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Exquisite Pain Edition

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Former: >>483657143
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how do you get to the top right area of the map?
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imagine Sif made by nu-From
>instead of starting to limb after a certain amount of damage a cutscene starts
>black and red energy starts emerging from Sif's body
>"forgive me, my dearest master Artorias"
>Sif bites his right wounded leg and tears it from his body
>where the wound is, a huge clawed arm appears, made from red and black energy
>Sif's eyes glow red and his sword also gains a red glow and starts hovering over him
>"now...let us walsk the Abyss....together"
>new health bar: Sif, best friend of the Walker of the Chasm
>immediately lashes at you 8 times in a row with random delays between each hit
>each hit triggers an AoE
>all while his floating swords shoots homing energy flames at you
>starts howling and the entire arena gets hit by 20 red AoE lightning
>while you die after two hits, you hear "maybe i wasn't such a good boy after all" over fainted generic orchestra sounds and latin chants
It has unironically saved invasions for me.
hgave you been to bonny village
How will you enter the DLC in future playthoughs? Rush it asap or 100% the game or just clear what you need in base game first?
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>0 youtuber videos about the carian thrusting shield yet
Bros, I think we're safe, they don't know...
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Fuck you, Miyazaki, and fooling us with the dlc image and the cutscene of Miquella that doesn't exist. Patch in a proper ending, damn it
O mother by the statue next to the Pigger’s boss door
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i'm liking my current fashion a lot
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can anybdoy explain to me whats up with this fairy tale looking place?
bow, crossbow, ballista builds not very viable?
what about dedicated offhand crossbow?... they deal shit damage + you run out of ammo?
Probably after I kill mohg. Which for me is when I enter the snow field.
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Fire Knight is my best bud Yes I was retarded to sip
miquella not wearing armor triggers me. i wish they give him some cool scaled mithril or something
thats where queen marika came from
marika's home village that got genocided by the hornsent for some reason idk
If thats shaman village, pretty sure marika planted a fake erdtree there to bless her hometown. The incantation mention that all the shamans were dead by the time marika came back so she genocided all the hornsents in revenge.
Give it a few days and it will be the meme to kill radhan. I almost took him down with a pure int build just spamming r1 and ignoring all his attacks.
>Sif enters his third phase
>a ragdoll limbs spectral hops onto Sif’s back
>Ah, you were here, by my side all along
Marika's genocided home village. She returned to honor it with a minor erdtree, hair, tree sentinal guardians, etc.
Bro there's literally an unused model of a pantsless miquella and radahn. You do NOT want to see whatever ending they had with them in mind originally
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If Miquella had wanted us on his side why did he try to kill and brainwash us when he simply could've offered his cured sister's hand in marriage? Was he stupid?
huh you can chuck the shield from the left arm as well? the hammer throw is amazing but i hated that if you use bragarts roar it'll override the charged throw to some normal charged attack.
Reading item descriptions tells you things :)
Ammo is a problem. All the good damage is gated behind annoying to produce ammo.
reminds me of connor's fit from the ac3 dlc
Lost put up a few clips of it but it was in with a bunch of other stuff
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Does burning the sealing tree lock me out of Ymirs quest or any of the other side bosses like fingers, etc?
Would anyone on PS5 be willing to drop Ansbachs bow for me? I missed out on it and I really wanted it for this playthrough.
>game auto updates
>have the new scadu buffs
>bosses still hitting for half my health (9 skadu)
>you didn't be
Not my problem.
Does mod engine 2 also load .dll files reliably?
I want to use the unlock fps one on top of my file shit
post proof
It's weird when you replay the DLC bosses and realize what the real problem with the bosses are. They can't be cheesed. I mean yeah you can use obviously overpowered stuff like Carian Sovereignty or Impenetrable Thorns or Perfumes but if you aren't using those things, you HAVE to learn the movesets. This means people spamming blasphemous blade aow get wrecked. This means people just doing jumping powerstanced heavies get wrecked.

Because once you actually know the moveset, the bosses are actually very easy. Everything is extremely telegraphed, there aren't that many delayed attacks (mostly roll catches at the very end of a combo), and I believe none of them even input read. I'm beating every single boss in four tries or less on this second playthrough of the DLC and some of these bosses I took up to thirty tries or more initially. Every criticism I would have of them initially no longer feels like a real issue.
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Hornsent turns into manflies? Like by what affliction? or did the genocide from marika also involves poisoning the water with fly virus or sth.
>watch friend play this game
>he's a long time souls player and doesn't use ashes or summons or any broken magic/WA, just a spear and light roll
>he's fighting messmer
>dodges INTO things and creates openings that I didn't know existed
>gets only a light attack off most of the times but does it do often the boss hp melts away
>feels like he's playing a different game altogether
so this is the power of rollslop
Maybe invest in some actual armor and a dragon greatshield talisman, dork.
For sure I swapped it out for endure but I rarely use it. I don't really know what to use for hammers because my selection of stuff for them is so limited.
Anyone have a magma blade they don't want? I've been trying to farm this shitty thing for 3 hours now. I'm going to rip my fucking hair out.
He knows she's rotting and no one wants to get that STD
Who knows man, I figure it has something to do with the rot, or maybe the storm god they worship.
>guys the bosses are easier after you have more fragments and also beat them before

Woah?! Gunna try that!
yes we all know the bosses were designed to destroy and kill all the overpowered builds resulting from base game
as well as mimic abusers
and as a result it powercrept them so much that the difficulty has become unreasonable for people who don't abuse those broken builds available from the base game
Hornsent Grandam is the GEQ
What's the poise damage of a Curved GS compared to a GS and Great Katana?
14 vs 37 and 184
i believe it.
>fake erdtree
I don't think it's fake, I think she literally just put down a small one and didn't stick around to make it big is all
I just realized there's absolutely no godskin presence or black flame magic in the DLC, fuck.
Skibidi fragment scaling on summoning makes sense but I still really hate it since usually the shitters stuck on a boss and trying to get by via summoning don't have as many as they should it's why they die in 1 or 2 hits.

It's like these people don't even know the mechanic exists. I just got summoned for gaius and they host took 1600 damage from boar charge.
>finish the game
>no Torrent backstory
Are you kidding me?
>rolling sparks
What the FUCK
I thought these were supposed to be gimmicky funny weapons, what the actual fuck is going on?
Elden Ring 2 with romances when?
typical Fromsoft not playtesting what they put out
well they certainly aren't unfair if you can consistently beat them then are they
Fuck you birdman just give me your legs already.
marika's toes
I'm glad Fromsoft learned from DS3's terrible bonfire placement, really brings the level design together in a satisfying way
His backstory was in the base game, you killed his dad twice
Just busted as fuck and probably was never tested correctly
It's possible. If she's a character in the game at all it's either her or it is Marika. Doesn't make sense for it to be Melina
So is this DLC actually shit? I'm picking it up tomorrow. I loved pretty much every Souls DLC, and it's super disheartening to hear this one receive poor reception.
>pantsless miquella is real
>pantsless radahn is real
>it's pre god miquella
Miyazaki is going to get into trouble isn't he?
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>Finally fight Midra
>Heard he was hard so expecting a rough time
>Absolutely decimate him in one try
I regret doing him as my last remembrance boss now. He cannot handle +20 skibidi, I'll have to do him super early my next go around. Least challenging boss I did honestly and I did him, Putrescent, and the sunflower all at +20. None of the three were hard but Midra was a joke, at least the sunflower killed me twice. I didn't even use more than like 3 flasks on Midra. The skibidi system seems really fucked, +20 does fuck all for Radahn but absolutely trivializes all the other bosses. They should nerf the piss out of skibidi AND nerf the piss out of Radahn.
the people who don't abuse those broken builds actually ended up being good at the game so they don't have as much of a problem.
sunbroing for hours on gayus and radahn and i can see why players whine about the difficulty. more than half these scrubs are uncarryable
I hate that I have to wear those gaudy things if I was to be an optimal kickman
>complaining about that one when that ones right next to the boss door

Lorefags hate it you'll enjoy it but you'll probably dislike the last boss don't think I've seen a single person enjoy that shit even cheesing it
It's pretty good, lorefags are complaining because it's not covering all the bases they want, there were issues with performance and the normies are complaining about difficulty, but I enjoyed it a lot.
teleport to and instakill mohg with cheat engine lol
>if metyr was written to be the dlc final boss the dlc story would be better received
>to hear this one receive poor reception.

Everybody says it's great(it is), what the fuck are you talking about? Where do you even come up with this?
Midra is definitely a 10 - 12 skibidi boss which makes it weird just how out of the way the boss is
Are there still performance issues?

Literally all of my online friends came to me the same day and told me that the DLC was shit and they were dropping it.
I don't think so, would have been perceived as another boring giant beast fight that doesn't really tell us anything, like the Elden Beast
literally who cares?
Lots of people reporting stuttering and frame dips, typical for ER though, I mostly play offline so I don't really get them desu
Holy shit that comic artstyle is remenancent of the old days. Amazing.
you say that but they are the ones bitching the most
and I don't blame them, the only enjoyable fights are rellana, midra, messmer, putrescent, that scorpion girl and all the minibosses which are already super easy to cheese
everything else is cbt if you try to fight it the traditional way
Y absolutely, mostly because Metyr isn't a dogshit designed fight.
Ignore boss dropped bonfires and DS3 bonfires are perfectly fine. It was obviously a late development decision to have bosses drop bonfires and they probably never checked spacing between bonfires after coding bosses to drop bonfires on death.
Yes probably. They would need to expand his story a bit for that to work. It's confirmed that the DLC was originally two parts and I wonder if that section was part A and the Miquella thing was part B (or vice versa)
If thr dlc allowed us to marry malenia at the end after freeing her of the scarlet rot would people react better to the dlc? Y/N?
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You can literally see how SotE negative reviews were entirely based on day 1 and day 2 difficulty complaints and then how it levels off over time as more people who actually beat the DLC drop their own reviews
friede was a fun fight because i could use literally any attack at any time as she doesnt have infinite poise
in this garbage dlc the literal only attack you get against bosses is a jump r2 and maybe an l2 that takes less than a second to use and does ten trillion poise damage like giant hunt
I'm done helping people.
Too many dual sword no armor shitters. Too many "guy with a sword" shitters. Too many waifus in robes not doing any damage shitters.

They are wasting their own time. They just die instantly or too fast. I simply can't carry them, and they don't deserve it anyways since they clearly have no idea how to play.
if my peanus weenus haha Y/N?
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Because it is a parody on a famous comic from the old days you zoomer faggot
>in this garbage dlc the literal only attack you get against bosses is a jump r2
every time lmao

uh huh
>Literally all of my online friends came to me the same day and told me that the DLC was shit and they were dropping it.

I find that hard to believe. Anybody who enjoyed elden ring will enjoy this dlc.
yes, the white whale holy grail one. i know that. i'm saying the artstyle is visually distinct and that I enjoyed it. jesus christ take your meds.
>It's confirmed that the DLC was originally two parts
what. maybe that's why the dlc lore is kind of a mess
I wish we got spirit igon so I could summon him for screaming anywhere. alternatively prattiling pate "igon"
>not taking the critical hit
Such a convenient talisman. Just slap it on and never worry about running out of FP during exploration.
Man Metyr is so FUN (TM) fuck this shit
So what was the point with radahn at the end? Like it feels so random and just doesn’t make sense
>more negative reviews than positive reviews on the second day of release
lmao you can just tell this is when everyone hits Rellana. There is no way they can actually manage to form fully informed legitimate complaints like the "empty world" or "lack of rewards" at that point.
I don't give a fuck about the martial arts weapons, I want it for the kino fashion.
Why do the trees in Enir-Ilim have women growing in the trunks?
I'm glad it's an all at once kind of thing. The only thing that is really a mess to me is Radahn. Such a shame he's the way it ends.
They look pretty proportional to the overall amount to me.
At least we get the dragon priestess as a summon
Only problem is she won't shut up and repeats one of two lines constantly
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>DLC establishes that Dragon Cultists and Dragon Communion are not anathema to each other, but instead brothers in arms
Y of course

does anyone want to trade me a milady? i dont own the dlc (yet)
>murderhobo your way through shadow realm
>nothing happens
>doing rellana and divine beast at skibbidi 7 post patch
>they get one shot
scadoodle blessings were such a mistake, they should have just balanced the dlc around base game end game level, if you want people to explore this bad just lock the final boss behind some of the more major remembrance side bosses, this janky progression system just fucks everything up
>more negative reviews than positive one day
>equivalent to the last two days where negative reviews were less than 10% of all reviews
>equally proportional
are you retarded
The exploration was more interesting than the bosses, just wish there was more worthwhile items in the open world.
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>Climb all the way up Jagged Peak
>My only reward is another shitty Ancient Dragon fight that will probably drop some shitty incantation I will never use
>Climb back down
No poorfag buy the dlc, you can get that shitty sword in the first 5 minutes.
You have to do the Ansbach and Freyja questline to get context but the context is stupid. It just turns Radahn's gay ass resurrection from a 0/10 to a 2/10.
Metyr phase 2 music
what is it
is it just like horns in the background? Is she trying to contact the GW?
My next playthrough I'm going to attempt every boss at least 5 good attempt before even considering leveling a fragment, that way I can get a baseline for how difficult it should be.
It's unfair that they nerf the shit out of you for the sake of entering the DLC at different level tiers.
okay how do people cheese the 24k damage ancient lightning strikes

I can't get that high on bayle, like 12k max
They had to do something to tone down endgame power level for the dlc, while also giving a noticeable sense of progression and reward for exploring.

