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why were people having so much trouble with the torch giants
>jump to avoid it
>keep hitting leg until it dies
>NPC ganksquad fight is more fun than the final boss
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Now that the dust has settled, it's time. Time to pick your Top 5 Waifus.
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If he’s supposed to be more powerful why is his fight so shit?
i dont own a phone
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ftr i killed 4 of that dudes phantoms and then left without killing him

hes likely summoning in more phantoms for the meatgrinder as we speak
I don't think that's the word
There are lots of complaints about the giants and not a one is about difficulty. They're all about boring monotonous tedium for a terribly designed enemy.
So is leda hotter than sellen?
repostan in the new bread
Update: It does work, mostly. Radahn was trying to kill me a lot more and without provocation on my part. I'd say this is very useful when trying to help retards.

I saw some anon claim that the Frenzied Flame and Three Fingers were actually the last message sent by the Greater Will to the Lands Between, implying the GW wants to wipe the slate clean and start over. Is there any basis for that claim? I don't recall anything like that.
What is the single highest damage weapon a lvl 150 build can use
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When did he get the chance to do it
I mean, you kinda feel for her a bit.
But then you remember that she didn't start this crusade till presumably after/during the Liurnian Wars (since there's Carians in Messmer's army) and she kept doing the Jar shit even after she became a God.

Marika clearly did miss her people, but she also clearly used the hornsent as long as possible before going scorched earth on them.
Maybe cause she was being led along by the Fingers during that time, but it still kinda sucks.
They really cucked us on his fight, even if it was gonna just be a finger gauntlet shoulda made it harder and had us further back to fight against more.
Two of them are located in areas where when they fall over their head can be positioned weirdly and you can't actually get the fucking crit. It becomes extremely boring when that happens.
And then another two are armored in the legs and you need to actually find a high point to chuck pots at them.
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>Manus Metyr
>hand mother
He mentions both of you no matter the state Malenia my cope is that he knows she's still alive whether it be pre boss fight or within the flower
>choose 5
I only like 3 in the whole game
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What's the best way to nuke groups quickly while sneaking? In an invasion if I get the jump on a group, I want to be able to do an obscene amount of damage, preferably to all of them, also preferably if it was guaranteed not some meme bullshit. Also preferably if it isn't a 1 trick pony build.
What build/sorcery/incant would allow me to do this sort of thing?
Posting in new thread
This is only him saying that the Greater Will is a more important celestial body so the moon is irrelevant in the grand scheme.
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Miquella is Link the Twink, Radahn is just gay Ganondorf.
Most people can't seem to figure out what to do when both legs catch fire and it jumps/explodes.
Anon at level 60 Vigor you're still dying in one hit to a lot of bosses combos even at 60% absorption.
And I know this because I'm usually at 70+ absorption for a bosses main element and will just roll over dead to a combo if I eat all the hits.
I never got the Ranni appeal.
>t. Millicentking
Miyazaki is TERRIFIED of creating good wizard bosses. I don’t know why, either.

For all of his love for occult concepts and esoteric themes, he does not like casters.
How is Malikath not considered one of the hardest bosses in the game? Hyper aggressive, extremely difficult to hit since he spends half the time in the air, can kill you in one combo at 60 vigor, chain combos, extremely small openings, ranged attacks
Threadly reminder that Messmer did nothing wrong. His only error was not going further in wiping out the hornkike menace forever.
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Miqqy breaking down crying after you beat him. What would you say to him in the last moments of his life?
ranni inspired to learn to draw so i can make headcanon comics of elden ring and my tarnished mating pressing her

your answer depends also on who you are hitting

if we don't count perfume bottles being bugged, probably some bleed bullshit for DPS (bloodfiend arm), giant crusher for the latter 2
probably because meleechuds shit their pants and cry whenever they have to fight a mage
He is (in the base game at least)?

I hate his fight because his health is so low that I never really feel like I learned him, just got lucky where he didn't do his autism moves allowing me to four shot him
Can I get some help? I've done some Str/Faith with Siluria's tree, Lightning perfume, and Pure Int runs. However, my Faith run used Siluria as a casting stick.
I want to do another Strength run. Maybe Strength/Arc.

Is it better to go Colossal + Shield so I have something for Radahn or double Colossal GET STUNNED GET STUNNED GET STUNNED
He didn't breed with Rellana is what he did wrong.
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How the frick do I get over there?
>get on torrent
>double jump
low hp pool, easy to poise break

one riposte and it's over
I thought the general difficulty consensus for base game bosses was
Obviously they're all childs play compared to the DLC, but those are the ones I saw most people whining about the difficulty of when ER was new
Anon Rellana and her sister discovered the twin moons as children, implying he (Ymir) didn’t find the spells of his pupils all that impressive, further implying he’s just the better wizard.

And yet his fight is just dog shit. I hate it when they relegate lore powerful people to npc type encounters, but this one truly takes the cake for me.
He's made of paper and folds like it.
She's a coherent NPC with a decently long quest that isn't (completely) insane, doesn't randomly die for tragedy points, talks to you like a mostly human being, has a special ending and gives you the iconic moon sword. All of that in a FROM software game. She's an anomaly. The other waifus don't stand a chance against such a portfolio.
St. Trina's voice was kind of hot
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Why does Miquella need to brainwash Mohg to access the Realm of Shadow?

If Mogh was actually not that bad of a guy, why does his induction ceremony involve murdering maidens and killing other Tarnished?
Most people I know, myself included, point to him as pretty emblematic of the worst parts of ER boss design for all those reasons. Most people do consider him very hard, probably the hardest of the bosses you have to actually beat for the story.
Elden Ring story so far:

There's a land where everyone is killed and put into pots. One girl does not want to be stuffed to pot and lets her son kill everyone who stuff people into pots. Meanwhile her children kill each other and their people. Tarnished enters and kills everyone left.
what helm is that
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why do I get constant 59->57 noticable fps drops but when I use elden ring fps unlocker I get 100+ fps but the game fells not as smooth? am i retarded or it actually works like that?
Giantsflame Take Thee + Flame Grant Me Strength + fire physick + fire scorpion + flock's' canvas talisman
She's THE designated waifu of the game tailor-made for the average normalfag to fall for.
I can't decide, int or faith build? Which has the more fun spells
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How are you supposed to dodge the drake's fire attacks? They seem taller than every other dragon's attacks and like jumping over it even with torrent never works
Same for like Bayle, though yo a lesser extent since you can run to the side easier with him
bayle is so fucking shit to coop, way too tanky
Meant AR specifically
Will try the giant crusher
Elden Ring show might actually be kino if done right. Shame we won't actually see it until 2028 at the earliest.
I knew this pairing would appeal to these kinds of trannies
>But then you remember that she didn't start this crusade till presumably after/during the Liurnian Wars (since there's Carians in Messmer's army)
Timeline's wonky and I don't know if that's true. Carians existed before they joined to Leyndell after all.
>and she kept doing the Jar shit even after she became a God.
Did she? I don't get that sense. Sure there's jars all over but, could just be remaining ones. Of note, jarburg is close to where Belurat would have been when the Land of Shadow wasn't hidden. And then, there's a difference between sticking the dead remains of people in jars, and doing whatever ritualistic shit the Hornsent did to stick the Shamans into the pots while somehow keeping them alive and capable of melding with the flesh within.
Gwyndolin was one of the best bosses this series has ever had and I don't give a fuck if it was a simple gimmick.
I mean that doesn't mean Ymir managed to reach the power of a Mother of Fingers by any stretch. He TRIED to be as great as the things he saw, but we're told his microcosm won't reveal shit and he clearly has failed at ascension and transformation.
But yeah, of course, the NPC fights are poorly done most of the time.
That doesn't mean you should skimp on it. I keep seeing invaders with sub-1k HP who do LITERALLY nothing but spam L2, literal Kevin hosts who melt to a single shadowman. It's wild out there.
Go through the Specimen storehouse via the church district entrance and not the other entrance and you should get there eventually if you explore
Mohg is a bad person regardless of Miquella's brainwashing, but somehow people tend to skip over that Miquella wasn't brainwashing Mohg into worshipping the blood-rape alien devil thing. That was all Mohg on his own.
>Why does Miquella need to brainwash Mohg to access the Realm of Shadow?
Maybe it's because Mohg is a hornsent
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>I knew this pairing would appeal to these kinds of trannies
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"you didn't beat the game"
There's nothing gay about fucking a little boy that looks like a little girl.
Int has all the fun spells in the base game
Fth got all the new fun spells in the DLC
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This doesn't count as posting about him
So you admit you're just literal pedos.
All of his attacks whiff and is in general very easy to dodge and punish.
Unironically his phase 1 is harder.
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Finished at skibidi 8. Maybe my opinion will change on Bayle when I beat him without summoning Igon, but he took me like 4 tries and I didn't look back.
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What is his fucking problem?
And if gaming history is anything to go by for the last 30 or so years, Ganon really loves losing to that twink cock.
Faith. 70% of INT is variations of blue pew pew lasers. Faith gets random weird spells and a bajilion different buffs. It's an FTH game, pure and simple.
t. INTfag

meant for >>484137530
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He really needed to get over his mommy issues and just fuck the hot Carian girl that wanted his snake.
I think his fight is actually the coolest in the DLC. It didn't even make me that mad.
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Listen, they may have been all about murdering people and inflicting wounds and live in a torturous bloody nightmare hellscape of pure suffering but we draw the line at accusations of child molestation okay
if you want to oneshot you kind of need to make a meme build around it.
FTH has more spells, but good luck getting them off compared to INT spells.
Cool, that’s one of the few we get, and ever get.
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>Where is the loot?
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where do you think you are
Int plays better and is generally stronger / more consistent but Faith looks cooler and has more fun spells that are cool and creative but also trades some of their usability for that cool factor (Things like long clunky cast times, not being able to move and cast etc) so pick your poison
He's an absolute shit tier boss and even after the DLC he's THE pinnacle of "When the fuck is it my turn". They were way more interested in making people go "WOW COOL FLIPPING DOG HE'S SO EPIC" than actually making a good fight.
That said, he has next to no HP and dies in a few hits so he just ends up flipping around a few times then dies. It's like From made all these stupid ridiculous animations of Maliketh flipping around the arena doing anime moves, then realized he was annoying as fuck to fight and just halved his HP pool.
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Has the fire knight greatsword dethroned the blasphemous blade?
The teleporting wizard in Dark Souls 3 was great too. Wizards aren't real shit unless they have cool gimmicks. Rennala was also good.
Preferably kys.
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Anon, I'm taking the piss out of the comparison.
>he's THE pinnacle of "When the fuck is it my turn"
you never learned how to dodge his attacks huh
Imagine the fucking trauma of Marika when her twin boys came out looking like the monsters who slaughtered her village way back in the beginning of it all.
> he clearly has failed at ascension and transformation.
How do you know? His clothes boost finger sorceries and we arguably put him down at the very beginning of his ascent. We could have been preventing the birth of a real abomination for all we know.
It's pride month. Stop pedoshaming.
It's a fun fight, especially phase 2 which in my opinion is much easier than the first phase.
>Gaius’s charge hit box is completely fucked
>Messmer’s snake hit boxes in p2 are completely fucked
Can they fix this shit already? I’m tired of getting hit through my shield for no fucking reason. Like as if it isn’t already hard enough to carry dumbo hosts with 3 scuba.
I'd rate it the 2nd best only behind Midra.
Though his phase transition fucking S C R E A M S Godfrey and only enforces my belief of Radagon being a Shaman with Marika, them having fused at some point or another and the most important bit; Godfrey fathering Messmer by knocking up Radagon.
It doesn't heal 25% of your hp bar on hit, so no.

