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I beat the game. You did not.
It doesn't say anywhere that Radahn agreed to be Miquella's consort before the fight with Malenia.
Miquella stole my girlfriend but he had to use his gay crutch charm ability so it doesn't count
Remember to filter "Godwyn" to make the general x100 better
Quit screwin around in here
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Carian women are the tradwives incels like the tarnished, radagon and messmer need
Everything in the game implies it's entirely one-sided on Miquella's part.
Thanks dude. The scarlet rot proc definitely helped me finish him off.
Also I didn't think about the arms thing and now in crying imagining like that he would braid her hair for her, but then now once they're separated like she was purposefully trying to not touch her hair because he had done it for her and she wanted them to stay, but slowly over time they got undone and loosened until they're all unraveled and it makes her sad
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have fun with the DLC.
Miquella probably isn't gay. All indications are that he wanted Radahn for his body, literally. He wants an invincible warrior to act as his enforcer, which Malenia can't do because she's literally rotting in a hole.
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everyone is dead... except for one fren :)
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Quick. Is this gold aura visible in PVP? It's from the group passwords
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Carian women are made to have their hearts broken
you know, why didnt they just toss in a bunch of golden seeds in the dlc to replace those dung items? it would help fresh characters max their flasks when getting into the dlc and any excess could be used in a special shop that trades them in for unique gear or gear duping or something.
Miquella mind controlled Radahn into agreeing to be his consort.
The little twerp fell hook line and sinker for Metyr's two fingers and only heard "You're going to become a god" and then nothing else mattered.
Radahn moved to Caelid once he escaped his molester, the location furthest away from the Haligtree.
An oath given under mind control is null and void, this is why Radahn is never allowed to speak because he is completely brainwashed.
Miquella is a monster.
>lost to malenia
>is brought back to life in his prime
>loses again
Imagine being a follower of radahn couldn't be me LMAO
Doesn't he join the gank squad
If I powerstance double bloodfiend arms will a single jump L2 bleed most bosses
Remember to filter the words
>Boss design
>No summons
>Too hard
>No parry
To instantly make this general 100x better.

Filter all shitters.
Unironically wtf is the lore of the specimen storehouse? Why is there apparently some sort of random research institute in the middle of a warzone?
Redmane's are the biggest cucks in the whole story
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he's trying to seduce me...
He's bisexuality at most, or gay
It should be
If he was charmed at any point in the base game he would have long walked away from the battlefield to follow him. Miquella couldn't become a god because of Radahn's star-holding shit, Miquella needed him gone too. He only got charmed after he was killed by back to back rotbomb into tarnished MC, then had his soul kidnapped
Remember to filter the words/phrases
>Didn't beat the game
>Doesn't count
>Not fair
>Not interactive
To instantly make this general 100x better.

Filter the insecure.
>Think Light of Miquella is going to be shit in PvE and PvP
>Spell goes through once the initial sound effect activating it occurs even if you’re knocked out of the rest of animation
How long until this gets patched and why are From so scared of making high FTH/INT usable?
>Filter the insecure.
the irony
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Mistwood without visible trees.
Remember to filter the words/phrases
To instantly make this general 100000x better.

Filter th-
>An oath given under mind control is null and void
>t. Marika's legal team
>"he's a literal snake"
My theory is that he quite literally was a snake prior to Marika managing to heal him and put her scar seal in his eye. I thought the snake part was to him what Radagon/Trina are to Marika/Miquella but once he shatters the seal his mother gave him, he turns into a literal snake missing eyes.
>No, that's just the snake we see in his body already
Later in the video I linked you can see that one too being summoned and it has eyes, unlike Messmer Base Serpent form.
It's fucking cool as shit.
Agreed, but I still want him to force me to worship his dick and call me a fag, and I'm not allowed to call him out on it because he casted brainrot magic on me
looks like it has potential to cast at your feet and force the opponent to run or eat the beam. they hit you out of it? you are laying right in the middle of the beam.
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The "you didn't beat the game" "unironically? you beat the game." discourse is starting to get really spicy now, I love it. Passionate support on both sides. Im curious to see who wins.
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He didnt for me.
He is sad nobody else comes anymore though.
When you talk to him he says now only you come to visit and that he is always friend.
Mohg did not consent to being Miquelested either, neither did Ansbach you psycho.
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1: How effective are halberds mixed with daggers in both PvE and PvP?
2: What items add lore regarding Godfrey? Besides the Lord's Bestowal talisman, which makes for a cute idea of Marika decking her husband in some 10/10 Erdtree fashion and implies he was the user of it, the Erdtree's favor and the dew talismans
Thanks anon. Either they missed me or you're correct, either way I won.
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>Miquella probably isn't gay.
Yes he is you fucking faggot.
And then he throws pots filled with shit at you later
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How do we know if Miquella really manipulated Mohg? Also what was that thing that appeared over my character's head after getting grabbed?
Ansbach says so
Its time for a test /erg/.

Which new AoW is the most OP by far? There is a correct answer, 10 replies gets it.
Your future womb tattoo
wow look at all those bears to fight
I already completed the DLC, he just stayed a merchant.
>Dark Souls 1 Hitless challenges
Use Hypermode to kill bosses instantly the moment they have an opening.
"Wow, what a cool run!"
>Dark Souls 2 hitless runs
Use RTSR + Brightbugs + Resins to maximize damage and kill the boss instantly the moment they have an opening
"Wow, what a cool run!"
>Elden Ring hitless bosses using buffs to maximize damage
Swift Slash or the Perfume shit.
was the base serpent ever mentioned before? i feel like messer just pulled that one out of his ass
Nanaya's torch, followed by status swift slash
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>Impenetrable Thorns is the hot new OP spell
>Requires faith to use
>Still hard to spam because the bosses all jump around like cokeheads
Silly me, I really need to actually learn how to play instead of banking on cheese tactics
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We get told directly that Miquella did it and that he did it to others who tried to stop it from happening.
Also that's him in the process of mind controlling you, get grabbed twice and you fall on your knees and turn gay.
>You don't understand! The shota made me kidnap him and turn myself into blood so I can flow through his veins! I'm the victim!
Cool story, Mohgtor Disrespect.
If you tell him to move on from his loneliness he will. He was the only one I felt bad killing in the gank squad but better he go out with a bang than just dying because he’s sad.
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They are in love.
Most of the DLC's lore is just pulled out of From's ass instead of trying to build on what the main game established
Mohg did get miquellested, but let's not forget that he still kidnapped surgeons and bloodraped them
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He's not.
We have only seen him seduce two men is all I am saying.
PvE Rolling Sparks
PvP Nanaya's Torch
>Averaged between the two
Swift Slash
Mogh kidnapped his half brother for his own ambitions and got fucked.
Pure STR build here (12 FTH for B.Vit), what are my options for shitting on gankers from the DLC?
There's no exact line on what constitutes beating the game but abusing the perfume exploit is definitely not beating it.
Imagine being Miquella's servant that helps and cleans around his court and throne and he's charmed you to be on the edge of orgasm for years and years but never bothers to actually let you because of his focus on and infatuation of Radahn
Who made the promise, then?
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The frenzy torch one,
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He's not.
>He wants an invincible warrior to act as his enforcer
Thought he could make everyone feel happy and funky, why would he need an enforcer?
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>hey bro lookie heere~
This is sad.
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You are now a lorefag for Miquella the Kind. What good is gameplay? Simply an illusion to overcome in anticipation of revelations. What's the use of PVP? You have no enemies.

In His kindness, we recognize all that is withstanding must be achieved with ease of heart. That struggle only begets struggle. Recognize the perfection of the moment and live fully within it as if you were in the highest heaven.

Understand the true lesson of Shadow of the Erdtree. That ruinous, insensitive battles only delay salvation further. And that through each clash, the hunger for conflict eventually becomes a blight that turns the host against themselves, disrupting, inverting, contorting and distorting all they hold dear that they may bring their sword to it in an arena of detached amusement. It's so pervasive, that it has even affected the messengers of Miquella the Kind: From Software themselves, making them, as one who has inherited the Frenzied Flame on the path of lordship, no longer fit to be scribes of His kindness.

Renounce here the haggard path of strife, of vanity and wasting. Become again as a child following after His true form in body and spirit. Open your eyes in carefree innocence, fearing not the specter of death and ruination as if immortal. Turn your gaze to Eden, rendering kindness and mercy onto all.
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is there any better L2 than mohgwyn sacred spear?

good damage, aoe, blood loss, goes through walls and often you can hit enemies above (for example that megacannon imp)

every other weapon art always feels like downgrade
I was close to feeling bad then I got hit by a big rot pot in the face

Fuck Moore, the mentally retarded poisebabby, I'm going to kill the forager Kindred of Rot
If they removed the Miquella retardation from this DLC, it would've been kino as fuck (from lore perspective) because it did answer a bunch of questions related to Marika.
Miquella never spoke to Mogh though.
Miquella charmed me and I broke the charm because he made me go nofap and my mind became too clear. Then I jerked off and he recharmed me
We've been doing this for years and I want out
Why is Malenia so much taller than Miquella?
In fact, isn't it confirmed by the DLC they're basically the same size?
should have been canon
Nope, not even close.
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yeah there are a few
The midra sword is completely broken
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Bros... I'm actually getting my asshole raped
I know something breaks and everyone that's lured to Skibidiworld realizes, but how has it been established that he specifically manipulated Mogh?
A man can still be gay and still make an exception for someone they're intimately close with
miquella pls.
Because Miquella is cursed with eternal youth you retard
it was swift slash

next question
which DLC hat is OBJECTIVELY the cutest?
is the lore now that miquella is a degenerate bi sex predator now or something?
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Except we learn that Miquella
A: Needed Mohg to even access the land of shadow due to his connection to the Formless mother.
B: Needed Mohg's body thereby setting him up for failure so he could loot the corpse afterwards.
Miquella is a monster, get over it.
Ansbach tells you, and also tells he himself got mind controlled while trying to kill Miquella to free Mogh from the mind control.
supposedly, using his broken rune breaks the charm. not that it matters cause you are more likely to die to something else before getting grabbed a second time
So realistically what’s stopping someone from just, like, beast roaring or placi nuking Miquella directly in the face there while he’s trying to sissyhypno you? I mean I guess Radahn could squeeze you so you couldn’t breathe or throw you down but he’d have to know you planned to do it.
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ripe juicy trinafruits
Now that the dust has settled, is melee FTH build still the best invasion build? I have not entered the DLC yet, are FTH bros eating well this time?
We never seen Radahn's response to anything and everything is fully from Miquella's perspective. Being a promised consort doesn't actually mean he agreed to the promise.
is it good against multiple enemies or is it really good against one?
Is this how Leda works?
we really need more pictures man
they are good so i dont mind
that's miquella forma de god
him being rapist or a sex freak was always in the lore with the bewitching branches and sleep pots
i agree but only because it's an exploit, like you said. it needs to be patched. but otherwise i'm pretty liberal in regards to what i think is okay.
It ignores iframes
Can anyone tell me if there are new samurai/ronin-themed armor sets in the DLC? I haven't gotten there yet and I'm running Clever's Tachikaze mod, and I'd prefer a lighter armor set than the default samurai and white reed sets. Pic related is what I'm hoping for, even if it is a longshot.
>A: Needed Mohg to even access the land of shadow due to his connection to the Formless mother.
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>Nope, not even close.
Frenzy torch lets you deathblight people, while also proccing frenzy faster than any incantation.
I like to imagine Ansbach going for a scythe slash against Miquella only for the boy to stop it with a finger, then stare directly into Ansbach's eyes. Then the Empyrean commands the Blood Noble to kneel, and he does, his heart becoming stolen in an instant.
I didnt say anything to him, just exited the convo and he is neither and spamming that dialogue line nor joined the squad.
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Did you get the "boss defeated" or equivalent message pop up on your screen? Did the bosses hp reach zero?