It's not perfect but it's better than static difficulty level imo.
Why does everyone talk like a cat now
dont you have to kill like 2 midgame bosses to get access to the dlc tho? i want to use it from the start of my game
These kind of tryhard posts don't really mesh well with the vibe of anons filtered for this entire week
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>Not fighting DREAD BAYLE with ya boi IGON
Your loss loser.
Did you uh....make it all the way to the progenitor drake who fucked up all the dragons in existence? Did you talk to the screaming guy?
>new 2H talisman gives +15% dmg to 2H light and heavies
>Axe Talisman gives just +10% dmg to CHARGED ATTACKS

Shouldn't it be the other way around bros...Where the less generic thing gets more damage?
they grow trees you can fuck!
>i just want instant gratification tho
How about kill yourself.
So I found [SPOILER]Trina[/SPOILER] and [SPOILER]drank her nectar and died[/SPOILER]? Surely this isn't how the questline goes, but I'm out of ideas on what to do.
O Bayle, tyrant drake, do your wounds yet ache? Is your fury still yet to crest its zenith? Hurry, hurry, and lay it all to waste! Lay waste to the proud, the conceited, each, every last one of that arrogant lot.
just realized i didnt have music turned on for the entire dlc. which boss has the best OST ill try and fight it in coop
>finally get a thing that can cast both spells and incantations
>it's got terrible scaling
>352 power at 80/80
>for comparison the astrologer staff has 340 at 80 int
nigga we can't be serious
I found the screaming guy, but not Bayle. It was called Sannseax or something. The only cool part of this mountain is the red lightning storm and watching two dragons fight each other. Everything else is fucking whack so far.
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> Count Ymir knows the truth
oh nonono Carian bros

drink more until he started speaking to you
highlight text and ctrl+s
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What the FUCK just happened??
>tryhard posts
Exactly what about my post is "tryhard"? A boss posing zero difficulty at +20 skibidi isn't a brag.
Do it four times. Well, 5-6. Do it until the dialogue repeats, then tell Thiollier you cucked him, then go rest at the grace. Yes that's what you're supposed to do.
Assuming your lightning damage is maxed out.
Stand underneath of him and pray for rng that they all hit.
A bunch of people have accumulated max blessing and hit up the dlc on ng+ again, and are noticing how powerful they feel compared to going in with just a couple fragments.
>Godwyn is He Who Lives In Death; and all manners and *forms* of Death end up in the Shadowlands
>Was the reason Marika smashed up the Elden Ring to begin with, was absolutely her next-in-line, and most worthy of the Lordship
>Least developed Demigod, despite his colossal importance to the setting (Godrick, his great x??? grandson has more going on, fuck even Godefroy has about as much)
>Divine Crucible Lion Knights primarily command Lightning as a symbol of Divinity (Godwyn's main weapon)
>All the new Death Knights and Death Mages throughout the Shadowlands that are kinda just "there" for no reason
>Mentioned numerous times that an Eclipse is the answer to Godwyn's soullessness, in places connected to Miquella's research (eg Castle Sol)
>Miquella was desperately searching for a way to save Godwyn's corpse, and invented a ton of anti-Death spells
>Repeated imagery of an Eclipse / Dark Moon being held in place (Metyr), that would also fit major architecture (Scadutree View / Divine Gate)
>Entire region dedicated to TWLID (New Tibia item, "The dead don't need a reason, they need a leader")
>Godwyn is directly related to Mohg, so him using his body as a vessal makes biological sense - Radahn on the other hand is almost a different species entirely (Godwyn being Empyrean-Human of the Golden Order, Radahn being a Quarter Giant under the Moon)
>Physically would have been in the capital where Miquella grew up (as people notoriously fawned over him) (including Marika, since Godwyn was her favorite), while Radahn was off in the opposite side of the continent at Sellia hyping himself up to be the next Godfrey vs the Fallingstarbeast invasion, he was very busy calculating + training for and nobody believed him for (which Miquella would never have stepped foot near, since Renalla wasn't exactly pleased with the product of Radagon & Marika and owned the land bridge there)

>>Radahn consort because last-minute change (cut content flags have already been found)
After fighting bayle I realized...
Fromsoft peaked hard with midr.
why didn't your spoiler tags work
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not sure if anyone noticed this in the suppressing pillar but it basically confirms that the shadow realm is the center area of the lands between where the "ocean" is.
He's just a finger fucker, everything he knows is conjecture.
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Okay well basically the path continues beyond sannseax and I won't spoil the rest. Go back there and look around, you missed the main boss of the zone.
You just have to get better. He has openings.
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>finish dlc
>want jolly cooperation
>every host is <5 scadu blessing
>captcha: XKYS
So does anyone else feel like the map is just worse? It feels like I'm more aimlessly running around than in the base game, that so many paths the map tells me to go are iust "death fall" like every single one practically. I try going around but it's just more death falls death falls
The worst designed boss in FROM history. Bed of Chaos is kino by comparison to fucking Radahn.
I just beat messmer and it was fun but now I'm getting my shit destroyed by putrescent knight, something about his swings is making me take damage every fucking time he attacks, it's pissing me off.
why did that oneshot you with that much vig
why did he do it again when two people were right beside him
the fuck?
>get to Radahn
>way too shit to deal with his second phase
I am sad
Midir was the template for all these shitty dragons that spend more time flying around off-screen than anything else. Dragon boss design unironically peaked in DS1.
Just fuckin cheese him bud, literally everyone hates that fucking fight.
Host had low number of fragments. Maybe zero. You get scaled to their blessing level when summoned.
>Be you
>Be retarded
>Does not realize the path continues after the ancient dragon
Godwyn wasn't meant to be the boss. It was malenia, the cut content flags revolved around geq and malenia specifically. Little to nothing of godwyn.
Makes some sense when you consider where the skibiditree is in relation to the shadow realm map
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We all assumed that Melina was The Gloam Eyed Queen but I think an item from the DLC and an item from the main game confirm it now.

The Black Flame Ritual mentions "The Gloam-Eyed Queen led the apostles. It is said that she was an Empyrean chosen by the Fingers." at the end of the item description.

Messmer's Kindling mentions "Messmer, much like his younger sister, bore a vision of fire." at the end of the item description.

The big take away here is that the last line of Messmer's kindling is likely referencing Melina as Messmer's little sister due to the fact that it's item effect is "Burns the sealing tree". Aside from Messmer having a special golden eye and red hair like Melina, his kindling which is for burning the giant tree plays the exact same role as Melina in the main game and there's a high likelihood that that's what the item description of Messmer's kindling is referencing.

The reason why this is important is because the Black Flame Ritual confirms that The Gloam Eyed Queen was an Empyrean. Now that there's a high likelihood of Melina being an Empyrean since she's Messmer's younger sister, the likilhood of her being Gloam Eyed Queen skyrockets. That's on top of her following the M name scheme and having a near identical name to Malenia of course.
You just got outplayed. Obviously.
whats the point of cheesing the final boss? just quit there's nothing else after him
Because he's a horribly designed boss.
>Hits way too hard even at +20 blessing
>Has way too much fucking HP even at +20 blessing
>Does 30 second long combos with no openings
>Moveset is riddled with lightshows and AoE vomit that make it impossible to tell what the fuck he's doing
>Utterly ignores all summoned NPCs and spirit ashes regardless of what the player is doing and focuses them
I've never wanted a Souls boss nerfed before but this fucker needs a nerf.
Just found that earlier and that was my first thought as well. I haven't unlocked the full map yet, but do the borders line up?
farum azula was at the top of jagged peak
Nobody likes the fight. Nobody will care, and in fact a lot (including myself) will give you the go ahead to cheese him, cheat kill him, whatever. The fight isn't fun, it's not well designed, and it's obnoxious. Nobody likes it. There's some weapons you can use to make it really easy, such as the shield stabber or lightning perfume shit. Whatever you want, man.
>patch comes out
>boot up the game offline
Modchads win again
Yeah it's likely under the cloud since it's a shadowland.
If From wants to make a bullshit boss that's the epitome of artificial difficulty, I'm gonna beat him in the most effortless way possible.
I would be even sadder if I didn't dent my skull banging it against the wall until I win.
>Anon learns about pattern recognition
>priestess heart
>lightning tear
>lightning scorpion
>sword talisman
>golden vow
>flock talisman
Anything I'm missing? I don't like the hp drain cracked tear
This gets funnier every time I watch it. It's so over the top and absurd from a game design perspective I can hardly believe it.
That scaling is pretty strong for Incantations.
That might be why the number isn't so high.
Or you could just fight him with a shield and max def. I beat him first try.
>praise the message!
Well I was going to until I read that, fuck off you updoot addict
Death mechanic can be invalidated with Miquella's rune. It's an incentive and reward for exploration, which you clearly didn't do
Which ending do I NOT get married to marika or ranni? I really am not attracted to women who've already had kids and I'm not attracted to dolls. Any other endings?
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Hornsent turned Shamans into Living Jars (except unlike in the Lands Between, the Hornsent didn't use them as corpse-gatherers, but instead processed them while they were still alive because it helped them with the Divine Gate / Enir Ilim project, so they could become Outer Beings). Marika got out to fuck em up, but by the time she got back, they'd all been jar'd. All those screeching flesh-things in the Gaols are what remains of Marika's family and friends.

The Hornsent have no idea why Marika held a grudge and sent Messmer after them. They dindu nuffin. They're the chosen people.
Wdym? The boss is pure anti-player cheese, so ofc we are going to chese him back just to finish it up.
i just like the idea of playing with a singular weapon from start to finish. having my beloved milady at my side all along. learning to master it and enjoying the journey with it
>We all assumed that Melina was The Gloam Eyed Queen
No, schizos like you assumed that and the DLC hasn't given you anything additional to confirm your retarded headcanon. It's a theory and nothing more, you're coping. There isn't ANY GEQ or Godskin lore in this entire god damn DLC and finding out Melina, the kindling maiden, is Marika's daughter changes fucking nothing from what we already knew. There's no ingame connections to the kindling maiden and the GEQ. Your entire fucking theory boils down to Melina having a funny colored eye in the FF ending which is a stretch at best.
the lion was easily the worst fromsoft boss i've ever seen dear lord
i mean theres no other bosses after it so why even bother if the fight isnt fun
>pov: you're ryu fighting against bison on a Tuesday
Another shitter filtered
This shit is awesome the only people crying are midwits who project gay shit into the lore and shitters getting fraud checked by bosses that don't bend over to jumping heavy spam
Oh fuck off, the instant death mechanic isn't even the worst part. Shit dude I HAD the fucking rune. My point is the fucking fight needs a nerf. He needs to be slowed down and his light effects need to be toned down.
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you didn't beat the game
i killed him though
Holy FUARK that guard counter cragblade dueling shield build that anon posted last thread is fun to use
Personally I'm still a really big fan of Consort Radahn commanding incredible butthurt from the "leaks are fake" retards. They are still not living that down.
Something in co-op is causing me to occasionally lose all my runes...
Frenzied Flame is your only option.
You marry Marika in that ending.
It's cool you're enjoying it dude but you don't have to pretend it's not your build, that's just embarrassing.
So thanks to an interview with miyazaki it's confirmed that at the end of ranni's ending and at the end of marika's ending they rape your tarnished. I really think that's out of left field and how would that work if you play a female tarnished?
I wish the DMGS beams went that far.
yes. and?
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Now do the one with deathblight
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Stupid fucking mistakes man
I don't get it. Radhan is definitely not fun, but I also want to beat him and be done with it. I won't wait for a patch that tones him down (just like in base game).
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Good Ending makes Marika a non-factor that you could reasonably divorce no-consequence, Chaos if you're an edgelord.
My only hope is that Dueling Shields are weird enough to most people that they don't become a meme weapon and thus nerfed.
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It isn't my build retard he's level 200
any cool faith weapons i should be looking out for in the DLC? looking to FRENZYMAXX
They even got the same colors.
>it's actually avoidable
>actually I wasn't even seething about that

May Prime Radahn never be nerfed, it's way too funny to see all the hardcore /erg/ metatrannies in their dick shitting nipple armor getting rekt
There are no frenzy weapons besides a torch lol
wow, Milady is super fun. gonna do a playthrough from the beginning of the game with it.
anyone else enjoy putting your co-op sign down even knowing youre terrible and can barely help?
Nta but I set my guy up to use cragblade carian shield after watching that video and I've been having fun with it also. The parry tear works really well for the guard windows while attacking.
Frenzy FIST
The Radahn fight is cool as fuck and I'm glad it's buttfucking the Reddit community. I'm sure From will cave and nerf him though so you can all come on here and pretend you beat the game after
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Lore implications of Goldmask having the same face as Sunflower boss?

