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It was a very beautiful June edition

>What is Project SEKAI?
Project SEKAI: Colorful Stage! ft. Hatsune Miku is a rhythm game made in collaboration with Crypton Future Media and Sega. It features the 6 main Vocaloids from Crypton, along with a cast of original characters.

There are currently three other versions of Project SEKAI.
Taiwanese and Korean versions are available in their respective regions.
An English version, Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!, is also available.

/psg/ FAQ - READ THIS IF YOU'RE NEW! - https://pastebin.com/JcVaEtvU
Sekai Viewer - https://sekai.best/
Sekai Wiki - https://www.sekaipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

>Current Event
Reeling in the Lights
Boosted Attribute: Pure
Boosted Members: 25-ji, Nightcord de. (and its Virtual Singers)
Event Song: Empurple by Harumaki Gohan (https://twitter.com/harumaki_gohan)

>Current Gacha
Reknit Relation (Permanent)
Mafuyu, Mizuki, Rin (25ji)

>Translated stories
Leo/need: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6Ipu35gWc72Fg1pMaEunvUqRK
MORE MORE JUMP!: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpuPVqm3NC0udfd4HbuaBlJZ
Vivid BAD SQUAD: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuetmkI-iYKlifuRI_0DN7gMFpTOjfyC-
Wonderlands × Showtime: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQdjQpE3RJWfu4s8o4rmOLRYiS87UrSlO
25-ji, Nightcord de.: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpsE78AMA4am8HVZuaUQ7k-f

>Translated event stories

>Untranslated card stories

Previous: >>483040825
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>Sexfuyu thread
About time. People were starting to forget how much she runs this shit.
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Feels like the JP playerbase has just been holding out for world link events throughout the year. I don't know how I feel about the event format, or if I would've preferred that each group's hypothetical main story part 2 be released right at the third anni.
>set up a ouija board to talk to ghost Shizuku
>say this >>483812834
>she doesn't know how to use the board
zuki zuki zuki (zuki zuki zuki)
>surprise negro jump
I'd post more about gameplay but every time I start up JP to empty my boosts I get unreasonably angry at how awful the new engine is. The worst part is that the devs are sitting on their fucking asses pretending there's no problem at all.
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have Japanese players also been complaining about it?
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Rin shouldn't be wearing that
Rin could use some.
Mafuyu's boobas got a buff there

When somebody linked the leak the other day I complained that the audio quality was dogshit awful, but I guess the opening EMPURPLE just sounds like that.
Sorry, anon.

Can't say I'm a big fan of this one, I think Harumaki Gohan tends to be a bit too abstract in his lyrics for my taste, and it's more a miss than a hit when it comes to the melody. Time to start the three month countdown looking forward to the next niiger commission.
I liked Empurple, it's such a unique song, I rarely see salsa mixed with, whatever HaruGohan's style is. But the lyrics are quite abstract I guess, I still have no idea what "Rebecca in a vase" means
The name keeps making me think of mfem. Otherwise, not a bad song. 7/10
I like it. it's another niigo bop
eating froot loops
It’s my favorite Mafuyu comm now, which is saying a lot since I enjoy all of them except Engeki and JGS and Bug are both top tier for me. I don’t tend to consider lyrics for how much I like a song unless I particularly hate/resonate with them and even then it’s more subconsciously
>I rarely see salsa mixed with, whatever HaruGohan's style is.
This is what makes it so interesting to me, traditional music style mixed in with the futuristic instrumentation can be pretty fun
Also, the chorus sounds a lot like Kickback’s chorus, which is another great song
It's not as catchy as bug or emotional as Engeki but I like it.
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Why are Mafuyu's tits so large
Because Mafusex.
They know what the silent majority wants
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she's right though
Saki was in the hospital for half of her life
She is basically 7
There's something wrong with Tenma DNA
They are siblings who get along and care for each other, of course there is something really wrong with them
exposure to that much sneedium and clownon at the same time causes irreversible brain damage
The father? Me.
I will be taking your three daughters' hands in marriage
One of them is a boy
Go ahead we'll make more.
Only if by "we" you mean you and me
Sorry bro >>>/trash/
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We only lust after little girls here, sir
>"Little" girls
>Acting like a good chunk of them aren't almost adults and the other half are older teens
Anon obviously means Emu, Rin and Airi, the sexiest girls of the game
Shizuku and Ena are 18
How time passes...
Rui and Tsukasa too. I don't want these four to grow up yet...
Emu purple…
Extremely tiny szai heart
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I am healed and feel loved
Tiny or not, I'll take it. That's all I get.
>Kanade and Ena are bigger sticks than a virtual girl
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always thought that if Knife were to get a cover it would go to emunene (+ len), but ruikasa could be good too
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I think this game is good for my mental health unlike literally every other game I've ever played.
just don't become an AP chaser
NTA but as long as you're not beating yourself up about it going for APs has been fun for me. I used to be a little disappointed when I'd sight-read FC a song I like because it meant I had less reason to return to it, but APs has broadened the amount of songs I cycle.
Did they remove the Pusu songs yet?
another anon converted to rhythm game supremacy
Eating Airi for breakfast~
Based yuricoomer.
I hope they don't ever remove the Pusu songs if they are going to leave this game as broken as they left ENdori in the process
what's wrong with ENdori
The matching on JP hasn't been any worse for me outside of CC.
They had to skip like 10+ events because they couldn't update the client for reasons and now they were going to start running them there were new technical issues
So now they are in their third or second day eventless
Not sure how that relates to they removing 2 songs here unless this game's code is a giant spaghetti and it fucks up anything that counts songs played/finished/FC'd/AP'd
How is this any different from other gacha rhythm games?
But CC is so bad they are skipping another CC event because they STILL can't fix it lol
I have 2 AP, trying for a third
this is actually the first gacha rhythm game I've ever played
Not that anon but I like literally every song available in the game so far.
For other rhythm games, that isn't the case. They always have songs I actively avoid playing.
4th anniversary will introduce a new group and you will LIKE IT
Finally, the sex hag unit...
Shota boys band
>new group: Enders of Service
I think there's a JP afterlive NOW but I am not able to attend it...
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>ywn smell emu
I kind of want to kill myself ngl
what perfume does she use?
but the clownon gas she and the other clowns produce is odorless and colorless....
and highly toxic, so anon is a niiger and wants to die
>>483905164 is right
I predict mafuemu will be in another event together close to 4th anni and not before then.
i would only kneel if they somehow got a non cryptonloid like gumi
I have five installed.
I have 0
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my cat and my dog are getting along really well
I wouldn't say it's my favorite Mafuyu comm but I'd rank Empurple pretty high overall.
mafuyu good
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I like her.
>that expression
i think you cut her off before she could say じゃない
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You're right, she goes on to say she meant 大好
Sorry sweetie, I don't care if you got a all perfect on master; I got a higher score playing hard so I just humbled you in the CO-OP room.
Scrub cope. Get good.
Miku for president
Who is the country girl and who is the super cityboy?
>slow thread cause everyone's partying friday night
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but anon we are always slow
See >>483922959
Go ahead and bring up any PJSK topic if you want to chat about something.
I'm a gameplayfag so I don't post here too often. Usually I'm playing the game instead, but I respond to posts.
Most anons here are too old to go around partying anyways
I'm young at heart
What is your favourite chart? I love playing Lower expert but everywhere I look people apparently hate playing it.
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i was posting in other boards
It's nearly a full swing chart, and it's one of the hardest ones on Expert.
People who aren't practiced rhythm game players probably won't do well on those.
>Favorite chart
Non-breath Oblige
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BloomFes coming
For once please let this Ena be Meiko
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Leaks say it is Meiko
Goon session soon
Man, already looks sexo and we can barely see the art.
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Thank god. I'm still pulling but not to the point of sparking.
>OC x VS
I know it technically already happened with the Ichika - Miku one back then but at least that had the 1st anni excuse, this pairing is just odd
Maybe it's Niigo Meiko and this how the pairs for Bloomfes will be? OC x One of their Sekai VS (for some it will need to be 2 because 4 to 6 but I digress)
Kohane, Akito, Miku (VBS) 4*s. Mysterious.
>Everyone pissed at WL, lim spam, character focus and imbalance jumpscares
>Game revenue slowly dropping since 2024
>Even niigo events are dead
>VBS unit lim again
>Kohane focus
>WL, Valentine's, An5, this bullshit
>Kohane's last four 4* in a row are all limited
I have no words

