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Stepped on: >>484184492
she'll be back (cured because of the dew needle) for the sequel. need her iconic design for the commercials after all.
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Ranni good simple as.
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Me with my best friend, Torrent!
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Leda SEX
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Marika was already jarred when she ascended to godhood that's why she's also Radagon. Maybe others too. She's the primary personality, but the gestalt in the jar ascended with her.
Feet franchise.
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Zoomers desperate fit in will call me a dumb frog poster in one post and then say skibidi fragments in their next one with no self awareness at all.
I will never like spears. Which is weird because I love them in every other game. They just have such a slow, clunky, restrictive moveset.
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don't care.
still curing and marrying (and deprogramming) Malenia.
So let me get this straight:
>Hornsent: Deserved it
>Fire giants: Deserved it
>Messmer: Deserved it
>Omens: Deserved it
>Misbegotten: Deserved it
>Albinaurics: Deserved it
>Caria: Deserved it
>Dragons: Deserved it
>Raya Lucaria: Deserved it
>Merchants: Deserved it
>Nox: Deserved it
>Beastmen: Deserved it
>TWLID: Deserved it
>Two Fingers: Deserved it
Is this accurate?
She'll probably have mixed feelings over the Tarnished killing Miquella.
>feel like doing an INT playthrough, but want to go into the DLC early to get the Carian dueling shield
>realize my Limgrave / Liurnia only invasion build is poised to do exactly that
>do Varre's quest
>go 3-0 with 2 talisman slots, a demi-human staff, and a morning star
i'm so back that i never left even though high level invasions still rape me
All of her demigod kids aren't actually her children. She rebirthed the shamans that were fused with her. Every single demigod is a reincarnation of one of marika's dead village mates.
they have also been powercrept to death
compare the AR of any spear to any of the top weapons and they are literal dark souls 1 daggers tier
To be fair they likely say skibidi ironically. I personally call them Scooby-Doo fragments because I am 34 years old.
fraid so
What's her Noble Phantasm?
it is done
I preemptively ejaculated when he did that final slow thrust attack
You know what will also be mixed? My sperm with her eggs.
What are the chances there are still hidden things in Shadow? The base game had some secrets even after everyone had beaten it
>Messmer: Deserved it
>Albinaurics: Deserved it
What feelings? She's dead lol.
You still have to beat mohg
>go to messmer
>die like 7 times
>ok these delays feel pretty cheap im just gonna play passive until he's done and then attack
>kill him 2 tries after
is this dogshit really "the best boss in the game"
Almost zero. I feel like SOMEONE would have found it by now.
Reminder that Godwyn was asking for it.
STOP wanting to correct the female knight just because she's a murderous shotacon! How would you feel if she raped you??
I thought Radagon and Marika were both numen who escaped the hornsent and decided to get married and then do a fusion dance
Did the DLC drop any new lore on Torrent?
I have Trina's flower thing as proof that he wanted it and I was doing him a favor.
I still don't know enough about the Misbegotten to know if they deserved it. Seriously what the fuck are they? Omen are a curse for genociding the Hornsent and Beastmen were vassals of the Ancient Dragons, but I have no idea about the Misbegotten. Or the Demi-Humans, for that matter.
I finally jewed that fat nigger Radahn to death with a bleed build and I will not apologize for it.

But is there no cut scene or credits or anything kicking me back to the main game? Literally just a memory of Miquella being a faggot in a chair and saying he wants to fuck his brother? That's it?
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that was about +50% damage from skibis

perfumes at 80/80 stats deals 589 base damage, and the no downside/long buffs are 1.2x crystal tear, 1.2x perfumer talisman, 1.15x golden vow. Crusader talisman is a nice 1.15x that is semi-permanent in dungeons. Getting iffier is 1.2x bloodsucking tear, 1.02x for each rakshasha set, 1.12x scorpion. And then you have temporary / janky / impractical stuff in all those other boosts like howl of shabriri, black dumpling, old ones exultation and the poison/bleed amplifiers too (can all be active at once if you're truly insane with gear swaps)

so with just golden vow + light tear as temp buffs with no downside / long duration and perfumer talisman + scorpion rings and +50% skibis and 2x damage power stance you're already at 3277 damage per R1, before enemy mitigation, hence around 3k damage from normal attacks
but you can crank it up way higher if you buff up stupidly or use dog fashion, and that's just regular attack damage not rolling sparks which can one-hit radahn
getting 3k damage normal attacks for minimal buffs, FAIR and NOT GLITCHED builds seems nice
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Why is faith so fucking schizophrenic
>Holy Damage spells
>Fire Spells (like 10 different varieties)
>Lightning spells
>Crucible shit
>Dragon incantations
>Beast spells

What the FUCK am I supposed to use
>The retcons also make Radahn's march on Leyndell feel extremely pointless
you mean the "march" with 0 in-game evidence of happening? There's not a single item or dialogue about Radahn attacking Leyndell, no redmane gear in the area to signify a battle. Where do schizos come up with this shit?
Did you rike it?
I'm listening.
cute and retarded, my kind of girl
She's not dead.
I call them skibidi too and I'm a frog poster
>a change in design philosophy
>more people playing this game than the others
What do you think is more of the main cause of ER's boss design being more scrutinized than the rest of the series?
>Let's/makes you kill Adula so the tarnished can feel ike a dashing prince resucing a princess from a dragon, to try and make you feel the same for her and she does for you
>Didn't bother to tell Adula that you're working with Raani and she didn't expect to see you again after killing that shadow before the Lake of Rot, your sudden unexpected apperance to propose to her is what makes her fall in love with you
both kino Ranni best girl
I just 1st tried Radahn at level 20 +3, and I'm pretty good at Mohg's fight. We'll see.
It absolutely would have been datamined by now.
He's a fraidy cat in the Abyssal Woods because the Frenzied Flame can destroy him permanently
so how do you kill the gimmick furnace golems if you don't have any furnace visages?
What does the fallingstar beast in scaduview drop? I don't want to deal with this shit if I can help it
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I can't shield poke because he breaks my guard in 2 or 3 hits.
I can't stay at range because then the fucker spams Bulwark or w/e and that shit is a huge net loss for me.
I can't trade because the fucker gets free attack tracking that lets him spin 27- degrees to always land 100% of his attacks no matter how I dodge.
I can slowly whittle him down from up on the cliff outside where you fight him but that's boring pussy shit.

I fucking 3-shot Malenia. I 1-shot Radagon and 2-shot Elden Beast and Maliketh. I 2-shot the stupid dancing lion.

Because Miyazaki is a subhuman piece of shit. That's why.
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herp misclicked same webm, meant to post this one as example of
>but you can crank it up way higher if you buff up stupidly or use dog fashion, and that's just regular attack damage not rolling sparks which can one-hit radahn
Correct. The lack of end credits for the DLC is honestly kind of insane. You can't "reset" the DLC without going back into the main game and dunking on the final boss.
We literally see the image in the opening trailer of morgott fighting radahn.
Misbegotten are probably just another species who unfortunately share many of the Honrsent's physical features which is why Marika sperges out over them. I imagine that they were once all like Hewg and basically just normal "people" but the intense abuse they suffered made them more animalistic.
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I can fix her
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>2.5 years later
>radownies are still coping
Wow, he's weak to parrying. How are people having so much trouble with him?
From has no idea what they want to do with pyromancy. It scales in completely different ways each game, and for this one they decided to just make it faith.
>bloodfiends arm
What else is basically a guaranteed nerf?
Fire spells should have had their own catalyst and scaled with arcane.
>game has a bunch of gods
>each of them gives you different powers
But the actual answer is that From decided to stuff all pyromancy stuff into FTH.
That wasn't Radahn.

Swift Slash
Why do people shill them so much?
Which armor sets keep the full mantle while wearing the Pelt of Ralva?
how tf u dying to that turtle ass mf
basically from randomly decided one day that faith casters should be allowed to do literally anything and everything, have access to all damage types, a wide variety of projectiles, hitscans, instant range bursts, wild aoes, stomps, storms, whatever, and also get all the different utility spells, heals, buffs, debuffs, status buildup, everything
and decided that sorcerers should be allowed to throw fruity pebbles at someone's face for mediocre dps, and their only variety is the color of those pebbles because they get 30 different spells that all do the same thing with the same damage type and same weakness and same range and same projectile

...and then they gave faith builds all the busted weapon arts because fuck you that's why
>weak to parrying
he needs 3 parries in a row to stagger
>guy with the ability to send shadow clones to jump attack people fights radahn
>this means Radahn fought outside Leyndell, despite no evidence
Morgott is a filthy omen, he most likely jumped Radahn with a clone while he was minding his own business in Caelid
Bloodfiends Arm is a short Colossal with low AR.
Why would they nerf it?
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Radagon looks how I feel
they have some good use for pvp but then again in pvp damage doesn't matter as much as PvE
>Beat Radahn
>"That's it?"
>Oh there's a memory here. Thank god, closure
>Miquella kneeling
>"Radahn please fuck my bussy"
>That's it
>We already knew that from the boss cutscene
I felt like I'd been cheated.
All I did was throw a handful of lightning bolts at this faggot with like 40 faith lmao

Just run away and throw shit at him until he dies. Stop being retarded.
He refused to fuck rellana. Marika hates volcels and gay men. She wants their deaths.
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>dlc happened because miquella wanted to fuck his brother
The ending (or lack of) is so jarring. The only cutscene you get is just repeating something you learned 5 minutes ago (ignoring the hours spent fighting Radahnquella) and there's just....nothing. No new dialogue, no new lore, it might as well not have happened
Does your skibidi level reset on NG+? Do you have to collect all those fucking things EVERY time?
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Whoever posted this last thread made my day.
you're a pornbrained retard
they are trying to form a dynasty, it has nothing to do with love or desire
you can poke while blocking and that's the only way these shitters can beat the game
they're also fun to use powerstanced
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Whats a good build for MLGS? What pieces do I want? I was thinking of avoiding powerstancing greatswords so I can use that new "+15% for 2H" talisman
For a pretty casual pve playthrough not pvp, I already did the DLC once so far
Regardless if you beat her after the DLC she doesn't even acknowledge his death. Hell onces she's given herself over as the Goddess of Rot, her love for Miquella may be gone for all we know.
I could see that being the case. Not everything needs to be connected on some deep schizo level. Them just being a random species that makes Marika sperg put for existing is even more tragic really, especially because it seems that the Golden Order still used them on some level e.g. Hewg and the Lion one who has Radagon's sword.
>what selfcest does to a motherfucker
Swift Slash
Nanaya's Torch
Smithscript Shield
Rolling Sparks
Inpenetrable Thorns
Blind Spot
Miquellas Light
Fire Knight Greatsword
Bloodfiend's Arm
Carian Sovereignty
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Finished everything, never played coop. QRD?
can you failed normie gooner retards leave already? This is supposed to be the gameplay thread
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The worst part is that aside from buffs, most Faith spells are shit for combat compared to INT.
Knock them down once, facestab them, then watch them get back up and get excited to do it again a second time :)
Does that 15% even affect the sword lasers?
10 minutes of hosts stacking buffs then dying to malenia within 10 seconds of entering her arena
Was Radagon fucking Marika incest and/or gay since they're the same person?
qrd on? what? My cock?
Blood Bloodfiend's Arm inflicts bleed in two hits and staggers Radahn in like 3. The current shitter cheese build is just 70 arc, fiend arm, and the physick that gives you stagger.

I literally used this to kill him in like 30 seconds and I'm bad at Elden.
Why does it look like him?

Or, to play doubles advocate, why is a Redmane knight, who were fiercely loyal to the point of waging an unending war of attrition against eldritch space mold armed with nothing more than torches to defend their lord, who also cosplays as radahn, attacking leyndell?
Imagine if Leda met the Tarnished when he was a shota...
We fight Morgott in his prime, right? How the fuck did he defeat Radahn? I genuinely don't understand.
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Are other Fromsoft games so wishy-washy and confusing with their lore and timelines? Or is this shitshow unique to Elden Ring?
retards fighting bayle at blessing level 2, turn off every stake in the dlc.
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Did INT builds get anything good besides carian sovereignty and the thorns spell?
>I fucking 3-shot Malenia. I 1-shot Radagon and 2-shot Elden Beast and Maliketh. I 2-shot the stupid dancing lion.
All your suffering is because you use retarded terminology like this instead of 3 try because this is a game where you can actually kill bosses in one attack.
thats a big change, that means you went from dying in 2 to 3 hits...
the gimmicks dont take damage from weapons
meh, probably not. But doesnt that skill also have a melee swipe? Ive never used it before
When I first started playing I fucked around with a bunch of incants but nowadays I pretty much only run Flame Grant Me Strength and Stone of Gurranq with some additional attacks/utilities if I think they might be useful.
Those fruity pebbles have absolutely disgusting damage output compared to just about each and every single form of incantation. Even the faster ones like Beast Sling don't hold a fucking candle to some basic bitch Raya Lucaria scholar flinging pebbles for 700 damage at just about the same speed. I'm not even going to talk about shit like Spiral which is better at staggering Furnace Golems than a colossal weapon is.
Anyone notice that messmer can actually hit you behind your shield while you’re blocking? What the fuck?
nope, you just listed everything
seriously its not like you even got bad shit, there's literally twice as many new incantations and three times as many new faith weapons compared to int, they simply didn't bother giving a fuck
Uhh why does Radahn have a vagina? Are reverse-futanari now a thing? I think it's finally time to call it and say porn addiction is very real, the boomers were right
where are the items or dialogue talking about how Margit the fell omen beat the mighty radahn? It would be one of the most important, well known events of the shattering. At most Morgott used his clone ability to sneak attack Radahn in Caelid and then got chased off like a dog
cuntboys have been a thing forever
Spells I used a LOT to clear the DLC :
- Lightning Bolt (my bread and butter)
- Frenzied Burst (the range on this thing is SO fucking cracked you and kill any dangerous enemy without worry, used this the most late game to obliterate divine warriors)
- Fire Serpent (actually underrated as fuck, the damage isn't great but it has weird homing and can go around beams and over obstacles to hit. Used it a lot climbing the specimen lab to kill those fucking birds)
- the Knight Lightning is just a straight upgrade to Lightning Bolt but I didn't get it until near the end
That might just be a random remake soldier. If it is Radahn he looks tiny so he’s probably far from the prime he becomes
It's better to test it.
I've thinking about pairing it with a Cold Carian Thrusting Shield with Shield Strike myself.
And? That's still weak to parry, especially considering it gives you a window to just tap him with an R1, like Midra or Rellana, which also builds up stance damage.
>got mindbroken when Radagon left her
>dropped everything to follow his lover Messmer who was tasked to commit genocide
Damn, Carian's are crazy lovers. You can already see this beginnings of this with Ranni where her affection for (you) grows at the end just by listening to one extra dialogue.
Which is useless when there is little cooldown between enemy attacks and they tend to spam 3+ hit combos. If I get guardbroken by Bulwark I'm dead because that's 20% of my hp and he's going to land one free attack for certain and likely a second attack to finish me off if he auto-tracks my dodge or jump.