Although it's definitely top tier.
>Radahn higher than Messmer and Bayle
bad bait
how are you supposed to when the second you hit him he dies
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Did anyone do the priestess heart build yet? What would a good weapon be (apart from light, I already know that)?
Nta but it's hard to do so when he flips over my head and makes the camera spazz
Then the hole bit where he hangs from the pillars
before corkscrewing twice with black flames and then throwing himself at you.
He's the worst fucking boss in this game by far.
The teleporting wizard duo are the only ones you got in DS3, and Rennala is the only one you got in ER. 99% of all foes aren’t pure casters, anon.
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Best build in the game
No, Flame Spear/Skewer aren't as braindead as Blasphemous Blade spam and doesn't heal you.
is milady good with quality if i have 80 str and 30 dex? i feel like i do 0 dmg
A shocking number of people seem to dismount to fight on foot when they encounter these guys, same with dragons
I just dont get it
Yeah. Best fight second only to Midra. Phase 2 was really satisfying when fighting the giant snakes.
the player version of the divine beast tornado incantation doesnt even knock enemies upward :(
Why has no one posted any pictures or talked about the jungle area?
I don't think groomers who behave like straight rapists represent gay people.
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Bait use to be believable
She gave birth to a guy who has snakes coming out of holes in his body first, with a sister possibly being a crazy psycho that birthed snake people.
Think she should have been used to the idea that her vagina is a genetics garbage dump by now.
Cannon of Haima or Giantsflame take thee?
you can get out a bigger number of strong attacks on foot so you can stance break them faster, you can just get back on the horse to avoid anything you can't on foot
Milady does bad damage period. It has significantly less AR than just a Katana, especially Hand of Malenia. Best bet is probably lightning infusion.
Cannon of Haima can do work for surprise aoe attacks. Also hits through walls which is pretty sweet

Basically the same build as >>484137867
but just the magic versions of the buffs and equipment
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>health bloat
Your frost/rot/bleed/blackflame/destined death, sir?
Player abilities and npcs aren’t supposed to be the real deal, for the sake of game.
One is sorcery
One is an incantation
You're either doing intfag or faithnigger
>Why do people hate invaders and just use seamless. It's an integral part of the game! and pvp's fun!
It's easier and I can do more consistent dmg at least for the fire giants. For dragons it depends, I'll fight until torrent dies and then I don't bother reviving him. The movement of torrent makes it harder for me to dodge breath attacks if I'm facing the wrong direction than just simply being on foot.
Did anyone else find Romina way easier than any other remembrance up to that point? Still thought she was cool, though.
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if I kill Radahn, will I still be able to challenge the optional bosses like Gaius, Midra, etc?
Anyone know where there's a good (respawning) "target dummy" in the expansion? I think I found another broken skill with absurd damage.
Yeah man that line of thinking would work if this was DBZ and I could fly up into the air and hit him while he's twirling around but sadly for you it's a souls game so I sit my cuck ass on the ground and just flop around like a fish dodging his sword beams.
You can actually use INT spells in a fight.
FTH spells are almost universally plagued with either long cast animations or significant ending lag.

4/5ths of the entire dragon roster might as well not exist for half of the DLC fights.
Are the three runebears just a Mistwoods reference or is there something other than a cookbook around them?
You mean Faithchad?
it is if you aren't a pussy yellow that tries to jam out of hitstun twice in a row
schizo anon is still posting the same webm
>making up an entire strawman because he hates summons
yeah he died like a bitch but you're a schizo
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Does Midra have a change in his lines if you inherited the Frenzied Flame? Probably not because From doesn't care
kino post, based redchad
I really loved the Romina fight, despite how easy it was
Doubt you'll get locked out of any of those fights.
>take new staff
>can do both
I don't gotta pick shit
if you can't win 3v1 you're a fucking retard.
>m..muh new players
they are all niggers who search for ''BROKEN BUILDS'' on youtube
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>pick your waifu
>5 picks
Leave this place. Miyazaki is pro Minors Attracted Persons. He even included a Radahn the MAP. So fuck off and leave, Miyazaki doesn't want bigot like you here.
Carian's existed before, but Rellana is specifically Renalla's YOUNGER sister. So this is definitely about Renalla's time as the head of the Carians.
Also Gaius's remembrance outright says that he and Messmer were "like elder brothers to the lion" meaning Radahn. Gaius was a peer to Radahn in learning Gravity Magic under the same Alabaster Lord, so that's another sign that the crusade happened later on.
Also the Furnace Giants are covered in heads and whatnot of the Fire Giants, so it definitely happened at least after the War with the Giants.

As for the Jars, it's not just Jarburg. we find Jars all over, particularly in catacombs and burial sites. So presumably the jar process was just carried over into the GO burial stuff.

But which one?
Thanks, just making sure before I burn down the tree.
Is there a comfy grace in the DLC? They all kind of suck
Why in the dlc specifically? I test everything on the Troll in front of Godrick. Trolls have no weaknesses or resistances so they make the perfect test dummy.
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Radahn's cool, even if the lore is dumb. Placidusax (and basically every major FS dragon fight) mogs Bayle.
Aldrich is also a caster in DS3. He's not so great though. There are some other "mostly or heavily casters" that I'd argue shit like Astel can be lumped into.

I'm happier that such pure caster fights are somewhat sparse and almost always good for it. I'd rather have less but more interesting, unique mechanics for them that emphasize what mastering sorcery can do than just a dozen guys whose gimmick is to blast you at range and teleport away over and over.
The spear throw on Messmer's spear is very fun and useful.
I don't really understand his fight but it was fun to go back and forth between his attacks with blind spot
newfag doesn't know about basedposting
Invaders exist to balance out co-op. While bosses are currently getting overscaled to shit, the rest of the PvE stands literally no chance to a 3 squad.
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>Please choose at least 5 option(s).
No because they were hellbent on making the DLC completely self-contained.
I did Frenzied Flame ending before doing DLC assuming there would be interesting dialogue but no. No one gives a shit.
>There's an unironic Wubbadlubbadubdub reference in a new item description
Fromsoft needs to fucking fire their localization company
Aren't most of the new dlc bosses status immune or heavily resistant?
Blackflame is lame because the only two projectile incantations are lame otherwise. If there were a blackflame version of giants flame nuke thee, I'd be using that
Shaman Village, just bring napkins if you know the lore. You'll need to dry tears.
> Aldrich is also a caster in DS3
Nah he’s just a blob pretending to be one we already fought in the first game. That fight is cool but lazy.
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>jap dogs paying for an extra line of voice acting
are you gonna tell us what item it is or do we just take your word for it
Messmer's Spear is most likely getting nerfed. Which is too bad because it's one of the most fun weapons in the DLC.
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Who else is weak to lady knights.
I kneel.
Elden Ring ith God of War 1 sex scenes when? How is GTA:SA allowed to have sex?
Might get the dlc. My save is level 180 and I'm still in NG. I have more or less every item, spell, weapon and armor in the game. Should I keep playing or should I just start over? I haven't played for 2 years.
He's made of paper and you're supposed to use the parry tool
I don't believe you.
Why are fight clubs nonexistent in this game when they were very much alive in Dks3? It's much more fun than arena...
it does more than 3k damage but it's multi hit so I can't tell its limits, and this is before I've started howl of shabririmaxing
Imagine if they actually did and all the NPCs would immediately refuse to associate with you and Miquella's charm wouldn't work on you.
how to dodge scadutree avatar nigger projectiles spam
>All of these fucking DLC tourists seething at le evil invaders
>dies to skeleton bandit
>Select Nepheli and Tanith
>remember they're canonically being loved by someone and married, the former applies more for Nepheli since she's not married
>unselect them
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Lady knights suck
Crazy bitches on the other hand...
Am I supposed to know what that is?
Just keep playing. DLC is entirely self contained. Starting over is just wasting your time.
>Heard people crying and shitting themselves about difficulty again
>Reach realm of shadows
>First item you find is some tree bark that increases stats
>Enemies take longer too kill and do more damage
>Pop 3 just to see how much of a difference they make
>Bosses now die in a few hits
Am I being trolled?
holy mother of rollslop...what the fuck
The dueling shield says that the Shadow Lands(Before it became the Shadow Lands) and the Erd Tree empire did go through some sort of culture exchange in the past, so the jars probably did get imported.
It's just kind of weird that Marika would even let it happen.
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Leda CHADS, ww@?
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WHY THE FUCK is Oathkeeper Set just straight-up worse than your generic fucking Knight Set? Why???
> I'm happier that such pure caster fights are somewhat sparse and almost always good for it
Rennala was only good visually, and she’s still an early game encounter, and the only actually *accurate* wizard fight was with Miriam. Gideon and Ymir are both pushovers and I hate it.

> I'd rather have less but more interesting, unique mechanics for them that emphasize what mastering sorcery can do
Cool, you got none of that in this game, except for one boss and one teleporting librarian.

>blast you at range and teleport away over and over.
That’s how they’re supposed to fight. If they get up close they’re not fighting as well as they could be.
just a bunch of shitters having skill issues
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>make this huge open area
>put a tiny masoleum there and nothing else
did they just forget? could easily have put more stuff here
I will unironically headcanon my Tarnished helping her rid herself of Miquella and falling into yandere habits on my tarnished instead.
Just finished the DLC.

I liked:
>most of the bosses
>most of the new weapons
>the legacy dungeons (shadow keep specially, it's my favorite now)

I hated:
>the dogshit rewards for exploring
>the vast, huge open areas that have nothing in them and are basically for spectacle
>the performance drops in some areas

Both Shadow Keep and Ancient Ruins of Rauh nuked my FPS for some reason, I had like 40 FPS for most of the Ancient Ruins (and the Romina boss fight) and it ruined my experience there. I literally never had this happen to me ONCE in the entire base game.

I will come back and play NG+ when they release the balance + performance patch. I wanna use the Carian Sorcery Sword for my playthrough but it's bugged rn so I can't.
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woah bro you must be like, really good at the game and also get laid a lot hahaha
I never said the fact the yellow go wrecked was bad or good.
But if you don't think the poster is acting like a tremendous cock sucking faggot with a post like that, dunno what to tell you. Personally, I don't want to deal with such an individual. Ever.
It's just mind numbing to fight.
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>ant's skull plate is the only shield with tier 3 hardness and deflects enemies using anything but the biggest weapons
>doesn't work in pvp
lame lame lame lame LAME!!! i just want a fucking counter to shield poking god damn it!!!!
Giantsflame take thee casts quicker and is more usable in direct combat. Cannon of haima (i think) has slightly longer range and probably hits abit harder. Maybe also has a bigger aoe radius? Not sure but it feels like it might

Fire spells are generally better at short - medium range, INT spells often work at longer ranges and are better for pestering co-op cucks

Idk nigga do you like red or blue? Choose your colour
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>Only pick my waifu because I am not a niggerfaggot
>Please choose at least 5 options
ran out of time, the dlc is clearly rushed.
You can levy this criticism at Elden Ring as a whole, you'd be here all day.
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>But if you don't think the poster is acting like a tremendous cock sucking faggot with a post like that, dunno what to tell you. Personally, I don't want to deal with such an individual. Ever.
>10% damage boost
I never even beat the game on my first character because I didn't want to burn Melina incase she was in the dlc.

it was so immersive and the hidden meaning is about being a buddhist monk alone on a mountain so it was clearly too deep for you
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I wonder if the Mausoleums are actually a late addition to the game. The gameplay trailer from 4 months ago had a clear bit of the player fighting the Dancer in the Cerulean Coast. But then she's just in a mausoleum when we get to the actual game.
Gods I want to fuck Leda in the ass so bad.
Red Bear would've niggered out and punched a baby or something if they put more there.
I'm more annoyed by the bit of castle wall to that spot's right that I can't find any entrance for.
Only the last boss is difficult in the entire DLC
Reminder that master Willem was supposed to be a boss before Miyazaki scrapped it. He was like 3/4 done too.
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From should have done that. Yandere religious women are fucking top tier.
ermmmm zoomer you're supposed to TAKE IN the scenery and SOAK in the lore
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Yeah but Jarburg is THE jar place. I'll concede there.
As for the Hornsent being allowed to stay on a leash, Marika clearly backstabbed them as soon as she ascended to divinity, going by both the trailer and the way the old grandma talks about her. Even if the final genocide wasn't right away no way they had good relations after that.
I really don't want to ever touch anything related to FS again, not even with a stick.

Mark my words, they're the new Ubisoft. Miyazaki won't even be the one to develop the next game. It'll start getting gradually worse but the new audience will gorge it up all the same and in some 10 years everyone will see what's evident to the wiser already. The developer's gone to shit.
Is the effect permanent or does it goes away after you die because just 3 are making every encounter trivial, I don't know if there are more only 3 spots marked on the map tho.
>That’s how they’re supposed to fight. If they get up close they’re not fighting as well as they could be.
That gets tedious by design. It's the same thing as why there aren't that many bosses who play keep away and pelt you with arrows.