Here's shoshinsha (the youngest player in CS right now, an Android player) complaining about it last month. Granted, gorillas are still capable of pushing past it, but they're not immune by any means.
game is wrapping up apparently
VBS having back-to-back lim focus events is kinda overboard... too overboard
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Wait a second I recognize that Kanade
Big if true
But miku is supposed to be forever...
Yeah go buy diva mega mix it's 60% off
It's more like it's just VBS continually getting the short end of the stick starting with their WL kek
bros when eos happens can we all spend the last 2 min of the game's life playing heat abnormal together, i think it would be kino
i already own it and all the dlc
>captcha P2W 4
thanks colopale
I severely dislike the triple notes in Future Tone, yes it is a skill issue and no I will not get good
that's why he said megamix and not future tone
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Cool Miku with her hair down...
>first colorfes and first bloomfes card
Kanade is growing too powerful...
What is she so smug about
I don't even recognize her anymore
Who the hell is that? For a minute I thought it was An with dyed hair and colored contacts.
wow Minori and Shizuku look great, I'm so glad Akito left the cringe brigade and became an idol
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Better look at the bloomfes Kanade and Meiko
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And event banner.
Sex with cool Miku
>Lady Meikotrescu
Oh my
that kanade looks like she's from drakengard 3
Kanade looks like she has horrible sneedium poisoning...
How does she get the stars to float?
She is Kanajesus
She overdosed...
holy shit, meiko just shot up like 3 tiers
When everything is limited, nothing is.
Some kind of questionable choice, similar to 3rd card with no costume would be 3* instead of 4, 3* lineup only consists of launch and event cards.
Eh, she will come back in 3 days
most of the old costumeless 4* are the ugliest of the bunch and i think maybe they were intended to be 3*
although there are exceptions, and by that i mostly just mean fairy mizuki
To be fair, all the costumes in that set were ugly
Get in line
if you mean fairy i was referring to the card art, where they're all nice but mizuki's is particularly detailed. i love both airi and ena's costumes.
the actual 3* (rui) had an ugly costume, but the len fairy costume and recent KR tsukasa fairy fixes it
Wait so VBS is not getting the swimsuits this year?
I-its still only June...surely the coom summer cards will come in July...
anon there hasn't been a swimsuit banner since miyajo first years' trip banner in the first year of the game's life, which was the first and last swimsuit banner so far
i forgot about parasol cider, oops. that makes 2. but it was in august anyway, and 2 years ago so it's not a guaranteed annual thing
That Kanade is showing a lot of skin. If you look at it closely, it's almost a swimsuit...
I hate the jellyfish haircut so much. I've yet to see anyone pull it off.
Kohane looks like the villain from despicable me
She's only showing her arms, do you wear pants when you go swimming, anon?
Kanade looking more and more corpse-like every day...
Do you think Kohane ever gets creeped out by Ans clingyness?
Why were people think Tsukasa was getting the Bloomfes?
This is pretty good, though.
June bride is already over.
>I can save my gems
It’s not that, he was predicted to get a limited WxS focus event soon but if things are like this it probably won’t be limited
They can always do two lim events on row.
The last 3 4* cards for Akito and Kohane have been lims
Management is a mess
That's how it was for Airi (Cafe, Shizu4, Sanrio, WL) and Shizuku (Ghost, Shizu4, Fes, WL) as well. Shizuku finally broke the chain with Haruka 4 and Airi's probably coming with her focus in August/September.
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Also apparently they are surpassing RAD WEEKEND this event
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Before CC issue, very rarely I got a room that unable to start.
Now even CoPale said it somehow "fixed", I get that issue every 2-3 room (basically cannot burn all 20 stamina without facing it at least once)
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Absolute brainrot.
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I hope they finally shut up about rad weekend
By surpassing RW they complete the Vivid Street. After that the map zooms out, fog of war clears and three new areas are unlocked.
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What is bloomfest?
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When is coomfest?
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Leo/Need if they were good
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my adorable dumpster cats
Is this how you make vocaloid music?
I'm surprised this exists
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We need more, they are so rare.
arr perfecto
also I've noticed, people like to depict nene as a thumb player
Emu's voice really shines through in her covers. I love it
The only rhythm game I play is with my hand on my...
my Enanan!
That's fine as long as you post the pictures you use.
Why would you let anon play with your enanan?
This is big if true, so next would be surpassing the world-level performer, WxS right? Oh but maybe they should surpass the sneeds and moomoos who are more local
thought it was akinene from the thumbnail
I trust anon to play nicely and feed her lots of cheesekeeki. If he doesn't, things are not going to end well for him.
Oh, she'll be getting lots of cheesecake.
It's one of those artists who are characterfags and ship the character with literally everyone, usually as the bottom.
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haruka chu~
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I think it just makes for better poses than the phone/tablet being on a lap/table
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>haruka-chan, become idol punch
How many rhythm games do you play? How does PJSK compare to them gameplay wise?
clowntards are so fragile
I'm glad the only part of this game I seriously pay attention to is getting good, let me tell you
otherwise I'd probably be perennially seething about this stuff too. gacha dev decisions never end up fair
>wanting more lims
do gacha addicts really...?
>pissed off VBS fans by making them surpass RW so soon
nearly 4 years is too soon...?
Stop browsing twitter
>vbs fans
Nobody cares about very bad stories
And so I ask them: why the fuck have you chuds not dropped this game already, if it makes you seethe so much? Do you actually ENJOY this torture?
Did they actually surpass RW already?
I thought they'd wait until the 6th anni
NTA but I'll offer my opinion too. I currently play 4-5 (DDR, PJSK, IIDX, SDVX in order of regularity, I'm not as good at the latter two). PJSK is nice to pick up and play since the inputs and control scheme aren't as involved. I think the gameplay itself has relatively good feedback on note hits and the charts flow well, most charts songs are relatively straight forward without too many gimmicks or tricky charting but I don't know if that changes at level 30+. The songs are generally high quality and being able to get them for free is nice.

