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Best waifu edition!

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters

briar is evil and must die
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Oh damn, I was a few seconds too late.
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These cats like what they see.
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reminder that Nami is cute
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it's supposed to work on people!
I hate Vayne so much
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Don't worry, they're not going to eat her YET
not his lane
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I hope you're right. I don't want to rip yuumi just to get feesh out.
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Dead game
Dead general
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Did i say anything that isnt true?
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Nothing important would be lost, lol.
The threads are always slow during this time, if I can recall people called this place dead back 4 years ago too, it feels like around this time is always the dry cycle. It will catch up again once the new champ and event gets released. The game should have a good place once autumn rolls over because Christmas and Halloween are typically guaranteed and there is Worlds and end of season stuff with the announcements for the new season.
Like literally all people have going for rn is the 2 frog skins for those ugly champs LOL.
And ranked because those guys would bark if Riot told them to.
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Before there used to be a thread every 5 hours now you guys drag it to almost entire day. Also its summer so where are all the "summerfags"
you're just wrong
If I can recall there used to be 2 threads a day instead of one for the longest time unless eSports or beginning of a new season or something where people "do ranked to reach gold for the year" and other stuff.
There are no summerfags because literally no kid plays this game, most people here are people with jobs or the rare person who's still in university for some reason. The neets, idk. And desu if I was taking a summer break off my job I would not spend it over this game (extremely poor decision). Unironically planning to go somewhere else and meet people from the internet more later this year.
im in my early 20s and i play this game 0__0
i love teemo support so fucking much its unbelievably. every time i press q on the enemy adc with comet + scorch + absolute focus + cheap shot + double adaptive i cream my pants a bit
Also the game got rid of a bunch of people (though they still come back time to time, they probably will reside eventually), so a lot of filler content has been removed. This also means there will probably come a time where other people will start filling in their gaps so for now enjoy the quiet times.

Idc lol, you're either graduating university or gonna go in the meat grinder soon anyways.
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Im going to fuck you
Ah yes the same story every year
>guys guys THIS eu superteam will win the worlds
>lemeo did america go 0-6 again
>brazilian team inting (as usual)
>sang wang chan wins worlds
Well, yes. The threads are fast.
The only good thing about esports is that I get to wake Ahri up
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>their team : plats and emeralds
>my team : bronzes and unranked
And people still dare asking me why I don't play normal SR games
Normal games are fine, idk why plats and emeralds in normals play like absolute shit but they do.
Was it the last time LoL lore was good?
LoL lore was never good
Ruined king was a mess.
The last time a "lore" was good was the scientist who got their body swapped into a cat. Though that is a drop compared to the level of crap they published in that card game.
In terms of the newer champs it was probably sett because he loves his mom and just wrestles. Senna's release was a disaster for Lucian. After sett probably Camille. Then Jhin. Then Kindred.
"its not offensively bad to the point where thinking about it makes you get mad" =/= its good
sometimes if i get bothered by playin ill put my fingers over my lips and pretend im smokin or somethin since it feels cool
ive never smoked though
I know you guys don't visit my streams but its weird to show my appreciation in one general and not the other so anyone who stops by thank you
>it was probably sett because he loves his mom and just wrestles
You forgot they made him a faggot with Aphelios.
Idk about that, base character seems fine.
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>Got my ass kicked hard by Aphelios by Ezreal
I'd assume this would be a skill match-up, yes?
>Got my ass kicked hard later by Nilah
I'd assume this would be a broken champ difference match up and not skill, yes?
At first it was only in his Spirit Blossom skin. They later tried to start pushing that on his base version in LoR right before they announced they're shutting down future content.
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Smoking seems cool but I know a guy who has an incredibly bad breath (teeth rotting teir) due to it and poor diet. Never really worth being a slave to a substance.
the actual answer is that I did it with release Briar. after that I was stuck in Bronze for about 400 games
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i'm tired of having retarded supports that can't hit abilities with a gun pointed to her head
tell me what supports to climb with D4 stuck low
They should make emotes where you interact with the jungle pet.
smoking doesn't cause that kind of bad breath
you can have a bad breath immediately after smoking but you have to be a chain smoker for your breath to be affected for a whole day by smoking and it makes your breath smell like cigarettes, not teeth rotting
yah i dont think ill ever actually smoke, it just feels relaxing in the same way i imagine smoking must feel for people, i guess im kinda a bit odd for that
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>Support is Seraphine
We lost, yet when the enemy chooses Seraphine, I get my ass kicked.
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His breath did feel smell like cigs but his teeth definitely smelled like rot, probably the poor diet being some gopnik drinking alcs every other time not consuming sugar. Unfortunate I probably cannot change what fate he was born to.
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wake up Ahri
wherever you are
ahri? more like TRANNI
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is ad kai'sa going to be good ever?
you can't 1v9 with the cringe hybrid build
This is staged
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back to where i was before i encountered those two nigger junglers
grats, you're the one trying to get a certain rank for the skin?
good luck again
btw irelia is a top laner
playing her mid is beyond cringe and full of cope
if you want to play mid start playing champs designed for the lane/role
not top laners that "can" do it
even tristana mid would be less shameful
irelia mid is useless, just pick galio
ur fucking retarded bud just letting u know
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irelia mid is cringe and she doesnt belong there
just letting u know
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best icon in the entire game
suck my dick and lick my balls low elo nigger
For me it's the alter ghost woman.
behold. winners que.

>playing her mid is beyond cringe and full of cope
im not any of those replies, and irelia has the worst matchups top. she has very few bad matchups in mid and I like her strong ganks which come out more as a mid laner. no i am not the guy who wanted the skin, im not getting gold i will have nigger teammates all through silver.
queing up mid is also better than queing up top because im not as reliant on jungler. however a unique cancer of mid lane ive learned is you will often get 4 man ganked when you have bad teammates
>you have to pay for a pass to play Riven in the new gamemode
lol what
dead on arrival
got nunu jungle never mind back to engagement based matchmaking que
fix your audio levels for your stream if you haven't already. Game is too loud, voice is too low. And talk more.

Maintain teamdisparity
>play adc
>lose lane due to massive support diff (enemy supp is autofilled, mine has been a support main for 5 years)
>swap to midlane acc
>lose game because enemy adc went 9/1 because my support is disabled again
>support starts hard griefing after his 5th death
wp yiyi!
supptards deserve to breathe imho
supports are so opressed they have to like turn on their monitors above plat elo and need atleast 70 iq + pressing buttons on their keyboards sometimes to reach diamond (impossible challenge)
if its so easy whats stopping you from doing it?
I don't want to
>>you have to pay for a pass to play Riven in the new gamemode
Havent tried it yet, is that true /lolg/?
>hacking in league is so crazy you just have to play on a mac and download scripts
>"umm then why aren't you doing it?"
idk maybe I want to play the game?
>maybe I want to play the game?
you're mentally ill
It's THE Swain poster..... /kneel
>yo bro senna is 60% winrate kinda broken no?
>umm just play it?
>yo this ranged top is kind of strong man there isn't much counterplay to it
>just play ranged top brodie what?
>yo phreak nobody wants to play adc because the other roles are so much stronger, the game is kind of dying
>just play the stronger roles bro
>I hate boosters they ruin the ladder
>just get boosted yourself!
ah ok makes sense. thanks for the input lolg
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this sivir took my cs once so i inted the game desu
Here's your bot lane bro
They will have an insane advantage level 1 and play it probably the actual worst you possibly could, and they WILL be running it down 17 deaths, but hey, at least they're "trying" according to them which doesn't make it any more embarrassing or anything.
the point is more that support isnt actually that easy and the person saying it is completely delusional due to the fact they have never once tried to climb on support themselves.

I played league for 10 years straight. I started when I was 14. I played every single lane. I had an account for each lane (lol). Ranked was what I loved. I was nearly masters later season. I was 2 games away from masters, and I cried to my boyfriend when I couldn’t get there.

Since I have quit league (8.5 weeks) I have started a new internship, planted a garden, painted, wrote a short story, and finished the Elden ring DLC. I haven’t had acne for the past month (lol?). I wake up and go to sleep on time. I spend less money (I was always buying skins.. kind of sad).

