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Post Marika
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do scadutree blessings have any impact on invasion range
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Now that the dust has settled, it's time. Time to pick your Top 5 Waifus.
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The lack of sheathes in this game is disheartening.
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The last boss is fun.
No. Everybody is scaled to the host's blessing level.
Post WEBMS you enjoy
Old thief build vs Frost Lance/madness spear twink.
How much gay sex will there be in the Netflix show?

Rogier x D let’s goooooooo
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Post Tarnished
Imagine doing any of the Marika ending
>Wearing Divine Beast Mask
>Wielding the shaman whipping whip
>Adorning Messmer's armour
Bad end on the spot
I beat placid sacks
so, did they add dragon lightning nuke in dlc or, convergence mod only?
Good list if you were intentionally seeking out to create the worst tierlist imaginable
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>Gave up on invasions
>Gave up on co oping
>Gave up on doing 100+ hours of the PvE on a new character
This DLC fucking broke me dude am I finally free?
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I will cure and deprogram my wife and she will be the blade in service to a better cause.
>altering armor pieces removes their passive effect
kill yourself miyazaki
let's go marikabros we can do it!
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>You enter the Erdtree
>see this
What do
Are madness spells actually fun if I barely pvp? They only work on humanoid enemies right? I was planning a dex/faith build with Vyke's Spear/that new madness greatsword.
Young Tarnish. Are you fighting for pussy or fighting for bussy?
can i replay the same difficulty of ng+ forever and if not why not
Requesting someone with writing skill (AKA not me) to do a smutfic of Messmer in heat
>Tarnished can't win the bossfight but keeps trying
>Eventually the monotony of constantly beating down an infinitely-reviving Tarnished gets to Messmer
>They start talking, short exchanges at first but eventually real conversations
>The actual bossfight starts becoming more of an excuse to justify them spending time together, whenever they're done chatting Messmer just does his combo and sends the Tarnished home
>Messmer still in denial and coping about befriending a Tarnished the same way racist KKK /pol/tards think about befriending a black guy, "not like the rest of them" "one of the good ones" type thinking
>One day Tarnished visits and all the doors are closed and locked
>Feeling a bit worried she parkours and climbs in from a window
>It's mating season for snakes and the ones linked to Messmer have rubbed off on him
>Unable to hold back his biology he pounces on the Tarnished the moment she drops to the bossroom floor and
Miquella would have been better as a little girl. There, I said it.
>he doesn't know about the high priest robes
>Smoughtown said Miquella mind controlled Radahn
>Vaati said Miquella mind controlled Radahn
>Quelagg believes Radahn was mind controlled
>wake up
>meagre breakfast
>Elden Ring 12 hours
>Touhou 6 hours
>meagre dinner
I am dying from too much FUN
I instantly came here the moment I saw that part about their update but now it makes sense....*optional*
It really is just TT with extra steps, plus it'll probably only work with people using the same password meaning redditors and discord trannies will take up all the traction orchestrating their "totally legit runs". Sad.
What parts of Rogier’s body are rotten anyway? How did Fia sleep with him?
>you see, removing DEATH from the Elden Ring was very naughty and you shouldn't have done that a lot of people suffered because of you *spank*
why not both
They still deal decent damage to nonhumanoid enemies and Howl of Shabriri boosts damage dealt so it can be used as a buff
Midra, Metyr, Radahn
Messmer, Bayle
>Disgusting choire cacophony:
The rest
when you get to ng+7 it will just repeat since thats the cap

other than that no
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this is the third Korean fan art I've seen where Miquella's powers take the form of a hypnosis app on a phone. Is this a meme over there?
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Do I need to have this bitch kill anyone?
>Netflix show
Are there even enough black actors available to cover all the redheads in the story?
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"Evil" Miquella has its appeal.
What exactly am I meant to do when her fingers are bigger than my dick? Stick my head inside and skullfuck her pussy?
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is this shit gonna take me to volcano manor from here?
I wonder how impossible Radahn is without a broken build in NG+7
back to my single player playthrough i guess
>Going back to the original way the game was meant to be played
>Free of the constant cancer cesspool
what do you think anon?
but seriously thats a real problem in hollywood and I shouldn't laugh.
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>forgetting Romina
whats the most braindead str weapon i can take in pvp and kill people?
I liked the sunflower desu
And the incest
Yes, because Radahn would not be okay with getting brought back using Omen blood magic, destroy his idols order, disregard his honorable death, and live in a peaceful world without war and fighting.
backhand blade L2 spam heavy infused
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>the sunflower is the most fun one pictured there
>invade multiple people with backhand blades spamming that one skill
>get invaded
>backhand blades spamming that one skill
Fuck me I can't escape this faggotry
>>Disgusting choire cacophony:
>The rest
I really like divine beast phase change choir and shit
Anons, I'm scared
What if my interest in Miquella fades over time? What if it's just a temporary hyperfixation and I end uo not loving hin as much later?
It's worrying me that that might happen, any advice?
ok not that braindead, braindead but still actually playing the game
Not going to lie I checked if it would send you somewhere else.
It doesn't
I'm waiting for the Tarnished Archaeologist
Korean porn are either
>Gigachad cucking you
>Guy with mind control app on his phone
>College student with sex super power that pretends everyone influenced by the power is totally down to fuck even without power
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>SGDQ and Elden Ring
Now this is comfy

Good to know, thanks anon.
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Gankfight, Radahn, Scadutree Avatar third phase
Bayle, Divine beast, Metyr
>Everything else
Dont remember
That would be a good thing
My favorites were probably Romina, Dancing Lion, Messmer, Bayle, Midra, and Leda. Radahn phase 2 is good too.
Miquella on top of Radahn is like physically 15/16 apparently, on the cusp of adulthood

You literally murdered a God and prevented him from growing up

He was soooooo close
Wait until the Netflix show
>That one area in the game that's basically Mario platforming and anti ganker friendly

Invaders we eating good finally
>Radahn is without a broken build in NG+7
Been done do death by the no hit youtuber autists
So there are two spectral steeds, one for miquella and one for the tarnshed, right? since miquella ie journeying still when you enter the sahdow realm.
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I'm just tired of so many bosses having vocals. It used to be something special when they started, now it's just OOOOH AHHH HEEEEEEE on loop every fucking fight.
>I headcanon this guy as Godfrey's kid
if you choose hero class it's not even headcanon, although you could be like great-great grandson or something from some woman in a village that Horah loux raped and pillaged in the badlands

>A stalwart Hero, at home with a battleaxe, descended from a badlands chieftain
>Following the example of their chieftain Hoarah Loux, the brave warriors of the badlands shun excess adornment.

Marika basically drops the old bull for the young stud barbarian to plap her
metyr's is good, very atmospheric. a video game OST isn't defined by it's worth in a playlist.
>buff ranged weapons
>refresh ammunition for arena
>lo and behold sleep bolts is taking over the mode

so fun
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If Destined Death is taken away from the ring, why can we kill things? It seems like people can die anyway.
So you're saying Miyazaki was really into Korean porn when making this DLC
which one
If you dont know how to deal with it and the other player is so retarded they dont do anything but spam L2 (most of them) I found you can just charge them and hit them out of the animation before it starts over and over if you keep the pressure, assuming your using a weapon as fast or faster than a GS and they arent in bullgoatse tier poise armor
>and so too has a powerful charm
promo pic is probably before the game since that is most definitely torrent unless its a godefroy situation which would be gayer than my feelings for Miquella.
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is there anything i've missed? i know there's supposedly a dragon with a bunch of soldiers fighting it, but i haven't come across that yet.
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>Can get Goldmask's tattered "robe" but can't get Midra's

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>retarded godwynfags not understanding that his impact as a soulless corpse is far more profound then him getting up to be a scary monster man
>velka-tier fan theory that people convinced themselves was canon
>powerlevelfags taking "fiercest empyrean" literally and assuming that he'd be a martial master
completely forgot about this, yeah it's pretty kino
I keep hearing Malenia's 2nd phase in her ost
They die and come back
Sis there's entire southern and southeastern areas you haven't visited yet
That faggot dragon is after the castle I believe.
Im not ready for a black miquella
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I went for a Carian Knight that stumbled upon magic he shouldn't have.
Plus the finger sorceries are pretty cool
Even back in Dark Souls I disliked the shift from Demon's Souls style of boss music, and it only got worse from there.
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>was excited for this thing since the first leaks
>70 fth healing spell
>w-well, who cares, at least it's gonna look dope
>get to the village, cast it
>it's a 5cm blade of grass that doesn't even heal that much
so THIS is the reason why the hornsent did it...
It's after one of the forts
Dragon is not in that sone.
the tarnished can kill people permanently because fucking, a wizard did it. new game plus exists so they're not really dead, I dunno man its starting to look like fallout 4 and the "who gives a fuck nerd lol" forgetting video games were for nerds for 20+ years and all those devs are themselves nerds coping that they're not nerds now. I dunno if emil is a nerd or not but he is for sure a hack if the answer is "who cares" and hes the worldbuilding writter.
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Kill the Hornsent
Kill my Children
Kill my Husbands
Kill the Elden Beast
Become Elden Lord
Biggest equipment disappointment of the DLC
No they dont, wasnt the whole point of fighting Radahn to get him finally killed?
Godfrey also finds Morgott's corpse
Pretty sure people do die.
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For some reason this image of Miquella saying
>I'm delusional!
Is very funny, funniest OC in these threads.
In general I thought the OST was way better than the base game.
Thats because her second phase uses Malenia's leighmotif vocals and strings, its a nice touch.
I have 1million runes. If im not leveling past 150 what is the point of these? already have over 500 of each upgrade material
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i can get there now?
Frenzied Burst is really good and has an insane range for sniping
might want to get that fever checked out anon
i cant stagger romina with my messmer spear wtf
That and no Madness head
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>Disgusting choire cacophony
Extremely subtle in the Putrescent Knight music
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go further into the dragon cave. there's some good shit down that path.
Radahn fighting Malenia rather than just going to Miquella's godhood party seems to say something.
>want to ng+ but also want to keep invading in dlc areas
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>see an out of the way opening near a grace or a lift accessible with torrent, it has some interesting loot
>notice there's a moderately complex pltforming segment from the loot that loops back into the main path
>I just accidentally skipped some gameplay because From fucked up the loop's exit accessibility
This has been going on the whole dlc.
It's one thing when you can cheese your way to loot like climbing your way up from the beach to the sword of eochaid, a whole other when you literally see and access the exit more easily than the entrance.
From legit dropped the ball in this regard all through the dlc.
do I have to summon hornsent for messmer to get him to invade me in church of the bud? does he have to live the entire fight?
For once these fags have the correct take? I'm surprised
>fighting radahn
>1.5sec punish window
>realize it a split second too late because i thought there would be one more attack
>its already too lade even for a basic r1
correct me if im wrong but didnt the new patch fix effigies AND they carry into ng+ now?
you can disable them from the menu which is amazing.
Marika is just that Arab Sultan fuck from Berserk but trannybent

Has kids all around for use yet has no love except for herself and would throw em away
He's a big guy
Surely Miquella could mind control him to go
How do we save pvp
what's weird is that they created the spell for Melina in the base game but didn't just reuse it. Somebody claimed that the full sized tree caused even worse framerate issues and that's why it's tiny.