The biggest downside as a rhythm game fan is that there's no good way to track your progress on a song since score is tied to cards so you have to manually track how close you are to FCs/APs if you care. Charting-wise I don't love how they try to cram both the rhythm and the vocals into the chart sometimes, it makes them feel a bit too busy at high difficulties. But my ceiling is only like 29s at the moment so maybe once my fingerspeed improves it'll be less of an issue.
>>wanting more lims
>do gacha addicts really...?
This is what I don't get either and I've been buying the pass every month and occasionally some crystals on the side for the past two years now. I have the crystals and the cash needed to get my oshi when she gets a lim but asking for lims is utterly retarded. Seeing nips psychotically clutching their pearls and coping that their oshi will surely be on the next month's lim banner (and the acting upset when she/he is not) makes me glad I play the game to enjoy the songs, try to get better, and read the stories.
Yeah, I'm genuinely happy when my oshi gets a 3* card because I get to have her while saving gems for the off chance she does get a lim
I hope Ruikasa don’t get lims for a whole year because I can’t afford that rn
>not selling your plasma to get gacha money for your faves
For your sake, anon, i hope that the copium people are huffing about a mixed perm this month so tsukasa5 comes after sneed w/l is just cope
>there's no good way to track your progress on a song
That's the downside of most gacha rhythm games unfortunately. The only exceptions I can think of offhand are T7S and D4DJ (although last I checked you need to buy a pass for the latter, not sure if that's still true now).

If you ask me, it's just so that revenuefags can wank over how their gacha game is better than other gacha games.
I only play PJSK now, but I've played others long ago. Haven't played the other mobile rhythm games much.
Like the other anon said, I think this game is easy to pick up and play and is pretty good overall in terms of input response and music selection.
I don't like all the issues with matchmaking the game has because timing plays such a big role in this game.
Because of that I've kinda stopped caring about tryharding in co-op and just try for general improvement on songs, rather than new FCs or APs.
I have to disagree with input response part. It lags and drops notes all the fucking time even on the newest flagship devices.
I have lag and dropped notes sometimes on my device, but my device is not that new, so I assumed performance was better on higher end stuff.
If that really is the case, that's a bad thing yeah.
honestly that copium is probably better for fujos than permanent tsukasa5 since rui will probably get a lim soon anyway, it would be cheaper overall to at least have them on the same banner
i feel bad for akitoya fujos since they had back to back vbs lims with them both on different banners… criminal
I think they’re the only popular interunit pairing to not have limited rateup on the same banner even once
The game engine is hot garbage, both literally and figuratively. I've played rhythm games that run almost perfectly on iOS and garbage on Android (as in runs better on a 9 year old iPhone than the newest Android flagships), but this game runs like shit on both platforms.
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I still have no idea why they decided the pair up Kanade and Meiko for bloomfes
maybe for nips
on EN side i think it’s mostly shortsighted kids since it’s not a problem for them now, or people who don’t play the game at all and just tweet about it, both those groups are basically just people who want the sparkly jpg released NOW consequences be damned
“How can we be as quirky and unpredictable as possible” -Colopale
>his country allows him to sell his plasma/sperm
Horny neet is best Kanade
>Ichika already got paired with Miku
>Minori spam too recent
>Kohane lim already happening
>Tsukasa event too soon
Things line up.
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not best run, but longest combo
The real downside for niigers is having to share a rate up with fucking VBS and Meiko

It's not that complicated, lims are just (generally) higher effort and more "prestigious" since everyone wants their oshi to be the face of a big event, which most lims are (valentine, white day, brides, anni, new year). Being part of a fes means you also get doubled rates which is obviously good.
>The real downside for niigers is having to share a rate up with fucking VBS and Meiko
If they're sexo cards, it's forgiven
somebody please post the wow pasta, even nips are legit seething over the current situation

??? did she choreograph her own dance?
Wow japanese fans are vocal about the new event and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way kohane's character is going and the whole rad weekend. I guess they were holding out hope for a nagi route. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have the bloomfes changed. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.
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based thank you
Lately, I've been obsessed with Donut Hole. Can't stop listening to it and picking it.
They need to put GUMI in the game.
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>anon posts creepy stuff
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here's some wholesome clown art
I'm sure other anon will post gay furry or pregnant Tsukasa if you ask.

Is Shizuki actually retarded or is she just cute?
i dont understand the question
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Who is Shizuki?
Sex report?
Shizuku and Mizuki's child
So will VBS be the first group to go? Can we at least keep An and Akito?
I wasn't joking about the game wrapping up. I can't reveal my source but I can tell you before summer's up more conclusively.
Miku kidnapped them and took them to the sexkai
Mafuyu just sucked me off. Shit was so cash.
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No, that was a guy in a dress and a wig.
Mizuki just sucked me off. Shit was so gay and hot
do you actually play pjsk btw?
How else would anon know it's gay?
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Tsukasa can't be pregnant though, he's still getting his period...
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Ghostzuku is cute but I don't care about the other 4 cards she's with so I'll be saving my crystals for masked self
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Inherent worth as a human being
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The TUYU songs are still in the game, which means that ColoPale supports murder and also pedophilia. I will now play your game.
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i like An's untrained
Not my Miku... not my Miku at all...
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Drakengard bros
La Parkanade...
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Will this appease akitoya fujos
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Miku untrained
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Meiko trained
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Kanade trained
>An is sitting on top of Kohane and they're making horny faces at each other
>Akito and Toya are in the same room
Wow, really risky fujobait, what's next, anal sex card?
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Not even her fest card is safe from sneedium...
miku looks like she's cosplaying kirito
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Daughter sighted
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VBS's event cards.
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Best card art this game has in my opinion
Who is she cosplaying as?
This is my Miku… I claim this Miku…
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Hairstyles, costumes and alts.
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Square hole
keeping my eyes on Coolku
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Monthly costume.
mfen knhn my beloved
What is bloomfes gimmick? I remember them saying you need 3 drops to train them
Read nigga
mnhr... forgotten
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Event stamp.
Comically large head
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New Fragment Sekais.
VBS's 3rd Arc Ender:
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The commission wasn't leaked apparently.
>Current Event
Boosted Attribute: Mysterious
Boosted Members: Vivid BAD SQUAD (and its Virtual Singers)
Event Song: by Giga (https://twitter.com/GigaMozuku) and TeddyLoid (https://twitter.com/TeddyLoidSpace)