If so, you beat the game. Anything else is mental illness.
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God Miquella is way bigger than Malenia, but his kid form is much smaller.
Yeah, there's a guy named Dane that seems like he's exactly what you want
Bayle the Dread is the coolest character design and boss fight from has made. I’m not even a fan of dragon fights either
He is a god who is charming you. That's what's stopping you.
I’ve tried casting it in PvE and PvP at my feet but whenever I’ve tried it always goes the maximum possible distance or when it ‘runs into’ a physical object is in the way like the Caelid Colosseum’s pillars
>Opponents run behind the pillar when I spam spells like Messmer’s Flame, Lightning Bolt, etc.
>Minor Erdtree near their pillar
>They run out just as I cast Light of Miquella
>Usually dodge the big explosion by going behind the pillar again but get hit by the follow-up pillars
Puts a smile on my face whenever it happens but I still often lose because pure spellcasters suck.
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I've barely got base stats and I gotta say that damage seems kinda high for 3 FP
>but how has it been established that he specifically manipulated Mogh?
He literally tells you that Mohg was brainwashed and when Ansbach found out and confronted Miquella about it, he got brainwashed and mind-wiped himself.
He couldn't even remember the incident until Miquella's rune breaks.
>words don't mean things
Miquella can't promise a consort to himself. You might have a point if it was an arranged marriage set up by Marika.
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>Putrescent Cleaver
>Blood Club

Someone tell this fucking game to stop making me want to switch to STR+ARC.

How much arc could I get to have the smallest investment in those while still making them good?
>Needed Mohg
Let's ignore the part how Mickey would even know that Mohg was a thing.
We know he could charm Mohg, so why didn't he just waltz up to Mohg, do some skibidi charming and compel him to everything he wanted?
Mohg was a rapist faggot, Miq just improvized and pulled a no u.
oh fuck they're short too pfffffffftttttttttt
For some reason if you miss, and this weapon rarely misses, it can do a followup l2 for a huge aoe and big damage
You either instakill your target or make yourself save with the followup if you whiff
The poise during the jump is also completely broken absolutely not worth trying to attack when you are in the aie
>Malenia can suck ascended Miquella's dick without crouching
>Miquella can't promise a consort to himself.
He's a Promised Consort, not a Consort that made a promise.
Thats cute, not even close though. This AoW is so OP it can deal 15K damage in 5 seconds while also staggering any boss.
summon me
cool, im going to try it
>Needed Mohg to even access the land of shadow due to his connection to the Formless mother.
That one crucible knight that we don't get the cool incantation she uses just decided to leave the lands between and enter there
The moral of the story is;
stay the fuck away from twink looking ass faggots
They are not real, they are just astral projections.
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>dragon pit
>there's a tunnel
>messages all the way to the end where there's an item
>"dung ahead"
>"why is it always dung?"
>last message on top of item
>pick up item
>smithing stone 1
>check message
>"seek god"
You're completely wrong if you think swift slash is worse than Nanaya's torch weapon art, which triggers madness so fast and through iframes you can't even go near it without being stunned and then instant killed by either glitched deathblight or any followup attack during your stun time
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if they decreased his health pool by like, 35-40% with no other changes, he'd be far more reasonable. there's nothing wrong with an autistic spam boss with a lot of chip damage if the health bar is balanced to match it, but doing that shit while also making it a 10+ minute war of attrition is complete bullshit. having to equip a bow or a shield, or change talismans around is one thing, that's adaptation, but you shouldn't have to COMPLETELY remake your build just to beat a boss.
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Rellana's sweaty twin moons
Nah I get that, I just think it’d be funny if you could break the grab if you specifically had an ash that doesn’t require a lot of bodily movement or one of the fuck off personal aoe incants on. Imagine Miquella trying to hit you with the compassion speech only for you to blast him at point blank range by screaming like a turbo autist.
Enjoy it until it gets nerfed
Oro has a build on it if you want to look it up
I bet malenia bites
I wish Fromsoft would stick to making badass cinematic fights. Things like Bayle and base game Radahn with the summons, etc. They've already done their big bullshit "we're so good at making totally not artificially-hard games" boss, so now it's time to make feelsgood hype bosses again instead of Sekiro bosses
no, I WILL punch him to death even if it takes me 10 hours to do so
The Gate of Divinity and the requirements to Godhood.
You think Rellana had a vore fetish? Just like Tanith?
Telling him to turn into a big snake and put her in his mouth?
>15k damage in 5 seconds
rolling sparks can deal 36k damage. Per shot.
nanaya's torch can just 100-0 combo you with deathblight since it stuns you with madness and applies deathblight at the same time, its basically infinite damage

Swift slash isn't even as bad as >>484101125
some strangers on the internet might disagree and have a lower opinion of you, though.
i actually had no real trouble with any of the bosses aside from radahn. but that said i do play the game miyazaki style meaning i play unabashedly cheap and generally switch weapons and strategies and probe the bosses until i find something that works, so i beat most bosses in 10-20 minutes. like half of them don't know what to do if you just sprint away and cast storm blade on them
Pelt of Ralva. It’s a fuzzy bear hat with cozy shoulder fur, what’s not to love?
>rolling sparks can deal 36k damage. Per shot.
It cannot
The Gates of Divinity spoke to Miquella and told him he was getting bussy when he grew up?
Do Ansbachs questline, he pens it out, no I will not dig through a youtube video for the clip for you.
So what did Messemer do exactly?
There's midra that encompasses all
Why did the Hornsent build the gate?
Were they also trying to commune with the Greater Will?
ranni achieved this form by killing herself, and putting herself into a self-made puppet
miquella achieved this form by becoming the puppet to somebody else
poor miquella
>all those giant milkers rellana fanarts
we won BIGLY
Radahn can be beat with any build provided you are skilled enough
str/fth 1-3
dex/fth 4-6
/dex/int -7 9
0 reroll
They demanded he have a consort, and he wanted Radahn. Read Promised as "Fated."
he killed dirty omen niggers
I dont even know why we fight him
he should be cool with us becoming elden lord
I wish Marika art was more tasteful. This is just too much
>and compel him to everything he wanted?
Because he did?
Miquella needed Mohg's blood ritual to even get into the land of shadow, then after that he also loots his body.
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This webm isn't even with max stats only 53/80 and its hitting 33k
it goes up to 36k
i'm convinced the mohg miquella retcons weren't even slightly part of the GRRM lore. not even any of the cut content hinted toward that.
18 inches of messmer, 2 snakes for each ruddy, mouth with snake tongue for french kissing
to anons who told me perfume build was decent without abusing rolling sparks
fuck you
it's underwhelming and undertuned
Midra is good too because it's a return to old souls form of bosses, but I still don't feel hyped during it. I just feel like it's fair so I have normal fun, not screaming Igor or watching Patches fuck off in the middle of it while everyone else brawls
don't tell anybody u lvld dex....
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Do I NEED to complete that big dungeon on the left to access this part of the map, or is there some other path I'm missing?
very fucking based i kneel
really need more sexy art of mommy marika. they really hit the jackpot with the blonde PAWG milf nympho archetype.
slow the fuck down
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The fact that this hole in the ceiling exists in the church where yous tart out proves to me we reached the lands between via catapult.
yes we need more dragon god fights, peak game design
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The main usage for Light of Miquella is to either smoke coopers out of their hideout or punish anyone not looking at you. If they fail to get out of the explosion immediately they almost always get hit.
It also punishes long fancy animations and any sort of commitment almost as good as a motherfucking Comet.
Certainly the best incant for invasions they added with the DLC, although Flame Snake and Messmer's Orb are not too shabby either.
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I beat the game
nice framerate bro
dex is cool cuz lightan
we could have got a land of reeds DLC.....
I don't actually like dragons and I hated Bayle's moveset. Igor alone just hypes you through it so it's not a slog
>Fire giant
Ah I see, you're not paying attention.

This AoE is viable against all enemies, players and bosses, and chain staggers. Its not a one trick pony against large.
Broke the timeline by being the oldest kid.
Also had (justified) mommy issues, genocided the locals for said mommy, hoping that she'll love him and let him come up from the basement.
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>what getting grabbed twice by Miquella does to a mfer
Googled his look, couldn't help myself. That does look nice. I'm gonna need to mod that bling around his neck invisible/delete it altogether though.
This seems like a really convoluted way to make a theory fit.
you didn't really beat it, though. let's be honest.
>One trick pony
anon Rolling sparks is literally the quickest and easiest way to kill every single boss in the DLC
It kills radahn in under 15 seconds.
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if you're talking about this then yeah the main boss of it is part of the critical path
havent played since the release version of the game
starting over from scratch today
what build do i go for? i just want to have fun and fuck around already got 100% achievements
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is there a weapon that has a similar reach and speed to the serpent hunter rolling R1? I just realized I got way too used to its moveset to punish malenia after that quick triple slash she does and it's hard to try to shake the habit with another weapon
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You are right. Unironically.
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Loremaaters, explain the lore behind this
tiddy* but I'm a filthy phoneposter
youd think theyd have the kinks worked out with royal knights resolve by now
Sonichu medallion...
Also I'm not sure if it actually has the necklace, I don't remember seeing it when I equipped it but I dint have it for ling
Answer the question.
Didn't fextra have a page for a talisman that converted holy damage to lightning before release? Does that really exist or was someone just fucking around?
do you go online and slap people with 99stats at RL125?
wretch of course
Beast Claws with Bestial incantations
I wanted to do it in my playthrough but they were just shit compared to other options so I preserved my sanity. But if I was just doing another playthrough I'd give them another go
Korean heart symbol
stop trying to sissy-hypno me, miquella.
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Rellana hopping and jumping around in full armor, building up a mighty sweat, her inner clothing already completely drenched despite the cooling spell on her magic armor. You can see steam escape from the gaps of her armor and hear her heavy panting. Every time she swings her swords at you, you get sprayed with her sweat. Then after a well placed strike, her armor pops open as if it were desperately holding something in.
Well, we know a couple of things:
Radahn held back the stars, including Fate
Radahn resisted to the point of all out war joining with Malenia and Miquella
Radahn as we fight him in the DLC says nothing and appears to be wholly under Miquella's control
Because they were not retcons. You were never gonna get your edgy Prince of Death fight Godwyntranny
What the hell even was the Shadowrealm? How's the Skibiditree different from the Erdtree?
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I prefered Dark souls 3
Only bosses.
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Is this the good ending?
>Making things up to save face
Sorry anon, you're not even close. Not even the right damage type.
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We should have been able to save her
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Sekiro is Lands of Reeds DLC.
>Mortal Blade = Destined Death
>Black Mortal Blade = Black Flame
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I beat the game.
if you look at official art she is just a normal looking european woman
she isnt the whole fat woman with huge tits and ass shit they pull
she is just a normal weight woman with nice tits and ass
why do people keep drawing rellana with giant honkers? is there any actual lore on this? why her specifically like "no bro you don't understand under that armor she's got HUUUUUGE.... tracts of land". not that i'm complaining of course, but still.
Bro have you not seen the 12 second Radahn kill with Rolling Sparks?
>sword of night with faith

what rl?
It's the center of the lands between and dead things go there or something idk
It's common knowledge to anyone who did Ansbach's quest, no I will not sift through someone elses youtube playthrough to find the exact line of dialogue you lazy bum.
he can also be beaten naked RL1 using nothing but fists, your point shit.
It's all the shit Marika didn't let into her Erdtree when she ascended to godhood, then sealed it off
But actually, it's completely taken, 1:1, from another book of GRRM's with a shadow realm and a light/dark tree in each and some Blood Emperor guy or something who created it all
you are gay now
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>ascending to godhood requires discarding of of the former form
>miquella discarded his love, the strongest part of his being and it remained as trina
>marika's strongest motivation revealed to be a return to her home
>she could have discarded this desire herself when ascending, becoming radagon
>this is why radagon was a loving husband and father until marika roped him into her schemes
deepest lore
Probably the boob armour but also people drawing horny souls art are all fucking weirdos in the first place
They were using it for some ritual involving the Crucible. Marika gathered the rune arcs from their corpses, then infused herself with them.
She's basically a level 713 in lore.
>find a hidden passage up to a roof
>smithing stone (1) x4
bravo Mr Zaki
blood emperor sounds badass
insane map design
why would you need a boob plate that big if you don't have giant milkers to fill the space?
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Godfrey WON BIGLY with this wife.
She was murderhoboy as he was.
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What I wouldn't give to hear a full live orcherstra blasting this
i don't care about godwyn. the retcon about mohg was obviously not the original intention it outright condradicts everything told to us in the base game in a way that can't be explained away other than saying that the game was lying to us.
>twin moons
it writes itself
the cut content does point to it, there is dialogue of mohg being protective with miquella even back when he was still in the haligtree. their mistake was being overly mysterious and not having any connections between them in the base game.
i just finished the dlc and now i want to play multiplayer for the first time, can i just sit in shaman village and send that coop signal or do i need to sit near a boss
this is how you know you're gay.
I have started ignoring the regular items
We know Radahn held back the stars for Sellia. There's nothing in the game about the war being him resisting. Mohg speaks despite being under Miquella's brainwashing.
Rellanna putting her twin moons around Messmer's impaler.
is it really? people here were saying its shit
want to do a str/faith build (something like 40/60) would it work?
instead we got miquella, the actual tranny
Used it as a gate to interact with the cruicible and become as gods. There are a bunch of Divine Warrior Hornsent who have gone through a version of the ritual and they're some of the hardest regular mobs in the game.
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Are you even doing it right