FROM needs to use all this ER money to revamp their game engine or just move to Unreal, they've got so much tech debt and it's holding them back
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it was 71 just now, i'm standing near golem
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>you put down Radahn in a mercy kill twice, at his weakest and his strongest
I kinda like the aesthetics of the final fight ngl, the problem is his moveset.
Ban all Chinese players.
I think it’s a question of how *intimate* the golden order is, in relation to everything else away from it, or the roots of the Erd.

I think a lot of the enemies we face are *undying* and not Undead. Undead are also undying though. Not everyone also gets the grace of the Erd, and some had to make do, like the glintstone sorcerers.

Life underground is also functioning a bit or a lot differently. Even just burning the bones of the dead down there marks one as cursed or something.

Apparently being EATEN by misbegotten brings you into contact with the Crucible. I mean, think about it.

“Okay, you died, but thanks to your faith in the big yellow tree, you get brought to us back to life at its roots- hey wait, how did you say you died again?”

I think it’s something like that. I also think the total amount of lifeforce that’s needed to keep this religion going skyrocketed.

If Marika used the lifeforce of the bodies at the gate of divinity, then perhaps she overestimated the fuel she initially had, and underestimated the hunger of the Erdtree.
wait are those same effigies used for invading
Radahns dead Alexander ate him, they're all incorrect
the last boss is Miquella riding his horse plain and simple oh shit the horse was Radahn all along. pack it up folks Torrent is Radahn.
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>Disgusting choire cacophony:
>now it's just OOOOH AHHH HEEEEEEE on loop
Holy fucking shit taste. Imagine listening to these tracks and thinking they're generic and samey. Nothing gets on my nerves more than you fucking neanderthals talking down on the actual best part of these games. Do yourselves a favor and actually sit down and listen to these tracks. Get a feel for the different instruments and tones being used. Try to imagine what emotions the composer is trying to invoke.
shaman village and St. trina environment OSTs are kino
Yeah, but they already got harassed about it by certain fans and Smoughtown walked back on his statement
He wasn't there
This guy gets it.
They were incredibly lazy with the spells this expansion. There is no excuse for it.
63 is not high at all what are you on
invasions use grace not effigies (unless you mean dueling signs and who does that)
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He's so cute...
Is Radahn still susceptible to parries in Phase 2 or should I just go dodge mode there
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So lazy that ansbach’s doesn’t work
>encounter chinaman
repeat this enough times and eventually you'll get them all
It's what I did on ER's launch and I've barely been matching against any of the gay builds I see people complaining about now
Rule 34 Goldmask
marika unbirthing...
How do the shaman Numen connect to the Nox Numen underground?

Why did the shaman lose all of their tech and advancements? Were they bullied as punishment for “drawing the ire” of space and the Greater Will? Was it Metyr being pissed at them and dialling up an Astel?
Parry is THE cheese for phase 2, if you got it down in phase 1 you shouldn't have much trouble adjusting since his moveset is pretty similar
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Rogiers hat goes so well with the Dryleaf set. Tis a thing of beauty
>no new weapon buff spell for the new magic grease
thanks niggerzaki
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Scadutree was unironically fantastic.
I hope Miquella fucking gets elden cancer so he loses his stupid faggy hair to chemo fucking piece of shit cunt
> Apparently being EATEN by misbegotten brings you into contact with the Crucible. I mean, think about it

Being fisted in the ass by the Dung Eater will do that too.
he needs correction and permanent transformation into St. Trina
radahn phase 2 would unironically be greatly improved if miquella was bald
Shaman Numen followed Marika from the Shadowlands to the Lands Between and established themselves there. Likely some became the Nox
Wow he looks so gay without his helmet
Amish sect of the Numen who abandoned the super magic tech, and decided to live a more natural existence.
Marika, and probably these other Shamans, were really intoned with the spiritual world.
>and his strongest
Worst part about that fight is the version of Radahn we fight is before he challenged the stars.
I want Miquella to spit in my eye or let a drop of it fall off his tongue onto mine
What? No. They all died. The Nox were buried long before Marika.
>Thinks this AI gibberish is good
be prepared for leaks tomorrow
>miquella abandoning his hairline to become a god
Marika's village specifically is next to Metyr's ruin. There is no fucking way they are going to be doing shit with that location
Calm down Leda
Astel was their punishment. (literally figuratively punishment from the heavens)
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>Your strength, extraordinary...
>The mark...of a true Lord...
>Defeat Malenia, something Radahn couldn't do completely
>Defeat Radahn, something Malenia couldn't do completely
>Still help her with the needle, showing our kindness
>Parry is THE cheese
Parrying takes some skill unlike actual cheese starts like greatshields or perfume bottles
He was there for Mohg?
Fromsoft was really afraid of the dlc affecting the base game in anyway, which unfortunately means no new endings
Numen are all silly putty people who can stick to each other, even fuse, like a sort of play dough. The Nox tried to mimic its properties like they tried mimicking much of everything else on the surface.
Citation needed
ok ?
Because he loves Radahn
How do I calm down?
tarnished is too short for his taste sorry
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>finally found a combo I like
My armor fiddling days are finally over
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Just imagine Miquella's state provided femboys. His age is an age of compassion indeed. I would certainly join "evil" Miquella.
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I really love the strings on the Scadutree Avatar OST. No one really talks about it.
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He's in that egg bra
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>why won't miquella love me?
>we would be perfect together!
>i've done everything to make him like me!
Read the description for the minor erdtree miracle
Yea, in DS3 and a lot of the original Elden Ring tracks I feel like the "boring choir" criticism is totally valid.
But generally in SotE I think the choir stuff is used well. Even in Romina's theme which sounds like a pretty standard Soulsy track, has some highs and lows to it, builds up tension, has some actual emotion to it.
The early dlc bosses are fun to coop but the health bloat means you have to use status effects for it to not be hard mode, it sucks.
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Damn this hat is pretty good. Does it have any downside?
>1 weight
>5 poise
>1 to int, fai, arc
>Helps ***abonds use the new smith weapons with less stat investment
Why the fuck not?
cause we're not allowed nice things
the closest thing we got to a happy ending in base game was NOT finding Rya's body after letting her live because snake people are people too.

I killed other D even on my holy build today. TWLID DO touch on a flaw in the golden order, the removing death to make demigods immortal part. the perfect golden order is based on a lie. goldmask is the only sane holy (light) npc.
I got a leak for you today!
*tinkles in your mouth*
still mad they turned sellen into a rock
Unfortunately your average NPC isn't really able to appreciate music beyond listening to the surface level sounds.

A tale as old as time. But yeah, alot of the tracks in SOTE have alot of emotional depth. Reason why gankfight and scadutree are some of my favs from the DLC, and Metyrs is top tier too.
There's nothing left to leak, the game is out
if you stare into the, space, you become heads.
Not a fan. They're too cluttered and don't always fit the immediate conflict. They're trying to hard to go for the emotional baggage of the boss.
I find myself comparing them against the Dark Souls 1 OSTs, which seemed much less pretentious. Some of them a very intimidating energy, enhancing the rush of combat, like The Iron Golem, or Taurus Demon, which made the slow emotional ones, like Gwyn, or Sif land much better.
The DLC did get better at it, with Metyr being a prime example for me, but some of them still suffer from the same issues as the base game OST.
How did Miquella convince Mohg to take the egg
>most weapons from dlc are mid except a select amount that are buttfuckingly broken
>3 new even bigger poiseslop armors because from hates it’s own pvp and made Moore to showcase with his godforsaken build
>everything is now fucking free in arena so now arena is slowly getting cancer by rangespam

I’m tired
Anyone done the DLC at NG+7 yet? Damage must be wild
I will never not find it fucking hysterical how Radahn got taken out by a 35 faith incantation

Malenia will always look better than that fat sack of jello
By having Malenia tell him there was some yummy chicken in there
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let me guess, sekiro 2 because everyone liked this parry fiesta with no build diversity so fucking much
bewitching branch recipe is miquellas lily and sacremental bud
sacremental bud an immature bud containing FRESH BLOOD

it wasn't hard basically. also explains why "mohg" was trying to save the red albinaurics
wait this is thread oc? does mslee go on these threads
Cheese is greatshield poke, Thorns Sorcery nuking, Perfume bottles
>says this when everyfaggot uses same build like a metaslave
Just do what I do and headcanon it that she did it on purpose
The two bodies she has you seek out disappear after she turns into the rock
And like the talisman that is designed to be the heads, the graven mass talisman says "The primeval current is a forbidden tradition of glintstone sorcery.
To those who cleave to its teachings,
the act of collecting sorcerers to fashion them
into the seeds of stars is but another path of scientific inquiry."
Which like is the thing she said that shouldn't be forbidden ti study, the primeval current.
So like for me like the implication is that she did it to herself on purpose by fusing with the bodies of the powerful sorcerers she had yoy find in order to become that/closer with the current.
It might not be a 'happy' ending since Luke she's obviously not in the best of dhaoe but she still recognizes you and can talk so it's not the worst thing if like it was like on purpose
What does this answer?
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ive been having fun in the arena :)
'free egg' sign
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I don't even want to marry Miquella but it is a 100% objective fact that this was the original plan (we have cut content for it) and anyone who denies this actually being set up in the base game as opposed to the Radahn crap is literally lying.