Also Rennala was great in all ways honestly. I disagree completely.
What we see of the combat animations the survived the cut, looks downright stupid, with him floating around in his chair and falling on you.
The snake boss being cut was a bigger loss.
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>my votes were the top 5 results, in exactly the order i knew they were going to be
> That gets tedious by design
So does rolling constantly and poking at an enemy a bazillion times you idiot
>le gold mask faggot
The greater will is an alien, and his daughter is full of maggots.
Gross shit
im a faith dex, what's my best option for misericorde to do big crit damage?
Keep proving my point faggot.
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The urge to correct evil women is only natural.
>"My Lord, Lady Nepheli Loux has come fo-...My Lord? Where are you?"
>Queue scene of Tarnished being forced against a wall in a locked room with Leda straddling him with one knee against the wall and her hands with the Tarnnished's locked against the wall, foreheads pressed close to make him stare only at her.
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YES! More dogshit, cinematic incantations with big flashy lights and explosions and no practical use! That's EXACTLY what we needed!
ymir also spams the new blink spell
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It never works out.
Are they fully modeled?
Melee enemies come towards you. They don't run away from you and make it harder to engage. Do you not understand how that is different to deal with continually?
Explain the difference between faith, arcane, and intelligence builds without saying what type of spells each focuses on because all 3 have all types
No. They are both extremely rapeable.
Congrats on being a certified normalfag with the most boring taste imaginable.
but did you like it?
tears? I'll need them to catch my cum
>creating good wizard bosses
What would that be to you?
Because you clearly don't like Gideon, which is a player style caster, nor rennala (phase 2), which is a very stereotypical action game wizard.
Do you want more shit like crystal sage and Miriam? But those feel more like dungeon clears than bosses, so likely not.
Consider also that he's a jap and their concept of wizard is basically pewpewing elements plus summoning pokemons. You can only expect so much out of him.
>For all of his love for occult concepts
Lmao he loves lovecraftian shit, true. But that's for horror, not unga bunga action games.
Always forget that Melina looks like beef jerky under her cloths. Such a pretty face on a ICU patient.
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Don't care. Miquella only. We are not deterred.
every strafe attack has a tell, hop on torrent and ride
>Godfrey fathering Messmer by knocking up Radagon.
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Strong foe ahead,
Praise the message
> What we see of the combat animations the survived the cut, looks downright stupid
Nah. It matches the insanity of the game. It’s not any sillier than the slime scholars. Invisible telekinetic assaults can also be terrifying, and the voice actor put a lot of effort into the occult gibberish Willem is muttering.
> The snake boss being cut was a bigger loss.
I’m sad about that as well.
I can't wait for vaati's Prepare to Cry on Marika
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Yuria was great, though
But I'm bad at the game
Fth has healing. Also the most damage potential
Int has the most versatility of function. You've got a spell to do everything.
Arc has the most versatility of damage type. It has literally every damage type in the game.
>Tell me what sets casters apart aside from their spells
Blue, gold, red.
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the delayed attacks in these games are so peak, ik it sounds weird.

I like the delayed attacks, it was so fucking boring sometimes playing dark souls 1-3 and then bloodborne and not even needing to learn a boss because u see attack and then spam b and win

basically good reaction time = win

after ds3 i went to ds1 and was a unstoppable monster who killed every single fucking boss in like 1-3 attempts including dlc, then I went to bloodborne and it was even fucking easier besides MAYBE amelia, the snake trio and orphan of kos ( obviously )

elden ring reinforces actually learning the boss instead of just knowing the dodge roll timing, and people who complain are just literally mad they can't 1-2 try bosses and have to sit down and learn them.

I have seen so many clips of people on this board fighting the last boss and it always 70% of the time goes like this

>"this boss is so fucking unfair, fuck this dlc, fuck this game"
>check vidya
>panic rolling
>click off vidya

how is it this fucking complicated? just learn the fucking moveset, there is a reason that the higher the skill the more enjoyment for this game and the lower the skill the more hate and resentment.

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There's also statues of Marika all over the place, not even just where Messmer's army is.
I don't think we have hard text to prove it, but it seems likely that it went:
>Hornsent have a hard on for contacting divinity (hence the Tower, worshipping the crucible and stuffing Numen in jars to become saints)
>Marika shows up with the guidance of the Two Fingers (who also want to get to contact the GW again)
>Convinces the Hornsent to let them plant the Erdtree (or just that the Erdtree already growing is the best way to contact the gods)
>Marika backstabs the top people at the Gate of Divinity and uses it to become a God
>This is still what the Hornsent in general wanted though so they were cool with her at the time
>Marika goes out and establishes the Golden Order and does her wars and whatnot
>She finally starts doubting the Fingers and realizes she's been played
>Sends Messmer to burn down the Land of Shadow and seals it so she doesn't have to look at them anymore
>Starts her shit around shattering the ER and getting Godfrey/Tarnished to start a new age
they are the sexiest, it's that simple
That's Leda's chest armor, not Oathkeeper.
With my FAITH build, I have been using the Erdtree Sacred Seal all time, but after just beating Messmer, im thinking into trying to go for a Fire focused build using the Messmer spear.
Should I use the Fire Priest Sacred Seal, or the Fire Giant one? Or stick to the Erdtree one due to the huge FAITH scaling even if unfocused to any kind of incantations?
make sure you disable ad block sister ;^)
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Didn't expect weak foe
in short seek skill
the double wave of madness bullshit that hits you regardless of which direction you dodge to.
Is it ACTUALLY a difficult and epic fight or it's like that r*ddit meme where they say Radahn was harder pre-patch?
So you’re saying you just don’t want to be annoyed? Do you know what game you are playing, buddy? All of these games are constant repeat encounters, and you draw the line at something different being done a few too many times.

Blind to irony.
Cast with erdtree, have the other one in your off hand. Its damage bonus will apply even if it's not the one being used.
>via the church district
I had to look up how the fuck to get there. A whole chunk of map hidden behind a tiny hole in the ground.
>Godskin Apostle Seal
Is this TRUE!?!?!
it really isn't this bad in the base game

there's a shitton of different areas that are massive and have absolutely nothing in them

the worst offender in the base game is the mountaintops, but even it is not this bad
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>Borrowing and returning 10 scrolls a day from the school's library while subtlety increasing the size of my cranium with cloth until they say something
>Fth has healing. Also the most damage potential

I was told INT has the most damage potential, was I lied to?
St. Trina's opium den is nice
Fire Knight sucks nigger dick and if you plan to use the spear you can't offhand it so go for erdtree.
Carian Sovereignty is so fucking cool, bros
I can't stop using it
I need MORE stuff to kill
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Being able to do this fight on boarback was one of the best changes they made to the game. The sekiro parry crystal tear also made malenia and some other bosses fun.
it's just rote memorization, when you see it fly up it's doing the arc and you ride in the opposite direction of it, when you see it do the wave firebreath ride to your left, when you see it do the straight firebreath ride right or left but not back because that one is very long

really simple
>Miyazaki won't even be the one to develop the next game
I hope so
How can people no-hit him (without rolling even) if he has unavoidable moves
It would be comfier without the whimpering cuck.
Marika's capable of being very calculating but she's also clearly emotional and hotheaded (shattered the ring when Godwyn died)
I don't see tolerating the Hornsent at all.
it is cool
i just find it hard to use against bosses in the DLC with their spastic movesets
can easily parry radahb till phase 2 now
but then its complete clusterfuck and i cant find any opening
It's just Malenia all over again. People were shitting themselves over Rellana on day 1 of release, and now, for some odd reason, they all disappeared.
Game is literal caveman tier, is not that hard anon.
both int and fth are situationally better for raw damage potential depending on the situation, usually ADLS or comet azur, when you can use them. for raw ranged dps comet spam wins.
I understand that if a game has a dozen bosses which all run away from you to blast you with magic people are going to be annoyed because it's pure tedium. I loved Gwyndolin's fight, which is exactly this. I would not love 10 Gwyndolin fights. I don't want 10 Miriams. It's fun to encounter a couple of times. You can see it with the normal casters who go disappear. They aren't hard, I doubt anyone finds them all that fun, but they are a bother. Used, fortunately, fairly sparingly.
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I'd agree, but Rellana was locked onto Leda and instantly switched with a heavy hitting charge, that in a normal game, would be a dedicated attack to one area.
He fuck offs after you kill the faggot
Now you can have the loli for yourself
They destroyed my boy.
Elden Beast was the kinoest fight in the entire game but now is relegated to a drake-tier fight.
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Do NOT say it.
What are the differences between it and Grandeur?
What do you mean? Phase 2 still uses the same sword combos. Just parry them and try to dodge the other shit.
Bro forgot he has an attack button
Still waiting on an answer as to how Miquella became a god without attaining the Elden Ring. Literally what even is the Divine Gate? Marika is a god because she's the vessel of the Elden Ring, so what makes Miquella a god? Is the Divine Gate just a backdoor access to the Elden Ring/Erdtree?
you can roll through that, it's just very precise

I would have lost my mind with all that rolling.
>Fighting magic with magic
You fucking caveman.
almost all of fromsoft's DLC has been impacted by the next soulsbornekiroring game they're working on, both design-wise and via little winks and easter eggs.

from playing the DLC, certain areas and bosses, and how generally aggressive the enemies are, my guess is that the next sousbornekiroring game is going to be bloodborne 2

ignoring the whole metyr thing, midra's entire area is thematically evocative of bloodborne, and his theme without context could easily be from the bloodborne OST. I spent a few days wondering why the fuck the song sounded so familiar until it hit me. the front of the song is very much elden ring, but the incidental music, like the background instrument choices, created atmosphere, pacing, etc. takes a ton of inspiration from bloodborne to the point it almost sounds like a fusion of the two games. compare between midra and a few bloodborne themes and you can hear the familiarity:

midra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aeQVSgK7EI [Embed]
cleric beast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9vS0Wd27rs
living failures: https://youtu.be/ALbVEmzY5S4?list=PLelOCNm842Y_3Xv22_jO92_8F4YQDXFIi&t=237 [Embed]
ludwig: https://youtu.be/ALbVEmzY5S4 [Embed]
lady maria: https://youtu.be/8mByDcrNSV0?t=139 [Embed]

I hope I'm right because bloodborne is great and it vastly increases the chances for bloodborne on PC.
I agree. It really feels like they were determined to make a big and very pretty open world for the DLC without actually checking if they had enough cool stuff to distribute throughout it. I enjoyed the based game's open world, but this really did not need to be one, especially since I think the level design of the dungeons suffered for it.
I definitely have noticed bosses input read attacks like this in multiplayer with DLC stuff. I didn't notice it in the base game but it's been a while. Radahn, Rellana and Messmer would all instantly change to target me just like that before my attack even landed on them. Crazy shit.
> Also Rennala was great in all ways honestly. I disagree completely.

She was great visually but she is catered only to caster playstyles. Most builds do in fact destroy her. Her high magic resist is as though she were only made for the caster type player.

You need to understand that magic takes back seat in these games.

> Do you want more shit like crystal sage and Miriam?

Honestly yes, since that is precisely how a wizard is supposed to fight. Why would a cloth wearing, calculating individual get in close quarters with someone who has a big ass sword and dense ass armor?
you can summon leta for this fight wtf?? i didnt even know she had a questline i just thought she was a evil bitch.

yeah the game acts really weird with summons, if u wanna prevent this id just recommend running dedicars woe or some shit so the boss is always agro'd on you or something that decreases agro.
Grandeur's first hit does slightly more damage to HP and posture IIRC, but Sovereignty has a meaty follow up that's a wide AoE.
You can still fight him the shitty way if you enjoy wasting your time.
>emotional and hotheaded (shattered the ring when Godwyn died)
I mean, there is the theory that she didn't do that just out of emotion but actually planned it. That she helped Ranni by getting her a bit of Destined Death from Maliketh. She already had intended for the Tarnished to go off, die and come back stronger to take the ER once more, and she had Melina set up to burn the Erdtree.

I could see it being that she initially was blinded by godhood and divinity and just went with what the Fingers said. She only realized they're retarded once her men started to falter and she started looking into the roots of the Golden Order. Then she realized this shit had to end and the whole Land of Shadow thing was just a last selfish act on her part.
It seems that is what she did, probably about the time Godfrey got kicked out and Crucible shit got put down hard.
It does seem to line up with when the Erdtree started to die, so the Hornsent massacre might have been more than just petty revenge and dumping all the criminals and snake freaks away.
Godskin is the best for a pure fire build.
Erdtree is only better if you're going to use every school and have gone over 70fth.
so can you do something against this? i'm new to pvp
To avoid breaking anything by going to Altus early I just have to not rest at any Graces correct?
he spams completely different attacks at me...everything flashes i see 100 radahns
he barely uses the attacks from phase 1
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Mom Marika way too cute with them slightly tired soft eyes.
The only thing that made Malenia stand out was the silly spin to win attack, she was a wet doodle otherwise. I hope the final boss ain't the fucking whale again.
I was rolling at the wrong time just like you when i first started fighting her. You gotta delay your roll a bit.
Unlike with the base game most of the side content in the dlc is actually fun to do on subsequent playthroughs. Quality over quantity.
The guy recording the webm could have attacked in-between his rolls and caught him at any time.
I was told it was FTH.
The fact people no longer bitch about Malenia doesn't mean she stopped being bullshit.
She's still an overall poorly designed boss due to the overtuned healing on hit and the waterfoul dance. The issue is that the majority of faggots that play these games don't actually look critically at bosses or the overall game design. They say "boss killing me, game bad" while refusing to adapt their build or try different strategies.
Fire giant, Maliketh, Elden Beast (though that's not the case anymore thanks to Torrent I think) and Malenia haven't stopped being asinine because the vast majority of shitters learned to shieldpoke or jumping heavy them to death.
As for the DLC bosses, most are meh. Radahn's the only trully shitty one.
use spears to rollcatch
this is why i didn't summon even a spirit ash for this boss, lol
why did they add such obnoxious music to every area
totally ruins the atmosphere when everywhere I go I have to hear chanting
>nooo you shouldn't use dual spears in pvp, they're too OP
>meanwhile the average host
They deserve the pokes.
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Can I fuck Marika yet???
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if marika being the greater will's avatar makes her a goddess
and malenia being the the outer god of rot's avatar makes her a goddess
then why is the tarnished not the god of frenzy and mog not the god of blood?
the game seemed to establish that there is a god and their consort which is lord, but mohg is not the consort he should be the god.
really? when i was trying to do that the second roll would've just avoided it
milady btw
marika sex
> I understand that if a game has a dozen bosses which all run away from you to blast you with magic people are going to be annoyed because it's pure tedium

These games are 90% pure tedium.