+25 lightning flask
perfumer talisman
lightning scorpion
lightning crystal tear
whatever else of your choice, like sword ritual
option golden vow, any buffs beyond that are excessive

If your damage sucks even with all that, you built wrong
How much damage did you WANT it to do?
If you can't see the advantage of pure lightning damage, being less mitigated than physical, power stanced for double damage for free, with elemental scaling talismans/flask to multiply it more than physical, you can't see shit
do you think marika got fucked by it too? she's probably loose enough to take it
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Very, very high.
Aiming to hit all softcaps through invasions at some point.
What are the wrong things in the base game?
spear guy putting in that work
Which perfume weapon is the best?!
you have buffs on
enemies aren't aware of you either so it gives a damage increase
>there's nothing in the game about the war being him resisting
>except for that the entire point of Malenia going to go fight him was to enact this plan and she even whispers to him before blooming into the rot about Miquella awaiting him
If he agreed to Miquella's plan he wouldn't have had this fucking fight bro.
gay name but characters looks dope
youtube brain rot
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its down to 8 seconds now ^^

easy peasy 2 hit kill, not even dealing the full 36k because he doesn't have enough HP to soak up all the hitboxes and died at the 26k mark
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didn't she go full woman moment and shank all the other needle knights
>the entire world is under control of a guy who lost his fear, doubts and ability to love
>he steals everyone's hearts, removing free will almost entirely, not even the smartest and strongest can resist
It's the ultimate lawfag ending, of the worst variety. Basically what some retards painted Goldmask's to be prior to DLC.
lightning powergap frenzy
mohg stole miquella already in coccoon form directly from the haligtree and miquella was no longer active. which just isn't possible anymore.
>If you like big tits you're a weirdo
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it doesn't really look that big in the game that's my point.

i mean... you got me there, anon.
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Yes. That's part of the appeal.
Does anyone else block every Chinese and Russian they play with? They all play like fags.
>lightning scorpion
>lightning crystal tear
>whatever else of your choice, like sword ritual
>option golden vow, any buffs beyond that are excessive
remove this and show me the damage again
Or the twins' part of the vow was letting him die in combat before becoming Elden Lord.
the only buffs on are golden vow and flask, you can see the status icons
if its dealing 3000 damage to unaware enemies it would deal 2500 to aware enemies
Why do you keep making the same post every day?
drawing horny art of souls characters makes you a weirdo flatout
bolting big tits onto every fictional character you see also does in fact make you a weirdo
Nobody's arguing that Miq mindraped Mohg and his whole gang, anon.
Point is that Miq getting kidnapped was not part of his keikaku. Mohg revealed himself and fagboy used him.
Can her twins moons envelop the 18 inches of messmer?
I haven't posted anything in this general in over a year you schizo
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>male version of Rellana's set has a boobplate too
literally the coolest mage fashion and it's unusable on males
unless there's a way to cover it up?
I loved 3's art direction and setting design but loathed the bloodborne at home flanderization of souls combat. For all its flaws, Elden Ring's gameplay is just better.
>retroactively robbing characters of their agency is not a retcon
"Okay I agree but only if you turn my entire homeland into an ecological disaster and force me to start eating my own men mindlessly."
I think you'd have to be retarded to believe the war was merely a performance or formality.
why the fuck would you not use lightning crystal tear or sword ritual when its free damage
people are playing through sekiro style with a flask buff and you think 3 minute duration free buff at every bonfire is too much?

its trivial to calculate the damage
if its 589 damage at 80/80, that means 1.2 perfumer, 1.12 scorpion, 1.2 tear, 1.1 sword, 1.15 vow, 2.0 powerstance adds up to ~2400 damage
Miquella fullfiled his part of the vow, whatever it was. And Freyja, one of his most trusted warriors, supports the plan, which I don't think would be the case if the Radahn we fight was a meat puppet.
just put your snacks in there.
>One of his most trusted warriors
Freyja is a literal fucking who and points out that Jerren, his ACTUAL most trusted warrior and right hand man, wouldn't approve of it.
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The quality gap between Ringed City and this DLC is enormous. Ringed City was just a half assed hallway with basically no level design to speak of. Here, the very WORLD of DLC is almost DS1 tier in terms of interconnectedness and verticality, Shadow Keep and Belurat are both excellent and even most side dungeons are god tier.
>mother's first daughter
The shadowrealm was previously the center landmass on the map and was physically excised into a pocket dimension eons ago by Marika to keep the Gate of Divinity hidden. The skibidi tree is literally the shadow of the erdtree. It's part of the seal that keeps the shadowlands hidden and separate from reality.
There's zero evidence Malenia blooming was intentional.
is the dung eater ending just turning the world into blasphemous? make suffering the universal constant?
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it's really big anon and even bigger if you consider she's over 2 meters tall and they still look big
in the concept art they still appear bigger than in game too
Malenia whispers about Miquella awaiting him before triggering the bloom. Completely fucking intentional anon.
I see, thanks anon. I suppose the area right below it is also tied to clearing that dungeon judging by the map.
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what do you mean?
Sorry lad, Gael alone mogs Shadow of erdtree
god imagine if instead of shitty dragonman 4.0 and retard omen transformations we could transform into mushroomchads from ds1
no armor, no weapons, all attacks transformed into melee punches, movement speed slowed down to a crawl
freyja is radahn's personal fucking bodyguard
That's not my point. The point is that Freyja wouldn't go along with Radahn being mind controlled.
Gael is the only thing people even remember about TRC and mechanically Messmer beats him by a long shot.
good, fuck george martini
Omen are outside of the normal golden order cycle of reincarnation and can't return to the erdtree, this is why the people of the golden order consider it a heinous curse. The Dung Eater ending makes it so that becoming Omen is the norm, essentially ending the erdtree's reincarnation cycle.
Are you sure about that? IIRC, she was just happy that "Radahn" was fighting again.
Bros I love the new throwing shield so much...
Hard swap shitters literally cant avoid it
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>and mechanically Messmer beats him
aint nobody give a SHIT, we here for FUN
1. She never says that, she just says Jerren would br pained to admit it.
2. Read her armor and shield. She's Radahn's most trusted knight and part of his personal guard.
3. Jerren also says that Radahn wishes to die in the festival which if he was so against the plan that he already knew about you figure wouldn't be the case at all.
no it just makes everybody into a hornsent
Does Marika respawn you when this happens so you can beat them up?
Yeah, if your hard evidence is coming to you in a dream.
You all beat the game. Every one of you.
Freyja would go along with anything because she worships Radahn like a fangirl and worships Miquella all the same for tending to her rot. She is a fucking simp who wants what she wants out of her own desires and not what he would want. She's also basically tacitly cool with fucking everyone around her being mind controlled already given she knows Miquella was charming her and everyone you fucking fool.
>there is dialogue of mohg being protective with miquella even back when he was still in the haligtree.
nobody can avoid it, its a homing projectile that hits from above, spammed fast as fuck, for virtually zero fp, and even has a melee hitbox just because
This reads like a breast envy post made by a titlet girl mad about fictional depictions of the female body
I like small tits too so be sure to post yours and I'll probably jerk off to it the same way I do to giant milkers rellana :)
>Completely fucking intentional
So did she just the roll the dice with the Rot, hoping it would kill Radahn instead of throwing a massive wrench in Miq's plans that can only be unfucked by a Tarnished strong enough to merk 3 demigods?
NTA but Godwyns soul was blasted into oblivion
There is no coming back from that
If you could come back from that then Marika herself would have done it, since she had the power of the Elden Ring.
Miquella doesn't even have the elden ring, he's just a god, someone who can become a vessel for it which is why he is in direct conflict with the tarnished since he chose Radahn as his Consort.
Miquella's eclipse failed to bring Godwyn back, because you can't reverse someones soul getting deleted.
The Ringed City was so good they recycled whole sections of it to make Belurat.
Souls level design unironcally peaked with DaS2s DLCs. They remain unsurpassed.
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Anyway, where is my favorite horse?
Are you denying that's what the game is saying happened? Because we see her whisper, we know the words, she triggers the bloom. What are you saying?
Then why can I avoid it so easily when my enemy throws it?
>Freyja was healed but she never went to kill Radahn.
Come on guys. Nothing in the DLC matters. You can literally treat it as a dream.
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Why would Radahn resist this cute face?
>Let me just nuke half a country just so my brother can live his prancing lala homo man fantasies with his big chonky daddy
What did she mean by this???
Thanks to the people who reminded me that Nepheli Loux's quest got an actual ending. I needed to talk to her at the throne to get the ancient dragon smithing stone.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Also, as you said, Radahn told Jerren that he wished to die fighting. So I don't see why It would be a stretch that the vow was "If you beat me, I will be your Consort"
how miyazaki did resurrection in elden ring is 1:1 to what GRRM talks about in your screenshot. its an entire plot point of the sweetings that resurrection literally causing you to lose a bit of yourself every time, and the radahn of the DLC is visibly and objectively not the same radahn from the base game.
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Because that's a dude and that's gay.
Freyja wasn't healed. Ansbach points out the rot is still affecting her.
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Holy shit the Smithscript Weapons are so fucking fun in PVP. I got so many mixups with these two alone. It feels so fucking cool to use.
only people who shill ringed city are the faggots who's first souls game was DS3

most people agree that if anything, ashes of ariendal was the better dlc
>concept art

>just want to be a cheeky little jar imp lobbing fireballs at people when I invade
>no jar imp helmet
Expansion RUINED
The dagger WA is genuinely nuts
You don't have enough textual evidence to support your reading of the events.
How come /v/ isnt throwing a shitfit over pedophilia and gay romance in this game?
>Ranni, Melina, Messmer
one eye closed
both eyes closed
what does it mean
>radahn of the DLC is visibly and objectively not the same radahn from the base game.
yeah its young radahn? thats his armor set name
elden beast coop might be the worst thing i've experienced, he just constantly run aways like a retard
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I beat the game and I'm having fun with coop
That's a lot of headcanon in your post. Radahn idolizes Godfrey, who is a warmonger.
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Here comes the superior DLC!
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She's the embodiment of a Fujoshi (rotten girl) and her army of other Fujo's helped her pull it off.
We even see her injecting him with aids (her own blood) to try and turn him gay.
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Ringed City is simply the best
go back and ask them retard
don't come back either
>Yeah, Caelid getting nuked and Malenia's entire campaign being because Miquella was horny for his older brother was planned from the start because we didn't know what Malenia whispered to Radahn
Do people realize how retarded this sounds? Most people are trying to rationalize this because it just sounds super fucking stupid and makes one of the biggest parts of the lore of the base game look like a joke.
Piercing Throw? I never used it. Immediately changed it to Scatter Throw because I needed an AOE type attack to hit people running to the side when they're trying to run.
Consort Radahn has braids because he is Miquella's.
>most people agree that if anything, ashes of ariendal was the better dlc
no one has ever made that statement except for the braindamaged monkey that is you
dark souls 3 sets is better than elden pling
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Don't you DARE approach Miqueller the Kind.
I've seen your kind, time and time again. Every fucking skibidi must be collected. Every secret must be unearthed. Such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed seeker of DLC. But in the end, you lack the skill. For the bosses you'll bring upon yourself...
Because it isn't part of the story at all, and the goal is to murder the faggots.
DS3 is easily the worst souls game and it's DLCs are an absolute joke
Why scorpion charm instead of alexanders?
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With the mindrape retcon, Mohg is a non entity.
The whole plot convenient mindrape and Radahn consort thing is just painstakingly retarded.
Ashes has shit level design. It's the DLC that was painfully obviously rushed out the door with minimal planning, made from retrofitting cut base game assets (the first artbook gives it away, basically everything in AoA except Freida herself were made for the base game and cut). Friede hard carries the DLC. She's just such a fucking good boss that in hindsight people forget she was literally the only good thing about that 4 hour DLC with 1 real boss.
No, Scatter Throw. It's a goddamn shotgun, crazy damage for how fast and spammable it is.
Is there a way to make a dex/faith build work with a greatshield or will my points be spread to thing to do any kind of decent dmg?

