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LastSoftware: >>484045446


>The main information documents for Elden Ring (/erg/), Dark Souls (/dsg/), Bloodborne (/bbg/), Demon's Souls, Sekiro, King's Field, Armored Core (/acg/) and Spellbound

>Soulslike games like Nioh, Lies of P, Code Vein, Lords of the Fallen, etc...
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thrall hood 2
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The fanfic is coming along pretty well
I didn't think I'm going to self insert my favorite build into the main tarnished character, instead I will characterize him as being at the canonical peak of the player's strength at 99 in every stat. I think it's based and he's more lord like that way
so do the scadoo’s let you be op and get dlc weapons on a noob character
>we didn't get the crystal cirque that the crystayylmao bosses use

the first mandatory boss is the one guarding the point-of-no-return tree
the only progression-blocking bosses is a glorified NPC invader and the inquisitor (which can be chainbackstobbed)
you don't need scat fragments for like 70% of the shit in the DLC
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Is Black Myth Wukong an honorary slike?
Good morning, /fsg/.
All I want is Elden Ring's weapon/skill options + Sekiro's smooth/no input delay combat
sounds like Spellbound, wait 6 more years and you'll get your wish
seamless coop invading actually works.
how? they have dedicated servers? who is paying for that
the version that came out today has invasions.
I wonder if he saw that bait thread on steam and changed it to add them because of it lol
he made it for his ac6 mod. its easy to turn off, but its so good because it uses the better p2p
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I'd rather fight Leonard, who summons Radahn's spirit in his second phase, but I guess Mike is fine too
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Stop calling him mike
More like Tranny Mike, haha.
How do I get into Dark Souls? I can never tell where am I supposed to be going with all those difficulty spikes.
If the game throws some ridiculously tough motherfucker at me out of nowhere, does this mean that I am not supposed to be here yet, I've fucked up my character build or am I expect to defeat him somehow? I can never tell.
dark souls 1? just try to fight the skeletons if you cant kill them hard enough before they respawn your build sucks
Apparently I killed Leda's quest by going into shadow keep and fighting the retarded hedhehog hippo?
How in the name of FUCK are you supposed to divine that you shouldn't advance into that area or it breaks a fucking quest? When will this fucking retarded hack Miyazaki learn how to design a questline?
Jesus CHRIST this guy is a cunt.
I am at the Undead Burg at the moment, and I was doing pretty well, until I stumbled upon some random black knight that completely wiped the floor with me. I guess I wasn't supposed be going that way or I accidentally stumbled into a totally random boss encounter.
I still can't time my parries to save my life.
you can kill that guy it will take a while though, your main thing you need to progress is upgrading your weapon to do damage and finding your healing flask upgrades to get more healing

shields or armor help but generally just dodging and backstabbing can kill anything without being hit is the best bet
So I beat bb with mlgs build. I want to replay it one day and wanted to cosplay maria. But I saw that her blade also scales with arcane. Is it still fun with that? Or should I go with chikage?
Yeah, in my great wisdom, I decided to go with a Knight, that can't dodge for shit, so I guess I really need to learn parries.
Hell, I even had problems with the Asylum demon, until I cheesed the motherfucker with bombs. I am honestly considering restarting the game and going for a basic bitch Fighter.
Yeah, I have no idea what I'm doing.
your class doesnt do anything but give you stats just take off your armor until you level your endurance enough to wear armor and dodge

you want either a light roll or medium roll. the roll youre doing now is heavy and has the least amount of i-frames to dodge attacks with
actually there might be a different stat than endurance that gives you the ability to wear armor without the encumbrance penalty youre experiencing, you'll figure it out though.
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>How do I get into Dark Souls? I can never tell where am I supposed to be going with all those difficulty spikes.
>If the game throws some ridiculously tough motherfucker at me out of nowhere, does this mean that I am not supposed to be here yet, I've fucked up my character build or am I expect to defeat him somehow? I can never tell.
Step 1: Give it a good try
Step 2: Put a pin in it / make a mental note of it, then explore elsewhere
Step 3: Repeat each time you find a roadblock
Step 3: If you run out of other places to look, go for the easiest thing you couldn't do.

ARC scaling is a spook on BB weapons, it dictates their affinity when buffed / infused, not by default. Rayuko is Pure SKL; but works as ARC-SKL if you've got something like Bolt Gems from Chalice grinds.
Only weapons that by-default benefit from ARC in BB is the Kos Parasite, Flamethrower, Rosmarinus, the in-hand Spells and the Hunter's Torch. Otherwise, the Boom Hammer / Tonitrus / LogWheel / Moonlight only benefit when tricked, and everything else is when buffed / infused.

Don't worry, the learning experience and overcoming challenge is the fun of it. Once you get the "groove", each consecutive game is easier.
Well, thanks, I guess I'll just power on through it. Also, which stats should I invest in? I have a feeling it's one of those games that fucks you over if you make one mistake in your build.
Retard alert
You basically want stats in endurance, vitality, then whatever damage your weapon scales in. You can go strength AND dexterity for weapons at the same time but I'd focus on vitality and endurance first.
For the most part, Health is always the most useful early on, then stat requirements to use any specific weapon you want, then FP/Stamina/Equip Load to taste after that, then stick to 1 damage stat from there on out if you don't know what you're doing (dumping evenly into damage/health once you're comfortable). Weapon upgrade level puts in more work for your damage early on, and scaling doesn't kick in until later; hence why damage is ironically last.

The only game to deviate from this formula is God2, because ADP dictates how many iframes you get on rolls (intended as a counterpart to shield users / blocking usually investing in stamina and equip load).
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'pa never explained why xe plays type B
i think xe is hiding something...
Oh cool forgot about infusing stuff. Then I will dump everything in skill.
I hate rollslop bosses.
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elden GOD won
dog SHIT 3 lost
does jump actually give iframes or are you jumping above those attacks
I am confused. Does Dark Souls and Elden Ring take place in the same universe?
All FromSoft games look so similar to each other.
Anon who rolled the dagger DS3 run last thread here.
Do I go with hollow infusion for the 5 free levels, or just KISS and go for sharp (or maybe both?). Using bandit's and brigand's.
I frames apply to legs and lower torso not arms and heads. So something like a greatsword (with your arms tucked up high with blade on shoulder) will be better than one handing a simple blade (with your arms dangling by your side like a cuck).

Noticr how all the attacks in that webm are low horizontal thrusts or rings. This doesn't work if it is a vertical slash, or if the horizontal attack reaches moderately high of the ground.
No, different universe. But unlike sekiro and bb (very obviously different universes) they basically pasted the various souls games into ER, making it feel like ds"4" but no connecting story/lore elements. Your confusion is understandable.
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It disabled the hurtbox for your lower body.
I prefer sharp.
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Officially, "No", but deepest schizolore (eg Aldritch worships the Deep Sea, Burning Moonlight Butterflies sharing features with Amygdalan, the Lord of the Night and Glintstone sorcery matching up to Ludwig's Phantasms, Fell Flame lining up with the First Flame in relation to Stone Trees & Dragons, similarities between Formless Oedon and the Formless Mother) gives a firm "actually yes", but then the even deeper schizo lore is "No, zaki is just a hack on repeat of himself"
now do that against the dual curved sword wielder which is the one with the naruto combos
church district is the home of the wdc force gods
i dont remember a single area from the dlc because it was boring, where is that
nu-new londo
the entire area is flooded and the first section is a parkour maze
get your endure dagger and go ham
So, what was GRRM's involvement in the story? Was it anything serious, or just stunt casting? You know, how ME3 kept going that they had gotten Clint Mansell as a composer, but then you find out he just wrote one track and fucked off.
the sword at 00:06 literally goes through your legs, nice cheats nigger
The active frames on their attacks don't start on frame one, retard, they're not Rellana.
playing unlocked is truly the way to go, both in pve and pvp
According to interviews, he laid out the background settingwork and the general dynamic of the family feud, 'zaki did the rest.
Going off of their writing styles, it's somewhat obvious who did what for the important stuff. All the political backstabbing like godrick allying with radahn on the capital assault only to flee like a bitch and desert radahn's army high&dry, or godwyn being a greater threat nobody is addressing (a la white walkers) is right up gurms alley, while shit like "academyfags turn into star seeds because they done dun thunk too much" and "swamp of ash capital" is zaki's old tricks.
I just remembered that the starscourge gs gets insane hypearmor
I think it would go hard af to respec and start yeeting pvers off the ledges
the dragon thing is zaki shit too
man had to prop in the everlasting dragons somewhere
the seamless coop invasions are fucking nice. you have great runes, spirit summons and can ride torrent in the open world segments. i get into an invasion instantly, and the net is better.
only shitty part is the spawns are bad. you have to dc alot because theres no respawn item, but rl 20 is mostly stormveil and raya lucaria.
gurm is autistic about dragons too, probably went a bit both ways there. For example, the Dragon Communion and Magma Wyrms never able to attain "true" dragonhood was definitely zaki, while Godwyn allying with the Dragon Cult in the capital and making it a national by-religion is definitely gurm.
>Godwyn allying with the Dragon Cult in the capital and making it a national by-religion is definitely gurm
isn't this the nameless king all over again though?
puke yui... saved invasions???
whenever I invade in seamless it puts me in an area where its impossible to reach the host or on the other side of the map
Str 10 (min str to use all daggers other than corvian)
Dex 60

