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how it feels to summon to DLC bosses:
would /erg/ like to do a seamless coop run of the dlc later today?
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can someone write some miquella smut
What's the best way to minmax the damage on Golden Crux? Is it based on total weapon AR or is it purely the faith scaling?
Stop arguing about lore, the DLC just doubled down on the fact that none of this shit matters. Character statements are unreliable. Things we see with our eyes are unreliable. The omniscient third person narration on item text is fucking unreliable. Setting-shattering locations and abilities can be casually introduced without comment or effect for the rest of the setting. Absolutely nothing matters. If you want to headcanon Melina is Malenia who is also Nepheli who has the power to bring people back to life and is originally from the Moon, then she is, because none of what would make that headcanon wrong is reliable to begin with.

>But the item descriptions say-
>Wow bro you REALLY believe the item descriptions? Remember the Stargazer Heirloom? Remember the Carian Filigreed Crest? Remember Mohg's Remembrance?

No one in the story even has to be dead because they introduce a new way to bring people back to life every five minutes. Why not do the Divinity Gate ritual to resurrect anyone? With the randomly-shown ability for characters to generate multiple body copies you wouldn't even need a vessel.
dont like any of the weapons
why not normal coop?
>use shield to memorize the boss movesets
>start rolling once I am comfortable enough
Is it me or learning a boss pattern is much harder when you are also actively rolling?
>posting it again just so people can keep shitting on you for being a retard
I would but after being a summon for the last few days I know all you faggots are running around with the cheesiest builds possible to try and ruin bosses, and still suck.
I'll just play with my friends.
Most of the new movesets feel designed with pvp in mind.
because it sucks and seamless is... seamless
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I am begging you all for fashion that uses one of these weapons
Ranni and Miquella are thematic opposites at every level
One wants a world of compassion, but the only way of achieving this is by removing free will and charming the entire world
Another wants a world of freedom, but it means being lonely and full of doubts
Miyazaki's own views greatly favour Ranni over Miquella.

Likewise, one seeks to charm you, another is going to worship the ground you walk on instead, especially if you didn't fuck up and achieved "DEAR consort"
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Now that the dust has settled, it's time. Time to pick your Top 5 Waifus.
aren't also actively rolling*
I don't think so, I just accept that I will die and learn by trial and error and learn the correct and most optimal dodges in the process. Just knowing when the attacks come out isn't everything since where you roll can be just as important.
How high can you upgrade your Scadutree blessings without fighting any bosses?
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Now what? I'm thinking maybe some STR, but I would also need to pump some END to be able to wear heavier armor and a hammer for the maximum crusader look.
>from adds a super long range nuke with 375% incantation scaling that shits out firestorm of 75% scaling
>sperglords on /erg/ insist its a low damage spell that doesn't tickle anything

>from makes giantsflame take thee deal 325% incantation scaling
>holy shit its the best nuke ever it OHKOs everything omg omg GOAT
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im so happy with all the OC we get from the dlc
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Lorefags are just schrodinger's shitposters. they are both serious and trolling until you either provide a counterargument or disregard them, whereupon they become one or the other.
>nothing but adhoms, huh? heh... too easy... you're welcome vaati, be sure to credit le Anonymous in your next video.
>proven wrong? uh, melty? obsessed? it's just a video game, sweaty
can i roleplay as miquella and someone be my radahn?
It seems that my brain just can't multitask. If I don't observe while using a shield, I genuinely can't remember shit.
fuck off erp fag
Don't have time unfortunately wish it would be friday instead of sunday...
You guys keep saying Messmer's easy and it's very obvious that you're lying.
Once upon a time Miquella had a little needle. Then it turned into a big haligtree. People would stroke it for the blessed dew it would bestow. One day, the blessings ran out and the haligtree shrunk back down into a needle.
That's why St. Trina invented viagra. The end.
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toil awaits
Me but instead of mimic tear I have two password summons spamming rolling spark AoW
who the fuck is saying its easy
it is hard as fuck
seamless is straight up cheating
I was surprised that summoning for Messmer seems to be such a done thing. I know shitterfaggots summon for absolutely everything but the sheer amount of people who decided Messmer was a 'summon for now, do solo on a later playthrough' boss seems odd. He's intense out the gate but once you've got him down? Really solid bossfight with maybe like one or two moves I couldn't dodge reliably, and once I had the strat I was bullying him. One of my favorite DLC bosses.
Messmer looks harder than he is. His moveset is incredibly fair and there's a lot of opportunities to punish him.
>the top 5 is my top 5
I'm as basic as a white t-shirt...
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throw axes at people
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He says, while posting on /erg/
bonefistbros, we are so fucking back
He is easy once you learn his moves because he doesn't pull any weird shit or have anything unusual in his moves or fight.
He's just a fairly straight up fight akin to malenia.
He's not easy, but he's a fantastic fight with no bullshit.
miazaki condones seamless coop and has said he wouldn't be opposed to something like it in future titles
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Maybe half? You are definitely stuck at the keep because you need to kill the hippo to go any further.
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bros, how do I get to the green part of the map?
>watch me do my 4 hit combo with no gaps or spaces
>beware my tracking is perfect on every attack and I will cartwheel 360 degrees in place to track you if you try to use """positioning"""
>and I slide forward 50 feet with each attach so don't even think about outspacing me
>and every move has a slightly downwards angle to catch crouching/low profile attacks
>and every move has an extended vertical hitbox to catch jumping even when it looks jumpable
>after I've had my turn you get to R1 me once, but no more than once or you'll activate my "you hit R1 too many times" punish move that inputreads with an instant bitchslap timed perfectly for your recovery frames into another 4 hit combo
>we take our turns back and forth like this for 11 minutes and then I use by big anime laser/explosion, but my second phase is just the same shit
>Remembrance of the Turn Taker, Hewn into the skibdibidi bop doop boop scatman, use to gain The Spell That Does Nothing (70 int/fth req, 200fp per cast) or the Meme Weapon (scales D str, E dex, D fth. Unique Skill: strike a long pose and get interrupted by everything)
I want to know what went wrong over at fromsoft headquarters.
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>putrescent horse also attacks you
Genuinely didn't expect that
does rakasha GK get poise when 1H
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This is the second one of these webms you've posted and the only reason you're winning is because you have bad internet
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my god she is so beautiful...
Surprised Marika has so many votes I thought I was the only unironic Marikafriend on here.
yes, yes, you're a shitter, you said that a hundred times already, stop crying already
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st trina nectar...
miquella's dew....
stroking his needle...
wait im unbanned? weird. did they fire the /v/ jannies?
either way hello I guess.
He's not wrong tho
>no mimic tear
IIRC it's something silly like 17.
Most bosses are skippable which means the only skibidis you can't get are the ones literally dropped by bosses/field bosses and the ~4 locked behind the sealing tree.
Hippo is optional. You can enter Shadow Keep the back way via the Church district and into the Storehouse, and then platform down to the main path and backtrack back through the keep.
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How the fuck did my character eat 23 of these? There are literal rocks embedded in it. Are you supposed to just eat around them?
Anon, that wasn't supposed to be erotica it was supposed to be a joke.
I mean like humans eat salt which is like a rock kinda
I'd pick those out
I found the questlines to be very dull. I was hoping they would deliver more of a coherent story such as rannis instead of the usual gobbledegook
you just engaged
gravel stones are dragon scales, maybe they're soft from being so fresh
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>Ranni destroyed the world irrevocably by turning her demigod brother into a tumor that eats away at it bit by bit
>Didnt even have to do it, other Empyrians seem to be doing whatever they want, Miquella is establishing his own order without needing to cause mass war and genocide
>People will still simp for her
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>I was hoping they would deliver more of a coherent story
>in a From game
Anon, please remember what game you're playing and who developed it.
>start modding the game so casting animations are faster, you can actually fucking now use spells in the DLC against bosses

So this is kino
the only good storyline was igon's imo
Which mods?
Or if you modded it yourself, how did you do it? Param modifications?
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why don't you simply kill radahn?
just chug if they injure you
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Leda, the Hornsent and Ansbach are good though. Actually all of Leda's gang is good even if Moore doesn't have much going on. Freyja needed more, too.
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>its a dragon
Is Skibidi level 10 good enough for Shadow Keep?
messmer's first half is much harder than his second
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>Miquella reached out with a slender hand to grab the soft, pillowy cocoon. With his other hand he pulled up the white silk of his dress, revealing his plump, porcelain cheeks to his new consort.
>I REALLY SHOULDN'T BE DOING THIS thought Mohg, tusks clenched in consternation.
>But those thoughts began to waver when Miquella tugged on his buttock. The Empyrean's asshole was a pink and perfect dot, completely unblemished. But, teeth nipping at his lip and lushes flattering at Mohg, the blonde boy's hole began to tremble and clench with all the practiced ease of a Carian sorceress who had just finished 'paying' an entire troop of Cuckoo Knights.
>I REALLY SHOULDN'T BE DOING THIS Mohg repeated to himself, even as his heavy, blood crusted robes shifted to part around thick, hefty OMENCOCK as it began to rise.
>A dense smell of sweat filled the air as the monstrous gray member throbbed upward. The Lord of Blood could have sworn he felt his curse-filled ball sack growing heavier as his beady red eye fixed itself on the unhinged site of his sweet half-brother twitching his adorable boy hole at him.
>"Brother... It looks like it's going to hurt," Miquella murmured, a dramatic whine slipping into his silken voice as his golden eyes fell on the brutal assortment of small, curling horns and gnarled lumps that lined his consort's cock. "Pleaaase be gentle..." Despite his feigned reluctance, Miquella had started working the tip of one finger into his backside. The boy hadn't even lubed up: in fact, he'd very intentionally discarded the delicate glass bottle of melted mushroom oil he'd been carrying.
>Mohg could resist no longer. "Niihiiiiiiil..." he whispered, stumbling closer and wrapping a clawed hand around his deformed OMENCOCK.
>The horns on it made it uncomfortable even in his own palm. He couldn't imagine how it would feel for Miquella when it was ravaging his guts.
>Nevertheless, the Empyrean began to giggle, wiggling his hips in excitement.
So are they going to patch this cancerous dognigger or should I just drop this shit?
Wow, all these people trying to achieve immortality don't realize that they lose their humanity on the way and that it's an inherently self destructive goal
>Elden Ring

Of course this doesn't apply to my chosen ending, my choice is the real one that would fix the world forever and ever and ever and ever
Param modifications, yes
Just changing some of the spells casting IDs, flame sling using the animation for glintstone pebble is a lot more enjoyable
Same with making discus of light use it
How the FUCK do I dodge Radahns meteors into the quintuple giganigga teleport + AoE in the second phase?
I wish boss movesets were less lopsided. Every boss has a handful of easy to dodge attacks with a ton of recovery which you love to see versus a 8 hit combo filled with danger that doesn't reward you with anything aside from maybe a cheeky r1 with a fast weapon (slower weapons still get hit)

