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>SMT VV Trophy List

>Vengeance OST scans

>SMT V & Vengeance sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks will be available for listening on digital streaming platforms soon...?

>Funny photo featuring Alice

Previous thread: >>484074846
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>pegi 12
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Am I making a mistake by going for a versatile magic build in Vengeance? Everyone looks like they're doing a STR/almighty build. Will I just have trouble if I decide to do the super bosses (on hard)?
Metaphor won.
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SMT been catering to literal children since IV. Why else V discusses school bullying?
I wish Orion and Kaneko would collaborate with each other and push themselves to further their marriage of mortal/demon/angel designs
I like how tt2 had the fights be a puzzle both in the battle and before it and I think smt should go this way to punish the player for being negligent in paying attention instead of level penalty
Who is the most fuckable Qadistu?
i did this and its a lot more enjoyable now, its a nice middle ground. Thank you.
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What demon is a racist?
>AliceSoft X Kaneko game
That would obliterate this plane of existence.
It sucks that you don’t get paraselene blur until you’re at the Empyrean and all the remaining bosses block light.
ok, the /v/ schizo has to be someone shitposting from here... right? there's no way someone can be this braindead
>Tao route: Take control of the governement in the hope of fixing it.
>Yoko route: Tabula Rasa
Futsunushi isn’t racist. He just hates gaijin.
Either Lilith or Agrat
Reposting my question from the last thread in case anyone knows.

In CoV, can quests open up after the new alignment lock? I entered the Empyrean as neutral, and I’m worried that locked me out of the Michael/Belial quests and into the Danu quests. I have a save from before I beat Dazai and Abdiel, but I don’t think there’s anyway left to influence my alignment.
is there anything after the temple of eternity in canon of vengeance? also is 99 the cap on the first playthrough so I know when to dump gospels
VV isn't edgy enough
There’s still the series of boss fights in the Empyrean, which is technically after the Temple of Eternity. There’s a handful of quests that open up, and these are just boss fights.

99 is the cap outside of godborn
does newborn carry over Prayers in particular?
What exactly is the fucking strategy for Satan? Demi-Fiend I can at least understand to have Null/Resist Physical. And second question, is it worth stacking Pleromas over having an affinity passive?
why is the OP still vandalised you stupid fucks
The Aogami essence respawning is so fucking broken
I literally have Boon Boost and budget Heat Riser at level 22
there's nothing to be fixed.
Why does Sakanagi's animation have to be an uppercut claw attack? It makes it look like you're grabbing and ripping out your enemies balls
If it’s like vanilla, the only miracles that carry over in newborn are the ones that unlock skill slots, which is just to make the compendium compatible.
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oh well
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For those who don't know.
Yoko is canon wife
Tao calls Yuzuru by his first name
I wish they let you pick what you want to carry over or at least gave more options. A newborn run with rank violation would be fun.
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for the training room are the items i used free? will they charge me or something lol
They’re free
18 levels below zoos
what demon is he talking about?
You'll be sent a bill and if you can't pay goons will appear later to break your kneecaps
He's fine with gaijin who are willing to integrate themselves into glorious nippon's culture.
Is yoshi the ultimate str/agi max demon?
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Luminescent mirage so he megidolaons everyone instead of megido ark
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how is to improve my eisheth build
paper bag
high phys pleroma replacing titanomachina also get a paper bag to put over her head when you fuck her raw.
Tao and even Yoko are unironically too nice.
Fat fucking tits holy shit
she has by far the largest mammaries of the qadistu and incel retards still hate on her design
>incel retards still hate on her design
I am an incel retard and she has always been my favorite of the group. Not even sexually, though she does jave a great body, I just think her design is great and most fitting in SMT of the bunch.
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Moh Shuvuu
>I am an incel retard and she has always been my favorite of the group. Not even sexually
I like her only sexually, she has the best body of all the 4, the butterface adds into it.
Who thought having a 30MP Repel Magic (yes, all of it) skill in this game was ok?

Now that i finished picrel, I don't know why people bother bringing it up. That game really doesn't hold up anymore. Dungeons are a chore with some of the puzzles. Many of them are just trial and error and you need about 10 of them sometimes, with each mistake costing you like 2-3min of running back (and that does not even include encounters yet). Also the writing is pretty edgy and cringe, even for SMT standards.
Does DDS2 get better?
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I am so glad I clicked this bread
>Gustave's reward for collecting all 200 mimans is one (1) line of dialogue
What the fuck was the point of that atlus
even collecting all mimans in the game is only like 800 fucking glory
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I did it, I've become the reddit.
God anthony is so based he deserves so much demon pussy
replace succubus with amabie/nyami nyami then you truly are reddit.
>atlus practically making fun of completionism autists
pretty based if you ask me
The real reward was the balms but that's kinda useless in Vengeance since you can buy them in Godborne mode.
You also get 4 points to every stat as the last reward. That’s a pretty big power boost.
>error fusion
I want to, but... is Idun an acceptable replacement?
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Has anyone tried playing with an evasion build? It seems like a lot of the Tsukuyomi moves synergize around that and I’m curious how viable that ends up being.
Cleopatra's boob forearm animation is very nice
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Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to give Matador insta kill on Crit?
I fucking debuffed the hell out of the guy and buffed my defenses and evasion to high heavens. He fucking crits me for 44 damage and he fucking triggers the insta kill
learn abyssal mask retard
Still level 23
Same anon here who read the files that said charge/concentrate was 2.5. charge/concentrate is still trash with a 1.8x multiplier after testing and reading similar comments outside of here, the text in the file was a lie.
yea its only use is conserving mana
does wishes fulfilled mean tao/yoko/sahori harem
Only Yoko is canon
Tao would never do that
Anyone know the crit chance calculation?
If Qadistu Savagery + Bloody Glee + Murderous Glee guarantees a crit, then Madness Nails > Figment Slash
What if it’s been an error this whole time? Like someone copy-pasted the wrong multiplier when they made vanilla, and it got carried over into vengeance.
I like the one with the silly hat
it's good until you fight enemies that have repel/null phy, some evade are ice which helps since lategame most bosses are weak to ice.
Unlikely since they nerfed impalers animus from x1.8 to x1.3 so that it wasn't a direct upgrade to charge/concentrate. The nerfs to charge skills in V were probably made to diversify endgame builds.
except all the end game builds are just exploiting figment slash
atlus cannot balance a game for the life of them
add some form of resist/null/repel force
You need to pump Luck to guarantee critical hits.
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what do you guys think of this smt 3 mod?
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you can use somehow sexier tao?
No. It is once again cut content despite having an icon, along with Yoko's version.
Tao got mogged hard
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Someone needs to draw him as a boomer. Just draw Ananta with arms and every head the boomer wojak.
thanks for the mental issues
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Looks like people found out how to restore the enemy skills
What other stupid haunt conversations are there? And do haunts make demons bigger than they appear in battle? Because I don't remember Ananta being that big.
I like some of the quality of life changes, but the balance changes tend I don't really care for. Nocturne has its own quirks and that's fine. A bigger overhaul would be needed to actually modernise it.
the haunts represent their lore-accurate size.
in battle theyre shrunk to not interfere with visual calrity
based and true
not him but Black Frost is definitely bigger
Does EVERY demon have a unique attack now or just some like last time?
quite a few more unique skills appear this go around IIRC, but not for every single demon unfortunately
though they do get special skills for x race or whatever else based on passive, like nekomata/neko shogun/ose/some other cat can do some combo that reduces some or all enemy stats to lowest I forget which
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Every demon has an innate skill now(think abilities of pokemon), but only some demons have unique skills.
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She looks retarted
So whats the lore reason for kushinadas passive transferring to fury?
Please tell me one of the Divine/Herald race has a funny personality instead of GOD IS GREAT, OBEY, etc in the Demon Haunts.
Fury is the race Susanoo usually is.
I'm beginning to notice that every Doi demon in Demon Haunts are commenting about the story events while Kaneko demons never do. Hmm.....
there were similar mods for vanilla
wet lipstick blowjobs...
wet lipstick rimjobs...
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You're now imagining Mastema giving you a rimjob
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Mastema is for Aquila and Zelenin only.
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sex bird
Finally beat Matador
Had to Elec Gem/Shard spam with Tao and Yoko as well as cycle through Chakra Drops
Makami Sukunda was MVP
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Who was more based?
The Divine Powers or the Qadistu?
would you say that not having a definite style of music for VV makes it a weaker soundtrack than IV which had a set style and mood?
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The light change hee. Hee hold hee light to become Master Man.
That's not a nice thing to say about Amaterasu.
I like the Divine Powers more in theory, it just never really came together. Partly cause you can't join them. So you butt heads till they're gone and start doing your own thing. Qadistu are a bit more basic as an antagonistic force, but the game wants you to see they're sort of right about how fucked up the world is. Shame they die at the 2/3 mark cause a little bit more screen time could've really solidified them. You do at least get to follow through with their goal if you want though.

