailer either

It's not even just the real world factors that inform this, or the advertising lying (not just the trailer but stuff like the bit about us being guided to the land by Miquella which doesn't actually happen, he doesn't even want us there). It's the story. Your character gets absolutely nothing out of going to the Land of Shadows. You kill Miq and leave. AOA, TLC, TOH, AOA, and TRC all had an actual GOAL you accomplished. [1/2]
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Frondrones will defend getting scammed with false adevertisment
He was unironically the easiest boss I faced so far. I had a harder time killing the Blackgaol Knight.

I used the Dragon Hunter Katana tho, maybe I shouldn't have.
Best girl in the dlc, with messmer being the best boy.
139 is ideal, matches with both 125 and 150, and you almost never come across shit that shouldnt exist like 2000hp bullgoats mages, 150 is perfectly fine as well if you feel like you need the extra points dont be afraid to level there
>Yet dataminers have also found its cutscene file and ID
I still haven't seen any proof of this? You're just repeating this yourself because you want it to be true.
>bayle incantation insta killed me
huh? is this normal? 60 Vigor

This guy has blended with his controller. he is the controller.
Any reason not to explore the Ancient Rauh Ruins before Messmer?
either clawmark or the new fire knight seal depending on what your casting I'd imagine
So what the hell happened? Here's what I think. They got to the eleventh hour with a happier ending intact (probably induced by you interacting with Miquella after the boss fight hence why he doesn't have a death line). They then cut it because they thought it wouldn't fit the tone they were going for. They wanted godhood to be inherently corruptive and thought a good god like Miquella would go against the messaging. That's why Miyazaki kept asserting his desire to portray a hostile and bleak world in interviews done literally the week before the DLC released. That's why the unveiling trailer was still being used in TV spots the week of release (probably made ahead of time). That's why even the area Miquella is in at the end of the gameplay trailer doesn't appear to exist in the DLC. And that's why you just kill him and leave without any further elaboration, with the last cutscene being, as noted earlier in the thread, a static image of a recycled model in a featureless room for 30 seconds as narration plays. This is also why no one in the base game acknowledges DLC events, a first for From games: the dialgoue they recorded didn't fit the new ending.

They just removed content and didn't have time to replace it with anything. The world visual change Miyazaki talked about in interviews (not specifically the veil disappearing, but he said there'd be something) never happens and the DLC doesn't have an actual ending cutscene.
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Don't forget this.
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Does fire knight seal incant actually scale with strength? I’ve seen a few people say it does, but when people post scaling, they only mention faith
The lore is trash now.
>The head of a monstrous shadow sunflower manifestation of the Scadutree. Then again, it might be just a flower, wielded as a weapon. Much like the Scadutree itself in appearance, a second stalk winds tightly around the first, almost as if in a tender embrace.
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>false adevertisment
>40 dollars
>cut content
It's all you, isn't it? Every single one of these schizo posts is yours? You're just some pedo who is so mad he didn't get the girl (boy) in a fucking video game that you spend your entire week here convincing people to dislike the game too.
They wouldn't spoil an ending in a trailer. And that kind of ending would just antithetical to Fromsoft's/Miyazaki's sensibilities, so I don't see why they would ever put resources into something like this.
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What are you eating for dinner tonight, /erg/???
Is doing bosses with NPCs the new standard?
There are summons for most major bosses in the DLC and some are required for quests, right?
I'm starting to enjoy the chaos of multi-npc fights. The festival and golden projectile spam by Melina were already fun in the main game
>miquella can't turn your own summons against you
What a missed opportunity
Threadly reminder that if you use the Swift Slash ash of war, you get the point down.
She's very sleepy and dehydrated, if you give her some Melatonin she'll be back to being sexy in no time.
Fucking finally. Hoping some hilarious Dark Souls tier abominations will start popping up again:

Miquella's meat with a drop of Trina's nectar.
the actual seal itself does use strength for scaling. it's slightly worse than clawmark by a couple numbers, but if your casting messmer flame spells it'll make up for
The distance on it is shit but i like it
Dry leaf or danes footwork?
They did it for the base game and still scrapped it.
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yup, it's gamin' time
Reference to the world change from Miyazaki's Famitsu interview.
and I willl keep doing it
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imagine Sif made by nu-From
>instead of starting to limb after a certain amount of damage a cutscene starts
>black and red energy starts emerging from Sif's body
>"forgive me, my dearest master Artorias"
>Sif bites his right wounded leg and tears it from his body
>where the wound is, a huge clawed arm appears, made from red and black energy
>Sif's eyes glow red and his sword also gains a red glow and starts hovering over him
>"now...let us walsk the Abyss....together"
>new health bar: Sif, best friend of the Walker of the Chasm
>immediately lashes at you 8 times in a row with random delays between each hit
>each hit triggers an AoE
>all while his floating swords shoots homing energy flames at you
>starts howling and the entire arena gets hit by 20 red AoE lightning
>while you die after two hits, you hear "maybe i wasn't such a good boy after all" over fainted generic orchestra sounds and latin chants
>The red tinge in the gold coat mirrors the primordial matter that became the Erdtree. The color of homeward yearning.
its like pottery
The entire DLC is about Miquella and finding out what he's up to. It absolutely makes sense to show some random, non-important images of Miquella in the trailer. They make expensive cinematic shots for trailers all the time.
Nah, your headcanon was wrong. Miquella is depraved and evil just like most other gods. Cope and sneed.
This isn't the furry convention, ya' freaky sodomite.
He's got his dragon form and it boosts the incant damage, probably has other modifiers too so it can happen.
I'm pretty sure they just didnt finish it.

Fromsoft is EXTREMELY inneficient and for some reason they like to make l;at minute change tothe story. This is why in all their game the later half is mediocre at best and why they had to patch in some NPC quest in ER.
Skill issue.
would be great if he hugged your mimic and the mimic gets a full revive and then fight you with your shit.
It's not at all. All of the DLC endings had some optimism to them, like creating a new Painted World, stopping the Hunter's Nightmare, or rescuing Dusk. This DLC is actually unique in having your character accomplish absolutely nothing.
Probably nothing
My doctor tells me every time I see him that I REALLY need to gain weight, but eating just feels like a chore, I take no pleasure from it
>There are summons for most major bosses in the DLC
It happens even in the base game. But yeah, you should summon them.
You're a fag if you wouldn't fuck her. Just watch out for her dragonbolt once she orgasms.
Miquella reminds of that one cyanide and happiness strip where one man says to another man "careful, there's a child rapist on the loose", in the next panel the second man says "we're adults there's nothing to worry about", the third panel the first guy says, "not a child rapist, a *child* rapist"" and in the final panel the two men are being chased by a small boy trying to rape them.

If I had it saved or knew how to find it I would just post it with something like "miquella be like"
It'd be more like
>Enter fog gate
>He immediately does his shoulder tackle, giving you 1 second to react
>Then he hyper tracks you into a 10 hit combo
>He gives you 2 seconds to counter attack before another 10 hit combo
>Followed by an arena wide AoE
>If you survive all that, he will walk menacingly towards you for 3 seconds
>Then it's another 10 hit combo
Is radahns cuck sword any good? It looks fun but the weird stat tax means id have to respec to use it.
git gud
If true, then dataminers will soon find lines from Melina or Gideon or whatever that mention the removed ending. I'll count every day without such as evidence against this theory.
>tranime reaction face
>abysmally retarded and unfunny post
Name a more iconic duo
Imagine if you spent all this time and effort into getting a few half-decent people together and making a mod for your prefered ending. You have the model, you can use AI to do most of the other stuff. All you need is someone who is handy with the computer gook shit and you can have the game you're dreaming of.
Why is there a wall saying something about Miquella in Stone Coffin Fissure? What do I need to do?
I don't think people derive pleasure from shitting or brushing their teeth but they still do it
>They wouldn't spoil an ending in a trailer
The Age of Stars and Frenzy Flame ending cutscenes are in Elden Ring's launch trailer.
Why did Miquella have to mutilate himself to become a god? I dont get it
You stop a psychopath demigod from ascending into full godhood, that's not nothing
it is, which is why I have the knights lightning, but it makes up for its shit range by hanging in the air (so input reading enemies dodge early) then literally locking on like an intercontinental ballistic missile and flying to the enemy
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I wish there was an easier way to afflict yourself with madness
>depraved and evil
that's obviously not what you are supposed to think. why are amerimutts incapable of any sort of ambivalence
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it turns him on
Just shove something in your mouth and eat it, anon. I get like that too, but shit I gotta get something in there at least, even if it tastes like cardboard.
I haven't finished the DLC. Is Mohg officially a beta male now?
For the same reason RAnni had to kill her fleshy body I guess, to get rid of the finger influence.
Everything he did was the result of being brainwashed.
I am now remembering the cinematic trailer for Dark Souls 2, and I am sad
>They wouldn't spoil an ending in a trailer
TRC's trailer has the final boss.
dont worry bro I like this post
>creating a new Painted World
all souls games were about creating a new world/age
This DLC is about stopping a gay utopian's fuckery
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Man I just wish the pursuer was here, I miss that guy
I liked him more as an unhinged schizo desu
Wow, you know what I could also do? Not kill Radahn and not go to the shadow land, then he's fucked
he also has a grab attack and you can turn his soul into a mid incantation that requires 70 faith
So with new lore who is the best demigod now?
what's the recommended route for the dlc?
we know that you're supposed to beat renalla first around skibidi 2 or 4 not after reaching skibidi 10 or 15.