>Current Gacha
The Party of Blast!! (Limited)
Kohane, Akito, Miku (VBS)
Bloom Fes (Limited)
Kanade, MEIKO
>kanade as zero
I don't like the implications...
Meh. They should have gotten something as spicy as their yuri counterparts.
VBS going to america to start the Beck arc
New cover:

Poppin' Candy*Fever! - MMJ ft. Rin
So Kanade killed her parents because she's canonically the grim reaper?
Kek, funny how it escalated from "she killed her father" to "yeah she killed both of her parents"
Well maybe she shouldn't kill her parents if she doesn't want it to be a meme
They called her Kanajesus but she's actually the Kanadevil
In a few events Kanadad will literally get out of the hospital and go back to his house and /psg/ shitposters will continue to say he is dead and Kanade killed him
And to think it all start with your average /psg/ anon that doesn't read the story saying Kanade's father was dead
One anon's retardation really is another anon's laughter
>Bloom fes card revealed Kanade killed her mom too
She's psychopathic.
Doesn't the Grim Reaper just collect the souls? I don't think they are responsible for death itself, at least in my understanding of the mythos of psychopomps
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>Hair becomes white
>Eyelashes become light grey
>Eyes turn into a lighter shade
This is quite the cool lim honestly
>eyelashes aren’t the shitty default black
If the card art didn’t make it a must-pull already this just did
Could have made skin chalk white too, what is this half-asseness.
Can you show us her armpits please
what a pale beauty o_o
Well yea, it’s the same as the fes Kagamine and Luka cards
It’s cool though
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Feeling pretty good, I got Miku and Kanade without needing to spark.
post icchan21
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cute. thank you.
the number after the Icchan symbolizes how many years of life the sneedium poisoning from the image will take from you
Alright so Mizuki telling his secret to the rest will be the arc ender right?
Moa moa jump will probably have something to do with Haruka's old manager and I have no idea about the other two groups
I don't know why I quoted the wrong one >>484054839
Sounds about right. Next Leo/need event should be Ichika's and will probably be the arc ending showing the group at or after their debut.
Since the clowns are currently sneeding, the sneeds are going to go to the Mangyongdae Fun Fair in North Korea for their next event. Ichika and Saki will write a song so good it unites the Koreas.
IchiKana bros we are getting closer.
And then their Sekai gets the entirety of Korea as their expansion
dude everyone fucking knows kanadad is in a coma, it's just funnier to say kanade killed him
>I'm just pretending to be retarded
it's called a joke, mr no-fun-allowed
mr no-fun-allowed is the cousin of mr showtime that no one likes to see at the family reunion
Tsukasa’s boring cousin will be in the new unit
Jokes have to be funny retard.
alright, but i'm still saying kanadad is kanaded. but if he recovers from his kanacoma then she really is kanajesus
I hope his cousin’s name is also Tsukasa and the original Tsukasa will be renamed to Tsukasa 2
That means she brainwashed him, which is effectively the same as killing.
Some recent vocaloid songs I've liked. A lot of Miku and Teto and Miku & Teto.
>Nanu Riso
>Yukino Tokeru
Akito's summer haircut!
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Now that's a cutekito I would rollkito for
>daybreak frontline teased in 3dmv previews
>song will still most likely be 2dmv only
Well at least they weren't lying about it being released in july...
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ill pass, too ugly
>Had to spark Bloomfes Kanade
>Had to spark White Day Kanade
>Had to spark World Link Kanade
>Had to spark 3rd Anni Kanade
>Had to spark Wedding Kanade (while getting a 1% 4* rate)
>Had to spark Valentines Kanade
>Had to spark Spojoy Kanade
>Had to spark twice on 2nd Anni for Colorfes Kanade
Please Kanajesus, save my wallet for once. I'm going to niig.
Since the new event song isn't leaked yet, let's rate the last rotation of five songs while we wait.