My life is just better. I used to care about my LP. I contributed it to my self worth. I don’t know why I did that. I think it had something to do with the amount of time I spent playing. If I spent 5 hours playing, I expected something out of it. But instead, I would find myself -50 lp and worse confidence than when I started.

I know there are a lot of posts about this but.. I feel like a lot of people just glance over these thinking, yeah yeah. Whatever.

But I promise you, life is increasingly better without this horrible piece of shit game ruining your confidence and life. Trust me. I spent 10 years putting 10+ hours a day into this game. My boyfriend can confirm this. Maybe I’ll make a video explaining as well, so no one else can suffer the horrible addiction that I had to this game.

Treat this game like smoking. It is an addiction. It is a fucking disease. They prey off your weak will. They laugh at your pain while also charging $500 a skin. They are LAUGHING at your misery. My dream was to be a pro. What a delusion!
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>just played a 23 minute game where my amumu jungle went 0/5/0 and did 952 damage
surely, SURELY he will be banned right?
ur a retaded nigger support is the easiest role in the game by FAR
>jg hovers nunu (guaranteed loss)
>I ban this
>In return i get a 100000% more useful pick
>We would have never recovered from ornns niggatry if this fucking nigger picked nunu, instead we stay strong and outperform the tyrndamere

jesus christ fuck your stupid nunu pick.

kept pinging dumbfuck ornn BUY BRAMBLE he rushes heartsteel into fuckin botrk. stupid fucking BRONZES
said confidently by a person who never played the role
i played adc my entire life and peaked diamond while sweating my cock and balls off to carry every game then roleswapped to supp and got master on 2 accs and diamond on 3 while playing like a hot steaming pile of dogshit every game
It was also said by a certain someone who got challenger in all 5 roles so I'm more inclined to believe it to be honest
Imagine the smell

You got lucky, if someone bans my hover, I int.
and other made up anecdotes
>another WAHHHH GAME BAD post made by a LP whore
Nothing surprising. Play the game, not the fucking "number go up" clicker, fucking niggers.
Compfaggots are a disease that should be shot irl for ruining gaming.
it's true and it's not even an unique anecdote
Returning after 11 yearanon here. Irelia is in fact a midlaner. She is however totally useless since she no longer has true damage on her autos and her stun went from 1.5sec point and click to 0.75 sec easy to dodge. None of this stopped me from buying Mythmaker Irelia but she is indeed a TOP laner. Mid is for mages and the odd assassin. However currently the game is so ruined and garbage even Zyra can jungle.. I used to be 1900 elo 11 years ago and vaguely remember I had some understanding of waves at top but mostly I remember getting the elo by just playing Riv/Irelia/Darius at the end and 2v1 the toplaner and jungle with ignite and superior prowess. Also a lot of rumble if we needed AP. None of this seems to be possible tho in the current game. Im silver 1 and people trade/ward and freeze waves like it’s platinum+. I also refuse to pick an adc or other gay shit top. Top is for bruisers, vlad and Kennen. There my rant is over.
literally nothing about the gameplay itself is fun and if u disgaree u are severely mentally ill
>support is le hard because... it just is?
>Since I have quit league (8.5 weeks) I have started a new internship, planted a garden, painted, wrote a short story, and finished the Elden ring DLC.
You know you can do all this while playing League moderately? Just because you couldn't stop yourself playing 14 games a day doesn't mean everyone else can't play 2-3 matches and then do other things with their time.
projecting nigger can't comprehend that the fun video game is fun
sorry my life doesn't revolve around jerking off to artificial number going up and crying on /lolg/ about everyone and everything when it goes down
try playing something else, baboon
every single one of my losses have been the result of having the worse support in on my team regardless of what role I was playing
nice game riot nigger games
you say this after you admit to playing slop like elden ring
i have been playing other games actually because league is dogshit but hey if u consider this joke of a game fun then you do you retardbro
i think you have me confused with someone else
I might be back in losers queue lads
>support asks janna thresh (after janna has been banned)
>enemy is wukong ekko tf lucian braum
attack damage carry moment
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"Quick, let's play for the GP who can't even win a Shen matchup of all things. Oh dear we lost the game somehow"
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Apologies for gameposting but I've been trying Aurora on the PBE and I legitimately don't get what the fuck this character is supposed to be. You kinda wanna go on-hit or at least Nashor's but her passive damage is so pathetic it's really not worth building about. So you build her AP but then she's a discount burst mage with pitiful burst. She's kinda speedy but made of paper with very low range spells, so she wants to be at autoattack range, but she's going to get CCd and die there.

Nothing about her kit feels good. She's a good lane bully and that's really it.
You're supposed to play her jungle.
>She's a good lane bully and that's really it
many such cases
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>pick morde jg
>someone on team goes "huh? morde jg is good?"
>say "no"
>don't elaborate
>play adc
>supports take turns inting their adcs so that the lane is fairly even
>my support randomly decides not to lane botlane anymore
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*ting* *ting* *ting*
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Her passive damage is giga capped and her base AS sucks dick, she isn't good for that.
The most baffling thing for me is how her ult traps her.
Like playing her many times I wanted to be further away from the enemies so I could kite with movespeed, Q and E. Pressing R was often an actual death sentence, so most of the time I would R for damage then immediately remove it so I could run away.
Such a weird champ honestly. Haven't seen a champ that just clearly does not work together like her in quite a while. Even Smolder feels better, the caster ADC that is forced to build crit yet has zero incentives for autoattacking.
Illaoi is the most fair, well designed, and high skill cap juggernaut
>shitpick naafiri adc in norms to ride out my player retainment mandatory loss streak
>farm like shit, play like shit, roam for no reason and leave my (dogshit) support to suffer 1v2
>smolder has 225 in no time cus he's free farming half the time
>i end the game with a flashy as fuck K/D while smolder is 4/4
they fucking slaughtered my boy
unsubbing this blog
someone from riot talked about it on reddit
she was designed as a top laner she was supposed to be a mage with good sustain but short range that would go in in team fights
then realized it made top lane miserable so they removed her sustain stats and sent her mid with the top attack range so shes fucking garbage
basically they had to put a character out but fucket it up midway and ran out of time to fix it
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New champs have sucked for a few years. Look at all these champs, the only ones that actually found a playerbase were Zeri and Briar. Zeri had to be shitcanned because her design is atrocious and Briar is alright, though needeed like a year of nerfing. The rest is all boring, derivative shit.
Nilah is the best release here
I see Vex all the fucking time
sometimes i forget renata glasc is in the game and when someone picks her i go
>is that a new champ?
every time, what is she even supposed to be
That explains a lot, my first perception was that she was something of a Teemo function, annoying speedy magic on-hit character to bully toplaners with. They probably realized her ult was too good of a teamfight tool (their original concept was probably just making it as an annoying 1v1 tool) so they had to send her mid. The end result is a champion that barely works and before 4-5 months we'll have the usual "we're looking at doing a design pass on Aurora to fulfill her fantasyTM" twitter post, unless being a coombait bunny is enough to make her popular regardless. Good one Riot, excellent job as usual.
Not insulting but he's pretty one note.
Horrible, powercreeps basically every single mage if he's even halway decent, somehow managed to make a boring Invoker.
She's alright.
Most boring assassin in the entire game, biggest flop in the list.
Powercreeps every single enchanter if he's any good. Funnily enough same designer as Hwei so it's a thing with this guy.
One of the biggest atrocities released in the game, what if Yasuo but tank and he doesn't lose tornado on ult. Terrible.
More boring, less sexy Samira.
What if infinite AS on on-hit character. Boring.
Honestly probably the best of the bunch, at least she does something unique.
She's fine.
Horrendous. They had the idea for his E then added the most boring shit they could think of for the rest of his moves.
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game went pretty well though
God I fucking love morde, even if he's ass in the jungle nowadays
ksante, renata and smolder have retarded ass broken kits and cant be buffed or they 1v9 every pro play game
briar is like garen and tryndra either retardedly strong in low elo or useless for everyone
naafiri fix the stupid telegraphed dash and let her jungle where people wants to play her
nilah ????
the rest are ok not game changing not broken but cool to have a bigger pool to pick from
caner, delete
one of the best champs they've made
one of the best champions they've maded