>Miquella's former steed, which is chosen to select the next Lord, chooses the Tarnished
>the Finger Reader in Liurnia says the Tarnished has Miquella's favor
>one of the starting gifts is a set of Bewitching Branches
>the DLC's marketing material says we were guided to the Land of Shadow by Miquella (doesn't happen in the actual product)
>pic related
>the Blade of Miquella, who we both beat and help, literally says that we're worthy of the title of Lord
>Torrent's former master i.e. Miquella literally told Ranni to give the spirit bell to a worthy Tarnished

It's a very obvious last second rewrite.
Our homo is doing Radhan
I don't, and that's what matters
'member when cheese was making the boss backstep off a bridge, those were the days
then someone at FROM saw lobos cheese speedrun and were like huh we didn't even program that lol
he was drawn to the blood
fear the old blood
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you fucking wish nigger Radahn is a PURE ARYAN WHITO PIGGU
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What do you anons think of this face? Ignore the hat, I was just looking at fashion when I noticed I didn't like the old face so I changed it a bit.
If anyone could link me to a really good looking face slider that'd be good
I can't do it bros. I'm trying with a light roll cirque build, but every time I get to phase 2 everything's just too convoluted to roll through. What's the best spirit ash for this horrible fight?
People keep saying that Miquella sings Radahn's name in the theme but I can't hear it.
So was the Scadutree first?
>pretending to feel sorry for a village of tree-hugging hippies.
It's a version pumped full of god steroids for phase 1 and then literally fusion-danced with a god (even sharing a health bar and a Remembrance and getting a big Super Saiyan Aura after seemingly collapsing in defeat) for phase 2.
>Met the Hornsent in the DLC
>Hornsent said Miquella is abandoning part of himself near the cross to save the Hornsent species as apologies
Damn, Miquella is actually retarded
Dexbros how does this look? Should I fiddle with arcane to get it higher?
omg so skillful
Parrying is how I beat him on repeat playthroughs, it requires 0 thought and is 100% cheese
Fromsoft knew most players are male and not all players would like that development.
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I love this fucking shield so much, holy shit.
Quick, how do I make pvp'ers seethe?
Kill Hornsent.
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Died to the rot while I purposely chose to get grabbed.
Behead Hornsent.
The Seamless co-op mode got updated
then make it a choice between marrying him and his sister. Or just use a title like prime minister or regent instead of consort.
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No wonder Hornsent was stupid, there's no room for a brain in this thing
to upset you
99% of the playerbase can't parry
It's not cheese
>and not all players would like that development.
Did he think that all players would like the revelation that Radahn and Miquella were gay lovers? Radahn used to be the fan favorite before the dlc
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No. Radahn is just gay Ganondorf.
He should of been rejected by the gate and just turned into monsterkino no radahn at all
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whoever thou art, thank you.
>t. hornsent pajeet
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Suffered through a quality build in the DLC, which should I run next? Not sure whether to go Str/Faith or Dex next
There's a really distinct Maaah-Ree-Ka before the instruments come back in but that's all I've heard lyrics wise

>push Radahn to like 65%
>this is p2 already for some reason
>instantly get obliterated by his shadow clone moves

This is going to be a long night
He knew the mind control narrative would come into play and heavily hints at it with other characters.
have a st. trina ending too then
Behead hornsent.
Fucking hell. It fits way too much. Was Miyazaki playing zelda breath of the wild?
Furnace Golems are as big as Fire Giants.
It doesn't buff spells like it should
Why does Malenia take out Radahn with one good hit of her sword, but it takes me like a bazillion hits from mine?

Is this a video game or something?
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And ganondorf is gay for Twink cock
she looks pretty good anon, atleast from the angle in this picture
>If anyone could link me to a really good looking face slider that'd be good
there are a good amount of them on youtube, just search and find one you like
gravity spells
wrath of gold
one shotting three/5 in arena people with RoR
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>WAAAH! Radahn needs a ner...
you think her toothpick was more impactful than the ebola bomb?
Radahn is obviously Raoh. The DLC even made his armor closer and gave him tan skin.
>rolling sparks
>Staff of the Great Beyond
>Catalyst for casting both sorceries and incantations
wait wtf how didn't i notice this
>Type A ending gets St. Trina
>Type B ending gets Miquella
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>Fucking hell. It fits way too much. Was Miyazaki playing zelda breath of the wild?
>And ganondorf is gay for Twink cock
Well done, parry god.
no real reason to dip into arcane unless youre going to do bleed stuff
>gaius sword lance looks cool
>we get the midge version of it
stupid ass bullshit
killed the magic elk from the underground and it looked like i got a remembrance but it isn't showing up at the cash shop
What are the finger ruins? My initial impression was that it was Metyr's landing site but there are two of them.
havent played since base game release and im starting over
what is the soft level cap to matchmake for co op as much as possible? i dont care much for pvp
Oh shit I didn't realize that either. That's pretty cool
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radahns daddy and mama are radagon and rennala, unless rennala cheated on rada-boi he is a cracka
no mushroom hat could have done more damage. impressive.
was expecting one punch man here.
he cast ancient dragon lightning fully charged you muppet
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doing a int/qual aow wiz usually wearing scale mail but I just got dryleaf and now I am extremely tempted to embrace the punchwizard lifestyle, offhand dryleaf feels really nice for it
unfortunately even with the solitude gauntlets and greaves I can't hit 51 poise so may have to embrace the wet tissue paper lifestyle
>DSP uses guard counter build like me
I've been a fraud
Only works if you cheese the initial cutscene spawn
No one said it's skillfull just that it still requires a modicum of thought.
True cheese is when even a lobotomized redditor can beat the boss like the other builds mentioned.
>gigatank build
This boss can be so easy if you want it to be... I wonder when will people stop crying about this boss
>final boss was a parryfest DS1 throwback all along
/erg/ needs to apologise
The new changes and new DLC made it so most people playing at higher lvls than before. I've never struggled to find co-op partners even at lvl 250
They deserved to be put in jars. If they didn't, then why is there flesh so perfect for it? A Shamans lot in life is to be innards for jars. It's why they exist.
it might be my favorite addition of the dlc, peak comfiness, no need to keep switching between staff and seal, one weapon for everything.
why didnt we get any new int/arc spells
do we really have to do it with 2 fucking bubble spells int/arc bros
If Metyr serves the Greater Will are there other Finger Mothers that serve the Fell/Rot/Deathbird/Chaos gods?
I feel like a lot of the players already know from the base game lore she was a part of Miquella and would be frightened and confused by that.
>playing through on a new character trying out a different playstyle
>actually got to fight morgot without stunlocking him
god i forgot how fucking amazing this fight is, genuinely one of the bests from has ever done, its been a long time since i fought him without deleting him instantly
1 11 40~ 90 125(duelfags) 138 for some reason 150 200 or max cap (300and something I don't have one of those yet)
>That face on the right
The face of kindness according to Miquella
It doesn't look as cool as the frenzy seal though
scribeanon status?
Just bullgoats talisman it up
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people are fine with marika despite the radagon stuff, just have them split, maybe do the same thing we got where he casts her off, and it'd probably not be an issue.
The first elk gives you a spirit summon,the second elk has the rememberance
if the dlc had effort in it then this would've been in
even just ranni as a npc not on your back would've been kino
level 20-30 is still the fastest for me but I get summons at 80 for Leyndell and 120-155 for endgame stuff. I'm sure 200 is active for the later DLC stuff.
What's the str fth gear from the dlc? Gonna drop em off to a friend
Ymir has a couple spells
What's RoR?
Didnt beat it.
morgott is the best boss in the game if you don't OP yourself
I ALWAYS stay at +4 (somber) until, basically haligtree now for this reason.
I don't recommend doing that after castle sol though it is like cock and ball torture.
Give him a Fire Knight GS or the sunflower.
We grow in the ending...right? That's what happens, right...we didn't commission a small throne, right?
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for co-op in the DLC NG+1, what level should I stop leveling at? i dont understand the coop level bracket enough or what level people are playing at... what about NG+2?
Does staff of the great beyond still have ass scaling?
technically its RRoL
im not answering this again though you people ask me this every time
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>you have forcibly taken me from my lord with your daterape drug
>I guess I belong to you now
Wtf bros is it really this easy? Have all those NTR manga been telling me the truth all this time?
Since google is regurgitating the same ad bait bullshit articles instead of being helpful:

Where is the injured pest you have to drop a warming stone on? A map waypoint is all I'm asking for. Just forgot where I saw the damn thing.
Do I need 80 points in int or faith for the respective caster builds or can I get away with 60?
150-200, pick your spot
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Why did Reddit push him so hard?
Go to the interactive map in the OP and filter by cookbook.
the age of the booster seat...
>injured pest you have to drop a warming stone on
whats this about?
none of them use Arc dude
faith is 72 now. or 37 72 if you're true holy. unless there is a higher int requirement GO spell I don't know about which would push my level even higher.
>get to the showdown with Leda
>the other npcs coming in one by one
>Ansbach with his speech as he hops in to assist me
>characters dialogue mid-fight
>that OST on top of it all
Holy ludokino they actually made me enjoy a gank fight
i started a new character with ledas sword and it was only +5, and i never even got a single guard break on him, i always said my favorite elden ring boss was a tie between morgot and godfrey, but morgot my become my number 1 and possibly in my top 5 from bosses period
ledas sword is also becoming one of my favorite weapon
Bigger (but chink) version
Like 90% of areas are pleasant to invade. I think there are only two exceptions
Lamenter's Gaol because it needs the host to unlock the doors.
And Dragon's Pit because it's short as fuck and has fuckall for enemies.
Can I invade the DLC at RL130 or do I need to level up more? Also, what's viable nowadays?
Those are pure int spells that should have been int/arc.
this except its mini ranni in a little baby carrier
Because redditors hate when people criticize something they love, and a guy who casually nohits the boss everyone criticizes served as a symbol to them that said boss was actually above reproach and everyone being critical was just mad cuz bad
Everyone should have a toon level 300+

Its pretty active, I can't imagine playing this at some restricted level when majority of people try to stack every advantage they can. At this level its pretty crazy how much an invader can fight back
>commander gaius
that was such a shit fight
Huh? They felt bigger
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He's a nigger like them
So int, dex, AND strength?
>What great rune/ending you're progressing lets you pick what powers you up
>Rune of Death gets you skeletons spawning in constantly and ghostflame explosions
>Rune of Order gets you Erdtree buffs/regen and the arena is bathed in gold
>Despair has the Hornsent assisting and spewing the omen projectiles constantly
>Frenzyflame replaces your head with the Eye of Sauron and constantly spits out the frenzy projectiles
>Age of Stars has Ranni assisting
would have been kino
She died afterwards anon
>haha funny hat man kill boss
No clue if he's even any good, all I know is that he used frost and bleed so he didn't beat shit.
No, it's the single best headpiece in the game easily. Insane weight to poise ratio, bonus stats out of ass, looks gorgeous on anything.
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looked around some more and found it, i must have just forgotten to go back to the poison area
There are three of them.
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>POV: You are a demigod who just shittalked my wife
>AoS Tarnished has Ranni by your side
>Default Tarnished has Marika actually talking to you, giving you encouraging words
>FF Tarnished replaces your head with the Flame of Frenzy
Wouldn't it be Sacred Relic Sword instead of Godslayer GS, if not for anything more than that sweet dual greatsword moveset?
who's the albinauric after gauiss?
Did I beat Radahn if I used the verdigris greatshield but didn't shield poke?
So if I want to have more than one moon spell I need to use up four of my spell slots eh?