Bandit's knife sharp +10 = 269 (nice) AR
Bandit's knife hollow + 10 = 243 AR

Str 10
Dex 18 (again min req)
Luck 55+5 (+5 rom hollowing, so 60)

Bandit's knife sharp +10 = 238 AR (bleed bumped to 30->34)
Bandit's knife hollow +10 = 228 AR (bleed bumped to 30->36)

Hollow isn't worth it unless you go for an unfeasible spread. The problem with hollow is that its main benefit is that you do NOT trash secondary scalings, but the dagger secondary scalings are already trash. Bandit is D/D, which goes to E/B on sharpening, but stays at D/D on hollowing. So hollowing retains the "better" str scaling and then adds luck scaling which does not compare to the improved dex scaling offered by sharpening (compounded by the base dmg being reduced by hollowing, but not by sharpwning). If you go something like 40/40 and then 35+5 luck, hollow just barely outperforms sharp (by 2 (two) AR), yet still not better than sharp at 60 dex. With 10str/60dex you also have lots of points to spare to put in much needed vig/end/vit, which you won't have going with luck (ooooh, curse resistance, how quaint)

It is worth noting that in all cases both fire and deep outperforms sharp and hollow, so if you are too lazy to (re)apply buffs go with one of those (though I recomend not doing so and going with the buffs, if only because it makes adapting to boss weaknesses easier)
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I'm an explorelet. I spent all weekend trying to find the map for Rauh Ruins in the north west and I can't find a way to get to the whole areas in the northeast. I just simply cannot find a way down to the ground level in Rauh and for the northeast I cannot find a way up. How do?
my spawns were the worse at 120 or 150, but rl20 i only get the two dungeons. i need to try other characters.
you can also respawn with the host if the boss goes to phase 2
>first part/church district
you have to jump down the pit in morth ruins. it might not have been the obvious way since you have to wall glitch.
>northeast part
you have to find an emote on a random corpse in bonny village then do it in front of a statue by the scaduview boss.
Kinda, but the result is far more Targarian-style than Nameless-King style. Shit like Dragon preistesses and blessing the Knights with Dragon incants, as well as dragons who chase their masters into death and back. Nameless got blacklisted for sympathising with the enemy, Godwyn got a promotion for dealing with one of many apocalpyses the Golden Order faced (basically all by himself), and instead turning it into a massive gain for the GO.
To carry on, you've got shit like Rotting Sickness lining up nearly 1-1 with Stone sickness, or the Empyreans being granted a Wolfman / not!Direwolf, or Morgott employing the Kaiden / not!Dothraki only for half of them to turn on him and become bandits he let into his own borders, or Morgott in general as a cursed+veiled king whose subjects would reject him immediately if they saw him, or "The Night of the Long Knives" being what kicked off the Shattering (as if you couldn't get any more 1:1).
You can also read heavily into where parallel characters are taken, such as Marika having a huge amount of ties with Circei (ultra-manipulative not!whore who wields her power and sexuality like a fine-sharpened spear, who doesn't truly trust anyone due to light insecurity & a small pinch of genuine stupidity fuelled on by hubris at times; but adores her golden-boy child so much that losing him literally drives her to the brink of insanity).
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tl;dr check around moorth ruins, explore bonny village fully to get a gesture for an altar, the rest is a piece of cake by yourself
>since you have to wall glitch
No you don't lol, there's a fucking path the way down.
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Would you guys genocide hor*sent for your queen and future wife?
So why does unlocking seem to break enemies?
ask /erg/, coombrain
>Would you genocide
>>needing a reason
dragon communion harpoons are so fucking good what the hell, shame you can only hold 5
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slurmic sloppa factoroid of the day
miquella =/= mick uller
miquella =/= mick ella
miquella = mi qwella

more you know (+1 insight)
I would do anything for my god queen
didn't know we had an ergite pve god among us
locking on severely limits your mobility
enemies are not programmed to deal with you taking advantage of that
and neither are pvers
godputa should only be posted if your post is about god3
I love genocidal royalty
post more webms pls
finally something good
Putrescent Kino.
>try some DS3 pvp for old times sake
>every host you invade through whatever method is a curved sworded ToDd fag with two identical passworded friends
>invariably they disengage and start chugging 99 estus when you kill one, while they wait for the resummon
Well, I am not sure why I was expecting anything else.
Thsi took me like 10 attempts to get without getting hit. Space the third slam, go into him and then away from him when he starts spinning, space his horse then go to his side then afterwards position yourself so when the horse spawns you can get behind it before his active frames start and then run away from his final spin (jumping probably helps but I managed to dodge it without it).
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fundamentally does not exist
statement = undefined, undefinable, undefinablest even
no webm didn't happen
What a coincidence.
fake and you're biased & nitpicking and don't know what the meta is
I am not sure why I was expecting anything, other than poorly written bait from ESL posters.
nice try, but your shitty formatting gives you away.
The meta is a sword with which you can roll catch anyone not 34.08 poising (which you can tell instantly by their armor) and tears because having a guaranteed extra hit so long as you arent poisoned is good. Often a heavier eeapon too, to rollcatch the people with more poise. There is no reasom not to run tears unless you need the slot for pure caster (shit) stuff. It isn't really rocketscience, the game doesn't really do a good job at blancing its options, so most stuff can be instantly dismissed as not viable. Zaki doesn't make good pvp games, he self admits to sucking at the pve, so god knows how he plays pvp (likely not at all).

ER has some fun PvP, but it is still populated. Anons problem is that he is playing an 8 year old game that, lets be real, only sees pvp from sweats too poor to buy ER and a system for it, or are doing the "old game better than new game" schtick. You aren't hanging around in ds3 pvp for any other reason with ER being a thing.


terrible answer and you obviously do not know what the fuck you're talking about.
get off it dude
My formatting is perfect; try a different argument. This time, maybe include punctuation, proper use of conjunctions, and correct subject-predicate structure.
Ds3 sweat having a temper tantrum itt, too poor to move on, proves my point. Just come to ER anon, "for old times sake" is just nostalgia tripping and is almost always disappointing.
oh no... whatever will i do when the ergie goes back to /erg/ :(
this was the only good fight in the entirety of elden ring
comma anon is the new worst poster
>see three cool dudes with yellow orbed torso
>branch, hide and start another instance of the game
I can't say I miss it. I like to think miyazaki got dabbed on by invaders during playtesting.
I just beat the Putrescent Knight at 0 skibidis and he didn't even get to his 2nd phase transition. Too bad I was using shadowplay and only managed to record 45 seconds.
>triggered by commas
I used the stone hammer with cragblade btw. I could post a webm but it isn't the whole fight.
I hate all you ESL Europeans equally. Reading your drivel is exhausting.
literally unironically whom'st asked
thats a whole lot of text without actually understanding how to build for hollow infusion. you dont go over 30 luck (35 up to preference) for hollow builds. inputting your numbers to soulsplanner but distributing the stats more optimally you get
>60 dex 270 ar 50 bleed with rouge
>40 dex and 30 luck (40 with hollow bonus from offhand) 251 ar 58 bleed with rouge
you lose 7% of your ar for 16% more bleed. i'd go with hollow
When is all this ESL whine going to return to a different general?
I just want to discuss who has the best waifu (its Ayre and she's mine)
>smithscript talisman works on claws of night L2
sigh, now i feel forced to use it
why are you invading at meta sl?!? go sl 30-90 so you get pve'ers
>why are you invading at meta sl?!? go sl 30-90 so you get pve'ers
Shut up, bitch.
i look like that and i do that
>60 dex 270 ar