Using the tree spear right now with minimum requirements a medium shield with extra points in faith for sacred order buff. It's okay but looking for other suggestions if anyone has any. Thanks
He threw his eyes away to get rid of grace's influence over him.
any British Isles dweller knows what dialect this crazy bitch speaks in? Is it brummie?
kino character
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This was one of the best areas fromsoft ever designed and the fact that it filtered so many people is just icing on the cake.
t. used to invade there.
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This fat fucking hack.
It's not that it's more "fantastical" than GRRM's dunces and nonces. It's that it literally has a different philosophy it wishes to express in regards to death. GRRM sees death as final, grim, an act of nature. Tolkien sees it as an atrocity that man must overcome through Christ.

>realistic approach
What the fuck is realistic about a suave midget delivering wisdom from on-high that everyone else in the plot is too retarded to figure out? The main heroes of the story are shunned, isolated, and broken. I'm not saying it's a bad theme. It's retarded to call it realistic, though.
>most people agree that if anything, ashes of ariendal was the better dlc
I'm not a footfag so Gael will always remain more memorable to me than sister Friede.
>She never says that, she just says Jerren would br pained to admit it.
She says it would pain old Jerren, who agreed to an oath of honourable death with Radahn.
She's still not as close as Jerren is to him.
Radahn wished to die an honourable death, that's what Jerren is holding the festival for. We don't know that he knows of Miquella's plan. In fact, we know he doesn't, since Freyja says he'd be pained by it.
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He still has eyes in his model.
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Ivory King completely mogs Radahn in terms of coolness
he has braids because he loves godfrey
yeah it fucking sucks
Already pretty stinky outside of Sacred Backhand Blades
>with a Greatshield
Shit nigger what are you doing
What was the key event that made you realize that the game isn't about proving how skilled (masochistic) you are, but about having fun?
You might be better off doing Quality/Faith. Not sure if that will work, but since you'll have a lot of mandator STR you should try that. Alternatively check if infusing the spear into Heavy works at all.
My reading of the events? The game fucking says Malenia delivered those words to Radahn while fighting. We see her whisper them in the footage of the fight. What are you talking about, not even evidence? Fucking Hell dude.
this "OMG they planned it all along look at Malenia's lips moving while she stabbed him!" bullshit is pissing me off more than it should. That's not set up or proof, she could've said literally anything from "I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella" to "ligma balls." I don't know if these people are actually this fucking stupid or if they're being deliberately dishonest to defend objectively bad writing out of tribalism. Nor do I know what would piss me off more.
This is the worst tragedy of the DLC. What's left for Mohg fans?
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>swift slash spammers
>perfume abusers
a cesspool of niggers and degenerates.
Holy shit, light of miquella is an awful, awful incantation. Useless
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Bros, I don't think I can beat Radahn with Dryleaf.
Forgive me, old friend, I'm going to need your help one last time.
The Burnt Ivory King walked so the Radahn Festival could run
now thats some quality bussy
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You appear to have posted the wrong DLC anon.
I always thought her face and her thematics looks familiar, then it just dawned on me that she is just Shira, Knight of Fillianore 2.0.
Naomi Yang is from Manchester.
Miquella said the same thing about my charm-forced blowjob
With my FAITH build, I have been using the Erdtree Sacred Seal all time, but after just beating Messmer, im thinking into trying to go for a Fire focused build using the Messmer spear.
Should I use the Fire Priest Sacred Seal, or the Fire Giant one? Or stick to the Erdtree one due to the huge FAITH scaling even if unfocused to any kind of incantations?
>game where you can choose your difficulty
>everyone choosing ez mode

why are you surprised? that's the real question. i've always hated duels anyways, it's way too easy to play passive reactive and if you do there isn't really anything the other player can do to punish you for it.
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Yeah, unfortunately he got fucked.
Sir Ansbach
Bewitching branch and Malenia whisper is very deep lore, Miyazaki is a genius. 7 years of thought went into this. He can do no wrong.
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Ranni won I guess
You're filling in gaps with fanfiction because you don't want Radahn to be a gay pedo.
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>Maldron the "invader"
>saving Loyce Knights for the final boss
>descent into Abyss
>Frigid Outskirts
It's an unbelievably good of a DLC
Also good
How do you even deal with status effect swift slash? Even when I think I dodged it I'm getting like half a bar of phantom status and then it just goes straight into another swift slash and all I can do is roll again
DEXfags will never know the touch of a Greatshield.>>484104434

Meanwhile my Haligtree Greatshield with Heavy Godskin Stitcher works.
Radahn idolized Godfrey in his youth. Radahn is described often as being a complex man who is both a powerful warrior and big hearted.

It is absolutely not headcanon that Freyja is clearly fucking cool with mind control. She's cool with herself being mind controlled, she's cool with everyone she's working with being mind controlled.
>I'm curious to see who wins.
The shitters already won. FROM is a shitter-enabling company now (I say "now" well aware of how you could cheese/summon in the previous games, but it was never as bad as it is in ER). The amount of crutches they threw into ER to basically grant it an easy mode in everything but and explicit gameplay setting is a pure matter of fact.

What's most pathetic is that the moment you point out they took the path of least resistance instead of putting in a modicum of effort for a game that is "supposed" to be about challenging yourself, they have a dozen cope-fueled arguments like
>MIYAZAKI USES IT AS WELL (ignore the part about Miyazaki admitting he's a shitter though)
>what does it mean
Miquella lost sight of what actually mattered in his insane pursuit for power.
Messmer is clearly a huge Morrissey fan.
>O Mother, I can feel the serpents pouring out of my head…
does this cut crone dialogue directly refer to miquella being in the land of shadow? does this retroactively BTFO retcon fags forever?
is there a cheat table to reset and respawn bosses you fought? i don't want to go into ng+
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>AOW takes more than 1 second
completely unuseable
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>Cool as fuck
>Str/Int chad
>Tragic hero who loves fighting
>In a relationship people actually care about
BIK is kind of like a superior Radahn, now that I think about it
can I really only play faith if I want to use milady? I hate faith builds so much
I don't give a flying fuck about Radahn anon. I do not fucking care if he fucks children in the lore or he fucks his horse or he turns out to be an unironic cuckold that let Jerren fuck his wives. I don't give a shit. You are shutting your ears and eyes at what the game is explicitly saying at this point. I have nothing I "want" to be true.
She's a jawlet
Mogh's character hasn't changed that much, really. But now we know why he was so insistent with Miquella despite him never talking to him.
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yeah you can respawn all the bosses using hexinton table
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God bless Ranni.
>She says it would pain old Jerren, who agreed to an oath of honourable death with Radahn.
Jerren being pained at it doesn't mean he'd disagree with it. No one ever says Jerren would think it wrong. Also, she says the thing Jerren would be pained by is the fact that Radahn was always fit for battle and desires endless war, implying Jerren didn't have quite the same inclinations.

>She's still not as close as Jerren is to him.
Jerren is a mercenary guest commander who's just passing through and abandons the cause after his personal oath is fulfilled. He's not even a Redmane. Radahn's most trusted knight and a member of his personal guard should if anything be closer to him.

>Radahn wished to die an honourable death, that's what Jerren is holding the festival for. We don't know that he knows of Miquella's plan. In fact, we know he doesn't, since Freyja says he'd be pained by it.
If you trust Jerren's words at all then Radahn's oath of honorable death (undertaken before the war) and subsequent desire to die during the festival are both hard proof he was fine with Miquella's plan, as he knows his death would mean Miquella becoming God and him becoming Lord. If you believe Jerren was wrong then he's just wrong about everything Radahn and you can say that none of his words actually matter.
why is milady only usable with faith?
DS2 DLCs were unironically the best in all FROM games if we're comparing solely the merits of DLCs themselves t.b.q.h.
holy DS2 boss
>Never as bad as ER
Magic in DS1 and 2 were far more broken than most cheese in Elden Ring
Magic and pyromancies did that in DS1, and Hexes did the same in DS2. DS2 was infamous for the starting Lightning Spear oneshotting nearly everything and pre-nerf faith builds trivializing the game. Even after that weapons like the rapier were too strong for bosses to deal with.
Cheat engine :)
But lets not forget how much of an unga bunga retard she is.
>Age of compassion where everyone gets mind controlled into playing nice
>Oh Radahn would have wanted eternal war to invigorate the soul!
>eternal war...
>age of compassion
She's pretty clearly a meathead who hasn't thought her own actions through.
thanks, will check it out
Admit your homosexuality anon. You want Miquella cock we all know it.
It's pure SOUL
Radhan phase 2 is the shittiest designed fight in the entire franchise, phase 1 is GOOD but phase 2 is aids
have you actually tried yah know casting it

its a long range fuck you autoaim spell even without lockon, forces opponents to keep running in pvp gank squads, can OHKO enemies in pve with sniper range
and on bridges in pvp it both snipes people and is arena denial that stops them from crossing again when the second beams hit
absolute monster in ganks
Why did Miquella have to play 12D chess instead of mindcontrolling Radahn from the beginning?
Did they buff Mimic Tear? I feel like it could solo bosses for me. I used it on Divine Beast Lion because he was annoying but it got completely melted....now I'm afraid of using my Mimic...
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>you get the cool weapon you want at the very end of the game/dlc
whats the fucking point
DS3 is still the best From game
>t. started with demon's
>it was never as bad as it is in ER
wait til you learn about the fire storm cheese in Demon Souls
Alright, it's been over a week, where is all the Miquella porn?
Finally beat the first fucking boss that asshole Margit
i doubt she even knows how to read
pve game
>oneshot enemies in pve
it deals 1000 damage at most with 80 faith
I summoned a guy for Radahn and he melted him in like 20 seconds using the sword lance thingy.
why would she seethe about communion though? You feast of drake hearts, aka traitors to the real dragons, who in turn were friends to Godwyn, no?
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>12th place
She deserved better, at least she beat the psycho yandere.
>wilhelm scream
>Yes of course, I see, as the festival of war concluded, general Radahn's soul met an honorable end, but kindly Miquella wishes to revive it? which is fine by me, i know it would pain old Jerren but war has always suited general Radahn best. and certainly far more than any honorable death, endless war to invigorate the soul, as befits general Radahn, the Great Lion.
>No one ever says Jerren would think it wrong
You don't get pained over something you think is right anon. He would be unhappy over it. He would not like it to be true. It would pain him.

Jerren made a fucking death oath with him.