No, VV's larger range allows is an advantage for setting very different types of moods. It sells how chaotic the world is and the huge variety of boss themes really gives them some personality. IV was more focused as was the world and mood. It wants you to feel the dark, damp oppressive nature of Tokyo. With a lot of the big enemies being part of a fraction rather than doing their own thing. So both make sense for what the game is trying to do.
>IV was more focused as was the world and mood.
true. Kozuka even says he wanted to but couldn't set one style for the whole game and that's because that approach really wouldn't work for VV. you could see traces of a standard sound in tracks like no hypocrisy which is the oldest battle theme he composed for V, but after all choosing to compose tracks for specific battles to give them more personality was the better choice.
If Tao is Amaterasu which goddes is Yoko supposed to be?
amaterasu oscuro
why does she have the mirror
Tao isn't amaterasu. She had amaterasu's knowledge independently of getting possessed by the throne to be a goddess of creation, and the possession caused taos side of the power to become so unbalanced the actual amaterasu was erased from existence. The goddesses of creation are original OC goddess just based on the mythological archetype. Yoko seems to have no knowledge, or at least her having any knowledge is not referenced. That the game explicitly states what her deal is and yet people still don't get it truly is a testament to... something.
>If Tao is Amaterasu
She isn't. She is her knowledge, also being a goddess of creation sapped Amaterasu's power and she disappeared. Kinda silly but I guess she can't be both a beano and the one to lead them to the throne.
Yoko is a sex goddess
I can confirm
I know that Tao isn't the actual demon Amaterasu, but her being Amaterasu's knowledge is why she became a goddes of creation right.
Then which goddes did Yoko get her powers from?
>but her being Amaterasu's knowledge is why she became a goddes of creation right.
When are we getting a Devil Survivor 3?
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>Yoko seems to have no knowledge
My tard wife....
So both tao and yoko are two humans who became/are also two oc nondescript goddeses because of plot and tao just happened to have amaterasu knowledge which doesn't actually matter in the slightest in the grand scheme of things outside of explaining why amaterasu is MIA?
Yep. The throne appears to make an OC goddess every cycle. I also think the weird tao amaterasu knowledge shit doesn't really add anything to the plot whatsoever but it is what it is I guess.
The goddess of creation is just another in a long line of V's throwbacks to nocturne. Its an attempt at elaborating on/continuing Yuko's whole maiden of creation shtick, although you could argue (And I personally definitely would) by trying to make the status as one an actual original demonic/deific entity instead of purely a human with a latent gift its actually worse off for it.
>by trying to make the status as one an actual original demonic/deific entity instead of purely a human with a latent gift
I think that makes way more sense why else explicitly say that Tao is amaterasu's knowledge if not to explain why she is the panagia?
Kinda of splitting hairs. In both cases we have something which starts off human but then gains some powers that starts to warp them. In V as the process should erase your personality, though a strong enough will can break that aspect. They aren't a non-human being at first and don't really get any choice in the matter. Its a call back but also doing its own thing with different implications.

Cause she has to be someone's knowledge, every human has some. At most its just a way to make Bethel Japan more disorganised.
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People talk shit about magic Bino but I've just done Pale Rider while having no allies for like half of the fight, and he wrecked me when I had lots of ice weakness demons before
>every human has some.
Not every human pretty sure it's explicitky stated somewhere only people born after the shekinah glory event have knowledge.
Also yoko appearantly doesn't
I think you're not really thinking about V's lore much.
The goddesses of creation have existed since before YHVH took the throne. Knowledge was only introduced into the human bloodline/soul whatever post YHVH taking the throne, due to the serpents actions.
What indicates to you that knowledge, something that came into existence only within this worlds cycle, indicates who the throne choses to be the goddess?
Especially with Yoko in the equation.
If Bino can fuse with Aogami and Koshimizu, does that mean he can fuse with others as well?
Can he fuse with Nuwa and Zeus?
no nahobino we see in V is a result of a human women fusing with their demon counterpart
which is what leads me to believe that in the classic creation it should be done by a male god and a female goddess of creation, but in Vengeance neither Yoko nor Tao are mindless tools of the system and they retain the ideologies of their human form and want you to enact them. in the yoko route specifically you become "the servant of the serpent god" like Komori said in the spotlight, but in Tao's route you are basically upkeeping her ideal.
Who is better at sex? Yoko or Tao?
Beano is probably Izanagi's knowledge or some shit
Well baal and zeus state that V-kun should be able to fuse with them, because he holds the knowledge of a bull god like them.
No idea why he is compatible with tsukuyomi and the game doesn't really explain it either.
I guess, because both tsukiyomi and susanoo originate from izanagi.
Having knowledge is the result of Adam and Eve eating the fruit of knowledge. Through that it passed onto all humanity. This is cause YHVH said there will be no other gods before me and stole everyone's knowledge. Putting it in a tree next to his favourite monkeys. Yoko being a goddess of creation loses her partner, not sure if they keep the knowledge or that disappears as well.

Aogami and Koshimizu are both proto-fiends of similar design, the game explains that much. Also in reality Susanoo and Tsukuyomi are likely the same god with the second being an offshoot. Nuwa is a no, snake gods get cucked. Zeus is eeehhhh cause he thinks being a bull god they can probably make something work.

All three proto-fiends are derived from his power. So potentially he could fuse with him.
Why is Zeus a bull god again?
Is it because he cucks people when he wants to have sex with their wives?
How high does luck need to be to practically guarantee crits? I also thought that luck didn’t affect them in this
>ask my brother how he's doing in vengenace since he's playing hard mode like I am
>he's level 69 in the second area because he's left his game running in autobattle in one of the abscess areas and says he keeps getting lost
>meanwhile I'm level 52 and almost done with area 3

i dont know why he bothers playing games like this if he's going to play them this way
i mean holy fuck i knew something was up when he said one of his demons learned enduring soul but god damn man whats the point if you are just going to unga bunga and let level scaling dick slap everything
just watch a youtube playthrough at that point and save yourself the electricity
One of zeus most famous stories is that he turned himself into a bull and fucked a girl Europe would be named after.
Mostly its just V stuffing things in boxes to make them work. Zeus has turned into a bull and fucked cows but so have a lot of Greek gods.
I was hitting him for like 4k with murakumo???
Honestly would have made more sense if the bull god was just the patriarchal god, but then Aogami couldn't be susanoo U guess.
Did the previous cycles worlds have humans in them? How did that work, did they also have an adam and eve? But that adam and eve didn't eat a fruit because they didn't get gods knowledge?
Is this whole thing just metaphorical to reference the peak periods of real life religions and trying to actually make sense of it a concrete literal timeline futile?
Your brother is trying to connect with you by trying out a game you like. But since you reccommended him a really shitty game so he's not having much fun but still tries to play through it. A good brother would reccommend him IV
>Did the previous cycles worlds have humans in them?
>How did that work, did they also have an adam and eve?
No that happened during YHVH's reign.
>Is this whole thing just metaphorical to reference the peak periods of real life religions and trying to actually make sense of it a concrete literal timeline futile?
Pretty much, but a god once assumes control can you shape the universe as he pleases down to the amount of stars in the sky.
i didnt reccommend him the game, he bought this on his own because he thought it looked nice in the trailer
You brother sounds like a game journalist who won't play an RPG unless he can clear it with just basic attacks.
just let him play however he wants there's no right and wrong way to enjoy games
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Doi didn't design Asherah, though
it's good when Kaneko does it
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My bad I forgot that I'm retarded
I genuinely want to commission some porn of dormarth, anyone know if there's like a model rip or something I can just send to an artist and be like here that's your reference
never forget anon, Doi bad
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like Hijiri-level cursed
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You can use the official art of her or any other fanart to use as a reference.
just popping in for my bi-monthly inquiry as to the state of the booru
This but unironically
More like tumor anahita
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Neokun was a retard, he deleted everything. It never coming back.
What happened to the neocities site?
He never updated it for almost a year, and it had to go.
Wheres the fucking porn
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Legs goddess
but wheres the fucking porn
Need to see fetish art of yoko in a straightjacket with a ballgag or ringgag while she was sealed away by YHVH
Need to claim the throne for it
>Bino doesn't get to be happy with Tao in her end
>Bino gets to be happy with Yoko in her end
Yoko > Tao
bino is happier with cars
>ran away from Adam
>ditched Samael
>stayed with Lucifer
What made Lilith stay with Lucifer?
big blue cock
this but bino seals her away instead in a vacbed
Even in Tao's ending, YokoBino is still canon
Fucking Dazai and his cockblocking
would bino cock correction fix yoko?
>Make a rerelease to prove the MC is straight
Maybe stacking Pleromas isn't optimal at all.
Who is the straightest SMT mainline MC?
Demi-Where's my teacher at!!!-fiend. Also Flynn.
They're all
>no way fag
tier, but at least the SJ guy had a kid (with Lucifer).
>Lucifer is Satan
>Mastema is also Satan
>Satan is Satan
I'm confused
Samael = OG Satan
Mastema = Jewish Satan
Satan = Christian Satan
Lucifer = Poem Satan
Iblīs = Islam Satan
Iblis in SMT when
Man we are missing a 6th Satan to make it the cool number...
atlus lost 757 millon yen this past year.they normally did around 400M, the year they released V is still the lowest net loss they have had since the accusation.
this could be because they had 2-3 big projects in development but still, maybe they do expect metaphor to do P5 numbers
their earnings are clearly down since then too
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>Later on in the book of Jubilees, Mastema asks God to allow some of the spirits to stay with him so he could command them and help him to fulfil God’s commands. God again accepted his proposal and allowed him to keep one tenth of the spirits while the rest were condemned.
Mastema was the first Pokemon trainer ever... huh....
there's only 3 or so songs I like in Vengeance and the rest sounds like gleeby glorby penis music, whereas tons of IV or V themes pop into my head with no notice
SMT really doesn't want to touch too much on Islam for a reason.
Depending on what mythology/cult you are looking at, there are a lot of demons directly associated with Satan with Christianity.
they can do sufism, hardline muslims don't like that too much
tao is amaterasu's knowledge and yoko is lilith's, tiamat's and tehoms, fucking everything
How would a good Nahobeeho build look?
I don't have access to him yet but I'm set on using him as soon as I can and until the end.
Did they fix the Smirk bullshit in Apocalypse? I am glad saving is so piss easy. Mobs have killed me way more than bosses.
It's different, mostly for special skill effects and doesn't impact dodge rate
They nerfed it and added a skill that removes smirk
>t. Goko
>t. Abdiel
unironically figment slash lol, high str growth
Good. I might play Nocturne next. Then either Apocalypse or Strange Journey Redux.