Does he know?
>since Renalla wasn't exactly pleased with the product of Radagon & Marika and owned the land bridge there
Renalla became a vegetable after Radagon left, bro.
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I adore shadow keep
I'm not even a fucking "metatranny" holy shit take your medicine.
>>it's actually avoidable
>>actually I wasn't even seething about that
If you look I had MANY OTHER ISSUES WITH THE FIGHT besides the instant death you cherrypicking loser. Also I beat it, so even if they don't nerf it I honestly don't care considering I now -never- have to do it again.
Boring. Removing rolling in the next game.
> using ancient dragon lightning incantation to kill Bayle
kino, good job anon
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>only fun new quality weapon is milady
>all the smithscript shit wants int/fth
>fucking EVERYTHING wants fth
>every time i pick up a cool new looking weapon? fth
i hate casters so much its unreal
why am i even playing quality if theres NOTHING FUN TO USE
The milady sucks balls
I used that, the +1 healing flask talisman, +1 turtle talisman and +2 health talisman on radahn with greatshield poke
Just put a few levels in fth man.
Backhand Frenzyfists

Sure, that's why she was scheming with the Nox and grooming Ranni to kill Godwyn.
Lore reason for miquella having 3 or 4 arms?
>he's a god he can have as many arms as he wants
Do you really think it's that basic?
Can't stop listening to Midra's theme. It goes hard as fuck.

There's a fist and frenzy perfume bottle
Explain the eye and the connection to destined death or I'll shit yourself
I told you guys light greatswords were going to be ass but noooooooo
alright fine is there a preexisting frenzy build or faith in general? using int right now and i wanna mix it up
How about you stop being a faggot.
>Sure, that's why she *headcanon*
waiting until the map for goblins mod to be updated to include the dlc so i can actually finish it
I keep getting like smithing stone 6. Are you tecfhnically supposed to enter the DLC at midgame?
There is no fucking connection. Could she be the GEQ? Sure, is she? We don't fucking know because a funny colored eye is NOT enough evidence. Saying she's going to deliver "destined death" is just saying she's going to fucking kill us. Destined Death is unbound, we set it free when we killed fucking Maliketh.
Lordsworn's Straight Sword or Broadsword if I want to be a Square Off enjoyer? I usually use the Longsword but it seems strictly worse in this game.
Throwing daggers being stones you need a college education to chuck at people is peak Fromshart requirements.
god fucking dammit that weapon is sick. post build anon
Where do you get that head gear from? I killed a big red rune bear but it only gave an incantation
It's an erdtree planted with only kindness and no order.
I used milady as my backup melee weapon as a caster and it did exactly what I wanted it to - spamming sweeping close range attacks to deal with pests.
In a 2023 interview miyazaki hinted that marika and ranni were futas. Do you not pat attention to them? Seriously does no one pay attention to interviews here?
No they give you a variety of all levels of stones in the dlc because they want you to try the new weapons genius
Broadsword is the best generic straight sword
how the fuck does the sekiro tear works exactly? do I hold down the button after perfect blocking the first hit of a combo and get the benefit for the whole thing or do I have to press block for every individual hit?
>find loot
>check it out
>another fucking glovewort
You know, this might be crazy talk, but I'm starting to suspect we're supposed to use spirit ashes or something
Yeah I'm shutting your pants. Have fun waking up with shat pants tomorrow. Lmao.
why are all the "good" bosses in the dlc also coincidentally the ones that are most rollslop friendly,
There's better weapons you could've done that with but I'm glad you're enjoying it.
>never had trouble with light/flash sensitivity issues in games
>the after image shit is seriously causing me a headache each fucking attempt
God I hate this shit
Not that anon but
Thay's the Dragon GreatKatana, which you get on your way to Jagged Peak. The WA does huge damage against dragons, you can hit >4k on Bayle if you hit the head. It's legit almost like Serpent Hunter for Rykard except without the stagger

It's a quality weapon, stack Shard of Alexander, Godfrey Icon and whatever else you want and go hunt dragons
The loot scattered around is mostly pointless garbage. You'll find smithing stone 1s even. It's just there to have something to pick up.
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how do you do fellow bear man
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>Your entire fucking theory boils down to Melina having a funny colored eye in the FF ending which is a stretch at best.
The eye color theory boils down to the eye that Melina in her ending had was the same color as the eye Gurranq gave us to find Death Root, the root caused by The Rune of Death which Gurranq/Maliketh sealed in his own body hence why he hungered for it.

This is important because Gloam Eyed Queen had The Rune of Death stolen from her by Maliketh according to The Godslayer Sword.
"Sacred sword of the Gloam-Eyed Queen who controlled the Godskin Apostles before her defeat at the hands of Maliketh.

The black flames wielded by the apostles are channeled from this sword."

Gloam Eyed Queen was the owner of Rune of Death before Maliketh but had it taken, now suddenly Gurranq/Maliketh can give us an eye the exact same color as Melina's lost eye for finding Deathroot(for him to eat since he has Rune of Death) and he can use the same black flames Gloam Eyed queen and her apostles used. It's could even be that the Beast Eye is actually just Gloam Eyed Queen's/Melina's and she got it back after we killed Maliketh and unsealed the rune, hence why she threatens destined death on us in the Frenzied Flame ending seeing as how the tarnished clearly discarded all their items judging by the Torrent Ring being in the ash.

And that's all just the eye color question, not including other things. Your attention to detail being shit is not my problem.

He's retarded and has zero media literacy.
It only enhances your guard immediately after clicking the block button, so you have to deflect each hit individually. Landing a perfect block won't extend the timer.
>I really am not attracted to women
We know
>bayle ripped off 3 heads of placidusax
>placidusax ripped off both of bayle's claws, a hind leg, and fucked up his wings
Who would have won it in the end? Are you team placidusax or team bayle
>die in 1 or 2 hits.
Most of the bosses in the base late game will 2 shots you through banished knight armor with 60 VIT, so that seems like more of the same to me.
It isn't just a "funny coloured eye", she has a very death themed seal over her eye that is only shown opening after destined death is released
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Is there any way to reliably dodge Midras phase 2 AoE attack transition without running away?
Your pants will not be shat in. Instead I'll leave money in your pocket.
It doesn't matter, Marika is dead. You don't actually marry her she's just a glorified elden ring container.
jump over the aoe puke
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i can give it to u, are u still up for it on PC

add password and location to your next post if yes
Nah, it worked fine and the animation is cool + it was thematic with my carian setup. It was actually perfect.
I sleep naked nigga
le fight radahn at full strength

that's literally it
Not wanting used goods who've already pumped out kids is natural and normal. Not wanting a doll is natural and normal. My irl wife has only had kids with me and that makes her more attractive to me.
>tfw will never get to play Shadows of the Erdtree or Elden Ring for the first time again
Bros why these feels
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>your best soldiers rebelled against you because you are a snake.
Being Messmer is suffering
Here we fucking go again. God can you losers let this headcanon go already?
the fuck is a geq
garden of eden qreationkit?
>lord kuro
What's with all the shota worship miyazaki
Can you beat the game without rolling? I'm tired of the same roll-hit playstyle.
They literally made Sif in the DLC, though. It's Scadutree avatar
>comes back weaker with sadder music
>dies again
>comes back weaker with even sadder music and uses the last of his energy on a shitty super attack
gray main or battle born?
i keep seeing people on this site throwing this term around but i've never seen it described
Wait, you guys didn't realize you could apply Sleep to yourself with the Lulling Branches, to get St. Trinas dialogue first try?
How did they not notice earlier...?
most importantly why do pedophiles like grrm prefer BOYS over girls why are they all homosexual is there a correlation there
So why did the hornsent genocide the shamans/numen?

Why did they get turned into black phantoms, but the inquisitors and warriors didn’t?

Are the omen from the base game related to the hornsent?
There are two red bears, one in Scadu close to Shadow Keep and another in Rauh base.

Dunno which is which but one drops the incantation and the other drops the pelt
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I've been workshopping some stuff but it's mostly pretty obvious, middle guy will use backblades probably
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i did it bros, are you proud of me?
The same reason nobody at Leyndell notice that Morgott is an @men
Just grab a greatshield.
The open world is extremely pretty, but it's convoluted to explore and exploration is soul-suckingly unrewarding. Level design is nothing remarkable. There are a few bright spots, but overall I thought it was a big step down from the base game. The bosses (that I've encountered so far) have pretty much all ranged from good to some of the best in Fromsoft's catalogue. Most of the complaints about difficulty is shitter cope, although a couple bosses (mainly Gaius) have some bugged hitboxes. On the lore front, I think it's mostly pretty good, although a lot of stuff that is never mentioned in the base game is introduced here, and, as is usual for From, some plot threads from the base game are completely unadressed. Also a lot of item descriptions are lacking imo. If you're a FS fan, I think you will probably enjoy the DLC.
>gaius has nothing behind him
>sunflower is just a rando boss with no lead up
>metyr and his area is just dumped in a single area, no matter how good it is

to me, it seems like many were meant to have quests, like what we get with ymir, moby dick, and st.trina, but they ran out of time.
Other examples?
Gloam-Eyed Queen, bitch who used to lead the Godskin Apostles. These idiots think Melina is her.
The Melina is the GEQ theory is the "Stannis is the Night's King" theory of Elden Ring, hilarious that two Gurm properties had the exact same thing come up.
Grab a medium shield
very neat.
>Miquella embraces Radahn as they die together
I wish it wouldve been me
Why does Miquella die with Radahn anyway? And why Radahn specifically?
You can. The shield is absurd as an invader. I've seen 3v1s try to use it against me, but it isn't as effective when you know it's coming for you and you're not being forced to guess who it's targeting.
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What’s the lore behind exiled soldiers?
The hornsent believed shaman were sinners for some undisclosed reason and believed they could make them saints by turning them into jars

Idk lol

Personally I believed they are related but not the same. Hornsent are a group of people touched by the crucible in the land of shadow. When Marika genocided them back their collective butthurt manifested in the omen curse in the lands between
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I'm pissed there's 0 Godskin/Black Flame content in the dlc desu
Unfortunately i can not jump 20 feet in the air the avoid the explosion.

this attack is more unfair than malenias waterfowl, at least that one can be dodged without running away
how the fuck did miquella get into the shadow covered tower without burning the tree?
Because he made a promise.
That's it.
Fuck the Hornsent for what they did to Midra and his followers. They literally crucified him into the shape of the golden order, and cut off all his followers heads and pinned them in place with golden thorns. The golden thorn greatsword describes it as a damnation like no other. Fuck the Frenzied Flame, but I can't help but feel sorry for Midra like I felt sorry for the Great Caravan.
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So, how do you escape this guy's salad chops?
Nah you may be new but it's the "insert here is velka" theory. There's a character from dark souls named velka, she had some characters related to her and items just like gloam eyed queen, ever since people were desperate to fit her into some characters role and it never worked. I think a loretuber who did it the most was ashenhallow
because radahn is the strongest
Use the Sekiro physick and any shield, including small shields (but go with medium if you don't need to parry). Damage negation shoots up when you perfect block, so you take only a little bit of chip damage, including when you block magical hits. Guard boost also shoots up, so you consume hugely less stamina even on their chunky ass hits.
I addressed the "funny eye color" thing here >>483673539 to the retard.

Another interesting thing is why she gets so pissed that you choose the three fingers. I mentioned Black Flame Ritual here >>483672226 and how it mentions that Gloam Eyed Queen was an Empyrean, but another takeaway is "Chosen by the fingers"

The Two Fingers is the enemy of the Frenzied flame/Three Fingers. That's another reason why she'd be so pissed you'd choose to side with it.
>Ranni's Dark Moon
>The moon was encountered by a young Ranni, led by the hand of her mother, Rennala. What she beheld was cold, dark and veiled in occult mystery.

>Moon of Nokstella
>This talisman represents the lost black moon. The moon of Nokstella was the guide of countless stars.