stop coping nigger
who cares, there's 150+ champions, the best thing they can do now is make niche champions that don't have an equivalent. Do you just want "lux 2.0" or some shit?
abhorrent taste
Had a really bad beat today, 16 games throughout the day and only 3 wins to show for it.
Went from top of plat3 to bottom of gold 1, my mmr is probably mega fucked right now..
I will admit I played like I had cancer in a few of those games, but there were also a few I shouldn't have lost if I had real human beings working together on the team.
It's fucked up that I can switch roles and do better, but I want to keep on play adc even though success is dictated by support 80% of the time
if you're going to release boring champions nobody wants don't release them and fix the base game instead
They will never stop releasing champions and when they do is when the game will have started to die
The game has been dying for 2-3 years already. The peak is way behind us.
dying is when riot stops making more money
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Source is : me
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I will stop picking draven
I will play like a sedated baboon for free wins
I will stop picking draven
I will play like a sedated baboon for free wins
I will stop picking draven
I will play like a sedated baboon for free wins
I will stop picking draven
I will play like a sedated baboon for free wins
I will stop picking draven
I will play like a sedated baboon for free wins
I will stop picking draven
I will play like a sedated baboon for free wins
>game is le dying
>time travel 10 years back
>open /lolg/
>game is le dying
When has smolder ever been 1v9? All he did when he was strong was clear waves for 20 minutes and then lose.
>can’t be buffed
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Fact :
MF is peak AD carry
It literally doesn't get better than this
Me and the bitch I pulled by being a fat retard
your eyes
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patch 14.3 to 14.5 he got gutted in 14.6
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I will literally never get good at this game
I don't understand
I don't have reflex problems because I'm doing exceedingly great in competitive shooter games but everytime my viewpoint goes from FPS to isometric I just lose my fucking brain
I will literally always be good at this game
so, the source is your feelings?
league isnt dead but lolg certainly is
That's a nice fish, my man
getting good doesn't make the game more fun.
So now he surely will never be touched again
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xth for my my hotwife Syndra!
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Most of the popular champions are boring as fuck
>because I'm doing exceedingly great in competitive shooter games but everytime my viewpoint goes from FPS to isometric I just lose my fucking brain
i have your same problem but inversed, decent at mobas but complete shit at FPS vidyas
it's a weird world we living in boys
>both supports take turns inting their adc
>neither adc can punish the enemy 50% of the time because their support is disabled as well
>8 minute mark hits
>my support starts laning mid
>enemy support starts laning top
why are they like this?
not enough correction
briar is fetishslop the champion
The nerf of first strike is really depressing, it was the last fun thing and they had to ruin it.
you will take ze conqueror and fleet footwork and like it sorry
it gets better after you get out of iron
it did not get better in emerald
and we love her for it
Ah this is from reddit..
>I can’t wait to go home from my wage prison to queue up for some Lux support!
Do people actually do this
oh yeah I love coming back from work to play adc in bronze
>top picks sion, builds lethality and thinks he's thebaus
>gets 5cs/min, feeds enemy mundo and kayn
nice elo :D, maybe I'll get a lucky dice roll next time
>stupid bitch ruins her life on purpose then acts like it’s an accomplishment that she fixed it
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Well yeah, according to anon, it's the second most fun thing to play!!
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for the past 4 games after a winstreak everyone wanted to ff at 15
why am I still addicted
when I know losersq is real
why can't i just stop
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Lux is the most fun champ in the game.
I'm sorry for being a bad girl until now, /lolg/...
t. fat bald man
They're inside your walls
>3 winning lanes
>jungler finds a way to int it
buff that role riot pls?
>play vex in norms yesterday
>want to play it again
>adc bot priority queue
>go play rank
>3 min queue
>cant select vex
>it was on free rotation yesterday
>pick another mid i dont want to play
>game takes 10 min to load
>client freezes after the game ends
the league of legends experience gg better luck tomorrow
your fault
Why? Can you explain the appeal?
maybe it's because any type of game discussion gets shut down or ignored. half the thread 2 days ago was about hair loss
had a dream my team refused to rotate to anything and I got so tilted I woke up
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good morning cutie
>play adc when enemy lane isn't a tank engage support
>win literally every time
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Can I just spam hyper roll tft and go afk to farm the battle pass...?
morning, anon
That was real
doing the missions is faster
does this mean you only know how to play against certain comps
I was not the jungler
its your job to pin down the jungler and scold him with a ladle
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Quintessential Jewish champs for each role?
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no you will get flagged as afk and not get any progress
spam arena for missions or play sr
>every toplaner
>every jungler
>every midlaner
>every support
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draven for adc
tf for mid
pyke for supp
first strike karthus for jungle
illaoi or ornn for top lane
When is the new champion out and how much BE will it cost
Draven would behead all Jews in Palestine and proudly give interviews about it though
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hes jewish himself anon
he kills jews and loots their corpses
7800 be first week then 6300 after I think.
As for the release idk, Riot should just think of making a calendar honestly.
draven would nuke the whole middle east
What was the announcement?
he has iranian (aryan) name
his real life counterparts are well on their way to do just that (that's a good thing)
so the minions are the jews?
if you say yes ill send an agent after you, choose your words wisely
release is at 17 july (in 2 weeks)
minions are common folk who get sent to die just so that the jews in control (champions) can enrich themselves
the only non-jewish champs are:
>everyone who uses first strike
She doesnt come with the 2nd skin?
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darius is the persian name, draven is rooted in scottish and gaelic
>everyone who uses first strike isnt a jew
ok coach jewish, id definitely believe you!
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She is a glass canon burst mage and blowing people up with a huge laser in one combo is fun.
She is a powerful lane bully that outranges and outtrades most other champs early if you play well, mostly because of her great burst and good range letting her control engagements because she is hard to approach.
She has great utility with her snare, slow and shield that means she is always useful and its satisfying to successfully help your team even while playing a big damage champ. Throwing the shield that saves your teammates life, leaving a slow zone on the ground to let them retreat etc.
But I think for me the most important thing is that ALL her damage and utility is on skillshots that can be missed or dodged. It makes every engagement risky. You can be 30/0 and lose a fight to a 0/10 Vayne who just rolls out of the way of your skills at basically no fault of your own, this makes it so incredibly satisfying when you DO land a snare and are rewarded by deleting them from existence. You can't just run people down with autos or something if you make a mistake.
She isn't a super mechanical champ but I like that about her. I don't think she is an unskilled champ like lots of people say, there is a massive difference between a good Lux player and a bad one and there is always room to improve without having to break your hands executing complex combos or something.
And then I also just like her as a character and her personality. She also has great skins and lots of them.
lux can use first strike
yuumi can get away with first strike
naafiri takes first strike sometimes
ezreal can use first strike
caitlyn can use first strike
draven is aryan
anyone who disagrees supports israel
Draven is Turkish
shalom achi
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Idk, I don't care about skins a majority of times lol.
Looking for the Jungler that fits my personality. I have OCD, Paranoia, Hypochondria and LOVE chaos and happenings IRL. I enjoy shit talking my enemies when I kill them and imagining their anger is one of the few things that bring a smile to my face. Im also irrationnaly quick to anger but a total pussy irl. Toughts?
If you would please consult the chart.
>Mentally ill
Based on your personality traits and preferences, here are some jungler recommendations for you in League of Legends:

1. **Shaco**: Known as the Demon Jester, Shaco embodies chaos and unpredictability. His playstyle revolves around deception, sneaky plays, and surprise attacks, which can be very satisfying for someone who enjoys getting under the enemy's skin and causing havoc.

2. **Evelynn**: Evelynn's stealth mechanics and burst damage can make her a nightmare for opponents. She can pick off isolated targets and disappear before anyone can react, aligning with your enjoyment of causing frustration for enemies.

3. **Rengar**: Rengar's ability to jump on enemies from the bushes and delete squishy targets can be very exhilarating. His playstyle involves a lot of high-risk, high-reward decisions, which might suit your love for chaos and quick action.

4. **Kha'Zix**: Similar to Rengar, Kha'Zix excels at isolating and assassinating targets. His evolving abilities and adaptive playstyle can keep the game dynamic and exciting.

