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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>484142074

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/06/25)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
Bouncer is the best!
JP Alliances:
Ship 2: Oracle Specters
Dalion up get on.
Post your character and the MMO you played before NGS
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How much do I sell for bros?
Eden Eternal
>log in
>open doppels lookbook
>goon for hours
>log out
>hysterical strength, shortage pp burn up, endure pain pb, good suffixes
saw a nearly identical one sell for 20mil just days ago so try that and go down if it doesnt sell in a few days
good luck
>log in
>stand near leader
>goon for hours
>log out
nogxy x shitrope might be one of the rare interracial couple of ngs! congratulations! i hope the honey moon is going to be awesome
Interracial couples aren't rare
Post your character in a summery outfit and the last book you read
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I will bite this once, but only once!
>last book
Either "The Trusted Advisor" or "The Republic of Plato", I've been jumping between the two so I don't actually remember which one I last read
There was this lobby-based MMO called PSO2... I heard it died 3 years ago
thoughts on maru?
You are very beautiful today :D
why do you bully me :(
*ghosts u*
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The sourcebook and several expansions for Cyberpunk 2020.
I hop between games a lot. If the criteria is just RPGs it's either Black Desert or Vindictus.
is the flashbang effect there so you can steal my wallet?
There's something more precious in you that I want.
The white just helps put you at ease before you cross the Strix.
yes yes I know
*sigh* can't believe I put up with these slutty minheights
grown ass men in their 30s btw
/aco/ collab PLEASE
Gross. It's your unlucky day. The lively that makes men cum is 6 posts up.
Your blood drained corpse will be found with its pants down.
this lively cant count... noo.....
>admitting it
Why are you ugly as fuck
What? Dammit. I meant 6 posts above my last one. Don't try to twist this into something where you win!
jesus calm down rope
>this lively is so horny and cumbrained it even replied to the wrong post
i think you need a good fucking to get your mind straight again. find me and i will let you bounce on my cock
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That was the post I meant to reply to but I did mean to include the other one..
Still, die.
he can atleast fix it unlike you who is ugly on the inside thats why you are a friendless loser seething online
ouch.. that cuck is going to reply 100 % after you hit his home this hard
The single most evil thing you can do to someone... at least explain to them why before you remove...
*ghosts u too*
Nah. *ghosts u*
shitposter btfo
its a just a video game but yeah he is quite ugly.
>wet cuck
All ugly ingame, inside, and outside
told you the cuck would reply. he got btfo pretty hard lol

you're welcome
If you got ghosted, then there is a pretty good chance you know exactly why.

take the L you got btfo really hard now leave. nothing can affix your ugly personality
If you got ghosted, you 100% deserved it.
you forgot doppel xevel buttons gpof
your character is ugly niggu
predicted >>484237491
Jiggu looks like an unwashed butthole
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jigging it to jiggu and the anon shitposting about her cannot stop me
>this schizo shitposts out of literally nowhere, gets btfo and then gets mad
cute cool
angry lolcow
hyperdegenerate lolcow
Hi doppel
a literal clown doing his performance
Jiggu’s gonna have to wash her butthole after I’m done with it that’s for sure desu
>ugly pedo who is a grown ass man irl is flexing e-lationships
>Grown ass man
Imagine thinking your fellow grown ass men smooching each other is a flex, LOL!
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Jiggu more like uggo
>he's so rizzless he can't get a single grown ass man in this coom game to take pictures with him
>decides to lash out anonymously
Don't know who that is
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EverQuest on P1999
The Eternal Ice, an old Magic: The Gathering book.
hello its me doppel
this is some low level schizo. nigga still thinks its 2021 with the shitposting. keklmao. next time think twice before you open yourself to being made fun of really sad about your personality cant affix that
Have a good day doppel
Yes, I am the "thread boogeyman", I am flask, shado, dimaeo and poyostalker, I am Belgian, I Gonta post threadly, I'm fujohater and I bully fujoshitters, I want Ougokutranny to kill himself, I told Kotokofag to go outside, I post AND jack off to Soudafag's nudes, I shit on Chiakifag's retarded ESLBBQ speech, I was the one who made Mahirufag cut himself by posting Kaito, I am bringing Doppel to the brink of a nervous breakdown by posting bald Sayaka, I bullied Kuzu and Izurufag off this board, I made Aeris aware of Valwin's pedo comments on the swimsuits, I am KGSanon and Akanefag's diabolic fusion come from hell to haunt this general until the end of time, I nuked /drg/ at the beggining of December, I am Kasumischizo and /ss/ porn spammer, I am falseflagging as many posters, and I will continue to do so until my body decays into dust and this place falls. I am NOT " a" boogeyman. The boogeyman IS me.
you replied too late dont care about you anymore.
Oh, I'm sorry.
what was wet cuck thinking when he made that monster
thank u honey come to k4 rape my throat
How is it you anons always make the people who leave more popular than when they used to be here
his current character is just as ugly
doppel is just that sexy
>anon stops being free use and goes away
>steals sliders and looks better
>gets attention from emv and rope
>mass shitposting ensues
Doppel was always the queen of pso2g
make it stop nogga hasnt used the thread for a year
Is that what he tells you? lol Its so obvious that he does this every day
I love you so much. Thank you for making me cum.
Show picture proof or fuck off forever
whens the first rope x boxy picture?
thats only shitrope doing shitrope things
queen of scat x king of bbc

this is the best couple yet
WD and Rope fapped together
and now wet cuck gets cucked by boxy. the cycle of cucking never ends for wet cuck
but wd admitted to making the rope BBC edits last thread
that explains a lot
wd would be chad and based as fuck if he leaked the rope logs but we all know hes a pussy who steals timmyboy credits
What the fuck
old man here looking for friendship from any cute lively!
same but t3 here
i'm 28 years old
any pso2g shotas on?
I tend to rotate between mmos the previous ones i had were