That’s fucking retarded. We should have gotten single slot stock spells in the form of crescent moon sickle style projectiles or something, to go along with the Carian regal sceptre, not this extra double uber moon x2 ballsack nuke what the fuck.
I will eventually but counter point do you know how fucking long i've been grinding JUST THIS WEEK let alone how long it took to grind my 150 to 200 two years ago (several actual days iirc, of albinauric genocide hill ONLY)
give me a better rune farm and ill make my main one and use it for cameos and shit.
Part of Moore's quest. There are 6 non-hostile Kindred of Rot foraging around Gravesite Plains and Scadu Altus. Talking to each gives you a cookbook. One of them is injured and needs to be healed with a Warming Stone to give you its loot. Doing all 6 and talking to Moore will have him give you a 7th cookbook.

They disappear after Moore moves so they're missable
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>he lacks critical information
Every finger is aligned with Metyr.
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>find my way here after like 10 hours
>expect a cool boss
>just suck off a finger for a shitty talisman and literally nothing else
this dlc keeps getting worse
20/20, just so I have more shit to play with without having to constantly fiddle with talismans to hit min reqs
>using shields for anything other than parrying
you did not beat the game
Moore has some other trigger thancollecting all of them. I think just healing the dude might trigger him to give you something. I never went back and collected the cookbook from the wounded brood and I missed one other and I still got a cookbook from Moore my first time.
What's that hand doing down there?
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So who won harder, STR or DEX?
>Destroying a boss that needs a nerf with a weapon skill that also needs a nerf
Play smarter, not harder.
You did not beat Radahn
>ash of war

all that matters is a strong R1 and R2
I love Roderika so much. If I could ditch my whole adventure to become Elden Lord or lord of the stars or lord of frenzied flame or whatever and just move in with her to live a quiet and uneventful life with her, I would.
Fuck ancient prophecies and the grace of gold and whatever, I want to live with my humble and genuinely goodhearted wife Roderika. My beloved spirit chewner
STR for sure
t. dexfag
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It was 9 feet of blade jammed through his chest and lungs. There's a reason he was paralyzed and kneeling.
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>Tarnished, kill that FAGGOT
>Three fingers
There's an A scaling strength weapon right at the start of the DLC
The Finger Ruins are really clearly what they were talking about when they said this DLC was originally two that they merged together. A whole quest with barely any narrative behind it just has you blow through two huge areas with literally nothing in either of them, get some random unrelated rewards and then fight a boss with no buildup or introduction. And then afterwards the guy turns on you for doing what you asked just so you can loot his clothes.
Maybe if you spent less time being a retardnigger shitposting on 4chin and spent more time on progressing quests you might find more cool bosses.
He kills him with an incantation though
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72 for the biggest spell, 80 or max damage


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Idk looks dumb, or is this implied to be how he played through the game besides just being a thematic piece?
The Three Fingers owe their genesis to Metyr too, most likely, even if they are oppositional now.
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I wish Elden ring had more cannons
But DEX got Perfumed Oil of Ranah aka infinite consumable great combustion
STR, but in a quality over quantity way, much like how INT beat FTH in the DLC.
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Based as fuck Blame! poster. Seu and Mensab were great.
hand of malenia is basically sephiroths sword in length f@m it only looks small cause shes 8ft tall, didn't you notice how she outranges any given tarnished using the "washing pole" ?
Dex, STR always gets boring and ugly weapons.
Dragons are sort of Might Makes Right which is why they respected with Godwyn for fighting them. The fact that you drugged her doesn't make her as upset as the fact that she was weak enough to fall asleep. Obviously, we're kind of fucked in the head for doing it, but that isn't how she thinks.

And I believe she was genuinely horny/flirting when she proceeded to say "Since you robbed me of a lord, you're going to make it up to me."
>flame skewer
>flame spear
>fire serpent
>knight's lightning spear
>layered discus
Now try to beat Radahn with it
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Strength got best faith weapons, best int weapons, and best arcane weapons.
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>invading at the Shadow keep!
>I roll off a ramp and fall to my death...except I don't die and instead I land on a small ''bump'' in the wall
>use the respawn item, and run back to my friendos
>host and phantom thought I was using l33t hax so they commit suicide
>Radahn fight
>Hes op as fuck, just like he is now
>If you make it slightly through the second phase, the sky turns to night and Ranni starts speaking
>The moon appears in the backdrop as Ranni makes a cool entrance
>Helps us in the fight, gives us some kind of holy magic resistance buff to make phase 2 less cancer
>Teleports around and casts moon spells and shit
>Prevents us from dying one time - if we take fatal damage an animation plays where she quickly teleports to us, grabs us and teleports both of us away to safety somewhere else in the arena, only once though
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the downside is it gives me a boner
There's two or three depending how you count them
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sleep tight
I'm 100% confident it is just thematics. The godslayer greatsword is paired with the raging wolf armor as a "canon" player set because the actual Vargram npc uses the Godslayer greatsword. And then the dark moon greatsword is there for the marriage to ranni.
It isn't an actual build.
>much like how INT beat FTH in the DLC.
In what universe?
The Raging Wolf guy canonically wields the Godslayer GS so I guess they just paired that with the Ranni sword.
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does it? with 60/60 int/fth it's just slightly below the golden order seal (or whatever it's called i forgot, the int/fth one) and better than prince of death staff
They're using Vargram as the standin for the player generic tarnished since I guess more people identify with Raging Wolf set than Vykes

Vargram uses the godslayer gs.
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nope, they wanted le epic 2.0 malenia but is actually a horrible fight because you can't see shit :)
illiterate mongrel
>INT beat FTH in the DLC.
with what?
This one, the new INT spells are better than the FTH spells on average.
>since I guess more people identify with Raging Wolf set than Vykes
why would these be the options in the first place
it's just what the dude thought would look cool anyways
>gaius charge
wtf is up with this shit
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Are these any good?
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>If Miquella grabs you when you have Lord of Frenzy active, you just shriek so loud he has to let go
God I wish
His wife
it wouldve been so amazing man......
Messmer was already kind of like Malenia 2.0
is it true that you have to summon the npcs for the final fight or you wont finish their questlines and get their stuff at the end of it.
Bro there are like 4 new INT spells and the bosses are so fast you will have no time to cast them
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>that odd dual hold stance
You can't believe how fucking much I want them to go back and make this a light greatsword.
>on average
look thorns is really good and all but almost every incantation is fucking great barring normal golden arc
Vargram was the armor used in promotional material. Any and all trailers use the raging wolf set for the main character.
Vyke's set is just on the game's cover as the focal point.
Microcosm is unironically great. Big AoE explosion you can manually aim, does great damage for its cost.
Cherishing Fingies is a big meme
yes it's true
>every overleveled phantom is using the fingerprint shield with bleed
Man I don't want to sever to do Varres quest, but holy shit this is insane. I've seen like 5 of them from 3 invasions.
Only time I've ever crutched on light roll. The window to dodge that with mid roll is so astronomically small you'd have to be a machine to consistently dodge that shit. Light rolling makes the fight overall laughably easy tho so I'm not sure if I'd recommend.
Only thing missing is his stats going from normal to maxed out in that last panel once she shows up
Raging Wolf is in all the promotional material
Vyke is John Eldenring on the box art
>Minor Erdtree
>Bear roar
>Miquella "nuke"
>Divine feathers
>Crucible bloom
>>>>>>>>>>Really good
Once again it agonizes me how right they got dual-wielding in Dark Souls 2 and how they haven't ever been able to recapture that.
They need more bass and rumble in a lot of songs now. The vocals, strings and dramatic sounds really do not fit some bosses.
MAJOR EXAMPLE being Golden Hippo. Guy should have had a theme like Vordt's full of big blasting sounds. He was a comical boss, the music did not need to try and make him seem epic in phase 2.
Oh whoops, I kind of assumed it was the roiling sparks kill that gets posted around a lot, welp my bad
you're right i'm just mad at how completely awful the radahn fight is, made my whole view on the dlc be bad
star shower is better than nails.
microcosm gives a giant window to roll out of it so its useless if they aren't stuck.
fingers is just shit, long cast time
Cherishing fingers is awful but the rest are good. The glintstone nail spells deal solid damage and have poise damage. Microcosm is just all around solid in terms of range and damage.
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>no time to cast them
swiftpebble mains rise up
should i be using skewer or spear for my Fire Knight GS build?
well now i dont feel so bad for dying at 1% boss hp 4 times now, i wouldve missed some stuff. thanks
no you don't, i just beat the final boss without summoning them and i got all their stuff
might need to summon them for leda though, i summoned them at least
yeah Microcosmos is ok for killing shitters but 90% of base game bosses will move out of it before it explode and 100% of the DLC bosses will rip you a new one unless you have a summon out keeping the fucks distracted.
Also the best spell in the game scale on arcane and for Death spells aka the ones that actually will hit a boss in the DLC needs FTH
I didn't even get that stupid mask on my bleed build what am I the hardest tryer of all? fashion please.
Minor Erdtree is just fine since it's another stackingsource of HP regen meaning you can truly outheal basically everything if you put your mind to it, Miquella's spell is also pretty good in PVP.
Bloodborne and Dark souls 3 were better games.
>Only thing missing is his stats going from normal to maxed out in that last panel once she shows up
>clearly shows HP/Stam/MP maxing out on the final panel
>cutscene ends
>giant ass ranni backpack obscures half your screen
>casually nohits the boss everyone criticizes
He never nohit radahn though
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>Get rocket fist
>It's shit

What the fuck is even the point of any Smithscript weapon that isn't the hammer or shield?
>i have to beat the entire DLC for Ansbach's gear or Thiollier's gear
fuck aaaa
Am I the only one using incantations?
None of the fuck DLC is hard with them
i'm sure they have the technology to increase the fov
>cutscene ends
>giant ranni ass comes out of your screen
soulless cash grab on ds1 fans ignoring the good parts (I liked it more than most but for the sake of clarity) of 2 sorry not that sorry.
So does the fucking Scadutree predate the actual Erdtree?
Did you not read "quality over quantity" The speed issue is a problem with all spellcasting.