A more balanced moveset would feel better. I shouldn't see Radahn turning into a giant spinning Beyblade and think "Yay, I get to heal/Charged R2 him!"
Thick warlord cock going in and out of an androgynous childgod's fuckhole
After the roaring success of the fallout tv show it was inevitable that every popular gaming IP would be up for grabs.
Just wait, next up we'll have a Half-life 2 netflix series with a cameo from the skibidi toilet
>all of leda's gang is good
>except the ones that aren't
freyja, moore, dryleaf dane
hornsent ending (only his dialogue against messmer is good)
ansbach and thollier carries them
why are you this mentally unstable
You can say git gud all you want. Commander Gaius is objectively broken and his hitbox inflicts damage on you literally when he's not touching you at all.
You cannot defend this.
patch what?
who are you even talking about
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you didn't hear this from me but: there are rumors FROMSOFTWARE will be working on developing a game based on the story of Elden Ring by George R.R. Martin.
>Nonstop combos with no breathing room
>Blatant input reading
>Every attack is delayed
>Way too much damage
>Undodgeable special like Melania
>Bullshit tracking

Great boss from, really nice!
you literally responded to my first post with "kys" and then after saying im not engaging you CARRIED ON like you always do
mods do your job, im passed this.
Dodge forward at a diagonal repeatedly.
run back while metoers are flying
jump sideways to dodge meteors
just run to dodge 4 afterimages
then roll to dodge 5th attack then roll again to dodge explosion
i got stoned and defeated him in one try without buffs.
when he attacks, dodge.
you are capable of defeating him. there is no boss in this game you're not capable of defeating. you are overthinking this.
stop thinking.
What is the condition for Miquella's spell to wear off? I remember that I broke it by going passt Bonny's Village but I think it could be triggered in other way since that area is optional from what I remember.
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For the meteors, run left then jump. For the afterimages, pic related
Alternatively let the afterimages hit you and just wait for his slam down (roll into him) then delay roll to match the sword-pulling-from-the ground and have that delayed roll to roll inwards to dodge the AoE
If you fuck up at any point you lose 60%
He's pretty
no, i didn't, i'm just asking since it's probably the 20th time you posted something like that
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Scat leveling makes the DLC too easy after awhile...
>so mad he can't even clarify what he's mad about
why now, the mod will just break again after the patch upcomming tuesday
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>Enter fog gate, the screen cuts to black while Miquella speaks.
Dearest vestige of the Golden Lineage...
Find purchase within the vessel of your elder, Mohg.
>The silhouette of Mohg's corpse rises above the Divine Gate. His horns unwind and extend, forming solidified black arms.
>The camera focuses on his face, as the horn in his eye forms a gilded crown, his skin begins to lighten, and his bright, golden eyes jerk open to lock onto you, the one who killed him and made a joke of his army.
My lord, Godrick the Golden.
Graft for us a path to divinity.
>His mouth begins to open and the screen cuts to black.
It is just as I dreamt...
>Camera fades back to Godrick's silhouette standing in front of the Divine Gate.
Lowly Tarnished...
So that we might return together...
>He does the pose with his axe.
I command thee KNEEL.
>Fight starts and opens with an attack that one-shots you.
So that scene in the trailer where Marika pulls some goopy strings (are those runes?) from some dead creature at the gateway thing where everything is covered in gore is never explained right?

Is there a good theory as to what the fuck is going on there?
is it a sequel or a prequel?
i'll huff the copium
Not really fair to compare them, Sekiro had a clear narrative with beginning, middle and end with clear-cut characters with distinct personalities who all had objectives and ways they would go about achieving them and explained them to you. Its themes were woven into the storyline and displayed with every character arc
I want to preserve Ashina and the old world and I need immortality to do it no matter what it takes to get it
I want immortality because I'm a greedy fuck
>Interior Ministry
We're here to unify the land and Ashina has immortality we'd like to have
>Isshin, Kuro and Sekiro
I think we should move on and let death have its natural place in the world
Boom, simple. Both Armored Core and Sekiro show that From are perfectly capable of actually coming with decent narratives, they strictly chose not to with Elden Ring even though it's violently opposed to the actual direction of the game.
so is seamless coop bad because you can't invade people or does it fuck up the game and let like 5 yellows spawn
Moore is alright. I would have liked more but being a lonely sad retard went a long way. Freyja needed more. Dane wasn't meant to be a questline NPC in the same way, I'm not pretending he was more than he is to count him here. They're all good, but Freyja should have had just as many, if not more, things to say and do as Ansbach. She's the only fuckup for me.
you seem to be misunderstanding the concept of "im not engaging" I can just watch one punch man til you leave if you want, im not talking to you, you're a cyberbully. if you're the only person that is going to chain respond when I post here I have no reason to contribute a damned thing to this general anymore.
im not mentally unstable, YOU keep winding me up on purpose.
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yeah, for some reason the weed cutter gets hyperarmor on its onehanded attacks. it's a great offhand option if you want a short fast weapon as your main weapon but a colossal in the offhand would be too slow

i collected all of these during china hours, my recent players tab was indecipherable. even if the connection was fine, though, it wouldn't change how shit these players are. i'm not good at pvp, but clearly skill has never been a determinate factor in arena outcomes, especially lately. for every clip I got, there were 3 on the cutting room floor because
>swift slash
>chinese on top of having bad internet
Read it
note that there was never a rumor about an Elden Ring show, just an offhand comment from Miyazaki that a movie wasn't impossible. GRRM is being cheeky and doing that thing you see all the time in comedies where someone admits to something by denying it in a way that's too specific and reveals new info.
This is the most beautiful character From has ever designed.
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I appreciate your efforts but Miquella is a top.
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Anyone willing to drop me the Gladiator hat that gives taunt? I already burnt Leyndell.
dont care I play on console
Sekiro proved they could and Rannis quest proved they could work it into the format of a normal souls questline.
Let's face it, the NPC quests suck this time around because fromsoft's workflow planning has been so shit they were afraid to record voice lines until near the end of production. Contrast with the base game where very character has gigabytes of cut audio because they recorded voice lines early and then rewrote the game 4 times. Reminder that Hyetta and Shabriri only exist because Aniplex made them cut the original frenzy questline a month before release and those were the only two voice actors they could get back in the studio to record new lines before launch.
wrong thread stupid
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I think I'll just disable the summoning pool before the demigod bosses. Getting real tired of retards watching both Rennala's cutscenes.
I want to touch his face but I feel like my hands would always be too dirty and thin to be deserving
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poasted in old bread.. Do other people online see you as a naked person or do they see the transformation? Also fml I pressed ng+ and forgot to go back to St Trina
You know what was a fun boss fight? Godrick the Grafted
>>Nonstop combos with no breathing room
>>Blatant input reading
>>Every attack is delayed
>>Way too much damage
>>Undodgeable special like Melania
Wrong on all accounts. Git gud (unironically)
>>Bullshit tracking
There's one combo during which he always snapped instantly towards me without even an animation. Clearly broken and hope it will get fixed, but even with that it was perfectly dodgable.
what level of conspiracy am I on here
radahn's after images should have been a weapon art that shit is so cool
they see the transformations
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Bayle and Midra are the best bosses in the DLC and it`s not even close.
>swearing guy is angry
gee how'd you figure that out buddy
The move where he thrusts upwards into the air after spraying fire at you? I noticed the turning animation on that was broken, yeah.
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>3 people with the META OP LOADOUT CLICK NOW bullshit
*stir fries this cat and puts them in a stew*
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Ranni was made like this!?
>most speedrunners are transgender
you're completely right, in terms of atmosphere, characterization and actual gameplay no other bosses come close.
Who’s the worse the character concept? OC Donut Steel Rellana or Radahn+Miquella?
corrupting him is part of the charm
none of the bosses are good.
There is nothing wrong with Rellana
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Does Miyazaki deliberately make good equipment look like shit?
what were they using?
the only one of these that count is summons, because they get agro and you can just wail on the boss from behind and ignore mechanics
The same style of side quests from other From games gets exceedingly more difficult to follow when it stops being a linear adventure game, and it applied to a open world one.
Without a guide, most people are just going to miss advancing Millicent, Hyetta, and Diallos down their questline.
is the dragon communion transformation useless?
Um. There is everything wrong with her. She is probably the single most random and obnoxious character ever.
Yes, he gets a perverse joy out of it.
there you go, i've deleted any meaningful posts and I'm not wasting my efforts on this general anymore, bye, get fucked. should have just left me banned frankly what was the point, so you could tell me to kill myself again? good job cunt. bye, never coming back.
I dont think so, at most I think it'd be nice if he fell in lobe with me which would be kind of corruption but bridging the gap is scary to fantasize about
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>"Sword of Messmer"
>Is in a random castle miles away from him
>No dialogues, no cutscenes
>Actually, she's related to Rennala and was there when she found her moon
Both of them fucking suck
Were you not expecting some sort of Carian boss after fighting a Carian knight? Is it forced that she's there with Messmer when her sister also jumped a godly redhead's bones the first chance she got?
is there anything to do in shaman village? I found some tree sentinels, a coffin, a gesture, a fallingstar beast and a talisman, but other than that it seems empty.
Why would you use that though? The other Hornsent helms gives you a better stat boost to Strenghth or Dex, and not split the difference between both.
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whats the maximum for blessings?
If I'd known you would be so cordial about it I wouldn't have been so mean.
That staff probably goes well with Vyke's armor.
Miquellahn/Radquella retroactively ruins a good chunk of the base game plot while Rellana is just another ignorable dungeon boss with two sentences of lore.
My headcanon? Trina asks us to "kill Miquella" because she's sure we won't be able to kill him. It's a plot to fight Radahn and bring his soul back.
20 scadutree, 10 spirit ash
>half-baked mary sue bio
>three weapons (one of them is backhand blade)
>mimic tear
>slowbro-ass fashion
So does every mod, including visual upgrade mods, require you to disable the anti cheat and thus turns off the official online? How retarded.
Ok how the fuck are you supposed to dodge Radahn's Gravity pull?
Is the only way predicting when he will do it?
It seems if you don't dodge the initial pull you are fucked.
Cant dodge behind because he has AOE all around him. Seems like extremely cheap boss design.
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>in a castle directly on the path to him and in fact the major roadblock leading to him and merely the next settlement over viewable from her backdoor
wow, such a random castle miles away...
Random Messmer soldiers should not do enough damage to 3-shot you, a god-slaying demon, at 60 vig.
>in before skubidoo fragments
Yes, yes.
You can get a summon upgrade, and a bell bearing through that location.
yes, even more so than previous games. At least you got physical attacks to use in the past.
What do I have to do for Leda to target Ansbach? Ive done everything with Freyja and Ansbach and i already talked to Hornsent after killing Messmer without him.
>It seems if you don't dodge the initial pull you are fucked
pretty much, yea.
Rellana by far. The whole Radahn fiasco is only half or part-bad.

Also, Moonrithyll… really?

"This is Rellana! She's the cool hidden twin sister of Rennala, and she dual weilds magic swords that are imbued with magic and fire. And, unlike her sister, she can cast TWO full moons, and instead of using forms of glinstone pebbles and comets, she only uses glintblade spells because she's SO COOL!"