The point wasn't to build like that. It is to illustrate that even at silly high luck the AR will not be better. Not even with silly high luck AND 40/40. All you get is more bleed, which is a garbage thing to build for most bosses. The stat also relates to bleed build up and flat bleed damage, your percentage is simply looking at the stat increase which does not have a linear relationship with the bleed damage done. So wrong again.
Very little text with an attitude is meangless. Sit back down.
>why are you invading at meta sl?!?
he didn't actually invade at all. his story is blatantly made up.
>All you get is more bleed, which is a garbage thing to build for most bosses
oh you were talking about pve. i assumed pvp as this is a pvp general
I spent all day yesterday blocking a lot of Glinstone spammers. Shit's annoying and needs to get fucking gutted like moonveil already.
No. It is nice that the best dagger (bandit) happens to have, but you don't gimp your build to squueze out a tiny bit more. You aren't decreasing the hits to proc (only interesting metric). Also bleed is terrible in the base game. Only lorian, sage and the dancer are vulnerable to it, the rest is either resistant (so you are better of going with whatever weakness they DO have) or immune.
Reading is hard. Assumptions retarded.
You know, nobody is stopping you from making an actual pvp general with relevant pastebins.
Read the OP
>"holy shit, this is a fast boss!"
- naive children, 1 decade ago
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no one said that
i said that
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>thrusting shield in the offhand replaces weapon art
do metalords really
i can poise hits with rakshahas great katana while having 0 poise
working as intended
yes that's how hyperarmor works
I always knew someone as handsome as mohg could not be a bad person
how can fire knights tank guard counters when their set has 40 poise
Is there a point in trying to play Dark Souls (I'm thinking Remastered) on a mouse and keyboard? My controller has just given up the ghost, and I've heard some horror stories about M+KB controls in DS1.
you posted this in erg
and I'll keep posting it again in both generals until I get a reply count with which I am satisfied
It's comfy
Those horror stories were from years ago. dsr has good kbm controls out of the box. Back in ptde, you had to use dsmousefix or whatever, but dsr is fine and you can rebind keys and the mouse works okay. You might have issues with target lock switching, which is activated when you move your mouse left/right (and there's no way to rebind this to anything else), so you might end up switching targets by accident a lot when you first start playing.
bad game design, happy?
Hey, good to know. How about other DS games?
pve and pvp poise isn't the same
>bleed thrusting shield
I beat the game
how much faster is the fire knight gs r1s compared to regular ugs
ds2 (ig if u pirate a copy) and ds2 sotfs both have ok kbm controls BUT you can't as freely customize bindings for the mouse. So you end up with weird shit like:
>r2/heavy attack is double click
>l2/parry is double right click
When I played ds2 on pc, I used the double click format which I got used to, but I also bound a key close to WASD for parrying, so I would block with m2 and then hit C or whatever to parry-- you can't actually hold up your shield and parry if you use the double clicks alone.

I think you can do shift m1/m2 or ctrl m1/m2 as well, which is how its like for the other souls games kbm default formats but I think I got annoyed with all the different bindings so I stuck with double clicks and separate keys for parrying and guardbreak. You can try things out see how u like it.

ds3 and er kbm are both fine and offer customization to extra mouse buttons iirc.
what ash and infusion do I put on the fire knight gs
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keto + mewing ASAP
wtf idgi
Either whatever physical infusion fits your build or flame art
Many competitive choices for an UGS ash. Flame Skewer, Savage Lion's Claw, Waves of Darkness if you're invading and you need an anti-gank button, etc
I've seen this guy over the years but I don't keep up with gaming culture or /v/ or whatever but who is this and why is he crying
iirc he was watching the trailer for Star Wars episode 7.
giga über s*yboy that cries over seeing his favorite nigs in the new s*ywars trailers
>want to use the ancient meteoric ore greatsword
>19 arcane requirement
What the fuck is their problem? Why do they need to add an intelligence, faith, or arcane tax to almost every weapon in the DLC?
does it insta bleed with 2 r1s even if you don't have an arcane build? that might be good...
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I have never loved a weapon class as much as I love this weapon class
It's crazy how the optimal way to play elden ring is how people play pvp, sprint out of range of shit
in pvp you do it because you can't react to shit because of the 1 second delay, in pve you do it because each attack pattern is handcrafted to rollcatch you in several ways
plays like a monhun fight
alatreon maybe
jeebanana did a vid on bleer fkgs. it probably will against opponents that don't stack a lot of robustness.
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>Talisman of All Crucibles absolutely demolish Gaius' funny hitbox gimmick
i just cant use the milady, nothing ever poisebreaks in pve or pvp
patch 1.13 when
takes 3 hits
still really good because it basically ensures you always have the bleed talisman damage bonus
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150 hours into the game, years and years of playing Dark Souls, and I just started using a shield and it's a game changer. How come no one told me sooner?
its mid

its fun
when the servers come back online
worma fc today
When you say "years and years of playing Dark Souls" what exactly do you mean? Did you play DS3 first? Because that's about the only way I can imagine you not knowing the value of shields, they were really really good in DS1 and DS2 and everyone who started fresh defaulted to using shields to block in pve, with roll-punish and parry being considered higher risk, higher reward strats
To be fair the dueling shield is bugged when you trade. It shouldn't be blocking that well
shields are great, especially in ER where shieldpoking is strong, guard counters exist, and a lot of otherwise extremely difficult encounters can be turned by parrying
shields suck in pvp tho. pokers WILL be starfisted to death.
might as well enjoy it while it's unpatched
See, your problem is that you assume a shield poke constitutes a "shield poker", i e one who only shield pokes. you're allowed to use the rest of your weapon's moveset
In fact tagging someone with a single shield poke in a duel will often mindbreak them into thinking that you're going to keep doing it, and they will start trying to break a guard that doesn't exist
these guys lost because they tried to trade r1 with a colossal sword that was already in motion, not because they were stunlocked. You cansee them start up attacks between stuns infact, instead of getting out
they added like 10 new throwable FP consumables and i have never and will never use any of them
that has r1 r1 true combo btw
The OP links to a repository that covers PvE, lore and interviews EXTENSIVELY. So again, you want a pure PvP thread without having to get upset over PvE posts? You are free to leave and start one. This isn't China.
this doesn't work when i'm running star fists because they're strong as fuck and demolish any 1h poke weapon.
dumb retard did you even look through the doc. found all the ds3 pvp breakpoints easily.
it doesn't stunlock the r1s just true combo because the hitstun (shit mechanic btw) is bugged
I'm aware but what I'm saying is you could've r1 mashed these retards without a true combo and it would've worked. They both were just mashing attack
it's not bugged, they just gave it level 3 hitstun as an oversight because they're fucking stupid
stop giving the retard newfag attention
good god he's even worse than poopmask was at the beginning
>because they're strong as fuck and demolish any 1h poke weapon.
Then I could switch to 2h and start doing running turn and burn poke autism
Or alternatively I have offhand incants on my spear build, so I have things like catch flame and bestial sling to chase and play around range with as well
I certainly don't stick to just one weapon and setup with any build, that would be silly and just lead to getting countered easily. I dunno why you'd assume that the person you're fighting would stay one handed the entire fight
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the spawn points for every single location in the dlc is horrendous and they are never going to fix it
why does fromsoft allow puke yui to kill invasions
theres 480k players online and I have to wait to invade
you have to wait to invade?
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dude's like a pmask + noxtroon fusion...
ESL lying retard who never shuts the fuck up and constantly seethes about pvp
I wonder which thetrannies made this post
what is puke yui
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I'm thinking I'm gonna take my first character to NG+7 and max level for funsies
This. People say magic makes things ez mode, but untill you get sage+2 there are about 2 bosses for which this is true. All the other bosses will splat you like a bug with their input reading (you can circle em without guarding and they'll do nothing, but the moment you hit that cast button they'll lunge at you from across the room). Also all magic is meh at best untill you get to 40+ int.
No, shield is the real easy mode, as long as you meet requirements you can block for days (requirements a lot lower than 40+ in a stat). If you make sure to have the right shield for the right situation even more so (so not the physical shield when entering the grand archive for instance).
Playing knight is the real OP ezmode and I don't mean just as starting class. It is the easiest way to play ALL content; an armored dude with a shield and a fast hitting axe/sword/mace/spear (it also is the purest way to play).
not reading allat
>found all the ds3 pvp breakpoints easily.
Good for you. That does not make this a "pure pvp" thread. Feel free to leave and try to make the old "pure pvp" /dsg/ though.
Why would an ESL announce that they can't read? That is a given. What a weird thing to post.
oooooooor i think i'll just continue to post in the current pvp general right here. go waste more of your time trying to artificially force pve discussion.
How come DS3 would cause that though? The best starter class starts with a 100 block physical shield. Pretty much every area you enter has a "flavor" shield that matches it. Iirc you find the poison resisting shield in the swamp for instance.
wow i'm sure that the post above is totally not just the same guy replying to himself
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r8 the set
Good for you. I never claimed this thread was not for pvp. I think I'll continue discussing the pve aspects.
DS3 had that bloodborne style thing going on where many people just didn't do shields anymore. I don't know exactly why either because shield + straight sword was still real good but thats the first game where the majority of pve gamers werent just shielding it up anymore in my experience
where's your FGMS
good catch also is flame skewer faster than giant hunt??? I swear giant hunt is way slower
we're just talking about shields in souls games why are you being an obnoxious fag about it?
yea skewer has faster startup. it's just a direct upgrade to giant hunt in every way lol.
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No anon, there is no samefagging boogeyman out to ruin your thread experience.
Meds, now.
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DS 1, 2, and 3. I played exclusively 2h a great weapon of some kind because I'm a little kid addicted to big damage numbers but the ER dlc bosses are so hard hitting and aggressive with their attacks I can't barely get a swing in before I have to shotgun my flasks. Plz don't make fun of me.
I wasn't making fun as much as I'm surprised you didn't stick to shields when you first played DS1. I think shields in DS1 are about as strong as shields in ER, you get to just tank the bosses and pick your timings. That's more to say you're better than the average video gamer if you played without a shield right away
You think it had anything to do with the speedrunning scene being really big by then? I feel like people "just played" ds1/2, but by the time 3 came around people seemed to be aware of the whole "defense is a strictly speaking unnecessary crutch and slows you down, gitgud" thing from all the 10%hp red stone naked max GS plays.
is there a way to zoom in on the cross map you get from the npc?
dumb ESL ergite who doesn't shut up ever and has a shadow clone who shares all his opinions and talks in an identical manner.
upon thinking about it further I'm pretty sure it's 100% bloodborne influence, plus they started designing bosses to have moves that punish shields explicitly unlike much of ds1 and ds2
i honestly already liked watching speedruns before ds3, souls speedruns are always fun. Shame ER ones are kinda lame
whens the next dlc
no. the map's kinda useless tho.
what did from mean by giving you this then
god damnit
When Martin finishes his series.
lets you get a vague idea of where some crosses are lol.
>one autistic sperg keeps clinging onto a notion this is a pvp only thread being ruined by ER tourism for 2 years straight
>everyone else is the same person
Every general needs their resident sweat schizo
Wannabe janny syndrome is the worst thing that can happen to a man. Screeching endlessly into the void about things he can't change. Trying to force people to not talk about something when he has absolutely no power to do it. Horrible existence
I spent all the time back when IP counter got removed telling all the normalfags about it. They completely moved on unless they're some sort of summerfag and underage. Which means they use discord and are as mentally ill as their groomers
what is bro on about
Easy mode for DS3 pve?
Was thinking greatshield and a great weapon for stagger then something like straight sword for quicker enemies
Crossbow for range
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straight sword and shield
or sellsword twinblades
Makes me want to play through ds3 with a shield desu. Because I am guilty of not using one much myself. I just rolled and attacked during openings. On the other hand I vividly remember fighting the gargoyles by shieldtalking everything with a shield. In fact I shield tanked everything that didn't instantly negate it or break the stamina bar.
straight sword, rest hardly matters. Maybe some lightning spears too
I like to think he is an actual janny who might even be right about all the samefagging and has had a mod confirm it BUT still can't do anything about it.
Can one ever truly know what a schizo is on about?
if I had to improve ER pve I would want them to make it so certain spells/incants have different scaling. So for example lightning spear spells would have high base damage and low faith scaling as an attack option for hybrid characters that still want to actually cast and not only do 200 damage
thank you for reading
I want him to stay, I like flavour autism. It is like having thread lore. Like the guy on /gif/ who comments on every webm rambling on about how it is AI generated cum.
Is the frost damage from Irithyll Straight Sword actually that much better over the extra 70 damage from the lothric longsword