I will wait until xmas to buy VV because I got too many other games in my backlog.
Does the new information that VV gives mean that tsukiyomi never could have made his world in V even if he didn't die in his own route and actually made it to the throne with yuzuru?
>only bull gods can use the throne, as told by thoth and samael when talking about the bull god curse
>tsukiyomi is not a bull god as illustrated by your inability to kill tiamat and need to get aogami back to finish her off as a true bull god dragon slayer
Poor retard, game was rigged from the start. He would have always needed you to do it for him even if he didn't get killed. Imagine how embarrassing that would be, just having to turn around and walk back out of the throne chamber
that means neither of the OG reps had the ability to do it, they all had to rely on you
Yeah, that's why Panagia Tao only appear to Shonen. The game being rigged is also why Yoko want to destroy everything.
Btw, when they talk about the Bull god lineage, does they imply the gods are really a big family?
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Same thing with Yakumo/Nuwa. Dazai is the only rep who can take the throne, he cannot stop winning.
Throughout heaven and earth, (You) alone are the honoured one
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>mfw trying to check her butt cheeks
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Just tear this corrupt system down
Okay, but hear me out: lips
Same with Nuwa and Dazai
Dazai's Nahobino form is a bull though
YokoBino is the most "canon" shit atlus has actually pushed in a long fucking while
Considering Flynn's background he'd probably kill a fag
Aleph bang he mom haha
he's in a devil children game anon. atlus is too pussy for him
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Fucking everything is in Devil Children for some reason.
Is it only bull gods?
I thought snek gods specifically got cucked?
git gud or cheese/turn difficulty down like a shitter
fatlus moment
in a way if he faced Nuwa in that route he would have to slay her to reach the throne, and he would himself then become dragonslayer
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I wonder if that aogamihomo offed himself after hyping up the bench for months.
i hope that happened the second he saw her putting her hand on bino's chest
Most casuals will at most get through 1 route, if they even open the game at all.
>Dazai saved Yuzuru from getting his hopes and dreams crushed
He truly is the bestest of best friends.
What's the best way to grind Maca in Vengeance that isn't the Mitama DLC? Do I just run around Taito and get all the relics?
All the rerelease girls are canon AF.
luck fights
Thoth states that Amon wasn’t a bull god, but was still a horned god, and the Qadistu refer to the horned gods at some point, so I guess the rules are a little blurry
The benefits of having no mythological equivalent, so they can just model your god form off of random Devil Man characters
Have to fight the Qadistu again because of a system error. Thankfully it was easy fighting them for the 2nd time.
>didn't make an incense/balm Mitama
But leveling definitely needed two
Is there a trick to getting through the last part of the Tiamat fight? I’m completely fine until she uses Boundless Sea. I’m slightly underleveled and my demons probably should be optimized more, but the way the difficulty goes from 0 to 100 feels like I’m doing something wrong.
>Yoko appears all menacingly in her true goddes form.
>instantly reverts to her more human form when she realizes the beano tao is with is V-kun
Why did they make her so cute bros...
>system error
Don't let Yoko hear about this.
>her smile at him

atlus where has this energy been all this time
They brought in the fujos with V then rugpulled them to make SMT straight again
If you need to, use Kannabi Veil to reduce damage taken. Otherwise, keep the main body fully debuffed. Not much you can really do since it pierces and removes all buffs, thopugh in my experience I dodged most of the times she casted it
classic atlus move
i misjudged bino once but he's got what it takes
Can I get Masakado's essence again once I summon him? Kinda want the skills he has for my physical MC.
try fighting him again see if that works, don't you get his essence twice? once upon completing 4 heavenly kings and once upon fighting him
if mastema knew yoko was with the qadistu why didn't he salt her at their first meeting?
Vkun would have stabbed him in the eye
Haven't fought him yet, just finished the sword quest. If you get after fighting him then it's all good.
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Name a more cucked SMT character.
Smt 1 chaos hero
I assume Mastema cannot really salt a Goddess of Creation, even if they were condemned and sealed away by God
this retard
>has a character arc where he changes for the better
>all he wants is happiness for the people of tokyo and PM's cock
> is actually friends with the main character and revenge for his death is one of the motives Tsukuyomi has for helping the MC

just cause he doesn't get an ending in CoV doesn't mean he's cucked
He killed YHVH in SMTII, that's not cuck behavior
>thinks he's aleph

i thought this fanfic shit was dead
he's shown to you as an example of failed rebellion against the great will
Maybe he knows the Qadistu’s plan can’t be successful. He can control Tiamat, so there’s not really an issue for him unless the Nahobino decides to join Yoko. Of course that would raise the question of why he’d bother turning people into salt in the first place.
>nuwa + yakumo is only 2 press turns
wait what the fuck, all other human+demon got 4 and they get 2?
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Both are pretty obviously into you, and both end in some sort of relationship even if one is a murder suicide. Yoko is much more outwardly loving which I guess is adding to the tragedy of her potential fates. Tao has little moments especially in Shinjuku where she protects you and then saves you. She's more reserved, but does at least get one end where you rule as a divine couple.
Oh nonononononononono
Amanozako bros... how do we recover from this?
>Lucifer created Makka and even the Center priests questioned why everyone is using Makka still
>Claimed he wanted to help mutants when he didn't even let them live in the abyss where he himself lived in a castle
>Lucy is just the buzzword edgy version of YHVH anyways
>MC and heroine sounds like they're half regretting their choice in Chaos ending

Not sure why anyone said Chaos was the saccharine happy ending in 2 just because the corrupted side of Law was showcased extensively in 2. It's just another "you thought so saved the world but whoopsie you're gonna serve Lucy now" just like in 1. Law is always the correct answer.
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That could totally be platonic
>gets slandered as the gay femboy protag with the robo husbando
>ends up being one of the straightest
How did he do it?
These are neat but so many of his additions are lv 80+
I'd really like to see more varied level additions to flesh out the full level range with new demons
The games usually favor neutral as the least bad ending. Vanilla V only had a a true ending for the neutral route, but Yamai’s idea of a happy ending was to erase all demons from existence.
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That was just the screenshot I had on hand. Its pretty clear from how both are into you.
>Yamai’s idea of a happy ending was to erase all demons from existence.
Honestly with how many quest ended uo being
>ah yes thank you for helping me beano, but I am gonna kill you now
I say good riddance.
They should bring back the old jack frost design. The one with the hat, scarf and umbrella.
picking up vengenace. is the law route good
What's up with alignments in SMT: If... , aside from chaos and law demons not wanting to fight to
>Yamai’s idea of a happy ending was to erase all demons from existence.
doubt so, he made an ending just to jerk off lucifer as the demon king and giving demifiend a way to become a full demon
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if... doesn't have player alignments. the closest it has is the goals of the partners you pick at the beginning
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It's a very cute design.
Though it would also be very cute if he cameback as oldman and was called grampa frost.
well it is called vengeance
By pure benefits the law exlsuive demons are worse then the chaos ones imo. But the law exlclusive miracle lets you fuse whatever you want without the level restriction vs chaos where you arent restirected by a demons base moveset. But if your playing COV yoko is hotter so go her
All of the Qadistu are fucking hideous. They tried way too hard at a group of seductresses yet they are ugly as shit and probably all smell horrid too.
It would make sense if the sidequests leading to True Neutral actually showcase why humans and demons are incompatible though. But they didn't do a very good job of that. The devs definitely favour Neutral even if the excuse for it is frankly, often flimsy. Law is typically the real "solution" to whatever the issue of each game's setting and premise is. Still, they like to pretend it's not as favourable as Neutral by adding more gameplay or ending epilogue. to the Neutral route.

The Khonsu-Miyazu quest is the one most people will remember and in that one it actually shows that they're compatible. Heck even Yakumo and Nuwa make it look compatible. I suppose the lesson is that it only works when the demon is in love with its knowledge bearer or someshit but still the game didn't do a great job at conveying why True Neutral makes sense within the context of the mandatory sidequests that unlock it. Not to mention that removing karma from the cycle isn't going to fucking stop it. It's just a retarded and poorly written route.