She is someone's edgy OC that you would find on DeviantArt, that somehow made it through into the DLC.
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I can't say I'm really disappointed. Getting more on Melina and Malenia seems like it should have been obvious but I've come to expect that Souls DLC is almost NEVER about the obvious stuff and the unanswered questions you expect it to be about. To this day Artorias of the Abyss is, I'd say, still the only DLC which pretty much wraps up the base game's lore and makes it something very close to a complete package. I was never optimistic that we'd really get any more answers about Melina.
Rellana vs Hellena
Who wins?
if you think that's cheap wait until you learn about the undodgable
Before a game goes 'golden' (ie finalized for distribution) its submitted to controlling stake parties for texting, which mainly involves reviewing the content to ensure it's acceptable and some basic playtesting to ensure it meets quality/completion standards. In the past, Bamco loomed large over fromsoft production because they were the primary publisher and retained some rights to the IP through the publishing agreement. It would be they who would give the final okay. After fromsoft's acquisition by aniplex, bamco is now contracted through aniplex rather than through fromsoft directly, and bamco retains basically no rights beyond basic licensing and distribution. Aniplex gets the final say.

This matters because when a game is delayed, it's delayed for exactly one reason: the near-final version failed this check and wasn't approved to go gold. The extra month is used to address feedback from the controlling stakeholder, ie changing objectionable content or polishing unfinished aspects of the game that couldn't wait for a day 1 patch.

The original frenzy quest involved the merchants more directly, including a great deal of dialogue from Kale. The problem was that the jewish allegory was too on the nose, and the quest eventually turns the merchants around to be the bad guys in a way that was really, really obvious. Thus Kale's stuff was cut and instead they got Yura's voice actor back in the studio to record a few lines and plopped him in a random location to provide you with the direction to the sewers that Kale's quest would have originally provided.
Look at that goofy snake above his shoulders.
> Were you not expecting some sort of Carian boss after fighting a Carian knight?
Moonrithyll is a retarded character too.
> Is it forced that she's there with Messmer when her sister also jumped a godly redhead's bones the first chance she got?
It really makes the whole Rennala x Radagon romance kind of a joke.
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Yeah I know about it, problem is I have trouble even getting to Phase 2 consistently with how tanky he is. Man this boss sucks.
i feel like if she had a different name you wouldn't care
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Why is your damage so low?
You should be aiming for 50k+ per hit
Wait does unalloyed just like mean like
pure gold?
I think she's trying to tell him something
I found the fingercreeper ashes but no bell bearing
maybe it's for later
you know you can just sprint away if you get pulled in, right? if you start moving as soon as you get pulled, it won't catch up to you. although, if you lack the reaction time to dodge the pull, you probably lack the reaction time to just run away after you get caught. so, uh, eat shit I guess?
which one's the undodgable
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I wish I could officially join a Mohg faction. Taking his body back from Radahn and Miquella with Ansbach was great.
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Would worship
how do pure mage builds slog through the carian school section of the game when everything has magic resist and is designed to counter magic in general?
i could fight it with a dragon communion build
Fromsoft was acquired by Kadokawa and not Aniplex though.
3 rocks
You have to jump to that tower towards the back of the village for both the bell and the summon upgrade if you decided to get the FemYurt ash instead of her weapon.
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>Alright bro it's Sunday maybe we can get some fun invasions against normal peop-
>Two swift slash ganks back to back
This game is doomed
No I don't, that's why I'm asking smartass.
>The Black Knights were the primary force of Messmer's army. Their first leader was Andreas [...] he would rebel after learning of his liege's serpentine nature.
>The Black Knights were the primary force of Messmer's army. Second to their first Knight-Commander was Huw [...] he followed his father, Andreas, into rebellion against Messmer
A bunch of Messmer's troops hate him because of the snakes. Fort of Reprimand, for example, has Messmer's soldiers hanging. So, yes. His "Blade" shouldn't be in a castle far away.
It's like if we found Malenia in Castle Sol instead of the Haligtree.
I had a dream that there was an alternate ending to the DLC where mohg came back after we beat radahn but he wasn't an omen anymore because he died and lost the curse.
In the real world gold is always mixed with another metal to form an alloy because gold on its own is extremely soft and malleable. Anything made of pure gold would deform to your touch. However, pure gold is also very inert and doesn't oxidize, so it won't tarnish. Alloying gold gives it structure and rigidity but allows it to oxidize
Presumably in game, unalloyed gold means the power of grace without the influence of some controlling cosmic intelligence mixed in, hence why unalloyed gold is used by Malenia and the cleanrots to forestall Scarlet Rot, and why the unalloyed needle can block the flame of frenzy.
i wish i had a gf
I really hate phase 2 radahn
this is just eye cancer
In what param are spells stored?
LOL, SIKE!!!!!!!
I went into messmers boss room by accident and now I can't have swift slash which everyone in pvp is using.

so much for tolerant japanese
Go talk to Leda again at the crossroads or whatever. She'll mention that the Hornsent is no longer an issue after getting his revenge and he'll get himself killed doing something stupid, so she's decided to kill Ansbach instead.
you suck at the game
Anybody else get a christmas vibe from Radahn phase 2? Like, a christmas movie credits song vibe.
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So how's this for tips for beating Radahn?
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i know the timing wasnt great but...come on
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stay humble
do you like it?
Smithscript Cirque with flame art has way more AR than the normal Backhand Blades with dex or lightning infusion.
I can reach over 1200 AR with Golden Vow, Flame Grant Me Strength, and the Flame Cracked tear.
Just dropping a little hint for Swift Slash enjoyers...
Thyrus and Stomveil are two very powerful weapons, can't disagree there.
What the fuck hit you after the cinematic phase change?
This type of enemy is so retarded.
>What if we made Crucible Knights but way less fun and respawns
I seriously hate this bullshit. A common enemy in the DLC has more hp/combos than most bosses in ds1/2/3
The AI hype is out of fucking control
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>Seamless Co op added invasions
Faggotry damage. My character is homophobic.
True, I beat him by dropping Stormveil on him and he died instantly
Radahn, who is all about marital pride and honor, decides to cheat by going two vs one on the guy who defeated him in honorable combat.
This guy is mind controlled, and does not want to be here.
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I have never cared about any of the music in any FromSoft game. Normal level music is always elevator tier and boss music is just "AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA" + some mumbling in latin + some violin playing arpeggios in the background. I always turn music off and listen to my own music while I'm playing. I always see people baseding out about LE EPIC OST OMG IT'S SO HECKIN' EPIC but I just don't care, and I find it boring.
M-Miquella-sama... this lowly Tarnished sow apologizes for dirtying the air you breathe with my exhalations. I'm sure I must have caused you great offense... Please don't be merciful!
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>Marika overtook Melina
uh oh maidenbros?
Okay? What does that have to do with christmas?
is this ai slop
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>find no cool new weapons or armor
>use the exact same shit I used in the base game 2 years ago
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What was Goldmask drinking and what does it taste like
Quick slash left into quick slash right into cross chop
There's a single frame window to dodge
Seamless Co op added matchmaking for ganks
These guys are actually fine because most of their moveset is super honest and you can dodge most of their attacks by positioning/spacing and find windows to hit them mid-combo. An elite mob having one special anime attack they use once in a blue moon is fine.

The problem with a lot of bosses is that the long-winded anime combo is their bread and butter basic attack, so there's just never any of that back and forth interplay and you're just always waiting for your turn instead of using the game's mechanics to create that dynamic.
In all honesty, I have no idea how to deal with the frost guy because he makes a fuckhuge tornado that just passively kills me while also trying to rape me with his sword and I just die.

The first time I got through the area, he just kind of disappeared. I think he fell off the roof. Another time, I just put on an ironjar aromatic and savage lion claw'd him to death while ignoring any dodging or blocking.
Thanks for sharing, you are so cool and unique.
>excellent scaling with Strength and Dexterity
>Storm Veil
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WOW this is SOOOO fun
>find no cool new weapons or armor
are you even trying?
mom > daughter
unironically hilarious that with the DLC we know more about Marika's personality than Melina despite Marika being dead or the next best thing
nigga I don't know
I just use cheat engine and that chinese dude's table on nexus
I forgot, but there's one part of the map where a Furnace Golem literally explodes an entire campsite. Since he moves towards there I imagine it's intended for you to fight him there. Even the Marika statue gets destroyed.
I used the Milady the whole game
of course, look at the hands
me with moghs spear

they really fucked up by making it so good
>who is all about marital pride and honor
He sicced his army on Malenia when she was severely outnumbered (count the Freyja-like swords scattered around Aeonia). The literal first thing he does on-screen is try to shoot someone 1% his size with a railgun from across the map when their back is possibly turned.
>6 hit combo on a normal enemy
>only stops attacking for 1.5 seconds punish window
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Ymir was the magical instructor of Rellana and Rennala, and is presumably the guy depicted in the inverted statue of the Carian study hall in the base game, and also probably the reason why there are so many fingercreepers around Caria manor and the study hall itself.

So why exactly was his student given a proper boss fight but he was given the Gideon treatment? Why?

I keep feeling like Miyazaki is overly biased in favour of sword women and moons and tumblr tier fantasy logic.
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>one of the most "you didnt beat the game" communities in all of Souls fandom
>"Haha games journalists are bad and incompetent!"
>cant beat the DLC
>level to 333 and plays through the whole thing with fingerprint shield
>"Always be cheating! Too EZ boys! There it is!"
I dont understand how they can hold these 2 thoughts in their heads simultaneously
Based. Reds don't deserve anything good, ever.
He disappeared for me too. The whole area went snowy in the shrine, I walked out and wondered wtf was going on and just went on never encountering him until I co-oped with a friend. I assume he walks off the roof if he triggers an animation in the wrong place or something.
>this webm again
>with the retard who sees 2 people casting spells and still turns his back on them
>youtuber is a retard
wow no way
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Never mind, the param is literally just called Magic.

If you're using hexinton's, that table used to be spyware back in the day. I don't know if they still scan your PC nowadays though.
who is that?
I can understand that and to each their own
I prefer the much simpler music DeS had personally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q16PAMzk9TI
What the fuck actually ARE the Shadowlands though? An alternate dimension that got created alongside the Scadutree? Part of The Lands Between that got shunted into an alternate dimension? Was Messmer's crusade for the purpose of sealing it? If Marika is from the shaman village, is the 'other world' that the Numen came from the Shadowlands, or are they still aliens but some of them settled in the Lands Between and others settled in the Shadowlands?
95% of the music in from games is actually indeed shit
5% stands out as real bangers though

can't go through a fight like bloodborne's ludwig and turn if off
>says the guy with the dragon hunters katana
The game peaked with Godskin Stitcher and thats a fact
I don't CARE you nigger
stop posting e-celeb garbage here
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I love it, learning to time my dodges and hitting that R1 is so exciting to me
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Rellana's Twin moons
post your music then, you probably have shit taste
So what was is problem? Didn't get those Skabu fragments? Shit build? Just a bad player in general?
Ymir was a bonus treat after the real boss fight. Why does everything have to be some contest where being the boss fight is a victory? Honestly I wish we didn't even fucking fight him at all. It was fine I guess, would have been better with Jolan joining, but why the fuck do you think him being an even biggerer boss fight would make his deal better?
The only vibe I get from 2nd phase Radahn is white flash, white flash, phantom clone, phantom clone, white flash, white flash, phantom clone, white flash, purple flash, purple flash, white flash, you died
you were definitely 'that kid' when you were a child.
I agree with you, except for the ds1 OST. That one was good. Everything else after that is as you say.
You can rest now.
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YOOOOOOOOOO this pvp is fire frfrffr
>kill x boss
>no satisfaction whatsoever just relief
nigga fuck this game
So just like the TT it's just an invitation, not an invasion
uuuuuuh where do i go after Messmer?
>is the 'other world' that the Numen came from the Shadowlands, or are they still aliens but some of them settled in the Lands Between and others settled in the Shadowlands?
they came in the stone coffin ships in the Cerulean Coast. The Shadowlands are in the obscured cloud region in thecenter of the lands between. Messmer's crusade wasn't to seal it, Marika sealed it after people found the crusade unspeakably violent and brutal.
yes, and you should stop posting here, too
That old man was too based for this world
is the spell good?
same, it just feels like "thank fuck i dont have to do that again" rather than satisfaction
I'll give Radahn 3 days of trying before I bust out El Mimo.
>type B
This one riled the co opcels up lmao
“Superior sorcery of the tower priests, wielded as an incantation of the spiral. Wrap one's arms together and hold them up to the heavens to summon a spiral of light that erupts at the enemy's feet. Column of light persists for as long as the button is pressed. The spiral is a normalized Crucible current that, one day, will form a column that stretches to the gods.”