I haven't beaten any remembrance bosses yet other than the dancing beast and renalla
As a final note: the entire fucking DLC is written around the fact that we shouldn't join Miquella. Even if just for his own sake. If this was some last minute rewrite, this would not have been the case. They clearly knew they were doing down this path, so this must have been a decision they made at least a year ago.
>but if your casting messmer flame spells
There's literally only 1 usable messmer fire spell. Messmer's boss spell isn't atrocious but it's not particularly good either, it's like a slightly improved Scarlet Aeonia without the rot, and the rain spell is so bad I actually can't believe it's a thing.
There's nothing to stop. Miquella's total impotent until you go there and burn the tree. You can literally do nothing and accomplish the DLC's goal.
You stop a person Miyazaki made evil so he could use it as an excuse to have no influence in the base game.
>Finger Influence
Miquella, the one person who tries to ward off the Outer Gods with his needles would shred his flesh because of that. Amazing.
I just remembered we also have no information about his shadow. Epic!
Can i get a friend to help me out with Radahnn?
I've been doing this shit solo for a while and I'm ready to just be done with it.
I'll be at the fog gate.
git gud unironically the dlc is fine you tranimeposting faggot
Like the other bunch of lackeys wouldn't have done the same?
ice magic shoul've been the int/arc school
imagine frostbite scalling with arcane
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Did Miquella go through the divine gate or not?
Also what the fuck was his plan, doesn't he need the completed ring to achieve divinity?
Rahadon is weird man, sometimes instead of doing the purple fly at you he wants to do a lion claw instead and will slowly walk towards you until you let him. If you walk away for too long he'll just do the pull instead.
Really odd ai
I also have stomach issues, it literally hurts to get food down there
It isn't made of skin
He was unhinged schizo still with his formless mother cult, he was just sidetracked.
I wish the Forlorn were here too, the white masks were lame
Forgive me... person whom I've made depressed with my death...
Yeah but ridding the world of a vile incubus is definitely not nothing.
yeah it's a goddamn embarrassment, but flame snake is super good
No you cant, sick fashion though you look sexy
I really feel that DLCs should not be so fucking cryptic about things. This isnt a full game to decipher everything, its 1/3rd of the size and we just get even more mysteries. I hate this type of "open ended" storytelling.
Feels lazy and phoned in and doesnt feel like it has proper closure or any sort of payoff.
>arcane isn't good enough, it needs ALL the status effects!
There's no way anyone in that gaggle of dumbasses can beat Messmer.
>medium shield with a parry ash
>greatshield with a shieldpoke weapon
>weapon blocking with deflection tear
>quickstep/bloodhound step
>knowledge of positioning to sprint around/jump over attacks when possible
Fact is that midroll is not enough anymore and that's what's filtering all these shitters who thought these games were all just roll and r1. This isn't your grandaddy's souls game anymore.
How many Scadutree fragments do I need for

>the camera to work properly and zoom out while fighting bigger enemies
>the gameplay to be about something different than waiting for the enemies to finish their adhd combos
>the map to be something more than barren fields filled with shadows dogs defending a corpse on a cliff with a cookbook attached to it
>the dragons to disappear entirely
>the story to be something other than gay diarrhea full of random shit nobody asked for

Tell me how many fragments will solve all that and I will gladly find them all
>L2 L2 L2 L2 L2
>fourth world internet
Why do people glaze messmer? he's the most boring boss I've ever fucking seen

>ooooh easily dodged combos that he just spams nonstop!!! lots of visual effects oooh so perfect GAWK GAWK GAWK!!!
Roll works just fine for every boss in this game though.
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>I hate this Order and I want to fuck off and do my own thing.
>I hate this Order and I want to fuck off and do my own thing.
looks like somebody JUST got IMPALED
Why do people glaze ____? ___'s the most boring boss I've ever fucking seen

>ooooh easily dodged combos that ___ just spams nonstop!!! lots of visual effects oooh so perfect GAWK GAWK GAWK!!!
An employee at From once jokingly said that the most powerful characters are the players and the various player type npcs we can summon throughout the way.

Is it because we/they are the ones who are in theory doing the boss killings?
If you redeem ANY skidoo fragments you didn't beat the dlc.
a pretty stupid question but anyway

im running a pure dex build with keen nagakiba (unsheathe)
1. can i make a blood affinity unsheathe?
2. is it even worth it to make it blood affinity instead of keen if I just play pure dex?
3. i want to get a backhand blade. when I get it, should I make it blood or keen?
>just block it hahaha
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>check /erg/
>still unusable amounts of discord spam
I'll be off then.
Sorry anon, I think Miyazaki intended you to take faster weapons and slip in attacks between their sugar-rush moments.
You talk like a zoomer subhuman. I pray you're not over the age of 22.
>enter fog gate
>sif rushes you with overhead sword swing and follow up magic explosion (she is magic wolf now woof-woof)
>while you are trying to heal yourself Sif does grab attack which takes away 90% of your HP regardless of your armor or protection
>while you are trying to heal yourself Sif does 15 move combo moves to other side of the map
>while you think you can heal yourself Sif teleports behind you (animation reading) and snaps your neck Hitman style and puts you into a meat grinder
You rike?
>when the open world game is a open world game
You need Scuda level 21 for that I'm afraid.
>red running towards you
>animation spazzes out and starts gliding towards you in the idle position
>starts glitching out and teleporting around
>you smack the weirdo but not of the hits register
>then get backstabbed from the front somehow
This is why I won't play PvP.
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>remembrance is called a god and a lord
>implying miquella did achieve full divinity
>does fuck all to stop you
would ranni still love you if you were a wyrm
I find it both frustrating and hilarious that they didn't just have an item saying that Malenia and Radahn were friendly martial rivals who sparred a lot when they were younger. It's a popular subject of fan theory and I can see why because it just makes sense both logically and thematically. That would actually add depth to both of their characters and their battle. Instead the DLC said "yeah Radahn did have a friendly martial rival in his youth, but it's this reskinned Tree Sentinel OC." Literally parody-tier writing.

the gaius-messmer-radahn thing is also really stupid and fanservicey yeah. like i just don’t get the “here’s an albinauric who actually learned about gravity magic first before radahn did and then he was best fwiends with radahn! he was like his elder brother! but also he’s a cursed albinauric :( so he was friends with messmer! even though messmer is supposed to kill the impure and graceless, which albinaurics are described as. :D” what is even going on here?
This weapon is very, very strong. Even on non-dragons.

Ranged, chargeable attack and the jump built in can dodge a lot of shit. Does very good damage and respectable stance breaking powers.

Not sure why they put bleed on it tho.
yes i did use mimic tear in the base game and a great shield in the dlc
and no i do not watch anime
Can I get a quick rundown on these "discord" people? Are these the guys (or guy?) spamming the same shit over and over again about Miquella?
Anybody at all? Is /erg/ filled only with shitposters or is there someone with honor among you?
so... you're just shilling the game and can't give a single reason?
Come back to it after progressing a bit into the dlc.
Well Elden Beast tried and failed.
sorry friend but I'm workposting
yes; witch x dragon is an underrated ship
Ranni loves me BECAUSE I was willing to become a wyrm to make the age os stars come about, dummy
Indeed, but there's another weapon that's even better. It's the generic Great Katana.
You're begging like a little bitch for other grown men to help you with a boss.

You didn't/won't beat the game btw.
Holy shit the leda fight is pretty kino
Nothing can stop you
>Not sure why they put bleed on it tho.
because katana and so folded 67854928652 times can cut everyyhting
9/10 times the pvp is fine tho. You're a retard if the occasional shitty internet connection stops you from playing. And if it's shit for you more often than not, then the issue is on your part.
I'm on the PS5...
>wonder how good they are though,
I tried them out on scadutree avatar and they died in the first phase. Granted i dont have too much revenant stuff but mimic didnt die at all when i tested his hp out
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Behold the most reviled move before the release of the DLC.
nta, but didn't he still need an empyrean to achieve his goals?
Tarnished is led by Marika's grace and she wants to put all her children six feet under. Total demigod death.
The Elden Beast was merely testing us. It could've flown into the sky and spammed you to death if it wanted to.
When they nerf those perfumes, I'll feel sorry for people trying to go after those wicker giant.
what doesn't it even mean to be a god in elden ring? you're obviously nothing compared to the outer gods
Did you upgrade Jolan before comboing with Anna?People are reporting a bug that doing that makes the combo trash
Fak u gaijin nowan get be happy
Would she still love me if I was a worm face?
is that the opposite version of
>honey, would you love me if i became a worm?
I guess they went too far with the Berserk fanboyism.

Malenia is not!Casca, Miquella not!Griffith and Radahn not!Guts, and you have to be aware of that metadynamic in order to appreciate the ingame story.

Quite stupid
I don't get this because I thought Miquella was already separated from his physical body, which is the husk in the cocoon
If I agree with the post: based individual, probably my own post that I forgot about it
If I disagree with the post: discord raid
Simple as.
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>patch made the game piss easy
>was at the final boss and finally beat him
Thankfully they're giving refunds to everyone who says its too hard. :) 100/10 dlc though I will never be touching ER again
It was, between that and the festival they are getting pretty good at these style. Only issue if they shouldn't have given you the choice to summon and just had people come help you as you got ganked.
I get it for gameplay reasons tho
Correct me if I'm wrong as I've yet to do her questline but isn't she just some descendant/survivor of dragon worshippers and not an actual ancient dragon? We don't know what an actual ancient dragon in human form would look like.
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>Day[9] before and after Dota 2
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Elden Ring is absolutely cursed with a great amount of religious haters. Remember shazamposting?
I can help for a few tries if you want
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I mean it's established in the game that Ranni is trying to act though but that deep down she's pretty weak and lacks the ruthlessness of her fellow demigods. Miquella is kind of the opposite, he is twisted person who's keeping that nice guy facade to control people. It isn't really a surprise that they get treated differently.
Foreshadowing to miquella riding radahn
>Romina that low
She was super fun
Well there's also the hackers. Had a save bricked by Malcolm Reynolds back in DaS1R.
>nerf perfumes
I didn't spec into them after I got a few but they seemed really weak with poor range and zero poise damage.
I disagree
>x boss is good!!
>okay, why?