5. **Lee Sin**: If you enjoy outplaying your opponents with skillful mechanics, Lee Sin can be a great pick. His high mobility and versatile kit allow for creative plays and unexpected ganks.

All these champions offer opportunities for high-impact plays and can lead to those satisfying moments of imagining your enemies' frustration.
thanks chatgpt
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nta but kino. we need more essayposts on why anons love their champ
>It makes every engagement risky. You can be 30/0 and lose a fight to a 0/10 Vayne who just rolls out of the way of your skills at basically no fault of your own, this makes it so incredibly satisfying when you DO land a snare and are rewarded by deleting them from existence
I completely get this feel
>mfw we are about to enter an age where bbcspammer will make posts with ai
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Can she come out already
I will not make le pbe account
*licks your hole*
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fatfuck bunny S E X
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Are you ready to buy Seraphine's skin and all her chromas?
naafiri skin where
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Qiyana skin please
She has two skins and she isn't really popular. I think it's fair
Will lick her hole and every inch of skin.
as if it'd make a difference with his babbling
>mfw we were lied to about the qiyana legendary
i hate that i have to ban jinx because no matter how hard i shut her down in lane she will get a random shutdown from midlane with a random ult and then start running everyone down with resets in teamfights
Me on the left
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>mfw anon posts a >mfw post with no image
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Me on the left of your pic

Is this better?
so which of those three faces is you
>Found a playerbase
They flopped as well.
>7 of these are ADCs
Qiyana is a failed champ. No wonder they didn't update Ixtal after her release.
>Clearly tried to make a new normalfag champ like Kai'sa
>Failed hard because brownies aren't popular and her kit is boring as shit
whats the qrd on batemanl9
your mum flopped on her bloated belly after I was done with her
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watch me run it the fuck down on stream trying to figure out how to play my old main again
There aren’t that many adcs to pick from compared to other roles, but yes those are slop champs
it's better if you don't actually try her out
she's very boring, stick to fapping to her
she was pretty popular but got gutted and forgotten about. people just decided to play easier assassins since they are just as rewarding but with less effort
Aurora's kit being boring will probably make Riot do more brownies in the future since they will perceive it as people not caring for conventional sexy females anymore.
what's with the name change?
she will be played no matter what by waifufags
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Briar won
>gorillion dashes
flopfags (shazamtrannies but worse) should get shot tbhdesu
we won...we fucking won...all of us..
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Qiqi for 2XKO
fun video game is fun
you heard it here folks!!! shocking news
Qiyana will always be a win in my book because they made her so thicc and so hot. I care very little for the actual game play of league of legends. I think with my dick 99% of the time. I feel bad for meta slaves.

Thank you Riot for releasing another babe.
if you don't play to max lp gains
flopfaggots but for vidya in general
>I think with my dick 99% of the time
actual honest lolg post
The main intent was to make a mid lane AD assassin that's playable in pro-play, that's why she has that absurd teamfight ultimate.

It didn't work as we can attest, she'd need a rework to become popular in soloq below master rank.
Qiyana is only good for being fapbait because she has a fat ass. Other than that nobody cares about that flop champ.
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buy the nerfed pass slop
Qiyana is ugly.
>b-b-but her butt!!
Kai'sa and Irelia have better asses while not being ugly and annoying
trvth nvke
evens I play later. odds I draw
I have to, I want yuumi prestige
buying for the sera anal emote
All three are ugly and annoying
what do the event chromas look like
Kai'sa has no personality at all and Irelia looks cross eyed.
>gets shit done
>whines 24/7
kind of a no-brainer desu
tall women are so unattractive
Kai'sa is the most forced champ in the game.
I disagree, plus Qiyana's haughty characterization does it for me regardless.

She's not for picking she's for fapping doe.
oh im sorry guess i should be attracted to disgusting goliaths?

what is wrong with you?
kai'sa saved League of Legends and paved the way for k/da
qiyana got compared to shitty chink mobile games and starred in a niggerbabble "music" band
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it's really too bad you can only get this against giganoobs
truly the greatest... personality
>Saved league
>Paved the way for more anime champ 200 years garbage like Yone and Viego
>Paved the way for the brown champ overload like Akshit and Samirass
>Paved the way for sissy tranny trash like KDA and Seraphine
sissification of league started with star guardian not kda
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Viego is the best thing that's happened to this game in the last 5 years.
>disgusting goliaths
your future kid will thank you for making him a manlet
>inb4 i won't have kids
>anime champ 200 years garbage
buzzword slop
>the brown champ overload
kai'sa is white, non-sequitur
>sissy tranny trash
not related to kai'sa either
k/da aka kpop is niggerbable "music" too chuddy
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height insecurity?
Notice how no one posts waifu stuff about kai’sa only fap material
and thats a good thing

i started playing league because of k/da
Broken bullshit and looks like a faggot.
>korean pop
uh yeah uh uh i am da goat uh yeah brrrrrrra pow pow yuh dat block glocka my niggas pitbull kfc uh oooh oooh ah ah ah banan (c) Ekko
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it's mumble rap but in korean
I will only win tonight He (PBUH) wills it
>inb4 i won't have kids
Yes. Children are a waste of time, effort and money. You are actively gimping yourself irl if you choose to have one of those crotch goblins.
Nah I just think tall women are gross looking. Short girls are way more feminine. I don't want to marry an ogre.
cursing anon so he loses every game tonight
KDA paved the way for normalfags to get into league.
>crotch goblins
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many have tried and they succeeded
but I'm done being inted
>what is Get Jinxed?
>what is Imagine Dragons?
I swear people didn't care nearly as much about champ popularity back then compared to these days. What the fuck happened?
You know I'm right.

Imagine waking up, slaving away at your job all day to pay for some little gremlin. You get home and have to deal with it's annoying cries of attention and wake up in the middle of the night to change it's diaper.

Breeders are so braindead it's funny. How is that enjoyable? What do you even get out of it? lol
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imagine choosing to have kids in 2024
holy retard
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>You know I'm right.
>Imagine waking up, slaving away at your job all day to pay for some little gremlin. You get home and have to deal with it's annoying cries of attention and wake up in the middle of the night to change it's diaper.
>Breeders are so braindead it's funny. How is that enjoyable? What do you even get out of it? lol
>imagine choosing to have kids in 2024
>holy retard
kids are foul beast-creatures, i agree. but tall women are great.
they still don't, its tye same 1-2 flop spammers as always
Nasus will carry
>Can't come up with any valid argument to have children and resorts to just repeating what I say
The joke writes itself. Many such cases.
I need a woman to be 5'4' or under for them to be even considered attractive to me.
Kids can’t be THAT bad
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>>Can't come up with any valid argument to have children and resorts to just repeating what I say
>The joke writes itself. Many such cases.
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We love kids on /lolg/
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>anon says kai'sa is tall
>check height
>she's an inch shorter than me
stream pls
Nah, really they are that bad. Your life is basically over as soon as you choose to have one.