Lightning will forever be tied to faith and will forever be the single best pve spells that you get once you finished the pve content. This is the way.
I mean I was just making a random example. My point was that I'm playing a str/faith character with a 40/40 split and I'm not using any offensive incants ever because they suck ass even with the beast talisman with those numbers
does everyone on seamless turn off invasions
the whole reason they're playing seamless is to escape invasions, 100%
no matter what excuses they give
so yeah probably
yea... seems like everyone just turned it back off
Shirt answer no.
Longer answer: you won't even get the frost trigger THAT often due to having to break of your combo quite often. HOWEVER only pontif, aldritch and nameless king aren't weak to frost. So as a boss killer it is brettygud.
I do. I have 0 interest in the snoy netcoded pvp. I haven't seen such blatant latency issues since early days of BF2.
cooking up a dogshit build to instakill pvers rn
I hate how it's a possibility but I can't say I blame them. Consider how Elden Ring invasions are set up, if you leave invasions on you will 100% on cooldown face invaders. When I did coop playthroughs of older souls games with my friend on release we got invaded like 4 times total. in ER it would be constant
it sucks
there's no point in trying to firemaxx because it's always raining or there's water everywhere
I just had an invasion where I got chased down by 3 mages in a gaol with water everywhere
he can just switch to lightning grease, moron...
The Pata are really cool
Also this. It is like tryong to play ds3 while in the aldricj covenant. It is two steps forward, then you get summoned. Difference being that as part of that convenant I want to get called into PvP over and over and it is into an area where hosts go to be invaded.
I don't want every meta sweat in the game disturbing me every two seconds when I am playing the game. In DS1 being invaded during pve was special. It happened regularly, but not often. It made the game more exiting. In ER it is a chore.
>3 way split damage
hate to say it boys but bleed is just better
many such cases. Sad!
the fkgs is keen, so the base fire damage on it barely matters.
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>Taunting with guts armor
>Rune arc'd
>In limgrave
>and crouch poking with a rot scythe
serves you right for invading limgrave at rl10
awful profile, but wtf did scythes do to you
I was doing global invasions at 150
have you not fought a crouch poking tryhard with a scythe? if they do the wiggle shit they can hide the first few frames of the animation making the crouch poke come out in like 10 frames
actual tryhards don't bother with scythes because they're not that useful... also scythes can't poke.
that's me wtf
> don't want every meta sweat in the game disturbing me every two seconds when I am playing the game.
This is also a good point, every single invader in ER is a sweatlord doing full tryhard things because every single invasion they have is a gank doing the same. In DS1 etc you would get invaded by cosplays, thematic funny shit, people intentionally trying to give you a fair fight, etc etc
I met a lot of funny wacko invaders early on in every game but all souls games turns into tryhards and russians only after a few years. Elden ring is the same, maybe just a bit faster in timeline.
get some glasses
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Abyssal Woods, whatever happened there...
every time I'm exposed to the kinds of "people" that take souls pvp seriously it makes me want to play less and less
on one hand that most certainly is a motivation but on the other I'm sure that they're too stupid to figure out how to disable invasions
no one's live at tiff
meowthinks slurm won
I wish I could gore the enemies in these games and make them scream in agony. They deserve every last bit of it for trying to pick a fight with me for no reason.
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i knew that thing would be useless outside of combos
you can use it to break lock-on ig...
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funni spell yeah..
why do you have a baldachin blessing on you
one trick pony
if you use it with the fingie staff it becomes a three-trick pony
maybe I like having less hp
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yeah, I love the jawa vibe
why don't they bring the customization aspect of AC to their soulslikes? simple stuff like changing the tint of your armor would be much appreciated
*teleports into you*
*shits out catch flame*
yeh, missed opportunity
Because Miyazaki is still at the wheel
*reactions rolls your spell*
they actually have the system in place to change colors, they just dont let you use it because fuck you
I hope they completely overhaul magic and miracles for the next souls game. I take issue with both how you cycle spells and with how spells are still for hte most part just canned animations. They need movesets badly much like the carian sword spells
new souls should be PC only
keyboard shortcuts are the future
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wonder if the new dagger tali buffs the grab
it's not a crit
2h talisman doesn't buff L2 if you plan on spamming that
>its not a crit
wrong as expected from tourists
sorry i didnt know that, sorry again
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Can i get banned for using a Mod that adds larval tears to the twin vendor? ofc i aint buying 99 of them just like 7
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I better not catch you slipping again
just use ce offline and give yourself the tears...
I prefer to use the speedrunning tool
weird how they made that grab a crit and not the inescapable frenzy/lifesteal fist
lifesteal fist is a crit...
1 int MFER
nobody's walking into golden crux :(
you rollcatch with it
Any tips for a DS1 newbie on how to progress?
Fucking Undead Burg is filtering me. I can't deal with either the Black Knight, who hits like a truck and tanks all my damage like a champ nor the Taurus Demon in order to progress. Doesn't help that my dude has the mobility of a 90 year old fat man. I guess that battle axe I found is doing some damage, but that's not enough. I have a feeling this game is not for me.
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works 100% of the time 50% of the time
You're fine skipping the black knight until later, he's killable but hard unless you're used to the game a bit.
What are you struggling on with the taurus demon? If it's the guys ontop kill them first. Afterwards it's just a matter of not trying ot hit him out of turn, he leaves you a lot of openings to hit, just don't get greedy and leave time and stamina to dodge his attacks
>'fume r2 out of hitstun against a greatsword
he won
25% equip load makes it much easier to dodge stuff
the reinforced club you can buy from the merchant has a lot of poise damage AND bleed. it carries SL1 runs, mght want to give that a shot
taurus can be cheesed by repeatedly climbing up the ladder, plunging, baiting him to the other side of the bridge and running back to the ladder
ignore the black knight. better yet, return to him when you have a higher droprate for a chance at his weapon. he doesnt respawn
some nigga named 1488 just tanked my grab with his shitnet and then grabbed me harder... ggwp
new jvnd
I guess my issue is with dodging. I can't dodge anything for shit, because I guess my dude wears too heavy armor. Well, I can try to unequip it, but that's suicide and the boss pretty much one shots me the second I fuck something up.
Avoid doing the absolute fatroll (the one where your guy basically shoulder slams the concrete) unless you have a fat greatshield to back it up. You don't need to go lightroll below 25% like the other anon suggested, medium roll is fine for pve. Probably a good idea to take off some armor or your shield if you're not using it on the fight
you can also try shielding. the hollow soldier shield has 100 phys block. it will take you longer to beat taurus but it's relatively safe to block most of his attacks. provided you have enough stam. hell, you can beat OnS by blocking most of their shit with the silver knight shield instead of rolling
i hate throwing claws
Roll better
it phantom headshots tf do you want me to do
at 70 dex you get 15% increased cast speed. what's the fucking point.
backstab everything parry everything
the segment where he does nothing but ride around on torrent for a few minutes straight sped up by like 5x reminded me why i don't play this game
giant pots are evil
wait for the patch that makes beloved stardust only give 5% extra damage
now i remember why i dont do arena duels
nu poison moth flight is rly fun :3
the kick or the various fists
poison dog flight
poisoned dog flight ofc
the poison hands are just backpacks
you can use poison fists to chase people down at low hp ig...
I start new elden ring playthroughs out by giving myself a silver scarab because item discovery is dogshit without
I start my elden ring playthroughs by giving myself 999 of all crafting and upgrading materials
I respect people who started with elden ring more than people who started with DaS1.
a random homosexual on the internet doesn't respect me bros. what do i do?
There's only one Demon's Souls
DS makes more sense for DARK SOULS
'fumes fucking suck man
That's what an ElR player would say
i love playing ERO
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you fucking suck (men)
New Zullie Kino
bonfirevn did it better
why are 2 naked niggas with bags on their heads roleplaying as a furry so powerful
they're kinda boring :\ you just buff stack with them and hope for the best
this boss would've been great if he had a bigger arena. Camera struggle absolutely ruined it
they're so good that they don't even need armor
skill issue
stfu worthless faggot
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his video about the giant serpents in the messmer fight is pretty neat
whiny maggot
every single zullie thumbnail and title is some vague clickbait open-ended question or statement that barely has anything to do with what's actually covered.
Fuck Radahn
he is mandatory, right?
how are you stuck on radahn. just summon all the festival guys...
Their thumbnails on the dancing lion are basically the same tho
Zullie stole it
bonfire did it first... also go look at all the ones before it too. the pontiff dog one is an especially egregious recent example.
I hope illusorywall makes a good wiki for spellbound...
spellbound is NOT real
there were NEVER leaks for project spellbound
the next from game WILL feature swords in a fantasy historical setting.
are you using keyboard or a controller?
use a controller if not, makes the game so much better
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there will only be fextra and fandom sorry
The pontiff dog one fits perfectly
whole video is just a big waste of time for zullie to go "um the pontiff dogs remind me of hp lovecraft. look maybe it's inspired because 'zaki made bloodborne." fuck you zullie pontiff dogs do not have time travel powers
It was interesting
>this tranny is retarded
wtf? no way
interesting how STRETCHED out the video is
Maybe don't watch the video if you don't find it interesting IDIOT
What happened to cool boss music like this
I actually can't remember a single piece of elden ring music other than the limgrave theme
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Fellas how can i make the blasphemous blade more fun? like i hate spamming L2, shit takes the fun out of the game. btw can you guys recommend any good and fun builds? cant find any on youtube cuz its full of clickbait
>generic motoi slop
should have posted some actual good music like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFwTO8Bc93I
Not being mean, but turn on your brain
dont use the weapon its op and makes pve ridiculously easy
blasphemous blade is just bastard sword with special l2. if you don't like using it then don't use it
nigger it's got throatsinging in it it's cool
you don't. it's an overpowered l2stick.
use a different weapon or just dont spam l2
>but compared to l2 spam everything sucks!
yes the l2 is OP thats why you aren't having fun, wanting the replacement to be the same amount of OP defeats the point
where is the fucking patch ahhhhh
is the serpent hunter weapon viable?
Very, it has a cool unique moveset too
every weapon in the game is viable really
new jee is disappointing he just reads an excel sheet
Tomorrow, and ask it earlier
I know most people recommend controller for these games but does anyone know good keyboard keybinds for Sekiro? Specifically jump and dodge since I need to quickly react with those to attacks, I have them at F and Space for now. Or maybe that's fine and I'm just coping, trying to kill the general after chained ogre.
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what should i change here? im using the fire knight sword
looks completely fine but maybe consider swapping the scorpion for something since damage negation loss sucks ass especially in this dlc
Also don't put rolling sparks on your bottle it oneshots bosses due to being bugged
badmouthing 'ullie is against the rules
you are all banned
messmer is so cute and tragic and lovable
im using the fire buff and the bloodsucking one. is swapping the fire buff to the dragoncrest greatshield talisman a good choice?
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stop talking about elden dog and talk about godkiro
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Invading Rauh is the worst. Spawn 4 times on the same hidden pillars that eventually lead to the deathblight lion. In other locations you tend to get spawned far behind the host on their way to the boss. I basically only invade in storehouse since it's the only place that isn't shit.
unfortunately storehouse is also the best place for hosts to taunter tongue and hide and seek because it's so vertical
Even the storehouse is shit that garbage keeps spawning me on the 4th floor when the host and gang is already fighting the captain
Yeah there's a lot of poop pot swift slash gankers there but I just power through those encounters. It's a great location that had: ledges, stairs, corners to turn to get a heal, formidable PvE to help you out. If I see the BRICS boys camped out with their CE sleep repeating bow then I'll take a break.
kys gemmy
Is this guy harder or easier than Midir?
I thought midir was easier but opinions are mixed
just remembered this vid
way harder without the summon or the anti dragon stuff
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I tried making a cool soldier character but he ended up just looking like romanian guts
if I give crossbows infusions will I get b&
nvm they dont exist
can we get some pvp webms up in here
if it wasn't for poopa we would get 5 webms a thread
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should've specified elden ring
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have some dogshid
is that rollcatch guaranteed, and does it also work out of r1s? I've been hit by that before and it chunked 70% of my hp
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more doggedl2s