What are sorceries really? They just said an incantation is a sorcery…
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the spells and particles in elden ring are just too much its not fun
why cant i be a knight delving into a scary dungeon filled with skeletons and maybe a big monster like in demons and souls 1
i dont want to kill jesus and his boyfriend in heaven
i just want to wear knight armour and smash skeleton skulls
From have gone too far and become what they sought out to fight originally with demons souls
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If you actually used this you seriously did not beat the game
Absolute bullshit bleed buildup on instant cast
Ludwig is the only good theme in a Souls game and that's only because it sounds actually distinct. Dancing lion is okay too
99% of it is identical latin chants
But the Cerulean Coast connects to the north of Limgrave. There shouldn't be any body of water for them to sail to there from
what bothers me the most is the lack of dialogue and cutscenes
just follow the grace, now i understand why they put it
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Why is there some anon who keeps posting the same exact webms over and over again?
>rellana's twin moons and it's just testicles
>the left one even hangs lower than the right
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This isn't new
>they came in the stone coffin ships in the Cerulean Coast
Oh right yeah I forgot about those.
>The Shadowlands are in the obscured cloud region in thecenter of the lands between
>Messmer's crusade wasn't to seal it, Marika sealed it after people found the crusade unspeakably violent and brutal.
And Messmer's crusade was against the Hornsent because
1. They absolute reek of the Crucible
2. She was mad about the shaman genocide
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Miquella will NOT make me straight
The one you can't dodge
I would rather be not be a fight at all, or actually be a legitimate boss with his own remembrance and everything.
i hate them as well but, just sneak past him bro
The Cerulean Coast does not connect to Limgrave, what? They also quite possibly came from another planet anyways. Could be another continent, planet, or dimension.
Why are you gay
The stone coffins are not space ships, they are actual coffins filled with putrescence of the giants sealed within. The same giants who used ancient meteoric ore swords as arrowheads in their war with the dragons.
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About to fight Radahn, what am I in for?
that actually got nerfed because it actually was out of place with the rest of the games pace
post twin moons
nice phase 1, worse phase 1 as phase 2
you got spoiled on who the final boss is?
>Literal dropping your sack on enemies
This game is a fucking joke.
Truly kino fight, so cool fireworks and quick action!
I cant stop going "woah" every time I enter P2.
Marika also wanted to get rid of him, and empty her dungeon of all the murderers and rapists.
It's said somewhere as the center of the lands between, I believe, and a few other references
>And Messmer's crusade was against the Hornsent because
Mostly #2.
i always thought the music in these games was nothing to write home about... practically the only tracks i remember are four kings, gwyn, and malenia boss music
are we talking about dark souls or elden ring at this point
A decent first phase and then a lack of vision or knowledge of what is happening on screen.
Decent first phase and perfomance-raping second phase that is also an assault on your eyes with all the flashing lights
Is literally everything in this DLC weak as shit to lightning? I do much mroe damage by spamming gransax bolt L2s than with bloodhound fang +10 on 60 str and 60 dex with bloodflame blade applied
Same here dude.
I usually listen to the OST on first playthrough until I get stuck, then I use my own playlist. And on subsquent runs I also use my own music. I have a Dark Souls playlist on spotify. It's what got me through Bed of Chaos.
The shape of the Shadow Lands fits the empty body of water in the middle of the Lands Between like a puzzle piece, it's basically guaranteed it used to be connected and was made to disappear/sent into a pocket dimension/hidden by Marika's veil magic
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>completely eclipses the final battle
>so good they could literally end DLC there, with you just bitch slapping some sense into frail Miquella afterwards and it would still be perfect
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Violent Tarnished the only way your kind learns is by experience.
I will grant you the feeling of my love and compassion.
Now Tarnished undo your armour and bend over.
I shall grant upon you my sacred Dew.
2nd phase like a latam mugen character
dunno man, i like the subtle background music in the open world
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Turning into our saviour and 2nd phase, Turtlegod.
It sucks because now retards will think the teacher is weaker than the student and this probably isn’t the case in lore
why do you keep posting AI shit
So the grafting that Godrick and his ilk were able to use was because of Marika's shaman combination genetics?
>just follow the grace
It's pointing into a wall. There's no path there.
It's pointing south west, but I can't find the way. Halp
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hated the last area
Give me strenght Frenzy bros. I can't beat last DLC boss. It's been two days.
>90% of the game is wet
>Shit ton of arenas are covered in water
>Dexfaggotry through the fucking roof
No shit
so which sorceries are good atm?
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>Miquella losing to his own fanatic shotacon follower
>Miquella barely winning some literal OC donut steel meme
>Miquella getting mogged by the personification of his love and affection who he cast into an underground pit
So are all the Miquellafagging posts bait, falsefags, or are Miquellafags just loud enough that they post disproportionately more than everyone else?
>final fight is against a bunch of weak NPCs
Anon NPC fights are always free and easy.
start at the storehouse 1st floor grace, go west
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Doesn’t he graft Tarnished?
I ended up with fucking Hornsent in this fight and it was the worse shit ever. His fucking pursuers one hit me at 60 vig and 12 skadoos.
Miquellafags disappeared en masse after the DLC dropped.
t. a soulless bugman
it's literally impossible not to have gotten spoiled
this shit was posted all over 4chan before the DLC even dropped
>it sucks because now people won't believe my headcanon
wild strikes, regen on hit, ironbody perfume for phase 2
Don't learn his moves just trade him to death
no its his great rune
>summon for placidusax
>unable to summon second guy
>invaded anyway
>cooper dies anyway
>you have left the bounds of the multiplayer area, returning to multiplayer area
who designed this shit
Can you even blame people for choosing St Trina?
Cutie flower girl who just wants to take a nap. Drink her sweet nectar
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now THIS is a theme

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Good taste. It was my second favorite part of the DLC only beaten by RADAHN
I did all the sidequests so it was a great 3v4 with the only missing party being Hornsent's ugly ass.

The way they tweaked their health and damage to drag things out and provide ample times for line delivery as well as staggering it so you get invaded twice before finally getting a helper was kino
the real answer is miquella fujos arent clicking on a waifu poll
if a husbando poll existed we would see much different results
How long should I wait before putting my sign if I want to help a certain host again for Radahn? I keep getting instantly summoned by different people I feel bad for some guys
No, he grafted dragons and giants to himself and his children too.
I don't think that's much to go off of. It certainly doesn't fit perfectly at all. If it were at any point shorn away from the world then you would have to address lots of questions about why certain areas overlap with others.
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It's so fucking over.
>that, is a work of heresy…
So why aren’t heretical incantations all called sorcery then?
Is Corhyn just retarded?
Yeah. It was a pretty great fight. The WWE entrances by every NPC still around was sick.

Curious though: What happens if you kill Leda out in the field before this fight? Does she just poof away so that this fight can still happen?
t. a filtered shitter
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She killed billions......
>probably the reason why there are so many fingercreepers around Caria manor and the study hall itself.
That's from the Two Fingers trying to find Ranni bro.
He would lose to Messmer and a few male NPCs though.
The DLC really wrecked his popularity.
When you enter the arena the game declares it as a no-violence area, you cannot kill her without cheats
so what are those golden strands she's holding?
and that makes me hard
I haven't used consumables all game. Can someone pill me on the best ones for Radahn?
heresy is not native to the world, it is but a contrivance, all things can be conjoined.
Can I trust you guys to drop me stuff I missed? I need to fashionmax
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die, homosexuals
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according to some random strawpoll i had saved for some reason (while trying to search for the husband and the other waifu poll), the dlc was a failure
>ironbody perfume
Forgot those things exist.
I meant like earlier in the game when you meet her out near the Miquella crosses. Are those also sanctuary areas? I never really paid attention.
gpt's still retarded I see
>Is Corhyn just retarded?
yes, classic religious zealot. read "orders healing" description for why goldmask did what he did, and got killed for it.
you cant trust me
Most of the people whonlike Miquella are straight women, not gay men
Just because he was an instructor to Rennala does not mean he was stronger than them. Radahn was taught by an Alabaster fag and his feats far exceed what the Alabasters can do
>Noooo, strong womyn in my game, this cannot be I want to be dominated by strong men reeeeeee
First stop watching Andrew Tate, and then kill yourself
He has a specific niche. Real question is how many of Morgott's yumes defected to Messmer.
I unironically feel kind of bad for the gook drawfag who made all those cute arts of Miquella and Malenia just hanging out together. Imagine all those hours of their work getting a fat shit dumped on because From did an almost total retcon.
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>Marika will never ERDTREE SLAM your tiny tarnished body into dust
why live bros...
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We're not getting another DLC, right?
They said this was the only one, right?
Is there anything in development at Fromsoft right now? They always had something in development parallel so far.
ongbal is a retard???
to save trillions
is shieldless phase 2 radahn possible? all these lights bouncing everywhere like a damn rave is pretty annoying
either mental illness or they're bots. real people make new content.
Endurance to at least 25, Vigor to 60, Str or Dex to whatever weapons you want to try
if this is the boss design then hope not
Pedos are pedos
How the fuck do people even play in multiplayer I get such incredible lag whenever I join someone. It's unplayable.
>Be gook drawfag
>Run with headcanon
>Everything I don't like is a retcon
Spotted the Godwyntranny
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It’s not even headcanon. Pic-related. The lore favors the crazy fingertranny but the game favors the crazy moon twin.
I would tell you good news but you're a retarded wojak poster.
They aren't making a dlc or even an rpg game again
Yes if you use spirit summons
Of course it's possible, it's just gonna take you ages to figure out the dodge timings.
Can anyone recommend a weapon that's light but still does decent poise damage?
Not that many. Morgott has a sort of "old gentleman" feeling that Messmer lacks, the only overlap they have is that they're both Fixable[TM], other than that Messmer's entire aesthetic is way more of a bad boy archetype with the snakes and genocides and edgy evil fire magic
Probably Armored Core 6 DLC, or even Armored Core 7
Also there was something about a new IP called spellbound or something, a while ago
>Is there anything in development at Fromsoft right now?
AC7 is confirmed. 6 was a banger.
boiled crab for physical damage reduction
holy proof pickled liver for holy damage reduction
exalted flesh for damage increase
probably some grease, too
I bet you could poison/rot him as well, but idk
oh yeah, and there's also that Sacred Oath consumable if you don't have it as an ash
they said maybe but unlikely (i'd go for seconds ngl unless froms next project is dark souls 4)
women get a free pass because insert reason here
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>690 AR ARC/FTH on bloodfiend fork flame art infuse 45/45
>can use the new messmer AoW

dragonchads we won
yeah if you are into rhytm games and dont mind trying the same thing over and over again
uhh how about solo
he said decent poise damage not dogshit
Star fists. They got bleed, too.