> I don't want 10 Miriams.

And I don’t want 100 magic knights that begin with “forgive me…” and have HP bars with no end in sight.
>he spams completely different attacks at me...everything flashes i see 100 radahns
Dodge/run away for those until he goes back to doing phase 1 attacks (which he inevitably does)
The phase 1 attacks have miquella follow ups but they're still the exact same to parry
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What seal would be ideal for a dex build with just enough fth for buffs/utility?
it literally has to be bloodborne 2, i cannot see them making sekiro 2 cuz that game is pretty much a 1 and done story. Its either bloodborne 2 or a sekiro like game
I have complete confidence in Sellen and Leda to kick your scrawny ass.
After the shaman village I can't genuinely believe she'd have a child killed.
If she was capable of that, Morgott and Mohg would have not gotten away with just the sewer treatment.
get fucked bullgoatnigger
that hitbox is so fucking jacked you can't even raptor of the mists through it
Int is straightforward. It has the highest raw damage and highest fp efficiency and deals it mostly in straightforward easy to use spells. It's the most effective casting school for dealing damage at range.
Fth is the opposite. Its spells are mostly inefficient and expensive and aren't typically straightforward, instead javing additional effects that increase their value or things like bug AoEs, hyper armour, or weird hit boxes that are more difficult to avoid. Their sources of straightforward ranged damage are limited by cost or long animation commitment and most of their strongest spells are close range. They tend to have a lot of utilities to offset their raw damage and have access to a very diverse spread of damage types.

Arcane is the status effect stat but it can dip into either int or fth to access their respective tools thanks to having arc-scaling staves. The arc-centric spells are mostly just dragon stuff and some blood spells for inflicting status at range, but arc is mostly a melee weapon stat.
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I beat the dlc at 150 and am now just spamming co ops and shit
Should I stay at 150? Cause I swear everyone is like 200+ in this dlc and I feel like I should level too
>milady btw
Light Greatswords have a bad moveset unfortunately, especially for roll-catch.
It always seems bad at first, but then you find a way. He might do more sword strikes if you stick close to him.
Yeah I don't like the current trend of stage music. It began with Sekiro. I don't see Fromsoft changing anytime soon.
She doesn't have to be a difficult fight to be good. She's fine.
Sorry, not gonna read all that. She's a great fight though.
> It's fun to encounter a couple of times
I bet you fucking hate this game then, eh? Because you’re fighting the same thing like ten fucking times, in ten different ways. I can use your argument for royal revenants, tree spirits, erdtree guardians, burial watchdogs, and more.
>Why would a cloth wearing, calculating individual get in close quarters with someone who has a big ass sword and dense ass armor?
Because it's a boss fight in an action game.
I mean I get your point and don't disagree conceptually, but you're not going to get that shit for fog wall bosses.
this image is funny because false king has the same "wow i really wish this fight was fucking over" feeling to radahn
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Why are hostcels always so cocky until they have to fight alone? Big tough guys always need backup?
I mean do what you want, I leveled to 230 to use the new weapons and I still get summoned instantly
Dragon communism (if you somehow have 10 arc) or erdtree (for 30 fth) because they weight nothing
Your level doesn't really matter compared to the scadutree fragments collected, and that's determined by the host you join.
>>484136262 #
>You don't dodge until the moment the attack is coming towards you.
theoretically. due to ER's built in dodge delay and the too high speed of most attacks, this will get you hit 100% of the time. it's all unintutive. you have to dodge everything earlier than your normal human sense of timing tells you, and than if those bosses were in an earlier Dark Souls game. you can not react dodge in ER.
Ok bros, finally beat the DLC. Thing is, I played it the exact same I did the base game, an unga bunga STR build 2Hing a big weapon. This playstyle kind of backfired for bosses like radahn, but eh, it is what is.
Thing is, I know I haven't really touched a large amount of playstyles, especially anything magic/faith related. What should I try next, for a completely different way of playing the game?
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Yeah, they were pretty cute villainesses.
False King is fucking great what
Mohg wanted to be Miquella's consort. Or at least that's what he thought. Though Miquella probably was mindfucking him at the time.

The God is the one that can take the Elden Ring into themselves, a divine being capable of ruling. A Lord is the consort of a God.
Outer Gods like the GW, God of Rot, Formless Mother, etc. are cosmic beings beyond the realm of reality that try to sneak into a Lord or God to manifest their will on the planet.
i watched a pvp video and the guy was constantly praising the sword, guess it was just one of those fake positivity retarded shit
>Omfg we should have fought [character] during their prime it would have been heckin' epic
>It's actually dogshit
Never listen to your fans
man why is fth shafted so badly in this game
intfags have
>extra questline
>cute waifu as masters
>cool as fuck looking spells
>fth has
>chuds as masters
>the coolest incantations require int as well
>the ending that makes the most sense if you go fth instead of int/fth is being a cuck to marika
>no extra questline
i finished the dlc today at level 210, i feel like everyone would be around 200 unless they don't explore or go out of their way to stay underleveled
The Divine Gate is the crucible, which is basically a massive font of energy.
The energies of death naturally gather in the Lands Between and more specifically, they flow towards its center (read the Supression Pillar epithet)
The Hornsent used the jar stuffing rituals to basically coalescent or guide or what have you those energies into forming a single font of energy, that's likely spiral like in form, and direct it through Enir Elim all the way up to the gate of divinity at the top. It's a massive accumulation of energy that allows beings to ascend to godhood.
Most people didn't cheat to get their stuff like you did
Maybe don't make "prime" be complete fucking dogshit instead, From
Does the parry hardtear cause the thing yoy garden against to gain any posture damage?
I assume you basically are in the Frenzy ending, atleast in power, though like the Frenzied Flame's whole shtick kinda doesn't work with the whole God hierarchy thing, it literally is melting rhe world into one giant hodgepodge so there's no distinguishing between anything, there wouldn't be any distinction between mortal and God.
Might I assume is like because the Formless Mother hasn't got enough hold on reality in order to coalese/like enforce a God into existence yet to impose its system ob reality
If we flipped all the roles of melee enemies to caster enemies you and virtually everyone else would have so much less fun. I'm sorry you can't understand why it's different to go after someone pelting you with shit and playing keep away but I'm sure you'll get it eventually.
>still take damage
>he casts fireballs
>don't have enough stamina to dodge all of them
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his moves randomly having or not having hyper armor is annoying, running across the arena over and over is annoying, the long ass runback is annoying
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Serious competitive game
>Does the parry hardtear cause the thing yoy garden against to gain any posture damage?
No. It only reduces the stamina yoy lose and vastly increases damage reduction. The game has actual parries for a reason.
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I genuinely don't get the appeal of WANTING her to be a tired wrinkly hag. It's clearly not genuine good-faith lore autism since she doesn't look like that ingame anywhere so is it just some weird whiteknighting to say you prefer that compared to the alternatives on an anonymous message board? Because if you REALLY would rather the skinny wrinkled woman instead of the one that checks all the boxes normal people use to determine fertility then you're either low T or something worse
You’re ignoring peak grrm nuance writing lol

Ranni worked with the black knives but they betrayed her and did their own thing, and it’s why there’s one imprisoned in the moonlit altar, and why they’re after her

The black knives did their own thing and it is likely Godwyn wasn’t originally part of the plan (although he may have been a willing participant either way) in some way
And I can say that none of those are playing keep away to waste my fucking time anon. How about Royal Revenants... but they run away from you and cast fuckloads of magic! Oh man, we can just make more and more of the pests too. Everyone loves fighting them. They're your favourite enemy right? We'll adjust their AI so they always run away and cast pest threads at you so you can like them more.
>>still take damage
this is unironically a skill issue. jumping the stomp flames is extremely forgiving timing wise.
incantations only
They're only good if you manage to catch your opponent in a vortex, but that requires them to be hit by your two r2s and then be unaware of the follow ups. This is unfortunately very difficult to pull off against anyone playing passively, having poise or hyperarmor. The weapon would be a lot better if it could stagger other players but even passive poise will beat it, and without hyperarmor, expect to get destroyed by poke r1s from thrusting swords poiseblobs.
higher res pls
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So i beat this mofo yesterday, i can somewhat understand why so many people were mad at him kek, just an ADHD pork who hits like a truck
Had to figure out a cheesy build with my magma blades, golden vow+fire give me strength+alexander' shard+fire scorpion talisman+that magma boost talisman i found some days ago, spam magma shower on his ass and in like 5-6 tries you get some amazing roasted pork. Bon appetit.
I have 52 poise why won't those dogs stop staggering me ffs
yeah hugging close seems to work
got him to 20% and got nuked
> I mean I get your point and don't disagree conceptually, but you're not going to get that shit for fog wall bosses.
You got a few. You even had a run around a big ass golem in demon souls.
>that game is pretty much a 1 and done story
Are you for real, Dragon's Homecoming ending is a literal fucking sequelbait
>I like the delayed attacks
Certifiably psychopathic/sociopathic trait.
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>he divides and distinguishes
dogs and rats have insane poise damage in every souls game for some reason
Dog attack poise damage is always whatever your current poise is, +1
Look, just cause Marika has one nice moment doesn't mean she's a saint.

She still willingly formed the GO, killed all the Giants, killed the Gloam Eyed Queen, ripped Destined Death out of the ER, warred with the Carians, left Messmer to rot in the Land of Shadow, etc.
I think there's also a pretty stark difference between Marika in her rise to power, her initial activity as a God, and her actions after starting to question the GW stuff. I think that, like Miquella, she lost herself when she became a god at first, and only long after did she finally realize she was "caged by divinity" like St. Trina warns Miquella will be. That's when she did all the crazy shit to set up for the current age to end.
>that pic of her with Messmer
>wrinkly hag
I just said she looks like a cute, kind mom. I didn't mean imply coomer intent. Get your mind out of the gutter.
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Kill Hornsent. Behead Hornsent. Roundhouse kick a Hornsent into the concrete. Slam dunk a Hornsent baby into the Subterranean Shunning Grounds. Crucify filthy Omens. Defecate in a Hornsent’s food. Launch Hornsent into the Frenzied Flame. Stir fry Hornsent in a prawn pot. Toss Hornsent into Mt. Gelmir. Urinate into a Hornsent’s well. Judo throw Hornsent into a Tree Sentinel Statue. Twist Hornsent heads off. Report Hornsent to the Omenkillers. Dryleaf chop Hornsent in half. Curbstomp pregnant Hornsent. Trap Hornsent in quicksand. Crush Hornsent with the tomb spike ceilings. Liquefy Hornsent in a vat of Scarlet Rot. Eat Hornsent. Dissect Hornsent. Exterminate Hornsent with spark perfume. Stomp Hornsent skulls with Leyndell knight boots. Cremate Hornsent in the oven. Lobotomize Hornsent. Mandatory abortions for Hornsent. Grind Hornsent horns down for boner pills. Drown Hornsent in prawn grease. Vaporize Hornsent with Comet Azur. Kick old Hornsent down the stairs. Feed Hornsent to dragons. Slice Hornsent with a great katana.
This women makes me go absolutely feral.
So is Marika a god because she possesses the Elden Ring or is she a god because she passed through a gate? And how can that gate be the crucible when the crucible became the Erdtree a long time ago?
damn, that was my favorite dlc weapon
time to look for something new i guess
Is that charge attack tear for the L2?
It only affects regular R2s, I recommend the consecutive attack tear instead.
Because I'm not sexualizing her because I'm not a brain dead cooler moid like you uou retard, she's just a cool character and her being slightly tired fits into her character of her eventually breaking the Elden Ring
The problem is that it has the poise damage of a straightsword with a slower moveset, and most if the attacks swing too high to catch someone rolling. These make it super vulnerable to being bullied by meta shit even excluding all of the actually broken stuff right now
Marika also made Melina, a child born to be sacrificed. Melina even accepted her fate in the end.
uh, based
Just fight him near the wall you stupid niggers it bricks half his moveset.
Of course, you can tell with the blatant DEI narrative in the game. Blackrock is trying to dominate nippon now by unleashing their mutilated monstrosities upon otaku culture and japanese vidya, globohomo will no longer permit one of the few countries that has never been properly colonized to escape their world domination. They're getting migrants, tranny narratives and economic failure all at once and that's not to mention their already existing problems. No wonder they keep making media where they kill god, maybe that's why the final boss is a tranny and the DLC's are a bunch of faggots kek.
Do Melina or any of the Roundtable Hold people have anything to say about the DLC if they're still alive or is it all completely divorced from base game?
This DLC was made for perfect blocking and/or light rolling.
>Look, just cause Marika has one nice moment doesn't mean she's a saint.
I know she's not a saint. Fire giants probably did nothing wrong (probably) beyond worshiping a fire deity that's anatema to the Erdtree
But as far as her family's concerned, it's been cast in a new light
> left Messmer to rot in the Land of Shadow, etc.
She left him there for his own protection.
Autocorexr doesn't recognize the word coomer, minor spelling mistake detected, post is null and void
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meet Ferrus Manus, who has iron hands and is the primarch of the Iron Hands, who have iron hands.
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I'm entering what I assume to be the final area and I'm still level 150. Increasingly feeling like I should have just leveled freely, though, if only so I could have tried all the shit I pick up.
pretty sure Sony gaming is in bad shape, so timing makes sense. they'd probably suck Miyazaki's dick for it since the post Elden Ring hype would make it an even bigger console seller and Bloodborne for PC would help expose more people to it plus rake in cash
the latter