Most of the people who praise TDE are just gameplay tards who refuse to engage with the original conflict of III and hate its human characters, so they chose the destruction one because the real Demon ending was too humiliating for them as the actual wakeup call. The positive context of TDE is entirely derived from the players imo. Atlus treating it as the canon outcome of III isn't the same as saying it was the "best ending/solution". It's just like how Neutral is treated as the canon outcome never made it the best solution to the problem in any SMT game. Canon =/= best
It just doesn't make sense when two of the three ending unlock requirements were Fionn’s and Khonsu’s quests, and they’re some of the most benevolent demons in the game.
idk it being more reserved as to everything with yoko crawling all over you in the end in comparison makes me lean towards retard chaos girl
Still will always have the stigma of looking like a massive faglord.
So guardian alignments are random?
>but Yamai’s idea of a happy ending
True neutral isn't happy, least not in the usual neutral sense where humanity may now pull itself up. Its basically centrism is useless at fixing society even in the best case scenario. Things might not be horrendous, however nothing will get better by your hand.
Thats just how humans behave too
Syncretism with Marduk as both are storm gods and both represent the planet Jupiter.
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Would be too based for Atlus
They probably did it this way to be a foil to Nocturne having a True Demon Ending. Here the special ending is the True Human Ending.
iirc yeah. I remember the only thing being that you get a stronger guardian when the bar is full
I'd rather have a true god ending.
Though I guess that would be the law endings.
True and canon endings shouldn't exist in megaten. Ruins the whole point of alignments/reasons.
This, only my choices are canon
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I liked yakumo's original destroy the throne more than nuwa's banish demons. I think its interesting where it essentially creates a world where demons and humans are both trying to survive without a throne/higher being to guide them.
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Who gives a shit about what you have to say when these kind of endings been a thing since SMT 1
Tbf marketing-wise Atlus has always acted like your choice matters, it's mostly in the production of the product itself where they shove their canon ending boner in your face. At least that helps since I for one don't give a fuck about canon endings and I always pick the ending I find most fitting as the solution to the problem introduced in the game's premise. I just found out AG fucked up a bunch of shit in the faction dialogue in 1 so going Law in that game now makes even more sense for me. I picked Neutral before and really regretted it as it felt like a complete nothingburger ending even if it made the most sense as the "lead-up" to SMT2.
That's because he's using Dx2 as a base and demons there have "grades" which is the equivalent of "what level that démon would be in a proper SMT game".
And since gacha run on powercreep, 99% of the released demons are grade 80+
Wonder why they back-pedaled hard on the fujoshit?
because no one from that demo actually cared about it in V
Can't steal the spotlight from Metaphor
why do all the other frosts bully jack in the VV convos
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They already got the fujo market cornered so they might as well try another market.
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Even Jack bullies Jack, he's got that easy target look
Pyro Jack is an asshole, King Frost doesn't lower himself by talking to plebs and Black Frost is black
Nobody gives a fuck about Metachore.
Vesk status?
Nahobeeho also just berates normal frost for being a pussy for not being able to train like him.
Forgotten after throwing away all her credibility with an obvious lie/publicity stunt for the sake of some brief momentary dopamine gained from attempting to frighten people she deemed had wronged her
Why are twitter people like this?
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
Well a lot of them are tumblr refugees.
Where is the dick?
I hope we move on from Nocturne wanking.
>ugly women
>ugly whores
>to top it off they wanna pretend to care about games and other shit we know they don't care about
Bunch of factors
>Internet being a megaphone
>Genuine mental illness in some case
>Getting high of dopamine from seeing numbers go up
>Refuges from political driven sites stirring and spreading their nonsense
it was fun seeing her breakdowns
This is why it's cool that VV only has two mostly equally valid endings that have their own epilogues and are equal to True Neutral. It's slightly biased towards Law, but not nearly as much as V towards True Neutral, IV towards Neutral, or even IVA towards Bonds.
this was supposed to be about vesk
>III: neutral wank into chaos wank
>IV: neutral wank
>IVA: neutral wank
>V: neutral wank
>VV: mostly balanced
Alright maybe I'm being retarded but was the demon stock in V always 23/24? I have ran out of space for even managing fusions at this point, carrying Artemis, Alice, Hayataro, Idun, Amabie, Yoshitsune, Lahmu, Anansi, Konohana Sakuya, Chimera, Kresnik, Cu Chulainn, Ananta, Hydra, Scathach, Loki, Kinmamon, Tao, Arahabaki, Lachesis, Kudlak, Pale Rider and Azazel
They added the whole "team attack" stuff but with so little slots it's hard to even fuse for it
He can fuse with Tsukuyomi because all 3 proto-fiend models are based on Izanagi and were specifically made to be fused with humans.

A Bethel researcher tells that the player, even before the part where Aogami dies. In fact, it's said the Nahobino could even stronger if they still had the Amaterasu proto-fiend and he combined with her rather than Aogami. But there was only one Amaterasu proto-fiend active and she disappeared 20 years ago. They can only create a "Commander-type" (as the Amaterasu proto-fiend is referenced) in special conditions too, so they can't just make another one.
her latest tweet is someone blocking her. Looks she hates when people block her kek
>He can fuse with Tsukuyomi because all 3 proto-fiend models are based on Izanagi and were specifically made to be fused with humans.
It sort of confirm that Shonen possess Izanagi's knowledge?
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Is this an OK build? I just want something tanky with the ability to bring out other demons and revive my MC.

IDK if Titano and Jihad are worth using over Fatal Sword/Purple Smoke/Blight.
More like Yoko ono
thinking back to how Doi said he wanted to design his own Cerberus, and how he's probably already working on the concept designs of the next mainline game, I think it's possible that the next mainline is actually heavily referencing the first SMT game
IV already did that though
I'd really rather we not get into a rapidly shortening turnaround infinite nostalgia ouroboros
Next game should take place in Space.
Is it dumb that I think it is weird that the usual SMT protags use swords? I feel like they should use axes.
the dual world aspect is more SMT 2, structurally. you don't see some of the most important ideas of SMT 1
the idea must be something close to traveling with a dog companion while you experience the different steps of world ending. you were supposed to be able to do that with Hayataro, but they couldn't implement it. now that the switch 2 hardware is more powerful (which I assume is the base console, unless Nintendo pays for exclusivity again) they can do it.
maybe dx2 will do it, i hope they do!
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tsukiyomi nahobino's field attack animation looks Fucking retarded.
you look Fucking retarded
Next smt protagonist should be a police officer with a walky talky comp to call in their demons
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Aight let's end the world
They should have given it edgy colors, a design a bit similar to Jedah from darkstalkers
SMT VI is SMT I in space
>cop mc
>trannies cry about him being a cop
>atlus west struggles to sell it to trannies
>retarded trannies buy it anyway
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And then she gets killed halfway through the game and resurrected as a cyborg like that one tokusatsu franchise with a female ripoff of RoboCop
Fund it
Humanity will never explore space in SMT
Terminator make a come back
>thinking back to how Doi said he wanted to design his own Cerberus
I don't know how he can build on Cerberus since the white lion one is basically iconic.
common issue with him has always been the single head (because those people haven't seen the SH design) so for one doing that.
I don't understand why they didn't give the SH design a 3D model instead
They should use Hammers.
Fucking shut up
Inb4 Mayan Gods invade from Space and both humans and demons are forced to team up.
Technically, three heads is merely the most popular version. There is a version with 50 heads for example.
I wish they keep making new demons of other mythologies instead of making new designs for older
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Also, on the weirder depictions, Cerberus had snakes on his back.
Make sense for a beast that is Hydra's sibling.
>made it halfway through the boss
>he decides to oneshot everyone with freikugel and leave naobi alive
Because the SMTI design is more iconic for SMT itself.
>ancient artist was so shit he couldn't get the two other heads attached to the main body
They faced challenges more due to pottery art
Cool, me too! Let's invite Aogami too, I'd feel bad leaving him out
Does anyone even like godborn mode? It's just stat bloat that forces you to farm stats yourself. Give me a proper very hard mode instead.
Isnt that because it have a collar? there is even what looks like a keyhole in the center
I’m on first run through of NG+ after CoV on CoC, when does Gustave start selling all the incense? I could have sworn I remember him selling them late game
Godborn mode
Yes, anon's bait is bad and ancient artists were based
>Give me a proper very hard mode instead.
Not gonna happen, Fatlus is incapable of making a mode that makes all the bosses summon demon allies that actively counters your party and limit things like skill selection for example, banning passives like Resist/Reflect/Drain.
b-but I don't want to share...
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>That nippon dog
Lol, lmao even.
someone mod this in VV already we need a tourist filter mode
What’s a good build to guarantee Crit Murakumo? Stat wise and skill wise?
islam demons it's your turn
But SMT 1 had a canon ending and 2 is a sequel to it?
SMT1 never had a canon ending. Any ending can lead to II thats what kaneko himself said about it
That kind of marketing line is why they're cowardly about the Nocturne connections in V/VV and always claim that there are no connections to previous games in spite of directly referencing the True Demon Ending.

Like another anon said, even for SMT 1, Atlus' official explanation is that any ending can lead to 2, even though it seems odd the protagonist in the chaos and law endings would turn around and try to create a town that would welcome everyone from all factions, which is clearly neutral.
it's up, partial translation of Giten (PC-98 version)


unironically this is a happier news to me than the release of V-tranny 2: Electric Boogalo
Next MC should be a child of Sun
she really looks like a wallmart version of Kei from Maken X/Shao
they should give the protag the kotaro coat
that was me anon and yeah you're correct atlus are fucking cowards. Every Nocturne connection in V they treat like it's just a cute little nod because they won't grow a pair and make an actual sequel.