haven't tested that... also haven't tested if the followup is a combo from the first L2... maybe itest with someone later
have you tested whether the skewer is parryable yet though
haven't t ested that either
alright i take it back it's not godkiro any more, ashina elite input reading to instakill me is BULLSHIT
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you should
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meowbe later or we could wait for ebni pvp ched pleyeur youtuber to do the work for me
honk shoo honk shoo
im a littl tired from getting buttmongled rpaed in elden ring anyways
just deflect
yeah i had to debind the attack button mentally because he kept doing it over and over again was the problem

he dead now
i can test with you :)))
watching ryan go insane trying to navigate the shadowkeep without fast traveling is pure kino
ok ok
i boot up now

combat ordeal
pass /dsg/
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ok you can parry flame kebab
thanks for confirming
so still strictly better than jeehoont, but counterplay should be the same
Is 36 to high to coop at quelaag? should I move on to sens?
big explosion
Who keeps letting the fags bake?
can i test the new daggie tali grab on you rq. i'll grab you, then you heal and i'll do it again to see how the buff is
i was too tired
did that first grab not have 2 parts of dmg or am i schizzing
hmm.... wtf. it makes it so the impact does damage but the spike part is still the same???
stop caring about pvp cheating is better than testing real builds
520 + 1230 damage lol
so does it boost the impact only or both?
it just makes the impact hit for damage
gud testing
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>messmer true form has eyes on the inside, and is covered in eyes
yes...... YESS..... GRANT US EYES like you did the vacuous spider....
he looks like he'd be the captain of a isekai adventurers guild /10
>want to try a parry run again
>Oops I missed
>Oops I missed
>Oh sweet I got it
>Oops I missed
>Oops that one can't be parried
>Okay I'll just take a break and use collosals again for a bit
>Jump attack spam through the rest of the game
It's just more fun. If I want to play the epic counter attacking dude I'll just boot up Sekiro
souls is always best played as a big weapon rolling guy

blocking,parrying,ranged is all cringe. they should just straight up remove all of that in their next scifi world they come up with
horrid idea
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Bayle is honestly easier imo, and is one of the very (very) few places they've improved on their game design. Mid-ir's main problem is that half his hitbox is out of reach of the ground and his legs don't stop fucking wriggling around, so half the fight you're either running around chasing after him, or fighting with the hurtboxes. Midir is the less dangerous on the surface, but the fact you always have somewhere to smack for Bayle makes him the easier fight. Not to mention, Bayle's general behavior of more aggression puts him closer to you, while Midir likes to just run across the arena and either do nothing or fly away to set up for his lightshow attack.
>but position yourself under the head
Same applies to Bayle.