so this thread is just infested with literal unironic paid shills huh
more like before and after marriage and the pandemic (he ate a lot).
No, I was aware of that. Perhaps I dont have enough skidoo fragment for ghost.
>The strength of Miquella upon his deific return
>The circlet of light which adorned Miquella's head as he returned in divine aspect.
We literally kill a God.
it's the ash that's broken
The golden one dripping sap is the Erdtree. The dark one twisting around it is the Scadutree, also known as the Shadow of the Erdtree.
The Tarnished is simply built different
acquire proficiency
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>I-is that a combo that can be dodged? It's not a trillion roll catches? His moves have downtime to punish?
Miquella is not Griffith, you're right about that. You dumb fool.
How some the skibidi tree is leaking sap and blessings, while the erdtree stopped leaking sap and blessings?
Bro you fight and defeat a literal alien god, you're so loaded up with runes divinity is just another obstacle in your unimpeded path of conquest.
What the fuck do you mean by glaze?
Last time I heard "glaze" was when a bunch of guys nut all over someones body.
Yweah PC. sorry was doing a solo run.
shill spotted
Any better ways to get down that hole in Moore Ruins instead of trying to jump in like a retard?
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They were working extra hard before the release of the DLC.
Mentally ill discordtroons """psyops""" are rampant nowadays
Use last rites + sacred blade and those dragons die in 3 hits.
The rolling sparks staggers the furnace golems almost instantly and you can deal upwards of 100k damage before stamina falls off.
Just did my second playthrough with it and i 5 shot radahn. I pity anyone using it on a first playthrough because they dont even get to engage with the game. I bear gaius and romina before phase transition
But then why would half of the cross mention him removing his flesh, arms etc...
Bait used to be believable
Why do people hate Gaius? He's stupid easy.
The Miquella pedo seems a bit too obsessed for it to seem a Discord raid or something like that. I think he's serious.
There's a hole a little bit further ahead
Kill the pants-shitter
>Chops off arm
>Grows a third
post achievements from any other game, shill
That's an even smaller minority. I haven't really been actively invading for a year and I haven't done much DLC invasions yet but I've probably got like 500 hours invading in ER and I only remember running into 1 hacker.
Yeah, he's been here for a while.
Kill hornsent. No matter where his quest ends it ends with him dying and you getting his gear.
You either kill him here, later in scarler swamp area (if you summon him on messmer) or in the final gank squad if you didnt summon him.
I fucking love glowstones anon, they saved my life a ton of times. Bless fromsoft for making them work like they do.
>inappropriate activity detected

Anybody else getting this? Just started happening out the blue and kicks me offline
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Can't believe that the 3 swing combo Radahn does made it through playtesting. I've heard that it used to be a true combo and that was thankfully changed, however, why is the 2nd swing of the chain still impossible to dodge after the first swing.
to me he was nothing special, no more that a glorified gravity flavor dragonic sentinel, should be an elite enemy, not a boss worth a remembrance
>The perfumers (slow range, slow speed, bad poise damage) are good because of (broken ash of war)
That's the other brand of internet mental illness, the /vg/ ritualposter.
The fight with all of miquellas npcs is unironically the best part of the game. Sir Ansbach is too based
In front of the gate now. Pass is erg
do you have anything else running in the background?
I only started posting here when the leaks happened. Been hanging around here ever since. Has he been here before the leaks too?
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So what happened with the "uhm yeah make sure you leave Malenia alive!!" thing?
never mind, somehow bmped into it and ended up in bonny village. thank you anyway
okay, i just want to get as much gear as possible
>it doesnt need it doesnt need it doesnt need
It unironically doesnt need any of the things he cried about
i understand the golden order, id follow marikas ass anywhere
Cut content. The journalists are the only one who had the chance to play the TRUE, uncut, UNCIRCUMSIZED version of Shadow of the Erdtree.
>skibiditree on pure str
well that was annoying, i actually had to learn its moveset
I'm in it for the fingers, I love those guys
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Honestly the boss design in this game is an absolute sick fucking joke.
I finally understand why the bosses feel so goddam awful and just plain bad. Here what I found out:
For some stupid reason, the input delay in Elden Ring is absolutely horrendous. Seriously, go play dark souls 3 and sekiro and see for yourself there is almost no input delay between you pressing a button and the game character performing said action. Bloodborne has horrible input delay as well. I don't if this is intentional or a bug. It wouldn't surprise me if the whole game is buggy as hell.
Another thing I fount out is that awful delayed attacks are literally unreactable for these reasons:
1. Unnatural long wind up and lighting fast delivery. One boss can and will delay their attack for ages and then release said attack in a matter of few frames. go try it yourself. These attacks are literally design to be unreactable. You cannot escape them, you can only memorize the wind up length and react before the boss even prepares to release their attack.
2. The bosses AI will go absolutely insane if you even dare to heal. The boss will stuntlock you into a state where anytime you heal you will get punished with an unreactable attack. If you dare to run away as far as possible the boss will chase and get within breathing distance to instantly punish you if you heal. I've literally ran out of stamina multiple times because the boss wouldn't let me run away and heal. Not to mention that sometimes the boss will throw a range attack (that is unreactable btw) to punish your heal from range.
3. Stun locks: The DLC is especially bad at this. There are certain attacks that will stun lock you to death without no counter play.
There is also the fact that AOE spam is another way for this game to artificially increase the difficulty of its bosses. Not only that, these will also tank your fps and obscure your field of vison to the point it is quite impossible to find out what's going on in your screen.
Yeah just a bug with the new patch
>devs say that basegame won't affect dlc
it never was
You miss out on the AoW Swift Slash, but that's it.
>I mean it's established in the game that Ranni is trying to act though but that deep down she's pretty weak and lacks the ruthlessness of her fellow demigods
>Fucks up godwyn utterly
>Leaves Iji and Blaidd to die
Yeah no she's pretty ruthless
Feeling incredibly vindicated for calling out blind spot as the absolute fucking horseshit that it is in PVP
I think it's just a glitch. I got it once earlier today, restarted and it was fine again.
that was always wishful thinking from fans

'zaki said the DLC had no connection to the base game and he was surprisingly telling the truth
alway good bleed anon
I wouldn't trust Seluvis when it comes to assessing other people.
Anon he can just get more pieces without you
if you turned into a wyrm then would ranni still call you superman?
Litteral skill issue
Another lie. The journalists described the exact same fucking story, bosses etc.
did you just post valid criticism of a heckin FROM game?
>summons mimic tear +10 and spams perfume on boss
They still do great damage. An r2 on torrent does 3k at the very least. More if you can hit them with more of the dust.
Its a higher skill ceiling weapon because its all about aiming the dust to get maximum hits on the mob
lmao i got guardbroken and died instantly because I ran out of stamina corssing the massive arena, my bad
who is that?
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bros how the fuck do I get to the frenzy forest?
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What drives this man to circumcize all his games? Does he not view them as complete without cutting the tip off?
It's cool, anon. i'm just glad to have someone else who knows what they are doing for a change.
i'm out of eprfumer mats else i'd be using that shit too.
But wasn't there a journo that played the game before everyone else that said it...
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So, what's the consensus? Where would (You) rate the DLC at?
how many questlines have I failed by walking into the shadow keep?
secret wall behind a waterfall before the storage room in shadow keep
Why ? He's a professional rapist who has spent a long time observing her.
Are "the fingers" those alien looking worms that lurk near the finger ruins?
>yellowsissies when they have to fight alone
9/10, just like the base game
Best enemy to test the Sekiro tear flask against?
Im in for fingering marikas ass
I'd dropped the sign down again, I'll keep going until we do it!
Even with the nerfs, is Blasphemous Blade still the most powerful pre-DLC weapon?
that's the spirit
im not reading all of that shit, but the main problem is the input reading and the ability for bosses to cancel recovery frames whenever you feel like attacking them. so many fucking moves in this game that intuitively look punishable, and in any other souls games WOULD be punishable, but nope: margit just cancels that shit and stabs you in the face repeatedly. crucible knights do a big flying swoop move on you, and if you do nothing they do nothing but walk menacingly, but god help you if you try to attack because you're getting an immediate double tail whip.

it's all so tiresome. i beat it but it's all so tiresome.
grrm just posted on his notablog that he is releasing his notes on elden ring

are you excited to learn more about the pre-shattering lands between?
4/10 just like base game
Anyway now as the dust has settled and Miquella is evil, is Morgott only relatively sane demigod in ER universe?
>The bosses AI will go absolutely insane if you even dare to heal. The boss will stuntlock you into a state where anytime you heal you will get punished with an unreactable attack. If you dare to run away as far as possible the boss will chase and get within breathing distance to instantly punish you if you heal. I've literally ran out of stamina multiple times because the boss wouldn't let me run away and heal. Not to mention that sometimes the boss will throw a range attack (that is unreactable btw) to punish your heal from range.
Absolute shitter cope. They put a miniboss in the first area of the game so you can learn how to avoid heal punishes. The other two points have some merit though.

Extra secret hidden wall in the Shadowkeep and then go through a catacomb.
Everything up to Messmer is 8/10.
Everything past that is -1/10. Literal blue smelter demon tier final boss.
0/10 still can't wear the elden ring, shit game
Maybe like an 8/10 or even a 7. Just feels like the story was a complete waste and inconsequential. Some bosses were not fun. But the exploration and weapon arts were really cool.
It happens in every serious piece of media. 80/20 rule applies. Many concepts / levels / ideas are scrapped early on.
9/10. Gameplay, map, characters were all great. I even like most of the lore (from what I've seen so far) despite hating the leaks. It makes much more sense in game.
>random fucking faggot that played the DLC early says "I hope you have Malenia alive LOL", later on deletes tweet
>this shit doesn't matter in the slightest
>want to explore side areas and beat side boss
>need a fucking route map to know where the fuck to go
how did you sink so low, fromslop
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Aah, you were at my side all along.
My true mentor... My guiding starlight...
End of the Darklight catacombs spits you out there
8/10 end game elden ring bosses have always been a blemish on the game but some of the better dungeon designs (the catacombs are great) in the series imo but the new talismen are fucking sweet.
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Dryleaf is pretty fun. Messmer's fire knights get shit on. And the fists weight only 1 kilo.
Those are lampreys. The fingers are the creature in roundtable hold next to Enia, or on top of the divine towers
>before radahn and shit ending
>after the disaster of ending fight and ending
bleed scales with arcane isn't it
and I have 0 arcane lol
isn't it kinda shit?
On second playthrough its much better. I didnt have to spend a day looking for a single tunnel to access large portions of the map. The scadutree fragments are really annoying though and should have been clearer.
The only area I couldn't find the entrance to was, ironically, Bonny Village. I thought the drop would kill me. Your exploring chops are weak.
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Messmer's on vacation.
No it kicks ass. Phenomenal damage. Anyone who claims otherwise isn't using the right talisman/flask setup. You need Millicent's/Rotten Winged/Thorny tear.
Only the first point is valid and even then only SOMETIMES
unless all of that true combos and has hyperamor (which I doubt it does) then it's shit for pvp (which is the only thing that matters)
then no unless you want to respec, and the backhand blades are sick so it'll be fun regardless
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>love the ascetic look of the dryleaf set
>ruined by having Miquella's gaping insignia on the chest
Damn it. Just make it non-denominational faith clothes
I Hate miyazaki so much...
Frenzied Kings is it true the DLC has some crumbs for us?
not nearly lanky enough.
on the topic of endless attack combos. They suck ass. But allow me explain in autistic detail why:
The endless flurry of attacks are boring repetitive and blend into each other because they are so uninspired and dull. making it difficult to differentiate and figure out which is which. 90% of boss attacks can be describe as this: big guy with a sword does a spinning attack with some sword like weapon. Where is the variety? what are some bosses that use scythes, hammers, flais, hands, kicks? it's all swords and greatswords.
Elden ring boss design is such a fucking sick joke man. The series is fucking dead.
how do you get off the weapon art against bosses, tho? it takes way too long to do the full combo and bosses attack you nonstop
ONE fucking journalists posted that about Malenia. It was likely fucking bullshit, which is why he deleted it. You're a fucking moron.
Those shrieking owls startle the hell out of me
radahn second phase tanks my fps really bad
>couldn't find a fucking int weapon for the life of me
>finally find the shitty sword
>beat all the bosses and notice I missed one small area in the coast
>it has two int weapons
devastating honestly
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On one hand, I can see how this took two years. On the other hand, I can see that this took two years.