II is a sequel but they won't give you any ending it follows

IVA is a retarded alt timeline

V is whatever the fuck they won't even give you a real answer there
V-trannies don't care about pre-IV games
/smtg/ has fallen
But that doesn't make sense at all unless 1's ending is neutral?
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Wicked demon temptress
They can't make another Nocturne without Hashino
i agree with you that it makes the most sense but that's the retarded atlus logic
Meh, they should take the Tolkien pill and let people figure it out
i mean we've all basically figured it out, but they just say "nuh uh"
Need some advice. I'm currently at the temple of eternity, level 70 with around 15 gospels and haven't touched any of the statues. When is a good time to use them? Can I use the gospels at 84 or are they better used in a godborn run?
save your gospels, you cheater. Just hoard them and never use them unless you're fighting superbosses or whatever. Also i decided to touch all the statues as i saw them because i already use many grimoires on my demons for fusion autism purposes.
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>save your gospels you cheater
>i already use many grimoires
i don't see how it matters. if you reach end game or whatever and you feel like you need to grind, just enable the mitama dlc for easy levels
Currently in the final area (not dungeon) of the game at lv64, already beat Zeus and Odin, already did Ra's quest (haven't beaten him yet), but I swear I've been doing these way too underlevelled, it's not impossible but I feel like I'm not doing much progress level-wise and the quests all round about the 70's, I have 6 Gospels with me for the moment but I feel like that won't do much difference since my demons will be behind regardless, what do?
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Then just go do the other Taito sidequests. You'll lever up gradually from their rewards.
It's Persoverna
Also no downsides to using the balms right? Since they are Nahobino only
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I'm gonna do one playthrough of SMT CoV and then one CoC. Should my CoV be a Neutral or Law playthrough?
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Oh, just googled it. Guess Neutral is CoC only, huh? Welp, I'm dumb. That makes my decision easy, though.
Technically you can be Neutral in CoV but it doesn't have a Neutral ending. If you're Neutral and get to the end, the game will let you choose if you want the Law or Chaos ending before the final lock. Otherwise if your alightment is Law or Chaos you automatically get locked into whatever had the highest points.
>VV isn't even a month old and there's already misconceptions
such as
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Especially Mermaid.
is that the black souls artist
cute mermaid
going to be my first time playing the vengeance route. any tips and tricks? what miracles, abilities, stats, demons should i focus on lvling up and acquiring first?
Dunno, here's the source:
Farming Repel Phys essences just to beat Demi-Fiend to going to be a pain.
Believing that Tao is the Law route when it's very obvious that her route doesn't contain any Law elements nor bringing order, which is something Law does
You even fight and kill Dazai, who's the most Law character in the game and is the actual Law rep
>mfw i read it as microtransactions and went to check
Vengeance routes are hope and despair. You either believe the world is salvagable or you give up and erase it.
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>hope and despair
hol up
Vengeance routes are "a good president can save America" vs "America is fucked, burn it all down."
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The vengeance routes are just the two endings of dark souls 1 lol
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What is the world? Tokyo is all that matters
i'd side with trump
>You even fight and kill Dazai, who's the most Law character in the game and is the actual Law rep

Your world gets Maria just like in the Law route. Michael has the same speech about how the angels are fine with your world when you do his quest just like in the law route. Your map curse if you go Tao is the law one.

Vengeance Dazai is in a weird "justice = power" trip, even saying you're justice because you won after he loses. Koshimizu in a bench conversation also speculates Mastema set up that battle just to show that the power of a Nahobino goes way behind any kind of forbidden power (with Koshimizu believing he used his demon controlling power to make Abdiel go fallen and then face them to show that the power of a Nahobino surpasses any kind of forbidden power).

>when it's very obvious that her route doesn't contain any Law elements nor bringing order
One god ruling the entire world, which is why Yoko opposes it. Yeah, it's from the shadows, but the same goes even to the Dazai Law ending here.
>Tfw Danganronpa did this concept better on the PSP with a small budget when compared to VV on PC/PS5/XSX with a huge ass budget
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I think at this point he's controlled opposition but I don't care, I'll take it over the alternative.
>Game is actually all about how the world would be better if Japan was the #1 superpower that governed everything
How did Fatlus get away with this?
It's honestly interesting that post-SJ, Mastema been becoming more and more of a good guy to the point he may actually be the neutral rep for VI
The problem is that it's fundamentally the same as V's true neutral ending, potentially even making it worse with the added lore.

The Satan quest also muddles the issue, as it means that Mastema isn't really fine with you winning if it means you're going to get the power of Transcendence from Lucifer.
He was the only sane Law angel in 4.
This post? Written by Mastema
If they actually follow a cycle then the next game should chaos focused.
He was a good guy in IV but in VV he's more of the morally ambiguous variety since he has his SJ characterization but with some elements of the IV one mixed together.
>good guy
anon actually fell for his ruse
and everyone said that the alternative was better last time..really says a lot about us
CoV Order - sex with Tao
CoV Chaos - sex with Yoko
CoC Neutral - sex with Nuwa
CoC Order - sex with Abdiel
CoC Chaos - sex with Tsukuyomi
CoC True Neutral - sex with Aogami
Any questions?
I think Chaos was trying to be a pro-nationalist, anti-superpower thing rather than Japan becoming the new sole superpower but a Japanese deity becoming the new head god muddies things.
trannies don't read and they're the only ones who'd actually cry about it anymore lets be honest
True Neutral: one God, this God is relatively uninvolved in the world but he deleted all demons (mostly securing his position, although Luci and Redman imply human belief might just bring demons back), Lucifer gave Nahobino the power of Transcendence, the curse of Marduk hasn't been fixed and the world is still an unfair place with some destined to win it all (the bulls), as shown by Sahori still being alone
Vengeance Law: one God (or two? honestly, it's ambiguous), this God (or Gods) respect the freedom and free will of humanity even at the detriment of their plan but are committed to guiding them to a better future, if the Satan quest was completed that means that this wasn't part of Mastema's/Mandala's plan and this world was freed from Mandala (perhaps implied by Satan that you can't break the universe as a whole free from Mandala and you can only do it with your world), Tao is trying to fix the curse of Marduk so that the world is more fair

The differences seem to be an issue of nuance for than anything.
Mastema is working for the Transcedence/System/Great Will/Will of the Universe (It's referenced by all those names in VV), which is actually portrayed kind of negatively in V/VV since all endings aside from normal Neutral involve explicitly breaking away from it.
One of the lamest aspect of SMT is how everything is always in Tokyo with the exception of a few
Just do strategize arahabaki cheese
>CoC True Neutral - sex with Aogami
That's gay. I'm not gay.
The point of VV is to show there is no third option.
so how are you meant to keep up buffs/debuffs in long ass engdame battles, just walk into every fight with max chakra pots and somas and then keep using them in between casts of debilitate and luster candy?
fucken space weirdo
He's cleaning his eyeballs
>find a sword in cov
>arahabaki shows up out of nowhere
>"give me that sword i'll give it to you in another timeline"
how do I beat true avocado? this nigga be bustin fat crit freikugel loads all over me fr
Wanna fuse together and fight to create a world where there's two Koshimizus?
May have to switch from Murakumo to the new almighty magic nuke, this shit isn't critting.
Except every argument has with Yoko she argues for law and order, after the Mara fight, she doesn’t believe everyone’s desires should be realized and that there must be order to control them to prevent disasters. The Law ending of CoV is the de facto Law ending in Tao’s ideals. Mastema doesn’t intervene because he offered himself up to summon Satan or because he did not foresee Lucifer intervening at the last second. Regardless, Mastema serves the system and that he ensures the world is re-created. He explicitly doesn’t serve God in his words.
But she literally wants to create a world where everyone's wishes can be fulfilled.
Yeah, good wishes in the standards of law and order overseen by Goddess Tao as you can see her at the end. Goko even said the will of bino is a UTOPIA and he’s the one to guide humanity or even demons as well since Tao wanted everyone to get along.
Nice fucking scam
She is trying to make everyone happy, but clearly it's in her own way. I doubt the Yoko in the epilogue even knows about her original goal and realizes she lost.
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Kill it.
No, it's literally all wishes. That's what she said in her speech to Nahobino when she told him that she kept her personality. The point is undoing the curse of Marduk and creating a fair world where people aren't immediately rejected.
>... can I get a moment? Before you\ntake the throne, I want to talk about\nthe world you're going to create."
>...The thing is, after awakening as a goddess,\nmy old self should have faded away.\nSince it's not really necessary for my duty."
>But I still feel like... me.\nI'm still Tao Isonokami."
>I think it's because of all the time I spent\nwith you and Yoko... Traveling through Da'at\ntogether helped me feel so much stronger.",
>I think I know the source of all of that suffering, too.\nIt's because the Creator made the world this way."
>...So we have to make our own world. A better world, where no one is doomed to suffer."
>A world where all of humanity's dreams can\ncome true. I know we can make it a reality."
>If anyone can, it's you, <pc_given>."
>With all these different lives and different perspectives,\nit won't be easy to make everyone happy."
>And as the new ruler, you'll need to watch over \nyour people and guide them. For a long, long time."
>But I think that's a price worth paying, right?\nIf it means no more suffering in the world,\nI'll do whatever I have to."
>And I would watch over this new world\nat your side. If you want that."
>So... will you help me make my vision\na reality? Let's both do all we can\nto make our ideal world real, <pc_given>."
Even ignoring the deleted text for her ending, it's clear she isn't imposing dreams and is considering the fact that everyone will want different thing and it will take a lot of work to make it work.
Of course, but it’s still nuanced towards Law, Tao hasn’t forgotten that as a goddess. You can see it in the quests in Taito where goddess Tao gets new cutscenes. She sided with Futsunushi and is glad that you killed Adramelech because she knew he would never get along with the Amatsukami.
Sure, but it's Law-tinted Neutral, or Neutral-tinted Law. Even softer in the Law department than DeSu Amane.
That’s not actually a deleted text, you see that before reaching the Empyrean where she stops you to talk.
No, I'm talking about the deleted text for her ending that paints it as a typical Neutral end.
Huh, mind posting it? I’m quite curious.
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The boundless potential of the world's beginning\nwill bring peace, where once there was instability."

he Empyrean, and the Throne of Creation, shall\nbecome a cradle, and shall encircle all of its wonder."

Every world that has been, every world that will be,\nshall be nurtured within this infinite universe."

And there, a paradise shall be born—a world\nwhere all wishes are fulfilled, and none denied."

The new ruler reshaped this world\ninto one where the myriad wishes\nof humanity are all fulfilled."

It was a paradise, equally welcoming\nof those who accepted the world of\nthe past, and those who rejected it."

Yet, this world was filled with the clashes\nand disputes of old, and in that respect,\nwas no different than its predecessor."