They aren't hard proof of anything. They're a point to draw speculation from. Radahn got no honourable death from Malenia and involved tons of innocents in the process.
On Rule 34 and Pixiv
Do you think the 150 meta level will change?
smough and ornstein all over again kek
It seems like he needs to actually be face to face with a target to mind control them. The thing that all of the Leda troupe have in common is that they all met Miquella face to face at some point.
Obviously another Demigod who knows of Miquella's ability would never let him get close enough, especially not one like Radahn who actually has magic he can use from afar. But the fact that Miquella never even tried demonstrates his manipulative, risk-averse nature. He was happy to sacrifice his sister and Mohg but wouldn't even chance a blister by taking his place on the battlefield.
Still waiting for someone to explain why Miquella went along with the blood transfusion molestation after charming Mohg and his crew.
finished half of liurnia of the lakes and i still dont have any nice looking armour the fuck?
unironically agree, very memorable fighs, weapons and zones. Hell with ringed city they even managed to make the lore and story somewhat coherent
Miquella realized that her mother's fuckups were due to her feelings, and that to be a God who would embrace all he needed to become an impartial being.
why would it?
what weapon mister Orang Gutan
he needed it to access the shadow realm
>it's young radahn
did you miss the horns and bloodflame?
Why do you assume he didn't mindcontrol Radahn in the beginning? An obvious answer to why the war happened and how a promise happened he didn't want is Miquella charming him with a fucking "we'll totally get married together when I grow up, won't we big bro!" promise.
Sometimes I fantasize about Malenia coming home drunk and beating me until I feel numb. She jump kicks me in the ribs until I can hardly breathe. Then after my tenth revive midway through my eleventh beating she starts to cry and apologizes, begging me to forgive her. She holds me all night as I gently cry into her dress. Please help is there any hope for me.
The NPC quests are actually fucked this time, you get like half of the DLC's total equipment in the last two rooms because they're all tied to NPCs that don't relinquish their shit until the final boss.
>Magic in DS1 and 2 were far more broken than most cheese in Elden Ring
Ummm, no sweaty, because just like in every other game you had to summon to distract the boss to actually let you cast your bullshit. Because you're stacking INT for your shit spells you were a glass cannon and easily punishable by bosses. So ASSUMING YOU WERE SOLO, it required a minimum amount of effort in actually dodging/avoiding the boss.
Stacking poise with Havel and facetanking were a bigger cheese in DS1 than sorceries.

Btw, in ER INT-shitters were also severely enabled by sorceries WITH summons, who are even better at distracting/providing openings for them to cast Comet Azur.
And even THAT was replaced by more efficient cheese "tactics".
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Well done!
I admittedly have a soft spot for Leda. Really cute retard.
180-200 is way more active than before the dlc
When did Miquella come face to face with Mohg while he was cocooned in the Haligtree?
I wish there was FTH lightning infusions, because dragon cult doesnt get enough love.
Maybe just a fist with enchantment added on
When Mohg fucking took him you absolute retard
Is it worth going for light equip load?
And yet all he accomplished was making himself a better vessel and puppet for the Elden Beast and Metyr.
It's going to be real fucking easy to establish order when you rewrite the laws of the world to just be "You have to love your god, no matter what and no he wont love you back lmao."
I just think the greatshields look cool but I didn't want to do another strength character with the same weapons. Spears seemed like an okay middle ground since they can poke behind the shields but seems like I need too many different stats to make it work.

Thanks I'll play around with it and see if I can come up with anything.
How do you avoid that gravity vortex AoE Radahn does usually after pulling you in? I know you can iframe the pull itself, but if you get caught, is the AoE unavoidable?
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Dane's footwork
if he could mind control Radahn there's no reason for the war in the first place.

This was in fact the #1 reason everyone pre DLC recognized the "Mohg was mind controlled" theory as completely fucking retarded but now we have ultra retards trying to justify it as if that plot point doesn't break the entire setting over its knee.
He's going to kill the Elden Beast like we did.
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You can jump away from it
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How does it feel to be Miyazaki knowing that the community will justify anything you make even if it's literal garbage?
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When you think about it, this game is kind of like dark souls
Mohg kidnapped him and then got domination loss'd.
The majority of Mohg's followers were not mind controlled, they all genuinely believed in his plan to get Miquella boypregnant. That points to him being clear of mind when he executed the plan, and going mad only afterwards.
Hornsent did nothing wrong.
Stupid uppity flowerniggers need to know thrir place and get in the jars. Who wouldn’t want sainthood?
The whips were only needed because the dumbass shamans resisted.
Radahn's a brainlet whose sole purpose in life is to fight. There is no mind to charm.
But what stops me from kissing him?Would he be into it? Does he feel lust?
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Help, I'm getting filtered by this twink, any tip? My lv is 125 with 40 vig. Pure faith build. I was able to beat rellana just fine but this zoomer keep fucking my shit aaaaaa
As if Miquella couldn't have gotten close to Radahn during his duel with Malenia.
If Radahn is being mindcontrolled from the beginning Caelid means nothing beyond a small child mashing action figures together.
It's basically the Dark Souls of action RPGs
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That's enough Radahn attempts for today but I think he's doable without shields or summons, I'll beat him tomorrow. People will probably look back on him the way we do at Malenia now, it's just the hysteria of a new le ultra hard boss
Time to admit you have shit taste dragonturd.
Mind control doesn't have to be a binary, or always on or off. We only see how it affects non-demigods at length.
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Oh, fuck you.
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>St Trina and Fia right next to each other
imagine taking a nap with both of them in the same bed.
Also, St Trina didnt get enough. Her oldd esign with bound eyes and single eye was so cool I wish they had expanded on that.
I made mine Frost!
Use poise breaking weapons/weapon arts.
Sprint away, jump the strike, keep sprinting away from the AoE.
In 2nd phase keep running until the real Radahn jumps (the illusions don't do anything), he will prepare another strike. Jump that one too and just keep running.
Good luck.
>even after they got Mimic Tear
>even after Miyazaki himself enabled them by telling them "you don't have to git gud, because I am not :^)"
>game journos are still crying about "brutal difficulty
Thrown journos into active volcanoes.
>radahn realizes or he's been mind controlled or otherwise breaks it and refuses to go along with it
It's the barest amount of imagination I expect people to be able to have I fucking swear, it isn't a complicated idea. "Making a deal while charmed" isn't an obscure idea.
So we're saying Mohg was up to shit with Miquella without being mind controlled and he wasn't entirely a victim?
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It's very easy to miss her. Most people will just kill Bayle and find her items dropped on the floor.
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Please tell me this is a viable weapon combo.
Also please give me fashion that works with this sword and/or mace, I can't make anything work. Except the new NIght set with the mace
>Start DLC with 60 vig/80 agi build
>0 faith, int and arcane
>never use consumibles
>no jump because I usually forget
>weapon claymore, AoW giant hunt
>no shield because I literally have no strenght, I keep a small one for carian retaliation tho
>all my talismans are from the base game
>all the levelups go into mind to spam giant hunt on random mobs
>killed all bosses in 10 tries max
>no ashes summons
>I used the Hornsent, the old Mogh guy and the dragon guy in the last 10 seconds of their fights to get the quest
>the sunflower was the boss that gave me the most trouble, not Rhadan
You told me that this DLC was hard...
Now that seamless coop has INVASIONS. /erg/ password when?
why only 40 vig?
And after "killing" the elden beast then what? He becomes a caged divinity just like his mother, which is why St Trina tells us to kill him.
Miquella didn't go through deliberate steps to get rid of his two fingers like Ranni did.
He just bought the whole "I'm going to become a god" line like a dunce.
In other words he is not free of Metyr's meddling.
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I kinda wish we got to see a world / setting post-Miquella and his influence

Its made out to be a bad thing, but we are never really shown why its a bad thing. Sure, we can imagine, but i think its a failure of the game to not properly establish the type of threat we are dealing with beyond "Everyone will be le-charmed"

Miquella could have made a pretty cool and sympathetic "villain", but he and his influence are so non-present in the dlc that it just ends up being a whole load of nothing
Find skibidis and learn his patterns. I think he's a much more fun and rewarding fight to learn than Rellana. I'd level more also and pump your vig
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Why would anyone swear fealty to Godwyn, a soulless living corpse that is cancerous growth on existence itself?

I don't understand.
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>be shitter who only beat the game once with the help of phantoms and never did any side content
>use guide to sequence break and go to the level 150+ area with a secondary scaling system at level 40
>"wtf why is it so hard"

Reminder that this is what these people would have wanted the game to look like.
Well I beat Radahn with a greatshield. At least I didn't have to resort to mimic tear so that's something I guess.

What a bullshit second phase.
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i just made this in paint
someone else can do a better job
Just the general reception to the dlc’s difficulty and the number of new options.
Interesting. I think that could be cool but I wonder if 200 would be too high.
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Nioh 2
Nice fanfiction.
You beat the game only if you blocked his phase 2-exclusive attacks/combos.
Metyr is dead.
>Only use for Gideon's Staff is debuffing
>Only use for Leda's sword is removing buffs and debuffs on the enemy
>Well I beat Radahn
Sounds like you didn't
So how long before we find out how big of a clusterfuck the development of the DLC was?
oh great everyones using the captains america shield in pvp now
Welcome to lore discussions of Souls friend, I see you're new here. The entire point is fanfiction from established elements of truth. It's been a long history of like 15 years but I'm sure you'll adapt to the culture soon enough!
I was fatrolling so unless I pumped my level or respecced to something else there was no way to do that.


Would be more fun to attempt to guess random passwords to invade gullible people and force them to close their session
Naw he's actually a piece of shit. Normally speedrunners, challenge runners and no hitters are styling on crybabies by now showing how fair and doable a boss is if you master them but instead they're all crying about Radahn too, except they're looking through the lens of animation viewer and frame data dumps.

He's just a mess of a boss, clearly rushed, underbaked and not playtested enough. The main reason people feel like they need 20 skibidi for him is that his animations aren't fair enough to reward mastery, so it's better to just stack defense and damage and bruteforce him with stats so you don't have to engage with his moveset meaningfully. I can't think of any encounter in the base game that's bad in the same was he is.
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>it deals 1000 damage at most with 80 faith
Hey buddy did you know you can upgrade seals in this game to increase your incantation damage? Hope you found that information helpful, leave a five star review
The rapist has become the raped.
It's an excellent game desu and I appreciate the most about it the fact that Team Ninja actually puts in a lot of effort for NG+ and extreme lategame content
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bruh i fucking hate big enemies
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>summoned to beat golden hippo
>had fun
>reloaded backup save just before golden hippo
>beat it myself first try

i really gotta believe in myself more. fun fight both ways. really loving this cosplay btw, gotta get the new auto xbow to complete it. had enough time to do 1 shot, reload, and switch back to 2H before getting attacked again. it's just such a useful tool to have even though it's not OP. i could try to trigger bleed but it takes so many shots usually idk if it's even worth it so i just shot lightning bolts for like 500 damage total. RL130 scadu 6 btw.
So much busted shit in this DLC.
I'm getting one-shotted by madness perfurmer bottles in one picosend of staying in the area of effect, despite having around 400 focus and 50 vig.

Generally I feel hige SL/RL makes PvP dogshit, with too many busted builds.
Another guy invaded me with backhand blades and took 4/5 of my hp with the weapon art.
How do you even counter that shit?