Active rotation
Black Desert Online
Final Fantasy XIV
Dungeon Fighters Online

No longer play
Blade and Soul
Rusty Hearts
Mu Online
Hero Online
Grand Fantasia
I'm logging off, bye!
normie shotas > pso2g shotas
i found that out on a tuesday
Actually true
and I just took a phat shitrope ama
Kinda funny EMV can't shitpost Dopple and Rope at the same time. He only has enough devices for 1 at the time.
fapping to minheights...
rope and emv are friends
keep your stinky thing away from us
I hope its me!
What are the pronouns I should use to refer to someone in Toblerone?
or maybe Cock/Sucker?
Asking for clarification so please answer seriously!
Go back to your butt buddy
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before base would be tera and city of heroes
Do you only show up when your bf doesn't give you attention?
oh my gyatt
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I've played so many different MMOs even before base PSO2, I'll name a really obscure one, so nobody knows what the fuck I'm talking about.

Gate to heavens.
My crush...
I want to cut off communications with somebody I like so I can just move on from them, but I also don't want to ruin a perfectly good friendship.

I really hate how the chemicals in my brain force me to experience feelings I can never control. I want to be stronger than this.
how do I stand next to my crush while she's afk without it being weird?
>completely unprovoked shitposting
literal mental illness
Hey buddy, confessionals are closed. That said, stop being gay or confess and see if you are still friends with said person. If you really are good friends, he'll understand and reject you without making it weird and you'll move past this. Rejection is good since it allows you to be free, right now you think you got a shot.
Who are they?
It was either I make fun of you guys since you're a low hanging fruit or I make fun of this dead game, which is another low hanging fruit.
?they are Who
how about you hang your coat forever and never come back here?
>Steam Charts
Is it me?
More like steam sharts lmaoooo gottem
Oh wow...we have a similar list...hey...wanna be buddies..
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>30+ men shit posting 24h on a barbie dress up game that's gonna die in 2 year confirmed
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But I like Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis.
It's just a shame that it can't be a better game because the devs are shit.
you can still play the game but can also not come in this thread and unprovoked shitpost random people. truly not getting your mentally ill logic
>you can play the game but you're not allowed to talk about it with us
who died and made you the ceo of 4chan?
anon he just want replies
there is no reasoning with him whatsoever
just stop
you are right fuck this tranny
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the revolving door of pariahs never ends
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>the simps and biofems are doing the "just ignore him while talking about him" strategy because I already made them seethe
god damn that was quick
>cant stop acting like a nigger
lmao nogtten truly lost ingame and IRL roulette
That's the problem. I already confessed, and got softly rejected; yet the feelings still linger.

I suppose I already know my options and just wanted to vent again. I want to move on, but I really don't want to be the type of person that cuts a good friend off just because they won't respond with the same feelings.

I still have too much greed and envy lingering in my heart. I have to learn how to be happy with what I already have.
I hope you confess to me...
sliders for that perfect bubble butt i beg
Have you tried actually talking to them about it? I'd argue that venting about it will help get the feelings out. Also if it were me, I'd prefer to at least know why you'd ghost me
Jiggu The Heartbreaker
Doppel the Cutest
I hope Jiggu stubs his toe for breaking my homie's heart.
You have to crush the feeling entirely, it doesn't get resolved in one day. It takes time to get over it. What worked for me is just aggressively throwing the feelings into an internal void I can't properly describe it but when I would get like that, I closed my eyes and distracted my mind until the feeling went away. Just don't let it take you over.
calm down shitrope
i'll have to grab them later tonight since that save is jp and i need to adjust height for na
how about I grab you later tonight instead?
grab deeg nachts
what are my chances with jiggu?
>It takes time to get over it.
Thanks. I wanted to hear this.

I really do want to learn from this experience so I won't get completely crippled by even worse emotions in the future. I just need to build the self-confidence to make myself happier instead of obsessively seeking it from other people.
Thoughts on nogxy melting down for two weeks straight after he failed to clear Solus?
He never fails to deliver on his meltdowns.
To plap?
They are free use, just ask or kudos.
To date?
0%. You don't develop feelings for a slut no matter how ""friendly"" they are. That's how you get your heart broken.
>rope being able to recount boxys story again
Words of wisdom
>bless you
It always starts with you. Once you gather yourself, then you can have a deep friendship that doesn't spill over to THAT side. Though if you ask me, if said person is just leading you on, then he's just as guilty personally. This is why boundaries are important that need to be established day 0.
If you understand, notice or know they are purposely leading you on, run, run away and move on, those are the worst
My love...
I'm fat, old , smelly with lots of money, how do i have some. fun with jigu
Sometimes it feels like they constantly hold back the truth in order to avoid hurting my feelings.