They're cool but only a few aren't awful.
>soulless cash grab on ds1 fans
no idea what this means
>invasions are even more aids now
>implying the camera wouldn't be further back and at a wider fov
The ability to do so is literally in the .param file (which has barely changed from DaS3) but it literally never used at any point in Elden Ring. They just fucking forgot how.
The range and HP output of Minor Erdtree is way too small. It needs to be at least twice to both for it to be worth anything at all. Don't the fucking warmth rocks outheal it?
hes talking about malenia
I thought prince of death was the best int + faith staff? Has it changed as of this dlc?
what the fuck where did you get that
The best sorcery in the DLC isn't even INT-based lol
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OK I get the hornsent
But why did Mariak genocide the Giants and the Albinaurics?
She seems pretty schizo
People hate DS3 for being more of DS1 even though DS2 is hated for not being DS1. DS3 apparently has too many callbacks despite trying to be the final game in the series and connecting/ending it all.
They are both good for slightly different reasons.
Spear's buff lasts way longer if you need it though
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I did it...2 years after my first playthrough where I embarrassingly had to summon mimic tear and frost stomp my way through Malenia I soloed her proper! I HAVE REDEEMED MYSELF!
They do, but it also works with the warmth rocks and Blessing of the Erdtree.
So..how do we feel about Miquella now, bros?
Cherishing Fingers is so stupid. Why can’t I summon a full fucking hand? Fuck you FromSoft.
I think those were just religious crusades against pagans instigated by the fingers.
Drops (rarely) from the golems that shoot their fists in some of the smithies.
No. The Scadutree is the shadow of the Erdtree.
The towerfolk, Enir Ilim and the Gates of Divinity all predate the Erdtree but were once genuinely just part of the Lands Between. Marika had the realm sealed in shadow AFTER the Erdtree, and then even later sent in Messmer's army to purge it.
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What's with Empyreans and piggyback rides?
any of the new incantations any good? the little tiny shrub you put on the ground has no range, the crucible ones like breath/thorns/bloom all seem trash, the upgraded elden stars called land of shadow seems trash, the arcs and spiral ones seem trash. nothing really seems to do any damage even with 70 faith, whats good?
what's the use case for both of them?
The axe is pretty good, too.
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They literally just copy pasted bosses from DS1 and pretended they were new, complete amateur SHIT more like DSPee am I rite haha
They were a danger to the Erdtree. Same reason she genocided the merchants.
They are not genocided, just hated. Probably because of their origin of birth.
Not an argument
do you think he is physically capable of killing the final boss in the dlc? he cried alot about melania so i think this is gonna be funny as fuck
I don't want to fuck his sister any less than before.
>Miquella just KNOWS about the shadow realm because....
Giants worship something called the "Fell God" and were apparently assholes to everyone around them (Zamor stuff)
Albinuriacs just exist to be genocided
I just don't think it's worth the 70 Fth, 2 spell slots, and 30 FP
He's legal and feminine but is a top. His lore makes fuckall sense now though.
Based desu
Anyone else pissed off about the sorceries we got?


The undead mages in the graveyards on the world map have actual spells that we could have been given. Same with the rot mages. Fucking hell.
DS2 was hated predominantly for failing environmental presentation, having to level your I-Frames, bad movement controls to begin with, and soul memory. Nothing else about it was a lasting, real complaint.
You all kneel to ARCANE
i think it depends on your build, but with mine the great beyond is slightly above (when i had 55/55 i didn't check now that i have 60/60 but it should still be better)
Imagine Malenia or Marika trying to ride your back.
They undertuned a ton of shit in this DLC. Considering you have to beat Mohg it's baffling how much worse a lot of the new weapons and spells are compared to base game weapons and spells.
That's one boss, meanwhile DS3 even copies MOBS like Black Knights and Darkwraiths and the fat demon statues.
>my 99STR unga bunga tarnished grabbinb her by her feet and beating the shit out of Miqudan with her as she curses me in old timey english
The giants were violent shits and could burn her anti-death tree.
The albinaurics weren't genocided by her
I've merged the two.
>that's one boss
Shouldn't all Glintstone magic technically be Int/Arc since you're using KNOWLEDGE to manipulate the arcane abilities of Glintstone?
Anon I'm console just dupe runes. Or legit way is beat the game bosses over and over ng+7 infinity
how the fuck are you supposed to see literally anything during Radahn's second phase? there's blinding lights fucking everywhere.
>arcane gets best weapon in the game
>arcane can get to its weapon before fighting a single boss
>even the best int spell scales off arcane (thorns)
I kneel
oh okay, i thought i missed a cave or something
I wish the knight armor was that slim.
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>My drip is finally complete
God bless this torch
I'm not gonna say it's amazing or anything, but having run HP regen builds with it/warming stones/blessing/physik regen the synergy of all of them together is very strong. On the otherhand it could certainly be stronger and I wouldn't care. It does also only heal allies and not enemies, which is a plus over the warming stone, but really I just view it as being taxed as "the final source of HP regen" to the formula if you put it all together.
That boss only summons extra gargoyles based on the boss bar, not killing individual gargoyles is your fault
Nice :)
>Add Finger magic to the game
>Only four spells, one is good, one is irredeemable trash, and the other two are just inferior to using the same blue pewpew glintstone spells you've been using for 300+ hours.
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>final battle is literally True Neutral vs Lawfag
what weapon? ive never done an arcane build and want to do one. even better if i can rush it before any bosses.
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Genuinely malicious presence in the lands between wielding a fire capable of harming their invincible god-tree. Either they were retaliating against a genuine threat or pre-emptive a perceived one.
My schizo headcanon is that the Giants aren't indigenous beings at all and were vassals of the Fell God summoned and controlled by the Astrologers of the mountaintops, who were the ones actually hostile to the Erdtree. Otherwise what the hell do Fire Giants eat up in a desolate frozen mountaintop?

Albinaurics are hated because they aren't born from the Erdtree/Crucible like everything else, and are thus heretical. They're also likely created by the same Numen that created the Silver Tears, and thus represent a threat of one day producing a "Lord" for the nightfolk. That said, the Albinaurics weren't hunted down by the Golden Order. They were vaguely tolerated because they were under Caria's protection, and were being hunted in the base game by the Knights of the Cuckoo--Raya Lucaria's private mercenaries--after the academy staged a coup against Caria.
Every fight with multiple enemies sucks and is unfun. Even when easy they aren't fights I want to repeat
It,d have to be the other way around.
Malenia, Goddess of Uppies
i didn't like most of them but i love messmer's orb and the new spell that looks like discus of light but instead of coming back it stays on the ennemy, good damage and stagger.
i didn't try ansbach's blood spell yet, it seems fun
can't believe it's been 10 years since I played DS2
where does time go bros
feels like only questline they put any effort into was rannis
alright im puttin my faith in u brah
Axe is pretty good
Backhand blade is a fucking nightmare to try and run away from.
Daggers are great if you want to put them to fire and have an extremely easy way to remove frostbite if you're a mage
They added some of the best spells though. Gravitational Missile may be the single best sorcery in the game. It's so good it can replace all melee sorceries altogether despite being a ranged spell.
invader novice here. Is PC dead as many claim it to be? I heard the seemless coop mod is the cause of it?
It's canon now that Finlay gave Malenia a piggyback ride back to the Haligtree.
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pretty sure i got summoned by someone using milady from the dlc
could he have dropped dlc stuff to me?
how does that even work when i don't have the dlc?
DS2 was a piece of shit
i cant even beat radahns first phase
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He's just a femboy looking to create the ultimate top like the bear chaser he is.
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Has the highest scaling bleed proc in the game.
You get it in prospect town which you can reach by just hugging the left wall after meeting leda.
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Always fren :)
If you don't own the DLC, you can't pick up DLC items that other players drop and you can't be summoned to the DLC, but you can still play with people using DLC gear.
That thing is also hilariously competent for just bashing people with like a shitty club.
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oh yeah this thing seems crazy. all the really cool gear is buried behind bosses, but oh well. makes rushing builds less easy for me.
That weapon is fucked.
Bleeding Radahn in 2 hits
Staggering him nonstop.

I think this game is plenty fine at killing its own pvp right now
Nigga tried to give me scarlet rot by throwing pots at me. Fuck him
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Glad you could make it, /erg/.

Rate my build?
anon you can reach every area aside from the final dungeon and get 17 skibidis without fighting a single main boss
I was up until 3am last night invading the DLC at 120 and every search was an instant match.
sunflower is actual kino
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i can't beat messmer
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The new DLC should have ruined seamless co-op for good. You shouldnt be able to get carried through the game without getting your ass fucked by my red dickwraith. Miyazaki should have added some code blocking their mod, and also sent a cease and desist letter. Getting your lashes in from invaders has been one of the main focuses of the souls franchise forever and they arent respecting fromsoft's vision by avoiding it when in co-op mode.
All magic is arcane by default, otherwise it wouldn’t be magic. That’s how George does it. You’re poking at the unknown to the point of embracing it, be it religion or mad “science”.

The arcane is just extra elusive and odd, I guess. The word ‘occult’ denotes much the same, and you see it on descriptions for spells such as Ranni’s Dark Moon.
That's what you get for not blackpilling him into the incel route
>Tarnished with Sacred Relic Sword and Darkmoon Greatsword
>Ranni with Black Knife and Ice Sorceries
someone mod in ranni during the second phase miyazaki is such a fucking retard
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I'm tired of the delayed attacks
I'm tired of the lingering hitboxes
I'm tired of the AOE explosions
I'm tired of the input reading
I'm tired of the ridiculous tracking
I'm tired of the 10+ attack strings
I'm tired of the camera barely being able to follow the fucking jumping around the arena

I think I might be done with these games.
You should respec into Int/Faith with a cold-infused sword and ghostflame attacks, with some skeleton spirit ashes.
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builds for this?
sure why not
All I know is FTH mains can beat Radahn with incantations and INT mains can't
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Pictured: some UGS and GS stances
Fuck what a good game
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Nioh 2 awaits you with actual rewarding skill based gameplay
More like Arm of the You-Did-Not-Beat-the-Game.
Anon invasions have been nerfed in every iteration since demon souls and they praised seamless AND they can’t balance for shit. Invasions might be joever next game
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I never finished his quest and he is kinda just chilling there, selling me stuff.
I can select "Talk" from the options and this is what I get.
>greatshield using, havelmaxxing, scarlet rot user is a stupid retard

Subtle, Miyazaki
Everything he does is super clearly telegraphed and readable. Just take your time and play slow. He has basically no fast attacks that test your reaction speed, everything is just slow and clear and requires timing.