or a shield, that charge is blockable and even if you get guardbroken you will recover in time
It's a fun weapon regardless, and I would put good money that its AR and poise damage might get buffed soon in a future patch (currently they have less AR than Katanas lmao).
There is 'NO' interaction between the DLC and the base game. At all. Null. Zero. Nada. Nanimonai.
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Compared to picrel she absolutely does look like a wrinkly hag
Oh so it is virtue-signalling on an anonymous image board, thank you for clearing that up
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Is it worth making an int build just for this spell?
does fth have something similar?
I wish there was a second DLC where you could play as Fire Knight or Black Knight of Messmer and participate in the hornocaust.
The screams of hornkikes as they burn in sorcerous fire, is sweet music to my ears.
>his own protection
Bro, love isn't shutting your problem child away in the basement for 50 years and saying you don't have a child.
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No she doesn't. Your pic is off model pornographic content. Which is fine. Not as if I don't like it
But call things what they are.
I just stayed 150 because anytime I have leveled a character to 200 I just feel way too strong being able to do so much at once with my stat distribution.
1/3 of the faith roster are highly telegraphed flashy big badaboom spells that take ages to cast.
It's not virtue signaling it's just not thinking like that
When I saw the picture, I just thought "Aww she's putting a helmet on him"
There's time for cooming and there's time for cute. I don't have to be horny all the time.
No, only worth it if you go full wizard so you can punish groups that close you down.
Dragon claw is the fth equivalent I guess.
you could just try to stop jerking off to everything you see
>She left him there for his own protection.
Anon. his Remembrance literally said she feared the snake in him. And his armor states how he took up HER crusade to have all hate directed at him instead of her.
Messmer was used up till the very end.
That's why it's so tragic when he dies and his last words are "Mother... Marika..." He's finally realizing right at the end that she abandoned him, seeing her as Marika rather than his false idea of a loving mother.
>left Messmer to rot in the Land of Shadow
Messmer knows about the tarnished but gives no indication of knowing about the shattering. They think they've been abandoned but even people in the Lands Between were unaware that Marika had sealed the Erdtree and was stuck
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The No-Renown Tarnished and Ashen One have more similarities than I first thought.
You can buy if off Enia after you kill the boss
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>>Serious competitive game
>This boss is so hard.
>I'm fucking retard
I got the final boss at 161, 14 skibidi. You should be fine.
Dude multiplayer is fucking ruined. I doubt FromSoft will even make the necessary patches to fix it. It sucks Elden Ring will end up a broken mess
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Based and Goldenpilled
Why is the Scadutree two trees intertwined?
Is it coom posting time?
The DLC SHITS runes. Anyone entering at 100+ will be over 200 by the time it ends
Just make several characters for all invasion brackets.
Low T males who spend too much time being brainwashed on social media and genuinely have been manipulated into feeling guilty about liking attractive women

Then whenever you say anything, they just respond with the same "Huh durr youre a Coombrain" response. Noticing a pattern? Its the same thing every time

Remember anon, its tourist season at the moment with the release of the DLC. Give it a week or two and they will all go back to their tranny circles
>Bro, love isn't shutting your problem child away in the basement for 50 years and saying you don't have a child.
I don't consider the fact the characters of the DLC were never mentioned to be a factor. At this point it's clearly just a constraint of the story being told after the fact (besides a few things concerning Miquella)
It's not as if Rennala ever mentioned a sister as well for example.
And as for shutting him away, yes it wasn't necessarily a good thing. But remember that Messmer's armies has the most blessings out of any other army under the Erdtree, and the black knights it goes as far as being the only other enemy to use the same ability as Marika's hammer. Messmer was clearly favored and didn't stop being favored.
Also, the graces never point you to Messmer even though that's how you progress in the DLC. But they DO point you from Messmer to the church of the bud and thus Miquella. The grace's guidance is now confirmed to be 100% Marika, that proves she wanted to save Messmer.
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The fanart is off-model too since Marika never looks like anything other than a broken statue corpse ingame. There's no qualitative difference between that fanart and this picrel other than the fact that this is objectively more attractive
They don't even explain what the tree is, let alone details
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Because spirals are fucking DOPE
Nah, she never came back after sealing the land and she knew she wouldn't. The Golden Braid striaght up explains she never intended to come back after:
>A braid of golden hair, cut loose. Queen Marika's offering to the Grandmother. Boosts holy damage negation by the utmost. What was her prayer? Her wish, her confession? There is no one left to answer, and Marika never returned home again.
you NEED to stop jerking off so much
Thanks for the heads up, where's that guy btw?
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>all that just for 1/10th of a chance at invading something that isn't a gank
>all that prep just to get AshOfWar spammed
the days of fun DS2 and DS3 invasions are gone, the new era is zoomercore brainslop.
Whatever floats your boat. Still not a wrinkled hag. And yours is just pornography. Those are the objective facts.
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>It's another backward grip anime dashing furled finger episode
Hornsent Grandma is the only semi likeable one of (((them))).
But she cursed Our Golden Queen and his Righteous Son.
So please turn and face the wall.
Now, bitte.
Because It's what Crucible is, double helix, genome, evolution.
Messy is just an edgy Morgott.
>Watchful Spirit incantation description calls the Hornsent granny an Empyrean
Feels like this should be more significant than it is.
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this game is too fucking dark I can't see shit
>purple drink that puts you to sleep
>dude its weed
The PvP is such an afterthought in these games that I'm surprised they even bother adding it every time.
It's night time
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I dont get it, what was so hard about this boss?
I don't know what he's going on about considering that humans don't even reproduce in Dark Souls like we do in real life. To begin with, their marriage rituals involve stabbing each other in the face with a stone sword, and it only gets weirder from there (like dudes chopping off their arm or plucking out their eyeball and it becoming a child).

People in ER do fuck and think about sex though.
>grrm teasing an elden ring movie or show
Anons why do I love this thing so much. I just wish faith and dex scaling's were swapped.
Anon you have low testosterone count, we get it. No need to be salty towards healthy sexually active, non-failure males though
She's a loser who didn't ascend to godhood. She gets what she deserves
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Yeah that much seems evident now, it's a mix of low T's and posters who for whatever reason feel compelled to be prudish virtue-signallers even when anonymous
If it's pornography why can I post it on a blue board? Cope
Is sovereignty still a knockdown on the first hit even when uncharged?
probably plays better if you live in japan
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So becoming a god like sitting on the Golden Throne of 40k, that being said why's Marika immobile when we encounter her and how was she able to shatter the Elden Ring if she was already holding everything?
Nothing. You played the game correctly and didn't artificially make it more difficult for yourself.
What's the drop rate on those fire knight greatswords?
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For most enemies, yeah
>If it's pornography why can I post it on a blue board? Cope
Because the "safe for work" tag has never been a thing in practice as long as you don't post nipples or vagina you're fine.
Also I didn't call it porn. I said it was pornographic. Please learn the difference.
Also stop replying to yourself.
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is leda fixable
Bleed, frost or quality for dryleaf arts?
I kneel
nah DLC for sure has some sort of damper on the player lamp/torch, you can't see shit even with them.
>yumes jumped on the RellanaxMessmer train

It's over for Miquella
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Anons if you love pvp in this game you should really try out fighting games. It's everything you want with netcode that actually works.
I abandon here my hairline
But he barely wrote any of the story.
"DS marriage" is just how it works in Londor because they're Hollows.
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I killed like 10 knights today to get one.
>Miquella the Norwoodmaxxer
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Post matching fashion for it
Definitely my fave weapon of the game now. LGS are cool as fuck.
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All women are fixable with enough dedication.
>No Carian styled weapon to put Sovereignty on
FUCK. I was so spoiled for Carian shit in this DLC but they still can't get this right.
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Are we the bad guys?
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poor rellana...
Nah the only people who love the pvp are invasionniggers who make up narratives about the people they fight and actively want to mess up people's games, which still applies to fighting games kind of but not as much.
Yes no, she will murder you. Unquestionable.
It's at mod discretion. I remember eating bans on /vg/ for posting characters in bikinis. Not even microbikinis, but standard bikinis you'd see on a beach. This is because for some people, a bikini would fall under /e/ content. For most mods, it'll fly so long as it's ambiguous.
A great charm has been broken
I think I can
You're a bit senile, old man.
Not least of all because DaS2 started adding delays to boss fights with it's DLC and DaS3 has them right in it's main game with prenerf Soul of Cinder,pre-nerf Alderich, Pontif Sulyvahn, Oceiros, and Nameless King and everything in it's base game

Bloodborne had pre-nerf grandpa, prenerf gasoline, Mergo's Wet Nurse (when she wasn't busy suffering from memory leaks), and obviously Orphan.
But Bloodborne didn't need to just vomit delays into literally every single enemy in the game to maintain it's challenge. It did so with a greater importance of positioning and a combat cadence that put greater emphasis on simultaneous aggression.

The only thing the delays have done and continue to do is push this genre closer and closer to turn based rhythm games.
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I believe
>High t males spend all their time jerking off to cartoon women and sharing images of cartoon women online for other men to jerk off to
you are porn addicts
no one wants to see your shit
I don't want to miss any posts
>chest acne
melina's on the juice?
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It's just too aesthetic for him to compete
If the mod likes you, you can do anything. If you post any wrongthink, they ban you unfairly.
I have no trouble with them. It's just extremely boring. I don't understand how they could possibly think it was a worthwhile thing to put in the game.
>dude poke this thing's feet for half an hour until you get a crit, then do it twice
I did a couple of them, then I just ran past the rest. Don't even give a shit if I'm missing out on some kickass physick tears.
The Marika 3d porn model and its consequences something something
what album is that down there in your player what are you listening to anon
I wonder how the denizens of the Lands Between would feel about the culture of the Lands Betwixt.
>obsessive schizo personality
easily, just need to turn her obsession into something non-destructive by impregnating her
Marika has literally hundreds of kids and is a goddess, if any character would be fitting to have a body like that it's her.
>Summoned to Scorpion River Catacombs
>Host dies immediately to the death blight basilisk statue
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quick question on a questline.
If i side with thornset so he dosent get lynched by leda does that also lock ansbach questline out or does she go "its all good, anyways lets go ansbach even tho you didnt help me at all lynching thornset"?
I want anbach for the final gank since its a lot more fun that way but i dont know if not helping leda with lynching thornset prevents that?

sorry this is a repost from last thread i just noticed the threads dead.
Not am album, it's one song, I use random youtube mixes generally based around a few songs listen to first to start it
>Messmer is a tall, lanky handsome man with mommy issues and a nice voice
>Rellana is a mysterious, cool knight with her face hidden so yumes can self-insert
Miquella never stood a chance
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>finish the game and finally get all the cool weapons and armor and spells I want to use
>start up new game+
>almost immediately lose all interest
maybe I'll build INT this time I start a new char... Maybe cheating in a couple of pieces of gear will be the new game + I'm after
>TWO failed casting animations
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Lore wise her body looks like this which fits her ingame model. Her face is seen too when shes alive but damaged, she has a standard woman face its not round like melina or ranni but she doesnt have a man jaw like most western depictions of women. She looks like an actual women, which the troons who make mannish looking women will never be.
For me it IS lore autism. I dislike off model ranni too especially ones that disregard doll features. Though it's entirely lore possible she can alter her apperance with the elden ring to go from "standard woman" to pornika. After all look at her body, no stretch marks, no fat, nothing after what? 10 pregnancies counting the mosoleums? She definitely uses the ring to keep her figure she could easily use it to alter it if she wants.

TL;DR marika doesn't look like her porn counterpart but it's possible she cam turn into it
I wish we had a bit more of her character.
We got a cutscene and general personality for Messmer. Wish we'd gotten more for Rellana.
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what even is this? why was mohg needed to enter the shadow land
no fighting game has asymmetric combat in a huge game full of levels like ER, if it did i might play it
I can't recall which knights wield greatswords offhand, do you remember where they are?
Will it be considered canon by /erg/ though?
Every single woman that plays this game is gonna cosplay Rellana now. 100%
if you beat up leda she's beat up and can't invade anymore, the rewards are split up into really simple help leda don't help leda paths

how the fuck do you get that from "hornsent"
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It's unalloyed gold I ain't gotta explain shit.
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Yes yes, well done, faithtrannies, well done.
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why do we fight romina
its paranoid schizophrenia anon, she'll murder you
I'd like to add that godwyn is described as a "martyr" the way the kanji is describes someone who WILLINGLY sacraficed themselves. That may support the marika was in on it theory, as I could see him sacrificing herself for his mom.
>half the characters are gay
>other half are women in positions of power
bros... what did the japanese mean by this?
doesn't scale to ng+
>Maybe cheating in a couple of pieces of gear will be the new game + I'm after
It's certainly quicker than riding torrent across the entire map gathering talismans.