To realize one dream is to deny another,\nand from ideals irreconcilable arises discord."

Conflicts of man become conflicts of nations,\neach side fueled by their vision of justice."

The spectacle was far from a perfect world.\nYet the new ruler held fast to his hope for the future."

Within this war-torn legacy, a new path would surely rise...\nand from there, the advent of a true paradise."

The stuff from "The new ruler..." and onward was cut from the game.
Does the cut text have audio narration?
Is there any other Tsukuyomi essence or is that one the science lady gives you the only one? I've been running magic build in CoV and I was wondering if there were any other broken abilities like the Ice signature move from Tsukuyomi
Me and my boy Yosh*tsune going around wrecking demons, with our gals Cleopatra and Idun in tow
She gives two more when you reach Temple of Eternity and the Empyrean
I fused mine away and it resulted into a slime accident, I was so mad, but I got to ladder fuse that slime into Cu Chulainn so I'm less mad about it
Murakumo strat is using crit charge
Why does the Fiend theme in V sounds like fucking ass?
Kozuka knew he couldn't outdo Meguro's take on the fiend theme so he tried his own weird dubstep version, which sounds terrible
That Tao is a virgin
>Kozuka knew he couldn't outdo Meguro's take on the fiend theme
I mean the IV theme was pretty damn good but clearly he fucked up with V
I'll remake the world into one where she is if that were the case.
It's no Battle B2 that's for sure
Fucking halloween parody sounding ass music I've swear
Why did they cut it? Can't have a game where you make a new ruler that is trying her best ?
[REDACTED] bird on the [REDACTED] handheld? Nice.
was Dr.Trill's monkey based on this?
Just imagine if all the versions of Mastema are the same Mastema, but all at different points in his timeline. With IV being the nicest and youngest before he totally loses his way, VV as a midway point in his existence and SJ as the most manipulative and worst.
>monkey demon
>doesn't have an eats-your-face move that drastically debuffs your accuracy
I just realized Tsukuyomi battle and the new bino form don't get any effects from the phase of the moon
are there ANY moves in V that differ based on moon phase? I feel like that hasn't been a thing since SJ
>Meguro's take
Meguro didn't create the fiend theme you dolt.
Just saying but if at any point in your playthrough of V/VV you had Yoshitsune, Idun, and a DLC demon in your party at the same time you are an NPC with no imagination or creativity. I look down on you.
Alice's theme > Fiend theme
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I didn't use Yoshitsune in my original playthrough of V, and I didn't buy DLC, so don't go at me for wanting to try out different demons.
literally who are you
Yoshitsune and Idun aren't worth shit in VV, and fuck you, I like Artemis, Cleopatra, Dagda, and Konohana Sakuya.
I'm you but better.
>just handicap yourself bro, don't use the good demons
>Konohana Sakuya
I am so SO horny for her, got damn
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You probably already discussed this a thousand times already but is it still worth it?
I'd bring Artemis with me even if saintstrike wasn't good because she makes my peepee hard. Also after Nocturne I can't feel mercy for any fiend boss fight, so I will Hassou-Tobi them to death
oh wow is this real
Ooooooh touched quite a few nerves I see. It is pretty funny how unwilling most of you are to experiment with team building. Just slap the shiny doimon with the unique skills and passives in your party and call it a day.
The damage boost is very small very now (1,25%) you'd just use for the piercing effect. Generally you're now better off using the actual piercing phys skills.

>Tao, is that truly what you believe? One God to rule over everyone? Do you think humanity will ever be happy being ruled?
>No. Its built on the same ground. The same broken system. One god who has control of everything.
>It ruined our world. That's the reason we're fractured, divided... between oppressed and oppressors.
>Even if he takes the throne nothing will change. It will simply be a new oppressor.
Yoshitsune is in a league of his own. I don't even consider him a Kaneko demon at this point. He made personafags cum in their pants with hassou-tobi so now mainline has to deal with that shit too. Do the funny 8 hit move Yoshi! Haha! SUGOI!
he got that Soejima face
>moving the goalpost
There is no goalpost. My statement is you are a lazy teambuilder. You could have made some cool shit but instead you fused Yoshitsune, Idun, Artemis, Cleo, and Konohana Sakuya like everyone else. Most of the content in this game is boss fights and you took the easiest route to victory.
Unique skills ruined the fucking series.
NTA but what if I used all those demons because they were hot. Also doesn't artemis fall off later in the game? Still a good demon and not the worst imvestment though.
need Konohana Sakuya lewds...
Actually I'm a big fan of Lahmu that's who I brought to the endgame with me.
I think they are good, it sucks most demons don't have unique skills and share a race passive instead
>Yoko wants to demolish all hierarchy
>too dumb to realize that it naturally and inevitably emerges
she is so criminally stupid that she deserves the Hijiri treatment
I don't think that's true in the context of remaking the world. You can't say society is inevitable when you are hitting the reset button and then guiding the world to not end up the same as the last one.
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She isn't "guiding" the world though. Her whole opposition to Tao is exactly the idea that something good could come out of a god trying to set the world's direction.

She probably did set some basic elements of the new universe (like no throne), but that's it. Yoko herself wouldn't even be alive to guide anything afterwards.
I want to fuck the reddit bird
Elliot Rodger but female
Someone please tell me how do I unlock Yoshitsune
Well no hierarchy existed before Marduk took the throne so if there is no throne than there is no hierarchy.
You don't have to do shit. He's level 45 and has more fusion combinations than I think any other demon. It's like the game wants you to fuse him.
You just fuse him, he's not locked under a mission but he's also not on the over world. Just look up a combo to fuse him
I hate the demon sounds so much
V wasn't too good with them
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But cleopatras voice is hot when she uses frolic...
I beat Artemis at level 33 yesterday, it's fun when bosses can beat the shit out of you.
Shoutouts to my Mermaid landing Makajama twice in the fight, she'll always be my one and only.
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Oh thanks. I was worried he was locked behind some absurd quest to unlock him, but thankfully not so I can access the last section of the Chiydo map
Guess that's life...
>You can't say society is inevitable when you are hitting the reset button
'hierarchy is inevitable' is not the same thing as 'society is inevitable'
if organisms in competition for resources exist, then hierarchy is an inevitable consequence
'the strong/adaptable triumph and the weak/unadaptable perish' is a hierarchy
Is it true you can get every demon in COV except danu? Makes me kind of regret going COC first
Well what if there was no competition for resources in this new world? I'm pretty sure Vengeance explained that the reason our world is so structured around a hierarchy is explicitly because of god's of order ascending the throne. We just naturally emulate the structure they followed.
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I wonder, did Kaneko ever draw for ATLUS what the demons were supposed to look like from the back, or do they just make those details up as needed?
I ask because Debisama Cherub’s got this eagle head in the back now. It makes sense, given the mythology, but it was never visible in his 2D art. Was it always supposed to be there, or did they just add that detail for this game?
Only CoC exclusive demons are Danu, Masakado, and Lucifer.
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You kept mothman in your stock until the very end, right anon?
I remember looking at him and thinking "this nigga is boring" and deleting him to make room for others
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Is the quest for Danu/Maria/Innana before the alignment lock in CoV or after?
>lock some of the new demons out of the route most people will play first
>the new superboss is old route only
Why, is this game like this. Atleast satan is a superboss forces you to play both routes
Did Naoya also ran away in the OG?
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Did they really have to use a distort effect on literally everyone? Damn near sound like Omphalos
>Well what if there was no competition for resources in this new world?
frankly impossible unless you're postulating a Nocturne-Musubi type thing where everyone has their own inviolable solitude bubble and cannot interact with others
even space is a limited resource
>I'm pretty sure Vengeance explained that the reason our world is so structured around a hierarchy is explicitly because of god's of order ascending the throne. We just naturally emulate the structure they followed.
This is just Yoko's bare assertion without evidence
Again, if it is possible for an organism to gain a comparative advantage over another, you instantly have a hierarchy
>Atleast satan is a superboss forces you to play both routes
That was a lie, you can play vengeance only and reload to kill him after the ending
I'm like 90% sure that you can get both danu and 1 other allignment demon in the same run. You have to stay nuetral and accept the quest before the allignment lock to get, and after the lock you can get either maria or inanna depending on what you chose
Wrong, if you are a Yoko simp and pick the choices to make your alignment leaning to chaos, Maria will fight you as Danu when you reach the empyrean to unlock her. I played CoV Chaos as my first run and I unlocked Danu like this.
Ironically, I like his insanee screams
I got Inanna as Yoko simp
Funny thing is that I fought both Danu and Inanna. I fought Danu first and some time later Maria reappears asking my about the seed of life again to fight as Inanna. Probably a bug or something.
post your best non-DLC demons, lets see how professional you are at smt
Why was his entire dungeon skippable?
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I'm gonna keep him in the part until late game. The stat increases are kinda interesting and this goes on infinitely, it's better with low level demons since using them more often allows them to gain a lot more. I'm keeping all of the stat increasing items until later, since I want to try something out with another demon.
Beano is knocked out
What now?
Are you planning on using Gogmagog too? His innate skill has fun synergy with demons with lots of weaknesses like Preta.
First 60-80% of the game will be great and then bosses will have max resistances and be tougher than if you went full physical

It balances out in the end, and you can always respec into phys at the last quarter of the game anyway.
That's one of the demons I'm going to use, 100% one of the demons that would be interesting to experiment with.
Whats the appeal of this?
Anyone in still playing this series instead of persona is likely to be in their late 20s to mid thirties minimum and male

Why the fuck is this the main character of the long awaited 5th entry?

what kind of fucking crack were they smoking?
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The times have changed Anon, I agree though. But they're designing for the western twink audience of redditors and fags nowadays. Just look at the protagonist of metaphor. Unironically Japan is producing this shit for western audiences because international release is where they get the big bucks.
Because it required you to explore it at a certain part of the game which barely gives you hints on it. There are 4 or so sidequests and only one stays until the end of the game.
Critical Eye
Idk why people are still excited for this game
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Based team experimentor. Meta slot in trannies could never.
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*4 or so sidequests in the game in total I think
i wanted a long-haired badass MC, but i never get my wish they always make MC into some pussy looking one
Metaphor looks like persona, and i don't like persona. I just need to see some gameplay footage to see if its any good or not

You can get Danu if you're neutral when you first get to the Empyrean (before the route lock) and already have the 75% compendium item.