>Sure Sure (sneeds)
>Rekka (VBS)
>Opera! Space Opera! (clowns)
>Supernova (MMJ)
>Empurple (niigo)
Who would you rape then?
Opera > Rekka > Supernova > Empurple > Suresure
Rekka > Empurple > Supernova > Space Opera > Suresure
Previews for the Supernova set also used another song despite Supernova having a 3DMV. Since it hasn't leaked yet it probably means it isn't in the files much like Supernova's 3DMV, which means it could exist, they are just keeping it a secret for a while
Empurple > Opera > Rekka > Supernova > Suresure
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Her hair on the back also separate into 2, like angel wings.
Kanade's a time traveller?
She turns into her younger self in the fragment sekai
She's a dadadada tenshi
Akian Egoist Incident returns but with Rinlen this time....
Wagashi or Tea, ENbros?
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an actual dark angel
whichever one the tiering people pick.
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According to my phone I played the game more than 24 hours last week...
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Whichever the tierers aren't picking.
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>Ena can I hold your hand
She's such a baby.
Gotta admit, the new Kanade hair style is really good
>I can't hear you
I did not care for the cosmetics in this game. It insist upon itself.
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this was meant to translate this>>484108913
Goku could wipe this entire verse with less than a third of one of his fingers. Project Sekai is weak.
half-foot mfen my beloveds
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I have to wait 1 year for this....suffering.
Can't wait for her to start doing drugs like a true rockstar
Realistically wouldn't some of the groups collab with the other groups? Isn't that pretty normal for real musicians, especially when they all know each other and have basically made out on more than one occasion?
All different genres, it would be weird
I mean, has there ever been a case a idol group collabing with a rock band for a show? A street hip-hop thing group collabing with the theater for a play? Nevermind a secret music circle
>Wiki lists Shiho's dislikes as sister
what a fugging beech
Kanade could easily be commissioned to make a song for sneeds/MMJ, and bands collabing with idols isn't that unusual (most famous irl case would probably be momoiro clover z with KISS)
Clowns would probably be harder to come up with an excuse since they are more focused on plays but if the writers wanted to they could come up with something
I know right? I bet that Ichika and Honami girl are equally huge beeches
More time to save
VBS x MMJ be like
Now this is more like it. Double sugoi dekai.
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The Antoya doujin
Shut the fuck up Kanade.
Sexual things are disgusting. Eww.
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Gaykito discovers he's straight for Icchan
>Shiho took the picture
so where's shizuku?
I find it interesting how they all sit on the bottom row
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MY Coolku.
In the first year of the game an area convo you unlock from the Mizuki picnic event is Airi and Shizuku saying it would be neat if they could work with Ena/Mizuki's music making group someday, and how they'll use that as incentive to improve. The game sometimes reminds people of certain dynamics or details through area convos before it shows up in an event... but they haven't returned to this one.
I NEED that hairstyle for dress-up
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Is the zuki in Samsa from Mikuki?
...I meant to type Mizuki
biblically accurate yaoi ritk
Kanade Blanco...
no it's the sound of a ba-ba-bagu
>spend like 30k crystals
>got Cool Miku and Meiko
Do I dare keep going? I have 100k left.
What is she drinking?
Strong zero
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200 rolls, 3 banner Ruis, 2 colorfes Akitos, 0 Kohanes, 0 Shizukus. Faggots. Have to wait for colorfes to end to spark Shizuku too.
Only if you’re willing to spark.
Otherwise, don’t bother.
>Have to wait for colorfes to end to spark Shizuku too.
No you don't, scroll down
wow anon, awful luck :(
I like all the characters so it's painful to have none of the cards I want
>10 rolls
>4* Kaito dupe (I have literally every perm Kaito in the game entirely from off rates)
This was enough of a sign to know to not waste more crystals
Based KaitoGOD
Anon pulled this deep out of my youtube likes
>11 years ago
I sparked her. This >>484107239 convinced me.
Don't blame you. First time in a while I've been blown away by a costume.
>pull colorfes Rin after getting her like 5 times on her original banner, and then again when I did a 10-roll on the EN 2.5 anni colorfes banner
Rin-chan I love you too, but this is a bit excessive...
I had the opposite problem, 2 Kohanes, 1 Shizuku, and a permanent pool Tsukasa, total of 11 4* in 200 pulls.
Ruikasa are getting fed bell peppers for that.
Oh damn thanks. Was it always like that? All those years and I didn't notice.
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They changed it forever ago
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The path to overcoming RAD WEEKEND was built on the cash, blood, and bones of VBSfags.
Holy fucking cow, I got ghost Shizuku in 20 pulls enbrosters. 1 year of saving only for me to be blessed like this. I'm so happy.
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Congrats anon!
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Thanks, she's so lovely
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based and shoujo reipilled
But that's not feshane...
That reminds me, there's no word on the youkai set rerun. I guess they didn't want it to overlap with the first bloomfes.
anon meant freshane. she's feeling very fresh
They’re saving for the next Tsukasa event which will be lim anyway to jumpscare fujos and double jumpscare them with the rerun at the same time
Gonna coom on that orange Rin.
Okay but aim for the back, though. She has that dress on.
tenma oranges grown in sneedium laden soil....
Do you guys think 190 big drinks + 61 big burgers are enough to top 100 next event (Mafuyu's focus)?
no and never talk to me about tiering again
Shoujo Rei: Triple Bluecest
That’s some nice cans, as long as you’re willing to spend at least 30k on refills as well. If cans are your only refills then definitely not. As well as however many gems it takes to get event bonus cards of course
Because this event is such a big turning point for Mafuyu/Niigo I’d expect it to be particularly competitive, maybe not fujo/mizuki levels but more than Bug
t. jaded veteran
Well I have 80k crystals right now so it should be 20k at least if I have to spark. I also have some small cans and small burgers too
Hopefully everyone will get tired from Rui's event right now to tier on Mafuyu...
Asahina Mafuyu Colorful Stage