>Nox / Iji's Mirrorhelm
>Worn by those commited to high treason, it wards off the intervention of the Greater Will and its vassal Fingers.
use endure / grafted blade and stack health + defenses
>batle's flame
>fan daggers
you didn't beat the game
with a shield.
What AoW should I put on the Black Steel Greathammer?
I have 30str/50/dex/fth
It's pretty much the only Greathammer that I've found to be cool. I'm open to other weapons suggestions though
I thought Bayle had lightning resistance?
I think marika and radagon got fused in the jars but they were able to escape
>they brought back thrall hood
It's almost like Miyazaki purposely leaves it up to us to figure out the lore through items instead of just telling us or something...
Sheilds slow down the dodging. Is that the only way?
Radahn has balls the size of miquella's head.
Elden ring 2 will be about more outer gods and the ouroboros since snakes are important deities apparently
I love this woman so much I'll play as her.
What the fuck is the crucible?
I got so annoyed that I just got out a greatshield and face tanked him, he's the only boss so far I did that for. What a piece of shit.
consort means spouse correct?
why does Miquella want to marry his Radahn, aren't they both boys?
>kill a host
I teabag
>kill a yellow
I teabag
>kill a red
I teabag
>kill a blue
I teabag
Storm King's lot before Godfrey kicked Stormveil's teeth in during the unification war.
Actually it will be about Miquella
Elden Ring 2: The Miquelling
>boil water to 80 degrees C
I teabag
There's nothing to figure out about the GEQ, she's a dead historical character. You guys are the ones doing this to yourselves.
i tried like 10 different strats until i settled in on using backhand blade's blind spot through his sword swings. that got me to phase 2 super fast every time and eventually i just beat him with good rng lol

took about 3 hours in total iirc, 20 minutes after discovering that strat
Protip, that leonine piss ghost that you fought on your way there drops an Incantation that absolutely shreds him
They are basically the ancient greek gods.
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>Scorpion river catacomb
I like that they improve the catacomb, but jesus christ, each catacomb feels long as fuck.
Favorite enemy from the dlc?
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Nice job man. You did it.
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you rike?

Stormveil is a penal stronghold. These dudes are murderers and rapists and thieves.
imagine pitching dark souls 1, 2 or 3 to someone who only played elden ring

>"it's like elden ring but the whole game is one big, massive legacy dungeon"
Rellana, unless you mean basic enemies then it's probably black knights. I'm a simple man.
Primordial soup of life.
Favorite boss is Midra, for the flavor. I literally made the pog face when he stood up all slow and revealed his frenzied head.
Favorite normal enemy is either the Divine Bird Knights for the gameplay experience, or the Ageless Untouchables for the flavor.
>1 FP every 2 seconds
>6-7 minutes to go from empty to full
Cheat Engine
I just genuinely disliked fighting him

The hornsent don't seem to have any redeeming factors unironically
when two handing a weapon do i go 54 str or 66 str? does 80 - 99 str make that much of a difference?
also does two handing at 99 str go make it so i go past 99??
Its like Skyrim but no sex mods.
So why do marika and ranni fags seem to not care that it's been confirmed by miyazaki their waifus have futa cocks and will use them on their tarnished male or female?
For just regular enemies for me it's the dragon imps. Don't how the fuck they aren't a weapon but fromsoft designed an entire pointless tower to drop some shitty magic user cannon.
We didn't need miyazaki to know that Marika could grow a 30 inch futa cock
real men don't use fp in the first place
>it takes the good parts of elden ring without the waste of time running around
how is that hard
The Hornsent are obviously proto-Godskins
That's why you kill them.
Is it more important to get my main stat up to 80, or to get my 30str and 30endurance up to like 40 each, for a more rounded build
Book about why teenage girls are terrible people
I do not like the mechanic of picking up a map to reveal it.
You should uncover it by exploring, that way you know where you have and haven't been.
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>Sent home by host of fingers
The amount of retarded hosts who don't know there's a fog wall here and that they need to go start the boss is astounding
i was under the impression that it just gives you +50% more strength and whatever that may entail, and that it will go over 100 if needed, but honestly it seemed like a 2-handed giant crusher was still gaining like 4-5 damage per level still at like 90 strength so i dont know

really i just suggest going to the respec window and fucking with your stats until you get what you want, or just use a build calculator to figure out what you want to do
Your fault for not using body language. Should have rolled and walked against the wall.
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What’s the lore behind these guys? Are they aliens?
>God can you losers let this headcanon go already?
No and you will accept it.
I think you'd have a harder time selling them on no longer having ashes, jump attacks and guard counters. Oh and the slower and duller bosses outside of the occasional one that stands the test of time.
Can you please point me to where this was said?
I was sprinting against it and hitting it (which recoils your weapon) and he just stood there saying HEY HEY HEY
Engineered Blowjob monsters
yes its not hard and it just makes the old games sound so much better in terms of gameplay

i will say that elden ring does probably have the best open world exploration of any game i know but it's still a fucking open world game
Who the fuck is Nanaya
Uh no
nanaya bizness
Nah it's useful for one thing
>In a dungeon
>Need to shit
>Equip this and blessed dew talisman
>Walk away
Come back to a full HP and FP bar baby.
The only thing most people would actually miss are the ash summons that can solo bosses for them lmao.
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Based Carian chad
Im also using Magic infused Milady
Damn shame Rellana twin swords have terrible scaling
You know, like nya?
Is there ant consensus on this?
Worth building?
Too gimmicky?
Niche but good?
Applicable to what kind of fights?
Also, are the kick portions of the attack combos boosted by the hollow stone talisman?
You're right, host is dumb then.
skibidi levels are too op, i fought messmer at skibidi level 13 and destroyed him
They'd miss the ash of wars and the ability to slap different ones on weapons too.
i dont understand the love for midra, extremely uninteresting moveset with no memorable ''holy shit'' attacks and its a carbon copy of everything else with a le epic big arena-wide aoe explosion as phase transition
Everyone is banging Miquella except me, damn.
The worst part about ER is that I can't go back and play ds123 without missing quality of life or er things.

They better make more of these fucking games, man. I can't get enough.
I'll accept it when you get another piece of evidence and you won't ever, so I win.
Much like every other fast as fuck weapon in the game, it's serviceable if you put bleed or cold on it. Shit otherwise.
Fun as fuck offhand
Where do you find this? Ive cleared almost the entire southern region from the first fire giant to the cerulean coast with the dancer.
>Also, are the kick portions of the attack combos boosted by the hollow stone talisman?
I think it's okay, but kind of jank to use
The running and jumping R2 are the easiest to hit
>without missing quality of life or er things
like what?
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>Miquella/Radahn plotline is meh.
>Marika plotline is amazing and recontextualizes the whole game.
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I finally got to the final boss and I fucking hate it.
>want to finish the 2 NPC questlines so have to summon them
>radahnn gets even beefyer
>lose 1/3rd of my health everytime he swings
>am at 20 skabidi tree levels and 60-70 defense
>started to use spirit ashes (non tiche and mimic tear ones)
>get to phase 2
>cant really damage him because hes so fucking fast
>massive bullshit aoe thats to fast to dodge
>every attack has a delayed explosion trail

I dont want to give up and do the rot bullshit w/ greatshields or rolling sparks but im getting real close to considering it. im mostly considering just saying fuck it and play some other files to get to this point till some better strats comes out or he gets nerfed a bit.
I honestly liked this DLC but this last boss is fucking draining not even malinia made me feel this way.
Obviously Midras finger maiden.
Zanzibart's little sister
This saved low-usage builds and justifies using FP-consuming items.
I have like 15 mind and can just keep using cheap weapon arts, FP-items and occasional buff spells.
Only in bossfights do I need blue flasks. Allowed me to go from 4 to 2 blue
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>get midra to 10% hp with 0 flasks left
>he does the hyper epic unavoidable 90% of your HP damage aoe attack
When people complain about waiting for "their turn" to attack when its just because the boss is fast it really fucking bothers me because its an actual learn to play [faster] issue. Then you have these retarded bosses with a handful of AoE moves that rollcatch you and you are actually having to run away and wait for your turn because the attacks are just inherently bullshit that you would need a wiki or youtube video to figure out how to i-frame properly if its even possible.
>oh that attack has an AoE follow up that does 50% of my HP well i know for next time!
actual shit boss design, my god.
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I missed Swift Slash on my playthrough ;_;
If I cheat engine it in, will I get banned?
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>still isn't topped
8 directions rolling
Someone needs to fix bayle dread to be dread bayle
I want to bang St. Trina
I skipped the swords and took the double moon. It's actually sorta fun with maxed out cast rate, but totally unusable when it matters (vs bosses).

The real all star pure int sorcery I found was gravitational missile. Shit is incredible with max caste rate.
It's a Lorechad fight. Facing a Lord of Frenzied Flame has 'implications', especially if you are already carrying the Flame yourself.
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She's the Elden Ring of all time.
>didn't even fucking TOUCH the boss
Look for the church near the bloodfiend village northwest of the starting spot.
Did you ever really believe Marika wasn't completely justified before knowing her village got turned into meat pots?
I don't THINK you have to summon poison guy. I did it solo and he still eventually dropped his gear. I don't know what happened to Sir Ansbach... I couldn't find an item drop anywhere. I just CE'd it in, I did everything right.
No, ashes can be dropped
All of the lore in the DLC is good except the Miquella/Radahn shit, it's quite funny.
Any new poison weapons except for the dogshit whip?
What about rot, there's that scorpion halberd but that's it, right?
Wow look at this new weapon / incantation / sorcery that lets me do a su-

>no hyper armor
>gets interrupted on its animation or leaves long delay after attacks

aaaand dropped
seriously that's 95% of the shit in this DLC
why do they even bother with big flashy spells or gimmicky weapons if nobody will ever use them as long as they're fucking suicidal

what am I supposed to do with a bear claw R1 combo that makes me sit around exposed for 2 seconds after my attacks? or floating up in the air to channel some shitty butterflies and get knocked flat on my ass by any attack
even the base game gave you literal instant casts like placidusax's ruin (ZERO cast frames while jumping)
Their light attacks are fancy but nothing special damage or stagger wise.
Their heavy attacks however, deal as much poise damage as a greatsword while coming out as fast as a fist weapon, it even has decent range from all the forward movement.
The high heavy attack poise damage makes them good as a guard counter weapon.
Their 2 unique AoW are also pretty great, palm blast gives and deals a ton of poise while the spin kick does decent damage and comes out fast.
Overall a fun weapon.
I honestly think doing coop in a dungeon with 2 other people is more than a boss.
It gives me strong DnD vibes with how youre all an adventuring party and something could go hilariously wrong in a moments notice.
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so they made an entire questline dedicated to saint trina, and therefore sleep, but they only give you 1 sleep weapon that's just a reskin of st trina's sword from the base game.
why does bleed get 1 bazillion weapons with a shit ton of unique skills but sleep doesn't get shit, at least make the weapon have a new skill not just the same mist bullshit damn.
How is something like that even missable lole fucking fromsoft man. It's like a magic scorpion situation all over again.
I only summoned one of the npcs and it still gave me both of their sets and weapons after I beat the fight. So you probably only need to summon one of them, instead of summoning two and jacking up the final boss even higher.

Ansbasch has dialogue with Radahn so I imagine he's the only one you really need.
She's 50 ft. away from the person who mentions her, did you not read anything or did you miss the unique corpse in yellow clothing holding a weapon you can pick up?
>Much like every other fast as fuck weapon in the game, it's serviceable if you put bleed or cold on it.
Put flaming strike on it or grease.
Multiply the flat damage BT insane levels.
It's what I did with my earthsteel dagger build (and will do again once I revise it for the DLC, maybe I'll use those, maybe I'll use the fireknight daggers)
I'm up to Radahn, L170 and Scadutree level 15, which means there are 15 Scat sneeds I haven't found despite opening the whole map. Are there any particularly hidden ones I'm likely to have missed? I found the 5 near Gaius

Is the antspur rapier that good?
i haven't gotten there yet. will i seriously need to sit through an unskippable 15 second long falling animation every time i attempt the fight
You get an explanation every damn time and you straight up say "no, fuck you" without any argument whatsoever. You LITERALLY (unironically) need a fucking item to blatantly state Melina is the gloam-eyed queen before you believe it. And as such, you are simply a lorelet retard with very poor critical thinking skills and a penchant for arguing with people about shit you can't grasp.
spells are only for small trash mobs, or pvp
welcome to elden ring, thanks for the $59,99 and the $40!
Did you kill the hippos? They each drop one.
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Am I stupid? Why does the meteoric ore greatsword have arc scaling without an arc requirement but has an int requirement with no arc scaling? Is it bugged?
there's the somber fist weapon that's a glove of rotten, putrefied flesh and then the deadly poison perfume
both have actual arc scaling (that whip couldve been so cool god fucking dammit)

and yeah the halberd for rot
there's also a new aow, a sort of flying kick that pops rot and poison a la poison moth flight
Yeah maybe, except there is no monster density that makes having cooperators a good idea.