Just remember to always roll into him, not away. Even if you have to heal, roll in.
Am I supposed to have frameloss when Radahn uses any of his aftermirage attacks or is that just the game's bad optimization? I should have more than enough rig to run this game.
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they had two flaws
no backstabbing with the left hand and reduced left hand weapon damage
all they had to do was correct those and keep iterating. God damn power stance was so good.
> My schizo headcanon is that the Giants aren't indigenous beings at all and were vassals of the Fell God summoned and controlled by the Astrologers of the mountaintops, who were the ones actually hostile to the Erdtree. Otherwise what the hell do Fire Giants eat up in a desolate frozen mountaintop?

This is retarded since we actually know the name of the original astrologer who first glimpsed the Founding Rain of Stars and it was Goliath’s Rain of Stars. Giant astrologers.
Finger Staff also scale well on Arcane so you can go min FTH min INT for death spells and pump arcane for thorns too
I have decided to try and not post about Miquella at all for the next 24 hours partially just so I can work uo more inspiration to write out longer and unique posts about him since I'm feeling tapped out
Wish me luck, and any advice for refraining is appreciated
How do I win in PvP for the lulz?
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how do i get hornsent to invade me right before Romina?
I summoned him for messmer and he lived
this game doesn't split pools betrween ng and ng+ like ds games do
i was more referring to Ansbach's gear. I know you can explore and get everywhere without fighting bosses. Triggering the great rune shattering by going to the shadow keep doesn't lock you out of anything, right?
Pure Str with a fth tax. Go full bastard and use Nanaya's Torch on the offhand for madness into Crux of Light.
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What is this cancer? The ripped off Helltaker edits are so fucking cringe
does any of that scale with str? what about the perfume bottle
I like this image a lot
midra song having the zimmer BWAAAs was peak
It's a strength weapon with a fth tax but I don't know if the weapon art scales with total AR or just faith.
Just remember that ashes of war don't get the 2H str scaling bonus.
Offhand the shotgun crossbow with sleep bolts
Backhand blade with swift slash
Chainsaw since from has proven now they can’t fix
Invaders killed invasions. Getting invaded by a twink or troll in DeS and DaS1/2 sucked. Like in DaS1, invaders could run around erasing tons of your progress by turning switches and levers and closing off shortcuts. DaS2 had invaders running around killing NPCs and also had a major hacker problem, especially on PC. That is why DaS3 nerfed invaders so hard.
good morning erg!!
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>coomers have ruined not only Marika by entirely fabricating some bimbo titcow version of her, but also Ranni by not making her doll-like at all, just being a blue woman with 4 hands and giant tits, sometimes even not even adding her ghost face
the best part about marika is how she also got radagon's dick
Didn't sneed it
bro all the npc armor are located at the very end just before final boss
Where do we learn his name?
Yeah. All the NPC gear is just super locked endgame but everything else is fine.
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Where can I best get sanctuary stones, not counting Farum Azula?
Dex or Bleed for backhand blades?
>Corryn was just a loretuber trying to plagiarize and could not handle the schizotruths Goldmask unearthed.
Marika is a whore who fucked a snake[/
Marika is a whore who fucked a hornset
Marika is a whore who fucked a basilisk
Marika is a whore who fucked a Carian
Not sleep bolts
Eternal sleep bolts. They don't even require limited materials. You can just reset a grace and gather enough for infinite bolts.
The Greatsword and its AoW scale with Str. Therefore the best build for it is Pure Str with enough Fth to use it. No Perfume Bottle scales with Str.
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Fucking gank in Patches Cave. Still managed to make the host alt-f4.
Is there a way to blacklist locations from invading? I don't want to get stuck in another cave like this, next time I might people who aren't completely retarded.
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the phantom assassin claims yet another (and gets away with it too)
Does anyone have that picture of meytr "glistening with life" if you get up close to her model
This but unironically. Marika is the bigod option. You get a hypersubmissive wife (male) with a fat ass you can feminize the fuck out of as a package deal with your hyperfertile wife (female) with a fat ass.

>its another "the same one twitter troon seething about pictures of fictional characters" post
unironically kill yourself you mentally ill freak
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>complains about coomers
>posts coomercore images
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so at sl 170 what should i do, 70 str and meet the faith requirements then put points into vigor, mind, endurance?
Too late
This is better than the bob and vagene coombrain CG that keeps being posted here
Imagine Elden Ring with good netcode
Yes and they will kill pvp if unaddressed
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Why is Reddit so much more autistic about FROM games than we are?

Did they seriously not add a Trina Lily bell bearing?
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>nigger gets filtered by delayed attack
Pick your poison. Dex/Arc bleed will trigger status super fast (I was instant proccing against some people in light armour) and the status trigger confirms another L2. However your raw damage is lower so you're less effective against bullgoat giganiggas and that new status talisman basically hard counters bleed.

Pure dex allows you to buff, which means you can be absolute faggot with eternal sleep or rot grease while also having higher raw damage.
Imagine Elden ring with good combat
So this is the "strength" of your average hostcel these days...
Embarrassing. Can even one of them still put up a fight?
Shut the fuck up and get in the jar
This is kino though
i get through first phase quick and easy, but i just don't understand second at all. the opening move covers the entire arena, can't be outrun or dodged. every single attack of his is immediately followed by several blinding lights, and you can not dodge both. on top of this, visual clarity is basically nonexistent.
> 70 str
are you retarded?
Could have really used those skull projectiles or skull explosion spells the skeleton mage enemies

Stupid Miyazaki why do you hate death sorcery
Slutty bratty Miquella
Needs correction
/vg/ autism tends to take the form of mod projects more so than fanart/fanfics.
insane kinography
It's called having a soul, unlike the hylic shell I'm responding to.
i really don't know how to build that's why i'm asking here
60? also which talismans would work well with this
>70 str
You are based. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I still have no idea why the fuck meleefags are still melee in the DLC
like 90% of enemies are literally designed to be done via range. Hence shit like infinite ranged attacks for the player being a thing now
The base game was the same but this time they flat out just showed it as the way the game was designed, based around range the majority of the time
This was their solution. Most of the base game craftables have been powercrept by superior DLC craftables that don't require limited materials.

But the bigger issue is that Eternal Sleep does exactly what it says on the tin, so getting hit with in in pvp is an instant loss. It's basically deathblight but you can have an unlimited amount of bolts, pots and grease to use freely. A full shotgun of eternal sleep bolts at close range is an automatic pvp win even if they just phantomhit, it's actually gamebreaking. I'd argue it's more imbalanced than the deathblight glitch.
You should reach the softcap for Str when two-handed (I think it's 54 or 66 Str or something but I can't remember), switching between that and one-handed when you wanna use Nanaya's Torch. Other than that the standard 60 vigor, 25-30 end, maybe a little mind. Talismans would also be standard except use Alexander's + Dagger Taliman so your Ash of War near one-shots.
fuck off and go back to your general enma
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I hope you are done. One less crying shitter in this general
miyazaki has become so obsessed with making the hardest games possible he's forgotten how to make them fun
the future for souls games is grim if this is the direction they're going
Do not bully my swedish princess this is neutral ground
Your strength stat doubles when you hold with both hands anon
Literally the opposite. The game is far easier in melee than at range. Most of radahns moves can be easily dodged or will miss you if you are melee.
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ER optimally would be played with a journal. It's an extremely large game, so it's easy to lose track of shit. It's quite common for something an NPC says in passing to become hugely important many hours later. Saying that, I never bothered with a journal and just googled shit whenever I got lost.
>great katanas even have a discount fade slash
damn they really just copied monster hunter
They do it all for upvotes
Give me a reason why I shouldnt keep leveling after 150
Bro? Your smithscript Greathammer?
Eternal Sleep functions the same as regular sleep in PvP.
>Everything he does is super clearly telegraphed
yes, and it all looks the fucking same. "sometimes he lifts the sword 3 inches higher than usual" is not a good enough tell.
why did they do it...if they wanted fan service why not go all out...
can you parry all of radahns sword attacks?
>tarnished is a manlet
Elden Ring 2 will be harder and better
I’m just tired of giving bosses more health and more attack power. It makes it come across as silly and overly artificial when you’re hacking at the same lady for three minutes.
Why does Jolan/Ymir try to kill us? Didn't he want someone to get rid of Metyr?
Go until your build feels complete. I feel like I get enough at 150 and it's the most active range. Level enough to but not enough that you're gonna lose activity like you would at 200.
Well I'm not a metatranny so I just kept leveling up. Gonna end up RL200 by the end of the DLC for a clean round number. Never farmed btwrtpdsr
>best fight of the DLC (Midra) is the most honest

Idk guys, needs more 8 hit strings and infinite poise to be fun
because we weren't supposed to do it and get shit from her and he's jealous
I feel like 200 is completely reasonable for the DLC.
Wait does the deflect tear work with shields? Why did I think it only works with two handing weapons...
Redditors have much lamer and lazier ways of upvote fishing. All the retarded in-jokes that have shitall to do with the topic upvoted to infinity cluttering up the top of every thread is the main reason I don't use Reddit.
Not true, I've been on both ends of it. You do the normal slump but the animation isn't interrupted by being hit and you just stay there forever. I've had ganksquads wail on me to death after getting caught by a phantom shotgun, and I've had folks just walk off and leave me there. You can't even access your menu to sever out so you're forced to alt-f4.
Don't even joke about that, some dumbass might see it and think it to be serious and ruin the truly best fight of the DLC.
Is there a way to reach mohg early besides varre quest? I pirated so i cant do invasions
Its your choice. After 300+ anyone above matches with you. There's not much difference
>he doesnt know
>is the most honest
but thats scadutree avatar
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Is this worth it? I struggle to notice the casting speed difference.
Madness proc into WA isn’t a true combo
Scadutree is a (very good) gimmick fight. Midra is a true classic style boss.
holy shit
ancient ruins of Rauh absolutely nukes my FPS
this is unplayable, there's definitely something weird going on here, i was getting 60+ fps through most of the DLC and now it's like 30 in this area
Fuck that's depressing.
I abandon here my bussy
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So, is this thing the source of the big fingers too? Like our "Two Fingers"? Or is it just a source of those hand monsters?
The worst part is that while Midra is really good, he's also super fucking basic. Like he has 3 attack strings and a couple gimmick ranged attacks he never uses unless you run away. He's about as mechanically complex as the average DaS2 fight, but it's just so fucking refreshing to have a fight that allows an interplay with the combat system instead of just forcing you to roll every hit of a drawn out flash combo to wait your turn to get 1 hit in and repeat over and over.
you can invade an npc in altus plateu for mohgs quest for the same result, no online required
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No thanks
It is completely trash.
I don't understand the logic of having spells that are exclusive to enemies when they need to fill the world with shit and this is going to be the final piece of content for the game.
I don't think the DLC has any particularly dishonest fights aside from Gaius and Radahn
she is the source of ALL the fingers, including finger creepers and the two fingers
bosses with status buildup are inherently dishonest, and he also has an unavoidable move.
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Frenzychads just keep winning. How do we stop them?
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The entire shitpost about seamless on 4chan comes from a single autist by the steam username of Dragonirian who has been drowning steam forum discussions with similar bullshit
As someone who has been invading for 2 years, the activity has been steadily good even in the "dead" periods before the sales.
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same invasion, earlier phantom assassination. he knew something was up but couldnt quite piece it together
The casting cap is really low
Nice fashion.
It's not in the sense that the madness animation is immune to grabs, so the grab won't trigger while they're stunned, but it is in the sense that it's a player-sided grab, so as long as latency is >100 there's a window where you can hit them after the madness stun and they'll get vacuumed no matter what they do.
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Learning about what happened to Marika's people and it being the reason she waged this war in the land of Shadow makes alot more sense now.
I don't even blame her. Total Hornsent death.
Yeah, its' the source of all fingers.