cope, retard. you knew what I meant and I'm clearly not suffering over you being a pedantic piece of shit.
imagine kissing miquella haha wouldn't that be funny lol haha
>int build
>thorns spell
Might want to check the requirements for that one again sweety :)
It's a faith spell for faithchads
>Radagon is STR/FAI
>Messmer is DEX/FAI
What should the Tarnished be to complete the trifecta
Straight incest since it's shown they can exist as separate people. Like if you fucked a female alternate universe version of yourself, it's not gay because it's a separate individual even if they your exact personality.
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INT got SO fucked in this dlc. It's actually insane.
The lore is actually more coherent in Elden Ring than the souls games.
INT still has glintstone kris. The cheesiest weapon in the game.
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No faith abuser is gonna bother with shitty beast sling in pve, if we want damage output we just throw giant god damned nukes that have 1/2 the casting time of cannon of haima and 3x the range

faith has giantsflame take thee, catch flame, rot breath, lightning spear / black flame, flames of frenzy, frenzied burst, swarm of flies, dragonmaw, wrath of gold as all busted spells pve. If they want some big flashy evaporate a boss in one shot while mimic tear draws aggro they can cast Death Lightning and make comet azur look like a joke
They better not nerf Carian Sovereignty
To this day nobody can agree what the fuck Destined Death or the Erdtree is even supposed to do
focus on that stamina for them shield blocks
>the Knight Lightning is just a straight upgrade to Lightning Bolt but I didn't get it until near the end
Only reason I bother with lightning spear is against small enemies as something strong enough to one shot them but not waste fp. And enemies don't dodge uncharged lightning spears
18 fp for spear is managable, but knight's spear costs 36 fp, more than a giantsflame
>Which is useless when there is little cooldown between enemy attacks and they tend to spam 3+ hit combos
damn retard how the fuck did you beat the base game, even margit does that shit
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I want to marry Leda
>rellana fucked the son
>rennala fucked the dad
This. On paper they "get everything" but they're all lacking in either practicality or cost efficiency. Loretta, Haima and the occasional Ambush Shard made my Int run a joke on top of the weapon stuff.
Erdtree is the anchor of the Elden Rune, which is the laws of physics that governs the Lands Between.
Microcosm is great AoE
I thought Radagon was INT/FAI
they will either nerf the stance damage because 3 hits on the final boss to stagger is already insane or nerf the damage because a well optomized build will push out around 15k or more damage on a full combo. I dont really want it nerfed either but ill take less stagger in exchange for keeping the damage the same.
>Ranni fucked the brother (if the theory that the tarnished is a forgotten demigod is to be believed)
>I can't shield poke because he breaks my guard in 2 or 3 hits.
damn sounds like you should probably use any form of talisman or ash of war that makes you guard better
>I can't trade because the fucker gets free attack tracking that lets him spin 27- degrees to always land 100% of his attacks no matter how I dodge.
damn sounds like you should time your dodges to avoid his hits and then hit back afterwards instead of tradinng
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Why is this kindred of rot friendly?
I want to give her a big hug and tell her everything will be ok.
Radagon is int/faith
Tarnished has to be str/faith to complete it
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>nerf spirit summons and comet azur?
>nah just punish every player and build by having a boss bum rush the fog gate
wait i skimmed past that in the whiny wall of text
this guy is bragging about beating bosses with fingerprint 100 stability shield poking? he never even learned to roll?
lmao, even a vegetable can do that shit
Carian Thrusting Shield
in dark souls when the timeline is convoluted it's not really important, and is mostly just due to lack of knowledge about the world
in elden ring it seems impossible to actually get a sensible order of lore events because so much information is conflicting or incompatible
You know what I think would benefit the next souls game a lot? A new character+ option added to the main menu after you beat the game. Essentially allowing you to select a character save who has beaten the final boss and this new character you're making can pick any items the character from the save picked up through out their journey as their starting equipment. and of course new character+ saves should be treated as ng+ saves for stuff such as invading.
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So what was this thing? Opening scene from the story trailer narrated by Leda. Marika is pulling some golden hair-like strands from something at the Gate of Divinity, presumably shortly after killing/sacrificing hundreds of hornsent. It seems instrumental in her ascent to godhood.
>What should the Tarnished be to complete the trifecta
it's time for the return of QUALITY
>Nanaya's Torch
redpill me
I have a theory. What if Margit is Morgott?
>nerf critical strikes or high poise damage builds permastunning?
>naw just make bosses need to be staggered 3 times to open a critical strike
When does Radahn give you an opening to use it
microcosm and blades of stone are good

Which sigil are you talking about, and where did you find it on shaman (or bonny village)? Curious to hear more.
>Only reason I bother with lightning spear is against small enemies as something strong enough to one shot them but not waste fp. And enemies don't dodge uncharged lightning spears

I use Frenzied Burst for sniping instead, AI won't dodge even the charged version so it can also benefit from Godfrey's seal, and because of the range it also gets the stealth bonus making it very FP efficient.
cmon bro have some self respect
imagine all the sex in a thousand years on the moon
I have a theory
So Miquella has a female half thanks to being an empyrean born of a fused parent. But malenia is his sister so where's her male half?
WHAT IF her male half is gowry or the tarnished
Is Radahn with Miquella the strongest character in the lore?
Gowry is a bug, my guy.
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Didn't hit as hard vs my hp and damage mitigation.
Didn't hit as fast and relentlessly.
Was vulnerable to my own attacks. Didn't tank them and then drink potion.

I stooped to your level and this just in: Local Bully Not So Tough After Being Raped

What? I didn't even touch a shield in the base game. I picked up a shield in the DLC because a dozen of you cunts said you have to have one to deal with the attack spam.
>craft a bunch of dragon harpoons to fight senesax
>they do less than an r1 from my weapon
It has absolutely loony amounts of madness buildup on its weapon art, projectiles are kind of random and can sometimes miss but other times proc madness in 1 hit, covers a huge area and is impossible to dodge and hits through iframes, can trigger madness in a fraction of a second
Its also glitched and carries weapon buffs from the mainhand when used offhand, same bug as fires deadly sin had, can carry freeze or bleed or whatever, people using it with eclipse shotel buffed for deathblight buildup on the madness range

but even without eclipse shotel its still deadly because you can just trigger madness on people from a range that they can't dodge, then swap to your main weapon and finish them while they're stunned
though someone last thread pointed out you can't use the command grab from greatsword of damnation
Scadu upgrades fall off hard after 16 or so. You can keep upgrading a little bit so they don't feel totally useless like the extra seeds.
>rotten dragon (has negative damage negation for fire by just about the highest factor in the game)
>oil pot
>hitting the head (another damage multiplier)
>howl of fucking shabiri and god knows how many other buffs
This is like me slapping down 30 buffs and terra magica then stepping underneath a huge target and using Crystal Release then pretending this is at all indicative of actual gameplay. I have like 3 faith builds. Aside from Discus of Light, all of them are fucking SLOOOOOOWWWWW (Lightning Spear, Frenzy Flame, Fireballs) compared to the machinegunnery of glintstone spells and unlike spells there isn't a seal that just boosts absolutely fucking everything so you're always eating a loss on something unless you're packing like 4 seals.

Sorceries at a base level are busted whereas their more niche categories (Death Sorcery, so on) are bad. Faith is the opposite, but there isn't an incantation in the entire game I would take over Pebble.
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Once you beat the game you get an even better sniping spell than frenzied burst
gonna get another +26.5% damage if they unglitch dryleaf seal / miquellas helm to add +% damage instead of +damage
Marika would body Radahniquella

Godslayer Seal is good for just about everything. Also we finally have a talisman that cuts down our incant time.
>gets btfod by guy who refused to be embraced
>"I'm fucking your sister btw."
Bro, your Tarnished?
the point is radahns stagger threshold is fairly high and something that does about 95 stance damage in 1 combo is insane. if they never cared about that they wouldnt have nerfed flame of the redmanes.
now using it against Radahn? just get a tanky spirit Ash to pull agro. the point of bringing up Radahn is an an example.
>Marika would body Radahniquella
Marika needed Godfrey to do all the fighting
Why bother with everything
just slap on giants seal offhand and erdtree mainhand and cast giantsflames, they're the best spell in the game of either school
So are you
I like glintstone nail it tracks pretty well and can be charged aka boosted by the godfrey icon
and it's only 10 fp
How the fuck are people one-shotting me in PvP with the lightning bottle?
I'd argue that CS takes a lot more effort to use than something like FotR. They haven't nerfed shit lile Lion's Claw after all this time.
There is zero evidence of the tarnished being one of the prawn guys
>Miquellas Light
Shit needs a buff for what it asks for. That and Messmer's Orb.
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I know bosses have more HP in coop but do they have more poise?
same but only if she keeps her helmet on
Because the second you run into something fire resistant you're going to have a bad day. Having a catch-all staff means you can just start throwing stones and be just as effective as opposed to having to suck up your pride and use Pest Threads/Spears because >lol im immune to holy/fire/lightning
>just get a tanky Ash
They really don't care about that. Ashes are supposed to be assist mode. Redmanes was broken because it was fast, spammable and huge, and it still took them like 9 patches to fix.
Just a reminder if the tarnished plots with Seluvis Ranni can instantly kill the tarnished and Seluvis basically with a snap of her fingers.
Lightning Bolt scales high off a 50/50 Dex/Faith build or a 20/80 pure faith build. Then you get
1) Lightning Scorpion Charm
2) Alexander's Jar Shard
3) Perfumer's Tailsman
4) Your choice of talisman (most people run madness but there's a few niche picks)

Physick of boost lightning/Whatever the fuck you want

Put Rain of Sparks WA on. Point it at the ground. Now instead of a huge wave of high damaging sparks, it's a shotgun of a grobillion 500+ AR per sparks blown directly into your target's boipucci
why the shield
cuz the pvp tracking? just roll it
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I think what I wouldve like is like finishing a game lets you get a spirit ash of the character you made. there was a system in fire emblem fates where once you beat the game you can essentially copy a unit and summon them later in another playthrough.

id like a spirit ash of one of the characters i made in another file to use since that sounds kinda fun.
is there any items that you need to get before draining the water in shadowkeep that you cannot get after?
*Lightning Bottle, sorry not bolt
Ranni sends Blaidd to kill Seluvis. Ranni tells you you have bad breath and you die from the sheer shame of it.
Did anyone ever figure out what the deal with the skulls and tumbleweeds you see everywhere in the overworld? Do the skulls ever have anything other than tiny runes in them? I assume it's a weird multiplayer thing.
My bro saw my Melina Age of Frenzied Flame UI mod. I forgot to uninstall them, and he randomly booted up Elden Ring. I wasn't expecting guests today...
Is there an "outside Pontiff's boss room fight club" in this game, I didn't like the dueling arenas in DS3 and I don't like them here either
not rly unless u want to 1v1 kr get ganked at graces like the crab shack
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is 75 str ok for my strength build? I want to be able to use the weaponsmith weapons without using a talisman or assistance from a helmet or something. i dont know if losing the 5 points in strength is fine. I know the stats shown shows basically a minimal amount lost but Im just very unsure about it?
Ranni tells you when she gets the elden ring she won't give herself a fleshy body with massive milkers and you die of regret
I have scadutree level (17). How much more damage and negation would I have if I used a guide to find pieces to get to 19? 20?
70 str is fine
>do the trina boss at skibidi 11
>it melts like butter
I think they went too far with those buffs bros...
the only time i got to use a celestial dew in my first playthrough was when I tried to roofie ranni. luckily she forgave me but seluvis is still dead. I thought it would reset the quest or something
How hard is it to press a button and swap offhand seal or mainhand weapon or just oh noes dealing 20% less than optimal damage with a spell that's going to one-hit every monster anyway
faith builds can just roll up a newspaper and slap someone with it for 2k holy damage with the poise break of a fully charged colossal R2 in the time of a swift slash
That weapon is crazy LIT.
Forager brood, they are part of Moore's foraging group (the selling NPC at Bellurat's door). There's also a questline involving getting all of their cookbooks (you can make Torrent deal charge damage as one of the rewards).