But the cold, uneasy ambiguity hurts more deeply than any hard truth ever could.
holy based
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PSU I guess? Not really an MMO person, I don't even know how I ended up here honestly.
Too lazy to get in a swimsuit. I read Meditations and Fist From The Sky but finished neither of them...
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Dragon Nest
Who are you talking about...
why are you upset about nym's CS?
take it all off
pretty please
are you free thursday take pics with me
I strongly doubt that!
why do you shitpost aiatar?
I heavily encouraged its creation.
Not this week but I am free Tuesday and Saturday, whichever works.
Aiatar is cool but only had few chances to talk thanks to my odd hours.
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>She's heavier than she looks. - Some dead hero guy (probably)
I really like it when my friends slap my butt and call me a slut
I love how idiots like this guy >>484265328 and this guy >>484264538 can just make shit up and then pariah's like Shitten and Boxy will pick it up and repeat it endlessly despite it just being nonsense.
*slaps yo butt* slut
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Brad pitt energy
calm down kisaragi you already pretended to be calm with those replies. why you gotta ruin it with being so mad now?
it's painfully obvious it's you who's shitposting, kisa. you really aren't hiding it.
this guy is a piece of shit, actual maniac, will betray you
damn, who did he piss off now?
>pariahs literally making shit up just to attack
rope has been losing his mind ever since he started getting exposed and his logs leaked so he has to distract from himself and lash out.
rope has been losing his mind ever since he started getting exposed and his logs leaked so he has to distract from himself and lash out.
Reminder kisaspic was seething over people playing minecraft and hanging out in the Cafe.
>rope trying to make it like the opponent is insane by copying pasting the post
I don’t care post more minheights
Boxy here, I reposted with my third phone, sorry
I am not posting my minheight again
only rope remembers this kind of gossip trash.
I'll post my minheight when the new aco opens
holy shit just make the thread you retard
Go hire a prostitute to feel better about it you ugly spic.
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The black cat!

MOM GET THE CAMERA IT'S THE BLACK CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why not make it yourself you pariah, obey the minheights
shitrope melty
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don't think i've had one that stuck like this one.
Don't like it? Stay and make it worse.
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why are your tits bigger than your head, explains a lot about your appearance
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Way too many MMOs.

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
post butt
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better question is why isn't everyone else's tits bigger than their heads...
that’s a no from me dawg
tera? i don't remember
ready player one
*cums in u*
>tent poking out
>two white biofems fapped together
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Eve online, Tera, ELSWORD, FFXIV, Tree of savior, WoW, Dragon's dogma online and some others I forgor
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>in 2 year
It's dying in 2025
me in the back
I love your char...I'd worship
what pose is this?
is it on the market?
>log in
>open aiatar lb
>notice there's something off with the face
>search pics of him
>cant unsee anymore
>vibe off, goon session off
>log off
>log in again
>open firegreen lb
>goon and finish on his butt
>thank you firegreen
>log off
pretty sure it's modded dangle
shitrope with his dogshit greentexts
lmao good try boxy, rope isnt even online
>needs to be online in pso to post in the thread
Hey, C, right? Haven't looked here in forever, thought you were long gone. How have you been?
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*cums inside u*
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Toblerone more like NTERONE, buncha cucking eachother with their cheating fetishes while "We are just taking ss together" and than they come with some moral high attitude as if nothing happened
I see shitfingers is still on his week long bender
Me on the right
Me on the left but it's missing my tiddies
It's just screenshots bro. You stay in aelio waiting for her, I'll be done with her, I mean we'll be done taking screenshots soon. Trust.
>bunch of commas
"you're" is missing and we got the same faggot who defends rope here
Post tiddies
Why, do, you, want, me, to, type, you're?
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you're a retarded faggot
Nogxy is mind broken
Whoever started the you're shit is fucking hilarious, you completely discredited every pariah forever
dont tell me this faggot doesnt sound like this one >>484190681 both sound unsufferable