We're feasting, don't worry
I had fun trying it against horned knights
I've only played a frenzy character once, but the fact that all of your incantations are self-harming you made the playstyle more interesting to me than a regular caster
Damn thats so slow to kill. Imagine not rolling sparks at their feet and 1 shotting them with and additional 8k dmg overkill
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Is this any good (even though I can't use it)? So far all the remembrances I've gotten have been pretty easy choices but neither of these seem great.
I saw someone's webm, where they kept using that incantation without any madness buildup on themself. What gives? Is there some armor which gives you immunity? Or was it a flask effect? Or was it just cheating?
so it seems like that with 8 arcane bleed is useless
ok then, I'll just make that blade keen and dont give a fuck anymore
>Didn't expect sound... Fear, o fear.
i laffed
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just google it
they don't want you to use the dlc runes to level up, they want you to buy consumables and upgrade materials with them to use the weapons you find.
I can't vouch for the weapon, but Scarlet Aeonia is better than the butterflies
That poor mob, I've test like half the weapons on him and he's die hundreds of times to me alone.
oh god it's fucking DISGUSTING
You wait for openings like any other ash, plus two parts of the combo move your character so with really good timing you can use it to dodge attacks. I muled it over to a fresh character and have skullfucked the entire game with it. Plus the ash has a LOT of poise damage on it for smaller annoying enemies like greatshield knights and the hornsent dancer ladies, straight bullies them from 100 to 0.
That's a shame anon but there's always other playthroughs.
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Does the Frenzy flame skill only work on tarnished or something?
where does it say that?

why do I need 200k+ of consumables each time I fight a boss?
Putrescent Knight does none of these things yet people still say hes a shit boss just because he moves around a little.
6/10 and I'm never gonna replay it in my life, so maybe 6 is generous
How do I get to Ymir's second ruin?
Can't find a way to get behind the shadow keep
Yes. Everyone else in the world is immune to Frenzy, both gameplay-wise and canonically. I don't know why they didn't at least keep the burst damage part on non-human enemies.
how do i dodge mohg's fire blood attacks after he nihils me? if i roll
>into him
i just get burned and staggered by the fire, then comboed
>left right or backwards
get hit by the blood and staggered then comboed out and die

im losing my mind this fight is so hard because of my arbitrary gameplay restrictions
fire knight greatsword with flame skewer is my weaponfu
>consume dlc boss soul
>30k runes
Holy shit what a waste
hit box on charge is obviously broken and the boss in general is janky and not play tested. I was able to bait out his little meteor throw 8x in a row before I got bored
Need to do the secret gesture before the statue.
Not really. It's cool that's an actual arcane weapon, that scales primarily off that, but most things will die before they rot.
200k isn't even enough to upgrade more than 1 weapon
You have to try finger, but hole
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oh wow surprise surprise
messmer, a boss designed for grounded roll combat and melee, is a pushover and dies easily
>Millicent's / Rotten Winged / Thorny Tear
I hate that this particular setup is so disgustingly good that it's the baseline for so many builds
>as I'm typing this, Chrightt recommends Millicent's Prosthesis and RWSI for a Rellana's swords build
Hey all,
How should I distribute my stats if I want to swap weapons at will?
40 dex and str with Quality affinity?
is your arbitrary restriction is not having situation awareness?
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I came to the Lands Between to punch aliens and chew bubblegum, and Miquella wants to brainwash the world into not chewing bubblegum.
>already Rule34 of MiquellaxRadhan
Why would you ever do that
40 arcane 34 strength dump dex
whats so good about it?
I tried it and it's kinda shit honestly
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honestly, the more i watch day9, the more i don't think FP shieldpoke is a problem.

>shieldpoking even when the boss is in an animation that isn't even hitting him at all, so he's not recovering stamina at all
>blocking stuff that really needs to be jumped over or dodged
>getting hit below or above or from the side
>still taking chunks of damage from nonphysical stuff

we think it's good but it's because we're good and know how to use it properly, but for people like ecelebs who are basically half retarded, it's really not that OP.
Backhand blade + Blind spot is SEVERAL tiers of cancer above rotbreath.
yes. its hard to get situational awareness while im looking at the bosses telegraphings
Which statue?
how do I get to commander Gaius by sparing messmer?
The one near the boar boss.
I needed one more dex level and didn't feel like shooting birds for a bit. Instant regret At least I didn't need the weapons
What do you even mean? the only fucking "difficult" part of messmer is his dumb rollcatch extensions that he will just randomly do if you DARE to hit more than 1 attack
More Miquella porn is a plus. The NPCs are nice and the areas are pretty. 8/10.
Just get to him the way you do normally, you don't have to kill Messmer to reach him, do you?
can you parry blind spot or is it one of THOSE funny attacks
W-wait.. in a pure dexterity build bleed affinity is useless??
Is that the one with the huge monster cock that's already been posted here or is it something new and actually half way decent?
Sorry I meant the Frenzy sword not the the Frenzy status. When the Frenzy lord hits you it explodes spikes out your body, when he misses it explodes out the ground. The sword doesn't do the former to regular enemies at all it seems.
Wait, there's another?
Guys please help. I cannot find the summon signs for Hornsent / Leda. I walked past that area and already tried to fight Messmer a few times. Did I mess up? Can I no longer help one of them?
Isn't this the guy who got jumpscared in outerwilds and dropped the game
you will learn
It's classed as a katana so it gets the decent katana moveset without looking like a shitty weeb weapon AND gets free bleed which synergizes perfect with the multi-hit ash. It's glorious what are you on about?
8/10, only hindered by the final boss
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It's funny how people compare Miquella to Griffith when in fact Griffith is miles above in terms of motivations, design, character, themes, fucking everything

Miyazaki really is a hack
I'm fucking bored with dual wielding colossal weapons

I thought the twin axes would be fun but they aren't. What should I try instead?
Messmer is in a completely separate tower which leads nowhere. You can clear the entire game without touching him.
>see people clearing with jump attack/heavy builds
>wow boss looks so easy
>do light attack build
>bosses instantly retaliate back with every small hits
so this is how zaki nerf bleed stacking, ingenius
>katana cope
oh god you're disgusting
Fuck roasties. Embrace purity.
You will do it anon!
thanks anon. im going to try drinking cerulean hidden tear juice and using it to summon lhutel
He also does an arena wide howl aoe attack that is followed up by a flurry of sword slashes.
got another few in you?
Did some /erg/ fellas need some help with bosses?
Done with the DLC so wouldn't mind being summoned.
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kek this is going to be nerfed into the ground
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This is my 3rd Radahn kill
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>can make infinite giga rot pots with Haima tier rot explosion
>still can't buy Aeonian Butterfly
nearish https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Spirit+Sword
You're becoming redpilled on big slow jump/R2 spam weapons being boring slop. Take the fast attacks combo pill and you'll find true enjoyment.
The real problem is that they import Boss design from older game but dont import what makes them work in their respective game.

The long combo tihng came straight from Sekiro, but it worked in that game for 2 reason, first because of the blocking mechanic and second because after a long combo string it was YOUR turn to be agressive. Being agressive and perfect blocking were the key to victory. You only get the long combo thing in ER.

The second is the long wind up and instant delivery type of attack that came from bloodborne and worked in those game because you had a fucking ranged weapon to parry, and as such you had to account for the time bullet took to hit the enneny.

They also imported the omnipresent heal punish from Bloodborne but again it worked in that game because of the regain mechanic that rewarded you for staying in melle and hitting the bosse. In ER you only get the downside and none of the upside, so your first instinc when hit is to back of and heal before going back in (which should be the default design) but instead you are ALWAYS in the danger zone without any upside whatsoever.
>finish my cool frenzy build using this thing
>it becomes meta AIDS less than 24 hours later
Does any other weapon have an unblockable command grab?
great looking areas, cool bosses, cool new weapons and enemies, a lot of content
i mean in terms of value and quality it has to be a 10/10 even if there are some blemishes here and there
how do i get millicient prosthesis and sword insignia on the same run
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I think Miquella is hotter if he's a little bit unhinged. Just like Leda.
>Le 99 all stats retard
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Be completely honest: what was your reaction when you first saw pic related?
>those weapons
Yeah, I just had to run and grab a spell from the bonfire. My sign is there again
>Carian Thrusting Shield
This weapon is based.
Nope, no parry. One of the only counters to blind spot is blind spot again lmao. You are just two ballet dancers twirling around each other.
I have no idea how they recognized the issue with bloodhound step and then decided to add a bloodhound step back in that is also an offensive move.
Senessax has to be the absolute worst designed boss in the history of the genre how in the fuck did they go from Placidusax to this dog shit
>all greatshields

you never killed radahn
It goes around shields so I don't know how you'd reliably parry it even if you can.
NTA but that's Frejya's sword bro.
>everyone in that pic with a greatshield
>everyone i see as ghosts also with a greatshield
Damn people give up so much and so quick
I'm doing a strength and beast spell run anon.
Tell me this isn't the coolest shit
Oh, right, I found this but immediately forgot about it after seeing how short it was
not too bad, anon
It was pre launch and it was so bad I thought it was fake. It's still bad and I don't like it which is a shame because I love the rest of the DLC.
You can make infinite Hefty Rot Pots?
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>everybody's using the new NPC weapons
>I'm stuck with bricked questlines, because I was playing blind, and walked into Messmer's room
>jirenfag is a spic and lost
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Made a masked wrestler. Give me a name and weapon to use.
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>Said I wouldn't look at /erg/ or any Elden Ring content
>Click /erg/ anyway
>Look at Radahn's "leaks"
>Close tab, no way that's true
>Fast forward to the DLC, Ansbach talks about Mohg's body
>...No fucking way...
>light greatsword guard counter
>not a unique animation
>literally just the heavy attack
so lazy
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"Fan service like in Dark Souls 3"
I cried