The best times for pvp were in the early days at SL 40 or so. Stupid builds, low dmg, prolonged fights, clownery all around.
>Lvl 125 in the DLC
1) Realize muh RL meta level is tranny fanfic for trannies
2) Stop your HRT
3) Level up as usual
There ya go
Yes, most likely.
She teleports away after you beat her anon....
If it was that easy then Ranni wouldn't have to go through all the shit she did to escape the two fingers grasp.
fashion pls understand
is this the video where he buffed her damage by like 300%
I mean, if you're just going to make shit up, don't be surprised when people disagree with you.
can paypig dlc players be summoned to poorfag worlds or are they walled from each other now?
can't see dlc weapons be allowed into those who don't own it
It's more like people swore fealty to Godwyn - the most loved demigod, friend to dragons and Marika's golden boy, and then after he got turned into a corpse they just kept their vows and wanted to help him if possible (it's not)
If the items are located at the very end then I spawn them in, simple as.
Miquella literally goes through even more than Ranni does bro. The whole thing Ranni had to achieve was to cast off her flesh, which is all the Two Fingers have sway over. Miquella does that through the DLC.
Add a greatshield and antspur rapier
>Faggot with buffs on
>Enemy without aggro
Kill yourself.
>On second thought, you do owe me something.
>I require a new Lord - you.
Dex or STR for invading the ~140 range?
Feels like the DLC has greatly supercharged STR
You really ought to have at least 50vig. You gain so much hp from those extra 10 levels it's essentially an extra hit you can survive against everything. I'll bet if you respec for more vigor you'll get him in a few tries.
I think you're lying
yeah from cares way too much about the integrity of pvp to let that happen
If he was mind controlled from his youth, making a vow would be pointless. Miquella and Malenia wouldn't need to fullfil their part of the deal, he would just say "Bro, be my Consort".
>which is all the Two Fingers have sway over
I'm guessing you conveniently forgot the part where she slays her two fingers.
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>buffs on
>literally sitting at a site of grace
you double nigger
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based kick enjoyer
Everyone is making shit up retard. Everything that connects the dots is some level of assumption. That you think "maybe he agreed to an oath under charm" is outrageous then you're ridiculous.
>pure physical, pure arc thrust damage hammer
This thing is fucking nuts. Do you miss this if you give the dragon lady her melatonin? Because that'd be insane.
>All of that FP for only 3k damage
>For an Incantation that requires 72 Faith
>While using full Rakahasha against an unaware enemy
Anon, my Comet already does 2k damage at half the cost. Microcosm also does AoE damage comparable, and it costs less than half of that. I've heard that the Dryleaf Seal and Miquella Helm don't actually buff the damage like they're supposed to, but still.
you literally cut off her head and use it as a weapon. she's dead.
Messmer should have been the final boss
>barest amount of imagination
If only they had competent writers so one wouldn't need schizo headcanon to try and fill in the gaps.
>Miq charmed Mohg
>but didn't charm Radahn
>or maybe he did, but then he broke free
>or maybe he didn't charm him in the first place
>yeah, sure, Radahn who was all about fighting surely would have agreed to become a consort in a world where everything is lovey dovey
>but only under the condition that he goes out in a fight
>despite just being casual in the fight with Malenia
>they also made a vow
>about something something consort
>or maybe just Miq made it to himself while fingering himself to Radahn
Oh yeah well I did all that shit but at 59vig/79agi
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what should i do in caelid?
Or through his study of the stars, sorcery, and fate he managed to break mind control and realize it's a shit plan. I'm not telling you to believe this. I'm not arguing hard for it. I'm saying it's possible and takes no brainpower to conceive as an idea that fits.
Did I fuck up my DLC run? I didn't summon Hornsent on the Messmer fight because it was placed inside the arena which is fucking gay and now that Messmer is dead, he's nowhere to be found. He doesn't even invade me despite me reaching the grace outside of Romina's boss room.
Why does the helice seem so much better than every other heavy thrusting sword in PvP?
should've given this dialogue to Malenia
So the ricocheting shard the skeleton mages use nor the Frog tongue Crucible transformation the black knight in the fog rift fort uses aren’t something you can get as a player, are they?
is this game easier to play on mouse and keyboard

sick of the claw grip shit with sprint and camera
Reminder that a pigeon is better at problem solving than gaming journos.
miquellas helm accidentally adds +10 damage instead of +10% damage so yes its shit

doesn't change the fact miquellas light is an S tier sniping skill, like a super pimped up version of frenzied burst
that's 3000 damage without buffs at max lockon range, followed by another ~1500-2000 in firestorms at that location. And in PvP one caster can be shitting this out nonstop locked onto you and forcing you to run nonstop while his bodies dogpile you
>she's dead.
She quite literally teleports away in a black portal when her hp hits 0
She doesn't do a dramatic death animation, she doesn't fate into mist, she nopes out of there.
You get the remembrance for gameplay reasons.
If you don’t summon him that essentially ends his quest since his entire goal was revenge. From what I’ve heard he shows up in the big group fight at the end with Leda if you fuck up his quest but I’m pretty sure you can’t get his gear unless you beat him as an invader
You need to die in both body and soul to escape the two fingers which Miquella doesn't do
He also never finds or slays his two fingers
yes it's easier
The main points of interest are the fort in the southwest coast, the swamp of Aeonia in the center, the nearby town of Sellia, the fort up north in the Dragonbarrow and Redmane Castle way in the east.
People don't realize that 125 is exclusively for tournament duels.
No shit you can't invade people in the dlc.
If you mastered unlocking, it is honestly like a better pre-nerf bloodhoundstep
because status effects application only needs your approval, whereas damage needs both players' approval
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Help I'm stuck in a big squishing spike rack. I just wanted to jump on it to see if there was something above it.
>Or through his study of the stars, sorcery, and fate he managed to break mind control
nice fan fiction.
Does Old Lord's Talisman really makes a difference or it's garbage and better to just use any other thing on it's slot? For context, I'm playing a dragon communion fth/arc build, and I usually use Golden Vow and other buffs but then forget to reapply.
Is there a game mode where everything is normalized? Why do we have to set SL levels by word of mouth?
Stop doing damage tests on DLC enemies you fool. Your damage numbers are being inflated by your skibidis, they don't represent the damage you'll deal to another player. Test against main game enemies, like the giant outside of Godrick's arena.
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Oh my fucking god Nectarblood Burgeon is farmable
Oh shit oh fuck
Infinite FP during invasions without any cheating here we go
>boiled crab
you didn't beat the game
have you tried the sekiro physick and guard countering?
I miss DS2
All "limited" crafting items can be farmed from enemies but the droprates are ass.
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take the keyboard-only pill
so if I want his gear, I need to kill messmer unfairly wow, amazing game design. what a fucking cringe mechanics. guess I'll get it in the next playthrough.
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I've abandoned my MLGS for a magic infused Dryleaf Arts. I was getting bored of Greatswords anyway so this is a win
why do people use uchigatana over nagakiba?
idk, i only saw faith builds with that sword
Quit and reload and you should be put back on solid ground somewhere. Maybe swap a ring to a sacrificial twig in case it spawns you under the spikes
Ranni didn't need to kill the two fingers to end their sway over her. She killed them to stop them from sending shadows and assassins after her.

>body and soul
No. Explicitly the flesh. Ranni still has her soul.
In case of Burgeon it's actually good. They are dropped by ALL sleeping animals near the drop to Putrescent Knight. Just aoe them and look for rare drops.
Yeah I just think you're lying tho
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This armor was built for the successful Lord Of Frenzied Flame.
Fuck off Vyke the Kyke and Mid Midra
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>trying to kill the ghostflame dragon
>got sniped by a random black knight
I am trying to help you fuckers
because they've made the mistake of valuing damage over range
Frog transformation would be so good. Why won't they let me complete my adjudicator cosplay bros...
hey there's the finger ruins on that cuirass
That’s a bummer. I saw the Frog one and thought that’d be a fun one to mess around with
For pve the higher damage and lower stamina cost is good.
For pvp the upgrade doesn't seem worth another limited ancient dragon stone if you've already spent one on the uchi.
I'm not entirely sure how we're supposed to kill that thing. Do the Devs want us to lure it away or do we kill off all the adds?
look I just don't get why they made a move that you can't dodge
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>spend like 30 minutes looking for the painting spot on Jagged Peak
>it turns out it's this spot, which gradually clears as you stand there

Go fuck yourself, Fromsoft.
If you want his gear just assist Leda in killing him before the Messmer fight..
That was a real fuckhead move honestly. I wouldn't have gotten it if not for a message.
How should I build an INT character?
Planning on staying around SL 125 heard thats where most online play takes place
I had to let them die before killing the dragon because they were messing with me too much
if you help hornsent against Leda but don't summon him he joins Leda's team for the NPC gangbang and you loot him afterwards
>being this fucking obsessed with "fair fights"
absolute brain poison
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then just divide by the 1.5x multiplier or so, you can figure it out for yourself
>muh fair fight

I seen enough shitters over this last few weeks I can't help but laugh at these kind of tryhard posts
i tried it and you REALLY notice the scuffed framerate with mouse controls. sad
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>urr durr the particles in his character is nothing
>the icons in his ui is nothing
>what is rakshasa armor

tested it twice at 80 fai: in the same enemy and then on the first ancient hero of zamor at mountaintops since >>484107064 makes a good point
for how long it takes to cast it's shit
nta but why is everyone arguing? The DLC is clearly taking place in Miquella's memory. What we're experiencing are events in the past. The real past didn't involve the Tarnished though and everything likely ended when Mohg kidnapped Miquella.
Most people go up to 160+ in the DLC, 125 is just filled with people who are too stubborn to move forward right now.

Spells are all too slow in the DLC aside from maybe spamming ambush shard. Pick up an Int-scaling weapon.
Just finish the questline the developers put in the game as intended you tismo
>sit and watch on a good rock with a vantage point
>tab out at one point to shitpost
>have to tab back in because a twinblade knight somehow ended up near me and aggro'd on to me
Cool setpiece but actually obnoxious as fuck if you try to engage in a 3 way fight, the archers are so god damn annoying.
>Ranni still has her soul.
And what a shitty one it is.
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Just summon him in the last 5% of the boss hp
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bro we have the same looking twink
how do i do a NG+ in the DLC after beating radahn?
Moore seems like such a good guy.
A shame he sides with Leda in the end, because now I'll always make he an hero himself.
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Just let them duke it out.
They die and you get a weaker dragon to fight.
The land of shadow is a real place its. It's not all happening in miquellas head while he's in a cocoon coma.
They didn't do it on purpose.
It's important to understand that editing the timing on animations is a pain in the ass, especially if you need to make sure the edited timing still looks good. That's part of why fromsoft has been so slow to buff/change bad movesets.
The animator indirectly designs gameplay just by making animations, because the timings they set those animations up for will basically make it into the game barring any major shakeup. The issue is that the animator is not a gameplay designer, and typically makes animations following the storyboards just to make them look good and fluid and natural.

There are actually a tonne of moves in the DLC that are unavoidable if you roll a certain way because the followup comes out faster than you can chain rolls, or truecombo if the first hit lands because the followup comes out too quickly. Designing timings to avoid these two things was an ironclad rule for like the past 4 fromsoft games, so the fact that they fucked up so many times this DLC can only mean either that there's been a huge change in the animation department, they're outsourcing animation work entirely, or they were under such heavy time constraints that they literally didn't have time to follow their normal timings rules.
Trying to do death knight build with dragon cult incantation here.
At 50 Str and 55 Faith should I use Graven seal or Clawmark seal?
Stop arguing about lore, the DLC just doubled down on the fact that none of this shit matters. Character statements are unreliable. Things we see with our eyes are unreliable. The omniscient third person narration on item text is fucking unreliable. Setting-shattering locations and abilities can be casually introduced without comment or effect for the rest of the setting. Absolutely nothing matters. If you want to headcanon Melina is Malenia who is also Nepheli who has the power to bring people back to life and is originally from the Moon, then she is, because none of what would make that headcanon wrong is reliable to begin with.

>But the item descriptions say-
>Wow bro you REALLY believe the item descriptions? Remember the Stargazer Heirloom? Remember the Carian Filigreed Crest? Remember Mohg's Remembrance?

No one in the story even has to be dead because they introduce a new way to bring people back to life every five minutes. Why not do the Divinity Gate ritual to resurrect anyone? With the randomly-shown ability for characters to generate multiple body copies you wouldn't even need a vessel.
If someone is casting spells right out of a site of grace they obviously aren't buffing
its right there visible to you, you can see it with your own two eyes, how can you make such a trivial mistake
What's the best anti-invader build with high success rate? The goal is to save the host from dying.
I already went to NG+ with my character and cant even beat Mogh. Guess the DLC will rape me without mercy on NG+.