anyone want to duo on NA
low emerald
chase a check#na1
>trying to play a round of aram with your friends?
>great choice! enjoy your 2 filled silver teammates against your plat opponents
desu if I were to be your father, i'd end my life
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She's sexy
>she's annoying
that's liderally what makes her hot
ugh kids suck
they take up so much of my time that I could use to waste playing videogames I hate
and I have to like.. spend money on them which I could spend on better things than raising a person, like my league funko pop collection
Breeders are all the same. You people just throw out seething insults without ever actually making an argument as to why they are beneficial. It's hilarious. You know I'm right so you're unable to make a solid retort and smash your keyboard.
How do I make an account on a different server?
because nobody wants to argue with an edgy kid online
ADC is such a waste of time role. 30% of games your support loses your lane for you, 30% your team gets rolled regardless of your state, 30% of maybe playable games.
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damn my zoe support got a bit outperformed somehow!
it's too hot for me to stream
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I don't get it.
I just completed the milestone level 1 for karma but it didn't progress the "9/12 milestones"...
my great great great great great great great grandchildren are going to be colonizing planets and fucking hot aliens while your bloodline lays dead in the dirt :)
says one fat ugly dude
you need to close and reopen the client for the number to update
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Yet you will never experience any of it so who cares
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bro the only thing ur ever fucking is ur hand let's be realzies
I can't take this retarded game seriously anymore
the odds are always stacked against me
i use this website to get the opinions of gay weebs
i love when they think what they say matters
the site is 18+
you may only type here when your sperm stops being crystal clear
why is the fat american dyke replying to me. i can literally tell by ur voice u eat whoppers for breakfast
>Still no argument
>Still making underage jokes
you are literally underage
why the fuck did the enemy get the 14 KDA leona again while I got the zoe "support" who doesn't even stand inside the lane?
>Still no argument
Breeders proving themselves braindead as usual
>still no underage rebuttal
edgy minor
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I'm completely fine with those. Tbh I wish I had a lot of kids. Though financially I should be able to afford at least one or two without problems. Time shouldn't be that much of an issue either and I'm completely satisfied with my life at the moment to be let down. To each their own honestly.
>kai'sa is white
as white as a swede named ahmed (sweden is white)
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actually i only had coconut milk for breakfast. anyway ur still dying alone with ur hand
why didn't you dodge the zoe support
>t. diarrhea-colored manlet
>why didn't you dodge the zoe support
I don't negotiate with terrorists
you deserve it for picking zyra zoe
Zoomer don't come to 4chan. I'm in my 20s retard.
Literally, just give me a single argument why children are beneficial. Just one. Anything. Scrape together your 2 braincells and try to formulate a response instead of seething.
Then you must hate your own time and money that much.
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>zero viewers
>ugly voice
you and faggot grey need to neck it quick LOL
>Zoomer don't come to 4chan. I'm in my 20s retard.
obvious underage retard is obvious
they never type their specific age. just "i am in my 20s" or "i am above 18" or "i am old enough to drink" etc.
proven fact. peer-reviewed by 4chin.
>just give me a single argument why children are beneficial
they make me happy. obviously you can't comprehend that, given your brain is still developing
>muh time
>muh money
you are spending it to spew jewish babble on /lolg/ - League of Legends General
zero self-awareness
No reason to say this
Not really because I would be able to afford it in time and money. But yes more money is always good. Tbh I don't do much with mine, my computer is good enough for me for everything and everything else is just maintenance with quality of life stuff.
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Your stance on this seems to be the extremely self centred "well what do I get out of it" which is childish and immature however practically speaking the benefits to having kids is that you get people who can take care of you and provide for you and your spouse when you're older and you have potential people you can trust to handle things like your business etc.
More morally its the idea of giving life to another just as life was given to you. Life is worth living and you get to share it with your progeny so they can have a happy life and experience the wonders of the world just like you have. If you think life sucks and don't think its worth living then kill yourself already (you won't because you don't really believe it). If you don't want to kill yourself then you know life it worth it and thus bringing life into the world is a positive.
you are right I should have picked... umm.... hmmm...... ahhhh..... yea....
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you save and post all my pictures so you actually like me. also, you should really stop talking about your gay crush, tazmir. it's a bit weird and i doubt grey is into you.
>STILL thinks I'm underage. Like that would matter regardless
>they make me happy
Great argument LOL. You have got to be a boomer. There's no way.

You are pure retard. Enjoy slaving away for grotch goblins, breeder. RIP money, RIP time. You lost.
>>Like that would matter regardless
nuff said
Why is being happy bad
antinatalists are just incels.
its typical fox and grapes sourness about their inability to get a wife to breed so they try to rationalize that it probably sucks anyway
>More morally its the idea of giving life to another just as life was given to you. Life is worth living and you get to share it with your progeny so they can have a happy life and experience the wonders of the world just like you have.
Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah holy churchspeak
There was literally nothing religious about that nor am I religious at all.
t. Bitter pseudointellectual
an adc
>qiyanafags are underage atheist anti-natalists
peak reddit
yes I'm sure I win the game if I pick an adc and lane 1v2 against leona jinx
you wouldnt win no matter what because your mid top jg were 5/21 however you would have lost that game as a human adc player and not as a pedophile zyra apc player
Because it's all fake happiness. All parents cope HARD and think "oh my god im so BLESSED to have children" while they contemplate all the time and money they have lost. Every single person I've met that has had children I can tell they regret it. They forgot how good life way before they gave themselves that burden and try to convince others that "yea its worth it!! I swear!!"
Nice try but I have a 5'3' wife and we both agree to never have children. We're living an amazing life and can do whatever we want when we want with all the free time and dual income.

Seethe breeders.
real casual shitters hours up itt
>We're living an amazing life and can do whatever we want when we want with all the free time
Playing League of Legends?
writing fanfics on /lolg/
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i love kids, they taste great barbecued and stir-fried
>fake happiness
Delusional projection
>Playing League of Legends?
Yeah we play together from time to time. We rarely play the game all that much anymore desu. But it's funny seeing our friends who chose to breed "not have time to do anything". Or "busy with the little ones".
It's fake.
>briar and vex are fine
Based we stay winning
I finish 10th stack of jack of all trades and it gives me +9 ad instead of promised [15]
I don't get this fucking rune
you are trying so fucking hard it's funny
it's over bro your jig is up
>Nice try but I have a 5'3' wife and we both agree to never have children.
your realdoll can't breed
>we rarely play the game all that much anymore
Every lolg in a nutshell. Fucking social hour rejects
You are so mad
what the fuck are you stupid niggers even on about
>Or "busy with the little ones".
I'm sure you hear that a lot when you invite them to hang out with you and your hambeast wife

tip: they don't want to see you
you're the one coping
>someone says "having kids is good"
you're the one who's lying to themselves, also people who talk about their personal lives on 4chan are despicable
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you must be new to league
soloq rewards pedophile behaviour
if I had lost that game as an adc, I wouldn't have got this winnersq match as a reward
I mean teaching them their ABC's is kind of a big deal compared to playing a game that will wait for you forever.
pedophilia i think idk some guy really likes kids for some reason
Btw I suck cock
i accept your concession
Everything is about sex, guys
least gay top main
and they're into cuckshit
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Since 90% of the threads yesterday were just spam I think people are just desperate to talk about literally anything even if its just replying to some of the most obvious bait imaginable
quiet pedo
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is this a losersq game?
be honest lads
Gromp looking mad sus
4chan pedos want to have children of their own to molest. A large percentage of sexual abuse is perpetrated by parents themselves.
>someone post about kids
>immediately think about them being abused
Why did you do this?
bro what if I had a daughter and she was hot xd
I'm going to start playing adc again this season. it seems fun again
jungle main btw
i feel like shitpicking a support that doesnt belong in the support role. any reccs?
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Untrue, the entire appeal of Qiyana is her fertile baby-birthing hips and impregnation correction
Orianna, Leblanc.
Xin zhao
is someone even able to answer? why are you all below diamond? literally just play more
nobody gives a shit, basedbear loving faggot
Adaptive gives less AD than AP
Hey I said I suck cock earlier
I lied
you would have to stop the world...just to stop the feeling....
Vanguard approved thread
Ummm dumbfuck its adaptive force not AD
>4 out of 20 games are remakes
I am at my FUCKING limit right now
What determines if I get red or blue Kayn? Is it items I build or what? Or is it just random? Because it's annoying when I get red Kayn and have to wait the like 2 minutes before I get offered blue. I don't play red Kayn ever.
420 haha
>I am at my FUCKING limit right now
Cum for me then baby
deal damage to melee champs = red orbs
deal damage to ranged champs = blue orbs
I have to play so much better than anyone else to win
kayn locked in? instant dodge or 4fun.
worst junglers to ever exist on planet Earth.
What about Mars though?
Oh thanks.
He's the most fun jungler and I like that he's super edgy.
>fighting 2v2 in the bot lane
>MF ults
>I Kayn ult the enemy support to dodge
>my Pyke kills her
>die to MF ult
my velkoz is literally hitler wtf
EUWpeople of all horizons... wanna play a few norms?
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That was a fast game.