Fromsoft dragons rating (subjective)
Ebrietas > Kalameet > Bayle > Divine Dragon > Seregios > Ancient Dragon > Midir > Kalameet (tail) > Dragon God
bale's a reverse dragon fight where they made his tail and leg stump weaker than his head so you're encouraged to run under him instead of midir where you're forced to stay at his head
But if you run under him he breaths fire right on top of you
not to mention bayle has igon on dial-up and spirit ash is a thing to pull aggro for you, midir is just you and zakis deep dark fanasy
you can avoid it as long as you dont get wedged into his fat body
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so does ancient dragon, don't see people complaining about that

talking about mr ancient, has he been defeated in the health department yet by any of nu-from's kusoge development philosophy?
So you are saying it's impossible to avoid
Bayle can oneshot you extremely easily and he's still less tooth-grinding than Midir at times.
all the elden ring dlc bosses have massive health pools to compensate for your massive damage. radahn 2 has like three times the hp of ancient dragon.
so you are saying you're retarded????? just don't stick your face into his nutsack
>to compensate for your massive damage
compared to ds3, yea.
>just don't stick your face into his nutsack
He's the one that's forcing my face into his nutsack
>compared to ds3, yea.
it's not that funny, thoughever. i hake l2 nuke ring.
it is that funny thoughbeit
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nuh uh
fresh jeecord knowledge
>holy frick these weapons are bugged and deal HIGH DAMAGE on faith
>lets use this exploit to terrorize clueless pvers
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wait he's cooking
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>dual lgs running attacks on 300 ping
>light rolling with backhand blades / dryleaf arts
>bleed beast claws
>rakshasa katana crouch poke + running r1 spam
>cragblade pata rr1/rr2 spam
>niggers still using 2h cleanrot but now with the havel set
>midra gs wa spam
>sleep bolts with shotgun bow
>light rolling with bone bow
>swift slash
>blind spot
>night claws
>halberd + off duel shield
>fire knight gs doing 80% of my hp
>rolling sparks
>madness fists
>backstep talisman
>smithscript bhb r2 spam
no shamshir mentioned? shammers won
'fume gods won
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New charm is excellent. Luv me scythe bs

Whenever someone uses this weapon I play completely passively with schizo slash and wait for them to L2. I am not sure what compels them to do the second hit regardless if they hit it or not.
>click into random spot on video
>watch him keep trying to kill someone with the hammer
>doesnt manage
>swaps to rolling spark perfume
the midra l2 isn't thaaat good desu... if someone knows how to counter it, they'll counter it HARD
any tips on how to actually damage genichiro it takes literally 5 minutes to even get him to phase 3
scrub dojo
hit him with your sword
deflect his attacks
he blocks all my hits except for after certain moves it takes forever to get his 2 lives down even with perfect parries and mikir counters
hit him anyways
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patch this week
get off it dude
hop on tf2
titanfall 2?
the other one
>>light rolling with backhand blades / dryleaf arts
>>blind spot
>>backstep talisman
what's wrong with these
backhand blades and their two ashes are retardedly strong
light roll
backstep tali can give infinite iframes
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Why are there all these bloodstains in limgraves highroad cave? It's all people with endgame stuff on too, right at the bonfire. Surely nobody is holding an FC in this dark narrow piece of shit hallway. Why woudl this be a duel spot of all places?
dark souls 2 majula entrance joke but worse
I have a hard time blieving there's just 20 individuals in on the joke here who all happen to die in pvp. They're not like suiciding. There's even messages acknowledging it like "be wary of bloodstain" but I cannot figure out why the fuck that would be going down here
ds2 remains strong
advanced insider knowledge cave club but worse
the vietnamese community holds duels there
why... couldn't they at least pick a good spot like we did
please share the spot I am unfamiliar and I want to have fun in FCs and duels too
no, and i WILL swift slash rolling sparks you at tomorrow's club
>Tuesday fc
it'll be a bountiful 12/6
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>Play my first souls game, Dark Souls 1 offline only because fuck getting PS plus
>Make it to hub area, go down elevator, ghosts, ghosts everywhere but I can make it past them easily enough to get some loot

Is that area a dead end for now except for the neat dagger and some souls or is there a path I'm missing?
post your snoybox and i might consider answering
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*vomits everywhere through my back*
fuck this game
is there a trick to a sorcery build in DS2? do I just go pure int and spam the strongest version of soul arrow like usual?
yeah and then stab everything to death with your rape
you'll be back there way later, don't worry about it. for now go up the stairs next to the cliff
you can also get a sword that you shoot spells outta
when does Int beat raw blue flame anyway
like 68 int :)
with my what now?

also can somebody explain to me how the fuck hexes work in DS2? some are cast with a chime and some with a staff? and they all scale off int and faith?
70 int it is
go google it there's a good hexer link online i dont feel like talking about it rn
get some int and some fth
some chimes some staff yes
>frenzy fist is str
>'fume is dex
>vyke's is DEX/fth
frenzy fist is for doing a charged 2H R2 on somebody after struggling to land the L2 for hours
Isn't off fist good for lance tho
offlance is good for lance
I don't have chinanet...
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btw could anyone help me make decent build? it has the same theme of the frenzied flame with Faith/STR focus
i shouldn't tell you guys this but dual messmer soldier's spear is way more fun than dual lance
new skin hands are just backpacks
idk how long messmer spear is but it seems to get better ar on a lotta builds
die you overleveled rat
bro just go fucking ham itt doesn't matter at t hat point.
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Is it gem or yem?
fp eater
arc gods, how are we feeling? I like the chicken wing and the poison hand. That infusible spear is okay, gs version of it has a crappy WA.
You have every stat. Just lvl to 703 or whatever it is
dude what if we made unendurable frenzy worse
the budget mogh spears get a bit more damage than 1h mogh's and have a lot more bleed
eats all your fp
worse than the other one in the basegame
fucking dog
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back to running attacks I go
wow dude you sure owned that clueless pver with your minmaxed tryhard setup and cheated consumables
chicken wing is good
poison hand is okay
spear is okay i g?
mogh 2.0 is fine
the rot halberd has a dogshit awful weaponart
dogfoot poison dog flight 2.0 is excellent
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I found that after blundering though the catacombs for an hour desperately trying not to die. and then dying to an absolutely jacked knight after falling through the floor.
I got pretty good at fighting skellies though at least.
i love using grafted gs and dragon flesh for 13 free vig
47 vigor mfer
>Playing ds3
>new character
>Sunbro time
>newfriend summons in undead settlement
>completely clear it in his world
>clear it in my world
>move on to road of sacrifice
>get summoned by same newfriens
>this continues for the sage, the deep, the abyss watchers, carthus and valley
Holy shit, that was a blast. Played through every area twice, but it didn't feel like it at all. Several hours felt like minutes. Good times.
no webm no proof
Why would I prove something to discord tourists?
who are tourists and what are they touring
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Do torchpokes still exist in ER
jolly cooperation really does feel great
Have ya rang the top bell?
Discord zoomers touring 4chan. Eternal summer
im le epic oldfag and i say and think this too
No, don't aggrevate him. He'll kick off on a schizo rant.
I Killed a bull demon boss with a spear I got from the catacombs, then while exploring managed to aggro every single person in town and ran pissing and shitting myself into and through a church where I freed a dude from a jail cell right before getting hacked to death by about 30 guys. That's my furthest progress so far.
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still no webms
Without spoiling too much, you were about 10 feet away from the next "bit" (and going the right direction).

Here's a little hint, before you get mauled by the mob in the church, keep an eye out for a certain contraption (if you havent found it already)
The thread is full of webms, what are you rambling about?
use your critical thinking skills before you throw dumb questions at me
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it makes me happy to read a newfriend's experiences with these games
Learn to communicate.
Is the Madding Fist even any good, or just off-hand Madness boost bait?
Why would a sane person post "webm proof" for the benefit of a discord tranny. Imagine genuinely believing strangers owe you proof.
uh oh melty
It's both
lol you know he's mad when he has to bust out the double replies
Too late, it's schizo hour now.
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it would be really funny if it was actually just two identical ergites who both get mad at the same posts
Ignore him. He's always crying for proof. Some kind of weird wannabe janny trying far too hard to be a thread authority.
I'm happy so stop saying I'm mad/upset
fuck off retard
even doe you're a brown ESL so you're inherently miserable
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remind me to play more ds2 and keep working at that spell randomizer run sigh
maybe one day theregs will realize no one outside their circlejerk group likes them
Oh no, the ESL anons have entered the thread.
that wasn't me
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lol why does the ESL retard always try to deflect onto other people. very simpleminded individual.
one time two years ago I invaded in haligtree and "theregulars" showed up and we killed the host but I killed him on accident too that day so it was pretty embarrassing, didn't mean to do that to him
Don't name. He likely busted a nut over that nugget of directed attention.
Disparigingly talk about him, but never directly at him. Nor should you name him. People like him crave direct attention.
>theregs fanfiction in real time
>lol why does the ESL retard always try to deflect onto other people. very simpleminded individual.
The sentence is missing, punctuation, capitilization, a subject and a predicate. This is pretty funny.
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all shitscripts r gonna be NERFED fuck u faith bills *spits*
Are we witnessing a schizo posting as his alterego about his original self?
honestly i have no clue wtf is going on
truth nuke
theregulars poopmask has gone too far this time
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It's nyot high faith
No, we are witnessing several European ESL arguing with each other. Each believes they are 'the one' and not an ESL, and that all the other ESLs are the same person.
I put like 3 posts in this thread and he sperged out on me saying I'm the ESL so I don't get who is mad at who now
to put it in wormie terms, this ergular has summoned his mimic tear to valiantly fight against the dreaded pvp menace. unfortunately for him, i've already downloaded his typing style so i can see past his ruse...
So just another Tuesday.
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do you need to do any giant memories to beat DS2?
these two weapons do nyot match...
whats going on...
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pure coal build
could you could technically powerstance those for epic double procs... forgot how fists/katars work with ps.
You are ESL. Take a look at your post. That is an ESL post.
i dont remember about that sorry
doesn't look too bad...
no you just need the kinship
esl fight
...although the kinship is in a giant memory so yes you need to do one memory
katar rr2 combos into the l1 lmao
I'm not ESL I'm not ESL I'm not ESL
katars won
I don't think it is possible to follow unless you speak broken English yourself. All the autistic arguing is done in poor English. Trying to follow it is rather funny.
They are like monkeys in a zoo flinging shit. To them it probably makes perfect sense, to us it is mildly amusing as we pass by.
t. ESL #3
You're esl you're esl you're esl
What a shitshow
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I can't wait to use this build in 2 weeks
Is creamAPI working for shadow of the erdtree?
can I go online with it, or will I get blocked?
I hate yuros so much, cattle we should have domesticated in 1945
listen i might be esl but at least im white
what does it uhh scale off of anyways?
fth? dex?
Watch this I'm gonna set off the spergs