Every speedrunner uses them pretty much.
> Just because he was an instructor to Rennala does not mean he was stronger than them.
In these games? It’s usually the case.
Possible according to your skill level
this is the last soulsborne game they are developing for the foreseeable future, they are shifting over to armored core and helping monolith with making a xenoblade game now
>another DLC
This is about 3 DLCs shoved together and released as one, so probably no.
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imagine the boss fight
>that stupid fucking "Look I'm raising my paw to swipe at yo- actually I'm doing a bite with like two start-up frames lol" attack the great red bears have
I bet there were high fives all around the office when they thought of that one.
so now that the dust has somewhat settled

whos harder, melania or consort radahn?

I wanted to say consort but it took me less tries than with malenia using the same build + no summons. Radahn was like sub 100 while malenia was well over 200 attempts.

It could be like that because attempts are longer but malenia only has 10k hp less than consort and if you count for all her healing its basically the same.

I think if you have max scadutree fragments then its easier than malenia.
I killed ng+7 Metyr in like 8 seconds with this shit. Thorn spells look cool as fuck I was hoping they'd add one or two more and man they delivered. It's probably gonna be gutted but I'll abuse the fuck out of it in the meantime. Going through the main game in ng+ now to see what other bosses I can wreck with this shit.
Part of me does hope for more DLC, both to expand the world and to unfuck things. That and we need more armor because this DLC was just horrid in that department.
You can legitimately play a drinking game with this DLC where you take a shot every time you see exposed legs on some leg piece slot.
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He clearly didn't learn his lesson in Caelid.
This took them over 2 years to make. We're definitely not getting another.
What dragon is that anyway? Haven't seen any npc talk about it.
>Messmer is front and center on all the DLC promotional stuff
>Trailers, merch, etc
>DLC drops and a fucking fanfic-tier Carian princess gets pulled out of Miyazaki's ass to be his girlfriend
It's not fucking fair
>used star fists before they were le cool speedrunning sweat weapon because I my gladiator larp looked sick with them
get off my weapon you darn kids
Not even fujos like Miquella
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It's okay bro we're getting a GOTY Scholar of the Erdtree edition with balanced PvP, 6 player limit and all the cut content from the base game
i dont know
Yeah, I'm pumping END right now. I'll try to see how far I can go with 40 VIG. I always get it to 60, but I wonder from what point it's really required given my skill and playstyle.
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Mommy Marika.....
You realize this game on the surface, the kind of logic you’re employing, is implying that no male ever went above 60 Int, and that is a huge absurd.

Or maybe Miyazaki really does think all women are better than men at magic, not sure. All three moon spells are more Int demanding than the three primeval ones.
>admits defeat, levels and cheese the game
>makes a joke about it to the audience
>autists think he's being genuine
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>walked into Niggermer's room without realizing it was his room a few days ago
>back out, finish exploring shadow keep
>turns out i locked myself out of the fucking dash attack talisman by doing that
how do i hack it in
im so fucking livid that the fat fucking nigger faggot slant eyed nigger is still doing quest failure state shit like this holy fuck im going to lose it
Nothing in that description indicates that he is super strong.
Thanks for telling me it's good anon, using it right now
>But you did not le beat the game
>Implying I care about the autistic screeching of a general who has been filtered for over a week
lol lmao
Malenia is way harder to cheese than Radahn. Radahn is so fucking easy with a greatshield.
>Scholar of the Erdtree
Elden Ring is Dark Souls 2 2(2)
Malenia is easier by far because they unironically made consort Radahn into a sekiro boss that watched too much anime
>20 skibidi player who can solo Malenia with spiked caestus and watches those japanese cartoons
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get fucked retard gaijin
If it makes you feel any better the fact they're living in separate castles can be headcanoned as them having had a falling out at some point later in the timeline
Malenia is harder.
Radahn has one single move that is stupid and cannot be dodged with unmodified movement abilities unless you play around it for the entire fight in a specific manner.
Everything else is pretty samey and doesn't have anywhere near the technical skill compared to malenia.
Consort radahn's attacks are way more Chaotic and need way more practise to understand.

Malenia can get knocked on her ass repeatedly by a dozen spells and weapons, can get frost potted out of her waterfowl and has much lower hp.
I got my scooby doo level to 15 with the 5 chunks you find after commander niggercunt, how the fuck are there still 5 levels worth of fragments in the map
3? i can see 2, but 3?
>only has 10k less hp
it's closer to 15k actually, since she starts phase 2 with 80%
you can easily cheese malenia because she has low poise
I second Star fists. Caestus too.
Depends on your build. Malenia was designed to fuck with tanks. Radahn is designed to fuck with twinks.
He is not incorrect. The moon is merely a closer body. Space is bigger. The Greater Will is bigger. He taught them, he is likely their magical superior.

This is the result of them relegating him to a smaller character model, just like the likes of Sellen, who is described as the best sorcerer ever.
Yes they do.
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>Be sure to explore the game thoroughly to get all your Skibidi fragments!
I'm convinced Miyazaki in this regard will literally never learn. I feel bad for that Anon.
>You realize this game on the surface, the kind of logic you’re employing, is implying that no male ever went above 60 Int, and that is a huge absurd.
holy shit anon you need to stop poisoning your fucking brain with gender warfare bullshit for your own sake
everyone is getting all tripped up abt the phase 2 light attacks when literally 1 talisman can make them do minuscule damage its laughably funny

you can just slap on the braid talisman and if you have max scadu you will literally take 90% less damage from them its a joke.

if you look past all the flashing lights and shit the boss is pretty similar to phase 1 if you are someone who is smart and knows to dodge into him instead of away
Probably. Hope he does. If it makes you seethe it's good

Rennala has a vagina and it's better at magic than Ymir. Seethe and Cope
>Fight Leda
>Not beat her, just start the fight
>Locked out of Thollier and St Trina stuff
my favorite build is bloodflame larp and was excited to get Ansbach's incantation, but it's so underwhelming. comes out fast-ish and you can travel a bit if you charge, but the damage is shit and the poise damage is non-existant. Am I missing something?
I think of him looking like a young man, not a child, and the in-game model backs that interpretation up
Being cursed witub eternal youth doesn't mean you're a child forever. It just means you don't get OLD
This spell was made for people who swapped to INT in the base game after FTH was found to be shit. Ironically FTH dominates the broken builds in the DLC and INT is nowhere except in this FTH locked spell.
Babe wake up new hostcel IQ test just dropped
i fucking hate Messmer. everything he does looks the fucking same, this is so stupid.
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>Marika passed Melina
This is bullshit. Melina can't fucking get anything from anyone. Fuck all of you.
How many of you are actual fujos instead of just baitposters pretending? Honest question
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>no marika nursing handjob cutscene
>no opportunity to drink milk directly from marikas udders
>no hidden "Marika's undergarments" item to find
shit dlc
>Gideon Ofnir, the ALL KNOWING
>Sorceress Sellen, the best and brightest
>Count Ymir, teacher of Rennala and Rellana
And all die in ten seconds
Velka 2.0.
Even his mega moves in phase are pretty simplistic to dodge.
Malenia is the far more technically demanding fight assuming you aren't trying to cheese it.
Dodging waterfowl close quarters and avoiding every blow from her clone attack are both significantly harder to deal with than anything radahn throws at you.
Yep. Holy +3 and Lord's Protection mean you just don't take damage while blocking. Actually just immune to most of his attacks.
cant you get it with the Grand Merchant mod? >>484117483
spells still rape in the DLC. i laughed after i walked up to a furnace golem and chucked spiral comet at his ankles and it stance broke him faster than my colossal character did. for the few times you run into something like the ghost dragon, you just slot rock throw and suddenly your one and only weakness is covered
Wojak posters are the natives of the boards. You are on stolen bandwidth
its easy just do summons and use bleeds and forget about him
oo yea i forgot abt that frost pot thing, always forget to use that LOL

idk maybe malenia is just harder for me personally.

but also weve had 2 years to study malenia and radahn just came out like a week ago so i think if we were to talk about on release it would be a different story cuz we didnt know abt frost pot and stuff
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I love him so much.
>spawn into the world
>game instantly crashes
>this has happened 4 times in a row
>happens in arena too
? What? I validated files
>He taught them, he is likely their magical superior.
See this is your headcanon. Just because he was their teacher doesn't mean they didn't surpass him.

Chuds get mad all the time when I point this out. This game is Uber fucking feminist and men barely have any plot relevance at all. Barely.
Nevermind I got my shit pushed in. Can't get used to not being the only target.
They used to, nobody likes Radahn/Miquella.
>3 times as many I-Frames as rolling
>Starts instantly
>costs less stamina than rolling or blocking
>faster recovery than rolling
>can combine it with a jump heavy for fat damage
Holy shit, why aren't people using this more?
Finished the DLC.
>Divine Beast Dancing Lion
>Putrid Knight
>Scadutree Avatar

Don't remember all the minor bosses, but the Death Knights were also very cool
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This you?
fist weapons are decent but they have almost no range which I need a bit more of
I was here before them so no.
>midra in A

invalid list
The main problem is that I couldn't see what the fuck is going on. And somehow, even with Lord's Protection, the move where he pulls his swords out of the ground oneshot me from full (60 vig) health
Trump lost
Imagine cuddling him on a cold night and having to deal with his huge blob of hair in your face
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What's wrong with Midra? Too much firespam for your taste?
I'm on a board with fujos and after the news dropped people were excited about the possibilities of dubcon brotherfucking.
Territories under the veil of shadow, literally veiled by the blankets you see hanging from the Scadutree (Shadowtree in gaelic). It was part of the Lands Between and is now somewhat a seperate diminsion behind the veil. Marika veiled it to contain the Hornsent. Messmer's Crusade was partially to hide him the Scadu so he wouldn't be around people to notice his snake curse, partially to get vengeance for Marika's people against the Hornsent. Shaman are their original name, Numen are what they are called now/remembered. They came in the big boat coffins.

me too bruh i listen to carti and travis scott while im playing fr
You realize low level enemies can take out high level bosses in a lot of From games right

I remember watching a Sekiro video on the ghost girl who took out Isshin
>can get frost potted out of her waterfowl
wait what, really? a single frost pot?
Don't care how smart you are, a sharpened piece of metal to the guts will still kill you.
Because it feels inconsistent. You know with rolls that you'll always dodge if you time them right.
You are forgetting the giant Hippo and that Inquisitor boss for minor ones.
>no man can kill a god
>kills a god
>turns into a ball
>uhhhhhhhhh whatever the fuck is deal was
i mean every female variant is bigger or stronger or whatever, not that i care since femdom fetish (as miyazaki intended)
Is Romina the most forgettable boss
Its hilarious that the most reasonable boss fights are the best, and the two reskins designed to bust your balls for no reason are universally regarded as horrid.
I liked the hippo more than the Dancing Lion
>divine beast in top tier
beyond my comprehension
she doesn't wear any
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what am I supposed to do here? this guy wont talk to me
Move Scadu and Romina up a tier and Bayle down a tier
Bayle is only good becaue of Igor and that literally doesn't count because it's not the boss itself that's enjoyable to play against
no he should be higher is what i meant

fuck you.
at risk of getting rather off topic he's doing well now despite being "convicted of crimes" that no one can name what crimes those are he uh, uh, allegedly uh payed off some woman as a business expense so something.... - every single person who tried to report on that.
He's just a nonverbal autistic leave him alone
Maybe he wears a little silk cap to protect his hair from split ends
Stop trying to fight Bayle's leg and start fighting his head and you'll find he's a good dragon fight
Women 1/10 the size of men can equal men. Malenia is more powerful than Radahn, pound for pound.