They are the unwanted "children" of Malenia, and now I'm realizing this parallels with the unwanted demigod children of Marika.
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please tell me you're joking you fucking autist
Gotta admit, Leda’s personal quest was handled in a masterful way. Everyone expected just two ways her story could go based on her presented archetype:
>Naive overly-trusting knight-waifu who immediately bites it from a sudden-yet-inevitable betrayal by her sketchy new companions and/or Miquella using and executing her for a spurious reason
>Too-good-to-be-true secret evil that doublecrosses Miquella and is the true final boss
Instead what we got was an actually very novel and fun patchwork between those:
>Paranoid but low-IQ fanatic; is sincerely loyal to Miquella but still needs to be mind-whammied by him because she will kill nearly anyone just off of a passing whim that they aren’t devoted enough to the cause, a bad habit that can be exploited by the PC to sic her on people that would stick by her side otherwise
It legitimately is a brilliant choice. SOTE honestly should have been a separate game, the character work is some of the best From has managed in years and deserved even more consideration.
Should've added, the damage/negation is for the sake of fighting Radahn and Bayle. I'm curious if whatever extra I get will make a meaningful difference.
holy shit abyssal woods is boring. more like abyssal entertainment value. too big for no torrent and too hard to keep track of which exact paths you did when theres so many and they all look the same and why is this one spot so fucking foggy
If you do this you will die to Radahn and in all your duels while the enemy has exactly 19 health left.
because it does ludicrously high damage for its extremely high speed projectile that avoids most obstacles and only costs 3 fpa, on top of being glitched to carry statuses or have non-consumed +80% damage from royal knights resolve because lmao that bug is back

the fact it can deal like 1600 damage with base stats or 2k+ with some scaling even though its got less commitment than throwing fan knives
What's the best weapon to complement Backhand/Swiftslash?
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Notice the strand of gold
most strength builds stop at 54 strength if they're going to 2H a weapon and bonk, because that gives you 80+ strength while 2H which is the softcap for scaling
only if you're doing a shield build do you want above 54 strength
The fight between the needle knights vs you and Ansbach is the height of kino. It's something they had to earn too. It'd be forgettable in any other game, but the sparseness of dialogue and NPCs interacting with other NPCs in Fromsoft games makes the fight and its dialogue feel electrifying.
We'll never know the particulars of her betrayal because Mike's seen fit not to tell us.
You just get the visual of her standing atop a mountain of hornsent corpses achieving godhood.

The lore's so fractional in Elden Ring it's insane.
That's pretty cool. Glad I didn't kill it on sight and tested R3 on it first.
>Get summoned for Maliketh
Sure whatever
>Host insta kills the knight with rolling sparks
oh boy
>Host proceeds to hide for almost the entirety of the Maliketh fight
what is your purpose
So why can't we impregnate miquella?
So do Carian women all go wet for FAITH?
ah so it needs a bug fix so it doesnt work with rkr and statuses?
Is Romina's Butterfly incantation good in pvp? Haven't seen anyone use it
He just wanted to give you a chance to refight maliketh and watch
should thank him buddy
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Could you recommend me a build for this please? This thing is so stat hungry it leaves little room for anything else. I'd like variety at this point the game. Before respeccing I felt like I was carrying an arsenal with my Sollitude GS, Dryleaf fist, Backhand blade, and clawmark seal for good measure.
If I needed fire dmg I could switch to anvil hammer bcos I could even afford to get fth 20.

But with this thing, after softcapping it and dumping the points needed to haul the thing around, well... you get the picture

Am I playing it wrong?
>go full shield poke cheese build against ng+7 dlc
>senessax still rapes me
Bayle was insanely easy though, blocking the entirety of the laser beam light show was funny.
just go to level 200 like everyone else?
isnt this thing str with arc tax
God I wish. I was fucking humiliated.
even if you fix that its still way too strong for how spammable it is

it does not grant hyper armor and it has you gently ascend into the air for about 10 seconds while completely vulnerable what do you think
the only way any of these spells can be remotely viable is if they come with something truly broken (placidusax's ruin has a 0 frame startup aoe that deals damage like wrath of god and can finish people off at low hp with no counterplay possible) or if they made you really really really impossible to punish, like soaring 20 feet into the air while you channel
Misbegotten were pretty obviously a cut storyline salvaged for extra enemy models, see datamine-posters finding out Radagon was at one point the progenitor of them. They were likely some sort of artificial race, which would have been redundant since Albinaurics already exist, but kept in cuz, again, never too many berserk animal-people to butcher amirite?

Demi-humans, on the other hand? Honestly do seem to be a random race of low-iq half-rat/jackal people that arose “naturally” and that sorcerers from Liurnia are attempting to teach magic and civilized living just for the kicks/sense of charity.
im not really going shield and sword (sometimes) its mainly using the throwing axe and hammer since those are very fun especially the hammer. Also the fire knight sword because the damage is insane and normally i dont have enough Dex to make use of it. guess ill go down to 70-75 strength then. maybe 70 for sure and dump the points into into to use the funny gravity UGS slab.
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>Two Fingers: Deserved it
Is it better than swift glintstone shard?
Gilgamesh, come on, stop it.
It's str but the WA scales off of arc.
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base stats...
They want to produce only the highest quality casters as heirs
I don't buy it. Presumably that is shaman/Numen flesh. It doesn't make sense for her to be pulling out a strand from what appears to be a sack instead of a jar, and for it to come from one of her own when she's on top of Belurat and all the corpses in the arena are clearly hornsent.
Unlimited Delusion Works
Sword of Promised Simpage - Miquella
Invisible Murder Tendencies
Should I try a Black Knight or Crucible Knight cosplay build first?
why is the discus hurl amazing and has homing and barely takes any stamina while the axe throw has shit range and damage and misses constantly and can only be thrown like 3 times with a full stamina bar
Isn't there a mushroom spirit NPC at Castle Sol who claims that Miquella is going to save Godwyn's soul? Why did that get switched out for Radahn
imagine if phase 2 miguel had a spectral ranni attached to you assisting you in battle, forcing you to do a 2v2, assuming you did her quest
would people accept that as beating the game?
I mean without that fucked up bug
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Why don't people like the ER knight set? Not talking about function here (though it is the lightest set that hits 51 poise), just looks wise.
weapon art vs R2
from has decided that all weapon arts should be impossibly broken bullshit game breaking shitflinging autowin buttons
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To add to this, it resembles the hair-like strands attached to Marika's hammer from the 2019 E3 reveal trailer more than anything else.
Unpopular opinion: Im glad they nerfed Radahn. hes the worst boss in the game. SO many retarded GOTCHA moves.
I think some of the damage drop-offs on the throwing weapons are bugged. Regardless, the axe jump R2s are insane for leading in. It's far faster than a regular jump attack and staggers everything that isn't a boss.
they never nerfed radahn
I prefer the Vagabond set. No cape and no heraldry sucks. I prefer both banished sets with either a surcoat or cape
Women want what they can't have
>her: wanna study the endless wonders of the stars with me tonight?
>him: can't. today is prayer day
>her: why do i have to fall in love with a person like him?
I personally love it, just wish you could change the color
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I'm at 176 and climbing up slowly. Don't want to grind levels, rather just play organically.
yes. Softcaps are 56 STR, 45 ARC, which is hefty enough without taking into account the at least 40 END you need to carry it plus 51 poise worth of armor, then you got barely a few spare points left to put into Mind, so I can cast the AoW often enough, which is the whole fucking point of this weapon.

So, am I doing it wrong? Do any anons build around this weapon? What's your setup like?
Personally I like to have a bunch of sidearms to go with my main one, but I've never played arcane before, this is what I came up with.
Vagabond's is the rusted battle hardened version of mr generic knight in shining armor set, which gives it more character
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If the chest plate was thinner and curved like your pic, it'd be great, but as is, the torso is too flat and wide.
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>they didnt nerf him they fixed him by reducing his attack hitboxes!
way too many sets have frumpy wide butts from behind
So... Mantle of Thorns is basically bad? No secondary effects? Not like a poor man's Black Flame Protection or something?
They nerfed Starscourge Radahn, and if you didn't beat him before the patch you never beat Elden Ring
Point where in the patch notes Radahn specifically was nerfed
Tell me the truth /erg/ are these any good or should I just get the katana?
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If I go to new game+ with incomplete shadow blessings will the zones refresh with new blessings like the golden seeds and sacred tears?
>base game radahn
it apparently stacks multiplicatively with briar armor to deal in the range of ~200 damage per roll
no sabatons or boots
scarf area or whatever you wanna call it looks off
the blue is fine but matches with barely any other armor
fridge torso just like the vagabond set
pretty plain too so it looks off if you're not using an equally plain and at least somewhat realistic weapon
Why does the final boss feel so... sauceless?
I walked into the final boss arena and I seriously went "really"? Asset flip for the final boss? And why does it feel like he moves like an action figure. Going to go to bed for now...
The answer is obvious. There is nothing connecting Miquella and Radahn together in the base game. They weren't thinking of putting the two together until the DLC, and until then all of Miquella's lore is with Melania and Radagon and Godwyn
Breastplate's a bit oddly shaped, aside from that it's still one of my favorite armor sets and probably top 15 between all of From's recent games (cut off at anything before Demon Souls, Armored Core not included for obvious reasons)
I remember he was accidentally nerfed then rebuffed. Did he get nerfed for real after that?
I beat him at launch, I beat the game
Okay, casting spells isn't going too well. What's the best way to use my 70 Int with a weapon? Or should I just cut my losses and respec?
its one of the true shit spells like electroshock

adds 87 physical damage with no scaling to your rolls, deals 50 damage to you + 25 bleed when you cast it, costs 9 fpa, 22 stamina, lasts 30 seconds.
and thats it. No bleed buildup on enemies, no heal, no saling, no other buffs
it stacks with briar set which deals 18 physical damage on helm/glove/boots and 25 on armor, for a total of 79
so you can get up to 166 physical damage rolls
>>Hornsent: Deserved it
>>Fire giants: Deserved it
Yes that's called a war
>>Messmer: Deserved it
Not really but there's an argument about him being gigacursed
>>Omens: Deserved it
>>Misbegotten: Deserved it
Not really
>>Albinaurics: Deserved it
That was more the Rya Lucaria people, bit no
>>Caria: Deserved it
Yes that's called a war
>>Dragons: Deserved it
Yes that's called a war + they weren't even on bad terms
>>Raya Lucaria: Deserved it
>>Merchants: Deserved it
Maybe but I don't think so
>>Nox: Deserved it
They pretty much did it too themselves
>>Beastmen: Deserved it
I don't think the beastmen play a particularly significant role in the story so I can't say
>>TWLID: Deserved it
>>Two Fingers: Deserved it
Giga 100% yes

Basically I can fix her
pretty sure poise is tied to ng cycle, but i could be wrong
i was really hoping there would have been one mimic chest in the dlc
glitstone kris
it's an fp efficient sniper rifle with good melee potential
the multiplying comes from skibi trees and other buffs, keep in mind skibis can be +50% to all damage output so instead of 166 you deal 249 (before enemy mitigation)
so uh... umm...
I love madness for invading but I keep forgetting to use the torch and perfumes I dumped int for. What are they good for?
Carian Sovereignty for giggles
You can cheese Senessax easily. Run into his area, hit him with a bow/spell/whatever
Turn around and run out the area and down to the right

He will try to pursue you for like 10 seconds and then his AI rubberbands him back into his little waiting spot and you can do it again. His health bar does not reset.

I personally used the charged R2 from Messmer's spear to throw harpoons at him.
For the most part Dark Souls' lore is a lot more straightforward to understand than Elden Ring's
Helmet is nice but id rather put the helmet on a full vagabond set.
They nerfed him once and buffed him twice after
Current radahn is identical to release radahn except his purple meteor throw attack no longer is bugged and doesn't one shot you
So you either build arc or str, what do you want more? better moveset dmg or better ash damage? Personally I would level str over arc because ashes of war usually nuke by default. Or if u dont give a shit about levels you level fucking everything

60 vig (can be lower if u dont mind)
base mind (can be higher if u want more casts)
33 end with greatjar
60 str
17 or whatever arc
and then build up or down from there
Merchants are associated with a real world jewish devil, and even with all the real life jew shit aside, the Merchants spam frenzy spells on instinct/subconsciously when you piss them off and they summoned the Frenzy Flame in the Gaol.
So yea, the absolutely deserved what they got.
just level what you want so long as you're mostly doing strength and arcane
no need to try to squeeze an extra 100AR out of an ugs at the expense of half your build
Some people have said they have bugs with scaling thanks to the way you acquire them but for me and other people its been very strong summons when scaled up properly, very aggressive and triggers blood a lot, but they're not very tanky

I'd put them comparable to black knife tiche. Not as good as mimic tear. I think bloodfiend hexer might honestly be better at what they do, he triggers bleed a whole lot
Get the katana
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Ancient Dragon Senessax is stupid
he was nerfed in patch 1.03
kill yourself faggot. everyone knows radahn was nerfed. His attacks had much larger hitboxes.
Also he was nerfed in the games general AI nerf that made all ranged attacks have much worse aim by making them no longer take into account which direction the player was moving.
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all of the new dlc weapon types are shit
The katana is a really fun dex weapon. The spirit ashes are meh. Squishy bleed duo.
150 is the new 125, 168 is the new 138? 200 is the new 150?
Literal kikepost.
No one gives a shit about base game radahn nigger. Specify which one you are talking about next time. Also see >>484203694
Do charged R2s do more status application?
I really thought the katana would have an A scaling in dex.
>speedtrannies will have to use these because it's faster than running
lmao I hope they don't nerf these
perfume bottles are op even without the glitch
id rather everyone be at 200 since it forces people to have high HP (but they will never level hp so its fine)
Marika did nothing wrong and was completely justified
Ranni did nothing wrong and was completely justified
Morgott did nothing wrong and was completely justified
Messmer did nothing wrong and was completely justified
Godfrey did nothing wrong and was completely justified

Who else am I missing?
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Just tried out Impenetrable Thorns.
There has to be an extra digit on one of this spell's values, there's no way it's supposed to do this much damage.
the erdtree is an illusion based off a perfected view of the scadutree
Perfume bottles are cool as FUCK even though they're broken. I would have used them regardless of the absurd AoW that put them over the top.