Luckily I'm the best Ahri in the world <3
No thanks
carried by your jungler as usual
liderally sharting
What if we had sex?
are you white?
>open league client
>it bugs out and i have to close it from task manager to relog
>open league client again
>it bugs out again
>repeat until it decides to work
>get in queue
>15 minute ff
>1 decent game
>15 minute ff
fun game
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yea sure
i warn you tho im bronze
depends on if you will worship my stinky unwashed balls with your mouth
imagine actually being bronze
at least you go to college
Soraka my cute wife
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i dont go to college either, you mistook me for someone else
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are you black?
>be support main
>autofilled bot
>quick! gotta set my summoner to heal before it's my turn to pick so no one thinks i'm a noob
are you trying to emulate a melaninated gentleman?
it's "soraka *is* my cute wife"
at least you watch anime
i also dont do that
Every time you see your teammate misplay and/or die near you, remember: they probably blame you for it.
made for asian boys
Every time you see your teammate misplay and/or die near you, remember: it is imperative that you spam ping them and flame them in chat, otherwise they will do it again.
Can someone PLEASE top me? Thanks!
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it's soooooo fucking hard man
every game is decided by which supp/jg has lower combined iq
99% of supports and jungles have negative impact on the game and it's impossible to carry them if they are more retarded than their opponent
it's so fucking crazy
riot keeps buffing these disgusting roles because only braindead retards are willing to play them
>buff jg/supp
>playrate increases because people want to gain temporary elo
>people get elo inflated (those roles are inflated atleast 2k lp on average at this point)
>slightly adjust the role because nobody can stand playing with these retards anymore
>playrate drops below the gutter
>cycle continues
Black men*
>play le macro roles (jg/supp)
>be the worst at macro (and everything else)
it's so tiring...
I ain't your sis, fag
What lolgs secretly love bbc?
viet men****
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I blame the rap music.
get me out of coon queue
>no time wizard champion
all the low elos do cause they are dumb as shit
Someone answer me?
it's all skill if you're below Grandmaster
got so mad at LoL today I punched through my monitor. cant play the game now (posting from old W7 laptop) so feels bad
keep yo ass in the porchmonkey ranks
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>Team feeds the enemy Jinx
>We can no longer fucking kill her
What's the best course of action in this scenario where my team will not surrender? This situation has happened to me multiple times now.
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unleash the feesh
Start ping spamming to annoy your team
>no berserker champion
Real generative AI shitposting hours
who were you playing?
no man supports are not human
I refuse to believe it
this motherfucker is running it so fuckign hard and he is top 10%
Was gonna play but my grandma needs a ride and I can’t say no
Rip LP but maybe she’s saving me anyways
>have worse supp
>be out of the game by min 5
That's our ADC role!
what champ eats eggs
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liderally jax
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I wish I could play with all these people complaining about their supports so I could change your mind and convince you some of are us competent. I would help you carry.. I poke, clear/place wards, itemize for you, freeze waves for you and let you last hit for elims.

Every game I leave with at least an honor or two and I like to tell everyone what a great job they are doing! :)
this is de wey
of Leeg
swap to top lane
please tell me, in your own words, why that game was lost.
that post is your answer? because it's wrong
y'all got macro'd
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>Unleash the fish
Right into the pool!
my support died for no reason multiple times in lane
my support gave enemy cait 2 plates and first tower for no reason
my jungler was a shaco otp with 0 macro
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she doesn't have her pool party swimming suit yet
oh yea and poppy gave away 3 drakes and 3 barons for no reason as well wp to him
OCE sorry
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captain teemo on mothafuckin duty
your support couldnt kill shit but his kda was pretty good. I can see that you had a hard time somehow down there, and as a bot player I can definitely believe that your support was not doing you a whole lot of favors during the laning phase.

Your jungler was a Poppy unless for some reason you are talking about a different game than the one in 484266271... which would be very weird because of that Poppy's name.
Is it bad that I miss the namefags who quit
/lolg/ is so sterile these days
Blame the schizos for doxxing them all. Luckily op.gg removed the ability to see old summoner names so they would be free now.
Alright quick play time, got flash got heal, gonna spam Soraka. Lets see how these new account newbies go and play around them.
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another game another better support wins
what are the chances?XD
my poppy only played shaco and tried to assassinate the enemy carries and split pushing late game when we had a 5v5 comp
my support went meele range against a leona lvl 2 for no reason at all
he also went to roam mid to roam and shit while I was going back to lane. he ended up reaching the bottom lane 1 minute after me which resulted in the enemy caitlynn getting over 1k gold in exchange for 2 minions of shared exp on him on the middle lane
>queue adc without a duo
>pick the adc with one of the weakest early games
>piss and shit yourself when you lose lane
are adc players genuinely brain damaged?
you will be bored after 1 game
you can pick the strongest early game adc against the weakest early game adc and you lose if your support is worse
I've played like a zillion games on Soraka I'll be fine.
not if you have hands
>have hands
>deal less damage than 2 people
>lose lane with the worse supp
it's really not complicated
ummm... I asked to be topped...
stop playing bro ur ass on ur crutch pick draven and now u cant even carry on turbo overpowered meta right clickers. ur done LOL
damn they actually did, how will i stalk my old friends now
me too but low elo is soul draining
haha ur really smart
I've done some testing with adc picks. For a while I'd only pick early game champs, later I'd pick only late game champs. There wasn't much difference. If your support is bad, you won't get kills on draven/lucian/kalista. You'll get focused down by their bot lane and die a useless death.

If you pick Jinx/Zeri/Aphelios etc to scale, if your support is bad you won't be able to get get farm and constantly have to die or recall to contest the wave.

If supports had 0 damage they would still hold more influence than their adc. And right now they have even more damage than their ADC. The role is beyond broken and will never be nerfed.
I'm completely fine being a casual. I think I've played with people who were like Diamond or above a couple of times because they were lonely guys or something and I totally do not belong there.
riot be like:
>let's nerf snowballing for the billionth time games must be onesided because of snowballing mechanics and not because there are giga inflated roles and our matchmaking is dogshit!
you should respect yourself more
*plaps you*
sell out nigger gp q urself in game quick
how am I a sellout or a slur?
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Forfeit your life
I expected that taric would be good in aram, but his numbers are basically non-existend. Even in aram his ult is ass. 2.5 second invul is absolute fucking nothing when the team just steps back for a second. Old taric was so much better designed than this wanna be support kit they came up with.
Oh man everyone plays like bots, gotta play some other role..
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Sona AGP
>bro your senna support lost 80% of his hp lvl 1 for no reason? umm just pick an early game adc
told you
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I wish i was a /lolg/ers daughterwife
that mundo is a complete retard and should instantly uninstall
udyr is banking on lethality vs armor-stacking ornn with a broken unending despair, and yasuo is 1/8 while two levels behind
nuff said. cool clip though, wp to dasname.
yea the senna player is a man irl
id give you lots of hugs
id hug you lots too anon..
the character is a woman though
no it's pixels
i refer to all of my teammates with the gender of their champion unless its a ser*phine, in which case i call it a 'he'.
>seraphine derangement in 2024
its been 5 years anon. let go
all of my games are fucking lost lvl 1 I don't even get to play the motherfucking game

and a fucking teemo to top off the lowest IQ cutelow draft i have seen
>play less bad than enemy support
it was a cutelow game but u kinda outed urself for being low elo as well because u think those champs arent picked in high elo when they are picked damn near every game
why is pyke allowed to have a 30% banrate in high elo
because his roams are op
meant to not reply to you sorry nonners
it's both low IQ and clearly cutelow because each and every one of you picked the obvious choices that your NPC software updates chose for you. That teemo is icing on the cake for making it clear that not one player on that team has a soul. I'd even wager that this was quickplay because the universe does have a sense of humor.
then why dont they nerf him
Supports are immune to meaningful nerfs. In fact, even ones that are good often randomly get bigger buffs than actually bad champs. Sona and Janna permanently hovering 53-54% winrates got buffs. Same with Nami.

They're so obvious and shameless with their favoritism towards the support role it's comedic
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Ok the adc thing was too much, playing AP support should balance everything into a coin toss.
how? remove his w? XD
I'm un-chat restricted now.
Maybe support is just a bad role in concept, at least people just dont jungle because its hard
they balance the game around bots and bots suck at pyke
>3 teammates building MR despite enemy team being 4 AD and 1 hybrid tank support
Maybe I'm just disgruntled after thousands of hours but my bar for what is reportable is so fucking low. I can understand doing this in sub-gold but you need a to be punished somehow for doing this shit in masters.
>the only ones that actually found a playerbase were Briar

lol, WTF are you smoking? Smolder when he was the worst Champion for competitive play in all of League was still sporting a higher pick rate than Briar (he still does too). What "playerbase" did she find? Seems very tiny!
If i get a pyke in my bronze games its an autowin where we stomp lane then pyke stomps mid and we win at 20 minutes
your gentle flame was better this game, I take it?
also is xayah op on the dl now
whats the counterplay to my support and jungler doing dragon while i literally get dove 1v3 under tower
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doesn't happen again tho
In terms of the player rather than gold generation or another meme.