They really dropped the ball on not making the coop game more challenging or balls to the wall retarded facing legions of enemies.
qrd on new Marika lore?
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honestly, if I lived in the lands between
and all the time I had to hear about how godwyn was a perfect person, moral paragon, great hero and the best thing in the universe
I would also be suspicious, especially when everywhere I looked it's curses, atrocities, horrific things happening to people
so the more I think about it the less I think ranni was evil for killing her perfect golden child brother
Yes it scales with int on console but arc on PC
it's prbably the one thing that GRRM worked on LMAO
Recommendation on builds? Pure phys or some special infusion with additional scaling attribute?
I am currently preparing my second DLC play through and plan to use a shadowlands weapon early on.
My thoughts are that this is one of those weapons where we'll see two weeks of people saying
>I tried it, it's shit
>It's trash
>It's so worthless
And then someone who actually understands the game on a mechanical level explains that it actually has a strong, unique niche that everyone was ignoring. Personally, I have no idea how it works.
How do I kill the furnace golems with the super armored legs?
Get a fire knights greatsword. Two hand it. It has a true combo light attack into light attack. It will always hit any player.

Put sleep grease on it. If they somehow survive the 1900 damage you do in the two hit combo, they are asleep instead. It is guaranteed to kill.
literally nothing makes sense
Yes, it has magic damage too. Probably a bug.
I felt the same way until it started to click and I actually enjoyed the fight.
Jump is huge. It feels bad not having it.
Playing as a caster feels like hardmode these days
Well shit in the Lands Between didn't immediately turn crappy all at once. There's was a brief golden age where everywhere was a good place to live.
I just wish they were put behind completing gaols/dungeons/whatever instead of random shit like killing some shitter with pot on his head or collecting them randomly from the ground where rolling boulder falls
How 2 win invasions
They should have added a sleep perfumer bottle for it. Would have been fitting for Thiollier.
And sleep spells.
poison flask exists but is god awful, has lower damage than the other flasks but its of the damage type most mitigated (physical) so it deals even less
its poison spray sucks too, no direct damage and stops you from putting the busted weapon art on it.

poisoned hand sucks
tooth whip sucks
It would be really cool to have something designed around that. It'd never happen, but imagine dungeons that could only be done co-op.
press L2
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Is he the most based character ever put in a souls game?
>proper ending
Never going to happen.
The most I can hope for is GRRM's treatment getting leaked by John Q. Hackerman so at the very least we'd get to see more than the 5% of it From's chosen to show.
I'm back from a month of info quarantine, /erg/!
Just beat the DLC
Gameplay 7 or 8/10, some of the bosses' combo spam was egregious but after a while you get used to it like all souls bosses
Lore 3/10, a ton of shit makes zero sense in the context of base game, I honestly laughed out loud when I found out about Rellana
Aesthetics 10/10, pure Fromsoft architecture and skyline kino once again, enemies look cool and so do the buildings you beat them up in or around
Open world 5/10, some of the paths were ridiculously out of the way and took me a lot of time exploring and peering at the map, lots of empty places
>Hornsent doesn't help you against the ganksquad
what a dick
Knock people off high places
during the golden age is where most of the horrible stuff that you find ingame happened
"golden age" is just the official propaganda but even during godwyn's prime years his two brothers were being locked in the sewers and creating all sorts of horrible creatures down there
>she's a dead historical character
>Gloam Eye Queen is an empyrean with The Rune of Death
>creates the God Skins, who use black flame attacks that chip away with health
>Maliketh steals and seals away the Rune of Death from Gloam eyed Queen
>Afterwards Marika forms Golden Order with Godwyn at the helm
>Ranni steals the Rune of Death and uses shards to create black knifes, hence why black knife assassins can use black flames now including the black knife item
>they assassinate Godwyn
>Ranni uses Rune of Death to kill his soul and her own flesh
>she puts her soul in the puppet
>Godwyn's body stays alive but his soul is dead, he grows to an eldritch form and death root grows throughout
>Marika gets upset she loses a child (keep in mind Gloam Eyed Queen was an empyrean too meaning she was Marika's child as well yet Marika didn't freak out over her "death", meaning she likely didn't die)
>Marika shatters the Elden Ring
>Maliketh gets rune of death back and says he won't have it stolen from him again in his boss battle, also uses black flames (proving it's power is from Rune of Death)
>If you do all of Beast Clergymen's quest it's revealed he is Maliketh obviously
>Beast Clergyman craves deathroot
>gives you a purple eye that looks just like the one Melina has which has the purpose of finding death roots (remember they're tied to rune of death)
>Gloam Eyed Queen fits Melina as you see at the ending
>Melina gets pissed if you join Three Fingers, Gloam Eyed Queen was Two Finger's chosen
>Melina helps the player reach the Round Table where the two fingers is
>Melina gets her eye back after you beat the beast holding the Rune of Death in Frenzied Flame ending
>DLC item implies Messmer's sister is Melina, which would make Melina an Empyrean just like Gloam Eyed Queen
>Melina has red hair like Malenia and a similar name scheme (Marika, Malenia, Miquella, Messmer)

You're essentially retarded and a nigger if you don't see GOC never died and was just Melina.
i've downed two of them, not sure if there are more
That's not Igon
You have to kill them the way the game actually intended, with fire/furnace pots
even shooting long range weapon arts at their upper body won't actually damage them even though its clearly hitting their unarmored body
Throw fire pots into the basket. Usually they have a place nearby where you can do that
You have to get up on a high ledge and toss furnace pots into them. 3-4 will kill it.
melted everything with it using occult infusion, can't imagine how well it would perform with frost / bleed
Try riddling the hosts rotten hide, with a hail of harpoons.
>the whip
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Honestly, Impact isn't THAT bad of a skill, but... it's the default whip skill from DS3. Actually, that raises a question, can you remove it from the tooth whip and put it on other whips? A few weapons in the DLC come with standard ashes pre-equipped.

I think I'm honestly getting more out of generic ashes and off-hand weapons as a whip user in the DLC, it sucks.
What do you do when you brew a cup of tea?
Lure them to somewhere you can stand over them and hope you crafted enough specific pots to kill them.
If you didn't they are functionally unkillable .
Yes this also means you're going to have to constantly dodge the endless rain of infinite range homing fire balls
What was the scadu level you anons started feeling more comfy in the DLC? For me it was about level 8 to 10. This was prepatch.
yeah why did he fight me after he transformed arent i like the prophet of the frenzied flame
>bleed get 1 bazillion weapons
name 3
Bleed bild.
currently at skoobydoo level 13 and i'm starting to feel way too overpowered
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scadutree blessing rebelance is no joke
>#1 Igon
>#2 Ansbach
He would be #1 but his quest is tied to Radahn's resurrection. While Igon is just out to kill dragons
are there extra furnace visages?
>base quest off an actual story written by an actually good author
>its suddenly the only thing thats actually good
barbed spear from inquisitor, the 5+ katanas, chicken wing
not him but melina is too young to be a queen she's a princess, your theory is stupid af
because people pretend to love political intrigue and power struggle dramas where you have a multitude characters representing an ideology each
but everyone actually likes stories on a personal level more, with human emotions and basal motivations
the tooth whip is somber alas
wouldve been cool to put arc on it but here we are
what did you poke with?
>Jampacks his ass with half a dozen buff stacks
>"Wow I beat the boss guys the scadu buff is crazy"
You could do this before the patch
No, that belongs Aldia. Shame he's stuck in a shitty game.
If you beat the game with fast attack animations, you didn't beat the game.
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>level 20-80
Win by luring hosts and their summons into disadvantageous situations where you can exploit their overconfidence to deal fatal damage. Turning a 3v1 into a 2v1 is a victory.
>meta level
Don't bother.
>200+, AKA casual levels
The same as level 20-80, but everything deals more damage and hosts / summons are much more dangerous. One shot or be one shot.
Chicken wing, scythe, cirque, and there are like 4 others I picked up and never bothered reading about
>quest got bricked because I gave him the scroll before talking to Freja
Yeah. I killed Midra and Romina at level 13 or 14 and they felt too easy.
why are people disappointed about the lore? Is it because they want more Godwyn?
Oh yeah, I've already found the poisoned hand but it's worse in every way (base damage, scaling damage, status build-up) than Occult Fangs, so I'm just carrying it around for that AR proc and nothing else
Poison once again seems forgotten :(
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>This is what Miquella does everytime you die in phase 2
Farmable as a rare drop from messmer soldiers but only those around dead furnace golems, before shadow keep
I'm on PS5
It does not scale with Int
Post build dragonbro
Everyone mad about lore are just buckbroken Maleniafags falsefagging like it isn't obvious to the entire world they're the same retarded nigger rotsimps who spent 2 years jerking her off as a dindu nuffin mary sue
define fast
Surely it does SOMETHING interesting that we don't know about... right?

8 is a bit difficult depending on the boss, but doable, 10-12 is comfy, 15 is a little too easy. I'll probably stick to 10-12 in the future. Actually, I beat Midra at 10 blessings on a level 70 character and it felt fine.

Poison got a lot of stuff, but it doesn't seem like it synergizes as well as it should. Frenzy, on the other hand...
Cause he's not a mopy dick (pun intended) that just complains and wants you to resolve all their issues for them, carries his own in a fight and pronounces "HARPOONS" like a weathered old seadog.
He literally killed Bayle for me when that oversized toad kept flying away from my attack with 1 HP left
They wanted answers and got more random bullshit, which confirms it was all random bullshit to begin with. Needless to say lore sperga are furious that 'its all just made up bullshit with no consistency or meaning'.
>not him but melina is too young to be a queen
1.) Queen is a title. Age has no bearing on who gets it.
2.) Nobody ages or procreates in TLB.
So age means nothing, regardless.
This guy single handedly made me team mogh
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>Is there ant consensus on this?
dont ever say this phrase again
>Worth building?
>Too gimmicky?
>Niche but good?
i'd say it's good but it's not a typical "put it in your main slot and R1 with it" at all.

its pros:
>extremely light, you can strap it onto any build as an off hand or as a back up, no real reason *not* to have it
>good stance damage with heavies, jumping heavies especially, also has different levels of easy stagger to access so you can usually control humanoid mobs with it
>very good ashes of war, spinning kick shits out stance damage, palm blast gives you huge poise and lets you cheese a lot of enemy types
>surprisingly good in casual pvp with the aforementioned palm blast

>not so great damage
>not so great scaling
>reach is what you'd expect and forces you to commit, can't really engage larger groups of enemies without an ash of war for it
>can't be buffed with consumables or spells, only roars (?)

>Applicable to what kind of fights?
humanoids, enemies weak to strike, enemies weak to stagger and stance damage

honestly it seems difficult to build around since it feels like a sidearm. however you might want to do

>80 strength 80 dex and infusing it blood or quality depending on enemy types, focus on the kick move for big damage
>80 dex and lightning infusion, focus on big palm blasts, put leftover points in whatever you need
>some messy int hybrid with cold infusion (mostly just for applying frostbite)
I mean it's all GRRM shit so no matter how well they polish the turd it's going to still stink.
>Nobody procreates in TLB.
Clueless loretuber-dependent lorelet spotted
We will never recover Miquellafags. MiyaHACKi hates us, he want us to suffer that is why he did this to us. First he creates hope for Tarnished/Miquella then he destroys it and cucks us.

On a sidenote are there any Tarnished/Miquella fics?
>plebian chat
>5 billion resource monitors

i'm onto you, degenerate.
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He was shafted.
>helped leda kill Horrnsent
>and all the time I had to hear about how godwyn was a perfect person, moral paragon, great hero and the best thing in the universe
He is the Rhaegar of ER. Muh perfect prince.
any one have CURSE YOU BAYLE as a soundbite or youtube or anything
>wtf why is my optimized dragon communion build using buffs, two seals, and dragon form for an absurd damage boost dealing absurd damage?
How many blessings, though?
Empyrean does not mean Marika's child, it just means candidate to become a god. The old hornsent woman is an empyrean for example.
Yeah but it's still funny that he managed to trick yet more people into thinking he actually writes full backstories for anything and not just 'this sounds ominous and kind of cool'.
even a man got pregnant in the dlc game, you do a quest for them even lol
Would you drink St Trina's nectar on daily basis?
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>only 2 martial arts
>no bone fist
>no hadoken ash of war
>no forward kick to launch people
The reason for the huge Radahn vs Malenia war is really silly
This. It's why just a single small ruined village upped Marika's net worth so much.
In ER It does go past 99 yeah, unlike previous games where it capped at 99. If you have the levels for it go ahead and max it out, but I'd stop at 60 or 80 and spend the other points elsewhere.
>1377 health in the DLC
Why do people STILL KEEP DOING THIS It has been years now and they get vig checked so easily.
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sorry I got it messed up, it scales with arcane on console and PC but PC mistakenly has an int attribute requirement
>no you are not allowed to counter attack Radahn in phase 2
>no you are not allowed to comprehend what is going on half the time on screen in phase 2
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My fellow FAITH chads what are the best DLC weapons to try
There's an extra furnace visage that you have to ironically use a furnace visage to get.