>nogxy mention
there he is lmao
Low IQ reply
the way they type is literally the same person but keep sperging out
I trust my wife
>hours have passed
>come back to thread
>shitrope and nogxy are still here
>he thinks thread goblins ever leave the thread
keep going bumpslave. speed run this thread so I can post my screenshot next thread
>hours have passed
>come back to thread
>still no aco thread
I trust your wife will not tell you anything aswell
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Maple Story 2 & Tree of Savior
when you will finally figure out you have been arguing with someone else other than boxy the past few days
Funny how removing the IP counter made these mentally ill threads go from lasting 2-3 days to lasting mere 12 hours before reaching the bump limit because now there's absolutely nothing to stop mentally ills from samefagging 24/7.
What a genius fucking move from trannies behind 4chan to remove IP counter, the last mental barrier that stopped the retarded from spending every waking moment on this god-forsaken site.
Sure but you have to find me on ship 1 first.
>trannies mentioned unprompted
rent free
happens everywhere on the internets bro, the moment people have to take accountability all these weirdos dissapear
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YOU'RE either an ESL freak or one of the pariahs pretending to be an ESL
either way YOU'RE an annoying faggot
hello??? video games? where are theyy
Hey! Whoever you are, pretty great. What about you? Why did you leave without saying "bye"?
I'll tell, friend req'd u
It's been nearly 3 hours since you went into a CS with her. When are you going to come out?
Tobletroonies at it again
That's me on left wtf
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>Outing themselves as newfags
Ip counter was never a thing before you were born and having it means less privacy which is counter to what 4chan is supposed to be. Shut the fuck up zommie and go back
Big fan of your work
Right here
>boots up one of the many single player games released within the past 30 years
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I think it was Rusty Hearts. I miss that game so much. I'll never forgive PWE for killing it so quickly. They tried to revive it as a mobile game but it was really bad.
Just a few more hours, your wife is something else...
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PAIZURI PAIZURI PAIZURI (not the original anon I just noticed he stopped)
The internet has been a blessing and a curse for mankind.
Hope you come out soon...I haven't asked her how her day was yet...
why did MHY steal Alpha's swag, have they no shame?
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When i made this look, i forgot to account for the back.....
It might be best for you to go sleep, she seems to be having lots of fun taking screenshots I'll be sure to relay your message though
[Cute] butt
Wanna take a piccy?
which cringe dom is cringe posting right now
Capcom Summer Stream in 30 mins. Namco's in an hour Blue Protocol bros this is it. Mahvel bro we eating good
>feeling threatened by a make believe situation
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SMT:IMAGINE (solo self hosted), Tree of Savior, Ragnarok Online (solo self hosted), FFXIV, Tera, BDO, JP PSO2
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein
*impregnates u*
Oh, okay. Must be trying out lots of outfits, huh?
Please tell her to respond to my DMs if it's not too much of a bother.
blue protocol is dead on arrival the core gameplay is awful and it will only be heavily censored/monetized for the west
She's been showing me your favorite outfits and poses, so you'd be right. I keep telling her to reply to you, no idea if she's paying attention though
Made for kusuguri-zeme
is uwu the only option available for this face?
Does Nogxy think everyone is Rope now?
Sure but i'm on ship 1
What a coincidence! You on right now?
I'm imagining the plaps with you
It's just a tactic to make everyone stop taking all the shit people know about him seriously. Pariahs used to get mad at "toblerone" for making jokes out of their shitposts, it's not that unheard of.
begging for it...
ah I thought that was weird
I'm pretty sure every hates boxy more than rope anyway
Classic misinformation tactic it seems. Too bad he's been shitting up other places before /pso2g/ even knew of him
I see. She must be really engaged in the screenshots. I hope you two have a good time with your photoshoot.
I know nothing about rope other than he has a BBW character and mods. Benchy, meanwhile, outs himself as someone you don't want to associate with. Ironic considering his team he tried shilling used that name.
Thank you, you're a good sport. I'll be sure to take care of her.
yes please and (You) me when you can
constant shitposting and people being mean to me just makes me want to post my character less and less
I really shouldn't care about it but it just spoils it all. Maybe I'll just stop posting completely
Please be Aiatar
no one cares
It's probably blint
I feel the same way really. I get it's the nature of where we are, and bantering is expected but some folks are just completely unhinged.
Good riddance. Commit suicide Squishy!
see you next thread blint
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Sorry anon not me I'm immune to that sort of stuff.
Try to be immune to this *cums on you*
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I must admit, I saw the reply you got and I couldn't stop but imagine you going full "aahn~"
you say this every week and keep coming back, just admit you enjoy being degraded
I just feel like it's been getting worse and now I'm being dragged into shitposts despite never having replied to any of it
literally same games...I love you already
I can relate and I'm not even one of the regulars getting shitposted but still manage to
if some words affect you so much it spoils you and makes you change your enjoyment of things I have bad news for you
Not at the moment, i'll be on later. Maybe in 1-2 hours.
Alright. Lmk when you're on
no aco yet? also its extremely quiet today...who broke down completely
any good pre nokron builds you'd recommend for someone that likes fast but powerful weapons like ds3's farron knight greatsword?
wrong thread
sorry i only use the moonlight blade
Want me to make the /aco/ thread? you know what to do. Post 3 doujins of your liking.
you and your actual video game can leave now
You're gonna have to wait till the dlc area for that
pso2g NTR general
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>Just realized The First Descendant is out
Finally something to do other than standing around in the lobby
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Sorry bro, I don't play that game.
is it out already!?
>int user
figured. there is a dual blade in there i've seen videos of that looks exactly like what i'd love.
when will pso2 ngs get emotes like this that make music when you dance?
shitrope and spic still spamming.
when are they updating the character creator? I don't give a single fuck about the fights, I just want to make more cool characters
holy shit the first descendant actually out, fuck you all and fuck ngs lol > 1.3k players
I never liked any of you cheating scum
see you tomorrow
see you in 3 days
Never heard of it