>top jew
>Mid jew
>Jungle jew
>ADC jew
>Support jew
Make them lose the game. I'm willing to lose LP because I'm petty.
He wasn't that great, he didn't trade well and only ever woke up when I engaged to go all in so he used his shields and buffs which is fine because that's what's expected of his character even if it's mainly a one sided trade majority of the laning phase, I died a bit because of that but Xayah is fairly alright peeling for herself and being safe with her root and ult.
move to the drake with them instead of staying under the tower 1v3
how do i leave tower when the enemy botlane is in front of me and the jungler is behind me at krugs bush
leave before the jungler gets behind you
what if i like getting assaulted from behind
just peed myself
then shut the fuck up about getting assaulted from behind on lolg dumbass nigga fk outta here
I just lost to a plat 4 kench adc with lux supp in my silver queues? Why is the matchamkint so NIGGER BAD IM GONNA RAPE RIOT CEOS IN THEIR ASSHOLE
It's conceptually a good and proper role for the genre. That is, it was when it was properly calibrated to be a defensive role. If you have all 5 classes in a game are DPS classes, it's just an arena fighter devoid of tactics and strategy. People don't play support simply because because defense isn't fun for most people. Which is why Riot's solution for the last decade was to endlessly buff support's damage and at the same time make sure defensive supports are equally strong, all to the detriment of the ADC role which was balanced by an entirely different entity (esports) while sharing the same lane as support abominations.
what is the best champ to play after drinking a jug of piss?
Get me pregnant!
When do I take solstice sleigh over bloodsong or celestial opposition? Solstice sleigh seems kinda garbage
I've never lost a 1v1 lane in my entire life
dream maker always on every champ
adc playrates are always inflated because there are simply less adcs than junglers
there are 46 junglers with pickrates above 1%. there are 25 bot laners with pickrates above 1%
this is why ADCs get half the legendaries/prestiges in the game despite being one out of 5 roles btw
lidderally broken on taric, given you have the brain capacity to hit the stun
bronze ego putting in work today
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Aram time. Lets rock this joint.
I am once again being pushed into playing tank Swain. God this gamemode is miserable.
at least mark what champ youre playing
why the hell didn't you go with them so they get drag faster
>be good at literally everything irl except communicating with retards
>play league of legends for over a decade
maybe I should quit. this low iq dogshit is not my game
Not enough girls have this body type irl…
but muh wave
i often notice that when i get botlane the jg and support refuse to help me push the wave before they start drag and id rather get the extra wave of cs than "secure" drag
the faster you get drag the faster they can help you fix the wave/back
>>be good at literally everything irl except communicating with retards
autists and their megalomania are the best power couples in the world
Early game drag takes a long time with 2-3 people regardless, easily enough to lose 2-3 waves. That makes it easy for the enemy team to collapse and get 3 free kills or simply deny you from walking back into the lane making you lose another wave. Bad early drags have to be a major reason for early losses from my experience.
Yah baus wouldnt lose cs to an early drag so i wont when i play botlane either
idk what to tell you, I'm not the best at anything but I'm top top 1% of plenty of skills and my only obvious weakness is interacting with people and communication
Can u list some skills you are top 1% at
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time to run it down boys
I won't sorry
I've been in queue for 10 mins now without a dodge trying to find a game in mid diamond. Really successful season I think. Can't wait to see my queue times when I'm back in master.
eu is so lucky to have people that actually play together
We play together on NA sometimes
irelia just isnt fun anymore, i miss her pre minirework state
no one plays with me more than once
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Absolutely filthy this Aram. Just can't ever play how I want to because ooga boogaing tank and mindlessly body slamming with the snowball always auto wins games. I wouldn't have minded it being a loss but the Akshan orbiting thing has got to be one of the worst taunts since Teemo and Lux laugh spams.
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That's because when we help push the wave to begin drag, bots like you flame us for stealing farm. This is a problem of your role's own doing, so prepare to be flamed for not helping drag.
I could get a lobby going on NA in a few minutes
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Even the chart suggests in favour of the red team after minute 6 into the game who have only one tank, this is by an insane gold diff and yet they lost because the Ezreal had 3 tanks and a Teemo (who everyone still seems to love to kill every chance they get). Anyways it must've been a humiliating loss for the enemy team and in a way it culls the narrative of a one sided sweep in Arams but still a very dirty win.
I have learned over hundreds of ARAM games the worst thing to do is to settle on a champ you think is "good for the comp". Always pick your most favorite of the ones available.
EU people are all toxic and mean to each other.
>play dogshit as supp
>enemy support is even worse
same for any role
>play adc
>be by far the best player in the lobby
>have worse supp
not a very good ADC if you heavily rely on supp to win for you
I rely on support not to shitint my whole game in the first 5 mins
adc is such a shit role that you lose if that happens
Well if anyone on NA does want to play tonight Ill probably throw up a lobby in about an hour
they were nice when i played
i have to go soon unfortunately
i will probably join in 1 hour and 30 minutes..
I literally got my fav champ. I just hate how I died 18 times and played like I had a leash on me because the decision was to either engage and soak up the damage for the team and let this kooky Ez dance around spamming spells and praying it lands or having this Akshan taunt me endlessly. Mind you we did have an Amumu but he only ulted once Teemo and Ez got poked to death so we'd have to wait another 80 seconds for him to do anything again by which the Ez and Teemo would either be low or die again. In this case I decided to die for the team multiple times and forced the towers and inhibs sacrificing my health as an insurance backup for Amumu. Anyways gtg.
I only play with cuties
Sometimes you just get shit on, there's nothing you can do. Sometimes the streak of shitty games can last days.
>get good taliyah sup on my team
>she has a good amount of kills and decides she'll carry, starts taking all her adc's cs and greeding for a bunch of kills
>int the game to teach her that supports are meant to support and tell her to queue for a different role next time
feels good
holy based
>only ever woke up when I engaged to go all in so he used his shields and buffs which is fine because that's what's expected of his character

a support player with little agency of his own. Maddening. Uses shield on cooldown regardless of situation. Slightly better than the support that sits in a bush and might as well be a script.
Very organic posting
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this makes so much sense.
thank you for posting such wisdom
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alright you got me, sorry i just wanted to be cool and was hoping for people to agree that i was based
You edited the html because thats not me
>never really played lol, played Dota
>Try it
>Make shitter bronze 4 for first 7 ranked matches ever
>Each match concludes with bot lane having the biggest mental breakdown at our jg mid and eachother while mid and I need to tard rangle for 40mins

My offrole is support, and I can't deal with an adcs fragile ego, how hard is it to learn mid if you know top
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I can edit html too, you're not special.
yah and you did to pretend to samefag as me
no im spartacus?
I'm not even that anon but if you're desperate enough for attention I wouldn't come to /lolg/ looking for clear bait. There are better places to samefag and falseflag yourself in.
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Post Lissandra
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wam and princess wam
Taliyah is the kind of boy you'd wife up immediately. She's so pretty.
be my princess?
>ahri title
>no immortal ahri skin
literal fake ahri fan
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I can't stop thinking of her without balls. Recently I got a fetish for castrated trannies and I can't get enough of it.
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im finally unbanned bros and now i can post this absolutely absurd arena build i got
still giddy looking at it
not your personal blog shitter
then don't click it
it's fun to post about a fun game of arena
princess noxian femcel is too long for a summoner name
fuck off back to r*ddit
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you might need to learn what "back to" means
no one cares about your blogposting attention seeking, kill yourself tranny
you wont be a femcel dumbass
a trans girl without her balls is like an angel without her wings
why do people keep building kraken on jinx...
calm down, im sure the bbcspam will be back any day now
>tranny brings up bbc
kill yourself you freak
>princess noxian
thats so fucking stupid anon
cant wait to read your future post complaining that no one makes league related posts anymore
now say the line
>t. ranny
good dog
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noxian princess
still mad at the dumb nyagger who pretended to samefag as me
playing fightan with Xayah
important question for the yordle experts, do yordles have belly buttons?
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Briar is not on the list because shes currently raiding the fridge
There will be nothing left
>trannys having a meltie in this thread
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what are you talking about
lol has some of the best tranny streamers !
now do the guys
name 1
frankly i dont give a shit about arena but im with you. That guy had no reason to come on that blogposter so hard. Or maybe he did because dude was banned and just got back from said ban so there had to be a reason why the arena guy got banned

ohhhh no. im not playing this game. Use your imagination
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>another troon meltie
nonononononononononoononon xDDDD
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I fucking hate the mythic skin shop crap. I have to wait like 3 years for the skin I want to come out.