Make a throwing flame pot (forgot their names) and there's a Furnace Golem in the ruins that you can chuck the pot at. It wakes it up and you can kill it for another visage (plus it's cracked tear, the blood sucking cracked tear which let's you use your own health for extra damage)
>Afterwards Marika forms Golden Order with Godwyn at the helm
You mean Godfrey. And she kills the GEQ, this is explicit in the text. The other orders beside the Golden one were wiped out by Marika.
>Marika gets upset she loses a child (keep in mind Gloam Eyed Queen was an empyrean too meaning she was Marika's child as well yet Marika didn't freak out over her "death", meaning she likely didn't die)
Empyreans don't have to be Marika's children. Marika herself was an Empyrean. Empyreans are anyone who can be a god, born of Marika or not.
>Melina gets pissed if you join Three Fingers, Gloam Eyed Queen was Two Finger's chosen
Marika herself was also guided by the Fingers. This isn't evidence.
>DLC item implies Messmer's sister is Melina, which would make Melina an Empyrean just like Gloam Eyed Queen
You're so bafflingly retarded it beggars belief. Very few of Marika's children are Empyrean. Ranni, Malenia and Miquella are Empyreans, nobody else. Melina being Marika's child doesn't mean she's Empyrean.
>gets nearly everything he says completely wrong and still calls others retarded
Fucking GEQfags man. You guys are truly special. Let me be crystal clear because it didn't work the first time, the Gloam-Eyed Queen is DEAD. D-E-A-D. She's a historical character who fought with Marika and died. The Rune of Death was taken by Marika, it doesn't belong to the GEQ who again is DEAD. Melina has the power of Destined Death because SHE TOOK IT AS MARIKA'S DAUGHTER. You guys are doing this to yourselves and you're surprised the DLC didn't feed any of your delusion you've mounted in your heads.
Mohg won bigly based on Sir Ansbased's existence. The sanguine noble you get to help you if you're truly friendless is also a nice bonus. Sadly he decided to debut in the same DLC as Igon, so he's out-based by the king himself.
How good is Oceans of Blood?
No it doesn't you retard
Elden Ring peaked here
>no hadoken ash of war
dryleaf literally has you shooting a shockwave
I was REALLLLLLLY hoping for some type of bell tower pvp zone. I know the pvp in this game is dogshit but I don't care.
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general radahn confirmed as the STRONGEST ever, malenia? forever in chadahn's shadow
Pure physical worked well enough for me but it's kind of boring.
Apparently infused fist makes palm blast do a bit more damage due to it's high multiplier so going for a monk type str/dex + fth should work well enough and be thematically fitting.
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>The lands between was a good prosperous world before the shattering
>PC mistakenly has an int attribute requirement
no, it does not.
die faggot
would Malenia be really pissed that her little bro is dating the guy that beat her up?
faith fire knight greatsword is fucking baller tbqhwyf
faith sunflower colossal mace is great if you can make it work
faith anvil mace
those were my go-to faith weapons
The Marika plotline is 100% GRRM. It's a tragic cycle of hatred and revenge where everyone is left worse off while trying to right wrongs.
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It's retarded demigod secondaries who are upset that their waifus (or husbandos) didn't do exactly what their favorite e-celeb loretuber told them they were going to do for the past two years.

I think the narrative stuff in the DLC is pretty disjointed, but I enjoy most of it. The hornsent civilization is pretty interesting, and I want to know more about the Scadutree.
Messmer's Spear and Midra's Sword are pretty baller
You're in luck, about 2/3rds of the weapons in the dlc are faith.

Messmer spear is really cool and so is the flame knight greatsword.
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>cleared up to shadow fort on my str char
>trying new weapons along the way
>i keep going back to her
once i get the two hander talisman she might be equipped for good. hoping the bear claws do for me what the beast claws are not

i really regret sperging out on my fai char and using up all of my larval tears trying to figure something out for the final boss, but the black knight great hammer is sick. would go back to it if i could. also, the flame knight weapons all look really neat. the fai great spear is also decent
holy shit sir ansbach what a bro
No because Malenia literally wanted to send Radahn to him you illiterate.
Deprecated. Needs to be "where's my brother Radahn"
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>Whipping Hut
>Whip found there
It was a breaking barn, wasn't it?
Remembrance of Rot Goddess
>Miquella and Malenia are both the children of a single god. As such they are both Empyreans, but suffered afflictions from birth.
One was cursed with eternal childhood, and the other harbored rot within.
I'm so tired of bows being shit. I shouldn't have a +10 bow with 55 str/55 dex along with three appropriate talismans and still be doing so little damage that I wouldn't be able to kill the boss if all 99 arrows landed. And trying to use it on horseback is a joke, if your enemy is moving at all you miss. Commander gayus would be a cool fight if I could do it from horseback but no, it's clearly intended that you just stay on the ground and roll like always.
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>stand still in front of a redGOD as he charges his gigger nigger blast attack
how do these retards manage to beat mohg???
why did they make the rooms before boss arenas invadable

what the hell were they thinking?
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using the wonderous flask, a crab, one faith buff (I already have faith due to being an incant build), and my dragon form which is that entire point of the build and requires I use no armor is too many buffs? Do you guys not at least use the wonderous flask and crabs?

doing a dragon communion incant only run so it's basically just 60 vigor, 34 mind which is enough for FGMS and two full rot breaths, and then dumping the rest into mixed faith and arcane because the dragon communion seal is a hybrid seal. Already killed Bayle but sadly I don't really think his incants are that good, hoping they'll be buffed some day.
ayo what the actual fuck
>Poison got a lot of stuff
Just so we're clear and I'm sure I didn't miss anything, that would be: tooth whip, poisoned hand, perfume, Bloom ash of war (kinda)

So I'm basically going through the entirety of the DLC with the same Occu Fangs + Endure build but with Hand off-hand for a slightly more AR
Build isn't bad, still shreds and take a beating but it's kind of embarrassing
Mike is worse than Griffith
Backstep i-frames? Kinda based, but is it really so powerful to necessitate the penalty?
break this
*grabs your penis*
they put baby omens in the sewers anon
Malenia's flags about a her second stage including Miquella are from pre 1.00. They are not recent history.
The Gloam Eyed Queen stuff was actually cut from the dlc.
then why did they fight instead?
As soon as I realized palm blast had effectively infinite poise, I knew I'd found the weapon to put on my old red-feathered branchsword hyper mode build that becomes disgustingly tanky and dangerous at low HP.
>hold L2 while people beat me to death

Brother, he's fucking DEAD. Be glad he got the death knights, who have great armor, cool weapons (and one of the best incantations), and are one of the better minor bosses in the DLC.
the all talismans one is better and marginally worthwhile, especially in skibidi land
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no Miquella ending
more Ranni waifufaggotry defending all the people she killed
cut content like pic related showed in the trailer nowhere to be see in the DLC
>45 ARC
Your Bayle Incantations bro?
to be fair, i wouldn't say he got pregnant but got a very weird extraterrestrial turbocancer.
>death knights
Literally the only bosses I didn't kill in the entire DLC. They must be hidden extremely well.
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woops that was the planner for when I was making my base character pre-DLC
Ansbach and Igon are both the best characters in the entire fucking game.
This doesn't change the meaning of Empyrean to mean Marika's child, it just means you have to be the child of a god.

Unless you are implying the Grandam is Marika's child.
are there any STR weapons that don't have a int or fth tax in the dlc?
So did Radahn hold back the stars and freeze fates because he didnt want Miquella to pursue godhood?
Is that why Radahn didnt immediately become Miquellas consort?
Yeah but that doesn't count because DS2fags have brain worms.

I've been using: Black Steel Greathammer (guard counter-oriented greathammer that scales well with FAI), Devonia's Hammer (the BIGGEST bonk), and Midra's sword (the claymore poke on a greatsword with an extremely satsifying by somewhat risky L2)
Your IC motivation is to be Elden Lord. Miquella would prevent you from being Elden Lord. He wants to brainwash you into eternal slavery. He doesn't even offer to make you his consort like Ranni or Marika.
They're just catacomb bosses.
Who the fuck cares about baby omens though, unironically.
>Functional multi-national empire with magic juice, perfumer healthcare, and stability so you can live your life as a farmer without getting stabbed or burned to death by random asshole giants
I refuse to believe there are real people who think total societal collapse is a worthy tradeoff for the... emancipation? Of omens. They aren't even doing that good after society collapsed, they're still eating turds in the sewers.
*gets a boner*
Your move.
>wonderous flask
>boiled crab
you didnt beat the game
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i beat the game with this one
it's really fun/good, range is just abysmal so you gotta be sucking nuts to hit
that's a lot of projection for one post
What does this thing even do, other than break yo' back
Fighting Malenia after beating the DLC and she's still harder than everyone except Radahn and it's not really close
What are some cool weapons for a Dragon Communion build?
>Fire Knight's Greatsword
where the fuck do I grind this thing? on the single knight at the bridge? it's gonna take forever, isn't it?
Do skibis affect invasions ranges? im at 2 and not getting any invasions in shadow keep or storehouse at RL200
>Wins in a video game
>Needs to imagine dialogue for other players so he can pretend the invade was a front in a greater societal struggle and not just winning in a video game
Eat your boluses
the one in front of the elevator in shadow keep main plaza gate
I think they put you at whatever the host's is?
Oh you know.
I got mine from the gentlemen protecting the Carian Thrusting Shield
>insta 4 panic rolls in a row
Logically? No, because in co-op you're automagically scaled to the host's skibidi level (which has hilarious implications for co-op'ers).

Knowing FromSoft?... Eh.
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But we are also brainwashed by Marika to do her bidding. That doesn't make our goals much better than Miquella's
Which item description says the GEQ died?
They're shit desu
It does fun.
Against most enemies it'll break their poise REALLY fast with the weapon art. Against bosses it breaks poise pretty quickly in general. Not only that, but it's fun to fucking do back-handed spins.
I enjoy it. It's not the best weapon, but as I said I beat the game with it. It's good enough + fun.
the red bear claws are the only ones i can think of off the top of my head if you mean exclusively sombers. other than that, messmer soldier axe and great spear and gayass's lance

does the arc investment increase the frost build up? this one looked really cool
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Marika dies in ranni's ending right? Her head crumbles apart so at least she gets to finally rest
Even assuming the star shit is malicious I think that's probably the nicest ending she's going to have
That or just going full fireman
Literally any ARC scaling weapon.
All I see is the pro side posting actual game lore in support of their theory and you samefagging it up crying bitch nigga tears at those posts very exiestence.
That description says nothing about her owning DD before that though. It just says her flame doesn't work as well as it did when the demigods could still die. The rune of death was part of the Elden ring, the arbiter of all fate, that Marika sealed to make her reign eternal. How c
Panic rolling pisses me off. Not in PVP, but in PVE. I sometimes wonder whether I'd see myself panic rolling if I looked at footage of my own play, but when I watch other people it just makes me realize that there are people who still don't realize how important it is to hold your rolls and time them appropriately in Elden Ring.
pvp is just beating up children in the playground, that's why no one takes it seriously.
>does the arc investment increase the frost build up? this one looked really cool
Unfortunately not. As stated here, >>483677462 , it's not the best weapon but it's good enough. It attacks pretty quickly while having good AR scaling. Because of how quickly it attacks, it procs frost at an OK rate. Plus staggers are quick.
you can't grease or otherwise buff the hand-to-hand weapons
Flowerstone gavel has arc scaling on its ash of war and it does decent damage and has a surprising range + debuffs lightning on hit. Kinda shit for pvp though
They're having a completely natural reaction to Poopa's (your) faggotry

In a way, I'm glad that we don't have to live in a world with bloodflame blade H2H weapons
Uhh does the giant cannon goblin drop anything worthwhile because I killed it before the platform went down and the drop was in midair so I quit to main menu and the thing despawned
>This doesn't change the meaning of Empyrean to mean Marika's child,
No, but Marika is a God. So anyone born from her is essentially an Empyrean.
>hybrid staff has 300 spellbuff at 45/45
I can work with this
Can't wait to finally be able to do shit like combining gravity sorceries with bestial incants, death sorceries with godskin incants or magma sorceries with pyros.
is it worth investing into fireknight greatsword if it's inevitably going to get nerfed
is it worth being a dirty regret-pilled bandwagoner?
oh! the solitude greatsword is another str somber without a stat tax

ah a letdown to be a sure, albeit a minor one. im glad they decided to expand on arc being for esoteric/weird weapons as well, instead of just status effects
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Marika became a God because her people were being genocided, so making a pact with an ayylmao to be an undying mouthpiece for it wasn't the worst outcome, and while she fucked up at times, she brought forth unimaginable prosperity at the cost of unimaginable personal suffering and in the end, literal divine prometheus-tier torture, as she's crucified on the Elden Ring she shattered, forced to uphold the immortality that she came up with.
Miquella wants to be a God because.... BECAUSE HE JUST DOES OK.
>eats crab
>proceeds to overwrite it with FGMS
What did he mean by this?
Ok but what are some THEMATHIC options though?
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The Hornsets were turning people into meat pots. Among the victims were Marika's people. Marika walked the path of the Erdtree to help her village, but it was too late. Then, she went full genocidal mode on them.
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Personally, I prefer leaving banana peels around the playground for children to slip on so they fall off the 500 ft. drop conveniently next to the swings

You don't have to summon Thiollier or Ansbach.
Cont. Unless the GEQ was a ruler of a previous age before the erdtree, and ritualistically hunted god from before that era, otherwise she couldn't have gotten a hold of the Elden ring and so the rune of death.
It still makes me question why not just use Prince of Death+Golden Order seal. Convenience? Plus you're not using a weird fleshy looking staff.
You know, those webms would be cooler without the onions narrative attached.
The only thing that might get nerfed is the R1 true combo.
It's still the colossal with the best moveset even without it.
>Brother, he's fucking DEAD
Nigger the Shadowlands are where "all manners of Death" end up and may I fucking remind you that killing Radahn is a prerequisite to killing him again.