EMV lives rent free in ze/zir's head. Attacks anyone EMV simps for. (abusive stalker?)
Their form of trolling: being as malicious as possible.
Plays both sides of the Syber/Gwiz wars. Simps for Gwiz on social media. LGBTQ+
Their form of trolling: manufacturing drama, gatekeeping, calling their victims lolcows.
Strong independent black women pretending to be white.
Their form of trolling: transforming the thread into a ghetto to gain home advantage.
Runs the biggest alliance on Ship 2. Hated by every third world skin shifter for making it while Black.
Their form of trolling: impersonating dead players to increase thread activity.
Biofem adjacent. Their reputation comes first. Pretends to be friendly with everyone.
Their form of trolling: vague relationship trouble posts, sympathize with anonymous me posts.
Tries harder than anyone taking pycs. Uses mods, shaders, photoshop, etc.
Their form of trolling: cutting down competition, that includes tributing them.
Attention seeking whores. Will spam posts with one word replies.
Their form of trolling: self promotion, shit stirring.
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*see first descendant walking by*
dead game walking!
released June 30th
You say that every time Nogxy
was the preload, the full release is sometime tonight
could be worse
could be ncsoft
I look exactly like this dude and I play a T3
could be even worse
could be sega
he plays a t3
He looks like a chubby Jason Momoa.
Not a fan of them since playing the mushroom game. The first one, not the second. Heavily p2w and blatant cheating out the ass everywhere.
>the MMO
I'm actually struggling to pick one I'd say I've played the most desu.
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just how fucking old is that dude
global is plagued with old men
Based. Ugly bastard playing a futa is the most common combo.
old men playing cute minheights, human peak achieved
if you wanna play with children go play fall guys/minecraft/lethal company/among us/vrchat
old hags playing tall t1s!
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>shitposts you
I hope you like it~
I can handle it to a point but it's when it happens over and over even tough people can start to crack
this dude is actually 22 at the oldest in case the spamming faggots of this general are believing obvious jokes
did the BRs invade pso2g aswell, this place has gone to shit
why are you upset
because it gets spammed every thread?
Rinka is too stupid to troll and not be found out immediately.
>BRs invade pso2g aswell
yes, why do you think Rollie left?
dont do it anon, you will only hurt yourself
Reminder Rollie couldn't care less about dealing with Morgan and Firegreen's tranny-ape drama so he killed oyasumi and quit the game
Another W for FireGAWD
I saw a conversation in RS3 earlier today about the word "hag" and a ton of people said its a compliment now
he won but everyone else lost
why you playing the shit version of the game bwo
some gaming event happening today?
if you play sega games I cant take your advice on other companies serious
who isnt a schizo manipulator or narcissist stalker in toblerone?
I can't wait for you guys to try that first descendent game desu
I want to see what sorts of cope you come up with when you see how you change the colors of your frame lmao
they aint coming back bro, ngs time is donezo, too many options coming out one after another
It's pretty fun honestly as a casual game
Are you an ironmeme? I can understand playing rs3 then because there'd be no mtx.
I won
Rollie... I kneel
both are present
no aco yet, you guys are a disgrace, this game lost it all
>pajeet is mad because no dude will help him flick his bean
where the fuck is this dead blue protocol stream!?
no just normal play
I don't take it serious and I'm mainly playing it now because of the summer event
only thread where they talk more about other games than the actual general game, crazy how shit NGS is
All good bro have fun
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ffxivg sisters i thought it was ourtime but the normies HATE dawntrail.......
k done with this pso2g shit, bottom of the barrel quality
go clean your room, stinky boi
thank god
when did leddit become more based than 4chan?
bros this must be a alternate dimension.......
I''ve been waiting the chad arthars play. so far so good he says. did mention a thing or two.
Ima jerkoff
why do you care? just ignore it
>the first descendant
might as well play Snowbreak - PSO2's little shooter sister - it's anniversary is coming up in a week too
you're non-white I can tell
Why are you playing NGS if you're not Brazillian?
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What do i need to farm meseta, i have those meseta booster that last 1 hour and auto sell stuff
find a paypiggy husband
You throw them away and erp for meseta instead
f2p game for 40 year-old brazilians
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Cuz my character is too cute!
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you can tell the one with glasses not only attends colleges but is probably a S tier dead island player
hopping on but not for very long
Sure! I'm on
you can tell the one with glasses has no friends
Why does schizoragi keep samefagging his posts?
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You class switch to waker/force and chase PSE bursts in Dext Base for hours. Get the fo skill that gains PP for every kill (very important) and hold down the waker PA that fires homing missiles when a burst happens.
Pub parties will net anywhere between 1m to 1.5m per hour without boosts depending on how many people know what they're doing.
I'm in ael 4 city
So today guys I have two philly cheese steaks, a plate of french fries and 1 ice cold coke.
I'm still trapped in the loading screen, this game takes forever to start up.
No problem.
u need to buy a ssd
Its funny how Global is full of third worlders that can't even afford SSDs.
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I play on global and I have 2 M.2's and 8 SSds all inside my PC
All of that and still no maidens
I am the maiden
>larping as an oldfag in 2024
There's only 2 typed of oldfags, the ones that left half a decade ago, and the ones that trooned out as to fit in with the nu-4chan. I'm gonna guess you're the latter one.
Bro got hit by the infinite tunnel bug caused by shit mod
I miss it, I use to wait until the thread was almost done to do my pyc so people knew I wasn't posting all thread seeing it go up +1 with my character.
losing it is a hard blow to us pure anons.
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only schizos kept track of that stuff
>2 typed
ESLbro you keep getting caught with your pants down.
Let's plap
/aco/ is up!!!
Nobody's buying this sad shitpost bro
need a rinka sized onahole
Huh? If you were keeping track of whether or not the IP count went up whenever an anon posted a screenshot, sorry to say but you're a schizo lmao
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Thnx, i just did an hour of farming in the dex base and got 700+ meseta
You're supposed to tap it, not hold it down.
There's not much more I can say to help. This seems to be a simple difference in skill.
700k meseta for an hour of play? That's pretty good when consider dailies and reactors. easily 1m meseta a day for playing for an hour