>yo Saki, my dear sister, would you bring your band to play music for this scene while we sing?
>Mizuki-kun, my dear rooftop friend, would your group mind singing in this scene with us? don't worry we can use totatlly not embarrasing costumes to cover your faces
wtf emu based
meanwhile nene is spilling spaghetti everywhere
>I mean, has there ever been a case a idol group collabing with a rock band for a show? A street hip-hop thing group collabing with the theater for a play? Nevermind a secret music circle
I'd be surprised if there wasn't. You're talking about decades of history here.
>Hopefully everyone will get tired from Rui's event right now to tier on Mafuyu...
Good chance the fujo event will dethrone Kitty as most competitive event in the server so far. Unfortunately for you though ruikasafujos and mafuniigers are entirely different crowds so it’s very unlikely to help you at all here. You have a fairly decent saving going though, maybe it’s optimistic but you might be able to make it. if you don’t care too much about the fujo event, you can always just get the quintessential rewards through CL and ad event points, then watch ads to hoard energy since you can use that to cap your energy at 99 by Mafuyu’s event start, it’s a small boon of almost 10 large cans
>A street hip-hop thing group collabing with the theater for a play?
clowns and VBS are going to perform Hamilton together.
>join CC queue
>two people CC'ing together
>both have Mafuyu profile pics
>both spamming only "Happy to hear that" and "Let's do this together!" stamps
that was two of you wasn't it
Mafuyu sucks
Mizuki's thang
miggu is green tho
Miku Shizuku and An are cyan!
Wait why tf is Miku mostly blue now? I just noticed. It doesn't seem debatable anymore.
Blue and green are the same thing in japan
Migu is migu color
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Images that terrify /psg/ anons
I'm thinking migu migu oo ee oo
Miku seems to be the one just to the left of true cyan, so in the green vs blue debate, I guess objectively Miku is green, although clearly it still is way more cyan
Shizuku is a more pale lighter version of that same color
And An is at least pure cyan, or at least almost pure cyan
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It's subjective, there's no real answer
Colors are objective things though, unless you are color-blind
Just color-pick it and go into some site that tells you the names of the colors
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oh nyo bluebros...
no but seriously, she's just blue-green
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I'm thinking Mafuyu Mafuyu oo ee oo
We know, Niigo Miku
Pretty much
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Cool 'nan
>Why does it have that name? Because the group who made it was called RADDERS
>Therefore the name of the VBS show to surpass RAD WEEKEND will have something to do with their group name right?
>No, it's just called RAD BLAST
Lame name, but at least I won't have to hear about "Muh Rado Weekendo" every damn VBShit event
Weekend Dogs
Vivid Weekends
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nan on the offensive
It was right there, alliteration and all
Why must you be like that Colopale...
VBS was the group that needed an arc ender the most. I can't imagine if it went another cycle of events.
>pub room + 1 friend
>friend + all randoms FC the song
>I completely screw up one section and -3 a lv. 24 expert song
god I am such a stupid fucking nigger
not a hard song at ALL and my retarded ass can't perform while EN randoms can
-3 on a 24 is completely unacceptable and I ruined it for everyone. way to go jackass
>Mafumom arc actually outlasted RAD WEEKEND
>even more so if anon is right and this arc ender is Mizuki finally coming out and not Mafudad finally seeing through Mafumom's bullshit
>blue hair, blue tie, hiding in your wi-fi
It's okay anon. Sometimes I get a little too lazy to tap screen on slow and easy songs because they bore me. It happens.
True enough
thanks anon. just gotta use this as another motivator to get better
It's clearly the lighting that makes things look blue.
Nice try but I won't be gaslit.
The original yes, but that should be the reason why the sekai Mikus have different hair colours.
My Miku is red and has twin drills.
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how about Ludenberg style?
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*bikes to the first page*
I couldn't finish the pass...
Finish the pass without ColorfulPass is peak M.
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Thank miku I won't have to spark but now I've used up all my luck for a year
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Maybe this will
Mizuki will just say "I have a woman's heart" and end the secret arc with that
As programmed by Rui.
It has been one year since Mafuyu ran away from home, meanwhile it's been 3 years since Lower, let Mizuki have something for once
Honestly, as long as xe says something that points to xer being trans and not a crossdresser, I'll take it
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Only children and mentally ill people use those "pronouns".
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WxS collabs would be just recruiting others for the plays. Tsukasa NY was a bit like that. I wouldn't have minded something more involved. It could be a funny mixed event easily.
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sex w/ the final boss!
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The Grim Reaper is a figure said to guide spirits to the afterlife, it cannot kill anyone, but it can't save anyone either, it can only watch people die, unable to do anything other than leading their souls to the hereafter
How oddly fitting for Kanade, who sees herself as someone that can't save anyone, even if she tries her hardest
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She's the pale rider not the grim reaper
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WxS x VBS collab: WxS has a contest where one of their photocards will have a ticket allowing the winner to participate in their next play as a minor role. Kohane, their biggest fan, buys all their photocards and wins the ticket. She was so good and talented and amazing in her minor role that Tsukasa lets her take the leading role, Nene decides she should sing the song, Rui decides she should direct the play, and Emu gives her all of her money.
Very kino, only change I'd make is that she gets the ticket with a single photocard (that An gave her)
And then he rips out Ena's heart with his bare hands
Robots wouldn't do that.
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Honakana BIG LOVE!
HonaMafu is better
Most precious coupling
This is what Kanade tells herself after killing her dad.
Shitty meme go back to drawing board
Good meme, keep it up!
Mid meme, maybe tone it down...
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>I took it for granted at the time... But I was deeply loved by my parents.