Wonder if she is actually a fungus too like the finger mushrooms. They seem to imply those are like "incomplete fingers".
The giant tubes in the ceiling of her arena presumably lead to the giant fingers and are meant to show how she's using them to try and reach up and contact the GW again.
Having 3 phases isn't a fight defining gimmick. The moveset is.
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What was your Tarnish's reaction to this?
It's funny how we fight the source of the fingers, the source of the scarlet rot, a lord of the frenzied flame, and there's really not that much fanfare.
is level 84 good enough for the DLC?

im getting one to 2 shotted by almost everything
my damage though is decent so im essentially a glass canon
you take 25% more damage, it's not worth it
How is powerstaning miladys?
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>lets make a super cool martial arts moveset
>but its just punches and kicks, so lets make it do shit damage
>oh but lets make the weapon art hit for 5k and have infinite hyper armor just to make sure people keep spamming L2
Why did they do this
The Hornsent dindu nuffin they were just on the losing side of 7 consecutive wars (all of which they started). From the Coffin Beach to the Tree, Hornestine will be free
about to dab on bayle just to help my nigga igor
>instead of just forcing you to roll every hit of a drawn out flash combo to wait your turn to get 1 hit in and repeat over and over.
but that's exactly what his fight is like
too low
>Final boss is two gay incestuous brothers
>Weak to "thrusting" attacks
What did FromSoft mean by this?
Romina is not the source of Rot, she is just an avatar of it like Malenia
Holy kino. Time to make a eternal sleep build before it gets nerfed
>No Frenzy Flame Ball headgear
We lost. What the fuck is the point of all the fucking items when the most important thing they could have added, the one(1) thing that would have made every FF build instantly ten times as kino, didn't get added? Fuck
>weapon is completely useless
>WA is overpowered as shit

It's called BALANCE
You can evade a lot of his attacks by jumping, crouching or positioning yourself. You don't have to wait your turn.
That's what makes him feel 'easy' compared to other bosses. You do way more damage because you can create openings for yourself instead of waiting for the game to let you.
Casting caps at 70 dex regardless.
Radagons icon already gives you 30 virtual dex for this purpose. I think maxed out its like a 15% difference compared to 10 dex.
So yeah casting speed as a stat just sucks and doesn't scale well. No idea how much that gives but I'm assuming its like 40 or 50 virtual dex which would maybe be a 2~3% difference in speed compared to radagons.
>game is called L2 Ring
>is surprised when they make a weapon with a strong L2.
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Will this make the Twin Faggots focus on me, or do bosses adhere to their own rules?
>3rd world are immune to it

then what’s the point
Gaius is completely fine aside from the fucked up hitbox of the charge
Avatar and Messmer (if only because his rapid stab does no damage) are also acceptable answers
>Ash of War: Diamond Phallus
>Focus your energy into the phallus, temporarily hardening it to pierce even the greater of barriers.
Just remember that a single shot from the shotgun crossbow with Eternal Sleep Bolts at close range will trigger it on basically anyone that isn't focusmaxing. You can slap a grease on a weapon in case it takes an extra hit or 2 but it shouldn't be necessary.
pretty damn low but you need around 50 vigor to be comfortable (even then you need to do the skibidi minigame)
Cowboy uses mimic tear?
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Gaius is a fucking gay bossfight and I don't like it.
>Aspect of the Crucible: Knot
I mean it kind of is. You repeat mostly the same fight 3 times. It's a gimmick man. A good gimmick, but a gimmick.
>I'm getting my ass kicked
>Is this good enough, /erg/?
Gee what the fuck do you think?
It gives 99 virtual dexterity
And she's just a random side attraction? Like >>484134806 this seems pretty iffy. It feels like they crammed 2 or 3 DLCs worth of concepts into this one DLC.
should be, except that they will change their target anyway just to one shot the host
Can someone put down their summoning sign at the grand cloister at lake of rot and help me with astel
>Hornsent are outside invaders who commit atrocities on the indigenous population
>Cry when they get their shit slapped back
They're jews, anon.
yep, another day of getting charmed being the canon good ending, amiright fellas
>can dodge his charge everytime without issues
He is 100% fair and morons just don't know how to dodge diagonally forward.
Gonna try it with poison and that bloom twice thing later, could be interesting.
Reminder that she's a murderous freak and probably will end up killing all the ones still siding with her eventually.
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I feel like it's really important to correctly diagnose what makes Radanh so bad because he's THAT BAD in a sea of bosses that have already undergone years of powercreep by developers from Dks2 onwards. It's not enough to simply say that he has all the tells of modern from bosses like >>484132540 mentions. He goes even beyond that, his having all of that in some way or another is just the baseline.
What seems to me to aggravate all of that are two things: a) the seamless way into which he extends his combos is unprecedented and b) these combos are a lot of the time obscured by the either the boss's body or a particle effect.

These problems only really show up in phase 2, phase one is fine I guess, but phase 2 becomes a nightmare because of the above. When he extends is truly random so, save for 2-3 guaranteed openings (finishing with huge aoe, grab and gravity spin), you cannot safely punish without fear of his extending into a slash-light true combo. It's significant that these extensions into true combos are actually SUPER FAST for a boss this size, because they generally start with a very nondescript slash. This is compounded by the fact that the most safe way to play against him is glued to his model, because that helps you evade most of the huge AoEs in front of him, but then it also becomes unsafe because so many of his combos will become obscured by his own body or by particle effects. It's a true "between a rock and a hard place" situation. You wanna stick close to avoid the AoE, but then you need to learn his timings by heart because you cannot trust reaction (that's how I did it it, I did it enough and knew that he was going to swing behind his back or behind the particles), and you cannot be hasty to punish most of his long attack strings because he can be so quick to randomly extent. This, combined with every existing issue that has become foundational for all modern From bosses, is truly what makes Radanh the most asshole fight they have created.
I like thw rest of that image and the author quote where she headcanons that Messmer was one of the only demigods who helped relieve her stress and keep her from spiraling
Good, that means there's more reason to correct her with dickings until the murdercrazy has been fucked out of her
there is not a single honest boss fight in the entire game, as all of them have unintuitive and unnatural attack timings.
Yeah, but she's also a cute paladin, so it kinda balances out.
There's definently a lot more difficulty for difficulties sakes. But it's not actually (completely) unwarranted.
Average player skill level has increased so naturally you would increase the challenge to match the elevating player abilities. We've come a long fucking way from people thinking King Allant is challenging.
I think the games should get harder. My main issue is that too many boss attacks are now designed to kill you instantly past the majority of buffed medium shields if you aren't moderately defense maxed (which negatively impacts build diversity). So you could potentially engage with a new attack for the very first time and then die from full health to it, learning nothing.

It's certainly challenging. But, I can't say I'm exactly a full fan. Thankfully not many bosses are like that.
Whats even the point of 99 virtual dex when it caps at 70? I guess to really make sure, but yeah I was hoping it'd be great as I was doing a mage build my first DLC run and was heavily disappointed by the lack of anything new that was good for my build.
Yes except when they decide FUCK hosties and just oneshot scadulets
assuming miquella had any dialogue post radahn, would he lose it?
would he curse us?
This dlc has ruined coop summoning. You spend 5 minutes waiting for the host to successfully get another cooperator in the game, then another 5 minutes buffing up. Plus another 5minutes to run past the fog gate and jump off a cliff. Then they die with 10 seconds of the boss fight.
For int, yes, it's worth it.
For fai, no. The difference is too small.
Delayed attacks are fine, excepting delayed jump attacks.
"headgear" would only actually feasibly make sense if it forced you too not wear a helm. That entire "head" is headless.

I've always thought that if you fully commit to the frenzy flame ending your fucking skull should be stuck that way until you looped.
I like how the ads made Messmer seem like a evil asshole when in game he's actually a a pretty cool guy outside of hating the tarnished. Being a messmer soldier in the Shadow realm is probably better than being anyone's soldier in the Lands Between post shattering.
>Get summoned to Radahn
>50/50 chance if the host immediately eats shit to his 100 km/h drill spin
It's pain and suffering.
Is Queelign good as an ash or should I just take his eye for his weapon?
Sure, it is a gimmick, but not strong enough to call it a gimmick fight. It doesn't define the actual combat. A gimmick fight is something like the Euroknight from Sekiro, or Bed of Chaos from DS1.
This is just a normal bossfight with 3 phases.
Yes because Radahn THE PROMISED CONSORT was such a better option after his story had a satisfying conclusion in what was probably the best fight in the base game, narratively speaking.
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A literal who dragon that was never mentioned before gets more fanfare than all of those combined lmao.
Little Rani!
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Anyone tried this armor in PVP? How is it? Do you get fucked over by the increased damage taken?
It looks really nice looking but it seems I'm thinking it's probably gonna get you killed.
Can someone post the webm of an invader getting ganked by people spamming DLC weapon ashes
>And she's just a random side attraction?
This is literally nothing new for Fromsoft games at all. Your newfag is showing

Ebrietas in Bloodborne is super important lorewise, and is literally just hidden off in an optional secret area behind a secret wall with zero fanfare. Many other examples in all of their games