You're not alone, brother. It's time to embrace CE. Sorry if you're on console.
I hate third person for this. It’s great for combat, but it’s shit for immersion.
I genuinely hope they try King Field next
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Tell me this isn't the coolest looking shit
I pogchamped in real life against my will
I'm having retarded amounts of fun.
Felt shoehorned for fanservice, which is a shame when the rest of the DLC has a lot of good lore stuff.
Nah. I don't cheat anymore, after they removed "enter cheatcode" option from the main menus.
>Fight Radahnquella
>Summon Ansbach, Thollier, and Mimic
>P1 hit him with Black Blade incant and Black Knife AoW to massively cut his HP
>Spam alternate Black Flame and Black Knife AoW until P2
>P2 land Scarlet Aeonia twice for rot
>Continue alternating Black Flame and Black Knife AoW until dead
I beat him.
My bad i got greedy with healing.
no mercy
You guys would have been fine with Miquella/Radahn if Miquella had ovaries.
Use dryleaf arts with Horah Loux stomp on them.
Mal Hombre Rojo, frenzy fists
Did I fuck up here? Can I still continue their quests? Please tell me someone knows this?
She doesn’t brainwash you for once
It's fine. We'll get it any moment now.
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I was already accidentally spoiled when I read up his name when trying to cheese regular radahn when spinning up a save but seeing it after doing Ansbach's quest pissed me off
No the problem is Radahn. He's the Blue Smelter Demon of Elden Ring.
God help me I did too and used a medium shield just because I could not dodge that fucking T pose AOE as it made my computer go to 20 FPS.
i want to try danes footwork. how do i get it?
I really liked dryleaf arts with raptor though.
The funny thing is this is a more honest kill than greatshield bleed pokes or perfumes.
so Midra was a failed lord right? and our tarnished is the true one?
you could ask the same question for 75% of the incants in the base game. there's no way they were tested in a natural environment, compared to each other, checked for usability and cost and poise amounts, etc.
straight child incest is still weird
that's how I beat the entire base game at low levels.
you don't even need to be 150 for that interaction
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>already tried to fight Messmer
At least they can't have retard babies
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Is this how you imagine Rellana would look?
He was a failed lord in the time of Godfrey I guess.
I started using greatshields as soon as I had the stats for them. My cowardice is unrivaled.
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How do I effectively take down all the Furnace Golem enemies? I ran out of butterflies for big fire pots and fuck trying to farm them.
Did you really expect a souls game to have as good of writing as Berserk?
Yes, we just don't know if he failed because he didn't become a flame face prior to fighting us or he became one and the hornset sealed his frenzy power being impaled in the face
Unironically intended, there's a reason the two summons you can get both are heavily specced towards a status.
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not really
Oh come on you laugh at my fuck up and ignore my real post? >>483640694
he was obviously referring to the ganksquad fight at the end which has a ton of different permutations
What will happen now, exactly? Will I still have an opportunity to get Hornsent's gear? Surely Leda's quest will continue?
He's no where near the Elden Ring, so he could have consumed enough grapes to become the Lord with Nanaya's help, but since he never came in contact with the Ring, the world never burned to the ground.
Makes me wonder what happens to him in the games Frenzy ending.
Fire tree dlc when
Water tree dlc when
Wind tree dlc when
Lightning tree dlc when
>and the hornset sealed his frenzy power being impaled in the face
gotta be this one, imagine frenzying out and someone cockblocks you by stabbing you in the face with spikes
>Elenora Poleblade
You didn't beat the game
nope i made it in just before this post >>483641130
considering the other NPCs, that's wishful
by design they want everyone to have a status effect.
cold, rot, bleed, black flame.
there's something for every build.
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>he can't beat ghostflame dragon even with this build
>like 6 tries now

im gonna stop watching now but lol, can't make this shit up. so much for the unstoppable FP shieldpoke meme.
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I would have backed Malenia/Radahn over feMiquella/Radahn.
Is there any point of interest in the Abyssal Woods extended area beyond Midra's Manse and that Church? Just wondering if I missed anything here.
How the hell do you get to the two green areas on the top of the map, to the left and right of the shadow keep. I cant get to the second finger grave yard or my sword of light.
No idea. I'm in the same situation. But from what I understand, no.
Did Nanaya ask Midra to endure because she wanted him to become a Lord of the Frenzied Flame, or because she wanted him to not die and just hold on for life?
he needs to use last rites ash of war with sacred blade weapon. they stack and grant 257% damage bonus to dead enemies
No I'd have been fine with it if the fight wasn't designed like shit. I can beat every boss in this game save Malenia in 5 tries or less playing honestly (she usually takes 1-10), but fucking Radahn? That shit takes me 50+. It's absurd. It's retarded. It's ridiculous. There's too much AOE, too much spam, too much damage, too much health, AND an instant death mechanic. I've never in my life wanted a Souls boss nerfed, but this one 100% NEEDS A FUCKING NERF.
>because she wanted him to become a Lord of the Frenzied Flame
Are you dumb
we can't replay bosses so whenever I am about to beat a boss I just die to his attacks on purpose so I can fight him again

if I have coopers who keep me from dying, I swallow tholliers poison so I can die anyway
For what reason
>If you ignore the signs, Leda will naturally transfer her attention to Ansbach. In my case, I initially chose to target Hornsent, but didn't receive the summon signs at the Shadow Keep. Whether that be intentional or not, in avoiding making a choice between the two, both Hornsent and Leda survived past this point in the quest.
I found this. Seems like it might still be possible?
through the shadow keep specimen storehouse
Wouldn't be the first time (Us) or someone else in Elden Ring (or Soulsborne as a whole for that matter) has cockblocked someone the moment they got the goods and didn't have the chance to use it. Miquella being the latest example.
okay one more because i didn't expect a college class on getting fucked by a dragon
There's a couple of crafting recipes, plus the talisman from the winter lantern, if you haven't got it yet. Maybe something else, that's just what I found myself.
people were hyping it up so I brought my autistic strength guy to the dlc and respecced to use it, but its literally just a bigger zweihander that has a stinger from dmc slapped onto the weapon art, quite disappoint
>that VIG
>that END

Take a left from the first specimen storeroom grace.
Grab a gesture from Bonny Village and use it on the statue of Marika immediately before Gaius's boss room.
Yeah, so spoonfeed me please
>good writing
Lol. Lmao
He literally pulled it out and he was fine.
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the bear claw's look cooler, but can't be infused

I'm losin it m8.
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Omedetou~ Good luck in NG+ anon
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In the embrace of Messmer's flame

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What are they discussing?
He is definitely one of the odd ones. Probably an amazing speaker with maximum charisma, yet he journeys on his lonesome for maybe centuries in the land of shadow. I wonder how he and Torrent parted ways?
>Fire tree
I'd be down for fighting giant koalas in the Lands Downunder, in the shadow of a giant, explosive eucalyptus tree.
don't give up
She wanted him to not become one
Beast 100%, occult infuse it or heavy/keen infuse it with bloodflame blade and it'll murder everything and be fun as fuck.
If you side with Hornsent here you get a broken ash for pvp but the quest is less interesting.
sounds like she just wanted him to suffer, I mean thats the whole point of souls games right? everything is bleak nothing is good happiness is for fags
for the first time in my life i can say: skill issue
i've beaten every ghost dragon with paper armor and a claymore with frost (which i think they're immune to?)
>NPC with ~40 VIG, 99 END, full bull-goat's, shield-poking with a naginata behind the fingerprint greatshield
>actually using the mechanics of the game to his advantage in an intelligent way
You're asking the impossible here
who is nanaya?
Powerstancing great katanas seems pretty strong, bros. Does huge damage and staggers everything.
Thanks anons. I wish there were more secret notes to give us directions to this stuff.
We still don't know who Nanaya is. She could've been a finger maiden, or Shabriri body snatching bitches and tricking people into King in Yellow Communism.
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What do YOU call these?
The corpse in a chair before the Midra fight.
I think
Unironically the worst of them all. Maybe only Iron King was worse.
Actually yeah, Iron King was worse. So it's the second worst DLC they've done.
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>this has to be fake
>try to summon Igon for the quest
>Bayle just keeps fucking your shit up
they just gave up on dragons
Worst early game monster
Bring back kecha washa
>man canonically without love promises an age of compassion
What could possibly go wrong?
He's repeating Marika's problems right down to the Radagon/Trina thing.
Why are you watching this fat fuck shield poking, when you could've been watching Pekora kino.
skibidibop toilet fragment
Skibidi Fragments
what do you mean? he pulled it out and his head exploded into madness, that's as far from fine as you can be
Guts and Grifith are better written than anything in this franchise
Fast weapons aren't bad if you're using combo gear to get absurd damage boosts from multihits.
Its Nanaya business
the map is unironically far more detailed than it would first appear to be at an initial glance
skibidi blessings