Malenia actually murmurs at him.
is the Rakshasa's Katana better than the vanilla one you find in the pond?
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So what's the best int spear to ice spear spam on?
the poon
I stopped caring enough to argue and am watching Youtube now. But the Destined Death thing was on several item descriptions.

"Robe made by sewing together patches of smooth skin. Worn by the Godskin Apostles.

The apostles, once said to serve Destined Death, are wielders of the god-slaying black flame. But after their defeat by Maliketh, the Black Blade, the source of their power was sealed away."

"The black flame could once slay gods. But when Maliketh sealed Destined Death, the true power of the black flame was lost."

The Godskins served Gloam Eyed Queen according to another item description.

"The Gloam-Eyed Queen cradles newborn apostles swaddled in this cloth. Soon they will grow to become the death of the gods."

She definitely had Destined Death.
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if thats the case since he'll be slightly lett sanky and maybe i can see yellow health damage again.
i know it will click for me afte awhile. its just that 2nd phase is way overtuned.
that helps if true but then again this fight feels like as without them.
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did you see the fucking state of the world? This is much worse than just a race being genocided
no they wouldn't
just some redbro mental illness thats all

i love invading but i do it for 2 reasons: griefing gank squads with broken shit and showing funny builds as a cartoon villain to actual players
Godslayer blade
is the area below bonny village accessible before entering shadow keep? it doesn't look like an especially special area but i couldn't find a way down to it or the little lake with the ruins in it that its connected to
He's spiritually dead, though, which is different from being physically dead. That's the difference. They killed his ghost, not his body. It feels like lorefags are the ones most upset about Godwyn only being present through the death knights and catacombs, but they're the ones who should know best that he's basically been spiritually obliterated.
it's funny that you're acting as if blue players are even a dedicated thing when it's just something everyone turns on and gets to do once every 4 or 5 hours of play
Marika wasnt crucified after the shattering. She was always held up in the crucified position, thats why all her iconography uses it

When she became a god holding up the golden arc she stayed in that position eternally and the erdtree grew around her
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like that other anon said there's that flowerstone gavel that is explicitly themed for dragon communion.
if not that, honestly you just kinda gotta make the weapon work for your theme. before the dlc added a cleric theme to my dragon communion char, and the morningstar worked perfectly for that.
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This was all I wanted
Yeah it drops the Cannon imp ash
bro your skibidi?
It's in that state because nobody won the Shattering. Miquella didn't even bother trying, he was too busy trying to do 5D chess so Radahn would fuck his ass.
it was fixed
You left out
>Melina's motivation for helping the player character is to return indiscriminate death to the world's order by unsealing the Death Rune and burning the Erdtree
why did they fight?
You have to enter Shadow Keep, but that doesn't really matter so it's fine

Wrong, it drops a great ghost (or grave) gloveworth, the cannon imp ash is in the next room immediately after the lowered platform he was standing on.
i look like this
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So the seduction and the betrayal from the trailer is Marika fooling the Hornsent into believing that she was a willing servant only to kill their chosen candidate for divinity (the pregnant woman she pulls the strand of gold from i nthe trailer) so that she could ascend in her place through the Crucible/Divinity Gate?
That's a palm strike not a hadoken
why did malenia become a basically comatose retard after the fight instead of helping her brother with his goal?
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Holy fuck I finally found him, I thought I accidentally ruined his questline too. At this point this is the only one I 1000% don't want to ruin
it's a direct source from the game that calls him a mother, so I have better evidence of him being pregnant than melina being gloam eyed queen
You could do what I did and use Banished Knight gear, the ones in Farum Azula and the one outside the cathedral use a communion spell
>crucible knight with a great hammer
kek guess they got tired of being parried.
>Sacred sword of the Gloam-Eyed Queen who controlled the Godskin Apostles before her defeat at the hands of Maliketh.
>The black flames wielded by the apostles are channeled from this sword.
1: because both the gelmir staff and the death one have shit scaling at 45/45.
2: because it frees my other hand so I can use a weapon, specifically one that fits the theme of the builds I listed.
3: because being able to seamlessly cast spells of both types is very convenient, but also is probably going to lead to some nasty combos that might make up for the lack of scaling when compared to other caster builds.
Is the flowerstone gavel tradeable or no?
>Missed out on one of the most fun weapons in the game
Probably. I remember one ghost mentioned that he will not make a mistake again and become a proper living saint. From the look of it, not all shaman people were turned into pots, but there are other roles as well like living saint.
Castle Sol
Eclipse Greatshield
Walking Mausoleums

This isn't the problem you think it is.
are you the same retard that got heemed hard by the beastclaw npc?

should dual wielding have stat requirements like ds2 or is the way elden ring does it better
It's not like he had a choice. He had to get rid of his curse to become a God
yeah, that mountain is fucking empty and a fucking waste. It's like a fifth of the map on paper but the playable area is 100th of it.
And what's with this DLC's lack of enemies? Let me fight my way through dammit!
Defeat not Death. A lot of Marika's children kicked each other's asses.
those ones got left out unfortunately
that tongue one would've been SICK
>that's why she has bedchambers and personally visited multiple locations that churches were built around where she went, and why she had enough bodily autonomy to smash the Elden Ring
The crucufixion is punishment, you see it in the Elden Beast's grab attack.
>red MP subhuman made at blue MP subhuman
it should have stat requirements like ds2
>Banished Dragon Knight
Sounds cool as hell
Mind sharing your build?
How did she got kids and fucked Renalla and caused the shattering then
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Yeah they don't exist sadly.

I wanted to invade and tongue somebody so hard... fuck.
it has no option to change affinity or ash of war
She felt into a coma after releasing the Scarlet rot. Japanese love the trope of "Used too much of your power level" schtick
Why did they add golden vow consumables, making both the weapon skill and the spell worthless?
I look like that and I say that while I do that
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>I want to go home and edge!
>5672 appraisals
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>tiny bits of lore about Marika is already more interesting than lame incest shit
>you dont have the right
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did you just ask for something fun, motherfucker?
in MY games?
>every fucking message is just "edge" this "edge" that

fucking hate zoomers
Sellen rape
how do i do the electronic pants from wallace and gromit cosplay
>when you're so shit the invader only sends his legs to kick your ass
This is the only part Miquella needed
Poor bastard got cleaved in half
Why does ER have input delay?
I just played DS1 and noticed that there is a big delay with rolling.
敗れる doesn't imply killed in Japanese anymore than "Defeat" in English does.
I looked it up for you anon because 倒す is also translated as Defeat and has more connotation in Japanese of being the lethal sort of losing.
Hilariously there aren't any. All the dragon themed weapons are DEX or quality or STR/FTH. Despite the DCS being an ARC seal, there isn't a single draconic ARC weapon.
Huh I'm kind of surprised it has superior scaling to those at that point. On the calculator it's better up to 60/60. Not bad.
Incomplete theory, the trailer says there was an “affair”, meaning Marika had some sort of illicit affair in order to bring about gold. Unfortunately we just have no good information on what exactly happened, its all guesswork
If you don't do sellen's quest, Ranni puts her soul in her body for your pleasure.
Isn't living saint just the jars?
6 years worth of interns fucking up the codebase maybe

its just like how you sometimes simply cannot jump for no reason at all
youre supposed to use summons and the mimic tear so input delays dont matter haha
He's also still called the 'Black Blade' when he defeated the godskins, meaning he could kill them outright.

Outside of the shattering, I don't see when they fought each other actively.
Is there anything about radagon in the dlc?
I think the really funny thing about the DLC lore isn't specifically "Radahn doesn't make sense!" or "why didn't they die up other plot threads?" or "none of the characterizations fit the base game's lore!" The really funny thing is the base game lore is standard-issue Fromsoft vagueness but the DLC is absolutely in-your-face and totally crystal clear about exactly what Miquella did and why. It's such a departure from the usual Fromsoft writing that you have a hard time not reading it like weird fan wank. When was the last time From simply told you "yeah so X character was a yandere, used mind control on this guy and that guy, and used Y's body to revive Z back into this world so he could get his bussy prolapsed"?
total Horsent death
total Horsent extermination
total Horsent humiliation
>2 unique AoW
What's the second one? I only have Palm Blast
Anyone messed around with Blinkbolt? Do you get iframes?
hurricane kick move found in the green garden area after messmer
Melina doesn't have motivations of her own, she's essentially a disembodied spirit who's an extension of Marika's will. Marika's will happens to be using her as the "kindling maiden" to burn the Erdtree and presumably die in the process. The frenzied flame is one of the few things that can destroy spirits, which is why Torrent's ring is destroyed in the frenzy ending and he's scared to be summoned in the Abyssal Woods. It's possible that the flame of the Fell God in the forge of the giants is also capable of destroying spirits; recall the Melina only survives in the frenzy ending, where you spare her.
In other words, it kills two birds with one stone. Melina burns the Erdtree, but dies in the process so that Tarnished can safely unseal Destined Death without restoring Marika's innate ability to channel it in some capacity. It's another instance of Marika using her children for her own benefit, like she used Messmer.

I think it's more likely that Melina was merely born cursed like her siblings with corresponding butterflies, and now we know she "bore a vision of fire". That was possibly her curse. I wonder whether there's a connection between Marika being a "medium" (the more accurate translation of "shaman" in the DLC) and her incest children with Radagon acting as mediums for the influence of other metaphysical forces: rot, the serpent, and fire (imbued with death).
The death knight axe skill? You do, ongbal uses it on a no hit radahn kill
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So Miquella was fated to troon out and become Saint Trina at behest of the groomer stars?
Mother is a title in this respect. The guy has finger cancer.
she unironically mogs miquella's presence in the dlc (or lack thereof) with shaman village as a setpiece
It wasn't sexual you fucking degenerate coomers. Stop saying this shit before people actually start to believe it
i just cant believe they made radahn gay
Play on full-screen.
Isn't he called that because his sword's black?
what does the word "consort" imply?
The eclipse plan failed

>It's just a flesh wound!
This improves the lore from 2/10 to maybe 4/10
how we feeling today red bros?
>beat the game