The only CoC demon is Masakado.

Lucifer isn't CoC related at all. You unlock him when you get to the first point where you can fuse demons in a Godborn playthrough (so, need to beat Satan first to unlock Godborn).
Page 4 of doujin
They did this so players are encouraged to play the old routes than just the new ones, as CoV was intentionally made as a side-dish to CoC.
Coming out well
Who's the male character? Soul Hackers protagonist?
Did they buff poison inflicted by enemies in vengeance or something
it seems to do comical amounts of damage
That is Hideto-Megami Tensei 2 protagonist
Do they have poison adept/master?

Camael in DX2 had his cape and wings, while the models in Raidou and SMTV just gave up on the cape. So, it does seem like Kaneko didn't draw model sheets and the modelers have to figure out how to handle the parts not visible in the artwork.


one character like that every 40 years
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>Some guy wasted thousands of dollars on a western porn comic and it's just bland shit
Congrats on the nightmare fuel of seeing MT2 protag dick, I guess
I like vanilla, sue me. What did you want-ttw ntr shit after she got kidnapped?
Ah, so Idun was actually promoted to special fusion status in VV. Perhaps because she was one of the best healers in vanilla V?
Who is the girl on the left
She was always special fusion only?
She was always a special fusion.
Yes nigga
It's DDS with row system
Is that MT2 Hero and the heroine?
>want-ttw ntr shit after she got kidnapped?
Yes because at least it would be less bland and make the comic have more value since you're wasting thousands
of dollars on it
Well fortunately I’m the one with the rothschild’s ransom money so I get to decide how I spend it on, and I wish to spend it on vanilla MT2
have you commissioned art of TTW in her panties?
Yes but it looked like shit so I don’t bother posting it
>having value
stop being delusiional
what kind of panties were they? cotton white? any flowery patterns?
Screw it, I'm going safety mode for Demi-Fiend and Satan, and I'll beat them legit on Godborn.
Is it bad that I let the student die in the Feast side quest?
You didnt beat the game and you will suffer the level 150 Satan
Don't worry, you can't save him no matter what you do.
Yes, and I used Mimic Tear in Elden Ring. I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
Anyone have the damage formula for Heavenly Ikuyumi?
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Counter is actually really good with lots of luck, since it's over 50% chance to activate. It only failed me once. It's still only 30 damage with this build right now which does suck. Due to the low damage overall, I have been mostly a support or using Zio with Aramasa only being if there is no electricity weakness or reason to debuff. But Aramasa will always be 8 hits now, but still has a low chance to hit with at least 1-2 of the hits.
Who told you Luck affects the chance to Counter?
Basically with good luck stuff like Omagatoki: Dance becomes worthless outside your demons. The foul only Omagatoki skill is what I have been using instead of Critical, I've found it more useful overall.
Cheat Engine stuff. Since stuff impacts it.
>But Aramasa will always be 8 hits
Wait it's not 1-8
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>McCool fight
>Two rakukaja
>Two tarundas
>Mac A Luin still one shots
Level 28 Bino with level 25 party here
What a beautiful game, god bless Atlus.
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You've surely got resist phys essences on you.
Use them.
Phys Dampener
Could have had LOSTARM get a goofy dildo-roboarm
The game makes a distinction when multi-hit attacks vary in hits against a single or random targets. Bouncing Claw hits 2-3 times against a single target, Glacial Blast will hit 2-5 times (2 max for a single target), and Aramasa will always hit 8 times not counting misses or Pandemonic Feast boosts.
The shit you have to go through just to hear this track in-game.
…shit that’s a good idea
Which game are you talking about
There is no way that is true. Luck has never affected the chance to counter. I really feel like this would be common knowledge 4 years after the game came out.
does cleo count as dlc demon on vv? I use her for her fat tits and ass. she could be the weakest demon in the game and I would still use her.
Glad to hear it, take it if you want.
>the special little snowflake does not want people to play however they want
go back
Bro your taunt?
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I would have if he looked cooler.
NTA but she pretty much does since she can easily steamroll most of the game due to being a DLC demon.
>.t recruited her, Artemis, and Mephisto after beating the first area
>tfw Shadow Mothman
She got nerfed from og V but she's still absurd. The only other DLC demons that were nerfed are trumpeter and mother harlot
i use them so i can maximize some lowish level demon to get their next skill. It doesnt let you level a demon higher than you so i dont consider it cheating as im just trying to avoid potentially being overleveled through grinding for levels for my lower level demon.
Do you need all 4 guys to do Immolating breath with Hydra? Cuz this is an incredible looking move but it feels like it's not worth the party slots. At least for this run.
I'm at the final empyrean leyline. Almost did everything. I think only demifiend should be left for me.

Anything I'm missing?
I did shiva, amon, khonsu, demeter, fionns questline.

I think it's time i grind to 99 for demifiend right?
Where do you think you are that I can't call you shit at the game for using cheap tactics?
It's barely a nerf anyway since she has Omagatoki: Free, which allows her to use Frolic for 1 MP.
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well too bad because shes pure sex.
please post Konohana Sakuya
I never got the michael/belial quest. Is it not there in vengeance?
CoV? Don't forget to go back to Shinjuku where you first met Mastema to get the Samael quest.
Only after the route lock, which is post-Empyrean in Vengeance.
on the other hand, it might be a good mod to install on Godborne
>a whole game to spend trying out new endgame level demons
It should be in vengence. I think you have to "lock" your alignment before you're able to do the quest
Yep, missed out on this. Gotta do it.

After yoko reappears then?
I beat Hydra first try by removing Yokoand having at least one demon with null posion
Yeah im like 90% you need all the demons. But they can just be in your stock and be benchwarmers
>After yoko reappears then?
you beating the game with self imposed restrictions has no value
i will play the game however i want
i will have fun
and there is nothing you can do about it
Nono anon you read it wrong
Yeah it's not worth it, maybe in the route I'll run all 4 of them
I'm in CoV and trying to stay neutral for as long as possible to avoid having to do a second playthrough. I just beat Adremelech, and turned Law. Are there any other chaos options in between here and the Empyrean?
I called you shit at the game. That's all I need to do about it.
sorry, can't hear you over me enjoying myself playing.
they need to be in your stock but yeah you need all 4. same with the 4 sluts and alice with her 2 uncles.
>Alice with her 2 uncles
Huh? Alice has a group Magatsuhi?
Odin asks you what you aim to do with the world. There's also the Moirae sisters quest triggered fro Demon Haunts that likely has an alignment choice with a question about fate. I'm not sure if it really is one, but I think it is since Tao comments on your answer afterwards.
Yeah with belail and nebiros
Ouyamatsumi has incestuous sex with THIS!!?
>Mfw order
Guess I'm throwing Alice in the compendium for now.
Oh, I see now. CoC is for Aogami's character development, while CoV is for PM.
Thanks, anon. Hopefully, I can game those to stay on that neutral.
He was rock hard the entire time.
imagine the smell
Fucking dormath SHUT THE FUCK UP
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Zeus had incestuous sex with this?
Use jaki rasetsu feast him at start, then constantly tarunda him, also resist phys and taunt
>battle ~no hypocrisy~
SOVL. I hope we get similar alignment fights in the future where we fight the rep and their demon ally without them fused together
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Did you miss Fallen Heaven Exalted for Abdiel and Ichiro?
Did i miss an important Story bit or how was mastema able to enter the empyrean without being a nahobino?
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actually zeus raped her and then gave away her incest daughter to his brother hades as a gift without telling demeter and then hades marry his niece born from his brother and sister against her will after kidnaping her and locked her up in the underworld until she was rescue but she already had Stockholm syndrome by then so she goes to visit him every other day.
Greek mythology is fucked
He explains in the Satan subquest that he actually works for the greater system along with Satan.
I mean doesn't zeus literally rape animals and boys. Even in the demon hollow I think he suggests beano to replace one of his servants. Also in the demon hollow he admits that he couldn't get away with that in the modern age I think
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bro i got a dorm room its just liker persona frfr
>Yakumo and Nuwa boss fight
>realized I had an electric weakness on my MC
>"Ha ha I'm in danger"
>Yakumo goes first...
>uses galvanic slash on onyankopon...
>he does it again on his next turn...
>the whole fight is just him spamming galvanic slash on onyankopon
>kill Nuwa with Efreet and Yakumo with Alice
And this was on hard...
>I mean doesn't zeus literally rape animals and boys.
yeah, actually demeter forgave him because she knows that zeus can't keep it in his pants.
I only played chaos and nuwabino is such a jobber its not funny. Abidiel was blowing my teams back out with that piercing fire attack. Got so desperate I raised up a siegfried and it was a close fight. And then nuwabino comes and she's insanely easy.
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Agrat is my fave but I can't figure out 2nd through 4th place for me since they all have great designs. I like Lilith's Doi Design more than her Kaneko Design because Kaneko Lilith looks like an Emo and Disco Fan with that stupid pompadour of hers. Lilith's Doimon design actually looks sexy enough to be a primordial mother of demons instead of a Fem Disco Stew going through a midlife crisis. Either way, I'll definitely add them to my demon haunt harem. Yet at the same time I'll also use male demons if they're sufficiently OP and/or have cool looking designs.