7mil a week
28mil a month

those are good numbers for free to play
no he got 700 raw reseta not 700,000
How? that's literally impossible
Would you rather have 700+ meseta or 800 meseta
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>july update info
>october first
no that's their rating bro theyre giving it 10/1
my bad bro i'm stupid
why does this remind me of emv?
why are you thinking about emv in the first place
Is this nogxy's new thing?
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kek, no, i got 700k(700,000) meseta
cause i can think about whoever i WANT!
*ghosts u*
I hope it's me!
noooo pls I beg u pls dont ghost me pls pls no no no noooooooo!!!!
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Dynasty Warriors Online, Elsword, XIV in that order.
Reread the first monogatari arc, Hitagi Crab recently since friends were getting into the anime, character banter in that series is very fun.
rope looks bad
rope looks better than that no nose alien above
*thinks about (You)*
queen rope looks good just ignore nogxy and his 5 trap phones spamming otherwise
here we go again more shitrope and nogxy
>nogxy is always here
>everyone is rope
I guess you're just going to have to be mad every time you're here retard
What do the outcasts of this general have in common? (aside from partaking in BBC and scat roleplay
Nogxy rolls off my tongue and shitrope as an insult is too pathetic and desperate to take seriously
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Whatever you say, Shitrope/Nogxy
I'm so sorry for talking shit to ayy lmaos please forgive me with some anal spooning
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shitrope meltdown
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What's /pso2g/s favorite area? Mine's MT Magnus
didnt the BBC incident happen there?
the beach with the mag in Stia
will nogxy pathetically call me shitX if I spread this?
just took a phat turd rope
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Nogxy's Domain Expansion: Designated Shitting Street
is this an upcoming scratch or something?
uh oh shitrope crawled out of someones asshole to cry in the thread
only nogxy has the time to complain off cooldown go do your thesis nigga
Zebras are sacred to Nogxy and they got him riled up
keep calling me your crush's name shitrope <3
obese nigger hands typed this
say something nice about dopple
she's cute
they aren't as unpleasant as boxy
post on /aco/...
cute friend
Share the Doppel nudes again
shitrope completely shitting on blint oh no
Even the number of bans went down a lot kek
As long as Buttons gets banned again I laugh
>shitrope being this petty of a tranny
question why is boxy seething at rope
>leaving doppel out
smart move he'd 100%
>day 5 of rope thinking its boxy
ok then why is someone pretending to be boxy seething at rope
>h-h-has to be boxy even if its just pretending
shitrope mindbroken
i farted and now my ass feels like its on fire
shitrope and nogxy sitting in mt magnus
ur gay now
Nogxy does not have friends so its obvious when he samefags his own defense force
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There’s no thread and I have no content…
Let's make some content right now bonus points if you smear lipstick all over it
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rate the eyebrows
Pajeets do my eyebrows sometimes
Thanks babe
no one bought it...
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The Will to Keep Winning
Dragon Nest and Spiral Knights, I miss Spiral Knights...
It's only been 1 day, anon...
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>Hysterical strength
lmao i feel euphoric
rope = shit
based and truthpilled

look at shitrope go like a true baby
You pathetic junkies still name dropping me in here? lol
why do you care?
you are 50 % correct. im not boxy and shitrope is fighting ghosts
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/pso2g/ for this feel? Doesn't have to be a T1.
Good to know the zebra pic makes you seethe 100% of the time lol stupid ass nigga
based trips
change this to yearly summary. these lolcows have been at it for that long. this is what happens when you give 3rd worlders phones.
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How many gladia souls must I farm?
Me but I put up a fight
Who cares you're on the shithole global server.
ffs now when i see rope i imagine shitropes. fuck you
when you realize its not banter its just two men trying to erp but bad at it
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Am I the only one that just enjoys playing the game casually, not taking it too serious, or picking imaginary fights with people I dislike?
shes our scat queen after all
>fatties can't wipe correctly
uh oh
wet dreams cant erp he has no rizz
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Scat queen has spoken
Bro PLEASE sit on my lap
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What drove Rope into thinking his fatass tranny character even had a teensy speck of attractiveness?
Layne the ship 3 coomer sugar daddy got to his head
So what is happening in this clip? Also his voice is insufferable.
his samefagging got to his head
Rope is like Schizoragi. Even if they samefagged both their ugly ass characters, nobody would believe that shit.
maybe he can tap into his new found scat fetish to attract anons
I personally call her cute, so you're wrong.
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>nogxy has been seething about rope 12 hours a day for 3 days straight
Shut the fuck up Scatrope
>shitrope still thinks its boxy
Literally fucking who?
if you're not nogxy why do you care about rope
about 350
why do you care or feel sad on behalf of rope? go touch grass outside
rope is cute
dont like it?
Nobody cares about Ropeschizo. You know his ego takes a huge hit whenever he replies in third person to defend his ass.
because you are replying to shitrope
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>couldn't even attempt to answer the question
lol. keep spamming the thread lil nogger
>rope spams the thread with nogxy and gives him attention everyday for 3 years straight singlehandely dropping the thread quality
>Wonders why he gets called out for being shitstirring gossiper
shitropes shit leaking from the seethe
you're gross nogxy stop talking about shit every other post
That one time on aco when i told him his face is still ugly after 3 years and he went straight ahead and redid his face only to look even worse than before. Theres a reason why this fag hides his characters face with hair
>No u
You seem too invested to not be our scat queen
>still talking about shit
gross nigger stop replying to me lol
Grown ass man whos into scat has to convince himself through samefags hes a she. Tranny moment
>letting mod beggars get to your head
>"Grown ass man whos into scat has to convince himself through samefags hes a she. Tranny moment"
Nogtten lost
thats right keep ur mouth shut learn ur place and dont reply ever again