Also Beast Claws are pretty sex. The rest are meh.
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No it's just based off of hits.
>fridge torso just like the vagabond set
It somehow looks more okay on the vagabond set though.
who says Godfrey did anything wrong? Nigga was cucked and banished by his wife
scaling doesn't really matter, it still has the highest AR for any katana on a pure dex build
>Current radahn is identical to release radahn except his purple meteor throw attack no longer is bugged and doesn't one shot you

its so weird that people are so retarded they actually think this. Its like when some item is hilariously OP and kills everyone in 1 hit in a game where weapons kill in 4 hits, and after the nerf it kills people in 3 hits, so its still good and everyone goes "wwoooooww they nerfed it so its no longer viable" its like, hey retard, maybe read what was changed before you give an opinion.

They nerfed his attack range and his damage. Then they unnerfed his damage
Morons: wow so they unnerfed him? i guess hes the same now!

Also show me a video of someone dodging radahns arrows on torrent on release of the game. You cant because his ranged attacks were way more accurate.
To be fair it bypasses shields and the ash of war is a nasty flurry attack with bleed that can be charged. And it has the serpentbone blade double slash r2. Can’t be perfect.
is it shotgunning?
it lists a measly 125% sorcery scaling, making it far less than other thorns skills which are 200%+ per hit and multihit, or big dick spells that can deal 350%+
if its doing 1 hit for each of 3 thorns than it would be 375% scaling which would be above comet before counting bleed
Leveling to 200 feels a little overkill though. You are able to just do anything instead of having a more focused build.
yeah, I've been playing straight faith with a side of faith this whole playthrough, so when I found this weapon decided to try arcane.
No idea what I'm doing tho. Just know that I wanted to try arcane centered primarily around this weapon's AoW then 2h counters.
Any tips for playing arcane in general?
>see this retard
hes wrong. also you were wrong. keep coping.
It's not an asset flip though
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Is it really just based on number of hits?
I could have sworn fully charged attacks doubled
Marika was a stupid whore that should have let the Hornsent make their flesh tower. Also like the average woman shes self-defeating and her job of getting the Elden beast killed would have been made much easier if she never sealed away Destined Death in Farum Azula
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>What could've been
Just fought Bayle (didn't beat him yet, was just checking him out, since it's very late). I feel like his fight should be harder (just like Midra), unless he has moves i haven't seen yet in his second phase that are harder to deal with than the strafing runs and the nuke.
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1) Your original post gives no clarity of which Radahn you were talking about
2) You are wrong, I was playing the game when he got nerfed and rebuffed.
Kill yourself faggot.
Arc plays the same as everything else but you get more status build up so its best with bleed/poison weapons. That sword with arc is going to have okayish melee damage but better ash of war damage because it scales off arc.
You are able to do anything anyways just by respeccing.
Isn't that like a self fulfilling prophecy though? No merchants lash out at us besides the walking corpses in the sewer, in a game where many of the other listed parties that may be sympathetic just instantly attack on sight
The three fingers were only summoned after they got rounded up, and clearly containing its influence hasn't worked with how Shabriri skulks about and bondysnatches people to seduce them into being the LoFF
If they're part of a giant caravan, it probably would have just been better to let them pass through and go on their way
More cringey fan service? Ds3 must be your favorite Souls game.
>He's not that hard
>hasn't got him down to phase 2
oh boy you are in for a surprise
guys how come the blazing bull in sekiro isnt charging into the wall? I swear that's how I beat it before
Idk about other statuses but it's definitely not the case for bleed.

Level 25 Blood Bloodfiend Arm will bleed Radahn in two (non-charged) R2s. Charging them does not apply any more bleed.
ok nigger
It seems like it does multiple hits for each thorn, which also build bleed.
Point blank, it does like 6k damage per cast at about 300 spell scaling.
its not my fault you didnt know radahn was nerfed and its not my fault you dont know he wasnt rebuffed back to where he was before.

By the way the patch notes where he is "rebuffed" say
>Fixed a bug in the balance adjustment of the boss "Starscourge Radahn" in update 1.03, in which the power of some attacks was unintentionally reduced.
Anyone whos not a monkey brained moron would be able to figure out that they only fixed a bug in his overall nerf and didnt completely revert the nerfs.
Most people assumed the ghost referred to Godwyn but there never was much reason to think that. He says “The sun has not been swallowed. Our prayers were lacking. Your comrade remains soulless...”
Using comrade instead of brother is strange if it were about Godwyn. There was a second, less popular but imo more compelling, theory that the “comrade” in question was the soulless demigod corpse in the wandering mausoleum outside Castle Sol. It was clear Miquella was interested in using bodies as vessels for souls, but prior to DLC revelations the assumption (honestly at odds with the Epitaph Sword description in which he prays Godwyn “dies a true death”) was that the goal of the experiments would be applied toward Godwyn.
>Ranni killing specifically Godwyn
I betcha Marika was arranging for Ranni to marry Godwyn, Ranni ascends to godhood with Godwyn as her Elden Lord.
Otherwise why target Godwyn specifically? Morgott/Mohg would be better targets.
I just mean once you commit though. Like if I want to go full faith and maybe some dex with leftover points after maxing out vigor I have to make a choice. Versus having an extra 50 points and being able to get 60 in 2 stats while still being able to get max vigor.
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Good? Not really.
Better yet a version of Blaidd who didn't go insane and completes Ranni's quest line himself with the moon blade.
>oh cool a new are-
>ganked by a man riding a giant boar
>die 50 times trying different builds and getting 3 shotted every time
>its an actual boss zone so I can't just outrun him
it's over for me I'm too weak for this dlc
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Now that the dust has settled, it's time. Time to pick your Top 5 Waifus.
dont really think so.
most builds needs at least 60 vig and a high amount of endurance with decent mind to use ash of wars. rest can go towards reaching the higher caps on stats which lets people get interesting. it would also help things like int/faith focused builds have something decent to use as a main hand that isnt 2 options.
I thinkk from all the RL 200 invasions ive seen its more interesting since the damage stats are already met so now it mostly goes to survivabality.
50 in two stats with 60 vigor is still not going to cast spells in 1 school as well as someone who goes all out for that school.
2 years ago I would never thought MiquellaXRadahn would be a thing but here we are.
fujoshits rot every franchises they touched…
Michael Hacki is just a regular faggot though
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Ds1 is my favourite souls game, DS3 has very little replayability with how extremely linear the game is.
What's wrong with From going full fan-service for the final boss? It's what they're already doing with Radahn, there's nothing to respect in any of the dlc writing for Miquella.
>hasn't got him down to phase 2
i got to his second phase on the first try, and only died because i forgot to refresh my flasks i accidentally dodged his first nuke when i was walking around to see where Igon's summon sign was. i even mentioned two of his phase two attacks in my post, saying that if those two moves are the best that he has, then he needs a little more
ds1 didn't have more replayability because it wasn't linear you fucking retard
once you went through the world once or twice there is little you can do in terms of exploration in subsequent playthroughs in ds1
How is getting summoned at 200? Do you guys still feel like you have a big pool of players?
Try light rolling. Makes dodging the charge much more consistent and the fight becomes fun
>Merchants were accused of fucking with the devil
>they deny it
>get rounded up and sent into the underground and basically buried alive
>Kvetch so hard that they were mistreated that they summoned said devil
I mean, yea, you could say the Golden Order brought about the Frenzied Flame, but AFAIK, the chain of some events like Shabriri's coming to be/becoming an agent of the three fingers, when the merchants were rounded up, now Midra's shenanigans in the shadow realm, and if the wandering merchants were part of caravan that were rounded up that escape getting captured or random people that came into the Lands Between after the fact (and if so how the fuck do they know the jew devil fire shit).
Even Kale knows how to spew that shit on you if you aggro him, and his complaints and protest in the cut content on how they totally never worshipped the three fingers is very sus
Are you posting like this because you enjoy getting into pointless arguments or do you sincerely believe what you're typing? It's hard to believe you're being genuine anon.
Excuse me sir, there is a tranny in your waifu poll.
pic makes no sense, ranni only went doll mode after her living body was torched by the fingers
If you don't use a guide. You were never meant to discover everything in one go like Kaathe or Siegmeyer
I think the damage system fucks them up or mitigation negates them or something
I tested out two spirit ashes in two places
Jolan/Anna+10 and Golem Tewlay+10

In castlefront DLC with 9x revered ash, jolan did about 180-200 per hit and golem did about 500-600 per hit
at miquellas haligtree inner wall, jolan/anna did about 15-18 per hit and golem did about 180-200 per hit

jolan/anna didn't even scratch normal enemies, worse than poking them with an rl1 bandit with a knife, they still trigger bleed pretty fast but they aren't especially tanky and died
They nerfed his arrow rain which was very deserved
>Melina that high
Did the DLC drop any new info regarding Melina? She's such a mysterious character
I know exactly why I replayed ds1 so many times and it had nothing to do with muh interconnected world
yes, everything is affected by MVs, including status buildup. Your base SB gets multiplied by the MVs of the attack. Multi-hit attacks have specific MVs for each individual move. But in general fast multihit weapons or attacks will always be superior at applying status faster.
i killed him with scarlet rot and a lot of kiting, it's tricky because he's faster

also he doesn't protect anything super important, there's like one armor and five scadutree fragments, the actually quest and lore important shit in that area is just before you go into his boss fight when you use the o mother emote in front of the altar
>No Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater
Not voting
Also, she's pretty and kind
how strong is Messmer’s spear against bosses?
My guess is they intended it to hit up to 3x at point blank range but fucked up how the shotgunning is tracked on a per-projectile basis, it wouldn't surprise me if each of 3 projectiles counts up to 3 collisions with a target and it hits 9x, or if its just failing to exclude passing through the same target multiple times and hitting them as many frames as its in range
summons as in co-op is ok but thats because the DLC is out. i think i get soe good traffic at the endgame bosses.

invasions is still fine, a fair amount of people do RL200 like people not caring about the meta so you get more invasion spots since people go through ng+s on higher levels usually.
One of the big gaming magazines did a poll and the overwhelming majority of the DLC players are level 200, with some being over 300 and others being over *seven hundred* lmao

The average normie is a shitter and the game is cooked. People unironically want 99 in every stat.
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check out my character bro
any recommendations for sidearms? What about spells? Do any spells scale off of arcane with minimal Fth reqs?
Why doesn't Elden Ring have soulful NPC invaders like Jester Thomas and Maldron the assassin? There should be more tarnished trying to kill you and help you, more NPC phantoms like Aava and Lucatiel or Solaire or Lautrec. Queeligh was like the most interesting invader.
Surprised Leda is that high
>"It's not my fault"
>no one is talking about base game Radahn as a boss fight except for one guy who mentioned killing him at RL20 and was going for Mohg
It totally fucking is. Why would anyone think you are talking about regular base game Radahn during peak DLC discussion.
Think nigga, think!
i don't know it's so much wanting 99 in everything, i think people just want to keep progressing somehow
That's very nice anon, I'm happy for you.
Meanwhile I find replaying Ds3 to be an absolute chore because you're running in a straight line for hours until the world opens up.
Ds1 starts, you leave asylum and I now have options, I can run catacombs and grab quick souls from Pinwheel, I can run to Blighttown and Quelagg/Ceaseless, I can run straight to Andre or I can enter the usual way.
fromsoft hates invaders
>give Ranni the ring
>immediately attack her afterwards
>"Perhaps this is precisely what I deserve, for surrendering myself to delusion..."
>fucks off, never to be seen again
What was she feeling at this moment, I wonder? How hard did this mindbreak her?
It is very bad. I regret +25ing mine. The AoW is cool but it has no poise or hyper armor and even when you're in the "air", attacks that hit the ground still hit you. Every single boss in the DLC will just facetank and trade you on it and you will generally die or get knocked on your fucking ass.

Only thing it's good for is throwing charged R2s off of cliffs to bully enemies and surprise invaders.
bitch was angry when i tried to save her life
Hmmm I see. I think I'll stick to 150 for now though. It's sooooo active at this level.
less than that girl in high scool mindbroke you
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I have sub ten second summons at early bosses like Rellana and Hippo at 200. If you wanna have a good time in the DLC and do a lot of coop, it's definitely the sweet spot to be at. Invasions are also under a minute if not instant even at odd hours
>DLC adds a ton of Red Man support while taking a shit down the throat of lorefags
They're just too lazy to do proper NPC invaders + covenants.
Even the friendly NPC questlines in the DLC felt halfassed.
>keep getting recommended videos for that Archthrones mod for DS3 so finally check it out
>can immediately identify each of the exact skeletons and animations that were recycled
Why would you ever play this
it does that when either it's posture or health gets low enough. speaking of the blazing bull, I hope you're actually deflecting it instead of running around it like a pussy, each deflect gets you two free hits on it so just keep the red gourd handy
>try backhand blade
damn blind spot is pretty fucking good.
I have been at 175 all DLC and nonstop action/invades/summons *everywhere*. I just finished the final boss at 180 early today (those 5 levels just went all into Vig because he is a fucking nig)
you need better algorithm hygiene
did DLC radahn get nerfed?