I can't help it
should I just follow the guide of grace bros? I want to wander afar and find more skibidi but I’m afraid of fucking up some quests and locking myself out of items
Scooby-Doos or Scooby Snacks
Scooby Snacks.
>the statue of Marika immediately before Gaius's boss room.
where's that

they say the game is open world but it's not.
they gatekeep areas behind bosses and dungeons
One of the worst Fromsoft dlc expansions
Name one japanese writer that made anything better than Berserk
Scatfrags, because im not a zoomer
skibidi frags or skibidi blessings
you wont miss anything except dialogue unless you kill a feller that turns into a snake
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hopefully I'm not too late
Wow yeah amazing writing. I'm convinced everyone who likes Berserk is a genuine degenerate freak with a humiliation fetish.
He's enduring his punishment, anon. The sword impaling him is sealing the flame within him. He has to endure that pain to not become consumed by the flame of frenzy.
Cowboy bebop
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I think the worst thing about the fight is that fucking AoE pillar thing he does at the end of that combo struing. I've yet to figure out how to dodge that
There's this sketch
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so come into nana(ya)'s cage!
Why doesn't he just commit sudoku, then?
They have the same moveset no?
Except aow
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Don't blame the game for your own retardation. You can fight every boss in the DLC except Radahn and Midra without fighting a single enemy or boss, immediately. You're just dumb as a rock, boy.
That's not a writer
The big holy AoE in a circle after all his slashes? It's kinda BS but you have to roll in
>79 END
FOR WHAT FUCKING PURPOSE? The stamina gains aren't fucking worth it past 30, going further is just for fucking carry weight.
>Men age like wi-ACK
there are two types of people in the world: genuine degenerate freaks, and liars. sounds like you fall into the second category, mr. holier-than-thou.
He's got a sword impaling his head and upper torso, anon. I think he's tried death already.
how do i extrapolate what skibidi shards i can collect without fighting anything using this knowledge?
Reminder that these are the people begging for the DLC's difficulty to be nerfed.
I'm not a zoomoid so I call them scooby-doo fragments. Sometimes scadoodles.
What do you get for killing them?
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>79 fucking endurance
>still dying to a dragon
Yeah, absolutely, anything bad about the DLC, including Radahn's dogshit secocnd phase, would be redeemed by this alone.
I'm 100% serious.
>open world means I can do shit out of order lmao
no you fucking can't AND you are retarded because you actually can but the gating isn't bosses, its your own IQ and willingness to explore carefully.
You fucking dickrammers getting owned by your own impatience makes me smiles
it's a grab and as such only woirks on humans, it is how it is
>level 181
>40 vigor
so has nobody told him
Isidro is the worst character in fiction
you say that like you think he actually knows anything about this game beyond his blind playthroughs. it's gonna be fun watching him fight the lion.
madness talisman
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He's so handsome.
Yes but the bears can't get more bleed via BFB or occult infusion, Beast can.
Maybe but at least my degenerate fetish isn't wanting to be raped by a man or get cucked. My degenerate fetish is to get a nursing handjob and paizuri from a big beautiful mommy type while she calls me a good boy.
Lmfao you got me
Imagine being Midra, sitting in your mansion so long as it turns to dust, while there is sword in your skull.
do you think she was a slut

you can't even enter abyssal woods without clearing the dungeon leading to it
you can't enter jagged peak without clearing the dragon pit
>more end than vig
bro is playing ds1
damn eddie kingston is looking rough these days
a man ruined by blizzard
The finger and frenzy shit feels completely unrelated to the rest of the dlc
uhhh so I went under Ymir's throne after ringing only the first bell
did I fuck up?
I've seen this one. It's bad.
Miquella is the top.
Miquella has a big dick, but it shouldn't look disproportionate.
Those are the rules.
You should roll in.
He did use the divinity gate. The problem is, he sacrificed everything to be God so much so that he lost his love. His Age of Compassion looks like brainwashing everyone to be happy and good judging how he charmed everyone around him.
A reminder to anyone PVPing to always vigcheck the host with perfumes.
Osamu Dazai
Worse than Old Hunters and Ringed City.
For a Death Knight build, I'm struggling to think of where my FTH should stop. The
Good, it's better than miquella lore
That's my husband.
You can start with Souseki since he wrote what's considered their modern national novel.
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/v/ros, why didn't you get the good ending like me?
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Most of the demigods are/were good looking before the shattering though.
Are you supposed to go south to Cerulean Coast when Thiollier tells you he's going south to see St. Trina?
those are some of the best parts
dont know, never sequence broke that questline before
try finishing the bells.
I'd be Lord of the frenzied flame
he's in st trina's cave
No. You do get some dialogues for doing that early
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Now what
I read the bear aow hits many times tho
Also *breastfeeding nursing handjob
Yes. You'll find a big ass hole at the southern tip of the map, go down it.
So why Messmer refused to "impale" Rellana, if you know what i mean?
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Messmer was the peak of the DLC
>Soon, Tarnished.
>Wilt thou be taken in the jaws...
>Of the abyssal serpent, shorn of light.
I knelt in real life. The "forgive me" was funny though
>not a tiny shota I can cradle in my arms
do not want
Because girls are gross and gay
>inb4 melinaposter
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>do you think she was a slut
He's an old man and she's an adult woman. She looks taller than him, too. A single word "Endure" was enough to make him obey and be a good boy, even after her death and the whole place falling in ruins.
She's obviously a dominatrix, so she would punish him very often. Fucking a ton of men while he watches in the corner.
Everything up to the final boss is 9.5/10
Final boss is a 4/10 overall for the obnoxious phase 2 difficulty spike and a shit ending cutscene that doesn't reward you for the effort of beating Radahnquella
>put bloodhound step on blood fiend arm
>second bloodfiend arm
>radahn first try
bloodhound still trivialize the game lol it was actually too easy
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>40 vigor
>80 endurance
What the fuck
who knows what you really want, anon. could just be lying and be into sicker shit you don't want to admit to. people lie all the time. i don't believe in morality based on some supernatural mystical bullshit, i believe in evolution and biology. we all got that shit in us.

the scary thing is people looking at shit like the nazis or communists of the 20th century and acting like they're a different fucking species, like aliens or something. "we'd NEVER do that!" terrifying that people are so deluded.
>mentioned Midra
>forgot about Bayle because ancient dragon man is barely a boss
Point still stands: the DLC is even more open than the base game. It's easy to get anywhere, grab anything, or kill anything.
>comparing classic literature to a shitty meme comic for degenerates
It gives you the "Tip's Fedora" gesture.
Ah, ok, I didn't pick up on that at first and I'm already at Rauh ruins or whatever they are called. Guess I'm gonna go down now then.
it was just bleed
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on my second playthrough of the DLC with my dragon communion only character (esp now that there is a dragon form) and this shit is so easy now that ive learned the actual fights. I think the complaints about the constant attackins way overblown. All the dragon communion incants are SO slow and I have plenty of room to use them.
>Midra's Greatsword uses the Claymore moveset
Holy kino.
>Lower level invasions are full of twink co op summons with ordovis armor in stormveil that never seperate from the host
are all of them dirty cheat engine users? no shot every single co op summon played the entire game at low RL only to co op with someone
Bloodborne veterans completely shit on everything miyazaki ever made after the fact. I pity anyone that refuses to buy a used junker PS4 just to experience peak Soulsborne because Sony will never ever bring Bloodborne to Steam without some fucking helldivers tier bullshit.
Is Rellana's armor the only boobplate in Soulsborne?
cool, thank you
most complaints are trolls or shitters
retards get filtered by ghostflame dragon and deathrite bird ffs
I was accidentally spoiled beforeheand via webm but the retard who uploaded it uploaded it in the shittiest quality they could muster.
It was pretty exciting to fight Radahn in his prime pre-space aids
Of course its easy now.
But I agree that everyone bitching and moaning was just trying to dick ram the DLC as fast as possible thinking they can jump R2 the entire game with a 713 character and they got filtered for being faggots.
Never seen an endurance build before lmfao.
are you trying to cast spells? meet the minimum maybe more
the actual axes themselves scale mainly off STR and even the AoW is mainly off STR. faith raises the lightning but that's it
my suggestion? get enough to cast knights lightning because it's fucking busted then stop there
They ruined the DLC to placate these people. Let that sink in.
do I need to kill radahn to access the dlc? he drops an item I need or what

I saw a guide that just completes vaares quest without killing radahn
>invade at stormveil
>password phantoms
>get summoned at stormveil
>twink invaders
Low level pvp is just not worth it
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they didnt have to go so hard
yeah u need to kill him

I had to speedrun caelid when the dlc came out bc I only killed Mohg
You need to kill him because he's the final boss.
Yes. You'll get spoiled if you stay here
You need to kill both Radahn and Mohg
And no, changing their death flags in cheat engine doesn't work, you need to manually kill them.
>breastfeeding nursing
That's redundant, nursing is literally breastfeeding bro.
NGL Messmer's VA did amazing work. Didn't even mind when he killed me, his lines are bad ass.
This was probably my favourite city location they've ever done. It felt like the best parts of Ringed City and Lyendell put together.
I got like 3 more tries in me then it;'s bed time.
Why is Radhan black?
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Passworded summons are """scaled down""" but not really, you are fighting SL150 with an insufficient damage/resistance/hp multiplier that can equip things you can't at your SL
>liking nigged shitty
cool but no Godwyn?
thats fucking sad lmao
Messmer is an aesthetically amazing character.
Sure thing.
anyone else getting weird stuttering during gameplay? absolutely nothing on my end is indicating its my hardware. no thermal throttling or anything like that
>15 VIG host
holy shit why even play the game at that point
It looked cool even if the combat encounters were mediocre.
Mongrel Intruder.
Most of the bosses and stronger enemies in Elden Ring feel like they were designed for Bloodborne and Sekiro. Bloodborne is the best in the meta-series but I have this weird resentment towards it since it and Sekiro started the arms race with the players that made Elden Ring worse.
>ill help you my brave phantons just let me cast me sp--ACK

average hostcel

>Untargeted gravitational missile aimed at floor
>Untargeted gravitational missile aimed at floor
>Untargeted gravitational missile aimed at floor
>Untargeted gravitational missile aimed at floor
me big hammer ooga booga mage
If you have the same password a level 1 can summon a max level. Granted they are slightly downscaled to "match" the host's damage output but it never works that way. As most of your damage output and defense is determined by your gear.
Do you use any weapons with your build?
True, VA was great. They changed it for some reason after the gameplay trailer but if anything the new one is better so it works out just fine.
When the game came out people genuinely theorized that Malenia was a scrapped Sekiro boss.
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>he never reached the godhood ending
I have a pair of backup occult claws I use basically ONLY if I really am annoyed with some small fry mobs like resurrecting skeletons or dogs and I don't want to waste my dclaw on them
Bloodborne and Sekiro fans are so fucking annoying.
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Whats this, 40 Vigor?
I did the same thing lmao wondered wtf was up there
So why are we even in the dlc and what did we accomplish?
Usually there is a vague reason we are there, goal, or something.
DS1 and 2 was the abyss and 3 was us being strung along.
Here Miquellla didn't want us here despite us having their fucking steed.
Shits retarded and more bosses should have cutscenes and dialogue
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Password phantoms are level 713 characters scaled down to only have 300HP but can still output 2K HP to you.
Not sure what the cheeses were prior to the DLC but during the first few months everyone was holding on to pic rel to fight back the pre-nerf Stars of Ruin spamming faggots or using Assassin's gambit-Unseen form combo to break the player's lock on to make their spells miss.
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invasions are unplayable as long as phantoms don't get downscaled. this is a fact.
I don't know why since she's too slow and not aggressive enough to be a Sekiro. Were it not for the waterfowl dance she would be very easy.
The new one is 100% better, he genuinely did the best VA work in the entire game if you ask me. I wish they'd used Messmer more because of it. They should've pulled a Margit and had us fight him multiple times.
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>Start a new run
>Try out INT build
>do no fucking damage and bosses just dodge/block spells
>end up meleeing anyway and wonder why I'm bothering to invest into INT at all
This. Amazing dlc, amazing scenery and sense of adventure. Great but mostly fair bosses. Until fucking Radhan.