Should I just start a new game?
Apparently there's a way to avoid putting him in the final gank without making him depressed.
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You rike?
Then why is Radahn alive?
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i was initially going for Griffith back in the day but Raiden is cool too I guess. Besides, the game turned his eyes red from gold for whatever reason.
>hit someone with golden crux
>they take literally 0 damage
This thing is so scuffed. Feels like a coinflip it it'll do nothing, work as usual, or if things will proc on both hits of the grab and do 3k damage
Holy fuck pay the fuck attention
Nanaya's torch offhand with a WA-buffed Eclipse Shotel mainhand.
Backhand swords and hope you kill the invader before they get to crux
Last 5 coop sessions have all been against a crux invader
Cry harder Godwyntranny
swift slash
rolling spark
cragblade pata running r1 spam
swift glintstone shard jumpcast spam
madding hand running r1 spam
>He would be unhappy over it. He would not like it to be true. It would pain him.
None of that means he'd disagree that it's true.

>Jerren made a fucking death oath with him.
Yes. Why do you think Radahn pre war was so sure he'd die? And why do you think he'd prefer death rather than clinging to life as long as possible if he truly disagreed with the plan?

>Radahn got no honourable death from Malenia and involved tons of innocents in the process.
Radahn reduced Leyndell to a smoking crater. He doesn't care about civilians and no one even implied that he did. He's a warlord who desires eternal war, a clear narrative parralel of his own idol (as if that wasn't clear enough they even make him physically resemble Godfrey for the final boss fight).
>Not in NG+7

You didn't beat the game.
Mohg's body was used to resurrect him. Did you listen to the mohg knight guy bitching about that? It's why radahn uses the bloodflame claw attack in the fight.
What the fuck are you talking about
>The omniscient third person narration on item text is fucking unreliable
No it isn't, find me a contradiction, what is unreliable is (you)r interpretation.
you did Varre's quest go to the mirror in the roundtable and remove the cosmetic on your eyes
I hate that this armor set exists. I'm lucky because it goes with my bleed/dragon arcane look anyway, but when I come back through with an int or faith character, I get to choose between optimal damage and actually looking like the fucking thing I'm playing.
>he joins Leda's team for the NPC gangbang and you loot him afterwards
good to know. thanks!

>I can't help but laugh at these kind of tryhard posts
i mean he's not unfair and hard to beat compared to rellana so I didnt feel the need to do it. and besides, having another npc fuck up the aggro might even be harder.
can anybody help me beat mohg on my low level guy for dlc access on xbox?
it's objectively true.
>Ranni and miquella both mention 1000 year journey
>both use the phrase "let us go together"
what did Miyazaki mean by this?
Brat Needs Correction!!!
every person who has summoned me using the erg group password so far has been dogshit
why are you all so bad
almost all of you are using cheese builds and still getting bodied
>not playing at minimum 4 different characters with different builds at the same time, bouncing back and fourth between character saves

you didn't beat the game
How did Marika just whoosh away piece of the world as big as the Shadow Lands? How did no one notice? How was that not mentioned anywhere?
Is crux even good? When I tried it the WA was hitting for like 1k damage with Alexander's shard. That's good damage on a hard-to-avoid WA but I'd need two hits to actually kill someone, it can't chase people just spamrolling backwards to heal and the recovery animation is extremely long (and you run out of iframes before regaining control of your character) so the phantom gets absolutely free peel after a single hit.

I could only win 3v1s with it when I caught a viglet host and oneshot them. Otherwise it feels like it's more broken in duels and ganks than invasions.
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I really do not like to buff,
My playstyle, simple and gruff,
While the host waves around,
I wear a big frown,
He died right away, the dumb puff!
Reminder you can theoryshit with actual numbers not just spray shit onto boards


Miquella's Light deals 375% of your incantation scaling as holy damage in the main blast and 75% per pillar afterwards. (250/20 stamina damage)
for comparison an uncharged giantsflame take thee is 325%, while charged is 389%
Anon, there's a pixiv filename.
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>leave the southern area
>open world becomes fun again
If they want to add set pieces for muh views, they shouldn't fucking add it near other.
Welcome to playing literally any video game with 4chan.
How does one enjoy staying a bracket rune level faggot?

>Willingly choosing to weak and cucking yourself from the entire game's armament
>Willingly facing overleveled summons

They have to be masochists right? Once your reach 300+ anyone can join and it's fun as hell not to mention I don't run out of people and can use all the tools in game to fight PvE or PvP

Even at this range people are such passive pussys they get scared by Night's maiden mist despite having 2000+ HP
the south really does suck, just like real life
Instead I just swap talismans and physick buffs to switch between builds. I am a strength build, a dex build, an arcane status abuser and a faith build depending on my mood.
Is there a good rune farm in the dlc like mohg island?
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I will beat the game
>WISHING to raise Miquella to full godhood, Mohg WISHED to become his consort, taking the role of monarch. But no matter how much of his bloody bedchamber he tried to share, he received NO RESPONSE from the young Empyrean.

DLC says:

>Mohg was forced to do everything by Miquella, didn't wish shit
>Miquella responded to not only Mohg but his henchmen as well, battling Ansbach
>Miquella's body isn't in the cocoon alongside Mohg it's in an entirely different dimension

>An honor said to have once been awarded to Carian knights who served as direct retainers to the kingdom's princesses. Now there is only one princess: Ranni, daughter of Rennala.

DLC says: Rellana exists.
because bad people need summons to help. i play this game exclusively single player and dont even know how summons and invasions work in this game, 200 hours in
OK and whats the difference? Both beat the same game.
Seems like your build is shit
From my 5 sessions i only got to kill 1 invader, the rest killed the host because no one know that you are not allowed to be near a crux invader
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nta but
>A weapon comprised of a saw blade attached to a long grip. Brandished by the vulgar militia, its serrated edge is very effective at inflicting blood loss. The saw is said to also be used to cut up bodies to feed the militia, but there are no firsthand witnesses to confirm the dire rumor.
>Particularly beloved by those who serve the Lord of Blood. Glory to his inevitable reign.
>The shape is said to imitate that of a sacred drop of dew, which inspired the absurd rumor that Loretta herself was an Albinauric.
Some item descriptions are clearly very biased.
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didnt know this exist wtf. thanks kind anon
Beat the DLC at SL120. I'm done with everything but the game is so huge that I dread NG+ or starting another game.
Why is this not in the wiki?
>can get through Phase 1 of Radahn without any flasks
>can't even get him to half health in Phase 2
God, this feels actually ridiculous
Leech Snakes on the way to north finger ruins. Still not as good as frogs and plinking the bird.
The bad design description is pretty spot on. I don't like scadutree avatar, but mechanically wise, it's fair (and somewhat easy)
>None of that means he'd disagree that it's true.
It means he'd be pained to see Radahn revived anon. What the fuck are you talking about?

>Radahn pre-war
It could have been because of this. It could be because demigods were now dying, and he didn't want to end up like Godwyn, who very much did not die an honourable death.

Radahn fucked up Leyndell but we have no idea the extent. We know more than Radahn attacked there in the first place. And it's hardly a smoking crater. It doesn't even register as a scar compared to what the war between him and Malenia brought to Caelid. Not even fucking close.
if anybody else is getting motion sickness from playing the game, disable g-sync and lock your monitor's refresh rate to 60

t. i had it and solved it, elden ring interacts weirdly with higher refresh rates
>Reverse image search
>0 results
Did you draw this yourself, anon?
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Is this bugged? Dragoncrest gives me like 12 and this thing gives me 2.5 in heavy armor. Even if I go into fat rolling it don't give much more.
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Is poison flower blooms twice any good
thanks great work im gonna spam this on /v/
I stopped at 168. Right out of the meta 150 bracket but still at a level where I have to make decisions about my stat allocation
that's why I said keyboard only. what the fuck are you using a mouse for? bind your camera to IJKL and your r1 and r2 to H and U respectively.
>Mohg was forced to do everything by Miquella, didn't wish shit
It doesn't say that.
>Miquella responded to not only Mohg but his henchmen as well, battling Ansbach
Ansbach specifically challenged Miquella.
>Miquella's body isn't in the cocoon alongside Mohg it's in an entirely different dimension
No it's still there.

Rellana isn't a princess. She's sister to the Queen, retard.
Waiting for a mod that sets deflecting tear duration to 30 minutes.
Half the time I used it it genuinely just whiffed on its own against somebody hugging by face and strafing, but it's more the fact that you land it for half of somebody's health and then they panic roll backwards 11 times and chug while you recover into meaty dragonbreath and get chased off.
A lot of good weapons just do 1k damage on their running attacks or chasing WAs so unless I'm missing something and there's a way to squeeze a lot more damage out of it it just seems like the kind of thing a ganksquad can abuse to bullshit an invader, or that can ruin a duel.
lmao the shitters aren't gonna like this one
good work
What the fuck was feetman thinking when he okayed romina as a remembrance boss?
She's absolutely fucking nothing in every regard and the only reason she survives more than 30s is that she spends most of the fight airborne and out of reach.
Also she has horrendous hurtboxes AND hitboxes. If you go at her with a thrust weapon it's gonna look like you're playing Morrowind.
At least she's kinda pretty, with the butterflies and the pink accents. The art dept must have pushed her and zaki caved like he allegedly did for Gwynevere.
It's good for making me aroused every time I see my qt slutclothes Type B Tarnished ryonameat cast it and start floating like an anime magical girl
uggghhh imagine Malenia doing meme poses she thinks are funny in her room alone and you walk in on her and she has to hastily go back to pretending she was doing maintenance on per prosthetic and resume her stoic facade. I love my dorky sword wife.
this, but great katana and manor shield
thank god that's not a carian thrusting shield, i'd feel offended
The harder and more complicated they make bosses the more justified I feel by summoning ashes/people
FC when?
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what are these things?
Why is polearm of the bud so shit? Did they really think there was a point in that flashy weapon art without any hyper armor?
I love designing my own characters too and suddenly I realized that all of them had red eyes somehow, so I just researched it, I'm glad that It helped you.
I'm not seeing the contradiction in anything you posted, are you ok anon?
Waiting for a mod that sets deflecting tear duration to 2 hours.
does anyone want radahn help on PC
I wanna spearpoke him again to soothe the aggression I have towards the stupid boss after my mage playthrough.
sounds crazy and i respect u for doing it but i dont know if i have the balls for that lol

that said my controller is about uhh 15 years old so maybe its time to retire the sonovabitch and do what u do
Your build is shit and you are shit lmao how can you downplay this garbage jesus
>She's sister to the Queen, retard.
That makes her a Princess you fucking retard.
Its based off total equipment weight, not personal light/medium/heavy. So the heavier your overall loadout the more it adds.
>Remembrance reward is flashy but almost useless
Many many such cases
Divine beasts?
Bros why does the music for the gankfight go so fucking hard?

Genuinely one of the best soundtracks from have made in a while. Shit is fucking emotional
this is going to trigger that anon in one the earlier threads that posted his super cool and original build except it was moores shield and had a melty when I told him he got buckbroken by radahn
You can really tell how proud they are of their cute little streamer bait bosses. Yes, Messmer's fire judgement cut thing is very visually impressive. Good job I guess.
Extremely good.
I was using it against Bayle and hitting his head with it while he was poisoned chunked him for over 4k damage with 0 skibidis. That's insane so I'm assuming it's a %-based trigger and not a genuine oneshot in pvp but the damage is still nutty.

It's relatively fast and has fantastic range, and it builds up a decent amount of rot on hit.
>It doesn't say that.
This is the basis of Ansbach's entire quest, retard.
>Ansbach specifically challenged Miquella.
Because Miquella casted a spell on Mohg, i.e., he fucking responded to him.
>No it's still there.
Then whose body parts are strewn around the Land of Shadow?