Did base game radahn get nerfed?

If im talking about a radahn that got nerfed which one am i talking about?
>think nigga think
But how much do you think that is because the DLC is still super fresh. Like after a month would it be harder to find people once the hype dies down? Is 200 more of a norm than I think it is?
Yea I saw that too, that and a fucking Bloodborne skin for Elden Ring that has no real crafted content, just everything reskined and shit exported from Bloodborne slapped onto Elden Ring.
The Archthrones mod I was under the impression it was a hard mod for DeS on the PS3 emulator which would've been fucking based but modders these days are fucking trash.
I wish the NPC summons besides Igon were more interesting beyond meatshields
Boy, they weren't kidding, that final boss was horrid.
it's possible, there's a lot more runes to go around now so maybe the autism level will shift to 200
200 is the Rebbit/Gamefags/Resetera approved number so that is where you will see the bulk of people playing.
There are all the best incantations in the game
Say something nice about them
Dragon Communion incantations are in their own separate list cause they're not for the pure FTH users
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>turn on taunter's tongue in shadow keep
>narrowly beat some guy, low on flasks
>get invaded by him again 1 minute later
>Oh, another divine beast
>np I know how to do this
>ez, phase 1 np at all
>instead of lightning it spawns 4 fucking basilisks and uses deathblight fog
Miyazaki, you fucking cunt
Playing through ER for the first time, what's the rundown on character level breakpoints for multiplayer, and how many points to put into primary attack stats?
beast claws don't feel very pvp viable besides raping people with the ash of war
it's so light people can poise through and trade with you...
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Come on down to the Abyssal Woods, we got:
>2 Scadus
>A stealth section if you don't feel like parrying
>The coolest nigga on the continent
I think that two of the earliest summons, Old Knight Istvan and Sorcerer Rogier, were just placed where they are in case the player didn't have any spirit summons. Istvan in particular, is unusual for being a summon inside of a cave.
why is everyone creaming themselves over Fire Knight's Greatsword?
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Most people do Haligtree at 150+, and 200 can still be summoned by 173 and above. It's about as safe as can be as a summon spot for everyone that's not an autistic pvpfag

If you're scared of bricking matchmaking with leveling up, it's really easy to backup your bing save by copying your userdata/roaming/eldenbing folder somewhere else
If you list doesn't have Stone of Gurranq in the too half it's shit, sorry.
what melee option would a faith chad use if i want to break enemy poise?
you forgot
>A Talisman for the Parrychads who read the note after visiting the coolest nigga around
it's the best UGS right now and has a true combo of two light attacks (?) allegedly
great moveset, range, damage, has two ashes of war that combo with it and adds more fire damage
forgot to add, this si usually what I have for my mage build. if i could id dump enough points into faith and arc to be able to use the death spells and magma sorceries then put some in HP so the glintstone shard talisman isnt eating up too much hp and endurance to have some more stamina. thats really it and making up those stats still dosent make me one shot everything or be able to really do a lot. in reality sticking with that much int is fine since i could instead dump them into more defensive stats which would be ideal.




itr has a guaranteed 2 hit combo in pvp as a colossal greatsword
all other colossal gs can only do 1 hit before your opponent can just roll away
this effectively doubles its damage and completely outdamages 99.9% of all weapons in pvp
all you need is to catch someone with a light attack to delete 90% of their health
Couldn't happen. Blaidd was made by the fingers and would turn on ranni its why he imprisoned himself. If it weren't the tarnished it wasn't going to be done.
literally who
I think I'll try this out and just fuck around. See if I ever notice any massive change in activity. PvP is more of an afterthought but it still is fun to dick around and invade every now and then.
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Even with the disfigurements, I think Malenia is the hottest divinity.
Based Igon. The best questline of the DLC
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Alright show us the feet. We know that's why you're here.
I hate Godfrey's jumping minigame
>dash into earthquake
>attack, earthquake
>can't beat mohg at 20 +3
i'm a fuckin' fraud

it might be time to bring out the bleed
Coded Sword maybe? That's if you're going pure Faith.
200 is the new co-op autism level apparently, pvp is likely to still stay at 125 and 150 though

do not chase attack stats before you have vigor at 40 or 60 (probably 60 for the dlc), only after that start going for the soft caps of like 60 or 80 on your offensive stats, also if you're using fp don't foget to also get your mind up to like 40
Dunno about the other guy but it feels pretty great to me.
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The cannibal NPC invader. She caused a lot of normie seethe because she can out-trade you with the passive life steal on her weapon.
So the forage brood stick around after miquella's rune breaks, right? There's basically no way to acquire one of them without going through Bonny Village up past Ymir's church and those are all triggers, right?
Miquella went from maybe evil 4d chess master to pathetic manchild
>Coded Sword
i see... too bad that wont deal any damage with Radahn because the fucker is immune to holy.
i can't do it anymore
I'm going to sl200
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>40 mind
Shit nigger what are you doing

I've never needed more than 25 even on an FP heavy build.

The rune breaking doesn't cuck you out of anything. The only real NPC breakpoints I can see are fighting Messmer and burning the seal tree.
It definitely cucked me out of getting Thiollier's concoction on my first playthrough.
There is enough magical bullshit in this DLC I'm sure it could have been explained away with something like the moonlight greatsword's icy aura literally freezing the power the fingers have over him and that could easily lead into a phase two where the moonlight greatsword is shattered and he goes insane with a shattered moonlight greatsword.
40 mind is where your fp pool still gets filled up by a flask, more than that is pointless even if the soft cap for it is actually at 50
Can Ansbach's Bow be used at full gallop whilst mounted as Light Bows are, or does it slow torrent down like Bows?
I used Blasphemous Blade for my 80 FTH build and it does more than fine damage. Taker's Flame also does like 3k damage.
It's like using a typical fire spear. You won't be able to use its AoW that much on DLC bosses.

I like it for PvE and PvP
>solid damage
>long reach
>good moveset
>throws mean you can hit from way further
>fun and strong aow
>can shieldpoke
Not OP but feels quite versatile and fun
it's no better there, the casuals know all the fucking cheese. they'll whip out the rolling sparks perfumes or backhand blades as soon as they're invaded, if they don't kill you in the first 10s after spawn immunity with whatever AIDS L2s they're using
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I have helped around 100 people kill gaius and other bosses, surely I should be reaching lmsh fame any second now :D!
coded sword is just the bad version of cipher pata
unblockable blade does stupid amounts of damage and poise with a fast speed, coded sword is just the same thing but slow
you deal more damage with cipher pata weapon art than with its critical hits and yet it can poisebreak in 2-3 hits
>Miquella was charming everyone into loving him and doing his bidding
>Except for Leda, who he was charming to love him less so she can stop being a crazy bitch
Nothing can fix this woman
just put holy or flame art onto a great hammer and then use an ash of war that multiplies stance break even more
I don't know if it's just me but the dlc story feels half-baked. The original game's story left a lot more room for interesting theories and speculation and most of that speculation was way better than what we ended up getting with the DLC. I didn't like how Marika's story turns her into a sympathetic villain and "well ackshually both sides were evil" is like the laziest cop out imaginable. Miquella's story ending up with him being a control freak that wants to force everyone to get along is like the most overdone Japanese rpg trope of all time. I thought there'd be more to it but I guess not.
>Blasphemous Blade
i have very little strength but i guess this might work since i have pretty high dex and faith. I'll give it a try, thanks!
Heard that consumables used during colosseum matches are restored after you're done now. Does this apply to every consumable or just the craftable ones? Would I be able to reuse the dragonwife blessing and dragonscale flesh?
Rolling Spark AoW can proc madness in one use if you can get all the clouds off
what's the point of the abyss? I feel like I explored most of the map but found no boss or anything of importance.
>I got used like a rag 100 times by lazy hosts surely I will get rewarded
Are you trans, by chance?
I can fix her
Let it go bro. Blaidd was there to prep the bull(you)
also I swear but this little fucker right here is off the charts
he has aoe and knock downs, take that shitty albinauric cripples and retard shaman archers
good solid rate of fire and doesn't dick around doing anything else unless they melee him and he headbutts back which sucks
i had treespear on a faith dex build once and it did a lot of poise damage since it's technically a colossal spear
I refuse to vote for anyone but Sellen so I didn't actually get to voice my thoughts in your nigger poll.
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Nope I'm just mentally ill and society hates me!!!!
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>this glitch still works almost 8 years after DS3 came out
Jesus Christ Miyazaki
the lesser legacy dungeon and boss there, it's in the southwest of the area
Skibidi frogcel
possible theory:
>radahn is hounded by miquella
>kills godwyn, who is close to miquella, to send a message
Gaius fucking deserves it
Cute character anon.
Okay fine, what if it was Iji? And he was somewhat of a gimmick boss where you have to defeat him with some black flame and he falls into a portal of some kind now explaining what happened to him in the base game?
>Can't get Miquella's ass with Malenia being on fujo duty, so Ranni shanks the closest brother he still has left
How were we able to resist Miquesneeds charms?
What if the DLC added a new colosseum that enabled a coop horde mode?
Like it'd send enemies based on one of the main areas, a boss, and then maybe the remembrance boss of the zone
I think that'd be fun
dollpussy already charmed us
We didn't
We came to the shadow realm to serve Miquella and were going to join him up until he gave up his great rune and the charm on us broke
they aren't that animalistic, they're just savage people who are generally enslaved

it's all tied back to the crucible
reminder that being a lorefag or atmosphere faggot doesnt change that igon is still a summon and if you summon you did not beat bayle.
I wish the dlc added a horse back pvp jousting arena.
Being made into a saint is an honor, better than letting erdtree roots eat you with nothing to show for it. And the Hornsent practiced what they preached and turned themselves into tutelary gods
It would be kino
>beat entire DLC not realizing i haven't maxed my sacred tears
well how about that
There's no way to save him there's no freezing it, he's not a normal being, he's programmed. He's essentially a robot, designed to be loyal to ranni second and the fingers first. He knew this since the start, it's why he takes such a liking to you and even points out ranni's affection towards you and teases you for it. He's content with his fate, ranni is as well. Only iji can't accept it. It's what makes him such a tragic character, and thus, such a bro, getting rid of that gets rid of a big part of his character, it's like getting rid of rya learning about her origin, or dialos dying protecting the pots. You don't have to like it but its the truth.
but from hates us
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>Decide to try Fire Knight Greatsword
>Haha can't be that much better than my Blasphemous blade, really
>1730 damage without the buff, full on 300 more damage than my Blasphemous blade for what feels like the same attack speed
>3000 damage off the projectile and the giant hunt art
>Its not even +25
okay what the fuck
The charm never worked on us.
reminder that just like "no items final destination" fags in smash bros, no one cares about your attempts to show off being "good" at a game an 8 year old can beat. just have fun bro.
What would be a good weapon combo for flame skewer/flame spear?
for talismans alex shard and fire charm seem obvious
it also cheese scadu avatar cause he's weak to fire
Is arcqne/melee just wasted points if I don't also use incantations?
This was never really a thing though.
Because Leda says that we were never serving him. Just Marika and the Erdtree. But shes a schizo so who knows.
yeah it didnt take me very long I was just thinking I killed him with the charge earlier (I did but it was a finisher)
wtf post macro now >:[
that's not cheese, that's what you're supposed to do when fighting a dessicated flower monster if your iq is higher than 80
it's low risk high reward, it's the definition of cheese
Miyazaki finally read Moby Dick and decided to put in the DLC and it was just as kino as the book
Thinking about it this may be why he was so pissed at dharwal. Ranni needed someone who'd survive to help her fulfill plans, she needed someone that wasn't selivus, blaidd, iji, or adula, but he fucked off, ruining everything she hoped to achieve.
The protagonist is unfathomably based and unironically the strongest living thing in the entire lands between by a significant margin
I'm okay with letting Igon take credit for Bayle. Bro deserved it.

Most fun I had in the entire DLC was seeing that lil nigga get his rant on.