Women are at least 10–15% smarter or more intelligent than men. As the moon spells affirm.

These are canon lore facts.
I will never understand why From made so many new weapon types and only put 2-3 in each category, but then made a bunch of weapons for the base game categories.
Did we really need FIVE new straight swords (all garbage btw) and SEVEN fucking spears?
Nobody cares fag
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and that's a good thing
I have 667 hours and don't even know how to get that shield.
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As it should be
>no one can name what those crimes are
God damn you are too fucking stupid.
>only thing she has going for is reskinned kindred of rot
>most people will just kill her in 1-2 tries
yeah, not even rellana gets this treatment because people love messmer and she gets popular by association
I fucking HATED Putrescent so god damn much
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Radahn + Miquella and it isn't even close
>Ultra feminist lands between
>kill everyone as some random nameless man
>start fighting the head that jumps back 600 feet after every attack
Fromsoft hasn't made a good dragon fight ever
Placidusax and Midir were mid except for the spectacle, Bayle is the same, all spectacle but the fight itself is genuinely boring as shit
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decent list, I would definitely swap Rellana and Romina, and SA with Divine Beast, and also put Putrescent knight into B, but overall it's good
I fail to see how that is relevant at all.
>women and fags fuck everything up
>need a men to unfuck things
Because DS1-3 and BB taught them that roll spam is the only way
I can post clips of them floundering if you really want but its the wrong board so i'd like to just move on passed the chud incel trump lost flinging asap thanks.
The courts that convicted him were sure of his crimes
>b-but that was le deepstate biden conspiracy
Am I the only guy who liked Gaius? Everyone here seems to be sticking him in the lowest tier.
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happy last day of pride month radahn
…you’re using a boss fight as evidence for lore when it doesn’t work that way
Marika is the ultimate female power fantasy. She will be remembered alongside the Danaeryses and Edelgardes.
this is my first time invading in a souls game, am i supposed to just sit around and wait for them in a corner and catch them by surprise or what?
It's actual trash. I think they did it on purpose so people will give up and stop obsessing over it and realize it's just a fun swordfighting game
Move bayle up to top tier and I'd largely agree with this
And scuda should be much higher because that fight is kino
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literally me
I'll reconsider it when I fight him on horse
Bad hitbox, and being a optional boss guarding a shitload of skabu fragments won't win him praise.
>them floundering
I don't care about "them." Pointing to other retards doesn't make you not a retard. Grow up, retard. Takes one google search to go actually find what the crime was.
Edelgard is the best girl in her own game though. Can't say the same for the other two.
courts are a popularity contest not how you think they work like how tv shows, except "bull" which shows somewhat accurate.
they overturned weinstiens rape charges despite "being sure" too.
I love abusing OP abilities in PVP
New gravity are strong
Finger spells are amazing
The new death spells are also great
Thorns are arcane, the entire point is causing bleed with 1 cast with the Finger staff
I liked him too. His charge hitbox gave me some trouble but other than that he's a pretty decent fight with a cool moveset.
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I beat the DLC
Byleth is best girl
Only women can fix it too, retard. Ranni is right. Marika was right. Rennala was right. Men are always wrong. Radagon was wrong. Gideon was wrong. Azur and Lusat were wrong. Ymir is likely wrong as well. The only woman who was big time wrong is Sellen, and she was following in a man’s footsteps.
A win is a win
I just die every single time I try to jump down to putrescent knight, wtf is this
No matter how strong a woman gets, no matter how high her INT or how powerful her STR, no matter how much VIG she levels and how many defensive buffs she stacks, the truth of the matter is her pussy will always be just as weak and vulnerable. A level 60 Type A can subdue even a level 713 Type B if he gets between her legs and lands some CRITICAL STRIKE!s on her weak points. This was true for Rennala, no matter how powerful her magic was, getting addicted to regular powerdickings from Radagon and then being deprived of them ruined her completely. Marika was similarly fucked into submission by the Elden Beast flooding her cunt with its tentacles and bullying her cervix until eventually she stopped resisting and meekly got put on the stake for our Tarnished to find her hundreds of years later.
Even with Miquella, the idea is that he's too womanlike to be capable of anything on his own
The cheesing chuds aren't going to like this one.
And there are a lot of them in this general.
sword of night
>sucks balls
claws of night
>kicks ass

Ok faggot
im not arguing this here, im telling you not one person could name the crime when it was discussed on tv. they were literally "uh it was, well you know what he did" "name the specific crime" "*crickets*"
stop calling me stupid I know /pol/ know what i'm talking about at least, and you're just digging your own hole.
Anon is right.

Malenia is barely Radahn’s size and she managed to fight him to a “draw”, which is still arguable. Rennala put a stop to something men could not handle, and only women can.
For me? I prefer Mohg's Great Spear.
swords are dumb and claws are fucking cool as hell
No, this is me though
I never summoned Igor and Bayle is by far my favorite boss.
but i am one of those and like it

i doubt no one pretends they are a god gamer by playing that build anyway
>someone asked in a interview with george rr martin about the elden ring show

>pic is response

so its basically confirmed that we are getting this show right? If its live action it will be the most dogshit thing ever.

god i hope its just a cartoon / anime cuz then theres actual potential
Why? It's a fun fight, and it has by far the best soundtrack AND design in the DLC.
>And scuda should be much higher because that fight is kino
Really? For me it just kind of died before I knew it, and nothing about it stood out to me.
Is Radahn at least somewhat fun when you fight him with Ansbach and Thiollier?
It's gonna be so fucking pozzed if it isn't a cartoon/anime.
I'm not though. It's clear that Rennala and Rellana are both very skilled and strong. You don't need to look at the mechanics to tell you that. Stop being obsessed with lore accurate mechanics.

I'm saying there is no evidence that Ymir is still stronger than the girls he trained in their youth.
>best sorcerer ever
>gets killed by me and a dude in silly pants
Bold claim
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Nope, I'm going to light the world on fire.
The DLC ending with literally every character dead and nothing accomplished continues to make the Stormveil trio the funniest shit in any Souls game. Everyone is either 100% dead or maybe dead at the hands of an omnicidal murderhobo, but Nepheli, Kenneth, and Gostoc are just three normal people chilling in a throne room at the end their quests.
>Sure there were crimes and he was convicted based on evidence BUT IT WAS A CONSPIRACY AIEEEEE
By definition a cult is when people look at the figurehead and think he can do no wrong

To keep somewhat in topic with the general, the strongest sorcerers in the game were Rennala and Ranni who are both women. Cope
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what was her problem
It has the camera issues that all giant bosses have mixed with same particle effect spam obscuring your vision that the Radahn fight shit.
It's a cheese setup, it literally removes cause bleed EVERY CAST and the spell has the cast time of glintstone pebble
You'd be surprised how many people are so fragile that they can't admit they cheesed him.
I've got nothing wrong with people who cheese and own it, it's the insecure little bitches I like seeing put down.
So Radahn is just a soulless vessel to control made from Mohg's body thanks to miquella
>get hit by any part of a greatsword horned warrior's combo
>the rest of the hits are all confirmed off the single stagger
Nobody playtested this
What if Ymir didn't train Rennala and Rellana in magic during their youth but rather trained their bodies to submit to hard throbbing cocks? It would explain why they both grew up to be so vulnerable to getting mindbroken by dickings.
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Holy shit lmao. Please anon, my sides.
Not bad!
There’s no evidence that Rennala or her sister are stronger than Ymir either.
But that is every boss in the game though?
Even Prime Renalla could not take on the naked Tarnished and his bonk stick.
Hornsent deserve death.
Man what the fuck is up with the exposed legs everywhere
It's gotta be animated both because budget and because almost every character design in the game would look absolutely ridiculous if attempted with costumes. Imagine even something relatively restrained like the Burger King Scholars.
>thorns are good
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I'm requesting Goldmask's set and Freiya's golden lion shield.
Password is: moonbutt
Grace: Snow Valley Ruins Overlook
so now im a cultist for mentioning something the tv said alright
im not even american
you "people" are a joke, hope people are dumb enough to fall for your suppression long enough for biden to get out of office before people realize he's a pedo.
Rennala has more health and does more damage. GG.
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despite it all i still like em
Leda's retardation is cute
I want to see her and the Tarnished interact more
Rellana and her sister found the two moons as children, implying that Ymir still wasn’t all that impressed when he was their teacher.

Not sure why you’re all ignoring that.
and the strongest sorcerer in the game which isn't saying much is gideon offnir the all spamming, assuming you don''t kill him during his five minute long speech
>netflix elden ring with live action dancing dragon fight
pure gino...
The fight with Leda and her butt buddies was more fun than than radahn/miquella
Well yeah, the Moons are only the closest of the stars
Not much of an achievement
Oh and I'm level 150 just in case
You could simply google it, if you actually cared. He falsified business records, which is a felony in New York.
It sure is convenient that everytime Trump does something bad it was out of context and a deepstate conspiracy

Trump is the one who hung out with Epstein
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Just out trade him
How the fuck is Edelgard even comparable to Dany who exists only for the fat fuck to share his rape fetish? How are either of them comparable to Marika? Is it just "lol they all killed a bunch of people"?
Why do you never request things while I'm home? Sigh
Rellana is the sword of Messmer, literally his most elite soldier. Ymir has no feats even close to that.
>Mike got literally three times taller
So if Malenia did the Divinity Gate ritual she'd end up Radahn-size right
No one really knows for sure. A promised vow means that it was promised to him. It was a mutual agreement at some point.
>need a men to unfuck things
Radahn only fucks things up more by trying to fix it
The Tarnished of No Renown is canonically a woman and all of the ryonatard shit is also canon

Seriously, a fucking NPC fight
you're responding to a retard who automatically chimps out over female characters in positions of authority
>all three of these are queens/empresses so they're all power fantasies!
its not that deep
what do i get in return?
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Can I make this somehow work for Radahn without respeccing? Because right now FTH is basically useless for me since I cant use incants other than buffs.
I care
I dont actually care I stopped caring 5 years ago when they tried to kill us with a bioweapon
they are all deepstate puppets trump included

but its weird how you are all flying off the handle, except no its not, thats your fucking playbook for the last 4 years.