kritten literally won though
>no friends
>failed nuclear scientist
>meltdowns in the thread daily
>dogshit personality
>mental illness he cant get rid of
he lost bigly
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Can someone not who is not retarded provide a qrd for people who don't live on ship 2.
only nogxy knows this much about kritten
now list your own faults
hello scat queen
Just one dude trying to force something cause he's butthurt, no deeper meaning behind it
don't question it, only losers get namedropped here
It's just 2/3 retards fighting with each other pay it no mind
>shitrope having a melty when his nogxy namedrops are over thousends by now
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Yeah I'm thinking Kritten won
Nogxy eternally seething and coping
>managed to find someone to spend time with
>only comes here to laugh at and make pariahs seethe
kritgawd literally won
see its nogtten shitposting rope and baiting him into shitposting nogxy. so easy to bait out this monkey
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Based af
Meanwhile nogxy
>spends all day crying about his latest obsession
>makes a thread that gets archived within 3 posts
it is nogtten shitting up the thread with the rope garbage lol
he might be a schizo but i'm also happy he found someone
Nogxy’s never beating the pajeet allegations
Also Nogxy stop trying to force this narrative that everyone milking you is a lolcow it’s the biggest nou faggotry imaginable
see look at these seething pariahs
I still think it's funny that nogxy is trying to force nogtten cause he feels lonely being the only one that gets called a nog
quite shocking you can bait out nogtten with one simple word anytime
fr though we already came up with shitten he just exudes butthurt whenever he says that lol
Saars bloody fucking do not call me nogshit you are making me mad sir you making me bloody mad Saar
>shitten found a bf before me
Fucking hell
>nogtten known for wanting to drop the quality of the general and just shitting it up by any means.
>daily rope shitposts happens because it provokes a reaction
>call him out once and he immediately loses his mind
kek atleast we found the culpit
>make a cute character
>get a boyfriend
its that E Z
Calm down you're literally shaking
>has a bf
>still spends his entire time sperging oujt in this general than doing something more meaningful
he lost
There's this minheight I really like..
kritten was based all along?
>samefagging this hard
oh no no no
I love how it's obvious who Nogshit is despite it having only 1 letter of his name
I already fucked her
why do people do this? I'm so fucking tired of seeing these gross pieces of shit
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Am I cute?
now type that again without crying
pajeets and brazilians
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shocking how the rope shitpost stopped abruptly
after someone said the magic word "nogtten"
is she using n-cone?
Through tears, she won deal with it.
they're rotating pariahs, now it's nogttens turn
>nogxy switched from rope to kritten cause he can't multitask
He makes it too obvious
more like its nogtten doing the shitposting but got upset when he was reminded hes a nigger
>in a gay relationship
>nogtten gets upset
>switches it up to defend himself
i dont understand why pariahs like rope always try to work against themselves. Yes team up with the person thats shitposting you
nogten, nogxy and turdrope sitting in mt magnus
it's funny how nogxy types out two posts then sends them one after the other to make it seem like he's not samefagging
everyone knows it's you lil bro you don't have to try that hard lmao just have fun with it
>pariahs think they are in a team against nogxy
>they all have the same idea to prop up the other party into attacking nogxy and end up shitposting each other without knowing and then call each other nogxy
boxy literally won by doing nothing
i will write a positive comment about everyone involved

boxy = genius and gameplaychad
krittening = cute & happy in a new relationship
rope = big and beautiful
one of these is true the other two are false
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I won and nogxtenturdrope lost
me on the left but also me on the right
Me as the ant
literally every single pariah seethes against boxy so logically boxy is the good guy here
>operating on good vs evil logic
Expected nothing less than children here.
he's dating wilow though
>nogtten seethes about boxy
>wet cuck seethes about boxy
>emv seethes about boxy
>blint seethes about boxy
>kisa seethes about boxy
>rope seethes about boxy

i unironically would take boxy over any of these faggots
>instant pariah seethe
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Cosmetics based on starless/dolls when? Kinda how they do it in monsty hunty.
all of them did worse things than boxy
is monsty hunty ur favorite video game?
by the end of the year, they'll give us solus accessories
I would say my favorite game but one of my friends browse this general and I don't want them to know that I play this garbage shit game.
>wet cuck who keeps self proclaiming hes timmyboy that got people banned
>emv with his mentally ill meltdowns and daily relentless shitposting
>blint with his anonymous shitposting and then gets caught by aiatar
>kisa who shitposts anyone he gets insecure about because his character is the best looking character according to him
>nogtten whos just an incoherent schizo that gets mad at anything
>rope who obsesses over boxy and gossips about everyone in discord servers

and somehow boxy is worse than these subhumans. something doesnt make sense
I like how he also reveals himself while also denying it's not him totally shitposting.
I would say shitrope and wetcuck are on the same level.
do you have a crush on ur friend?
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It should be a bunny suit based on solus
it is not him im done with you pariahs namedropping him just so you have a scapegoat
ok nogxy
we already have a ton of abominations running around in bunny suits
Well it should be a cool outfit that uses the weird starless shaders

Ok Nogxy you fucking chimping out nigger lol
The only other person who ever went against all the pariahs of this general at the same time was Maru but he actually won the culture war. This is why the present pariahs dont dare to talk about him in the general but instead use boxy to further shitpost and distract you away from themselves.
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>bored and decide to check out blade and soul reddit
>notice a major new patch released 20 days ago
>check the announcement thread
>not a single comment in 20 days
didnt know the game was THAT dead
how is it still online?
SEA whales
also I hate seeing that new game stellar blade because the main director was the artist for blade and soul so it basically just looks like blade and soul to me when I see screenshots on /v/
>the main director was the artist for blade and soul
really? hyung tae kim? huh, I had no idea
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is cute
I agree
>something doesnt make sense
because it doesn't. The pariahs want to make sure they cover their tracks by shitposting boxy.
ok Nogshit
imagine listening to any of those pariahs that say boxy is bad. lol
is this the only thread on 4chan where 1 person will have a melty for 17 hours straight

im curious if there are any other threads with these problems
Nogxi, you can't convince people you're a good person when we saw you at your worst. There are no new players to convince either.
Despite being 13% of shitposters Nogshit is 50% of melties
ask nogtten he currently holds the record of 3 day melty before a janny came in and sniped him
this, also nogxi is not pso2g
Other generals are generally either too slow or too fast for this kinda thing to happen
t. any of those pariahs who did 10 times worses shitposting
Nope, noggxy is up there for causing stank.
you are bloody worses nogxi
what happened to your character? the tits are not present, send in a bug report please and fix this abomination
Does bunny not see the chick?
Eve also doesn't even look good.
Like, the sexuality in the costumes is great. Same with the general animations. But the way everything is animated and the actual model is uncanny soulless k-pop looking garbage.