Now what? What's the next Fromsoft game?
How likely is DLC 2 realistically? DS3 got 2 but the dev time was obviously way shorter. The ending feels like a really unsatisfying conclusion to this whole thing.
Happens with every From Software dlc release.
They did it in Armored Core 6. But Armored Core's always been like that.
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Yes, the moral of the story is transexual isn't normal but homosexuality is. We must go back to normal gay values like the original LGB rainbow flag without the T
Black Steel Greathammer is a weapon I think I fuck with
Should I pair it with shield or powerstanced it with something else? What would that else be?
Why would maliketh seal his blade if it was black? If you're reading the item description realize that this is after the blade is looted and the death rune is back
yeah the lack of ambiguity is what ruins it, part of the fun is how much of things need to be pieced together and left to audience interpretation

they simply came out and told us only the GW is the one true god, etc while the universe was much more potentially polytheistic before which is a lot cooler and more engaging than just "all these other religions and groups are retards actually and are all 100% wrong because the devs havve said so now"
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>You know why I'm here Radahn
>I didn't invade Caelid to challenge you for lordship
>You WILL fuck my brother Radahn
>You are the promised consort
>You WILL stretch his bussy so he can become Elden Lord
dont be cringe, pair it with a shield or nothing at all
>What's the next Fromsoft game?
Might be co-op souls based on what they said recently.
Like content creators are ruining one of my favorite parts of FromSoft games, but we endure. I sympathize with the co-op Chads who have to not only play with these YouTube-addicted lemmings, but keep them alive. Good fucking luck.
isn't the phys block 100%?
Just use IT as a shield.
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Sure here you go. This is a little different from what I usually have since I'm still doing the DLC and wanted to use some new stuff. Used to be fire themed with FGMS/Dragonfire slotted and Flaming Strike on the sword to set it on fire, but I swapped to frost because I really liked the frost stomp you get from the lion boss.
DEX is at 16 so I can use Igon's bow if I feel like it, but then I also have to use Erdtree's Favor to not fatroll. ARC at 48 so I can use Bayle's incants after getting +5 from the talisman.
Femboy miquella mind controlled the biggest bull in history to be his dominant top 'consort'. That's what happened in the game. It doesn't require interpretation.
The soundtrack during the ganksquad fight was great. The DLC has some serious bangers
You dumb nigger, Radahn would be the elden lord, Miquella would be the god. READ YOUR LORE. BRAINLET. STUPID STUPID FAG.
Because the sword did become the sword of destined death but, what I mean is, it wasn't always.
its probably something closer to jealousy. she got charmed by miquel and turned yandere when she found out hed rather be with the big black man
I was hoping we would get at least one more. Death Realm with Godwyn or something? They might be done with ER.
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Reds really havnt been sending their best lately. They just get 2-3 shot by my comet.
No way fag
Are we sure they're not parasites
Why did Radahn fuck with the stars again
I've avoided spoiling myself on this specific song because I've heard so many positive comments regarding it. Personally, my 3 favorite boss tracks are Messmer, Romina, and the sunflower.
Just a heads up, if you got the secret scroll and talk to Ansbach before talking to Freyja, he will disappear before you can get the letter. Make sure you talk to Freyja first
Fortunately this happened on my PvP character so i don't care but someone may fuck up by mistake
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does anyone find exploring in the DLC was more tedious and unrewarding compared to the base game?
i stg every item is a crafting item, low level smithing stone, or rune, which is literally fucking pointless because of scadutree fragments governing power.

the actual parts of the map that have shit to do are great, but god damn this world is way too fucking big.
I think that anyone born from a God has the potential to be Empyrean. Most of Marika's kids don't seem to be Empyrean, only 3 (4?) of them
Yes. In Ranni's ending she is no longer vessel for the Elden Ring and thus finally can die.
how do you niggas even remember the soundtrack? all the orchestra shit sounds EXACTLY the same. its just a bunch of cellos and violins on every single track.
shit man i did the ofnir quiz and got a question to identify one of the soundtracks and still couldnt do it even when i googled it.
I heard that miquella was planning to turn him gay so he stopped everyone's fate.
show us the full screenshot you cheater :^)
>In a way, I'm glad that we don't have to live in a world with bloodflame blade H2H weapons
Then just nerf bleed more. I am extremely assmad that I can't have visibly flaming or sparking fists/feet
The vibrations from the impact are sharp.
Can Sennesax be staggered? If they can it doesn't seem like it.
>Only fromsoft dragon you can't target the legs o f
thanks miazaki...
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uoooh you are felling sleepy
you want to have sex
you want to have sex
you want to have sex
you want to have sex
having low scadoosh blessings is FUN
learn how to adapt!!
Slaughter the hornsent. Slaughter them like animals. Not just the men, but the women, and the children too.
Empyreans are chosen supposedly by the two fingers.

Ranni: "I was once an Empyrean.
Of the demigods, only I, Miquella, and Malenia could claim that title.

Each of us was chosen by our own Two Fingers,
as a candidate to succeed Queen Marika,
to become the new god of the coming age.
Which is when I received Blaidd.
In the form of a vassal tailored for an Empyrean."
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>Ice Dragon build
Very cool anon
What would you improve in your build if you were to take it to lv 200?
this was what i felt about the base game too. theyd rather greater a big empty plain for aesthetics than for any actual gameplay reason
>Then just nerf bleed more
Hmm, perhaps not
I've been annoyed with SS/flowers/livers everywhere, but when I bring up the map online I see a lot of items and gear I haven't found yet
kinda like it. I probably need a week or something to explore everything.
Miquella was a hermaphrodite and Malenia had nothing between her legs
Messmer got hyped to shit and turned out to be a jobber. Did we get any cool lore on him? Is his snake and Rykard's snake related?
Companion. Miquella looker up to Radahn the same way Radahn looked up to Godfrey. Not sexual you retards
Try finger but hole
wait...........marika is the gloam eyed queen??????
newest 20 vigor hostcel fashion just dropped
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Get rotted you add spamming cunt
opinion dismissed
Is he going to try to fuck Rykard this time?
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>how you niggas even remember the soundtrack? muhhfuggin bix nood orchestra shit sounds EXACTLY the same. shiiiiet just a bunch of cellos and violins on every single track.
>shiiiiiet mang i did the IQ quiz and got a question to identify the very hungry caterpillar and still couldnt do it even when i googled it.
>Melina doesn't have motivations of her own
I think that's at complete odds with Melina calling for indiscriminate death when everything we know about Marika suggests she was perfectly happy to have Death be her exclusive purview.
They're super done with ER. There's no where else you could go gameplay wise with the bosses to make them hard. Unless you want to see bosses that just constantly teleport behind you and can only be killed by exploiting a 1 frame parry window. A lot of the bosses had to have gimmicks this time around too that you had to avoid or get insta killed like it's an MMO.
marika is every single character in the game because fromsoft cant fucking write for shit
try mixing in miriam's vanishing. you can start casting spells during its iframes
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>it's definitely completely platonic that Miquella wanted Radahn to be his husband
Actual cuckqueen
>Marika fucked a snake or something and used the children from that union to take control and become God
>she burned Melina in order to destroy the skibiditree probably
>hid all that shit away so no one talks about it
I am sure that Serosh is related to the Hornsent somehow with all their Lion imagery, haven't worked shit out exactly but I suspect that the Hornsent were either the rulers of the dynasty that immediately preceded the Golden Order, or were in the process of taking over from whoever the preceding dynasty was and Marika essentially snuck in and took it for herself. The Hornsent Grandam is their Empyrean and is probably the Gloam Eyed Queen, the Godskin clearly descend from the Hornsent
The mausoleums entire point is to put another soul to revive a body. It's not thr same person

Godwynfags are delusional. Godwyn's very soul died. He's dead and he is not coming back. Best thing you could do would be to add another soul inside the body, but that wouldn't be Godwyn. Muh Prince of Death fags are delusional
I think I'd just bring ARC to 53 for Bayle's incants, bring MND back up to 30, which is what I used to have, and dump the rest into END so I can block/deflect/carry more.
Also Velk is a qt.
Neat, think I might make a lightning monk build. I think it could help with closing the distance against bosses that run away since your attack range is pretty short with the hand-to-hand weapons.
more limbs=divine I guess, makes sense that Godrick tried implanting a lot of them on himself
bro godwyn got ERASED
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>Velk is a qt
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Not really. The design is just different in that the majority of content in the open world is much more... obvious, with a few exceptions. In other words, if you see a side path branching off from an open field, you know that there's going to be precisely one or two things at the end of it, and nothing but crafting materials on the margins. In the base game, there's a lot more content at the margins of the map, often with no clear indication that it's there. With the DLC, I always knew that I was being led somewhere specific, but had the freedom to stop and smell the roses on the way.
I tried to draw a little bit of Liurnia and the plains to illustrate what I mean, but it just looks like I'm a schizo.

The DLC also has a few areas were they very clearly experimented with the open world design, for better or worse.
I am damn sure I saw a cooperator put Bloodflame Blade on his hands. Or maybe it was a besstclaw, is there another one apart from the bear? (why the fuck they introduced that new category is beyond me).
Yes Miquella, Your "mind control" truly is too strong! Ah no why am I getting my dick out evil Miquella! why are you doing this! Truly of only I was in control I would never have sex with 12/10 shota! Trust me, he forced me!
bros I finished the game as a str greatsword user
I got a second faith character ready for the dlc but I'm not sure if I should play faith or go something else
I really want to use DLC weapons and items
>Or maybe it was a besstclaw, is there another one apart from the bear?
yes there is one right at the very start of the DLC, it's one of the best weapons for an ARC or bleed build

>(why the fuck they introduced that new category is beyond me).
i guess they were afraid to just admit they fucked up the original claws. imo the beast claw is the de facto "claw but actually feels good to use" category now
we'll fuck Rykard togethaa
these things absolutely rape romina for whatever reason the animations always dodge her attacks
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>tfw you will never be Mogh, get to fuck the shota of your dreams and then get out jail claiming he mind controlled you instead
If you don't get hit, it wasn't panic rolling I guess?
No, he got destroyed by that Carian knight NPC so he had to get lightning bolt ash and just run around spamming it
It was so embarrassing lol
Death ritual spear?
No, I still enjoy exploring, taking the views, fighting enemies and finding some lore
I don't really care whether item I find is a consumable, crafting or a weapon I'll never use
I just hate the cliff design. It just feels lame
Bleed used to be the anti turtle mechanic that countered shields and heavy armor, back before it became the do big dps to everything that bleeds mechanic
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>sword of night
>fully charge the weapon art with radagon icon
>full 2 seconds of telegraphing, don't get any hyper armor
>2470 damage, doesn't even stagger the mob

>switch over to great katana and put lions claw on it
>press the weapon art button
>fly through the air with hyper armor and pancake the enemy
>3000 damage

how did they fuck up the numbers on this thing so badly, don't they have like an algorithm for figuring this shit out
Wait, why did malenia and radahn waged war in the first place?
the guys with glowing pots can have them
all hippos in the wild have them (there's 3)
the rest are at miquella stakes and shrines iirc
oh, also waterfalls and some caves
they've always done that with darkdrift. the ability to hit behind shields means they must make it shit or average in all ways.
yeah the DLC had some of the worst areas in the game imo just in terms of making you run around and find nothing wasting your time.
Theres that one spot where you go down an elevator and theres like 6 fat men to fight. I used dragon breath to kill them all, so it wasnt hard, but then there was only a somber smithing stone 8 down there. Its like, oh ok thats fine lets continue on my way. Then i spend 8 minutes trying to progress until i realize the whole section was a giant dead end and that the stone + the view was the only reason to go in that direction (unless i missed a secret) and i had to double back and go the other way. Its not so much that there was only a stone but that the whole section of the zone was a dead end but looked like there might have been more, only to make me run all the way back and use the elevator to backtrack.
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>Doing some sunbroing while running around the DLC
>Constantly get that summoning pool right after the Godskin Duo fight
>the ability to hit behind shields means they must make it shit or average in all ways.
must be a single senior employee at FROM who insists that the concept of shield-piercing is something super strong, because there's no way anyone who actually plays this game that thinks doing like 2/3rds the damage of other weapons is worth that
Or even better, vile bayle
pvp weapon to counter shield turtlers or maybe pve weapon to counter... ummm ...
It's unblockable you retard. And why would Radagon Icon help? Fuck you're stupid.
>lets make an anti-shield weapon for the class of weapons where all of them inflict bleed already, and rivers of blood exists lol

meant godfrey icon. grow up kid
>must be a single senior employee at FROM who insists that the concept of shield-piercing is something super strong, because there's no way anyone who actually plays this game that thinks doing like 2/3rds the damage of other weapons is worth that
yup. it's a shame too as it's a good looking weapon, the weapon art isn't too bad if you can land it in how many times it can hit, but the damage is just poor. there's zero reason not to pick rivers, dragonscale or the uchi/naga over it.
consensus on best new melee weapon?
you can just disable that you know
The DLC has too many parry fights.
They keep baiting me into fighting them that way.
the waiting your turn shit is only ever really true for people that just dodge and play with slow weapons. then it's completely valid.

but if your weapon is any kind of fast, like a rapier for example, there are no turns to wait, you just dont know your roll attack well enough. there are so many openings that it really does feel fucking amazing stabbing the shit out of a boss
regular claws are giga shredders, they just have a bad r2. but thats why you use raptor talons
with the new deflection tear it's finally really fun
I must have spent 3+ hours on that twin moon boss, but damn did it feel good killing it with basically all of my damage being parries.
midra more like MIDra
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>gowry said she blooms bc of strong emotions or some shit
>she fucking bloomed at the thought of her brother's bussy getting prolapsed
Would Sauron tingle Marika's womanly bits?

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