I hope they launch the nukes within my lifetime, so I can see you people finally get it.
Yes, but it implies that he wasn’t all that impressed by the spell. It impressed the academy.

Actually, if we’re to consider that Carian princesses get their own moons, it may mean it was Rennala, and not her moon, that impressed.

The Carian foothold at the academy is a rarity it seems.
Why are people crying about Consort Radahn so much? The fight is pretty good and the moveset isn't even that complicated, there's just a ton of visual shit going on.
>woman sends women to kill based golden boy, resulting in his mother having a woman moment and kickstarting global shitshow
>shotafag sends woman to kill based cosmosraping boy, resulting in mass genocide
>said woman also failing to carry out her mission while also losing sight of said shotafag
>day is saved by Tarnished man who got sent off along with Godfrey by Marika, who was hoping that his based husbando's crew to could unfuck everything
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FROM does a really bad job of explaining mechanics because they want you to figure it out. Only issue is is that their games can be extremely frustrating chores without said mechanics in your repertoire. For instance, a lot of people don't know about STRIKE/BLUNT/SLASH damage, which can make a monumental difference depending upon your enemy. Ignore the "you didn't beat the game" crowd because ER is balanced around the expectation that you use your brain, experiment around, change your load-out for situations, and ruthlessly exploit the enemy's weaknesses while mitigating their strengths. You can't just take the same kit and strategy into every battle like you could in DaS. The Tarnished is intelligent and adaptable, not just strong or skilled.
Requesting someone with writing skill (AKA not me) to do a smutfic of Messmer in heat
>Tarnished can't win the bossfight but keeps trying
>Eventually the monotony of constantly beating down an infinitely-reviving Tarnished gets to Messmer
>They start talking, short exchanges at first but eventually real conversations
>The actual bossfight starts becoming more of an excuse to justify them spending time together, whenever they're done chatting Messmer just does his combo and sends the Tarnished home
>Messmer still in denial and coping about befriending a Tarnished the same way racist KKK /pol/tards think about befriending a black guy, "not like the rest of them" "one of the good ones" type thinking
>One day Tarnished visits and all the doors are closed and locked
>Feeling a bit worried she parkours and climbs in from a window
>It's mating season for snakes and the ones linked to Messmer have rubbed off on him
>Unable to hold back his biology he pounces on the Tarnished the moment she drops to the bossroom floor and
>political discussion still hasn't been removed
I hate the jannies.
I don't know, timezones are whacky.
I don't know if I even have something to trade besides dupes of enemy armor drops from the DLC.
i want the ultimate poise destroying build, what should i be dual wielding and what talismans?
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Why did they make the DLC map so fucking confusing? I'm not that smart.
See >>484119326
>haha isn't it funny that NO ONE can even tell you what Trump did wrong? No one can name any of these so-called crimes he was convicted of
>he was convicted of falsifying business records
>I don't care
>Elden Ring General
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>go to her beautiful village
>see all the empty houses
>see the tree in the middle
>see what the Hornsent did
She did literally NOTHING wrong, Ranni is way more evil and selfish, I forgive her for everything
I wanna see more art of God Miquella without Radahn...
looks good anon
>I'm a retard who didn't know how to do a google search and listen to other retards who spout conspiracy theories but I am smart enough to get what's going on and better than everyone else
You're a joke anon, but not a very funny one. Grow up, actually.
Does this board even have jannies? I don't think I've ever seen a single post removed and I've definitely never caught a ban when I definitely should have
Why did they change the icon for twin moons in the release patch?
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The /erg/ archive and its consequences etc etc
Bad camera, Miquella hair and light beams obscuring everything, and a bullshit right-left-cross combo attack that you can only dodge frame perfect or with lucky positioning when it's initiated.
He was not impressed by it because he was obsessed with outer space. That doesn't mean he was actually capable of anything better himself.
Messemer is a hero
Marika did nothing wrong
How do you even dodge Metyr's Hawking radiation attack?
(The beam out of the black hole thing)
>Elden Lord, who has always been canonically a male consort to a woman, is now a woman
will trade for duelist helm
bros, please, i want to start the char today
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hornsent deserved worse, actually
>all promo footage showcasing the tarnished being a male wearing the raging wolf armor
There are some broken FTH builds on youtube that might require some specific talismans and such to implement get a bit more STR. You're close enough to the amount of STR needed to go with a greatshield build with some talismans, equips, etc. that increase str. Get a greatshield with the highest guard boost you can and upgrade it to max and tank his attacks and poke him with a spear from behind the shield. Apply rot, frost or bleed or multiple of them if you can. The custom builds out there with high str/fth are better and more refined than my generic suggestion though
Isn't Marika closer to Rhea?
>The Tarnished of No Renown is canonically a woman and all of the ryonatard shit is also canon
This but 100% genuinely unironically
You’re implying Ymir wouldn’t have high enough intelligence to cast the spell himself. Doubt. You find Ranni’s moon in a fucking box.
Lore experts, why Miquella wanted to become a God and give blowjobs to his brother?
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Kill the Hornsent
Isnt using status weapons without arcane bad though?
yes mother
Giving blowjobs to his brother is actually a prerequisite for him becoming a god.
The world is cruel, so he wanted to make things better. He is a well intentioned villain.
>My Fingers Hurt
>I wish I was at my church right now getting handjobs
>I wonder what Jolan's doing, probably moping
>Stupid Carians
>They don't even know the moon's big because it's close and not because it's strong
Count Ymir, the eternally lonely
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>doing this guy with help
>he does his flying kick
>see he's going for the help
>charge up skill
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How's Mohgwyn's Spear since it got nerfed? I've only seen one person using it since the nerf and either he didn't have much arcane or something but the damage and bleed build up was pretty lackluster.
They really wanted to make you feel like Kotomine Kirei
>You can't just take the same kit and strategy into every battle like you could in DaS.
If your build is good enough it can but those are somewhat rare and generally are talked about. Like a decent Moonveil build can take the entire base game with very little alterations, maybe a talisman here or there.
no bulge no genocide
How puffy is Miquella's butthole? We already know it's a gentle shade of pink and utterly hairless.
It's early in the game so just base damage on any weapon is sufficient.
>have friends who have never played Elden Ring
>they believe Marika is actually in the game and looks like she does in the fanart
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Why is there nearly zero build up for fucking Renalla's sister? You're just passing through what feels like a random fort when you see like two or three Carian scholars and one Carian troll and then suddenly you Renalla's sister and Messmer's like third-in-command.
I feel so bad for Rennala, I want to be a mom so bad
Miyazaki is a braindead coomer though
He wanted to be a benevolent God so he got rid of all his emotions before he ascended but that left him a sociopath. He wanted Radahn because he's the strongest option.
How big is Miquella’s dick? He looks a bit older on top of Radahn’s back. Do you think he has golden pubes now?
its sour and unshorn
Thematically it was the peak of DLC. They could end it right there.
>you're a cultist because.....you just are ok, you're a joke, you're stupid
sure is election season. I said I don't care and i'm not american, I just noticed some things and, you're proving me right
>muh elden ring?
I dont care about that either i told you earlier im FUCKING DONE with you people. guess im still posting out of habit, perma me if you like.
imagine the smell......
Still good for PvE because great spear with good stats
PvP fallen off very hard now that the WA doesn't buildup bleed as fast and great spear powerstancing got nerfed
Before the DLC released, I thought Leda would be the final boss
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nah bro im alexander anderson
You can beat the game with anything, even your fists, but every difficult enemy has an optimal weapon or strategy that usually trivializes the fuck out of them, and that's without using spirit ashes or summons.
She really does feel like a retcon or at least an ill-thought-out late addition
the skill is insane in pve
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Still cute!
Who knows. He was never visited by the moons himself so he likely didn't know any of the moon spells.
>You find Ranni’s moon in a fucking box.
What does that have to do with anything.
Because Miyazaki saw the lore text for Ymir and got worried people would think a woman a better wizard than a man, so threw it in at the last second. He then insisted on Ymir going insane and having a horribly weak fight. All her lore is last second garbage. You can really tell.
ill draw more of him for sure
i don't get it. Who is Mquella shadow? Since every Empyriam should have one.
Who is Mesmer father? Radagon?The game says that he is older than Radahn, but he ended up with Marika after the carian treaty. So he was born before MArika met Godfrey? Is Melina his sister? ie she the GEQ as well?
Based, only Miquella deserves a loyal army who will commit genocide for him.
Hornsent aren't people they don't belong in the age of compassion.
Got triple raped for pvp. Still decent in pve.
Paid for the sins of bugmen who abused it to no end for years. Seriously, chinks/japs loved this thing.
>putrescence cleaver is a channeling ash of war with a cancel animation
literally unuseable
i dont know
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Is Mohg having a senior moment here or something? He looks so confused.
There are incants and skills that cause status effects. And rot isn't beholden to arcane I don't think, just bleed is typically arcane-associated (just as frost is more int associated). Antspur Rapier for example can apply Scarlet Rot and its a dex based weapon. I think applying Rot would be more based on perhaps Malenia's incantation Scarlet Aeonia with a backup weapon. I haven't done these builds though so best to look for a rot build tailored to DLC Radahn
> What does that have to do with anything.
It’s how spells work in this game. You see a thing, and relay it. Now everyone can cast it, if they have the intelligence for it. Primeval sorceries and moon sorceries are all based on observations.
>fight new boss
>filtered for hours
>sometimes days (no time to no life it)
>think it's impossible
>keep going for a bit longer
>finally win
you would think after playing all these soul games for many years, like 15 years, I would be able to short track all this bullshit in which I stop being shit for a shorter amount of time
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Seeing your pic made me think of Miquella singing Lovefool and now I cant get the song out of my head...
You hit him so hard Miquella's charm wore off for just a moment.
I don't have that, ONLY have the rotten one
>Miquella's Shadow
idk my bff jill
>Mesmer's father
We don't know. It could be Godfrey or someone else.
I went into messmers boss room by accident and now I can't have swift slash which everyone in pvp is using.
Obviously some people can, but I'm talking there are builds good enough for a normal human to get by well enough without requiring hours of muscle memory on boss patterns
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>bimbo marika
disgusting tyrant, i will tear down this corrupt order and-
>tired mom marika
Elden Ring is religious, just like Star Wars or the sex/gender wars in politics.