Reminder that Igon :
>lost an arm and a leg
>made hundreds of harpoons for killing dragons even though he was not able to fight them anymore
>dragged himself from where you first found him ALL THE WAY UP the fucking peak and witnessed you clutch a 1v2 against dragons
>ripped off his OWN FUCKING FINGER to let you use to put down his summon sign because he was no longer capable of making it to the top of the peak
>put some fucking RESPECT on your name by calling you a True Drake Warrior instead of a lowly tarnished or some bitchmade title like everyone else
>does not spend any time posing or fading into the arena, immediately appears and starts shooting areas at Bayle *ON SIGHT* while screaming like a madman

Igon is SUPREMELY fucking based
>want poison hand for my arcane build
>can't put the new fist rot moth flight AoW on it
Fuck. On an unrelated note, it's still funny to me that on top of everything else, Arcane builds also get the most item drops for some reason.
Is Parrying a valid tactic for Radahn p2? I feel like it's one of the only ways to keep momentum from completely spiraling out of hand without using a greatshield
no, occult weapons use mostly aracane scaling, there's also some weapons that purely scale from arcane like the albinauric menorah trident thing

furthermore if the weapon doesn't have bleed on it yet then you can just put bleed on it and it will also scale with arcane for both damage and for bleed (if the weapon already has bleed on it then you should make it occult)
We were never charmed we literally just showed up to see what's going on. Npcs like Leda just assumed we were there for the same reason
it's hard to parry him in p2 he has way too many bullshit cinematic moves
you should just check what you can apply the aow to and see what weapon you like among those and then just look up their scalings
Thrusting Shields are unironically my favorite of the new weapon types.
Competitive melee is sick thobeit

Yes. In fact it's almost better than in Phase 1 because of how it stops his momentum.
The Tarnished is peak murderhobo. Charisma automatically fails against him, even though he also has max Charisma.
Yes, parry him the same way as phase 1. I don't think his new combo is parryable, the one after the sword cross, so just dodge that.
It's simple. I'm not gay
Not only that, it makes the fight very very fun. Like sekiro but different
Parrying is how I beat him and I'm looking forward to doing it again on NG+
they remvoed godwyn lore from the dlc because of the elden ring show.
>violently obsessive and possessive about a little boy
>openly entertains the idea of violence in defense of this obsession, spends significant amounts of time fantasizing about the target of their obsessive desires
oddly accurate depiction of a female pedophile desu
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>You're not supposed to use the harpoons in the Dragon God's arena because it's low risk high reward, thus being cheese
>Instead, you're supposed to shoot arrows with a sticky compound longbow out of cover then quickly get back in cover for 5 hours
>We were never charmed we literally just showed up to see what's going on.
what proof do you have of this
I think it's time to accept that much like every other npc her plan can't work without you. All of her followers are destined to die, every last one. It's why she talks about being alone and undergoing the final part of her quest alone. The only reason someone's with her is because despite everything you stuck with her and she decided to run with it. That >>484204356 fundamentally cannot work without the tarnished there. She's alone, she wanted to be alone, she intended to be alone. You're the one that changed that end for her.
The VA knocked it out of the park honestly. Bro put in more passion than the cast of the main game
I don't think you actually have to kill the golden hippo boss. Can't you just go from the sunken chapel into the shadow keep and skip the bossfight? Or does it block off Messmer's boss fight if you don't kill the hippo?
>I did exactly this and didn't even fight the hippo until after the skidoo avatar and gaius. I remembered seeing a hippo in the dlc trailer and went looking for it.
If you didn't play as a phantom on pure black character and world tendency you didn't beat the gane
What proof do YOU have that we were charmed?
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Parry crutching is only one step above greatshieldfagging. Sorry but YDBR.
Occult Venomous Fang with the rot kick ash is great.
Ok I have been completely red pilled on this physick. It is so fucking fun holy shit.
I wish there was more frenzied flame.
we went there for no other explicable reason
>turns out miquella's true power is unlocking people's latent homosexuality
>random poison build w/ endure
>see some NPC
>kill him in ~10 seconds, sip once
>"Cool, a sword"
>move on
>visit 4Chinio
>some redditor is having a meltdown
Crazy how your average player is so dogshit at the game lol
>interrupt 3 duel faggots by invading shaman village
>red duelist is mad
>kite behind the tree sentinel they left alive
>kill him
>this lets a miracle 2nd red join me
>we shit on the phantom and host

God this shit is so rare its kinography every time it happens
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Finally beat Messmer... I didn't summon anyone but I did use my mimic tear. I'm gonna have to do a total no-summon playthrough now...
we also went to the weeping peninsula for no explicable reason
Wait the venemous fang is infusable? I'd always assumed it wasn't. That's one of my go-tos on this build. Cheers.
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You can avoid hippo entirely yeah as long as you avoid the front door

>What proof do YOU have that we were charmed?
We have Haligtree tramp stamp tattoos!
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Okay I'm a Fire Knight's Greatsword truther, but which Ash is better, the skewer or the fire projectile?
If you fail a parry then your run is over. People who kill Radahn by parrying make it look easy but in fact it is not easy at all.
>t. Killed Radahn by parrying
that was just down the road, it's a bit different than joining a cult
Maybe YOUR tarnishe does, coomer. My tarnished went there to kill a shota for his great rune.
How could you possibly resist being charmed by a cutie like that.
We went there to see what was up and then kill his ass for getting in the way of our ascension to lord
I went there to kill Mohg and get his great rune actually
You mean broken
I was already at Mogh's house and someone is telling me to take another jaunt and its just 3 steps away? Hardly charmed.
see >>484207768
at no point did we officially join Miquella's cult though. entering the shadow lands could just as easily be explained by the tarnished wanting to kill Miquella for his waifu Ranni. it's totally ambiguous and up to the player what your motivations are.
I did
just play sekiro
The fact that imbuing runes grants a real in universe increase in power is a good enough reason for pretty much anything the Tarnished does.
>there's a bunch of different people who all go there inexplicably just like us, all of them were charmed, and all of them worked together because of it
>but we're the exception, no it doesn't matter we also joined the cult that was uhhh misdirection
>Tarnished, show no mercy.
>Have their heads.
>Take all they have left.
That's why
Because getting brainwashed isn't just something that happens. Mick actually has to go out and physically fuck with you and he's already off doing his thing by the time we arrive. Not only that but actually getting your heart stolen is represented in game as a game over screen. Finally, while everyone else actually being controlled can't resist their date rapist we're free to fuck off at any time.
This is even more pathetic than when the host does it.
>if you don't complete the quest that means something else happens :)
i hate how shit the buildup weapons in dlc are

deadly poison bottle:
>225 phys + C/C dex/arc scaling and 66 buildup
tooth whip:
>267 phys + D/B str/dex scaling and 66 buildup
poisoned hand:
>186 phys + E/A str/arc scaling and 60 buildup


poison antspur rapier:
>202 phys + C/C/D str/dex/arc scaling, 50 rot buildup and 95 poison buildup
>at the same fucking time
>joined the cult
Literally when
There is no in game indication of whether the MC is drinking the Kool Aid or if they're going along with it because it suits their purposes. The latter makes infinitely more sense
The Tarnished didn't join a cult though. Leda just assumes you're in Mogh's palace because only Miquella's followers have any reason to be there when the truth is that the Tarnished just stumbled in by accident and charged the first thing they saw like they always do. Every other follower, including Leda, was directly charmed after an encounter with Miquella and Leda's too dense to realize the Tarnished is guided by grace instead of her shota godling until it's nearly too late to stop them.
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Behead all miqqers
Ds3 had better bosses
>The best holy build is just throwing knight lightning spears
>The best magic build is spamming the Carian AoW or spamming the new aimbot glintstones
>The best Str build is the same as it was in the base game
>The best Dex build is abusing AoW iframes with backhand blades
>The best overall build is just great shield + any poke
Slightly disgusted.

Dexfags won. At least their new meta is fun and comes with iframes.
I dont understand reddit saying that the Ymir reveals with the Greater Will being gone for a long time and the fingers being out of wack with the actual original plan is some big truth bomb
Was that not like basically completely stated in the base game??? That feels like basically like a non-reveal, I figured that was the implication and ehat you were supposed to pick up by the fact that the fingers were trying to contact the greater will after you're rejected by the tree
why does it make more sense?

this is uncompelling, if anything you've convinced me that we were charmed even before going to the shadow realm, that's obviously why we went and killed mohg
Wtf why is Leda's sword faith scaling so trash?
>Bayle about to kill me
>Igon staggers Bayle and gets the kill
Because uou can walk away at any time and that you as the player can think thoughts and take actions that the mind controlled people wouldn't be able to
We went there because it's the best location in the game.
Why did we kill Melenia and aid Ranni if we were charmed?
My tarnished also went to every random prison, tomb, Ancient city, sub basement, and tower on the fucking continent. I'm pretty sure only god possessing him is my autistic ass
Dude I said the exact same thing. I still use it because it looks sick but I 100% thought the dex and faith scaling were gunna be swapped.
it being implicit means that you don't know that's not normal, the greater will could just communicate over spans of a thousand years and all of the insanity that happened could have been temporary to them, instead it's now explicit that the greater will is actually out of contact
>tfw the weapon you like the appearance of most and that fits your build and drip the most is garbage

Also why does this game dick ride DEX and INT builds so much and give STR and FTH scraps
Lord's Divine Fortification spells it out. I still like the Two Fingers, they may not have all the answers but at least they were trying to fix TLB and organize the tarnished at Roundtable Hold.
Just disappointing because I feel like I'm gonna have to change my DEX/FTH build to a DEX build with FTH for buffs if I actually want to use it.
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>noooo you have to waste 10 minutes hitting a health sponge just to die because the host runs into a combo!!!!!
Not my problem.........
As is Fromsoft tradition, every new weapon and spell will be shit until several balance patches from now unless they're hilariously OP already, in which case they will be destroyed in or more balance patches from now. Plaease understand.
>Because uou can walk away at any time
see >>484208420

>you as the player can think thoughts
>just break the fourth wall bro :)

happened at different points in time, it still fits
To be clear Miquella's charm is an unconscious ability even when he's not actively forcing it on people. It's a secondary curse along with his eternal youth tied to his great rune. It's why literally not a single person in the entire game world even dares to oppose him. Mohg only succeeded in kidnapping him because he was both unconscious and planned for it to happen.
Not that I disagree that the player was never actually charmed by Miquella, since we never met him at any point in the main game up until he lost his great rune.
You can murder all the cult dudes almost immediately, also yes, the doing gold mask or dark moon endings would pretty much ruin any chance at mick getting to have his gay orgy.
Bloodfiend's Arm when turned into a Blood Weapon is crazy. Two (uncharged) R2's trigger bloodloss, while also doing a fuckload of poise damage. Easiest way to beat Chosen Fagman Radahn imo.

>45 Str -> two handing
>70 Arc
>55-60 vig
>everything else into Endurance

>Great Jar
>Golden Braid
>DQ Greatshield
>Two Handed Sword Talisman
>Poise damage physick + charge attack physick

Ran in, R2'd him twice for blood loss, again to trigger stage 2 and blood loss. Run up to him immediately with another R2, poise break. Riposte, bleed him again. Two-three more hits and he explodes into a bag of treats. 45 second long fight.
>cheating is now justified
good god you truly didn't beat the game
No one's responding to my 138 summon sign...
Because of
1. Everything else our character did and could do >>484208643
2. The fact that we have never met Miquella and he needs to get right up in someone's face and talk to them to charm them
You damn moron
knights lightning spear isn't even that special
even if all the hits connect its 338% total damage for 36 fp but mitigated across 5 hits, and charged its 464% across 7 hits
giantsflame take thee is 325% for 30 fp in 1 hit and 389% charged
also dragon cult spells only get +15% from seal while giants seal is +20% so the damage numbers are even closer
You are your character, you're supposed to make yourself, so by that logic when reacting to things and making quest decisions you choose how you would act cause you're going by your own values. That doesn't work with mind control, so you aren't mind controlled
Ya that's basically what I did. Still don't regret it though. The moveset is so cool.
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I kneel, I squeal, my right arm isn't real
I smell like puke, I'm a fluke, if I'm near death I drop a nuke
I suck, I'm a cuck, I watch my brothers give Miquella the proper fuck
I have the worst feet, all my simps are neets, I am malenia and I HAVE known defeat
I think before the DLC, most people thought that the GW was in some form of contact for most of the GO's age of plenty before it stopped picking up the fingers' calls. The whole Metyr situation reveals that the GW never actually did anything beyond sending her and the EB to TLB.
I'm not gay therefore I cant be charmed by a boy
is enenba a good place to buy game keys or whatever they are called because it has the dlc 10 bucks less the Xbox store and if i can save cash on something I will
Faith is top dog in this DLC for once. Lightning Perfume bottle goes crazy hard with minimum dex investment and softcap faith. Blasph Blade AoW scales purely off faith too just spam that. Godslayer GS also kino.
>Leda outright says that we were following grace the entire time not miquellas crosses
>indeed there is still a guiding grace in the shadow lands
>people still argue that we were under miquellas charm.
>your thoughts aren't actually part of your character's thoughts in a self-insert role playing game
Psychotic and violently mentally unstable position to take
murdering quest npcs is the same as ignoring the quests, it means nothing

>The fact that we have never met Miquella and he needs to get right up in someone's face and talk to them to charm them
there's plenty of characters that could have been miquella, all the way down to fucking patches, and we still wouldn't know

>You are your character
wrong, if someone hits you with a sword in game you don't start bleeding irl, retard
>sekiro physick
>blacksteel greathammer
>greatshield talisman
>pearl shield talisman
:D fun time
>for once
>implying it wasn't already top dog in the base game
>not to mention ds2 and ds3
Not him but it really seems arbitrary if the GW is around or not. What changes if the GW was in contact with anyone? Or not in contact at all?