This build convo will come in handy if I remember to check my bookmarks when the time comes.

I tried getting Matador early in the game when I first got the "Return of the True Demon" questline. But was unsuccessful so I'll save that fight for later in the game. Can Beano learn Abyssal Mask through Essences or am I better off getting either Scathach, Fafnir, Bishamonten, Thor or Amon? If the latter, which demons would you recommend for taking down Matador, the rest of the Fiends and ultimately the Demi-Fiend himself?

I've certainly took screenshots of some of my favorite demon haunt convos. Will have to go through my folders just to pick the right ones I find funny and/or cool.

I like the idea of Pagan/Polytheistic Pantheons forming a separate faction from the Abrahamic Angels and the Satanic Demons. Wish this kind of dynamic appeared more often in mythology games, be it SMT or otherwise. Did SMT Nine have an ending for each alignment? Maybe something like that, but trimmed down to five alignments/endings instead of nine.

>Shame they die at the 2/3 mark
If they die in the 2nd or 3rd act can you still summon them via Demon Fusion even after they die? Or are they locked from being fused once they die?
what does that have to do with respawning lol youd get those anyway
Wondering why Mothman doesn’t have a side quest of you killing off the monstrous looking version that is actually just the statue given life
but it's SMT so it's dark and egdyyyy
what do egyptians eat
Cum salad.
cabbage with semen on it
SMTIV Lilith > SMT V > SMT I
Bring back the sexy mantis
Yakumo did the same thing with my Lilim, maybe the ai id bugged?
I really want the flatwoods monster, fur bearing trout and tsuchinoko in smt
Doi literally erased kaneko's lilith design
he's like the white man erasing black culture
How is Kaneko okay with this
I forgot my exact team for matador but bring force dampaners, nahobino with force immunity, feng huang, ame no uzume or any unit that can debuff his evasion. The big think about matador is you have to debuff the shit out of him before you damage him mainly because of red capote. Also try to gaurd when he uses the magutudhi gauge if you cant block it because matador has a chance just to instakill you if he crits.
Kaneko abandoned us for NTFs.
Are you the same guy who spams /v/ megaten threads all day by calling smtv costco simulator
no but that sounds funny
>You're forced to control Reddit Bird
Nope. Not doing this quest.
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What the fuck is with NFTs and Japan. Inafune, he former main Digimon designer, Kaneko. Who else did it get?
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Nigga I can basically farm Boon Boost for some support demons
why doesnt eisheth get as much erotic fanart as the other qadistu
She looks like a black woman.
She looks like an old back woman. Blame the hair
I for one want to fuck the granny
imagine what that tongue could do...
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I don't really like OC deities in fiction about mythology in general. I'm here to read stories about gods from real world religions, not the author's OC gods. The only exception I'll make to this rule are the Cthulhu Mythos Deities since they're in the Public Domain. It also helps that they're one of the last great works of fiction written before the introduction of copyright laws.

>bring force dampaners
Got it.
>nahobino with force immunity
That can be done with essence fusion, right?
>feng huang, ame no uzume
I already used my Ame no Uzume to fuse Idun. But I can get her again if I have to. And yes, I do have the DLC for Konohana Sakuya and The Dagda. I just wanted to fuse Idun because she'd be a good backup healer behind Konohana Sakuya, and because she's also a waifu I want to add to my demon haunt harem.

Cool and cute pic.

I like Eisheth design wise. All the Qadistu are pretty sexo in my opinion. Enough for me to want to fuse them for my demon haunt harem.
Wasted potential: The character
Am I the only one who found Sahori's death unintentionally funny?
Like they pan to Beano, Yoko, Tao, and Sahori's faces before randomly panning to Lilith's face.
And then she just kills both Tao and Sahori
Wait, even Inafune?
I think Yoshitaka Amano also dabbled in it IIRC.
Vengeance yakumo is a joke, creation yakumo is harder
Idun? You level 44 and getti g fucked by matador?
what are best almighty dmage dealers other than nahobino
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Level 48 to be exact. Like I said, I tried it two or three times early in the game before I decided to save that subquest line for later. I was mainly using this guide that didn't help me: https://game8.co/games/Shin-Megami-Tensei-V/archives/350206
if i see onre moe piece of qadistu fanart that isnt eisheth im going to lose my fucking shit
Nobody likes Eisheth
That's why her name rhymes with a shit
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When can I get the miracle that allows my demons to use items?
Nobody gives a shit about her anon. Her having a ugly face basically doomed her from ever becoming popular.
u cant even see her face retard she has a mask on
Toss-up between Masakado, Agrat, and maybe Metatron. Shiva is also a good almighty user, but I see him more as a debuffer/supporter with his skill.
Game 8 isn't perfect, like shiisha isn't that strong to deal with matador. If your level 48 just use idun and yoshitsune and pummel matador. Your at a way higher level then him, just rememner to debuff his evasion
Reminder that the SMT IV OST is ranked #9 on rateyourmusic.com's top albums of all time.
charlie brown christmas about to overtake it
> I think he suggests beano to replace one of his servants
He actually suggests that Nahobino replace his cupbearer Ganymede, who is a boy that Zeus abducted to have sex with
>lost to EoE
Dagda. His only utility is to null shit and deal STR based damage, and he has a positive affinity with Almighty.
More and more, it felts like Krato's action is more justified every single day.
It's better handled in CoC unironically, Nahobino hugging her close and stabbing through her heart was nice
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So why the fuck was Beelzebub seeking the key? Or at least killing the other dude, he didn't seem very interested in actually gathering it. Was the Indian branch so powerful everyone decided to gang up on them?
I also think it’s funny that Tao dies three separate times in CoV. I guess she’s hard to keep down.
You ever consider that he is just bored and following Lucy's order?
when will doi turn beelzebub into an erotic large-mammaried anime girl
>Didn't put the new demons on the field in Minato
>Didn't put the new demons on the field in Shinagawa
>Didn't put the new demons on the field in Chiyoda
>Finally has the new demons on the field in Taito
Why didn't they do this for the first three wards? Why wait until the last one to do this?
Sahori got shafted harder in the vengeance route lol
itt appears in shinjuku retard
Metatron and Beelzebub are never getting changed for the simple reason that they will forever be a Nocturne reference.
3rd map I believe
Shinjuku isn't accessible in CoC.
why are you playing CoC if you want to see new demons
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Thanks for the advice. I prefer being overleveled for boss battles anyways. Luckily enough I already have a Yoshitsune. Though I'm not sure if my current build for him is even good in the first place. I was just winging it when picking skills for him. Unlike Idun where I actually went out of my way to craft this build in particular: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ghvufpE1nE

Do you have any recommendations on how I can improve my Yoshitsune build? Preferably with demon essences instead of outright deleting him to create a new Yoshitsune? Or am I gonna have to recreate Yoshitsune from scratch?
Why the fuck are you even playing the old routes
yea replace him with eistheth or any other comptetent phys demon
To 100% the game. The fujo bench was implemented well as Aogami will comment about CoC from time to time, so I don't know why they couldn't do the same with the new demons. Especially when they're actually in these areas, but in their own special little section via magatshu rails.
I feel like they half-assed this aspect of Vengeance. There are actually on field Dis in Shinagawa, but they’re in one of those little side areas you can only reach by Magatsuhi rail. The same is true for Fenrir and Cherub in Taito.
The Temple of Eternity has no new demons even though Cherub would have been the right level for that.
There’s huge overlap in the enemies in Chiyoda and Shinjuku, even though the Chiyoda demons were chosen for story purposes (they’re the foot soldiers of the main Bethel factions and the Demon King’s army). Chiyoda has rare on field enemies like Mishaguji, Kurama Tengu, and Hanuman, which could have been made common in Shinjuku to make the areas more distinct.
Ironic since their role in Nocturne was to be an SMT II reference.
about to do an incel challenge run where NO Female demons are allowed
wish me luck
Not like Mastema sending you to die against Satan is the same vain as Lucy sending HERO to Beelzebub and expecting Beelzebub to kill HERO in SMT1
Have fun with your starter pixie anon
There’s no reason to have spells on him. He’ll get press turns from Hassou Tobi, and his magic stat is bad. I’d give him restore to conserve mp and maybe mana spring since Hassou Tobi is expensive. Critical zealot will improve Hassou Tobi damage. Maybe Fang Breaker so he can debuff attack instead of defense. All those skills are available at his level, but idk which ones you can get through essences.
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>yea replace him with eistheth or any other comptetent phys demon
No can do because I'm on Canon of Creation. As for why that is, the first reason was that I wanted to see CoC's story for myself to see it's differences between it and Canon of Vengeance. The second reason was that I unfortunately got tricked by the myth that you needed to unlock the True Neutral Ending in order to unlock Godborn. So what other competent phys demon would you recommend? Alternatively, I'd be willing to recreate Yoshitsune from scratch if I absolutely have to. Will this build work?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGuCSKJ2dm8

Pic related is my current demon stock.

Thanks for the build recommendations.

>There’s no reason to have spells on him.
Yeah, I was still in the mindset of "gotta cover as many elemental weaknesses as possible with all my demons" when giving him skills. Though I might use this Loki build for Mitama hunting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIQVk62wiM0

>All those skills are available at his level, but idk which ones you can get through essences.
I can figure that out as I play the game and check on my available essences.
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Mothman negro...

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