>Could I... become a little bit like you, Dad? If I could achieve that... and if you were to remember me again, would you...
>Would you tell me I did a good job... tell me that I've worked hard all this time... and praise me like you did before? And, even if just for a little bit, would you, like before–
Ena might be my favorite character in this game, but Kanade is probably the one that emontially moves me the most, I just can't help but feel for her all the time...
Tie breaker here to say, good meme
I can heal her...
Based docker
Tie maker here to say, bad meme
Kanade is replacing her father's photos in her own sekai with Mochizuki-san and Yuki-san's gravure photos
This is a reference to how she killed her parents for giving her flattie genes
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I still can't believe they were just playing Ready Steady in the fucking graveyard
>Mother I-
>-------------! ------------------------------!!!!! CAUCASICAN DESTINATION ------------------------------!
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I fixed it.
Kanade will put them in a coma too
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She killed the thread.
>Not even half an hour
Bait used to be believable
Ena did, yeah. Really makes you think. And no, not about Miku, Miku.
What are the most retarded headcanons and character interpretations you read/heard out there, /psg/? Hard mode: no "This character is a tranny!" or "This character is half non-Japanese!"
Pretty much any yuri/yaoi ship
The tranny thing is right tho
That Kanade is a master manipulator
So youre saying the het ships are sane and logical
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Ena mentioned.
Rather than specific headcanons I think it's hilarious to see someone say "this is what writers are saying in canon" and then it's headcanon based on conjecture. Most times it's said by teens but not always.
Topical since we were just talking about her, but I've read an interpretation of Kanade and her relationship with Niigo that was interesting... on paper, but if you spent any time reading Niigo's story you would know it doesn't hold up at all.
"Kanade is unintentionally harming Niigo, not saving them", basically Kanade is delusional and that is making the rest of Niigo worse rather than helping them, this especially happens when it comes to her and Mafuyu.
It's interesting in theory, if you ignore how Kanade's music literally stopped all 3 of the niigers from killing themselves back then, gave them a safe place to be themselves, literally gave a home to Mafuyu for free, and that is without mentioned all the countless people that hear Niigo's songs.
Kanade is in no way a "misguided savior", her flaw isn't "she is helping them in the wrong way" but rather "she is running herself into the ground by trying to help others", she has been nothing but a positive force for all of niigo, the only one being harmed by her actions is herself.
Love the 'nan
Out of my way, I need to kiss that forehead a million times.
Mafuyu is a ftm tra-
>The general that jokes about Kanade killing people understand her better than these other people
Kanade is a such a simple straight-forward character, how do these people come to these weird conclusions about her? And not ironically but seriously too
Savior-type characters can't just help people and succeed decently enough in doing so, "not enough flaws" they will think, they need to secretly be selfish or their help be largely unsuccessful, because that is "interesting", mix that with pseudo-intellectual teenagers looking too deeply into things and tadah, "Kanade is bad for niigo" is the take that comes out
I’ve seen that as well and it’s what
Is describing. Ultimately it’s only a few people circlejerking other on the bird app, but it’s a bit sad that people eat that stuff up enough for the word to spread this much just because someone used a few fancy words while cherry picking and overanalyzing fluffer dialogue to derive non existent implications from them. Although it does unfortunately track given how easily people can fall for cults/scams/grifters.
I’d add Haruka having an eating disorder and “Toya Tenma” since the latter 2 are inescapable almost anywhere on the English speaking side of the fanbase. Seriously, how do so many people who claim to be fans of Toya miss the whole point of his character arc?
*cuts off the braid*
blandnade does nothing to impact the story in the beginning, it was all Mizuki and Ena
Kanade’s character being so simple and stagnant compared to others combined with her being too flawless and selfless is why I’m personally not a huge fan of her, along with her backstory leading to her situation being unreasonable and obviously not a good idea or feasible in real life to the point where I have difficulty taking her seriously. I imagine these people don’t like those things either, but instead of accepting that she’s just written like that and that a lot of qualities that she have that are considered unhealthy to a western audience are considered admirable in Japan, they have somehow convinced themselves there is a big master plan catering to their personal views and morality
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honestly most of the angstkasa theories - bro would not stop chasing after his dream even if saki succumbed to terminal moyamoya
Kanade is a boob obsessed horny teenager
Empurple master is fun.
The "if Saki dies none of the groups are formed" theory.
Obviously Sneeds are fucked, but the reaching needed for the rest is just laughable, specially for 25 and MMJ.
The best part of my day is opening /psg/
You can do those for almost every character because of how intertwined the cast is. Like let's say I pick Nene
>Rui has no friends and since he couldn't discover his dream of connecting people through theatre without Nene, he has no hope for himself and kills himself
>No Rui = Mizuki dies too
>No Mizuki = Ena never meets Niigo and kills herself
>Kanade and Mafuyu crash and burn on their own
>Akito and Airi are stricken with guilt by Ena's death so they become depressed and give up on their dreams
>Toya never meets Akito and continues classical music
>Without Airi, Shizuku gives up too
>Minori can't convince Haruka alone, they both fail
>Kohane and An fail without the bad dogs
>Shiho notices Shizuku is depressed so she quits her dream to look after her
>No Shiho so the sneeds all fail
>Saki and Toya are now too depressed to be cheered up by Tsukasa's usual means, he decides his dream is pointless and quits theatre to look after Saki since she's down
>Emu's park closes
Characters like Sneeds/Tsukasa/Shizuku work better since their backstory requires them to know half the cast, but like you said obviously it will affect the people directly around them like close friends and family that but the rest like "Akito will be at home so he will fix Ena's depression" are ridiculous
Damn, anon's daughter is more important than I thought...
Of course it would be ridiculous if Akito stayed home to help Ena, you killed her!
That glue theory is flawed MMJ wise, but Saki dying should prevent Shizuku from joining, not Airi.
Saki was the only one who was in any danger of dying before high school, though.
Just run a car over them
That still doesn't make sense.
You could even do it with Haruka not becoming an idol.
>Minori has no idol to fangirl over to this extent which limits her idolfaggotry to only being a fan but not wanting to become an idol herself
>Shizuku and Airi are never dragged into Minori's dream of being an idol
>Shizuku can't be an idol anymore, but having to keep up her old persona with her classmates takes a toll on her mental health
>Shiho can't handle seeing her sister like this and spends more time with her
>without her, the sneeds have no chance at going pro
>Ichika remains and loner and Honami stays in friendships with people that don't give a shit about her
>Saki can't do anything with her old friends and makes new friends but it just isn't the same and she never feels truly happy
>seeing this, Tsukasa isn't motivated to become a star anymore and doesn't apply to Phennyland
>without a pre-established team that Rui is forced into, he cannot convince Nene to join either
>Wonder Stage closes, running Emu's dream into the ground and taking away Hammy's favorite hangout spot, which makes her even more of a meek and introverted loser, so she never befriends An
>without a partner, An sees no reason to team up with Bad Dogs
>without Hammy's power levels, Akito and Toya surpass Rad Weekend and they remain a slightly above average duo of street musicians
>Airi never returns to being an idol and gets closer to Ena again
>spending time with a close and important friend makes Ena want less validation from other people so she focuses on painting and spends less (if any) time online
>because Ena doesn't upload anything online, Mizuki has nothing to make into videos and get Kanade's attention, therefore they never establish contact
>without an artist and an editor, Kanade on her own cannot convince Mafuyu to not kill herself
I'm talking out of my ass but you get it. It's easy to make up random connections that are overly dramatic and make little sense when actually applied to canon.
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do NOT surpass*
>without Haruka everyone becomes a normal teenager
Sounds good
Is popping candy fever an easy or hard 31? I need to know so I know whether to feel bad or good about myself
This was believable until Shiho, she doesn't give a fuck about her sister or anybody
In this timeline where Saki didn't die, Airi lashed out at Shizuku which prompted the latter to quit her own unit.
Had Saki died, you know the part where it improved Ena's mental state. It'd have resulted in her being able to help Airi to get over how her idol career went, thus preventing her from lashing out at Shizuku later on.
Crypton posted they will announce new products in August 1st, they are also repackeging each of their most recent VBs (MeiKai V3, MiRiLeLu V4x, Miku NT).
People are speculating that because Deco seems to be working with Crypton and the Miku in his recent songs sounding different, new VBs will be announced.
Thoughts? Cope or hope?
inb4 it's probably just NTs getting properly released
More like despair or hope.