That is without a doubt the absolute worst part of starting over is spending 30minutes to 3 hours just waiting to play the build you want to play. NG+ would skip that but at the point that you NG+ your build stops being a build and you start being capable of doing everything.
As a result, getting a friend to trade your shit to yourself is the next best thing.
They'd rabidly hate each other and would destroy each other trying to murder the other. DaS religion revolves around the First Flame, which is a force that eats people to sustain itself and is chaotic in its most primal form, which would send up all sorts of warning flags for the Golden Order. Neither Gwyn or Marika would get along either as they're basically each others antitheses (though each are big proponents of genociding anything who does not bow to their regimes).
she is in our way and as ever, she ints
There's a reason Elden Ring is the best selling Fromsoft game
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made a video to show you where to get it and i got it immediately. can drop it if you want
the sealing tree is behind her
I cant play a single hour of elden ring without GOONing to porn of the characters, am i pornsick or just high test? FAI/DEX btw
>he thinks the DLC writers played the base game
They want you to kill gays and women in positions of power.
My friend said there's some kind of sunflower boss that's a pain in the dick
Where is it
I don't see Marika ever being okay with it even if she knew. The story always seemed, to me, framed such that she Shattered the ring when Godwyn died.
Isn't that kind of rubbish?
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>She can't impale you if you she's impaled on your dick 24/7
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>Tarnished one
>Aspiring Lord of the old order
>If you have known sin, if you grieve for this world, then yield the path forward to us.
>To I, Miquella, and my promised consort, Radahn.

How do you respond without sounding mad?
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why does the map show whatever this is if theres nothing here
Just pretend everything that happens in the DLC is a second story told by a different writer.
Because it is.
She was zonked out of her fucking mind
He probably wasnt needed to enter the shadowlands. he probably wanted him for his body unironically so he made a deal about helping him with his dynsty if mohg guarded him while he slept.
Mohg was only needed as a sacafrice but not like he'd agree to it even with his sissy hypno powers so he struck a deal and brainwashed mohg and his followers. probably also explains why Malenia never went to go after mohg after he "kidnapped miquella despite there being an enterence right across from the town protecting haligtree.
I have a girlfriend, anon. You more than likely don't.

Doesn't matter how much you virtue signal - the reality is that women won't actually respect you for it, despite what the media might have you believe.

Consider that as some life advice, anon. Cope, seethe and dilate.
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Imagine using anything but your fists, lmao
it's a map feature
Church district of shadow keep leads there, you'll have to drain the water there first
>world has gone to complete shit until the canonically straight male protagonists bitch slaps all the women and fags and takes charge
Go to the big flooded church in the big bad evil doom castle, first floor, room in the right part from the entrance, take the elevator.
>uses magic punch gauntlets
Okay but how are you the god if you don't even have the Elden Ring.
>She still willingly formed the GO
Literally nothing wrong with this
>Killed all the giants
They and their god's flame forge are a direct threat to the Erdtree's existence, it's a war to secure her kingdom
>Killed the Gloam Eyed Queen
We know nothing about this but the godskins both being serpentine -the demons of this setting- and wearing flayed skin points towards Marika doing something good here
>Ripped Destined Death out of the ER
Nothing objectively wrong with this, the system of returning to the Erdtree upon death worked perfectly fine without issue until the paradoxal nature of Godwyn's death crashed the system.
>Warred with the Carians / Stormveil
Nothing wrong with this, it's war not genocide and the end result was these kingdoms united under the Golden Order
>Left Messmer to rot in the Land of Shadow
Messmer had a doomed fate regardless due to being cursed with Snakes. Reminder that his Black Knights rebelled on him instantly the moment they learned of his curse. In the Land of Shadows he has his loyal troops and a wife/women who wants to marry him to spend his days with.

Consider Marika's actions through the lens of before the 21st century. She's done nothing abhorrent and as far as civilisations go she's done very well.
I beat Gaius by spamming it because it deals absolute disgusting amounts of poise damage. Its Pest Threads but better.
i imagine it like the reverse of greek gods, instead of semele being destroyed by seeing zeus in all his true radiance, the larger than life perfect marika is the godly image and mantle of the queen and what we see in art like that is closer to (though probably still changed inherently) what she looked like in mortal life.
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Summon Ranni and let her do the smack talking.
but why
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I failed and given up on my quest to not talk about Him
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The 3d porn model for marika is fine. People complaining about it are retarded. I only wish the faggot who made pic related on the right also released his model. They're both decent interpretations of her, we know whe can alter her form with the elden ring and it's runes. There's no reason why we can't have porn marika AND milf marika. None.
Would ranni get a human body so she could have sex with the tarnished, after game ending?
>Kill him
Caveman tier gameplay.
"So that's where the Frenzy Flame came from"
thorn horn man he has a bunch of barbs on his head so i keep thinking hes thronset.

but if i dont help leda will ansbach still help me at the end of the game in the gank +final boss?
>Ranni, say something to him. Something cool. Let him have it.
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let me marry your sister
As long as you don't kill Ansbach, he'll show up for the final fight.

t. helped hornsent on my first run
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comfy thiollier
according to ansbach, miquella needed mohg to enter the shadow lands
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Can I forcefully invade another player's world in fighting games?
Can I customize my character as much as possible in fighting games?
Can I actually play a story mode in fighting games?
Can I fight in a huge area with verticality, traps and dangerous enemies while advancing towards my objective in fighting games?
Can I have cinematic boss fights in fighting games?
Can I dismantle and kill a team of 3 overconfident shitters even with an overwhelming disadvantage in fighting games?
Can I as a low skilled player kill a much skilled player if several in-game variables allow me to in fighting games?
Yeah I though as much
I dont wanna miss any posts... I like everyone here and I wanna read what thoughts you have
The first thing I do when I wake up is read posts that like I missed while sleeping, but jow the thread has sped up so like I have backlogs
I have 11 tabs open of the thread btw you can't see all them in 1 screwncap
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>palm blast
this shit is buzzin fr fr
those are maggots
Huh! That's useful. Thanks for the tip!
high t behavior kek
you were raised by a single mother
Scribeanon? Is that you?
Not only did no one ever fucking say, That is one of the biggest false equivalencies ever fucking made and that person should be stabbed into a vegetable and put on life support for being so fucking retarded.
you don't get it bro it was all planned bro

>Godwyn's Death Knights are just randomly there
>a random Redmane furry could just casually walk in
Already unlocked that area and scaduview, is it there? or in the ancient ruins of whatever?
All fucking rotbugs must fucking burn
why don't we walk around or ask nicely if we can squeeze through
Have I done everything in the DLC?
Kino. Ranni saved Elden Ring for me.
I dont know what that means I'm sorry
gideon frames the shattering as something more to do with miquella. I could see it that she did it not over godwyn, but as an attempt to save her children from her own fate as a prisoner of the fingers.
Too many legs, and not the sexy kind of legs
No you forgot the
How do you think I feel in this dlc having 9 int and 12 fth
>t. assmad hostcel with twinked items and level 713 password phantom friends
Do you see that disgusting green bit on the map north of the keep? That's the area with the sunflower.
>ding ding ding
>summon Finlay
>bring in Ansbach
>bleed him with the chicken wing
I'd say nothing personal but this IS personal. For Malenia and Mohg.
Judging by the "willing martyr" thing I think it's more in character for godwyn to NOT have been the original target, and ranni just saying "capture and kill a demigod" and godwyn, being the good bloke he is, found out about it and sacrificed himself to spare anyone else death thinking only one demigod was going to be killed(we learned they killed more just not in the way godwyn died so its possible they just did it for themselves and not for ranni after godwyn's death)
must've missed that part my bad.
maybe theres a connection with the omens and the shadow realm? Mohg is connected to the formless mother so maybe he needed the blood magic shit to get there since its pretty locked off.
I guess the problem is that the reason to play IS the making the build, rather than the beating things with it
Gideon only remarks that she had sorrow over miqeulla and doesn't tie the shattering to it.
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nta but scrbeanon is the guy in charge of the erg archive
>Not only did no one ever fucking say
Denial is strong with this one.
Anybody have that webm of a guy pretending to be a door to an elevator. Shit was hilarious.

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>destroys the very metaphysical underpinnings of her kingdom to save her son
>finds out he's gay
>sends her ex's underlings to beat his ass
Brought the Scarlet Rot to the Lands Between. It's kind of funny to think how the Rot, Omens, and Frenzied Flame were all from people inviting malignant outer gods in to get revenge on Marika.
After finishing the game I'm trying some builds for coop but both magic and incantations just suck dick compared to just unga bunga, on top of costing flasks for FP.

I've had enough unga bunga in the base game so I'm kinda demotivated to continue.
Where are people getting all the stuff about the Gates of Divinity? The only thing I've found that mentions them is the sacred rite scroll. If it hadn't been for discussion I wouldn't have known what the fuck the big pillars Miquella came out from between were meant to be.
I'm also a brainlet who missed about the stuff about the Hornsent and the obvious Tower of Babel implications though.

ALSO is Miquella becoming a God in the same sense that Marika was God, or something more like an actual Outer God?
Bro? Your summon?
>why do godwynfags wanna see him back
>why do people want to see the one genuinely good guy and have a chat just once to see what he's like
I sometimes wonder why it's so hard to understand basic human desires.
Scribeanon tends to the Duke's Archives, the curator of the Writefaggotry Storehouse. He apparently browses every thread for noteworthy stuff so when you posted about not wanting to miss anything I thought it might have been you
>spirit summoning shitter
Not only did he not beat the game, he's not the "Fromtards" you speak of. Go be stupid somewhere else.
I wish you could summon the ranni doll on a pile of books to spectate your fights.
why are they always drawn in the gayest way possible
Unironically fair and balance, he is mounted and and so should you. What kind of madman fights cavalry with a horse?
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Thank you.
bet she was a hottie in her prime days
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>the way the kanji is describes someone who WILLINGLY sacraficed themselves.
what does it say?
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uhhh what did i just do
kek'd hard as soon as it "opened"
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It would have been kino if we could have summoned Millicent/Malenia in for her fight.
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>Doesn't even attack them or block them, just dutifully slides aside
Absolute funkino.
Broke a rune, somewhere.
You broke the Bussy
you bricked your game
>romina found the scarlet rot during messmer's crusade
>found it after malenia abandoned the rot
how does this work with the timeline
He said Radahn is easier than Allant no matter the context. So much for your "Not only did no one ever fucking say".
Ansbach tells you too about the gate I think.

Miquella would become exactly like Marika.
>melted bayle with pest threads and igon
yeah, im thinking cinema.
hope you backed up your save
does this affect the npc quests? i've been trying to be really careful because i actually wanna do them
Outer Gods are metaphysical in nature. Also that reminds me, what the fuck happened with Miquella trying to banish the outer gods and unalloyed gold lol. Why did the Haligtree even fail if he left of his own accord?
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The Frenzied Flame is not a different outer god
yes but not really
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The next game could literally force the summoning bell into your hands at the start and not give you a weapon until you use it and people would still think it's an easy mode that they aren't supposed to use as a real player. Fromsoft is probably driving themselves mad trying to figure out how to get people to use the tools they're given instead of leaving an angry negative review about it being too hard.
There's so many missed chances
>Ranni commention on Ymir and the Fingers questline
>Melina giving us lore blurbs about the various things, maybe a little more confirmation she is Messmer's sister
>Some kind of reaction from Rellana about you being Ranni's consort
>Midra reacting to you being lord of Frenzy
>Florissax reacting to you killing Placidusax.
nta but
>Nothing objectively wrong with this, the system of returning to the Erdtree upon death worked perfectly fine without issue until the paradoxal nature of Godwyn's death crashed the system.
The cracks were there well before that event. Multiple people comment on how the stagnation lead to decay.