The story still has a God/God-like being send its power to a land. Whether he talks to them after that honestly changes nothing in the story.
>killed rellana in 1 try with a unsheathe cold nagakiba
feels good man
I think the whole "you're bewitched by miquella" thing is either shitposting or genuine cope to make his role in the dlc more impactful and connect to the base game more than it does because they're dissapointed
>used to be a le "jolly co-op" fag playing faith builds helping people in my early teens in ds1/2
>am so filtered by DLC difficulty that unless I have light rolls I can't even help people with the bosses anymore because I get killed like a bitch half the time
>Happened at different points in time
When pray tell did we get charmed? In the snowfields to seek out Mogh? I can go visit the haligtree and murder the fuck out of his sister then. Is it immediately when we enter the dynasty? Again I can leave and go kill Melania. At any point I'm free to kill Melania when I'm supposedly "Charmed."
You're supposed to make yourself
Bleed is top dog in the base game. Lots of bosses resisted holy, especially Radagon and Eldebeast, where a faithtard would get hardstuck.
>blacksmith Joe Biden wants to stay and burn
Ok whatever, sad but fine.
>Roderica stays with him, probably because of the guilt of being the lone survivor when we first find her and not wanting to be a coward again as her friend dies
Any reason? The projectile seems to have nice range and maybe I'm crazy but seems to last longer when buffed by that
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>play poison build
>find pic related
>"Neat, finally a poison weapon!"
>upgrade it to max immediately
>comparing it to Occult Fangs
>less base damage
>less scaling damage
>less status build-up
>Ash can't be changed, it's a slow strike that just poisons
>the only advantage I can find is higher poise damage
What's the purpose of this weapon? Just carry it around for ~7.5% AR increase when poison procs?
You may have autism anon
It says it has C/C scaling on the perfume bottle. Is that not good?
I should probably burn through my art I steal slower so I don't run out
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Now you're just being retarded on purpose, because you've dug too deep and you don't want to admit it. Repeating idiotic and disproven statements only makes you a laughing stock, not correct.
Eventually you will leave the thread when you have to sleep, and you'll never bring this up again while you hope and pray everyone forgets they read your posts.
>When pray tell did we get charmed?
it could have been at probably a hundred different points and this would still make sense

you can't, this is a video game anon, even if you dissociate enough for your point of view to somehow make sense in your head you're just having a psychotic episode, you're not actually going into the lands between
It is special because there are more lightning buffs and it deals far more damage than Giantsflame. It is also far easier to land.
Yeah, have it on the other slot while you 2h the Venomous Fang.
DLC coop is just ass because of the skibidi system. People who need help are usually casuals and havent collected a lot of fragments. So both of you are weak as fuck. Just abuse perfumes if you want to help.
Okay if youre gonna be semantic and annoying
You're supposed to make a STAND IN for yourself, it's an epg you're supposed to see what role you would play if you were in it, so you make yourself then make choices you'd make if you had existed in that world
>there's plenty of characters that could have been miquella, all the way down to fucking patches, and we still wouldn't know
>It could have been at probably a hundred different points and this would still make sense
Are you actually citing your own fanfiction as a source right now?
It just requires a little more IQ from the summoner. I was using a really basic bread and butter faith build and still beating bosses. I would throw a lightning bolt at the boss to draw off aggro, and then roll away until the host got in a good hit, then I would peel the aggro off them again with the lightning bolt. If hosts understand the "aggro switching" tag game, you can still really get away with some criminally cheap jolly good co-operation. The real problem is when they are a dumb fucking edgelord and run in spamming Bloody Slash or something and take all the aggro on themselves and get fucking bodyslammed in one shot and die. Or worse, summon another co-operator and then an NPC spirit on top of that and push the boss scaling to the fucking MOON where everything you do just tickles them.

Seriously either just use mimic tear or only summon *ONE* cooperator. Anything else is making things worse not easier.
I can literally kill Mogh and go kill Miquella's sister afterwards. WHEN do we as a player get charmed to take these actions and why can we do something Miquella wouldn't want us to do while under these charms?
why can't there be a second lightning infusion for dex/fth like there is for fire and str/fth :(
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pov: you're a rapist who slipped roofies in an innocent girl's drink
Yes you throw it on your back and use something else like occult fangs w/ that new ash of war that's just poison moth flight but 100 times better
Game wise nothing changes becsuse we know the GW is gone because the thorns contradict the Fingers. Lorewise you can take it to mean the entire GO of Marika may or may not be a divine mandate and was just a product of EB, Marika, and the Fingers. Or they were just going off of original instructions, who knows.
I mean, you can put lightning ashes on sacred weapons.
>murdering quest npcs is the same as ignoring the quests, it means nothing
Did you even play the fucking dlc? How are you this stupid?
but no boss resisted holy AND fire at the same time and on top of that they had rot breath for physical+rot
and then they had lightning damage spells / weapons too
Miquella *wants* you to kill Mohg. He needs Mohg's body for his retarded plan to work.
Should I not have poison infused my Venemous Fangs? I thought more poison is more good, but everybody is talking about occult infusions like it's a matter of fact.
Yeah but if I'm charmed to kill Mogh and I go and kill Mogh why is it I can stop right there and go to the Haligtree to kill Melania if I'm being charmed at that moment?
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He's an autist, anon. He has no concept of how people think or interact with each other, nor does he understand how to parse new information that conflicts with his current views.
He's literally stuck in a loop repeating himself absentmindedly right now, if you look over his posts
does it trigger you that not completing a quest doesn't actually save the npc in question? because that's the same principle here, and sorry anon, but for example irina can't be saved even if you ignore her quest

you should just complete the train of logic here, if your stand in for yourself were being mentally manipulated but it then stopped, how would that be revealed to you as a player? you'd suddenly start seeing different dialogue options with npcs, maybe even a big text that a charm was broken would flash on your screen

i reject your entire approach because it doesn't disprove shit

nope, the opposite, i'm being extremely vague in order to show you that this theory doesn't require any precision, it could have literally happened in a hundred different ways and still make sense

why exactly wouldn't miquealla want us to kill her though? he got rid of his love at one of the crosses for example, which supports that he doesn't give a shit

Does poison even work on enough stuff to be fun in this game
Who this? Reminds me of my first GF
Wow so brave. I bet you also use mimic tear, greatshield and bleed because it's fun.
Poison is pretty much useless dogshit. It's only a nice bonus while you're also doing bleed and SHITLOADS of damage that procs off Occult from your Arcane stat.

Switch it to Occult and you will be flabbergasted at how better you just became.
She's saying that why can you kill mohg, then immediately do something that Miquella objectively doesn't want
Why can you at any point I the dlc stop, go kill Maleniaz then come back
Occult is better for it because you get pretty good damage on the weapons and your high arc is still going to boost the innate poison the fangs already have. You'll be proccing poison very quickly either way, you just get way more damage on the weapons if you go occult.
there's basically no reason to ever use poison over rot or bleed except for fun factor.
its not really far more, its slightly more when you account for the two seals, and more flat damage mitigation across multiple hits

but the biggest difference is giantsflame deals 100% of its damage in a truly gigantic aoe that you can hurl any distance point blank, mid or long range, and you can't miss because its so huge. And knockdowns. It hits not just your target but everything around it
knights lightning spear splits up its damage and it can easily miss entirely or miss a few hits, its not easy to land at point blank range and gets dodged by enemies and can miss at long range easily
It's Mohgerina
>here's a bunch of shit I made up
not reading that
go to ao3 please, and don't come back
Where does it say Miguel doesn't want Maleniaz to die?
I wanna do another "FTH only" run using almost only FTH to scale my DMG. But since I'm an RP fag I gotta use a theme, so what do you think would be most suitable for the DLC?
>fire giant incants into mesmer incants
>infused fire knight weapons (any will do)
>possibly med armour
>what is mesmer's seal like for scaling?
>erdtree incants
>maybe 13int for miquela's ring of light
>into inquisitor or spiral incants (how are they?)
>how do the spiral/dryleaf seals scale?
>likely dual erdsteel daggers or coded swordm what are good golden-themed weapons that scale well with FTH?
>light armour
Dragon Cult
>lightning damage
>is gravel seal still shit?
>nekkid + priestess heart + blue dancer
>what's a good weapon for this? Just regular weapon with electrify armament? Or maybe flame infusion?
Show me where Miquella says he doesn't want you to kill Malenia at any point in time. He "objectively" does not give a shit.
>twinaxe moveset
jesus christ this is awful, why is this shit slower than a fucking ultra greatsword
thanks! i'll try it tonight lol
How would you make poison and rot distinguishable but also making rot not just completely better?
You can change either or both or however
Fire will be both most viable and most fun out of these
Pretty sure they front loaded the poise damage at least
>Marika may or may not be a divine mandate and was just a product of EB, Marika, and the Fingers. Or they were just going off of original instructions, who knows.
I thought it was pretty clear that Marika did her purge for revenge and installed the Golden Order because the Fingers said thats what the GW would want but also to solidify her power. The fact contact wasn't actually there isn't important for a religion to take place which is what happened.
Well what you do is you poison something and then hit it with poison moth flight to get a discount bleed, which is fun.

Thanks. Yeah, getting like 100 more AR at the expense of 8 poison buildup seems like a good thing.
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>a lightning debuff weapon? that's cut-
>see the damage
discus of light + coded sword + lightning perfume bottle
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>Radahn-sama, might I join your sweaty steamy incestous sex with thine brother?
>OINK OINK me too!
Cute feet
poison is specifically good on occult venomous fangs because you get fast poison damage on a normal poison timer
you shouldn't use it to actually fight with though, just for the damage over time
Well, that's disappointing.
Whip is also dogshit, right?
Perfumes are still DEX weapons at heart, and the lightning perfume shit is more of a bug than intentional design. Godslayer GS is also a DEX weapon.

Blasphemous Blade is cringe and not really something a paladin would use
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put shoes on
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Should I move onto NG+?
just turn all of them into different colors of bleed/madness/frostbite

also make death blight also a new type of bleed/madness/frostbite

the persistent effects like health loss are boring, instant nukes to health are better
Aim for the ground
aim down
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>using the mechanics and tools the game gives you
Is the int user seriously whining that his spells aren't good enough?
Don't put shoes on.
>watching people in Twitch cat call Miquella “her” and post coomer emotes when his feet show up
Lol charmed into being gay
It is pretty, but I'm not so sure the completely bare forearms works very well, I think lime you should try something that covers up a bit further up just a little bit more personally
Yhe claws like are bulky and so it makes it look unbalanced like to just have normal arms and then goofy large claws, a covering like maklybe wrappings or similar would give it more of a gradient
The whip is just an ash of war stick basically. It's not awful, just kinda boring.
Ah these are busted I'm sorry messmer
Poison is objectively trash and a waste of time. And even in the perfect situation where you apply poison and rot at the same time and frequently you can simply out damage it with one use of an AoW.

Deadly Poison deals 0.14% HP + 14 *30s
Poison Spraymist (the best poison) deals 0.21% + 21 *30s for 6.3% HP + 630HP

Or you could just use [Insert any AoE here] 1 time and instantly deal more damage.
yeah, looks like it's time for ng4

how do you know it's not a trans thing
The Death Knight is so fucking cool, I didn't care at all about Godwyn before but now I can completely understand the disappointment of him not being in the DLC.
It makes it look like a cool gladiator type, I think the ankle bracelets look very verybgood
Actually also, what are those legs?
It's been around since dark souls 1 bro
Change all status effects to instant proc. They are just cosmetically different but practically identical.

There is no objective reason gameplay needs to change for them.
From what I've seen the Whip is just a regular DS3 whip.
Honestly they should've made that skill an Ash.
How does that work? It just stops for me.

I want a godwyn dlc but only if there's an immense amount of shit that's vulnerable to holy.
You could larp as a follower of rot and spew OP pest threads. Fire also works well. I played as a faith character confessor for the DLC with enough INT for discus of light and it completely broke the DLC, besides bosses which I used coded sword for. And as for talismans, just mainhand your best scaling one and offhand the buff talisman for the damage bonus
I can literally go become Elden Lord after killing Mogh if I so desired. Why would Miquella want me to win da Elden Bowl and usher in my age?
Would worked lore wise, but balance wise have one do high upfront damage, but fall off and need to be reapply faster while the other does less upfront damage but last for a longer period of time. Or perhaps make rot do less damage than poison, but it applies a debuff that makes them do less damage and take more damage from other sources like they're actually rotting.
Do starlight shards now refresh after invasion?
Don't be sorry anon.
Really thought grafting would be more important when I first saw this game
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Occult has more damage and better status scaling, combined with a 30s poison which is far better for proccing talisman and mushroom crown
It's not even a contest 2bh

Surprisingly it works on most of the stuff. For example, when it comes to remembrance bosses the only one I couldn't poison so far was Putrescent Knight

You shouldn't lose poison build-up, but gain it
BTW slap Endure on your claws, get poison proc + multi hit gear and some other defensives and you're set. Poison procs super fast, you'll get a fuckton of AR and Endure at times allows you to entirely ignore half of the attacks
You literally can outtrade every single mausoleum boss for example, even Rellana or Midra. Shit feels broken lol
>why would he want me to, instead of killing him, ignore him while i do something else
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In demons souls poison reduced healing power-- having some sort of effect like that could differentiate the two.
Plague back then also decreased stam regen, but I think frostbite took that
Is that just genderbent Mohg or actually in the game? Because I would be up in this like a man frantically trying to escape a burning house
>want to try FTH out
>but not using DMGS on a Ranni run feels wrong
Start the new DLC
First resource I pick up is "Rada Fruit"

Radahn is gay

Perfect forshadowing
Rot is fast but deals flat damage

Poison is slow but deals %hp
>tfw you can't protect mohg's smile
>BTW slap Endure on your claws
I'll try it. I had Cragblade and just switched to Raptor of the Mists for the lols. thanks for the insight.
ascetic's ankle guards
Just use her father's sword
How does inescapable frenzy work?
Sometimes It oneshots people othertimes it just tickles.
Thank you
I will forget this tomorrow morning
>Spent the last few days jacking off to Leda rape (normal and reversed)
Fucking hell, I think I might have a problem
I've been replaying the base game to get to DLC. I don't remember how I felt with my first playthrough, but this time around I feel like the difficulty on the second half of the game's bosses is just ... retarded. The way the difficulty is tuned, summoning any spirit ashes trivializes the fights, but going solo is an absolute slog. I really think they just designed the bosses 'wrong'.

Spirit ashes were a terrible idea - at best they should have been like a small familiar or something that's weaker, and most second half bosses should be weaker and less aggressive too. I want a classic DS3 style fight where I feel good about learning boss patterns, instead of dying super fast and not really learning much.