People have yet to see all the parallels.
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It's lore accurate though
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>killed Ramadan after 12 hours, sword and board no ashes of war or other bullshit
>I wish I could go back and fight him again
These games are crack
>Almost every lore YouTubers say Radahn was forced
Huh? I thought they would support Miquella and Malenia more
Rl 125 or Rl 150 for pvp/coop?
>i don't get it. Who is Mquella shadow? Since every Empyriam should have one.
Unimportant. The shadows are only relevant when it comes to making sure the Empyreans stick to the plan. Since Miquella planned to become a God for the Greater Will his shadow had no reason to intervene.
>Is Melina his sister?
Yes, his younger twin sister to be precise.
I'm just going to add all CG bimbobrainrotted shit to my filter
NOW this is much better
That's because ER is closer to DMC than Souls
Except the player, who stayed the same
Seeing then in fetch modern shirts is so fun
we prefer to call him pre-op radahn now
Go look for an alternative counter to swift slash or wait for nerf
new DLC makes me wonder if maybe goldmask was a golden order version of one of these things.
Literally how is it any different from Miyazaki with his own degenerate pornsick fetishes
>Who is Mquella shadow? Since every Empyriam should have one.
Dead, just like the fingers that was his handler.
>Who is Mesmer father? Radagon?
It's Radagon, butterfly motif, M naming pattern, red hair, and an afflicted being.
>So he was born before MArika met Godfrey?
Yes, Radagon might have been the lord that waited for her at the foot of the god gate, and Messmer was born later.
Is Melina his sister? ie she the GEQ as well?
Yes, and yes again.
>drink some flowers npc nectar
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>melee builds got supercharged, got actually good ranged options and talismans that enhance playstyles and specific attacks (rolling/crouch attacks, two handing), plus Cannon of Haima tier pots, greases that are easy to farm and a talisman that regenerates FP fast enough to be usable on 10 mind dudes
>faith got a RIDICULOUS amount of new good tools
>INT got shafted into oblivion
i dont understand the cocksucking for bayle
i just hit his legs till he died like every single other ancient dragon type enemy in the game and all his attacks were the same but this time orange instead of red
Look at that fat ass god damn
so pretty much rng
Don't care, tired of you spamming CG Marika shit every thread, you're boring.
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first souls game, almost blind playthrough of elden ring
what am i in for? the mana weapons looked cool
stop posting this ugly ass model
125 for base game 150 for dlc

ftr there are 0 real players in the base game to invade, all ganksquads i think
it was so cool to do that 6 times, i wasnt expecting it and it was sooo funny too
Only gaining 25 levels playing through the DLC seems unthinkable. Weird PVP players.
>younger twin
Melina is his older sister, Malenia is his twin
What's a good heavy weapon to go up against Radahn with?
>Now everyone can cast it, if they have the intelligence for it. Primeval sorceries and moon sorceries are all based on observations.
They're based on observations of the real things, not on seeing other people use the spells.
Because it looks insanely stupid
no fucking clue how they expect people to do this shit without a guide its just utter retardation to do it several times over
I just use int to be able to hit with my DMGS
Tried FTH but the buffing is kinda annoying. Might give it another go at a second playthrough.
Fun action rpg
Got a build in mind?
Imagine how wet and warm Marika's pussy feels
I like how in base game greatshields feel broken and remove basically all challenge, but in the DLC fingerprint feels almost mandatory if you want to use a shield at all.

this felt extremely jarring as I sweeped farum azula and did godskin duo in a single go, with them being unable to get my shield below half stamina, meanwhile most of the bosses in the DLC can easily do 70-80% of its stamina in a single combo without trying.
Bayle hype is carried by Igon. if you take the NPC out of the fight, everyone would hate him.
I'm convinced SmoughTown is retarded
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No thanks
Bimbo Mommy Marika is better
Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword
why is she so HUEG?
most people walking into the DLC are 125-150, putting yourself at 140-150 lets you invade those players instead of the level 175+ "i just finished the dlc and am now ready to ganksquad" fuckers
Also warning there are a TON of spoilers in this thread we discuss the plot a lot
chicken leg
yea i dont know why they keep doing these obscure things, at this point i dont even bother figuring things out myself
I might have gotten lost in that string of questions but I assumed he asked if Melina was Messmer's sister.
shit bro it's even worse then because I played all the DMCs
it's fucking over
Elden Stars only happened once, similar to Founding Rain of Stars.
The old primeval sorceries were ancient celestial observations.
i think i fucking hate this dlcs
this is further supported by the fact they both use similar phrasing when talking to you about their vision
>1000 year journey
>let us go together
Why? He is on the side that says Radahn is not Miquella's consort by choice, and is a puppet.
That makes him smarter than a lot of people in the ER fandom.
Get more scatman tree blessings
The adults are talking, Rajesh.
explore and have fun anon. take it slow and enjoy the journey and dont be afraid to use spirit ashes if you need to
Int is still the strongest build in the game hands down to the point where I can still pummel shit like Renalla to death with Rain of Stars even when she's highly magic resistant
they don't, it's supposed to be the kind of secret people figure out
>2D Anime
Designs are way too complicated and detailed for it to really work. I doubt any studio would want to pick it up.
>3D anime
Could work nicely, but needs the budget
>Live action
Something lke Godrick would look ridiculous
There's no winning here
You don't need to buff with FAI. It's an entirely viable battlemage/caster playstyle.
>Miyazaki's own views greatly favour Ranni over Miquella.
Miyazaki is simply wrong
Free will is a meme, most of human civilization is about taking away free will because it turns out when you give people free will they become hornsent
The real question one needs to ask before picking an ending is whether they'd have sex with Marika or Ranni.
Because he thinks Melina is the GEM
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Kill the Hornsent
Kill my Children
Kill my Husbands
Kill the Elden Beast
Become Elden Lord
>Int is still the strongest build in the game hands down
imagine saying this unironically
True, and the DLC additions INT did get are actually stupidly powerful. Gravitational Missile is one of the best spells in the entire game.
yes mother
Str is and has always been the strongest/easiest build in the game because all you do is jump attack, and the jumps will dodge the boss's attacks half the time too
ive said it before and ill say it again where the fuck is HBO bloodborne?
not getting any hopes up from "im under NDA I cant say anything hehe" show me a single clip, a single actor hired, a single voiced line.
I can cast Comet at literally everything that moves and still come out FP positive. Magic is broken. The only thing FTH got that compares is the Lightning Spear Phalanx
Alright, which mending rune do you want?
the only things I hate are radahn and the skibidis.
Yes and nobody actually knows those spells anymore.
She is? Why else would that FF ending cutscene play? Being Messmer's sister means she could be a cursed being too, with a malignant fire and a snake affiliation like him.
i hate camera
i have level design especially on the south
i hate that every enemy is playing dmc while i struggle to play ds 1
i still seethe at damage on ng+
It's unironically funny as fuck that the Tarnished can kill all of her children, kill all of her husbands and then marry her. The post-ending conversation has to be awkward as fuck. Unless Marika is genuinely a freak and finds all of that really exciting. She DOES love murderhobos after all.
>working on Elden Ring TV script instead of Winds of Winter
this fat fuck will do anything to avoid finishing the series
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I headcanon this guy as Godfrey's kid, like Nepheli, and I went with the fracture ending on him.
If I believe you coomers, he'd be fucking his own stepmother now. If I believe what the game shows, she's a corpse for him to protect and use as an engine to keep a mending rune's laws going.
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Fucking hell you're right. This got fucked up big time. Just muled it across to try it out on my latest character I'm leveling.
>not dogshit

if there's an elden ring show it's doomed from the start, modern writers and showheads couldn't create something good with a gun to their heads.
Yes they do. Sellen isn’t surprised when she sees it. Gideon knows it. Rennala is using it in her fight. Coming into contact with the old primeval sorcerers gives the spells to the player.

You find Founding Rain of Stars in a box too.
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Repopulate hornsent by impregnating their women
For something like Blasphemous Blade with Incantations, is it better to pump FTH to the 80 hardcap and then STR/DEX after or is it better to get FTH to 50 softcap and then STR/DEX to 50 before going FTH 80 after?
>Don't do any NPC questlines so none of them die
>Finish the game but don't pick any endings
>All major threats to the world are dead but stagnation and stasis continue
>Pick your wife, build a log cabin in Limgrave somewhere and live there with her
>Warm summers splashing in a creek with Millicent(or someone else, depends on you)
>Cold winters snuggling with her in the bedsheets
>Panting into each others' shoulder as you rut into her, feeling her nails dig into your back, needy and desperate
Seriously why would I pick an ending again? I can pop every rune I've collected and become a level 250~ Tarnished probably. A god striding the earth, with a qt waifu by my side. Bed-shattering sex with Nepheli in a pacified Stormveil. Repeated creampies for Sellen in her old dorm room in Raya Lucaria. Rough doggystyle with Fia. Holding hands with Roderika and gently easing her into it.
shut the fuck up capenigger
Pretty sure she is just going to remain broken in the Erdtree containing the ER while the Tarnished rules the place.
>pacified Stormveil
i fucking wish
lazy jappas
oh this isn't a westslop vs eastslop argument my dumb weeaboo nigger. it's all fucking garbage. anybody who watches TV in 2024 is a dumb tasteless faggot.
Do you have to kill messmer to get to Gaius Julius Caesar?
they gutted the damage a while ago but the bleed buildup is still nuts, you need to use the jar shard and have pretty high arc to stunlock people
What do you watch then my friend? Twitch streamers?
>dex/arc is the only build I have left to try
Is it actually fun or just sweaty? I want to try that new not-Darkdrift katana.
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Co-op experience so far
>everything is bad current day
Nihilistic faggot.
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>Let me reddit her
Dubs a dub
>they had to literally make up temporary laws just to get convictions

Tummyslut Miquella
I doubt it since his room has only 1 door, the back way out of the castle is just well hidden.
The lack of sheath in this game is disheartening.
best spot to farm sanctuary stones outside of Farum Azula?
He's going to say he reads obscure books
I want Rogier to have nasty and heretical gay buttsex with D.

This is all I want for the Netflix slop.
Co-Op vs Radahn is going to be brutal as he's basically a survival game and most people do not have the builds to survive it.
Because none of what the GEQ's purpose - the god killer - makes sense in the context of Melina's behavior. That FF cutscene is probably just another plot hole, ER is filled with them. GEQ is the leader of the godskins and was defeated by Maliketh. She has zero interactions with any of them, and says nothing about them. They don't recognize her (unless she just phantoms into the void completely when you are 'traveling' with her?) Her purpose was to rise against and slay the gods.

Melina's purpose is to burn the tree - she resigns herself to it. Melina's character as a whole makes no sense (bodyless, already burned). If she's the GEQ, she was birthed by Marika, participated in the war after the shattering, grabbed the rune of death, raised an army of godskins, killed gods, then was burned, had amnesia, found her way to you to guide her to the erdtree, remembered her purpose but its unclear whether she embraced or forsook it then summarily burned herself to ash to restore the rune of death.
Her whole questline is about rediscovering lost spells
Literally spends all his time studying and practicing.

You can't just see somebody use a spell and then you suddenly know how to cast it yourself. That's never been how it worked.
So there are two spectral steeds, one for miquella and one for the tarnshed, right? since miquella ie journeying still when you enter the sahdow realm
I do read obscure books I just also watch seasonal anime because I like big titties
I don't watch anything retard

most shit is bad, modern society is spiraling the drain if you haven't noticed.
It's pretty funny this kind of stuff comes from the Japanese with their society.
wildstrikes great stars
I managed to beat radahn multiple times as a summon, the key is to keep the aggro at ALL times
But then it's a 50/50 if the host knows how to survive his meteor attack
Pretty fucking difficult, but REALLY satisfying when you succeed.
Yes, that's one of the worst aspects of it. After all that long combo, you only have enough time to do a single rolling R1 before he begins another attack sequence.
>normal enemy
It's a couple enemies that only exists to gatekeep the final couple boss fights. I actually liked them. The Spiraspammers on the other hand are the worst shit ever.

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