>Rellana isn't a princess. She's sister to the Queen
A sister to a queen is a princess, retard. Rellana's Twin Moon spell even calls her a Carian princess.
>Third person narration on item text is unreliable.
>A few item descriptions are clearly biased, showing that it is, in fact, unreliable.
What else do you need? Or are you retarded?
No it doesn't you absolute fucking moron. Rennala was the FIRST QUEEN. Her sister would only be a princess if she and her sister were born from a King or Queen in the first place. She has no royal heritage because the royal line starts with her sister.
dead hornkikes in the hornocaust museum
Tried doing a Star Fist only DLC boss rush gauntlet (with the help of cheat engine for boss respawns and teleports so flasks don't refill) on a level 125 character without skibidi blessings, and I'm surprised at the amount of bosses I could defeat with ease on my first few attempts.
Used +25 Heavy Infusion with 80 STR, but had Endure as aow instead of Cragblade because I wanted to play with greases. But I'm still surprised about how effective the quick charged heavies were even without Cragblade.
there's a giant torrent there
>gankfight in dark souls 2
>gankfight elden ring
The 6 millions that don't exist
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She relinquished her title to follow Mesmer you dunce.
any tips on commander gaius, his pig is tossing me around like a fucking toy
That's an Ancestor Spirit.
How do I get the guy to move again at church. I pressed the secret switch, went down ladder, and died to invader. Respawned and he just sitting there no matter what time of day.
Why are you acting like any of us know wtf you are talking about?
its like they forgot what's between the line of fun and a chore
wheres the best rune farm post dlc
i need to get from 123 to 150 for better invasions
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One of my favorite things about the DLC is that it confirms Ranni did literally everything wrong and that the
>the Greater Will is LITERALLY EVIL and its CONTROLLING everything and BRAINWASHING people!!!
faggots have been btfo.
Ranni did NOT need to kill Godwyn and ruin everything forever with the aftermath of her actions. Her being an Empyrean did NOT mean she was suddenly going to be a puppet for the Greater Will if she ever became God (which was never guaranteed to happen anyway). She does NOT need to steal the Elden Ring, the one thing that has a chance of fixing her mess, and fuck off into space with it. Her 'I am... le freeing you......' goals were always baseless bullshit. The Greater Will WASN'T EVEN PAYING ATTENTION. Literally the only thing she had to do was tell her Two Fingers to fuck off and leave her alone but instead she threw a tantrum at the POSSIBILITY of her ever having to take responsibility as God and so caused a chain reaction of apocalypses for her own selfish needs.
The Greater Will mind control theory was always 70% based on Iji's mirror helm. The man is wearing a TIN FOIL HAT and you thought it was solid evidence.
yes, it allows for new builds where you apply rot/poison with 1 weapon and then use an AR-maximized weapon with that ash to clear them and chunk the enemy
>you get all the armor at the very end of the game
mike zaki the fucking donkey
is this drawn by a woman? lmao It looks like old shoujo mangas
You can balance it out in ER without any negative sidebacks unlike your usual summoning
Messmer is infertile by the way so you can receive unlimited unprotected balls-deep creampies from him without worrying that it might mess with your swordsmanship practice sessions.
Ansbach's entire quest is to find out what he's doing with Mohg. It doesn't say Mohg did literally everything he ever did for Miquella, only that he eventually got charmed by him.
Yes, and he made the choice to try and do it. Most followers of Mohg didn't get charmed by Miquella.
Miquella's. Are you still puzzling over St Trina being different? Radagon and Marika still have you scratching your head?
its the same as it ever was, dlc enemies tend to give shit runes for their challenge
Shitters literally cannot fathom someone wanting to have fun engaging with the boss mechanics instead of just seeing it as a chore to skip. Messmer is a fantastic one on one fight, you didn't just not beat the game you barely got to enjoy it
I absolutely understand what you are talking about.
Fist weapons are incredibly good, I just wish the iron ball outscaled the star fist in raw damage since it would make sense given star fist also gets bleed.
>well I know she's a Carian princess who's a sister of the queen and still fully supported by the queen and has her own army and fief and is still decorated in Carian gear and her spell even calls her a princess but uuuhhhh...
>she changed titles (and nothing else) at one point
>ha, got you, no retcon!
Im not reading all that shit you retard sperg.
incestor spirit*
>Mohg was forced to do everything by Miquella, didn't wish shit
No? Mogh wanted to become Lord since he was in the sewers, and for that he needed to find a God candidate. He even created the Pureblood Knights, and built a base of operations. Also, if Miquella wanted Mogh to kidnap him as part of a master plan, Mogh wouldn't have had to go through the back door.
cooping on the Leda fight gives you 300k runes
idk about any other farms because they sound tedious af
>Rellana's Twin Moon
It doesn't call her a princess. It says it's associated with a Carian princess.
Why are you arguing? Rennala was a princess, but bailed on her legacy to nuthug Messmer.
So Ranni is the only princess left.
>Literally the only thing she had to do was tell her Two Fingers to fuck off and leave her alone
Mind you, every other demigod's Two Fingers we find them dead already. Seemingly everybody was capable of killing their Fingers and getting rid of them except for Ranni who had to come up with some absurd plot of killing her own body and then a convoluted mess with the stars to do it.
Give me two items that contradict each other, it saying "you aren't sure" isn't a contradiction.
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Miyazaki has stolen my loot!
>DS2 gank fight
3 random NPCs in a cave in a DLC
>ER gank fight
Changes depending on player questlines with multiple outcomes. Staggered spawns to prevent an instant 5v1. Doing quests lets you get a 3v5 for max loot and perfectkino with tons of banter between your allies and the enemies.
im the biggest ds2 apologist in the world but ds2's 1st dlc gankfight was literally just 3 random ass dudes you had never seen or heard about in your life sitting in a room ready to spitroast you
Why would I want to have gay sex with Michael when I've got a hot blue space sex outergoddess waiting for me?
It's pointless to play a video game if you aren't having fun with it.
And no, self-validation and jerking off at how much skilled and better you are than others isn't the same as having fun.
t. a Rannifag gritting his teeth so hard they begin to fracture audibly through the internet
The contradiction part that you're looking for was said by you. I'm just showing that it is in fact unreliable.
Kill yourself.
>get summoned for the Leda gank
All the npcs have more HP hn Gaius
What the hell, was this guy in NG+X
>gankfight in DS2
>3 random NPCs with no story in a horribly shitty area
>ganfight in ER
>several NPCs you've been progressing alongside throughout the entire DLC
>you get help from the ones you convinced about Miquella being evil
>they show up one after another so you're not actually ganked
>they've all got dialogue and all leave their equipment
gee, I wonder why do people feel different about it
>so if I want his gear, I need to kill messmer unfairly wow
Just fight him solo in NG+, you retard.
>Shitters literally cannot fathom someone wanting to have fun engaging with the boss mechanics instead of just seeing it as a chore to skip
This is the crux of the shitter mindset.
They view bosses as something that impedes their progression and want it out of the way as soon as possible.
The gudders view bosses as the reward for having progressed and a great experience to learn and engage with.
Because of the stark difference between these two mindsets they will never see eye to eye.
You're a shitter or a gudder. Simple as.
The line between fun and chore is determined by your skill level, and looks like you're lacking on that department
I'm in full Verdickus
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I'm thinking BG3 was the better game
I loved both u nigger, DS2 is literally Elden Ring 0
>once been awarded to Carian knights who served as direct retainers to the kingdom's princesses.
Once been, as in in the past and not the present. Princessess, as in there was, in the past, multiple princesses and now there are not.
>Now there is only one princess
There was more than one princess in the past, but now there is only one.
Now read her fucking remembrance
>Once a Carian princess, Rellana disavowed her birthright and chose to stand at Messmer's side instead

ESLs do not deserve human rights
>It doesn't say Mohg did literally everything he ever did for Miquella, only that he eventually got charmed by him
Oh so Miquella fucking RESPONDED to Mohg? Like the item text explicitly says he never did?

>Miquella's. Are you still puzzling over St Trina being different? Radagon and Marika still have you scratching your head?
Radagon and Marika share a body, we explicitly see this in the final battle. Trina is introduced in the same DLC which retcons the body. Either that's not Miquella's body or he can just randomly create three bodies at once unlikely literally every other character, which is still a retcon (how many countless problems this ability could've solved). If we see a character's corpse and it's "revealed" later that it was just a clone or their identical twin or something, it doesn't cease to render the original factual scenario completely unreliable.
She literally should not be a princess by title. The game says she is, though, so oh well.
If you officially give up your claim to the title of princess, you are no longer a princess retard.
Nobles have been doing that shit all throughout history.
There is no need to cheese messmer. It's one of the most fair fights in the dlc, and more closely resembles a regular ER boss.
lmao, it still makes her sister a princess dumbshit.
Elden Ring 2 will force all Ranni seethers to play as only Ranni and no one else and all Ranni lovers will be forced to kill her and betray your love for her.
it was definitely the better RPG
The people that need to listen to this won't and the people who will already know it and enjoy it.
The grim reality.
Not how it works or what a Princess is.
It's just a great grave glovewort.
dodge forward on his charge
idk what else to tell you, he's fairly straightforward desu
Contain your autism
what regular elden ring bosses spray high damage attacks at you disconnected from their attack patterns
that snake bullshit is nothing like any other ER boss from pre-dlc
I think the final boss should have been Godrick.
Michael is a beautiful, porcelain skinned femboy with beautiful hair who smells like lilies.
Ranni is not a sexy big titted outergoddess, she is literally rotting and made of rope and stinks like Seluvis' fetid greasy nutpuke.
boringest game ever

at this point id rather have b-team have a go at it and release elden ring: molars of the first grin, hopefully it'd fix all the shit retarded mechanics like invasion rules and skibidi fragments
it buffs all defensive stats
If your sister is Queen, you are princess. End of discussion.
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>DLC confirms Golden Order is built off of the inaccurate and broken interpretation of The Greater Will brought forth by the fingers
>DLC confirms all celestial bodies and all life are tied to the Greater Will
>Goldmask walks in, figures out what parts the Fingers got wrong and devises a philosophy and Rune that brings forth heaven on Earth
If your sister is a Queen, you are nothing. A princess is a direct descendant of royalty. End of discussion. Rellana was not born from a King or Queen and is not a princess.
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>it still makes her sister a princess
That's actually not a given. A king creating a new dynasty could make his siblings princes, but it's not automatic.
Just look at William the bastard, he made his siblings counts.
>most trusted
Freyja is Radahn's equivalent of Leda, a delusional fan girl. She was a gladiator that impressed Radahn so he made her a guard only due to fighting skills. Jerren was his actual 2nd in command back to his days in Liurnia

>Jerren preferred a nomadic existence, but after spending time as a guest of the Carian royals, he became a guest commander for General Radahn
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If you had problems with messmer you are shit at this game. I say that as somebody who is shit at this game. Messmer has tons of openings where he just stands there after doing something waiting for you to hit him, exactly like er bosses.
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I will breed Miquella and have a happy ending and a happy family with my shota/femboy husband.
Yes anons my headcanon is the truth. Miyazaki said so in my dreams and he wouldn't lie.
I figure he was still trying to build his own organization/ruling hierarchy opposing the Golden Order while harnessing the power of the Formless Mother/God of Wounds but he wasn’t obsessing over the crusty corpse of his half brother and I’d guess the killings the Bloody Fingers do might’ve been more targeted and focused that it is now
Skeletons r cool
Thank you anon. I don't use Pixiv too often so I wasn't sure.
I was being pulled into vanilla and DLC sessions when I was invading last night so I figure it’s all integrated
The Old Hunters...
Yes but that's less likely. As an assumption: Queen sister = Princess.
I mean that's just the puppet, I'm sure whatever evil deep lore god tricked and mind controlled Ranni into doing what she did is really hot and sexy
>Ah yes. The alleged "hornocaust". It didn't happened, but they deserved it
>If it did happene, how is that there are more of them then before the war?
>They are even in royal family
>Not to mention their human sacrifice blood cult in sewers
>It clearly didn't happened enough
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do people see your ghost as a naked person or do they see the transformations btw?
>Thou are yet to become me, to become a god
If Radagon truly shared only one body with Marika people would've noticed that the queen would be missing for a shitload of time.
are giants the horn descendants?

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