But more importantly than that, the whole tarnished shit crafted elitism, general classism and whatever else and kept creating conditions where tons of people were either exiled or murdered. The entire reason the frenzy flame even found purchase (twice) is because of this.
The treatment of pretty much everybody that wasn't erd tree blessed where the majority of them were pressed into involuntary service or forcefully compelled (one way or another), this wasn't exactly a utopia

It has all the makings of a society that would spawn a story of some revolutionaries on their current trajectory assuming they didn't do a second massive fuckup and inadvertently unleash the frenzied flame wholesale.
any good dex/faith option to pair with a parrying dagger/buckler?
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Legit why couldn't we have this?
>if we could have summoned Millicent/Malenia
>CUUUUURSE YOU, ROMINAAAAAAA out of fucking nowhere
im finna be saying it again, ds3 was kino
>Florissax reacting to you killing Placidusax.
She does react actually. For some bizarre reason Florrisax is the ONLY character that mentions the base game in any way
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They aren't, but just I'm posting art that appeals to me and so naturally the male character art is going to be stuff that also has things that fits that more sensual/erotic chic more often
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The trick is to just ignore the faggots.
>I'm gonna use this one shitter's statement in a Tibetan basket weaving forum to make a disingenuous claim image that will go on reddit that everyone thinks like this
At least you will make a great new journalist
This artist has claimed my heart. Everything he does is 11/10
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that's so cute
The whole radahn story was 100% written by a woman.
>return to Ymir
>bloodstains everywhere
>one white ghost goes down an unrevealed stair behind him

Thanks for the spoiler retards
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... I spent my entire day off abusing Swift Slash in invasions and killing people who are clearly just trying to have fun co-oping with friends
Until they make a boss that's balanced around fighting multiple players and has tactics to deal with more than one at the same time then you're not meant to summon.
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uh oh
just make it a stand. like how miquella is to radahn.

switch to str/fth and get one of those faith hammer/mace weapon intead. dex are for combofags.
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How did you even find that dogshit fun?
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Holy shit Bayle is absolutely miserable to fight in co-op.
>church burns down
alright fuck it i guess i'll convert to rot
>shit scarlet rot juice all over my church and hire a bunch of bugs
>grow a centipede body because i love rot so much
>someone enters my boss room
>they unrotted my fucking rot god and hired her to kill me
yes, if the npcs were still at their starting locations when this happened then your game is bricked but the chances of this are extremely small since 9999/10000 people progress the quests before triggering this event so you're probably safe
Oh, no I'm just lonely and obsessive about missing things
I wish Miyazaki would bring back armor upgrading. Just fucking let me survive more than 2 hits
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Alright, I've tested this seamless "invading" so that you don't have to (even though no one asked).
Made some notes
>invading process is MUCH faster lmao (instant connections with the activity, wonder how long this'll last)
>Uses a separate item instead of the fingers
>People probably just haven't figured out how to turn it off in settings
>DOES NOT require any passwords, you can invade anyone
>Upon spawning, you keep your great rune and flasks
>However there was literally 0 effort put into generating regions and spawns, you're just tossed somewhere randomly in the world regardless whether you've been there or not
>You cannot invade "near/far"
>(One time I was spawned straight in the middle of the air and died)
>No phantom fingers or finger sever, so good luck if you get stuck somewhere
>0 clue how the matchmaking works, there's likely 0 scaling whatsoever
>Somehow have not been ganked yet
>Player/Enemy flags in the world are bugged or fucked, you can aggro mobs
>No anti-cheat which means you can straight up have a CE table open in someone else's world
>No admin/moderation controls to forcibly disconnect other players yet
ehhhhhhhh idk, piss poor rendition but it'll do if I'm feining to use my modded character
classic gif, but I always wondered if that turtle ever became dinner
She is the peak of beauty. Anything for her.
Wait she does? What happens. What does she say? Please spoon feed me, anon. That sounds really interesting.
>poleblade of the bud
why did it have to be so ugly and bad
Wish they would have had these two fucking instead of just the typical "No he's too sad for that" shit. Would have been a kino pairing.
Because some fujo writer just wanted her ship onscreen and didn't care about how the player engages with it.
1. Why in the fuck does this general have a writefag archive
2. Why in the fuck is it on some tranny fanfic site??
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It's called "a conspiracy".

First we don't know anything about it besides somehow Godwyn died.
Then we learn that Ranni was involved in getting Destined Death so she could kill her body.
But how did she do it? Why was she so easily able to get some of that Death from the dog that never let it go?
Cause Marika helped her. There's this dialogue alongside Gurranq/Maliketh's stuff that I'm not sure if it was cut or not (I know he has similar lines about the shattering):
>[202030000] O Marika...<br />
>[202030010] What...happened?<br />
>[202030020] Was I...myself the fool?<br />
>[202030030] Or was I tricked...by thee?<br />
>[202030040] O Marika...<br />
>[202030050] Why wouldst thou...relinquish...<br />
>[202030060] Why... </p>
There's a simpler similar line when you kill him as Gurranq in the beast church:
>Marika...why...wouldst thou...gull me? Why...shatter...
Though that one is more about the shattering itself. Still though, it seems to be that Maliketh feels betrayed or tricked by Marika considering the "gull me" bit.

We also find out that Marika has a child who was born to burn down the Erdtree (Melina) and she outright said for Godfrey and the Tarnished to go out, die, and come back stronger to take the Ring once more.
Finally, there's her line to Radagon before shattering the Ring, spoken by Melina in Marika's Bedchamber:
>In Marika's own words. O Radagon, leal hound of the Golden Order. Thou'rt yet to become me. Thou'rt yet to become a god. Let us be shattered, both. Mine other self.

It all paints a picture that Marika herself planned a lot of this shit out and wanted the Golden Order/Age of the Erdtree to end. She didn't care who took over after apparently, but she just wanted it over with. Godwyn's death was a diversion so she could break the Ring, not the reason she broke it.
Kill yourself ao3 isn't for trannies
...500 hours of Elden Ring PvP
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>I wish Miyazaki would bring back armor upgrading.
Armor upgrades return but boss damage is increased.
DS3 had better characters than Elden ring
>fan art
Now post the in-game model
Are you stronger than Midra if you become Lord of Frenzied Flame?
FUCKING LOVE HER SO MUCH, I'm so glad my pale twink went with her ending, now he has her and tons of yandere nuns like her as his harem according to the ending. The Firekeeper too.
I dont play the game I can't ge5 in-game models or screenshots
[1060900000] ...
[1060900010] On second thought,
[1060900020] I believe you do owe me something for the transgression.
[1060900030] On a mere whim, you've stripped me of my one and only Lord.
[1060900040] As such, I require another—you.
[1060900050] One day, may you become a dragon whole, a Lord of your own making.
[1060900060] Lead me, and I will follow.
[1060900070] My good Lord.

She gets pissed that you killed her lord but decides it's okay if you become lord in his stead and promises to follow you
>Don't like summoning for bosses unless I'm absolutely desperate
>Feel like I'm missing out if I don't summon people like Igon for Bayle
Being Lord of the Frenzied flame doesn't really mean much until you become take down Elden Beast. Until then you're just a candidate.
Igon barely does any damage, he's just there for flavor. Honor a home's last request, he asked you nicely.
If they want me to summon so bad why do they give all the bosses in the DLC a fuck you gap closer that doesn't let you summon
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Igon doesn't really do much for you, and he's a post fog gate summon ergo doesn't fuck with the boss's stats
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It's not really about strength. The lord just has to resist being consumed long enough to let chaos take the world
Ansbach acknowledges you killed Mohg which half counts.
Very cute, where can I join his Age of Compassion
That's not her reaction to you killing Placi
You drug her with Thollier's sleep potion and she sleeps for the first time. She was up until then offering her sleep to Placi who is stuck beyond time likely unable to sleep.
So she offers up her sleep to him
When you drug her, it makes her feel unworthy of Placi and being his servant. So she demands you become her lord instead once you admit what you did.
>Ripped Destined Death out of the ER
>Nothing objectively wrong
my nigga the jars are something out of WH40K and that is just one of the many horrifying outcomes of that one horrible decision she made, the entire story is about paving the road to hell with good intentions, they went from an initial couple thousand years of heavenly existence until inevitably immortality was weaponized and the family completely betrayed each other in often horrifically violent and soul-mutilating ways
Yes. Midra didn't become a true Lord.

No yeah I got that. It was only because I admitted to her that I put her to sleep. Placidusax (assuming she's not just imagining things) cuts her off when she breaks her oath and stops funneling her sleep to him. She's pretty mopey until she reaches her own epiphany after dunking on Bayle
It actually does, listen carefully
Get all 6 forager brood books, then talk to moore to get the 7th one then tell him to go fucking kill himself and then go pick up his stuff from the church northwest of the entrance to Altus region.
After that go south into the cerulean hole, go down a hole, then keep going down until you fight a knight and reach a drug den, talk to Thollier until he fucks off to the drug den, then talk to his waifu 4 times (it's lethal, so be careful), then talk to him, go rest, play fistycuffs, then go talk to him again and cuck him until he starts going "ahhhh..." like the cuck he is.
After that talk to Freyja and Ansbach until they move to the shadow keep, keep that in mind for later.
Go to dryleaf dane and do his "let's foite cunt" emote he gave you, wreck his to get his fists, after that talk to hornsent and Leda until you exhaust their dialogues, Leda is going to switch into women mode so refresh the game until she reaches the logical conclusion (for a woman) that the hornigger must die, NOW, go to the black keep front entrance, in the area with some boats and help her kill the hornigger, loot his stuff.
Now here comes the (relatively) hard part, proceed further into the keep in a library area, talk to Ansbach in the first floor, then find Freyja in the seventh floor being a dumb illiterate cunt, after that retread your steps until you find a scroll that unlocks after you talk to freya in the fifth-sixth floor and start going back and forth between her and ansbach until she gives you her shield, after that go to Leda again, she will tell you they have to kill the old man because she is a psychotic murdercutie and a love her, after that go back to the first floor where ansbach was and help him correct the murderqt and you are pretty much unbricked. Just make sure to use the golden signs of Ansbach and thollier in the final area at least once when you see them and you set.
don't this happen after dateraping her?
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i did it !! not pretty but whatever
this ones for you erg
So they actually could have added some conditional dialogues with the main NPCs but instead we got a single one regarding placi and that's it? Fuck you zaki!
So why can't we do this in the Miquella fight?
I had the same lines on my first playthrough IIRC, and I definitely didn't kill placi on this run (didn't even kill fire giant)
it seems to reference the fact that you drugged her and so her lord no longer talks to her (she mentions that previously) rather than literally killing her lord
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>palicos? nah, I never use them, that's cheap
>The cracks were there well before that event. Multiple people comment on how the stagnation lead to decay.
It's easy to say this after the fact once The Shattering ruined everything, what evidence is there of the decay before that event?

>Elitish, General classism
Welcome to the world before the 21st century. It's a fact of life that this is just how things are, even without Marika in power.
Reminder the Albinauric are the Carian's doing and not the Golden Order

>Tons of people exiled or murdered
Exiled yes but they're not in any great number and quite possibly they had noble sympathisers in Leyndell given that some the Sanguine nobles are described as being nobles.
Their people seem to have an inherent connection to the Frienzied Flame given Kale and the rest of the merchants can cast Frenzy spells while still being sane. The Frenzied Flame is the enemy of all life and their genocide is more just than any other genocide in the setting.
Based parry god. Well done.
Literally /mhg/ daily, the poison this series has created has seeped into other fanbases
based, fuck that guy
gj anon!!
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Fextra's timeline of the game has this quote from Wacky Zaki that I think really fills in the core theme of the game even if the story is a mess:
>What can represent these rules and order but also not be absolute?
>And the tree really fits the bill nicely for that because the tree is something that's alive, it's something that grew, it's something that will eventually wither and die.
>And this really fits the role of something that can then bestow this order, control these rules, and enforce these rules on the world.
>Because these too are things that will grow and will change and will wither and die as well.
>So I feel that the tree this time is something that fits those elements both visually and thematically.
>But saying any more than that would definitely go into spoiler territory.
It's all about the cycle of ages. Empires rise, fall, die, and new ones are born.
>It happened with the Dragons, with Placi being fucked up by Bayle.
>It happened with the Hornsent, with them being fucked over by Marika.
>It will happen with the Golden Order, with Marika being fucked by us.
The Age of the Erdtree was supposed to be an attempt to break the cycle by the removal of Destined Death, but this just led to withering and rot without death and rebirth, which is why Marika put everything in motion for us to burn the tree and let things finally move on.
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>makes her feel unworthy of Placi
I don't think it's a feeling. She outright can't give blessings any more when she comes to. In her own words she got cast aside. "an old dragon no longer"

Really I think having the first satisfying sleep... ever and realizing how much better you are than Placidusax probably got her seeing some special.
Though given her spell description and ash description she fell in love somewhere along the way. That was pretty quick.
The reason you flinch is because momentum exists in the real world.
Enjoy your literally artificial difficulty in the most literal sense of those words. Because in a videogame the two ton hammer can just magically stop for a half day.
Apparently you lost the ability to get Florissax's ashes (since you needed Thollier's potion which he only makes before the rune shatters since it needs Moore to give him a thing)
Also you lose the last of the forager cookbooks apparently.
Didn't know that part.
Oh, also do all that BEFORE killing Messmer.
You're mistaken anon. The jars in the Land of Shadow are that.
The jars that the Golden Order used, their purpose is to transport dead bodies to catacombs and to dumb the bodies on the roots of the Erdtree at the end of the catacomb so that the body and soul may return to the Erdtree for reincarnation.
That's why the end of every catacomb has all those bodies on the roots. The system when we play is just all fucked up due to Godwyn's death, the roots no longer accept new bodies/souls. That's why there's ghosts all over the place giving lore dumps.
>genuinely has 6 player multiplayer sessions
at such a cost
>Also you lose the last of the forager cookbooks apparently.
You can still get 7
Just don't talk to him until you've gotten the other 6. Then talk to him twice. Once to decide what he's going to do and again to get the book before he fucks off to do whatever you suggested he do.
not even close
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The one time I play a dex build and Ranni refuses to appear to give me the summoning bell. Repeated attempts with torrent on me at night and she just wouldn't appear. I was forced to PAY for my wolves and bell. Why does she hate dex players so much?
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I still can't believe we outright cuck people TWICE in the DLC. First Placidussax with stealing his priestess, then Thiollier by getting St. Trina to talk to us when he's so desperate for it.
You skip that encounter once you enter Liurnia, I think
>Dryleaf Arts with deflecting tear
I'll never do it, though.
>animal abuse is... LE FUNNY
Can we just ban brownids from the site already?
She stole my heart. Perfection <3
It's funny watching fags try and cope with literally date raping some woman. "She saw something super special!!"
Yeah sure. Stay in your room creep.
MIdra felt really hard as a caster, especially since my main options didn't do nearly as much damage as usual so I swapped over to Black Steel Greathammer and had to learn stamina management, charge attack timings and to not get greedy to beat him. All things I more or less dodged for the other 200 hours of gameplay.