Dex, It deals a lot Fire damage
Last time I tried I got an eac related error.
pretend that i posted the madness bolus png
also i hope that europe gets nuked soon...
europeans are awake -> american hate
americans are awake -> indian hate
indians are awake -> european hate
Very true
Due to the above, this is false
honest dark hand pvp
Cool. might be fun.. dexy flame of the redmanes
>dumpling head is 10%
>madness talisman is 12%
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pvphaters are all like "uh pvp lost!!!" but are silent when exposed to this webm
do I try to beat genichiro again tonight or give up and do the monkey worm land
Terrible webm
worse resolution pls
and make it spin
and change the colors to negative too while ur at it
and refill my cocaine train model pls
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fine have the watered down version you sensitive little bitch...
in DS2 I got really good at hitting UGS parries and people would literally write on my steam profile after fights and tell me it's the first time they've ever seen it succeed
Why did from develop better gameplay mechanics in BB and sekiro, but then decide to back to rollslop for ER?
why'd they decide to back to?
i think more money
why can't people enjoy souls games for what souls games are while enjoying sekiro for what sekiro is and bloodborne for what bloodborne is? Why do all the franchises have the culminate in the same thing
Pics of these polite sounding steam profile posts. I want to see proofs of them not simply going "fag cheater"
the C team made elden ring
That is my question. Why are you answering my question with my question?

They showed the ability to create improved, better, evolving gameplay mechanics, and then for ER we are back at DS rollslop.
Fuck you stupid retard go back to your discord, I don't need to prove shit to tourists.
sekiro is better than ds2 though
>hey why can't you just let souls be souls
stfu retard lol
nuh uh
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do not like where they took frenzy, personally
>basegame, it's a cool spirit-disease that slowly melts and melds your mind away, conjoining it to a collective of all the diseased to the point you begin to see from other people's eyes, to the point even the blind can "see" - yet since a least one person is awake at all time, nobody can ever get any rest or reprieve, leading to the prime symptom of being unable to shut your eyes and sleep, eventually leading to your eyes burning out in a literal diseased flame that from there is able to spread further, melding more and more minds in a frenzious inferno, as the afflicted either try to find well-rested people to meld their cooling "rest" into the flame or lose themselves to the outer eldritch god-being and just fall victim to spreading it to the sake of spreading it, catching flame in the conscious and unconscious realm
>dlc..... fuck it, we're doing eyes on the inside again, it grows eyes in you and uhhhh yeah, eyes on the hands too.... and uhhh one of marika's neighbours like got chatted up by a hoe and voluntarily took it upon himself because... it uhh..... like it was a better alternative to being turned into a jar-person
like...... fuck off.......

don't you have to do giant lord's? (jerrens I think) (closest one to the central bonfire, just after crossing above the salamander pit).
actually it was the P team (pajeets)
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D-Team is on the next game, jeeshallah pbuh
seems like they ran out of time and decided to just throw out the bare minimum for the abyssal swamp. such a disappointing area...
lol um here's like 6 madness winter lanterns
and uh......... some madness rats and goats
yeah sure toss a few inquisitors around too idk add a cookbook maybe
Do greatkatanas have hyperarmor
the red one has hyperarmor
*command grabs u with lifesteal fist / frenzygrab*
pshh, nice "hyperarmor", or hyperarmour as the humans call it
fuck you i'll conjure up shit latency to take zero damage
what does hyperarmor refer to in elden ring specifically? Immune to hitstun completely?
hyperarmor increases your poise
superarmor grants hitstun immunity
is there any database that assembles hyperarmor values on each attack?
yea you can check the HA values for all the attacks by mousing over the hyperarmor in the framedata
has anyone figured out wtf all these items like sugar do in sekiro
>can't trade items in bloodborne

Shit how am I going to play with all these cool weapons for a new playthrough then? God damn it
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linked a tranny website award
wow r u the hacker man known as 4chan? nigga we can see the name
even doe we're posting on a tranny website rn
idk why people jerk off flame skewer so much, jeehunt still does around 300 more damage and is pure physical so counterhits do even more damage
skewer is faster and combos into the spray which then combos into fast r1s.
also free buff!!!
Good morning, /fsg/.
aw fuck i gotta kill genichiro to proceed with the monkeys

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*stunlocks genichiro in a corner for free while slowly chipping away at his health, completely bruteforcing the "fight"*
you didnt beat the game
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correct, but i'm past genichiro now :)
>*does monkskip*
>*takes the unintended shortcut past the footballer*
ezgame :)
just as zaki intended :)
>british woman from italy
so he's an italian that lives in britain? or does the uk have magic soil that polymorphs pastaniggers into teaniggers?
i swear i spent like 2 hours on gencheeto
You think there is an option we're ever get Demon's Souls or Bloodborne on PC?
What is Sony's malfunction?
it means hes addicted to porn where the women look italian so thats why he (a british man) identifies that way
you only cheated yourself out of one of the best fights in the game
I agree he's cool but honestly the first 2 phases are cringe i just keep getting 1 shot by the bow attack randomly and get impatient. I would cheese it until phase 3 if i had that skill too. Very boring fight with the arrows and how the string forces you to get off him but also insta die if you fuck up.
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fc tonight
is there any way to lower the ng+ difficulty down to the normal game one im not crafting things or upgrading my skills and just want an ez mode
ds3 is traaaaaaaash
he's dissing your game xister
boiled crab carries you to NG+3
genichiro down. 2.5 hours. fuck i suck
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>You think there is an option we're ever get Demon's Souls or Bloodborne on PC?
emulation in 12 years once it catches up, maybe DeS earlier since it's older
>What is Sony's malfunction?
the ps4 is the bloodborne machine and the ps5 might as well not exist because it's so fuckingnogaemz + scalpers killed it in the crib. functionally, bloodborne is the only exclusive they have had in a decade (which, as bad as it gets, is still better than the absolute fucking state of xbox)
even horizon, with all it's shilling and gaslighting, is now a muliplat franchise. you don't bitch that mario and zelda and splatoon isn't bing bing wahooing on pc, bloodborne and des are just a ps games.

you can get an old ps4 off of ebay for like less than 100 bucks then sell it for the same price (which considering the fucking state of the >games industry, is rapidly approaching the price of a new game in of itself) and the game itself for less than 40, online is free for 2 weeks, get a part-time job if it means so much to you fucking underageb& bozo
why is her name emma that's not japanese!
>decide to check in on jeegod
>nanaya's torch with main hand buff
>discus hurl spam
good stuff
She has blue eyes, take the hint.
she's an angel?
nah she's a foreign devil
Newbie's attempt at playing Dark Souls 1: Day 2.
Note to self, use autolock responsibly, because the hardest boss so far is the camera. If I were to count the amount of times I fell off some tight ledge, just because my dude auto-targeted some enemy on the other side of the planet, which led to me changing direction and plummeting to my death, I would be a very rich man.
Other than that, I'm having fun. Should I even bother with this hollow armor pieces I keep finding, or should I just cough up some souls and buy myself a chainmail?. My dude is just waaaaaay too slow in that knight armor.
yea I think ds1 youre better off never using lock on

lock on works in the other games though in that one I dont think they really built the game around it yet
you'll pick up armor sets off the floor or loot them off enemies throughout the game, you're only getting hollow shit right now because you're going up against hollows. endurance / stamina dictates your equip load, but there's a ring that can sort your equip load if you wannabe a fashionista. chainmail is an option, but it's up to you.
I do feel safer with a lock on, because at least then I am sure I won't accidentally expose by back to the enemy for massive damage, but I swear there are places even in the Undead Burg itself that punish you if you rely on a lock on too much. Like that bridge with the enemies above lobbing fire bombs on you.
for bosses i meant, you can lock on to the smaller enemies no problem but lockon makes it hard to hit the limbs of big bosses like a tail
>invaders getting filtered en masse
i don't know if sane has started invasions yet, but i don't think what's left of his sanity is going to survive the DLC
>jee seething at his coinvader attacking him
>he's wasting a talisman slot on the trick-mirror that makes him look like a gold summon
i thought he was the smartest invaderchad
he is a small channel that reacts to shit, he isn't acting this way cause he cares about the thing. He just did it for views, over reacting and acting like an embarassing cuck, fake emotions for views.