I had to respect to antspur+greatshield to cheese him. Really faggy.
Rider sex
Miquella is(was) a genuinely wonderful person, but he has the mind of a child. He was told he was going to be a god by his fingers and he just did it because he's like permanently 8 years old and doesn't fully understand he's being abused.
Hahaha that Leda just knew
How does the vanish spell work in pvp with mage builds
is it true that it lets you start casting spells while invincible and skip most of the windup time?
>So why are we even in the dlc
To help Miquella! But actually, in an epic plot twist, we are there to stop him! Even though we help him by killing Mohg, Radahn, and we burn the church and we kill Messmer!
>and what did we accomplish?
Ummm...we kill him? That's your ending.
>loading screen for a minute
>15 second invasion, push one button and kill the host instantly
>another loading screen

is this fun? i don't get it.
Most other DLCs in in the series were vague and didn't provide a clear motive for the player character to be there.
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>uses the claymore moveset
>crouching R1 is also a poke
>its L2 has hyper armor and fantastic tracking
>it 1-shots VIGlets like nobody's business, even if the first hit of the L2 doesn't trigger
This weapon was MADE for the bad red man, and I for one fucking love it. It makes Waves of Darkness look like piss when it comes to punishing pure, mindless aggression from the host and his two butt-buddies.
It would feel awkward with his snake
>you can't turn leda into a spirit ash and use her to kill miquella
would have been kino
The Old Hunters > Shadow of the Erdtree = Crown of the Old Iron King = Artorias of the Abyss > Ringed City > Crown of the Sunken King >> Crown of the Ivory King >>> Ashes of Ariandel
just use skills until you have enough int to use the actual good spells
It's a shame that all you fight is the same weird shadow people with a hard curved sword guys inbetween.
Come to think of it... Why do we fight the same weird shadow people in ALL of the legacy dungeons?
Sorcery spam is the most straightforward and simple cheese in the game.
BTW you can go pick up "night comet" for a spell that doesn't cause npcs to react to it being cast.
Nerf Radahn, fix Gaius's hitboxes. Every other boss is fair and fun.
oops wrong thread
>After testing the spread crossbow, it looks like human-sized enemies can only get hit and take damage by ONE bolt, but they seem to take status buildup from all bolts that pass through them
I've been blasting away at Rellana and she gets bled in 2-3 shots with bleed bolts point-blank, while I haven't been able to bleed her with a regular crossbow at all (guessing 10-20 shots necessary)
What ash of war do I use to chees with the Bloodfiend's Arm? Lion's Claw or Savage Lion's Claw?
Early game int at launch was entirely throwing rocks, pebbles, or cheesing things with mist
Is it true Miquella had an ending but was cut? In the gameplay trailer there were unused scenes.
What are the "actual good spells"

Do they cost 100FP per shot?
Why are there so many retards averse to levelling up vigor
God is just another title for alien slave in ER
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>decide to invade people
>first time i get immediately raped by three people surrounding me
>second time i spawn in one of the big flower things and can't move
>third time the person immediately starts the boss once i spawn
The "ending" really gets me cause I kept looking around for something else thinking I missed a proper conclusion or something because the "reveal" was so underwhelming
>Why do we fight the same weird shadow people in ALL of the legacy dungeons?
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>tired as fuck and 4 large glasses of whiskey
>almost beat Messmer with a claymore while not doing much damage
I'm not gonna quit until I get this guy. Such a fun fight.
He wants to live for his wife
Has anyone even tried regression on Trina?
It was fun when I was great combusting noobs in undead burg and it's fun now
>loading screen for a minute
huh? my loading screen is 3 seconds
buy 1 ssd, retard
>So why are we even in the dlc
Because everyone in the main game is dead
Also loot
>what did we accomplish
The DLC is a 10/10 except for Radahn who gets a 0/10 for being the first genuinely unfair Souls boss.
You are the Elden Lord, or trying to become one, following Marika's Grace.
Alternatively, you're trying to do any of the other endings.
Pretty much all of them hinge on you becoming the Elden Lord and restoring the Elden Ring.
Miquella is working against that, he wants to usurp Marika and replace you with Radahn, which will disregard the entire reason that you exist. Naturally, as a contender to the Throne, you're going to want to stop that.
It's either you or them.
First time? :^)
He just started a run he ain't using that >>483644439
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Brother, those are password phantoms. Welcome to Elden Ring invasions, enjoy your stay. Luckily the majority of them are as dumb as a sack of bricks.

Come on, dude. It's seriously just inconsiderate to waste people's fucking time by summoning like this.

They think that all the people telling them to level VIG are the ones telling them that they're "not playing the game right", or that it's equivalent to that.
Same, at first I felt dirty for respecing into Fingerprint Poker build to beat radahn but the moment I saw the ending cutscene I stopped caring because at that point I 99% the map so i knew I didn't miss anything so if that was it, and there is no new base game ending to reflect it, then the final boss is meaningless.
Just use glintstone kris L2
>the ancient dragons started the dragon communion cult
>pretty much encourages humans to feast on their distant cousins
Seems like a risky move. Sooner or later some madman will eventually try to feast on an ancient dragon as well instead of just their lesser offshoots.
I like how the entire community agrees every boss is fine except Radahn who needs a big ass nerf and that Gaius needs his hitboxes corrected.
You need to invade the scorpion river catacombs. I don't think there's ever been an invasion spot where it's easier for invaders to win.
>Leda gets grappled once
>Her spirit ash turns into a red phantom and attacks you
THAT would have been kino
yeah it's like throwing flame of the fell god into walls
So, does the DLC confirm that Melina is Marika's daughter?
Just gift him some tentacle hentai so he knows what to do with excess flexible appendages
>follow up with messmer's orb
>follow up with greyoll's roar
>follow up with bayle's shit
fun overload
Fucking hell, thank you so much for the hard carry, anon.
Aren't Drakes technically the strongest? Bayle's a drake and he almost killed a dragon Elden Lord as a normal being.
Melina is not mentioned in the DLC
So Carian Retaliations till works?
Old ways still work best.
the hippo also has some ds2 shit going on in its hitboxes but it's an easy boss so people don't mention it
>Sooner or later some madman will eventually try to feast on an ancient dragon as well instead of just their lesser offshoots.
Literally my tarnished.
bonus testing, getting hit by multiple explosive bolt explosions doesn't seem to do any additional damage
holy shit
if only...
Is 15 DEX enough for a STR Faith build? Should I get 13 INT for the holy spell?
I really can't take anyone seriously if they compare AotA to SotE

Do you guys actually realize how little content was in DS1's DLC? Not just low content, its barely anything. Its comparable to 1 legacy dungeon in SotE if that.
The entire DLC had:
>2 areas (oolacile gardens, abyss)
>3 enemies (scarecrows, bloatheads, humanities if you even count them because lmao)
>5 bossfights (prisoner, guardian, artorias, manus, kalameet)
>0 new sorceries/incantations (just 5 reskins of existing ones)

Elden Ring's DLC already doubles the tilesets for minidungeons, has about 70% of the content of the base game, a ridiculous number of new areas, enemies, bosses and spells
we already knew that but yes, messmer's remembrance speaks about it.
I completely flubbed the Killsat attack at the very end but I'm glad you managed it anon.
It does high base damage and scales horribly, so ironically it works best at lower levels where the only people spamming magic tend to be password phantoms. It's sometimes enough to discourage people from spamming in higher level invasions, but not always.
>Messmer, much like his younger sister, bore a vision of fire.
That's all you get.
So who is the sister that Mesmer's Kindling is talking about?

>The kindling that burned inside Messmer the Impaler.
A dark thing, eaten away at by a wicked serpent.

Burns the sealing tree said to be found at the old Rauh ruins.

Messmer, much like his younger sister, bore a vision of fire.
The more I think about the DLC's plot the less sense it makes. For Miquella's plan to unfold he needs
>radahn to die
>mohg to die
>messmer to die

All it takes for me is to not go to Caelid and that's it. And even if I go for the Ranni ending, I can skip Mohg entirely because his existence doesn't make any difference to the Tarnished one. This is a hallmark of shit writing if a lot of things have to happen in order for the bad guy to even have a chance of succeeding
Didn't beat the game
Even at 60 vigor, wearing armour and the Greatshield Talisman, I'm still getting three-shot.
Games retarded.
Has anyone tried the Endure AOW against Consort Radahn's re-entry? How did it go?
Bayle lost both wings and a leg, leaving him a cripple.
Placi lost 2 spare heads and was otherwise unscathed.
Buff the claw attack while you're at it. It's slow as fuck and still does less damage than dragonmaw, while costing way more and not having the inifnite hyper armor of maw
Bayle is implied to be the first drake and absurdly powerful and violent compared to every other dragon. He's definitely the exception to the rule that drakes are inferior. The game outright states drakes are weaker, Dragon King's Cragblade info:
>This weapon commands great power over the paltry, mortal dragons of today.
Drakes are inferior, Bayle is not.
This. People are absolutely delusional. SotE is better than any previous FromSoft DLC even with the flaws. It is not even a match. It is basically a full new game.
Bayle is just built different
Int build is about versatility at any range, but ideally nuking things before they ever get to you. For this purpose glintstone pebble/shard/cometshard/comet will be your bread and butter.