Its called worldbuilding. Not every boss needs a le-epic videogamey introduction. Sometimes less is more when its accurate to the story they are trying to tell
Bosses do what they want
Rellana is very fair and I loved fighting her.
>go full carry insta kill radahn thorns build
>host still manages to die even when he does have aggro
I haven't managed to carry a single shitter yet, they always fucking die.
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>unironically saying less is more
shit-eating retard go back to reading your item descriptions. God forbid people want them to use the medium to tell a story
He'd try to mind control and get black knifed by Ranni
>Delayed attacks are fine
no they're not. the only acceptable attack timing is for the weapon to come down at the same speed at which it was originally pulled back, and for dodge to be set up in such a way that the attack coming towards you is the right moment to dodge.
Sure, let me try to coop for a minute
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THis guy, in case you forgot this unmemorable ass.
>Miquella starts having male pattern baldness
How many of you still simp? No one?
Thought so. Freaks.
It’s like an even split between radahn, putrescent knight, and one of the ghost flame dragons. Truly misery.
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He'd be turned on and ask if she needed help
(until she turned the blade on him)
>messmer flies around like goku and his spear's ash makes you do flying attacks like dbz
>gaius flies around like goku and his estoc's ash makes you do flying attacks like dbz
>najka flies around like goku and her glaive's ash makes you do flying attacks like dbz
>a lot of other bosses spend much of the fight in the air and you either go ranged or you have to wait for them to come down
Bros I'm not liking this direction From is taking. What do you think about it?
Don't remind me..
if you're building a gimmick one-shot build that relies on a slow casting skill like ancient dragon lightning strike, then it MIGHT be worth it but the timing difference is still extremely small.
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This dlc ruined everything multiplayer:
>invaders get L2 vomit light show because they’re forced to 3v1
>summoning for bosses is torture because the shitter host instadies after getting unable to summon for 10 minutes
>From made arena infinite ammo mode so you’re getting spammed at range from pots/bolts and they’ll eat 99 boluses of any status you try to use if you can’t spam it like sleep bolts

Actually baffling
That just sounds like you want to roll spam when a boss does a combo. Delayed attack are fine because it's exactly what you want. You don't dodge until the moment the attack is coming towards you.
In duels you probably would. In natural invasions everything right now is invaders and phantoms trying to outbullshit each other with one shots.

I almost miss the days when people using beast claws or backhand blades thought they could outpoise ultra greatswords. It was heaven seeing those in comparison to nearly everybody rolling sparking each other.
It's a good rollcatch, you just need to practice a little timing.
The weapon is pretty nice thought the spirit ash is also good
>I almost miss the days when people using beast claws or backhand blades
You mean like last week?
That would be cool too, either way Id ont care how its done, I just really wanted the cool frenzied flame ball head from the FF ending as something we could actually look like in the DLC and when I saw Midra's fight I got hyped thinking surely this would be it and then I got fucking cucked because miyazacki is a fucking nigger. One and only DLC for the game and I'm still stuck wearing basic bitch headgear for my FF builds
Just consider this: when people made comparison videos about casting speed 2 years ago they had to chain cast shit to make the difference between base and capped casting speed look noticeable.
And it still didn't look worth pursuing.
In order to FIND Ebrietas you've got to do multiple things, and there's an entire build up to her, with you having to fight your way through the choir district, fighting a smaller time boss before her.
Metyr didn't have the same build up.
And as well, I wouldn't say the fact Ebrietas is just stuck as an optional superboss with no cutscene or fanfare is a good thing. It wasn't then, it isn't now. The way From tells stories has gotten overplayed and in ER especially where we KNOW they can tell a decent narrative in their quests (Ranni, Millicent despite the ending) it's extra apparent and stands out when they devolve back to their "environmental, item descriptions" mode of telling stories.
I haven't liked their direction since DS3. Arguably you can trace the anime bullshit back to the old hunters DLC. But its very minor there so I can look the other way.
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They should just embrace it fully and work together with Team Ninja. DLC legit reminds me about Wo long movesets wise.
That's what makes her hot
Imagine the fight between peak Bayle and Flaccidsex.
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I think he'd break down crying. He'd be mad at the player, but more so he'd be sad that despite throwing away so much, this was just as unsuccessful as all his other projects. And unlike the other times, there is no next time. He won't make the world a kinder place. Not now, not ever. Nor will he keep his promise to his sister.
She’s literally just budding fingers off of her body. Finger buds. Very disturbing.
>>summoning for bosses is torture because the shitter host instadies after getting unable to summon for 10 minutes
That's not even the biggest problem. The boss gets extra poise, resistances, etc on top of an extra healthbar. You're literally making your life more difficult by summoning a phantom.
Delayed jump attacks are the funniest thing. How do they have that much air time?
Can I get some help? I've done some Str/Faith with Siluria's tree, Lightning perfume, and Pure Int runs. However, my Faith run used Siluria as a casting stick.
I want to do another Strength run. Maybe Strength/Arc.

Is it better to go Colossal + Shield so I have something for Radahn or double Colossal GET STUNNED GET STUNNED GET STUNNED
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i dont recall having this much fun invading since ds2, the zones are great and it seems like most people playing are genuine and funny
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It's more present in the old hunters DLC than it is in Dark souls 3
What is a hand job?
The only time delayed attacks are acceptable is if all or nearly all of them are delayed
For example Radagon. Sure the first time, you can be a bit annoyed. But if after the first or second attempt you don't realize he holds ALL of them back then it's on you.
>old hunters DLC
DS2 dlc actually. It was the first one that REALLY went balls deep into anime movesets.
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Yeah. And a good week it was

I have like 81% lightning resistance and rolling spark will still three tap my ass if I let the red get away with it.

Multiplayer across most forms is pretty fucking scuffed right now I'm sure it'll get ironed out
In a month or two
extremely cute video. thanks anon, i needed this
Wasn't SotE's gameplay designer the Dark Souls 3 guy?
Which of the new sorceries are even worth using, if any? I'm heavily int/faith, if it matters.
I feel like they really focuses on all the wrong things with this DLC's story. Like who the fuck cares about Miquella's random lust for Radahn? We're a climbing a tower of sand and stone made from living beings and reaching the top of a so-called Divine Gate. Why aren't we getting more story about the nature of the world and the metaphysics of this shit? Why are we focusing on the motivations of characters like Miquella and Marika when character building has never been the point of souls. Was that last memory really fucking necessary to better the lore and the plot? There's no way anybody cares about the fact Miquella loved Radahn at this point.
gravity magick, dummy
>DLC legit reminds me about Wo long movesets wise.
But Wo Long's deflection was sekiro on steroid impact wise.
It's not really a good look if a game with from defensive mechanics resembles it, deflecting hardtear notwithstanding.
Has there ever been such a disastrous attempt at fanservice as Radahn? Not even the biggest From shills really like it, you can tell from the cope arguments that their heart really isn't in defending it and it's more a reflexive response
You can grab it just before fighting messmer
dellow felegate
At least BB has a better dodge, easier parrying/posture breaks, and rallying exists.
He's a 4chan nigger that succumbed to the reddit upvote machine
The microcosmos or whatever (final one from Ymir) isn't bad.
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Is this how you plan to do it?
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I would legit take Wo Long deflection to counter these bosses over the defensive options we have now. Deflecting Hardtear is a step in the right direction if THIS is what they want bosses to be.
i've been making good progresss but cant do anything against the giants with fire or even the lightning goats sometimes (unless i prepare delayed sorceries before i trigger their aggro stances)

it's been fun though, maybe i should get back into the base game and complete that first then come back
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>Game company has their own unique method of storytelling - part of the reason they became successful and loved in the first place
This is why its important to gatekeep your communities, folks. NPC infestation is a horrible thing.
I was always only ever going to be surprised if the DLC story wasn't terrible. You can't have that many different writers and that much obvious cut costs, repurposesing, and changed plans and maintain anything even remotely approaching coherency.

Doubly so when you're goal is trying to explain mystery-box bullshit that was literally designed and written to not be explained at all
Radahn, Rellana, it’s all bad…

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I'm still upset that Malenia had literally no role or reaction to us doing the DLC stuff.
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I care!
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So she'll be my Yandere
Everything gets played out eventually
How many times have they resorted to that way of telling stories. It's overplayed.
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What's the best way to nuke groups quickly while sneaking? In an invasion if I get the jump on a group, I want to be able to do an obscene amount of damage, preferably to all of them, also preferably if it was guaranteed not some meme bullshit.
She's been unconscious for who knows how many years and just woke up. She would have no way of knowing.
Miqqer being mad if you killed Malenia would have been nice though.
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>the boss is focusing me :)
>circle strafes and rolls into host
Impossible. It can't be done no matter how hard you try
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Because Malenia is delusional/crazy after getting her personality fractured after going Chernobyl in Caelid.
is this an enb
Why would you reply to mw with that? I didn't say anyrhing like that
It's really really hard not to
>Tarnished taking his due and plapping his defeated opponent
How romantic.

It was probably a misquote.
You're just a shitter. he's waaay easier than Malenia.
How did people react to her difficulty at launch? Because it sounds like everyone complaining about him are little bitches
>he also has an unavoidable move
which one?
How do I get someone to put down their summoning sign by astel
Wait likw 7 hours for me to get home, ill help
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I beat Mohg and got into the dlc at around level 120. You do have to be pretty well prepared before diving in.
>Deflecting Hardtear is a step in the right direction if THIS is what they want bosses to be.
It just doesn't fit the typical souls pace, they'd be better off starting a new ip altogether if that's their aim.
None of their fans is going to begrudge them another attempt at shaking things off life bloodborne or sekiro, but people WILL get mad if they make something completely different but call it ER2 or god forbid, DS4.
>You don't dodge until the moment the attack is coming towards you.
theoretically. due to ER's built in dodge delay and the too high speed of most attacks, this will get you hit 100% of the time. it's all unintutive. you have to dodge everything earlier than your normal human sense of timing tells you, and than if those bosses were in an earlier Dark Souls game. you can not react dodge in ER.
the flower is also quite a good chunk of fp
without the bell bearing, an easy spot is the saints bridge in limgrave, where you can keep killing the pumpkin head there for guaranteed sanctuary stones each kill
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quick question on a questline.
If i side with thornset so he dosent get lynched by leda does that also lock ansbach questline out or does she go "its all good, anyways lets go ansbach even tho you didnt help me at all lynching thornset"?
I want anbach for the final gank since its a lot more fun that way but i dont know if not helping leda with lynching thornset prevents that?
Maybe he's feeding adventurers to her like people feed ones to Rykard
So why does Doll Ranni look like Melina?
Because they're related
Kino — what’s the build?

talk to lena and from that bonfire walk down the stairs, he should invade

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