They'll release niigoloids
Eh, I'd wait until a proper announcement is made. People have been hoping Crypton would drop NT for a different Miku voicebank for years.
Any anons going to AX? Wow, that's already this week.
post pics if you go sisbros
Rui wrote this? Rui can't write
the thought of emu saying "abhorrent" made me laugh irl
I'm 1500 miles away so unfortunately no
Earlier she said beleaguered and I am 100% sure she can't say or spell it
>without Hammy's power levels, Akito and Toya surpass Rad Weekend
Kino and canon.
Wageslaving unfortunately
I have no friends to go with
Is Nenerobo going to in-n-out this year too?
The last sighting of Nenerobo was in Korea, no word on if she'll be in LA yet.
I love Airi and Haruka but if I had a reason to go it would be for Kui
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Kanaena is for hikkineet sex.
I want to see Kanade try to bridal carry Mochizuki-san
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Finished reading the HonaKana wedding event. Not to invalidate honakanafags, but I see their relationship as more parent and child. This event gave me the same vibes as a concerned parent trying to get their shut-in loser kid to go outside more and enjoy life.
How have you been playing this game for so long to not realize that Kanade is a mommyfag milf fucker
Well as funny as those are, they're just shitposts at the end of the day
I would go-go-go-go-go! with Emu...
How can we be sure of that
She's not fucking mafumom to convince her to be nicer to mafuyu for one
Do Ichika and Nene call each other "Kusanagi" and "Hoshino" on EN?
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I don't find that that contradictory, maybe it's because caretaker partners isn't a new trope but I don't see "someone having mother-like moments" and "someone having wife-like moments" things that cancel each other out
I wish the game had more cross-unit songs besides the anni leader commissions. The Cup Noodle campaign is nearly 3 years old...
Sanrio collab should have had a comm song with all the 4* there
I understand, it's just that in this event there was a certain wall between them that they never crossed to get into "wife-like" territory. Maybe in the card stories they have a more coupley feel to them
>Unfortunately I already went last year
Sorry didn't mean to greentext there
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nene showing emu her fun new game
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Reaper gaming
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If I could attend AX I'd cosplay as the sneed manager
>can say abhorrent and beleaguered
>can't say shinonome
I wanted to go as a tofu
Do people forget that Emu studies at the smart girls' school (unlike dumbne) and placed at the top of her class in the exams (unlike stupidne)
neen didn't have to take remedial classes like the blond bimbo they call a troupe leader, so she isn't even the stupidest clown
her dad bribes the school
God I think I know who you are talking about, genuine retardation radiating from that one
She said Kanade is similar to Mafumom and is smothering Mafuyu, when Mafuyu has had more freedom in a month in Kanade's house than her whole life, when Mafumom was slowly killing Mafuyu the Kanade and her efforts continue to keep Mafuyu alive
Kanade is simple, her flaw is "she couldn't care less about herself, she only cares about others" that is it
I also fell into a rabbit hole and saw someone saying Mafuyu has a lesbian Oedipus Complex
Please Kamiku-sama take me away from this wretched planet AAAAAAAAHHH
now that one just sounds like fetish shit
Could be projection, just like Freud himself when he created the concept of "oedipus complex" was also projecting
Also trying to make the story with Mafuyu’s parents about misogyny out of nowhere and treating Ena/Toya’s dads like completely unreasonable devils. Was funny to see them have a melty over Ena’s new event bettering her relationship with her dad (as has slowly been happening from the start as anyone who reads can tell) and now the copium still trying to make Mafuyu’s dad some big bad patriarch who ruined his wife and ultimately daughter’s life even with the new event showing that he’s the one more understanding of Mafuyu
I only read /psg/ coomer headcanons
That Ena doujin is canon
That Ichika cares about her “friends” more than Miku. As if she wouldn’t trade them all for a 50k yen Miku figure in a heartbeat.
That Shitho cares about her sister.
That Fatkito ever had any athletic talent and that he isn’t making it up and that everyone who says he is isn’t just trying to be nice to the ugly fat crybaby kid because they feel bad for him.
That WxS is anything but Emu’s hallucination in the psych ward.
That Kanade actually cares about “saving people” and isn’t using that as an excuse for recruiting big breasted girls to her sex cult.
That Mizuki is a human being who was born.
It's no surprise she's been coping after Mafuyu 5 and has those takes. One of her friends said that the pjsk fandom is "violently misogynistic" over dumb twitter users asking what happens to Donketsu
Also has a very hard understanding Niigo's VS are all products of Mafuyu's head because it's her sekai, the other niigers might have been used as an inspiration to Mafuyu, but that is it, it still through Mafuyu's eyes
Ena having NPD just because she has Narcissus flowers references. I swear this person or her circle >>484270253 is spreading this cancer, and they (or just sekaitwt) say it's misogynistic to HC Ena having BPD when both are stupid. I bet I could cherry pick Tsukasa having NPD (which is also stupid), but it would be met with backlash because only niigos can have mental illnesses or something
Enbaby here but Papanan is kind of a huge asshole
He is, but not an irredemable satan, and he is trying to make ammends with Ena
>All this retarded shit
I will retract all the bad things I said about /psg/ niigo shitposters
Things could be so, so much worse...
Both of their dads are definitely shitters, but in the well meaning boomer way. It’s made quite clear from the start how they’re different from Mafuyu’s mom, with Toya’s dad bothering to actually go to his show to try and understand his perspective even if he doesn’t get the cringe zoomer music, and Ena’s dad trying to protect her even if he goes about it in an impressively retarded way. They ultimately let their kids do what they want and don’t try to control them
join the gameplayposters, anon
Although "Mafuyu wants to fuck her mom" does sound like a shitpost /psg/ would make
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Ichika is so lucky, being able to hug a cute blonde childhood friend after a long day...
Even more lucky is she has a living Miku for that too
In contrast, Saki is very unlucky
This made me think, I don't think we ever saw an NPC that was a Niigo fan, I think it would be interesting to see what other people who have been helped by their music are like, the only ones right now are Niigo itself
Maybe at Kanade5? Mizuki5 will be about the secret that definitely not there. Either way it's a nice change of pace from all the family drama
Their biggest fan will end up being Mafumom who will naruhodo her daughter and have a breakdown as soon as she reveals she is Yuki
i'm trying to burn energy and go to bed but people keep gifting me drinks
change name to "no energy gifts plz" or something similar
alternatively, stop being female. you won't get jack :D
Shizuku mogs Ena
why pit the best girls against each other
I want her to haunt me
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My beloved
I can't believe this >>484260958 wasn't just a shitpost. Thank god the rad weekend shit is finally over.
You don't understand, anon. Shonen powerscaling laws means there's another RAD WEEKEND that was even radder and more caucasian overseas that they have to surpass.
Next is going to be Rad Namek.
But anon, CFs betray.
thanks for reminding me kek, same person claimed babyfuyu was getting horny when mafumom was taking care of her in mirage of lights
It's been a month and I'm still not over the hook from Space Opera being so cute. How does Nayutalien do it?
So close anon! - it was "kanajesus feeding mafuyu got her horny and thinking about mafumom" actually
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I just started playing again after a few months. Did they break high frame rate for anyone else? It seems like they removed vsync, which was what I used before to cap my fps. Now it's capped at 72, which is half my max framerate.
Okay forcing 120 fps for the app fixes it. It'd be nice if someone knew how to get it higher though.
To be more precise, vsync is now enabled by default and can't be set to off, which is what is breaking the game for a lot of people.
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God I wish that were me.
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Still waiting for the niigo summer event
>coomers get niigo feet cards and still want more
coomers can never be satisfied
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That's right
More please
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Honami and Kanade should be switched
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No, my Enanan would never say this!!
Niigo Sexo
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DEGENS BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man, who'd have thought it'd be Ena saving the general. Of all people.
I like this more actually
I am being completely straight when I post yuri
She'd say that to Akito
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french louis
I am being completely straight when I post yaoi
I'm very straight for Kaito's feet
Now if only colopale could RELEASE MORE NIIGO KAITO CARDS
recommend me art or fanfics for minori seggs
no yuri
>no yuri
Impossible, the only character who is a bigger lesbian is An
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Take your meds.
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Sisbros... Brosters... Brosisters... Anons... Chads... Stacies... Chuds... It's almost panic time
But then Miku will stop talking to me...
Cute, source?
Thank you
Thanks, blocked.
Cute Airi
Thanks, reported
Last for Minori
Icchan LOVE

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