You're turning your FP into powerful direct damage you can dump quickly into things from safety.

Eventually of you do sorceress selen quest all the way you will get spiral shard which is a multi-hitting penetrating spell which absolutely shreds large monsters, and also homes.

There are a bunch of fun and good sorceries with niche uses such as loretta greatbow (very long range), carian sword sorceries which are like magic melee attacks, and various magma and ice sorceries.

That being said 90% of the time I'm casting comet vs normal enemies.

If you're serious about continuing int run a nice way to start is with meteor staff from caelid and rock sling spell. Both are was to pick up.
why would you do that? barricade shield or raptor of the mists would be better.
This. The level of delusion when discussing the DLC is fucking absurd. I love ToH for its boss fights, dungeons, and narrative, but SotE is an absolutely massive DLC with a consistently high level of quality, marred by a few bad design decisions and a few disappointingly empty areas.

It's like people forgot that the DS3 DLC was $30 together, as well.
>Gavel of Haima as big hyperarmor fuck you attack
>Blaidds armor for good resistance and poise
>522 HP
How does he not see the issue in his plan?
You know what would've been better?

Is if Leda was a boss herself, like Gideon.
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I hate that they're going to nerf and gut all the fun stuff instead of buffing the shit that needs buffing
Congrats to the guy who just killed a shardbearer
It's crazy to think how much damage he was doing with a 40% holy negation AoE buff on us
She is you dimwit. She literally is.
Perfumes need nerfing, end of story.
>why retards are retarded
i dunno man
so often now when I spawn in elden ring, i get some free runes as if some nearby enemy has died. This never used to happen. What is going on?
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I just reached the last boss
it's kinda cool I guess
but why the fuck is raddan the final boss?
what the fuck did I miss? a fucking consort? what the fuck did I miss?
No big red Lifebar, Not a boss, just an event.
no, the ash of war needs a nerf, perfumes by themselves fucking suck
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I also had damage negation tailsman - fucking both of them - and crab and 95 vit with the radahn rune. I will admit I suck massive cock but good god the damage still a wins a win.
You're delusional if you don't think perfumes and the chicken wing are deserving of a nerf.
Should I respec to 70 faith for the Fire Knight's Greatsword?
Miyazaki saw too many posts about BRO IMAGINE IF WE FOUGHT PRIME RADAHN
Cant wait for Marika to be played by a black trans plus sized woman

>martial art weapons
>bloodhound step
>comet azure
His epic plan involved bewitching Mohg, but he's not really peaceful so they would need to find his fucking place (deep underground, only way to reach there is by literal teleportation with his medal or using a convenient teleporter in the snowfields) and then kill him, which is not an easy feat considering he has his NIHIL move.
Radahn would probably be the "easiest" considering you have the festival + he's weakened.
Then, you have his "followers", a total of 7 people. And two of them Leda wants to kill, so it's more like 5. Then you have Sir Ansbach, who would also turn into an enemy, so 4 people.
>what the fuck did I miss?
Nothing, it's all new lore.
>dryleaf seal and miquella's crown both don't boost the LIGHT OF MIQUELLA spell
how did this get past testing
there's more like 3 areas, forest, township, abyss. And a couple more enemy variants
but regardless the problem with this dlc is that it's just more of what was already good, but without actually solving the problems of the main game. The dlc is obviously super rushed and literally half the map is unfinished in terms of enemies and item placements. The stuff that is good is good, but they keep making the same mistakes that they've been making since demons souls in regards to the lategame and unfinished content.
I don't know if you noticed but messmer is one of the kindest demigods, all the evil snake-man shit was a red herring. He literally did nothing wrong of his own choice and wasn't going around killing people. Marika feared the snake so she tasked him with a genocide and dumped him in the pit.

Messmer attacks us because he finds the idea of a tarnished lord to be a horriffic betrayal.
Is there any other good method to chunk furnace golems other than very limited pots?
I only compare AotA from a narrative standpoint, game play and content amount wise, SotE blows everything else ever made ever. My point is always to never trust the base game lore because it can easily be flipped on its head in a DLC and Artorias's lore and the retcon of the Covenant Ring should all be a reminder to Miquella fags that this isn't the first time head canons have been destroyed.
Lazy fanservice that didn't even manage to land.
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farthest ive gotten so far

god i hate this fuck
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How the fuck do I calculate the Ash of war damage of some weapons like pic related?
I thought it was a Bullet Art, but for some reason the Atk columns are empty while the Motion Value ones have data, which I don't understand since I thought Bullet Arts didn't care about weapon AR?
>95 vit
fucking kek.
out of morbid cuirosity, post stats
If you're using FTH weapon buffs on it yes 100%.
It's just Miyazaki smashing his action figures together cause he thinks its cool
>The evil Goddess is black
Yeah, no. It's likelier that Renalla would be Black.
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Ashes + TRC is better than SotE tbqh
>Four very solid bosses vs four very solid bosses
>DS3 has the best boss out of all of them
>DS3's lore doesn't go full retard
>DS3 has Twin Ultra Greatswords
Radhan was like finding a turd in the very last bite of a really delicious sandwich.
Remember Velka? Remember Londor? Miquellafags don't, apparently.
your vig????

What level/weapon upgrade?
Regular Hefty Fire Pots work well. They're cheap to craft.
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you need 50 vigor minimum to be fighting anything like mohg.
It's not fun. It's not fair. It's not worth my time.
it's just gonna be radahn played by Tyrone
You can't be a god without a consort. The fucking turtle pope tells you this and how important Ragaon needed to be brought back to Leyndell to become King Consort after Godfrey got banished.
Miquella brought back Radahn's (a Radagon child) soul in Mohg's (the flesh and blood of Godfrey) as his mind controlled consort so he could become a legitimate god with the Gate of Divinity.
>So why are we even in the dlc
There is no real reason
Leda is even confused about why we're there in her final dialogue
>what did we accomplish?
mopping up marika's mess
There's a lot of stuff that legitimately deserves a nerf
>rolling sparks
>swift slash
>blind spot (in PVP, it's extremely fun in PVE)
>impenetrable thorns
>the tracking on some of the new homing projectiles
Historically, Elden Ring has received many more buffs than nerfs, however. There's no reason to be overly concerned.
Bloodborne and Dark Souls 2 DLC are far superior as well. The only defense sloplickers have is that Artorias of the Abyss was short.
Get 60 VIG dude what the fuck are you doing
i have no fucking pots and one pot only takes ff 2k hp which is maybe 10% off its health
I respect that PVP youtubers want to try shit out and post the results (because it's fun to watch)
but man does it fucking disgusts me how it results in EVERYONE jumping on whatever is op or meta fucking immediately
should have done morgott's to be even fatter, I was at 2.7k HP with 60vig iirc
challenge run niggers don't get to complain about bosses
Call your spirit ash back after the 2nd phase. He won't do shit other than fuck the AI, fucking you in the process.
You should have him at 1st phase because once Mohg counts he will do it twice iirc, so it's free DPS. Don't forget your shackle.
Miquellafags 9(and Malariakeks) are all GRRM GoT bandwagoners.
i hate this radahn bullshit fight
i want to kill this faggot and never do this fight again

what a pile of shit
i hate it, i hate it a lot
>dual sword shitter with no health
Every time. Every time.
As an int caster a single charged spiral shard does about 8000 damage to their legs. A couple of those and it's staggered.

Multihitting piercing attacks take them apart. Dunno if you have something like that.
Yeah, it's awful. It's taking a lot of the fun of invading out of it for me. I feel like a civilian caught in a content creation arms race, like I have to rush to actually play before the atom bomb is discovered.
Why not just ignore Mohg, Radahn, and Messmer then? He literally can't do anything related to godhood unless you go out of your way to start it by killing all three of them.
Why are you trying to go into a DLC tuned for characters at 150+ at fucking level 25? Even if you beat Mohg basic enemies are all going to one shot you.
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yep, everyone is using the fire knight gs and swift strike in arena now
I haven't used any yet, what should I use?
This triggers when you progress far enough along any of the various paths around Altus. It means all the NPC quests are now in motion and you should check back with them.
Go talk to your frens.
It should've been us...what was all the grooming he did for? It's so over.
I had to respec to greatshield poke.

There is a black street greatshield at fog rift fort that has like 70 holy resist. That did it for me. Good luck.
As a Miquellafag I honestly like all the new lore regarding him. But I'm a fujo so it's expected.
The Old Hunters was always the superior DLC and it's ending is the only thing it has on SotE.
DS3's was ok at best because lorefag fanservice and that's it.
DS2 is shit.
nanaya biz
You cause the events of the dlc to take place by killing radhan and mohg, thus making their corpses and essences available to the twink to use for his God hood plan. That's the premise of the beginning of the dlc.

The shadow realm opens after mohg dies because the fag can do his plan.
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I remember there were more pictures of this specific Melina, can someone give me the link?
>Couldve had a Bloodborne esque ending where you take Gehrmans place
What the fuck is Miyazakis problem?
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So the entirety of Caelid got completely destroyed just so Malenia could whisper to Radahn that Miquella is gay?

Who fucking defends this shit
i play offline - no chance i was going to stumble upon the route to the Manse, even though I found the room containing it
I am Radahn, consort of Miquella...
Quit gooning
I'm not actually gooning, I just like this specific design believe it or not, not capping
let me guess, because I got the sauron armor samurai person as a summon I can no longer get the armor?
9/10 until Radahn.

3/10 after, unironically. Genuinely never found a boss more clunky and retarded in the entire series. Bed of Chaos tier.
>DS3 lore
this will always be funny to me because TRC ruins the entire base game. It just says no matter what you do, it's always shit
Worst expansion they've ever done. probably take the 3 piece combo from DS2 over it, at least the fire tower and the ice town were sort of neat
You are wrong. Read the ash description. She is the first dragon to commune with humans

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