Its crazy how in DS3 you were often forced to run back to a boss through a huge chunk of the level but it still felt less tedious than this game. Also most of the hard to dodge attacks (for me) seem like they are all camera or visual fx related. Waterfowl and Maliketh jumping around like a monkey over you or on top of you fucks the camera. Its like they ran out of ideas on difficulty so they said 'lets just make it really hard to see or follow'
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>find weapons I want to use that I can't for this playthrough
Welp, at least I get to use the serpent flail and barbed staff
Go ahead and share anon.
Is the Omen transformation/lamenter mask useful? What does it do?
They escaped it
poison is just a delivery system for massive poison flower blooms twice hits

im putting together a build for it
gooning for mommy Marika
You should be able to decrease your skibidi blessing
Knights Lightning Spear is not flagged for enemies to dodge it, either charged or uncharged
they will dodge regular lightning spear charged, but not uncharged
they will dodge giantsflame both charged and uncharged

that's a big difference
Ranni probably like would be fine with/want other perspectives/designs to be able to be pulled into her order and to learn and study from, she'd probably like want some other magic system to understand/use its structure to support her own
>build is shit
>sl 120
>ego too big to respec or level up
>end up fighting Radahn for 8 hours with a buckler and dagger
I actually hate being autistic
War trophy
Does that mask boost any dlc spells?
DLC bosses give very little room to drink or re-buff. Even a quick crab often ended up with getting hit for me. Damn.
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>hate the game
>hate the dlc
>think it's stupid and overdone
>the ending was gay and bad

>can't wait to make a new character and do it all over again
they better not touch my greatsword.
The only time I buff is before the fogwall. Buffing midfight is stupid as hell
It's the same basic stuff based on the aftermath of the gank fight.
gives 8 arc and lets u headbutt. its a meme
I'm not totally out of line when I say this, right?
>FUCK the hornsent
Literally me
I meant share the material desu.
i don't think so, and anyway it's overshadowed by circlet of light which just does more in general
It’s probably getting nerfed out of its r1 r1 and crouch r1 r1 true combos in pvp
many of those don't fit together in a theme. Using different elements does fit a theme if you know the lore
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>get Red bear claws
>go up to Metyr boss
>beat in 2 tries
>proceed to just spam the ash of war bleeding the fingers out and clawing him to death

Beast claws are very funny for strength characters. very crazy to control but I think if you know the bosses openings they're really fun for strength builds.
i hope they dont touch thrusting shields. im not sure if the pseudo increased guard boost on the attacks is a bug or not
>Spirit ashes were a terrible idea
They're just the dedicated easy mode, there's nothing wrong with them. It's also my preferred form of adaptive difficulty, where there's a clear demarcation between using and not using the mechanic.

Monster Hunter has a similar system (followers in Rise and, inevitably, Wilds), but it's also full of the much more annoying form of adaptive difficulty: mechanics that touch things you do normally. Wyvern riding in Rise and mantles and the clutch claw (specifically wall bangs) in World just pollute your gameplay experience with bullshit you don't WANT to do, but is so very obviously optimal that you're a retard if you don't do it. It changes how you interact with your weapon and the monster - the entire point of Monster Hunter - on a fundamental, inescapable level. Spirit ashes are much closer to the follower system in that they don't fundamentally change your gameplay beyond giving you more openings to do things you already want to do without fundamentally changing moment-to-moment gameplay.

Given that they did the exact thing they were designed to do: act as an immersive accessibility mode for new players (that also helps populate the open world with loot and little bits of lore), I'd say that they're a great idea. The only issue is that people rely on them too heavily, and never learn to actually play the game. The reaction to the DLC is a symptom of that design problem.
It’s definitely a bug or at least too powerful right now
>if someone kicks you while you attack you shrug off nearly all of the stamina damage on what should be a guardbreak
>you can tank over 4 colossal sword r1s in a row and still have a butt ton of stamina left
I'm going for a whole "carian starry knight" look with my character. Is there any good new equipment to help pull it off in the DLC? I mostly wear carian set + the hermit glintstone helm
what was the easiest rememberance boss on your playthrough anons? i killed scat tree in 6 hits with my pyro gigachad.
Do you understand that there's a difference between a fodder spammable ash like Flame of the Redmanes and a slow as shit wombo combo charged ash like Carian Sovereignty right?
All text.
Is FTH/INT a viable build for SL 150?
You need to be looking for specific openings. Either run away against bosses you know won't heal punish you from a distance, or heal instead of attacking after dodging. I used Messmer's spinning thrust to heal in phase 2 of his fight, or his big spear AoE combo.

Now, buffing? Yeah, it's hard. I was able to get one buff off during Radahn's phase 2 transition, which helped with holy resistance.
I was using a colossal so midra died super quick. I think it was under 5? He's just a poiselet so jump r2 completely obliterates him.
Putrescent, messmer and midra died really quick because I had too much scadu when I found them
you can make it work but it'll be worse than pure int or pure faith
Just use something else while keeping it on your back
>children and hot fluids should be kept apart
>rennala is a real butterface huh?
so many of the dlc spells have such incredibly shit damage

>golden arcs 3x 80(95)
>giant golden arc is 1x 215 (265)
>spira 1x 160
>watchful spirit is a pathetic 100 if it ever hit anything
>divine bird feather 42 each, eats all your fp instantly so who knows how many
>divine beast tornado is only 160 (200) and I see it only hit once usually
>bayles tyranny is only 325 fire + 210 light when dragonmaw is 628 phys
>rotten butterflies just 100 phys each
>furious blade of ansbach doesn't even bleed so who cares
>even a hit from messmer's orb's loooong animation is 308 (411) on impact which is less than giantsflame uncharged

at least pest thread spears is okay at 2x hits of 180 (230)
i one shot midra and metyr on my first run, they were very easy

honorary mention to dancing lion, it's way easier than people make it out to be
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retarded gankfuckery
Nah too low
Go for 180 or 200
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Based Carian Knight chad
its actually just a simple bug, you don't lose any stamina for blocking during your attack animations but still block stuff, so its a sort of invulnerability
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my fucking sides
SL 150 tards are gonna feel really retarded when they can't get anyone for co-op and invasions put them in against people over twice their level because the redditors who fell for this shit make up less than 1% of the playerbase
Why did it take players this long to realize that a high-guard-boost greatshield (like Fingerprint)+status thrusting sword (like Antspur Rapier) is the most easy mode playstyle in the entire game? It's been easy mode since like day one back when Fingerprint could completely negate all stamina loss.
that fight is super easy since they nerfed gank bosses
Cute art.
what is this retarded cope
Rellana chest if you're a girl
Blaidd chest if you're a guy
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whoever is in charge of spell balancing is literally the shittiest person at their job in the history of ever

he's worse than the titanic submarine CEO guy
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i am at 146 right now and it's working just fine
wheres your strike damage bro
>pulls out cock
here bro
What's the brokenly retarded overpowered AoW of choice for the early game after Flame of the Redmanes got gutted?
The Staff of the Great Beyond softcaps at 43/43 and can cast both Sorceries and Incantations(the spellbuff value is a bit low for sorceries but really good for Incantations).
It's good, but I don't like the color of the surcoat and its design is a little too simple. The game has like 4 competing "box guy" armor sets.
>knight set
>raging wolf armor
>Vyke's set
>Carian knight set
you just typed out a downvote
it's what you're used to I guess
keep doing what the reddit man says even though it goes against the most basic of logic, thinking hard
>str and dex at 10
What weapon are you even using?
idk what any of these numbers mean
I just use spells that look cool haha
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Is there any new slut/lewd armor in the DLC?
Bayle (because I summoned Igon and just chugged any time he hit me) and Romina probably.
I like Knight's Lightning Spear

As far as spells go, it's hard to beat Rock Sling, though
ice spear for basically the same thing i think, you just have to use it with a spear

coded sword
can anyone drop the new triple glintblade spell for me on pc?
There's one dress, but it's ankle length and has a high neckline
>Died at least five times to every single boss because I was too lazy to pay attention to boss movesets and kept trying to do big damage
i dont think dex has any access to strike damage does it
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>tells me to go back to *eddit
>"you just typed out a downvote"
Did I fuck up by finding the dragon communion alter killing Bayle? I missed out on all the npc questlines except Igon and the crazy finger tranny
There's some loin cloths and barbarian type tops.
yes you miss out on florissax if you kill bayle
altered dancer chest looks like marikas coomer dress
>they don't fundamentally change your gameplay beyond giving you more openings
they let you play without learning the boss at all. i beat malenia, mogh and godfrey today and i didnt spend any time really learning their movesets or respecting the boss. i just summoned, swung like a retard and won basically every time. godfrey was the worst, he didnt even attack me, just attacked the spirit ash while i sat there with moonlight gs and just spammed r2 beams to win.

there are already multiple ways to adjust difficulty in ER if you explore - different weapons, sorceries etc are already there. Im sure I'll just get the git gud argument, but most of the final bosses, say fire giant onwards are just tedious to me. the worng kind of difficulty. until you summon ahes which trivializes them
post it
flails for example
>not even dlc gave us high heels
Can't drop spells, mate
it does.
keen/lightning infused caestus, hammers
some new dlc weapons like lizard gs can be infused
Set makes you look like one of those frumpy fat Indian women
Rellana's looks nice if it wasn't feminine. Far too many armors have build in gender & it sucks. Would it be weird to be a frosty carian himbo in the Night set minus the helmet, or is that only for Sauron larpers?
I beat skibidi avatar and pubrcent knight 1st try after radahn so oh well, I always can ng+
Why the hell is your vigor so high?
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why not, you think more intelligence would help more? or more endurance when i'm already light rolling? lol
Godwyn would have been kino since Godwyn actually has a similar personality to Miquella while Radahn just loves war
60 is the softcap retard, why wouldn't he be that high?
He cant wear armor so he needs survivability elsewhere
Solid list but
>No Giantflame take thee
>No Black Blade
Come on
Post it please
Is it the loose white sundress micky wears in the promos?
I kinda want that desu
I feel bad for anyone that summons me for Messmer
I don't remember half his moves
60 is literally both the minimum and the maximum. there's no reason to play this game above SL100 with a higher or lower amount. it should be the last 39 points you allocate if you were going to max level for example
I would let him type B ryona me
I beat the dlc with little issue at 45 vig on SL120 not sure why people are sperging out about needing 60 vig.
are damage reducction talismans nerfed in coop? they saf nerfed in pvp, which I assume is just another word for multiplayer given how the game works
It's over anon we won't be getting it.
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The fact that you're expected to dump 80% of your stats into VIG just to not die really sucks
It especially sucks for progression, when I want to use that one weapon but VIG has been my priority.
I'm not even sure what you're trying to say, even if you translate that to actual like what it means that doesn't make sense
ryona is mean
co op is not pvp

My point was that your abilities don't change when you summon a spirit ash, beyond some edge cases like being able to freely set up terra magica infinite FP comet azur. Regardless of whether they summon mimic tear or not, casuals will still be spamming pre-nerf taker's flames against Malenia.

But you're right, and I think that's the biggest issue. A lot of people beat Elden Ring once with spirit ashes, L2 spam, magic spam, or even dual colossal jumping L1 spam and think to themselves,
>I did it, I beat the hardest game of all time :)
without realizing they played on easy mode and learned nothing. I'm watching 3 of my friends do their DLC playthroughs and they're all rotten with bad habits because they beat the game with different combinations of the above. One of them only does 2H jumping R2s. This is why people are resorting to shieldpoking bosses to death: they failed to learn the lessons Margit was designed to teach them with the base game, and the lessons that the DLC bosses are designed to teach you (that culminate in Radahn).

I won't defend Fire Giant because he's just tedious and I hate him, having beaten him on low level characters too many times to count. I personally have no issue with anything after him, though, except maybe Godskin Duo on release.
35ish vigor will keep you from being one shotted by a bad luck hit, any more than that is wasted estus/crimson tears. You don't need vigor if you don't get hit.

Put some points in dex to cast a bit faster & carry an off weapon to kill most enemies & conserve your mana
I never understood that either. 60 is so insanely high for no reason. 40 is perfect.
No, it's the red dancer one
i don't need to conserve mana, i have a coded sword for most shit and discus of light costs 1.5fp per hit (lol)
its how spells deal damage in soulsborne games

you just multiply the spell motion value and your incantation/sorcery scaling on the seal, then multiply out any bonuses

giant golden arc has 215 motion value, so it deals 215% of your incantation scaling, so if your seal is 353 scaling, you deal 759 base damage on the mcdonalds spell
then multiply talismans, buffs, flasks, whatever, and lower it by enemy mitigation using those weird formulas of both % reduction and flat damage

dragonmaw is insane with 628% physical, giantsflame take thee is 325% fire uncharged and each feather of divine bird ak-47 does only 42% which is why it tickles
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Millicent best girl
People still think the GW is some kind of tree god with some Reddit bloodborne outer god proxy war. The DLC shows both the tree stuff is from Marika’s own culture (grandmother), and the GW is more associated with the stars and cosmos and hasn’t directly sent anything more than initial guidance for aeons.
Knights Lightning Spear costs 29 fp tho
The tree shit is the Crucible though.
>Summoned to Radahn
>Host is Skibiid level 10
Brother just find the fragments
just dodge better and carry me, cuck
I've been all over the fucking map I'm only 10 I've beat everything but gaius and consort where the fuck are they
strong but you need to draw the majority of aggro to use them fully. they shit out bleed damage but they dont take hits well.
find an opening before healing retard
Dude I killed this guy so fast I didn't even realise he was meant to be an obstacle. I don't even know what to tell you. He's easier than the guy that drops the meme Guts set at the start of the DLC.

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