Same reason Blade & Soul shit never looked right. They missed the mark. What they were going for was admirable but it fell short and is just weird to look at.
Once it hits PC, maybe modders who understand actual anatomy (not woke or obesity bullshit but simple actual musculoskeletal anatomy and body shape) can salvage it.
>they still call me nogxy when im not him
will they ever figure it out?
oh I get it nogxy is the poop
people will call you retarded for being retarded anon you aren't special at all
someone photoshop her shitting on nogxy while hes in his bedpic
i rather be called boxy than wet cuck, emv or rope
Nogxy = retard, it's no longer a name but a description .
I think Eve looks decent with some of the alternate hairstyles/costumes
kek this plz
No, gw2g had a history of a person botspamming the entire thread every time it gets created. This general seems to be heading that way if the autists here are driven enough.
looks like someone angered all the pariahs
name a single brazilian pso2g
>tfw the autists over modding-discord are spam shitposting this thread, together with ship 3 mentally ill schizos.
>rope and boxy doesn't even care nor are involved
>you can literally ask them
we already have that problem, except nogxi uses 4 phones. he should really focus on his 40th year in college
Go on Nogxy beat those pariahs like your stepdad beat the fuck out of you every night
Hair/Costumes are okay.
Problem is the body.
Decent is a disappointment, they should have aimed higher, but they had BNS guy and apparently he had too much control so it never became great.
I don't care without proofs. Just bumpslave the thread so I can post new screenshots pls thx
ship 3 sounds based
wow...this general has gone totally to shit
cant have good things i guess
newfag spotted it was always shit
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your character looks like she was raped by her step dad
reminder that one nasty schizo that calls you ugly is one of these listed below
>wet cuck who keeps self proclaiming hes timmyboy that got people banned
>emv with his mentally ill meltdowns and daily relentless shitposting
>blint with his anonymous shitposting and then gets caught by aiatar
>kisa who shitposts anyone he gets insecure about because his character is the best looking character according to him
>nogtten whos just an incoherent schizo that gets mad at anything
>rope who obsesses over boxy and gossips about everyone in discord servers
Your character looks like she doesn't know how people can tell she's a shitskin and I'm here to tell you it's your shitskin conduct mostly.
Its funny how like 2-3 filter stubs just appear immediately.
It's not going to stick nigga
this is my cousin
she is very smart and works hard in school
benched behavior is fatherless behavior
pariah gang is here
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sisters... we got too cocky. it's not even peak hours
it's shit. sub 30k players in 2 months, max.
>more shit skins are buying games every day!!!
qrd on this game?
The /v/ thread is full of coping holy shit.
Literally warframe with better shooting and korean butts instead of robot butts.
korean p2w game with a shelf life of maybe a year
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>Look at Gen before bed to see if I should post my caseal.
>Thread is nothing but angry namedrops.
>wake up and enjoy my breakfast
>it's still fucking going
>go to work and come back
>>>>>>>>>>it's still going.
for me, it's once human.
>server so full people having issues connecting
damn I didn't think the game was this big
now post ngs steam chart
dont do that!
>so fun he has to visit another video games forum instead of play it
wooo weeee
I can feel my schizophrenia rising and my sanity escaping
help, what do I do?
Give in to the darkness
maybe close the tab, wetcuck/emv/rope/blint/kisa/nogtten/doppel.
I played that in the first closed beta and it was great with decent character customization then I played the last beta after they did testing for mobile and they completely butchered the character models and sliders so it obviously doesnt run like shit on mobile
so fuck that game and fuck mobile gaming and fuck chinks and indians for even allowing mobile gaming to become a thing
when my BPD flares up I just go make food then I feel better and calm down
i didn't notice much of a difference besides some story changes. then again i didn't play much of either since i wasn't too fond of playing long on something that doesn't transfer over.
But I am scared...
I am no pariah!
True I just had a sandwich but it is a temporary solution, it's been going on for weeks, perhaps months? Years? At what point will I be truly insane? My friends will no longer recognize me, they will abandon me and I will be alone, except for the voices...
>NGS thread the only place where they talk more about other games
Do some exercise desu
When I feel down or feel something is off I do my dumbell routine or go for a run and it almost always helps desu desu desu desu.
>he is a loser with no money so he has to devote himself to 1 single video game instead of playing them all
srry budster but only true gamers can post here
so u need to leave now
>ngs thread, the only place where they have melties for 17hours to 3days about 1 person
If you buy packs of water always keep a ton in the fridge theres nothing like a ice cold bottle of water
>to 3days
Yeah, i don't really know what was wrong with nogtten when he did that but atleast he got saved by a janny passingby
I am installing the first descendant. I am excited. this is exciting.
But shitrope had a melty for 3 years about 1 person
Good work bumpslaves, it's almost time for the new thread.
sorry for your loss
>NGS thread the only place where they talk more about other games
I will not be posting my minheight in the next thread
if nogxy could command bumpslaves why do his threads die with 3 posts omegakek
you weren't supposed to point that out bro...
ur welcome thread master *kneels*
Maybe I won't post my caseal after all...
Boxy is my #1 bumpslave
Why is rope melting down so hard? You say his name once and atleast 3 to 4 posts pop up seething
>he goes to bed at 4 am
calm down Nogxy
okay the game is actually good. I might play this for hot 500 hours. wish pso2 was this kind of quality
have fun anon
>thread dies just short of bump limit
here, have a bump
because they don't want to be on cooldown when it's time to make the new thread

Nogxy is more of an "it".
I thought boxy had 5 devices he posts from. You pariah trannies need to make up your mind
Thanks for the bump
he went to sleep, he has a huge college test tomorrow

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