Kind of silly it took me this long to learn these fundamental things but in the end I learned them and the boss was pretty fun. I'd rank him in my top 5 or top 3 bosses thus far.
that's if you drug her and she breaks her oath by falling asleep
>"gay people aren't pedophiles!"
>elden ring releases a DLC about a canonically biological child with feminine attributes
>"femboy" fetishists come out of the woodwork to fetishize this character to a profound extent
>People probably just haven't figured out how to turn it off in settings
it requires reading an ini so 90% of people probably never will
is the west side of the map, with that long ass bridge blocked by messmer?
Actually give the bosses attacks and ai that can handle multiple people. The best FROMSOFT did in ER is having the boss change targets mid combo and unnaturally rotate 180 degrees.
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>Trying to help with Bayle
>Scadu lvl8
>Scadu lvl7
>Scadu lvl10
>Scadu lvl9
Holy fucking shit, people...
Wait so
You can now seamless co-op while seamless invading if you download both of these mods?
The lack of oversight over cheaters seems like a good way to end up with bricked PCs sadly, which is a damn shame because this would unironically be fucking great.
>However there was literally 0 effort put into generating regions and spawns, you're just tossed somewhere randomly in the world regardless whether you've been there or not
This is hilarious
>invader spawns in the fucking mountaintop
>you have to track down the host and his friends
>across the entire map
>they can go into boss fights while you're doing this
That'd be some fucking kino. Also makes sense the mobs aggro you if that's the case, something to do and keep you busy on the way.
Turtles cant taste spicy food
I do like to go there early for the hip lantern, maybe that's why.
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>Florrisax's ashes
i have never touched spirit ashes so not much of a loss, but what cookbooks are you talking about?
very helpful anon, thanks bro
That's funny. I encountered a shitload of Swift Slash hosts, enough to just put madness perfume with the broken WA in my loadout to counter it.
Invading on low levels is super chill though.
No. Looks around the first floor of the storehouse. It's a big obviously elevator down.
No, nothing is blocked by messmer except the final dungeon because he is too busy beating the old snake in his goontower to block anyway.
Just explore harder nigger.
That's nearly every boss in this DLC besides the hippo. I mean that unironically, every single boss from Bayle to Radahn hit in directions they're not even facing.
They fucked up by making Bayley accessible so early.
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no idea how to beat this guy with a normal build
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not the palicos but i never use mantles and if you use temporal mantle you didn't beat MHW
Who got btfo the hardest by the DLC, Radahnfags Miquellafags or Maleniafags?
8 is fine in terms of survivability if you put damage negation talismans on. Actually killing him is probably a pain if you're summoning though.
I beat him at scadu 5 or 6
Me, Igon and Tiche wrecked his ass.
We also cuck Blaidd and Godfrey in the base game. ER is truly an NTRpilled game.
Don't forget, the gay male twin commits indirect necrophilia with his omenigger brother's body AND mind control rapes the soul of his other brother who he shoves into the dead brother's body
Malenia fags for getting 0 new lore besides the fact Miq didnt actually care about her at all
You mean Tiche had passionate sex with him while you and Igon watched
Look man. You don't understand.
Also I did him at Scadu 2
Tried to help other people who are like fucking 8-12 and I literally can't do enough dmaage to kill him before my host dies.

In 17 or so attempts I rammed ONE (1) host through Bayle, and only because he didn't summon somebody else. Three manning that piece of shit without the host dying is nigh impossible.
>summoning another phantom
you just know it's over
Good job. Medium shield chads fucking won.
you beat the game
Shadow Land jars and Golden Order jars are completely different
>Not getting every single named spirit Ash and upgrading it to 9 or 10 so you can slowly form an RPG party that hangs with you and sometimes makes comments and you all camp out at graces
oh im retarded, i saw the elevator, told myself id go down it later, and completely forgot about it. thanks
Can a sexy, off model 3D rig of Florrisax get made and popular like the Marika one?
I like dragon women.
Rellana has too much poise, fix that and her fight becomes one of the best in the game.
Pretty sure it doesn't brick anything. You can still get the books from retarded autism creature until he leaves. All you need to be able to do is have one thollier potion and it won't affect anything else. Dane and the rest don't even move until you exhaust dialogue.

The only other brick that exists is walking into Mesmer's arena without knowing, since that cucks you out of a potential Hornsent talisman for dash attacks.
Faith/int incantations casters. A whole fucking DLC devoted to Miquella, and not ONE new incantation that uses int/faith. To add insult to injury, there's a new discus-y spell... BUT IT ONLY USES FAITH
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Someone has a video or a breakdown of how scaling works in this game? I wanna understand it at a deeper level than "just know these softcaps" desu
Like, for example, is B scaling on a greatsword the same as a B scaling on a spear? Is S always absolutely better, even better than two As? Things like that
>no anon you don't understand that was just some jars, not all of them
>completely ignores everything else
whatever bro the story totally isn't me killing all of the abominations made by this horror show because marika's 2D tictactoe plan was to ultimately have some dingus kill her whole family and flush it down the drain to start something new
Miquellabros. I expected soliloquys about the nature of reality and the world as he explained stuff, what Enir-Ilim is, what the Gate is, what the Erdtree and the Elden Ring connect to it all, but all I got was one cutscene of him on his knees thinking about Radahn. What a fucking ripoff.
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>icebornes meta just became about maximizing the uptime of those ugly ass mantles
Please don't let this be the next game
anon messmer knew radahn, the sealing of the death world didn't happen right at the beginning.
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Only if it looks like this.
It's not quick, but this guy's is a pretty in depth breakdown of it.
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>could not summon the phantom
>because i blocked him beforehand
doubtful, in game model is too fucked up. Vykefags assumed the form was much more humanoid, Miyazaki monkey pawed them
>>completely ignores everything else
You didn't name anything other than the jars, just "many horrifying outcomes"
Name them.
They actually went and cucked the Miquellabros
>b scaling on a greatsword the same as b scaling on a spear.
No because spears deal less damage overall, but the percentage by which the damage is increased? Yes
>is S always better
Depends. If you've got a an 80 80 stat spread, then two As are better than a single S, but the thing is that you usually don't go 80 80 due to how people tend to limit their levels to certain spots (like 150 for ER) so in that sense, S is better than two As if you got all in one that one stat.
you can give him the black syrup as soon as you meet Moore
>he doesn't talk to each npc every 20 minutes
Can players respawn if an invader is in their world?
miquella is a consistent failure, that's the answer to all your questions.
Honestly, makes me respect Vyke even more.
Needing 23 Int to pick up the fun-est incantation was pretty retarded to begin with.
I was a miquellafag and expected at least some negative aspects to his character to be exposed but I also would've liked to personally talk to him like an NPC and interact with him more, something we don't get much of with the other demigods.

Then the gay pedophile mindcontrol incest stuff came and I sort of checked out of the story of the DLC entirely by that point. I still liked Ansbach though.
I know you can I'm just saying what you can potentially miss
The Twins both got BTFO'd the hardest.
Malenia's badass battle with Radahn seen as the height of the Shattering reduced to Malenia being a loan shark hitman sent on hit by her butthurt fag twin whose upset their brother doesn't want to homosex with him, so they try to kill him to buttrape his soul by force.
That first Elden Ring Trailer is destroyed by the DLC.
I mean fuck. Leda got to hear the lore of the beginning, she got to know the fucking plan. All I got was "Pass Gate. Get Radanh. Plan complete". The only fucking person who you can even ask the nature of reality to is fucking YMIR.
I don't remember this line
Miquellafags. DLC was supposed to be all about him but really he's just vaguely mentioned until the last 3 minutes of the DLC where it turns out he's a gay incest mind controlling freak.
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I assume these aren't friendly?
Needing 13 to use one of the best at all is fucking ridiculous
The Faith/Int shit was retarded fuck you Miyazaki let me have spells as a faith builds already holy fuck
all they had to do is make him a feminine adult to avoid a massive portion of the weird undertones.
Godwynfags and anyone saying otherwise is just forgetting he even exists that's how btfo he is.
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>can scalies get popular like blondes with big tits and a shapely asses
>That first Elden Ring Trailer is destroyed by the DLC.
made a new thread, use when you feel like it
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Actually no we get lore in the base game saying she bloomed and asexually reproduced due to intense emotions during her fight with radahn by gowry, we now know why. She's canonically a fujo who coomed at the thought of radahn and her brother fucking
Talk to them and find out
No, only the white bugs are good
>mind controlling freak.
That part was always true even before the DLC started fucking everything up.
There's enough descriptions that state that he could control hearts. The original drafts supposedly just had him being a sociopath with a savior complex, which he still is.
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>Spent like a gazillion years killing a max level
>Host runs away while two blues who spawned instantly distract me so the host can kick one of the blues and resummon his actual friend
>The blue left still fights to the death
I wish you'd stop shitposting this.
Anyone else not care about the character assassination of Miquella and Malenia in the DLC? I never found their story interesting to begin with.
>brother doesn't want to homosex with him
I'm fairly sure his motivation was nobler. Since he's described as kind, i assume he understood that divinity is going to cage Miquella and sealed the fate.
He literally has too much health on co-op for low scuba levels. I shredded him when I fought him on my own but in co-op I'm tickling him with a heavy bleed build.
>The original drafts supposedly just had him being a sociopath with a savior complex
Where is this?
one son is a 5 IQ feral zombie in perpetual agony, another had it's soul killed whatever that means, weaponizing immortality gave way to grafting and jars (yes the scadu ones, do you have a point?) which is just phenomenal oh and genocide, everywhere, everyone, always and all the time
Holy mother fucking of KINO
I guess because you get your bonuses from the ash level not the scoobydoo level?
I dunno.
Everyone lost

>Radahnfags get their champ back as a completely silent and mindraped puppet who is also the shittiest fight of the DLC
>Maleniafags get NOTHING and the creeping certainty that Miq stopped caring about her long ago
>Miquellafags were expecting either a glorious ally against Messmer or a JUST AS KEIKAKU devious mastermind. The latter turned out partly true but the endgame was getting his bara brother as a consort so yeah
>one son is a 5 IQ feral zombie in perpetual agony
What the FUCK are you talking about

A problem Ranni created

Not related to destined death being removed. Grafting is an ability that all of Marika's people have access to, it's why the Hornsent put them into jars. It's how Marika grafted Serosh onto Godfrey and Godrick being a descendant of Marika is why he is able to graft.
Psh. That's about as Carian as Twinned Knight Swords or Great Epee.
Kill them without speaking
i am going to battle with him on 0 scadu!! i am very excite
There's a real possibility of this happening in a mod. Repurpose Miquella's model doing this into Ranni and if you want Ranni to talk use AI voice, it's pretty good with Ranni's voice for whatever reason.
Maleniafags for sure. She's not the hardest boss anymore and her reasoning for nuking caelid is so stupid
Fuck around, find out
Wow this doesn't help me at all since I didn't go for Miyazaki's favorite shitty NPC. Does Ranni really need to be sucked off even more?Retards
Golden Vow, Flame grant me strength physick the buffs fire + free fp use
Erdtree seal in right hand, giant's seal in left
Giantsflame Take Thee
yeah but they are all corpses...
marika is so heartless
killed 2 children just to end the golden order
What damage type is the scadutree avatar's attacks?

Holy/Fire? Sick of this fucking weed coming back over and over.
Just holy as far as I can tell. Fire is what you use to kill it.
Holy. Also hit its face, use one of the Smithscrip weapons if you have it upgraded and just chuck spears/knives/hammers/axes/shields into it.
being a god is a fate worse than death.

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