Btw recently the composer for the super mario bros super show released a clean rip of some music he did including that song. You should take a listen and get hooked on the brothers.




I think they should just release all of the mythic skins and make them available yearly like the essence emporium. Increase the cost I guess if you have to but just let me buy what I want.
I don't think he knows what a meltie is
hes prolly a newfag
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>not doing a mukbang stream
one job, lolg
/lolg/ has the highest level of troons on /vg/ holy hell
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Unless Vlad is there to help I dont think you want Briar being trusted with operating a computer
that's impossible because I'm not a troon and ffxiv is 100% troons
>defending trannys
what is wrong with you two
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>woaaaah! game discussion!!
>win lane for my adc
>she's so braindead that she's somehow still 100 cs down and never in any fights
>even mid who has the most positive mental on the team finally broke down and flamed her
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holy shit. This guy did almost all the big name kids shows from before the Fall. What a coincidence! What luck!

pretty cool site. thanks for getting me hooked on the brothas
Whats "the fall" anon?
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me, the boys, and my stupid bitch wife doing all the work
>I have to wait like 3 years for the skin I want to come out.
Tell me about it. Been waiting ages for one that I missed cause I didn't have enough mythic essence. I'm sitting on a hoard now and have nothing to spend it on cause it's been a parade of shit I do not want
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Why dont they give poppy a mythic skin
jesus christ this was platinum 3.
Platinum really is the new (old?) silver.
>Trying seraphine apc bot lane
>Outdamage every adc in the game while shielding the team for half their hp bar on a 6 second cooldown
>This is her after the nerfs
I can't tell if she's absurdly broken or if bot lane adcs are that useless. By the time their Jinx could throw 3 autoattacks I've already tossed out 6 abilities, one of which instantly wins any teamfight.
They did, it's not very good.
She has one though?
Xerath crystal skin rocks, the sound effects are so good
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*snip snip*
>Outdamage every adc in the game
Not even close or even in the same ballpark. She doesn't even outdamage mages let alone anywhere near the DPS of ADCs
>while shielding the team for half their hp bar on a 6 second cooldown
Her shield is relatively small unless she builds enchanter (which costs her all her dps) and the cooldown is 20 seconds which is insanely long compared to actual enchanters.
>I can't tell if she's absurdly broken or if bot lane adcs are that useless.
ADCs are just a useless class most of the time. There is basically no need for their extremely high DPS when every other position in the game is also a damage pick. Sera is still a pretty strong pick though, no need to exaggerate it so much.
ap jax is so funny, why does anyone even play him ad? his spells barely even scale with it lol
>There is basically no need for their extremely high DPS when every other position in the game is also a damage pick
Also every other position doesn't need a babysitter.
she's not THAT retarded.... right?
name 4 active ones
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how come sometimes rolling sparks 1 shots and other times it does like 300 damage
There's no point trying to defend your inflator champ. If she buys damage she will easily outdamage, outrange, outkite any adc with her W E. The only reason you'd think she doesn't have insane damage is if you're that sera main that build full support which I'm assuming is the case.
sry guys wrong thread
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I'm not so much defending her as I am correcting your misconception.
ADCs have around 2500 DPS. Sera doesn't have anywhere near that even if she lands every spell.
Now she does have range and utility and that's why she is actually so good. Absolutely noone picks Seraphine to deal high damage. You pick Sera to enable your teammates.
>The only reason you'd think she doesn't have insane damage
Its called having a working brain. Try picking in the practice tool and comparing vs an ADC with equal gold. I don't know why you would even try to argue something so easily provably wrong.
thats ok. I can see how you can confuse your cancer faggotry with ours.
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Tbh bro a post simply being about video games in general is more ontopic than half the garbage that's gets posted here
If he was on the enemy team you get +50% damage to his balls
who is david..
be my gf
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I wish they would announce the skins beforehand so you know if the skin you want is coming back. Are they still releasing the hextech skins?

ADC's seem to be in a weird position where if you made them not need a support they would be completely overpowered but needing supported all of the time makes them feel bad to play.
a birarfag who posted an ai audio of briar saying she will crush his balls. thing is he forgot in the audio she says his name and got so embarrased he left lolg
support should start top lane
then mid
then bot
rotating at 5-7 minute intervals with a pattern break after rotation to bot.
What the frigg do I even build on gp nowadays? Used to be triforce inf edge etc but now i see niggas running around with essence reaver collector? No triforce?
>can't farm orbs after you hit level limit
what a shit pass
i've played 1 game of soloq and already dont want to play anymore
i'll never climb
you dont know David Sylas?
yeah but you get like 8k tokens worth of slop which you'd never reasonably be able to grind
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David did not let me down
Solarbacca goes Triforce opportunity and then usually LDR third item, hope this helps. I don't play him myself
You're a good guy.
so dont? why force yourself to play if you dont enjoy it lmao
just play something you find fun instead
You're applying a scenario where two people are standing infront of eachother autoattacking and not moving to make a bad faith argument. In reality anyone with hands simply walks away from them or kills them in a few seconds and their effective damage in a game is never actually realized. In an actual with with people moving that lasts no more than a minute Sera will easily outdamage adcs. You're inflated, it's okay no one blames you. We blame Riot for their balancing.
did you crush his balls
How is Poppy not in sports?
man asol really fucks yasuo harder than a lot of other champions do, i mean just the unblockable slow is really rough
you guys heard of that exploit that let you crash the game of someone in your friendlist?
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Is anyone else getting random stutters? It mostly seems to happen when enemies cast abilities or a bush is revealed.

Sylas was really luck to dodge that last ability Heimer threw.

He seems to counter Vlad really well too. The one on the enemy team was so mad!
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I mean he had to lane against Heimer so his balls were pretty flattened regardless, though probably less enjoyable for him
I did honor him after the game though if that counts
yes there's a bug causing lots of random stutters right now
but yah asol is awful, not like in lane but in teamfights he kiind of prevents you from engaging at all, i probably couldve pentakilled in my last game if it was anyone else
is there any fuckin point to Ryu lvl 2 super? I don't think I have ever been in a situation where I wanted it
I nead a tangible effective use before I practice putting down combo strings for it
i had that, thought it was just me
your friendly reminder there is an ongoing chat crasher that triggers vanguard and drops you out of the game, all you have to do is dm your friend while he's ingame :^)
good thing i dont have any friends
Its not a bad faith argument because marksmen do get to auto attack enemies down, its literally their purpose and its absolutely unhinged to claim otherwise. If you unironically can't get 3-5 autos off in a fight against a target you need to just play another role because you aren't cut out for ADC. Lategame crit ADC deals more damage in 3 autos than Sera's whole kit btw and 3 autos takes less than a second.
>In reality anyone with hands simply walks away from them
And what concede the objective so they don't get auto'd? No people don't get to just walk away. Secondly, ADCs don't work alone, you have a team to protect you and frontline for you while you just DPS them down. If Naut hooks someone and holds them in place for 5 seconds they don't get to walk away.
>You're inflated, it's okay no one blames you.
I don't main Seraphine and I have told you she is strong and exactly why she is strong. Its just not her damage. Consider that Sera damage is absolutely nowhere near the damage of actual full damage battlemages like Cass, Ryze, Viktor etc and all 3 of these champs have nowhere near the DPS of a lategame marksman.
new thread
what the fuck

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