It became a meme becasue it's a sad indictment on current year, and how fake and attention thirsty people are.
whats a fast r1
the buff is inferior to a grease
you would know all about grease u fat fuck
the smartest fromsoft PVPer is still sub 80iq
Deflecting hardtear is so based. My favorite addition to the game. Maybe shitkiro mechanics are alright.
sekiro won
sekiro might have won versus elden ring

but ac6 is in the professional league while those are in the noob league
ac6 won the flop competition
I'm watching a streamer playing through ds3.
Holy fuck I didn't know there was a shortcut right next to the Lothric twins, I was always using the elevator before running through the entire bridge
Both paths take the same amount of time
running through all those mobs was pretty annoying, and they are entirely skippable by this shortcut
if the path isnt shorter it's a sidecut
it's a convenientcut
You mean the double lift?
I used the lift before the bridge, there is another right next to the entrance to the arena accessible from the dragonslayer armour bonfire
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Need advice. Current build pic rel. Just killed Gwyndolin.
Some anon told me pumping str above 28 is redundant due to the 2h bonus.
My +13 Greatsword FUCKS everything, but I kinda want it to fuck even harder, also worried about possibly physical resistant enemies later. Should I invest points into Faith so I can use Sunlight Blade, or keep pumping Vit and End until I can midroll without Havel's?
Also Berenike set is peak. I love it.
you can just go chaos sword
I don't really vibe with chaos. I'm just wondering about the sunlight blade desu, since I already have some faith.
>I dont reall vibe with chaos
stopped reading there, order-cuck
>I don't really vibe with chaos
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Chaosfags pls go.
I'm going to make an optimized smithscript shield discus hurl build purely for the purpose of getting it nerfed into the fucking dirt, as it deserves to be. I will invade 12 hours a day with it if that's what it takes. I've never despised a weapon so much.
just equip eclipse shotel in your mainhand and spam l2
uncounterable :^)
How do we feel that Dark souls got 0 goty award while Sekiro, Bloodborne and Elden Ring got them?
Can you turn off or limit your scard blessings? I autistically leveling everything up by habit and I kinda regret this one.
better game wins
dont think so, not even with ce
What does this mean?
Are you saying the DS trilogy is worse than Bloodborne?
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it tried so hard and got so far but in the end it didnt even matter
also it was up against skyrim (the last game bethesda ever made), zelda skyward sword (the most recent non-spinoff zelda game to this day), portal 2 (the last game valve ever made), batman arkham city (the last game rocksteady ever made), mass effect 2 (the good one), gears of war 3 (the last good xbox exclusive and the peak of the 360), uncharted 3 (the last game naughty dog ever made), limbo (the first major artsy indie sidescroller), rayman origins, monhun 3, and minecraft (fucking minecraft)

no shit clunky-ass dog1 didnt win fuck shit against that lineup. that was the dark souls of goty lineups to go up against (don't forget that this was back before the videogame industry became fake and gay / sousgames were some of the only good shit left)
Obviously yes
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>that easy
the demon of nioh 2, still unmoved from his throne atop slike bosses
they're going to patch out the fire knight gs true combo arent they....
idk i havent played the dlc yet
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Sekiro, bb and elden ring are all normie tier baby games. None of them are actually difficult
The only real games in the souls series are demons souls and das1. Maybe das3 if you can stomach it as it has its moments but it's not for everyone
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whats smith script tally for
any truecombbas with the carian spearstaff?
Impaler and gammie
Just lost 2 million runes because I invaded. Died to a phantom spamming swift slash in the stone fissure area, and a bloodstain didn't spawn.

Playtest your game next time, zaki.
there is no carian spear staff
ailment talisman does nothing against sleep scattershot bow
lvl mind
just jump to cancel the sleep
its impossible to react to
good luck timing your jump
Demon Souls even though being the first game in the series barely did anything right.
Dark Souls 1 on the other hand is night and day, it's so good people even play it more than it's successor DS2. Demon Souls didn't even had a big playerbase during it's release on ps5.

But when it comes to peak DS1 is unmatched.
However all the Goty games are Goated as well.
mold ryan
this guy is so insufferable how can you watch this
it's millennialcore
i need 18 yo zoomer souls pussy
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you need meds
This is the souls community now
Feeling nostalgic over a 4 year old remake of a 14 year old title
damn, I thought these kinds of long bladed polearms were just fictional
no jee no click
way more entertaining that s*yriot
Trying a faith build for once, is it normal for the Sacred Blade projectile to outperform every incantation? At 50 Fth, the Aow does about double the damage of spells with similar cost/speed. The damage is comparable to much slower incants with higher FP costs, even with optimal seals & talismans. Am I missing something obvious? Is it meant to be like this or will the gap close at 80Fth?
name the incant you are using, the seal, the level of the seal, and your talismans, and your sacred blade weapon and its level
an r1 from a weapon that's pretty fast
i'm glad that nobody on 4cuck talks like this anymore.
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You started up DS1.

Fuck classes, where is your dude from?
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mogs every frenzy incant for the low price of 14 int
banana's torch won
i can be persuaded to 'lub today (150)
138 only
lose some pounds
for me it's rl166
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what happend to old /dsjee/ (125)
first it was 125
then 138
now 150
jeecord sisters do not like to realize that no one cares about their tranny duel meta
we moved to 138 for max pwnage
reddit squirmites are selfish fucks who can't stop leveling so i'm at 138 (or 139 for shit builds)
125 is for god3 where weapons dont have 20 faith tax or 30 int tax
you will never be a jee
i am jee's proudest acolyte
125 is optimal for duels
although snoys don't have seamless so they have to do sl164 for tourneys (125 but they have 99 vig)
You didn't watch the 2 hour duel
if you care about duels in this game you have brain damage and are a brown trans third worlder
watching lowtiergod seethe comps at 1.5x speed instead of playing worm
even doe 133 is the official sanctioned pvp bracket
they gave it the best game ever award didnt they?
no one cares about your pvp brackets
the normies are at 150 so that is wherre the pvp is
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mfw i stat cheat but still go to 150
yeah that's why i'm at 139. can match with 150 creatures and below
normies will leave in a few months
brackets are important
if i only cared about 150 specifically, i'd be balling at 170 with the grafted glitch
yes thats normal
a lot of spells look flashy but are worse than hitting l2 which is funny
some spells will eventually be more powerful than sacred blade but u have to upgrade your talisman and have better faith
also your weapon level matters too and is probably better than your talisman/seal level i bet
far east
nerf it zaki…
125 is the fattest u should be u fukkin casul
btw i only play at 138 and 150 lol
he died
>serpent shield is a banished k***ht copy
Half-baked Ring strikes again
will they fix that btw, i hope not or else i need to redo all my bills
I went up to 138 purely for an extra 10 Vig and 3 End for the DLC.
Always Astora, like my compatriot Solaire, and my great-granddaughter-wife Anri
For example, lighting spear from a +25 gravel stone seal with Flock Canvas talisman and Lightning Scorpion charm (plus radagons icon for speed). Which does notably less than a sacred blade from a +24 Great Katana or Black Steel Twinblade with the same talismans. A charged Knights Lightning spear comes close to the same damage but slower, and is left behind by switching to Sacred Scorpion and Alexanders Jarshard. Also tried with some fire incants and multilayered ring of light.
nyo... grafted has been in the game for ages and and they made it almost twice as strong for the dlc instead of fixing it.
yeah i dont believe you unless you post a webm
why are none of the games on sale...
i stabba you and i stabba you phantom too
sekiro the only good game is 50% off doe
You want a webm proving that my wife Anri is the great-granddaughter of my DS1 character? Well too bad, I'm too busy to record footage and post it just for your entertainment.
stupid-ass post
whats a fun magic build for ds2? ive never done the dlcs and since combat feels like shit anyway may as well be a spell guy for the switchup
magic or faith isnt fun, the only fun are hexer and pyro which you can mix aswell because of the 30/30 split for double the fun
ergite-slayer's greatspear
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Holy shit, fuck this this thing. If I dodge the head, he hits me with the pole. How do I fight him?
just block
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you range cheese them as all their attacks got massive lingering hitboxes (dogshit 1 lost)
skill issue
god i hate these games
they're created with puure japanese inferioriy complex. they're suppose ot be shit
It depends on class

Warrior - Commoner
Hunter - Commoner or Delta Farmer
Knight - Astora Noble, Jubilant Catarina, or Dubious Carim
Wanderer - Far East Traveler or Classic Zena
Thief - Commoner or Dubious Carim
Bandit - Commoner
Sorcerer - Dragon Scholar
Pyromancer - Eerie Great Swamp
Cleric - Thorolund Cleric
Deprived - Commoner
gaius 0.5
>Put message down in BBorne
>Get 4 ratings

W what. I thought this game was dead
dlc recently came out and eople are streaming it you dum nigger. you absolute gorrilla appe nigger.
bloodborne did NOT get a dlc recently you ESL BITCH
potato potato. tomato tomato. soulslop. soulslop.
>Invade near/far
>It's a taunter
>every time

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